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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1857, p. 3

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'q t ."Y. . . . txtvvtl.yor judgemsyut1, îiend of in.- t I4~wç s~rs~ uy darksouiio dayOur:i g~ l iTfflir, te nlund 1/dao Iwa ýh tuthb iersf lovers bold; - r"'il, h li Wb*Algel fur tetreati."îu ~Iow 4au~hl »lg n~Res, viti a a utterRîugý 3~iqt5 ' ' -DoUStIon Soirso. Thous werufft felings' - o theILr breasis t The, fiieid ofthe'Rev. J. T.'iyneth Staid- Ifpis1 s1iter-who have oi"t ýPistor. # the Cougregatinnal Church a bef or ,. in thie town, amesnulttd unt the Me-. pi Lock'&saxious fur thee, trenibling watcelît nniu 11:11, 0on Fridmîy evening, fr t - o ore; tFeliîru:ry otl, te nmark t1m respect w Bdwi bamblai widuwu----<tu disert-rtanti(-',y, and '-îtl'v to-ei. netie yO T.UI W.qin at*hya thiy i itiilidSO,. t u.,îi to-yards the -rem'erend gentleman. eAn4 Vrtte iuuy lady-loVe--e. V.î.LrTIýt. 1:Titi. uni w's-qititt' crowded. Ladies tanitdIgcnl'euien t ee'ery ciristian de- AMaoýoqg loyers praise their tay'fcs- iotiiiiîi:tli.>(i in Wlîjty, were present. j Thefr b.auteous personm, andt ieir cctattly uI 1thie î WC.i'orm iee si~d ieN. bl glace, - ' Mr. W'iîghbN<, i1e%. Mr. Thitou'torî. Theirfiaien crs.tîir'e.ta- mi.Riîw. M-. Ur'c iuw lîl So(i Thei uoft, sW-<et voices, andt lair skina .' st 1.vv th(- eTowni of'Whitby, R Thoir suuuuy çyebrowm, antd their cyes so r ni'Cib, tit, Kiî-kiand t&c. Seve- ti MNthe1r a7elling b«osmase snowy wlîitteî*i1m'ntnlt t,;poeîedte i body of thelHall. wre uadI lave seks tne fle.tlring praise:jni'lyteeîrytl r-i.it r er beaut.y i'udst neo suri t ransienmtlas-1:tmi i ' unu niso adrs'dim Yet, to dà -b e- s I Inl' tr tie iti .Tht- slcch t vii l uu 8" Mny fair' andi iovely teàdür.qsistale;u-îjtt mlnrui'roul', muitit titi' O~r say, ln homror -itlt erplexing % <llll <tiotciltLqg" - wor'nI tt' 'téWhati horid fancy te poor Iot took!'lmtirîei(m i c'hgoîs hranuguî'S of' tte lîmîî'ued diie. er'faeÏfs laiack ;-aiotighiir xsiii Tt- mde 'ieesi~ti .Otltl ortmAape iiiloosc,-atti y.t liter ,Aetrni ilcuîltuib uts-vris,-mkrm tight; . " flttf u th iinga smitl of thl]t he travelq far, anti yet slitehat- s oi'ct lw .trim' ýe î.iîîîr lmv r'îmr Rie'u&il thie ews, anti yel she clîtîs fot 'mt rtld X 1!w ît1titlî vte'rvt"ricil ~aee't. t ~ "CTe conltribtionset lire- liuncir eivedl utMilliou 1six ht Iileay lin ZIr La te exp rc tilt-n 'arn rp it t', l, f "'I - 7.8 itruc ie I's cai', ant i itî'cr u-t hei 'et eveuything-blotia good and badt-imc &ie mii not hee.m nte, thougla I speali al] day,. TnIess 1 prema hemr tight-a cttaii attmay knti ten,. wlîet'er i s.u>, te lratig sbrew reisto thie wcrld-witle'e.s so;tctîîiiîg. qi-esm1ng- oye ahi? Las, >ct sIte se ot- îcre 'han tweiiiy niaiderus-maye, or ti cml score; -, S*o neiay tengue, anti yet licr vilice 1" vhr'reaeîisits tiiere's a iîtim crewd; Jet stateiy.heati uponRir.slaoitlc'er'tr-s 'or with ne gmacef'ul ieck 1î1%- i blet-' '*npar th ittladieî ligtiiic'landti li [adeed my filein taiti Lu t try ' stimm. 'But noir I must ittu nmiaitn"t iai>-t". îill Anti hoiv iltus itiillicir 1t1ifove'1i h-m 1 iov'd ier fîtst It'ltm'n 1îm':s t'tr. %ni ii- ýFor Trulla anti VirttîteonttIi '-'mslmt Anti 4lorious £"'iii-Im'tlit îm.i'l't ýTo Sota> c F'm',iti iha ii imgmm' -i I iev'd lier toc -cectus l %%mtmm-ui v:tk "Dite wicaker sihtfr. andît'teI ~tt c r Correct thae giidlty.-lmt'"emc ct 'W"thouît regurtl to Rieligion t(w S-t. Ut4eful Lknowt-dg,totsteltc itmr, Andi leuadflite % .u-a ii Scit-ice andttinArt. 111 arguim tt shle's Itoim- sr'ie-- lier cati oMt- oa-hîniicd uti'ief, lI piaiai, geofil mmne 'u-y imaiken ic dece l t Andi jud'gmutentt atitnt i s lias te guilde iti' 'lPrud leafes, titc.î, give itlace to lamiy- Atknowletlge slie'sth fit tîrest Vti.rNuTIY. ltutt*li Iiiiutîm is ici utmm rt t iI il or't\'gritit vi ng. tit'1 mm'nw Nvil ni-sel mt theirve, -t'Coin i"îidtiv tcliui. fL- nmiy sftt'ha sItl e (YIf lit low . ii t"' ,O" i11,it.lc mm:st tr' t ctc lm thi" OMOLeesof thie uv. Mr. i;uu-it.~~~rmtrtîmti m(uiizc-tt ms ie is a Xiiic'rvfi r titeir In-tttit i.lilmi uîitt m tle(,C jtlivi )fî't!f -î i ,.(. (eît'l'* "t of*lt d'the t' Xiv riEsj., $!mf,'111tuitstCsCtiîlt y, walUt'mîi i;tfRtIll~ ISt et(utildt ,XN tI Iftt.ri, i mlu il, tIld ti litmi c ' lf"tîtht m >e.k îl.ec at Ihi4 s.t'l'l it Bl't-ilv , min Saturdat"î. .1 17,,ttv Uit 1h1 7tlî i ear of bis -.iu. (Co rrt5~nè ~ h fi- 'r ~- Enttr of' Ut \' 4> t Si im.-We hmuî'e etri nothîîg Iite- Thee s 110w. tboiit £1 8,100 01uton m it t.}Oie"r e~ prîVate stock. ohtgla er oe-tincremtsje Ibis amount for tuie , mvold mijpemr oLe beIlîne tlit somne- pat weck. Don't itiicet the dutietlmumg werue donc tiw'ardrt ceieht'atiumg pfyou.r position ? Tîte lresant Direc- litie<Da.imste'mni ors failure in duty uit this eiisofetthe dcio c'olu-stmke C$f et fIlbciieve, Sir, tliat ycù arétic eere- own's fortunes were anu itreptîmableý Stt-ry of lte Soreti antivol sg jury to vuyciir sitens. Briug i "eyntie ' t'u~sg umutitRi Sockboks. igeSi I) outh rop)litfty tof ctllng a TRi. regular weekly meeting cf the etigCf h 1>ihxs ro%,sional-Diret-or wa Io aveYeurs &c., HIBERIl0 rovIîonl Diectrs as X hae 'A i- eînrt"agof' thieSt. Patriei So.-' eli'held on last Mcaday. -Owing (.,etyN , viib- cieitruhQiai prebabiy to the, absence of thie Chair- .1A Iran t(ctu business painf~i'and ultgent) --tsîgcuin exwek tRer. wat no0 quorumn. Messtrs. Pcrry 'Te flectls etesleneti *tLhe L.îtsv and ILynde were thu oly members c have cautiet an immense dest&rtOn f Se Board iu attend'tnce. pmopcmly, anti ie are sery te 'O&,ý of Whst bas been donc wiîîa the Bye- life, as will appear froun the follow*ig ex- aw of the Town cf Wilikby ? Ifis i tracts: te onegotiated Ibrongrh Lie .Munici- Oswego, l'e 9. alLoau Fund, tRie anthonities cf theo The7 ice on the river aboe . epri ko Town know well <hue i6 no0time to imoye yestardmîy, an'ld mushed down ý'ith be bt inprecutm ît e te «>- Jgreat force, tore -ix schooners' frêutj e lst n pesotin îtto he ov-their mnoring, sweeping al lueltht - errument. TRie Mayor we trust miiiMcidtnaems deovess1~ 0e that theo Conil does ils dutY, lt harbour. Several canal boats are i1, oce lu- referene te this l3yeilaw. tRie laite. Steana tugsavaroSlae d'-eî, -pursuit.' eced frootRitheIastmimsue of ie Bow- Manvlle kStar: 5'WIHiTBT AN» LÂKx III tRÂTL- POAD>.-.At the iaSt meeting of the Coaty Couneil of the Couzty of On-. wowe sec iii stated tRiat that body bus !paued a resointien in' favor of t"g stck, ori other wofh. plcdg- r- - te cedi ý f' thieCouunt e Yth unse of £100,000, h t vWsonairy et.prize tihe Wbitby and Lalçe Hun- Eu Ksaifroiid. The resolution was car- jqsI by a mjority of frem l0to 6. Theê ten gentlemen mmo voted in fa- y-or of tiie motion te involve the Ooumty ia debt mi> beaty' te gratify theamitonand avarice of a few q),ua ive adbolders, who- bave miutdtRuis rand railroad,'bubble, »Detibly uped--looked aflter by thei :Lablydupedconostuètuet." atiol1 in question goes on ad alter the Iio3t approved ofigmarole. Thp lecturede-1 in tliI 'ise by an outsider to 9< 4yro o he Çonuty wokl imermet f.' wcre Bot As anticipated yesterday, a trem4,i floodi occurrcd, danmgug proprty-7k night te an amouat impossible te ott tuea, but wicR cannet falite M $2,000,000. All last night tRie city wg " confusion amat excilement. The ct~! mere enga ged al le st night in the î;- anti iewer part o? thetcity, iu remmew goods and stoting tRera a*my, ou tht conti tones of build'ings, mhere i thought tRio fleodi cculti sot reclh I.' their caiculatlons proteed cgioneou.s. 411i4 balf.cpaat 10, ÃŽh. ice eoimmmuemomviiq thie rivur, witb tremeudousiforce, thrMi ing lb. bridge ou tho e efo/ée-Omae. TRie mater rai osmeidfi athoc were ou tRie doeks anti pion moere compehi edt-le ake arapitiretreat.. TRe materi' tRierriver eontinueid terisi untli ti t uoring, wheu t reacheï a poùinth feet higber than evor kno*n bcfom'e. Thi entire iower part o? thieeity 'w flooed d higRi as Green-i-troct , Ps-ou s wmue, retired te bal, tiikhg lhcnselves uBe more -aaoused by laerseumen miii threugh tue mater,,.knecking aftRhioï eof bousctsaouse- the sloop* o ao>semaé prevalid-te poopi. in the lowpý the city havint han'lm ira tû ie Profus,3ional employinantit, but more epectatiy tig(a motn okOP4bîîbt<IW TTOEYA! NEOE.____ net là"'.04alit oô( 4hircr îbectOfgenorlt Id S _________NM rte a i ob affiiletd heIave ebore ailrLim attiizîg rf dW ~pertâeceto theo Coîanly. M na-ýrlumit cf,--t't(Ç~ B paintRia Jo couti at-cexmdrcd or înolmert or linos of Ml? ou et mtebpdrou . i teA NICE ASSORTXgNT OF ITW0 TOA mmords of' oecipt for thie intperfetioeojs-ofna - :iRCî<în eAVE NOWIN STOK Çonuty; the tlakdiet fthe fmv'Iua Paersd .cEîweiOPes. o- ôna't tors; wbose peaeof'n lu itîtub avemi'.becBî1tbe theie tst complete anti l egst asgoimenl Nt-lt cf us; thieotîtmacîgo f' sobstatial pIqmer ai n -elopcs for mai ythe rem aor, prey ofan excruclating Tooth-aeemittill conscien- ci ilmrdwa.rc RDCeuads, te wich they wen lu-if mrkua, in ad&itioutî'tbe preuenno, toeônshi- ialierqmtautltiem 81f<ho WAT C H A1NDCLOOK MAKER, tIans seruplos bave wm n ul body anti eul tb vile buyers' attention. tute >tRie Port ef WhItby ,a fart 4i l= nnb, AkENTO TR. o-er ewu' oawir kae n crttitafotiud. e IlumehR. LEWIS&SO. a lHarbor cf, IWImge >mprtdmen t sudrnaOTINWnomRa R4 Jeu. 21s b.e chritia for tiu e alseftthat Dr. Goige, 30,'Is«.ea6ou ,f theo Sxmg laite sid River,,from 157 1!qrMATF.S TOc-TIi pEoI>LE<OFWWT bc hrJanuarfry 80,bee i, haDr.__iaLiudsay te Port Perry. tse aa te re&er!ve bu- '. BOOKU 0IJJ YtVG ta ' Dontiat, Whitby, ta their friend anti benefactor. Trou Piping. siaio f PontParc!ai Prtibytadrthe* DA T o ALL AGP Ab5D TA$TIEB, raedolmmuIea 2,oct feet ii te 1, inch Patent Weided Iron Pipe t e eetttoi ftRie'> rut hof tble.7.rOn i#jl Jsui shah hPPytoobstacrulto iehCokmidZ~I$ ---------------- &-eet 44epub tereolb 64 W &M. w mtaêratjtseuéat. o oerodfet tlm erydtI1êWDI5ltO /4 e Idgothomsdeamto f rircwIU .ttil, a ir g t bin'. 'to tRi s tiaactto e? Ita OftIrei BIRTHS. 1-idt0 wi0< "ertrht itLaypersiiAseo etat eaak tdital tpr~- YAREIE NOTION STORE - Apar ?pulblie patrÃ"ugdnmowe td At Prine. Albert, on the 1 h ni., thie lady of ' - b cfru fuîn roitixod ttegr aprtsa ýby, g. .213t 157. WIibJus78t,1S , John Bowars, Fié., Of a son. le 2> t t tgfIisS.C 69 _________________ q In aProvinci ffrs, lat'ho t~e p~ À 0a, ou thé lati bal., thie lady of' Ricli- Stock anti Dieti, Iron anti lreaiPltig Main 1 liaka large iemivt ait-b .as UE>ICAED LOZENG55Bu ariaihe.Coeksg. Elbows, Tees, Crosses, Beldand t hei -.eU as,'inlocal t ir ii <Iuzmma.itmelfchlfe&y 1~ Leonard, lEsq,'cfFitt*uige. Fur cale by E-la& SN. qouestlOsf1iiteuin aerett BelI~Ii i. ~ oasgo L EISet-Jd u& erc *e(n ps R9U"«tvto heaoecn'ttigO tI the cauvnâ,t'LeWthewnoD -aa mnoi tb. NOTICE IS HEBY GIVE, THAT N ZachoumaBni'aahainmE4q<, Jt of lime Conaty Court of tRihouutmy,-oS la, intme inatter of titis petition, mli proee.d te, make a fti ord«tlaerlia,ta Cout tobe bolden'for tRial purpeme a tRie Toma o? WRiby, ou Tues- day, ttiae bltorh day of Fobrusi'y, oe tonasnd bîlmandred mad Mfy-tovon, aI-ton' o? tue dockilutheio renoou, preaeiy, mnlet effsee h Rer. sud tien ihowa te thie onutras-y. tJutge, C. Ca, o.. Dalde ti Re1h daye? .Feb>ruy, 1857. Ad GRAN» TRIYNk RILVAT.1r Bah aocher atli ' itSctte-BingDlalePts Chocolat. Pots--Cofetuot'. r, m~ amp heae>tscim. n anti Kn'tfe Tay.- ot w ater Jugm, Travelhfug UtU9' tO -Fôraalbr r .-t' VTILLA 1 Lobte for* Prk THE TOM m4t. nid IV. KBmfett% -fine brick storé a the piers we lln faes at the5afl'Bo- k- aj'U ?< tH, ,A.aWT.v & R O E R T S me, h&ving origunated tlixough thoeslàck *I ___________ J L ..-L O i R S tg of ine.. The.heiglit of the water TFOr SALE>te NORwOOD iË' éOTEL, AT T GOGE W11 tindit impopible fo, he oengines Io ltiotowvîj'o~1ikrfd SCYSR OGOG ÂLC mch the scii. of contfusion, but theiefire- Ç. V 8TERLIN0,ý Propriftm T. f TO AIMOUNCE TO THEI CUSTOM ÀS ND TUEPUBLIC G~EÂLTÂ en put of ini boats with bucket@4 and Il PORT LVPTCOâT ORawy STE9m11t1o HaryotthTIRous 'nfined the am« eth Re buildings wbere TUE COUNTY 0OF ONTARIO. BT~ ~ UEMOATHO L -. ~M MN IILI$ RIRITR, T te Cthat theby have fited U t te e y,' etRO aidl'of eir Wite 4*y oiinatod. About this time thie wind S m 0V ?lOSTUEPETIO'4 0F WILLIAX aboya el lv'kàowu U«Wlss iotin a dukw su haiigd and beecale piercingly cohld The 5CiIOFiELD, Â! I1(5OLV1EST naiToPL suitable ratatiner. ViqIîors ani the, txrellng' World," Iying in - c~etmmunit>v w1II find villa ~ oi- Wlc mbac mreoftd*is ,wst andmi t Puahioablo Gooda ln the Market, m~Ier <Wes~rnfortabieho. Good Stabling and unLtfatentlvA an IT-1ERKAS A PETITIOX (IF WILLIA^M 4-ma.- -*I ront of Bumrets store,, cught 6v. and M _______inthTwno______inthA.1_GR___TL__RE__U0__D0 as scu ttled and sri to gave the cargo l*adSCofelti, orht t>w av en 0 ift in'e f 4,000 bushels ofrwn. . theffitoiut .t ',rt f.tr.tiie Cc-unty of Ontaro, ttithet interitu urder fi rtcinhvi8rW APNE slp oITtA-co"M"i0BiiTxG been given to the said Wil"na ScRioieId, un- der tlie rovitoitmns of nn Act Of Iarlisment of PIte toth*e Bob eiber V CiiicAGOn, Feb. 9-. titis provîl>nee, paissed in tRie ighth vear of thie Ml GEORdE YIJLE, ýI.Ba ,À o ZSms swTIwadPWaü,D " Thefyýhetbasdon imens daageanAct for thie relief of thé Inisolveilt Debtors 1HOUSE WANITED TO REENT-' flau n san n thi% viinity on Fridty. At Aurore., 2 in 17lper (ùnuu4it. anld f0l' 'ohiir pitpPeUOrinIr ridesa sw miia pnnig mii ndmentionttd, and f-r antther >Altof 1*rilatnent 7ITU'ITIIE MUN WlPAu-.rnýw1ý u~ua irdgsa awtnl' aplnîg il dite iifjlctCtttiI etr of Rer s-a dma. w Lv of WhitIgôcliat B Y-MADE CW TM G u~ IN ' GU £T* rva.uJ. arriage factory, and 1rge quhntities of ,c.m'tei$rn, ettitled ait A to extend the pro-. u leue 4ne or neklotoneahwfg vison f te ll..ctIt.tt DlitrXActàf'jppr tlestseycn apàrtmeutu.Ifsaum umber were swept off.It is fcarcd that cettalufor ite nuthetl D,0t)fartéîAd cf ii ci Nue aîteehed itiliub. thie more de- Il. ILR.havenow on baud, aàlarge Stock of Ts, of the tint brandit, including tbhelrcel.bratej everal litres were lost. "ho Rock Island eCsgn.î liet1fre.iithic r'i'c V4i Wu f2A tujnoaly rb oe . 64.Tom.A complet.amortint of otheir Groceries, MINES AND SPIRITS. Zletnf lti4eretu , rttitm.t .-t tajt 'illurta m enadieat îq e tio ituroadbridge at Morris Is gono, aiso thebfi 7mei ýir llrent Epper InCjou01-11 4ichiganRailroad bridge st Yysiianti and hefîtecortiettte oiin-v 'r.odgcofting - "~"""----'-- týr Commercial Beildings, Brook Street, Whltby. _Ê! p fintt.'nittter tiff lite stail petitioi, on tite twen- n S E ,hobrige t ileq, ogehè wih sverl y-eîgrhh lcay'tf' Fehrttnty. 51t7, ut leu o'clock orv vu Iver the St. Joseph andi Kakmstzon riverq. Ili tilefte ftt, It.~litle (tmttrt llots,.l iten'yt IB R NC E'JitAyO 87 koth branches of the Chicarco River -rolle 'fi.rtri lit prllȏtf Iink tlieret' tttthen ceý- ,evcrai fect on %>iturday, aid the csotth atmilimt..ltii t,n-.n'id cH4 ,estate, sand effett TTite icué of thie <Jroside nil lie hamrar- ttmre.antd t)1 fiitiemr t'dat n . tumrting t ~1telfthenly, Ytine-.wlliîîg, puitetimiiy,- HARDW)'VARIEIIHARDW~7AR1E, irest portion of Our city is Fb çtgd.jrtt'. 4 niti l- A, ,.Il"ceTo*n editton yull bu delivered rugu- rhe lRiveris'how fhling. Thîdamage to Ail son.t itIlctýit.t)tl e nil Wi îinIn tri Iv tte rempeetive resddenc.tOf thie Submeri- WH L S E AN R T I. Seti. t u' t t tt ittîV-l',al bhert i ii Witby, b%- lgltoelockon lb. niornIing W O E A E A D R T I . ho hicgo.Ilulintonaîm 'Qinc R.p~v"r lt~l~ e tt..t!- t t Iit '11t0111- of Titur:sda) in eeh wel-thè cotuir edition, i Chctmdat lurlingfitytontand .tt t-m..mmt;nito.tod 11 e tttt b19 t il t <etl toiplume ail the Snhtmerber% oi theItetn Il-setmaida 10 00 he 'tlie .ll it " t t i ttumttr tt. e nid ftxttgat elmeoHFivrwllhv ee IEStBRRIBERS BEGTO INTIMATE To THE INTIABITANTS OF WHITBY AND?) 1 in ti- - later i f Le sal foomtnged, nlm ofCal, 14 rie tl l 1v enT te stîrrotinding 4Cetintryabat they have 00w ou hanti tthenmollt eontoitte and varlidmor- C O M ER ci A .. . BUNH.-M, migh prvi0t~. ' - ' mnt of IIÂRDWARE tobe Ibondinb Canada Weât, whieh they are "Ieling at WiJ$YMR IE'PT S.- tDtttI fi1j3ti î a >Ilifldjolyev o rIn"ýfitaide iTORONTO PRIUES. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ttfrt. Vn iteller stmt.ett.t ir 1 ' üitt w t lt CH~OYCLn rrîr. PAILIAMN'FAY NOICE. ltt !ý, will ie seti. tltelfroîn the Col- In SIIELy oonm they womld invite pnrUctîilar attention to the Stook of RY OTCE n ithe 'rtc ;e uî~caireatif e<c t y tm 'romr iettmrt. cmtîbrtttm Stlar~ Table and Poeket Cut-ery, Gatit's Pistetis andi Colt"t Revolvers WtîîTB-v, Wecdnecsd.-y, Fnb i.4". 1.1ltrnttis ocf Atçrîtî huttre, Rlm'amMecitattictu, Elee'o"Plntfcc W'a,'esFil" t ati everv deueriplion of,ýdge Tooli, (tîtttm,'ee. ~une.Ail ît~,eciii e oîufnll W-itM lrîtl"'sJoinera' Toul,- Wheat-The supbly titis week hum et1iI tif d eve wP,.kl'o tte>itl t! ituueAliOti. Bredand*Itife Trays, ý unitualy sall owig t th inlifAnti a -coinfflete a&orttnent o tte rrruittogs. lu intisaliy imail on ig trttue iIifirîmt ~ -, s'~ f~&tet~tc cii lit, (ivue', Fndera onciFire rons, ( rot-cmott.mrelar ad MII Suwm -iihiîîg. Th'e price rî'enmi t S.iorluiws aathet t teaiy ol; bt itedm'm'rtm j sîil îrvc outy otîri-ofOiats, &e-. Wt i itil alto IHEAVY HARDWARE, pcr ush l. ho ae iw lirilisiltiverk a e !ettr ttmmtt.ilmmryofCanu:tnltIf, buttheder-ad i ouici o Onari. Bit-ti an ij1nNewsi. Iii;i'lemtefltâin î nerl foip]rb] s 'i is mait - Ftrh't!tr , i'ttt trttiit agîi]'ttttie-Fîrtîit>i, %ar, lloop, antd Bandi Tron, Wrormght, Cul; i'res'ted,anod lrtX fttr î'rn -~ mTîtv îîEUY i\'N i T TAi'- l>j tt.'.tjcEe tntv. &e., &'. ti;i rttt','i'ee ita C*st, lprng and B'lister ;toel Plinttis t'htitttt,4yRole n itiWire, Wheat.. ~' t ,. t t1 t t ttmttlmt tltr:g titc (me-t " ' mm mtltit 1' let'.t-.t. A -l'e e uC-' AuviIs, 7UC,,:ttud lPlanaitMonl4s, flomwder, Shoî, Zince, andi LitatiPipe, Flotar, 25s. a -los...- tl i Ir-i ~t i~ttctt -tp trt-i tr t ti- é.Wlil'tt Merk-m4 t"ipttt-md Slip- Spritmg Thttîible ikeins, andi Aies, Palis, ts, Glass, and Putfy. Bare~, it U. ti .t tm ' . ttt lt't mtwÃŽ, t>-t'1)d ,r ttttt 1 ttlite P't, lit-ier itl,-Iti way ior 1aoe, -A L S CO- Ba le , is.-l.' w t ' l it' I'tmmmt limu 'o i ai m .it ttt h (-ire, tui iiiblitilltl regtm- (litsi, 2.(I.a 2s. 9(l. 1e;tI -ý l jipt. N tt ~ Itt.ofmfm îlt t tt!ifnaim Patent ItiduiRubber Balling, andi LaSeLeather. Pork, pe-r i 4ltî s. intt mt tf,.:ttt tt f1 't'i tiper. ttItiv itm i, iitt uittlmrus, oftt heitNote the Address t t~rt t'- 1iit t lS f ~u-imy çt~ tt'mim" t l Lutw tt- RIem iî'w ttq te Grain E Butter, I s. II. a il --t ît t . î ti tU tm- frt'ttt UtcRt4tt-rtsof'te I lIitit Bnci', per îtouind, 6'd. il 7, i. .'. (w'r I ir 'tftejtacm te_<'Iettie dte t'în erumetmdyJ . .DONAILOSON & ,Ca., Ilia', fî a 130s pe-r ton. itt*l't îtt-mit Màte md Ilt it;tîdaniepi fittia ttt,; i i t. tISltecti tritnitierott pruniw-îsCttmie.I er Wood, per corti, lts. an lis. 5d. tit > L>E If f '.ftttei' fttt r Cicttt.t lrctmîiite t'tttttettitii- wllbct -BY Totto\-rT , Weitsl -iv, Feit. I 11. , tc t'm ut' tt i 'Vbitb't, wttolie ftttî,-c d'e'!,Othiitur-,dtie- - -_______ XIIÀ tt tit-i .lit tmmc tlitotit 'f tiditiotial *utiîm, kili, la- i Wliat-Suppiy nomtinal; dietand ai'- 'l'tiMAS I)E\ERELL, 1mw lttnl:urjon, trt'qttrtt.As. >lîqt-e,t,Itttrea is 1 .C*N R tive; prie'es rtng"C front 6s.t' id. dowi b (Ir t, ipmttfc-prime tnoAtstoan -ceorytthe t6s.iii \ M 0 EN E rtltttmitî-tm.l t iC rîue fidti ne i1Ctt etaie o - t - f ~,~. Wltith' bttcintsc, hy Plie ttrmtt lt1'atlth andti po- Flour-Suiterfine, -12s. 6I'L. FLnît' -, 22s. jttlttittt, a Nt'trrlng, etirttmmlteutled papier li*OL BÂALi AND RETÂIL R C S te vtrt, inttî tc i'îtîliPt 1< tthe tttm- antd (',(i. .Extra, 22ls. 9d. )'iatvItle ttmttal mttl.ttttof tttoumtv. The O ,C MFGA If-I'S litIt Ntitina ti nitg'ttt time ('attiutte, Zttitui thcua-- ingi meare, nti îtt It! Iifirenco jî . tj -t- tt tht~'tt/e ; lI/it1J' ltc'î-ml mspoSTRERET,,TREE, WHTBY 1itî itie l i nl 'ltlime t .rian of prites.'the mttil imt:re-U tî Wi i . ilt ijl aiwttys b. Barie, 5e 9c1 a Cl. 3. 1r-vetîc'-. luîtrttur tisftCîte eintereste,. %viNj~l(;MADE-ARRAINGEMENT3 TO IMPORT DIRECT, WVINFS AND LIQUOES Pe, 'rtmî o it"ii'-cn ert î 'ititflte 'tt tîtîo f )tit. itt. 'r wit e i e'th emau gion witcîti liemc>Iiiiiieand uCIIleraciNG TUB aC e . qtfet.tsu, b lieuti-iî l' h Jt' f. s i ut - oI i trof kuthe dalrolv nanaitblte r tien tarcepoutnid ta r ateeta l.epouedi'vutn Potatçics, Ss. a 5s. 7 peitr >ustel. j' --- i r: l I'c; iiITtt tiitt,'t' ni t)til imiitu.ttrcit' itu of i ir aitti - ymartiie yt e xl cloorItRi e 0 t', r btabnd.nett(ur l 0.,1ts, 2 s. Shi. a '2s. i 1 v %Ctlt 1 miItrît it le, Ucmî -Witile Iahttrittg te eonsolidate tite Butter, I s. 4d. a Is. 5(l. t tlhi ftt.tlf i ct iiintttttttauttoititpic(if tte FIRST-CLASS SALOON, Eggs, le. 44B.aLImtSAY. Cotanty out aIl qtcuiu fgeiierali cril eIto EeI.4da lt. Ni. pt-r dez. W BLNl)At tcerige MtttIt'i it i vilimiter Lttutdr in wbicli Rcfretubutientm cf si-i. in u ettotetueured'atrea,.iîtbc Lourd. Beef, per lOOllis, 'l'tis, a 37s. (id. , 4 (mtlA -tttl '14111. ltise 4tttM e a1i t'attî r-m'y lm' TitUe Wiîity, Jattt.iiiat , s~ Pork,40.%. a 45P;.%at tm titrtre, omm i' t.tutanmd truc.kttii. as Weil- - - Hay,$12a$U1iis tt lse "C Port trm and WhWltum, ' longa Ray $192, a $P4. tt l;ciAA *.J. Il A R R I SO N, Wod,~ . atîciitun 1 mtlte aicl U TONEERGE A L COMMISSION AGENT, lod,ý51a$.iii'tm1tlms. ThIe immn.aitti t4-ea,c, lme hta- aN) DE.ALEU IN fmîàtztmntg ltrotipeil'3'tf I* itawai, atitit, te titat extetlI, h~ tf ~ iu~Rtc HO U-SEJ IOID FU'RNItURE 0?" EVER ~S M TO NEW YOK MARE î' dieueproct'crit% î'ete u is ?E RPTO NEW YORK MARETS. bl.id t'.tT' ti tit t of Ontari, .d - e q HARDWARE AND CROCKERY,9,- (ýIF fr ute megrowdftûhe eç lt nnlcreidaluidMIdnil- BROC-K STREET, WIIIT3Y. I mcma'vYOimm 1, Feb. aIr11.tmIi-. Wh b%', the 0*,'tmitfcU Ntw c-îe~ Fc. 1 ' 1T' ,i I',- - VENTui II X T- a ntfot r Sh'a mom nt regard 'ils pioper office ES EI TFuLLly INVITES A N iNST'V'CTION 0F 11113 areDS AND PRtCES1 IBEOP. Flour-Mirk-et steriui. Sales, 7,(t'ýî0 " . ~Api'm!t - wîilî t.oti-r ftitan fratentti l tmtitcitBeierton, Cx- <R,çîrlakingeunGY Credit e$tablittlmitentt as extruOrd _rcnfelit.lsOeofeeit A! *~~tIo Lit iît.l *bridge, Polrt i'errv. and tclut-.townrdtt Do?- r lASERS. barrels lat $6 40 a 56 et o t ic-rSîîet-tîr. S'tmîti-tt'ittmr-cîmetlmtc foI, ifl' - (ieei. Frenclttan',li aieandIticering-"<"" canefrGo If it"'*mc itttmt i~;tmd ttut'e regard tieinler,fs I1 Otioi'cas a unit iut WA"TX uyqnuiyoladadsoft Wood, ini excag o ;o $6-60 a $6 -45 for Extra S- it- lt)tta , & t. tt -ý r fml) mclia-iitilai'; ati hefnerett oanRi $65 frSpefneWser it m vi a nhi%;tm heitret Wle'%'itîby, Jan. 21, 18.7d' $6 St)for Sperfin Weutrn ; ti tit a -'i '~ X~ ~' ~tn t t~ Xhuîl'Coudcile:oftWan ie pe ict c- ____________ on__the____________Co- ITN TUE FL( 1,BYlaîqte vaiobie prcpe, as tRie Eatate « TIIEW Mann tome. -'ki8TCsi .Fifty- [Four Rodàs on Waters of' 'e muet soon bec tRio gretly in Wiarfage now atiequtiate Il and this ft*>ntg j 1 the~o do s( laId ALARGE AMR)J Arec6etiandi for AN ASSOi Tou'oto, Jotut lota No. 177 ni 180, Flast 'Ilde of liree, ta tiùsi r Lots 208 andt- 204, ascorner blolz on Moplé anil n'ry Streela. Loti71, 72, -7, 7 76 77and78,Thse 2d7Ci»onut and Amb Streets, Lot 87, -West orfPeyStret, ad dietlyor- sAite.tRie stesun Pleur III. Lots 64,65, 66, 671 $2t83 84, and M, Zt or n'ry Streot, anti adjoitiumg theo Steaun Mp erty en thie North., Lots No. 0, Eaat cf X>rry Street. TIisL Ut well thimedt anti otberwise lmproved. West of 1Drock Street. Lots; '1%,103 118, andi 1U,'bonntio4 by Cen- e, Waumîil anà Keut Streotta. TRieseLo»ta ar,% l'ighti'nliy uitnatmei, anti havtngr a street en mec aRdus, cre wdil admuptltl 'batltiagpûr- tues. Loti 124 anti 125, cornai' o? Kent anti Johni L.ot Nc. l35, Ras cf 'Kent îtret, '.i;ibt a~ uw rods North otf DoundamStflreet. 'rte f'erecing choieLot.' iai' soectoti froutn Slarge niumbter, mitRi theie tw cf holdingtheltk .s un ln.m'ectunant, buat are now offoroct for hou tc taily winti up.a large tmattttltdiun. 'entre Sre .............2Lotai, EnclidSreet ...........-....~........3,Lots. Palace Street ..................... 5 Lots.» [igh Street ................ ....... 4 Lott. Wmithy, 1I9tb Jan. 1557. STEAMI SAW MIL&L FOR SA$mLE. IrN ORD1E?. TO CL.OSE TUE P.A6TIlEI- IL alii1t aeonntgof'Ille lutte IFirrmn o? ileIIIy&.1 tRILR hal lt-ea STA RAW MILI' cttaîtec onthlie treen-f i'ltorgeon Lake, nimtc tules Nortb of Liiiitiuy, lâ offereti aI prvclms aile. TRie Lot No. 8, I luite-tt ConcessIon of Fu"." au centans 184 atores, a conembeoilunt RhieR la cleameti and fit fer etîvalion. 1 4mber eau bc loatietina oboat uat llMîýl ldranti trutporteti -sithout traoitipeut Itmer to Ltndsay, tRie Nortba rnuinocf' tli4 Port Hope andi Luadsay RailWay,' ®r'Port, Perry, anti thon by lantito Wmithy. TIi. MW 14lain iiuorenji repir 'anti exceller' ruuuieg, orter, anti ta unlvmaliy otinitteti teonN te hmcsl perfect ant intplal eat Sgw M.1l i til section o? lIe llrorce., 1 M S8aw Legs ou the.MMlli Yardt -J. RelLTPER? Wlaifbv, IStît-Jan. 1- 7. PORT PERRY. Cojuuty o utaio. W -tTF'I LOTNo15 D ,ICL - îoýg thie Wafnd lri Lots are dtrctly oppotitlite oie ;GL antin Rnlt.e ery centre ut' the butý;s ltta % teTeint. Thée froutageonomiWatam Strcei3a ý feut, anti QuecaSîmeet l1t- fuel., -Tiie Storehouse' 'ad Whaarf - Ontth tîproprty, ihave' imeen rmtetifor the Pat-' tbree veoa,a £59) pa'runum, an[ti hias-llmîmd axpenîttnr on Ri Bittidai, ivowuttin futum.-, ent for £10pu ann-ait. 'roira Lot No.l, Corner cf Queun ant» 'ae 5-Iess. ecidefly lte umosî valuablo Lot la tRie vitola Toîvu. F117 lots In vaulus partsalothe Town, vwaryli)- luprleofrom m testIme GeI. -' FrrAcres beiug partef Lôt Noe. 9, la tite'. tR incan of'RoacRi, ad>olanc thc muvvep of tRie Town cf Pocrt Parmi" on tbe lNorth-. TiL- Pmoper-Y lis eil aituate& fotr'dividiug mb Town ai 'Park lotIf, Andi wiii b. msoid ti IsehbPrices and Terme as tr> mlakeit an objeetto0Capllali:,ts. Apply to, L.E. & J. IL PER<. WVbutby, Fobruw.y 4, 1857. 3 t 1 Z s"x a x».

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