I PUBL1SHED -EVEftY-SÂTUIBJlÀV MOItNING. . , TZI gtLirGO PERLANNUM-IN ADYÂNCN., VOL$ 38- ma>y beon.utted ital y frtan yd(lineaoffetng the TEETII u~oIJNIS, A ti fie I eth ln tueled on Gold Plte(torPlVot. Prom ou0e to au, rntire &,tt. Office over Mft Ai NLs toaxov, ortier of Ktwo and SiamSriets. Osaswa, Nov. lit, 1831. 01 ]Dr. Dsvid Tuoker (uu&IênuATr. 3IN Mrmiciti & Ait-r, TuNvT AND coCas *NORWOPD, FacKsarra. Nerwood, Ot. 251h, 1831. - 28-l> - a~uiftu 4owjoon, ?NOTARY P--UBLlC,- Counuuioger or the Confit of Quecu' Beach, Coiveyancer, Dratughtsrnan, ISSUEW 0F MARRIAG;E LICENSK.S A4ND ACCOUNTANT. Office iear the,. Court busïe, Xrila#e of M,&14cHSTZR, Jrown:bp of IItACH, L.C'. THOMAS$ C ON VEY A.N ER Cornnssyiçner of Queea's Jec For taking eAffiîavits. Bronkliin, St. 13. 1ý0. 122 t L&AW orrIoD. 1.J.MADNL Attlor nov and O0aIo-tLW 419gC. &c. &C. WHITJY. c'A 1A p A VWE-S 4Im eu t;i irs ovv-r the Chiq1ered Soc 7s;frrr w~d 6lorey lat. Law BR0CKSTR~ET. Wtt VEIY. INSURANCE OFFICE. WVALL~ACE b"', to inîjînatP ila h a basten sppoired Ag..nt for tbf' andîIitb .p pr f to talc k S ai i11w nrinary raes, ii the MVKan. OOREalmRY & 'NAti ýVIIrNINB0 HR & Co Nc3,KIL~Stret Tornto! 114 l.SCITOFIELD & Co>., UIMPORTLERS 0F WIIIILIISALE AND RETAIL CARLEQN yVN 1E, WH(>LFSALE AND3 RFTAIL- DEILER IN 'rE%, ?tOBifiCUO- ICO, PlPE ALlO MAN 1IFACTURER 0F SOLV, UPPE4R, AND uARNEýSS LlEATHYR, kt. Ca p.ifor Idso& kuWet Oldpot$ "d IPerd ./)sheç. *îV hitby Vlar,71h Jr* 15. 8 CoRlgDDtftI .fASIîCI toi 'TFI~v~~N i,~rpared to make AnV»N CýH".onPOT" AND PE AUL ASlfES cDOt'l.ltet10 nre - I T H. LA.WDER. Port Wiby, litiAuut, 150. il W$ISKEY 1 WHISKEY!1 BIRELS PORT DovCS Wlîs- keyforSal, YU *t. y *' Port Wý,itIy, MayJ3l, 1851. hLKI&099 TROP ~t Eprisor. à ~al~ eèdmvdatioiie (or ,travellers. <ood 8tabling fer Ilormos. itrT 3Y TUE CELEEIIATZE» COMSTOCIC MEDICINES à - CHEMICAL PREPARATION9 s0 veIl known in Cauraca, 'have beeni abmmefulty counierriîed and dîitibuted tin Canada, by thre vcry persoas %wbo, ovmr their own sigunature*, have sstmitted thât Dr. J.vcrtra S. CoMSTocir of New Yok, is tihe ony Propri.ter. These aticles are lot-The GREA*T PA*INX XTR.CTOR, (>Conne) cuning al hura, n4att Externat tins and Soes. 2ad-&ILM 0F COL UMBIA, for -Staying mand Restoring the Hurnan Hair. 8r-IW'NERVE 4 BONF LIMIMENT, and JNDI4N VEGFIfT4BLE "ELIXIR, a etire for ail Mhenosmam. Ath-ý#IcXA-fT'8 OlL, fo cqre. ait Deaf Peraohna 6th-ItAit' LINIMENT, a well >kmown çure , ot the, Piles' W&c. c 6th-D R. 8SP0 II'8ZCC H&ID4CHE 7th-MOTIIER'8 RELIEF, for ait Women lin the Famnily way.- 81th-LONGZL EY'8 GRE.*TWE.VTERN iND X .1N.4AN .-.For Coldsamnd fevri*h feelingsa nd f reventing (evena- 2. For.Athma,Liver Cormptaintand Bitioua* affeciions. 3. For Diatbea, IndiqMeon and Loos of Appetite. 4. Par Cnostivenws in ermiatem end milesamnd nervous complainte. 5i. For Stomach affection.o. Dyspepsie, tPiles. i. flot bai laotake, neyer gives pain, and nle- ver tenves one costive. 9tb-DR. IBAR TIOLOME W'B.PIXNKSYR UP for al l Cnueba or Consumptinn. loth-KOlMSwlTOVPs VERIFfiU"E (Wormi Kitier) for eblîdren or grown persons. lth-MRS. B ROW 91 S -GREAfTP.ML" KIL.LER-YNo medierre bu bleemî discover- edtt iu mso lapity irdapteit to use interiafil ag: ýr opsinbe takien, andt yet perioum suct wontlers when apptîed etterr.ally ai a waih or bath by friction. Att tbe Itceiee are f.ttydeacîibed in Pampi.- rts, to to 4irea la att rrhta Ur.î ut a . 0GD8*Z1L 513 Dr1»MsUtore. 1 irquirc fa thte (ENRRALFAMILYT uIRECTIIRY S owirrc the Remnefies which every famity ehould k.ep ini rlwar houseiarud the mar,,errof using tbcm. ty wbjtî ait orrinary $Sicknesst may bc preventeti or q1celIiIy tîri;ove-d, witbout tIti'expfnue oft'é Fa wi ïy 1>b4yà iciitî, anid Severe Dangerous Di)seasem Cureit, *Every famity isbould sarefttypreservetbia book, In rerce in when any îrf-rwîy sla wanrd-botb es 10 the particular article iridicateit ley thre omlptairt. ar iii sowiîî- wbcre soc-h iîeneuy may utways lie boit. JAMIES 1H. GETUIJE, DRau G G I15T, Main Streetl, Witby Výillagre, Who ià uppoteit Wbateaie ReatAnt W. C. SWEL-T'S CELEBItATED Faniliy Medicines._ IIVATO.CHI1NESE BALSAM C "Itfs sore Thrnst anrd 8imaehi Caîgbme, Caldo, Chotic Pains, Whooping CotbnCro0'Jp or Raoule, &c. s Ve£-TI;isFAMILY CUTIVIC Curs il aiie! CameNembnesa, Agite the Face,Nervotu Headiait Toollu Ache, Cataq4ai Quiseu,&c $Wli E T' S Curem Soie, 16aime -or We4 Ze. Itome& wetl recommýended. Try it. - *TUE KING OP OILAI Cures ait t!lcerated $ores, <hifbiaifi5, P&., snd ii, infialilht for man>' external diasuie.. Tv>' il you Witt nut regret it, . TiuE;- 94LY U.NPQALtED MEDICINE. SWEEIIT'S CELEBILI&TE D:B4rACK I NEW AT81 'mamiNEW IIATS! Inbà abîtoints of -Wiitby and npigh- Tbonflod aie informnedht Ilte Subicflekt hat ttow 1 la nd bis 1iWe gfilg t@O,. con- 14111ir.v ath Ie New Styelit " k1<G3eu, FaI<cl and 4p4iM5cinH [ATS. MAlo, the Celebratcd KosmllthJIat, now ÃŽnin sch Test demattit, Gentleuwn-viitinq ibis Hat -Empoi ium, wlte hgreatest amart-~ ment in Canada. JH AT GOL.rn' HAT. Toronto, Aprit lot, 185t. 52-1 m. 0 MMA a 1- MARBLB WORKS, WOLTFENDEN & 00., M ANUFATURF, Sand DEÀLIER8in Wkiie, Green,JiIuc 4- VariegatW d Marbi et Centre Tablesa, Stand-Tops, Cbimney-Piee', Sirîki, Soda Stahs, Sorun tPlaePint Stones, &ci. Everv variety cf NAJML13 WOMK dont inaa Bperior Stylo, of the Dest Mat.ja andt Trimis Liberi 1. N.I13.--tiW. & Co. brg teommy thoitîhey harvé no Conuecior, w iti atîy othertarblirgbnent,mnd tbey imparftbtlir MSarble fbm lte wetl firmect Ruttatid Quarrs, Vermront. T/rois. Wilscm, Mr/ui>Village, ..gent. Septernbelt,1,1i. 21-rf or Tria "Y'esern .A.surance Gompa.ny. 1-1OW1 E OFFI1CÇE... OONTO. Capital-£ 10,000, 1%IX llUv£s OFtOUSNDS LAC". rf-11118XCOMPANY harving leci l uly orrraffzed, Pçv"rditig to thetetima cf ils Charîter-, le prt'pared tob itie QLtCIES acaunst L4)55 or DA,%IAGF by FIBRE, upori IEAL or l'FR$,O.NAL l'Itop*EBTV nS att kinits, on au The foItowingj gentleffen cOMPEt he Brof S Dîrectore, wb'se fumes are a suflivient gutantee that t1heIudineï#atianasîrctioiis of the Company wiil ire condrictet oi the moat honorable:prtnci1- pIes, vi: Issac C. Gilmror, i lliih Millter, Thomas Hianonth, M. Il. Boys, George michie, Wm. llenderson, Jates Beâty. Rice Lewis, and John lowcutt-, Laquiraf. Isaac C. Çilmyor............- --pritienl._ Thomas tlowtîîth,- - -- -- --Vie-Preideut. r11ott. Stanton, Esq - -- -- ---Sec. undt Treao. The underienedt havisg bee appointest Agent of the above Company, wiul irelpersortai atten- linn to parties deuirouof eft-ctihé lieurance. JAS. WALLACE, 1-'re. LiSe, and Genllonsurancte Agent. February bi je, 2. 43. ýTIE SubsCriher.havbag been appoibtedi 'Aei for the ire prepar..d ta meive applications fer Iritrace. From ttw high charecler ci thre above Institution, and the tou rates of Prêmium, we are eonvinced that aupeior f aciitie. are now offered for Jnsur- once la the Inhabitants of the New county ae Whitbv. Xv. 12. 191.~ 3.f Witd Lafnd to Lessê. T1H Suîbscriber has A VW TIIOVS/iK1 '1ACRE'- of Wîttt Lanrd toleusu,. the fn"low- in!r Tnviehipsi. Bevch. Uxbridge, North$ GwierA Iiury. Brovc!c, Tnwraft, lîara Orillia,' Tiy, 2?j As bes rangiitep arir rom the. Iow trimite at bed tel Mçis i, fbltmcriig! 0004 morniftg Ohgive me #ne il@ oî çood morniag,msnutma! roi Onlyj 100 à atMy Prtty etISy7, sol Tii.~ ~ ~ i .oaho s , aiughtintow7 ye.k- Gond mornmç tooT., r. Sud, fer o fw Earty to wa'ke eL'y birdie and me,th Anitd mak waaM ppy as h*ppy con iii" be pf yeu =1be, My uit tri." à Thidt 1111 moe troed bebrty a iih a cd- bu ntamma, mayI..y oodmortingoq ed.0 " Pr " es itoart lqn, ety ot may- CLOn n Koiassyou irno.very çnorino tuprayMY 1<ti Mure, kne'It solernlr down, witb. bor oyet Lo lg up carnest y iuto theaskies, And thetIwo itte hand. that Wr. foitWudtether Sfofly ahe laid " îIkela ol barMWo : tf "Gond mnonîn;i, dZr Faber in' if"yen 1M ahe '1 ïhank. Thea Wfor atrbingnty sun 1111.bcd For (akiîp gnUcudtre of(me'ait the duik niqhti And waking meup with h be autiguf tight. Oh, keep me from .auçhfineow ail te long day, An atuget taonkrdddwn in lite aunshineand imniled;O Butah. sasw not the ige-that beaut'uti hM Lift fial te G04d egilLsOnurAli, fa meli.ë .ft, or are leaving, inciuding thé j'uniors in thebatiks snd Gorernment offcs.-and li farily frtm the lotge are just startine.- taiçu 0f going tte i gnga;andi in rct 1 arnt.uck of hearing of -t ni. merirma Op0nIons if Canada, ni~d Its las- Correspodencc qof th~e Commn.i-a1 M. flLE IM:AT WUTXII< ANDS» ORlEItN The érngibeer departmeirt of thre lino con- soft '(the ecbief engineer, aumeciate eng i- neer, tii». reident engineer*, eighteen as- sistant engineers 4even draftameo, two office qlerks, and a, largo nutrber of rod andi tape m n. ho ani fo en and mail enigmait berant boer ed twenty-ki "Eore-i4 Creek Diggings, Mouu t e- Klinghton, 'Ca tada, 3 ul>' 20, 1952. ~,~ ander, Jan. 19 1852. A. great chane bha talien -place in the ..sf 64I Ioft 'Melbouirne on the 241h of liatiutercourse betwèen New York andtihe cprovine rionth, Christmas eve, in charge of a.dray, province of Canada within a fewv years ; es- sce it ir eontaining stores for a friend- of' mine 0P pecial ly between Kiapguton anti your ciîy. att ho pi tiere. That night 1I lept at on eating- A few; years mgo it was porformeti in tiireceors gpeal Itou.se on the wa--sid(-, anti for the neat or four days, anti at home riait and! fatigu;fu rv week carnped en tite road, for travelling now t ;x acconplshed in one day, anti may tract froi b>' bullock tira>'. #not very epediious--, be callei a trip of leaure. ThteCom. nada, pas On Clîrietma-tiay 1 was walking alang the merdai MAvertliser of Friday evening was tspeaks oc bot anti dty ronti, and thinkîng ofthe hap- on file at thue IrifLi1uArnAer:can in titis city ocet;i py circlc at-boine. We passed over semer before tva malt down te dinner an Saîturda>' ta. fire>' plains anti, dense forestï, with. OVOiy atS 5 ccck, andi that lu thre case dm11>'; les." Lot ai now anti then %oente pret ty woodtnnd scenie- titan.023 boucs froru 7our Oit>.'.Cj:he route thte prcm r>', altîtougb infrior Io tuat itn South Aus.- la now from Kingston te Cape Vincent, that lif<l fralia. On, lhe Tuesday evening [Decerm- areund Long JLand, thence by tvie Wà ter- thi.e ecel ber 3Otlî]we tec ei. oulu et the. dig- town antiRoesrailroýt i eItica. Next inenis ai gngu" ini Forest Creek. The god district year a canal wiI! ho completeti through Long Frenchtii of Mountlexander la apreai over a large Istant!, whiceb tut aborten thre distance.- troit, thE exr.cnt afi count>', anditis riches are as-yet Cape Vincent will th-,a b2 reachd i n for- forestini comparatively uhcxp)loredi. The diggings tv.flve minites b>' a steamer, and thence unléa sa aie chielly! on the banks ai tus anZtthelitote la a railreadt Ne 'Yorktit I>. A trated th rieiglilonrîng créeks, for te cOnvoni(-uýce cf .vastly deifferent state of thin'va frein ti dn wl tinter thih î s Znotbecommg L-ver>' acarco. Ifotînti soeafort>' years ago, tihen 1I Iadt <' Let hi Indeed, many of te diggingu luie to carl I trap nM>' tînitupon my-' hock and truege Montre, for twQ) anti even lthretuiles, anti even Ilion witlu it acrous Long Islandi and! proceed te coud thre ltê wter à u se titck Iluat you migbt almosi Kituguoît jr, a coroe. nificent 1 culltiti a kiufe. 1 deliveret! nu> stores Ztiîerc are se inan>' routes at the present- hlm visil neat day, andi tent in searcitcf lte clief lime tiraI the tmaveller lu sometitat i a loua pres1>.j cemauuôt -vaisit Yu ot tr, Ior . ce dereronine w otailor uiT ""o Item lus deeti bcshoyel avîlvoti. Finding thus, I Enat of Kinrten dctheela coecf tire b o ntry have jolîtei, or rather dit!ý join, a Ptarty %ruc railreatsi; euii coun;.ry, uitng the country Se ofl'ertl tere a liant! short for a feti dayâ, andi Te- Lawronce wthr Laite Champlain. About titi he r maînet il t lteintill Saturdury {lhe 1711.) lte saine distanrce Sotuthir lathe 0Oawo-go îîmbet During thitîmune 1 rave waritet tillI1Ihave road, uniuutilt ih te Cntral road at Syra- ltion ai Lknoce4 mysf rIp, hbro'ugb ftho burning cuse. I ura to sun; andt have oni>' lit on six ounces andi a Front Toronleo, 180 miles MVest;a'railroad aaeend; quarter of the s$u4fout of lrieh thiere are is in progres te connect the N*orthertu 1im4of abont £6 expenses. I atart to-inorroti I.aoes, UHuron, &z., witi Lake,0tario.- pdiblieai (tic2Oîlî) for Gisborne. The succesu cf Tne first Mile of tdis rojti tas laid wilh t gj, eoMeorc the people bore la prodigio.- eailotu Saturday uaIt, aud. by threi finît cf eamé Titre. acquaintance.a cf mine in Adelade Octor rtfasiestlI .soWett m&~i,a ihave cleareti £300) a piece out of eue liole, The çntire tiutairce,..abetut eig>ty' utiles,. awayý'fc after heing Mi wieekU doîng notlting. One witi be. ready fer travel sote Umte, nez: .-00 et Cornisitinter, nameti Citpinan, ha*s £3,- year. Titis road muât atiti greatly totire terboro, 000. Mfitre, howe.vor, ia about tire ordiuar>' business of' Toronto. Anoîber zoasti, atetia ni rnn of Iuck, and if a man can-cloar £15'a prospect (rom Toronto to Giuèllph, ýwich fartl-ail nuontit, re lu deiag tolerahty weil. Prov- willurolbally be ecatinue4.tG q4eriçb. lîe,Iý sionis ire not. very deat. J3eef, 44:; 4ea115, 6 eai e, coupt Gbe etou > bd'; mutton, 2ýd; bler, £3 per 2OOlb*u or '*Vesiera, a a "P r -5d. perthu., tea, 2aq.; coffee, 2s. ; butteor, 26. toDetroit, c*ortneýig wÃrtg 1 s A t 5li U.; slopu 50 percent, ortEurgligb rrices; Centrat' toa 'agit'<l90lt)J>p .jt chitPo. visito>' brait 'u. Per bt4shelitant isuon. r0 el. hiWgo tn < irt,a go * aythiuug dtIe, luoter, us gittbut hi(51tt~re4 t1es»artQ4Isbttu I hie. A blackmittlr cbarged us £ 'frinterse4 wIU ý p Miol eSn âhoeing thegmare, 4si. for alrarpettingto rond oIuStw ' P W-,ï8'-lwu > puc, anti I blew the, ire apd hbelpeai bita. Ãne f(rpm eew'York t>r#' Seij irY -The, facilities for nmakiag, menr el to h a sa.4 unintin foaur Jav.. 4auJ lumber of cars and eagistseau wil ed i. uncertaitn. Thé contreet la Ly-five passenger cars; four express cars ; tight baggage cars;. twenty caers; one bundred platform, lum- iron cars; one bundre4 andi fity cight cars; onie rudred gra e bars; fie repair cars, andmiteea iiband hbese cars are ta be or '.he largest I eigbî wheels. te gen..ral ssîprovcment 0.-thei;r 1L untiî-ltSay mach. I bave neyer à a Mzore pro.,perous§ condition than oesent time, but I prefer to lot eUt- ,k, wbo certainly know more about rince. .1 therefore give you an ex- nu the last number of Smrith's 6"Ca- it, present and future." 1 know he -rrectJy, for 1 have vtaited, wit w.two ns, erery town 'tbe writer~ altudes o>' man who doabts the reality of ,ress of- Upper Canada, remember le more titan fifty years ago, with cpion af the umait mrilary establisit-. wAii beye Prai f it. ?ar j Wnitfby, lt' 8 t '. P PAUGE certifrîce WHITBY CANADA 1LVYEt 1 . i .,