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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1857, p. 2

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t --- - t~ - - - - - -i---- - - --,----t- - t - jrtbcjerife ofaboniinable el con scille of ayletin,8elI-I iltVi-cô*ied wthe'TowL T th ýlBlU àtrthe-Ctraiion case, our indigente tenaturally ý4tb1t b> as M ,,' The Town o MIit .&il dtuje za ade, iA.J gn A C' <ovcrniientaî iipou'sîbïlity" ilstbyAf Mr.î~ of the.town, the different pltcl ate n their con- himi4ruf i- an sai-ti <.oiniity of Onta lb ar-tb9Yarc iwelttin-i ofuèîce. t.r tlit. ~ ru Ii-ie W al tentions foi- the a8e ncc.Btw~ucta tf otyder a Jjil 0Éof truiggçri,. . îîJudla&* h Wifyseey.onu1y 1)tals. am.aï haii onlmigtelegrapli ahould bac xtrentelv careful et the prescrit notti~ore up tICv4fl "IW1 r1t'Qt loevrdeiou w na iCalv 4bd%.5Oll TteSC ritut à% .fi -l ,é4'fhi é,yiting al the brick Ibuildiings wortby.o o.a An c. tract from the Chins Mi, fpr.W aîudb aeu wit fic (er nye utivent t , IenO ctc îiebe btfat of port. Éâtirierorf er-tice--crectcd ineet thte# m1,4 ye th Ith aye.~."The factories have le~n iorn love andi atrifratio n expressed f grus r «$1 turbnycc. N ild ng f Uic> are san nuuneroutiuft nt'twiîx8tairid" iibcnwubsCurcsI e<OP.'îîniu~ueggîî burneti doNa by the Chincse, andi the only by sorte of Ouîr fricudan lwdst îwho$. 11ftVytiiA tisrigligiyltr',ug u bt elo srctieliey e mt Tecodtin f cil ae n particuliulà we have salîrained arc that short time ago, -we- ianx.oi o, aica ocuanis-i toqt lub ir iiudi>lvr iidyiî<ed11 pi o>1o1hn. i hs fo îîtin. Ti11 ig oîirca ove fh- i fterbal~u> ecitif.u a*bot Il o'd kon Satuarduynight. the t<heu, cires las nureni-. We shiouit nsuadaafo oitel,<bsr îîtothe îîper fr i.Joseph Gouîi>i's >part i'Otur fro ntcse tothauîtisone wo émtilîat btyoe irrpt r flanies broke in êrery direction Vigorous utiso ho carefiti not to pcrnit aguii>' i . .1. tlirown-lecel. Therîi'ç,tir. eahasyhiiingWthuta euhirdetho in itA reports of ti. e ,- - 1 ri< - -gce Xnarasto içîiar theofgrevvtti-St A<th atteniptut wore madie b>' the seamnenandi whêither "Within the camp )or nutside the i lrCl orinîstanice, miht ih Iuni>itaîdb.etagsitM Mene M. PiAtil tiSOLMrluns O-oî-aîîi aiI iidu ise ii0p7 he ivglto stolnprorlbut ail ateips inesl teuso_ our- t as- twi«iithé lî'ovltîcîaTîcsUrv batve eliu inen tuaine utprgreuu. attîupts to ifl~îtîo ~ ,o~f Nr. er Brow-n in thc - iep- W udl Mi.. Moriairty hct.lliliiiWihyaqate fï u raîh f vnthief1~.r~ GeorngentreSti ct. IA wore ftilamsu,anilthe fire raged througbout ibr pçrsnal or sfçlf1sh îmrîmoses. Weimîist inivassille ieýol î>gct of iinklusg, we iîî-c-t -yuo ne i u rw1ak ~ oitcsgoîdnii~~v- the itighit anti up tn tire timo of the steamiers hc, îîctiîat#d bY a igher afin and lroauicr c1 Eie wt h iac n aa~ --'>~O *uiciarture. At first sanme hopeg were e. a iiîleL. n.- - tt&iuorgnl G >;opia a.ih h lle>iof 1). onlki'~~hci~C~oi' ihwicbi ecoiitueiswrie one.Foî nu<îgte<i otnia d riîiireeianesuiihtbc xtth e ý. ý e Vi ltte tiinuusrif -o a&C4etijec (, 41-cW G.. txit rcwiuîî,ý terauct <bt heflane nlgb b ctun * fi - -Dý- - -----'---- - (c of the f ;di c 4 hemitritiir<o oiîg foatlu >Urskili l-u o nctne, hae nintuur ntÏ tPrr-smttîe ea> i - g isheui but frehAlulres broke ut.Nc Xvrfont. tislee yu >' thspci--cîuiid >s " hnurele tî uîuee f. ,îî Cstitrcutqi4ediyt&rufédat lors ficRvr ano ur1l/ New [seille (- 'inm. 1 - - uuîgtise,< the ltL Pantzeos preluises muce-the first to go, aul-vtn lari iiciuc j~e h fn fP&rinctuuug<i-hs e îen~.forilorthli (fltniob11t (l um ,,hrct»fi, it juoful ieiibins, dnwejo'torscb>muul haiuhu-A Ur-Iih i'1 udîî adliiil.;s<o tQe.NX tQl ,fu-IiOîulîvfifth i îî irto elle- i a.- .Golgl agrtt itiuo 0 tîàluiuius ret- fuîs f hr of :sryanititrpes u hntsaîd lbw, nt nTQWlla atto l'elle of Jita ,u log, Iniperial 1 - - 0sixth4o - l 1.(:ruc fa' Northtî cllstyîr w-scvrvuieu-hntîîa~ le uoîieto tluect aniw at. ute teîtîsttclriyt i Fîcnch in~uter anti aîkes îog'uu wre ~i is 'la GovcruîîineLtiuiq éiuiSblitv .-ffto dispjubuv lîurcii-'tlî- it i ucir uc tL eurkbuderuîy u~r le fyiLee mf ot.iih~i<hi Mlrft'iuoîI l adl -s hruîtet t ere Co- anul-i>i-jartncit-Jluxu Alezan- sieuv-au Li-tîîcseitiitiir<i c uu< b'i jîoi$petitùii u i no uisru-iui. ii on- ajîv11 tî-rtwî ia leîiîî E lt1mee lecosqeceo i tî: ilithi o$ rrtho,ri-ai*l. i t i ty t-he li pt înIiîe >f ve f in u eic-fr~îc n uiat h <uert>ui d olii smnusa L osevbllirngeiu, ie nechcut 1u e orurtiaîogs.tc por ni trg!ig ctira<tjcni o-fila w re oBritish puýu-ljhs>iiclAseuubly, andt lic actuai; ic m 11111-4*l07t1e', à<oi 'lfi- i- - t lucr e v util.; îpt a btle tcîe gu a- lieîr lleut Ntis n ue O1i "Ie t S t)slti,andte r6 mwarrlîoîîsc,. Whist bu t 11îîlélîcdle;of thQse * lu ora ote, atib li - %n Liaitus I>cpî-tîuî-ut i oiS<-tbituaiîeu -stuînduis pîtiil oui opoAUuîm h :uî:u to hv nt -b < - a t hîith îarîîccîateîciîg u u b u t p a d m ra i s u i e uu <o t a th e r 1w . a e li ta n ie a u i n in t a s t d e s n o w . N uop a u ~ . . î > u i -sit.tonneinteIîgih le, uol-riîracu-id solii wornaucurùeqluuftriuttheîuniulrcuit] ne*s uî tt- Tusîi, dttofu lccoiue -tiuai- atteution tthe ubliinugtheo Towdn a n d î iue- i-c- - - --f tJ u uuaà is i t itts w q j i - . f e o u n t r y f r b r i i , t o s e < l c4ata -t hti e ,u'r um1 C.iuiiiluiuunl V. 1. *T4 4oui8t iie- ira itenwauiîiuîg 10 build a liîoiruo, ust le h i lPortiPerr anti <lue disoarge ofshdl azl rocku-ts waatiutus f-the Iloi4e Mener for L stucx-ilottiy.siflhaln . !it> ad ssico wt wuclonw scea f h Sigo avgtin "iîad ad to bav-c coinliènceuil. It is re- CidR~h~~iiiotela. t ,te i.dfve.rayhtvr>toi l -t i. lrin's hor th onu- - 'n - eah ilnwvsUkIcnes ar ' f<h-Pttiip -. Citpeet. <o lue uhesigenuttonforltlir déiveruiMayrbc: birjn fn arclî t'etti let vçapect, herrcam in jluin ot.an(] siLng Pot' httg htci plfie ete',but if M. leteol . houalitiare1-an poreu <at<hc 'b-es aohgiet < te aruî-Pilkeu-*'s ilbid. î'wliîas a iera n-tute norpublic t<fuie ci] i ouîd o urguiuuColi- arîpîlnte c:znet r unul tet iiuiii..i iclcami fkuwuLudavwl aahs ~i utE Aîuranatîthorities for the outrage coin- 'rd elîî-Çoî-îî& Siuru«moo>. akig ueoxenss if "' < :i--1)enpo.fol"('sîthiicroî'u<--i"rho enic fit g aaty abtaamiinusru- lc vii nt e't Sîthnor faroîuFeuloi ah TheKiuold J-th e îiermuî fa..<ver- 5,î nE Fi \uh' orVit]Lut- W lii au lo--Il<lus Nni,1e lieft-î-cuice 10 bi ou- iusisanzo ofoî <aclluer RO~piuîi ___ at-lcre -i<iumnten ofa tlue îuhlit ta1<>thue bu-eutsunproftale: a-i thue building, wc - - fult-vuthî nuearGt I munî-ntafart th< t -i l 1w ;1:r>-tiiOM " h u - liiul, is ievoiti tuf ail <asti- antl orna et r hocwo tte onunuîu-t hp iihua-salha.>c jOi bit I>iI.ffl ,or ~ (,JIUJ L->IiIU t. lule for a wilfuhil tVlu-u-qju ~îgliui.niuil. 'lh îie ninî-ntoftuftinAi-cht-t gîa<uroreehlpttoauiue hucyfriitwlltxu.ip%: T>ur rcuilera arc fiuiiiar Withl <ic rsjuiteiig fpblc uov t<lic rt,. -WC wush rour ('îiuty < ukcln woit hevr ite tduinlý i herm reaîcoafninilboa Ve i _tvihi tîn ene aiet a êtiiiliaices entier which a youu curt nrri,: 41'j i >- i -tfO;-4i y 'mtu ,peiîîs. wîîii i. sa-iiii hi.kii r<éis- n < o pruii ako - hu aigto f h e.g i 3hiuxie ctenhrOf thi,rftv r'eiî vîî~-Tliiir>-daý,I'elhriary 26 î, 1857. nE froun ten <n tw- ttàîhtusau.'lllaocuti-. i -ulierî--- u t e - t- .. - - - ~ -ear A wn Il -cd lhpoi hid ltiltO intali-i > l<în c .nl bu icbl a i uuu:îî:ge<7r - l-d-'g <in heuit<,tiiiîuiiuî u oarth ulh ani y<i npuauc ,ýilgIe oibis orthe aY tat u- itlpai-, intli hus etîv iite ît <it rpi ii aill p ,manihslias dujuptputîefontftulhow-eàrl <bis e cunefi etcher -u il-- e iuueu be -ci uh t he rulio un su~ I t l'd i. h e i l kd c ti onSb., Br c r oin i- ituci'. tii <.7 liii. uu-o,îL hi cui s e :i uîe t I c itiok .- s or D'if lu>. - n c fi whi h lus c n i en - a - P r o .> u i hast aîothc~ ungtihtr cet u tî>L, T""listaOfPuh hisher na tli (7urttiiu-l bau-c ikc the hue m >i-iaske ofpao-enof-seoorg rustatncesin honCîtetwi ih iic i i uu pire muîerehy tir "ouui Cuic-il. u>tiuitîiîgtuo l ho dstintio îeiî thi i- U it Lu--ut lrg- e n ut -b uilac, a il~ smiultue have-thuoto1t-itatI <itee1'h edicaionul, fo- lca- Unt lepr- iniiuiu--ineeof a tet tIl-îunand< i>. t-bu h loe othelos roson<n fel oft>'tp-odictin wil ave eenbirgl>'itt th a t u-aspireuliiv reeguarxiceptof îll!îV i publié?nii nc1 .bu t a t e m wîîicîî a p-i-t juinuit] Unuler<luis heat] ire aaunotravohelPted)y aven fie Portl'ulie itail;le by <111lig in I onn riWor Çove }ron. Out T tîîîcîî P ucioui. -of lie irle-hveionkowh aliouili , -otar<huissed as t - -huas ci h ete- ; i i l e i tIi-y p ie dit , ' nti - hcwY k l ove uuult hfo P i reci veuý l ore -rn alte af laetlu ti n o;ut' - it 'q i-ui - l t;. w n u in e < a e ha e i s t u tc i s e i < u o t e l a i g i cy a t' i hv u b W ii W i b , aeil n f c :tueefî-e &s~et~. daolic ui guly on Tuestia' 'i't.- -theu-v din tin u ue < h our eilIeU. verytw i f utl hu- iîu- ngsof cittCe-w oji-sW ib , tIo i 0 0h nthî- uf<eu- hahf-euut twa nu-ho-'- goncraltri-tfsfuclion tutntheuianniurin>vlcasemout <iatauuouy ho si-t on foot for il 1orlté slt siidt ae imtttii'rrîlo utve u ucut"--- Mhrwua <tteu fr rluiehf-. hi: IMn A W ruiu A-eito, u lus n-n <ui luui Aon->-bt benco'bett lv -.iiuisuacmt. Th reèlysio ~ia 4 ru, u c s e ~ ue ir fi i c o b e 1a < iru h ea i e- > o r Stu i tts o u i lt- e r lu e- tu ti s ac o u < u u v a oMî t-uni i a y t w ita oi i ii- i u etîu uans p rete t.I- V n - i n r h ic0oin t n lw , u- u u f r P r P r i f o e * u u l u - i u - î' i o m Mt e o v ei iF roun t b u i l d i n g 1 4t - - î îo'a hbv l i c t îlhu e i i u t ' t hi ixe s e t f - u a i < i i b b i r l t - . i b - u i i u g i i - ' ' w u n î u i u î h i - u wt edn r t u t u e u t h î î s l u e » C - .-u-,'t i- h~~eiscntufil-a oîelo it cr t t ît uFra.i 2 lor lo ih'îi185itn7.taullots tuu- inaIlot-e pin tihuaîuiWitCunhtavtethe Sauîiug Cnnîxi<ee -tilec.ifhthe, wllreit-t ufnit eoBta -anuncîvh-ut -ir&un itPsv liaitlive- . Ily-b-t'à ringc <ie c ascuefor il ni k uand nuio uintu ýei-ttu-e : h-uuu.lle f Wcîi n nn - ;i o , . ;onutisdi .mileve- s oil iuî-i alz suIlesC tIiul ile'It th'iow ui r huae l n t ivîn W e fa ou .,iî h i E <le S u t ~ i ib <i questi-n, rrselucu, 'u. akin1 l îu sr o n ' s u -,g r dst t"lctu r s o f l i r nI S, h cp t u> î ôaap iile ulre h o n a I e n > - u i r e t, < t r i g h o 't e a - Wod i e h l * t et c - i a d D n i - k zl i lu as t y l e ol it- i i h n - c a l h o ' a-. t ai r e - a e c < n n , < h i i t lu e aa s h 1 o -ot î î - i t l u s t a u î d i n g m n i t r th e z n t L Ton,îe u t f u u l i au d 1 6 o f o l î c e), t o a r r 2- ~- r liet S. S. M rîfn s oel lu qietf- t (' li kîî-mu llui Prý t) iuers e h iui< y a u I Pon i ecp i t u i ne . W re îuPcaeu 1> red ii t l fronitec aulrpu-ed ii hoagrgtcutttheie o <u fisIs'cr<tidn u-I utrut-ultrpofbe -t ithpuiî ADu 0ul ' A-u < h M iei- <o p -tuî opiesible)t~hi ihui h aiegsOte t-att, Siern in egre ht l( iiiî violrBotesadJ 4) j nn.patfprte lui tor c r t nte l>eitaly Rcu fielollehs r,;otf*t o ii ti - t.1,1q Iotea- ils *tiu laecotent ourshititit ion -he01-c--i,1101i0-id1încîOfci-'a;itait-,, Rinetl eti. lr liut) ualya i-- us.ubicfaor ad- Jîariuiel- - . k ttio urct-i nv nv nin e itél rs <luin re ry ens ie nut] lerei i ne- U eyRe e tvo henti £o3-< 1ud b tt t il îau he Oif uecitu i ll rth e t n n spuuugruvit ft)ie w.t a qiare'ingl>- cat-ioi ut her, : i of t e s vt a-k i-lui>'y i- ll ab te Bt s ui.AmVidb Se . 1011-111 iv,10 nPîtui ui<i Bukaniîue orTi n t equtc c, utci lr gou iccu iouuio A <ia Jon Srelc o oi îmuh EA a c-i teninbsltl -i bina boligu t a tole,ýtu,sele llCobl h( ve10, < li anee N1 oIIIton Stfortiet B rn;w llteeii - u e, buis Uomiuittec. - o Vetioean the nunOichM . ri. nest ent i'- y gf-JSehoni wof dpscripforncheveu sn« rhishintpointoof nEcantevil-IhaneifuaScheellef -ie su dotauh u e fme-eius neut Iol~i - o-thent- c fi-uv nEeilFrth -ur;o<houe î (filialemenndiwill neugiifrîticandîlire pnetîtrrdreportéfi-p iheni Funuince-Ce)-actîVal5c qf.izr3niLots.oll. Il,. rate.lSuelu hefuîen<haMoasefsurr1f<hi -loie u -S ýS M a li te oin iti edtv n d - 4**Wo k i - - - fat-tro u Fr <buîi<t e cthr Thueso tionv.tir cîsee e.uiihthtieasi" f like 248 we pr*e Senhh ur lo'juniu -Lé o Paeth ox ci ion -th - t Conu1 cpisotIrdtule itu'd n Np tu h *aq ctwe w n ir den] uc îhuicate- lr i ivi tis tul]iue iteu- er1,0-u <f [uî ii -uforrair siticbrriconstituethe'r-po t îti-ri. ,iAt is iet tei s < o o i e arnu rl7u 194,rttîtc. >ih < le ouiun f u ic -, uer Pistelu-as h<on nui-inmfui < fie ponbnilv *m -M niîu- î h- Cnjî- liait - ttu t itu t e Clrl aer'sbciu' ue l- lii * floi leia.i' e Thpre -nt se'i sre<i- T x f eouriulig < tone i-rer ne highuuui.i- urftor tuhI fFort>' F>ngîish (*ai arsianglej tain unainhtorlzcd i-f h uui 'htgo eulul be rr e l er iu, but <hus coldé«t-.- uustt' i t c i u f r < i r-ce m n nE hiketsantie plii ii d o e ii h d ii < o T i i a l n i k p lc > p r a r ..ili u aplueceaietuililierthu ainmudtnîîîuu-anuourfrî-ikthe l'lietgg21s1tFeh>.,rei2Li;e f ullieîf6gration, vr-hilhos tuf puissionserage Ancansu Ciltuntut îuîeî-of-tfi-oui 1<) <o 2 titiock ecuch day. Thuiuu i-tt -lu n844, ehcul cf hiaif an a4 33, liaitctîiuu&j- bighetlie- t Wjwouvhtabout oui. Toc-a frone y r'ît , fl - alf erî ni form le em- îi et3 en l l ii t t l ' truu -î o i et ib c r t I u s M r nitid l)2uu. w i ii il - lO s. t e ot hu it l> envienri evrth eci y rBa nkn . - nf tu a se io l m p ht - oi tieforit kicTo w n- - to itb bfor - t'oîgu nno, buThetftisuh--- lattwhocal urtantlit1 pag <7 îu-tcle-iitt- Mm-. the wcobiothebtruporhter. eo- ~fctire d - hù-dveln, f les 85rr compltl or lier . be it e had ,t e ta le j ra d 'lnuitC nsr urlote n <h isercs ntîu u tE a ti .nteu > b> oudin 'uc - witv u, -h ie di ie-sit<i0 - li e, hie m C a t:-k'în gs<t .f h a véiitu l i llp iu ih t y s é r - to t. n en the i m P i t ric hf t u o u u uhr< o h s-tr ee upo r t- t h o u at ui f ît itan d h v -ucsd n b , s u s-u e b iu-t -n uuZge s n t u c e le -anreafl nticInp. velen<il. so i b>' lied laneds< %,as-igs u r-chiLe Ti e~ he . n- - - - - - o n on -h oy g éllon ier Riruie hut hadiconte t.o --A- 2- _ ýàr, hâ - i i c set a ai<ig adouau tain uf 4 1) i-t P. Irnfomatot <o - t"z ii5iltt îvI---- __ __uuiu 1 - _L -' - - - o Catuaa-oezcn-D.P SWC ceta orio , u 4nce- eueinu , 8 Town nfficcrpi, Mr;- I*cder uin thueChaitit thealbi5re bloek.butfo r i-fer.adtee~2 a% noeeuiilelof =roa.gl;. Jýiejauchh* î 7ame 0 no inovmatou n i sul<ct <fynur g îoce nlci- The-eWa1arisettd uiponare: .,Asses f 10glO.'per-'quarter acm .Tlusit~~ct~fu ho-eeîin bli~t ù~~piidtui 80rt libs 104-,sbaei tu-nsî4î. iet IL .aâsfsoomuias aleccouiti put on ier Ihings, eoiuutcdu.TeJ'upre atntuu s yihé if O~i< p ~~ 0-îbltu-£ uîd ten pieneu hdivtidetiand sold 4y auteço 4ýthe rate, noi iu8"1ailde <Qghrw5Q t folhowed anti a-e oufolei<ieitrniffor- iaonThe pt Wtthavie buj 8r, eo a - f~ pat flfot- h r i -ai-tel ! oa ý&w n hoaii dauusel, Iis im e imu <lac presusue of a large 1 I -f r m " h )a Pi h v Ç Zj P ston e a - et $on th e 1 -(le tiê e l t e L A d t" , o t so i 0 oldM 50l paae c e. 7 - e ihcAth.êýs n u < in or ê utishil av(w nýô ffy e ach , On i e -< ë ppô fnting d i o r Msih a ý£,OO0 ipt on f at-m n 'i coninedalogthLbu vryof nth lr iý nshpof aie Lv qetr tit Inspeçtoa'è<luhe Ceuittuc lot rîof lspd one B Jfîo* £hi istuutloi-c <leaveil froue ier fc otiut io*her. - t: Mliiuti>»u-tt n h><< ià-vu.éau-hauu4ttn1*w'lt h~iuaanab -c--îfothose urouimut],"St-o, th-t-e La <hue jAnuygat tha ýneutuos of <iii gauctîcnui linud lic costof <heur purticular."Iii Aav -;o- Osit aaie. uVl< h<le e -t-aofpre- , £110 worthof butgst on 14-it,sol Çrnw Wiool , ns~~~--~~~fixt tty>sîî~au :Orh -%vlinu't m- a any-itli ni>' usbautt" admitteti< <ae Stuy ti îuw u _i>" b' à txei-* a Jougksti l'or admuo ietite sueciniuucd, o suhijeot nlathia Toc-ri, ivo u-i-i-ogiatehpei-teivsuICunt y fWiin le4 eueo4e ylwdehunýluculrcf<a a- ilmia Il n 1 4~fioi.W I~Ip~e f* <lue girl <o <hf s svet-rordM ipoiuuing, liai'that nf Mi-. Audrew Fi-aser MPecMe1f&r9on<><ý oLf >r. erg alaepesnud ri $1t £# pt bôtfego 11~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ eit t'i et- tii-w eomer astiei-pereniici. 0f 1sou ef Alexander McPhergson, Jaq., P4xist ci-aiinteuétsii, heha i, ûge de uuf aeý c a ah<e aq eê itdo. ai It cher litu-uuLilaiîti h<le poor ci-eltuie-c c-Master, of tlisltou' o epg M-.1,euJi-ke-onBrow-ni: Whàt-ias Wi ertelufako fm-axndgsj.tiotsebhcao<<<hCu <ialy <fkuto an 'adjoiing bouse anilshut c-ont <hemotghi bis cxaminaion in aýîïz a eiîuo4 T ,ut44r-ola- ~ ~ uxetcee-u.F-sm~fie Lyidi b qgh& ut18$ >i cn &- u if 4IJ 1,laiEu wi-ei-c shue remiainetifo oufuir -eitel nauia-.Wcdueu u4<ha -ef,-s &e-& u-eiuii>.>g. - tt oainwbse ulihui ufora -- <me-lc t niîuelhet] lierte uo jh -U itmguiubmefj heqa e&-otiàély, eY"'<b* ~~e 4 <lis i-vt-a tu-he I te friutiec-niEc hgset -sion. ha bas eluosen eu-ith equalvrtalid ilfudfajd4uilÀc#ýfthe à ori)o t4,_f tuM o th'i Iu4duae - .W# yuti Ia W* ýi>-Mye1y l 1;1au i, hbut %vras <luuily iirSeu-atctlî î hli t>.- - atmus*<iic, n>c »çtD.1 ê d kj-u{'I - L . - - _$1 the Lh>'stinruos<etisaISton ufti--Mur WT4 inu-Àvle tthat~c-~hai accu àiii OlIi1a bO t e6;uV FI toohc the cars <o C auilcut]Mms. lit forot <o atata <bat <hut rcehar- in eat ho e wniddi-e&dh tï Édifse'a du àbeito b)t<tj , a$ <ho *At *-wlàk 'Auut<Juenghu sho expresset]lier idoterncimu-<~fietr-ta~e <i ri4usr. ccit!WhAgtt faýr. 1-4>-" t o 25wtb <ion Iofolliuiv-- the ~girl le 1Ur lioraee; e- Idy. Their 'Wef re ttM" s Ç.i( hen midi-r theadvo d s'Omioi . j ue *us àb -eft '1- - ' ý'ý 1 tuirnet] c-obeiave, <tu<thc realdence of, a<Reynolds CliaL-man, BEi-a AmeesJ. H. Mêu lw~&kb* uuêt _ £iitt me<uecty IParu-y, (Carleton Lyùïde, uu a fl-au- à iw -,~hi~~f p~ _ So ret t eicl he. <mtas-at prescrit KomuOlti il appuars agreadtoemeet Uîss'F. un; <liii 'cit>r wlaeni#iachad procur.d the cuulildhut it1. 1 iseclear that lue intaeudd ao <l oestuchu tbiug. leaotahy aouglt <o get aid- of thuet girl of luim bands. UW. -hay~ e s àlatter froue hisn ae med o a g enlema et ot~hia- - ily in- whichihaeconudoims e imacif-for- theuna y'ýu"holuhmsP'ersued expTs of it,~ a 1 iihif-oly 000<ifus orim£74 Port :: rà ',ri < 'dx nki_. eleV .-<h-cti t fo <oisuffein ugfelkolv-befxug, ad <ho a hîil - uotul bear on the xeltwIl m c-cIias the n'veur, henevolenl at-coi-ding tue cmeeca due> cuu-2have lben au hvt-cd c-it. anti am lketvi ult ie, ue ure, hias <o buts a joritjnOî[<lue i-ate, f 1pauiii ftuhle Ton-u, <o petilion the (eîa cil lui-fre <hiccn i flute rte;- o utiu C will si-e <luet uno.timuiis- ta Île-Jont. -Itii k 41 - it î-uldh hteo m u oçhlo oa tiio 24uu - 1i f unSting <huati uy scra-wl w ili iot liec <ueo Emol, of long fuirisai-lion in youn- i-aluab)lcjourr4i. - - I amn Sir, yoarsS&r- -îaF10 R PO ORl RATE, AND AG!N-:T heiuughe Lo-at; ihue -4h. - unh. nu o *nueevit' 10 iloen ws !L Te - -oialfr Thecl - Lcxdcu u" uiu, F. bS, 5pte'. i-ted-bivisofelv,; -bîaadcltifferliigMIu, l - liii ilvitînul tie tea cot.thu o nlu î- 1s et - stî f q u ie t ; tie e in a c t iv e l t ê c n d i îg <bue s -tea->off it 12 3fo u8-v. i '.)q, e.9.11 ex Viu'yiid1for- the cbiuîua ther-Of Corn fui theutnui>kct <lucrv -is -ulin- luIiumportant <n notice, andti ha bumaduiinet- ndil, thtramusec<th i-et->' imitet ;I; lst week's saven- uudsciy 1 gc-iltion fur Englis la catwc-s .5714 id tloun10-911 qi-a relmend.WttI îot tîsa>for wbite ririuuan c-leut, 6s® 1te m and'r 0- 60 tu-44slapr qîuarter ; Anirican lueur, ani1-28s (@, 34taperhuorh. - Lr;]iiinuo icuimai t7s(i#72 hw briliI or tierce. lit im- Ijtio<04fr>'.chiefi>' green, .#"ilOhnuuc p p un g :i ti ori y ;i2 5 t) fo uùeîV buyc-r , w uitilit c-uhaIclnge lu priccut. Th1e nmarket geni4rly nhulas belen u îiet diiriucg thecpcst weelct-.aud comnuon congous whlich c-re preu-iouidy iii rtaut f tIimntiult a l; iper Ili, hava deutinati te 1ue-i is 0(13V di @ -Id. (ut] b>' Sar il ateasi>yý' uauu id t iuupvoving uteve- ipries; iiotatuona are fuihi- rKI ý h hl- Lao- er <hittithia dey crak. TIue quanit-,- tif t t-be West Iitiais inauhitanti - Sales A eitntt<o uiid-1180 luàhW oui>'. - - - rechc!3atinPeopleu. ;ztou' Tiis race hu uuuitiplybug -fil pure: ru- îuîuuo- 'nt uto lftatît date, <o thiceeeuasioti, ulit!: <riiuu ex:Cplioues of ail Oteua hifri Buitishi or Aiririienn etlèm fi F i-ea-h perislees aura either lhecotiiing li a g-ui jtionou-c-o Frencb Cstsadians theumive, ~ or çeig outttôWir Fec-hitceu là$ oron podm Siig-wRtwafin, wiluk%- eue CIti-i-i>- ettlet b>' an Engflmub tespaKýkunrli 1 population,. have,. <o a congfulerthc-eaut fbei-n <ranfeal il i h-iueanuuor <o Franci s t r ic t " T e n g i , t hn t la r g i te rr i & r y >Ih kic h j oxtcndl-frofu<the SI. Lrreaicelhiou tinch Quehece, aou<brud te die bouandavy lino onfu-t he Uunited Statas8, is -a il ' c .1çW- de-ul t in areu on e shpa wuhiher <hoe reci faut ]iea~>tiîillu LnEta1iiS-ni Cuuur2ta a- usure l s iý_ amud se it la ou,, the .iAgu=o ns ' I' )fthe ahohea rut r6r,~ ahcm Giricoteenqut, Meufàa>' mhoîit îneid proo na iîelsa<aeahuamrt yaa - Ac- wifei Md ï uninhabitod re ýo the led. théugh' tb and exténal. 1 1 %fflIýý ,t6 the iruas ýsemen,ýIOF the -Woods iiik "Aida." Y The' royil me eo mool l-t4ý P94 ý"ýK e*,io Thae uieguiaa- nitng I'u- imsffoia iught didr.uu take- éphta%.t E±céjt<1 Ciuaivuuuatu, ne elhuet' Dir4é*oi; 7-î <tedante. t1- L- 1~ ParIL-mu e. f-ai,hIic Total lu- Expeusi Ain imnpI luis~e. or nain$ oaf letoonc enearcri A telrel %out, cua2t liei' N E Mena ureliuig a t-sulted ut-r ii :! cot

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