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Ontario Reporter, 18 Dec 1852, p. 2

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T it 1ALTRaADE ~I F -~e eonooey tu other rural railroadà in Canada, A DEQUISITION. iwtl . mite rriUpt4on or a twe bours'ý mritf È,r flicgood îhsY tiare diiinc tIîzt .GILA.'.:5Vt-~ ~IY. .~rijrt làaru froin Our Pariu onjîai%' h î h bneittier r.quaire tihe bpted1or tle weigtt witer trtali n uiiDover to Calisrd vVU >~ie pohŽs nt.wu~ ti u ~i ~l~~U~I~t r.d' ft lb. suais w becunini, a fàýIsiO;IabIt- ar dle t-relat. IIiel orco » Il at *n;but wbhich tyi . rail ithrolig'lî Leidont, Pr1t uA e t- 1 y. Jit Is kt 1 ( 1 t lii\'c'trl~ c~yW b11n ~ 2 7itdciu utenAeOW u% I fnedlin , Jrie., il~ oTt~î n nt diet, nad thât furo>evteral inuiib st tg Speqer t egioage 0JA L <rwî,sd saqt 'Z'- ,~o c- loeii u VI~i o s) îe pas-tikular place lias beeù n oprol*rntd l'r "M"!d4 at ,îl, ertw ,e*1 r~~, t~~ 4> tIiwsalein Itllte ari.A, ;<~, î iid e ih 1!w liib*fdr $y' alae Rioee,T'rine, àaesjaiLifo Ma lues ~ q F'uich ouruls, weet Vlîyï,s e ofyW85l sud ac p c at g liev e, r bLed' a rn$ ro 8 b a hkex~n h betl 0O ~ Sb~ ~ ydy ~~ ouhb.tat anagl, :ýaaai ' ~>2)'$one ti te l b. ee stiby fDtrw " I aihee e Y nui F rei eb j ouroutL i.tao w înib q., to k tuoiad * tho s s siI a 8 ie utes tu 1'o ia theRau i om , or W* Il dinnc1 Dur iun -aye- &i r o aw nmn fthe deare po Noi atin als rd Ïgtosnd fmle,,esondsie ( irDged(ii~î ment wi 0 o suetsasa theîcc evoyage ac 1ti ; - and te raiftow the tid ati), eitrio(Sizcocanberr. laInayt-Be tIhatltscacà.,a uÎý c1».:l " hobu eh hneftu whh i vat 'prscn- ioadisvtioien ats 1 n ing ad ûÉtytabofftten or %vliemI ail Ille'ou_________________ donc__ a~~pIf ~ 1k aus.srln, L IL Dorui ; Esq.' ol he .cirnovtbus»eV3shabit. «r0m jUitedSagtes o d e ic bb le aimamhervueh w li>A~j' c~ Jnbo Esquire J'acub De W tt grest rapdity. Themiaitoadi1 of the ats iut ftecoay ri hlc ih ,.i-i fil o i onttorPe etrm iIJ hu ~, ~o$. d or sîi tiâ*t ' Otll enl eme, Wo" a . swdt'l iii alÎllftt"wrel atlw b linwttus aérael,~cuo dentd ntietr nu irk et. T* ht3yowtlisartethdwts c a ns of fades, 'taesuri detboua t,) b ta i I'oJirnita nd £r liU<ral vi. bwre M at tbls. i lair ig a arEetoi;adn ev tbei r a ito cn, avrd iti . n 1 gr " t Viii-lef Viit t as pppimiç4 Chara a!l, 1 , -al ar a trR4.wýadei-,tNyhyfrn ompGlia e i or lphiii1ti 4 b il rou edt t oi;t qt" o pus M.Uan wors .aev&teheurt ad J e Il 00atV m, au 4 thtpei the voyage home, wbÎ éh was ue in hk6sL b, ou v in,àoulatedk4can1aIf; nndet7kuag b fniprac*ici l 6epeX is mé wbik4tlieas tt b ilbîliti hat ie b.s4* T > I ndhpewga t éerg b  ré-bi , .c iat itrîôtiias 50LL.LtL 1 »Snc'0ss verIuIiait. oaalr emn qIVus4 or on ogdt>» ta bynthe ±of thetandyounacnrotjftheha r ly oined fe thrg4ýieral gn&.of(th AttMr.i tkfli2i cÇl t u-oin0 , Ilt LRG, wottheiaîer rt-n cialr i m c i gro»v~ ourfand, -, f to aWl of.ttgr ovtoaFas.paaa viipýdcea treo't t gia -n Il -' sade 13 r vp q itvthe - p.,15t -f soasi4se aer4oIyk~t wcit O< de nîiùce al x', dui~the cxurcoinstra itut$. scasotsnowte,, o"' 8' Pi (c, oftcclf N3E!!AbY£ Rr EKs 1 yoth oradotion fvoe wsls RnJ tertii- Vtintbyws a meiers < tse rasIn.abnow n1O1$J. mà' j4~ ~ 4Fam~ ýËi sxà rr.pG luti, 'L(AId.51ii> or(01WUN .ae brL Rs~ AU f bD>w - , <- .-J, provaV-3rorc ia ezc Pe4in as tp"a4i Y, 11fuoedIn ntya,(oa cmliet .A - eV t5ç~iu~ eUa hi u c n oIuy > cimthusea cei% orr - DIyden, l.%Lqmarie. J dcatfryeoan s Hotel t &Ju gluoep othrprin f ahn -'icii4ao e-' ~~ api er'o ie O Tw ad - -l audi -80 WaJletic son a îI l r orUnsToushp. àt of wdite o»î ri a x , iil.. T . qur gS'pêrLIOU ><, of#gent; 41-the ~~4-4;s, 'I riï , l-C , - 1 1r-A ?A E N 9 0.J C> f 'V in'1.<> ,, rar' ba sye. ortthe s»odioû o juèanri u acrun jdu Court, Ilosus out oiur vu 5 , but nWoa»iaiq >41,11 pro*ptrsty #ftric ldt1luilà>t oakotc!s;eilr 11Cou ier. i; e wàor> a rdbea, J s~ ilsE~ec & "tit .'o ~je,1~îr.v. 5~ 4iaid z li i m, .2 Voar VHalvaa1 fanid jsopcra o ts i rei At cionu. . ittcunilr uu- C.mka (entdfuro ' ott iu b n JXwPry 2 Lij5nt!ilt.y-àt., g Ue reclpQWof jour PauîLyt lso& issonin> at' r au i pW I eosaLiai e ,'ociii e 1 .1 an i;l1 t Req - ,en t te alhins.butb tte $-eCpvaalkbopr incipe we naitno vei'»doorandniah patea r, Jns ol:m e rit, ohns Wc li uOL ai oe el rsso '45%a nhar.ilS(O avig;nandul baedte t es f o ari4 ,wîiis h at~~h. ~ ~ i~ ri~rv~ - Il- L, ndnis ty.five thercin itos of alaattiy 1m htorsé cf uuaiýi ant llifo vn- . __________ # 1 wt acpi"$y Cl o a e 1 WE) NE- .4 te 13d f orte -amoi.ie ainV iýtiuauy 36tf ws'fsraeLnce ubradàM trnhisedawthoro ~; ~ etiiu44Iaul acet, 1103 ui t ". a L, .ýva u .,if, tur.1 aa .b uubi waJýe , i gatr d yoreacroaltht Inh tg ,keVa(,ea t I c nans aer Ouhti t- t winot",~~tie11 ol ýlet aooicor nit a% Counaillu4 Qllit ïown 11ce',. bvsepitonhiho>rs nu" to bc heards On edn s a teke mb bauus ami dryigraeua1ly" agedd Ille ad-ifigntoasts(ift Irtetfroa ltie l.fr ltls ailton. CI~I tiaut q4cara ilt15w ua. a.5qu- tseI of the principal gentlemen ohf,""ibis " analen- '. Iita s l uustta'slTrkqiap r~n sfc ofeiaeneth#,h>oltOLltii aPilîrb.dbehe omrneKA1fu14a1ieuesa p"r'cit:j; oiL c45Ifit5iiiptud .L r.aw n a iiluu a Dsvcnsns, t e nd o fru i t àb ga4 s, and ds« 1s1as te (b..he th 12>eeembof tve have liud aoOUI- gt i t le a c L - ti;icbn.~ t, i yaq11îâ 1.51 i <uiyamtigt o ii£4(. 7îhII A&ul O I i17< >' f ecenb r it, a î andt sued y I qwih , an goihtet gravclltu orb s btirinimd>' Tuc Qv at-Sondeby r, ath e r- a~k s rrsac !vatu bi 4at w ti t waa Li clsckrdmas awuîa~aIttne i caî rîtosen r 1Myyt th macot4i li i i, 4ec-îv, fissllui tuitic i ;fi- faîc 'ca po e fnm sa gaT wshi pentots saun>ta, clupciau vuttu i r ffr. -. (ail edêaAbout -i j> sentnlemen, a0h ise* 1e ieat iuril i lm0 0u e- IDryden, Ewati eusy 1 - ü t1 ehn wlagoupv e, a a a c ii ara nd s 1.O usct T tFrt rz t1ts iutenito n Custab ýIfOfr tise d rewnredatI lle j y055 Cvi Egistr eise Board cf Ar t dwn 6 oy Fnato- p<D si.ii. ¶7IeI4 rnuw dit 5 ~ii*h<5t stau. Unm M<RII'st, o fmiPs arwlef. a FRAMOP iîuhy, De aCotc, llor 1for - vz :--'l'on'itwasle lai 4 ecs» a osia ogbDrXLWClk. iakdsid 5Ja~u Iartnqi2atty0f IuiiZt1quaii the i HOJSE2ut4ayUfst5aconstruction ofa . Ling a.WRail- D.riwi'r, d i o aiLuro n bs vsion uiMrovb Ary ad Yvy.b 4s bs4style.- aIttiii r ~ e is fnr~ue.16 hsonisActe , AidgLis, , 1 êsof tsit cas IbaAIIJU. tta» the uaed BJre i alieIa Cd t i seof 1ý: J rissancrWSs.tLare vi)ICtàmB te$0 icets aiiiit .0i thDdllir iy. a.proht Jii~ >~~ 'Yh clclaedt"'>"" vithai0 iran Dt.GuNqt do nthe B d-Urêors uofy olti 'Sor flicJua.1.e lo. ch air . elt. E. i orry' o , J. ra13. Sin uid Irot- dty ofteiss U a wuateas cption f s ~îu e a ~ns c 1 inPaaso ti C.,R.F Bil'mu(rdemrese,2osssaloi erru GO eLiD teU4 by ndte Pr-Orisol WateC tbe u a1ztr. w"ft ta<, e1%an:.a4p. ThtDRWIG O CMMNC A TE A . ts 96odei taii cftis rou t ,. Jospis iûliIl il las conise atiorpy nfiat PitQ f1s ssî e rektsv Uona>.!UeittePîs~ m 2 * uio ____e________I_____ ilot b Loer ofsb i Eqare b.- '>-"-ag soualr - v assalaca in 15p ps4l, no1wlasch eaIl if ýIy ce 7cd N eLo"-e.1A laeejq ui sssïafl ro aJ whi1spi or eyv .- )t &,4 j f r4 g Iatsd p iecuav#.'lu i. k1iessi thit thoi. - ,t.'_fiK BM.t. e iLi itcathed$er las aatfthe ,, éW 'diwithig,1in s4ere inaa$61ef li:si ;afei 1!s .rl4Qh514 i. balfo uSEL,&E0r.1 STKn IiN Rz-p jW'l ahDe.Jui,1. i1~t:3O ausfe 0I VeA ito 4 r eitiss 1r, andtma Ii fer ~t~ i au ryu$rop ti tbu pi,-etii Q Ycrk 'J¼bù;e) &N ,> ie d 1ii i ilri. ie j>ae ýeill Lvlluà:...s r qnlFtsfd hotsataiea ca is ia*a ru the so a' pu a4 b lire 44 >tonfrL'lie cAnk Na, ,1, ceje-(if e 1t!srç 10 Wladuy asroute of9hourtsOas sud aase the beit tybaê ber iaf of 'entte ompuasgcu sej LA Isaîtrj Jàl'silr ai ________________:(-f________ CQd, rer ?çsrtheêMle fùad st.s W st of IleLpu tiu t.Vi>uwi. 1(j iiayirs, 1 : l4U'/ us al stp rn t-os base.-n .- in zi;p k aý a Ws palAt~1ç Cuuruoloft b., iarietvisai alsot ii - tu i'i*~uutpsii».ii o*atsatarw-efideraCkapy %peSak-ing, beti'o- . Aave y the5 csiot tewoas4dTmoS thttheghtfolio dlOu, ~It.~I W USa5I ci; ~yi4acus r' ~ îîC<>L <>~>~~ thBe land tikO& 1 il< sssps~i ~t>es6a wmic~isirzl. P'tdts .tet Evrovi*. <lai & Tht Bell Uoad Meeting at 1Bnookinaso1f a Pçitd'1W ce - optb>I-tf pauagiei uSlceu a IiLt411J a rv, U- c00Li)> *SoISwt, oi r j r $at4isardyast iwas ze - ya ad auc 451 visy4rcna oaî-~-off vatb anucis spirit. Resolutionç approv- - -j,, - 1, .1, 5 __ eszwUeat stteiinwtaa, bokis ua rieîcl a 14r Gue~ii7il t, llin ani orn:- . ~~~iti ~iiii, ,4o seuaaki ons~a.is i Ile tl.Ziana ,-_-s, Ss'a s i _wrE, Wci wssu s q1lça>t- 1usw uqV1-uoýJoietiomtt4- - u, nw ai w----' staiiievarst> c tsa usvutsu h.uiauf radvtith oj*s rest rta asf. 9»b- - ; - -,,~1ii. ~ wv~ s~ >Pý-vairdè,Dc. 4sWoolf351.f i linoc!Pl, îhlJie ç teia o- bvtv w ut Loiiianeorie nule s4,rtul Amt-114an và-r;àot of te - utsui aniis ai ul,, r a w- h,, - - ed . .-.o« ofîc1àù; ali-en â, ' t 'm~ a~nedluo 411111 t1~ W .<-k'N 'Lwsr Ut t, sdiple ~ta bat eceâsit] Lise ýfer- nal &-.,* usî rest bt in nilusstry S, andi -e r e F mà . Ey ke-il HN-

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