* k NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.$ WHITBY ORAMMAR St0ItGOL. th. 22n4mînd 28rd lit. The RReeltatinns wili take place on FRIDÂY, t'> C"MtI st I2e'eek.P. M. JAMEFS RODGSON, -PAIGE'S PATENT THWIN MACHINES. ehines, are now Preparrd to execututirdeus for the aime. Tbey à mce4.~woiiTu, rTýw qire naly 4ive atnnt, #4 wili hhrsband'5 etl.i( 200 Buiphels Wht In à day.- Thoe. Ma- chtc. m art nequlled by sny' li me, and whére Ibey bemce, kn.wiil, tektahe lape: e01ili 0"hos. injss n' ibsi resai amitotemg. MNaiî'aeciordhy JAINIEUJOfNSON, Roch- q.ter. N. Y..sol'e pickpd.tnotr thse Iited taesîm -' isOilstias NnsAueties.- - UTÉsCiuASEWcOC&8 - - Aecertain cusifor Mensissu Suppresin, or Stip.' >afioibeaauîi*ation ; AMCsiortbu. gr parlusat Ubs"'riioot lceseas.hlorois, oi-Gren Sirk. gsea'F'; Letirtotmahwal,.FiwîAibus, 9Whiles, and isil -TIfS <fusÂT VSGTABL: MAGIC PAIt4'DESTIIfYIB, Monut'.&ttrelh , JAMES JtNlf),*cius ter, N. Y. SolIsnpIielrn. Fôl tise cuti uAgsa lb. <iie Fatandi Brenst. Abhrasi ni tb'>1 l iin, Itlisterà et evrry' Shîst, Ruina, Brokefs reais, Chutblassa, Cossis, kfryuipeloi, Felnns, YeVer Soif-$. Sure EysSait Rhc'.sn. Siaumsy. vcer. Plest, iic. PILES, IVILES PILES,89 Vf~Ul1~IECIFT.MFLRELtrUTART, :or l,îxusrmn iai cîelly form i" 'i.. reamtily A VïPIIA >1 rNM. P.,19Milow.rey, New Ys'k, a te ilady , Pihtutiiyçisian, mwho dve<cs b:. atien-. doeux ,»mt enuiely ita ibm fitabe. Dr. Uian4î'i > ietx r aertsis rare, %whcîlwr licedini r UlsufiVm osins< r rExte nusl, Uil aise) (o-. eh- et s i4"ees w bitta ss'r<req'usntty,'fossasl in Cous- TO M./RRlED - LDIES. 'lih ectiaryEspefs.'lIy saie for l'regisunu lndi, issu tht' "'s1t îsmfFil C!saîrlac tbtaisi tyà -.iiy < "le as ah nmll alot ontly le iheis PIIps aati aillimâtl.isoy jiste I has, w ilîl'afin o i.'r it r,1suon-; (l vl IIM5lU5ý ail Sai)' lime, asilfe ,slihvemy, au usdcîand ri th anaIe ugI.i)sasg. JPçw Dauid kaW ,etw'nd. >We arc Uuly';raiiiaea l ocrasibt hu j 'ele- lraiei erannago-hââlu it xs,s puarkrd ns uîsuniist, sssxd suspplieit hih sd4sf.IIî W r In%% rti 'A s s l [tes isuîpy oet lis tamous flebrel 'lat'hmter', Usai has beaix se tmucliseM)Uht elea. Nutis, ne, nuj', u PUîuflvray longer mnilà hai enMor ls'ssu, iso wito sil oefiassia buo ohala excel!etss plsa.l(-0' and stpl.îîlh a portieos e'itu vssenis t h ie (ast 'li#- asei m lu u scau'uly everkmscwî mi> <ibt lretitis pater hiiltx>oi'n NO. 7- Waufed- ' inendlnfely! Linecen 'riiiiaiCdiea o eit iasisi, Lamse1 'T<aceks , Wrsid aes, Lame or StsffJoIsxs, bplil -'Complaitex, Ces nu t,etlimsv, Turrioms, Sipiaissi, ,&.d t it cf ubltûne plmite immmdïedrelmi', b>' applyuaîn to .Jsaw 2iJiVI Dfor a kHebsaci l'las.î MDUBOYS' RAT ETR<AO 1 ar IHRLt BU INA CONER. andin 'lea lew of A boe (bia~t, tma4e a çbsauisweeèp up to the vacant, groud wbieb4a)>irts Coe. aran. Eztendwg ..a4wrd a"tsgDorobsater, St. Catherine, aid igpûuupe îtreet, it made a4 lais prqq te $L Doaite»sStreet, wblcb vasiiurtW troM ntaenpd to e codwr. The lialiopà k C'Wrci aqs4 ' pa4'feut~~ ' the gaiseL ,Tihaeattr Dût of dm mi.. Tw q'ýopqI o i4 t xtb and ftoyu- I l Ilcry) w2 cal ' t laor c d z eà *1* in l'6fectinour hlow cit:- zens' proorty. %Wenoticed Colone!l bm Major Lord Mark Kerr and Captain Ghl- loway, R. A., mounted and riding bither and thither where theywere wanted. Capt.. Eveleigh, too, of the Grenadier Compan,y ef ii Xth, was rendering efficint service. W. noticcd 1dm leading his mëen"ý and p0& ling stcîutl witb bis own bands in> puliing <Iown thie Viger MaIrket House in order to, srrest the flames there. Wbile this brger fire was raging another one begau, (kinîled, as we are ôldl, by the $Park$ (rom thé former,) wbicb consum? Messrs. Sims' & Coiemad'S Se swd Planig Mill%, in St. Mary Street, Quebec Suuband, 'the. greater jpart of the. ium- be in their yard. The. Distilierynd' Fotandry of the. Messrs. MoIson were in -im- mainent danger, but were saved~ by the exer- dions of tii. men on tbè preniises. Tii. lois bêe. wilJ aseount Io about £2000 or 1. 1 1 I RE fO19AflIgI4 In> tus.day's Reporter millbi bo-'ound (lie details-of (tie nmeut calamsatous fixe tîtat bi s ever tiefalca a otty laEcitisis North Amer- ie4. le amont cf maiser>' andi deuoiation it has ix>à .lted on Uic por of Montreal is sîmost ai. tue present fime, incalculable; and' mc havAh cdouit tht -my,' stops -tuat Meay b. (altosin thia section> te ileviste tueir sufferings mill meet miti a bearty and libers] response Mmoag tiie people. Aiready> in ererycif>' mud téwa in thé Province at present mut fréta, mcvemesnts aum Oc foot hiythe proper auuiiorités for the. rsising of foînds te secet the. preftnt exigeaciea of Uc unbpp> sft~res.7%t cities of Bouton and NeW York are a1i*gdl,,t xvork and o ni os ct!ponî of t(isiamelanchol>' Terrwible Cbnflmgratiou in ai y re inovaMi , ino th ee arsLahin t therocs /té' ientr aIaMrt4Browav. eéepk+' fibvkéStl t. Cfler. neg Baker, St. Donlhulique Streiclt - î From this, it *sseeried-by the wid Ão a iuorth.eastou4y directin. Tne.-djoiang bou-ses béing aIl roofcd wltiilwood, and -P îîerally built-.of -tue ame matelal, and the,. bite dfry weahr iiaving-rendered tbom as ar s tiader,.the ianmes aîwead witi a<tou-1_ý isbuag, fripidity.. Tiiere vas agais no mater, in the resorvoir, miien tlie fsme #ce meuuced u's'lat maulnesq,' er blindies.i, or negbect. "e1ubd have permittetiltbisleo lie fh camii'., afcer the frigbtful calamaîty wbich viiied tes but one .liort mont>ig>,eor upon wboso tht, '9oine usut res, t, We do soi. pretend te amy buit tjý'b mc (cet s-urcul ot, thaftue peo;île cf iUotireal will, witli ose voice, demanil an> iuvI7%tigatio-, n afc tie cuso Ourccdis. ster, and ju.%tice aiglint those %vho are culpable. Our readersny imagine tfli avoc %u4hcbî stîcli a fire, uînarreti , wvould speeddi nak'i; lbut thsrrniag'snation-i'mili'li-rdlv ronceiu's f a'ý terrible meality. Wi"thin hlf an iuour, a lsundred hOusses uutro on ire. 'l'bîey' uere 9Pnerally Uiec duelling i cpJoor as tflaus andi bahborer.%; and if.weva xa(rsdn pc tacle ti osec fie-poor peolpigtleringibeliir lew luouseboud gonds togxetheioAnd carry-- in' tbem ponbapa te onueq plae vlere flic ire meacheul flacn a fewin utes after per lisPSAlu a pince cf safet>'.,13-y the, Urne. fruquisxly, Lse>'- hail rem-ored oie. Joadi, it wastee, list te tunafer more. In rnanv isustéunces<lie po or inotiier lbailjusf ýtim»e to grasp lier infannt, frein the flammeï aid rush to an sudjoiniùg fsxsd or garden and i iak Iown deà ptas'ing attaI eeilix'ted xî;iionsthflit.ix die reilinant of proexry-wirh -li er husbaiul or ciuildmcn bad -be-en ale to bring (bore. rThe de#pair anti agon>' uvsittena on (udir feu- tunes vas mosNt ue4urn1u.. Froii <ho Main or L i avrence Street, the lime hurstent 'cm>' hus bîefore ît along Si. catseaine asid DOs'ýcb 'item Sureu'îs, v ideniiu, i1r pu-li.' ay isyva'sl oav;s,, iti: u ;sjs course sucb'a requ"t vourmlubts spmad b>' te good pecqbo of tbat rownsbhp, Who bave' been in the habit (hua tan el'tatndMýk toI their oua bvsiness; sud,- le the 'nçrt.place -(ho Meeting saful te have been eld, um-net predd mer Iy the reee,,wbi iatuep-ro- per person for fibat dut>', but b>'a, mai iho irsneyer Imova befote reside at apub- - lr>ueong -Again, ceames sens'é tells us, tMats a oncral meeting Off iat Townshaip coutti net lie nthered togotheir at tbis ver>' bus>' sciason of the. year, ubien the imbilutrious; (aimer lia$ gencraîl>' siilllienf cire upon luis4 eu>'mmiid ithouf partici p ating in fthe trou- blés fMm blsanil ehume tino a tý Miontrentlibas ag-Jin lices vaititdiruth an. &ux uPosl intepree't business ni' ether fearfl-W ceniagration. Tlhe i'Ocehitb> Obaua atrends ito majora' asti eother office-'e oppresivel>' bot, dry weather bad ndmuroil seeking gentry. It la ver>' possible (bat ever>'hig finethl, Uicligbcst degmee cogibusla- bic, ai de ic're ragez! -iviihi à (r' ur bicutr rtucs rm lciellb on> was perfecl>'ires b, nd î,augilal ftitctoma of afront Couity, ront te Jicaverfon ppry eîl'ort-u of thue militar>', fixe tire brigardes -lua-t tise> there met vitx a <cmvkix>dred aidehu citizenIs L 4te ixtis devastatine pro- 'gentlemen o-leiure,' 1h s aa' bfi (ounat gress. collamencmng aboQut 9 o'clock Iiithe mormix> in the our-buitiný4 of a bakery i la abmnosa S>'itlige-tîsiutthL>(thktis 'iar'> ;Sf. liominque,,'SmIect. istrreuideil by thick- &ece.) 1'stoot <mat,'after.wvich -(brase ýi 1' con>ret-ated n'ooden huildiuî, , cveuatiae m eet'Vantitbhiucapoîs ' y1h> b>' imal Prencs t2anauiiiipropru'îc di-ar hors, the Ilames leapt mid>' fa'omn hne hou.l airaianti secreway,---andthat, Col~ lise, anti strpct te streef, dniving flace la-n Caiemon andi Mm. Robinson bearinge (bat a muates tleuthe mond anti oftea' overtaciganal formnidable deputatio> (rom Obawa 1usd an- s'onsmaming <to otdtheir iîeuauehcid, effects. us hu fic> lanl euisvoupti e rscu (misirvetil toenquîme irto anti meulate thee <«airs the des'e'îiring, eternent. lw~s as cmOu- cf 'i'lioral. asuended eut of iero cgrîiosity, <'u ';el'ax4- .akir tçibs îl asiansi amusethéemssves witb flue pmoceedin's tuas tare aspa-iln. iuunift- ~aowa, -"t lâw. i 'Csisfa-t 'a -Sreet, t.auvardâ Cote i sln ee i. eouiesmr Bamncn -asil doirviiarislowari C-i' umt and dtiriÙlui a'uaxn or tcu street. I3v- itentansitanti mrost fi anilepaeseil for uhat<lie>' moubl d echi but thé exertions, tise hiâmeamore arrcsîed lin 14 eot fateuhtognzdmetp en vicinit>' of the G-encrai IHospital. andti uatreotoangurogaidmeigbi valutahbe luilahuzr preservoti. (2eck.bilafieldi,publishbued >'hliFremanuas i if mwue fiat qporter, ht Cla-uaeti ifs cantuurd Course, go t up b>' tie megular coà stituted aufluemities, mcd ato mea-les!CosnuvliTmrae. mcl iitriys aniu xbsuîmditj' in> erer>'lune eF it.-- roiv of hîililings mas Ncon eemass cf liaime.1 'b 3lrpaCbxurmcii(RoenaCatho!ic) mu Thepeoplbe of tf-- rrar 5sere never more im- ilalaise,'flue latter an elega-nt ic se mdureprosew nitb the ôixeasit> et a spceey Sella- c nt fiing1, wuiee cea a pile cfruina,-ration rmntflicold Couity4 éeon uen fia>' lirrs ix e'clock, the rémeseemned to erlelternm*h huad eeo bave bapemît it'aforce in> thc District sucre euolt bi ae > huad eeo ft commciice4, utboxugb tiseé burnisig faltes fore on pefifîian after pefifion fer fiat pur- bad compuunaeatcd tfileiesSt. NMnryo, pose, fias iftflic present.he>' knouv volt street, Qucbcc -iuburb,ý een.-uéuxng 'sias & tiaf-v<re'jjuna( et of ourseirca some tinte, or, Colemn%' Wood Yard. About 'sevovn, the b ikt f (e oaesiicetypucu siienii'-were congai-aiuinir enc> efer, onbckkeof trw aesfienypuk he a> cffli ao1! . iesn teomuous tai b>' tIi'obd -Ceunty ; aid aiH &ie claptrapu ire-bell, gala poalcd forth their' moumaful' abo'ut a demnostraflea té flue -cautnan>' in bound, ani nith'r où*âiox lreil hrai telt"baa ae. ,i aMr extesf and moe.destructriv heaslre a of al leatOhiappr aam M eoprty begun. Tlb. stables in ree valu e ' ce-as evu,ihuîx> {y'& lieuse had taltep lire, and laco1n fiat Ielsetiat Uffluitefromi that dnaciful "n noble building van envcioped iu gamnet. If cf selfisbneis and iélsrigue. The. brlgbt pro. wu'au afilli' rmad '-si'ht. is tbiii v f~#.wI - 41- P ., à '-À.,. ne 1 uF.afa After the. floegroing vaw irritten vo mwent te f alto a lat loin ift theruina. The>' vej' à unourntul speeliele. As mc drove nlong the aide of Coe.a Barron, thé " lar anat feldex fendig freontihe Meiistre et.- & Dennis 'Street, lyimg jlaat ùnder 'tb. Cote, was fi11.8 mitil'g )fiaso mea;iwonien aid ebuîdren. id tlitait tuti.piles'of furuiltura and oodi, while'a«lt aroxd a-nd'beloe-theim vag a aéuoking hilderxi.-csaeved vifh 1k bi~svu te'ab exuus*iéforeat witii ite c redtmý'.'Lh -Cbapdé Mrs and Vgpr Squa re mare ussilarly occupied vit)> beapa o!fons Amettbi-r Flue. W1hile en romte ire vitnexsd fluecent- menenienat of axiotiier coalgation. The vomie, builjiagi inthe rean ofI Hay's House hayîag beaiipiW by parks fromx tue eiier fire, tue daunes mer;kud tuuêr va>' ta, thai huiding4 ità 6scousumed and, alilthc bouses nf Dalhousie -Square,~ inciudiuug the, li@s. Mr. Mofftt's residence gd fis. Mess lieuses, cf the Royal Artillbor>and, flie 2Qth Ileg-, fthes Militai'>' $sic'etary*'s C)dce, ,&c. 'The tire la still raging aofthfLifme we irrite, Grod.oulyltiotvaubere if il stop. - 0c itï seeis s o b. doomed. "<At the bour of gotnX 'te pregas tie. turc bail crosseci Ainleiert street .on 'jfs wny tlImýuagta flie Quéecesirbs, and if dees nti suscr as if aiyrftii> pove r could SaIr 'an>' portion of (bat poiulO"us'ard. 'FPurther Pariieulars. We bave- received the flbuvngboter, ivriftený on Frida>' morning-. ' FRiOM A ePECIAL CORRESSPONDENYT 0F TUEIS COLONIST. City. O1i, &tu!dfnaig States that the fireVas, 'Ilr g, withoun an>' prospet of lUs gcs d. Tit paper a190 Iysitt " the 9rte of *e~ paît -day (Friday) u' ,kIa trav*r.. ed a mile in> Iexgtb, b a breadtb rangg froxwprobably somnetnxg lie one-ci bhto otie-haif of a Mile." Tb. &iraUd1ives an , elaborate bat or tth. axîmber of bouses destroyed, ai far ai it bai -been able te ascertain. It calculates the. nomber 4o( burned bousms' té e b.1080;- the GaetteW maltes tbem 1200, andi the Cour'ir 140. The. Ilraki caiculates the Ions te bu £201,000. The amouat 6<. 'nsurances bau not yet been a4eertainedwitb mn>'certaiot>'. The. Commissioner of Public Works bas ordered the. Erignà f sieda tôba placed et thie disposil'Of tItusawtds of dstre.sed.4uf- fererx, wbo bave been rondered bousels and bemeleas b y the. catastrophe. Trhe City Couileil bcîd as meeting on Fridagy, and roted £ 1000 to b. placed at thc dis$po itor the. Proviulonai Eire Con>. mittee, A public meeting wai aine calied for Saturdsy aftrnoos, t takiii ito-con- gideration ieans for the. rehaf cd the suf- fererse The aumber'personi bouseicâs là cati. mated nt -15,00. , THE DOAS'rED THORAM MEET- We bacc read ma t)>. 0.1mw. Freeman an acecourttcf a meetingsaidt!ét bave been beld in Thorab, for.the-purposc cf condem- ning the. course 4$1m llreve, Chas. Robin- sonEgq.,o> thé appropriation for the Coux>tyý buildings. Now it in rery problematiesl te us wlîetbcr a meeting in a legitimate ira> iras beld et ai or sot. 'Thore mud been no requiit ion Io the Rae forsucb a purpose, unlesa, xndeed, it -came tbrougb tbe disap- ponteil effice-seekers - f' Oshawa, and of best 119à gwe cââ d 1 t e o t u -yxl i.Jrd.C1(nTit tue pprpro > but hie dU thik or l6d $îurpriýc ver>'y c' la~ ur 1I1â1 th lit tIlat evéry rste..payef'eugtt be 4Id to maxi>' inyillir iVx! t'li voe eonthe sitp'(A~4 dServe ct-'nhîn eo Ucreprc¶en$>ton ' dit for bie opixiioss andA ntehtlons aà far ai' 1», aithntijli f lhe ,b~s~a~ e - thé> wxt. 11Q le iras'then étected wî*tIWit diate vicinity. Graldlafl'di WU opposition. 1 iras then xomixated as Depu- mbrctd omr!ig li ad been (Cît, but hà e ty Reeve, and soconded by Wm. Hl. Mi- bow, wbien givcn, iras not ix> Jmy beanxzg COuntY r ch~el, and tboug'h mz ricin on the question ad eqatly expilincd. And wer it not abat York, * irre voit known, -rwaice ihoto-4tar the cause 'Mia* 5re '11,tu~ iposition. At a subsequont meeti ng of the til 1 ýinîehiing feavùblý nts beast, iaked out Cogncil, after the business bad been througi, som<ewheîe. 'J'ie renions sdledgo.d (yet thel Reove suid lie woubd wisli te ixear tihe the> are ço unfounded and inadeqilate., 1W tCOncil §tâte their views on tlhe appropria- cantnltlîink tbem real) were of this tonor, Oshawa tien question, se that ire miglît knoir boy tîat citixer tii. $zonq ci Tenipern>e or the i.ci te1 vote ix> the Provi*'onai Couacil.- Tru- inhabitant-§ about the Cexixtj 'rewn, wre Roaà man Wbite (file oniy one t1txix>k iro - sligtted ' in sonething about the arranige- Ra a poke) sait! that ho w;ouid give us ne ini- ments for tihe meeting. MVere tbe>' not their eP truetion,, re Mut vote on our own rspn- du1jy infermc4 xof i 1S ex0cfthon> bae ~ subilit>'. At the Put imeeting cf tLe Coxin- been aware of, and aiding x>zovipgstovard 1cil, from whicb L*i~w ubniit, 1, have bc-en it since Februar>' last. Were tbey not coni- infermed that iheý'iIm xade a similai ap- sxlted, dul>' in tfhe final arrngement4l Tboy workiig plication with be xr su, ccess ; sud I lîcard wcre repre.sented in all the CommiZtte eve xîctbmg from the Coùncil Or an>' ieznber or metingo hddpreparatry ; and aWt tbiblt it, that I bave an! recoliection of, to- give therewere tiwmembxersxfrom WbitbY. One me te xnderrtax>d that if I voed on my, ow from. Osawsa, one (rom Brenklin, 'and cne therate re1ponsibility, and in> necordance with flic ftoxn Columabus, andnmysetf; and <lii., I inq the<j>. ire,! kpoivn iishes of t»>' cix>constituent*, observe, was fihe ont>' preparator>' meeting CaliJa ti i sbould hb. voti>g ix> opposition> toe ieknown at whicb I vas, -bence 1I-'baie bWd sà rUélY wisbes of' the Townehip Couneil ; ncither do" an>' tbincr te do in tliis case.' W.!, but for aidý I consider or believe thaf 1 voiiid in opposi- itow cameè it that no name vere OnnOunced outrage( tien to a majorif>'. of the.inhabitixnts of thi- in the bibi but tbese coxi.ctied whbire ontLr. Tevînship. It is my opinion, and oie opinion nomination? If ihtcbrioe] m>b.sgood A anotiier opinion, tbat ai sbib be glati indeed, as the ciplanà tsnf i0 be mort'rein faveur cf the division, Fid soe asly giveo, and thé teubrage takeit ou a polto thaf-,, t etxil be if tlieyproperiy under- e"round to-s-.î we IIj,-that it, caxnot tewi stoedit,,tbat tii.ee on f tuoe.buildingx iccthe ir( çlfprce ofthe Wt~ise at large.t. is îSDo Oont>' a qulestion 0,fof'iep, and that it is Lift an>' one 1h1oùk <ifthe tiainciadded to e is a g fer botter for us -to put lbdiii'op at once, bibi of iiose wbho drei if p,ad ne vther ilitoreste fiai to remain attacbed ti> the old 'Couiüy tflieé a s§hèdei cf grôo'd for jcatousy" on mng for ne' watte o bv man><yeaJsloneer, uxitil thîs head.' Te expîxtu ati kuow ibout tiie we liad hbped te, pa>' fof ail the, improvu- matter, let me obserite, tbat ai- the lastprc- tnrixiphi moula wici-couid b. thoui,4t of ln Tomente, parafer>' meeting à bove noticcd,sitwss foed on ibé sud~~~~~~~~~~ baet rc oro ibut eevxg<at an albotment o>' dufiesto,ifé digèent iay' one fathing back of aIl w'e had'contributod. mexibers iras requisité 'te. ensuré efficient Noir mih these facts (and they are facta) action. Tbe ground mas te eheose, twu ce before the public, i>ýould if lie a dîfflcxibt mal.- bocaitics a livlg bren prevly named, c"ma fe,r 4m an>' person. te plove te an impartial s,)eakersto-e îouglit, and bil toué print- qungxnlx judge, that those resêbutioîis under f;le tir- el. The. ground ehosex> being in> the viciai-q cumstanceî, vere xujtand nealled for.' ty of XVitby, the preparattoxu of'tliat iras, It is net mî ixtentlbx> (ô impute an>' wmong as a rnatter of course, intmsted to' Messrs. îbould i m ie t0rmn .Wkt but 1 carîxiot lci¶dgson and Fraser, botii citixonid' botb foctiiS> unerstand how it le that any person is te lie ýons cf 'remporance, and. certà m!Yi - ostlo, guilty of del#xyaie, 7a~èi;n'tgJd tru-.-twvortliy and capable te serve. Ibiese, nd ÃŽa*bo, , Hse ta ýM -. Michiel] te <ivide the. duties,'determined tue Iocalify of gain,- either mvie r SUPPWêdaiy resobuti9n or of fthe printing, and the parties ae wi thrf-~afe other document in tpf kéa4g Coxincib frainin., and pubisi ,bad te eçen doutthe let, wbicb requested me te resign, irlen ini. <M bill under tioîe autliority, sudimost correct- latter part of flie letter it. is tttd that th(: ly styleti tiiermselves , ublhiug'Commit- nef liret document in questioa.was pzsstdt1i roux'rbtee.1' At-5st',a t h peakr, f irashmind' [im Council b> ' lis" Im. L. %,I el' )not inen4ed te liaveiel of any 1in iotf0( th casting vote. Žhîw the. resotIution cemtawuy thje Pleadrrt l i6t ine 'p hould1 dees Dot make luse cor <Me word requrst. bill have bduil given, dowse though 1: beIlcye i(the(anti I' woubd a-sk anyeiddpro ftedi -hu oive1 ta f ore,.1I'xs( (41nstdifer-ic inth lArpol f ts, -ý 1 aveth finorofbeing Présidentof ctle preamble and elviqns. aid a call on me td 'w ns I fflr-eiation. "I assiro you te reâlgu '? Aid I Must an>' tîat if t(isi> andail eoncemned, <Mat I b.d ne ngtcnLion elk tise pilace wtsere-tlie wriý1cr gets out. if resu>' of spea nsrd 1 djidpeak ont>' because j ill alov asave> smai peig. *'0 do it knoy ihie weair had oep-t back others expected.I natino di wriat.motivie the supporter f if had in view . . a0euec eseuesekr if tbat was net thieis' obîectf Ial1 y ac- fimoi a distance ;ý ornt ef lie parties naie.d mn cepted it asstieh, and 1 believe every oaLler IuV-ss u1p1osrd te bp e nrd of at Tcuooto, andI the, person who rend it. did se toc-. '11be state- w ie I w l %as ju:t goin-, and uliere I ex peet- viai.i ment' refc'rrcd te in thleW~r, 1'<Mat ý]eiru- el 1i ua.t oxhers who were desireil. 1ifth solutions irere drawn up b'Mhb i' t il n'i seto',ori .pn i~a1 h*fbxthe hep exactby-,ocqe, foron the xfternouortisef bslsthmnieetbat (bey rnigbit.know iiiail cIa> on svâhi4 tyei,, as*xd, as if was 'Iaua&t nnûuni-e. A sevceacci- tulio are' ws-tarinjehte , tidîié+ pitl Y'1iemore brusi- decýdi:qi.ialied ime ferr hin d ' nâ he,<i :i '4S te (.orne. Up. 1i menfîned to the Ilieve oi>g~f Stîra,1-9x.bJune, 1 *'a te, ht1 wosldl ike te Jen're if ire bail _s »hwvio isxina=tte&soamém ae p -pli-oug -li: le tbea in$forined nie tlîat t,91-0 o li Saccea's ix> regard te ome partiesl. manner i the Coincilb (ubo 1 iyticed lsad benbent "1"as tobd that if vbuld net do bt delay an>' f'rein thie room for sotie fime) were lircîlair- l)i gerplubWishing; and ibsufnaines could be Theki iné rsoîne rsiîinon lte %bject cf nCar ansticuçd-in gorx4fu4et? 1 gave those of' atgreit vote,% in t(le Provisional Cotuncib, ani-ibat Msî.WauianiKennedy>, and said I' r3yw lie wiabet1 l <liasd let 1dmi write thum, for iandio iubt but-ailerx %weuld be securcde wih'L~ ""i tlougli f bcs coti d d e it botter or, m ore t e O n the. sot F vi a -in( t ll o m 'n w lo the purpose, mad taking tliissie con5istera- ville m day I the ke ate i3owan-srab C À i *h ie. esm.Climie aid Gvieërsô tien it scems harcibi'fair that Tbrxîmaux White $ýmiti. à %' te asini ssucli breflire'n in tlie vro