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The Globe, 26 Oct 1889, p. 4

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TIE GLOBE, SAT'UR]DA.YO OCTOBER ~261 1889.9 THE -DE AN'S DA 19 HTER. A Story by Sopioe . F. Veitch. IN TWO VOLUMES. Author of James Hàepburn, Free Ohuroh Minieter. «'I A.PPEA.L UNTO CESALI" A Hi8tory of a WOMlnrB ser T fi orf, % 1 o r N rî* rf îrr ý1i9s ,1r t-i i seu iauutî r rît ira Nv renisliedi b ie 1îles iery' T i a n irllil i- 'i a me Cri e r ie,irirI Ie.li1 rt- mîu u-V rtr , , ir tirii- i , ir .- iv' i -le Pru l 1 irytliut-s 1,1.1 thsr' g "'- r i s ý,f lr i -r' l t 'el t irr ,i' t Il' ,,fi'ru- wa' ie - r, - l sd l il'ti i ' 8 iro'n i seet in . .tir. barrt. it r-anit 11>1,1 prr s' ai ressu a r fte irani r lJ r ,1 i Orliî 'f tIie' cet iagur, \(I rlkn %N'uarr fi s ttirueui tand drre e a ay- lin aliotiiiir ti-'uetit w uas m rry fritJi 1er r'm i e -, i- ,Ir . t -1-lt m ll 1st 1 re Il Jrurl rrrJ" i 1 lr- ii iv i t fiirgtritt-ir '1 V->if ti i. .[Y1111 I ., i' ill. ', \ fi ~tire 1 i1 ki t 111 11t m 1n1- 1- ru uoilugri 1 V oi-r ilILi1 IL nrtit t u '1 u #%fnitiglailtnt-'InN' tinauil pni-l u 1 ou eIrnul i > i'Ail1 bu'tt'e liNît r1min11 -nnui sli 1 Iisv '-e ii' l iri . 4'fiii an- I unsn n,'y(liii iilui-h aR-rO hii n uir '.- iti -iit uIl uI' i ilf'iitly ub." i- ý.I l'i J% eurt id "lîrnl' l.0 rltaurin> li ilfVierau -irlii ti' iitiiynhIIitii g.'-Lily11l. lt Tirlt tIrer'. - 114,f-, il 'rtY lruu5 il-l'r ale. lie 'sus tl ery nilnir min rand li) tur rt-airoll)pâr ; i bs lina dui7td. Ii itint- <'t lin g ir. liiy igzes caille agai u. lie toi'lIllnuit cirtugtir t it leBotI y 1il il uui-, but týIraIit Witi r1uitt- urmoilie tri sa y exactIy liv Iolrg it l. snrllîe bt-lu-rt- Ille t-l-i n'Airle. '1ilusîununîre ia n uir'n'it msurins-I from AuittMarion. <"lit- snqrrîte Ill- tis abaock 1ud boeu tigittii lier omiy ittsr relative lu tue worid. If l iî-, could Ire of aymy ure rewoûil Th", un retaîy lien uerves us-re i50 sihkoin tiisn ,ti.rt-ruge sire tlrouilti l Ie s nitt r" i tte r spju intu' rurif tilit- strait, ttc. lThe 'îuî iinite î'of ti ut- 1 i the frelinigs ut celfusu 1nr'ujit' lareally un tnnurî at timit. Ii astiiy.g.rr'tu's tit ail r îînustr hîartilît sgrf'eiuiiiti tir'ai u ofinlhy -h i sparuringhers" f Ililuy u mstiese staiiitu id jirîy iuusi i t- @%Lehîtl u-rtire hii t iiing Iitir-'- TIhucrî t i traillie to trtelIrle L.rn ti -i unrtgiWuns iit thre trais ii r rrir. i tii m nînyhahrr h hien eaarbîUg for hm hl asedi ilirruclly if lie lTuni cotiîu, mml su'iuuutu nuit - -tiiîi'hîuuîI su-ns 1 toi 1ii hu tUt ill 's l 1P Io 1-l -P Myseif, Vera& 1 bave kîrowu, silice finit t i 1was Struck îlown, ilat 1 wfî.s11on y îlatthliedl. 'Ihat strangely citera ail the- aspetectis of the lite tliat is over,, Mitne in not a satatiafae".ry onea b look back upoii-a lite of eeifisb, luxurious ease. Mty money I have gie, t reeiy. 'Ihasik Uod iitera are maîîy wlacmo.e burderie have been iightanari. &%id wsoosu lives have been made liapipiar by thatat Buît tlîct ln but a Poor deut h-bail con.eseiet.ion. I have given i uv alruidauîve, of th.has which cost me îiothiug. i have marleaa goodwldnoie o!niuy money, ibut a lîad eue o!frny lite. . But we are flot uîîitil, we are linîks ini si ch.,hain. Vunu inuit inake tup for iny deficloienoies. You have the lite 1 havc givon tU Yeu andi the property 1 lente to yoii. flse 11.blioth as a soiemîr trust tor the- weifînre of otherers, but especîally venir lite. Litre, work, a anditit intisi besufler for othîers,an'i cuuuet t' lie apan'riîîg tlus of yonur lite auirni- ibult bigher diity than the *pending %et y r money. And neyer suifer your morl fre?50l'e weakened hîy thea trnos- Mor j lnh eilluxury in. whicb 1 have ]ont 'piero of reg- whlch might have aaveil me tlîe OliergyV-lc. 'ie o frînieeîî a usaesa existenef ie o wiî lok kaceover your lite. wheuî yoîî are îyiuî on our eatir bei, with %ery difleremit flfeal lge f rouir lie NDAbbit %coirld nfot speak. 1 riîr:ouyknoei-1 sîiantiy with the we.eterl liai1i resting Lupon iniy beau. Aftter a tiuill'iittsilencW lie spoka again. 1 tlîInk yer lité wahl be nlo Paîh of roirs, Vers. . Q eYou Wt 41ete .lvi ' 10e reaily to Seeilca'youraelf. 'Ihere ia ah ) rililaltiouîiin shà5 worid for nîci, l'lit alwayis a glioiuîeuncmioudd isiiîet. Niîw, mit iowiîl>baidteme, wy 1Rbild, anrd lin îy iasi1 itytirre. I 1fealiSr7 ,jpd1 Ir im v. I1îliink 1 kuion"what that wieen. 1 1rici riali alsJeqi 'î-riilraiFwhen I ais uke il sii tGei'to îeimlidthe K iiig l ii -i urî ie s i . 'Iii r rIàgh the long Ilir t ihe iul itil tI at l'y h is cole, t he failli fui I-s tth. ,îîr1idIn tihe earliv tuir" iiiet i()i if if' truhit- r t riii ing lie 1,s8 iIa WlV - cal ifil I y i 11t-a tfill llN itii l.r,'ll- e' t-n a d'lt- ý"'aurîiug aI rny uiuîliw, as the- çoiîi grey iil I itole ovet the- fariiir scellas, I struvu' I.- i ,al ici'thîe t-iaige thirt huIl 'oule over ail il')i trîîi'iioiîs'f iii>'Ille. I1'sas, eveu Irous, iiia 'aelit-r liun gtlî'rauire iii the le îu8eeIi i'r I I 1 vbas lî"rîî ;air i ,ere v.'ry imaliv ilore le r ii inga siti Ii hab e 'lawi. '- i or tt i cufir-m Ilit# ti> Ii l Inuit N4iuiut't.11u111 it -Ou iruVaru is lr'y graUutiîs. 1 ..j vault triS-t hm t-sal. ' eh u ci'ulîtrusa10 eirht-,eirl dt e i oney r vill marie lrua mura lutIn-, uury ihill. 1I ia il uîa ttli t-aDe it for lea t-a. 1 em îali ilsii uun ie uni kete'jr liiii loirg tioh r erre o 1u091ug a space aàsel uglu t hi- Osi 1 weîîtiut ul, tii 1h.' uin rg rmrtn.i uni j uîessry tuo t-tali1urliu"Io 10 rnra t-.r (tii iumuil mutin I--i1l11 hLo or~iaîrI i tnlrial reuttaitufA*Isl trdii rutltnIIgpui to ni.', frontrr Il i\ brnu'ii tut-n' hsie h-uas' . hvoi a i tooile tireurt deejplp I atiunt gumg a aey,'Atiriamu gsmul, utt'i Itle great [ct-l of1thu-IL atiteligai Seuillia a i.rLop I mnui i luI t t hue tu.ii. - i rfi. àtul wi da, u.vcr"ViIhi.r i ti i s l he i. r 4inrue it- îh IÀur'h 'si uhie ltiiiigi. tur heur Igîte înrrnrutlitgcountry, thir e ut s I ).(,ter b ateut repiort,.1 illugîînuîg t' vwalkiuoira ' mnute vas ailitodil)luith irairtgitat tu f tho"e 1 I1- ul un't il 14tY tir &>k lintutri s tay. \ Il vii hAiul lu-eau I eamill t uNiolfmnr nug i u i itm lei nie siunwl5 t-u1,Ii .rngtw Sy, a tu lilumthe- proclamnred tri ura tiai 1 vas a iumlsiaîf.i wtrlIl sbeuane I tr luee miippsi t rorn ic, auîul i orpirsi. â hraik. ilrtur y ii rru, m utu ul ivtre vas h uore i rau aiwiî tv ou'< positioii.nry in iuthiig 1I i-'u< i IS Imîy u il , in[le luoisinirg. thuugirissu trt- uccupitileslum 'Ius ti iat Ilaat el aciin'rleie arr h(u e lue e aIle. l'h irib(econverselainvettuyvfatînen. 1 it u lin tor;t-uiui t le l intun suorie iy suuceeaairuwn me more ilea-rIy itiamn Ihautlover emi r y tu'bills14r i eyntsuuirymmd sui1ijbr niuglaî -*oeur It lettre, thue trueilirai-t-r su-ui-h milre tu r mmm ll il%".i i <nis- ruse naut iti ienleay tire suj"rtit LAlnIai g finet l l) t 'it-lul :.urt uuîY hami. -*Ir-umetanci-. 'hr-irmgitout &lait i iitee tl lse tiueluilglur a untbilumland1 theuontar1 iebd oliser voira glovîmnht tetideruros un iim uu, eo u ie-t. ilis tery hple. i thumrk tire -mamurer tuo ma, teilitig lif anafleetir ta-r H tnniggl" wesiraanien aveun uir u huir ifor - eepuir alimu 1 heur sien oààrtnu liehatoit hi unit-1. 1 1nly lui mer es-nycaîl!t tolhern, tiot &rd@ me ;aul notait baremiiu.ihCler oilou lt liattir iennlt iituusif tu-ou-ve niu eioba-n me tirai thue pI&larIiiuira-rtnuuia-île mioîher, isslina l'y viua-. Bitte My tlier wnmiiirt au4n liela .6I le us ha1 i l'a t1oonr] tr, iehuailerst.' tsbe aîi, hail ba rîrumbre pIrut tpou r fi ci i h Baiil, lis a mi igitIN N tcuîî'uituu~e. .-but sitihua-us eiyr.ue ue-cbavIe suppoee.d. 'Lai t ilio niile sun Starl eî&eaihy. duhear. YVur imry (curer, .strsitive ajini onintg by uaure. r atretuth éaumnl iruinumesi sciv lcave-u an ouritng but net «A<ai evsy .el'glic tesurantai. ec simili Iroari ulnntrutuuum. "ilry vuli carry jeu fuun in tl ia retîneunetit et bi.asti et"ctet biu ely tilrougil voir n ta iant hutr." 1lîbrai y, auktat trerrttâcatq bl a $ ri cholsiyij is l irm, etunorg champ tiglitiec on my aime, s. anef uge (rom ths rep.lhit ainuel.-Ji ilnuui fuir a momrents, aliuil tirsu hevasgoure, plier.etiber DtS naitàlls buut coud, un- t Ieavîmu r n inorger. teadien, inore .uts sympaîthno.c gibelotte, asndt haîtit"ai rala tenitilire'l tiraIcarme aimatiirghât 1 oulu1 hy untte mue tires.babils etfitistrtousJe sut-car finir-b mef-inrululemce lunch b" ailmen i liaM 1 vas isoeur itnminouarsri temy fa tirts room arenrgly le oo*ia lItai virittide «» again, andl tîre tillise 01ot nhit asle l r-eseut tirenatiul, tubc ba <inait n tIsaistiemnt vatchu try there usrp lu=c1sisse se. Biut va0: ru-h touieso!thre Catlioral vienk pr-oclalm. ,iemes 1 Bai t as bat: oi. at meesuroul Imtrvala. tirian oîher for sail sets hie, ta 1ït quarter out anheur ut fieleturg lits,.1f binforce ucolse, s» tiraiW "ftt" Iboun ton fit'. a-nd îenîy ve&nsd rai IvaIais ehi i .it asbmr fflê>.brnssm Iuei luemoati tk i sade- of e! Isgrand olul prisiell8 tu a ssent avay. sai*irea,- 1 héomghl my tatian vas ulosirg,ibutî1freet! m i. ta~ i~,& eI todlulyI- Amti»yi aaSa, ît £ ta11vell ,bldnt. r q¶ a et Wb*$ thre 44 a a nf Ver&. obeiditice teiris salsi'sr 1 Camne and tesit hsl tairs bevgecoachr on timals,W idjve* uraius Ml&i witcb, dncs hits lines. e, .homi lvacys ler% Prolos bté eesu. $bot altamg-tbr s»J. t and ho la-it tirle ont band te coula su um m muetlqge I W5 leSi lMé vit&lrsntlla a n hread. ~j.oyen U.adaltr -A ttiresileaslng on yous, My ffebh ' eftaittiMgwt W adi sa id. Y ota ha"velasu thr esm of ulsugimre seS 1 e - ' 1 pe to une. Peo letbought i vus tmdelse. irm î,Z it W"Sahet vub0%a - ti a- a t aituagetire ,laa tup VientianeiSllava. MyvW Uil p grevaup sud r y taà-reis ve 1 lave smde for yOU. TeFiosreÙ êêrit s.m that remae.sua as, uW 70a1 sut y9017 et 08 Lard WibbmeeuMd CeSuâ vI*0 M a ur gusudhsus, 051111111111 l asTour ovudpWuL es tour but eavW" O 'dl mtilîa~t ia lateme? Tes are Iut i bave fold Lod W~iàwfflb 1 amllie belonpe.y*%y yon, frouin tirs hast ae let a1> kmbvesesedev irs MY you Ut, m mi16 l 1 Ibave demeflI57 t# , muine. fatirer1iWho coaltid sit abasdder »sd ait vésicl ere oubt ite your Ilite IV' iY5Ul lUhnd Sa srs - 1told 1.mluîiug i-o toell tiint gel ià 'osi t iudy ton utue, ilear il ul, ho.-#%id. as e uruýettdinpae. - 'Vou muiso mmiI hat is lue lin u us ailoue," 'h îii-»* Moulmi cenîaily have hrcur terrible says l'ut tonur Isle jrerauue-thnit rr.,uli amuse u utrere Inassîne ielumlu, 'evieu the Irsuit, amurir't amilbnataar- ne ne tliiî urthe jîsat. anmdthe eery di&y u-u'îpatiour ut linfe muot jet ttaeà it ujuaal. un, mreio II es oail the aureg. lornauce I hînni ur simugle ituiiiailtu &a h Ire onn to tiai >nr aaVe ny colt. Wiclt-h uou nuug lui eftramIs amlt mml tui ois in far greater snumuluees-bain Ili t mreIrat x pr cti-1tl . - At i 1tc b n i ranci, mil m - H n-uîip ' If you tit-ta a Iittie unirvof i-t- ta u-in, V'<ta, *et at -'lîl 1>0uhu.' lut hroougb1t Io cîrunntIo u y.ulà.uYfu14aie iisties iuît I 3-ufnitr leithrsa %eurtfonlunu. Ho*a arm aI thre l'onas S welc, ud Loitl iomsiat, trlmahejut going, il the rs l>em juimui ptir« etsaige ai amsu-1rttuy îlravmr Mdý faîlumnri vîilvhan it camne tu o era6&4, ba very exurulîcît aà ru colemes a.asiîoty. ID îie, 01 ie levoah cartIlfide lnce. I.su-i Irilu 1.0raet-e~ vxa,"iWa Mi. i'thîô'o aervation or Condiioni. lie msisirsMn1 mpt.cuing pe-traa tgo rvalta, and ia 1ev maîh legaciees wveo mueven mantioned àl t, orily nectreb n »mesmemoenal ati ituaSvu nsreiy te "u0emI lai seUls beaibn b tao" 014mea 1= ris s wtu we" IpreamenteMrd bar bari 04 wmt y - 5mss m *0 yiae tr eahu te t0M Deaiey. 1 "bM4Rotdgi sts egur inerte ~ L01 lai Ine ayAlicis dre» a 9 tiu the écaaie l. oà d»sreir.bo u1 sea ub me if tOM utuoiSpsseséy 1» a l1 No e s osa urrauli t y- e1 r des ta" e cnsel r«dUy baim , te te *Msts. teem*a peai. £sig p.rrapehav** bea s. dise ail Ul ie kmam ir t" pa uhrb aveefrssgrumg ire s. le me Here I îîîterposed. "Once for ail, Aunt iand to gel up here lu the inountains. ,Narionà," I aid, "*pieaee to understand that 1 will tîither discuss my iiîther's actions, nor aiiuw auy sucli diactrssion in iny p rese uce. ' " Oh, indeed. 1 arn iiot-to be allowed tn speak of iny own brother in iny niece'spro- mec-Ti at. ArLt f. itf A PIONEER 1'HLL. Great Record of 2éwing in 4- , - 'D -L .* - ilever thoughit of me. And my dJarling Herbert voue withotrt a wordl to me 1 Is j perrectly heartless of you." Tiien' she weîît off again lu violenit lîvsterics. I fait as baril ai% a milistoîe. * You bad better code into the drawing room. Aillf Marloni," 1 said. «'Al sorts of peopla wiil ira corniîrg directiy, and you will have î.l i Vchborough ciîatteriiig," -AUl Wichborough is more iike17 to1 chatter about your unfeeliug coiduieas,"- sbe 5(rIiee. -No, for at ieaat it does flot makle a noGise. Corne away to the drawing roont" TIreaelle poured forth such ani incolierenlt torrent as 1 cotrid no have beiiei'ed sniy human beiîîg capable of. Her grie'f: the funeral ; nourniug ; ny future 'lestin,-1 wPere ail mingled Up togathter lu bewiMee îîrg entauglemnent ;wîth an utuheitatir1g as,' sumption, which fortuulately had ut, terrer for me, that my father wouid certariiy have left her my sole guardian. Hlow long I1 couid have borne it 1 kuow not, but lu a short tîrne Conirad camne te the reicufe, tarribly distrasseri physicaily, poor fellew, by the efforts he hadinmade to burry af ter ber in tiha riiil. close weather whirch weas alwsyi; particuiaily tryiug to hlm. 1 arnia(, grievari, dear chiid," he pnrliel.ý 1I did ual know elle had @et oti.."' Tiino he- tur'neri to her. and in more peretiept.ery toules thaîî 1 hall ever heard blîi use%( to 111- inotiier, iîîsisted that aqhe slrouid go Irrck t-o the lour. silcai) do nothiniz of the kind, (Con- rad"il," iep ir. Vera le unîli r ag". ( )f c ou re yen r riar uricie w iili avie f t eî ery tb îug Un er muy charga, Ihie oni y near jrelative. 1I muet arrange everything.* - "Von are quît. laaeamotiier I s' ie Lr,,<W.-j bj&rough l104t niht. liea 1r are Verse sole gUaridiaqns.h ave senît ilta menage toeiln te în.M lime here ai 1. i Tenatorîradlîrof! iirr'rl iýi laidn tir. duegt fer tire trre iii Aiit Ma&lq * griefs au'1 tferrs,. 'ritir tise air of ri trage'iy jrreenit, ie' rîreleer r-sali, anidsu-ePi t of the boire", liVIIg t. oiria nd nile ialonrt froiri tile haRIeîywak ini the raw, earlv 11101 11M4. ,that 1 i lî'u il î t lt t bite gIo ýtk te, thet- t , a-i liai jui1te elles gli n' îî?cuîrly rile ii, seekrrig ro seflri hiriii énch lie"ias 1111911t tli 1 111f"r the î (Aîten e liaillegeý N lienl.îî'rý %i ( rlil'erotiili t alie. Ilus Arrivai, 'rleii e iqiiiy wrth ir i Murrty vras tele a uriynsiu!.DAîiîtuer. wa" a apare caciltir e tud stable wlieh Ja-kactil couhl lusave for stici carrleges sAn horses as 1 Chnose te keep. heV iree *boulo t f ami satiefleil tuaI unruer &a i etmstances I atn sitably aîtrmnded. Se thre cruel procese et dlsmaiutiîg ha. gain. A low pie- es of brioture and orianieuts miens seut te tire Court, atid ail tino res t of snmi<rlftly poeeonir were nsarelouuueeu. 'lua very day alter 1 loft the i>eatànury fer igood, anrî walked tbrough gte- greournîst pthre Cînunt, tIre luoturuîlga woos a u' I S and ait arnny o! painters atit upireistarers t.ruok poesemouonrof uîîy cblltlhuomis hume. ro, 1tr-ar rearrange, amrd decorae accorriuutg bf tire faary o et tirs rre ean. Atomît Marron vas t1uite amiable iny luis ttune f-Ie erplauued Wt Liady Altcia ini pasuuiansd tire Cloee in genuaral, tirat sire lie tery remsotistuo hope s certaiu ne uf resptctstiiity. tari-ail upot u*nue hy sty tatIrers et traounîitiary e<'ceitrk.'11y. hai gremtly seieud nire ;ahsi thuat. a!lter 61l, Dow tirat sire vas trot au eing as aira bcd l4ceu, il uuid remlly Iue ait ativairte 9, as mine* haat u dulihtr, Îihat tsIre uul d have me ii ilie bouse. An miiLad yAli-cmi i lahitthe (.'uesar. sjiemutaawltbuvaryiuàg 'uit C-spremmlva l4,- Sot5itoti (hat t-iey aiuceroiy trustent I unlibi proveaà corniots te hier. jIs taooWqrlît'Ktk-) -4e. ~ an oid lady mabout «a lcup us the minse ~I bed le bave à vrItes dov. -An Iaveaitlo Wb tguru~ bave degre. et gsrfetiom IUsa bu iras e res"hd bus ieenmse wdmea fer thér " #ts n a a»wev rg. jaae dullin J&mW s e RaaCati Circin.,laJaum siu,,eS. Tie, orgasIa t a marymsb i shply t.meirag W"the sir p.e thie -Mer "&« bdsr helasla bu ploed oeem ui soet et beys. bSwg«st » ave mV a»t tkooe keylnuomi'd em lteavup# eesaifor a a.as.dIbr esltIsetE o imai. belort bme. » mivauSce b se e..Md$# hW 5 Wirih b.ndsedka twawroo hiUniPrfe w sdas h. l*aaeo met" iriîuy. il a u rrr ridou tht- 2tiî, the qtlr --q N 'veliil-er WCe lai tilt 3,500,800 f eu't, 'llire 1liait iitititihe crittitug 'sas Ile 1ia r zot. , uaruriîrir'ig tiro 1 -,000 fet 'iet iîiii ns ire nil pich kil irji fin thir'y Cile iuieig. li1 i rle411 im i Ii t lin ii rir\ .xîerivieic Iul rmril! wus*ic tht-e run %v '. 1 i li Illtu a s s ttryîi,-lf, and 1k-pt Air 'îIlrtîruug riglît. m tiglrlu. rt ..îlrtig i]t..i i l .eu' houa 4110W ' 'I t, t n ;' ael'rm ie. I tt-a ruer )"lofi '3(x) r'ert r-f i 1 r m i, i i 1 (2 , r)F 0 hi1ut's M6 iincies long, andl 200,000 spikes 10 moui-es lonig. Iduc Iot roter al'ove ta tire oruiurary suints miielasuuh as mssulonlime lIntercolen- lai Riailway. 'Icîre oare usetliraore also wlie-e &slow islaiîkly to dritt in, brut lit, speckiaig aboya 1 raiote uvirat i ) gimore properly Lie Calsul aîrnuv alinies. T a ar unsit et a point vire. aurw abuttes ana apt o oet-îur, aiwaya li thue, tai-eOu t au t n hlgir mumtaiu. Oittoulule(thre lulgbirude ot &hall) in built ul itsiiatire sideo et i neuii- tai andirat a *laert aven the truck uoîîre-- thuirglithe àa shortrof. 'Ihey are wnder-- ttîlly etr.mng, andl you mnay L tucure noimie oo rucirause, as Uicaccumulated nt ar et maary jears Miay atarit froms tire top of t Ire08, loitîy ilse sari conte tir undaniig t lu nma-sues 60 te 100 utr 200 tet drink. withr a tonce tirai, tul.bg ccl reuiet, umalaes lu le iii. nouutrnhur omi tire taeraitils ot tura vahley tromi vhricli thre sile tatou plaire. 'l'bue ino>w ispassimng <ban e*idnes t<ur lie top -tth tàfW w afinle Il a#id Ptasseouovuinto lira Valley and 0o1 up, miajie seral bunnlirad test up, tire aide of %tire uoutain Copposite. Oise eau imagihre saawoulul ho tirareqsuit 01 auch a mîlîla sîrltumrg s passensger trs.iti. Contatlnly tioîhliug but ph-sieotf the smuashel.urp mrecir, tiraivoultie Ibo eioghalle oulu laven bar fou rd. N eani>'vhure 1Iami, ours01et Ilîs mhluea bappoeual. ok 'ie issîow came beu n thre nuousiut a îmr iy estimaied to elue176 test tict. 1i #truck lthe tract and uarnied à1 bouluy lown tIre Muîrentamrto thes Valcyn avrues the river trth& eul ilurougir tue Valley. sa 1thtie ppoueit..aslie tu about iresa&mnee ij. litwath ere Stieraiîvay tract vas tefud after thi.*sloew moitedndn 'alsarotg vas sîuok. SomQ e"rsvere vo"é iat th»esaine urne, and vers never I.smdpolnaily tirs renius vers carled OMMubg tire amreting snoavoth ie Calumbla Pàt*, aj" ireai eut te 5h. Paella Qeesai 1« " ler. lasa very lnsUl4 et>.. Who releamiamemg tire auvieve ter tire Cam-ira o» dlay oed ol a pie- tire g01e1* a", j* t 0"'l s biehl* bi oi lîbu" of c:- tète lait se<>et iigrtroeSu mire ~ ~ I» higreste unaSmI lhe lis tire b.lev - -yo*esrrund, and a0st s le ium l lt ai mumnem ulsisagi, 04>1 UW »M. ' e0e «19 e ~ 44î. Kso- dies"m vseiliy sire vester in"#à cOs r sa1111 auca, I suppose. Shiah 1 b. deemneu im'- pertinent if 1 venture t-o ask what you intenrl to (Io ? 'I\y son, by wlîorn i haver beau so strotîgly sîîpenueded, tells me 3 our 110W SNOW-SHEDS .iRE BUILT. iortaîre s evairlarger Ibaîr ,als axpected. 1Are you goiurg to take a house iin Lonîdonî, aloi a shootiiig'box lu Leicestershire, andlB~t faada ok on iake yotir aîtraîîce iuto tire woriri as air euyo aaia ok on aligibla haeires, ut uncunveutioîrai custorne"" tain BSÇanery. -I have bt-ai explaiîîiog ry wiehes this rnorning to Lord WVichborougli anrd Conrad, andi loth are o! opîiion t-ey justify rny ANAÀ ILR R SAMLST. fatrrs conîfidenuce. 1 waut yoti to give nieAN VW M PE USà IL-T. a homoi wîtb you at Wiscliborouglr Cours, Auîît Mar'ion." 1 saw sire *as graaîiy taketi abesck, but sia was not going to gîva rr in &Utone.. 'j ftazer-uof'the Snowuslides-- How One fait soine compassion for hem. J couid Train was Struck -No Ranst- pîr'îure cary nividly îbemorvtioln whh rIng the Awrui Force. har ,enirfrîuflicted on hber LW" mnus et self. imîporrtanice. - ',V e ll r e a liy , M M t b a t re q llnîu n e eol o w n . n tso m ag e t e coiimirerauomî. T Wish ilas<reilitable t t roigrlrsiî turof yîîu. btit how IM to kurow that it l ie au1 work ii tire Rocky Mou.ns- ailiythiig more thatn a passiiig whi I ueIr tli;lasi; ueur receiveri by Mn. a setous îbirito iiave you in tie honsu1,Wtrts u. ft a li1 s0 entii ly youir own iris resa i11 atro rs ui., o! t e w.îrid wili, o! course, te coma exteit, ho T Natu-rrils Engine \V'orks Coîîipaîry, iea responrlhIIIle f or w IlîFilty o ir io'. raiitfor-l. froi nir re o! tneh6 Rot-kuowtr rfanr tsew'rl i ill ave egorre'lirr- .'Yo t et . 's - ' s r ) (ý li r 8 1 em uilo y e e ut tii e irm . ',% Ir. J o h n L y le . 'Th - tur17iovnrfri uhrm oyurlrrhe e ýtt-r is b1ted f roînRo -us Saw' Mlili, Dihg- (III ii ln, anil force her to ind,ie mrt- aliat B Ira %ay. Plirt ire forllh, A rrii i rrrei. iir s iiiion, lhe 'Çtr krruw aq Weili ris1I4,l. ' ni it lm t l'e \Q yeir ire iwrure, I left BTranrfr o h ti.y i fittiîug arrAîrgtýi'iîetît, nld I iat r t b'sIl 2001i % at1willui1i r-Ieiirg slipped ai tIre errai le ni,, 10 to Ie p yo i ui rtIr t. roi'l i . ml iii' rr 1 iarrtiv i ai tIl-iirRotk res on tire t- ur i-i'cr iiable lu (Io." - 'It-rt- je aornethrig iin tirai ii rus ci tr, fI nist tiîîuk rt oit-r nsili trîîk le' I iri'l. 0! curs-,r'there i. ni' otrr r iîîetit-ar i-e, miiitshrle fer yîîrî arr>) il wrnrdriir taruri l'il mu il valir age iliat yen sirtruisi rît l'e very far Rite).* 1 kie usvurry Weal I unit i -t111Oir iltui. . If Ia irai rggeaîeri airy rthu-r cotr§%ri 'he Wr'î.iî fia v e otirrire' i at rfilefor îrrylltrit tîîle ani irîgu'atitruli' irr flot irop"î'ic e -'ir 1001 liii'- îsitiie îur. tif r'rire ah.' iiiilu-ua triu'utitsfrisa ovrîî'ali he trirnitigt-,eritx 1 itast'tr avit us 'n ili rt te fr",-rrn arr-t mye b.lbn àk b - iml v lard a oe v er itn 'the nig 'hins Tene, are oa ut-ad nteitivny loie up t lie la aî tastoe ef o curions natre. A ittliela way trnthe foicioaresodaturge nile wrot rthe 5 you ar soae botiug ~a it slînmd aoirot bath, oavor ioha plain soioead aihtebtharie toraujoteas you oîi iat, ahdwever. N liqo eany one- Sodplere, wlîhwjera odtiuîg e lwhe rnaiyhrul snicb iffereuot ipiut enre< nrlyead awcy dffro nt ai1wisndorden re eipb.ava aan up talRouaulan, !. 1uinian iiii. TuîîtaieiîRoumaitn s, lt. theia urourtalu re, i iiîîk,. ntirenrîîch trrher. iotis ps h, ible ,,tre putire tht-m. Howeinrns yo hvieenuou iture Auies auîd Alprs, youitimk bricketa te Anersa sto thectitiwe wereb autiagî,. ye'rîtîl~ ow t-aebte wpers yiciîSarntireo, Hu. ice-Consul ut ythent ;îrResi e tub Hc), airi enîsuofurth a t orive a alk t li)han ue tî'îef aît ea aîîîitlk oiT to re th t)o f niS'lAune ,il waiill lok yriu liiie ui- ut t lis jAnde, tll ivle y n r vdeyof tis 0uttuteiitiily inwe werîinrthe iliserce iiiilrouin îuo r aîîy rît u e wrunrt.a fdirtanpe.pe ;Iii ouranrivertre ('rnt.r foaciticeolin tti a ri vr ii e hlm, ti'ycl Pîî'ubeif îuu, rarcîu B rits ougiitlîr'se alrr"la. stîitnberamrtfiirlsa uilsn4i ii llriîiihee st rIrr brisitrantrd usca eut-11, ie sx Bralntfrsd tîrore feetdo! lîîmertitl ix miins- birtlrieach shîîl. To be Mutually AdVantageous Trade Must bs Raciprocal. Thre Coiîtv'rnieurît Aîuericaur Natjirs'r. lias iregui). IBut u10n eti irrvIilg tire jrusibiiities o! lirge resiilîs oi-r iriusedi n ml vînuliese geurera i iltte'ntion. 'lle Lrt-ast- lily lias leeiru'gînrî l"rIiv i th truchur mo-rer - îuterest nill Iryriri riîrrîra îuiIpIî'ir iiu Mit 1k'trrribehlînu iin tirer î'itny. lt t-cIee ito, ire tire I'ur rluhriî tipprt- lieu uouîdii thatIt ire msi ir e a coummuerc-îia lrl uiofthte North uandr Suroi ti .- rericaii ý at-9m-e i h luw'Ill irs c- tir-uniy cxcInn') e rîtincui ltries. 'l'le cie! rrrgriuî unthet-iovi-it iu îeuttiii Atiutria sunys:- -y t- i' "tiîlrnlp u il l-ge ii urr înf tqiln -i rtnîrin q -1i r--n iil ik nis the' î-rlîît ulîî1-ie r riil- iM' ni A'rge iiiim ~ii iuri'ra. îî-tîî irrutisu r -i c îrl i. Lvs e pu. ti t'r. tri ur-N g ou.nutiK.îIfi ita po ci rrnml d ln'r-iîr Iorl triiby tirirr iîtmis a lkii1lis ruailrisu' utItthe Ur1(iit inti'. a large inrI itr uirrkureuî. and il, still largrr ti t ut i rv ichand kriglii lui liboriurg uit-u 1>i, .,litii littr g'r otri Iiîaîiii thliuir uinîrr u- 5" i-'r . t iti-nio- . vt ir uN rejt-m r i relit-ct i uu ,t ii kmmy n grirdiug thlist treur. andiifurir îrt iri- i r 11ir 8tic ii'it i'oir far r n o-eut. IL 'irnilul î"rserîris glirs rto liiriti fIrie polimi- cius ort 'V mtuti rgunuui isîrotuld snicceu'l lut i nit hîg lt sue uNie) Aiiu'rîi-nri- (onu iiuîcut. nluit uaisinglie frt i '-i filr * %. btlit i l terri tory suurroilsdud by lau uîrrunt,%al itetiriab-trrier. 'l'ie Commirercialintrt6i'uslgot Eriropa are nii- 1,i il ps r-oîii ii'ul Ainericitm ileu.înat to- bot hoistile'tu thie t.îigress. &titi tur ire il- lta unrlulg tri frejtrîlr't it iii the Public ,pirt uiti'uirile lthat titi& tinut ait lui. r lrîîlut i unlt-ir.' ttlainîàwuiihry a-r-Ieiank o! 1 Ir. V ehîînle. ouie o!ftIllel.iegrtee tfroht, whloim-i, iii au iriterv'iew tîpuru lins Nlini i î sloivin rlei'arus 1'.thIe enrîy rlc-oiii- niii r'! li'r nîrlit Is an iit.titilIn tirai reeî)rnuri--s. ()Ir kibril iîvunititi rîrrîl crrpper rI-jrostsiure -uqlusu toelily luiitî tvorlil. Mirîîr iut' ilé;ruor- ir>'s'tby ilie hirlilIl. ati o-very tiiig ttîey lu-> ild 4it t uin o et d t-lotît-i ais I l 'un 'rig. '1'lIrîy înutrtiuronrîy orse Illei oftnk,' utimr iin iiii îr,-. b'rnî 'uiirita'rut-ieloft-I re nri- 1irîl ilt-Ibruihtî frotr i rîli i1rîtiti triîl forrentries itpt>-u au tl sipi i. Ou iir coîtiuiorcu'ins cunpabtri if fîn resater îtdeiv'lrpitiv'rlit.iîîîîrit huis aîur 1. cri."le Utritoî l tt i i uujîî il ut lîti le of it. \'lit% utrîglir hiai't iirIy i Ire w irol t' of ihiIf your ilîî,ituu scould oîîtrrrii frontriyourGioituielàt i lit, propetr condtsi nlitevir'lrr'ity uith uours. '%Vi. pitiy for t lue hui rîui iiIt tb ur country tir Nurru l Asucrlcauit euîegy and business teîth iriaunr agy unulîl mut-7n'iTr .- tiiugs wirich have bacur lihthern, suppoised uot toieaxlit, bave tiade a very grtuni Impression at thie -Paris Exqrositiou.. l1te arlvaitAges e! a comnmiercial eomîur-ction wmllu tire couuntry have beau ,mànuîe uuaeatm- tiont titan aven te the Emrropeau minîî, andu tire vieil et a great; Anricau protactivo feiercttior la iraturaliy disturbinîg to it. Nu'ur iai't hitlîerto metitioreulthre sulujects pro. posai for conuslilert-omi uit tire Cosîgre-a. A âyaiem nof utifrutin waightsq, uneasîurfec, alld cilînîge> arr inter.Stâte Cournttif Aniiitratio> fu'r dlisputeas amuîoug Anirenii îîpewers, q, nîmîi!urm îunrlff of Cumstouîs titities, are tire aean%îmutsetofauin iiternationial allianre whhch Wtrni lie au-i extraorîiiuiary power. But ae,.tinrent will play a very tîrluorp art in tbe conuclusion& et tiree oîrerîîe Sm dtirea ias Iten no lihtIe apparentl litereat iu. tie Couigresss her., anud an litîla Important exprshurot ofpublic opiniounu tiraiour delo. glas inny feel thaitirhey hardi) coinprehei )ust whiai the counirtry nleshres or expacta. jlut ite gefactt irursiabormns coutatly lin muiid .r t a ntually udvantageous treile ltetimeaur commtties m.lst b. euro cal. l'roucu -psy for produîctif, wep sixeludne tire proulucts et otiier ceuntries tae prevelît insus. It hl, certain tro tIra we turuitextenum tir marksîa. W. cairirt colitrefi ir own suppliess, and tire way te open mrketla te10prometo traite. But toi- proinote traite w. muet facilitate I. L Ies are tamiliar trtisme. But they are noeces- aary te, reinember atire Congrma Bassin bics. Tisoi. anlfcasit proposition for tihe Congres. s lett o a uruilorin Ameroans tarit!. Ti would establimir an Americanl, commercial lllIance, and tirs intention la undoobt.dly-if thre aubjaci iras baenî.mucb eonsderd- teex tend ovor tireSonîthAmatr omnstates tihe lienigir hilfitîerceo! oOrrprote' tIve syat4i#iirand te, malte tbewboleAmoicann Conistient eue commercial confitry- The distrustalorî et aucir a @chrefis îLebinter- eathrg lin tishe igbret legrea. Thoe. in, o! cours,ire sentimental relationt wiratever biatwean itb. Northr Ameni- cati Republie andtihir South America. 8tates growing onît 01 thi fett tht.y are abil American. l'ho Brezilian and Ibis Chili- au alrd-trs Péruvienî and tira citîzetiaofut tir Cenutral Amanieau cermunîliea rire mucb, more strange to us tiran meest Etiropsmîs. But the remsrk of Dr. Volarde tbrews a great deslà a iht iupou thee aituation. 'The COMMercial relations of Southr America wltis Europe are uai satlsiaetory. The cîrcuin. stances opmnf t us ami opporeunivo! .ei- h if p

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