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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1857, p. 2

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4 'c'--- -c- -s f AH t wm nasnet 11tithen tisatishe cm-y cf to tmi-ig and Substantiate aguinst thce Re- "Perseeufton" n-ais gai np,-neî until thonn ~lCinreis. Ivechar'gebIsat corpera- tint so man>- fîibzicated aceounta cf m-ota tien nils beiug "candid, moderato, cha- tund mabblingss n-cm-e sent op te Loudon b>-ri-table, lu aI-imso cf feeblenessansd sufer' thi" "Aflieteti Chez-g>-cf Scolauti, eut cf iug," and, on gainiug ou lie asceudmac>, wahidi Mi-. Macaulay- has culiedth le fis-n-rs witih eing lunau lestant ah itseif again of ha f,'ctorie. Even as these apipear Lu -bigobeti, insolent, anti cruel." WMiat la is Pages, n-C !bg thie rendez- te cousider lOvant b>-tisat '4 relent courteous 'f" Arc lsit- muneisflic>- ansenn tot. IlacI -tiche w btbelieve lb truc cf bots systetu? If mannes anticisurelses been bsuried te tic so, n-liasmc net bolS cisingeti with lb? i groùudminsçAd cf heing merci>- ",asketiTic chai-go ias heen made c agCinst Puri-t andti siaup "-7had lie praycr-boks heen itanisms alono. Wc liai-c ookoti ,in vaîn reuil>- huz-mact, nwercau -Isir ez-c x,-cnetirosMa 1tiese uvolumsses for ar qy stick insinu- pi->-ri-bokstion sstiluSeclast tehe ttin isainst tise Rornfish or theAghct buritid,-iaad the ",4eed gai-monts" boon, Chuzcica. We sioniti amtl>- lke'tehave stîsareti N*a ps-ussr gm-esy a catcgômical ausv-c- e 15e fOowing ýques. gen~trIt-w$n1~.l~o4,r4~je.ci-etirtiens. Lt useàti o ho asiset cf ia t9Q ,sà le -ny pooz- Covepant-er homuithocaugit fb t~p iQOgMis4t. rd(i, lâl td inia bogIl"Was Archbîsiop Sharpe's. au' petec," ouia l~,i ~ . death murder, aye or no r, We',ahouiti tree andi thueir vivsanti 'lMsuis i ek ~-. - lacaula>-, "- WasArciblishep iict cfitisîger, isustesd of i 1 ýmpc oroezss-s mne rlie lias te do, s,-tme Indigotsaious cf )4r. Maa*1(piqýAnlî ,r nine ho ouz- SEco6tisÈ clem-yat l-cotld AticI have. hSen epeadi oet4 é z on.bcaus.e>- oulti net, ReMPtOidtues imdtlheLterma. Cowmidor-i h il -~ltercede foi thse respite cf a iXg t-he moral provocation Whsicu thepes-. covctN me'd od anti. Chrt. pe Isat receiveti las hiat part of tic countM, 19la e prcap¶<t o appi> tise satnmne te, tic Wonder i tbat tihelrkrlter ide, «, theSharpe for 11ilaving piesidedl aLtbe torture, pielsaseyaaisnot relzei, uShe<sl" he-e & nti org4ý>t'e esecuhion of sormis eoers -of ne kinsg in Ir-AcV'to c.%11lsesns ta. acunt Ceveiamsf«rs? orcnrftw lis inte ,Stt- fer iL,- 1t 1Ile be4uty cf thewhsote &tory fIntZ13cefppaper lias inm)g pai-cajîn0 ' f Sym- la, t44t, siansg the ceienMs-uy ofthe Va _path>- ohe saine hlîapha~eaer plie4 rending, and warîiing tise iscsw;$içta ot-he teirmiil'jfi Ur ootigo 4 nisteir et t~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ at thsaï,ec ~-~s~~f >~ua trun thiast te t;ip1 q thilCisttOpe (4th ù Nev«q%,SA 4"pc mction IM " O5-e ', ZO» - grosfly. -.ppicL -abouse.? . Ùwp s b larW.4t fa^ tm -pst4L t. <'ýl% 1-R, i beogin te Mm. Smnibh uah li ay, teck frigit opposite Bi-yan's H10h 4 on yesterelay. The ici-ses ran don-n Brock Street, sumh- ing tihi-tut-kbatil>- 'Thé>- ere stappetil at Mi-. Laiug's corrunâib>- a cots#try-mùau nameti Young. MImLL D.%si Sn-sr.&n.-.îrB-T- ruaFLîOOD~. -'-Mm. Peter Perm-y' olti nuli, aI prescut ùcwmsed b>- Mr. Baihe>-, iu tic, 2ud Conces- sion cf Wiiby, nia carrieti an-a> by thc Iloodon-Monda>- rgit. 'Fla asaustaineti W-lwe are toid, anicut lte £200., Great pm-isisladue te MU. Robert Dccci; nie iad charge cf tise miii, for lis exertionsailu prcservig the propcrty. -s ra~sor Du. Bcazsxr.-Týhe isqust in this caue - as closeti on5 Saturc'6y ,even- ing haýst, The jury mfter délibertin; cone heur andthrec quartera, brought iu a ver- duel s-f guIlty agninst Mm- Cuninsina,, Ec- Kolianti Spcdgrass. 'Fie Misses Cunulng- hanî areheld &s accessories, anti ueme- com-- Mited o eTonahis. establishsment Tic excellence cf bic ma- tonial anti quaiity cf tisenom-k execnted, couitineno eétiongistbe surpasseti. 'Tli business OfthIis Companyu>- la hrgel>- on thse înerease. Thcez-rders ah present en band, are numez-eus anti coniderably un advaneç. Iu resumig thie sîsiject nextn-eS, ns- sWi noticeothe Commsercial thith sud pros- pe:î>- cf or merchants and bsinless mon. Wlsitby Trottmn; Races. Tiese races came off ou tise ie at Port Whitby, on yestemday, muind. the day h.. fore, Feb. 121h sud «Yth.Thée ruuinlng on tise firat day wau cf tise poorest -dis-, cription. F'Imst Race, Purs. of *$50, ýopen te al trotting Shalliona, Mle heatia begft tircoIn tto~ Ti r e osly tno cen- tries for tuais ce- Wkte2>ird ad Iadin (lkf-T'7ildrdteck 1(ne eut or the' tireofiràt iseaha. -On tise fourth heat he droppet aàase, muid ïïa -pushed-smp, J>s -diin C7df wiiixsing tise het5t withoest -a contest Wisems caliedto teatr po the- lait~ 'leutWhitebdmeZ nas not -eadIy in- time.. 'Ti, Chief wns cnsequétitüy,ý clau'ed tise wimner,'aftdr takihg -a qiét trot round theltýok Wdw5ird wctld' Connh>y- Council, andti iez-ebh>tie: nc> cf ~ ~ _, hierae-ayean- Itcavin. s ingje arnpresa ,io tis, pmescupcc on, thé m.Ia wof cfltat 1Couuc'd ? las or tlente, incsor cerocI-thse capucit>- cf3Mn.j Brouwn fez-hle hadershsipcf a grcat part>- lu Parhiunt, lot us as nihaIditlc c c» m j l . ) l u r i n i e i I S s s o t P a r - met; nhat d, hoi Se<c4>mpli8l'ldurn- Sornefour mentis. eppeorlusil>-for or - ? ,Nothing& simpiy noùthin; iHe amen d une measure, .ho asisted ~ nocmr<asc-e, h ori latçdtnme nasusm Thse nacli ne k ,,fteIouse cf' Assembl u rin,15 -asaccoaspliahe ot oul i>-nhosut 'yl ."c-prtioa.fromsbut'i eiiety unuder,- e wub f* t t ll«V1t InutL Ink Migust thetuvfter, hOwever, wè&.u nothing mpoêthan 1euds betwentheo 1ý17 Growth oiÎwktbT. '~nmLogdrwigltcodno ihem! bàd nëi dNe4 E I1Ufrn6 iinfitet lpÈ6ik *j1&id thatthe Lords of.I>ivy Coundil,'ý- f4pbWls andtheîr enemies,-betwemi -Ps tewht bre tO~ ~ ~ ~ ~~8n th if'eer. 1IWI:ni M&ýh iijeqsties> naine andte ority, c hbrcans anAdsOrthe-or apeard i btassthewhie hrs tlî'Olur&iî ~T aii~iodd akowai-~cf he oge tae o hati f it n tecc>unt of tht"<ý.1>rowth of Whit. Nothing could oxceeti theexêceikuce ef fotesfer' tn it, thirdçthit à*,atrict1y com Antndi chmeà one adiU0 ô t&m8of n b>-" last weekw07 re-produce sotne of the the track. The ce was quiti BMlOo'tlianti Î onsttodâtw,1tu01 iUoy 1w-uterl hen ot ated n thso* e, wt <>ur a. glassy, witli scarcely a particle of obstrue. ~ng? W&~4 ieaeond,~ b~aàk'ieii , C or injury to any Orf"te nii -f, elýft it i fat the pur fe pjtjea bevtos ntearoa*.t in tagr natnirc cn fi ltihl apottehé Ëhù,g -heguo bthrte k h fhoao~&~dn tI n~c hs this week. Ictigetiit to bc superior te anything they mTâ i h r h 9 o ne ting-houses ; andi that A il for ma cof fallacy w hich consist in p ttt ig- T e h n i o e b i k r 8 d n e f W i ~ e l c h r . n tl r e o h l ýjfo hicus orte feo.m'hmoeGaige, Esq., on IByron Street, was ntmen- Teattcndance wsntlreo h is laid 'thoi~~àr ministry aince the I8th of April lust likely hypothesis to &coimt for the whole tioneti aznngst the buildings ereetcd asat dy u ntescnd h c vsced lkt~i~d, "tà,generbsîty Pe1- (t 4ý mttoeattth Campl>clà., ieePo-yaa h ler tea Cmne iee , but nthe co d, hee s umrabe, haptitgràftdon, grntédt tiolont 0Uic U beesâ)beaWed- te continue undis byterians, anti their opponents Papists or &c., cf Ths hall dingre fbatfutht nt oikpo vrsospin~-rxtx tie ibeovd hei e o onen" Vo ~ien. .t. IX UzR yrgeeive,,aro"s tho ýbody of -Sýotianti, cxtcnthg finislA in tho Tonf. riclly-robotidoul ute te- the niat (I. p.~~2)the c rtess4ply on thçir subrnission te freni lBanff acros the country te nluai The quantity cf Whett takcen lu at the simple contrivaiîic, for ' a leigh, covereti Frôm tdits, eitrat' it will 'b c ëen that ýthe goycrninent of 'th Chureh, arguet a' Within the bountirifla cf that hait are te W hitby wareheuses, àt the pre e-Uchynaldrcin go pik or bhistotiaiîs la k again te the oldstcry ICnity-, ând moderation for which, tley b c h found the Popiali anti Prelatic clans who e11 tioneti, was (1000 bushels pier day; while ling of ladies was likewise observable en cf he"rbbungcfthocote." uederlyaii5sadhae inc henscvrey uogt oranbtrryl>ocronor Monte dtuit broughit inte Toronto diti net exceet the second dav.Variegatet bonncts anti reaàéès- nu perceive thatBfumculr <iedactxei lsha eor s evrl an-ani vncisFoi u bmttcCtn îso uiilsbThs fgue wr ton-paaol, iecamef iles ptyn.Ot lhaving Ilforesteen andi ibretold' what came phîcta polîbljshed at -the turne, in ýwhiclî Uic the }Irghland lbat that ra'rageti Scotland usty printeti in the Cironicle of lai week in mmid of the cining sprin-. t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e mis nctaqec fUcrbln a~i~libel8 on which Mr..iMacaulay during the presecution. By11itathat 600 andi n),000."]Tef111n sasmay fti vn The truth is, -Burnet ncitherf6trýsnW nor places se, much reliance are distinctkîr e- sontis anti north, including Caithnegg,Su As a slîipping port, Whittry stands unri. nini- and turne, on both dayz. The fastest foretoldn ny suchthing. lici*d avenasud futeli But we content ourseli-es nt pro- thcrland, sud part OfRoss, hiverness, iIJId '-sleti on thc shores of ULikoOntario. The turne matie wiç; 2.50. counslk'dtue nce's Vie duîg te the sent iwith the fullowing letter from the Nairu, hardly a sinigle Papist or Proalta TRTDY estlAislinient of Presbytcry in 'Scotianti, 9g1ood WEn'.lbinseîf, write aller perus. %vas te he feunct.hey wcre seunti Pros- amt e cfwhîtyealrbour re ng ale50 'and auxicus that niattea-s aliulti bc ng one cf dîem byterians, anti net a sept or clanl appearetiams iew'I er Drn h aîPrs,*0 uianaged witli mederati~~~~~~~~~on. But lhe was "Sir: 1 have this dar acen that pamph- oof id fCare rJae.N irce, ndaeksthe Sbeen quit formre(ralTrtngSlins' takien by surprise whec ho hord cf tic let enituleti, 1An accouttcf the P'osent terian can show that, irrespectivecof cf icand haro w nt 1he entr-ie. ErosbhIndnChef.21211 violent lîrecceduxîgs wlich wcre "publish- IPresecution o teChurch i - tan.distinction, there was uny fend betweeon th saout ofrs1y56, sthe ere "ntr. mcel, 3b. . 25ndie.; 3hmin. 20I sce. "S lta," andsli, 'auc a cf Andwigcf that ppe fr, a a furnithed MnrspniDutc.Mnrs e d at Pt. Whitby 4110,408 bushels cf vwhcit P R s P 5)Y. anserig o tht apel 1iimfunised d MntoseandDunee Motroe 'veagainst 230,00 busheis lu 1855. TIhe i 'sSoi-z-el nu.. Lautly -drer. i us as liatilaberedtiateexcuse the change with a.beter stc f Jîiiedze in tie know was a Prelatist ; Alister iWDcnî price paiti for >whcat, ut Whitby, tiuring Nbe~ b. h., 7"ý vuyd9crblt . 2 2 2 whc h igna ucedte 10ceusent to, inatters teetetdo hnaySoc-hsscn ncmad =aPPs n a-id hat rmsdl î hr raeic l n cth tissecnd u cnîmnti wa afurust;sud185, was néver ontier that pait at Toron- Turne, 1 min. 10 se. ; min. deacu tied urintis nie - tme ahavîng been an acter in ail the judi- se wSS M'Denald tie Keppoch bard whose to; and it frequently man ligher than thRt SECOrND D ldrto o.idqOrfinsit that king ctoie, adat ci-ci--diet sincetîîe chlange, stra ins insPiretihis brethren cf the sainie paidË h ltaUicciy-f Western Pups-, *100. don', ere m ih- is e Rtef' lce hn et thc Government 'and by, iforaton,;fdthte rmac lndefonce cf thc King. ThePaiada. Attetpreitn ctymret,4i 'ciethe riOl~eNmtiït tiek meauru sent me frein al the corners cf thc country iGe;rtons the Clanrolands, the Glenguarries w arehouscs are full, anti more rom isire- Mr. Gates', b.h., Sentca C7i#j. 2. 2 2 srethrr c." Lut what Iviolence" .always acquainteti with the Iat tdrcin- thc Glencees, anti ether cans wlise flccke<.l quirni l'o" warchoîg.s doms Burnet refer tc,? It n-as net the rab- stance of ail those transaction&sI. i wîî4» te thc atantiaroti cf Dundece, IVtScihmrThc total p &-enger receipts lit e mt theteciW net.bTiStation of the Grmnd 0rs.; 2a.bray, l'ýing in the n-e, n- hidhvi;a mnîre local bolti te say à that netci ~e- sntcu a~sso nc errl4IYthan Pros Lsrnr-s' Prir"IrJusol. anti- transitoer,-tbiîllltiOjj, but tM e falal frt nwhti se-e fnebtr.?any cf theni hatine otiier cou- b tto fheGadTukRiwy the At ofeyllble f trth i wha is ssereil f nié byerY.for thc two'weckis cuduîg the l4th Felimu- Alit 's, i. h., eJLlco......i1 thic Seott ut'ts l Parlia rlerinetetpr-orderîugaphletuet tpro-e veu fthateîvpamphletofq butwih thatnmetho ver, amfeun-te$44 oO Tho1 Ln 'hf, einn., ruuniug.)ce. daatio ucen, iaManti Mai-y, as Ring dation ofstm~ies reperteti cf cîhers la ffArgyli, n-hich iba heen alassamous ay r mutt e 4 0e i n5 .h.Ge ii . ... 3 at uete bc read in ail thse churcica the moat part false, anti as the tîîiugs are in theanIsc coc 1s wraim.nmer cf pa. Lse nrs booeîit iat dlsih, Liichu'inb 21m.; i. iajs. ;-3 . - .r- io o s tta hsfclisbe J wr 48 aImnlsfegî u-ra Tm n2 .;Sn.2,.;3m 7s by a certain tfai, on -Lie penalty cf depri. in that paper circumstantiatteti in every in- e o~ ttsttmi atbshe -~sien-s a returu cf1>1*711 2,5 uostwam-ds, enircy ignred b our hstona 1cAn' e'oPIZE-OI.D WATCIJ. Vation te tiiose mnimmis;ters -lie failet inh stance notorleusly mistakoen. For cvi-enreyieetby urltoa Ai $922 92e. For the present intti p te înswhiW/ter..... ebeyiug thnt erder. Iliaac illoe laehrijme eneatha en pF ieSevtrthe whenco his extreune eagerncss te ascribe the l4th w. IlTe last is t........a.1e1î Fart Cmau-frd kricw fuln-cil tint tIheina. whoe preceedings of the Côuncil in' te- thc whole cf tic turnailts ant i rîsinga cf1 Merrtts b. i., 17yer .. ....C jority of the olt i icumbenta were bitter ? nxwtou hrinn oesngewr, ,tpeidtetcamiinipdtyadarng riuedfgWhtsd's .m. aeuet8 .. 3d'r Jbtis hes ndthaer ongasd ed i atier in the jutigments, confession, pro- eunning of AglIIWV a e tur thopu li eino. the buisieas do ce- at1 tliir hagesthee vOtldbe -ne pence t a btions, or sentences. Andt t ans-uver aIl thery te acceunt for tbis aise. W in parison t0 that n-iich n-i bc 'nt the Open- CerCiim tic~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~y Chrio tiei ctat.Ieei u od eepoi-affirm tt n-ee au guesa lus reassns for wisiing te -4 ai an oPpem-uity of testing their loyaity. m-elier bythie meeting cf Estates uer Pi-.bcrnceal tathPepcry haIet-cm- sin-n it inK f tiao sprîg. Tue mentlcfeNet1cru i br gve Ile arîgi-st rettrî)s forpaeuc '-ndrwi!îKîgBsaio pekorde' las th Y Pî-ofess, they ii«z-t w ili g to ,y C une has any persen been q îi en < :t-fc ts i e c yr iy a ti O P-S fares îO Th-$1he,7oa1,r0s0rocaim tI'at iey ar ie s rt efuee rai teyalubjects, they énocis lesa ceneureti fer their-epinen or pa- sionn-hile Presbytery has as uniférinli r-,average reccîpta fron -cudne euet edto ir people Uic tice in Chuoreis verumeut. but upen st opuet h id flict nt rgesa. he m'tssc ofer l re eti ls, showa e.îrereee ircRfiimr iie Iîredl:sîatlon cf Parliament. TiseJacoit. alon c nd ocf hseniig thc Riug's au- A <awiec hm tnios inc- h eni cquenbsase h wstc g tion tc xeusriit. U tersp en for te clorgy-, liOn-Ct-r, lu tieir,>autipathy te tie thority, eltier dirci]v, or eonseqizcntia-llv psl iiha -i a Mgiat ao>tii aga euu orfegt utcOnh ,pryc rgea icrrpdaealnh nen- (ieverulsietnt, fell mbotihe net nhieh by deny-ing te pray for Ihim lyn îeIe rnipe hlyi'peie cfil me- ondin 29ts- Nomber, tcfeigtbti lusinta1,gs.Udr eat '1wla-yolti Presideut. hasti apreat iefr Ceuncil n-as se favorable anti tender lunîle- lgeu mccneae naita sTe l.vfessina-iatuse it 1,2 oo pltia dahsteydthe Iit 1 : ýTîigioüsbcrbc freigart-beusehaltietlgiaticeRefermera cf t'.e Piivince shallsign tie tliu-:. Marsy cf tîseinrefusedti tea-cthticpriving cf ministers as ifb bey liait icen condindo tuat Ir. Macahay f fullon Jtepi G'., ii, tie suceToercftti aon proclamation, anti n-m-c tepriu-ed accord- proceeeînin umaltra of blondi, insoînut-hi ilsg eoa ai iear hi i i Mr.re So i lu bt-cnTrub n i f%-tnqot, cla suci a man as Mr. lagl-. This n-astbIl violenuce" fur whicb itint tut-y acquitte t ircc anti four ai l o-r f h oeash st bekaKngtin, latet nog4 n-d mrer large t Burtiet aays ho n-as net preluareti. It waà 1thiî-ty cf tisein n-hosc libeis wen-t-zcntdis- lance n-itiî tic fi 'sof Calvin. conain ir.lat f risudmeotreor aM.S ne uhamna r net th- ,.i.,',~. , -..~ e.u~, ..~î ~Sncb traversitieS cf hiîstory cannot long rqiei i aoaleain ad utue z- ' Baldwn, tic st-cessecf tisain. violence cf tis ~ far leas cfUueîiv *'" a'-"', --'-"*s" atStatien-heuse we notice te ho a great îm- Rtt atni.Teeetei atsn " lime great body o f bhe Preslbyterians cf at te aime turne crimes cf anoîlier nature soi-vive tic age lu which tlic>- are ivritcn. -mn nththndon trcue ofluovisieing sexcecfetic manofairs -fnghol-sc mit or rejet-t aimaispretonsiens; accepting n i l P ritv y C o u i c il lu eu stin g tise J a c b ite t i tise c g n iz a n c e w iie r co f d id n a s ile îî p r ia i y e i-pre b e u io n s t b i h e t n t e T w h s w e %' e n . e o e e p - Cim-rgv. - mi,..,moe . - rdiaryreserch anti aîhismusl i en ii ck'ehtilaseen ats aln noreet CIergy. ~~ * Ibclong te us. Tise post is m-ati te go anti more t cm-odinary s- it ; n cir ere6oepriuaso h mua f "n rjcsteelr (Wt' give the n-Iole passage fren, Burnet 8so1 take my icave, anti:LinaSir, yeUiz -, busIla ruimysgait;nesto- ientdome.pAtrticulaa oftc ar n'atcalhrniea ajuna evtttensions. n-isei efea tebias sbjet: "empains I îî~-r-n~. tonguti prescm- goidt'u-liucd e_ýcliequer, ruies du.A i W sty r utir hallm-cnof rjeesIotie preeons - erfr t hssbec oplns it-o au n ngSave thlin frem tic fate tiat oulneti by Messrs. BmownPat&Co.,W ainoprceitegecrrses ivrebrugt o ic(,ouej c al liseI Edinburg, Marci i16, 0 '. n-isabent S'o ent. cf castîngs are t- medetfer Ibis flat rejectien. m]I li d nml î t reand nom- beve t hetic pro- 1 W e aiculti net c-b 1- h ave ufeemed 'ai t e lil-onieucti productions cfof pro.e - etraîn cadi ncek. Thre are un-srvisef tire Violene in pratical afaira bti-nysf clituatiosi; aritIse>- rn-c ua surnmarythuis charge n-cttI -of se muccinotice, ~ductiens cf hcarning n-hîhent principhe, cf stengh. acton n adel I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iele>quence heauing on fables anti cf talent hideipogainnfuh"dana i n- odyut cf tng as Fu eti lu paentr -a>- timpriN cd cf lIseur beucticca. lu thi t net indickte, as efred-vthse resent a îi salssnuat rceta u i- oy eevn si ic t ~cru inele-meibvleagsîc n-lUs errer. Be n-but lhe mu>-, a hsetbihet n roe n cxccutimJ bis, Lor-d Ci-ani-ford sîioneti n-tez a spirit soeonhat n-cise than religi. huadsoeo I i<lw i7 uch ca,,erue,,saanti violence. Thmse nlihomsIi îv cla- eua-ntncianti su>-hatlue w ilî, people n-ilinistrust othesauist eucfhekiComla, nycr hturei eueryficeataroofsud ass in isa h di1 net i-tad the- procl-amationi on tse day te hcarit prde your Scohhe -ioe eprsenatinscf. use-an euttcpastheymanufTcueofmpa n- ave daanstelet- a pode'on eku luma l acviîttihaulel'xe taub îc'tid l an, -ieea nt-m-f1-îte icstp y lias becu cous-ictemi cf %ilful nisc omect u auacuec ta ant ltiilet-M easio ecuath-li paotvrtitdi hyddi inwoaadvrfgvetetib Esepa. nliegines, lun-lsich brasîci lie>-are likcly te kn-satiucfaarkn-mtehti aflrsuard. Anti mpon aîîy i-cm-cihiat feil i dicti exaggeratiof, Wc have isert ti eng xteudti tiir trade ilargeh. The immense 1bt-st, if.--Dot tlhc ori)-mens Of politl tiserun-e onuci u h rtho h t quantiha- of mill-n-ork fai-ms lie great bu. - 'F'*-e Firmucss temrpereti by f:sim-ncs, pet-- frcsiiits e itier lu thir z-et-temiîeram-v îplantt'd b> tie establishîment c rs>-ofa icusCrylnhu xirig ieadoea i fudms' ela-eas e-ornotost pberao-aeeaac rs rserinons, tint siion-ed ilisaffec. bei-y athet'Revelubien. As eelîing freni fittieaî.eiscffrbrdtuyIosezeti excateie tn d n- e hve lu serntoe ulute 1.net b - e-t-Inte Gcverumene, tht-v nez-e aise i coparr -' c' cejcm-itl.the se tilu n-t--e puhhe lsi. them n-ee au undci-stand and makie some jîib1os -adngat en aein bat -etnietnan oprwf, n hrr-ltdnt vvoec u ) depîvd.Ai thsethng wee ubis-allewnce for tic sorencas tiey feul on Ibis wrsle udrcmed ele, sheps attaclacti. Tiectausenglue used i la rîncîple is Wby, 'i) and eray's Enslnet-elacm-.ltaeaoag-sfi ftecn horse peower, anti tumus thr-elathes. Pasmiaimentar -oppoasition eau eit'i prt- gmatatt-, anti ralacti tIseavez-sien tbaLtie stanip enibraces soda u opom-umty-f-iay1m__ * -1--- ---1 h 'iiea. ac pubjers o ( the scar- - - dioua Journail knqos çiiii ai-cl : t ph praoftj>jm Tiri Snsue' i&eOO5ttdiW 1eO hsý - s t bi d te f~ th e ý G ovcrn r ýî'n -C ouu i u, w ith c a cview e t ô. s 'e-- ' J o u r n a l. M . le m s a nn h u si u ga C a t ! uo liCU 'j < ~ i a e o n ' i î L C r ' é t - - - a shaternettequall- 1utrue., - - 1 JOUX Bdh<,ôot- - On the lahîer'peint, nwe would niai Mr-. Ril c tseCe-mCC 'Tùne<, iie llinson. tespeak fez- imsclf cWe. rçfcrou qpsei>t4tgpii our routiers te tse ltItem cf M4r' l59- c Whçsrelu-or columris. , a, t Th'fBeelin peciowiy tise respo>sillepnbuserçf M<lrua a n n atper slsuld in. of s a~~ -~ a p ti ta« Ç th e Ç l ."thric -F~ iê e 15t -ythe n_ a C'iey wfill horefiei;n ni s a m'aiT,- oisis iO$iGîic nas sasam properusihiesg wuiie 4tytsswmsî -ub l soaVfY (7ehsMi afet- - - rlI Y tlej otvs - é'pe pt, -,toe g o. ~ - I( Il -Z I Çatssliecljrlers- r paur..v.- -. n sebl &à obi MX*Wwql»*ý swýa-- ýý 1, ý,.,ut ýe42 Leu w 1 a n d i g i n 1 o .' e s c e n d fm - o r p t i e b o it i u i-- - ' i e î m o a~Ci fl ' 1 1 0 . 1 ji c m i V r l a < a s s 5 i T S d ter iosaa'e iiseil'frfornihe 'etiye th nvi0;is.>ýl1 as nihe of iltýe cft14 usstî4j inso *eftdei-ý' or a .sce1cf, Cn-c -hia aV thit -sh îet;ng c h let .una ltS ts s t a n t i > o n l à a -l e g s a su d j u at a s c o u s t . a x i y C cdil . u e t t t i s I b s s i d i n *- A m 0 t i l c - t u s t u i g t s î s c r unucsflin Ilis efforts, the prceedlna iomio '%tiefayc-tekhi onma1 ise ie9uaisrCoa'i> cf lal yarls 4Session, cf -ailmeL prov e chair. A ie eM> nc- 'ieeh Mr. Bren-n by thse tewt of practiesdz m'cnrlt T1 ao -aia esmnctoz~ o- otliusm .aoaalgpo a dcided Eilure. 6"A G vernentali b> hafront* ee lacuattable M-. s Ltua-h uuc-e.m--r hi r [ poUibi14y" he as confés-set hiir.glf' ogunt nui-h lo tfoustii uIl ti-on te cisrg-e upn t*ri - p o l i ti c a l s u c c e s s , hti c n i g i h a v e c o rn f e s s e - t i e - r-s r t ti î s e t ît i o n o f ) ui l a ' ' - m f l i e i i - t î t b l c h e > ltt-.tîtlhummta- ut-ualitruth a n-t-ta -e L imjn'actcaiiUg. ie peuple cf Laandalacc ofonPi'tis tretamgi tîirilk se, anti refusse tg) i-celect i ii. Tie cîimes at-a-e -iefrre t pcommit -mm fa u incsCraisî~ et e Ztelltcro u il b b e-xa stt t I c - j n- tî',te i' -n. close cf tIse session san- tih oit. gentît- iiSret ramln rV-e-t~ -Ifs tcue- X-df&'mîe' mnii assitui*kateti clo-er andiel-t'-in the d s-cc j'SîT tttise petitioi or- ~ kcîIdeain~ u. opinion fbe fluse ivillMr. W. Lyon icadi-Cit-OIl 'iConatbt it Ji a s iL~ rrmefmittssi MecKenLeo. "-Question "Qui-stien Re u-- paigfi u tntlsimtnk -tic2 î ïta-nlIL .---eh~ is -'S'ek ' "poeU "Orgler 1" - Orde-r!" fzzt-; h Eiaic c tie. t5Ii t and otît- " s i h ier maitsîaiie te:v i îclarm pce t ,tilie pet<ltien f' mli<o uas 0'-i.uzsnmd ticîces cf opinion, 9rovt-d pl.mitlv Ici th- Z. Buriana, Jcc . 'Il ei>,Ec.aiii- -~ d -cC su-snger i0 the lieusje or -iil-tbis t çîis-Q L r-fri tm'ete) te W Chb- ram- i sth La a ofu toit-ards fle LIriiiation cf laît'y-car's tc. tsel efezrcedti t t::c same (cmrn- be iatc til Sesc~Len Mm-Geoge Bran-, ne mater mat;e Leg ucc-L'sclic.ce. n-ls.tt - li h stmecgii a.3 an Editor, 1 et r -rpres,:cnteclI tie petti mia Of.J 'I, in-tciho L raaa- - niliecrs cf 1shah cha bhass focnboie w a s s eo r n iL us a r l i a i e r it Cf a i l i t - i g i t at , i t s m j- e - c îl , a r i t t i ug e c r î r u n i r ap r o % iallutencapti-ll' isiSie u, stl iatlmeri<-c'. ne n~menti t-' é- . y hlÎm Lu opcilaitg n sret a e i cii tiovetninc not tatte- hon- rer-* - - . .r niýa mmjt, mma f uce evs i', > aC- naitpra>îuig tie Camucil ho îturcuase s ss wne 'iste"Ivesdiam rii m stofnees:t ý1e . orIl tl r in'exte aig andpro.n liiise~ s gîît fer efnit f tie Town. Bfr istusie i iete rigl. A a, l ,p-i eîitCenuite r icesanti ii- - lu cS foi tie ýeueft fthems. m d e m - t h e u its c e c f n r ,r t-thio m l t -Il ils i n fl u e n celn a d a u e c t e a u t h is a c c o s u r t i f s as solind poliry, n-ilî on ail su2î oua-a- oe-n-u.rspa1as ina"h cdsr'd sSie c sasas usb~îu tsam goîusmunt 1lme 1 :Ii. lougacu pres--etectiic srîrial c' - -oob lsrd l sil n sition seein :arm-.Bm-itn wmssiidr. iXrj:Theî a-ul nn'e-Leiaui Ire siu te its fi eud. To t i ie postin inic 'ir.cl'riv wa dr-' îmemblits havre paiti their Sbci i L'îg !a.at -' -aralikt a Sm>:!huSýcaIzlande- rs.s'îg e-a uccms fsii-. traccur-ent >-cism; il rn a>- be i ~Rum,.î" un ndin m Z!' e ai îiei"isCt.ilererrec o Finance oilaitce sittinit- kC scs ie-.i Ccsistc pottc ea'in iia tstii-a'ar -t it tiel ttse- "is cf l.urlamrm dii iaV icccitae . - .lce j-s -caCa Asemsamu te rt;el, cti f ii îe iqicc ithsthe nst iaIuc m The 1nûmc er fe)r i.liim.s',,in apeointli -o ee zamin Vtmi~~~~~~ Is olmal;illtue ce -r':jtir.nl cit,' hpiari et r. 'llkcssIri - ac-tte,:i lu Ctutailsc feani hlu - us - ertfull ase t-nibs-t fm- ai:ssirthe V.osrt iaiaics -a eho i---t har laia uurc i4cta' IUt inn t:ea,:re 5~tlis, to roine l r-cons:esi tc dotin f t~~î -~c eo c tui sasea Iue tvhei~ irîgl a] ceaid -Pls ' nd sc- i lct :Çî s iesas-u tdr t -z- o lni tiii I'u aî.mini x es ishr re î<air akis a pi-scualestutae; cjsirac tse>- a c)ie c O hf -ra tcst'eug-,anru I e c ru i-l ccpl'cir crirs;'-ii-I ti~aisa t he -tadomption of te be mil icLe-tre gs-s h- ntrcaeV bo - ; thtutcareiO îng ic-siz-;s aut-e ben dcli cf fi- lt0o5- icc icim .' I - i ot.correct>'ucrse - tim-er sPn nti, slc fsIl ,r-riu mt lcîe zai hur i' i<i uii a'fMi.ha-e, eon ' b1I ls-tea 'acC-ytl PuIcci lui-s os i zt- of mat- . smclec em irig< rr las tise Chair. îGra+ P '-s l'by i I ls ras bue-mth l'ls ah gI-tri oîSilbt-.iiilhlui-ate Lt stm uit-t-i I M a-orttceOaih t t-( ouîîatrîthe Lecturshe, sc 1 i horus 'ans- a~cý t,-tiend tepaLtkt aUtÎ Is- tg) e T'omarillC -Tc.lelis h~ lo Sil thamu c tmoo cftus-m art> 'uîlil 1 tii-s, 1-o cs-rduiigu ieipotneceerlKoi litcinm.itomî, ls às7,v. 1:l teorl,e ;i iidgoofSCpnoi-t1d ue s-ort Ps nt's m , >- To as Rz i of 31r.g t-aoI i ma-lealr-- tcli uj M.Iea uasnttteaeit ttp iTi e chturesn Geology an i elîît iz- vf lolteslS zga 0jq) is, u ios-es :l îz-ct-i. i aîui.go fo immni%.1. M Cu e luuiItsce M te- z)i iguas îmm-oîed "î- i r a;erng tihe 15 iilrliwe nlitilReCo, r i rhaecBo sniîi-viirzca j sîreiz- t aIliluiesiute 1mb [la oftimei.e-a i l'- l'l ot-etetsCport. Ren. jLia - a> tete mo tcf M0vuai 5 Ceninitsûras iimuaItice le nie l tt-cl c t)Oiti ii on n-c meplia e ('lt-ir- Itic tl',eport p thg e Re an ti o n lthe I imlfi-t fhi uslitos - min.Ilitify by -. Th..r tt rs r ow n,*bm t c in crithe.Ire-,l t< M- z-lL1' a iacio u t, ite sLt-occ Mt~ iue ti alm ra lc ia peoraeî,Ibiis jei-nawol fo 01ivîlI o t dratliorba mm-ste iictbcand hîs l i ontn-a telc ls 'liuu " nt Çn L-shea <c-athct-cm- uns oftiru a rty ? h-î Ie W seeso-t ese i aritiu- eadreîri î'i-ot-iciemisth j Tîe liStc freealK i chmrm le piticn a be lie, sFssfRsjallls tierMton f iss kni ae I -4essme n, t bhie se n as £50 E' Lt-eullain-a r lel t o rt off delr a. as Ais-ci re tri ipiieal gaiiétgbtinalIe.' r t vt-' ssîot -a aszte eLt- n -cici hi L ebul, XII fo1vro 2P peet. îei' V o o Le Teaul r hm al, ' 2i i ('eraCuuitttee fucohetireport i-os train, soûrne.ý,,sec-ritýfrerita' - t-h cre oz-tetiî're of In me tjcrccscr . liasjaMmiî-. WL h le h9m ltlli se ud ieet o 'Os trio £'5s bh11 , a - rat l s.-umr.o T C ler(it titnecsis.cimifo mr i t ci i - t--ca il îtmntc c iiw el hré5 coruse hion hie prcpi-eb r altem tm;t-s- st-.ase-r-r s-c accîr~~1c isc~ cre an-i treRe o au- as he cto: - t s -iî-t -du ort-Is s --suon e 5-us, Cer-1d isrpotpoges n tîsin av o m Os uasîuii rust nsmcs. theassssg (;r1 ict cde IC!- /ic . Icr r .s mcm ' dc slc sirttûaLu t mco-isn iici -ltIepa e i tisef is Iti fthe cn,>Wý tisc- ic tac5icicccacti i'/ t t h cor5. <ce- i'.cus-sm e icmi' eior bviCicciA et5uussiocm erec atoie, ofcib-tlusi utesj "-eheuiai-ke of iimilm-e-,tc s c, tisiic ou rnal for c cr' ,imie u <siint uai On, &S to, %iiebtua ins alsticwa . sicîiuruar;i-es-f ic Tatit otfotiarou Qis It'-, tea tisveit, huti i uesa csf,co j msiiiigcf '. Wkee bs sit oraik- ,pprechn sedé-e,'sils a ie ih 1 tahmto Po itis ual rci-c iuc aFasicQ o-tt t a is e nako. -ctte) io t iaee ti é' itt ts e a i h ofy e>stti (intrus-ic tuuisiitcesct 5 rlapi,'eto fot ionts u eth - he niutl-betavek~- Atwisedi aiBrideaasitrepent, -cTiia ydaCel p1e ry êlail ise w1êjbi Cap'. ioi6in-n' ar4ras y teVale f heaitmpotdats j Mcat- - lip fom tLie "lu-onî 1e c-st igvo c f h i O 4tn .iand ti sa ho f ~suuet- jî i ct-it-seu lui sia Tet-ri, cuuipsecl t he c o sc>L 'îiLi Utleti- - I ewmtbyaCîmleactw v,7-ran*.-emnoemsmm -roereq m te, tat acgm- itl ii Ict db M ihr lilie Reia rtuclbobc1 'Ageinnt il- i .Tr,'s.mhrpr 1,1Per 'm - P1 an 1- Hito --1 s: , 1 catg.-- lu..riiec - s. is prectscly that which wé hive bcon wont scription is ý,own to the -el vîsîter at, this who had wastçd tbe RrNAIVAY.-A team loadM xviel

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