il- Wme##urten Uroli4tret..pqr 4ale or te Lae.: ýj rV0?! Lot No. e, East side of Brick Sfreetbbg tihe firse vacant *1~orl o eg'ssiry 0fflcm,à 69 teet front anud 139) 'etdop tosLa.e Lot N. ,furmnerlY, ociilspled by'.Ailan's Ltvery Stables, Blrook-.Street, same size as 'No. a. For flué*1ýrss Stands th' se Lots ire equal tu any ln Town, and will, be sold on muâst rýiioxtbletoeams ta. parties %vho _Çnî-ut leocgood Stone or Brick Building, -uthini.- 1ý1 To Leame. éne Ih-indred Feot Frontage ons Brock Stl!egt, di rectly opposite I l ryan's Ilotel, -for a terni of 7, 14, or 21 years, ln parcels 'of 20 feet froutige and upwards. Applyto ' J.. HAkM PERRY. * '*elitby, Brd Marcb, 1858. 23-tf. -Zvery Mn is Owuljandlord * 0~ai 'st~eselection of Building Lots, in lutise raWti 6f Wiitby. See Perry's 1 reýaat tatlk column, tliird "cluman, third " Page 0f this paper. SPrice lowterme of payanunt easy. Wiitby, March 30th, 1858. 26. ýýSTUO WJRSE FOR SALE. * MIHE Subucrieherlis for Baie a Stud 'I- iHorse, (Jydt'adale breed, 3 years ohi. * RODT. CÂMPBEýLL, Lot*N.o T, Brokên Front, 27-tf Pickerinag. seves-eal Ceiks9 of thse Div;sion quireal. iere-afîe to deli-er to inie sue-laait- countsanal a-turme, and at istîe-latl anas ais ilie> liave-îretabra-braaibe-ainal liV laîwta do ta tise Treasurer of thae satia Cotant', anal also ta ascaint 'or aind-tptîy ns-s-rta ;neaa raies", ýfines anal moascys ruceivable las- tut-ni is Vis-. cap. 59.- And aIl M gistrates'of the .qnal 'ourt iý are# aisealier ires-totadelister ro ne aIl inforniatî l s, recagnizalces, conictions asnd otiier p, ~eri -onneatel wilh cinuiai:al charges, icretofpre retus-neal othe la- ItI o! tise Ieacc puirsuant ta thae stîlaletasut. SW'.IL TREMNAYNI-, Ceasaasy A!tor-tieyt . .( litby, Mais-h Sth,, lIta. 22-lt,,. - TIu' à NEW YuIII Life ilusuran.ce Com,2,'y, IOG R-tOADWAY, Ns- YaORK. Accahsùuiat'd italpI!l $1,102,966 LAs T A-intiat Davaaarir 30 i4 L-N- IlEeffl OUhFIE -aîC'\iJ- No. 5,--Nordiseiners Building- Toronto btroot, *Tor-m.o, G-W.- -Casîrsela Leeai1Boae-r-d W. . a. oueTr- . Maiar J. e. u, wý t ). ri4ItîQ Counsal S-iit~3 s. au naaava, Ena. Si Lana,. Js.D&iAVS Modiîal Offi77cers: 'ýrce &&* Blatik Fuoraof .pplir-alion asi Annual Reort, Tale of Rtes, &-v., Ohtnin L J.L STA ItTt, -, Seertry. G-M't iieafD rCaiai JAS, . . G OtiN, T rident Mutital Insurance Col i Providenoe, UMode Island. J A)IE-S 0. LGI1IiiiuN, 1 - - AND T-IE F.IRJJE/'S (tLiLE TSCOTT t& Co., \av York. .eoniasue Jj ta aulili t etasfollowsiatg lctîding B3ritigla lleriadialas, riz:. "lac Laondon Qia-asi-î>, (Canss-,ssatis-e The HEdinisirgis ites-ew,(Wig Tise Norths Britiahalicss-ie, (Freta Claisicl) -Thie Westminister Ilcsless-, (Litikrntl ) Rliîekwso'a d alilungli Maigazias,i 'or. ) Tiscs-Periodicalq iasil>' rairesclat iith i-ce gi-aatt polialciA 1hitrîlu atf (ire-att Dia-iri - Wtig, Tory and Iltsnicali bat po:ai iis fi-rna oaly anc fa-atare o! the-i- politie-al e-iai- tei-, As orgauns -f the motat profaaind arters on Science, Lits-raluire, alMoraliay ana] -- hieigion, tisteanad s theauveta siboad, unt- riv'aîls-d lun'ths- varIaI'os- lattai ý-rt srg con- aiaiati-cil iispeaasibtai ou lthi-liiîçlsir andi tise professional man isle- ta dit, irteli- gent moder of es-or> clais îhey fiariisl aa more correct anal satlsfactory rt-soral oh Oaa- -current literature o! tise day, thaa-aaghaoii tise world, thain eau he possibl>' obtaincat froan an>' otiser source - EAILY COPIES. Tise res-aihat o! advance Sheat.e fron tise Britishs publisere gis-es additiogsn1 value totbiseuRetprints; inasmuci, as» ttau.)vain n ow be placcd in tise bande of suliscribers bout uts sosa as the original ealtions. TER MS': par ann. For any ne a!tise four Reviews, $3 OÃ"i For atny two o! tlîe fouriRaviews, 5 00 Fer any ismeeof !tisafour Resiews, * T O0 )For all tour o! tIselReviews, 8 O0 For >Iilaekwood!as Magazine, 3 00 For Blackwood ansd tismee Reviens 9 O0 For BIliaksood andi four Ibeviese, 10 110 l'aymeat, to-Lbc madle in ail caesiad-a vaues. Manery carrent ti the-/as 5ia m/serd inuoel ,eit bc rectvcza t - par. - CLJUBBING, A discount of twWtaty-hlve ',c sen t. tram tise aisovalprices wili bc allawrad ta Clubs lrderlugif f'r orrn-re cop)ies o! an>' one or more. o!tise ahove works, Tis: Fouar copies o! Blackwood, or cf oue leview, wiii isp sent ta aone address for"$; four copies o! tise four Reviews and Bîackwood for $90; and 80 on. --POSTAGE.- s- ebr In Sis--crluCanada wilh eciTe lsd -numbessNem o! United States Postage. N.B. Tise pris-es Wu Great Drtain o! tise File Perlodicais chore nansed la $31i per ennum.- The Farmserýsu 1tuie.. Ieot.c Beec«ic and Frac/-i Agriculture B>' Hans-y Sepbous, F. R.».,of Edin- bu-gis, aud the late J. P. Norton, Profeseor -qf sientifie Agricult~ure. ln YAle Coilege, New Haven, 2 VOIS. Royal Qtavo 1600 pagflp anad numorous Wood and Steel0 En- SThis la confossedly tise potcomplote wossk on Agrleuitu:e oves- publisheg, andtInl os-der to giv. It a wlder.clrcuilâtlonitise pçtbbUahers havre reiolstdi ýo retipe thse W5ié,sen..St bysailu <nmwmWl utû as l.. E- I - -~ NEW SPRINGGOOS! HAMILTON &. ROBEIRTS, BEG TO ANOl9sCETU IIr ALPf Oh F TilEIR SPRLN-G IM PO'ROTRIIONS, COMPRISING I GLTSI1 AND ALIA STRAW *BONNETS ANDI)ILkTS, RIBBONS, PARASOLS, SILK CAPES, J1l'L ASSOETMENLr OF IRss 100 iS'y nous ilD HsiIII. A ri:W CAS-ES ()r GirE NT. 8 SI1LÀK ML E LT HIA T S Yno 1 & 2, Till's Blockz, Br3ck.Strez,, Whitby.Aprd l u ;, - 48 BISILU'O [ O FrTRIIP D ' O (Il' t taa t Ih us ois I as-n <atir jtia, u,!r i. ~ n ut ~il oua l.T trCAMPIrana iS attlit[ed to setile i .!is iilia- ta afI l )v ltii 1 I l, t L'.itei t ,rut, tii i d i o A K!.18.8. D \VID C~WOI) LiUiEllT CAM'LiELL. W ~~t'a ei o heau Wa iii',te -dai tbega to amIQutatce tîmat lie tx c.,rî ta tmit iitae IaWativ oalit, oVasn icaourt, aaid luptes ta t tt u dta ttil ue uC t« LiI n, ,hars of01îîUIal.'c cotoflencý saud suja- ljit u ili ii fitnitai l a l ni a ts ru,.aŽisacd. Ile ivould kriarstadte thait li ds just receis-ca a Splendid Aszort- Curasistiaag of te liatet tatd ae-ist Sia les in DES GOOD.S, 5I'UAW BU0N\-ETIS &BlATS, PINN T 111B)NS, CLOTHiS, TWEEDS. &c. Alsu a lairg,ý ero- a ai Wilicl wailil e ýjId chla, for CAtS1ý 110EI1T CAMPBELL. rL:bA1ri li, I SSI. 28. LEATIIER! 1 o SIl)E-iII ilO SPANiSII OO de aLva llie r for S"alat JAMES BAINs. WliIîb2, Alseli 9, 27-2iu linpottza Ioi bTcssants. S EVELIAT, Lots e-t t te-i -ia-na-li, go&od j soilIanad laîad wouitoL. -an.-ho,7 air 8 eairm. Sae 'rIcins.- luaI Etate coluaann Ni I t-ii r c~l-I pagt'l ull 1 ailar Equitable tFirc Jnsurance Co. Cannoin Streel'%Vesl, London. CAPITAL, -C£700,000 STERLING. - Truste:a Tic Ilighr lion- Lirai Vizsa-aunt Sidmoiulli. Are-hail ial sabelîl BarcIay', Esq. . Diiec,ýors : Ars-hibalal .Btar-lay, Esq., C/-,irna-aa. Col. I3azalge-Ite. ils-s C. Setan, Esq. Chais. Biennetit, Esq. E S. Syrues,Esq NuaD. Jaihan Mass, Èsaî. ThÂis. <Vesta- Esat. Il>'. Oxenfardî Eaq- . V.WaVodhiouse, Esq. W. H. Pliace, Esq. Local Directors at Motreal. OJice, JIeacanta Exchaanage. Wm. Lunu. Esq., Chiairmuan. John Te-irance, Esq. IBenuj blans, Esq. J. F otlliightaan.Esn J. G. Mackenzis-, Esq. A. LaRoeque, Esq. ITlaeodoucIlIant, Esq. Charli- sF. 'lilstona, D . D. MlatsKeusi'e, Aceeasntant aad Casher. This Ofice înaures ngaiist Lose an Damage hi' Fire, ail descriptions of build- ings, inciuding IMUta anal Mtanufittnrie-s, and tise.-Coods, iVanes, and 3ierzhatndiao lu the satana; Sisi n âbaibr or ln dock ;- Crafîsaon. Nasig.b!e Ilis-ers anal CanaIs, aA thue Gooda ladeas on liae sami; nal farning stajis o! aIldescriptions.' Tise RATEs o! 'hie Coumpany' 'wilI be found ta lie exceedîtugl>' maderaite. Thie Pacmiux is in enahinstanre fixcal lu strict as-eordiineec ait i lie rierits o! th tis ik inder considerahton, dataranineal only 53 a anoat cairefuslius-stlgntiau. Tise engtlteaents of thea zquitaUle are giteranleed .6Y- a rePpouxilîle proîrîetar, a-ad an amplaesiobseribed Capital. Tian- surad are frac fruan b li ilihiies o! a Muatuel Imurane Socisinj, and eut lied as-- -cardaug ta Lise plan o! tise Company, 1tga return olhbal! tise profits.- Lasses are rnade goosi, iithont dedus-- lion or discount, anad are adjassted aind pald in Mlonta-cal, witlsanî retutençe to- London. The Local- Dires-tors meet weekly. 813- 'genlt a - havebeerà eppoluteti ibrongisout Cannai. J,&kïs O. L. CISN 27-tf - Agent fasr WFIa BIBLE DEPOSITORY. ASaurgeoan, andl Accouacher, Bruak- FOR SALE, OR TO BE LET. calaisentent BRICK COTTAGE, -111A situate ou Centre Street, a lit- tie soutii of thîe Court lausse, with j or 4 an acre aI laindI, to suit the l>urctaaser. For pîirticu lars apply ta TuOMÂs WILLcocî, oan Mrs. Si:l's fant. Wt i tby, A pril 8, 1 8-Su. 27-tf. A Beau tiful new BrickI Cottage î: bjietralae oaa Byron Street in tbe Of 5.'iLtty, joining thee naît- denca of' IL J. Macdoneil, Esq-, and about 1, vards fa-om thje A,,enîcy of thie Bank of MNoraîrcasl, a'ow oecupieal by Francis Keller, E s q. This cottage is delightfully sitrated ; andl is furni6lied writh soft and bard warer 1umps, Stoolî, Cook -lc aise, Ueillr-kîcben; alad fis-e roonas aliase ; wîth a Vegetable Garden, Stable, WVoodsbcd, &c-., ail in good -oaidiion. Possession cari bc saîd on toc tlrst of May next. Terans ta si t Tenant. Apply (if by bitter, post-paidý, ta H. 1.- RICHARDS, Esq., Spc.1ator ljice, Iaies or ta J, HAMER GREENWOOD, - ou-anaOACjlIc ritlby. Whitby, April lI, 1858. 26 31( LIE T. , TWO DWELLING BlOUSES sit- natedon Centre-street, lu'tise Towni of Whlitby. A Gaatden ânudi otiser cous-e- nieraces are gttaicied te acsh bouse. Pos-1 setsion gis-en lat of 31a; next. For particulars sýppiy ta Wbitby, April , 1858. * à st>o'oetc: Lse*.. T BIAT STORE lataly oceispied by W. H. IJOel, Druggiis, on Brock Êtrett, Jkaown as "'Commè,rciat Iluiloinsga-! Also tise- - bonU IlatelY oc-ui-ed fly Jesse Vanslyka,- wisiclî, withl ery [ittie &itération, oten be: cons-ertcd imb aGrores-ystore. :Ascorn- fartable Dwe-lling m-111 be let witis etber 8f ttise &tores. Possession gi4ae imniediattly. 4ErRent 3Moderte-apjply ta JMSWALLAOEi Aggigid t e uyConiaor. Whitby, April 5, 188M 274rt 30 BARRE LS NoI- WHIJTE FISII! DORY GLOVES, S ALL WARES, - PARASOLS, &*c-&o, &c. THE SUBSORIBER bas jnst res-eived froin Motitreâl, an unusuali>' -large stock of Dry Gouds, to wlalcfi be invitestise attention of buyers, feeling assui'ed that for Eurability, Finenese of Texture, Oheapnesss AND STYLE, Tîte> canoôt be equatileal lu Ibis Marks-t. The usual stock or SOHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, GROCE RIES ROO1YI ?APER, &C.1 &o.) Always ou baud. JOEL I3IGELOW. Brick Stre-ut, Wbîby, April lIC, 1858.* 28-f c~B~ >EREL Z 1111EWIIOII af îtae Goods of tir Eitate o! STEPIIEN FLULLER, arc oow offred J far sale aimasr a Deed of .Assignzraet, att ai Gre-at lIeu action lu tise Prie-es. Ils Sýtick, as aaatis-n, 15 ver>' larigr, cousiting of FURNJTTJRE, B TO VESI 11,l o!fis-licli riatble soal ait sins prieta reilaZlCash, hoausuelt liepresent liabili- acts. Att hersons. Iliarefura-, liviaatCashlaavliest lu Ilosusehoid Fuirmiture, oif an>' kinal, mass finil it wiorr!i rlbcir wshile ta s-ail and inueIt the Stock, as Greater 3argaains uiay lie e-pus-led thmin lunany otier Assigna nient ins tiis Section. Wba. McPHIERSON, %Vilby-,Minci 5,HS 2 3-tf FIRST SPRJNG GOOJ)S! LOWES & POWELL AR"E rcccis-ing their Spring -Impor'tio',wbich will b. SOLD EXTREMIELY' LOW! As tbeY bavec been purchascd during thse IMoue> Criis, et Iow rates. 8C- Au early Inispectin ýi1Iottd.--ea Ca i - hildiatgs .Brock Street, Apriklus 111. 271 IIARDWAR{ESTOCK TIIE Subscribers beg ta latianate ta tiseir Custiomers &ud -the Public ttenerafly ths tIiý have aesumed businsess in WIIJ TBY, WITH A NEWV AND SPLSENDTD STOCK 0F & IIEAVY FHÂRDWAREI partacular attention ta thïeir stock af INDUIARISB.BERBELTDI1C, CROSS - (UT, CIRDuUL&R. -aud M[ll SAWS, BAR, 11001?& BA-N1) JRONS Paints, Oils, Glass. Putty, &.e.,- Carpenter s, Joiners and Btacksmiths' Tools, Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, &iC.I&C. Tise balance of Ilseir ilurut stoëk t4se' eamotGnraWy *J. S. -IDONALU)SON & Co. Wlsitby, Jan. 8th. 1858. Lae G14--t! -~ VICOTJIIA BUILDINGS. ISIELF St0 osk o! Eses- brou consisting ara ti! anti chais-eessorl bie for tisaSeaison. MBis balqat ll %avili <s-ut ho ndos-the immredhita ta eng lad>' whisicondnaced .a ir aup ibis s-i!utiuent.-'ýTisis depsatmea -%ud Persiais sces-ted goods, eanisna à tyle, flîs'ajon sud variesa paspýa A TiL persa .ni are lierelsy s'attloned fron iLccepting an>' Bill ofEzeisange, 1?ro m-9 sony Note,ororderfar bMoney,or Goudson aicconut o! rT~E a FOWLEas Leuseos or Contractors for thse construction oftÃŽbe Port Hope, Lindsfty and Beavertoti ltailWay, or that poïtion à eèôetending frOi or lyinig betwremudie villiage of MiIlbrook, in tise Toftt'ship of Cayabs, Iu tise £Coiuyèf Dur-. banli and tise Town of Peterbarongis, sigued b>' tise irin of IlTaiea aa Fowler," anls thse tame be igned wititise narnes ocfeacis of tbm Partuers, tGeôrge Tate anal John Fowier, lu tiseir own isand WriLing; ns thae unq!eraigned wifl in no case laoln tainiseifr repansible for thie saymeut of an>' staci BilI, Note, or Order.GOGET E. Port Hope, March 26, 1858. 26-1m CAUTION. ALL persons are hercby cnnut*oned froni Lbelieving svlat appears os-or Gearg'. Tate's Signature, or giving him any rdit wlatsoever, on nîy accourir, as 1 do flot believe lie Lî a main of elilier aneans or principle. JOIENFOWLER Port Hope, Marc!, 26, 1858. 26-1 nm 1ARPE WS. FOR APRIL, T/te Yankee Notion Store. GOME Y? FOR APPJL, T!te Y LeN înStcwe. LES_ýL1E'S GILZETTE 0F FA- L S ONfoir Aî1îrij, AT T/t (je Yane Noiion Store. BALLO[YS MIAGAMZNE FOR BAPRi1L, AT Tlie Yankee Notion Stoare. IDE A 'D SEER, A N VEL H _ BY Wllki Cailli, AT Tite Ya ýkec Not~iorn store. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. OTCEi herehy givm' that aIl ne- IN ounts or Notes nowv due, or w'iebt may cornce(lue befaire the firet of MAr next, ta the Estate of STEPHEN FULLER,, are reqaired ta be settled before that tinie utherwsse they %ýilt be banded os-or for col- lection as tie Est te must be settled up as moon as possible. WILLIAM MePHERSONý, Wlaitby, Mars-la 22d, 1858. .4saiyn e 34-td1 CHARGES--FRO.NM JAMES -A-.CLARK, DAGUERUDAN .ART18T (ln tise rooms forrnerly accupicd b>' J. 11- BROCK STEET, WHZTJ)Y, B EGS te inforn tise lulsabitauts o! Wliit- b>' and surrounding country>, tisait be eaun be founn as above ready at al l imes ta watt upon those whomaa> favor Ilim iaatvh acati for or any or h.tie tolowing descriptions Amnbretypées, Cà meotypes, Sphareo 'types, Amb.-ographt, Lettnraphs, Photographs&- Aise, Boatser and P.e Transfsrs eque. ta cas>'la tie Art. Zà CAl! atid 5cmfer yourselies.- Wiiby,Mlarcis 251h, 1858. JTJST RECEIVED MEDICAL HALL, BROCK ý,sr A N SSORTMENT 0F 8 ATIONERY sus-h as QUILL and -S EEL PENS PEN-HOLDERS, N ote, tetter & Polscap 2a or Lilers tc.. &s-., &C. W. H. DOEL. Whuisby, Os-t.10, 185.- CHEAP 8ADDLERY & HÂRNES WAÊMEOUSZ J., R. PHILP, - r ÂKS ise preseut opportunit>' of ln- fosrning bs userons Custorners ansd tise Public generall>', thatha bas RIiMO VS>'> O DVNDAS S7Te (Gartshores gol à ,stan d.) fo r tise purpose of beiug mare eentrà tl for their accomnmoda- tion. - le Wà ld eue infarus thee Ontorners wisê have isea i tisahabit of deatling lun tise aid stand to wisich ha l-bas' renoved,, tisaI ha mosti respotfüliy slilciti tiseir pa- tronage, and ivonid se'tisat if fri-rat.ç wurk sudu close appalicatian ta DRCGGIST & APO0llI1CArty, b EGiS ta inform hi s custoniers atnd théO BI paîlie generally, ah, t he intenals r-ý anosing lais business un or about thislt o: Mlarci, nuit. fromn hie store lie nosv occu pies, taIlais n(w store cor-uCr of Dunlop & Bi-ock S' An4 immcdi.itely routii of thie raut of Irirtk luaaIilaga lately arase-ted al1ton ftae grouud sciai-e li ac s îî ii u at ini April, 1857- Thîe liasina-sa iil! lis cîrriati Oaa as hereto- fore, gisviag s.itisfaa-etitan l advIo h10lavse fa- voreal him ittl icir custom..In providaaag- It pýà ce sihure the - tîilîlie- can lias-e lhyei- and PrQsciption, and ticeripte oi* ail Ifluda ruade talaandl eoapoundera of Gatriaine D'"iâ-ýJ <"5 n Anid at the las-est retnurariraing r 1ie3es sinl aI 50, î haro an assortnaeilt of e ecry ai ticle. geaseraîly la lie turclased alu-Store, I sau be olotained. Il .1D, nalubigS ta Se> ay laitlie as aIways un lîtnd i us cr ) tc asortainh(n t ot Pastet aan~ nd las Lita-n (alecet froni ahelar iaftaatrers -(as sia ga) uau wsa.rranat tfacan enUitie. ThIePaîtent- as-I noss- bu told art Ct)ST PIIICH. B araing Flaî-ii, Iligîs %Vines, Vaitruisîleat Jajan for Wood aend Iran \Vurk, Colors &e., aîîways on band. P'pasr reniemîner tise Sigu of STRE LABGE RIED Cal a,îd get au ýAmnas, Fa-e, Gratig- for A'ut/aaiy Agent for the ce!elir-ted Dr. TUMI3LE TY'à Mcdiziues. W Il. DOEL, Wb»tbl, PFbroar>' il, 13:ÃŽ3. 21 -'. GOLD AND SILVER. T IIE Salis-ruser liviiîg boug le stock lu triade, anal businîess fiirmerly nivueri anal cairriedl(an by Th'oais BitaIt, in tise Toss-n of Wlaittay, froni the Assignicus ta bis estate, nais- 17ersthIle scIole stock for saileincl'adiug GOLD 4ý SIL VER ITCIIES. Jewelcry aîîd Fans-y Gooda aêf evér>' des- cription, and a s-ery large stock of Boohus, Btationery, School Books, PAPFa I1Altua-s, &s-., &C. las'ingpurbiaseuitise abova at a Greu-t ne- dus-lion froan Mea_ Ceatiéte, tise saibacniber- la uow ofTerlbg sucis li\NDUCEMIENýTS TO PURCMASEItS, as bave never beau before offeiýed ta thse Public in this locality. JOHIN BEALL. .B.--Watcbes, Clopkis, and Jcwelery cleaned aud repaired. WVte gasss fitted lu an>' kind of Watcb for 71d. JOHN BEALL.- Whitby, Marci, 1838.ý 23-*lU THE CO LONIAL IJB)OFÈICH-Edinhurgi, ScotIand, aifontreal, -Canada. atllbusiTiQ" eouuected with Lite Assar ÂAsr'r vos W#atay-Ge. IH: Dartiiel. Wisitby, Oct. 29th, 18G7. 4-tf. STOR TO LT BESTORE lately erected on tisa Est Ti le of Simcoe-street, lôpposite Uic Te- legrapli Office, weU! suited for a General Store. Size-36 m 24 ft* - -utry imane- diatily. For furtiier priuasenquiec ARC1ID. CAM2PBELL, Prince Albert, Oct., 1857. - f Notice toe reditors ¶1ÂKE notice tisat StopiienTuileýr, late7f î Yitlg a ýthe businees of idercliant, aswell1 as tsait-of maniufactuirer of and d.ealer in Furniture and ot rer things,' in te iown of Whithy, lias. is day made an assigament ta mne (tise nnder signed Wiiliarm MIePisersoxa, a MercbaDt in the Tonaors .Wiby s.foresaid) foi thse benefit of ii creditors isba are requiested ta corne ia andi execUte tise said aisigtuiieni, rhich' W now la myý office, for tisat purpbse,,wiitltin six monts tmthe~ date tisereof, etberwise î'hey waould ha exclnlded troam aillbeneft of, or advanttgeunder thse same. 8jateca this lat day o-f Mirreis, 1858. M XPHZR$O2, Valuabî ieuuLtfs'fà è T Ilae Firat Lot XNofisO'f'i ' BfceEaSt side Of ftrock..$trset 4einE Laot s2 Prr' BIcs-it," To074 o? Wlit- b>'. The pnrclaar vaill . r ldt ca-est a Brick Bl3ading On-tlie Lot,'thëpres eut ïesar . For Paites and terme cOf pfiym ea npp 'y ta IF*lai', Octoher, 1857. LND 'N Wlp'T'E]MR CÀk jLeussriibor laasiîg detennjinèd 't Oftefollosnlng c'aoice Kg rctraLts lunaisparts a! le nuit- ai-y offerAthte sarata for sale and aou asy' ternis Ofhpureiase COUNTY O0F WELLl.rT-0TN No l lai lt Con........... 203- Acres. 26, 4tla i ......'01 8, I'. ..t203 COUNTy C0F GREY TOWy.ýsllîp OPf'lzMsk No. 3't. il4iti c-n .... Iiù'Acr&4, CO UN i, ogjçj(t. e TOsIIrpop CHATHAM. ibear liaif 2, 151h Con .0.A.. es TO*.vy.SlîP OF DOI'Flt. West SIde OF BLIdoon Çtr No. 42,................... 2.0)0 Ar,~ 4:1 ....................100 COCNTiY 0F ON'lAP 'J, TOWNSHIIP OF MARA. *No. 13, Stis Cou .....200 Acres. S1 9, Gristgi.....100 Il -COUNTY OF VICTORIA. TOWNSHIP P 0F x1iýOx. Nt'. ' 1, îst con......2 00 Acres. C0UNTY 0F HASTINGS. TOWNSHsIP 0F MADOC-. East j 23, M-i Con ........0 oAcres. TOWNSIPF 0F UNGERFORD. West 1 30, Gris Cou.........*50 Acres. For Prices anal Ternis o!' ,ayrnent atpply to 3. 14. PE RRYI- Wbitbya Os-, 28, 1w5. PO0,RT P E RýtY, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. LAYo'D F011 SÀLE. Torn Lot No 1, -Coriiee of Quin land Witter Streets. i)ecidell hè îtbËlaOt iaIuae filo Lot lu tha wholeTow.-- QUEEN STRET, Lot X4,o. T, 66 fecet front; 'Lot %i. 9, Cftit aI Queen sud'Perry'Stitets; Lot No. 9,do,; Lots No,' 10, Il 12, lu, 16k 17 * 66 ftit front, coutaiining one-fouiti- of a!ia acre eatch. Lot No. 18 cosaset ofQuee anssd .Q&J Str-ecto, ridy ôt-half o! tacre oi f the fôregjoing ILois front on tise Macs- dausized Road> aud are ?altmbe busmnea,é LILLA T Lots 19k& 50, corner of LiUfaud orlstreo NORTH STREET... Lots )ioW 21, 23, 24-27, 28, 303,'Zt 32,33, andi 34 souti sidêýf NorsC e4 tstaiu' ing eacli oneffth o1a.t - lNe. 51j tosNo. 70,83 8_5#1one- fous-Lis otan acre esA1t. . Lot No. 89, cornaer4 relit And wsll h oWilatý aa iake it au PI>' to , WIsiLb±5 Oct. 28, nos ou suai Dpoact tise à insgest,-ot comple, and be&V mImais GO0-D S! i i - ~j'i i*i f- 1 7 ý ffMMwý i