Nê,Wman Champions ,Wiunicipoi Rights SNEW INDUSTRIES FOR WHITBY "'of the lotadeat volce on pial seeme in Canada Wbltby's mayor .4d Newman.' presideat of the Canadien .!eratloii of Mayors and -)alitiez, he la a leadiag ,,ite,,cf greater mualci 1 ,nitcipatioa la the Canadfn, goveriaftal procesa. Mr. Newman vas bora in Britisi Oslana 42 yeara aile and attended, University in Jasnaléaý' In 1955 h. moved to lbe Wiltby ares and ajear later joliaed Cametoid Lto. la Ajax. I 190 h. became contrai manager of Cametald and la nov Préhldent and general manager. Hebean bisa municipal caewl nsl ore than 10yeara ago on thes Wlitby Separale Scheel Board and was Oaesof1a tean rsnsible for th, buidin of Denia O'Conanor $"î1962,hi.secaae s member Of the5 tovas cooncl of Wlsitby, and matde a try for mayor tva yeara later. Ho bast out by oaly a few votas to Warren Mowal. Felloving bis ficol terra ia office, Mr. Newman became chaîrman osf the Oahawa Reglonsi Planning Associatioa whars e ohspad form'an area planning board. VNGES? MAYOR In 190, Mr. Newman ws eiected ~aas youngst mayor la Whllby'as hialor. Seeing the aecesslty. for regionai govera- ment long before It became a policaliaue,Mayor Newman set oat te amalgamais Whltby town and townshilp tatn a lsrger unsit of lo~cal governseat. i action peld off four years later, when thaesmalgamated town of Whltb waa the oniy musnelpsllty 10, retaîn its exlatlng bossadarles asader egla a.oerasnt. l196j, Ma yor Newman bame fs ft mayor of the new town of Whltby, and like James Boys, made a try for faderai politica. Lîke bia pradeceasorj las vas defeated. As early as 1967, Ma yor Newman waa apeadng ofthQ neoeaaity of reglonai govera. ment to mont the challengea o1 the ftare. tua concera vat baaed an the threateaed ex- panslon of Metro Toronto, and th. maa.I=a Inte'abillty 10 fanction efetviunder the existing goveramenali ystem. Whea the _provincial goveromeat et up th Ohawa Ares Planning and Develap ment Stsdy in 1969, Mayr Newman became tht tudysa executive commttee chair- man. Dsrlag tht next floyeyara, Majyor, Newman belas ai- teading municipal coaferenceS,. and la April 1970, laausd a varaiag about tht expahsion of- Meto=oita Toronto befrs maiîa nd provincil of- ficiais t a conférence in tht City. WIDEiO SCALE This marked tht htginning of is participation on a ider cale ta try 10 obtain a btter deal for tht municipalitita of Canada, wich culmlaated with is election as prealdeat of tht Canadian Federation of Mayors and Muicîpalities la 1972, and his participation an co- chairman of th firt tri-ityti r ovrnient conference ia anadan Hitry la 1970, be vas eiected vice- L ealdeat of tht Ontario uncipai Association and in 1971, ho vas appointed toaa planning committet for tht tri- level conférence. At tht preset time, Mayor Newman la prealdent o the CFMM, chairman of the mesicîpai1liaison commttes la Ontario, member of the board of directara 0f the Associstion of Masicpaltita cf Ontario, and a membor tf the Canadan Couacl on Urban and Regional Reearcha (CCURR.) Ht la oten called spon te speak on reglonal govermeat and lis Impact on Ontario. Libe Peter Porry, he la advocating changea la tht aytem 0.f overnment, but tht situaton as changd ince 194. ln Perry's time, il vas aicesary to break dowa large reglona loto amailiunta of goverameat ballan Newman'. lIme thtrtcn<i la ta croate large reglona from the amail anit. PRESENT MAYOR DES NEWMAN Yeengest tmsa te bo elected Montrea I Was First 0f Banks Th fict ak la Whtby vas 'the Bonik of Motreol. estab- iihed ia a bouse on Gilbert St Ia 1853 by Thoma Dwv Il coesinutdl until 1907 vhen il van wtthdran, not to rtons ontil 1954, nearly 100 yearsafaler tht fia-t office vas oposod. Duriag the ai8m and t8709 o suanher tf bhtsaoptssd in Wlstby. Tht Royal Canadian Bank vasten opecaion ontil 1872 and lb. Ontaria os habult th trauant r.shpd uildng on 15 oi fBok sud Emr St. It contîraied ontil about lm5. Th Dominion Bak, fouaded in 171, vas one oi tht firt branches auteido of Toronto, snd vas founded by several mon fremn Whitby and Toonte, Il la th oldet cntinuoualy aperating banS nin Whithy. Vise Western BanS of Canada vas estebliahtd in th building now accpitd by Shortys Cigar Store ianl18M, and in 1914. moved te the corner cf Brock snd Duadas Ste Ai that tunt it becamne tht Standard BanS f Canada, and later, th BanS of Comnmerc. A nov lbuilding rtpiaced th oH uasactore at the four cornera in196. The BankS f Commerce opmsed a branch m1 Whitby ù; 1919 in the store nov occupied by Sbenans. Today Whilby te reprsated by tie BanS f Coimmerce, Tsoste-f>ominiola. BanS cf Nova S&.ll, Banm of Mntreal adt Royal Ban. 1 Progress? Tht Merryveather stea fre ongineof 172 vas mre poverful thas the ire angines of taday Il coucd shoot a stroora ofwaster 140 feet hlgh1 aver tihe steeple of AUl Sants Chsrch, bt wvbna sire brake out la thse steeple in 196, the modern ire eagines coud not shoot voter hgb tsougb te, meachit indsaryla IWtby la industrial Park. Anca Lab- Cannon Elactrl building yull from tht Conaumer Gas cîght. Tht nev Anca Labra- 70.000-square-foot building maauifacturing building oas continuing ta expaad, and ratorias, Consolldated Build- soon ho part of thet evasa building, ta tht office of teries facility viii be the lanned an a 8.5 acre site. four-acro site la tht induat- thrtt new complexes are ing Corporations muiti-ten- skyline. Thet buildings in tht Tottea, Sima, Hubickiasasoci- largeut built to date in the l'gl Cannon Electrîrvii rial park. being buit in the Whitby nasal building. and tht ITT industrlal park today range atea Ltd., a consuitiag fiams, industrial park with a bu/Id a 3,000-square-foot -Times Staff Photo Counfy Town Carnival Now Is ajcor E vent' Whllby's County Town Caralval, tht focua of eveats for the91973 Homecomag, la nov la lie eighth year. Tht carnivai started In 1900 vbea lb. directors of tht Chambor cf Commerce decided they vaattd to put together an anual event vhlch vosld bo recçtgnzed as s truly Whtby attraction. A letter fromntthe Canadian Cycllng Association, requasling consideratlon of a bicyce race la Whitby, stacted.off tht finit caralval. along vlth tht British Empire Moter Clubs moter. cycle acramblas. Sînce tht Auguat civir holiday veekesd vas open ta both groupaItvas chasen as tht ime for tht caraivai. Th firat caralval conittd of a parade, motorcycte acramblas. yacht and paver boat races, gBesand dances and tht race. There vas ta ffimyciai plrognam and ncor- nival rdes la 1967, al th 1900 evente vero rtptated. and tht aev evçntaaaucb ans aminor occer touinament, Rotar y Club b utdoor pancako breakfast, and officiai pregramn added. BRITISH 'fEAM Tnama frora Scarborough, England, wbo vers touiaf Canada t00k part in tht soccer teureament, and a dance vas heldInthe Centeanial Building. InlOOs, th tbyCon afttr geseral chairman Jack Woodward called a meeting 0f ail service clubs to initiait nev prjc1. pThsis third caraival feturtd caraival rides, a s8apb" derby, cacival qaeen conteta, acoatennis and hockey tournaments, figure skating show swim meat, canas acas, strei dancas, band concert, and the firat Slceamiae Royal Rovera Traler Club rally in lisydenahoro Park. Tise 1969caraival vas et- ordtaated vitb the i8th annual convention of tht Firefightera' Aasociation cof Ontario. Ths carnival committet htid bock on nov eventa because cf lIas convention, but the nov ftupauh as go-kart racs, s babq s quare dancing. novice car rally and Whitby- Longutuil twiaaisg ctlebrations wtce added. GETS SUPPORT For 1970, tht municipality joiaed la tht fstivities by praviding a $1,000 grant te tht caraival, and has granted a sum of $3,000 foc tacis of the foiioving years. Last yeac expenata amounttd ta just over $5,000, vith additional revenue coming mainly from corn- misiona from the carnîval ridas. Tht largeat expeaditure for the carnîval is btvten $1,500 and $2.000 to pruduce lbhe Tell your friends about N'OMECOMING It's going to be a great year! WH ITBY COUNTY TOWN CARNIVAL COMM ITTEE Whltby parade, ratIof which la takan Up ia band feas. Tht officera and directora have nover received a cent for their vont. Tht local clubs have taken on their owa projecta, and la soras casas have been able 10 make some money from tbemn after they have beena in operatlon for a few yeara. Mînor sporta playtd a blg Part in tht 1972 caraival and tIm year more than 1,000 creata wiil be preaented bo con- ltents. Whitby Youtbpower mera- bora ditribute tht carnival programa 1t0 ail realdeacas la Whtby, Brookiin, Ahbra and Myrtlt, 10,000 copina la ail. NEW AWARD For th firt ime, the car- nival bad as officiai opeing in Arena Cc Major Pr ~thitby han a major rom- muaity project Inlais5 900,000 arena comgez, sa C Graid Geletedir or f etown's. recreation dtpartînéat. Tht complexte bchobult on 47 acres lantMe ares 6f Victoria aad Henry Sts., will tde la with pana for rtcreation dtvelop- ment aroand tht harbor. Some 230 acras of land will be opta spart areos for receation Ibis year; 84 acres nar tht 0ev police station is tht latent ad- dition. Another il acras la the Meadown of West Lyna viii ho usad for recreation dovtlop- ment. Thisaorna could bo used for soer aial and shuf- nçlerrd M.aeleteadded. KEY 1BODY Mc. Glette said tht most important factor in en- couraging mort com- munication beveen tht layman and cecreation rom- mattIes iatht formation of the Whitby recreation advisory board. Last year tht recreation 1972, featuring the prasentation 0fttPtrPerrrAvard for Whitby's OUtatanding Citinen 0f tht paîtyar A fîeoladaty Cosed tht fetvitîesa anthe Malta Social Club set op a pavillon la tht old Dominion Bank buildng. The Lions Club opraled a avarian beer gatrdea lias motorcycle acrambtea rMtscaed, and tht Witby Mlnatertal Association prestated pogama 0f goapel ---agi--à -n(WJoy '72 Focriomaecolag Ver, tht caraival bas basa empaded ta illday, July Vte Aug,ad i la hoped ta bave the pregram publiased inla Py. Many nov evente are hting planned forvwitalp romises ta bo the biggeat carnivai tver. ompIà 0ex committet was made sp oftwtv council saseMbeai. Thtrat vert la yMen. "'Nov it's camposeds.f (tec cotiasil memnbra s 21w, ~yor, se tise advlaory bar ft ecome even mort important in creating a feedhtck betvttn the laymen on the adviaory board and couacil," b. eaid. He said tht board la ntia policy-makiog body, bul vould advise vhat van needed for tht people. It vas a vay of iavolving tht public in tht plannin, ira- plementatios and evaluation stages of rtcreatlon deveiop- mente. First Drive-In? la 1894 aers vas con- siderabte consternationl whenaa frame building in Whtby van movtd froma te site on Duadas Street and ieft aittllag la tht middle sf Brock St. by the moyen, Appeais vere made ta thetlova council to bave the building rtmsved fronm the street, ommissionors Forecasft Regioncil Development Mecins Industry Boom A aumber 'of provincial devtlopmtst planta to tae place after regional goveras. ment is impitmested augora veli for tise teva af Whtby, a report f rom ladastrial Cam- miasioser Wes Wiatea-a la- dicatea. Major indastrial develop- mente la the paît three yeara have creattd alot 300 atv jobs and added about 100,000 squsre fcet of nev indastraIs and commercial rsal astate. Mc. Witera aya a nambor of items have contrlutled ta tht grovth. Gettlng Hopkins Centre proved ta ho a catalyst, pr-c ticulariy for the Whitby ladutriai Park. Tht centre, a multipt-tenant industriai park, la belag built in four phases. Two of tht phases have beta compltted and tht groand bas been brokea for Phase Three. Ta date. the centre bas.provided 00,000 square feet ofindstrial spart for embrya husinesses vbîcb are not yet large enougb ta, makeownverahip of their ovo buildings practical. SECON , CNTR ThteVn Hoof Cntre os Charles Si bas also had an important impact on tht park. It contribated nome 22,000 square feot of iadustcial opace. Te fourth phase of the centre, ol 10,090 sq. ft. building yull be compitted sotin. Tht lack of laad and 15e cost cf land that la available in ROUSSEAUl HEiTA! Et neflTh senior TutCompany devoed entrl o efy 0 5// the peope 01of arvo.1 WCW1RL4&md GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 SERVICES Regular savings accounts Speciai savlngs accounts Guaranteed investment Certif icates Mortgage and colaterai boans Safety deposit boxes Retirement savlngs plans 1 nvestmnent f unds Estate administration Trustee and agency services Corporate trustee services Money orders and travelilers' cheques You are invited to obtain more detailed information on our service at any Victoria and Grey Office 308 Duadma St. West WhIib, Ouftri. 668-9324 L. D.REID, Manager Metrapolitas Toronto bas also pa Whtty -right la tht .Ulfocefrtt" Mc. Witersasdds. Whitby bas large tracta of available land, he soya, and tht advent of egianal gavernmeat sboutd make it poaible te, service mare of il f or indestry than in tht case nov. -With or vithout regionai gaverameat aur prospecta are vecy brlght.-- BUSY OFFICE Ht feels the inceasiag trend 0f developmeat so prevalent ia the acta in 1972, vtli continue ta 1973 and htyond. Ifknov that because lmi juat thot busy," ho soya. "The announcemetsof the nev airpoct haa creattd a great desi of interest in Whitby as a location for industries ahich have reaonv q an atcps.. ta lova cou..., "Wo blieve tht new airport vitl attract tnoagh dtvelap- ment ta, Whitby that attention should b. givon ta earsaarking a large, 1,200 ta 1,500 acre, tract af land la tht aorthveat quadranat of Whitby foc future indastrial develnpmtnt. coae and -s 0-r-' Mi develui- attention ince thtecciwL i vs vrlttea but non. bas yet been finalized. ESTABLI SHED 1929 e- Rousseau Heritage House was established in 1929 by the lote Louis Rousseau, whose policy for excellence and good feliowship have been carried on through the years. in the same friendiy tradition, by the present owners, Hugh and Marcella (nee Rousseau) Poison and Kevin and Doreen McAllister. FINE FLJRNITURE SINCE I1929 ROUSSEAU HERfAGEg Lmted ?,MAR, ' t P'HO0l u668 W 18s54 , 0050 ,0, DMON A,' j