t 4 t * ~x~.-~~-.mL.i-- .~,,,' r &'~XI~XPT$11ED £V~ER~Z SÂTUUDAY MORNING. l'EU 115<LMNOU PUE AI(KUM-IN AD VA!eCL Z mmm m~u1 mmd thtmk m.tbiag ~msaSmAt*I?~t ~"""<~ f - VOL.4 -8 WHJTY, ANADA WBES il- - . lminate, end à Ssiiamd à brdried naines of operisabbe menxery pasai away from the 8110 dutrirng tlhe coitinuance of orne greater In addon te auch refiections asibese, lich of theinselves votid Nuffice for a ne te beviider Our ileaA, it inuit bc re- lmbered, tht the event iwbich *irebave 0* te tolemize ir tà al!y iithout a pre- edent Ntqer itisnor any othertcou-, yý bas ever, in mnodern tintes, lest such- a m. Tii. obiequies of Frenchb Mkarshal ave irithin a (air yer& been ceiebrated rh becooeiug pomp; boit, ezeepting [bat ronderfe coaque rir, miose conqucaLa did et keep paco e hlu ftbere was no ,rencb General -te b.e ompared with ours. or irere the other bélligerent Stttes more rodiictive. If we mare n0W te recapitu- ite the iantes s ait titles ef those Austrian rRtissian or Prussian commandera irbo tot! ide by aide *itlx our grent hero, rit fouglit in otixer fields for the çme aise, [bey woult obiain but a partial re- îgrntîen. Biucber's credit s Welling- on'u comtrie, lias giçen bim anincidentai nomw; but Schwarzenberg, 'tVurinser, Vittgensteln, and Klist bave little lionour tyond their own ceuntries. Neitber can a'gland herseif be said witit justice te have ver known bel ore the oblig-ationà i of [n-day. rie denth or Narl.)orougli and Nelà on sup- ly the nearet parlteis. but the case!s are ar front iiar. aloo~s~nrt - t h: sue; t:îîa'eof îboe" tînes, '4Idpo'etl 01 in a fautînolte ai thé*Itottont 4 a piage as [lii of the --fai listrr.-iîw ut o' %e iE.îri of -Srunderlitud." M~ore ijînjîres- ve iindeed, and aflectirg as elsam leparttîre. for he <ied ln the.artns of vie tory, nt Enoelsnd'q own emi-uet, and before il ad bee'n shoien by the grcat Captairi of ,bc Petionuta that ire could aspire 10 mili- lry reWn. But, theugb Nelson tan eareely bc said te have doue less timau an- ther, in that lie left notlîing te be' donc, it mouid be liard te witblîuld from the services of haif a century aoume higher meed titan [bat of even teu years' glory. Wellington bas been al l w e~oî¶as perwitted to ec. Its year bave been protrncted te the lutgest span wittteut an itai[' reinlîsion of bis services iu any capacity itibict e- mained te bhlm and it 15 Oow for us te ren- der the scknowledgment of deserta irbicli bave accuntutateit frei n e, ag* te anottier. TO PRINTE ^'loç. De&tkfthe Dub W.Ihgti. jutken place ba protucet the impression cul vrbicla mas te o, b espectet, and mhicb vil' iii' Fr= t ha London lïme8 of Sept. 161t. bca ibret in'threîgbout erery part of the .#ce country. kil -the shopa were clesed, the, stil Thora in. hWe t* b. toýi utediately streets were deftIrtedl, the l.g at [lhe fort bearirng upon tlie-évent wlich vas tis' vas raiied haîf-inîsît hitgh anud an air of vi mormig armmcei«tt the wrld-that the gloont pevaiied, wiit whieiî the state of thie tim Duke of Welligton bad ceasedtoteibre.- weather mirasosrreirùli keeping. An sor-me 'Yoâualittoa.sa an obvieuM intereat currencamc e the nature off thiogi was DC bi ià ameaios tligo gret sa m. k sud. to bave brnloket for, iad ctilit à ê pot- ces à m'sà â eaîiud bylta.Tof etptte ra.siîbly long.bave hocu postponoi.bis taken [rý tur, a, ver>' advaced age, ieft me, opper- evaryou b y urp risc at lait; und thougli som cuait>' ferf"uai tms or- parting word.- the ukoneo7Ilie ton bus qiitte life fullial Le mintsSuaI of Wme an d suufferng of yesrasait (il of honora, tie stuttenneasmil mas apaedtotenixe ehau*ted <rainie, beved of '1isremous) (ails upo the publicentind, mi <toma by die migit et yoars,ant, after ýa freine the great ', cthe sn, miti soute- no life croirad it ti incidents:0f thie biglieat irbat ofef ia sbôck ifsa premtatture death. Fr imtporêt- tois -couatry Wmmd enmkint, the rom tMe Lon&m lVes lth sept.-N s t>us eWeUmgtmî as erittd t pea believeme shouit best describe thela Irem the preseat scerie ms) ilently iliat. thc national feeling nt titis Irentarkabl e periot exacet moment of bis iteparture could, Dt et by sayung [tbat nie one cau yet fuliy realize ot itesei tb>' thse %vho istohiet bis deatb- the.loies mhîcb the country lbas suaaied.- svi lied. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SS Nibgbt uerd10teua)TIse Duke ôof We7lliugton, t'or generation siste or lus Grace,,s itti tO cause sMrîus afler tnc~ion hast lived amongr us goca uneame»,a1thougl i fcourse i i 5satgns, andate bs coelesu tlie attacha tu wmmcii .late years bc liad lngcapaciticaedhWprsnc ad ô beau more tuitne'e epoiiede rendered tttat t ehanging exigencies e irbat lmiaakan place extreinely probable,.ine rqirssancefrtt wlo ,ak on more tbau [be laitt aaes eot cauit l e l>rieraugte bu ait thse emprat ba-. vt-utfîîî lite.- For iaost political cliarac- Ilsant iht bdul mciriy fr ijic l asters it veuld tie distinction enougb te say ~ %o rmmarkably distinguislied.-oîu Mundà y li, 'liat they 1usd been appealut tu for uearly ~ teek Ilis cmetom*ry malk litic groiinds ai- îîveuty îa ,l cvry crises of îic k î:c tachai to ho[ueCasil, baipecel dIllie îtbebut tixea aetwnt î-5 wîirpttli 'y anade-mnmyminute inquiriesitieré, tend ý,re V .mt l )îke.uitVisr-ra -i. xlivcctieîts mitli referee te a journey enuIid ,Ili .rr.-e r : -Ili 'n, Doreronuthie folloviug -day, îvhtre l4suly iiltr l a s~ WesUmereland was cîji-cted ho arrire et 11 55a 1 ti ' visit Io Walnwr. Mes apjutiie laid lis. -,n: observcul' te lie eener iban wiua.l, naidsna ,S ~t Temarkedt b.t lue lookedIl e wlsîle r ic . 10 1 U ;,j-1. ', t i ",Ii:coiUrs 's ding Divine serviéenou Suitsy, ti(sirt ' -jU i t .ýi. s itej.o 'ie uotling Ibadl occrret te attrae& isuiî e-rl-,ilssai,(.îs al udlblurt - or te ' excite înain ,amuIdacier dîîtC . Itaiies î'lictt lî h Ion, lte bcartily un renison lie retirL-d inrvât osîi i ttvariouen vuuacs . tu jI s of MNoedoa ught,srîarently iiut! *ll. Lord aie 1ast. 'riough l nû aibsolute4y a siseiber h sInel lady Chanci, Weltealy ivere tise oily the Adiministration,e bc- cetsted a iuait-riai visitors ai- the Caitlla. influence on thie policy of iCugiand wlît-eth Eary u Ttcdey mreg."in t1 .eitn.' ntiîsters were lu ilieir crades.- Kedalth altem Kendîl,[lievalt, csteho waktte hum lsIlie irai a pewerful aud energetie uiiover in Grace refusditutecet tep, and deiitl that limes irbicll tUe Preetgeetio a"'ny theo 'aiotttecory' ioîould bc sent fer iaime- rear > ld',sdeusace> epe - Yal>. l biiua eli nslrio-lendtitlieut an effort. l'le great Dtuke'ei ders, Mil."Kendal despatchcd a niote [n actual -,pani of lîfe was extraurdinary, but r.î W.. IluIke, surgeon nI fDe 1, %mîto bu it acqîliresalmeîtnciratro mmui> lîcen attacltuthe iafaiuuUyfer van>' years. mien me tlîiuk of lte eveutà wibiliitncm-le anxd wliom lie desredtot repaur at once ho braced ot Is ou.coeye10o r te Castle, suit te tuake a seret of I"th iur Welieiyr ri.dttu e o sunmons $ogrea" ld m l aryear* tions ontdtenta of tire ordiuary centuries, dg Puas, beenPhiublic inle!t 's.t h i i)tske' andu tte course aud consumssmatien of tilsnei eatîl, that rumeurs andcals inagriiit-d bismars andi revolotious vere contrçled latne faimt ~mù,gilwsut, andi t e cir etimnall degrea by biW eo abeeuctn de*ý fer medical aid was çonseqiiesitly sUP Tue pentisal ef ttc hiosrrpby wbîcb [bese pm*eei. Mr. 1Iluike hastenel t. Iothe Cas- coli'stth tare containe3 vtl( have sutticed île, vliere lie srrîved est about 9 o'clok.- tu show . what stretchu of compreheniion la lie foun& tie Duke, tedil apilearance, seif- reqîîired. for so marrellous4 a riew, and mixatli fer'ng (rom. Wigestion, adt 'oamlaining of liberaJit>' of cen*iderat.ion ia tue to a re- P paiin lt licclst.ant stounach.lie. islvas preentittive of bygone liaes. 'Tite u catY iratb ulltipossessio f is facixtica, antd Iuk.e Ixaulbeau lu confidence of c:abinets descibed is alUnent very eeir>. Titis whso werc ltle hou ssijieie thsan tbe Cabi- blis lit cpvets.oi on, cardeîrelatede- nets of Austria, os- ~lè,and y>tt h:, urvi- tiraI>' th bisotrte of he.altux,,nsu se rlit Veil tililta day.s of LDi'r;%iels aui hb an iemutgl iIa mle m tthe ymptom nsmd mas net a iueinit dutat Mr. Ilulke- confort 'bmeeif te lires-l Io direpting- oser gatu-ose a 'ss.;rt crib.og eqi»e dry toast sud" teu. ha tiien wmmcli b.d Wmnit!41'..i'te; ssitrl ieft, pronuweaghotu afiut about 1il e cloi-k Iyeum i-so euque.st, WU4ir;t apulîiial ifè 01 imut St Iji idhles .5WeifrstfyS ri-quebts- Moietiua is uiiy ye.. h isotadl beun, sait hiewiud.co.ne ai 10. Mr.- Ilulke on the prns.j.et is stiti more uunliu- 2Joria 1ledWto4 Dr. i M rt uad toIt) lien the 73rd regiment vas firai joincul hlm "t leha litdoue, mmi [lute latter aP by tlhe ofier siso but [bis sveek vau living urovetiof. Neither of the, m edical grolle- aI l.eia cre> igcfauae sma.prrte lbav~erbren presentwmisen the soldier's condition oïr dutiea corresponting fatal sh:ack.cottpced-ais atîazk tle wnicb [ té ualmc om er Costume, citaracter, the D)ukeu. cenalilltion bau-for yearu been discilin and eqaipinent, more aliland alto- lisle, andt)mhicbh, ayecar »a alaf ag, hall)-geiba itferert; asuithile uniforvimbi.-.h 'beau éctiqucreti by their auceeef'îl treat- AtxrWlele i9 auiemut o oues. 11. rac, men suxe, lst lieexcite surpie'isi a drainahic representatien- pomer ef apecetandsof0<coniciolisies. ()n -tan more poder and poimade, éocked bats the-arrivai ef the muedicl attedatscntetlds anit)Vjiils ~41e.'b, ul breerbes. lbey' mare adninltrrei, wîicie boror., proeu- cariephmnuss sba.l. us tIo be often n-" RY HPOR T r i lnrj2. >Ve tiare te apele.. ist u f e i r:sr appearing tbis- eek ou a baîf Slut. k s cause iW emiug te cireuinstautces, against wbuch, ordinary toresigbt cannot proide- me utesa sikacas. Ouaeof ouir " badi'la hor de om at, oitanotherabsent, [hus reducing our corps Tynographique t ea [mare a"ssis isucee lc" devi"-tbe pub- ishar lautasuit(speakiog tacltticalîy, sut aialproper deference) in [bis instance, lîs ouI>'resource. Xa e pc, boireref, net eek [n 1w aupplint witht sulicient as- throu.gb that cuisdtaabpu ih at Osirego or Ogdmatburçh, would bt cbiqeld di nm~~ Àre~mliw~, Imam (rom the. Report on tradê sud ai- barres-no eru. FroM British tô fomgn p"ri1896,70 FrommForei go to Forip Ports 391,86 tiro pence baif-pe Wimrease 4,081 -Makitig . £s»56 increase of revenue on tbis one article atone. Why ire do dot add the. additional in that pau- *%in- frein British to British ports us, wre prO- siyme, tbat-ali of that passe likeirise tbreugh the St: Lairrene Camabis oneuent1y would flot be subject to the increseit rates, but that passing rom British to "(oringa" or roi "foreigo" to Idforeigrn'"parts Il tvnsbpped cubher at Osirego or Ogdearrgh, therdfor it does met. pas# tlwogh t4ýe St.J;wrenoe. and on wbich it la propo 1f4sle. thé- 2~ per barrel extra, or t6c sa, e as ifit pased throughl the irbele of oe Canais. It id cortended that titis wili have the affect of driçing the trade frein the-Wellaund te lBuf- falo rUiningý the cities of 'Osirego and 0g- tIensburgh, an*d at the sau ti nte injure our- .ehes. The comparative up. 3andemivr trade of the cities of IJuffalo and Osivego is a4 folloirs. l3ajalo. 'Oswego. 1810O 168,129 tons, 45,721 tons. I8L5 2S 1.72 1 ' 154.819' 1851 741,6 Ã5 " 472,190 T-iuiï table Shosit at (ýsmego increasad from one quarter in cotp4ýSon mth Buffalo, sn 184h0o twothirds i iq 1~, and if vritake thI "doiremard rnevemnent. 1alone, for the same perloul, viicit compý%eS [bis fleur on vbîeb tisa properret iucre is [o le pis-. ced, me fin4 it more fzcurble st ,te! tht nais polie>'. The. ollowing are tae figures cf [he' t)omwar4tiade o 1840 138,101 tos 20,057 terns. 1845 233,1M 110.318 1851 626,655 340;338 mliisl au lucrease lutnfreur or Osma ro'1 froîn one-smttb la191,0, trfer «as ! te baf in 185 1. mtan 1 ' ~rr- at ore-st O're"-t s of 10mrtn r- ' ;-o 'rs. -lie lucre -vi î .rt'. - Wittî ~ ~ ~ 1) o-w 1.iIl:.i ! trr.r"r'tn.. r!.~ ~ ~~~la o 11'tar: rcr'iliirveî Inlssiceîl.b> thse Lah-e Erie Caisa.diau [rade mititBurale' aud Osmego, undith[e.balsuemoust ha Ansetican fgeur, wtlcb moult have me objeci la preferrluug Osmep o eBuffis, umiesa, i more a cheaper chaumai of tramait, suditnl order te affect ubat rrolu t mtraita, oust have bail dacidéi'dsa tages mmd suema al atages [bat diaeii*rease cf tuila mill mot drive tht trita agmiato« ido. Tii. -t-- s stance to place suicitraiothesr isapleassut""' ýIc-ntingency aut a ver>' rentete peiot. Ne 15 in fi euec ergrt it more diim e do. Ner-. mer ci enthaeas, thoexpenire SoU'PLICUENT tut [bat tu isaidto, eur subieribers centainistg thc e ait"d fuil 1'ar"iuetary debatas, mc hope, mdl te mékeup for eut prameot imivoitable short- tO 9"1 - sng btuppii cornigr ___________ aated Dîrsoiqr CouitT.-Tbc naxt Divison est et Court for"t iDivisioÃŽn mIl cb hain - .duethM 2bwpê 6fWüsi6h; onWetmesday, tha 3rt A-- r ftbre we W«M thé wés îd Ot a siagi. boawdt theWestern, Souh.~ cru or Botéî MA", toit boà asuaIl êbte of that wip&eus he ii 1udwsoaRi- ver, andt only wtb thi. tois ou theoHuit- soný and tii,.ft gnous tbereto with afi* scattaerng ones&ot the bordera of the labos have we a'y cometion irbalever in our. tomber traite. 10 1851, samei lumber toe ia amoant. 0<427 million f eet reacheit the Hudéon River, md the mae081 Cao- ad& a:ported 1*êMillion <cet, of 1m'ibh probably 100 milion reached the Hludson, besug not. oie-quarter of t a amouat that. reached, those watavjs durig last yes.r.- Nxw consia thà t that is the oni7 mar- ket with miticix ie trade, undt !m oply suppiy one -quarter of Ii. humber cornsuuxed ia [bat our lumber bias ut tha alightast ecet ou tdil prie", esaequemtlythue dut>' lavied ~ It~&UOh om ores ont Oet <bma-. tua exportai-s' pocket, anit if tbis tut>' et 20 pet cent on eut Inuber mare abolisiiet, it moti'ba morth juit so muci more [e us, lm.'oba Yoag's opinion to the ceatrary, noeliitbstauiig. Tha arguments_ appîy equîl>' tte ocattie, sharp ant bogw ex- portedto te haUu*tcitStates, mut lu place, as centeodedt b>'de tata Commiasiener oci dia Board of Worktse articles decra- ing lucre la prica, b>' abilishiiug thc Amen- cmi duties, me bcbng but. mail exportera iu p reportien [o te amount consumait b>'the, lEmatenaStates, 'the aluaeaaoult luarease liera exactl>' lu proportion as tdiose tile are lassa'ned. It la furtber preposcd b>' the Inspectei ;t-neml t eîetabîmil differeutial tuties is faveur of the St. Laironce, b>' decreasini dia duties on siagar front 9à . par cmt. a50 12& per cent, [o 7%. ait 121 par cent bl dia Unitedt States, [o 7%. ou>1y ye' cSt I4ircace, sndit[o maete [i 1' penny pe pouund aud 5 par cent by [b. SL . Llmreaci aud 1 poluy per'pbuidfd nd12& par arr b>' the Uniteit Statese hmb ii na tincrrod ipgthe dntie. -on thtseà rtielesbjthe UuI P.d Sttss.hit iç an mctulxi ieereuIse of2 ':-'i '- a-r ui wa , n rt:,l ib pa>' te n 10 fi,0 cntiel £1«1.DOyuildouly a revenueaocf ste £60.000, net s suit sufficient [o puy tb minuat intereut b>' £165,000, ait mrii bataie ba" te ha pal4 ' >'lïti.s, kt -Tba mai policy mli have [he ffcl cf b-iagluug lte traitaagm [tte St. Lm rerace caouia 'canal. roapiug tii beau uismprored 8 , i1 ?2 maIig " eloeoi e % 2 O pendiai " id 20 12 8 irrespom - - twrePr( 'Totul discuwed 9 51 38 It di *um»iagoÂntheyJUM ontbe 4th ov.,, teaci JW. Males, Fenialam. Saisi, lË 136 131 tomnae Of the. tw. humdrsd and sisty-seaav a pIffitom tieut% a-omaitn, o«. buadr.-d and ninety. t [at pei four have beau un tb' Asylum nfer more than illie pm a yer, ad nearly 4i>e buadreit and filty fnr main parlodi varying freis tvte toena vc,'s. Le 41,1L sot iîcurabte saga. Nativiy ty fpatients reoived Xem eair. Males. ramale Loçami 15 2 United States cf Amerlos 4. ' NomwIBrunswick 0 w«Indiat I -1 Ners Scetis O 0 1Garman>' I 0 >Total 60 63 Ooadi4ou of 60 74ae 1'ativ terd durin'g the. year. IFarmars * Labourons Scliool Taciters Gentlemen Sboetnaklers xSailor Taveakeepar Jone S Architect Taillr Cabirnot Maker r Butelier nBarber .gJeweller ýd Dairyma d lremer t. Total ef oeuptions of 63 FemaIcs 1l during the Yar. nt flouse Seants-h Labeurers' Wircs rFarinera' %Viveaa F armmrriDau4lxer Mt Ttal he RdgiomprsmQSOnt of mr&, the was la ocrer 3. 'rotai.Crc 37; Sconsuli - bi l reduct 2 ancc -( ader 1 more - officei 13 judgei ts admint- for. Ca 20 16 3 3 2 dacitu Coune I ocer bof's islam roec avis 17 y i of Osmego sn raet the princq ity, iso Vg rade (&bd eru rastqie V woult dece»a eh a Egure mas Ol)C> e n o o mles aItofthe [>dntîÀg busines,anitliatldfot1t 8 whitby, Oct. 2, 1852.