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Ontario Reporter, 2 Oct 1852, p. 1

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slin ?Ui3LIS1IBD EVEftY SÂTURtDÀY MORNG.- 'lIN SISILLINS CI ANUMPERImVAC ' Z arn a. maa4 anti VOL, 38. WIIITBYý, CANADA, ' __________________________________________________________________________________ a I - -ml be*nuIf fol lycr anydi"eaaIrectin;the TIEETIt tiR GUMS, àrtIrl laii 'eethliascrttd on Goiti Plîtac or f'i lot. Front one to lut entire Sett. fiieover Mta.tL% 'a sost Srosa, cornerof KIN£;- and SIMCOa strcets. Dr. David Tumokor Un-tA'aOATix >Mtucusg & Aata, Tai.,tiv- .irwood, Oct. 2511>, il. 2$ XO'1>TR Y - P UB LIC, Itemmlumloer of the Court of Queci's enrh, Conveyancer, Draughlsinan, -ISSUER OF MARRIAGUE tESSA ACCUN'rANT. - 'Qlce uiaar the CCourt Ilotuse, Village of ~tAXitE~EU, 'o-wit-lsp of ItrAcit, C. W. 24tf L. C. ri[OMAS, Commisqiuner of Quctrn's J*nczh Eruukur. ,1>.13, l1"~ 2,2 if LAW OirFion. Atto1rnean md onelraLfW 4t. &c çe EXTIORIIINAI!Y IEVEIOPE3IENTS. VITE CELEBRATE)' -COMSTOCK ..MEDICINES CHEMICAL PIREPAIIATION, asO nell kawn in Canada,- have been, bauueftilly counterfritrd endsd îtributeeti iuu Canada, by the very persans 'aiho, ovmru their own igtitfttureof, have alnîitied l at Dr. Luvcius S. Cominori of tfev York, ih the oa:y Proprictor. 'ltes.- aiticies are IE1-The OR EATV P A 1N E£XTR4CTM& V, Connfue.) euriuîg ail etifias, enti ail Externe! aifanti Sq*sas 2nd-B.ILM 0F COLUMRT4, for.StayÃŽng and) Iteétoriim the flumar Htl. 1 l" Y RNIi If )iê ONK LIMEN T. anud'INDI4N JGTABLE ELIXIR, a cure f r alIhetumatiama. Itb-.M5'.SR tWOI.foirre ail1I>eaf Perdons. 5th-IIYÇ LINIMENT, a weil knoon cure t'or the pies. &a-. &W. 6tb-D R. S P OlIN'S SICK ICEADAdIIE 7th-.-MTIIR'S RELIEF, for aitl Wunera tu -7 te 1"amily way. 8th-LO0N GLIEiY' 3 GREASIT WESTERN INDL'2N J.1 CE-.For Colt), andi feteri,.h feelirss'siandl pres'erting ~fees.- 2. l'or Aihma, Li ver Couispainl tni Ellnus affectuorssi. 3. For Diaishossi. isiepfotion aitiîsLu[ssso) AIpetitss. A. lor Coativeno4s ina f.maeiantid it-.nsîr vous complai ns.- .5, PotStôniaeh affémrinns. t)ysp;;Isia, Pies. Kheunsiilsm, K&c. Thu.rîres*t pirigare, it as nutal aa uaker, facer %vives pais, aud fie. sor Ileas .a"motrs 011if. .1 9tik-îfl. Bli VlOtomLII'>S PINK SYRUF l'Il,- K(,L XSOCK' S V IIUF(Worm e t i;i j ia.isarf1ti < t.4ase intsraally almtaah'psa to-hte its i frit y~'s-t oi O ia i svs, i, s aa sastrirUsvul taaas.t- or W I>v ts 1'isssaiýi ,7i.~tC#¶~ X u .>~c' f ut'sathe C lAOA nW E s T ,is.ç s ai s-Oa s- ls t5a5#af st'ag scur. U3ROCK.STREET, WIIITIiY- is, a-fa-s lit wlibi ýiiis n .rî'iȕ a if ts ui b i o - - -- - - - - - - ~~tliat ts4tttielil.artaeri 5siafa bei)y ta-nspsi INSU R AN CE OFF I CE a s ssiasW5s tlireela 'uerlsss!y frray .alnsys L YAUe\ALLACEbeg tianats. ' hat bu bas beca appoiu.tiitlAgens t l'o PftJiNILf-lIUL &ItEREI1L -E Z. 9 S4 97 - CffllPt~'c ii 9 us s ihthu prisani u ttke rimkâi ut Il r iias rIssîr ' : ~ ~ > fat",in t)Ile N i uaf. )fultty 1 3'iss. -~ - -rZo ~ Ã" ¶,r.aches (-saai Cu mpasy. - - ' c WORKMN RiOTIl ERS &( oCo - NIo. 36, King Strot Torontoi cmsnrmsO W~~TtUV, ~~I7 k.. s r>î:JtaESbil.iv -.mri , ~T1~~Y'X lé D Tt U G 6- 1 S T ~ o NYIIOISAT ANI)RiTAfr 1 M<Ljfl srert, 1V4ilnb'Villagec DEALER M T~ TL , UM J0. RICtE FPEiI1w) la apptuttet Wboiesiaie & t-'ail A -a"I. ^Loo btt.NFtC TiRER OF SOLE, JJVEJR, ÀND IARNtS$ LEATIIEII &C. Cash PIN4for Iies nd Xkjnx. tW/tt, Wtlithy Villar- 711j Jaînp. 19M. m 1 ~1V2tt un t~nsI~u I o! llcti lo rpltEubaduer luprepared bmake CAStI on POT AND P'ott %iiiby, li Auçust, 1830. 1 W418411 I 1WHISKEY I q0)BAtl1Et's piutTl>OVER Wut 1uey fur Sale, very toW, I1w Port Whitby,May a,î~ T'HO lAiUL DOLK D eR IOUN Prprieti etctlfltacc~nr't <insfor trayeletr4. Good sê(bin< for lherses. Il Il 1H11, Dy SUREDL!I M. rNOLC4LIR. END-TRIJNK T Hr. Sub.'riber bscntn! on band îhé. above artilte#, whicb,,hto m ill set) cheap (or .cah o cedi. OUERT.GARTSIIORFE. Whiiby, June 7ub. 1850. ALEXC. PRTNGLE. - ~ lu WHT'Y VILLAGE. .AI1 ostrasla hi& line prôbiptly execited T>hi W.u*t FaithM sa4oq. on Aand. Whlttý', Arr!!l!, 1850o. F. 0OST PR, HAIS! NEW, NATS!;o FIE Inbia'bituut* of whiLby and neigi- r t),otrhc>osl are bifarn)etituttho.t)..itcrihfCl bas noW lu Lana l las KOW 'rlgg, o con. t.inirtr ail the !ew St les tsli t.at . FauNIc and Ai a ICrl A TS. . AISO, I<bu setw na sucb ireat demnansi. G,.nîienluIV$ililLl thi* Hat Ernpn it>ns, Wîll sef the greaicat assort- metuinuCartiica. Toronto, Apsit tut. 1832. Gou.ur SAL 52- N W. MARBLE WTORKS, WOLFFiNDES St 00-t 'I 'NFCUIR and iDEALERS i il )Iuîittiii iig sîitu-\Ioiir%l Grirtirours. W/diite, Gi-ten, J? fic 4- Varhsm'gated Mlandel. .qnigaQ-d Siass ha.. Sti Mats, Pttshut $S'urs»ca.. V aserv s-arity or A ¶IMIo MwilpIdîsli i1 -"Uperi r tyla sof tIse !?o«t Matarial. ans N iL"a 'a, ir o a' iat Ili a vo i os< timpoli Stîus 'a) site oItsassbs'e! I rr.ivd iasa i)~r-aStnrr, r. WîssRYa. 77tes Il i/.on an.3rkluant Vill«>re Agne1tý let i i 21-il Ni I~AVTi R 91 /Vestcrit" Ï~ssurt'UceComnpany. l(1 OFFICE -. .TOItON*ro. 0 01 tal-£ViO00.000, or TE% rtfýt as? TL rssiia rj1ll4COMANY hliIILotml '41111sv l'f:RSONAi. tife In"Yai litliril .ouf5 faaasniae asOs s~otur esusfihts' 1Cnrnasries. il-,> i5.a,...a.- i-..-.'sssl r e rmSilsrs null N.e un aîs til a te iobti sî'saoîabie prîsaci- asuar C. Gimor, I igh Miller, Thsoms, lsawrn, M.aiP. llssys. Geuluas .Mas'hie, Wm. ltersldesors, Jamtes Beny. e Eia'e Lesi, al-id Joshn itttWfiats ExjîmiseS. flobs tertion, Ebe.- -- - - - ---ec- ans iTresa. Tha-iaesiîrs-i)avmsIeen apîsoiricel Asers ni the asinve Coampany, isil itci- esirat aitens- gion1 ta, Psartie* detioux anf efsesartiot4mlsrsanae. JAS. WALLACE. Fl'e, Lifeidrss M 'aI i:suracre Aszs-tt. Fa'bru'ary 5. 1852.. 43-1t. 'Iaiîi V I1('1 t' I 1('1Eit ,ni:: î1N'br siît -fopuin'o! flUena. %i-tc àat'ra';ié-at-ilIobafeicei'eaHlstaltfoiliuasr IIIVAT(i) iLIN t*4> Frotte tr1ii'f-i 0' 'T.si t' tthe saale liastitutious asortieinwrsaat ofhir anlsinrslne' ae eorsiur,-a (lU 1-S Sie Puît assI Sartiarh. sasih iai aupes inrt tlsîsti,, ras is"wOn' of r a.i iitî I..yCoils. C l'ile as., boîtiig 'aîihCs'as ui- uthe. Ib tîiîitof thie -NuewCouîuîy of' orittieo. &s-. Os.n ~ E"i"Vs A j- 1,'1 C,-: V" :;'. T!AO PSO. APSSN & Co. Lt \l'i ii'eil<I) nsiss1l.il t s 51 <u'rs ai cil'aires! lCaa urhnaa feca Wbhimi; A1 nx't2tQ5t( - --l--. - the F ace. Nervous tIe-adatat) Tooth Ache, Cata qs W .dtoLmuc Qiîasy, ac. oij 8 W E E Ir1s IT'E Subcruber bas A FEW THC>USAND N F i. .. IfIL EV ~V T EIl, a CR14*-Qt Wilri Land I o leasu-il ticfollose- N VAL 1.1 B E' YE WAT. R, ng Tonn'ibpe, Recl. tUxôniige, Nor/s GwUim- Ciirest Soie, latiamesl or Weuii- Uyes. IL cores bfiry- Bruck, Iiorutk, MîirM, (friliaTiniy, Tay. nateai-iieiaient), .Try t. itisesCil>ri'a.5L5pâEMiîFn" 'rt- î~Kt~'G 0.' clL, ton, andL Gps, lTe Mont of 1<hete iatiu are oet1tii' V-, K1 ý-4 Y CJ L S, . 1beat qilalii1Ya md Msil 1fwbestt for a terreoi (rott Ct e 1r 1it-ceratctisoreg, Cbiibiaiaî, , v. endila fiOve ltaaevaess v. -às-f1ipesdidn sprt esituation.,iin inailible (or maruy. externait)i.eeaes. TrY il l ots et, lnfomi 2 ) te 100 a cres eac h. t ýa ny one &%-'ho you w n'hî:ut regret il. i i h cao, rîcar,;iînd fene. nla uztoosi anti work- TuE 0-LY UNQU sL D CI"Oi . aurlike ninaarer. nuthihe <bsi.t..IAtime, aquaatity SWEET's, C LEsA ED BLACK a'l ut 8xtisan2h0 scre' on eue!. la' ,- u Ail letters, pat-piaii. desirinar laformetion cnn- 0 1 eS F() e, 10 1 1' C'ATTL cerniuig any nf"Lbheî,amisru)ar loissila ruser o thet Tire beat and r heapei mediriie kiditnA'n andtislaavet-ownabipas, will h. answeresl sithaiti delay. n'rli rcnerimuedsby gpretiemnes ofuirowii Colle)-. LT. ÃŽBUSH, try. Ail tfithave usrt)ilb sPeak n'elleofil For Whtby, July, 195f). 16, tesiimoniali. Cali (orapr pje.Tivtoîuon'in% I certiiheute la fronta F. 9a.S-beaziaEsE.'so of St. Cabberineea, Canada %Weat. "IlW C. SwyFr.r Ar<uTISUB Ptsac.-l av. PATENT TItRASHING MACHINES. for maiYyeatas iedi#t' i ii$ f tOi orbeos, ansi causafely-recouatnus) lite i Public asi a fir6as 'g'HE Subseribers baving been atvuointed lit pearat ion bar sciatcises, galia, çits, bruiseff, Agents n Toronto for the.salent thfse Ma- ipans nti efart, sores et aitl ilda. Iliâis l,, are non' prepairmdsgo le zete .rniea lo îhiuçbtri'J' f u hactutrheasItesfpanîlsa»e. Tise>' are worlnea) b>'two blimes, te- lu increatiui<.1Ihave saset) many preparatiolot 1 e q ni my fiveeattprdsits.s ns! sali) îbrasb and! boises, but tic preférý,ytce 1 i eO uuiuueitaincly 'ta leaim 2O0 Biueis Wheat.'ina aiday'; Thse.Ma- te csriebrmted Black bile, miuuuaîturedlby W' C. I hl# are iunequalled' by uy ia# uie, and w1uere Sn'sei, Rocbeter, N. Y. 1 wrult atvise every I îfy bhoane knowu llxey. taire the plae e ail borpe owner to keep a boulie of thse abovee -01f on joebuas. tai), for ifs iimely us its$ae#tiineuiud moety. Prp 7'I l rI Iloî'M go t tre Thee'a weaiub fi)r yoln aada ,*is,4wuuitîlt n auy he woli, A~;weaith îîiisna be smôn, boys, y to ur. bau$ Nsron -and boIt), Thetii d(vl't ;0 5 îuîirn Stay aitkionieid g"(ber oldi Oh, st.y A. honte, à.utmy ai homne, WIî)1 flends yo0iilove boili4y.ý Tiherc'u wraib for jouli iCaniada, Ttîerc'a wea»th lin L. teemning volteyio .Deepî buriii t he poil, To work, tg work. witi, the, spe and plow, And Wif* iut tb millill loit, Thefo'. euutb'f éf' cydmokt, boy, 'fhat *teep Ji)ta Ua.hidy graive. Tbî'u e's weatilui .i oning hards, boys, 'fbat ovet oîîr wid buIs suve. Tho.n sîay ai one, IOh!a uay SI bomne Wul, îl, iiitiaesl yos ôvto 0day, Ttaereà *eaity fni yoi, a iii <a touks aad ils O1h, ttulher it wh4e you iay. There'a woaiîh-iii :hiip tai koli fors,, 'Y<OI,) te »akp'aisd pitlis lta., <.0 4,atlaur ilwtuic YQU'Vu eaith and traogl; WiV, he -Xe~, fdit. wed4c, aibdil Oh, lbefeas 'irailh in the wvarng ïJliGes8 *berea werb ih heibo-ig' oshl, And)là Faioy,'*a waati wth grieus andit l1 o(ing il l'gr 701 ~a Alati, a t hopeia $ l't-e'b w.'ailîh oi s til i,., toteM, boys, galbher IL wh 70W ua-Y. lif'he, alttýullil, the cta£!à!ybil4sidest- APIs il(, IUreles ftua my Witt if l'sani the aterp iilaltai) Lds Uf arc, Ni rec'5ils foi illta i ;)g mdI4rri01, Bu, ail oie nc ew$li i tr, f1>qtaaakcli t itV, 1-seos ni As. î 0 .tanUhs iiy *illl f51 'tsa nes aiîh in the vni):!latities. boys, 'i taer& e*îw-alii li. f~ile à,hady dtdls. '1hL:,.a waai-u;iil, the. al aduws gitî't, boys, liiasi'q wedii th i tisy Jféis, T LeWi, netteî, b ê bnajîsdsrg btooka», bliys, 'Th'ati uaridle :hiuh oui Ihttt> lueorc1b wlb sa oui danuatg rila. Vienut ayayiuthome, qb,- aay ai home ,Witlute ic îends jou love to day rhelsa .Uldil, oour Lan uîîi illas, boys, Oh ! scu*her tj-,4 Li y(u ay. TIee' ealîh iu tI1e wintiy wjind, boys1, 't'heee'swralir ina 'ht auisber ,,howers, ÃŽ,btr'> walih a ; l0 IIa ies, Tie.sweaitl u the, aaiçl;iou's ..u-stshate, Th5 re's weaitb ira îbe 1aalaiiegtv, .Anda4every tbI.s-aoilltus:qr ise trees ,0 43arrusri V<Ul (aryous MarÏ I J $iav Aoh, b1jy £1 bat=,- 'Mýorig f*fis you love lu dav. ihefel'à weass)ih ha he semn ald sun-ibute,- Oh! gahel il uihile youu ricuy. Oi ! gpher it wbite yeu may, boys, Wuîth t j lon', lk e u, ad à1ue, - %WIih tIse rtîtiock, the lpsek, aa ciowbar, The axe, Witt, ilis gasacim blaile, Tite mikd;as rue iuriç, andaas)mie âiaViI, Th hï4itier the sa1aauaj phija,- fii ithaakle aiscythe eais-eaauJ diM) Ob 1 atuy atSInom, oh, %sayt a iboule WViif ituikait Issu hil yaaa ia aai>, Theîaa. sgutal for you iu atihasa i Zitaay, tIsuî vriL nbït ytiuu ay. OIg o riot ta Caîhlosutlia, beys, ,l)et i à isai ua tlb l t anssit, * int ise hostieâ ymu-ieitvaelti, Tbcite'swcsall itu an de nsritihnz 1love, 'liels wiun'eilh unilIhe wife's tonud geais, TI %-tsnauli iii aàsslcr'steirms, ' %'eu's eath ina UrnOituer'g tetra1. Tijastu .tay ant uotue oh, sua si :horne, EsaIjo> il 'u' Iil W >Y0t> 5115, i Frdf Us I atisote), ) Queue, Sept. 10, 18e).> MY' DICAit ý Iuc- 1 got t ee.vl'ry coelitrtablu quarters ecari>' bisuurang. havunîug e buhe ,towland i-.tll' te couîinue lier jouruq teo >siesarcal, wblle 1 lobbied a lutile at ti's Stat of t,,overniaeutt. dill the. Uik of îhd beur is the Celebration Excurion to -5ber- brouî&e, te whuch tihe two U.oktses of ea'r- liiment are to go in a body>. lstetig tie imek e ua of tiheparty, 1 applies! to l 1)-, one of thme Direetors ofe la- roa4 Comapany, for a Card, biut te uiy el- rvrevent\seamb.it traveling on Sundays, to [PMn Mni. Liqtior Lawq, and 'in fact ffl- ta you in ail your variou.s isin% of the. day and when we want a trilling privilege for our Nues, you te against us, becatise of 70cr dettutation of poper>'. Gentieinen, t4%i thing won't do for u-lit is reciprocit>' like thbudl o f a jug, ail on Que id.- It %vould. be far better for us to joi hie real>' tuerai part>' in Upper Canada, the. Coti»rvatlve.s, nhan be tied by the neck ond beels to bueh an illiberàl pack of cur3 ub yoursev.s." Lïs lareaill>' hat îbey do :sa>', for 1 heard more tIbm one expresis the saule sentiments . 1 ke tie present inits- try perxoianl>' and politically, for tii.>'bave douc much good for the. country; but 1 have ever deteaîed the levellwng principles of tho Clear Grits, and É-ive evuer feared the>' %ould causaêthe destruction of the Ad- ion' tronzg aâ iL apparent)>' 1.- ~bere ks no saaistying them-tbey cry gîve ! .ýOive ! and-the more cur.emaiorix aý- made io th.rïî, tilu more Uic>' deînand. - lîberal on- the extreme, tbey ýstrive to pin, everv 41usulâ fiith to theL* cr'eed, and to fastiion e>'ery ma&*s conduct to tbeîr own narrow- sonduhd standard. of these Uclut Gritî, .d r. Bîo0wVuui te ogmiuhq f flo'itlta'. me iost up niitjan f.,; aLigoi ïv entwortt, th.e'> mÃ"st obstinate, becausuf the anost bi"joittd. But t,>uir ruailcladtx- is y>'> rn.yon dackenzie, who unkownv even te theniselves, pulls ail the atringb bwliïch roake thew puppeLs <ance.Mr .sackenzie is reallv -a4wot4derful mlan i o) quai talents witîb Papinean, he k5 Iela imeis hieegy, and bids lir onice again to -Cda distuguitïbud poiuitlo n lt he 1ovtrn. 1 )U~n of 'Lse iounrry. lie i% now isigthe Auar t..rits fornome ultterior purpose Of bi% %vun, wticb muaSt soon magifesî itef;- for 1 a ba W Lbiizik, wiUiis i4great poQliticui ue;epcnce 4aud rusai a"acity, bu bas any il,'IC! inat. îhicy cati suvcecd in doin çifmore t;siî aino>' theu tl Fur lDr. ob Àîak: (bienu, and Sir. callicron votes agau>t .lituit. ou people mlay doubt >iiethe, 4-eure b£rowîi abould b. clasied à.4 a C icaï tâtsit, but ini wIuatier cate-ror can he be plceud 1I lis bitud i certain!>' a-ainst ever>' îau anid everytbîng, and ever>' ituau'ï lan, uagailis t hbn; but bi, artio hitîturto ini th ia" oue bave ehimeid wotb, those eit t:. 1lear Crs, ýaud wilh tbem be snUst be Tbah:re are in fact four parltes la 'tb, iloue t. fAbleibi>, '. r!t, tai îîe L o f t rattr>'i ubrado. ncaatilt:e btutter tiuOsed fbu Canada ineliîsabe-L tt:OhJî Ibe ee Po STCuuw.-B3y baif-pasî seven ti ve- rowit ing, the whole Of the eXcursîion part>' were pertyb cwtbarked, and tic steamer took bier depar- £2OýIO tui f'or Looguiuul, at which vec are te ar'- Iental, rive te-unorron' niornin . a i elri oe*lock- Tie Governor Genérai, bis Serretary antI Our 1 Aides-de-Camp are on board. vlehe itb yesterdaj saine baif-dozen of bis mniuiter5. A large roe bMrst proportin of the. flou!se eofAssmbi>'bave ;tIe PFn aise donc! sheavtcives the honor te açcept îbou, h sý te invitation of' the Rail Rload Directo-s. e. on hv Sh. oni>' meuiber wfr.>formaIt>' refusrd !i trb r ui n'as Mr. Geo. Brown. 111-; reason wast tii! soiný "the da>' <id net suit!" iun,,l>iraiat hi ginoo reiurain., to ~ub.a îsiibt csraha ou Lb. - ui-ifÏ eibbaîtllOtiuît unatburmade to whicb bis coniCI2entIOdUr',î ýirjuî ,cru;)Iej Parzs, objectc.- Tiere are mnty mu.-hbctr e' ' lnu thtian YIr.-Gea.- B3row r oaburi1, 11' h--t lsuF bol o>'knwi sa weid a.~rieIîss Iaman, b-t ut mian cauio avUW a Ch w i a:y teck up ra>'spoens fouaa Min wnVt u il make xtielu-an ec-uid ibno. Oa ola; n'sL a'! .,L >.. .he yaï muatira ali115vox51A ,,at't.iprwitî .b féw, rrtre t tehi- s he oo. Most of the fOIkaLiiiare ;iu luuinsuîevcs irs the btst n'a>' thec a, and -îben i have fiii>netisun i 1 ,I bT s J milst', te i.- . i~ Thle Detroit Daily, Adrtiser siay's that COUI Mislî Ida %Willains,a )onz itîgis lady. w About120 years olîl, iwiu n'ab a p xîa' D oua board the Atlantic At the lime o! Ler ts, Il with gTrat noêsýt> ans) prs>perty 'S'Ile iad wt FuNt arrives! i tlalg icountry' frota Ereglans!,yo and! wns traveliing Westward wîtb a view- es io select a location for a future eldrae, u att coun5san>' nitb a twin broûther, a iiirried l ionk 151ter, a brothpr-iin-Iaw andi twri tleire-, ai)) cOi- o! wbeuavere lost. Site states Ithu<lue bcv sast reccoîtection blue bas of anyîhing wtvl.eh arn c'JO'. paeo Atlant iIsbricen h on asst4- I- o Lsaunor pic o0 oc- am)!aI ils ber brother, and hbottins lier aise te uts i1-01 ifýruutd brbcwasu)ue h s'î.h ue o a ýtts ,i-t u n u C bra tlii-h i tan sil > un lieî- trative par1t>', about -twei>"af.,ve ta utustber. taCdilatti waul's aselti>' tpper Caanadiauui, the luader Oý ud bbcen k3 u whoru is uiotwackaoaïvIed0ed tu bue theIlon, l'ns'of n bi .aubn A. .'IacdoIaIj' o! a Kirgt~oa. 1ir ,bicreient etf lie -Clear Urits, s..arcely nutuber-ing a do. teu! ans! s>syipa zen, but iaaking up in as-uruoce for paucîl> l.';siiteveï 'la nuu.r - uth, .iir, i'spineau ans) bi> reSc iail, ablout baîf as nutusreui am the. Clear a eSc- -zrt.'l'isus thtietssments are discordant vîsut to Waxlit% elluaoe~h, ans! m isehief ina>' arise out o' an>'o e b CeImmia ooota i t due various eOsi)ieeists >tu sri>' îie.'mtrry the ezial . ii,, Adiiisnràt'ieathou--b intheisab1seCne hîuw aausiî c euid bu or-med isa doubtîcs ta icrUc to tunielva wnyter. 'lie Conerva- fonual interand tives seouts) score to do -otherwise titan Cursas biml>' yuse the Clear Grits andste lie ;i~ tion wclidd bc sud the latter wvouîd rniquehtionnably prefer pýeî" tt'C. 'lit. due preeut ruilers to an>' Cosaservative suc- highl>' gratufit cebsoser. -lt 1, -ibereture luntt ke sArong the del o!f tb*ir.adversârieb that the re~il trewyu s4ha1 s ottif ti o! the Sliitry lies. But .nîtupph cf peJi. ulsted Wasbi tics. tiuimber at tis Wlieuthe fjous met at itre, 'csluck 9j souls ;the. Fo becamne a Lobby'îaeiaber,-an Ui4-taunitil The tt'ibe stili six o'clock, wben Its adjcurné4 in lime for and matiers bu the, emzbarkation at sevcyi. 'viir. 'a no re-'nuvtd tIndu dIebate, but a good demi of sharp cro»!5-firiug,,j dislike schools§ yet. as ail tuit was sais! and don. wîll 6e linp,and mn, IMW] te m B.ý1- Ttri 1 1 1 -

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