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Ontario Times, 17 Apr 1858, p. 2

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QF lÀLOP TH1ECITY OF rz the Ilouse as one or thse Me bers for ÂSFI1N-G ON, ,,-the City ofQssebec., on tiseSI renglis nof -~ ~ avisg receired 15,000 frauduil ut vot es. p'al Iciei~ prl1 '~~ ln tise case of the Loîbiniere. eleetion, iva Il. steu5msip City ofr Washiag«ton 0 flo the Retuiraieg Officer bas testi cd xit thse ud iridwitis Liverpool dates Iotb ie- bar of tise bouse that 2,40 aj votes soit I'ariiiment kad adjéurned os-es-Eas- CIbie aisi S. te~~~ ~ boIýs, -, = ~andtitiat. tise sittissg member oefered hiim 1"H A$ie, folin byt Nac * <ôtn r à~ bsandimeina ni ceurse, prevýnt a cen- irClnCamipbel wasbefore Lurk- W 94 H c ge2, i tes,. "l'ben in tise case oU the Russell v gay tth e oiteary 60,00 troops .,Q î i 1 M z j_ > cection ive bave onae townsihip ' its o1î1Y ts =Ot0t 80names on teassessmeut roll, poi -Ir Se er s eattering encounters, in ' t ioncs a . 385 votes. Sesci event, as bisesepi mwlIre ebiswec _iatd iisra * great sîthe r. - , wee dlica-il-- are sufficient, one ivotilsithinkli tb rai,.ea Tho Km51aog lii. ril er.îlin u ~.-cr7 oU honaest indignation from Gaspe to ipeeKing.oT e istme at ths slinZd1= 13 s-s Sandvich Thtes-e can Se ino doubb ;poge., k îttmet ht iebil0 e >lkitg been comvicted andsi etenced is DotE Or x =:X E- ý9 tions rejoice tiat ii) tise ca'e of tise rtas- tami -TeCalcutta correspondent cf Tite ~~ -----ss-îi andi Loîbiniersi elections the bouse » Lo4'Timessaysthat tbîs trial cer- .cq. C-1 h lai laken tise natter tup, ansi uaL sufer- iî tammly peevea three tusnga - .= Firas. Tise revoIt Wuss ilistigyateled d - --- itise usqusmues Io ruis t1 iseiuk oU besnr ive by~~~ ~~ tb ias isria h rmic -<- cîsokeelin cosamittees. WW o'ld nive lia, asoney and iroopa. liii proclamsation ARRIVÂt. AND DI1PARTURE OF TRAINS bise sitbingv membécs every chance or tii tet'vuefét.ws pote! cireccttse AT WtIIIT13Y' STATION pup-(ieieePIo techrs N 1 she at ; , tansi 'as taken dowss l'Y Ct1.5.rsrgn0 tse0 elc Irn tsecares i .oçuies of Tiserpilies MeiV[îafe, boulivaaîsîoJseu. Ls i alsois imorenver, %vori warned 5y John Ererett, Morýsigj Express,.............. . 2 5 tisere chsarges bic psoveei ai tisece i L a Cýtistin lisgîiis, very popuiîr vitis r,% ingMail, ... ........... 6. 25 sioibt lisey 'ili bei nt a m netsi~>j V >b atvres, tha ise bad been warned btGt ES.be lost ius cxis\tlliziirMur.O'scrl msy, âstise PerSieus '%vr, comiosi' ansi !sornlng Exprees-------------a... 3 tisaI bbi M u .......ns..."......-..-----an-----9 ive's fs-cm tli sosse. Su sil tha th Musuinas %er exeedq Evniu Though reiht &r _2 3 nuen oçltI be declart... for erer isi- exite!. Sicr'1heipîilus tiougst isle 0ciu lruhFrelî s 22 mallerene--noiîao-ta-e--- capable oul ioldinJ any oifices of honior eond. A p-tiper 'vas prosiecesi* NWA)ETiEd.~S or ts ust in thse cgift nf îesr UeiiossIb .addressgI sl b Mr. Celivin >' Mallismesi jectu. 1'bc isv i ans! uaoneyi 'viici tisej fai IDerviih, evealiîsg te iviole plot six D.-ssgi. ke.-Geo. Aflassister. esq iriistlsthse electiosi %Till cost,1 :-veeksbefore il broke out. .Mr. CÇI- New pingGoV5iC5tn1obrsaeasnti-c iprdtotelo ,vin reated tise varning- as unisoporlant, Ns- Spiocosi-Ilml u lbre r su 0 Pcsipcs otieIoo S~siagtm;oc.eiion- f îte Les1i.lastivctsisemb5 adIl *-andeyer even reporte! it to Gos-ens- Dried Applci-Clseîcr Draper. ! u! ni ter mient. pis sprain-Jmet iigeloer. ciaracter ofIsle poic vsciaet T1id Tie murdei-x cf t e Euro- $C110ioBonks, kir., >rolyimeiidbYucd-1racl peans in Delii vere coutimited 5y order Dissolustin of Parb ersisip--Crsîsrford ciî- iiîrleib srsdsrcli of tîeKingin thépresence oU hie Royal Campsblul. tcttp cifraus.I Famity and by means of tise ICîsasseis- Thse Brish sieîcv-.ScotkCo. Bt~ i iedsrcti icsl cara, limaspecialpersonal gurd iaso'vcns Nütce-N. G. Ilarni tatices iviicî iare iateiy coenie (la1lii, Tise deteat nifilse rebels, ivibli ieary (1,3 lst -mîliclisreleets tise greatesî amnotinu loss« on tiserise,is sepotud ut varioiss f1*ttt .j ofnidisonor on tise ui~iiry, ans! ounIsle points iËlir nieresec.slyistie alenUbie Thse Englisis lady prisoner* at Luc k -......penr scUlîi teeofhei row are reported tolubealime aasmi veii.................Nokfslk Ssir>by tise es-Sherlff to e Ireatçd VIitbv,kSiîîirday', April 17,1 S.5S tise preseur. Tîite con bc in mie,1il 'Nothiug later from Ç1sisa: but mine-....... ............ asy dusîi, tisat Ilise Preusicr taa avre f siretiutg details oU last asivices. -NTCE Tii CORRE .14ODE Nr s. o h eo4toseiee 4obt nf The irigateiMisssîppt %vas nt SIian;- Befo rspubiistsing fauy counirîslnication, we n.I. pilj e ansi cr. Nle.4cer. Aisîl1i 1ac, ans itie fMiinneso ta in tise Canton messe ihare the lianse of tise nrider, nor nt lewsto wr ftena h iriver-. for îîubicabismn, but am a iIedge of î;ood ee fle'asuo iaeoftsî Its Martial law 'vaa proclaime! et Can- fit.jBn he vr edsg i~ lriil ' Ion. We ca only insert comnmissic.itiasse Licti stances vere broulit undet liii not icei Cammisioner eed 'vs gain b ,oain personalftlitiîsions upon the ex_ eM.Mses po-bes Cmani. Redwa gîg o press tunsserstsnding tt ù m-e are a55li- psevis o Mr. ert i aýp oU ail t i _______brtti_____th_______rra_. am t îbgimîg gazettesi. - tises, shsould ste deen it rigbt do n. (tise appoisstmestlvas ratiîd. ansiMnr Ou IÂDI IT CreDÂ--ot -- --Mercer S nons beritT of Norfa)Ik.'Fll lnsnce tise Secrotary of tise Trea- rHE andidiates 'visameia1-r IOury issue! a ciccuhair te tise effect bth rHc et 11i1sde- 1ossi> defence visichs ve hav-eyeseni a sonsular certificate sisoulsi accompany feat ut tIse elections for Norths andsitliis casýe is, Ihat suris circuntanceîý are f 411im lportations mb tiste Unitedi States Souths Ontario, -are again tin. tsfiel! ota uuul o aie ia ie froinitise UB-siPhrovinces under te tise eue for Norths Leesis, ansi tie ottssr a re r.ery comrans." 1 Vi it Se be- Clleciprocity Treaty, exeeeding in valeefcr Norths Oxford. Wbat Mmr. Gown"siesîîru* - one'hundred dollars. Tise oneratien o;cneof ucesar,'v reot S eht cs an!cases are cfery day oce. -Ibis rtoit is ikciy te prove veu y detri- t ao iehrlecnesota lecirn adyet, tLat tise mini!stcy1 -seniial0olise commercial istercourse t a.o vstîrli ossota iehave ocrer protete! aga;iwsý thens, butl sbetween tise wo countries, ans i m Governînt nomneie, Sut thsousi! lit Se on tise contrary, isave ratities Itie uts- smsateially aoecît the proaperily cfIsle returnedsoIo n-u as tiseIlion. J. A. ponm tsIScltieL'rCa- 'border intereats ceagesiin Ibis rade.I '10-- àlacdonald ~~remains in pnsver, w'vfe lda e ;o h seiby vl -tb bTeeaeut.fe rJniteti Statea con- ,-lievilI neyer hav tocompl ai s iîddbcgî a!jîina us iular agen t ePovneansi certainsbiie nrgi n uiie - 0%p notise t ail 'est oU Torunto, an tisat -nU any 'vent oU subsemiency on tise part port tlise mirsitry ahoni! bisey persisî i1 nythiag 1k. star.strsetà commercial ,,f mir. Gowan. In thse- 11eu. J C. tihe appointinent ates these fiscts ai-e1 iotétouseis imossible. Théi Caiasn NMors son 've are &ladt b perceive symp- 1 rvs iePeirlat-akbts joursial. are ared' conmetso; qute tm frpnanefrIsps 4'freely on tua sbjeýt, anti expres tos n rpnthcefrels at s- ivest depttis" in iic estimtation of iise opinion generslly tisai unlees tise ule la des..ds. Tise hou. gentleman is no" people oU Upper Canada previcus o10 tiodified las sane iýportant respect, tise strongly in favor et epreseulstion base! titis eirent, isuL in appoitstinfr IMr. Mer- .betteficial rpsslta wh clj were anticiptbd upon population, ansi lias declamed iisat e etieNrok irepty nwn le Ofiow, fro the tis ecipcocity Treaty hl,îî"ne ie anotiservoei artse ranmnsIeladFtre m Young-Macao iadreoeived a 51mb tmmed- 11 i d i no,.A n!d if ise really bce "modebt - .tél eer se scrt.Upo rmovngtc a fassVit tcertaini> 'vas uob mautfest- M5iJOtCO';IÇTABLE'S LEcTurtES. 4h. fannet tmdei-airt a patent leatîses .Abag 'vas fouindti, :tWîbd COtise neck by e! Iere, for no man could be bolder i -ThIs-iee lectures eleliveresi by tiî ,ctseswu-g ssasd. Ati tise won. tisroming domvn tise gauttiet in defence gventleman in connexion wâti leeean- -der ud esgerti" efthtie by-stanilers, oU tise voles and acts nU himelf amnd col- ics' îostibute, on btse manuera, eustoms mteh ag wae w«»ison" diffcully pullesi leagues in lise iustry. We sisoul! rcligion, &c, ýof Idia, mere igily enfter- -opn vies negîsntielvet boiiid min- - P-abeu thiuk itl'voul! excite ne lit tie surpriseîainaniitrsig tecle -tewatiledreseea'tng aba-tiic n neetn.4 ls stiul ssag ldy vilMkgit lisir,%Iiiciu amomgt bts frîcoda intn isa ltding go findin ieli etrlsieir.ug ' Wb aiiet sasifoldd aspon ite car, lsis opiuions in North, Oxford to diffen- Btsrnham 'vas caliesi upon te take ibbc fnd dat-k eyee dIs dJ6a s bi8tk 84 cnt an! oppoie1 îos i rfssei csa After a few reasfo te dreas, witisee-c eaa-u at o hLeiol! 'in Souths Ontaionîy four - emariki trom tiseh * ked laçe couse. Tise ellues evideuced sne uie xrsieo iepleý£ure Se lia! * * av ai d mutbe fact tbati nosths ie.I r.Mrio sfeit in listenisg10ts eueiI'a tve8r.ypScket dibi. 'viole suit 'vas lui- gcadesally becoming convince!_oU tise moved biy- W. H. 1Trimayîic, Esq., Co. aedtýinzsie ouiWai rt he dotà as error of bis %vays, an! 's imcere in bis Attorney, secotide! i5 Iy J.-Mac- ,othe à1ct eftLise r.eer andi nurder. repenta nceclie may -in tise course of oc1 siCcko 1uPae n Tihe young utan wà 81litito-yeans again sYîflthe confidence ai an rsîei 'ia 1e itlsUtis 4lectioa, ialight hairaid1 ieecyei, tipper Canadian ennstituency, but ve rsle,1-htte htks;fti bwu sJ anand us feet. Tavo men cannot suppose tom a moment tisatiliis meeting~ art due ansi are hereby tender- .amcd Th,.,'Curt-is and Pa*riek Katon susisen. catîtertioantb tise news efthtie es] te Major Cotistalus o s eyeo Va"'a4a : ~iso ls oppositino, mi11 gatin forliii tise bonom ci -q ent sun! interesting iectus'esdlivered ielr..Sitting in pasliatuent as Ilise eîresenta- bv im befuce lise Instutss, nd tisey dec- tive of tise conaîitssency hîcb relurned unysnt aCI George rw. W ol e sire taexessI î'tiseirbýis happre. Me Henry lbsas seui t Ce 3r'n Vewol! coin- ires10asn mpm . b usruiptl er iderec of mens tise elertiors of Nqmîis Oxford 10 ciabion of bis talents as a lec urer,» drý N-ee, thse juy sot baving mgeed let Mr Mornison s till remaid on tise stool olîcenaec'tti;& vaplieWit5t'UL.knnWniIl~ I sCiOIbe rmet «uaL Sai nu.& aI'liu as yul wbethor' tise Govarsamolt siii go on it i 15 55osctition. Tise Assizem Atai eygaeoflSOBeoe tsa201h. 'l'bc Hamltor 7vMeg iile4Wi5s, wiiS greal t-cses, bt the Goyeramenul refuaed to semd a somun milo a Itifot te take evideace, as tise pr-ioner i*qtia5bd, saud - t iistey a d iii ousael-sw ôdécison thl s ubject, , liiJtise Igt4$areb, tee Mte ffr tl. prniwrs~t- la .%t anrtiiô of (be " 1 kn l. '>lë vuoterefer, ,empekd telq ~bo.ébneeofaà lad My ýtgit te speL. idet-tng IboM M it wWdbav* M «411isi es siseet still aieuem around hiito. let lii mtliiBROOKLIN.1 bang !o'vn bis Seadsuaninuter," I 1mr- 1....... pet;" se tisat bis case, acting as a A. large an!dstifluenitial meti fth wariimngansi exasupie, may sbo'v to ah, Iiuabitaunts etf Brookbua, mva'4 belti in the isow ieosis a "crime. it ins"for a reptescu- Town Hal'o Tedi + - at lative- of tise people to be ray -their inter- Hl, n ueayêaigas cils, andi iow lonjan! sincère usust lie ho considérth ie beat aeansjof carryini tise repentance ut suds a one crehibe eauout as! caféi-ciag fthcla'vsls-.ating .ht be, aga received - into publicio CO- ganbling on or arouns!tise pesI c fidente. -Trèa as Rneao P i eà . 5't meae exhotand cesj urto ro te uuiffeianis va of In u UIpellli sttltols, haever aseissiteis at appeu, tlu lsby, *itseut a det perseves-hng restatte., Ose Pi centes mosttier. Tiseyi»non &Mt Mad coastitte l 1av. - ya eei fac4 toýjd in4e$*-fsUé Eeeent eMunis hoi -10diSi4 rHuC (hRIb ; A IIE V n s ru&~ ACTICIL HRIUITesU-Rusu; 0 L $ at U- :.e Kfitchon vegeLubies, eÎqý' towers, dOrnssrentssi Tres 8aeî 81 biWitis Exposition of tise uatttere [ Ùo of sqand miarisires, tussts df-ss3 d tIse iasv of'vegetahs'ih, grswth, ý.By tise aisthso c r ti WtuNrite," .0w 1 .oetIiave,tc&. Posis à &Wg, 8Broialw i -, Newv York. Piotblapsper, centî; ciot-i, 50 cents. -- 1 Tis one of tise cheapeat and best rks eu the mauagemest of à garden' at ever came under o0wi1 fotice. Ih ants of the atrat.ture ar>,ý rowtiî cf ants, souls and! masures, thse formation a garden, garden implements asnd fix- -es, borticulînral processes, ni tise tcieu, fruit anti fbwer garticus, andi cf ,amental brees an! sisrusbs. It con- ns a large amount of earefuill coin- ed informmation on allithèse subject.u usatrateti anal explaineti by nu:nernus eii execsmled wagd euis. NO one ving a gargen, or a amat plot of lausi at coulsi bu laid nut as cne, sisoulti Se istht rialesîble iul ON- to-inorre W (Sunda,,) sermons rili be preachisi) ithbe 5sV.4yau Meth- luit Ciuircis, by tise liea. Enacis A'nod ansd Dr. Ryerson,-wh!en colise- ns vsil Sbcinade in Imeisemf of tie bhurcis funsi. A Soirceemvîll ao Se ie on Mna eveang, wisen tise losi. J. Ferrier, O. Nlozvat, Esq. M il st ci is eomposed ofOhio freestone. Thé style of the, building is of a 'Modern character, avoiding lieavy pro'eciions, ,hiei fever agree with thse dmate intis country : but itLàspieasing, Iofty and ael! proportioned. The higiseat part ni the busilsisng ta 72 feet above tise aide- walk and is suriuouîsled by an ornamen- tai at-iron tf~itît. Thse wiig si pat.iy divided soLo rooms fo)r tise bouse- keeiaer and partly isito offices, and is îosînected-wilslise ma~in building~ by an aist-ise gailery avih iron ,atairs. Tise asatbuilding are arrantes i vuexcellent judgemenb and ore very convenient. Thse arcbstect is William Kauffuann, Esq., Nîs. 1,41 Bay Street ; and thse sspility lie bas displayed liai produced a building whîichin ay be regardesilai one of thse pro minent objecta ni admiration in 'Toronto.-.-Colonist. By a referen7e tn our advertising columns iL 'vii be seen sisaL MIesirs. C rawford andi Camnpbell have dissulvedl partnersiîip. For soîne years pasit the firmn bas dune a large an.! sncrcasing biisis viti the intiabitants of lise towss andi coutîty. Mr. R. Casnplaelt îviii now continue tise business on bis on accouant. lfias stock of goods, in tise various dep)artiîcts isnot to he ex- celîsis, and 'e doubt ot lus new sprisig g-ods %viili oneet wjtb miny ad- mirera and purchisers3 am-)ng the fair %ex. MAJOR .DtJNN, 0F TIuE MiOTî. et m the pré wa at théi ne sol %VI TI tri pe au nil cc PC ni T li tés i i t'.,~ ~ nutAasV'stt '. v. We Iear tisaI Mr. Dunsi is about bute PP., and otier gentlemen are expeceti receive tie nlipoisstmtent oU Major iii d ýtalse part in tlseproceeduslýs. tli corps. Caplaîn Bruce Seing %viing Ir ta renouace tisat grasde in Mr. Dutîrs s - -- - favori ansi take a C-a saii's' cominsn b )EDICATION OF' THE -NEV Cor visich lie bas rais-esi the ceqiiite, MASONIC HALL, TORONTO. nuinber cf recru7%. 'l'ie arrangtesnvnî &Ï, Of course, sassctsonedl by Hlie Excel-a j& mery .iar-ye iais nbaageoU the Mà- lesscy, andi is acceptable te tue Coin- o'i ctrss.nipielatCUîI, mnder of tise forces, Sir \Vi.liam Eyre-. un ise nccaioZl of oj5sii5-ise IIcissapsilt- TFise appointsaist k Ifur many rensis, i cuit Niaq Icic j{î, iii Toroantou street, a gond elle; asd altisodsgisMc. Dsitiî -secteel by Msr.Nrtieae.Tise sarts laie, ans ijhi Iwolisusîdre!men lu -Si Audrew's Losige took the inî*î bms, a'.se, lic lias.tise reputalinoUfiscin2 e sariug ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bi .sc olirîsssn ntsss avt in tb iLeldi, an! ths-naine is veill P hn e moc provdin ietainoheîlîIvon ~oivsiiansi pnpuiar su Canada: wc tiaret for tse ci-af!T > .orosiitlulais Iseemi ne0dcrubt of lisspeesi> su, eus. Mr.r long leit tiset uhie iod$ r6uas lu-merI> Duan ik a Caiain 1sy pist.Ile 1is1tie scesîpiesiluti tise StLimvence [ih.all second soli o ts0 aieI>lrabCJîn ssiadeqssatc bte leeq-irehsents of tueur- hleuryDunis. WhosnfUr moire(tiais ti"cis- argely îsscreasiug nestnbers. T'ie ccl 5years lild lse lsils ansi responiie u;g lad a i-lit wass attetidesi b> sucre isais1 office cf Receimvar Gt-necal in t is, Coue - 300 of thie fraseruiry, ansi a mure cor--bs-y, endstoosi deservel> iigis iin gstti- liai spirit af Mason;c unins as ocrer rasi estusnatio.sfor polisscai couistefcyd belore mansféslsd. and the excellence of bus cisuracter Iius A conisidcr rble usiinier oU Grand Offi- putblic ansi pravabelIufe. rerf we'e pesel. M W.D. G NI Mn. Duuin bas reccivel1 a militer> cd- -ero Rites 1sreeil theM.air.ad. G.r- ucationu. ansi shut is bebter, lies seemi sec- Bs-. Rdo(, ile! is ciai, tns lir-vice, isaving gone tbrougi thse Crsmeas ronssei iseDesictio ceesouyiviiscainjaon. Lie mas a Lieutenant oUfihorse nucis feeliuîg7uts! great eltect. - Amongst inbciiiLr0CriassHsas tise asitifularc ece - 'sepesn vsan! code i is e celebcatcciare oU (lie1 mor prtitsai'y eco0iseld, was le Liglst Brigade ai Balaklava, mvusen 60J NI. W. LP. G. M. of Nova Scotia, me a iebriini1 îakabt Brotiser Starr. , Alter thse processionsce Uasnnes on lia! been focunesi, ansi t1ie sedication tery oU 30 piecso rnnei on tis lsig 'ilsopnedbyblank pesition, cutting 15cm 'vaày tiscougis1 comçlelcd, Ialdense bo!> oe by 50 siau avuy :St. Andremv's 'viose %V. M.3IJo. Cums- rtrii hohtesiems n berlatnd,lisas Scen uureutsittlinnta sci- tiuuii0 hnoii is nemasa0 iuisuprinetsit~ i~ arane-sabe:ing tise guumers, aud finaiiy muni-1 & ning tise gauntuet * througb an infautny9 ment. Ainis hopitale nterainentfirne SutisInks fon2110,000 mmskets.1 'vas -iveis iyIsle losige, auda4[tie breticenVseipcusycilisaiane ad preesu eîisrssa.d tisii'i~s itstisÀtan iâolaies iunovernesît, for it 'vas - Sstroile»t (rinsi, as desi'IâÙtiMrfoi- e es- -poisible- le bring up tise suisporîs in time taibt.-iînent f un Unie! Osatt! 04s! e Luesable tise gailesst lit tIc bants! .sbru g foc Cana!..Thie oldeet menbers ni into e iseiitisiunesthe isear gustisey the craft tbore tesîîsnsste Ili*e tron; ss uie st a!trr Ieeen desise existing for Ibis unity, tan! tise berieitirto adet 'irî 0eenec op-sngo ie evbilîa ,hem eeltsir Britii;b assailants, ansi notlîigbut as mit m a ;satio ua o- a a>sa7 rar - tie u n ex a m p e ! e f sontery su d e n n e ss o t F1ise furniture of Si. Andrîew's losige tise atiack, and retuma te position, sure!l - a tiis SandUeui oU luerees trom Seing hemn- lias Seen aarn<oee tinthse ne' hall, 'vmti many lasteîtti 13asiioni< aise! uiprove- ii in b>- numbers an! cultet pieces or menti, by brotiiers Cumberlansd au! campelie! to surreuder et discretin. It Storms ; - au! il ma e bsnaticesl ' tiat is recorded tLit tise allait occupie! oniy broleiRu ay, Harris, lllieisardsoltIbmenty-Ûvse minutes; but in tisut bnie EBuis an! others bave giren conderabie sapice, out of 603 ment 26 mounte! ofli- attention to perfect thse decorations andi cers, 276 iussars, and asnsaoy as 400 Uun 0sug ienomi ite b Lieuteuaut Duno's sare in tisis bran- ucanuiceot cerana, designe! by.brotiser scin'a vrîyn i meg n 1-a>,hni 0sinaaceonin polychy rome, lbearinan aprnpcuiae eitntoly chiptme,in olsi country. He, not euiy overtisi-cuail Encloia isrtellaansi sicrte! itu 'vstis wbom lhe came isuto direct couflici, Engiii chraier%, nd ecraid wthbut luit tise moka mure tisan once te a varieby of insoo ie vîcea, oassieldsrsu r3eswomleswbn n enricise! 'itîs con-venîtonai (bstrets c etope vsmb avsnl n tubae, ompriugtiseoak îluvyau!gage! against numbers, ansi te 'visom lSe trefsil. Tise isonie body cf 'loronîo brouâit tise timely su:.cor of bis resibt- ted c lisework bscylea_3swos'uiarn>.itis tismstise tale5t mey féljustly prou-1'of thillen ot us:m,-n vsnLe a~s bave just accoiu,lished und, froas tise rteofl*iadw nlerMj sentimnents wti'icispremiied fit nigist,-17 'vas ativisesi 10 institute ta ne'v miii- amogstahitis loige prsent tealt1 tary orier, for tise distinction of cases i mnt Unr ste lnt i scu ctinae imeof individual valet- in action 'vils the s-o ar lat vintpiniqües- enetay,,ansiadmni'a ias u-ts tians 'vili 6e absorbe! an! tI adergotiasman frine euoe firm, indissoluble boad', 'vIsci Ca snost distingruisbes maa for pernls gai- ,nadian Masons may claim and honor. - ientry is the terrible. Balaklaiva charge, TVie front building is 10 teet ion g Lieut. Alexander Dunn's was tise saine ansi75 ed dep;tiscîvij ouPat visicis by thse common acord of oflicers Office hane is 30 fi. long and 2j*1<. deep. anti mcen 'as returnesi. -risc -Victouria 'Èbie sisop fronts are timongh4ut of <,t Cross 'vas publici>' deliveredto bhies in ban! 'vmougltit on, ineluding #ie sasSes. lÎydePamkluy tiheband*'ofthtie Qucen .sisere are fve of 15cm on 3thse groundSe-ef . loor, isaving 1bUty cîlars xnadroca:hi To have ha! the teintniar-k eft<rue .'vitS every convenieuce. Tapicplvalo ut-tmnped upon bis *aiDetOý 1courance il% 9 îftt wide 1e 1tl -rigs bave len declarcd tise braveat oftise 1 te ebaileun tise fit-st stoqes. a ciehbravnet bush îtastouisiing utle an! ef arùe teu double offices fittti ýith susrs« rdni.n e- taie ieaie antil vasis-sands. ,PeFlur passapa lea! top t or cfleeïiiesust ,for tie 100At îo a ~back buuilinsg airro'undes jr ys à - agosgoslcbeo ge te C tiai îery iu.whiicis are Ilocated 'ise separate tant <et-e i , fitusas iisi on ot 5ceaI celians fot-cdi office.. Tiese-- in thse ranis lie is, to holàin se - tCa- 151îo t-ry îs-div;ied in thse sane 'ay u adian Reg ent 4fthelinc enrolled iui titi siila aeassemeIa~ - ,tise lestisl ets>', We isupe itl g.. e Tue LiEMVRDl)R AT ANGUs. the eactment of a Probibitory Liquor tion for Canada, means should be PM, BREST 0F TU MURDURR.- Ri.- Law. vided for tise local governenent of the tCo&lter, the mani charged 'vits tise<Mr. Patrick presented another pe- said Territories iuder thse .General erder of Coots tise lavera kîseper at tilion 'vîisti sane prayer. Governiment, until population ana t village of Anoeui on Chse Une of tise WRIT FOR 'OTHGL IVLLE. settlement may fcom time té t1eess'Litie ortlsern Rilfi, n4 for' wisoseap- Atre.GNORTMacdoNal sovdtbem 1icibe admitted mb t te Cana<àiaà rension tl 8lrge reward cf $603 tliaithtie Spse.aker do issue lis warrant Confederation. s oiTered«, arrested on Friday Isi tor make out a new wriLctuedc' 3d"'htaGnrlCnelsa Goderics, 6y MNr. William Lo rrie, lion- of a mnember to serve in tbis Par- lin o ftise P-rovinces of New Bruns-. iDcputy Sberift' of Barrie. TIse man - liament for lise North liidino, of Gren- stick, Noea Sco*tia, #ewfoundlnà, an&! rof tise arrsI displayî considerable ris nts ou fBslL.Csri rneVwr' sadwtsCnd iacity on te part of liiese tIsrous'ls 'dcaeî.Çrit.andithe Vcster 'l',er'stMiet , mosat som; aud'b y w m, il 'vis aiected. ., dcsirable, 5usdcalcua!-ted te proYnote ueneint Attorney t Barrie, M r. THE RUSSELL ELECTO . ulîir sererai sud sisitei intrests, by Blnpki s as taken a great dpal or The examinatios of James Keay, p 9evn necs Poic h mcn subie te trace thse man. Varinus ex- rclursino offiirei attse laie electios for. trolled mnanagemnent oi ils peculiar masti- edients were reserted in for ibsis object. lise cuunty of Ruïsell, ws resumesi. tutin, ns]of those internai alfasirs si tise last provesi succeïsissi. it wus lion Mr. Morri3se motii)n was ne- -respectiny 'viicli dutterence cf opinion nturally isspposesi thIat Cnulter 'vosîi gatsved bhy a vote of 2)5 lu 9. Inigit arise sviîlî miser members of thse oisnunicate 'vus tise în'îrdered mans's0 Col. Princc's resoîntiors 'vas thi-n re- Confederation, wle it will increase tisat idoîv, 'itis whom, attlise lime nf tise fcrred tu a Comnmittee, Io prepars an idenlity of feeling wlicb pervisdes tie urder, il. wili be remèmbcccd, il is sup- ddress founded tbiereon - 1sosîessioru cf tise Britishs Crown idi osed lie 'vas on terma of improper mnti- TtiE NAME OF THE HOUSE ANIS) TITLE Norulh America, andi by tise adoptin vicy. This striruise proired correct. OF ITS MENIBEItS. of an uniîorm poiicy for the develop' lif' arrsv:1l cf a icter ut Birrie, ai- Iton Mr. M'orris saisi tist, on Fi- meut of thse vast ansi varied resour ces cf lmugi ot bearing bhis signatusre, Yet siq lait lie gave notice tlsat lie svould iiese immrense Territorica, mviii grstatiy tsi1~ ~ lisdviig a e ie ue htisa i l s tis iunein ore a cesolsstion prayiug ,add tb their national powter ans] cousid- ras at Godericls, or in tise neiý,lsi.our- tlsît-povYer miit lao bc given to It rîsn;audtsI om5îeo md. Viiîh ail speesi Mr. llopkiisî i1louse t .chsang~eils naine. ]t 1usd be appointed 10 report lspatclied Mc. Lomvsie to tIsait plac-e ofien occurresit ii istnbelier on flic steps lu Se taken for'aicert.tin- i lsi instruict ions Io disîguise liimsel 1 alssi nasne miglit bit selsîctesi. XVé- iasin su'. trisuidsîlay, the sentiments of thse se in allendance nt ilie Post Office au cî5atieCounicîls, Municipal Cosîn- Inisabitis ocf thse Lowcr Provinces, îe lne visus rely a tse eltrcils, Ciiy Counicils, andi Cossnly Cousi- ansi cf the Imperial G-overnument, on 'nul! in due cour'c be expectesi Coul- cils;, andi îitls .1i1 tisese Councils., il tîsîs most important subject. tr 'vent te tise Post Office as 'vas an- solib eieiipoeet'ee ~ --~ caesu uan ivsrreiait .lie 'vas tise llIoueto adopt tise tiame îvisich.1ha THE meeting cf ithe WisibyDe- >kabe t fe r sca y srietabe IaspopSsais.1 ssl 15 u ia11el bahin-, S.-ciety mW3% adjouruesil rom last nabe t oter ny esîtane. xpressed 'uie ciracter ofUIllse ouse. -ie mnoveti tisat sucre sdedt is u sda is'iloMva -ei, et Su;cir.-A distrcssisg eventlisa%îjsst Asidreasspropose! by b li-s i o tie Col. ----eosy rein n-t nzcsred nt Gardiner, Maine, mn thse Prince, a prayer toc p--e-ver b change- MARRI ED. eath of Mr. F.-nisRcars gn lacnamne of Ibis linsse tu tisas nf Onthe l5ts inst., hy thse 1ev. S. CG. Nc. eman eft tae iihest respectaieility, î%visoSesaansi Il-e talie of Lenislatire Catigses, S-t->Clhurch. Phkerhssg, vr drowned isimself in stse Kenebec Riçer Coîsnzsl;iins 10 hisat of Senators. J. Coitiie., Bîiciser, Dullins' Creck, tu Miss in a fit nU temporary aberration (Jnil isd. Ilis Mr. DeiV'aâqîiiere seconde] ulse J anc Scotf same plasce. .Nlr. Rtichards 'vaï an ElCngliism su by m-tion, considerîcsig a very natril- birIs, whio, mvitls a tsain brother, cause iin; liîst sise flouse sisosîl 1 orrem-sond - WITYSAlES Io isis. country tirmy yeacî ato under iis uaine tu %visati: à'vis in reasIiîty. 'sTtr~pî2,i8. lie auspices of Aice asder Bskriug,, as-7 - ýr121 ameuts of iu exten.,îrte portion Qf lie TuEsO sy, Apivil 13-lh, 1858. 8 . D. s. s0. ivilii lainds oU thse laie K. Binchassouf. Tise Speaker took tbc chair aI 3 Wiseat, per us. .......... 4 -I a 5 3 >lsilad.-Iplsia, (liii fabîser îss-iav oni %I]r. o'clotk- Egg-ý, per doz.. ..........o G0-oo iaisg.- ist 's1;se ssis11î ves Clccer ) b .... ....... o s o imothlie noisle't spectineni of tie 3Englishrssen, phy'sically consi'lerei, ands evet*y %Tay geislernen of tise li, srobitv and Issnsnr. Thie sutejeet nil ti?% notic.e lirs'd for ise laï itîvs-nîy ye s sf lis i s i Gidiner, 'viese lie sua rried lie sisie. of FRobAiI.WrîFne.-, 1._ of 11,1 Ci.t cy. 'l'sougis orteil nit5 sie attsi% s declined itîlse s.ssl y sien' i.aosie O haif iisleMt loi nz,-is, wtli csna~'sie nanssstychaze liiiis 'il ,or if tIse City. Buit no) temîptati-1u, co iii snd lise postsreIy decli:sed *thessJ S. lae ssvs)osedi on hi:rs. 't'tvo years aAd a a Il ago lie lot a iseassîfut sbsssi,Iir ai the age ni sevcn'e'rs, eviso caine 1(, her ursimunely deatis by bessi îsv;e ivile balhiasg. 'l'lie blow ivas s'sle s and, st now sNemn, nsrçls In:r \r Rticha'rds %vent to Esigiand wils iihl% family, but neitiser tune nar distanc~e seems to isave înrnrrnatpd ius effects. Ile returned in one of the lait steainers. Ieaving iimilytesuporarily belsind han [le reaclsed Isoine on Wednesday of taît veck., only. il appears, to hsave tise melanclsoly associations ofIÙbisbereave- msent brouglsht thse msore vividly -tuii.li-, mid.- On Saissrday lie ias boîs-,irg, and on tise foIlosvin,ý Wcdneâd.sy lie ïas found drowused in tise river, imb evisiels lie hasit thrown Isiniself. NIr. Richsards mva» about fifty years of age.-N. Y. Tribune. Provincial E'arlamant. LEGISLATIVE ASSE,.IBLY. NNDA? yApril î2îuî. Tise Speaker teok tise cisair at tiscit oMcock. AN ELECTIVE SPEAKER. Hon. Col. Prince sais it ildt be fresis in thse memocy oU tise son. gent!e- men now present tibat a yca r age 5ie in- troduceti a bill isto tbki House luving for ils objecbtishe soeuring eftiset- ta tise mstmberîi b dlccitiseir ovn Sacak- er. Tisat bilu was aftermvtrdesblît- dramvn, because il vas cule! by tise then Speaker lisal tise7 'ere travelling nut of tise recorti, an! assuming 10o legislate upen tisaI t is 'viici thie> bcd ne riglit to inîcniere. To sieference bu tise opinion efthtie House on tisat occasion -bougi t 'vs a sieci-.ion in whiicis lie ha! siever been able lu coimîcisie, because be dii! not sinterstandel iemesninag of tise Impemial sta(ube 'vhicis la! madie the Ileuse en etecbive bodyr, if il di! aise give tisat bcdy'lte powrer Io etecî t1bete e"Q Speaker-!se-came betore tise I-osese"itz a difiterent iseasture, but isariusg thissaie obiject iii vie'v. TIsat meiluno w'vas ils-tise shap, e n atdres te hir jesby Iauinbiy pt-syiugts Qui IesçtemensutithseImperiail Par- liassent <o passelaw'isch iluud ., I Ibis Ilonse. toe ect their etu Speak- r e. Re sisoulti not recur,,te tise argu- , ment. wlicb lie sseti lasI 'yer-iit vas n3t 'vomi isSlu 'veary the lieuse by a. sepetîtio, f etin5c; ibut lhe truste! tisata yof be.isos. nsenbers--who Ati. General Mslcilon.nld bcostglst su a beill b abaiitis2 dProbaile au! lion. J. S. Madlnuii iiî- cus-iiiZ sue u-se of tlsiîinscassure., îv1a nsp.sretIito sa>- tisallue %vasiimss ivilln' ta Ieiiieon an is> peIar Csisa-,li[us sun'uie yhite tise preiect sya1iss O itsa le a -.iin irisa iaou a s- usris~,ais !15a ib> lsis s brois2iiijf r nu his iiî -a lie cen-utsi ut' so'ns' p:sil, of flic ssvp'srpres-i. blet mtv v i-uc!, cs iv Iylis tkt !'vas unctîsfor lîiss-Ifl sInse evitisiut lktî adv>ice foin Oliere5 anî ! -f cý-si vais ùaioe rep,)isssbit-l',oi Mr 1 s-'ain M5i-. Fssls' an-i ntiss- ns -subers (.-pi e-,e esse eîCS sssssl>si. Il TISE USUR.Y LAWS. Tise rensainder eofbIse sisuiug 'vas oc- cupse! vitiî a di-uusioncf ,Solicitor Gi-en-rai Rose's bill for Iuse ansessdsncnt oU the lavi regul sin, tise intenest GnI iî>cîe-wiieli sud not recult in a dii-i. si,.tise debate lseing nljnurned. Tise Ilouee rose ah salf-past elevtii -WE:D-EqDAT,, April i11, 11858. - siDMttTYOr' NiEMB5 KIS. Mn. Jois presentel the 41îb R-port ,)U bis-eCoimuttesi ounciissgnîicies, rit- commeniiing uisat disring Isle present session lIse isdeuniby of sursobers 5e aisgmente! 10s pur dicîsi aboy v-visaI is alloîvi'!by sau(-ma lss ise infeni- niysix dlollars per diens.) lion. Mr. Cumeron expresse! iii opinions lisal four dollars a si.sy 'ere quitë sufficient ion a man le lime ceinfortabil' sipa s, an.! hope! lise lsoîî,e 'vaitsigo basck to tisat figsine. Ile Sa! aimvays biei!, iitîs regard bo salaries, tîsat tfie moi-c tisat mv.s giren. tise'verse il 'vas for tise recipieiuts. -(lLsughter.) %Viîb 3111311 salaries tsere %va% luis teuiptatiolI -Ie seek a.1ny othen3 beverage tuao coi! 'vuler. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ANDS TIADE -RE- i TU5LNS. A messa«e 'vas reccivesi, Tfrom hiii Exeelien y, coffntinssuating Io tis- Ho"tse tise Publiic ccounts of the year 1857, tozetiser 'vilS îi.laiues cf 'rude ansi Navigation ni tise Province' tfnrlise same yeur. Hou. Mcr. Cayley mut-e! tsaî àilà- Public Accounti for bise ycams i1855 an! 1857 Se reterce! 10 lIse tîatdissg Comsnitlee on Publie 'Accouns.- Cariedi. Mer. Foley move! tisat thse' corres- pontience- an-I- other papers connecîid vilS tise apposntmcnt et L. W. Mencer, Esq.,.to te Slsrievalty of Nerf olk, be Usinte I for tise use cf memisers. 'hrim emanstieetfise Sitting 'vs-q cupieti Dy exumàîtsirg Eari IlBedeil ut $î L-tmrence CQ. State et New Yeck, lin tisé iattetof tise Russell Elecelon.-, Tise laisse roe ut -fve minutes ai ter midiiglil. - 'Vibuse. 'as eee'îpied titis exni- iann tise. witnesses in the Ruassei à"s El Pî)tlltoeîa, Per bis-.h...... 2 6 3 0 Pork, per bbi.- $16. ToXronto, A pril 15. Wisea-.--T&ssrIv o-d..y were smit 'sot :sm01nting 10 omore tha n about Poo ,ii4isq. Pricsîs ranzed froua 4s. Gdi. tu be. 3,1. pe~r Ihuqi> (Otss os1d t le 7M a te. 81- per buîh. Il irle n'ai iin g,3d denand nt ls 61. a.2 per i. p.-.3.jer hudi. New Advortisomnts.- I UST receirtcsl tnd foé sale ex-Schooner 1 llononier," from Pftehéster, a quantity CHESTER DRAPER. In thse Insolvent Court of the Connty of Ontario. 'XTÇEREÂS, a petition of Jouxr Ws,mir N of thse toirti of Whitby, in thse counLy ot Ontario. GOarsiener, tsaving bee n fiied in the Itisoivent Court, for the cosn.y of On- :arin, and the îsterini order for protection froua poceee hssving been given to the said Joax IVisITE, under th~.. provisions of au net of parliament, of :Lis Provduc6, passed in tise e7ghtfl erotereign of her nia- jr3ty, Quitn Vco iiitituied, IlAn Act for thec-relief of Insolvent Debtors in Upper C4tnadî%, tand - fur other purposes thcrein m 0ind"the said Joux.-WHi" iisbereby rospsired to appeir in Cnturt befoi Zac1heui litîrnliam,- Esqitire, Jndge of the Cossnty Court, for tise cossnty of (Ontarin, actingr in thse matter of the raidi ietition, on thse tweu- t -iernth day of April, instant, at Eles-ru oCiock in thse forenon precisely, at the Court Houàsg, in mte Town of Whîtby, for the purpose of heinft there aud then ex- ausined tonching bis debts, estate and efl'ects, and te -bc fartiser deait with ne- cording to thse provi3ions of thse said Act. All persong indpbted bte te said Joh.n Wh'te, or Vintt have mny. of hi~s effects, are lot- to pas' or deliver the sarne but to James lodgeôn, Esq., the Officiai Anignee, noali- nseted in thast behaif by thse Judge, acting ini the maLter of the said petilinu. * N. G. fiA MI CounY4 for Peifflorser Date! ISU> .4pril, 1858. 28.3in. G. A. BANNISTER, AL ]P C>t U ;e 0o%,ary 0 'f S'V. P,(YS7 D iDRUGS, MEDICINEly R Placini]LI S, -Z CA ýS S W A RE,1 E t PÂtI ; TooTm, i, k T treet,,bel tet deep to aL Lut 'No. 6,fu Livery Stahte iNo. .For -9 are equal to anr on m:ost reas onil eriet gond onthem. One ff'Indre Street, dire-..tl,, -for a terni of 7, .of 20 feet frunt. Appiy to. 'very ithe Toi TeatEsate, Tae of ttsis va- ofrhiîehp Wliittsy, Mari STUDW . lr- J TL ourta wit andth ie Cierk r quirelIsr-sî Count.ssnl i-cdur 'bave ber etofori thse'T'reasuner(il Io cccpuntfor ý fines simd monu iiuch Cierks, ase Vie. cap. And all Ma- ire also heret.j ai informat:ion sud othssi pap- charges,liseret of thse Peaep 106, iRI Accumula IIEAI> CIE No. 5, Nordli Cassatds IL Il. Counseai: s.it .1usssa, L Aninai Repiont, able oup sppiica2 Ganerat Âgeiis LW.-V. H. ST~ R. CuxEcKr.xv, Ptovide TUE DU] L SCOTT to pub -Britishs perio4i Tlhe Londea The Ediabsir -TsNorth B TIse Westaii Thesc Periol Whig,Tory ans ouiy one'fe-At ter. As oMg wrrtes-s en Scie Prelig«inucitheyî sshdcred indst geuL riuaderss more correct «rrsesat lhtrs from a ay etb -Thse racc bout à ,et-sut

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