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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1857, p. 1

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TI4UR8OAV MORNING9 13ROUX'l STREW, WHITBY, -r Neit Door te the E.gim 0* '. P lE TERM$0F 8UBsC0RPTION TO TuEF ilhitbhy C$nnîe&,w%-l b. $2 peir nnuni, If <iid In udva $2,4i 1 f23 ltid durî.g the yeur. lx lineu anhd und<er............ Fveryti ,bsquiIt'lumertoin, (lier lins)..O.i A liberal <14oiUt uilowedd l ierchanta and otier% ntlert iig by the %ycar. T T I Thits 11aper lina iriNii1 %, V li umômOf lreultion VOJL*'. le lit the i ouflt> benides beig renid li everv bu- bi1i0Ri 1411iii WbnIitb andIi tb vieinItNy, a 6eîer moctall ndianiroW1d not b. itur 01WlJ.titi ouiUiv.4'î wciedxrts< otiîî wil f o-1)ARRISTER-AT-1, Il ' tg i ll ls. » notmlrn forwaruing j> )trci, Whitby, micir nioecs. -: ',No pmîpewr W 11 bu ldniitiWC until afl rrear- ALBÏIER L.ettairu tieidsng rlif registered, wl ea oei the rlak mf th.lublielhers laddGRANDd HIClt4INS MAY'I1lOFFlER BROS, M GPRAND wbitby, C. W. GenIPORE WîS -- -~ - ault4 uîdtr the 1. BOOK( AND JOB Trno 4.' Lb tazi0 saiPruated .wordm, grmai tleughtsa su uIIa u4aryl, vs udvocahc Peace, Propoese, KaOvledge, BrbthethOOd LAW-. T)FiCE-BROC~K LT SPRING, DROTHERS, A.ND DEALERS IN l tîîtgand BritlihBeers- Lolbo"Uffee4, King Stmeet, WIIITBY, ,c*. w.",r- n JSD'AYI FEBRIJARY 19, 1857. cnua and Evu. M!Y Conal vas poor, enddlie never would sle- 1aeld, "I1 have riclie".nough for us two;" MiY Coual was proud, fruni ils girl i. wotuld Nomore than ber hcaot--hbu left. iLt tehrek rRXNTING EST AilLIS Il NIENT. NTINA OTEL, For, 0O! ie la toiiing fur over te aea, I lE pRoI'RIMETO0F TUIE WIIITBY DORT WIIITBY, J. L. GRANGER, PR(o- Ho nover would stoop to owe riches te me, ubile tlat tliey1has Procured semo cOf the mont above liotel. Ralway travollera wili l Ibi ha ioeri tyosufT~e rou ovYork lu dii- con,nieot sud ecîntfotaiîe lions.. 2 Thegoîld al.11mine; nov tthore', ne one te abaro to t ,liomle, sud &M aire reedteexcît o~~ An 1wm vS. B. FAIRBANKS, But for treesune or pleamat-c 'ti l ttle 1 cure, TmuB rzIP u' OTCITOR NOTÂRY i'UBLI-4 &. o. For I'm dreaxiug ail ighit, iand l'nu tldnking ail evr ecitoadguateta ok Oshawa, C. W. 2 dy every ýdosle-n0 pe rn3isite ttua WL OWSONHow lie's poor and deseted, sud fait, far awsy, èau i. due la Pi aselorsyl ttiiloeWiti mucne te console fhlm if lekiiosa uhould Thi. roreeî nharo Durcloed eof (ONVF.YANCER, &., M, IANCHESTER, - RTGL2~ c RESSES 1C R1. aIe 1- . _sinite, Witb none te wtei o'er hlm by éday on by niglit Whici en1abbea tlion Card sud Cmr- FRANKLIN 11013E. culars i luevrexpditi a The> hi* LINDSAY, C. v. 14cwboc onlusd a large Sto jq #G A ANITR,1 ttugtlo'aore eeFaind enei Statollev. c., lil sudbing o îgit t 4 F. JEWETT, PROPRIETOR. COMFOR- If(I tieugit in the land cf tic stranger hîod fSud rIts, rIlnnti eauconbc finiliAbd ut te Io B -'e tablo-mieeorttxuodtitiomi for Traivellens. A voice thait coidd sootîxo hlm, a tic that ceu pt-i snutathe sjerte otice.Wi ybati ii55 ind- - Ofic, 'ittby> RUîGîIST. DUG0! IMIAS !neyer slîcaild etili bimuoeu mt-ur cfminte AM wayâ n i uho. Duua treet, Whitbv. i ovu ftiylff -~WILIAME. ARNLD, Miglut love hMn and gnard i as I vould have -ROVINCIAL L.AND SURVF.YOR, AN» due - - Dranghtanutt. Re4udoie-ltut-lia, Tuevn,- My uitar love. Bu sÜ- N hip of Ranchl, ('. W. i ZACH UBUNH Mi -- -__- - lot ,lwavulie toldtue vhetever lte'd riean, Op 0FTIE COUNTY & SUIIIIOGATE A. PRINGLE, 11 t.t~woidtetuet i rcletia * ont- fleettoCit- ius.E RIIANT TAlLOR, BROCK STREET, iïhr onte c rc-oth ru euta - l iitby.- h NJELSON G. RZYNOLDS, -____ - -___Thet ie'd love his poor Et-e, tlit,-uîgi fat- front îEllFF. ýOFFIt.E AT TIE COURT TIHOMAS DEVERELL, liter silo, ~lnae iB IL» ER, &c. &c., GRIEEN STîIEET, Anul coulie hack, viitt God's blessing, te m.1uke JON-A-PRY - Whitir, C. W. ier Iis bie- I )GITRR.OFFICE ON BROCK ST., A. C. WILSON, And siure wlîen 1 titink of eeeht look sud cet-l f lhib.-___ [ AINTER, GLAZIER, AN» PAPFER- 10W, j. -I.J.mACDONELLI, pIl ger. Peints, OUas, Glass. l>tîv. t'- Ihsetua hliko as ii te h>e.uting ittu tîlnu-, LERK 0F 'rIL E AcE. UoFFlCF-.A-T jq-agmgfrSl. udsSre, ttyMy fontd love. h------- J.*_______- -- - SELN l'-IIl tuot wtong litît oret-mlve hîlîi by doubtimug or JOHN V. IAX-l 1.FU FTEtON~ ORAI U(,T10 NEER. A I)UI'I.CTE BOOK Itgfxr of thes8 1 rr-oiite Cotirt. Offilce ntAI Lf Mr. Sterliiig's Auction Staler, la ket ehtBut wuteh o-er uîni still witt muy lessing end ch ~~t- tlcBekt-'t tut' office. AU uors left t tilroiicte lfflc pnijryer; -will bc ttendcd ho nit thtîe titest puteiictîhi- Fil go devu te the sert-side, for tiere 1ci sec JO U. THOMIPISONe ty. I)avs of Sales 6used on. Residene-Cenýtre The aspot l-it-te uny dariing Ia.-tpetted front tlle, * --~-'-N'TON~ treet, tieer the Cei loeuse. W lthhby. ___ AtRIEN. AndI t l,(l'i~,( --- _____ __-A lI kutol ou the but-e .toiler5titosaiuh- httu - Bt-ck. P - _ IE-41TENTIARY CABINET IVARE- itmplore iv. XTîo-N, 3Jr., 1035Thet Conal eand Eva mntay xtehro once imre- ITREAsUltER- OFFICE AT TITE COURT A. J. Harrison, Agent,- My t-ne love. HJ.MACDONELL, rCOMP'LETE STOCKO 1 VRMaxtv.IË -i OLU'I1ToR, & CLERK OîF TH E COUN,,TT A rnFuniture always ont baud, whieh the k~CoiitCl. 011e.aI hue Curt Ieus. ipublic arcO innitod te exiammuimue bt-Sire puru-hasttg ~elst-mlore. JOIINSHIERW'litly, Jeu. 16HI.%6S. c iOVNTY NtINEEýR. OFFICE AT TI JAMES B. M ART, _ ______ ul cur licute.. 1______ ERCIIANT T.1.1,01 AN»I) RAIIER, Pursuit of a ýylfe.' - -7-- F-I-B-N- , Toi, 1r Hall Bifidiug. uttaly opsite- I.ERK FIRST DIVISiON COURT. OFFICE sytdeîothiDg,' 1 ily t-th CStrt, (hdthr.iieuy CxP.i - (h Cutlone itrs ollant, StocZkq. &c-.. cnmstntl on hand. Wdo , d Gniibbins, eldÎellow!1 boy d'y> mttftashiotîuble style, uid on the iiejrtetby aryno- hevlcm ~rI4 . lt-ru2O-siouted loudly by Ceptaiu FIok.s,as Hosea * THIOMAS ROBINSON'S t-- -ASII1ONAISIE IIAIIZ CUTTING AN» attie Aster lIeuse, preparatery te lihe din -T ,R ,EN , N-i17 Slîaving Rootus Bt-oek Street, W hitby -- uer te vhicbho b ad invited bimseîf. Flokes W.I.TEAN, A llrt rate Exîglilsîherber smîd flir Dresser, cf ddntsmhm rehrpriiaei * 1)AURI$TER î>'FlC,-il'ERJ. -BIGE- lomtgstanxdinîg inthe lImels>, mviiialwsya bc dntsmee nehr atdpt j)l~Sopp o.osite thue ltegistt-y Ot>me, i ouitu inreudunlesa to attetud coi gentIenUem.- aie oeneral roverenco viti vilci Gnubbiu's -1Sixavisitg il a pt-ceerl tuwltich gentlemen, for " ___ _ --- o.dr~somaare mneli averse, but iihder Rob- wite cravat and uniforin reîpectebiiity of * N. G. HIAN, TIW.luxt«'s, htantd tiîsy viii Sud the oparutio hoth pernewr euie'Wehri ARITRANI) A agnE-T-A . Weouble and lmulas'at. 2 apeac eercieL Wîte B îii-e-vs îs flt- tfJ. lhtZltW q __ - - 1- &-- as fnom tic freqîent drinks of bra:ndy- uodiiue Regiâtny office, Brcýk St. 1 CENTRE IJOTEL, IIîIIITBY. sud-waterwviti vluici thc Captain's friendE W, '11. BILLING5- r p lS HOTEL IS SPACIOUS AND) CONV- lied been weîceming Iuinu on lii> arrivai, or BARISTER ,&ATT(ItREY &T ILAW. t ticntly ftied up. Tite 1Prulmietor wocul from a sim-aMd apprecietien cf chat-acter, or r ~ ~ 'lýle% Sotle i Ctioty otaity Pubiec rse-ftiluntumto te lart pst-uns and tiie Ceunvoyamît)ear, &c., Wlitby, . W. ti bnaclimî.g Durîtroubin intat lus bas s at-eeti a o xatknoM-icdgc cf it, it may net bc _________ -- on oex iensa ortrube iimnkisati iid> o investigate; but it vas quit( CAMERON & MIACD6NELL, coguable houolue for Ail. lct )nîrB-e eesr eIl i stcelue Cîar, Good ttabliug, sud an et- dlean that tie Captain M'as tneatiug HloseA ARTES&ATTORNEYR AT LAW', luioOt 2 Grubilus viti tic *familiarity vieuber. Bstlictor tothe Coumty ('uîtiil. Sgr!OtBc.e nt ail alto eutt lot5c-SoutIi Wing. Office uîoîtrs WIIITBY AUCTION IIIART, dened very cîesely on ccntompt. IlHom frott 10 îxi l BYRO)N STREET, d'y. do, old fellev Y' roepeated the Captain Dr. R.W. CLARK M-Nearly eppoéthe WVyatt's Hchet._Êo accempanylng lus polit. inquiry eci linq IICFON ACCOUCIIEUR,& COrbONER, ihabo pnIlsaGubW hu k-ior thé 'uunty cf Oîîtao. i T ItE SUBSCRTBER BEGS LEAVE Te> IN-vt 1 lvu~uIoe nubzsssc - -- -~ - ----l imat. tu tlc ttiabiits ct4 f Wlitby, and durs, vhicli fairly staggered abat gentie Dr. CIECK Y, sjuiiig Towashiipe,ttittlie abova preniulses E$h1T)F.NCE, BRO.CE STREMT, TOWN OF fortooly kuevu as Gonie's Haell, utâve bot-n tted in, sud te viel he onîy rcspeuded ' mtb1 11ut a Oteiesiupiiiestublie stiîer, for a public Auctietu fait IlThank yen, prcttyvel" fFuk -- - - - -- - Roomu . Tbov will te lt fer Day or Eveîîiug Sales, hed taien titob its head te give Gm-o' Dr. W. W. GAIGE, t ie rasotia'bh rate. Tute IIhëal oes tilluoe T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u OCLDNlT.-FlEI BOI u ublic Meeting', Lectures, &C., t a ilew binsa skick under tjic hails cfis respecte IOStnee, cran . orIe, INdRoppoitecharge. It vill seat coinii'cttubly abolit 250 per- lbakbmcdboieavbemvei Ltreeitn ver J. -Bigdlow's Sto erranpsteortunait ig situais lun the 1et-y enîre cf te Sow-u, lc bodcoh ofw bltv h teRgny fl Ail ojcnatioln arrn e ud therefore exîey cf ateeïs- Gm-nuins ould bave been ne bss sparn Rofreuicoe, a fair trial. JAMES B. SMAR"' cf his expressions cf gratitude. Gnubbin -- -- -Wibb, Jaiuary 28th, 1857. - - AMOS W. CRON, ----------- ë vas exce.diaigly deferentia tutehie Captait 141TCCIVIL ENGINEER, AN» -cýRAWFORD & CAMPBELL, adliattueubspmoncvs A Eitatc Agent, Wbhitby. ai bs tttud iRTERresnc ws0Fi J. FRtowD BEAVENI, British, French. and Ameremau Dry tn famueudnh ascatri 5 RCIIT'IWT ANI) CFIiL ENGIN , Goods,G;roceriese &c. veny suspicieusly tiiid--as if ho liougl jXunuiidnd Street, Whltby. Eatinituentesmude PEDD éRMNT'E' he vas entirely ah hie memcy cf FIlls,an sud Il 1k fni cfmasainng ior A sud BOYS' Coits, Vese an d Psa na det- miglt be dispesed 'cf foever viticut dap e.p in the premises.1 oetantc.Guisnwgnl * WYATTPBS HOTEL, C LOT HI N G m n' oie rbisnvgn THir cRItPTURE uLm, iry 'S, WHITBY. THIlEMae.ap ho cmdorit-elu ti ae style. tcuched thie Captain, iutimating thuat; Lsa ssmug North, Eastsud We4t tbro pffaa's NEiW RmeBlucmat , i av would bc plosod te havea afev vorda vil ta&1jt )stp it abS Iotel. Eveny infonîation Wbîaby, J. 1,1857. î iu nsd lie Ivo vere soon valking, ar girn t paseugOlS. ~m-ful Oshbeer"s lWuys lun attedaue. a* RITÂNNIA LIFE ASSURANCE Co-., lu ami, sboug the haIl, sud engaged VI. . IOtISON<, md Boeoî -Oooî>' u uamportance to emq~n dmhg fds - (sox îuUziiSÂR») eI$thome cf thi. mid Tluuued BRc TREET oinx - l1ie voaheroafter for asaurci. b eaenigi esnliahhb ~AMLYCI o&~>~ uaiasureras m-oredesirona cf havng houir Ililck hog h -roddt tr« I>olleos Po exebanged, are b forwam-d hie smo bogec reddhiildn »JsÂNS LîvlL-rSTABLES, fo ntlbvlo thAenti & othle Tuesandsud e- Hê e Srlgly ealraiaed bis eagennes JA ASTR cWonBY IXT )0E psny. JH ÂNW tah sfacioa cfis apptit., vilc Iv t ia Rqistiy Ofilxe. W i BJan.17,157. tree, iII4 byne moans rexurabisfrl srs - ~WihIi~y Jas-T, 15?. ande! aiting"wail lb. miscllsusousfSo luJgBy MMINANI - - i0Wl*NG ÂILEY4 veres asaed, thrv bacle ils 1oat from AMiby TTEIIY zm, sponioitxbulgingcies4 pamai is iane trlio . - *.t k h& higaas 1m thuod isL o<iu utc aci befere, lowver, the latter gentleman had of the choi=et kiud.. Te a literary, e, mcmies aIl sikea liuiaviha is obl aqualuhencesowevçr,. th.-incongruiyca îpsa.- ,omhsynlibne seoue coUeel hacfdCcwith siis noble a,-ed to'hae pôken.Thisifrs0tice, tli tis sud iuvited them te' "&Grublins nos&olcto Ce.,-si 'nldou oloe u,-mdi, ierh for Pearl Street, viere," le added, 141ellbê ,'iUO5pra.basaistaeins fol ad bw.emê iod r08014 i ion happ le se. ou2' Tii tvc andddirectQrie3,cr@vded aiposi ttc sholve lnlsdvhigoNpm, Linhppfrse o. het* ends, ra l ledd. The as6fobhlW5 iuma vitih heimuaortal vorjca of thiepoots nd M pu4 ýéyélq wd- ighly flusled viti 11cm copiotw draugtË f reý1n- g1t, o &u~ el<l rou, cf th. Finies Ii2adira, now adjourned ' imindlOT U 1.. 1 . Ë . Il-a mi1 lood the' bar, sud haviug hlghted théir cigar, pWentý Fo lie statiatical departm at-'ùth-b, lin' retired tethie Captain's rooniwîere souêGubn 4nefhooew~rs a~ nuystenlcus parcela cf vhi' 'Flkes -l th,-a lnecpt~it o~c n~~ his neieved "hisperson og lis *arrivai vere, t4 vorIra,, it4 £cp Çon o 15eler playI maid. -or ta theguardiansiip cf Grub- 55 îoag &IIvtl hi e qthe, M à1 ths biné.'À carnage vas nov orderedý..sud ~e l4 sea Tcqvr I-i me. thietwostepped cul of!thie ofty poitaisý cf qe,ei u luxunes beldps, jîi ep- ibs t osf 1~~indlouinges M.Y lar, s for thieAster lOuse, and otdorcd lie dmiver to fpnt el Vavarionsorts cf tii. great'ety lithel1aa- Butnth~*h~îss ,S yarIs ite co ld ha a. - d pariclalj n iescoe f litodctciu, <atique dress, rocallg ail its'gliateuing vas moved tote >heart vit a&Il tho bis fricnd , 74,Mr. Grubbiiui, cf New Yok li1 apîcudors, sud rôtlected itself lu the. pcl- strengti cf bis former affection, aud re- Lady Crumpy--Mr. Grubbii5, .f New' iahed surface -of the rcsewood furniture aud penting cf bis cruel frony, voaald have York, Sir Gcorge Crumpy," directcd hill, thie ich hanginga of the. windov, wherc kissed awsy the tearful record, simd overy te taeo is scat on thie lcft. Tic Captaiti Carolineo stocd. For a nmomenit tiere %va';remcmbrence cf bis bitter vouud, aud hed taken tic carlest opportuîiityto whiia41 a flush upon be ace, wb.ich secmcd te momcntariiy forgetful cf the change in bis pcr~~~~~~ tLay ruîy tbssewith tho winsd brigliton it into its former glow relation 10 ône lie se deeply lcIved, ap- aier tadyh wrc patghri ing pifW oflheealthful 1.ifq sud happines. ;% Soon, proached, and vould have eressed the i s oifietcredinîaity-" On o f tme-howevcr, thc fire .waned egain, end the. tremibling girl le bis heart. Si., hovever, cietitwprince f ew iy' Ork e othelusmr- -0neI. d 1koetbythc tiick, misty at-- witi the. quick apprecualuon of propnioly, lion." lier îadyslîip was net easily erou- mosphcre cf approsaching nighit, lu whicli se ever alert lu a voman cf virtue sud scd, but lier intcrcst vas se far awekened thc aplenaor cf Uris.Grubb!nss skirts vas refinement, shrank bs-ck, and vaving hlm thet sic actueliy put ber glss te ber-oye lest, aud thi. eaped.u agnificence cf off vith lier baud, said, with vonderful and contemplehed. Grubbins with tie basa that lady vas ne more han a duIl cleud firmuncgs, possible dogrec of conscioushicss cf tiat rea- settling more sud more csrtiiwerd, and "61Mr. Ililton, you forget," Pecteble gentleman'> presence. Si., hôv- berdly distirigui>btible fromu lie obscure Caroline seemed nov ho have recovered cvc, vs istaitl sruc vii te ato- furniture and other ccstly appurteuîluces al liher presenceocf min~ althtiugi vial isbi ng sjiilarity cf thbt ,îmerCîîaîît prince' cfthie epartmcnt. the.Frenchi se beautifully bterni le# larme# te buiercf ierovuet ome tI wîcii Caroline contîuued te stand . almost dan. la voixm--tic tears in the voico--gave to buleroflie ow a bonetowie 1 nîtioulesa at the vindow. lier1 perse", a deep pathos ho lber vords, sud shovaed resemiblance Grtîbbins's bleck s'lit, wietliou'b natd crava, bed hca, an gcnrallysubdcd b urally tatl and Weil-rudd that the oniotion of hier honrt vas witb raset grati eddcd. i l sbdedlookc& luntic outlilucof ber deswildifflculty keptr frein bubbling-up from be- Tspc Ceptabd dered, vitibus usuelligit celer, fcntrastiig W itilithec iueth'bher, affected firmuesa. Si. coin. cTe Csincsscf ospitaî,it hisusualcf deep pu rpie cf the rich cloth curtailis, mcnced -by telling Hilton tint elle bad Madeira-" the 1Flukes__,%adei'a rcmeftir. Nias cicanly defirued even in tiecp. thcrng askcd for flic nigil!s interview, lu ordcî -wifh ,tliî&grcns ,"w ewre,-d, darnes-fýLeéî iits fruilinsg Of' tcop Ibt Hlltefr ,*Lrb&*ea but'leaving the ccrigy iFl , ws Mdera(s e tttin eccerdence witi tie prcvailiug country, might hear fbei ber cwn lips.hier ii cil lionh r te ues avi('eptal 'failiion, more matroîuly tien virgin-like. justification, sud icarvithhi hm a remcm- brouglît, and 0,n ioil ritc f t u rein the ampîlitude cf tic drepery brauce cf lber vhici sho lioped&vculd bc acîiîîulittlcoîwhs1v the olbseqîulioll rose a iead and neckocf rtlocics free from reproaci. Sho lion spokeo o w-aiter ini tle very eyses, and inuci te the 1 . vetl iy.lt i ga tii h mysterious tics wbich -bcund licr disgst f Ldy ruîpyM-le mntaly er face looked more pale tlu usael, and ,fether et tic feet cf Ceptain Flukes. Hov cxisgstofdy Tic mpdncecf liee en- it is iim utepectauut expression, he bad propesed tiat gentleman as a ec saints !' ITe inpudenofing, apprnt-and tic stîudied stillness of lier viole suitor for lber liand ; boy, vien she r.e IN, tht tliese slaîudered persons wcre gen- figure, sic might have pa.sse<i for a utaribo fused, lier father bed begged, preyed, and erally front lier own country. Thc Cap-. statue cf I Sabrina fatir," listcnimug te tic flnaliy thrcatcncd lber lu vain, until at last tailî'svnenc tcrd teic- invocation cf soute gentie maid in bard- w-ben hoe teld ber s0 solemully, thet i l wite oncely aii1)crîiîluins, n t eir- 1bcsetting need. Noute, luovevcr, lxad more veaith, bis position, bis ciemacter, nay, lartimîg ilu nce, veîiturcdler-r te- eson te invoke sucla aid tiien Caroline liis vcry personal freedom, depeuded upon Samir eog rinuence, "lmued the liel tI ti slf. lierconsent, she so fer yielded as te agree Srterese "tlîat g Imeneannîned sIlearingtiht Ililtoti vas lient uponti teabandon lber bopes ,of happincus as th After Isome effort, tetleate tioug l leavitig tic country, Caroline liad taken wife cf Hilten, te viemu abe had betrothed tigt iiitirycot, isclokiîgstCamd ie occasion cf tihe arrivai cf Captain bersoîf B11r rather iad 1spcken freoly, tigFlk' htay car hsfatherg tokar lus overbanging nîusta-he, IlEh ' Grob- Fukes, and tie certainty of he ft 0 e-sue >aid, cf lber engagement, sud had vnit bits rtured e tc ctare: mmesemaiuiflgutil late eit nigit -with bim, te ten te tiat effect, as h.e teld honr, te Bulte *hotel, Sir George.v" IlAi, v)--s-," waswrite te H-ilton and requcst a secret jtr isl;btsedcse itseh tic onivia imrove rtsuI. Wiatview. Sic baud appointed an early heur neyer jet given ber consent te become Iii de you think As-ter is wortltY' w-as the iti vnng aig htsc oi if. olÈCaptain Flukes, altieugh that gox next question or thec courageoiîs Grubbim s. Nvatel i is coning froi tic windew cf tic tieman acted as if hoe vero already outitle( , "Can't say, 'pon xtîy.word !" was tic brul- dining-roem- This frontud on the avenue, te ber baud. Sbe hmd beggeil, abo con lient success wiLli wlici Grubbins vas re' aud as tic bouse vas a bascent eue, ih tinued for deiay, sud this lad been extert warded, and wbiclî se cnicotîraged tlîat gen. w-as easy te observe tic apprccbOf auy cd unwiliingiy frein lier father. Si. ondeý tleman tliet, with rcmewed boidness, lue person (rom tic street. As Carolinue mcv- bier sad revelation vith tiese varda gave a full-mîoutlîe-d response te lus cwu cd viti su occasionel inervous atarI, aud despair: Pity oi pity me, 1Mr. Hulton quory, by deciaring, Il Aster is vorti rosticd bier dress At the sigit cf somo for I see no relief but in deatiVM He tventy millions if ie's verti a cent"- ciance passer-by, vbonî sho supposed for bond feu, sud viti ber hands pressed cen L 1ady Grunipy lifted lier eycs fromi a sveet a mment migit bc Hilton, bier mether vulsiveiy te lier face, iii. wept bitterli epeteto wlici puzzled ber ioîmensely, aud would bailf rouse berseif from lber slcep, iliton M'AS inan sgcuy of syinpatieti *i vlie, as she tasted its svcctuess, sie aud a slumberiug motter vouid issue frein suffening, but did net utter a vord, sioci i teugîtbedstayc, trogi anee g-tic dark cloud neer tic fire, vhiclu seemed ed sud almcst heant-brokLen as he vas b, i-nernce, frem tic dessert, suld, looking et indistinclly te bave tic muffied soond cf th revolation lie badjust listened te, an ,s Gruibins, designed te tae in every verd (!ar-o-luie. Caroline beceme more cau- ceuscieus that vords could bnxng no n iu cf bis iast remarie, and uiientally miade a lieus, but contiuued te look eagcrly miet lief te suci hopelesa misery. Bis ci 's muemorndum for futtîire record in lier jour- tlîe darkeng 0 reet. an ls tei Mari wasinterpositioný vas lu vain : Caroline wa f ual. Tiatv~eracîouis historywMas aftcrvard dvas clo stingcdud lst u I variu es resolute lu lier sacrifice as regarded lu t adorned witi the clegant observatiqu, I"As- difioît tdde dstinuiti iries pdrons union viti Hilton ; and, althougi aie hb b,-vie bo'dewdYUpkinhhlueireceats sudicleaklitnet dered yehte oface thi.final prospect- -- ~~~~n tohecvYor, lote-keeerestmati-e ls four millions cf peunds sterling 1" Grai- passcd te sud fro, su i uiu er cruel doomu, whici fahed ber te b r h)imis contiîtued squeezing, w-lUi ail tic pes- tation cf the poor girl, vi often asked come the vife cf one vioni aie could rý r ibue pressure cfhils.native inquisitiveness, hslu Il; Will hie couc ?' vas doomed- love, sic yet saw ne hope cf escape, au )e ait eccisi-mîal W-ord out of thîe dry rnmd cf -te frequent disappolutinent. At iengti a lier vreteliedness vas that cf despain. te Sir George, and suîppiying Lady Grumpy hall figure crossed frcm thue opposite aide, Hlilton sud Caroline, lioveyer, gradual m witi the niosi. autîteit-le niatenial for ber 0praidtcmngae u pagU recovered them cemposure, sud, as thi r- veraciousjournal, whileh sico proposed pub- thec stop vitu a confld<nc htat shoved futurs vas dark sud thbrateuing,- natumi w lisiing en lier return te, Fngleud under uim familier vitlî tielieuse. "1h islie!1 ly turned tiair thougils te lie past, ai i, tic title cf I"Tic Diary cf a Lady cf mentaiiy eeamdCrlna i c-calied up te eimmrlsiebj tic Qolity." Captain.Flukes, on the otier cd with a trembling ioart, sud vith a con- pictures cf their early liopes, mdliapi Il. baud, was rencwing lits old întiniacies straine"-ilencOeout Of ticheoin, sud i~n a . m Tiey vers iingsning in' fond col [e- vith his numerous friends, by keopiug the mnoment vas, et thie deor, wlîich she opened munion about those pallie cf pleasantue a Flukes Madeiin constant circulation cani asan.Gisui Hlei ~sd peace,~viiharmmr a as frcm eue end cf tic leng room te tic otier.ah obiîgysiTskyet jured up, alunot forgetfaal cf lis abyss [b- IlTiat gentleman tiere in thie red vi> moretinIder." Coln - theïr foot, wlien tuoy ver. suddeuly arct La- kes-hhat eue just picking lis teethiviti quietiy cndoclod Hilton, vile irnpressiug, ed te & conscicusnescf their position. at a fork-ueo, ne, tic uext eue, vie is help- upon hlm tie grontest caution sud silence, "hles îy -father and Captaiii Flukoi ug ing limscîf te ail the tomatees," vere thie tetue iibriiry, whiih vas upon theic neti exclaimied Carpihu, as a I .sound cf'f nîs rapid ex-drs te tic coufuscd waiter, vhich floor, but in the rear cf the. diuung rooi quick shutting cf the front door suda n, luks vs ssung itisoi vlubhitwvere Mms. Grebbilus shili continued oir proaching stops ver. 'heard in the ho kesupffr wnt iatsîlinc Madeiasuceh vootbl lubr. We Crhio"Teetlr lqncirp&adC ;nb risingl olcreu ebsfcsu ibo h a, u i e flih lse Io a i oue e i.etac, tion lie mintly J*ova,.te r a1------t ud tb. venerable O u.noç. i pioua BAte< f t9bu svg W siO h o ma nd h e p a rla r cl Ws g u , r n b q " .& à . y m p o .d I l * i o a ',t g ' o lm- rosmblance tbIthecêlous sg 40d dlacipI0 bftb5 a 4 e p il t0s yr." 'b t a 4fl l in ifr. Mamulap a Mus 9 t M & OI riN M d p e r f h i h e ffi t : e àlt 4 i i t it à 9 w n C o r u~ p ti o n > noew to4. Aua4heimnot1oog Jtrd. a fgusihr illustzation of lhm *zguiw- p.ttiJa splee àpdst Orcoeunty. -,Tb* oua~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~twk t-ntoehc uh~o~u~bsa-tni fEgA ths tongoma"the'EMost plid t th wiolePurtanfr~flyIlarmodepalan f ,coManL" l otefil o us acountof horeIlIo4. educaion a stho ds son e m argi n - h wasrenwne asadittiut0' 0 Oa~a l&~ Scth resb e tm & AiTherefovu, ticme tracs , n ptrin on ceClvnitic 41- ispotiesownboteretaon idte Pof tii o$amdth cneva bahadacfiank hait, crnsfrhwthe. ciowng oteion pid tue yc, sl puî"aâlmoy m-mer- "W can otjudde recInyofthpr ord ninsthéeher lig. PiaLrdy«s atnd Po cuis dp.. deelingof a %t kom tii. pro huve nti anddachgeer sproacribellyehssns hIIy themake thdim of tic. taserondscipinof iaiil al." feeblethésowand suferio, nd - on.outh vi&Thetii.ycant f coitlamcm a" il ho peto- ve muaIobserve o lie Puritvion iio vas coigtniz thonsource arrOfi"aitur"Itom finan t.he sdominnt hre at h. hpued o cs avn ho pr m t fnvety; &IW O ietWion idehlm uee f the r as Mdn three oniy on.er is andthe aor h ils ike,,aUl. oi of à t pretepro- hul havend encui n, fter i.lihProkne-Y nonte *undreda týmof qit tudenti froz theate iascipliron oh n tii. tue har 43teT loishersand',touaarns cf sectabld ofthhe Prians of aobt day.mTho sl o ri- viemuosefrethe par nwfo ecrw e cgialtsource tofpleis c la t u vhIchdom eint Haigu theina (oveintheNo 1pn eooty n whneing a teioulyun-tondker neua vasah ofn te, rlarnl&Ho ansoud davcinaI*-erlond wat hlci ,e gh drovdJ8àundeà o'f quit au.e s. kom . ost nglo troa n epiofrurcounmatr moder nol honlypnd.d îb Wdi. - o the Puritans ofhe tdlie *spe k sInl-i vi"nesfrumtalJallrs. Itags foadtecrime 1 indiret ocnte,-te sart cf Pun chd s of hefaisthflby Ameroeant.hrNos Judocty &exhting mly whichouàpeak5 hatom." (Vol.u TIL p. , 481.) te -ýsrtd Mmdtruh i.careac hiatoy. generté niay. pornii e n >rrup .,l'dchanigatep was made t rlaim li W b.drwn beLen prechlans1lan Sthc Diôsst geris, 1.egisifhur cuntry.hm. cf pucet agaipndhamle14s Nono- This sh onssonsMr. adcanea t is finipmst, andrshp s bed e ate u cf, th ritscans hnot enfor in l. s'w e coitw 'brutaljier. Itwvmer.a1h.imel r e t ronbA isfor s alti ftde o fenter.fin0pams an randla e 11evL- d nict rcrdinatn o rst enam4s- e e;e aithfaz by m osera a lb. qua- Jtrs ud a prtomised revichoal cftii.làtrgtom" othaLu ItI sp rsm1.)dbi > cenuo,.anosteihatutn of cîalstica. leneg may b4ouI ttile lioi.cndr cf -Thcouet s uthe Co prese o4bjecl cf lie s.pe~âaker i& irenodistinteonig d hitorin atemst ,a atdeb.ojecon adthest tbc dbu b. eOpesticncssiny-cf e by igi Chrclim ten 0tu vryrosson- qjtlng res etledivies> froni a- chetandcocaribeoossadca uits, or sonasdblhardbe ovrtne cn tes n 1. fr itat he Puriota ns. Sa thupgof cvilMua ho tu b.sced owre hecfain kneshw-box a theMrommaunionnat-ing duiy s&ntoemadle f.rvthe &Wuinceof tismu *dens, and ahunisif beind o he ars, elm.ofor ai tlh moul Up.. hndloing cfnops H -anCducosinata uio l uistiaej b ex oosescl nmllrthe onoid of cours ;ane10dalie, rofbueif loie c f t1fr.he dorian »T he v ers f ie of the ahgL n- hrianu es;sWy as theojcions mdFe- unut tôpha c e nlytd b r ilt of ï y. tiate sonc n o hiCici 1ve disust e asins b itrpch he dved iltfrom pa- n- by ein ch rale reul aTis, ca ce- tnsa. wicsth"-suaiy1r eacic, etre A eveuiticil iuloducd anoprite her aleote «ii onxions utje aalioenotu? chirsshw-bx d bis feeacalyhings, bi pre-trodue tilvileut nging ileagra- 3denconeed timelf btii. ilmtofe Vxathcs? vieior idsasmmtsoperce elong ofHgue crupua r fto uitn sprang, te iamm' oin iterlng - e poths igo- ,n asd e fro cdedernesa clf ionsneo». rne; bt il is v eli kova laI ll]a er bau fromcorioushncssandp irtuhal nd otsi mre iadi&m nadsya tus ofleanunc hy anit oile, a*d* * c-.vilarapeu, o hageften o kn A fhr Li > se ag hekuovrt f zaotis ofeiç a Snron, bvampemmiý-T, lda.ly, h kc- ia enitrured y coer sd le lvtoi> mfdo oms ius ho rom Xaiquein-u nd co nc? 1ty sWeould is winwScf ingapae ruia it ot y Pagnl iexe h.si CollagiesCipeuimy relloboenateeand. use tO. iturgy; smd vS ina umrào rey cfonseedth ante ws? Waf49&oran cf apwiKhl pafflOes UvitWsof sv.db un, ira Exteortab si.nefrnof tie e raei but ii i, eluctnu 0fthâ labs l tl-ail lage beil* s * ho b. ftmsubecuse Tev t du cmncmlBlb ent of wthil of Tribuatnd hortleme md eacn n-lvU eon ofsl , t.enin àMimd s fuo bc. ana hiiugt enor one?' &c "aRd Sands atce 1$Ptittem As làmd lu 8mot à n rndy Wscmiici and thOsay>takna pSm n, e r Wn aAuMy tin * n- liaI if anycfbisrem dws maginelatI s oIBouerhoeOissPS4tdlm e ým.imf lis- Ibis fae, that il atthe r.ma uIa teUto; odw>çand bIo.fro&pe ee lie Dd Yi ýn C( )n rt )n le )n IY ti -k b, m rg w M ie ýri ai ýÈI Pl 01 ie M 3 bi )ta le 1 fim UNX

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