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Ontario Reporter, 25 Sep 1852, p. 3

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1~ J BYT ItI.GRAPH, Quebe, Sept. 24, 1852. ke lieJ.Csao bas been sippointcd masiomer Of Public Wom-ks la tise Place eHou. John Yousng resigned. i. Hon,. gentleman liasaccepted.îbe ittuest. AA I RePoI O f h to,'ors Of the Llwiatlc sylum. p7~er b usbel. Dtllbs OIper-buAh. 341bo, Peas, per but4h. GOlbs, Potaoesperbushl 1eefper lOOllas, 1'ork, Per loollas, 1852.,- 8 d i20 20 0 4 'O 23 2 5O 30 O UIIbIJUE___ wSTR TO STJB;CON,ÉRtACTORS. i - I O E I I A V u '~izKSO 3UAS1, 111JILV begs to inbounca Lo hi&US ýu4owqand Lb. natat PU ETO, and BETTS, Contiae tors, for the Pickerinsg, and the reïrTowgisbji, îbal. ho IàS Works or! tlhe Une of Railway (rnm Quebco ta'- Richmnd, arc prepared to receive Plotposaid for CflOlPiNC, GRUBBNG, EXCAVATlNtI E ; MASONRY, sand Varions descliplinos of Wurk' M iconneets' wiih Ridwa y Cons!tmc;ion. Puayment ( rom big for#set Shopa InýJport WhiUly and Commercial BtIlduîg-1s inu Wb:by Village, la lis. %viII 1>e eiade in cah every fortnixt, 'y Mr. RErKIK, (Rexident Agent) wiUl Ipe in nt- New Chequersed St're tensdance at the Itailwvay Çornpan "à Oiutre Qu,-- - '.Rpoto is eiinfrluca, jPer avusus, 37 I6 to 40> 0 bec, aftirthe- 151h"Sepîcmibei, lé recei 1v wpripo- fp TeRprof-h âlifo îtyear, Mutton, per lb,- 0 2.1 to o0 5o nr f j>10(n adopted on February last by a bare mssi- Lamb per quarteri, 2 0 to 4 Spt-4 152 - where, in addition 101 he essie stocks froc> botb 1 tY, or rather by thse minority aided b>' the I'ork per lb, or24NewOin doulevoe o tseCiauran bs eeuiprer 'Presli Butter, per lb, o- 9 te 0 5 A t'PUBI LIC MIE ET ING ~rNw xented, ab required b>' law, to the <t'overnor Firkin Butt.er, pcr lb, -0O.5 lu 0 6 W"'il ie tiWls1.Twshpa lA~f u h îyGos rceIevl 4~cerl, Welar foc>htht u luv(3li-eepcrlb O3 o~ TOW1îN JIALL on 'ruF..sDAt i he a > ai ,Lofor Drutgsy (-cnra. vcjerifrm ttbto i Ciese p-03 o 4 Spiesimîer nexu ai the hmi, Wo.okj'ihei £15,000 granted b>' Puriiaussesftfor tise Lard, per Ilb, 0.4 to10 5 afferfluuts, for the puîrçmu cotilkiiig iio ot cd, Ail Of whilai c WillSI ai coinpietion of the main Buiidîts,, £7105> Appleg, per bushsml, 3 0 tW 4 0 aion the î>ri)pie!y ai buW1ing a dîîjch lj;ili Whiiby village, 7th ýAu,-ut, M 2. - 18% 3d lavelbect expended, and tlat a suis> 'l'urkeY---, eucb, 3 0 to 4 6 esbr ils of 1620 18%e wae tline idfor tie coI.aîýrulr- ccxe ch, i1Gi6 taOURC 0F -GJ - ion of (lchVel, r *,ailnud 1'orlc-rc lst ,PerPir i % 6 to 12 6 and in the et a i i leilîî- enidec d nv-sefflirv VE Y MP R A T -Lodges, and for thse Ivelliîngg ad VIili;irt "uw1-, du0 I 8 t 0 6>~ aisle prupe-r la builj sui-lerhssrcls; ulie-ruiliioiui,'-- Ê% Ifm-tgcl omiierfutIl ofth segrouids. -The wordinar-Y expsnditsmirvE gg, ,per ulczen, 0 7 tI S0 O l 'ie mriud maec-in"tv ioe- -nsrîl1--Ci l" £~iî9 S I. quaSlu27 w- r tousn . l , oScasyissi_- inSu e'ft ilie i~lji,~ai of the yvur wab 699 1Idis-a a 71*sî 0t, 17G ai, 1 --uitilsil alit1hi-ifa me 1lime 1lÉ) uft e Iaif t- r Os 61 pet- puticlt. or 1% 6 tcis 11ir d i i y w- tous, 3 5 10 ta 4-ý, O " f dth(-îtluisîÏ îî - -4 i ti i t1<he lumesilyil lwîjs-î rieha Iuoflme building by bm1ws- Pur - VauJpe-r cor-J, 1 itu 16 3 1 hr is h ilso tt ob- , rr0,-,-5 il inu lit lie tiii Il.,enas ceets 17 per ct a*, of îb li- u-~ -sîw jsîur-, iepr lb, I t)Ato 2 inlsMIiL-vansrcîî-j--j. ifi- but this mde of ktsating affords a Lu ratil.~ % l -< m>sdijl IU.,UV îr;So unristaccidents by lire- 'Fa nnbr f lide- 10oPer lOOlhs t>0- lu 174 3 Mui1icrR-~1 2l c, . 13. IZ> 21'2mî. Patients aîilted ltdssiiim,4r ilun year wili 123 ' CO MiL , ~.srN -uiider treultnîeît, 356, (of these t: 5 -6 1NI F RSALI 'iifàl 1C Neiî1 f, À 1)-~~ N~Ri1 di.svsarged rîý reeovered) wseu area"Imsntte<l. < 1110(> i41'r Bil0iity. s! lw,<'osvrsîncre&c, and *20 dietl. of tise %uhlsoii uuiur 1 46 où- i . Itjj-j '1YVLîLAGE. D'lîE Y.' t)t 1>'wcc ms1isgI>sieuîe u~ios thelac s rl..i KNorhi part of No. oya, i j jj.Offire,-le ï n ee,,- y occum"iîyu s a LawN flMEY Vary' 0:11Y frumî it,6"- a15'4jîp-r wvek. -!)(làs ijOîs. dit'he 'ti> Cmihip of > DLIN- L CLtdIl Mc)aslIFa. 'l'be îsîsmiber of tibi asu itlis m'Vlic Aotlisiigi2-s-r siDAGUERREOTYPES.Dl IOC CKS luit]rs i.O Iy abo-gt uîstliird Isle lisuiubel s il)__ __ IllerProvnce, aï tv li iî'#Lîii- and 1 rMc{j, a1^4 I llises, nidud mera aril-suao 0 Il. f Fl-ýTZ;. wuudreperlful!y iifurun i'i i' uerituiiaCid- shlr lo, cal B-dus-oui. Idiots are--mui o rc-ceî- dirclitmf fsq.îily 36, %'i i tl u-Arres a .1i iIli-t. - Illse uniîaîuaiît's-siandsiiî,ý,itns il ,,.y -us tîsanu (uîunjîo, u IlAf thse hnititution. ,J'sbc Dîcîsuirt e b sricr an Li No. 17, 2îud Coi. iâby, us' by ise ut -el i ,t -i e l, lae à p-opre 0 am i-~ - ajaîs- ' $O ltO(,I SW proicite-gr uij jsbî?0awa1. 1) AiG'UlA 1 t lùOTY 1)-I: L K E NES.SSs i c-'I Ny-.-t- 'spins-li ue,îbs is. thse Variotub uvia»es ofiIe lm.asor ths u ONJUNA. eîj e,-tufi-i"rî,n nî411àri-'swhi-, 'd 'i,dî!jus .su-nict initation of t-liesenm' uliing lu a s)t-ial JepuL 151h, 18112. 23 Wji. s ii e-s.iî-vvs-ry !mîîIvloairbrareIb'oiirîs iy i0iW sllosld. Nu î ilsiielalcenî aw1y îîî,- P RUA3i îor .Or oches- buildingb'be ,,rected. l ý.1 L b __ - FER S. I omî -en ffïn A. 3L, go siPM. publAîccounts A NiE mfo ilise em-tsirre ofaIllui-Subsacrîif t 2Ai 1 iii 21 -21 n. A Tl: !itîi ý.crc bet-r uts "r abiout itl ie zi> a -i-it-of s A eortiirîî risr for 'mtsltT i if5 -4'hes pusblisc nii:IIûiintýi for-i theIî- îîriIiaNCîa Jisflîi-1 a bauve bâT n&rsi dt th-si,U w - - (1i Isle Sîl Jaîsu-ri-, î1 lc-a on isaiss reepts .1nossunîî-4 tu£783 , 0OT-af wsc tisesrî af .3IMO- wLri .sl-cttm-t ai lics porte of Quebec itid \Mgctrm'a1l; Lit,6iSO Lewer Prov ice inuitlit IJ715d i diufes-nt port n 'î-t Caii d:u Il sumof £53.51i35.N. Sil. 'va, - ia-s!ze-d 1,1,011 snterial dutîsxeiisbracii ut-N-giiui lioa-- dtebond iii I, litia asnski1% fiuses, Caabwl r aus'ins-I.11Yin le f: "lise unaunit fsrsnt public 'soî-ks Su tr-ic, i £65PO08 194. 1$1. ; anud fm-iirisleîmu-itorinl revenue £996 iu OL- 'Éise ttal Ir-c- ceipite for flisevèisr ainotintia u£4- V11SI e -)d., wlihewi srir b a atpfmr-ssisaissismlg 1I-ouil 18,50, nakes £ 1 O tl3sii ir ie e'.IÂsII- tturc amalunts la £.)'tl I ini, ii-Iu 1yil- a idou, C-2 ,23>:.661 s I-s lU ne ai tise end af tut fsrsii-'a- -s £tY*-Jj W"e rteoîiainaid tîLiS uS pkta ilus' aru-fll aute-iston sof Iîthe '-'4lî- Illce--.uef demiîed just lse Iiiory oi C.niada,ssssd wr- hiave c-vus-v easotsl'or t-anfilen-uin iieimr umîlhi fui ties- i 'c-cd aslvacîseuleat. a tlise vlesisenofa 1>s-siywUd Veïi, PIs l- set, ýhaII lt .s- ilcidler tbî' jc- oneb direction of nalthbî'ai an cns-tt dîiîik- traliors. --1 - 1 oir Gecusrul, requis-es ual aour fvrbm-hIe iîs- bation ;'but it ie tLht ecir-y ca subI persou isirst adit ivii ht thse fl(cuilnutiig 'm- of Isle reven-ue aud lIs:- c-.t <:nmîlbâiin of thse ProvincialI e-di, a -,e issus-h insjebîcsi to bisabeithiud judîiii anagsaemsent. tise visole, ie h,-ve- anîs;le robin for gruti- tude for our pre-s ;i-. rmal in-Jiii l>, rsi i vi ljok Iorward %iliî isipe and mcoufdetîce fo: ror. -Font. M steir Generales. Rèport. Wc gis-e up ihi-, us~si~ncosdct portion of our- spare t b ïibii 4iaotUîîo- mét. itwili ho se-eson t eeI>sîss4s of chcap po.,tage Isja-hi-cn einhsc--stity aUCCe>- ful. \Vi lii u cXIptudiîu.-e of b0e-iucen £80,000 and £90,000, ths± Pasetiuasr a4n mfor tiisyear til rso[rpriaioun ofiiy- £4000 tleni t ise estimai d Jlc--v- Àud notsvitisstaadsusg tise gt-eat u s.case o0f expesls1îure iticssrr-cd b>' uddiional pîostal accommodation, iltsg reut in7reise of1 aiera ad post huds4, iveai-oeusau lin t so for JsrtyPIT% ut%5i5.Sol tbis atcipation be rcalizcdl,tlse arJiCiemtnIisi wilbo inlfusitel>' greater liri a s- iaccese of Rowlad IiilI'Ss eyteis i E a,,land ho- cause wisile iu tise united Kissgdoîni, they' - UAotst postai dixtances la>'liundreds et uico, *t couisilthens, liBritiniaAs-ina, b>' tbirassdS.Tihe putlic wvll ihear wiîla un- tnizd satisfaction tsaI aur Governuaent is alirot. o he cesaity of reducin - (ho Preseant raesof et ceas Postage; an - we aisusd 1ik.. <o bé permnitîed tu ao4e tiat (ho hânae <e-et4ne~nt will- lie preliàred to Aectind a snmaure soAdeèpy affectinglise Liater4ità of 'Cif1Ization on ot stsof hbc taui, MARRIED, ýAt Whilîly,on I lise 251h imat: bytise 1ev.J.L petl, tihe resimîsure, of lise ride,' (atier, rL p1iman of the <>)insepoimrter, lo Eiza. bnghdasagtIbf I£Zrmtinuos kEsq., JU be igidnes of lise isideus faîlser, by iste ivw ,Je6fr,.usiisle 11[b mal.,M r. tOmri;.A.0 Ablisit fisve or cix -eus 'J'id, gi iiiuilk. Tiu- t(îu- . mque-sîs'situi îrove ."ja:apcy p.iy mflssugts IiduaL,-c--er ânsay. lî'sii.y 1'h -p . 185Mes $-3uns. aI i-s- Ifi.s ch'. iMnmrsed inIsle rommout Pce i"aid iutaIu-ssr ituig rsîlt>lNo 2 )tuulic h3rt ioi--~a t intheo-1i uaalof ailny. caii it i u#c 2 c-a risl, aIse' ui saask - uttsrusî s 2 salc- lai. &tsti,- i-aiu Il se-louls -ol-t l- lus- ii'iA tiiîas--aMi ii ein Ibm- C-d1'ouiu.sf 'ti'.pcis'1rslIs ittu- 5<"S.so-t hnue ait ie by tifnic-isj hri-v p onuîs IsN lti!av t..11 st-I suis-c-mto ib e- "îu-s a r1;1va .ms S lef St prsms-eumS le-t-l ilis-uis- - 12 ,is ussiioi sis- 'a-lIm I lsl>.' ii SAE.-ii-i ai i .sJu Iii- tlItItî OIjI I-utiSs- tuui t uuX-Iim-. Ari.,uand iti-rtm-r air r.- Lotsaon Sïiccie- A-i1met-t, t 'ois-n,.ît nsa ii-ttufse-rÛ lî STO *0L EN 0OR 8STI A YE jrniti ie- l- tI siî- ,éa ifll Cois- four- -y-aur Adls u s -ta-usr nîixsXl tv sau ill a lis l,u e-s'. --susse w-ite 0aish it Olct hi-r fat, tisd or'. argiesur s-us-h u.torasaiunas l s jît Ico bs- BL-VCKSMITHi'S COAL. J V.S'I' ri-rei-d, per Steamer Gnr-zrio.50 cttsstdurruuss bs-muNewvcasdle Nut Couis, tor- 041c- I-y Ghs'qierrd 'Siirer. i:iy, Sept. 1lit, 18.52. 21 .t. 0 a'ILAN WAVM. HAM[LTO1\1I and 3mO'ItREAL,' Osco a Wmî-k duriit: fise i, tison oni Na'. m4.isot 0'v c-tas2 . ru. iealliny ai tVcki-tJsn rSquaise, Oaki- suiec aussIPlort ttc-clit. a us. touCisme ai W1IITBV, Oshass-a, Part Dar- li 1s1 tan, BnuS is-ad, loau-I llapr..Coisrurm< Kiri.,,îosu unud jntcnunedistefou iâon ise fRis-euSf, Lawseutee,, (wathamr pernsiting) Ruasafa4iî's Illeç u ia-Smala4 - if tue Raspids.,and airiviusgai Puotrcl ls iiitit or Oas*seugers for Queber, ta leav b>' tise Msail Line Returing-Sbe usil 1leas-î Aloatreat fur - Uzm- ilgoiteus Tisaday aut nui, ausdlLanetiue an the àrrivaI ai lie 4 o't-iock C(ARS (<umssMONKTRE- ÀL', louschirsg ataildlise atrie nene. Paris Qut-oau er iitîingý,,) arrivirgutaITorcusto ons Saiurday Fim-enoon, aunJ Hamitasus ti-se me-- 03pYFor-rpdgId or PaaqgeaUppl Ithe Caplain on loîrd. efr ta Lacrs & Rouai, Itmalten, CUAîrtLÈ# ~ Il. 8aa, Mnrsneal. Tafrittu, Auzusa 6, 1852. 20 a~nd Kin.gScé f~ Ili ol sitni, lelias omentdeloutrta large aboorlmeit, *S'zéI Hadw<eBoots 4Szoes, ÃŽMO Y is POWER., r{ i lf a~uyo iii 11--b If WÃ"tf L01 ý~ol ac aiSinih fei arh ready ~ ~slî hi îlîii lue of bie iIî'y wl11 c sthngt Cloth for l îon rça- 3Tan«faci ist of lîrices. $atnelyarP iiclulcd,i t1- WaiC;ttdiipg5 Pei pouud, O 21. 2 Spir;iig, do, O7 1-2 )tr-s îa !0dne in propusiin. tee cilrrued an by theaibus-e Firm 3 13 -Mfl1,. duliillof tise ba0ve 'Institutin will, bf ,--uriî si us> lt(.iAy the 30th 4u- giniat 1,551. - yt-auîg t.'sustle-neil are Prespae ifor * u a ~ c- f~5V5OJI Or i,, î-.n sas --ise DIju-mag S[>s o uxamn-ns M "l ils-i îî-' -. ýf(cei4-î,or Gre-enî Sss-k- Ls-srisl or .Msdi- i isiis and l10, îs-iig ts iert1w-iv 1iintat tle 1 îi -s-eîis Aist'ises rs 3 ssuiut- tise- tirai d.iy uof si-cI .siup'yuîheiiss aI i 'î rur~ A~Tîrcis MAGIO PAIN DESTROYER, N. 13-Al arrmt o'ss rt Stck arSis- i 'ap-iîiiîv le. t i'tsupulu' t".JAMSFŽJOHiî'ST iOS, Ro-s-. W 'Ilusl'y. Anitîi b I*62 7Bn quiNft ~iî tu t id jup I-y iha lime. By uîslr o,>ýo:, PlI5ii .Fos ieu-e ,'. ;it tih e DiretInsu.4 t iii-- snJ iurdaii. AlVin fil ilme Skiui fOin.A uilIaî .lcCA I iihis'Iec-s III CLARK e,,v kïiurt. biimui, lok-eiirsdt Dibsep . 5M.c2.&Ob j D[t WINf;.h liitI1.'-.Di1.- Jm NIus le eb '.u!t i-.c-<- isstiu.-niaui i iriu os I 11u. 1'1IAMSI Mt. 1.- 196 lIssase-iy, News York-, a ic-g- :î1 bn a.stirt imituelv -inii f i îu b a e . M . UPtuurs.si f ------ - - -- --- --- ur uh-t- w.sil-ti-efîs-îcnyfui n jscoi- - TO ..IRRIUJEDL.IDIES.i o C P,1,,-fI~lblu-aoist Iv ta1,No. 5 1 I1u'tc-ci; V AtX;iiA N, 2-î ) --, îrnrisr ui- l Ise lcr'jii-s is jîcit- lcut- f us-r ert ap ' d«- irouI Ssii0-. su is a !i:is Cfitulu- us lf î lltsini - Ladtmsýu nsI ils- -- it u'lfl (ii r Ic husirasa us Oi .-snrua5,,- c-rir i c .sie- Iloriucs- i-un -s-i bc . li sc--i, -is i sîlOWI t t its-uemnos-rthe oin 'barn. ~ -aaI 'st w a f lv;;rcs. A iiu's c-r l-.itiigutc-ram lisc u O it.rtta0~tt-s-- ilalPitb s-c-n-as-s~îus t~iî - iou I bittirrs.(sîi s esur is.uy imai asae Aloi s-em ik Irruni saC icu? No. Mi. Est s-ail,. Jevesy,cuid'a sosud c0i)llu&iuin salIseuffApriiag. Iloq!esui ilildussIrim-, vaut'!- oic-ac-il srs fuil bs-u -Nf r- iuuZ. utas>îIsc-m'tIni s'.ah'i&t ,i- l- ls--me IXi-t arc- siiisted at on a-rn-vI Je w David-hai e!urned. Il sase'.Criicu Tusin tlie siiriity i-faRîCII- fll;ICI 5 mti-flic- aotîih LiufCsI l n ;0 4 lotllt 1;,41 are tc-uIy uts-ttifs-s Io learus Iliiat l la e- i -ais, ut tear i n- i belise tI -tsiy et Ontrio, 50 1) ttfi! liaIs at-irin appe-ureilîIll uar suidsf, tusrie nru. tsai.'bji-, jh î~g )sseiii~jI and 5IJuPPýî(!d 0;;5t.s'uts rievc-ry lommn a-iuh a tis iea ltuîsf uiNo 7 î:h~n. estt-er assy losiceruÀ-i th IPsionu ni kat uwho - InfiLhe sid rua-isuirsl fIE4ACt, Ir)acres loi-- stIoîli-abxotir-me!ufpsai, tira-ci, tilac usaisi-is airc-an aiwalr s-aai--e d ipipi) a i-orioi ila t--îletast!àtthetliisst ilis- lot. h c-tuas-, î-épaius se ecarrs-Iy evvr knous-us10 xisît su- te est hall i of' oNo. 7. 2i. -on. ux- '. >~Icîha.îtater i i kît-owiî, IIGE. 30 arctce inapuus-d. us lii Dus-utlitiug- Ils-ute asîsia~rrs an ltise csmiiss-s. lus-e is a goo 0(* 7 , -s5lLtin lusp-is-s-Iworiijn, auder wiih asuf-J mjýc-ijd i'tlbply of se-iter, abdtuunrs-oful 1>suin thae Wauted I.ÃŽLe;t1- l- iiisesîii n-iitlii o a ' aJ ssilhirs 1 8 mile iurri'-fcu1a Ccnusu i sfsîsiilpinur l'art cru LaskeiOnlia -, '.shictI i lu-i tiu.ud(a-so ltuuaîea ,si, tler ta-j--e ressiy errer" iy goitîsosicuud4 sai t SPusmls 4licss, Wuc-aiisi jt-eî, l'unr-fai aJiJ l 1utu, Is-l At-s, 15 sm-i-s onstise anfisinjglot, aIliu piros'sd Caril7ijulajai, Gaisi, Ssselii~s iÉ us. i, prJiJise,i itl us vv i' lu-nrfd. -t i-, tlof '.5tli ri; îuualrnssse ius-ugiJiic eif Aigs. s srs-sil Dq-ellinit loîsp tand lat in the my ;Ipiyiitg'to ,Iew DÀel Pl for a lue tis-ts VI LLAGE-:o! IIROOKLIN in the Tussrsstahip oai; ur s Alsa aBuildsnsî bol im is le VuILLAGEmof 0511-- -i AWA. jus the sii of lputWlIIITBY. f D 11<s ,A1Il e Prmec-iusg pcoper i (u satiiy ansd lo.- FRNC catio ns thei tinst miS c'salit ctîsturamsiiil RNOIaisd lie tlsapueul of. T1 tta sif ur-ai-us-lic-s t r-nhaaseusuiaoni î411pîiri-)I) uua iC. SM. KkL- flATETA I MIPIAIUR LeiR Flq., TllCIMNID ltL,or-iothe Wisrs. 't-lustlas- VILLAG E aIOSIIAWA. ýAlf appsl- Sï- ou-sI mai iif Isy tetiet, p.aî-pusid.- fi4 OFF-j H F.'KELLERt.i Oshaa. 91h Au 11sa,452, 1 e-t>.' For Sale - - ats anad Mire, sheevruei sus isuectemt, - iea eve Ibo aIýlai h'àe insonitheeii. i tua#[T uUIl i~bsr-taroivr f- mtîe uti~a- t-arrJel ie utaid of-c-srs- in. ti ur, eifectI lféii *ay pla-e adS sidue. pa-ruy eituîsîed i4isPICKERING, sa oiesuo mil is>rrmsie ortai Vih froc> Frenchtusau'a I3lcy aussi lweusty-five lion, To-i rosto ro-uisinzî of c u ioj MN HUNORED ACRES OF LANi cIU O &k- ou wieicIsa Fir-st-rate Saw Mill, 74 tfret l lue a priîist ausd a ganig of Cireu!ar Saws for cuit- Bewc&re of Coirnt rfeils 'uw rang Laih, &. bîmvnly an nvershot seisl 1 wffis - - met lShaCtsanaudigeaiag, al filleul up sla ths esr 'FliThe fxireos1rlsry sines of NI, Duissyl Rat mne ihabluîdarsee ai was'r thc year rourid, -Exier»Ousalor; bas oeiled the omspl4ty of>s*îme. There ila ago"s dsouetanij rc-soi-ile permiset la <illtcI~tit CO F AG uo js f, I Jrquue for MDuiloy's Frenchia le J r;t Saw,.ysr'iî Houses, Stables &é,,on thee -, e B0cntq.,N .,sl Aéia A14n.-n Aitle ibsbuiltding are'Vran.sulbâtatial 1 o» rnv. - __A il 1 A bLAa ILn ~P?- t'li svcL flUJ u lLrIJil. J. A.S. C1miîto ce Pridet ;Buiiss. - j1J. J. IIAYrs, M. D. P ai Pn sý- I J. Luxi.-i laaat-rox. G. TS Wo~ -î, .I1JC. iuzo . 1 alli i1es a nd iiz W-r Goo»tt)fear tl& ble b C.Pi mm. a nsassc i h 'Ch re <iku Cuc tretTalu nse e -ntevral if s-enleio tcP bici cn Thc iiner,igr nd being ro fue d bpote Agent îldungu', il is , ' i ieiîrudrd b on -J t sal a rauby, Fre a.12.4 .ks mi ire j e aie, fafe ar iedansi(> ats th mîu i ) ,1 . oL L Pjcalsibiu, iorn iT -,Iw tYIipy. ým1; li~T. i a itesttn i e U Icits <oaS- EWIADG'MBROWN, Th u-*tib.%crier aîinrseocs pintod hAnto -x1bich will bc &guMaa'tee4 çqual tua 4scriptioin usarcîe flouts,anid c, 500 0 0 I2 iarsce Englis] Building Lot, -50 (0 0 1 Double (4sae fand4otre Buscqy Maire, 5byozréimld, 25 0 0 I Lelpite Valt GoocI Horse, 7 years old, «tisit troue,)17 1(i0 0 Wbell 1 r Boggy, neaily riew, 20 0 0 6 fIii;eyld l'et Dn aVgýnn, newv, 17 10 0L 15 Fui Capie, Hôrt' Cart, ie, 10 c0 G0I12 Martin'à Wi lCutt 'el, G5(l 3S14el Hoes, sincle Wga,(iran ale, 5O üSe! pai Set Bu 0aresrew0r J > 24 Stel lu Sin e arns,3 O O 1 parloJur& set Ciiit llarnéa, 1 15 0 10 CIi'>ih arid Fi Double Barrel Ours & MaIhogany Case, 5 1 ilO 6 sik lis agi Sinle lBar) el G ln, 92 O O 6 TSnîtyIVhour Ne w I'ough, 4 0 5 blion Miabig -Poilî llôrrrwocl-, j 35O 'iTca a Writirsg Desk, iO( 400 oth;ed Q Lever Watcheiu, rapped -,- jew- ý > O t'lied, (e, 50 Pize,..o .et*.osego.. .......... 4 T hc abrnve List ismonrîxirxg l t~o r; Prizes, will hr diawr lou] a sitni jhered'l irmes u i o Wc No, 1, correapoun'lung lu thé- Ticketsà Wheet No, 2; 5150 of ihe a5iiyi- heisig rairdwî W ivrlI:z thlattriich nuil tml . asn qua;i Cil.11ce ape rrii% iion'8ri 011 iic-6 On *bc her eori i a LofOa L ,)il unwhirh iç erect rfJa 'VSI,$ ilie ,ntt),Ir parit of )3 asfiltei utp as a M -1u ,10haiî L ('s .P A ise, 32>124 (e'Ui, l iilbroui'~ r A 1Iso, aa Ib14, 24 >,,18, u4 exln eîwith rnew ýPuismpon the poiean.U a nsuirîbel of Fil wiii cosîilue Piîz. 774tr Wil/i te _32)O TiCketS Ut ONE DOLLAR eccwh, 10 o'clock, , prýcciscy. ,611 or arlyoaitcie ao eI'riztis may Iv aiccusre a bcdi;ul Whilby, 141b July, 1E52, ."feuriber. i.rit ndeirhs- tbs3nks ,or.it!eliberal fàr the lait,:hrs. eyears, h)ega lu iulir:i e~t he chas Jus, rrrmvrd dirý-rt from Engi 1.nil vji N~ the Iarget and te t assortrd SI( S T APàLE ANr"D F AINOY, ~~~er!; [CIt îso > \ -tt tof u Osy Gua~ii Borilets, Parasols, Ribboiis, Printed ]IS1îin lIit~ iPoplins, lloyle's flarege of thft La el' s 1);-y Guods ;ve-rs' exîuslve, sand içwer Ibo 36 ooa inch Ileary 6Grey Cottorie '5d. SOK 0F CLOTII' C oiîisUv ~'îpartof T eed, Doe-sù. hi iwere ail1 ixpo tedis i Spriusg -mlilii be sold er-tremely c lrdac Ckçry ila veîycvpeland Nwiilie -old li Pliscehrcq Wtitlsy, Apdi 20, 18Z2, -0VIF ,LshldiCS' I - 1 - COUTY, TO' CONTRAI rrÙNDERS 'l 1 1 1 - 1 /1

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