Collins' Shoe Si oldesl conttnuousi.v ingbusines nî alllogl lcelebi Ceaen Ia n 19 business dates bac leasi 1865 Matil Coins lied a store Toast 0f Brocidway Long Forgotten j ,, )LDEST BUSINESS IN'TOWN ore is the the Rnyal Hôtel unlil 1872 lis snn Russel B. Collins look operat îhen lie moved le Brock St. over thc bustness. Robert Whtli S For some time lie kep collius a fourtu generetion brted ils store wliere lise Perfetin memiser of tue famîly is nase 172. the llakery is now locatei. Hie thse proprietor. Tliis piclure ak ta aitinepliew Mathias W. Collina shows tise originel store front hew Bl ipenesi a store in the present bofore il was modernizesi in Sauth of location in 1892, ans ini 1932 1957, -Thomes Bockley Collection For $93,683 Bey Irsein seas a isouseelold word in Wiitby In lier lifelime, bulle almost entirely forgolten today. Sise sas one of tue grealpst commediennes of tue American stege in tue 188 ansi one of tue first persans 10 star In silent films. Bey îrwin sees only ber stege neme; elie sesabornsGeorgisa Campbtell in Whltuy, June 27, 1882, and lefI town eithte age of 14 10 meke lier fortune on tue stage. 14cr ucde was Chester Draper, tue osener of Whllhy harbor ansi one of tue ricist men in tosn, but lier cen femily was poor. Ber fetuer seas e logger or an express agonI wlione businssnafailesi whien lis two deugiters seere attensiing St. Cecilia Convent lu Port Hope. JOINED THEATRE Finding tlie family pennilens, tueir motuer sent tuein le Buffalo 10 join tise variety tlieetre beceuse tliey were accomplished singera ansi lie been members of the Ail Saints' Churcis choir. Under the naemes of BMay and Fln ls'wîo, thse Cempbell sisters appeeresi firsl in Rochester,1 end from 1877 In 1883 seere members nf Tony Pestores Company in New York. 1 At 21, Bey lrwin joinesi Augustin Deiy's Temple of9 Dremetic Tiseatre wlierh she1 was sean steeiing scenes f rom seesoees professioneis suclies Adn Relies, John Drese ansi 011e Skinner. Under Daly, coneideresi tue 9AfissrCe, së"starresi la sucli She diesi ln 1938 et thse ege of 'productions as The Widow 76. 1Jones, Tise Sweiî Mfiss l'ilzwell, Bey Irsins chilsihoosi home Cosirtes Inlto Court, Mrs. Black , was tons down in 1971 for the tis BaCk and Belle nf Elin Si. parking lot. LeaM tian a Brisgepori' ýblock eway waa lisesilte of tue Wlsnahe later janesi Charles olsi Bechanice insttuts where Roisman aise was enrning $2,500 ehe is8gan her stage career a week andsi hllesi au "un- Sefore ehe iseceme tue toast of deniebl.y tue gretesi farce Bfcidway. ectreSa-In Aaertca." In196Thomas Eison, who * Somne Goof! ment lofnition îlue, It la eaid Iliat wiitisy liîe aeleted ' lwi ns m lnC jog in tue Four Cornera because tolatukîigicn e le f a aurveyor'e errer. The nortu neWldow jons eor ie rt of tue town waa surveyedi camera. ftaland wisen tue eurveyora Tisa reslt wasae 50-foui film laid ouItue South part tuay sdi entitlesi Tise liss. sehicis net pull tueir cliains tiglil ahocked Victorien audiences enougli te have tue roada meet. andi wuà denouncesi by the clergy. At tue liiglit of ler career May IrwIn purclteoed e large M homne in tue Thousand Islands L K wliere aise enterteined lier AK stae fiaonds ln grand style. se bouse conte mred six grand lidanan e îwmnjFNuDA r ad ins an daut G i beali. lrwnIs land as il wes G N R L Mh cellesi, la aald tu have been wliere Irving Berlin wrole bis famous lune Alexander'a RagtimeBonsi. May lrWin heref introilocesi TOULS - one of the fansous sangs of tue GaY Ninellea, After tue Bell taJGSF YT Over. Sise à laoi sang ragtime, G FI andi wae lte fîrst seoman ta dence tue Cakêwalk on tue New York stage,., LN Sise owned lier oses tuetre PL0 UNATW osenes 'i slions of dollars 6 DNASW seortu etfmaesi tate, andi wrtcWHITBY a h«et4sglibgýèookisook.L Ashburn Throve Until End 0f The. Century - DIES JRES ETC. ALEX KONDRACKI BUS. 668-2807 RES. 668-8136 comforlableasiglil heme, for lny roin, in adidition 0is eing exceedinglycold, was lacking in sonseofhuse conveniences tiset Iravellers have e riglit tu, expecl. 1 have no desîre ta corne dosen te, deleils." Ashburn, which receivesi lle naine froi tise potass induslry centresi tiere, was a lhrlvlng village in tels m05eansi remeinei an impoortant place of business until lteeandiof tise IrnIs century. In 1878 it hasi one Pr a nytsi ciurcli (bursesi In 1967), a echoolitouse (now thie community centre), Isen stores, tw- ho9%, one blackemilh 8hop, one wagon maker's eliop sndan Orange aoclely. Ass- burna population aet hat Urne waa 150. A traveller paselng Ilirougs Ashburn in18m4 topedat te Wilson Hiouae ho tel, now a pvate reIdence, and lied the follo tan g ay about the conditaiocf lie lotel: ..l canni n jutice to myalf Oraira aa ti sapont a very IN M. CHINE SHOP Rusa Balten, wes operalasi-at tlsat lime by .A. lsW h also actesi as peelmnster. ~ Among tue businaeee eere a saidle anw nessaker, a wago s ilecksmilh, lailor, sloe"lk; mesan, butcher andi carpeoteï Charles Wilson waa lihe one, andi only leaclier attseatn echool. Only two brick buildings stoosi in Asihurn in 1884, lise Wilsorf House andi the. CANADA DRILLING COMPANT LTD. JAlIt WIEst 576-6004 RR 2 WHITBY Wilitu e concero about tue conta of municipal services, e preoccupation witli every taxpeyer taday, il's iterestîng to se elihere the moeey sent to run tue Wlitliy of77 years ego. In 186, il caSt $93,683.41 te, operele thse Towen f Whitliy, insduding tue scisoals. Baiiey receivesi by tue town included $3.472 collecte i n taxes for 185-96, $22 for rent of tue music hall. $104.25 for rent of tesen property, 8$4.47 frein licences, $128 from dog tas, 83W frein Pll] tex, $188865 froo thse weigis scale andi808.75 in interent frem tise sinling 1usd. Expenditures Includesi $704.88 for fiesd sater, $312.43 for sidewaiks, $Mo.08 for sîrcetu, $68.45 for the board ofaI ill, 1120.05 fer slioveiling snoos, SM8 for watering strece, $285.27 for relief, $85.93 for printlsg ansi stetiosery, $22 for election expensae,8824.02 for electric liglts on treete, ansi $3141.75 for insurance. - Slaries were $183.30 for lise cis'f Constable, $M1133 for tue town crns ioo for tue tatI colleclor, $80 for lise asseeaor, $30 for tue losen solicitor ansi $30 for tue auditers. Tise lons inanciel statemeul. issued bielore tue nomination meeting eci yesr, wes of considereble interesi 10 P lte taspayers. who sanlesi 10 moree lmesn a hrmî wt Day ffoftriocWeek or2 r~y~A~ Vice President -W. F. Bailey Sports Manager - Paul Blair Parts Man~ager - Ted Bisseli Parts Sailes - John Cook Parts Sales - Don Spence HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Manager Art Wright Sales Wilf Desjardine PAINT DEPARTMENT Manager Larry Voyde Sales George Leaming CASHIERS Regina Bent Margaret Wabie Helen Vanderinde J ulie Heffering SERVICE MANAGER - AI Heffering ASSISI. SERVICE MANAGER - Harold Peck MECHANICS ART DESJARDI NE Presld.nt John Hatch Bob Edwards Gerald Northam Doug Hamilton Bernie Smith Mark Malcolm RE NI-A-BUS 9-Possenger $7 per day 7' per mile Vout Satisfaction s Ou[ Greatest Conctîn> COstesy Lam iî,,aia 668-9383 668-9384 Body Shop Repairs inderiobocrson ait cors Fce esfimoies. "#TOP 0F THE CLASS" PRODUCTSu AT LOW PRICES! Use your Con adian Tire CREDIT CARD ART DESJARDI NE LIMITED 311 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ST08E 14OUeSI Mon. ts Wed. 9 o.,,. te 6 pus. Tiuse. and l. 9 an. 509 p.M.; Ssc:30 on,. Su 8500Pan. Good Old 1896! You Coutd Run A Town1 WATER. WELLS 30" CONCRET£ TILE DRILLED WELLS 6" and up Water Guoranteed WE ALSO DO EARTH BORING 0F ALL TYPES