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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1857, p. 2

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iàs. M - Il the apýro' QQ4 the HOMO ln Mking The' thers of the dece"ed se- isoo per ùffièý' two otherlbro ýý W , Rtimated cost ofthé au4j au-&P,à rma, PrIRti neSusary te "tablish a ted Ù ehief mournerg, 9 and theywM M. Port Ný'hit 4!1 cities and villages, atud w"kly Une of stemers u sotb u thtt wU lowed bjy a number others or' by and 1Akeýý IIUNin ulway is Chiarches, qotted with SchoQLý wiih happy -bourg day afternou until xqDýkY, in gons donc it wôuldbe, for the evernment t of the most %5000; the eombl*héd argument as te p-QpU-ý emen of the' western lation alla-,--ost wili 4 V't lied genti th__ inerpase wealth wliaienhd sbhuadldlinpgw Ortho déplorable Accido take such stepg as woula meet tbo VI nt population -in both pjafflthta»t 31,ppogin at on the 'Grut ews Section of the % vinm The ýcontrîbute in a deýýted te hÎs service and Kine Westom Railway. Of the hon. member for Toronto. They aftei Pm'irig 4J' the house of Mr. ZimmW 110uits, this ý While the cars are loaded with wore now in correspondence with the Uni. man, etopped ne" it forp short tlme, wheit Cellinty n)-7 nowundertakOA %ilway 14p, freight and - payintgl passengers, un i ntmduced a lÂIlý te render ted Post.Offlec Depariment, and the body was brought out by Knight Tem. miles long at tlie "Qat- wit1ilteonpoqt Master Gcneral of the Impe. Pllirs; and depasiteil on the hearst. The Saine the- groanink ellgines arc earning flic rial Post Office on the subject. If the Funeral Service prospecter suècéssthatý,*«Sacbüsetts i iliteresiL, Providence sends it., r- -Mr Afaçkentieaî bill toi eloct Mayors of the Church of England in 1840, comiaencedý its IÎ 00 rnile;g- It 9cod Nentinient and brotherly f#-,( Otirs l)ya4,rpçtvot hon niber would be en howqe bv of the eloctors. ritent with an having been rend in the the Rey. n"Sy bc askelý what ras th't' Population of burses flic culture of î1e city te jý1 thil part of the government Mr. Âinsworth, of e Chu lairant reh Of England, this State in 1850, wheu th ITIQO. 4n Merretts bill to enable -the Oct Shall rucuive ilL5 carliest the vrhole- aelserably then Ose Railwa 8 plieit-v of file hallitirf, ai-id brings Town of SL Catherines te &upply itseif nioved ton efin. averaged A nett diYidend or Ove attention in ovent of the appropriation L,,'nPora;'Y v ult, bifflt on the hill faci It had te 948-,çfi,%t a r fi P et. sirén,-th and vîrfue or the villagç %vatcr. ý , , 1 f,.Iiug 1 il advanci of colirâtry te the wist.îtig bc* , fle'Would have rouon te bc the river in the Kround, oe ýjr. 7,ilnmer. lie BULS nPAID A SECOND Tflir. 1 11119 n'JÏ'k & a tif 20 iR et frotn 1840 1 The resuIt ora and rivqteils te every intf *,«t (in Bill to arnend flic several net% te rerned perfectly &-iti.çýfietL man, where the Funeral service of the t"ýofcoml)3rison estodiviciend itaying cap- thrmd of frafernw, y 1 lion. Mr. Caiueron would bc quîte Fatîs-,l -%faý"iiic Lodge wa-4 reid by the beilig, that the Pofeulation of 6 ii,ýlli.,eiice, z'Aises prejudicihl te Agriculture wM rend Grand L. this twifting sen, shore and bill roiiiii tt ý"Vcoj1d thne, and rererred te a select coin- fled with the statements or flic lion. ilost Pa' for of the St-ate of New York- Mr. Colitity even ut the saine c,ýOst or Railway and grain field, forge &nd factj'y %Itt,,;tcr The (;ýivürriràiciit of this Murphy. per mile, if; proporitionnijly &,ble even' now' and mille, Slow1y prepartii Society Bill fil encourage Mining Cmnnanics te country hall lie power ta niake any arran- The proceýsion coniinchc(,ý41 te fortu (o support a 6 1 lier cent diyidtt,,j r- ayirij rrayer ', thàt. thby &II njay lte emprit with flic j7jjited Statc.- ex(,-eýpt about Il-rint 2 p. in., and occupieeýan Rxilroad of 5" mileg. tth.-P *11 ýl0nStrUc1t 'Trall, to Colillect with 1 - e a " If im gaod then, that mouft4i and Naviguble ttireu-«h flic llliperai C;ovcrnnien. ii-l:icli hotir's tinie. 0,wint- te the moi o feorable viy«r of the r«Ult, gradold, ledgen blated, fair roa Rivers was reail a la finie and ruferred te flic itlailv.,ýt m-otild be the 1 roper illodo cf attending file deati; or the (-Icreilpû,l and ing th,*t-the poilu tion hi Z.- Ï01deld tilt- saine deserts fertiliz Not1iiii -c tlliui 1 . ej, swampu g CouM be illoi t1w ltlli)üging nature orthe an trallir per herc PS %herr, (11'iàiiekl, 'Ind lliactl:d file statenic.it niaileon file 1>;irt of the gn%-_ ü\traordinary senîution previl ear*niii-,s of the 1?(nd woula 1 g ro.ýýq 1 nery invente c Ship 1 eriiiiient by fil(- (,;Lll-ýei-«t'. all'j tire £Venn-cpt ded flic e say haUfor furflivr to ellootirag #-'-27.ý;75, illiit -U fi'st as tlio.qm- objec-4 are -withiv flic Province, %Yàtt; read a szceond i Who, judgirlg and Revairs J plis 1 %vîth that assurance Ile hall lio objection front their s4trri miiiitenuiietx,,z, hall never flic Nett FArnings woùl(l &.1nellnt, tr) to 'l'lie whote or file ý # l 6.1, t - i eii.l. rleizeis hâd in view t-.-iirervene. A. Dorion %ýîs1ic4t te refer flic motion: wcpt ,pat.0 in 61;7, or about 15 per cent on the ,,tim,%ted i? 10.% voillillitive offlic %vLole. àlùtioti arcordîngly vii-thdrallil. tilt 11ý:ighbOuTljç9d op file house and -the 038L E 41.")Itl.19;,i" M 1 Vallit wrx denl-e end., 'W Bill tc re,,pilait, il,(, ý,qiv o, Ilon. M;- Caincron iiiovcd for an etied te toa nioved by niore earnàigý nf rLt wa syqorn, not ai Ail- 1-lCold: who !;e, Or the operation and ive Feu lime and ru1*ýrrM to a d u tt) 'lis L'" -£'ç' 'lirnts >q LIlcricy, foi. a copy 0 tilt- than ait ordînary dç>grtc of gorrow attend. finis ftirnshtýý % N, ý donrc or.l,(,*f accL;, in f&V(Ir or (MAI jjjjjution cf wf Colainis:ion lill"I instructions issoed to the alit on the disceâme of an important public und ý1ltllit tee of four doctorè; and file illover, a (Irtikiriir, asz a J'Iliaricial not almv elcer indielition,14 cr rtitlire grow Coil pointeil lby the Govern- j n'Rn. Ail were with the perli. offly hi-,, bill hy a flisply Of the M-üý1ltI1 p ";nt ofily have fhù.ý4ý ment to bit e frany of t'lie liar !ýo1cmnity of tt, i WlI fo criond the Miiiiiripai .ýnq of [*Il- juire ii;lt0) flic eulis -Ir cercnionil. Which theY have int!rea,%t(l %»il t, 4.q qenfd thetrial ur jl:id f fia, ru roa ricw pv Canada, sù fjjiý ilç, (huv "(11,11te to flic -IVIt Sups 011-I)t to bc tken to -rrrent rbry bâve reatej. thee p tt,(1 gr- 1 nutl'Ay others for flic Nltit-,It-r of Lit 'ard (.'cri-îgan. 1 , Y -li Of Stattite La'bor %vas rcad a i sitnilar (V.qa,ýierg ? iiiiiii fil !K.im( the hal. I)v C e:r Motion agreed to. e y e cfIý cf(, 1 the) ýicN)nd t.inie arid 1-eferl.cý(1 to corlililittee of an enquirv isitn tie matter, for tIý- gl the MrWemen tac whole ilext Ttiur,,(]ýiv. ..... WM op , - e 14,âL, i;l 10 fil," 5*,,!t 1 1, , C il m thev n(,vr entintry is hl ir hcr ; . h*vc 4f.-m Bill for protection Xew Vicich. on the Crcat Il*.(.,,(.' , 1 t1ik, 1, r;4iýý of .4cl(' persons own;n, t'il ii,;e, âLýýllt pre of iiiincriszIly "allie etpropc-rty is i 01, Shorcs of L.iý e Ontario, in the Sareti- or m-*, - r nerirased, aO,ý, flic 1);vIj sa ilotay riutiors are thia file %11(4e cciýt the âzgT,,*ýjtc we-lith or th. iiovrý rjirrout? the Gniiities of 'York, Peel and liali ýn, IVA", )il. of thih Mirlity ix 411zrri(,nteoi. Nfill-site-Crown Limi Departnient. Ive havi road .1 third finie and referred to ('o:iiniittef, and pli'olit Mifet V, dcrfý;.,cJ fil. Ra -:ý; il.l,- fi,) t #)ri fin. it -, : S hl'( ri (if the irni etatiro. l'flic whole on TlitirstiýiAv next. -lie ý1 , 1 1).,It it n 010UM lie dAn'. a lïl Ille ei Wcalth C("iillt ff. tilt wo.k- IkIl te ilici-case the ital S.ock- of th 'l'lie verdiet of file li.rv l,ýw4 'A ýà0Ie Statt ut, the rendered lip ln thl,,. rt Dalhousie and Thonald Rail wa 1. Ci tillle cfiý;4j* !,i -'i I;Y 4 due alepreciatiou (,t,! 'y renl. .1v, 'ilid to change flic ij«tllle (A h- What tout verdict m ili lie it i, not tIj11,ý cul.- tilll4u ýJjd rclierred to fert-etýr.ither t 1wmId t.. 1 oreý;vu. (if the au- 11111111; Rn ('il flic groivth rir our (,f)tlltllitttx-- on Railte.-iis. j 1 110 nt v- ill lie could nnlv in the i'MIpe ()f L de bill rtýquirîn- accotints arrled at 't, fil] à iiriee ? . 'e frý, of our corrin)crct, in th't. renderc 1 to havi, beril le gn fcý will bc iv , l itl(,Cd to follutv in th niant'. for the ,)roq.itict4 (loverimient, to be so renliered in (lot- e 'I'Rilic path of Ili, of.èsr:cll Ni) tý of censtire (Ir rlecllnl.%rj- plin a %tcrl, ilich Ij:ý: bâve fflt theni pro !ilginu-Iv in t and cenLq ivae rend a th i il timw and N 4.41Mcnt On the I*ailiviv So and tr'ttel, the bereaie'l father., hý r'seen ;1:1 vad i thaL froi-i 1 s4o tb (fr Y L- eý,, L l'f', nà î- 'r , t lie t. : ir tjic Vict ili), 'le popillat ioil of' jý;: *'s, Uht Il t iacreaý,t:,I M 1) 'le rv,ýoVt:i to c:t,ý j.,j,ýýrk Tnovra filial the llnil.w ao ý,.Icriflced nt the Oirile tif liai'%Ir-èi- i about 29 T1iurAaý. M- Iii-r ce. grvat at.1%a-lut z!, a Etr or tli,ý reg that it go iiiii) ctiiuniittee orthe wbole 1 ri:1liýl Vint.1t tir 1_ crs ý:tlt 1 11,11W W*- tile iti ;IÉ1 eilly day to cow4der the folljvitig 1 rt y witil whir:1 14-l'i4t fhu coli(io1w, :1ý7v è-ý-in r,,qterr i Le of the t<) ti4;,,zict the p. ý,jý lit itý)lle: ur, ion are ,ed, gold alid si -.;r tfike, Our Ilailirey 4l'onsiderfel ne a couray officill rv11frr.ý "f' 1 e 't« ftllit ttif». %'allie of reul f1L 0 1 7. ý It,> f; f, i '0 011 edntý ' ' l'atterinking. 1 . 'in týy tliv Thât ILikra"S bcing 7ý tilre,4 the entire Il l'nu il. valuiiijle «Ilid pur- ilitetil% *ýhV - ýiiljQ ta.xzi(Îli,-i ei'Tea, Sugur, lifid In ý,-ý[,ain ni, r In tlic-.çe I)LV'. gil erf f l" . ieý>ùs, ai, a time n lien file price of pro- ctive for the in v:% tnent io the aud iýru- 'f i" Sion of Mexico 11dVe buun forwnird, 411-f1ý-ç ef the %viiicli Ille cid ýhz avrraý,c. aý-._cý,svd vaielv of c-..erv nre wiustirlly high, and the blir- 1 'l'lie ilnad:ng 1*,!I-(-L S(ýt tliol staî;'tiý-6 L.., con- "":niý a"oq't 'n 4t;tnuinte(l (if a labolirinilz population f, %Vc here Sand nln.,t littlf- ni-ý,rù Oia-i dolibi 1 jý l 4 o. that 'Iliring lý55 amd ]K d. Q»--liý.1I i!ifl ý.a itiili.-q ýilI â1Inàitý 01 112 a 4 0 1 Ile eliccts Ille Raivv.1 1 m front tlit. t4M1ution Yot, of the Citv of i,"itkw Ivio; ntmiriv siooloo, ai,41 fl,ýff1 tite triv%ý E n ýr held to iio a SU (jl>rr.tti n, 7 2 orl't'a about eeer% Sf,ýý fil the v C... 1 .,:"l ï:,;i rient m-arruit f,ýr vri-t-v v,,iterjjr:'ý c tiiaý ili.,v 'nite'l Stateg ports no jax %ý bpi'!" Vr iý: i Ciiàt!i.-ý111 :-ýh4) Tlio pý-,,pk- of' hr )-lit r:itiirr onlY ing c'!, ri t tilt lUd on. thc>ýe artieles; ilint di -cýiA ýL in lit. 1 the :ý_4ý rnll g.-ert. il,* le the test of r"m 1% , Irr àý vvars-tile aalourit cf t1ýe ll:1il(-,takijý,- pnrî!zcn, in their bcïkr.,ngý;. ci,.,e and réi!!I- on and ha--c bern -'in- The jýý, regard ttý Iinc:ý îý)f RailwaY, on til@ of ;,ýýA hy the consilliévr, in R-fc,ý Wri riv Li7rý: attail:ble, enabillig thr fàrr,ýrr. tilt iliz- 1,,0- tate t1ua- file ity. ru-.ýi Ille 11vim- in the IN-Iiilt> .111 additionid of' next rieviiii, tli' iiie file :JI other c7îaS,ýêu-, bv n the rroui tUifito ille 'lie J was levieil nýs, (Ility frolit MMa plave, on tlný titis ccr fiffly 2'ý-I, 'l'ý! , 1lýýu fil( Výý ni --och (g iq nt ýr tf) procure for 'A - Illat Cilîte(4ý >1X(cý5 Ul*e.91,tý,ý,ttl v m iil - - 1 ý.t- I t4ir roi1dren an revelh4 lier 10 Veznýý on SugIlli', Iltllot,ýgli à i- one of; NaLil-1.1 a ltý iii. "hich. :Lo;vvv(r ýîar!.j'v lier PnPre,,,i,! ,ow thitz t:i,. ur(), n,11 *;Ntz lit- is im raz(r, e, o taka. ;loit %Vlotliv and %. . . t ý :Lý for tbe-4e prf)4tlv 1-.ave tu aCon of Ille hil ýd by the 1:1. t bet.n io- lit-i-Snd their 1uh, Il. clivs in (li.ýt couii1rý; tIrit %%io, a ].'r ýw:,. Cip-il'any. the c- Ma, j' liot beerà fuirly provril, tba.' il, cazl ive find pw, cT:ý apply ttý,;t, and in tliein nt) r (o prudence uld. ceý.iioiïi%- in ti'e aj- KiriýI.-inil, Crcon. t!,*v.,n.,ý,.t,)-týiiiil-,-Jiý-t!l(-Ftj(,ris(,;ir" .,(iftltiý. 3,'d in Iiro- Couragellient rcr a tif our this lionsc wood. aip A r,ý uca;i" l'ilitY (o t-ul)rx;r, the litre tbat the u-.xeýs cin Tc.1 Co!jjýrl 1 TTI -e sciiool Truste fiee SUM of Z. b:Lý on tliséat Gf' G"overbment l'Ars c10 net hn1j Ortwres reucnsiLle foi th éplu«,,e -C - , On and sinkini, evenW, t'Iton. Mr. Afaclioraid 1 tb a boùse b coiilwÏttCL-,; ai" the ýTatle FA;tor ot.tlie YUitýy Ciroliiele. pils for the 1W per cen his rezoltilns. t, of C ýiljaùde.tit oved in ame'ritlmt,-.t Appcsr.ý;: that 1 Was wropg in 15. COUM it Do CI îlAng the 1 ', or inotivQ f,ýT i 8 illuxpetht ta enter upon the Of mer'n- ;,'tllt businesýý.. e lotIgson at th 1.25. 1 , d. it l'ho aniflinc-nt was Ioet, th like to 3fýr. 1 e P,()ard of School Trustec 1,02rd, iiiiing t1idinistry, being 68_to uni ),,rd j&rl. Ixst, and thut qaid mer*ît'is due t', %fi el Soirmai;ý- held at the B igeldvr, to, wlir3m 1 nov, re'spectfiilly trans. [all, on Niday ý,veiiin- ]art in fer it, and it further icinpears frorn lir. correct sUteTI liluilding juds of the Vý'esleyan B;'gcl0w's lettcr th2t thi% heulthy resolu-- have had no n tion which inercly alUràiéd the exlicdjen Chiirchiri t1ils iown. 'Iliè CY Upon, to brint. cfpt2L1-ný Intri practlce tbe flrfit - ineîpIéý attcnJý ivas tea PL the doý,r. In, - - an- Pl' be beEevell. foi. y(,. . f arithrnûtiý_ in tr. >acting the ý fiý-llnr 1'>'Urgc congregation at- ial the Board, and that an increise of wcý fouhJed ui)o" ir, fav'oif tlie Ubject, 4ilid the la piece ofsiékly j ýot.r cri waX fict4iiLlly 17t) Or 2' por tiàcrei)y«.ill le: population îï; n -r open for ih- the riatin -cr i the d(;,,ý T» Nor, .ion or yter) Li tha Alleghazzy stray and Uneepu-d lu!np ne_ cnunLý. Theîehowe-.-craýeoftnfngr»irnprr- the ance c pared to another, WhicIý Mr. - B., quart It W&Li )Iljtllitteil on tho 16th t, f Lý;t, JILà ine-identally-refum to, n4nù the le-cacy 0 l'he thret unpaid ýwhicIj_ their prede- ýr re taldeîrourided, after a.,;tru- 3 in officé hàyquizt:ýcd . upon the 1 r.eý]y constituted Boani, thui pokîng into the, nl* or 147, thnt -,Wllich swum - hav& ircre Yü."lflrýtk. i been founded î elenterit lir-s ii cil metspectally e the n the stonizch ant.k dity foi - that thé ý14(l.iy eqang. lhê nieiiiljurs ";how'n,, golgotha expen- elernent heri', lo-ethet by z]lie Mayor fvr iht. 1 dittire of £W ý f-1ý lut year'î* in reïlity a-, c 1 tell t) a inti,-Ii larger s'lm. But ho*eVer aM<ýun injudi- Mr. Iiiýistien, the Y'ýmàbf,,r the &ard of &hà Trustees ma otir prcý;cnt &U (*oltrlty; !ý':4ve be-eri- in course t Y r, n î W ea i the r tion with thf 41)Y 'A bich the ' e.xl,,,nliture of rarloui; arài4. important slums tkince fi>r m-i,44tu haV-(ý 1wfle in the Fllb'.ic illoie-Y, - these W#-, :t-.er taguree çvhtt àWàýLs lis in cilir-4ç' 1-A !1ýe* 41141 far the kstowing onts aver t%ïat *,ve are to. '_QýébôQI l'or ru ill . hýiiig just à have an aetflit-onaf grand nciv Se ti!)!!.ýh1ncnt ev£rr way w;.)rtby therising IL14 ta coulyrjÏttiýe of t» of ti.L, 'roýirn of W!iitbyý the a-ve=,-c pli but rfpýie je- tliat this grcat, and as yet, un(l-.vel6pe& 1. ýý 1 have 4t.41 ;LI îliid a(ijjtiried witnout structure is tu be erccted, ýtl50 in the e"4 tir j)erh»îj,ýi ay i.-'r, on the p m3 of Shinar- ç L, ind ýý':lt."n entered the dOuhtless rXdiate a number ;oG.in Ci ad-icent buiMing 1,)tq which m.-Is -C(Fnïi)areui to C illitlit wâs equent- ir. ï lie frisil ure fàxl)ç,(ý,trdd to trot off q uiek- [y, at re- 1, i t t i n -ps Ls t vtry nlli;,nitntat tl)e -Mll iierat ffig prices. But the oýject of this for every five lctttr is cle-zly to prové ent (>ccil.pied in Siglit, anti : thatthis , 'ivt prospec- pty. A; lillid ýu a4ijjili'r, Wititout (10 t'la ,Zre lem port, izz ta bi ý%1l1 larClY tu ourdelit Tr' Our taxes, andin L'X tirne to our zn-anial seatï -lki ully no' , relýzîrett ilut thut wu lim le a]- (ýj. lie three - empty Frovicied tanch, more school Ofiles"'Illory discussion within the Town above vý hkch the preý-,surt oi 13ut attlic sanie time I!S otir permit me to advert ta a in my hist letter which hUý, been rýontradictL.,l f w; in il a whoshould havek1111, ýWn more, Poiliti on Lake Outa. atil befter, naine' thq cost BaY ; and vvhat Of ilic Bay HaY haïe tu do. 1 alona, with Lie indiviclurd &Iluded to', -the infliaion 91 iiiemijer,4 of rhe crrnni-*.ttee of tril.(:h we it, in the crertion of Lhât schSl In Coacludil ;ry to aa _rLicie There were fhree tenders gîvçn in Ihis týiornV su iiii,4iir o.ir ed t, r4"1 hef'd. ; üach enibr-,ving the fiirniý;hirig of %Il -inatii- - liave two the wark- -.wçýorilîn;; it tq- in ftztzire 4 ýscI1Oo1s, pre-ý- ilLil'aiiý1 ; th,@ ljlg'hcýst of Bozr(j of 2rrus the"ýe Vvas _ý'2îffl, the -awl the À;& -thin- we see a tj, in the a iccept,,ýd, ".i t1ie jýjb com- ()Cui -Uct 5ki holding a jwGl pointing tý a aere, was £2ý Io>. but in coý,j on the reYt "',knition of it being fur a Sclvoul ýite the » ipp C"Ilotii'xt and CI'Ae (,Mr. tlic Ivest ai there wax £I pàZd to Mr. el Bryz-1 'rI t V-£ la p--nn. ýg city ng Ç)Iilx;rtiliii. 'r pewstove and thé ON st'u've L-ty the death ý14.,Ve tileir fý - 1'. &R-C fe.,ï-c-litthi.-îr citv, tir tu tlese suaLg ad4ed artiolints to - - --i - - - -- li -1 -'. ... Dy 1 tiiis yev Wili Dot not eirpire 1 pailA"i iliv attelript of this mature aý 1 fi s proved à ieapries:i or transport and f&eilities of! ptail%&-ay jýijI b. an rC,.ýt*b1isheI Dt )re tle '21 ýhijlingg per liend. -M h tscovering and C.-ýeating 1 the work Weil under way. e ct, art] iv&s flic per-"otl,- en, -.10- qign.il failtire. Alitidpntedt raffir, and artu- litni. Mr. Speure statril t1ilit in reply to men ard childrez), lyirig in file cio,ýzý elli- 1 in altiot absurd (IL.;a_ Recesýr, to re.4oum" t!Ow utik-iirw-n or nn- k bý -àl". Mackedzie, %vÎth refercn- brace rentai, of death, %vlio. but ait liour hef,,re, greonicnf. reaccn in fin 1 n -or o' appreciattil bccauge and by Clierch. to file amitial rejý9rL -of flic, Postinaster wcre ftill of life, hofie and biloyalit feelirigs ert ing ariv se!icme 'ov a euniparison of iCs j-- the stir und acti,ýity thu ated stintulat ýcticral's (jepartiiient, that file rej;or,ý liad --file fentl.-res 0l'inany (1;b;tortý-d neral fcaturcs,ýAith tjjC)5:ýý.f1f 0411trs w,.Iill î il-and promo,ýin h ileeresis et ail. what iâ YOIt!t 1 A dart-4*11g 11illow 1,,ývn laid before the Ilouse at the earliest and bl,)o(iy - in others t1w Conlortion i have Îs, filai, Cie actila-1 Cxperi- Ir in MZSý%achuyctlts lZailrond Winds beý'hi1l4 &ni Týck.14 aw required tl)at the rci)ort sûd bv t.1je ilf!,Itll-gpgstll Nvas frîghtfull-V i- ence of file past C-1-1 be s-veriff)ld return, will ipý,rîùýL The k wei é> lied, tire hfts Pl po.,, aid that tilo PmVers which ýî as t'O bc made lip to tilt, ai si March k 0 the and its operatiolis r Il an aveu- ittle liabilit.v or the i alct.late4j Mit file dread of a j* * _ ! Z -ne one hasL and sible. One*s 62ood eurdles to thin n bility of a few yenr.,ý,, t ýe govern the -worldt arc the pulpit, ýthe pregg coald not; have becii brou-lit doivii any aiviul sight. ûIt! Spençer descril -s ti MCY cannot bc attafiicd in any ren- rij1inýg t.-tx. ý ý-w)ner thali ÎL had been. Tite 8Lt ofifeeling with whieli-oraccouldiDdy look- P- doni ertiln.iteq of the future. intelligent men of thi frS 1 and, the 14dit's t' the twi)' Inst - SPéak fer '1arch had been selected ivlien the Ilouse cil if. trîbut Ille former. rcqliimq Our e,ýpc. Ail eirgliirerè. i,,)r ar ' igainst tiieRailivayl' ing to such an un(lertakittjr, even'onc s we grefti, afri-iqlli, d, of the succe-ps or third of its cost ? Our P0pu1itiîrý, !- nu- attenti;r), w ý,4iî-izilly tuet in Julie. 1-lureat lie slititte .15 witil nt-Vim j-ct becp ftiilY etb" supported on flic groun n think it-s influence has Xr. À liodon would votc, acnainst th it At1d trûUd,ýi1ig1 terrur d;d Lis heart appt.11 non-succers of any one eail-road til.ttniigl merous, our soil, îs ricit, our luin),Sr lis and 'its uet becati&c lie not approve f Ntir ivist lie ivian to tidjili iif that dauje Migit, bc selchcted, would hardly be m-orthy of at- valuable. Nature bas done much for ug, er tlioso 'Yoc-L-5 ; ut-ility in lut nor t,) d,ý ut teiltiOll, front the alinost ànp(esiý1 liernre, Fias ilever -t jitýv Of ail we do nothin for our&elves:? t; Tho full), ho did net think- that the su - b. ! A terrible death to bave niet wîth un- t lis bc ec:cept '" tho"' have joct shotiid bc taken up until after the In- ! lïijdiii- a Roatl similar in cvery res earlY' bird Catehes thewý,rm"ihen Ic f expectedly and untitacly I-Ftv tilose toi) pect to fcr e rllort tiUA bcen of its encral's ýfinancj il stateniqui, we ' ' 1 eli . tile (WÇ I)ri),Poged-in e*st of Construction up ý&nd nioving lest, in thix &-0 ofpro,-r",,ý ,, having every indutentent to live. Ilati th too secure weinay be lau-ifl--ethe raC,ý> y length of Une, Population cuid wealth bi flic ýperhaps on the verge of liappinmýi, â;udder, localityt y aýirancement and- iinpr,3,rin, M 1 1he pulpit eych in Mr. Ganible tliouglit flint wilenovcr if raversell, as well as the difficult -ni. Our Cou A temporal ris VraUable to malice flic duties, those ly snatelied away out or existence into ntt Orjudgin- &g to flic inerits of if ' tY 110!e*llnollggt the first in its wealth and hesitatingly say týat it the dreari uiiknoirn Beyciid; front all Ille eatiirerý, the 1 1 its Mî4oýcêi% muy bc dà-*Ftanced and sfi> 't"t' but aiso the eheaýpeRt lea ani stigar should bc first taken off, joved and hefil dear. Y nient But if in thesegenerai f naturally' fok-1 tll the informiâtion to be fLiriii.,ilied b locale r Our propoiýel gaffl"y wilIbr, rouma l pirsed by Others, ';ý h ich 1 cai Iiispector Genmi was before the ion te bear comparison witiý th. ra Cul y l'lie consternation willeh look p-9ssess . 1 ? ose of a genc 1 vored, niay have Profited by thé, lemozW w th M-b-ý]ay8 it à 1 of the ininds of êvery one on hearing of file system of rail s and Ftîzing tbe lictiFe, and while the <»untry was In ifs road,;,' and it bc xhown .1, and -experiencc of Lje rase go t1ink thâtt f,>r the ,weselàt poxition with regard te the Grand 1 ed M'néy, gilven to J calanlit.v eicecded ali deýýcription. A decp that the av go-result of ywtem hpý era thî,: r -bCered have &teund lq>ort t4e'pülplt we 4eriv, nu direct J'Unk and other ruattem lie could net vote fitable one, and that the lu*! ý.V'mpathy with the bereaveti throbbed in bene. theraselves advimlager., Wkieh, e ly equ i-ýn- the motion. , rom it have bcèn farin excesâ 1 cessable te us, we br4TC lzc1ý every breast and appeared depicted in eýp"iro ded tlecueriy Let lwýýQ Who think Ze, lozik to tÈb Tliemotion wisthen put and last.-Ycag every coniatenance. Strangers. and those of the OULIAY ineurred, îtniust beûeg or good sense toi-,-ccurzý J!MOZlnts paid t'O one Nays for keeping the'oth , er "- of' 501ne nations C'. at a distance, experienced this feeling as that the tinie luis coule' for thisbouni.y ja -Tà order toi show thât a great ropofflqm. part in jection l'Ur, Wrî4lýV MATI. --GL-%N assist in f Îhe inercase of vrealth in M th well as the stricken relatives of the de. then,,Ànsýrelir., ýjn Our TO EN *D. Ille construet of this Rail M-y- opinion . e Afr. n movèd for an address to Relative te the prospects of the Road &-, attributable te the adoption oftbb ceased' Hamilton has been since one 1 - strength of AnT nÀiion or conmurit, con. alter_ scencofmourning. Atthefurnaisor siýits in wiie, virtuous. 1.ýfjer àfajesty on the subject ofsuch il those an investinent, celup;%re the p«qition of this systew, a fow ezbues froM thetutëïtl-Tabi- and Migious ý1ion.s inthe Post.al arrangements between e in 1852, 'Il Il giO4 rül È -peo- 1111 Ille interred 'Ilie respedful demon- Countywith that of th' State of Mas&ehu- leepubIWie,4 wi s 0 audreii es. to fi t'.111,ý te -States, and Great Bri- stration of sympathy showm coula, not lie setts which in '1840 conimenced ifs system cre and tbeir f h4ve t4ese . the' séeds àr v -.ýLliada flic Uni. d of the people th ILMURAI 0 ' Stffled r Ue, ý ànd ýieeii. timn, as mily further encourage stmn coin. cxcCoded. We takethe following descrip. et Railroads. These in 1850 excoeding lm *âYantaffl der ires or tien of the funeral of I«r. Zignmeru= 1111illication betiveen Cana4a and the Mot- Miles in length the e4rningi in 1850 ten yeaW experitince our Sunt Ir lier Cotintry. r ns - .. 1 ý v- J. T. were over 1.1 VéL ti rivestment Moro than' hat the This motion bad he stýted, been, , lin sbey- < Fully ten thougand people wen present, a littlé under Gi, anexpe es and ý eplim the 1 lu beèn lab" d the nett earnings it bas been producý6ý,e not, CnIýý ofp" ry yrne Mt of.Xr, Zinimeriýan to-&y averaging a Uttle et o Il îliice tintil the moti« of the Inspeëtor ýat the funneral er 6j JQ c'ý on'-thë whole but moral g*nd social beiiefità ore Viný, in véry iýt" tiDg tPa =truçý*6 Ur, t h 111P11al fcr the est&bl"mént of weekl includîng a large number front lianiiiton, cos4 the rëkuli in this instance being,&ýtý value. "Z- had been deefded. He Throito, Woodstocir, Paris, Brantford, rable, tke question '"es, WhK4z -the ICCinfort!?" ýleffln$9, arc lie itev, Genuenïu ;n î# nliniâmt;o, as of opinion th&t the Houae would kgree London, -SL ThontiLs, SL Catharines, Gri. Crounty of Ontarioïn, nis- cipable or sh6we", ô lm in iuch 'Prorusiàn see" to 4vù talWi Ü'p""Ùi t»,à niake the grant whenover it was asked msby, and deputations or Firec, Mà8orts, commencing à road thrëue tho"Cýount ý alàOÜ m*gleal &chievè.njý--liN of ýc1 fp )r, as it was of great importance that our ftim Lockport, Buffalo, and ýj%,raCus0. as wlas this State< to -mîtwýk îte tçY av ýfiVMýencé 4« 1 ýý1 'L rlleans of communication ahouldiiè,'mide The funeral w&-q conducw altoethër le '1200 mileà ihlfflý The population orÏbl -fiMéOftýèir rëOffy 'and, use of to the fuilest extent tnd thât we the Masonie body, and the procculon. wu' Staw ilion wim' li 37jtoo, ut the prýCnt shoilld cArry-the Western St«,e% and forltaed in ihý hall of the C11ftýà the if é, ils eàtimated 1ëuf«ýWM ý%Y hich we ought to-4p as onr rate of poe Rouse,, headed bytýbotuUo' b,=4-:.alt 'té 48 to 40ffl"ý- Tolé it it,4mm tÉe, t Pa Ë- ý,ersb«àwthan.thoîe Sy the el=. _ýrhjch followed the-entn-ed' eyp-ront'ices, Mn a3 popt nir4/or Ame;ï 4i'eýM.eM tilià muter À affams as beéý bc Sturgeon ilày% No w Fýéctiùn of ma e to the Nar(4 and in order sîre to "Ulý;PUL-- All we P'lin the SO)eme féet togtand 1 upon, a cen- État the route fýom ý'V hi. GR, 8us Of the ellîldrez within the M '0 the sturgeon nay à If unicipauty- trade and as taken ; Id again to give thý_ cens". if we do 110 t grtatlyerr. a trý'-kbone, lwe Tlave th" show pm'r n-retura "uftut8 fbvver euginter- of 521 children out Of 612z; eligiwe, whoac- th, 1 (ýiÈf1er of tho OLher, tu211Y attended ,th, publiQ ià drawing nearly all Il yeýx-bejn_ .83 per, çent- Scý15 ý Ili and north-west-parts t';e whOle nurâber. And 1fteeý èf Lor* 6 k'iý the Ure.;t western h.ave the unequivocal atte uzýe.of the Ci fluron àqailwayg en. chairman of the ý ý nPt prc*-- in &.v.ote of Il Ws nst IL (L11ý_1)oes Tc- --iving speech to injo _ýripatî.- his col more gjuttëdý of the necgss*,ty Of 31r comen 1 "Procuring-is,, RitesOzý i.QrQi)(9 tile plusition it $ýé11OO1 house in t1le, > aiýt 1 qt 4ý cýh sert Tlat we ask Lî th Now, Rip, wi cly- un- thoý Tozd t] t- M9 cffldour vrin permIf, 1wýjý i - Whitby and Geor- that, iAttëiüën W-,ho,ý and- betweenl tu Wo "à scatà jit tË-6 ton oàdý,wit rn, tQ Boa -d ôt Seboni Tni&teep, and on as to the emb tý le Oth it w oum lou or th Y" effl*1ne mW:ý- -X Phrases we-would -1 ý, ý_, ýPPg151e:.§t to by ta ýO foi âw_ de and whife th and the à, $a wmight- 'Ch country. Lord PxImer ,H)y pap- Xdtlhat 'nid aps Of to bc tjjý içe-no m nrly*oü±à&i a, _ 4 ço WO& "r-injL,ý It 401 els 1

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