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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1857, p. 4

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____ ___ ____ __I i l ~ fi. ~ c~ T k~ ù , Xf f î .-*~--* . ~ -iJ ? Ï, g "Good end flotter.t, A fathor mat by tbc eliilneypest On ai-it'edi, jo4garut By l!& hide iliemnîieuytong sud l'ar, A grl with a wNt-tUh cl f golden heu6;c And allé toaci théel'ther, ai- emnd coId, %With s queàtion of dmty, trime and old. IlSay, tathlcr, wlirt shall a maiden do Wlin % mtiaofetmerit'éomes Lto o1 And, father, n-bat of this pain in rmy hi-éttI hMan-led or singe-wlîieh i thé boat 1l T'în hésir o ti, mîitcu oug nd lar, tinent fr beyond n-bat men terni suy ide Thée girl of thé we.iltîî of golden heur, Hé anan-ers as oeir do fethem-s cold, 0 Te the question of îlot> trimeed l: Lot us (lu St. Louis) go n-et 12o Miles IlSite who weddtttkcep% Goda letter; te Jefferson city, thon take a lino due z6ho whe iredi net, docth botter.,, uorth, snd n-e shall sti-ike tb. City of Su. Thén iuéck!v ansiî-ored thé titeidén fir, perler at thé bond c f thé e tLaIke. Su- Thé girl udti, thé weaiti of golden hair eir.-isueda aebr uiru "'1 I n-utkeep theé sone <ofthé Ilol>' Letter, pnrwl oi ayhv e ueoi CotC-nt to (do WLLL wiitot doingm zn. raiîroads, radiaùin-éaet-ai-d sud rcaching ___________________te thé basé cf thé, Rocky Mountains sud or te teI>ciic Océan. iils far proje- tien into te interior n-ilgi-o Lake Su. f~ ~,. *~ perler thé nidyautage or-cr %Il thée tbér ZV d no hM,- - ai1 âthGl.lo rOu Amrican bodies eofn-ter togethet-, sud -. float ou its besoint thé future wéatb cf thé To ue ditr c th WhtbyChrnice. aluxloatilîlimitablé North-wst,--and the TathSii-.- cf P eWî tb, MÃŽ CIOITA, ch. . city of Supérior n-11 be thé Qucén te con- FI.15. trol the commerce of thé Soit-wnest and DFRutis- have receivod veur paper ultirately of Ails. Mark it. llort,-fa-, fi- îwa>-. The respectable ap- Tîîhei e o on noWib pearauc-o of thc sihcet ilanoneloscreditable sneIlela nen- loth c oitbo htber te youmsclf enIrlpaterets, than it la te thé kind,-or )Whith>- iili ee mutt Tow-n. I feIt proud lu roadiugiL , ansud - 1 novWity er ameugnd e éjhewig ÃŽt t iny riendsherebas a tbaaii-éady beén said luntsi-or et lier rail- .by nen-spapor. 1 hope thte careér cf théeio, andAr dtifm reakbco *Cliroiicle .înay bé long and pi-sperous, s , Mi-. E dietr, icayuseaors hé of and tht iour énlérpi-isé -i h su' sét ai-u té ase a yurpla olatd sd rwaredas i déc,--oste é.sure, gi-e thént publication. Iu conclusion, ciaed nd cwaded asit esevestobc.I ut congratulàte thé Tonnfet y 1 send you so te remai-ks ou thé inpor- onbrWhiin r& ndrsetble taut Tonsite at thé bead of Lake Stipe.ler ngshootionfitpicasud o Orespetle iiOr1-mtht ic erican sirlé), and a te "p0* lesing shîttc hécout fOta-et tion cf Lii- large tract of sr!lendid £agicu--And iby('rjdc. ,--Mcennîry in the Great West To theé1And r i, gooti peoffle of Canda,sud more particu- Wih esDwsenS frur, scIu l.mi-y Lite yco,.u:iirv of the Ceuuty of Outa- Wibbs shafiyur5cé, rUti'1Ivrouldt tic>' ;f Loy coulid enlî sccthéeXBENJAMINpctfutYAX aniounr cf trivc] and tîcific'on, théUpper FZJMN RA. Misit.ipl>i andi be convinced that they Cv ]maTae coud eE;r. a gm-ct portion of IL ie intaTite touitie-cou -difjtlicy wrré If éducation is tae gréat buekioer sudc botter p'îsted up ou t1ic geegraply cf thée shield cf hunian liberty, n-cil déveloped lu.C Gi-'est IWesterunumb-ya> if timé>'dÙittry is equaliy the buekiér a.-d shield ofa Mul sec cil titilsiimi is proper shape, it i'individuai indepeudèrîce. As an unfailingt wouutn et he ham-1ubg eùtotlt thi- neub-crad retourcé throngh life, giieoeîr son, cquai- thé7 n-oulilbc, hbut thert, wouid hé an ]y ~ihagomiéducation, a gùod, lboîtiq unattîrous sîmtsin farer of ts inîrndiate trade. Botter au>' trade than noné, uhoughit eperation. .XII it iiants i.i a utIle perse- théré is ample f1cimi tor-the adaptation or <erance end ontc',-ri.e, mi, it cati beclearly éi-itry inclination lunttis respect. Learned sîtcwu thaLt lhe eest anri c.4eaiiest route profesbes anti spéculativo éuîployirnnt1s * to:î S. aut î-m~-tru ra-t--I'~ic 0 nMcv yfeua imn, but au houest handic.-r . and Minesti, lringizu-, oter terrtrh- t --, - pont7 of th#càt .r suwletorby Béai estaté has hieen soldat Ã"ný ht<nared per cent. advanée since tih. railread-co'n-ý tlt vmade. L e'uperor pôsésns more aivânta- gos than any other in Aineica for a great ciL7 te be buiît oni. 1j minerai wéaitb unrivalled in the wrnd; 1* basflbaies unrivalled ln thé lUnion ; iL bas lumbér unsurpassed; sud lastly, it bas in théen-est à SCOPe Of agricultural country absolutely dépendant on it that net Visicago uer St. Louis can bout of. Lakê Supceior pro- Seertaryofînterlor.-J.cob Thozupmf Semrtary 'of Navy.-Aaron Vénérabl Brewn, Tenges4ee Sécretary of 'War.--John Bachanas Floyd, 'Virglnia: Postinester General.-Arnold Pluai Penusylvania. Attorney Qeneral.-Nathan Clifor Naine. Assistant Secretaryofet Stet.-IenXý Ledyard. THE JUDICARY. St-t-IEME COURT OF TUE UNTTECD STATI TEltiF COFFIEs »Usiae 0001> EttAVîO5. Chief.Justice-Roger B. Tancy, Ma&r- land. Associaté Justices-John Mecan, Obic James X. Wryné, Geai-gis. John Cati Tennesnee. Peter V. Daniél, Virginia Samuel Nelgon, New- X0rk. Roert C Grier, Pennsylvania. Benjamin R, Curti 1j Massachusetts. John A. Caniphél, Ala MWoro Traçet 0f ir Jo"' Frmiuki#'î 'Party. Cat. Sherard Osborne ha. forwarded , i thé éditer cf thé Times thé fillowihg ex tract ef a letter dated Bed River Settier Hudson Bay Territory, Dec. 6:- " I receivéd a lettér front Rodcrick by the list mail, snd hé expresses&a wisb thal 1 should write to you by the firat opportu. nity, and staté More particularly about tbe reports we héard lust summer about sote LtroS5 of whites being sécen in thé North. I bai- just returned frein -, n-be was at Nortvay leuse last July, and san- the rnen n-be brought don-n an express te Sir George Simpson frein Mr. Anderson, in -itackenzie's River (district), statiug that [udians lied breught ci-er i-,pi-ts te oeeoe thé trading pors éini that quarter that l- Eians bcd scen twe or more encampments of whites on an island on soeépeint whére Aýnderso 1n and Stcwart turucd 'back, (in 1,855,) aud that ene of thé cncampments 1 aticularlyiras quite fruhl, supposed te ihi-c boon ebandoned a day or twio béforc the Indians sxw it, and froin thé: traces thought there might havé becu about tén or twolvé mon. 1 could net hear of the iexat locality furthcr than thet Andérson and Stewart n-ère n-ithin a veciy short dis- tance of thé place n-hère thé traces n-erg seen. I hope you have béai mor-o parti- ularli- abo<4Lime report.* 1 --- 19 ý - . - - ý. , -, , ý:. - * -- r at-mcseidriî or utve-i-ci-I itia potsser I tadiariieti n Cabul anti n-as marching withbn theitt, t-Li bti uade tltrongli Lake iio 1 eécés LLt inf eciprac ivitît thé troopsofetDozt Mabomed on Hé- Smro xn1dm otegreat flemg houit -at Smt3etioi an! dw-; tomIt Gerga ioestboi--ci-aftsamarehonorable anti fariner, net oul>' te bavé théscectson baud Thé Russians ari ceuccncrating on tue ]tiey-thc ciîntenn1ria tel Lc-z-uîînua cf Limé noble. The nién cf trades, théei-cal ci-O- for Sîrini soning ut nu-tmth a ak h epai whiîh tbï & Irtîî tlttrtd.Cn tors etfn-hatever is test éssentiail -oe &ime * cnks f teCsi nav- ucésitis ati velareet iauint agnuumie article. Thé,rrteson ot uowing s A1partial anunéat>'te political effeudérs .dalias gut 1î ,'ýnattîtral adv=eastge 0. a ncsiisan efr o akncanot n-itbmoa teps ver>' short ilu otw climuate h BIEAU O AOtliUtamttî AN»Sv.u-svtcs galion ouer ('.ng" o r-tîÈctr" Llmv eAisp nse ithmthev te, ecod bjs bieugruté etPeuma t - r t t i u g t l m r c u g h~ ~ ~ ~ G r e a t d i s t r e s s b o t - e r i n g o n f a m i n e b u o o t e , 1 m n i t r S i t-cdc cf thé u stWes.1thiiîrh thi8ins whatei-er nopulo thé>' sy bh btb>yiélis butanti impe-e- rport lo rvalt imoghn iln.PRIZE ESSAt. charmé]. - TaX:e at iii.-t liii 1ttrir!ithlimétiét more fastiilouis felion-s, imtîtut ork uat gother s fallut-e. Thour<anfts of dollars arec ..-----£0 2..-£3 hieldnofT L'uSii ' th-ngîtr>New thé ao f humni-ipregreasq, or ail is leýt - -ilst th-ougît sceds -ichý ibavelet hem 'A-mi " of the Persin. - YorkUtrid you-; wi! tui n -li rrs toUt rcrgiuBut fon-browm-n aridedt rade-1-orkers h'ti viaumvLîroug ce, rwri ;~Y M Ir, E OVE PEJIM Il E PAILI *iaIt tih -e>o',ic tho>' neve i-or te BR FST ESS 'MSé~-,é. Ilte an btbyth ekorUln-ou ail-ai tti vr o--tho apCempiatt heralpstinan lt cf u itiperfeet rupéniing- ' <6>v -on-thé Orl>,'ti, Nîatutté,au!B ' an ti tl, ïàt--i a- Iu thé ched a p (lithytr oieL-dope.itemq. Th1u1t&e emsae aty eLd Thé Persia" amnuied et I p. t., n-ith thé flbstrry oftLie rog-éze, froun timcz to timé Prit ttnlr>a't aiThe-tru-:.'. -ofmmdethsc aree f Lit rlslts<if th ci-u l uvnté. T eu li abott>c, pa-Li-ci-pool datés te thé 21sL Fébrua->. ian tIe , Misftige, eu it s t e Wi'naje, s hav i-es f ttis rrt nr- <=: cari .rinn hthe fortune lie utsy have, or séenm likel>' to in- rThé news b>' thé Persia bas soi-oral fe-.taé rýatgeson te WhPer c iu Canadat t-aideof thé UînarisnNiititgTe-t-itory é-tv - n rai-at nouain ut c sampie lu thé usual wy n-cuder glass itra.o ni bé,o si- ha ioala- lyîg oti r St~rOaut riidtt rr--t au>'itetc c Lataie.antd tIis hécao areurc i mtrst n-tdîben elodist , tP cr- hv sud if tlt-ey aegoo t iey i-tii germinat ns-liajetelues fo, v!orsucter nuas hof toi-)-, étudt3 Lite Rock>' Morutuinr, baLLle nitb temuporal n-cnt, conu laInvs hé fe-n- tiys. If tîere ,bcho ne ot-bed, thé> iia-i uPilimn -s eatm T he tjEisai-at t ciri irttothe outn - sd i~i- 1~y .arQ~ani acoheinuerr inepnc nira>' héplented in afloe-rpot auidset upon on thé nighît cf Frida>' the 20th, te ci-et-.tée 15tiua f Jail'y extadto lmbe ahl andili threîv- a the M.iîntisti->utd ,l-b>'th toi-luganamend-i thaînalmtcnenttb te fttnci.rfywared ina antidotm-vi hé0t d oi.i a- rlSitusco?, SEîti, Et,,).raitîltis.- imirits. earuiug cf thé coilegos, anti nretcbcti téc- rcuigsot. -dy-li hwnen etefiaoe ul,étDhseel ll-aet' i utr.the i-ésihl porl dpéneuc. Bt im tis i-c Ict uethr té>'cenhé ruséi he ~flélti proposing that thé Estirete sboulileaardedr.ecordiugti Im i-on fa LConunit- The hmeetiof ILak i.r ior i i rtwo degreehthrthoy a ctutdi L, ho hé nuitniémlb>'thé Botirnis of ligrienulture 1atîtigamd'n-Threa or foui- pots ipen théeuttee e-u fté<x et eil m... - g tere eau bé, ordintirîly-, no tiffllulty ns ea e lo oafeelo ieaysilueý-ýiihth neu lh wn-idon-silwilltest ahi thé sos a aruer ycrs s ea.n -toa eei liéli> dtei~ ,ht~ e - i tri 1 :35 co -ttu -to n m i il . tim ru - .- r.r a l cs é cu n g b o th th é éd u ca tio n asu d th é e hi-ad o r A î l a .t I h y wi l n t o e u p I c rn a .mre i um n -i aul> ' h a a d e d l i é en . t l a cýviteijiilat;on fro;a (the-:eofavoufo blery non- ThéerPeur-sienn daffianditndhelPicsiunadtoncuEs-s-m,-chot'ftsnl OC ouffi niai-ht MW pi- prommx-e. t> the t-cuti of i_-3;t -mihnil Ere i al 'tI)enter théei-cuit of nîcneemi, défiant uistauet-s à tiys since appeùedýîn a fair n-a>'of settlte- lu . erdtn heirné,l i i-ret r ~~~~~e e r s d s h o u i t i b c p r o c u r e t i a t o n c e . p i- c u . o i e t , i3 n t p a y i n j, s n f f i i é n t t a e - t h t h o a u l f r c i n l i s c ù a n e -- I b is f h s e o b s ta c le s îv h ic h in tin îid a t e s e -1 e t, b a a k i alexi- r a ;m m th i s d a n g , ne t he u c e m n f n a ti o n a n nmn> raih rt i i' týbs a bnauepecrsiîunvo> .î- t oobth datgeriofonit é s yas i nayta lspéo;ssioneèss, >Young men. Ciénu thé Bau-k of frntlTr-ocs. beturu-Fero)uk baPrsa o, îmieîî lmat-li8' sud t ngh mmtheiîEant -wiiîlli hâe i mit rc tling tiidcr tée Such are thé péculiai-ities ef fortuné, taI f aving sutidoni>'ceased uegctie w nith i smo coitght for,wiin itdbuarrtmimtg thé gréa! pi-tsema Arluiù&strati-Et, Ilatti 'erstort béc o mocre ot-et-t possession enu hiecotint- The tilt days of Ibis month nil ans. thé Britishi Minister ah Parlsansd il! net Pltia5etteua. rtduti-r.1J, nq lii pIr.sohilh ntstdi n desasluysécure or protcctia-e ho ut-et-for this put-pose. Appmle antipear conte oLondon. Min ister.oni!-1.ritahure, de-. Caîfrn;c--Ith. Idn Lt oi> téiahmnan. Iloardedthoîîusands ina>'b. swept trocs are frèquentuy iufestédwith harlelice Thé Frencl hioernmont hlsinsti-mctet Toronto, Amigust, le, 185G. i-otute ti hé f4tu friî te ltter lalce. ain-c>'in aa day, cuti their once poasosseor etseve-ci-a ueitics. They are toundnoc t is reprecntativex'ât London, l'icne, St.Lfi- l Mioi sntan>' personal inter- otwt ether the ltlansotiudepeudonce oui>' upen thé trunk sut largor llénhs but IPetersbergh and elteinitetheFsý,«RA M EN ,, TE.-Drep tîo te i-e est 1 lia-mm l Vhitrytiet induces 'nue ho Inor et Iiyclihooti. alt einiehéEsiuIAS LîaltcDJt t tL upOn thé ti-igs nicohy giucd on &roundi thé Pon-ers te crcéit thair Résident Minis- cf April néxt. nelv-.rithi franynlgool i>' cf y o r lene aclteSadiain lm - us reato, tiaké adantage et théIist tors ut Paris, As Pleipotentiarie., to sttié_ ________ w,î'dub;tiditg p 1h~ty,-t Lte aie tredtrho hi-t sons must Icarn useful appoarancéeofthLemétender baves. Non- iL the Noutehs±el affaix-. Thé conférence n-il onds rbcct off freni their éxpeeét cati 'ec>douéc witb ver'ylittle edanger to the meet ar]>' lu Mareh, lut it la féaréél nil tinta Itexpect un>' eOporaticîts, tIeepiincely ilthcîitances. Te admui-i-d, Ibuts. lu tht seotyong tres IL la i- hé pm-ti-actet.anti diffIcuit o et utm woui'i ia'n-c ra, u tt r; and ti [r- .Ibut one- ohé>rd the decrece. Intinté ité tispensable ÏOtheir thnrift that- thé bai-k Théré la nethlingucarer ton-arts a settie- sumo te>' -oI her. ;rNorlermi Itil- reignéel ln bis father's steat, lu ime uboultilho dot-i-etoetthese robhe,-s. The>' ment ofthe Danubîan Principalities. NoLi- rocti n-ont Ga,-Ltte steolimne I aun aelo- rovolution came upon and overthren-smum étîe-du ihhus nil;fotImi rTro ablé Le titake aLLE living anywhec-. Iiîi, ani ho tiet, diaguiset, wnadcing end îtrong soap sudS ut least Lunéce sayar, ITht> Ilussians haversuelténai o-<i.>n»mam,. nothing veiturcd1-nio*tin, -won. I caili onîpaniouhcss, save bit itîe sud éhildi-én,, vieéte-a la enete hé seeu, Fine fritltCircassi, and an-e eported te have recelv- Toi-ente,, ititIs Fébiar 57-f Wbitlhy îny 0 ivcTown nsid cf course 1 biés sole rt-,cotrcu for ivelihood a recur. aiou> olidb coenatcbing at éd alarge section Mftci-rite-y frént Pa raýIs. (MI 15EREJiTGIVE.x TUÂATTUE -shai ic fluo]a itle ihtet-stedl in i, and alseto rnce te iîs humubhe, but boneat sud usé- contiuci n-ar upon inSts. Appi>' thé Theo- I.cu&n.iAdve.rtIser,,assert titat FEINETANGUISIENE, in the (IonntycfSmm.11 n ewgrod fell~r. But te Myi subjet: fui trate. The sons of thé m-lob an n-cil a c. ubbing brush non-, thé Coi-ai-ornent luluposesioncf os. U.Ç., iilhé « ft'red for Sae l'y,.Antion-b>' pom lonofa ds. heRésident 46,t Jetue A=ixDsngs Ee., et T CI -lTYO s i-ýiime eu èe elthporso Idnéé? stethebynt tilt Pnipatch annouuclng the total destruction et Barie, n th >ExeRZéré or NaExi- Ie-Mn Tht umr ndmoe elefPossson I nve uedbeon teCanton by thé Enilisb. - j Tanctiagl gn.. Wes si publie cye andcuir liettimr nd as a gi-est ltc t iLmc>' héof incalèulablo good. Ms>'-bhoattended te this mentit, sudd tté - bs - aiaide.W A ci yetf ui-Pri.ir lureu dvntagea ant inlei- -.--ansdnht cannet bc done n- .ibould Le iNo-.f1rtîng Geeria2rte et-r(£20i. table -rcctstiie iit t-on- up uh thehé bat Iiauuration et thé Président of the adjourncd ever te Juta.. Remo-et-o . ud Ri-herst.>' - .Ko i- Street-Sotitaide. - Oca-Stp ir.To t-scge thé ii-st UitedomiStates-..The Execatii-.The ilibefront thé orcharJ , ngapl h Yabrtg ag iubre 3e4ié.2~) of~gu LateStprct.Tw -O Passengers9, aoMne tthem,r f1dNapier, Robert tretNot id$. troc eneofeîloti, andt1i 'airist 1er-. iuts Cabinet. trees abouht have -their superabundant thé n ith W' 3te 14 1ic. (£5 'Lob lri-ait oehuLIte rsent site rut Superion. Noiv wood.thloued out.-Limbsthàt cross .ch a 1 " lnmsteobertWeahungtoptBide. e- 1,2o.) e i zit:tbitants-ttis>'moi-. Tiset-cit Leok place 'ou Wcdnesday, ctier s1touldhoc -emoye., TIi.heed Of a 33 hiîld>'sud 44 Illen. - ~(e en r - r - lian. miemhencs-xis ibé. n-oMarch 4, amlitigi-eatpotp. Itl is Sait te ti-cé mue>'bho rainotto auoa a> dsi- Ldon. - - ' PelutionrtheNpi-hin bi;,t n tee w avé bzen té greatest display ever yet abie shape hy eslypiun44 In-hed rp ycut -. c e lahnd therc n'as lied b>' squat- vtest-a niauao> éeoy ome u thé invedun breî A dhleselfù(£5net ncmu-h a&).aie tr;t î2eprar.Non- thé sitç 0frThe Pi-caltent, lu his-.Addri-s, statés tht lai. las ou tii h pwcleten tin Yorkshlre...450 Persons nwe e lleLad. 6 (12 0,3,38 £0ec) 9(a)4 .q l z *o as la idl off inte hots eut hlocks, ha "'ltn et h c a eand ,ciae for re-election. g o -ii r it t .h 4 *r' u 'iu li h nt - the 200,0 o le uwhoe.Last tutui- 33 è r - - cxertbis influence to suppréss thé agite-. IJEALTH Or Ciru.MxoccasiOnaly, -Thére-is - la-netugii in the bloodI et 1 (£710, Q 5 ne,àÇ5-bh -7lo ' 'huer 'lut..s' laimîr cterémat lusigtieu betn-een n-thé, Noýitbrn int àd-Soutticroone part et malt n-itli týur or ti-oor sixtryL- e énk poàigt-e~.t'o~n,~s. ~ ) fouiti witbin htilles of thé cil>'; cnt otuilav1éhrr>'.e e ifè. ný 4 b etsueror ci io '.cutlaîm co he StLsuetofbjéteKasaqetie e nooâacesJg-o 1t9dft'r.in -t-e às inie. £ eu) 8 (7 1r, t lancia 'î theviciit>tyfStiperior-commndu h étlnet téKnssqeto Y et kinds et stock ummer aud winter, ' IL Wild -titéiAçaiîeetiit<<ý a mnt;~4~1l<roi8 $50 te $ioopot- acre, anti nil ceg lng thé doctrine 5 5 -.fproe aptt tttus tekeep thoraeni Ies asthoui,s wlpùOW%îý eSl(k?0) Street;,-.E3t lid bning s3oo te $1,090 r oacre. Th->w pn oéiuréiten écaesbs oiy ahty condition.'- IL sâi eltio O~> swift Oies aboé 0Utjsih ~ saso, ,J'qS(1 el> -te bho peaée, commercetsd fietdshlp. âainttbots lu herses, murram'in cattie, -Th,.e- et 2Gpw î!4't~O. - - itgo thé site of Stiperior n-as -eaerd 0<1' Theprifcipalilnaîneih.conltion rotth ni-imaéé. * '.4 r rh bytLiteblreh cancéset Indilans coistin-- OUth' ' ti aec.ho ms$1,Su_ ,8- .ý Along the hoami waters o e L a Le.- Théecsurls i,ihésa, wTre uyt. apai-1e1,tI tnerellhivmie for £te it 8 l É)ýî .2an,1bthe hog, 7, o 8jç àOo89!. 0,4 Past smumneer splendid steamers as gocd srlsl IeTrse>.big olarge cetsaptt n ti od-frée iloa ônLek Ete o OuLriemcd woklythat thé Administration la entlarrs&edt oC'tLe peio~ kl odo<:Ã"o ~ îloat én Laké Èrie or Ontari treublet vith thé beat, If the. aniais 'In m L,%tetII.r rh. bod tripto, with large cargoes and ts fps ilntsi outrl u t pfn- 2t 4ir o3 -£ n t eengera.andabota ixîs it nstuétinot:miiLsyoeai téranme -a nqte h-. 4 T-ýr yzn ag a trp fron St.c Pl,(or the protcLion p(tbheState e. -yTiyI 'ýfnilsOt, t Stperor as alniost aa'itu-.Wthlipai-rth. srliae-nn.Ti. - lo-o h i& tt-jaa <concoi-abie unterLakting,-.Incija-guides fiwngsost-iueollehé bu>n the tUe maeb T ýPr 5$ * -ýý being i-oquired, dves riate boeollo ,w- tive, thé mnmbors o( the <aliuet té J.. ted -pilg0ïo A ê,ý4 # Y-- Mnt Éingeee L - r- ' 1 ',TW Es TA B L ISffIMEx.> »irectiy oîpoite Dryma'. R otél, TESUIIsCRIB3ER'BEGSTO INTIMATE tteé inhiabitante cof Whby sud the publie that ho bas opénéd a it Liry Stable et thée~'v pisé., wbheré hé n-l endeai-or te accomuedate il walo ta>' fiaior'hlm wbth thîci- ordérîi. f8 plenidid open mnd covered Oiibtisaeî zarebIe cf n g elghtoen pérsomns ud vér>' b r . ad p ted r à cr r>-ng p le oïu en p arties, f oir .N. RAY Whitby, Jas. la, 87. -N OTI1CE. ALL PARTIES TIIAT IIAVE NOTES AND .ACCOUN"', tit rc long pui<t due te .1.TCIY aerquse to a tetothéi Total, réduction cf taxation ýpreOa)Oed in %, Chancellor of Exehequér'. Budget is £12.> 000,000 sterling. ~. Dabate on the financial project lbas been CltO'wNLAN»DEi) >ARTiIENr. poutpon.d tili 2Oth Fcbiqary. Toronto, 24thFeb. 1867. r, Motion paased expelling James Sadier NOTICE 18 IJEREIY GIVEN, THIAT IN 1ro n theLB. fouse oet o mon .;À-;%acqordace with. the Notice of th e lth i- stan, al eanukIu~ep.îtin the Bank ry Lord Clarendon appeaied to. Lord AI- ofPnb? tI. aorift =s, winîeceo a o berm arle te pontpone is m otion in re ard bC tl and e f ir t i l s e cfr e0f te the Persian wai*, on the ground that Bank-one <f,.: hywîlreanthe other S<two they musttrýancnit tu the Local Crown Land L. negociations at Paris weré rnaking satin- Agent factlrY PrOgress and migbt b. brouglit JOSEPH CALCHON, -Y- te issueatamy motn t;-motion 5 j émeinr inglypéstpon.d. Thi pr, "r,&gt ,~,bers of Parliament irthe tn4e dsert lorli a. Derby if ho sanctions é=faltin with Pec- *rh hé onon corresponden t or thé Man- ~. c h e s te r G u a r d ia n 8 8 7 , ( d o R u s s e l e - . O . M . 9 1 6 V t. C p 8 5 & . hw of Lord John Russl< ill tccompay INSPCTP. E 8ERL'S qOFIC. L ord Nl a ier as aff eh . t e W ahing ton C 5 O S D li < - E , Toronto, 2latJan., 157 0On-the thUtl> Emperor opened the Le-. UBTS fl IJ l AVE asrISEN As iselturebýatp-eji,-6ii thé Thi-one amidstw to whetber theé duty fce per ceniumad L'qure, ipoaédT vthe 1 Vth ic. Cp.10, u p- t-great proinpand enthusiasin. Thoé Emper- orlnmchiner7, o ie "nauxbur f oo t or refcrred te the peacéablé solution o et w indow s*plies and blindoi," extends te machine- rv for thé manufacture of other à&wood work for cent difficulties amengst various Eurpealn bnildifigptirposs," mentiorîed iu Lb. Ordar in 'Y powei and considcring that the best lin- noCi, f h 'lt eeomber, -1854. Notice ia hcteby given, that Hia Exccllency the Governor it dorstanding now pré <ails hotwen ail théeGOcual hbas been ploaced, by <>ider in Couneil, l- grent pwers tlinks thé inté appeara t() baring date the I1th day or January, imtant, to -. déclare thsa the duty of Sire per cent, ne impoaed te bc auspicious te endeai-our seriousîy te ré- upon thé suid Att, 19 Viet. (%p. Io, upon 4 mas- te gulate and devclope thé atréngth and riches ch bnci-y for the mantifiteturé of dont», window xaches'and blindas," was-iuitended to extend and of thé nation at home.-Rejoiccs over thé docs extend te machinéry for the manufacture of LS prospérous condition cf thé country as eri- "*other wnod work for buIlding UJpo"04,'< a montioned in tis. Order in (ounc, i or thé 15tb Cncéd by lnrgely increasing revenues. Re- Decernlér, 18.54, publirmhed in thé Canada Ga- rgrta the sufféring causd by deficient zett', under date the lth nf aid môhfth. By Coînmand, nci-eps anti récent intindations; gays expen- R. S. M. IIOUC11ETTE, Ltses are te b. reduced-war tas abolishéd 7 ('omniuion :r of C'uatonul.1 if frein January nerL. Annual arm7 con.- -______ -tingcnt llxed at 10Ã"omn.Says ap- propriation is made for a translantic fine of steamers and atter reéfering te sundry local topfics, niUds up witl a Panegyrie supon thé state of the empire.: î Italian affaira in thé saieéa m LU c 1 ,condiion.unsatisfactei-y PRaivATE ïLS , co1 to.I ARTIES INTENflING TO MAIXE APPLI- SThé aent sent by Govéroment to er PIlcation to thée eralative Atqeémby for Pri- prisner anexié i Soth mer- privilege*, or e!onferming corporate powere for. D ic rpot that ncarly ail bad refuse& or Lecal orillisepiho s for rnt, foréxélui Sltn nrcsotr oudri,ors o r oi forrég Thé British Foreign Ofiic-e had printed ltn di,, mîvéssor boundailris, qor for doingaOf a muss of correspondence relating te thé other partites arc béret,> notifled that they ai-e affaira of Naples. rq uilrd hé the i2nd, Utrd and G4th Ittles (whiéb ar, publbshied ini ful in uthé Canada Ga2ette) to CO~STLN7rOPL~give tire months' notice of thé pplication in Frrbutr 5-~ésh es'iachés rein e ea Néspaper pubhlied hn thé Jtnlish, and 'euay 5- rs esace o e one iu the Frenoh language, ithé Diptrict et- h ei-an recemmend Fexruk: Khn te maltéfected, rendine copiçs of théeffinit and lest oif pec ihEgad n ini otices tothé Privete BillOffice, Toronto. ponc wit Eugand.ALFRED TOIDY British réinforcements hed arrived in the Clerk ofl'riv été Bih tOffice. Phco até nt ufrerm pimé, Sugar, uid TnBoxs-. Ail Blazc Pmman-Itot uter PInt. Ba-Y Street station. Xur-teLImp~îésTm,. - Platel armiera.-.Win Mitijet-, X~ NAN» AP'TER TIIUIDSDAY, THE 12m-s pooît ent Kuifo Trmys. 0J Februar>', Passenger Trains% wilI (for the iteeJa{ut~tulhs e accomimodation of thé publie) leavoe Front Su-eet -For talé foot of Bey Street, as folleus -1 .EI &SN TlAls 1050ST.41 Kîng 'Street, Torott. Thogh Train for Moutreel, Qîmebée, Por-tiéna, &c., 6.22 s. im., Toronto Minte.I)esdCah oe. Local Train for Coblourg, &o., 15!!p.. A ' XYLE daSdBCashT-oets sx.- TRtAINS couIcN-WST, -5-i-e .iiie-jd Mfer talliv b Paccénger Train f~o-u1p, Bei-bn, Stratford, PL LEWVIS & eSo. &c., 8.108.1n. -.* -1 , Pacacuger Trainlfbr doa 1.0par' Ceai Pnrîâiau. Fi-eigh t Trains îuil leare 1Doij't. Saton - à NASSORTmEXT ,0É QITITE 'NEW QenS.hP.f BIlD, Gn - A~Stylé . Ctal Purdxian--4,, mmsesa ndRt- S. . BDDEý Gncial àaC q Jtst recebycti muid for sale b>' Toronto; Feb.'11, J837., . EI &SN Toi-ente, .Jatmmary 20, 157. 4 TIE I3EST INlVEYGTIcEÏNT VET-_ _______ - ~. * IIMUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.ý y N iltFLOR~.gG~ TOWN 0F WIIIT- if; l.bS0~»0 YPI -I BY, ite to f*ouj.4 in th', uCh ,ËmtJ.iaeRai-gain LitaOFleuse ant Stf de lie('AP M GE te:,o Loàtititated on Dusélg Street, late- TrIEWý.mP;tj nOol femétifor salée>b his e, e 1>9'9ocmnpiét b>rMichaeî Mar-shall, hW tor.. 17ittli-op.MFryconaits of > i iig ToenLtNé" 0 u4 Lm -FealY.T*io Acres - LUIm , sine not bé e tdfÃ"rthwit1h,.eamrUgmt- niefybu natifulv itiuated, lmuvîimg a Fromge ou the érpeeft --For furtiier purtieura app> ' corth of ti t aeXn,~é EgtyIhI u . I.I1L N s, B ritr r etir lieds, on the scmutm t îqb'mitded by thée ii Waers tif l'art Wfmi by. Tiis irter frommîge -7 . A LLACEtByrmn.t liit 500 bétn mtmnîeu ratlpffla as tn t>Januiar>' 2smi, srg lia greaJ>- inérer'imi-ni me cf mimé Port, thé rVharDWgamcu110W nire wl lver>' soon be-iiitel-.i adéquto té tht. reqtmraemim.m n' liébuatuéeo tiis hs 1ntmige wmll î-omyso e équité lutté- nmmte tO thé rélirements of? LImébusiness, and mis froatagé wli rer>' Min h vaîo fin-it ig, uhip-buîlding, - menn e tri g e d oher - N TIC TheeNeutos avig drernied *on.Oli-l'h-E PROMASINAL DIRECTO RYOFTVIE f7ie hoeécuter isingoneilt, ansed ae émitg «JLWhitby anti Lakte lati Emilwa-y>'Company' 'tém'oicprpeit" l ee ltaîîlpepaedtetraaet théir htsinméa'in thé Rosozae'i-the eo se cii ADVANTAGELTS TEEMS, ut JasaCtmioamaiêNauspper dtabL4kiient. Ot- 1an hait tha aiunt umîh i iroult pi-odueéif ,c - eni ali,(Stt seeptxt), fret 10 titi eut in stuali lotit. in'S For ric ani futhmr <i-f ouli-aepplte nth mring, e4 4intfhé iflernoon.* FrpieOe nd Il the AWDut,> py oM. BUll! IEWSON. RABERTMIL LAW, Eécte..Agent andi seietr>'-J>wum iem. WILLIAM TI1EW, WLt m' 2 S7 Witiby, Jan. 19, 185..1 FOR SALE. AflOUSE ANDLOT, 1IN CENTRE -Lb nprprdt Atea t eaint t7LSRFT-etenthé Court Ileeau TQmahipé Ul reiig1. and suco11, loge, -teorles hiah; uiriâ ~frutmgé of 30 etbr'otiisil ottb bthe aa-ng ét b>'22 féétibudcptb. Théré iâ.aCeilar thetpresd xémirngltotLaete uns te wliolélngtlî of tbe Bu1ldInfc ad is LO ,i tfftijo thi4 ménntèdti hrourh6ut. Theré a is a'Cistere ý BEA FZPAj . ont l>ump.ttù . 3Anpty.±o e flè; eBt Utatinéleudifon teg es N. J. rlsso.. ,e 'P' r.~ ff~ - eoails_ td:e4_-iioTev1qfWhitby, and - nfl eblter undertisketo ereét bulhIle buthe r C OP ACE 'VALTJ4 <4iqý <> ahertest-notico, ors"l themtateriat mànatatfra ' Lot Ne. -14, in thte 8tIhiueeqsie'et aéWt'Raf-' Appl to ns, ina>' be Josrietadathe o e f Amnes W. -ro Es -A bteotandCivi Soenèa - 10,000' Acres b$ Wild' ianDd8 rrHET ARE S18TUATED IN -TIUE TOWN- of bpsetllnren Ihervicit, Morris, Grey, téra mpi ' Bte rchi'teo Amos .W. CROx, ArbtcCivil Engineer an dsate Agent, Bsrock8treet, Whît.. Iu thé Ton-tactWhith, a nnmbsr et Town Lots for sal. L A W. CRON. 1 F URNISTITNGUNDERTAKR, *e. FU- nérela ,furnished; CcfAwl)ns-elizes_-con- «tnnutiv ionlîààd. A god vlrletv cf Loée, Plates, ilandiés, Shrouds, &e.j for sale. land and the SLatem.> Théir pries maete will iancé Lbosq wbo taior eipt triale x- tend tuÏeur ordé,ý and thelr st0à *111i ays hé found complote. p RLEWIS &SN 41 King $tre4 uTront. 'T'IIESUBSCRIBER811A'VE NOW IN STOCK- '.thé méat complétéea argeaWt essortntent cf ffardwurc lu Catnada, te m'hieb Lb.>' would in- vite hnyérsa' étteutten. B. LEWIS & SO. Januer>' 30, 1857., Ires, É'ipwg9r ,000 fet te < michi Patent Wolçidd ien-Pipe 10,000 " I~ ~~ 3,000" 2" K LEWIS & SON'. N tILq-, (MASS, PUTrrY, WHITE LitAD, LMIéa Pipé. Consp<mition dOý, Brasa 'rbé, ZKE DAILY C0L01ISTP A MIS BRITISEI COLONIS$<r ç(Tii-Weeki>,) - * TI NEWS 0f; t-HE We ý (Weclmly.) fflh, olonist ........ Str .......... tt .O 7 A I n CIgi oaef fi-e.. 5 0 4f4 ?AT*5FZLZAT 135*? -lS sEXhITISOÀI.ias et anL t i fp ti d tl fo ce 2 pi, La Ou TU LIVERPOOL & LONioiq Fin &Lff IauaaeCoWy, Empowcred by-Specia1 Âges ef Pmrismlt- CaPitil,.2.000,000Sterling. C4&NADA BOARD 0F DIREC'ToRS:,- T. B. Anderon Faq , Aiez.s. Suésen Fi-émiafnts on Fi-e Insursée reèived flor Chf three yearssnding, lat À 15,,nd inter- est net accrning on Lire P ,574. Insurances tnsy hoe etected in the above r.. pousîible Cm-7, maid. every ifomaio h- tsned on 2*pp&Itain te A4. J. ARSN GIEcwgOIIY's AJLEY AMD CON, FEMTONIV$Y. BRO-CJ<STH-EET, WIITBY', (roid#ér tým- îf. ut8od- * £W, Séoian& by theé iuhibitnitsfWhitby, 'and Lo gee , - for Lb. llbérl patronage exténded te 1dm 1 business.lié bas nov océnpied the premises ing Brock iti-édt, neît <ber teIlobbad & (.'& Penitentsary Bue and Slip. Store, sud would invite the attention et b!&paireestO hie Crack., -Lihe Lest la tewe. Ail kind t fCaàke, crackb. ers, plain a fane>' Brfd, Biscuits. kept eonstantly on JjAn* Weddlansanal Parties SUpidon th. short notice, andii sjf ff'a4- L.mon, TorL aad Soda B&écéitg a»aetuu, on haad. SElf &k II& C,.HArd a rE. onai. and f II o aSCo lTe aiad xmine before pnrcbmjgWelme- A.J. JLARRXSOy, Wi)ý Jan. 14, 1851. t Ssi Dometu- OitSpu"q Omrne, 18 TMEPLACÉ TOIIYSLIHCT i-" anti (ariages t tof eécptail éi n-il! sivai-. ltfnd oms bsnd a go aaertmet tsnim Sodat Puces that deft- compntition5 rcal uetdéeamine bi ie trrtrchaii s.,-n-t 1 ALL & LYNiT W thi>-, -Jan. lehu.- IN TIE'TOWN 0V <) ýWHITBY,-1K L'Tnî4 J.'sicindty e'LIeMarertt n' win fmeont. For flutimer psyttonin t*Il BE LTIXZ E IS MLG 1lt Ind* Mlbsmr -Belinga 3 inch. t>14inlus - to Tons Bûzý 1 l'esým,.*à*ItBand Irteu", maeira' 25 Emndîes ba $peu* ~Ste., fe*=2y, fr2 inébes. 100 FaL4aPlongir. lttn.. Ploug'li ottA- haV e&C~,& W d et> euicý-ipcOa a tshe1t autoIWVlie Hùadm'are. *whitbysb uaqîz1,1BIM ---- C,5 Qe rr e-Ne I -ql'liETE L I'lier A A huhexi in tet PRe-r culai-a lu& etationeri mmeüs, PI, pi-ian the lamé < iRDEU L 1-:1. F, Wbitby, Kgb. 23, 1857.t T orSe or to ut, TuE WIiTIIY T N.1ELS wITII WO -UIN oPSTÃ"NES,AL TVcomplété, andtintuorc thé gee,-tug for thé, third i-un, lmu propelîcti hi-a tti-t>'herse poîver Enfine. Thé 31111 hu doncé a geod lînlsînési autoe it was lu opé .ration lest Sépéémbér. Thé Milim ta to, aud in cd order. Timoré ix fotir otlfhsof au hère cf ilththé MUl.Appiy- if by letter, post peid, te *port Iremr- Or on thé Pei-ela., Port Péri-y, Fehr,îary- u,15. SADDLERY -- IARNESS8 w ARE lxO U 8E 9 DUNDAS STREET, WITITIJY. JAMES RITUIIIE, IN RETURNINO tilials b lhus uninerous Patron. and ité Paubli geiterell>, for timir ici-> libéral patronage during thé Puac éson,laItes ttis opportîiilj or ut- fornin 'Lthetu that hé bas nom' on bhalereeg 'and m'eU aéléctéd tmçtortmnL tof Dor-ait A&X-P SISOL E Utrsi Itisrs gadeliery, Trunks, Whips, Coilaro, &c., Ml of which ha uil 5îSelut tée Loect remette- i-atiug Priées. N.IB.-Parlctilsi attention paid Le Lthe Job- bing Departiaent. Whbîby, Feb. 28, 1s57.

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