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Ontario Reporter, 30 Oct 1852, p. 3

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ÂSSIZE 1NTELLIGENCE., bxrUDb cotYnnu or0WOlE, ou-TAIZO, MONDA Y,Ct. 25. A truc bill was round by tise Grand Jury t*>.day in two cases of larceny, snd a Pre- sentaient wu ma& by tise Grand Jury, hauinst Dr. Scott, for detakaing and opeuîng Amoesg thse criminst casex wiich baie bétbeeft reported, tihe (oIloimig.4stihe prin-. Tuesdayic. 26. In tihe rport of the - casye, Qa ev. EPemng and 1/lannigan, we' onitted to hm -tecounssel (or tise defence, MIr. Ek1o.Mr. Morrison. appeared for thse CfowD. ifor. Thse defenutants in. tîis casai* were obaarged witls coanmitisg rape on tisebody -of Bri4gct Dattoà, near Xcwmarke ons tise MisJu1y lust. Tii. trial lasted ail day sud Ï asmense au mbe r of witnesses>,etweeas 30 nad 40 in ail, were ezsninel. Mesurs. Me- Nais snd Skelton sppeared for tise defeuce, ¶ ý,,Messr%. Morrnuon and J. .Duggan -for h.gi, Llrigt Dalton, died about tire wé~after thee elledged crime,, and consc- ,Ilqy ber ifttenats as giveu before the issate at tise -t*ua. the aflair iras -saad tu bave taken pici, ,were takea as evidence. Tiiemgitiate uboe onducéd tihe asai nation, .Gorlhsm, Easq., Newinarket, tes- tied to the. correetuesas uf tie depositioniaindia (oster sister of Dalton* was aiso, cxamined and 5181.41 tisha se (r D lt son) ian- mueditely ister i he aliedged occurresnce, re- -latcd to lier ail tii. circumastances. Tht iatnesa gave furtiser evidence in corrobora-. ties of tiie tatemeutas of deceased. -Tihe sat!saent as givras before the ma.-ihtratf¶ wi inja substance as follors :-"tlîat cons- plmntws ongfoi ewarket to e and in so doing iiaùIte pas t uea apiece et wood lad, kuown &-j Millet'. bush, net farf ronsatthe village, wibie bere, tiacu about six o'clock, tro mae, psrtly disguised, hbut wbom sisekue w te is tise d dfcudusL%, rushed out upon lier and by violence coumW.ed the crimes of which shie accuied, îhem. To re- but tuis statemsent a nuimber of itjncases appsreutly ail respectable country people, sIwore positively tit thse prisoners irere dua- ring thse day nef. tegetiser at ait,-and in pia- ces aoine four or'five miles (rosa tise %pot în whicl tise licied crime teok place on tise o tiser ide of )renge Street, and thse wlsLre- abouts of cadis of them was fully accountcd <or titi about 7 oelck tcini thse evening, and "ben uat sceratisçy irere in 'iilferent tucali- tiesa, and betis appareatly going 10 tiseir lhomes wiiis tay iu a direction tealiy eppo- ziue te tisat of tise sceeof thse aleged ouf.- rage. Tiie testimeny ounliis point iras ycry oeléar, and conistent tisrougbeut, suadwit. aaiuse4 were alîo produced ulso swore tisat thse cçoaaplaiuaut ier»ecI( ias not, at tise tinsi! ,whenu als tatedI tisat tise crime %vas commi t- 4lted, near thsep lace de*cribcd, but wus in tlse compay or the witnesess titi aryen e'- * <tck in tise evening'.39e tisat accordipig ho ..«tbe- evidence pr:dtited on thse part of tihe defence, tis ecrime, if coannatted at ail, inuet bavç ben commgitted 4t least ais heur or more lster th.authtilne Matfed in tise aepo- sition, or euse hy otlier parties than thomsa charged wih-if, for tis.uh complainant sîgit have been in tise *pot -hrtiy after lat secas by -tie Vitnesse3s iiNeusuarie tise defendautx eould -not h-ave'be tisert causissg intant deisti, and i Lordaisip, in proaung sentenice, spoke at soese length of te daierconataty occurring (roin careleuoms ol liii. kiast, sud tii. respoasa- bility restiag upon parties isavias'- charge cf rSUand waggons. He rensarked thatthe "c"at ising Weil sire that conduct, Sec go tisat of thea primçer, wu occurring every slay, Would not let (bis opportwsity slip1 '9sIasýg ita sense oftitseuelpsbility, but. i thse smsse'4e, (rosa tie reroemsesdatiom of tus jury tise prersoasa good chasacter of tii pcmoer, wfuld ait tise. light Punsmen Q@14 a Canada. DSYuprve îÇremuiliemii. Ali <i-n see an i»"a i siuaGuMS7 ai o-., iuV cur- T. tDftlpjilf? Telograpiirepor t of lest ight, speaku of rencypart of £300 curreneyt , y , ep.b3 >182.jD. IOSTEL uscierbe n ChilI ~~~~~~~~ ~OI tan I0C4a r ' 'Wky et2,îC2 lenra aCusstrk. STAPLE andFANOY DRY G eilmr icvre.bd pité u~Jouniq SffÎU E , Attrney Y L LAG CnE. ce e' WoeIen Shawis, Galaplaids, Errnm B MA C 'T 10N3 LUcengped Swweyor, for it& sur- Thse butinr.. herebefore carid Onsby the aboe 1 HIBgVIeAG. famatil ures la very complete, and W* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i ieri<oits Zc'dRZatia ie vy4eo iafnn thea Whty Brewery WilIIb. beTIi5tlOiOffice ile .reemu foruierly oecupied asa Law attentiona te hij.Stock al cdtha whie order of Jemuits,. niany ycars ato bauisised and Concessio ncT<$ in > thetnbI s Ofiebyd, ~Cheapei from Spai,have been invited ack by thse Towmhip. VI LAG oTn FOR SALE., srb NOTICE. ~iesra - ermn fta orir.I pem ste ucep eeyforbid any perion or persoasa(rom pur- 36inhfeavy rp hosiever, t ttise nation basa but litde e- ON' g 91,Ntk cùiascun 'M IE oR uhipf Plkerigisae enge sire for their return. As swon as tise prO o iSutaj, En.. Llceused Pvrovincijal Srvay.- -~Bnai rsdldts 2hdyo u 0 'eding of tise govenasmeut became kmou., o,'oSuve 1 Report upon tise ttsree Touas- ALF aînd quarter acre Lots f i»o 1862, Ibm. moulus aftoi date, as H 1$lno b !ise tionestes es of Valladolid, Hesca, Ban- alitp lines. saila th# COncesiostofis e .aid FI -theegreat thmrugiifarabtUfnOsha- ccosuabl fo tie sm bastro, Saragoza, and aleiuiza, mere burasî Townsisipt for tihe pdrp<5e ofe gabllsshlnx tise us sud éaverio,,. ' SAMoUrohEL WIXSON.lý e agead ewyimo by tse ppulae, A Valsdold Ilrcesanse n a peransent mauner, coiitfusMibty Io Apply tahNIr, Brois Anast2Sl82l 9.t t lep ud euy ii anonterpopaeeAtu a lltdoli tsst re the provisionssorftheiStatut e 12 Vie., cap. 35, Jettera tto hopost-paid.321 moasele wr brt- Tep c s uad o osrenatentssuis uh ase mddpro- Canaington, Bretta 18b s8ept. 23- mN Y I P W terrible manifestations o( public feeling..vidJed,-thèiie altork tabe doue for andin hu-on- NE Is P W R cod<?i usBone lasrsiedbîu 'g0 srecy i. b bth e s -imd sd oiecedtuu y i ZrAbt1n Ju .îst reocived direct fronst Thesen7 er' issîetceSpaincurren itsHEcon-n£200 af rsecyVIà ta bWooeviSatined clIecteiirdtSisurtiai ssudOcTrTsuant et the WAcroa3yreVitl an tisenettâiandiraadyeWhitbyOctober 2ist, 18 s mb otise paths cf reactiots, sud pufi s %trust te b. I. t as a debîte ob. paid lu the leur 1852. LXFCOYn -tl r h iýdn ed %ly coe 1t 82 iu tise Jesîits, whis are ils greateat enemies Andl wieres, in accordsssce itis e Provsli- Io 10extreute ail oraters ina tieir line o snr a on - ans f te Satut 14and15 Vc.,eti- 10, i tthee ulsortest notice. 1lias-us; adtil more, machine. aindwili prove its fiual ruin. Tise Carflst Ofl e tse tte vsie on- fod the ue.,p 100,11aand iartuagain ifted its liead, andi avoirofh-saiO maane 'point o tie du e asenîrg.thi a,l'hthuia c ir'ai 'il E4(I Operly ilslisopese itjself over ;ht '4 ie a tts in.u-e is ut '5 tOOihicar he sui ur fpbi Spaiu.- Thse alliatlce of tie Court of Raome Ani wheias. tise iwhole ratéae siera ir t . ywill erchainge Clota for IVool ou< rea- wtb tise despotic governircuti<of. Auâtri* tise Tg>sr.ohip of Pickering for thse ycar 1852 mu][0as ai F-si. i sradîçrtiesprt f 'i P ourflIundreand T8nâ, e Isbmdout sonabit e Ir mg, ta'ra is radl hespr' 1 "O lFndred and Tacny-f MPud£ fanstfuîtuing Lùt of Priccj. EIE"UL er tsatsoyerilNordcru Itny. A large Ani wisreaz, It wil requite aàs*sscliirate Of RELIEF tNTIEN MVUE, E - , R Pskean, udtie es publie meetinig held iaitely nt G euoa, resul- 1-1 7th cfa pennyAira tise Pounit OS' Fatnuett, W ldo. d 1 101 tedlua naimusdelaatenlufaor of taopres-ide Ifor tise pyment of te aisesd dbt of AFWDAOR-NSUEDSaaiue, Wado.clsd. I1 01- roteis atsu msin. lraio n £100f togeaher wil foutr cent ta cuver thea BY TI-IE GREAT FOReed, do. do. 1 3 exnueof collection andsit altcatiOai. EIGIN RE MEDY. Blanketj, O aud relî effIr. it tlaaierefore -nacteil by misa Municipal Cousu- Full Clou, 2 0 lanageinetnd rft fp . clof tise Township o! ?icker;ui, tisat tise sai totCrig e e" 02 - reh*frr$i nPi sp.ilgatcl-lteo a pennyltrise Posud b. DR. LOCOCK'S.WotCdugprpon, 212fois !rerhou>.t Ailte m-uer says isat in Ce tis eeXhibi- lesied ise, adoliected at the rs'teable immff~Z.Ç~.izaSpîuasinggOthr o, do. 1- inNroorton th - prop~~aritheotiser rat aufJ asseaamais lu ah. Fr tis e Cure ofcougiss,Cois, AstisBo- OiaaWo ada a4CobDetn iiN w 4 tien of fowlau tait Nos-ember, Ltseabas been adpr ep l te at" andusisle ickmenas Inos-e-B Ohi otCadn n0ColiDesu~w chts umrayCisritoandati AIlrc-ha canot don by aise aises-e irm, Cor er of great intereitçt aoînluregard te tise brecit ycar 1cis3.s,.PuCI.ary CnsumtiCo. su bon aenssdLtiacir management. Most per. Aud lie la fui-tier eMceabyts uisnî in o!ased ByJAisasuai Lisugi.RocJ Cly BOWERMMay 2,18c3J sou ae h otaii 5< ~ linsaforta."id tsisa esoon su tise aaid auramor£100, or MnfcaetiyAEIONTNSd- Ysty 4) 21 .Wisereji ddition ta tise entire Stc Ïo r rigt busarne largeut ts oed c isltrte habben&.e sneteter, N. Y., soie proprletor fo« the United Statua---------. o sl ftiuaitiat amai osatmukS more tr > i Ith ie i'reasurer cf01 5e sala Township, he ilansd Baillis Nartb Atme. PROVINCIAL MUTAL A NDO SN BAL Dr God, rcees fitable-as layera. Tlîey lay more eggs tissu lrey autloriseit audirequiired ta psy forltsith s INSIIRANCE COMP*3T. tie are îcal and< Ptub k it ahiatftise te seaai John 1h ror hi: loet repiemetsslva PURCIJASE COCPCNY' taeue r ios tai aeon lis or aiseir aemanaîttherefor, lise sali suM cfiq Meaeis f bte i>taiareextremely large. crecl aymu its aase thon FE MA 1L E 14/iFER S. Offio-CsucJa Etrcet To- Ail cf mmcli M beGIo-banlieus tisaI miliiyietd due te,-iimuas atoecsaid.THE BuRusISSPIcmnsc. -routo. WsîyVlae asAiia,1 tise auost cgge acceraling to expatusc*, 1erai ur frM eu#uiauSuupresslo, orsup- wib ilgig -ut liaise purclsasd a pair of 1'olaaud fopknotnîssid1Weoi; fcliO CPTL . 1010. tromn mnici Lo reie stock for tise nuxt, ycr. 0,T o'1 C E. presseat Menusi; Amennz.or a rtaýn Thyweg aot ee, osistatelufi euna0iM n or pa'ir, megs butssenyunalutenen; Letsea'rboa, FlirtAlbusu, IVsies sitai A M Presidesut. pair. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r,11 ri- uncute IIEaboie is a truc copy cf n propoad ististne Meues; LJ.loS.tser (hen Sck-iePrtORS. I il ie O a1 OC t9MY m-in- ,LBy-La w tealetaiken in eonsideraliOn isy tise eaaeWkuse.JS.iOAVcPriea ageaetaruthte pat vminter. 1 kept tiseny- ,Iuliiialîty cf tise roanship cfPi>ckering on tise -J .Boue:. J.J. Ms- D. e T O W(> lN rire iese andl a protector, of tise natuve C~oasuty nt Ontario, one of tise United Cousities al THE GIAT VZGICTABLE W. L. Pscxihh%.- J. Luin Rosarrox. b.-eid. iMy puliets itisat irere isatcllial in ynk,OuïtanosaidPeea i t Lacsc> impe'r- M ASIC PAIN DESTROYER J .G. IWonru, J.C.â aJntisô À% prit cosssîseuced laying ini Noveiaber, ~a Icemc lictasai tth ouis ip, Tn*eokMenu sfactured hb JAMEfS JOHNeSTON', RoAches-wç.Go e -yut ,NcenY. Sole aPtis her cfTenc'elck r theege- uhoie isatlîedlin Mai>t bgauho lay in Dc- lan the foreas-oti, at whicis lime anditPlace tht serN .Sonttpieo.Fr iecof e G S OPÂN i-esAInsanc at tise comber. 'I tiare miel kept an account offtise M thnsc he Massiciî,ality are isreisy nequired Bin tisfe aeknasi B reauisBlon ni tis ia, Home 'JIIS COMPANYetet Totus ,and- a aumber of eggi; laid uluing tise inter. Tise 10attened Iür he pu poe afcresaid. -AON tliere o v ,Ery si Bas, Brelos en r ls v ie ucis S -m octo u u IsULLthCu frst ireeta inaJauuary îbey laid usnety-rsne îiCO TON lek, Chisbtlus, oalEip etasFelur.M, s-er ilS ses-ai-ai Ageucicu to inrormterC TouaCIek., Soie, tareEyes Su Itaess. Sursy. Uces, T i. Mutal er cndora o,It Che O ntari*X O ,atteyliav tgs lutis (raitir seek inVeriary, I'ick-ein;, 29tia Spt., 1852, 25-3m 'îe,&.-ouoeskud'liecuueibaeaset - D>Sbasidiu.-s, iii:o therehy renderedthtie most sale nidj iley ILES PILS1 PLEtThe. Propietary Depatmcnts iluctate Genesral tiold tisee ggi ai filtren cents ai dozen, anud qaîererand Riclîm'DdmRaIwaY CumPitHY- IES IES ILS itTU!i orFmne: aîse ladaciud'Tanlnnt-w , Riski u inie. tige, %farineý, Intasuit sad Sceau. li daring tise inter tise cost of keeping tise liI.fll'S --YEIABLss BLECTUARITs woeais, oaa îoioOe lhl ~AudJ s lieus ias culy elual tri tivo-fiftlsa the value à j F 11ý lOrituterual Remedy for tsePiles;preparedtbyA de-nt imieut4 attention of tise Public ii. cSraS R N ot' thesecgs. Up HA.m, m. D., 196 Bouc y, New ro k, -aregf- deaîîly raled abereto. S R N 1, give Mny iens cernmn-i 1cab mi uvry ulanly eaiucaled Physician, who des-otes hi: attea- By Oraler, day iii d with isîlk or t.water. I ket a $1,13.CONTRACTORS. tien aimo'eutiireiytotîia ses. Dr.Upisam's EDWARD G. O$RIEN,l W- corn balej andnat bytbe ailt-h tineEieetuary is a certain cure, ibetiser Bidieg Or 8Setolry. -cen, arly aal atsby h-s ut tse ian, .ESSS.JACKSON BRA.SSEY, Blinad Pi rs, Internai or Extenal, anditas o oms. Tornto, Oct.'14 1851. andal aiom niasiundtoys4ritairs.4î.iair -pET0, andui, ETS, Coutuclora for tise er di*eames ushieS -are treq'aesstly foutd in cotis- Tise unsdeigncd biis-n.een appoinînal AireutLde'Pnn4 Fizr geseîhmRichrasoul .are 1repared to receive Paotwl o ii aÉrisdàtu refcig1ri m eat iras g ý . i h r v r>'da v e I kc-pt W r a o ie L s e f R u w y f o uju ctioum ts P l s fi e b s e o p au , m l 0r p r o i a l n aaytin u ictse -tws-ety by fifîten feet, JAMIIBG XAATN iiaeate.dsruoESte WALgLAsssCE, anisalagewm4owo ts sutssue.1~lSNRlY. .and alrrous descriptions of Work T iRRE L'DÏS Wiiay, Pceb. 14, 1821.M8WLLAE 13(11> ( lanal ne diilultyi in makiug any Sens la>' lu consnec-a5 wjh laiway ConstraîcIion. Paymeist Tise Etectiuary la peiectly suie for Prejisas,_____________________ aruel tise %vinter: &à , t-people thiil by uezlectingIe uslu tacmade-licashbes-ery fot0ii t. u t-Ladies, sud ttoise ost udui Cafisartie tisaI eau Ofeserydescriptieu, wratdt t ppyanaionasaubtitute fer MrIla (Ruda t>en)will lonai- <5tibly bw med, as i mail o nîy rçmoeetise NOTICE OF CO-PARTNRSHIP. qucileil for t'ieapsess, Variety 011 tasppyanmlfodashiuý e e aaaeuethaie Rilayco 'aa 'c feeQue-Pilies ansital 1nllummatory DicA 'e, mithout Pain numlerouS amaecta irncis ith' aevour in tise -hec, acier mise IStisSepteassieor emccivi prepo- or -mialn u ilemueau easy aim ei saimunser ~ ,' 55.5 deîns-es-.assda oussai couubustlc lis huisn.T Ebsns eretofore carried on at Tise extensive patronage am lieus sisould bc*betciout a felus- setisery Sept. 4,î862-* -thisIoWJANVILLE Pdb-j anye by tias increased or auxiet>' te mains ________________Jasauzs T. BAmL'.- ilhhbescefort - - carnet0.en We ri ner rindtutat, iwisere tise &round is buea. Tise besi NO. 1. E rL T& IntowN. iigisehuruc.er, and till deserre i layers isouid Se scliea as breeders, andi VALUAI3LE FARMS FOR 'SALE by tise Firme JAMES T. BAILIEY, stage ire haro opeuuit an Esabtiù tise protectir cliauged everj day. Th'ieJe'Dvdlareund WILLIAM B3ROWN. principle reuson wtiy semefarniers su ne ACf<RES orfthe front part of lot No. 57 l.V are truiy gratifie a le iaru thet ibis celai 'l. proitii kepug emslabeaue tst sy t ii or.. VAUGH AX,20 acres improvealun- 'ael giapsrduumd T h tie Subseribers iu returuinS tisankto profit ils keéping béasr oil ie.besd in tilgs sta.- ofultas-ation, bad pemaoiiagp u g iss erdi n iiAdtrs u r -drgid éie adi ig tt o n upptied hi.s aenaslan es-amy lown mis a tise public for pat tus-ors, moult take Ibis oppor- AJtutori half frled tlîa ; tisarefoire lure are alsenys twih a.-,omfnrlable Frame Drt5linalieuse anditirculisuppty eti ii. famousfu!sreu ,Phuser, tisaI unity te intormi thern tisaI hasing iucrced tiseir JII lu misclief, scraiehiug for food. Wiseu f-tr- arn, aa ir eti o! ater. A neyer (ailliai; sea s isuheen se niacis soutia ser. Noute, uow, neci business, sud easployed a number cf corspetant iueras plant cerns, tiçseiould give tîseir lienas c rofuasssfiselot.- suffer an y louger mils l'aius or Weaknsess, uwhaeirktmea, teise atatemanufacture tise On tario Ha zi good aupply, anal th ise>' nt ssc"catch if. Airr 80 acre*, tise front ai lot No. e8, lot con. w irieu-l tolaa in a box o! ihîa excellent plaîter, Bw>zvl lui). If lhenuaare wmdl manageit, tley 1TYoral V.NUGH AN 65 rreaimPrOeai utis aiDwelÎgandiappty s portioni ef ils contents ta tise partdis-. vmnileYell<flO Eartseniare,» flieuse on utsildiiags, yolarag ercisard in iulbear- eyevrkong More pet profs: thuaz asy etier stick. Voa.ng iug, goal wetî oi uster &c., - eased, as pain Io Mcreeye-mkot e xistalnduttisae custaicRED WAttr sud thley flatter utAr tien% sisouit itways be Sept os-er, as ise> Tisese rma are sitse'ted ou YOuGE-s1'zacr, iieaIispalrlakoa.teielvsttthey -nm ay aielrise m wre -1is t A ili ta>' botter in wiliîir than olal unes-.-- 17 miuetf(raota Toronto, ou tise vicioiiy of *tiCH- .7- orders; sud thay hope, is> puustuality aud strict -- plrr of Ohkio (Judivator. lODHLatnint - - ~Also, 100 actes tise sentisballet ofnt No. 4, 1bis Publiupatsoae mi cumsa Ceo! - Z BIC. Moia GLD.-I ai meren l tie 'onof eacs, u isenei Cusat>'et ntrlo 50ÉV nt- I-ed-tey- ubleSatÉ%-"e. A-.- BRWN vices (rom Queisc, tend us te beiieve tisat Ser in lb. VILLAGE et OSH{AWA. Alappli- fetil *de inas au placesant st al l imas, mhhis F aJ~jLjQJ or Salé-lsy -O juaa'as, if ta>'latter, post.pald, au tle mît eordisiar>'reamedias for tua tti'il. Iaremui.iaboie. 7. KELLER. ~~~Wl. STEPHEN8ON Pi iitsàf> $ 5 IBewi.---We lars frein tiseBrnttord Osisama,91b Augsst, 1852. 18-t. Poroi lsvuet lsradtn4to~WI. t liii ý1lI 3; 0 llerald hlat tir a ttempta bave recenîl>'- Noavfolithe Meusendsgmr te eiapywefl 1 been made ii tisai; vicinit>' te carry off celer-gu re yp s Bewcare o CimU.ifdts. THOqIMS EAZIN. Set ceiilren te giake tiirdsisidisc of liiim in Rat 1 baves-ecdunssorl theVnited Stateg. Thtq le cetaa 'ar- he- rm iacesset f. D1>sby'satIie.âsmoWa'Di.4sUs M ~tfuly ansonna fis ise mba -- t andirrsilispeoe ts$dl*yis<suase and fth' rthlleSiPtin. ,Ing iuattempt ofthtie ssv?ýe huiers, ad nefor MNi" FJc174 tisaietefail f o at alih ithe inepi. . , - whc -mive-w. mre hardi>' prepared. W e gat ttu ad vsu cisa tit ha mii-i rqamssln InqitisS- Dbteýb Ra-8etjas«.P.XYL w' oult stvise tucra to confine tlseïr huntisg ag &,ipiuras t oWfor th.e ûet EigIt dayi, màast0r, &M tgf DO .'.srV eus~I >expeditiosss mittimitise hauts of tiseir own wisr tisumisii gte 0 5otaitai î ikeoeses mtu- »c' ' P: V. >j- te-ilos-y, its.>'bas-e an>' rerar ïr ad % adyasp»ile s fore tliseirlloro atiewi puidtos"Uel<opt"à " te a"1 vr ffi kt p sroal safety. Ts aiiia Mple u legwasaa( as ari' eu.n lbluimb ofste>'a isa- .wAUisai .Mras.ostaItoAUSuinjsndd tsiaetaeîse-iidi >fmtpssely subruit te see tise iaplesus re- &tissa"-. . ank irist fuoaesn carried back iâmb Southelisboadage. > tRnss iI (10Mi8 J4nm. t. 0 si ilias-3,wisteteu P,* WA gut4 0,. ' 1 breed confinent, mlsere tedowe-trodden Awj. fugitive ca fin a refuge fret. tise Jgree's I'W'WW5 AJUàI and iey's of tue Souths, and lulbii T155 IU@544lpÇUD# -Auas fsllsam a 5afNfatsas. - --Cokqsl Pdyipne id - e commn ifflt . iCA-tvle 0,. 1rthan the (/bcyal FOR EXAMPLE.t vy Grely (Ih... .. .. ... ed Sbirting from --ý y aud Faney - - - 0K 0F CR04 Drted ansd wiIt bc getd et prîces t CEC iNew Xork tars immenise ISta refy Clothos, wbsLh wali bc sel Iol [EREI) S- UTj IL LA1l announce te bis5 customers ansd ahipa, tIialhe bas 9Wlstby aud Commaaercial Duildingi )hequered S 7Brockand Kin, oc«ka from toth his oId stands, Ise lu Ileavy and SheliHard ,rs, Druge, 8c. 4&C. i mli W-111 Lore- rices i 8:2. 0F utM rejust Md Black Satin, ES AND the Ver' beut, haie; uma ad1'saalsty.

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