*irtarî o 1V tif' bA itI; PUI3LISUED EV!ÈRV SÂTURDÂY LuLRLINI.. uattI¶ .Mgt .- 'rsa r~f TIP It À.'ÇU PU iAlU-1< ADVÂZCI. 14 alabhol ihn um ~tudiUoeOnt om.2em *Oum --~~~~~~~~~. ~ ' m~~ M T T TT A TD V A O _ -' VOL. 4 &TTO«ýNEY ~T LAÀW SolIcliIor in Ghaacery. UOrock StteelWI,r'y. M'iby, Feb. 9tim, 18-53. 43 tWEUf?'3SUIM~ECOMPAN) f Ssurbr havinic been appointe Ueneral AçIrtCrthaCm.iyt ipr.îssred le r.seive appiiriliuîs for ln 'ý*98fl1V ASSÇJRÂNCE OPN e, '0 .. , ilîs, ' Iifejiti.5 amrenuw efer.d l'or Insasranc aganii aisortimuge 1-Y FIRE,tothI gduhtnbtt of thl. scw COU NTY 0O toaemoros isaaCloits. ilgume C Gitiper, j luchtsMiller, 't1'h.mauHawtib, ?X. P. Ilsyo, 'Qo ý 1lis", b W..HendersSv, 'méBvq ti teiLewis. and h4lafý;ftoWrcét Esqutires !Ii*aueC. Id imer, , . . Presittert "rhaimas ff.aworlht, . .Vice-Pit-.iterl, Igokt.8taton, Esq., - - soc . aud Treis JOH: ~AGNEW, OJea. Atent, bth Con. ltsu'h. Lot No. >sbuttRearb, Feb.16, 19M. 4à NEZW 'VDD1L r, AND li UINF gl~ ,sbqesiher re-;pîctftilv renne- ta te Famersmît ther .%jIthittv a <iniiy. Shut hot hutei t h' rrti'. tPr .Ocstii iyIohut i rsîs hr. hî~i-i le rurry 014thlie ahove lunsin iat ifs to Dîsteand Silngite Hîrtwsfs. 1Pijiriawi" le sîui.îltih. tw'asîi y and îiriiiiilv. Tis Sîtrrlerhashait ampi, I.xpecrn. 1h.pbeat uÇst.bihnTIi s'(oir au ily ipptvinic t ta oa4111 aivaitauf. ln fie c 'a itiRf.etioSit te e tomerl. The itreatk andi qhem sueiqrtbtis husîti,§9 .91 'lot("e hîi - isor thlm witlstheir patronae. %ailI have fi RE SICITS A TRIALJ SA1MUF], MrCLUiN p.q.- litkiiidu ofr pairisig clone Proiîîpi W hitbyApri2, 1853. S WORKMAN BROTHERS& ive. 369 -Kirig Street, Toronti WANTED!! À uuinhen of 'Tai'ors and SiuocnsakE etise Ontario 1-ouse. (Oct. %gîhu, 1853. ALEX. PRrNG LE. WHITBY VILLAGE2. .Allorders in ii s Une proniptly cxec The la tegt Fas/rioins lways on ha Whitby, April 19, 1950. ,AL. IN:SUtANCE COMPAN ýffV1VE subqcriber having bfen fnri years% Agent for the above weII k fcsMpso'y luit tis slec! ion nt Cnunt iy, is pre *ta resive applicationfs for tnstirice on tib imoieratoi terms. As no ln srance an heà in, Con-ida wheve the above Company> havp Ion 161 iltheir o)i,ialiotlIs, parti-.A nit. itilt avml-dtiêmspIvps of 1 heir vet ) lihe ratl ei m, -iiqe d rîtigos 'o partiel ini hib gî.-ighboifi *sorti.lli tht. ctimîotiy h.ave eccu'. cd prini thp tit. lit u nt 1 heuii o'rci bvfire, % iz John 'lariioi. Whiisy. Jsîîîl>ihuî.Whiihy, H. V- iwt. Piektrsità . Chas.Arkt;tuîd. Oshawa, Whitby, James Coi bit. Whitby, $,.Palmef, Pic keting, WM. JEFPRI Wbitbi. , fav 14thl. 1853. 3u NOTICE 18 bereby given, that the Partnershiji exiiling bei.ween S .1. Thomas orf 13 and Poter Hnulgh 0(oflticello undier the f 5. M. Thomas & Co- ii this .Iay diaolvedb tuai t-onsent. A Il dlebto awjrîM b osaid fii go ho recel veoi 4y said Peler Hourh and m doon oiaid fiumn to b. paid hy him. Sigs.ed -S. M. TiIOMA Brnoklint Oct. 22nd 1853. 28_. WAN T ED!! 4Nyçquanity of good Honey and -?Waz fer wich the Hiî-hest Pric JAMES H. GER& WhithY 101b Nov. 1853. A Teacber ta Teach in School S No-.1, Pickering. Early appli JAS RICTiAýrU E. VAIL. ~>koerng ov.21tt 18-53. 30-4 >ttMOrayad ]Darnster-at Li Apbà I.CWIe.l CflÂmirn PTiett ULa&coNrmiq -,A orme or *é OBOW A poq4 9ping allô sommet fa§i0ou, FOR 1853. Wutlfrnr VILLAGE, SEPT" 25, Ibbl. ÂSIIBU ltRN 1STORE. TiH E Stibcriber respe-ctfully intimates ta thse Iubabitants oi Wkitby, >lickeringo Ueach sud tise R(,ar- Towinships, tisat he is mpeuiug ît nt his bShop at Butlc'sforners a campiete assortmnt of DRY GOODS, GR.OCERIES. IIARD- ware &c., of ail whicb he pîedges bimself Io keep as good an iasaortmnen%., and at ax Cheap Prices as can be found in the. County of' Ontario, The Iligliest Prici vii be paiti for ail Dciscriptiouis f' Produce iu -Yxclauge for Goods,& lie 'mil tse every exertion tu keep tip .urh ain assowtment, meid ta geil at suci ILOW IP JfIO!S, limaI Customers vviii fluti thienseitvps ap 'vell se rve d WHITBY, CANADA NOTICE, Ll.jersons indebtedth ie Estale Of the iisre James Mjitcherll are rsquested to est- tlf torthaib. anîd thase ta 'vbom IL.e lstate la idebied, are rtsquestilhto prssiît tseis'respective drmanidi0 ELIZABETH M rTCIIELL. WHTYVILLAGE. Office in thse rronm formerly accu pitti as a Lsw Offit'e,*ty H. J McDonaid, F.sq. DESDLUTION 0F PARTNERSHP* The partncr.hip heretolone eic;çting be- twPen OCj#ster Draper and Roabert E. Camupbell i% this daydissobved by mulual cosneut. Ail debîs due by saîd Firiu to be paîi iy Ciscstcr Draper and ail debts dise to tise Firm to be paid 10 bin. CI-ESTEýR DRAPERp R. E. CAMIPBELL, Wbitby, Dec. iStis, 18-53. 33-3w, FOR CHRISMÂLS AND GO 0TO James H. Gerric's WESJ; DJ~Uf~XJ Whitby Agency (Chester Dae P RODTJCEt Sipping. Commeria, KLand. Inurance and General Coiný rrntqion Aient nnd Accoiintfiuît. offce, No. 5, Brock-st. rown of Whitby. N. B.- Agencies and C2ou missions tr.peeftslly Iteferences.- q1. Daniells, James Rn-se, John Campnbell, Abraham Farewell 1,o1.ntf. Warren, Wnitby. iSth Nov. 1853. 29-tf. NOTICE TO STOCKqOLDERS. Office of the Port Whitbi, and Luke-ç Scugogy, 'imcoe and Hu- ron Roari Company. Wlîiîby. l6îb Nov., 1853. A T a Meeting tif the Directors of the aliove Comrpanv heIdib is day, tefallowing By.Is%- A IR espni»ed>I Reso1ipd, Thatt he Annual Election of Di .ýcîors ior the m.aaameiit of tho Companiy bhall liehel! on tht. Seroned Monday in December .s. vprv vpar. ai 'he Hofri ot Ir.N.Scrip1î're. Whitlsy Vilge,at the hotîr ot' Twn 'ecck.P.fr. and at â.îsd >Ib-viiis the? Storkholdergs@hull vote by liallut, aid ibotse m-ho are not preuîi shall be elititi->d Lu '.otsà by ptoxy. JOlIS 1AM Pl ERRY, Nov. Sth. 832, Secictary. Wnîhy, v gh 8î- 29-if. 'JEIClýGRtAPU S'rOR A IND MEDICAL HALL! IV Il I T B y TIII~ PLIESENT PROGLIEb5 0F RÀILROADS IN CANADA. £rom thte Montral Gazeita. MONTTREAL &içi)BYTaw'.-We are happy to moUnce that, on theIi.sh list., acommencement wus madie tpon tuis work. l'he Contracî ors, Messr. Sykes & Co., do not diiy daliy wîth their undertakings.lit is only about two monibas snce tihe contreot was signeti, and already the route bu. been 'Orveyed, 48 great porion of 41lota4d, and noV ii part moat required is aiaready in baud. It is known to our readârs tliat the navi- gtion of the. Otiata is interrupted Kt Ca- rillon, about 45 ilues frum Monreal, by rupds anti chutes whicb extenti ta Gren- ville, about 1'2 miles above, and that the. Canals cut 10 overconue, them were made ut a ime îvhen Durhm boats alone did Juty in ransferring tralfie to Upper Cana- da, anid on too smaîl a aule to permit the teamers of the present day to pass througb tueuir Lî'ckq. Passengers, therefore, to By. iown have been conveyed by stages between the navigatin at Carillon, and the naviga- tion above aI Grenville, at much compara- tive dibcomort. It is isis reach, therefare, which Nlesrs. Sykes & De I3ergue. îvmîh great considera- tion for public convenience. have re*olved la put in Iîand, even at %ane diadvaîîiage, without loaing a day, and to push il tbii-otgh wmîh such energy tlisat by the openiug of tise spring tbe lune %vill lie reatdy la receive the rail, and before the summer travel rrally commences, ta have il in rtîn- #en ts As «t thte IF r ontf . IXV S 7'R .E T, WES T, -- nig oruc, uie %iu itwi Jdu v M L wd r.rUere ,oit vîîI fsud iindiomre (h.i3looik,., r1IESui,bscrii)ers 'voîîd inirite tise allen- occlir ta prevent il. ' ,iil... ~~~~~~~Lalie's Dit,iîîi caees and W iiiog Dmikp;. lion of the public to their Stock nI rsssd 'ie rass rud'vsclbae > A aishurupoiifulto. Prm"'iiFaicy B-,sketà , MotIliicirits, Patent Medicifles, DYe %Woodsiid twietly-orie roundts oai the inost rattiing de- liesr. Oil73 6î. Cnri% à id n vaieil.' aiicy Ggoda Jewo%-lrv &c.uf. Pi'ît ls0 l'oinS (c.,l-,3 2-r., iai ities, Briish- sription, m u or oa ler Majes.>',îbe oui>' nu ri- ~ -___ ___ ___ TVty Dec. là th 1833. 33-Smn. es & . ~ . h c are beie offered 0 ,euli for C atsh diftrence betw een M ilitary tining a ud îhis GO O UT£a,» (19 0 r 0 B îbî' (ivc ritgcousisling in tise speemesofaU BUIlOXF E WS;hoies.î i lee Makeer's lis icee. 'J'heiloiîi' iartillery useti. lu place of cannon, îwenty- ireIl fw f ihen'v zane large liaulders hati been selecteti, sud hoipel"" F'i rs t Prize Patentjale l.G r sliât comnpit.;-s5 e fîevz tliews osa ade iee~a SA yet's Chersr« Pectoral, fteewsals o odrteea tuerat f141 - i'mnn,,.,eys Forets Wirie. profit iitiheuva>'tise baulders 'vere dispos- se ii~U f 61 ~ înn o. i. SLa w C.utr. un Gm rriCo.ed lilit. ti f.s i~i mi.EOR qiiîalty anti qutit i ofwork Il per- l . P Fowiioseiids Sarsaparilla, L ni\r* Rt2ti !\ sI -îrnis. tîia Stravi, Cutter t- uol equni. l dDr.Jacob lo ta do 'iee in Bag aU'a nlui aii~ rga- B 'lii h Ctala. lo he istpiz i lesani do 4 uov on lte sork, veho caine out îeceully in p "AI E li 5*7nvi*ciel Car aai. h otht. lrsnd rize 1Tow- do lvd fasi arlaa very superior Ille :Sarah Naic'..irre vilii iailow lu tise' -' Fi usyer, atth Povi'îja Fr u-~- prepliralion, spriug. 'llite people aloitg the lune arc For Clîî'ap fer a da ut Mont reai. andîliat Whtrliy "ov.'là ;luî csSvp L:'ru 01ai Tait, w 'ithomît exception favorably disposedti 1.4it S Firthsye ir. a! il elat l ace il campeted wii) lt dsosi~xct lerîy aid Lngwatt, * andti avl af'oi-d a 'iliua assist- ~CiiO i Ji UKS~ Ire Sra% Cutters that look the llrst and seconld jhsns oan.l9 roeuin pruze ai the Nerchants Gartzien (L TtMNTELAD EtO.UC Cieap tîsPROVINCIAL FAI~IA T BAMILTO N. Comastocks & Brothers .Mruliineq H OTIELADVt..I UC - Co [AMILX ND 1îCkLT II tJES pnuer ; WhIeU. it wimelithave tokethe ¶tu uiCill andi g«l apt Admatic fo~irsoOriug. «TIONii; AILWAY.--\*e ilearn Ihatltse (;ragsd 01esles eing fflX &c. whicii mdy lie sei liv the toiiowing certificate. Marchisis Uterine CathtuliconTrk oan'itaourutusrean ", MrW'rutungà o shw ai rmnt- Bvr alai Fiiplace of iaying a double tracli upan tic Sýt. Straw Cuitler %% hicli the J iîdges ilid flot view inu ttie's dto Lwec n tatct bdPn. T hec L adies conseqiuencie of ils rot arrivint, in rime. I cofiîsd"rFrik Marnetir Oiuimenl, In Itiis resolutian lise Darectors have shewn \~'lltire uni uiune i t ni IIp.t .t myo i ruui.idAainLnmn, &, &,a great deai of prudence, and 'viii derive Milteefdingreat varîety i n oîîon it wudhave rcaî'ed ihe first Prfiimery, rlbeciUrni.'isruseîruo I es ai n c ep priîzc all t utilîen 't-w'd ty Ih'Ju.is(Ile o! h. Ha 1()Itioistbn ft ri t lli o t ho I -r îwo . iilzes b.d igoute Ioise the es'etiuk ghefore 13taîlrae note GasJr idcvrd \iesui'iitke tiensilhraugis ane et' anti iPois, tiche .it cuitivated Couuties oit he Lawer 2 in rax nd mrall.'La%,elI)îVsDa 1GHENT. Physitians, Drurceas ,Dpn'ists anîd other's Pravince, occupicti by ai) auttistriauî, in- j-One on ie Jiide-es) 111 i b sipllid ait he Loves! W'hniesite Prîcker. tliei n - etrâilfrrîw yp r - E"' i fl ~~~From iiihé-iumber onI prli..ehiii hall heer aw-t- A Il art icies sent oui of thts House cr. be retîrd oniheu ni-otriiifrriwypr fl1011e1 Sli a I S*dulti îvCleartth. ii il0 t s li lcin4g ermune, as ai, oui Gonds are piirchaiscul 1poses- a uottiay-at.bite population.- n ni i rn; ma ni on os e-pctale far- fnul O'UîFi heireul ielion1'l'Iîe dsance, too, bc:tween Montîreai aud AtI lo i aine li fit i uîiil iPric.e. f ts\hnipit oi omi' i-ar, aie J"' i i -i s u .rîptions aid Famiy Teceîpcà blond Pond i..';l lue bot< i ied by ai least B/ack, TVhiie and C dorert('raonv. CiIIIt*!cn,npgl a l i 15 t is e besin Ii1itw i l40 t iidi )ils, an ~ad~îu,Wuit. e totliaI Clittl Mnîuchrnimali icBoardî, Bu aloIBo'aid, Dra% hesihirr1_ný, ciafuuturfl ui ci- jIi*<I l)I1IiV. u O8tn.p c-î,iu lfr r: i. Peucils, Vister Colons, &c. iraiei aetnîu îhif a l i h iI odaad0'i.r iaihe uelar loitl cs 1aî&hlo and.Wrii's u.wheie lie %w ut have ibmeOflcon- D uîîîn NIIieyin am he o elered l tatbecome Q iorato a Il you vaut ta bu>' îîîl n b~ anditllf.hv fèe t eoe"ii-cosa -. -ý*Iompctitiori for a wiger. as well ais aidera te- litby, Octolser lit, 1853. 23-t f. £'7,500 pet'-tuile, andti iaIt tseir ternis are 'TU- .{V edî iII S, L TUTERIFL. - ail but acceptd. TiIis couidereti a vey *TU 1'rclj a J Pe, lieawad ecL5th,83. 32-2mI,D. 3ammotlî buse hnbon piefor tise work, and we hope 1CHAMPLAIN AND . LAWRENCF, AND mati' b sue t gota W ITE FIS ONE M RE.MCINTIREAIL AND NEW YORK RAILWAYS. îuCiwn ~ .~s1 A ND 1"l srEL UK bfh I--A proposai ai' au amuatgamation of' tiese eilr, niAUoL. sAIEF A iF1ADii 'îwa roatis is tundenstoodt) thave been ou i~~TIIRIPTY !J'UU"K'EEPFRisiSa! nuon A ei iesîr l auoucig th tis pis for smre 'eeks pa!st, and ti at Ittitd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I) cmtheehsyiikiu' <1l B c ari-el. or htse Poituti, aItiche "thotizjî,'ný afTnroito & .urrousudirîg Specia Caî-nmittees of tise direction of each 7te 11cnirry. tha! bis immense stock nf Fait & Wlinter toad are 'oritsging malteni ta a close. WVe îQii IYE1 S'[ iJ ilS. En er i l u e D y o d, IliInr rejisice ta tee lus Bath roatis bave qf ctuilly" Drt nosani>' hll Pie ered b>' com1petition, 'viicis gave riem na t ~~~~~~~~~~~Corne soon if vmu vnt gooti Bargains. as (ohîg o t .L stsaîO na> hpat sîc i CHEPE TANOI O CANOtES. Prutees are an tie increnue. y~ publie n-ally stoot i'n no 'vaut of. Tic cf- LîtI) ~ ~ ~PRîln',S .10TîIN.-S'ON. SI Y Sfuicî of lihe atuabgamation Ivili be a signai 2010 T11 s t-IRslor, 28ili Oct., 19-53. 2'7-61n. benefiîl ual oui'tahbe 5tQckisaiders, but as b00 LIILIj~hno opoe tic Stock il principal1>' lu viontreul banda, 200O Iredtsced In 4q 6d per Galion. oin of iýVhiitby1 Branch BiblId, wouId direct their nliuItionne petialyoisbig0 lte City . aisos, as9the risc in price couse- 1()0 'AMS H. GE 9RIiE han jil irercýi-trd Mnne - 'OCi3alankets, Fianneti. Gala Pualuhs, Dreas Goails, queut tipoîs It 'viii îrove San înîch oalan ad- t. Co. u tylil asndtvarietiez.%elslceisnkofBbf nsTýa I inz ali.SaetadBdL i-%,&,o ièen A E rce1.an rrmefraluat irs.ig cBonjtim.cloaks,oPS, l T'anNORTH SlloREItAILNAY.- -This ly. H e votildt ake thiîr oppnrluinity nf iiuforminiui metis. wiih or 'vithout thePsalmas itud Paraiphra. laiuse i greal enterprise, wiich ils ta unit .e Quebec - mîuuy who a-îk for i amphiene, ubut ha uoinses ~ ai tlteir Depoitorytishe Ontauio floust-, ate iens'W BOvs' 4lotliing 'Ivitis 'sIntreai and ti-ý great re-ion of tise keep the .riîclic Red Store. I]e sn Ottaya, is uow beyond the reachut' ques- i hlc ryrBok.Bt.esmaIut ii1 o 2. diluimmetuce varieties. iiott. Itis saidtihuit tise Cantracts uiil be fo tsePino auu ohe tstumuis orTest"cl adapenrCtamsauiNwYas otss d 2Io2 1O.rteady lai beiuig given out, witbnu a shit label>' Vimlifls. F/iVcs. Accords ana (1c. A few Jubtiee Bibles eleguuntty bnnnd 1 daokttd foMCrstasadNicas0vroasd-W ap e"., (urnt, sud migit have been now, had ti ioua film of sale hy Gifus 43.. est and anLs, beefrtc rcet uuiq aw f iM Liy mus- L T (l 1 I'GO. A. NORItiS, TTh1I flue.'îià i3 an enlerprise in wisicis ail de- J M Esal.nTE R Il 1s 'nà reiand I. eca re mitt ally mter- October 13, 1853. r. T. W. B. ý: S. UIat at b'Epnecdesîed, andti lerefore misut hcbp ecd other Ontaruo Hoîise, Dec., 34-tf. The Boot anLd Shoe Depariment inii î. A Depot hasuiready becu sebcured ~S. 'as ne ver more compiete than at the pire- mn titis City', iu conuection aili the Bytown ~dI ~ ,seul time. roati. 3 in 19 r Esct.liztr IlLilti, Mt ayeud C alves. inflian Rubbers in immense THE GRAND TituN'u.-Tise conrîrmt for A rsn.andl for t'velve montii% paî%t ne- tlise portion from MîNIntreal la Ciariesviile, a iduni. utntheTowFnunship ni wht!hy, un the Cnuîîîiy liE S-,tbecr:à ber wttt gt e a siitablé, .se- qatleisii tihe Township aof(snabruck, a distance at fai.ou-elandhePurovince uiof C otad , T wuand for tise reco yo W irf~ F mr Chseapneçsa andi Durability T.T.Raût- of oven 110 miles, has been guven ho Iltti Beée#îdPoineof(aiatSa, Calves. bnîh mit'. ane a lîriiuulted Stees, sud thetenhrsl i tc-o cicrin fsipr-'Isr.D .adSèdadA .Mc IlcsMi"I mtller. do herehy give notice Ithat inîcîlti -,hr a Lrry Bull caîve. Tht-y sîrayeti frnm nLot t'hmcthsSoko nd aîuth'Sipi lsr.D .adRîîdat .i.Mc ce viii te puesent a 1etition In Sam'stel Bealey Harrison, 29, 3rd Cou. Whitby, same lime fast Ocloher " by any other simitar Fgiablshfflnl lu tic tîdnnaiti, bratiers of tise Speaker af the F.sq Judge of ihn Courity Couîrt of tht liitetid E$T~EDIE. province. ýnImnwl E. Couiitesof York,. Onlari(iu'and Peel, prayiiie taobe Wiby e. 2- ,M ES T W TooîtF ct lt. 85. 25-1t. louse orAsse55Sbly. Tiese gnlme1vl 28-tf examinefi to,îchîuiy my Delîa, Etatut andI effeciB, ______ est oconai l l.saebbrl andt labe'trirted letia. ail procesas prsn mîkinutp -thl î. Conies of Gengarc>' and Stormnont, a ui îiloîue ndureuîa.nfuc Et tta-i -'vinia .luua-a-jGeerl N7iî)Yiv 1ils 1' e cimu( nlalaîc I 'igiksnd bcotch, anti beiug It uta wi tri m biti Co bal fo1 pr [a gr s 's ai l ta ai ~Te A - L natiniç upon their prepai et means, or ai1ch ti.y iay it dowusa$ a rui. of thw neutraliti em pioymeul a s the cites ailord, an d- rcady tt @,, e c e t r ir pr su e of' ï, .r ' 10 start thse hu,,iness if bsbandry, as à 4n maritursie pries re to be ta%1e.in codent- as the nows are gane, and L»e ice il, O1 ai iset, o,r'Wd si liseur ports, 9%'atbierCoOtiV he grounti. lnfortunately, upo<i these tho t' aidmiuatfT. Lutiy, 1ibey. wwrt fonthea.- season bas falien wih unusià a severity'r be- .,eg h e right té cirry o rw d wir .ow ei-m er , fartîhey were able to attain thuat desled catle ud atier relaton a ith the, Satms point ; and we learn by thc unilorni te$ti. whiels mil b. engued in îlis isr,,subjeot mony ai tihe St. Louis and othe" PsPle rs, to ezisting iaws, aad, cf e«Rrse, t os etn-- that no less tisais fourteen boat bauds bave Jutions, as thse mate ofwar mal impose. bt»en nto peti at Cairn. ln Illinois, remnote ------- Uoin Ilîin arlir detination, and without t* A xiasa hw re d Md~ arp oe any means ai' forwarding iber design% until pidi in Ne"y Y*rk for a siegb- an& twet %pring shili relax the ri.,jor of the seaôn- homes for egit boisason New Ycara day. a peruoti of montbs at lie enst. Jy the Tie New Y" ?rmea saysthat thoe prie.. corninon course o. Ibings, 50 great'mn ad- demnarded t i vellstoble 1&tepi'5 er se- diion of monts bas operateti upontie Pri- exorbitant hismethi " Cln t h orbtini hm- ces su that smnaller cOmmunity, ilisomuch dresis c io8f lmds oî lss e" nld t tint they ave bad I o pay from arty toafalord ta rie, and were' cmxupcled tb snake- rifty cents for a loaC -if bread, and, neces- ticir colis mo focé, whule young men la sarily, ail oter articles of consurcption in -tieir ernpIêDYMPMl, froi» tihe beaci. cleuke proportion. Surh prices must bave trieti to downwarus$, 'ere gentally ridis., Tie- their isutib te %mail means which masny editer of the Bsihlq EODP7Ms 811hs of tin posussed, and bunger, in'most iP- knows of b ÎU. of .510041n' Wtwt ct) sîances-per'isps in many, starvatnon -ins wbo aetoully Iiss>ed t$O'fo theB't55t',eâii been dded to the bitterness f dis ppoii- hbrse asd sieitb *111% 9W littie upceof»' ment. The usuai-consequence of 'vaut bas sonr, but wmesterÇ< also develope.1 itself, anti choiera and yVl. low fever are raging among theni. In thtstaétè,M - position of tbings* tboy are 10 b. seu hol. Tii. Emwm.ý- 1 ,ba' ' 1'a tering in tise woods anond large fires. 11 PcOstmits i'1Donà das b s iso »ýt ù- capable for the moat part of msuisting euih 'I&I F M 1LP 41;bU e ~ other, and wsîting, asnd probably invokleg tt h t~ ê~~o r t ys fred visit cf d.atb to termaiuata ii tTê IJS It 31 s , k. tortures .ofbinger sud diseue f mon m 8': r ' , - 4 n., t .'1. t. il s a,' r. i.. le 1' R. ~ti. 4t IC504 twili b.uithe moit direct, amaow gur.e coiîiâi1.n40 _sbi tubodysIâ'0uw )ad (rom Montreai to Boston.. , t hbobd ,Made thhicitu bési.4f 2Tbese re ail the. railways baric h th oft db weato n w er . rq W uèJ1 ii6 Sp4 Lrting point inMoutreal. , th~ilr et ,tii.Msei, ..ià l. o Tiia 'BUOCXVILLU AND» OVIA*I. RAKLà t6*ýorgetcraJubit 1 .iaenafuI. rAy.-Mus. Syks & Co.ate coÇ<>e melors for tuis roati, as iýei ailrl..ves)cîtîzenf-g MW1ti îr ie 1*0 n~vt lontreal and ByLown; and they bv0e -. i*tieè iod -a botiCS'i b. *,, i ibted tise sstxe eoergy ii tuis aInlthe plcarSad, à tb<ttai@d bu #U~ tber uadertakiisg. rThe> uèvy lih', -aile o~f reput. 1* u56ke collutii~f oe h id ompleteti, and sisty miles are tefrom ad, havioç en give t 4 M U bf . 4ûb UetuN )rd, Matlmîs aadtt Elliot. if i ept . 0 d te 'je in running ortier by lit uly, before Ibis. Intieed w. have iMmriUtioi S-5i, ail a great portion Oobgbly in No-; its incipiey of, the, earneetntWdw *li.4,k, ember neat. '.the Contractis ut a liberal 'Ibe St. LoiovUWR bion sble t., id. ýrice.cord tise fact tiaton tii. fitit dey, in a oort, TisE JUYPAE & BRJt~t1RD..T imtre, tise contribustions wem- cteditabe-gii il way wua ope.ed on the' i3tW ~ins., wiîbtii n eros ity cftii.ci a t. 1, ;r e a t e c l a t . a c t v l ii t m n , i d e m a n d a i î a r i n ,l à THs GREAT WEsTRN & TRON~TO. béen despucheti from the' lutter sociep 3ARN,%.-It is said that an Aal4mtiQu vwithmeans and8 te bWanc4f r mr 9-t~ aabuut being stffectd beweea ti"sroati fuiriss :tiiem wmîh wht Wssu esn,*!foi> Lnth ie Grand Trunk, Shtmid it.tkethteir immedite comfort. lace, the recent suspen %iQ n of,à èok tow- Irhs mcd mucb mort w ua«e1lle4 fop t« irda :,tr.itford, on lie Torgqao ndSrÀia. aileviate to uny tolerable eztm thtie aggaw' ffoulti b c expla ned. A d scusiA o~ h ut yt di stres s of the. m ultitude of o i rà Ie latte? roati took place in the TJoroolo ut Cairo. A ie le îustace wout dema-' ý,ounil, frofu wbîch it wuuld seem that the. strate tuis. A party, omprisig hi GW@ copie consîder theinseives taken advois- mans-thre men, a womuu, anti & htle girl' sgte of by tise Stratford route to that by who had the uneulîs to do o, pid seveoy t. Mary', tb terminale un London. '11e dollars for a conveystet t. lrin them t< îiy otive they isad in subscribing £I10,- t. Lou~s, ant tey reprsent 9We uIerid_& 00 of stock in ths road was, ta bave ap of the emigas to b. a1mo yqptrv lW idependent roa t thie west, wlth Saraîla Trhe mortality .wus very pegr fe4u<botertp is a terminus. f carried to London, traffic and yellow fever, the n ws brs . haiiez . wili be takeri by te G reat W çter it to s.n sbly tbinned by tbfà iav ig ft 7 ,0 014 , lamiton, Toronto w ll lose ai the DÀi4vu i dsortiersund others sroi»the effeelb )Fp *-' age it had at firt proposed. vallon. Four corps.. nd lee. rposegaq MOTRrEAL AND BYTOWN RBAILWAT.- EvansviIe the. victima of ycltow e fer. Ousr readers wiil b. lhappy to leara that tise Il muet be xconfessed that ùiw ibitenx Vluicipal Electors of the County of Otta- wbicb bave f lae taken off ». mnjY4ii- a. Division No. 2, (Petite Nation) bave gres be<ore or immeaiaivhy apoti their atified by' their vote, tise By.law appropri- arriva], go ta qualiiy 1 a VM ectet tise ating £3u9000 ;n lavor of tise Mantreai and adurisability of their exoiuMt But takimt 3ytown ltailway. We hear ibat the vo- into account tise generai stuand prospeet4a ing was aIlmost unanimos iw favor of the of Eropean affair, ih s proba b tse. %ubscriplion. The votinÈ on a similar By- inajority of thein feei týt, hhotugi tbfr law un Divisien No. 1 of the sarne County, decision is thus dasbed with dahgev, pet akes place on Monday and Tuesday, the & a fair worse fate urge% h.hiad. An4 23rd and 24th, and we trust ihat the peo- .zithough tiseliter étiequies bavtet-; ple of that Division understand their inter- perienceti almoiut a deesition of their exs too well ual to faiiov the praseworhy nuunbers, the baliance ia ' »the aide of weil. eatple set hemn by their neighbors ofNoz doin; and wt msy expeçt un augmen-o 2 Division. 1 ution. ratser than a dem~an of Immsgimtioa' un ithe ensuing season. Wç devoutly hoe. DItEADFUL SUFFEItING QF' tht bonth here and I 1ç Unted Stuteq EN1IGRANTS ON'FTHE IM15 eeyhing wili bedoneto0difiinisb thé. suf. SI:SIPI- YELIJOW F)-:- f,,,rjaqnd usortaity aog~au)suSu VER, CIbLFERA, _ c. claie of tankind. From time ta lime glîrnpses of the. man- POSIIJQ4 OF 8W.EEDLiN AND nei, andi doings af tise sunny Sautshbave DE N 1\1 " J&I -T HE L AT- been couglît by Ilse abservant and tihe ça. F43AN QUESTiON. rious, whicls induce lise sumspicion that evena titat brit reguon is nul entireiy iI. Ai6lisp- .4 * #eT:mca Je*Wzq f 5 py valiey" of înanukîud, nd that the dwet- Saine doubtà bave been expresseti »atoi lrs tIereisi, uih al the luxuries iity e- tk co",4ç% pifte Northsern Courts of Swe- joy, are nol etempt fron te numerou 1is den ad Dçamark may think fit wo adopt liat fle-.1 is heir t." We scarcely aliode iv the qTent of un extension of ibe bosili. lu tile diaters uîpon the Miississuppi for ites wiiiçb 4mee cammcnced on tbh. Da- thee, for the nost part, bave been SIDU - ube ad tiie Black Se. Those Powers iated by thse sufferers theinselves, and chai- bave reenaily deternissed ta establisb a strict lenge about as much coaLfsson ae ihe union f tisser poiicy, ai s formai deciar- fate f a fox-hunIer, or he galamnt, whose aionof(tiein utentions bas jut been ad. back, has been broken in hc iep et' a s ec dresed by tiseir Ministers, in itienticar pie chase. But, indepttudteît oi klieare à ir tes us:, to ad tW abinets of Europe. Wbat- bas been eaough f reigninig aid L,,Z'teV ver rua>' kethe ciffrnees whic bhave oc-i pr esent epîdemi, ta quaiify tie Uovy ih:W esîreti buween Russia and Turkey..Md ntwist oîtserwi.e at!ach ta suds ceîiws -' ;k which iratea te ertend ti ID te man fme glory r.nd of beauty," wisile thse relatios ofaiPawers. weeden anti Demark ore de-. Or' au"