p - * ~ ~ - ~ f v r! , I il il , t- L '~ - ln athe Tewilhip et Mar&, uoointy or Onta- gent routier of ever>' ciastue>'îuraîU uefuîncss. srot evawe m tuai s au-. rie. The Laund le cf the final qechit>'ilu more correct anti satiaten>' ryrecord of the qetoab>lie tnadjalsahoe w> ilh thse nunber et tise receipt eoseS lvsiter te ever> beuteisolti, whhle is Cà u xus a oiis b tasl i b eît acclatcuiaema îiselTowuahip. Joney>' ho eativauceî hreniterature cf the ita>', îroeghoat please examine 1the puper--ompama itl Ycarly Subscriboras teud upon oun book&s. sant tavogtiothe priciples. et rtght th. organ et ,ne at'o iqe u aiIts tiruoe-bue Ie1ii b lor tise erection of terni buildings, anti if ne- the manît, Ithan cen ho posaibi>'obtainet both contents a nti appearance, milS auj' The herse thusa iremu li of course, be- sud justice &all i in tIhe approbation etfisonestl>' endeavert e1.epnn tggt ¶lpaicigtebot;lec~ quimeti, thsa Leseaunhave the nhght te from au>'otlser source. oton extaul-auti you miii ceincite mith came tise chosen competrin fb-,v .rctiTe w Ims andthie go. lsa objeet Winib ia l etstr ehie1 ho W paticls cf munà r-abéhcuucpi puzebasoent the itoinibofetthe Leae. ERYCPE.ils patroue antitd Peulupeonigte th, Yearly Subscmlber whoSe numaser lu te set forth gee.!'rimu n0PHitial, co-Amnericaide,"I i eifa4l t b bsroallr ustknupad RAM FRRY, Tht eceiî eativeuce Seethetrresstisent cf ils cîses, ramas with it. la thus me>', the uWhooechah andMoral queutions; te diffuse usetul peons anti milSprisenavrigeetelugrt sîtI bib J. HAMPERay, The reeîpt- f advace Sbets fro the l of it class tva>tsPi a r foisonsrmantibparsties, Morsmats, à ndiaRRotialePilmlaanatonl kenep l - - .Z>csprie r Bitisis publishors gives attionai valee THE BEST WEEKLY lIN AMURICA et a eg uirglai ýYearîy Sncr -1r ; anties et lite. mîkra50d Whitbyl Oth Merci, 1858. 23-t te Ibese Reprints, inaumnei as the) enu As an Agricultural, Horticaltural, Liter- ant. ice Subseniben' mwiii kuei 'if ho hak lhpe.sWukly miS contain atfull anti ant i mbitS lonegg iebuso tmcsisIbqn.uieiml ieh nom hc placed inlatiheadaetf uuhsciberi an>'anti Fansil>' Newsaper, combluet, the tam a oieb' heaullae uyetImatfl omai'httieohlea, ocal ie ati1eIngnaioalpocial,. ltell.> Sd m>'teearndar1 a1e bouls son- s l. orginl ettiO.5. Ruali s long been 'unequallet, le'em- et bis receipt, uhîc i m i!formathu elges,@nmilSatimteSr Sm ml nîak iei iS u' et telis1îti' oSud>ni ebe~sttt CbIeatp BEatiu Rouge. T R R M S: ploya lis. besl talent, ant i s îlastrated wmbinh a atvance freinon ou tth a.Ilmlebeli l.isla u mt iaIbh'etmu ibcslaifalituiA'ss tic$ffi b4,i NDaiutau ~~~~~~~~~~~~Pen ana.nuancions coutl>'anti appropriaté engray,- Tise dlstrbubion Of thse herses' nams uu,,eet8 fet ti.sg, record lb.elatuen- favor ofPreedoam ainlPoro nii hebedhçms.fc$bat 1-NDný tioet, four tiocrs RaitrFor an>'oeeoetthe four Reviema, $3 00 logs. Embracing iluoea a gme1 r number mllh tako place on lb. sveang et S&TUe. tiens cf gSulu, lb. diacevorles of science, Honen, wmkethm leo plae oseunfaI pns u pl at Mr.Lalag~s Store. Neals trous 12 te For an>' lu'o o e b.four Reviemu, ô50Dof timnportant, netauct sud.la>'tepies thasDA, he24h tJLLY, aM ouioffice, 34 Md thioreation3 ofti. Itl in uamwori A onetttsemeiaatherfox ajtsoyteeuqtu -c.t* tl4raataait lnes frein 7 o'clock F1or ny>'tiree et lb. tour Reviemu, 7 00 severel ertinar>' jouriaL-l-nciuting ural Brosiadwa, Nem York, on wniob oocasiob jm t ee tAn aceurate anti oomplete cernandt b> uju tseoymn 11 hnleisd*bcîe s ueat i ho mrnlr 4utIi 8o'clck las the eenaFor al leur efth1e Reviemu, 8 00 affama, sceneace, isecisanle aaI, etucation, me shan alec dUsrlbntethe naines ofthé $picture oftboe ge lu mhlch me lire. oet berazy p.ruos nleeltl hi a iapuavupol ~tlu wenbr t ecsule aumutFor Biack'waod'u Magazine, 3D-buer'%beraphy, moral emssauatitlsà sin Wse uant r 8IAIii '5! îili aise <ire a dietohmfaent bion ~wishingIlhevîtoe s.we 1i4I7s myls ilmite ofXt ic eu--etFor Blackiwootiandt bree Renom -900.petr>4atimusic, readlg for ycuth, nemi rate etwmgnte nil.~ lad'adrtoi httsYcis.leyt~e * t b a nti dLotigingtateth1e mate et $2 Fer Bleekireet asd tour Bevioma, Io 00 eft5e dc>', mnL kel reports, &- ltlis m- tFrtheOift4> Athe imainato n à nml the f or supotl fd ro i O OT it t bb> L-RN OEY aeet» dmg&e i» aU in ae pbaticy Andli>' Iaý,>ng tIbeef our Ueteil Agent aC. ~it ~ 4s iouIise theireolanima, __ .. dPPnt tI, the - "<,* VE. m«.Jono>' usrçnt i t A a ÀPAPEa FOR TUE TIMES 1s skev qu uti.~ ~tches or isesracter5n anofej-tai d latithle ýresuB alsomI1 6y5ao'Oipienail5 11,b 1Mac I,82555. SS3mevamiul>'cm af al ent l.Rirai, tonor morecoepies ef our p&apironu admo* CLUBBT.NG. sucS an emiasentl>' instructive *n4 enter- es w«» kprevon t ;uh iste Pbbe lamne ýmd rnw omeus cvi : CLaBlal tnnng papé ierlanet a luxi>', bà dà ' lié. and for ove?>' exta ten COOi61 hlti Ib h tÂPTO 1#5 ~ I WflmmZiVf i"a" 1i'lo Tr o p l tN T ER S, A discount of tmanty-Bive 'p cent. fro eincest>. Indeeti, al mis e dsire a iihi- Agent or Namasuan mc hosi, eball ha.ve coùtrbuta e-t tise ra4osasdep a'of et rsOn- o su, urj1 0 OOPPE-YÂOD TYP. bie aber. puices wmlii o aliovedti teClubs tenet, progressie anieinni y ýp"ractical sitiotol1are r1510 lut 120AgntiSDiusi?. 1the Th' la 00ortionlug foui or more copies et an>' boa or antiuseftrapi fâr land eué'ltiejeurnal-oà ne Sation. -1 - 1 . 11oata - ti d BTEXD'SNoYekTpeeustrymore et"$be gbqvo qorks. flus :Per itS o rïïrÊi, bIitîg andi aeeep- W. take tis, mode * 0 'ig~Our 11mivuW of .. .i coie e-BaeILd o c1oo eMeition, and scola te enisace thée but iter- Bubenb« i .I - n trene tipsq-_ ni niliittiI'< t e,- (jeuti ýruters ws0:rrems, establahet imlii bc sent te oeoatitresu for $9 ; tour este and preniete tihe home happbnesso fite ploying Travelling, ddîÙoha s44iWeê'to'*o la12,N.29 Spînce SthoOt, (tour dtees cepies et the four Beviewu anti Blkiot .setinstatradstvroscet bui toetve, vis ireouit PSmrù4y aY ate WIIBI)N ,for P; atidson. ILcopationu, ln betis tewn andi couatry-aRM u in .hIeus5ës *O4 ýuw s10 tý 14,Piet The s bserib r.pid 1unli bs*POSTAGE. invitedto t te Rural. Snbscoï,UbnWuaof. .By-,this :_Af# prprd iirns is'h teb * ptd" oà Ãtlà ' W ' »ho ' e J # dm ..mhi-aa ati u r bck nt nos- nbcribers la Canade mil recin. tisai THE INRTIIVOLUME, FOR 1858. Subscrti.îelr srt. u P-p~trei~oP q~ paper pr tg@type, l'à 10unts le suit pur-.uiir r. c nleiorlo osae. Wilepiue. noei e-lL--ia-bt aýenahII1n 5 né 4555e.55,AIse Germas -anti Oreamental aumBerTha pof nit ued &t Bnilage. p#1~.o ae,-iî.te tireei re. Will o., nteggn clartnw typ etd-WlietaââC4 -f, tiau pu* ' -t es r ek, IebreW, rs eü ments, Muit, .Ir henlo ics inoveG re t Bi la $31f pathe nsu-mmbutaptîîlargeo the*eishamoa&0 X ho., &e, D<eoidhileSeDo <eadaoeteffort orltuex- 0.pen 4. Rura ' w~o n: c MaLt YPred' eu" MUSIC,. 8.pe1d r-io-er al e r ToSrelu a' .h aI 15 lomut etacanhe Aeloliru"la Ta=3Colege Brau of inotaig sev Bo. 2 Vols, bespard tomakethe uralcou u t ad i- , utntseon Wedan inSOLS. woaq qtTss-Oy $1 y éIene, cicuplato s $,a et- -ýo 4i ÀW W .1athe montHe avia s i -I Iiigamn n lu ndporl h ____assI furisiss lrrk n Aareul5'ase' auu;.hc ~ à 4eo <' I',w 'la ^a- ___ ___ ___ __LETnEuPBS WTN . .&ciua other BMs J US T R EoEL E >N to uFIB vo Us Mbcrbe'. Executed on the aboîtest notice and mon u mDATRm DPItS '" OE eite eEglu,!e 0 o .pvt UteOfc fthe Ontario YTimu, Dundai PicA.L HA QAUaQNKl 406oI*1u pÂRTANELL JELIsGLO . CH.&eti LR &~Wbi.tbl. Al orderu o>'Postpromptý ANÂSfTR~O TO~R e tsgtfrsm fI triga JOE, BGFLOW i atened ôtand the worksent by retura , DAiJ2&~ Attorneys-at law, cfMi.t j uh.QIL.à ýXuiads ieEirtinTcesf 80> 1 oUr4s to the Oonnty Counoil, cou. Wib1i21 oç,5. 3WRKU, R~ 1RJOLDBRS, iueb>BcannWhtekC. Id .oRlOg . ,MGaNCI. l l+i v 1 B,5ej+iva ru! .R. H L1. .Witby; &-ALBERT SPRINQ, GreenbaukNo, ttr*osaP o UonA IL. ~ QAluml, H J.LCDOtKNL. aVAWA~O iLIJ5 IARES the pissent opportuuiîy of In- j. MES <GOULD,O, Genwood;à PETER te.. te., te.23.FotRteWhb. Q. X. V&TXUL. THE 9SUB&5O 18CEWhave ~5n uw nhaud L forming bisintimerous <ustemers and CÂRMICHIAH, Wîck.W..DOL OFFICE'-4Intuie Court Hlous, So*4h Aud for Sale, ver>' IOW, the Publie-generailly, that he bas -..tS . Ail eiders for the abe. attmnded te Whitby, Oct. 10, 15.-TECLNA. wing. b- the Offi1ce.- Wbllby, N0vemerI, 1857. 6.- , INDIA RUABEX J)ELTJNG RE310V'ED TO DUNDAS ST'T, DIIUGGIST& APOTflECARY, WIYTW ,A A N S ~ A __________________--Frei 3 to 14 inches te ER 0 is mgyadmaÃŽ1 being more central for their accommoda-OFIEdibrScla V IEN A~ PASTER 20 ils omb3'Intch. ul ro (tbor'sHe old stand,)for the pUriomse cf TRE TjBIBLE DEPOSITORY. a. -t À1 otelOadLi ss 100 Cak cut'Nails, usorted sites. to.1ewudas noi h Jsees BIC TET eueo BýV E undetulgueti having been appeînttd 50 Tons Bar, Hoop, and Band iron, as- wlio have been in th j hbit of de lu --ln18 NOMWSLLN uc rnatd JLAetfor the sale of the above Platter s25 Bdî:siteugs. el fo t jthe eocd stand te whlcb be bas remeved, JEGS te jefortn bis customers and UthpIBLES aud TESTAMENTS, l ;inRU S M DCNE, AeiT00nI sTiGe.H Dru thateeecetreaulve lysolicits ter a public generali>', verletyach as ar Ina à Ce Ontario County, N Y., weuld luches. toee spot a ol e'ta moviug Ibis business ou or about the let or t o British and Foreign Bible Soclet>', cen - beg te say that h. laiew p ardte fur- 100 Foster's Pîough Mouends. if first rate wurk and a close application ta Marce next. from tbe store be noir eccu- lit obtained et Mr. James Bain's store, car- R ci]lo.u SOETOLT nieh Meçbuu nd Retailreedla business, trill do anythingr for hlm, he will piesteabis ntw store - uer of Dundas and Brock Streets.' The ratesu quit. a4 1ev us It eau lie forwitrdcd Plougb Beaims, AnQ1s, V~ices5, &c., &o., k. net be fouud behînti thete e. u' aersetoytlidt utnUD W d forfrm siege Te laterwii e e- Every description of Sheffield & Heavy A large stock of Hae oand a good 1r t Pthelthaerspmaeacrulte ithe asain D yeWos4 ~e>'us N PRIc for roinOnvego. ThePlaterill e dCorner of Dunlop & Br ock 'S llvered unt Charlotte, Genegce river, or ut H erdîre. essortment o Wip ad its cnsanlyoracles .G Oilu ]PaiDt n Vrulu riESOEaeyercdouteE litu>. of -the ucrtb abore Ports, as the purcba- 3 S. DONALDSON Ce. on band, which will be aold et prires to And immedietely seutb of the rew ef brick JAMS T. BYRNE, ?115' AKZ7ZlgabOfcielsie o ee ber suitse.___________________ suit the tilDes. &Iâ Repairiug doue welI buildings lately erected upon the ground Seeretar>' S the fllevlug emalysîs cf this Plaster Provincia srnSU ce Compa.ny and et the shorteat notice. wbere ho wes burneti ont in April, 1857. Whitby, Apail 3,11858. 7Str. ie-6>24f-eryma preared b>' lthe st erinent Chemnisti in_ W b>', Nov. 3, 1957. 6-tf Trhe business wil ho cerricul en as bereto. - itl' Frfrbrjatcir nur in the cil> et Newr York, le proof of thee.Eu 0F TORONTO, C. W. _________________ fore, giviug satisfaction teaIl who bave fa- AACH.CMPEL perler quelities et Ibisarticle over an>' othervored hlm with their custom. lu providing CI{ARGES-FROM G ZT' PrneAbtct 85.i petot.ai luse.ofUth!&BEarAPITlL ov5520FaOy * .Z.ir a place irbere the public can bave Physici- tr m A ms N___________ leI1bave ugnalygeti a upecinîeu of IlVienne NE Span large Bay 'Horses, 4 years nid; edPecpin ndRcit talnda~~~\ ' ~f PIeuter or Qypsum," and aise spCcilflhis Of PAID UP CAPITAL, £96,714 le. (joee span Bilaek French Cauadien lIo - nmade up and ceuiýounded ef Ge aile UUt,& . l D!FNYATCETIGETEGIRRKP C stgaHOWARDQondga laser, an ne3 6 yeers old i oeeneir Pedli.g Wagon i J;Prfmi id them to jiela tiepecively as fellowu:PMIEI-J -IJWR, S. tio pair cf Bab Steigbiu one covered tlug- And et the loirest remunerating prices, end y .CL .K AsTeu SLATt.Vacg PeaT.-1105. J. H. CAmETtox, m.P. gy ; two Setts double Heruess ; awe setts aise, v here u assortmaeut ef erery article, J M SA L R Pplq CarbSUatSelle Lime ......7,9 single Haruesi; oeeaerie noir end good. genereily ta ho purchased iu a Drug Store, E PIIP1DPneDrT1 EilpetofL5e. 7092Urectors. The ebove will be sold et a very loir prie.cenaho eobtaiued. DA UEJIJNARIkI C'atbonate of Magneaia.. 1,50 a. aAw eR, sq.,v.r. G. DuocÂs, Jr. Esq. frcs rbr rdto nosdnts W.H.D., aIso eleute sey Ihet ho bas (I tbe rooms formerl>'occuipiei by J. H. Trusss & Suiotr flkns, SRJMSC R' Alumina ...........2146 lion. J.H. CimgRosKyX.. Cept. P. WALLACE. WILLIAM IJOPRERSON, eîweys on baud e compîcti assortmeut ef TiioMA,>) HERBS AD~Clbae eul 11 rrotelde ....1,84 A.M. CLARK, Eaq. M.D flOu. IW- B. ROBIN-i Assignes to the estae ore S. FULLIa. Patentktedicines, and hiating'lthm direct BJROOK SIMVET, WHJTIY, iiiLlPeae ra rsrpine i Sutie of Iron... 1 J. AIZLD Eq. SON, M.P. Whitthy, March 22d, 1858. 25-id tromn the Manufacturersa(as their Agent).,j1EGS to informein bc luatus oftWbit- BJNLN-F IID CakM hyiinEtarur LOB.t ..... ....... ........... ý 2 ..ltTMRE.... MCaxao, ESq. - cn ,varrant them genuine. b>' and surrounding country, that hli ue.Ti naubemdcn Les.... ....... 9 E.F.WAG rseit i EDW RDq . D MÂ Ne ELL s. M U S I CA L 7 U 1 I iO Ni. The Patent cen be touud as abeve ready et ail lianes te T U.b E 'T E ualu u th ue o i hs u - 100,00 MNOR-DADT ATNL l usrbr frs&YEFT-y FL«Uj ,ILAMIPS irait up>ts those who ni.a'faîvor hlm wiîlî N M n agru iodr niett - inspecteref Agencica: BI. IUsiFq ESbcietaku o h iea alfrLA OT. rV k Neir Yok, Mare 191h, 857. --T support exteuded to him during bis will uow be aold et COST PRICE. M o Ele in~1ecirenvsal JAMkE rCHILTON,57 . An5residence in Whitby, begu te inform the îiu Burning Fluids, iHigb IVines, Vernishies.À&.]P D Met Mr]EALAT CGRET IAGAN srutoadbrgsnthnoth>i Chemia . C . DRAPE, Es . ......... .... Whitby. inhabitanîs et the town and surroundinig Jetp&n for Wood and Iron Work, Coloraet an>' ef the the foilowing descriptions S ForCQ!re ihrglrt' hs usso OexbÂea PLÂsC'.. ) ANWtgsqceunir>' that lie is noir prepared te receive &c., alwa>'s ou baud. ~t~moye pirnh sdfrteô he respoin Dý0.bo LBii.J. BIaLuINOS, Esq............. Oshawa. an edditionei wim-ber ot£ pupils et 'bis re- Pleese remember the -Sigu et types, Ambrogrphi, Lottergaphs, & SIGN 0F THiE GODNMRA cof.ce;te>frif'teeutut B'*Iphateof<Lime ......63,20 J. O. S. GinsoN, Esq .......Beavcrton sidence, Colb,)rne atreet. Instruction given il THE LARGE RED WIRTAPI, cd esenth sîfoin drig ebr, Suiphurel et Lime.--..1,01 iH. B. Jicos, Esq ........A shbourn~e. o te Pan, eloe it nd ait Striuged CoaNia or DuoA& so-s. ligtbmtîetprfrbrdosw Carbonate of Lime.....6,30 cBoirEs, M .. .......... Scerboro'. Instruments. Parties desirous ofreceiviug F ~ Aise, Leathor and Peper Transféra eque .w ue> e eotadcid Carbonate cf bSagnesue.. l'Co0 lessona nt their residence, irill ho alteudcd Cal ud gel an Alac, Pree, rafÃŽ4, te an>' in the Art.WIITYiesl'l sudntbeakny Bliil ...........2,80 Baukeil. by the Suhicniber. Three or four young for -Vohiag!B& -l.adsefryuevs Dc AlG0 .......i .......... 2,4680 NO-iT AXladies fomthe counry, desireus et reeei-i. byM1 eaeefor5tolrse1858 . 25 sne. AlGOSiarne sier-aae uigteFiS HE O ..T....T..ar22BN10. MONTRÂL. fom WhiîhrMareh 1858 2 S cntcd. efgeretnfocythauthe>' are sure te bri Lots ........... ...24 board, if necosser>'. TYs8 Medicines.ate 100,00 Sollcltors.The Subseriber bas receired irbat might W. Hl. UQEL, GOLD AND SILVER. 5 O0 O ORS 0ai ae tNronadSia i 10,0be terined a Musical Education at h iu in îasi the llak udLibi I Messs DGGA & BRNS scooisin eraenvaudteeithe ho00i hitîb>', Februar>' 19, 188. 21 -Id-ltsFtgé!o igtExrin Mess UGA'DYXS colTi ema11n5eesta h edH Subscniber baving bongbt th e j ADE and mnk. ashBid plaioetheHrLonsse CACl LSE.give place ta nu Musicien n thIe Province OL RSIE-POINTED satock lu trade, and business furmcrly k&., in proprin >ie ha.Hseic ikHeahWiecd Sulphataet Lime......50,40 HEAD OFFICF-TORONTO ST., TORONTO. in bie kuewledgeofe Orgen XiMesie, and ali GLDPES wued and cerried on hy Thoasg Beal, In Sulphuret cff ime.... 2,00 kinda et Strngrd Instruments. 1110E50 1 CENTS. Enclose pé'n lu ath Townu ef Whitby, fron the Assignees MY PLANINGM CIE rdssoi bs il rl ietec Carbtonate et Lime...18 ,00 PARM RATES TEIIMS LIBERÂL ete rihcsho osaetapand bia estele, noiroffers the irbole stock for i i. dt-ae r, n îvn odwe i ohrreu aetiea Aubonae ........s..... 3,80 The Directons have letel>' made a con- ne doos net aspume the tille oet17rofmsor b>'returu mail yen mil recclure the peu as sl nidu ahnî r a otebi tiok iog orru eey ontcn elmn....41 ider ahle reduction of the rates on isoletedbu ipysbcie'islgodaw.Ars CL 4-SL RWA IE, ...li ........... 4,40 Fan Riska, te whicb they would dreir the btB.p> sbcibsisetgodeeLLdresGLD4 ILVRWATI.E X0100ac B irn almllaiien' r n'ote * Protoide etfIron......32 attention otf Prmers generali>'.- Il. FELITZ, 9.ELITJomlery anti Faner Goode etfcevgry des. some neat, fancy.Wheaipicslrnr. W.ler.......16,50 Fine and Marne business et even>' des- Musicien 22 Syracuse, Noew York ciptien, and a ver>' large stock etf 11>' Turner cannot h et I h sa uiietesacma> ui ek Losu ciption transecteil b> this CompanY aI aB Whitby. October, 1857. - - ooks, Utationery, Bohool Books, kinds et turned wor nbu rdu ePîe î h ntdSatsadCn -- loir rates as an>' respectable office, anid ail PORTER'S SPIRIT P" HÂNOÎÇGIicsO, &c., .&o. order.OeDolr 100,00 lesses promptl>' solileti on Bselisactor >' e BestPerinical of OS a fjlpi avingpurcbased the aborse t aet roce- A .AEADR oeAet o bsCuty Sproot >'g ad. ay FREE >'Iri.DI STRIBUTION dcsafeact oSPie h uanbr BrookIin, 241hMre,15. 2-m TITEtOSS&OtHR, Noir Yerk, April 2, 2.Trot, being mede 7.1.-f JAMES R. CILTJN, M.D Truo 0hAgut 87 -f TUE PEOPLE S FAVORITE. .5î s 00w ofl'einug such Chemuat." r. iifti~~~~UU1fl ~~ 1r1E Proprietens et PoRTvsaR SPIeIT 0F INDUCEMLNTS TO PUROIIASERS,-Aetinhtb:JDel. oiu It ape~ra rom ht abve eul>sa thet ~ 'IIIIJ )UI>Yi~K harle Diekns' ousehlti ord ur T miltluJul>'oelinkee as aveicrer een bteresfferye o he FrRM AeD S WM I orG.ABanusler ud W.J.eSltonOsha the IlVieua PIuter " la supenier ton land ~Frege Distribution of $1,O0O Public lu Ibis localit>'. BT Bte SOL ORi RNEOlbr 87 $tothat o.etl. suy.a," or teOcoadage." AND 7IME Subacriber wil hereettor publish axneng Iheir Yearl>' Subacnihens irboâe JOHN BAL h usnbr nIeFote h .MORSE Iasumuch uS it Centailu the lergest per cent- e16 Tsa, War. 8the Americu Monthi>' Editiou et this yIysuhscriptiou shall have tbre or more N. B.-Watcbes, Cleeka, anti Jewelen>' t oues ag fteI8upaeof1m hc ete igAA e ro ar, jus>' cltiaeMgaIzineor natontst ui.e h ae fdrtîu-ceni udrpie.fin~ rek meut benefliel proport>' lu landi Pla8ter. BpE Subscriber bega le inturin the lu- States anti Canada, on or about the 1Sth tien. Fer ,convenience, 'as ire 1 as teau Watch glasses flîte inlu su> kinti et Three HundreAcscfLdRMOSheienrete, CIUSZ RAPER, J habitants et WhitbY anti the sur- et eech mossth, tromn the advance aheets as intere t ta the Gift, the distribution miii ho Watch for 7il151d. hchl l c.îsrtRDreundiun, ceunIr>'. thel ho bas purcbesed received b>' speciai arrangement wîb gever cd b>' the result the greet race JOHN BE ALL. wo0oiehi ledr, 10iih odhr the stock et Mn. Themas Wallace, ant inl- Messrs. Bratibisn> anti _Evans, the London thatis te be rua iu E-sgland ou the 28tb c whithr. Mareh. 1858. 23-3m exceileent Pine. Tepoet'mi osl * ~~~~tends ta car.ry outhe business in ail ils Publiieers. July e4 nwna te'rc fror rented in p%.nts esipuharsndvaetEroAieniAtcasmi branches in tbe samie promises. Ait yearly subscrihens te Househela onethekeiruashe Trae fo Frem bis long experieuco in thia conntyWords haie the olîportunit>' affordedti hem THE G O-. UP oerTTillel rsn ea ot mrc-eaaet lrt as a practical monkinan, anti as Foneman te obtain as premiuma fronoee-volume This centost ise ntier the special patron- O ton the lest ioren yeara ton Messrs. Geo. H. te a age oethtie Duke et Richmond, anti is eue W RIfT IN G 1Y S O U ND ! E>GEBLAD Pismrfnl isdetDrMoe ('hoe>' & Co., et Toronto, he féecl cou- SPLENDID LIBRARY, et the meat-pnincel>' et the English recing -Lot 13, in front e t e.e Pceig dsacaailfo mun> tteBe fideut in tating that ail work entrustedti f21 olmso0teron eetonfonyear.' îî mas the meeting seleeteti lest tise finît anor te cstnbiish tise tact t185 Xelm Cuultr &Broher. hm il ho pernioiina mareron miil heverî ryEtnieCalgeoBokoyearsforthe mmennrereb . of.the <>t -ri- H s okoftarbut100pages,crveryTH TLNI .QO HLy tnIlevrospsae gire enlire satisfactieon- the most ieehreîedti aIe eragee e te caks f hrses on the English Turf ; anti i la her upea thisa vitalfrot flotTHEÀs.A EG te iforIn tbe Publie thal 1he>'oe a roa eta Piieaadother ohrbtc bc spîtdfo tn have atems th.Businesset'Mesura. T.xeletRSol în t set et T. B. Peterscn's duodecime edaticu mrianherses miii, ou the approaching eiii thii' duilerenttunciious et tinhth 5cpttsre, ant i .nteaît te ' y ou the Cook, IParler andi B= Stovos, et Chas. Dickens' monka, lu 25 volumes, occarien, appear lu ite ain.art whicb the book le designedti t teach.-gd n i. e e npnetbroy aaufactiire et aIl kictis -efariages, Always 'on baud. Alsec aikinds cf Tin beautifuilly illustreted i mb over f5v. bunti- As there wmli, probnb>a eha> rfr > lî t tIi aul n'acolh> bIi',Smtn os j au esisacin eoe becru Wagei(lgltaa hu>',Bugis;fShe touWre -red steel anti iooti engrav .Inga, hy designa erss nerti*nt ourtien or or girloetfire or six ycars an4uiat,.ZIO.nidsecitueuinalpiss tors, Iuleiçbs, bc., mait hick ii has 50 ti Brn>'desoription et Copper Work matie frem Cruikshank, Phiz, Leeeh, Machise,,&c.fi fleen te., stant, ove propose te distribute the bu uesrrsng> hr pc tDeroied Io Litterisr r,&Pltc eiedders fee> ae st pR4$osdo o M S owing te the haïti- ta entier. heiug tise moat beautiful anti perfect cdi- $11o000 a5 toîîoms: time te rend anti write Phouography orsteînlexaloonbetbm atess or the tituci. * Pertieuler attention.pidtô-teJob Wcrk. tien lu the menti, Frm, e willcontera ailypheetctshort-baud, hatleqia e meth e o y icWL udenrt nii ntr sntaai no ~ n, wbicb mli h. e lt itaICmat Wî , 87 7 TERNI:-Three dolarsper annuni, lova- FREE GIFT 0F $500 IN CASH> cable a chilti et ordinar> infýeiligeu.e teLF vinceurepreneoIatibl hlbcmehetinicaet cl leA' --à --r.a> .ibi- luadenc - .ng . cpie, i~e. heSuSen'ironlutht dtisotrèitin, write 100 oroe rdts per iulînute 1h. Thisechnmbrmicotnatclstanh-hucuinghtlteilbtrvrhI N.s B-Diections forithe guidamnce ofp&- en- tients in ecry -disorder =a-e aSSed.te «ch b>' For- saie. hyMteusns. ýOBINS eni- NITETZt andi DOEL . ' ait, Whlhhy4 Octobel'- 1851. Dr. se (Late MUOncaoëssu9 s>'; MdW,. m COÂBECf liai Dusudma SUIbtk1WbtbV le of LIVEiTTAELIIKEEU tscbe BYO wTiEs', t F iTta*t Lr T "telbbiot-ofWi. pubic, that hoepeaeti a Llr>' St"II et the aboya place, wherqý h. WMiii duaVo te accommodato au1 who mal' favo, hla with elr ontienu. N..-Fîrst Clan Herse anti Cara N. RAY. Whitb>'10ct, 10, 1857. . BiJ~press. Exprs Tl. rpBIS Company' milI fomwaril, by esc as l a:-seugrer. Train, ia cIargeos&8p ra Freigh: t of >'dscilis, v tbe l- greatest possible tiespalch, t&esag.parts. et efthlie Canadas, Uniteti Statesaci Europe. Orders eceiveti for lise punchrase ef tf Goeti.-Drafts anti Bige coîlectet., CHIESTER DRAPER. WhithY, October 1W5. 1. t-MEDICAL REVOLU ThON!!! ob- TIEFS ORLD UNASI1MOUS. pe- - e uid Il 1OLLOWAY>S Ã"INTM4,NT." te in, Thse Great COiuto Irnitant 'a.h .'1H virus ot disease often maltes ilswvs> na- "te the internai organe xhrough tbe fe pores cf the akin. This penetnating'O0mb- ,li ment, mehtiug under tise band as il le s sh- ho.! 10i, 15 eb3erbet i brougis tisesaine one chîannels, anti reaching -the seat ef inilans- retien, prompti>' ant inivariabhy subtues il, irb wether lecated in the kidneys, the liver, tbe longs, on an>' other important organs. 18- peuctralcu bise surftace> to, 1e iutaniom, »a- through thse eosntiess tubes lsdt communi. ils', cale with the skia as summer reïi pauses ahi inte the fevereti_ esrth, duffuslng its cool lor- anti egeuenatiug influence. ýue cl- kin Diseuses & Giandular Bwelliqgs 551-. Ever>' apeelesofet eoenirritation -is qeickly reduceti b>'the anti-inflanatory ieaction et this OlinenL Anga>' eraîptions go.* 'suh as Salt Rheem Enysipelas, -Toer, aRingogmn, ScaitiHead, Nettie Rash, Scaihyes (or itch> .&e., di eout, te returuneomore, under ils application. Hlospital expenience lu-all parti ef the menti prones ite infai- hulit>' lidiseasesos e skin, tise mucles, 0.the joints and tise glands. lcerm, ces aad T.uku - Tht effect oet hue unnmalleti ezternal rera, ed cduîpon Serofîtîns, and ti oso vimuiea ulcers anti zones, le almost miraculons I finit tiuehianges te poison -isicis prctiaîes eupporatiou anti prend flesis, anti thus tise tiecures miih its healing preperties afterwarti tecomplote are ese as mdll as permanent. hl aM Woundà , Bruinea, Burui and esidi, -ar In cases cf the fracture et the boues ntr>' too injuries causeti bysteain explosions, Bruis. was Burns, Scaida, PRheumatîit..,stiffutis eofth alJeints, endeconîraction et th( iraw', itis al employeti andi marial>'necoassunen led b>' nde tise teculty. This marrehiona jeuted bas 18been . intr-bduceti hy ilsinventer iu person log- nticîfthe ieadiug-Hospitaisôéf!Europe. et oitb n pnivate househoîti siseult be mitheoul i lood iJflORsftble' TesUmony. ted TIse Medical Staff etoflise Pu glish sund ýick. French Armies hantise Cni&fea bave ofâfili cen signed theirappreval cf HOlloouy's Ointý- are ment, as the zuostrehiabletinessing Ion sabre ýd i culs, stahaan'Saînu.hoî bauds. Itis aise lood ereti b>'tise sungeons et the Allieti Nà vîrs. anti k E i-n la J r f 1,i 'tel J 5;- t-. A 'I f 147 ut J- tise W