loià aeena a#-uhofieo m an i îalnot itiiidinitt11-thoreafter rcetigu Uthc sani e ceotioln of such Mçnt. ber slah ý, deuclaetl vOidlts iue hcwore îîaturally dicad buot ho #shall-bc caýpbIe of cen'a~ i leted't, et cd ew electibn. Arrivai or the Emeus. Nxw Your, March 10. The steamshiP £Rweu arrlve to.aY' trom 1 larve on the27th Feb. Paascdt4i .Europa, on thcercvning of the 2nd ln 1aý. 4G Ion. 49. > Sie brought ne Engllah pa- pem Tho Paris Constittmal explans tic Tccenit conrebtion betwccn France anti .Aotris, which lateIy licited tome discuS- %,tîîn ini the EngI*ib Parlianient. The treaty, it says, stîpulatad the- à ctuod co., currtance of-the -Austriian'l rmies with Rus- %W . AutoWhowcver, rcpraeeted ths it could net enter loto warlike operations ln the East se long as its Italian posses- -slons should lie renaced by political agita.. tion. She thierclore demarided that beforo plicing herfielf in urder of tllte, the secu- i'ity of lier Italiaxi lines should be -iusurod. Frnco gave this asurance but u. Austria did not'draw her swordlthc object or the convention neyer eximted and the treaty therefore is a dcad letter. DI ED, In fthh< Town, on the 4th instanît, Char- lotte .'Eliizabeth, infant daugliter of John M. Lowcs, Mlerc=at. C? O M M E R C I A L. WIII11TBY MARKETS, Clixo<1cLE OrraCtI. Wrrar, IWdiiesday. Marcli Il. The quantity of produce lîrought- in is ibýpro 'ving. Very littlc variation in pricnbs. W1Mhéat-C)s. 6d. a Cid. 1<id. por bushel. Ne variations in the pric of other arti- Fjour, 26s. 7(L à a2%. 0& 4)rtEs , .. d. a 2s. 'Id. 'Pork, lper 1llb,,4s, Og lier loîtl, 6d. a 71<1. la (.a (Uls per ton. IVoo(,per èord, i16s.3M. aà i18s. . tW TOMARKETS. Toit-)N-co. Wedlncsday, Marci. 11. Whca-4 ' 71d a Ils. tid. pcr bushel. Fkulr ' 'uperfine, 2-l. ; Extra do, ib)s. l3arley, U lOi<]. à hi INSOLVENT XNOTICE. ~ t> , t e y n r o he e n f W iîît- -I IntIbe leaeiveet ouif ,Ui coenty of OnIârlo, and*îteItriamor4erlot iýprotection ,from pro- ceas, livlag been iven t6 thie sad John Jitek- $ou, theouetugr, erider the provisions -of an Bîîaxsu or Aeaaceavx m s~ tr<aloe Ac oPaltaaeato tti povnu ase inuthe Toitosto, Jannary, 1857. o&heyear of the reip «o! lBer Maeisty, Queun VLaeoriatitoletaa st for the relir f «in&ol- Ss-sthera lae so'ieaindication that lu the vent 40abtors in Upper Canada, and 'fer other colirec of next Sprinir, t1iere wilI bc a la r la B"thorea ein îtioned, The qaiijlohu' Exignîtion frein EBurope tii Canada, than bas = Illh re quirecItoapoar norbean for oine f- % -earî itzù.clw tî e Cottnty Court of the Couutty of 'tî acating pruvidêd Iwith emrplovtent as npiet y anp.4 - in the tnatter of thie said petition, Ou thé -t-we ty » he. J afeti obliuied vyû r adoptini% un(A steeuh dayocf Mirch, ipîetûîît, e 4t toit oýcuek, nwantu as von înay, find eiomt eonveuxent te ais- r eelgelYet Whitby , b,' C urpnïe...of boing certalh what numbar or Farinand iensi lippre sud then uxaxni'tcd touctxng I i. deht.4o- e vns- Mouauj Otnune, Boe nd Girlsi.- tata aind fects, and to belurther del< iithîaie- and fîîrhr, wis-at nnumber ÃŽÃŽM claqw of Mc- Cording te the pro<1suong of theo salil met. Ail chanues iî lbs ýlikcely tn iind pemployxnent personm îndebteîlothlîesaid Johin .kn or %vithin vour Mneipality; and reporting to this that bave aîiy of his ffecte, arc etot ý ay ~or île- iepurti .ent. as sm,,)n ts .p mîible, tht rusuits of liv.r thean"me, but to, Tlionuas IMoodý.,»the Of- your û;qi<i-i". ScaIAs lnsuminatcd in îhat-behà aifby the Jndga avtang le the înatfer üuldie *adputitiou. IT'e Township Coundit of tLe Toiynship of Dîted, te teuth day eft' mhA.9.1837. Whitlw, will taku à etion nîmun tlie fregoinr (Signed.) Circuleýr, at les regelar Meeting, on tlic tiret Z. BURNJIA.), Mouday le AP rilaed requeshagll persýIAn u aut c , cf LaboUrâa il g the cerrent, year. to notify Jif c <.., C.,the Connà eit sla urth e nimber , ecito q LtNo. 41, Cl !cet fsont; Lot No. 3, corner cf Pmr.., ils. 9di* . e 4m, per busîmel. sud iPers treete , Lot -No 9, do. *Lots -L Eiutter, Fi-stit, l. (id. Tu'b, ls Id. ilî, le, îh 16 aud 17,6641 icetUrOnîcu P'otatels, 4.a à &. Cd. pes- busheL. a lgoufmrî !<iar ah.Lot No.1Ii, cormntfquesen anad L! la Streca,,eearly ona SELLINI3 OFF AT Turip.,, 21t. pea buahlîc. hlefanueare. AU o? Chu oreo'ie,'Lots fsu- t)1v 'uts. 2-.. -1s-L2. 1iod.on the MadauWniitd ondee, And as-o saluabla but ZR R M lt,-~u, i. <.1.utCs 'ts-dc - loeslIs STREET. - ~ '.DTE R 0 8~ Il-e, ~>-s- ~ ilimi ~ ~<e- ~<]~Lot» 19 and Mi, corner o! Lille sud Nos-lb Stret.j Pis-k, 47s. Gtd. a 5StY. -NORTl'I STIEET.LU IR RlS NGE,&t lits- $12',-n tl18. jLOjI*l9. 91, 24, 41, 2 m31. .2, s3a aud 24, sîîî<I h TIFUDERSION'ýEl) RE$PECTI' LY strass, $10 a teelie o! Nosttitti-, eanaaiîing cecli,, oee flfth hi lufmrîîue th- Vu iblîs-tî ýmî u, ipeu l - IVus-<, ~ a ~of an acre. Aise, No. 51, 11, 64, 56, nors-iade ¶Lunuter Yus-1 lulre y kep~t lus- !t-.,'hotunitalii- MARY STREET. m-antly sulIi'i siithi hmbîîîîîlmr -% ,' ss l-i'ý NEW YORKiICMARKET&. Lotst Ni-. %, si,)<, ouî Mî-ay Sireet, one u f-m.ithi-mIa.1 ins. 1 1eîin. Jl , s .ate-r et.c% As-îitri5 of bollui, Lacre. e-. A l-mss-s o!tiiace n-t.miel -tri km-tl t -lis-es-Lîuiob-.s uitheuic -i sti \u~wYoîic, Ms-in Il.WATER STREET. i us(-e-and fmor is-c. -La-ot N.e Ies-er -f Wsler aud (iuiderei]a Sts ~-BumlacMesaifmused -nli- Flo)us--i Markct dm11; and lu-ies ds-oop- --CNEIEL TET bsht 'ice iaug. Sudis vors-ijual ut $61 20 a $6 4-0 ifamdciifuhaiutdfu-TO i !Lote 90, f!'i14, 10 . de, ney i Os-fr cen tStreett.W lat-':-. fomr (,uý-unuaot to-Snîmrfine Statý; $6 ù(0 a Pris-att Itesidaeet. _______ $ 7 00foi- Extra Stte; $6 20 ai$6 4"r fWATER LOTS.'- Cedar!1 Ce.lur T CedaT! for StîjXrfine Wetetrii $6 50 a $7 00 AlJa, the folles ing Wales- Lots, viz., 42, 43, 44,i fori Exta aWestern. Sales 450 bairs-iceCa- North7,41 4 id -i, ni-etastued < uliSLcALJGE<ttNt.I - ums-<bf t) ý fce i-tcot. l(,> tuda i 63, 5 a t6 48 for1pr O ne; T ne fiftblCa», or an approveti en-I Ced"i, fr-in m alei - ell;u.iii- 8h) ciopemuinc dos-e te, Payçable l«i Oct. next, <id tlue ha- -$07ùa $7 50 for Extra. ye Fouir fis-liajanceby Ovemanail usîaiments, wiCh lutereat. 1Abouit 10,000 (celas- l'oe--. 'ù iCedUi (' -sf .t$175 a $6 25. -AS , firsi-mie qamtiy, andi a l'Il,-s-al bechIts Wheat-MIarket fis-n. Sales,'1,200 F orty A cr e s, ig'muulmeîaoJu'mhin.'h)'.<5l buaiiels $1 46. a $1 80. Beinç parn -of Lot Natuher nlneteun,,l ie h JAMES McALLAN. Cern, T2c a 72c pmrbushel. - ,cfIagb ea'a Pr hibiMail 4 8p77t of tii, Tom-n of Port Pers-y e h .o.This Oata 50e à aO2ilV Ps-opesty ih alsuTtaed for dividing ite TEIDA ýPork, Id incs, $17 74 a $18 10. -Town and Pas-k Lots,TH NDA HERB DOCTOR. f Pont, new mess, $21 - And m-ilb. soldait sumih Pris-es antiTus-ms as te,-TCOINET make it an objeot te Capitaliâs. Apply te UML tY l~ard, 13c. n iSc. P w &Rs-. 1 ER.I iert-arui SPECIAc'L NOTIGE. WAR EIN ts B-ec igelow hua joast receiv- Pil froiii New lYork, a large lot of su perior Young Ilvon ud ngleh ra~tfa Tes<whieh will *'i lsold olîeap. Fatillios will1 do well tu pur- é1itsc la rgite toolt, 85 thé WAX 14 CHNAss ýll l.ave the effet of raiging the price of Tuas. The h'beAlW: Dollar Te& in Canada, always o .n NEWADVERTISEIM4T A aookToëf Ualversa Kjaiowladge. Juà t pnblished, the mnt - sEFUL & EXTRAORDINARY VOLUME EvtrYet iggned freni tlePros, , eIt compriss mi] the lefortnation contalaied lg ,A doge,,,of any ot4er Book# cf Zaorm<tion That bas hithorto been priuhed. The Title of tli:Wondà erl B lock la as foi.lows: l'or A.yth4ag YTOD, Want t. Know; Oe,3,700 F1çs orUi 'e0j)c!! For Sale st the 1ý YANKEE NOTION STOËZ. W'JBo's, Qwn Bcd .4xtnd.J IWSQLYEIT %OTJCEi 'Wlby Msc 1,1867. 8 BUFFALO NEDICÂL DIAPENSARY ESTABLISJIED FPOU TUE CUEitOP0 DpVpepaia, Geraral 'De&lity, J'cr i ad &rfdOduIem<Urdu4 Impurity 0f = Sali RAeum, Jiîplu.îFiîa, Pi1E, £Md"ep, Dit. AMOS & SON, (oawln0Fr MAIN AND QUAT 5M., BuFFLo,.T) A RE 7TEfE OWL I 'InT>BWIAZNâIS XiTHE STATE who are inembers of the Royal College of eTgçoiis, London,. may ho oonsulted froat 8 'claek ln the morihg, util e aut nigit, of»!&eaa. lwards of 80 yaa extensve and auccosafel prao- tice liLeadon.The, moit, invcoteto eues of Dineaes eradinitc-d b i98or 9 <lya,'and eues of a alight nature iu 2 or 3 <aye, at a inoderate Ce- çn.The care effected vitlîont ooeao4ent or bindiai ifont buiness. Themeis aievil habit sîometimes Wlndnledin by boys, in solitude, often growing u~ with inl due tinte mot only beguçtasetions obstaclea te matnmion1i5Ih5pp9is n < ivs iotutor pr eth ae .wrie 'teoeeuueii A MOST SCIENTMWI 1VMNj An instrumeent for thé cair à of eitqa Deillty or 2Sctrnal Efissions, more properY kîlown !ciired n, -9 ij 0,eèn Itejj,tyyla , bythe use thgt, they bwve levented a eio* mportam -ln- struenet for th.cura of the abvre duee.i bubeen sîîbjeetel te a testby theatostem"not v ysiekinte.LPn Pailiadepa &aaid llW -York;, t ha&sf teen deelared te be tbe ouly nâeoa i8trumeflt ever yet- difeuewred fer -t4e cire of Semi'ia Weaknesa, or any <isomseof thie gaat w rgaai , btb e"tbhabita ',o tue a Uited Staites,1 aind l uda,huasscmn- eluded to inaku To- s-noCiV,îshome for- the future, sa-lies-e bis safeansd effiesi- oua Medicluies fs-ie - Nains'arasden ca ho obtauije. gýCiSULTATION FIE,,AÃŽJ Mm 111 i-h K,'struet, opposite theuaist. Las- s-once hlall. Ni. .-The pour*iUl bu libes-ehIy considered- 7 9~l~ YARDS BFST FACTORY COT- ~>sFVtenâ, fus-sala Clueap by JOEL BIGELOW. T>'RIU 88EtS-TWO PLY UNION -AiD 1>Seai- Carputiugimfor tsale Cluesli hy JOEL BIGELOW'. F XTRA EAVY AMIERICAN TICK1NGS, iSluuetînansd Dutlnms, for sale Cheap by JOEL BIGELOW. TENDERs w ILL BhE RIMV'.lEIî UV TRE VNI)E1- u.it'pmcuusui ti ct-tti îî s-o! mixe Aorii, fums ilie dsii ms-vif. is t.eiiý -s dy f mes-t .iiiui 700 P uc«s of Joists, 2 x ::?, , 3 't 1 1; ltfi---tlonug. 14 - .1 -Yt1 17 40 Là %t . t) 3s-9ui 1 NELSON G. IlEÃXOLDS, T IIE TIME F01ORFiITN;TTTTN fos- Ps-ui-s- or Local Billts %vii]eie -ou tuie Ttdritecuiilitaaicim, ont thonmaud cigImt aundsod W. ]B. LINDSAY. 4 Cies-k Assaunbiv. Jauuarv. 3lat 1,357. HTC I EREBY MIE IAT SAT- urday, the Fourth day Af riT tiext, will be thie daç limited for reeeiviig 1etions for pru- vatis inl theLdtie Couueil, under the 58thi Standing Order of that Ilouse. J. F. TAYLOR, 4 Clk. Lez.Coic. PARLL4MJENTARy NOTICE, B OOTh,îSHORS AND INDIA'N Rt7BBEFR Oves- hoec for sle (uhchp by County COUanîtil of Onatario. - .LISO~~ITli-fe sue iuCheup"by' VOTICE 18 JEREBY GIVE!PTIIAT AP- - - JOEL BIGELÃ"W. 1piac<iou vil bu inade dre h ta - -- Session o! diaeProyinclslparlianieuLt, epe ARQE - au Act tooenlreaalI RpscIsnow estatà bho 0T10Kr HEVY FPLAXNEI.S- sÃ"iagbt te o e stablisuled, by the laCe Hme Illa. -AA aIlColo-, flmady FulilCluaýnaud Se- tCiet Couneii and S Tom-uebl <Jeneilsase 'fas-as letafoïs- -s kalésp bv t -j relates loC he preseet Coun oefOaserin w s- - - JEL BIGELOW. cerdances vltIa Ch.sevesnI Bporta c!f es-veyor6 zkgto ld1touads. ýALRGÊSTOCKOF LADUF&DRY GOOJuS rltntsd ~-MýACDONELL.. "pMoejSâ~iBaWis, fetaor £kChear'bu - Selicituir te6 the ICOsnDtV C~Ialcil of Ontario. - JELBo-LÙ- WLltby, Fui>. BAh, 1851.- _ 'n' ee.. Hi FELITZ WOULD RSPEW Y Est a eun<Jl the atte ntin!of- th inbuLttý o A %uMdc*m foi, Sale Vats,-b2s jWh v-anvelaiitt bt l -saret tex- - JOEL 13J(ELO1i ca.na meaJ.Futtl, A LARtGESTOOK OF FAMTLY GROCE- Carpet TayTng &,.,, ,!5pranduCottn In4n Whîtby, Mh-l1~~. -te' 1IN TRE.- JNSQjVENT CÇ9TTRT FOR jj%5 »t~4 ..- - --TUE COiNTYo ONTARIO.- ' Ii ai .'A.se 0 Ch aS -sv, nKIsTI AÂ1T11 ft? 515 e r WILLIAM ei - sHl - ~ -. t - d ont thinker. Pollosia ing d-i-ut t me Imiehu iii j5UUOK 1.1K. AZ.aiI YOUNGt, - A 0AT I D T A l L A G E S A N L I f rA k T E YANKEE NQTIQN>,STORE. S ' E .Rt&CE REIVED; iLlsrge aestuitp>If tiëevl,éY go -L an Utrouaiaiiuuag ccuntr., tuatit i nov prepa-eci <o ieaa?fitpair Watclea, 4 Cloches and .Ycwehry ,o! every d4scrlloaua- Every-, article-wmlrretnd tollbe atsfuçtion cf his cu.5tome - Atbaih «to e1sgt1a ;liited. i -~~~ ~~ T.tstsfa-v11a10 t- -- erterte'i utii i n t as i t 'e ls- a i nd luh-usine aUs ii oiLs- , l- s ii i. mov ai V tueointi 1 m ci li on s-e i i hui ua ;Io lIr~ t o mt s-d t iA tIý i . -fl'~ ia rtà ie1 mjiet-n -iuea oIrtii iY!tir lu w1 tin Li t ua-hmRISrwa ut M'dit v -.ely; e Ir s-VITE IUBNC-AND t01M -IUIELN-BANDc buInss'bs itoF 1Bif su lIth as- liad 'urC Carpetur'. Tools, &e., toet prise.-- I'aras-eaaers of oves- $10 wmastli, nlinwed fis-e per- A. J. HA1RRISOXI TAKE NOTICE. 8Ul SuBcntB1idmGIVt ICE THÂAT1 JLélAccount%4anuS otes, 4 ~a@wa tdue, andl net paldel fore lst ApiT aima, will bu handet oves- te tIsai- Atruuv for cllection. FUTLLEk & RI4LLER, e Rroetreee, 64WAWuy. 2 » d Cn. ofLte . owaRNS of05". A L. À PAR T Or LOT -No'ê,6^7<Tul iusaaLwice a day, andi hu auexcellent ,rimeo Houso and Par thereon. tUnd ail Cleareel. 78 uttrewo- et -idNe.3, ini <ha Iud Cou. of the Tosnshlp o! Reaob. 16 acres Clearel, Osescau lu W htât. Theu uaneleured Land, coutaiua Valu<blo Pine Tiinber, amdiï isE-aie ais 11 The te à is roui Fs-aune Iltimaiîîil Baun cni hi tnises, sud la weli hi-O iacresk, mnnI.nt 7CO, Tu the 'lau (on. of 1dat Tosuîu-iîîp o! lt.%Vins-cnt ithTe (<'oul-vcof Grey. Tmie le ggoci and, buttncleared, sud liaa a gne Mili ,ie Chprs-onu. Appîs- te JAMESi .AMI'IIELL theîs- ve-, ro-id ilîc on Lut X6. à ' inithe 12iid Coli. of Rea, PIn,- t lre. AKhbumu.n Ptuaci, 111h Mss-cl, 1,57. 8 RAILROAD IîOItSE, - C ORNER l 'i B CK AND DIUNDAS Et@. î1_jWhitby, (Late WhcemmneîThmu uis- ses-ibm-r heim tWamueunce to thC tliaitant4 cf wimitbv, anmd the travelling eommiuni<s-, thiat lut ha% Cak-e,, Cheabus-c fiss dim lause, wbica b. 'lia,. fin--ml up ini a nuiswaad cenuient niauner. A fis-t -rote Taible l i es-souail tuahiIlote. i-- nera, LineTiocns, kne., can bb ailat ae monuenia notice. Al LiqEcEa kepa onu e -raaemisa waruusnted the t geiinïarticle. Chote. Cizrs. THOMAS DOWNEY. Wluithy, !slurch h'lth, I157.8 -RAILIROAD HOTEL, r i Dý4EY. l'libTi)ro, BROCE ST. 1 ics Whiiby. Uood Stabling sud auteui%-e fis- PORT PERRY. Oounty of Ontario. FOR SALE MTATE!'.LO't9;-NN-.I1n2ANDi 12Z, IC. uijýt due-Wluiif and Strtitoses. Tiie 1 Ltas-e dIîrs-lv opp.ositce i'nais- Gîia< lîttî,j andinl luien cou is-e o! the hiuePas-t Ofr Chu Toi-s. Thé fs-enCage on wa<cs-Streetià la2976' feet, sud Queeus Struat 170 fout. The Sto-ehouse,- asUd Wharsf Oui the prope-ay, have -ben s-ente-Tf-ms-the patt Chrea vearsOet £AHe u- aîni, sud Wis-b a emai el(Peunâitî"'on Che Ihuildinga,_wctîld, in future, ruEnt fer £ieiO pur anaalum0 Towne Lot No. h. Corne- cf Qacen sud 'Çi'ater Street&. NDedly the ineut va.luabla Lot in tha m-hais To-n. flTlf'.M STR1ET. -io! sob Le0Maers, pw-os te te next Meutilng. NaMçeor Peaaà tas Who have-tiaken ont By oriler cf the Reeve, Iafeuai m i bm vear 1867, frotta 151 JOHN GORDON, Xlareah t. lOUaof match :. Towna(les-A. H. J. Bo iîl ...Store License - . £10 17<pwr, o-meonwealth ansd Oshawa Vlndi- Samtuel Burleigh . .Saloon ..£115 enter,pi)euse inaertah tiEstmes. 7. Thomnas Doinng ... Tavere .£10 Hemry Cennor..Salon m ..-£15 Jacob BrMe -....Tavecin ..£lo lienry R. Nevull..-.Stlon Samuel Pollare!-...Tas-ie - .20 As& J. IHarrison - . . - aloon - WiVlliant Laing..Store - Ti-- Wsiliaus iadshsIy ....'raves-n ..£ Ioij Jesse ..£IoTaer -- £) SIERIFF9S SALE 0F LANDS. Eiliott Spi-owi.-..Taves-tu - . £10 Ilamiuiton & Roberts. Store "- £10 CmîUNTY <W ONTAblimc, ij Y VIRIFE OF -- - ~T., WVur.- j >ari-f Fies-i - VALUAILE F IU OR SAE. iFuisii sed <mt cf lies-r Cii ounsoui-t VALU BLE AIRMFOIti. 1LE. for-ite miiii a!<Jliteii,andmî <n me dirme<ed -aE-<tue Luiul aî i-ieands i s-recof, 2 M ACRES, BEING PART OF 1LO-T No.111. (nuu mîe Wat-siîuî.duecsime-t. aiti mm-cf Iis 3a12 Ii, andl part cf hLot No. 13.l inum-e î-îth deattu in tie bandsmTo! 1iiîlituon Wuaton.luil- i cocsinof the Towshidip of! M.s-klim, - iiitrn-x. diTefodani. <if au it Tin!-uîtar, tus- 1915 Acres - leared, lamds sud in-ui-iiei. utlsiT es-e-ite of ibev antiutulura l~ hstec c cuuIîsal-mîu ai-i s-I -mii.lohn <Graie Wit-mii. dse--e(-l. tussielmujo- andtitlr bghetteof nlivtibn niý wllia!suttheiii <i m-l'-iWilliitustL.Pir-i. iiiuin- i-ae-s-. On th lime Csarc ti-e os- OOi Il-Osi-i. tî1 lias---- i-Ie iitiilzen i -euin mî, iivt tais-auBBrn% snd othes- Ont i uidiutz-. ATuu25 , t -aite ommi laIecsao!fiath'e Jmoli iu. e *it u',î.î aeses lu tho Tonship cf Pickersintg li suai. di-s-eîc-ii t!I,(- hit o!hile l-il i ic1 v is 'f Fo er esnd îî iuistliîerpas-u-eus-s, if by lie-îlt.eiitts-ii-i itîmi-ssl- . in peid t ii pet paict, sapply <o itîm ilinsiumilà idsanuli-idi-i .'t Tî ELIAS W12R'i'S. icc-rtîmtuî l r so mf land iiii <ie \i'in fOlet On fthe Irelu ici-s.1,1mmmi il-est slmle A! Susý-me itreiet, Ilvirmi î ouem- N. B.-If thé abo'uc place is not emîl bexfmur s-î- .I'ý.-l arts cf Lot No. Mels-s-, ilu Ce- fir-. the lmiab of Apnil next,-to ho iciiseelfur a uss-ern iiiemaiaio of tlieTilwmstup of Wlui<h -îl--sI mo! s-cars. - dma- f--le-vs TuaIntis <n si- -onm--âus u M4aA4eliar, Mai-oh llth, 1S37. t. tluhamas- 1v ijumit e aof .o. N.EI-m-l it e --- iiatmse et' Thirst--two eluins, ten liks. oui e i-mso-Nosthi, ixteeu <lors-eus WesttÇ-ouu <lie LAND 1IN SCUGOG FOIR SALE. s FahE~st anale o! said L-T h î< o ,sîeu t iti- 2 0ACRES, BEI XO LOTrNo. t. Ps-oi CON tiv-ikt be-n 'lt1liiiScveîity focs- 'icirees, 200 e"in. 'ar oftheLotit, Westfý)rClaît,.; thil ont sixtccuu demis-m-ce, Hardwood Luîd, the ronuatudes- te;imixed ss-tlihaLst lis-es chialis Fs-es cuiheiUnIke; <lien Ncrtlm vainable timnber,' sud a fon- acres o! goimi teus-. .v~euiy-fmm-rdmîgs-m.o, Ek-,t f.uis- etiahuts, uuîcse ori ltt'iBEIZIl1. LAWDrl iti,'unte haistl ui cf <lue saitLoi N. Wliitbv, Jan. 25, 1 . h1 Ees-coaisn îist4Lcau ie .i irt <islit ebhminm- tîir-I - a- fis-e lliks n h u -mr.eNý,.îs-i iic<tti dezmIs-sss- FOR SAL~E, - Wcsi fs-oilime Sm mitih Fast Angle o! sailiLomt A UBE ()F. uniîiiî 1.()T.,; N TII? 7No. Elt-i-i; tut ii-l ti. eix<eîîdLeureea. West A Twn f Wtmilib - be-aiiifîuli-nih'-i ii i, ~obiîi h in ti ý-h! iý; s ttiiie o iuttu se-sen- vie-mus cf Cle Marks- - 'itti-mt-vi-eu-iListitaue s-ein twu,tN-lve IAppiy te ieiNrl -ý-b'ym êTq-*Lb I--ijýqrhls liiî. iuîos-u os- le---. tii i e ls pee n ofi i-I lin-roi trCet, W;iî i-'witl a.] and e-svi-ss Ciie- eîeueui îutls Wititby, rebrmas- IS, 1l457. s-&- ut s"L-aihlaîL.Atudlilst-uiii'ui- _________ - - -- -- - - - s- l-('-t .-f-umiuui cmtate 1uuu-i iotaes is-,t e-- in 1.1aiiltutus- ts-sale- atimusiv lieutn- l t jO II r.i~ t- itlies-Tvm ii--f Wîtos.mn Su 1-1- u0 d:i-. l'm-Oli-t !iliinmi 4-j-'e-it ii mi nt ili CASH STORE, t-.~NiSNG iYmIIS Wîuiiu, FeL. 18, 1557. - . MIL QN EJBE7TS ~ PERiRY'S -PROSPECTUS (8rOMRSTO GEORGE*WULACIý>I C LwUMFNijthuIer 1ds3 y ailawtlh ~~ TO ANNOUNCE ~~~TO TIîEI bSOM<ypS AND TIE PUBLIC GEliERALLIABENVST ET. I TRinwlAT 'feds-g $600$50, '~400 ~30~2O b~s nuWlîtbyby *0gho'cek on the morirhr They ofer teReine thehe6009W5009r-Stock, 01*200 a;h) i l-e."' w e iecountry e1ou, Re andro terWitrStcFOR SALE in rder tu'pîlaie ail the Suboelribers ou the taxie as i.otini'c of' delivery, s-lIl hav- e n M'ie mbet oueofh Nwetan notFashuoneble Goodis in hua Mas-ket, TOWN LOTS, f,r wa rd e a rthu 11 f4 , b-ytCmail of t l! 'VILLý,1LOPS, P P,-Y 2",S Vlic selcctilîs for tl'X! ce' tr-preussaÃŽ1bcmi wiha sksine b oamusemenit, but cI. -ý A DU0ED PR1CES LOTS FOI'. BUSINESS PUIIPOSES, Qinstruiîi.IdiSs ri~uonivc n -Ort, wheliher nr-oad or nul wiih wit c r COUBeIse O. .i Lots fer Priate Resideeces, ia-tu-, wilbc etclly cxetdî fuuith c cl- Uinuii 'ft i-o re,îw. The Etýeliange4 alretdv'r LNTR TOWN 0F WHITBY s-oîr-lbtîrsiŽî- :,rautaid BlRnkde, Ài L,, aueia, ..Reizer, Wliliaq, atid P" Co7< uekai E IIcoryOF Yext OsTit, i.nneiNc-xAil tijo-,e w l arcfaill- Full Ckihtsand Stiaet. FAST OF BROCK 8TZEET. . îee, w!ek b~teu<sr, ctlv T TS No. 14 AND 83, FAST OF ]lROCK uaid prult (if us uerur aelos' R.EDY-~A E COTHSGtrGeAet.ârand. L Sontli of Pollaird's Rlotel ile made frwel îthoeetjorn-CIS, of lir d. oi, Pcrry !treta.Iiluîuuos-muus iuici' ont4. &e. Ve 'raI 11.<tR.ba-eno o bud alarge Stock of Tuas, tcf the. Ouest brande, inceludîng tl;-irou'abrrtd L't Bi 7 u hi as iuc re ritkli andelvn trm3uintt c une1 't<-ret, North cf Poliards Ilotel. Parties desir- IliihadSrcg N n, top-veiuelâts i.1 25.<1.Te. Acomle. asotsunt ! the Gocerias, WI-NFS AND SPRIrrS. uie pîrt oi hue principal street ln <he Town Acrictiet aesl ii n et-ro- ivili find L1~e ot, well aîtuatcd. î <E -ononi7y, &c., &e.. vIircesol Loti îA l an d 204, a cornas- block on Miplu and specid ,t:cution of the ( htenic>. A li-koCar- Cmeca BîdnBaock Street, Whilby. ..ei-tt frz the Whltiy Marleet Remciras und SIiý.- £~ Cmmerial uildgsPari-y Streche. -m-uits ai tshe lPort, whethcr by iiiseor Like, Lots 71, 7!, 7 , 74, 75 sO 77, snd 78. These s-lT buciiade nup viti care, and ptibli-,Iîed s-e4t,- January 20, 1857. Ee* gtu lots aire lu une loIee, boendad bY Pes-ry Tartv, witli the other (ComuunreU ilhr , 1 !", _____________________________________________________________________ nd lesnut and Aml Streets. tlie*paper. (hie ef' tielcadlng fcalures .'f the L.ot 17, West o! Perry Street, and dis-ee1- oi,- rflîc1îi-e wiil hae a Wee-lyIrjwfd n> puaule fixe Steaun Fleur Mill. - Nltrkeituus-deupfrontbe-elxprtecftue -< H A D W R , A D W RE 8t 4,il, lit, G78t 8, 84, and 85. Eastio f i Ek - <g, heo Crculani of s-he Cînr E, .r-YStreet, ad adjouunng the teisnm iII pro' n Lrpudh eî-niln~~~ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. iLots No. Can, East eofPers-v Street. TWs Lot oasorrcopus-idex-%-or oufrinds iril'elh TIF SBLCIMER5BIZG TO ITIMATE TO TIIE INIIABITAN.%TS 0F WIIITY AND West o!flBrochi Street. Té) the Tavii of WTiitbyi. the i-a- nT fi @1urro tinCtry, atuit tley haeu ow ounlias-d the inost -ceite and variad aaaort- Lots 104, 10à .m Il, t nd 111), bouuî-led luv Cenii 1n.utrei tliitluoie dtmiC(' y nofic tretwtdialhuyit lug <aiKeuà t Street.-. Tlîea Lrîta_&-lite ';)n it. Tie New5paper îleigitulv -l ut , ild lui-ting a tréet on t-;il-m repreii;tcuta lvo road; amI thi--reliore, tu T OR ONT O ~~ ~~ i c E s. Clrce sidc, are i-cil adapted to building pur- 1 it, -ifutur lled-ini~ zî--i- os 1 24t1 125, corner of- ent sud John tv rn it~~iaaigrui'.îîrl ?coitr.l, s-':il lu SuIts- GoOre thcy WeuIl aVita part cular attention te the Stock ofrIltreots. f uj,.îî,-iu'.A i -erto. thi: Table aud Picket Cutlerv, Gtiuii'ri l'istolsansd Colt's Revolverti A o. East cf Klit Street, andta Cb , fo-, -v<n orc -aduetiiofne (l sdil Elee<ra-!aits-d VtrcsFiles uînd es-es-v decri1îtion »f E'lge To>dstf"' rods Nos-thiof Dundas Street. bulatpin, a eîs-nt.uterpi m- iof ad ~pu- 'ea. ltreaid, ud Kîîife Truia ila ms-ily onr'Tos, TThe fker-oing eboice Loit s e -eslec-tedl fs-os-m wortlihi iut, r-l-, t-iilmuisî-îuu tishîtCosers, Fonder. and Fis-e Irons, Criss-s-mît Cis-cuta and Mill Sais, a large u iiibu, witb the s-iew of! holdinF ihci.n asoîsIilme -'.a îta-iu u--.- l Auîdiconupletu assortuuuiuî of llouuuc Tsiniigs.lu is an investnueuît, but.a nvofc-dfrSaeh ' î i e*îr-.da i- !V îb- flinally wizA- up a large transaction. t ru di timtuciuî- a hsc -A L SO- fs tItié,ZîQj)f / îTf112idf, ibîrcreTL HEAVY HARDWVARE, Centre Street ................... 2 Lots.t luts--t ' iP.ui.Oai -bc--rîo lia-.Itcy. miIlui IrnWsonlî, , -. K ent Streeot.................... 4 Lots. the -iliI lu (A'e-tM hitby, ift iii aIwx. s bc Ir lo.adBn on ruhCut rqî l ndIoit al Eiucfld Street ................. 3 Lots.peu, rxç a mî-- îu < - isente-ii (hit, s-j..o. andili-serSteel ress9cluin4 e, Coudfoi rl, . pualace Street ....................... tfont dî-ecuut1ng itC sru l..ui t)-i -ViceHigh treet..................... 4Lotsi. repPeut WXitlîv az t e 'u'aud centr-e -fti -uL, -Zr nd ii,' 005(], 1Lover, STîo. 7ie, adIV a ire , Hih eu l iuiir-stm - eicâe ýiià , Spraug Tithuble Skeios, and Axles, Palna, tila, Glass, sud Putty. Whftby, itah Janu. 1857. ITieî o f the Che-ceiim, sihI e os- (,f k-tý- -AILS Oý- i- lino-q ciind-îenilioîî, omie of inicllivenee a--.d STEAM SAW IMILL FOR SALE. Um-lsîWithu'e labos-lnug ho eouso3t.lidate the 'PA.TENT INDIA RUBBER BELTING, AND LACE LEATIIER. - -etntiia; c.lngïtftepol flo tir ote he ddres,:N OPBE?. TO CLOSE TIIE PARTNER- o.ev(n e-a ont tiigs of zthteuplcoetoteIte L~ Nte Uc Adresai a.aliiacconutscf thé lateFis-nuo? PERR t'e agrtguuniMuu. euipality. iut cl labos- te/e 1cr pIIAPEII, <hait Orà t-classSTEAM SAW MILL- amui! eecmrr.çe tA imites-este mteî-ery loc lity fa . C iuated on tlîo shors-cof-Stur$reou Lake. 'hinecmm rs. -iintegral parts oiltut aggi-eete. The - - ~~~ J. S. DONALDS80N & Co., m uiles North o! Lindsay, t, oflbrci a+t pris-tte uuuîîtîîe f OsNian-aanud ltouldia, as wi* i Sale. a-tîl'e (if Pus-t P l'iadW'iîlr-. 5se-ug utsz: app"stt.FaUrKUa, r <t F urn--< &re, The ILot No. 8' lu th-.OtCiLConcepssion cf Fa-uiss- iri-alis are aitîatod hy a i aud open. tu- -E -ton, containe 187 acre-i, ai considerable postionof t d!y eîptiti on, will recuis-e fs-cn the (ironi-ie whieh i.,slead and fit for caltivation. heart.v vtnd lionest'comuumendautioncsh lu ahi lcir BIIOCI: STRIEET, WiIITEY.i Lusuber eau bu loaded lu a boat at the Miji si %-,î.' .uni î_Ã" t-eseticMnL Wlaltby, Januatry, 20, 185t. h doos-, and ts-aamporteîl wittiolt asu!upmt fac:tus-iag lîreulîcrils- cf Osha- ad,!;, te i-ut aither ta Lindlsay-, the lNos-hà em tes-ucuso!the Iextcuîtnccp-oris fCh ou t Iiits Port Hope*and Lindsaiy failway, 1bm iioi-u< itiom ! ualuî hr- f-oe te s-ýnw tIio! the oounîicreiel sud Ms-ni- ~- -~ -v v -~ ~ - . - Or Port Pers-v. and <lieu by land to Whitbv. cipui ccutr.U o!fuin-lWiitliv, the Y-'! * ' uij.' :' ~ iThe Mi l*in tlioroaiglirepair aridexcýeelat céaînot for a eioliient regard li .*p roeos- olici, a- 1-. 'X 0 iralnn 'os-tics-, s u -maisrsudy iydsnited tom t:: otie ints- bau tranidtü%vulei'Leavrr. the rnimm<perfeet sud complote Steani Sawu irii-dL«e Port PItm-au icaantc-r..hii WHOLESALE AND-RETAIL GROCER, it tilà Mcîion of the prominft. flisnt > 1tîîhu Mas-IV liin1'PieiVurg- -ALSO- - e-m--i-J t - itLs-. i nd Ctarmi-m il ntu I.tdd Saw Lcge oi ttcMiII Yard. '- - i-i i-i u awsudt ii--t oiî NI 0. 3, COMIERQIAL TuÉ 'Èu v i nia i c/ o?,kîi ame pjîe Appi ta f a,... mî-' ..eie ,t a IW4 î un-it. IL tiLS BROCT< STREET, WIIITBY. J E..i in sun-l Ilsei5O ru - - - ~~Whiah., IPi-t Jan. 1857. o-uu'- fm u-h pnl ( jt,-utîui-ýr.se LTAVING M.XDF.ARIIANGEMEN-TS TO IMPORilT DIIlEÇ7,WINES ANILIQUORI AUBBJIES L OR -msi lalrz its bc.-, cor .îhuctos-- ilwluîh he czi euiaruaete bc genuulue sud înmîleaois pruparedtin supply Countu-sLOt FOR e-s- s,~ eic-.l ur-vu. deniers on Liberal Tes-nia, within xoicaiper sudbiîles- urriele cn e uprou-urud iju reuo. SAE. u'i u ii- o i es-mots c-f tI, iuiii ifts-,il'as The Ihireutittan wluiol li% $JiMOKINcI ANDI CiCEWING TOBà !iCt lasis aquis-ad wili bu -. iaisne.,, a wilte lis c ihtt.nrXe !tu-JI fulil mnaiuiumlud by the preiient article ounluan-d. '1'ihE FIRST VACANsTLOTNo1ItlIOF TrIFduul or te I.L Nexi duos- te tte (ro-es-y Estatmlisihuueut <bere te a fLÂR<Egit-Officm. Fast side of Es-cek treiet, TI e <Y,- uimiîêwLe v ocr-nc;iueeiis- b.rth i.-4 FIRS-CLAS SAOON, - ieiug tLot-ô.3, " Pi-crny'" ]loek, Towun of FRTCASSLOWliltbv. The pircTascr vwil! ha rî-qîis-,d t ec a a uu ioa~mcuruînsb i eret "Bio Bifli Cenhue imLîîiotn iitaehes-useilv -fdi - a- t Iu wbich tefiresâhxnts of suL izma c au bo procnred at reasonablu heuri. yoair. Fus- îrice sud ters-mao!psyment apply t4 !t.i -t.- e-uuu JePrvne -- Whitby, Januaary, 21, lià 7. UJ l ER. esl-s d - ~'-naue ',,or '1e1peïri Wlultbs-, February, 1857. 4 Tool(li ra rue1, BUIDES.c.ti uu o-imno wth. d e' ne s- ii A . J.-ilA R-R I SO N, NOTICE TO B__ - eru;fîî'itb* ud un'twctoTas-îat f41 ol'é IGNE])HAVIN BîS?~ -' î e ty9fTori-u, it witilihe îi int -ton-s AUCTIONEER, GENERAL COMMISSION A E T IUND2RSl; <DIAl ,.mu -r' *iji utat imes rc-ad Ce! Treuu'-- AND DEALIIU IN ut~~~~~~ ponted t'eut, helie Lps-ared t,) ffmn'.ish nviiii utoTv n îiiu- -u- -o HO USEIOLD URNITUE 0F ER YD ES C1 à P TI0.N, ~<--u uLm ntse asntIc, t eu; huit, m-mu imùeolimtrarV, bu aun(Outas-to dasi, HO ,-SE OL OFBr, Yth'14'clriiuk Saruion in Whitby, rEuYtai Cd tri-c îu' y()uutîis-u moiund ÊiLnorad iit'à HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, Iper bel. Apply te 4IROCK STRIEET, WHITI3Y. - rt - ,kesildreietc.fbj LI FU LL Y INVITES AN ISEuT O F 1h15 GOODS ANI) lrPd('FS5 BEFOrIE -Ortapiein-iil itgi. Conati -h î d-u I lmar..im-ougFeb. hl. 18.57. 4-4m. ýVhitlV. i iul.i- t _Q-u-es-u'ent (if that geuut enites-pse WANTED any qanetity of'liard andl SOIR Wood, inexcchangit for Goods. INNOLVENT-NO'TICE'. -r-- o ils-t i' c4!Lit.-lits heubi, ii v -_______ ___________ - - -______ r .tCWSON.TIIE VOUNGEI, 'AT iîtuiîu---i,< ans-'aei---uiatuu -t -L1, c:en, isfo paît rs-. i- ljý- M i î a WANT "-ED -A__FAIR TRIAL. pr ai tho sud t o*Wic-e Cuin the of Ii-u itrn-iita AT TU t 's-utvusr 0F u fore s-ulatîîg cu lîuul u-atdoiîos-chyg î-e- ot i (A'or th W'Iitb iiion oet, s-u lel linL, L O--R D P A L M E R S T O N n tice,.a finlasenutap-il .-mth.. e- +1- .. t.. îii1- _- uîitailttý T' ou iii lu-