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Ontario Times, 1 May 1858, p. 3

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k Muved b>' Qeo. Miâ, Bsq., aeçohiç baft t dbn~~, 9 , s4 Iti1d-y Metnér f, h'èTuwhgihlp Âpitoturati Mctietî~fn't terIing, are dutû b r. tofrn LienOfI.îhu Baiteru IHôtel, Toronto, r,#r the lilsoral andi ver>' slsieoitemiemt a s ot a4i$e à91 lkl0"strnSOal ne $49. TW, iilý -r. t(kéti ws alauadbord amieng9t us, lie ' ,htS s&LOta4Nttrtrâynd attetion tnuel ted oter respect sud'aIpproba. 'lion, altrn4î w ue coua3ider bita 8h11 wo rthy e tt b alisu r ;"f tia b ei îL1ckeus this e[Presiion ot"our goed Viti andi béat tha-iki. ~e ---- ---- - 'Tefollowng piarracmphfreàtiie ,à,hrdeen FBec. .tres'will tie read~ *ayof Gir ceadera wih mouenful i n. térest. Mr. Andrew &bardein-wa% -eeli sud Jesei'vedilyres."ëted n,liais R~tî is melanchîly. sud untimely end,_'wiI1 ho scineerci>'regr.etied b i te r e -lret b'ffetenido',.hud forme" Iait LATS hia AtitDIN, Jun.- - ~ ~ - egret.h11ýitt go retordl the desîbh -'of ibis yung ftua, hsorut of Mr. Abter- 'deih, - . wnirlalIs. Hoie,1<t tiis coutl'y about tbie yar- ago, endi scîlfedinii W14itb71 IXpper Canad, ti,as a itoutse 'éeapnter, %wlître lie eontinaeihu, fpros- 4 ~ente lila buiarsa stieessty~,' On ihe 30th ofJansu'- teslat, h.ie entto Vsit en 'tînrlin 10Climon Cougît71 3ate of News 'York ; and mter eerelismg a taort inte, ~ilere, tafieit i oetopàny wîh is cou- 'sin, Mr. P. Faeefaaaro a native ef In- rereUy, e t. tenaa a it s ronsidera- ble disîA-nce. %Vlteit about '25 iles un îlieir wer, théeicgis , wlichi aI ltte îioue aras being dris'en rretîy smarIi '-a$j by seme tnèuns usei, andth ulwere Ibrieusm -ut. tqo set'eaet>' were tbe>' injpred 1biti both becaîne qîtile uncenqcious, sand bIai lebe.ourrae.l lite an adjeîninc, liouçe. -In course eftlime MIr. Larqaa. lise-reu'éived, but onl>', ire are sorry go >ay , te ase lits esteemed compaition Ire&tllîe lis last. . Accerdîog te <lie rus- tom.orthè countryu cerener>*s imquetî 'vas helti onlte body>, nt uviicis iliere arere prsen-a d'acter, a public notar>', Iwo jutices 0( peace, tlires ilifiascp lanti, andi tireire eofan 'enpiannelled jury 'rite decidëd t(liaIdeuil, a atbeen cau"eaj lîy ths bursting eo blood ve.îsîl. Tlhe * l'îudy ivas af'erwtards tekien ge Mr. Far- quaîrsVinblinbrook, near Cliunoa. andiie acfianeral teolé- place on thie foi. luing 'Sataarday. T'he reanains were felbowed te iteir resting place l'y a eery large number, anti on :Subbatlî, -in ai)- prepriale sermon iras proaclaed hi, tue itlev. 1Ar. lairtltorn, frein Nain. '23rd. Imteèr SclauseetflOila verse-, let me die. thie decl, eoftthe rigbteou%, and let My laste-cd bh. hke Jis.' W11'sY MAU~ETS. WlViîvkr, Apri! 10, 18118, Wbeit 43 6,1 a 58. Per tiush ;SIpr;ng 3l a à34 Od ; Floofr $4 a S5 p-r htîrrel ls>'. $1(1 a $12 ppr '.on ;.I'otatçes 2s a 2ý1 64 'per buho Prk bd a 'Ild per lb. ;liee 54a 64 Per lb.-, arid $4 a $5 pzr cwt.; Eggs bd a Gd per dôz, ; Hoîter 6d %î l.d pet, Il).; Cheese 6d a sd, per lb. ; <uts le E l1 3pur busb.; lork $41 a $5 per ont Toronto Tbursday., Apiril, 29 1558. $rar-to NV!tAvT1« tn wiit demti,n there heint n<d îtrclin,%ers tfur rîcî. Tire sa,,les fotreicweK have bren liglit at 70c ti, oÂvsq-Iltise heqP acUrce. Prices tare Pomewrhar iînsettled, loi i re nained nt 32c to 35C. per îId Ite lituer beng thie ex- NowAdvertisements. M'1188 CARROLL J- SPE<ITFUILLY intim.les te lier _LI rilends aind tie Publie lier intention ntc cnmenciiag a Schil for clilîdren lt- tweep the..agos -cf four and etuorteen, on IIONDAY Mny 3rd, in lier (ire, ta obtain a aliare, nt les', cf pnb- lie patronage. Ternis per Quarter: 1;pe1lte ta.dîng, W.riting ,Aritlime. metie, Engliala Grî,nmar,Il!isfory, --eograephy, ant i l1dies'Neetile work, $2.51 Exclusive cf listory>& Aritmctic $2.60 Retorences kindi>' prrmnitte't toJ. lsHa, Esq.; IV. IL. Tremnayney. ; a-id W. Me- <'abobEsq. Witîby, April 80,1858. BOOKS! BOOKS!1 qpnrgeo-i's Sermons. First, second- and tbird sertes, Xfacaoley' Ilistor>' e1» Enjland. nhowersof B lessi ngt, by Rev. J. Caugbgy -Earnest CbriâLianiry, ijeirî iscelanies. ldle Wild, hy N. P. Of illis. Pencili 'ingqib>' lIte Wsy, Il The Powe's -of Eutrope, and Falot Se- *Wiaiter Bveninag TAles. Ilfinquire Within." *The Reasen Wbyt. « llItax1ye Baered,?WaIus1 T&nglctowu Lettçrs. i TheRassian Warý, b>'W. HI issell, the "ýeaceCorrespondent. Fox,& Bok er Mrtyrs Bunyan's complote woérks.. ilrt. fie uke or Welington. - -*IMslcls New Bible Qlctieuary. .5 etf Crst andth ie Aposîtlea Great Red Dragoua. Àna sgood Seleetob ef Boola for 0h11- ldren,st th YANKEE NOTION STORE. BIBLES 1 BIBLES! 'yiFly Bile, la ail. styles of Blin, f or SlOIssp at the YANK~EE NOTICON S1?O1E. SACRE» IWIC EOOKs. Bro~wn Robetoo' -A...COTTAdE ln Byron street, p1 -liAM~ILTO-ti& ROBERTS IRii the ihat.tst-Of the Petition of Johnr White, of the Town of Whitby, an Niurniaut Esquire, Judge cf t:he Ceun- tyTéc trti of'the tleunty of tOntaîrio, aýtiaag ln the matter efthIbs petition, ailI proceti to na.ea final order theren, at a Court te ta. belden fer uhat purpe aat the Court lieuse Inlta. Tôwn of Wbitby, on honda>'. t h e t e n î h a y 0 t M a y , n e x t , B t le v e n o f t èause betu n d there sleuto te tii on- N. G. TIen.. Covesd fur J'elitiotr. Dste 29tb April t858 30-2 in. GREAT XVITEENT1 T HE beto a likeness la in getting T anaÏme# d lflfo-ikieexpression of the eye, wl'ich the subsciber cannot b'e sur- pa85Cd in (a boid statement, névPrtheless true.) in callng the attention ofîlîr publc at large, te the abovet façtit, and iin returr- îng thanks to those wbo-have no liberally patronhzed hîm, lit woid say, be bas re- inoired to 31w. 1. WilkunWs frick Ruildiuge, ivbere liebau fitted up a G ditery-ln good tyle, with veria and aide ligbrs, where ho is pritpared -id' take likeneeses in al] ýinds of ireather, as Chtap as the Cheapeut, .hnd as good au the l'est. JAMES A. CLARK. N B.-Tnstructions Civen in tho art on reasohýble termi. JANIES A. CLALR. Witby, April 28, 1858 30. NOTICE. A PPLICATION wilI bu madue t the Lpresent sesginn of Parliament for an Act authorîzing THOMAS DOOD. of the Town of Whitîy, In the Countv of Ontario. Civil Engineer, to take out Lettirs 'Patent in Canada, for Huito's Improvement i Lubricator@. lnrented bsy llenry 'horion, of hReading, la tile Couoty of Berks, England. ARIlL>Ult & IET HUE, 1 Solicitors for Appicnnt. Wbithv. April 5, 1858.- 27-4in. 1ARI5ER'S FO11 MAY, 77L an 'ukee Nutionr Store. G ODEY'S PR MAY, 7t'eYke 1V.tionStore. L ESIE'S CGAZETTE OF ]FA- Jj [ION for Mai', AT T/uc Y.tatlee N)Iiora Siore. BALLOU'S MAGAZINE l'OR MlAIY, AT T/n. Yanl.ee Notion Store. fIDtE AND SIEK, A NOVEL a - - TieYnc it ' n Si %WI,,tbv, April 21, 1ttb.8 Tomn fWhlty,' 11r['flIs is ta caution TT î: j j_ eti p e r so n igainsît t1e purrhi.i»g or'certimin Detien- turor ts Miunidiîualiiî'r urporting te beh numt er -d 7, 8, 9, ntdi o1, cacti f,r Uth u of £83 63, M,., dhrreîscy, nu vrélue having titen given fur the samne. - 13. YARNOLD, 29-tf TownrCnk - Nolice to Creditoss ,rAIE notice that $te-plten FulIer, latel>' r la-g i n tht busiie-s, et Merclîtnt. ais wcli as that ot manufacturer oftiîd deai.-r in»Ftrnittire and nîuer tingut. in -ie own et Wbitny, lias itis d.my 'n-idu an assîgnmeutL tome (thae mtotersigned William ý%îU1htersoix, a Merchanit in te Town -u Wlaitkï atoreaid) fir the benefit or i.ie crcdgrs wlio are reqnu'ed te corme un and execte tue saiti arsignuinent, -hichi s'm- in my office for th.t purppse., oittîbo six anonthîs fi-cm the datte Ilînreof, etherwise thtev uîlti ho exeliidetl fron. aIl bnfit et, or udratt.4g tinder thie sainie. Ltited titis tsI day of. larch, 1858. WMi. McPlll-;RSONX, 22- aeep ATTRAUTUVE SALE Faranlai Lands, ToWn Lots, T E sige-f the Estate etfIB. F.' rAtua&ble Roai Estate, ut sncb prices tîtat wll prore sgatiatactory tôa purchasers: 100 cres, Est j Lot 15, 4tb Con. Col - 100 Acres, Southl j Lot 8 est Cea. Eu- Phrasa . -200 Acres, Lot-lO, 2ud Cen. Eupbiraaia. These Three Lots ln Ihe (.1ouaI>- et Grey', aere persensîlly inspecteud uise- locteti ou accennî of fine Agricultural soul anti easy acceas te Market., 200 Acres, No. 11, 9th Con. Mat-a, Coant>' of Ouîarib. « 1- 200 Âcs,- No. IlItco.Sre; ville. - - 11 eSmnr 107 Âcres, No. 1, Front-Range, Sum.- G ooti IIardwoed an4OoMOWet le ýhuit soil in tiiose Tô wihps. - o0rAue.pt à, 11 on.1 rra-. - *OBhÂcepari-, TsI- tCon. Cak i Acrl ,part 2, est 0àena-OIllia, - MILL -PRIEN Thalavoîl komm;Millll t'heçe situatot lua the. vllage otflïmiptoti, Township of Dariglon, compM*ttàlacres. -T6 nueosareztast ur the .Waterghate anti'MIII. anti t1e! -Lo*er elor.y .Ã"fumorte work, ctupletei. -Tthe situfation ti -e* proer*y 15 on thé Maineo Uie. et t6#s betv.eu EBowaarfile àminthe Êortherai To*ibps. Jeor'volume of tester, Ibefg1i ôoMI "ai, ad;emaùffina* position to6è- tree itrade of the vbeluliy, shlsiîap".. leps hailao uuperlor lut 'st l j1 Lq&,232, Noth Çoa8flll Lots *23:làl9utls Briç4it NEW SIP]RING~~OS HAMILTON & RO0BERTl'pS, BEG TO AN.O-NCE 7TUE ARIVAL 0F TUEI SPRTNG IMPO'RTAýTIONS COMPRISING E-NGLISIl AND AMERiCAN STRA.W BONNETS AND IIATS, RIBSONS, PARASOLS, SILK CAPES, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORT.MENr or' iis$ 9991,S9 &LO~VESIIYDHIsiIIY. A FEW CASES OF' GE NT.'S ý'SLK AND FELT HATS, 1 oqs i&2, Till's lo , Brack Street, Whitby. } April 16, 1854. W bilby. April 1 st, 1858. Notice is lirrt.ty gît-rn. tli1st th- P.rtuersblip IL.teiý Sul tisting belwneen 1)vî CRo %%-Fr uîc and RIB'uta-r tuattesEin uthe Town etflVbiiby,udr the f1cm eut-' CIAWFOIU &CAPIi %v.'ias dissolvnd on thetl o, of A1ril, ley iniit,-il <-"liant. llojEeitî CîYUPBLL IS. autboriznd te settle aIl duthus due te and b vthe saidl firn-. Dttel at 1'jîotîto,thuis ist diy or A->ri!, 1839. DAVID CRlAWFORD. I1UBRTCAMT'BELL. With retcrencc îota te Wt-e, the uniersi.ýned begs te announce thait Lu will carry onth îe l'usiness iii Whitby on Lis owun accoue t, anti lopes te merit a centinuîio.-t of the largc liace et pub'lic confidence anti sup- port which the f8cm liai elw.iv e rccivu-d. fle wuould furîlier slale tlîat lie bas just received a Splendid Astort- ment et Cnnsistîng of Ille latent alid nu-cet Stles un DRESS ('OODS, TA BONNETS & 11ATS, l1W9)NN ET Pt 113 13')N S) CLOTH S, T W E E DS, re A'aý)a eLirgc ti scL of Whicl, eW11 4- 0 co lcrap, l'or tX-.-II -Whittyv, April tle., 18IS ROETCAlMPBELL. ANV. GANIBLE; M. D, PIlYStI.AN very Man Iliî OwQxnsslîord SSuîrgeon, anti Accoucher1 Brook- ~, ~. ~M flot. a l-%rge selection et Building L(th, ~in the Town of Whitby. Seperr's :3o B.XRRELE l - tate colaimotîairti colunin, tird. WITE FISH! IJAMIL 7l0%74kPRODER? TS HIAMIL TON 4. ROBER TS IN lKEGS. 114 MILTON 4- IROBER TS Equitablo Fire Jusurance Co. CRI1E?, OFFICE. - Cau'son Street West, London. CAPIT4L, £500>000 STERLING. Trutees Tbe 'ight Hlon. Lord Viscanut Sidmouth. rchbald C.mbeBa-day, Esq.Cîrmn Col. Bazalguttë. I lles C. .eàon, Esq. Chas. Bhennett, Esq. E 5S.'SymisEshi~.. J0o3 Mess, Esq. TIs". Wesi," Esq. üy>. Oxeniferd, Esq; iV:V.WeodhoaseEsqcl.. W. Paace Eq. 1Rn -eEq JonToUaeEq Thecdj eHartm,,Esq. JîalÏ .Tilstonep Aeeousist- d ?Ca#h<r. This.,omO.iP5ý4refiagaipsté ýfLos 0 P îge of tits pipi-r. leJ'ù hriçitiowr, teùms 'of pa yincntesy FOR SÂLE, OR To IBELET, .* A convrenient 'BRICýKCTAE S-titiate on Centre Street, e lit- tde Soniuth fthe Courz lieuse, iiitl' j or ean acre cf lant , l suit the Purclaascr. F-or îartie.xlars zappi>' to Titext& WI..LC,>CE, on Mri. Sil'strn. Wlîlitbyu Api-il 8,1&. 1p-tf. ~, A ban n mn Street inthe Town, of %Whithy, joining thtea'esi- dencu of fý-ITJ. Macdoneil, Etq , anti abeut 50 Yards treni tîae Agency of ltelBasnk et 11.1toutr,0w eccupieti b>- Francis Keller-, -Esq. This cottage ls della bttulîy Bitnsted;i nti is furn isleti with sot anti bard usatér Puni js, Stoop, Ceekder use, Oellar.kîucheni. anti fit've orna abeve ý with a Vegetabie- Garden, Stable. Wotiahed, &c., a*11 in good' conition. Possession csn be had on te first of May neri Terme le sait Teant. -Appi>- (if b>- btterpoat-.paii) .t* - L .1.RICHARDS, Es4., or e trOtoe !asLoi Whitby, Apei l t, 1858.ý T O 'LE]?.* TWO DWELLflG 11Toù ~t- DRY 'GOODSJ LAME~S RE& GOJODS> It XBSCRIBErit basjitlrecel'vcd tram Montreal, ane unusuitîl> 1.1r,49 stock" of ýTgu»rY cGeds3 ta uvic4 ble ,nvlte, the atteutiuu et buyers, feeling assureti that for Durbiit, Pineuess of Tertute, Cheapuess, - AND STYLE, TheScaanot b. equalieti in tItis liarket. The usual Stock et SOHOOL 1300K S, STATIlON ERY, GROCE RIES ROOM PAPER, c,&ov Alwa>'s en baud. JOEL I3IGELOW. LBokStreet, whitb , pr~il1,1~ 28-tf OD:rl'ELý»Ri=! :4 T113~ Wl1OLL fte d o fethte E itatu of STEPHEX FULLER, are now fed Tfo sae nde aDee;3 Asigicethat reat ergî ctio et the Prices. HE t FTJRNJTURE, STOVESI Ail ef whicb rnai l'e seli at senue pri-e te renlize Caib, te meut the present liabili- tices. Ail peresul thurefore, haviiig Cash -o inrest in ilousehold Furnituare, et an>' kinti, Maya iti worth their while te catl anti inspect the. Stock, as Grenier Bargains May> le expecte t hau ho an>' otber Assignoient lu this Section. 1 ~WM.McPIIERSON,ý Assignes. 23-tf Wbitby, Mat-cIi 5, 1858. HARDWARE STOCK' T112 Subsribers beg te intimate te tîeir Customnerasd -tbe Publicp-eefaly th ýTtba> have resumeti business iu WITII NIANU SPLENID STOCK 0F S'I1ELF & HEAVY HIRDWÂR. jhcs le aredeterinined teo eil atPie uttotn~ i> rut ai- part;cular attention wt-oItdr-,3tocek or JNDIA, RUBBERBETN, BARi5 1001?& ]BANXD IRON5 - Paints, Qils, Glass. Patty, &c.,,-Oarpenters, Joiners and Btacks mitlis' efools, Plated Ware, Table and Pocloet -Cutlery, &e. o Thme balance oet-tbetr Rusrnt Stee-kK, Oe>- are: &lIesI L, vuo away. WlîiîbyJan. BIh. 1858. J. S. DONALUSON & Co.ý Lute Got.»EN SÂw. V7ICTORIA BtTILDING$. it i"<D1S!Y l ast epened the larguaI, most ornpleîe, andi best ,stolo .,Ie for-the Erer brougbt mb lthe, toi cf a feu anti ebolce assorîmnnto? Eng4i.il season. Hf. haalso attwehed: tehts et IJLLINERY DM r tti~ n E gr t itV lWta the iMn 7J 1- F14 L $ À lt*Qodrt &t the Tow.>n i ce o, in scola weuc, for fthe ptrpose idios ' 01f a" o pl t gitiiist parties for tha ýC e r k o f 1 > iiàCo r rrihe ~xsio iofrt o? îtht gaît :o1vBRYAN# LficeNioeuld t rBroek*-StreîbI$ f1t Na.," peryo's i3loek" T ql.Teprcaser .b e t . ereota Brck Iil'it ono the reLot d10 .DEAL R IN eut feilr1 For Pri8rgad t tho6prs DEALER paFou I dspose 2 e f the flîowing choice g rictiltnral LOtU in ariots parts of butun try ouýfletesanie fr sale anti ieù easy terme et fpurebasi COUINTY 0F WELLINCTOX. TOWNSHIP 0p LIJTI{iR. 2 s tbC u .........203 .cris. 49 26 4tb ... . A-)1 si 9th 203 COINTYOFGREY TOW,'%SlIP 0F I&E8Eg N o. 3 7 , I4th C on . . . . .14 0 A .cr s, -COU-NTY 0P KENT. TOWNSHIIP 0F CHATHAM. lieut'hait 2. lSth Con. -l.00ýAtres. TOWN SHIP 0op ,1 y~ - WetSIde r fldooïu Bts N . 42 , .. . ............... 2 0 0 A t' , 443.......- 100 COUISITY OP ONTA? (i TOWNSHIP 0F MARk. - No., 13, ýth Con ........ i'cres. S.j 91 Çlh........... 100 COUNTY OF VIceT0RIÂ. TOWNSIP-Pp F FENEO- 1e i, 1st Co ........200 Acres W.ijl2i2ndI............00 14 COUNITY OF IIASTINGS. TOWNSHIP 0F MA ~C. E s t j 2 3 , 7tý on . ....... -4t e s. TOWNtSHIP 0F 1HUNGERFORD. West 130, eth Con .....5.0 Acres Foi Prictis sd Ternis cf 'paymunt appl>' tu J. H. PERRY. Whitl'y, Oct,28, 1857. PORT PERRY,, COUNTY 0F ONTARtIO4 *LAND FOR SAL. Town Lot No 1, Corner et' Qu&eén an d SVater SImulas. Dedeàly the Most valua.' ble Let la thue wiale Towtn. QUEEIN -FTREETg fLot 1<0. !1 66 feet front'; lot No. ii toruace et Qen anti Perry SÏreets; Lot -No. 9, .do; fLots-No, ]Or,11, 12, l:b,'16 &. Il.-ý 66 foot front, tentar.ng'one-fenirth o? au: sers each. 'Lut- No"- là, corner'et Queen- nid fLilla Streets, nearl>' onu-haIt et an.'acra. dainized: Road# anti are raluablo-beainsos fLots 19 & 56, cerner of ftMla smd Nith-stre.g ~NORTH -STREET.. L~ots Nu. 2 1,23, 24, 27j 2F4,aoqat31 32, 331 antd 34, uonth side of North -uié,eonîtain- îug ea h one-fffthof au ùe. Aso51, 53, 54; 56, north sidieof the oaacstreet flts . ARY ST E ,-- L o s ý- 0 , 83, 85, on M ry Sieet, o se- ferth o an acre each. *WATEI. STREET, Lot No. $9, corner oet lrtand EJtnýsre1f EA.&VE,-TI<OUoHs, Put up onishort Notice. J OBIING prdtnptîv attendedto. Sîîeep- t t) kins, Cotton arnd [.inen Rags, oid.Cap- t tiir andl Cat-iron, taken in exchange fur Tnuwnre Brock Street Whithy, A. pril 9. 1858. 27 M1E Subscxiber bas a qnantity of Spr ROUIT. CAMPBELL, Lot No 7, Broiken Front, Pickering Wbithy, April9th 1858. 27-tf Property On4fro ek-Street For- Sale or 1(o Leane. Týo 3,< otNo Éast aide of Broc]; T &'reet, Obeinq the first varant lot north ofîhe RegistryO0tlice, 69 feet front sud i139 eet deep ta Laune. Lo 6 tiormerly occupied l'y Mlan'a Livery 8ta'*!ýs Drock-Stree!, same sze as No. 3. For J3nsinet3 Stands- those Lots are equal te any h. Town; and wii be sold- ou m. t5t resonablu ternDs tu parties xibo will erettt good Stone Cr Brick Building on thon. To Lease. One Il-indred- Feet Fruntage on Brook Street, directly opposite I Bryau' 1î,tâ raterraoft7,.14, or 21 years, lu parceit, ef 20 feed frontage and upwardg. Apply te J. IIAM PRY Wbitl'y, 3rd Mardi, 18 23-tf. STUD HIORSE FOR SALE T llri Subseribar hos for sale à Stud 'Herse. Cýydesdae reed, 3 years old ROBT. CAMPBELL, Lot Nef 7, Broken Front, 27-tf -Pickering. T IHE saverai Clerits cf the Division jLCourts-within the County f Ontario. aod the CIerk otbe Conty Court, are re- qnirod beretzfiei' te deliver to>'m e sýh ac- countsand returos, andi atsuclx tirnes as the>' have beretofore been bounti hv law tu do te the Troasorer of th* said-County,,and aise tu account for andi pal aver to nme all-fées, fnes and moneys receivable by±benM as sncb Clerks, as protided b>' the statute, 2(j Vie. cap. 69. And ail Magistrales cf the said Ceunty are aise hereby> required te duliver toe uc all informations, recog-nizances, convicttoàà and other papers omnnecteil with criminel charges, beretofore retnrned'to 'the Clerk 01 the Peace pursuant to tbe said ganute. L W. B. TREMAYNE, Ceq4, Attoe, C. 0. Whitby, Iareli Sîh, 1858. 22-3m", A A,1Lpe"1oflsir berby4cauti>aed froin. acceptinga"Y B111 OfExohabie, Prowltk sor>' Notes, or tJrderfor Mouey, or oocts on a-ceount cfT TTR & FOWLIMa.s Lesaees or betuseen the vifleuo f -31illbrook, id the _ TjoWnWbp of rat-an, ina-thse Couitof et e- hax,and the To~wn f P eterbierough.sqigned N by the fimtuof41Taies~~Fwer"unesd the eamnebe signed witl thte naines o? -eacb h ôt the Partoora> , Geofg, 'I'at anti John Feurler, ini their ewo bandt wrihiff; ai the-A unZersg4eti ailI in nO caseholit iîseit f reponsible ,fer -tise payaient- et an1y sncb P1J e EORGE, TATE. CAUTI[ON -- -t urbatsoerer, onai>-acs>ust, as 1Tdo r belîeve he la a a n o et er, means principle. HN. lWE Port Hope, Murch 26, 1858._ 2- t- soeces S! Fqr-partic ý 1, 1 ý IMCCI. 1 - M L

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