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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1857, p. 3

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gît ëM M 1 le i m Îî Î* Scliool týiJLgtè104lq 11ePe hy the Wodi- "Thiý.,tltý,11 had been trezý.b=ýwiY mur- MANGLING ýý 1 fied Buut ef £125 12a. ild, thug shewittag derW jýy native - pU8eRÈDrfjý a d BACON, UA318 AND CE4ERAÊ Foit SALt, la steamer, D OINE I*N A WPERIOR AT Groccry and Provision Store. the very aum of e4 1 143. of ap- abandoned. Fe]Q.tz,4, ( - lailhorile Street, iieai-ly 0ý%ST,%,NkVà' ON JIAND WRING M 1 L -T 0 01-poxite the (ýxrwnll tir l , THE Sehwil. Id e à « , * parellUy unaccounted for publie tnOncY, ÎÏ16 c 'l wi The Coverner of florig ROWN.ýNI)j 191-rinur alil ";liiiiiiier Frè..-ali Dfirrit Kong bad -Ir, Ulil , whià 1 M'KSONTIAVE ON 11.1aND old ttr CàLili only, ht 2A 4ai tui(l now ý!I or for -;tile Flfg1gar and Ontineul lIIýwý8 NABLEAND CMEXP TAIT.- B pr littrizi. &nd sinking the avierae. att ndance of Pu- aris] aU kiaido of ('oarsc Omiri. Wlinat ..dB, c.rea$e(l the PoUce-force, and tak-en> precàü. Oring lEstabUshment, oit Xir. 'Ir. Dentin ck- P'ýle for the last. ytîtr tu an 1 d'O or to 2 -é tions againtît incendiarigni, Old S'tond, directiv op 0."&ite, '%Vyatt')s White Fi-ali by the Blirre!. percLnýorthecllWble p(,Pulatlon. Of Tite toLai C.,tpol*t of tea tô (Qrcat Ilritain Ilotclt Main Street, W itby. NVIIitbv,'ý%ft&reli 14?, 1857. 7 1]ýî*t lilhitl)y. IBFG TO AN NOUN-CE To Tim p c lu aeeordaneu with a detord;jiwîgtiý,rd acoum it is not for me to anY cause %vas forty-ono uàlHon pp. in.-'ýt fifly-four 11UDDEN IFClq RFý';IIFCTFUIý1,Y TO LAND EN SCriGOG FOR S..&LE. or motive or entryef £125 million of last year. 'f B e antiolin to the InIllibitialits of Wl,.illiv and conlitrN', thn.t he h ris BEINCT LOT No. 'q' ÏTTT They offéra the Rom l'à. jîdý - It gravely dtývolves on» - the Dâtes; filvin liti'qllire are to the 1 Sth Jan - rirriveï fmin Étiagirind Zith A re 16w r1(1ldý4P-iI. Illil-- OC tho Lot lm gnotI Iloard, to adjust tavliat la 'nrolig, 811(i there uarv. The British reniaine.i ll,%moicite(j Stoek of Clotho, Dop.&k-inu, Ilkrducxw Ijn", -.11le iý filIXO(j 'irirb Whieh embraces sogné of t:ie N, i,,, somothing very far wrong, but 1 Ilave rio dind weim being A111 liais tý-ilell the Oevilpîv1 IIV Mr. to aliaent from T. IlenlI. wbf-le lie liai opewýI $4 I)i-!L- Ilesitàltîun in ý pronouncing it a gro,,qly in- Bombay. illid Týqil,,rhiz îAI nie! il, UlIý t1 114z 16BFRT il. IlAWDEP.. tl!,tit 1v strict tlltettliiIli 10 IA T G-R È A T L Y correct statentent. l'ideed, RItholi-Mll 1 The Sound Dnex question is finaliv set e 1, -mur dur have, had no reliable tO fRII baek tlftt Deniiiark- accepLs 45,000,0udj tý3Icrs 'la. 1 gaz the tillent, t.) ileýdgrv(- FOR publie pattrunage IVIII upon to bring -out the precist ivenge of in fortY I)aïlllcr'Lri, bearing interi-ý.iL I(ýlj wijl j'a, ta NI'i&BER 017 1'll1llgi_-rý LOTS T'N TIIE tilere 1 4 Mme lndicýftti,)n 0gat in of Wi, 14v, t,ýt1in'eI in con f thère win be a lm ,ScllcK)i attcridance for the last year, it iw; ta) OWIN Materîalo elifque lip. Of t1irl MâTiýet- Tcjýrirq Fiiiilz-i&tÎOn ftt)lil- Filri)lae tO (ýallitila, thon Il" a illoitietit thRt with all our 111 j 44n fur saitte JAW ye.,garda jtý,t; bild no it lé; (le-, FladgarwU, Blâ ak.-â, Au il,(«,l pýj be W, idilveil for ENGLI511 XAttKpT!L 1- f bill Vmttfie 6111.4rant, on arliving mhùuld he inernse tif wcalth and social improveinents a 4!tj!fiit fi,' London, Fridav. Gnits. %*i-,i., . 1ý%*l bý'. i ruvi.4ed with as My &-% poitai- i .1n.1 1',tnti taliait(pi w 14 proIgflt ýai1 ,our entire. SC110oi attenàrice lim fallen to likiLýie ai,, ý)jj t i.e Ir, Fûllds opened hegavy. In I)itàc> p., 7. !e. 1 e!iiaýl feel 4)!, 4 r fi) ýt, t :U ri 41 RM Y Ipk Iléllull% il iI C.,ori 1 1 Y ind m4t endive, ent tg) ri*- M ADE (;LOpj 1 -jý or 2 61 per cent tif tI le elligiblo 401,001 fllàrk'ct &"il stock Excllàèltgc the pressure gdaré toit ltutllwr (if k"âr-11 ilanT I n"t Y. w ý::r. a, ýb!l 1 a Hmý. Tie, tind "U E S ilow ý;"0c lation t Even WiL t!lu ! %wal ex"q,,ýb1ve and elPlicalloiis to the ljz&nk "f lit" tÀ4.wVýzt tulligiL, zélil,! r.là it:. JO IEN M . 110 ti4.p évM rif 3ir- exist,,ýd 13 yem c!lls!lie..a w,,ultl b«e ilkQîy :-o End*dgtiiplt-yiicigtý 2-i- fe" to týéi. Iiiii. p.cr ývit1à.i ytiur Manit!;p;tlit% , adand rgqag.ýrtiîw t'ta talý 13. 1 gart W4 soon iýs' I,("hsi b te 1(o -C Acj% H STOREJ tbo rue-ilis, Cf qiiýrtî-r, Ail elliaillieil to Say, tige vieilààge CO m M L R c 1 1, iz- Commercini au: ut %140 13av Schoijl. ta) ta Thp T',wnsal-ý1P Iroi-eil of tlio T(givn,%Iiiii. tf Jwmary 2fa, 1157. 3,3 wili taite iiiection IIFXyn tho fftregf)lllz WlIere 014* #dKý11 fi n CUKO'.14-7lli 0991CI:. -'t-4rular -4tutil-a«, o the fir:ït SELLING OÎF AT in Alïri;, MIÏ,l re 4'16.tdj padamongt, la *&nt t&lelîAiotl, kn4llý)tire9 notleieeptt-ýd. tintil a>z il, 'îý1 iiiiii. gî'ýý 1.*twuren aitiriiiir the eurrent voàr, td) n4*ifv N IIARD'ý tl«:rîr rti,-f tul"tr»àd d4gerII)tid>u ' 7K WAI f ;UCIl pfior *', tL.e rdéat Id elenient h:s becli rwllci)l fUý; : but P-la A %how ot produce înta By oracr or the l' eeve. "Ling for tÀào ritite ai-tt(. 1 N 0 T 1 C E d(IllýX GORDON, tic-tlic-nt litre, for taie la,,t year orily the lg.UJCU-IR TARD, l'oepré c1gîrk, 13EG TO INT (M U NTY OF T ýgaa'ý t;!l aniotinted to à1lai ', 7 1 (Ile.-lia OT IIE ;e snpilly 1.1baatý iLhert t.,IZee of " I-tDWIlZt be üUlad in bliillinfr. it iiiw offly reiii,.%iiil% to ccuipare ; Il le 1't, glati ruitge boi. tia.L I>,ý hâla 41-Aitel the iý:etMtr% Cillipt, WPI tý,- 1-Me'il iýi dai-41 týr ýll* cal-ar pre.,ýüljf aupoinit -of sichool a,ç,otnniolýi- a]. Sigrifig là iaeý1L élid. 11 'y ai( a 'rit-tri, (L'Ia 'r'or jjjAp".jjraApý.. T G'_1ý 0 lige of 1,11pils lit aLten- l,, of oth-r arti- ,e April. A. l'o. ut tpe h-ar ý,f f blé, le (,e il- tion %vith the aver. % dit LÀ12. gel, "f MI Ar% J10,ari dianci for LIM year, and that w ill s0on be ti, dj, 44A art, 4wai. blirlitdir -if Zi ýéglyn pjl!.PL-. GUODS sn-i ail ýMierýý Cýiliý fý.L 1 ib il ri. 1 iti., 1 ýl fiéw. à 2,ine. There is Reetitulno'lation in the r, s. 'a a *3 2ý 6 tL ej.t 4-i. ut L.1x:âK,-ýr w tL, ý.llijrl4 NELSON G. RU NOLUs, la ý1i- -,rà.l ï-ir i.kr,. Bay sellool-for 120 pulbils ý in the Vrest P; C 0, :Sclml ffir 1200, and when ftilly F.vated il 0ýddLlî, 2b. M(L a 1.dfl. OTIg'4ý. Mia dLf)%,t-rý, l*elI,ý4îý6, =a an &(Itlitît)ritil litit : and I"iýrk, per TII(M.VS L snExir a. i W)JI hx, 17. 1,-7.7. î FIN SALE or LA 11%, Dg. Green Strt.>t!#, W School, gay 6f) ;' thr-ze in ()F 0 -)y VI Rr.-E ol'. all, te 4430 Sclinol gittin'"'-. 1'luef, ix-r learid, tU a Z T., %a, tlie average attcndanqe for lust year, whivh j;,V, ' -11, . 5oI. a 6is lier loii. lirlýýe licen zýt soute trouble ri) asrvirtaiii, w1'l to rtiý Wotti, lg,,r cor(L a 1 D&L Li lzi, î IE 1;aAt Iilî e 1ý, di F (Ir 41 per cent ûf Ille Sclicital frutti 6 ilic ta- t4ý mut aie 'l; .1,a 'U, lit ti 0-f Fa', ie..?a ài týt#,, ý,f Ili w i,.",,Jl titis averige xtterl(l:ir.lce T011oNT0 NI.ýl",K - T,-. sýfkcLjrr. >. L: a V, .:il miliaunt 01 'N 0 T 1 c E 1:11allipared to the 9Tý dgILýt Nb jit»'pý ibili bd. sittiti- îs lo; 25 J.JIto ýl1"1111 tir il other words, F Ili", 'Luabatif, ý Ili 1;1 ilkteled, w t!ie 'I'l 'S IT: sent.,; are ut prcli, a,. -64 1 ai 0,;!, jtýbýo Note the Addresu -1,; cdpr,,tlwý-c eailli.1 to the ol'Aý ýi-(, uài.l N;,i igý_P -_j I.- eettétf, ýr irlt*risl fýl1 evitry A stjpý d;-,A W!-. selloul, û4tree tir:IL. 'A ent our Co ileilItLll!l, as tiow arriN ing i.1 titi, ;,,,,*,a il' are Anid if Ille le(i.irll cf *rtllst(,tls lit i,ý:j t', fiai. àL cýý. -,elý]. p-r 'a-", il' --n 131 VF tLU MEDIC-1 L i report is lait Lie 'erellîteil lis 0 ilicî '-%Vcl'- Poýzir--SjI vr, lngt. a as ilti" la, ýxtj*rt KI". àHLJ.S triait Tigr, CI-111: OF aure ft'r last vicar, t en for va, age attend 1, Mai lý I,. s. ilid. .1 c 1. ..,-,a: Foë"r of part-f I..., liai. 'l". ,f> 1,1,,eý,j V.1l1ceý, i "m w RL,ý Nillicll être 0('(>111)î('Il, lire » 1,1 d.K ll'l'% N4 il, 1 I,ý Iler Ný*lil*'>v JiLnuarv, 590, 1457. threc, cillpty. rat ýr.ý ia thtý-' P, por er,àu,..k kfèilýJ nt is (lie rt ia!t colitllisive, 11:4t we haie fýT the Ii>gâa Il( a Dit. -%.U" ta.- so'.11119 1 l' .., .11: j -ýlLî,I L 't \'i,, Ell,ýL Il -il ý. N A ý , 1 N ix i a-, a 1 l. stiperabiin(làta alli(ýtil-.t a, f svltigial ai il:çtitili. ý1lIgI yet il ix m- i 1 un 'Ig-j(rýv starittg il,; in tlie C-tce, - and %ga hilc a large i Z > ti!ý n N'g-tý, per doz. WHOLESALT, suili ticpubliv del't oit t1w %v(-ýt rc- illailim tliat m-v dire thre.0ei-gý': ý.aitli pvr 7- ý'j;:jjjL jTg( lý 'ýkIÏjj b 1 ýj je(ýj_ 1 ý)l) lias. t.ilflit ,a 3, C OM I, tilt, iiiiiietîori (if this raiaous 4.1,1 fichenie--ân additional schoü] Fstalilisli- â1tJ fiIêq L.; -e 7. ILI 'a. ýg. lit lie (.1tu-ila 1%la-ýltj ti'sqi N w Lit ýÀ»,« Ni'ooçl, ý5 j a t f t, folir viLmitte 1 V lZ E 1 ,'1 : i . :__ ,"ERRY'ýS ABLE 1NVE8TXENT.ý DOI: 8 4001 $woçt2oo. FOR SALE DWN LOTS, LOTN, PARK LOTAÇ )R BUSINESS PURPOSM, or Privaie Residencest TOW-N 01? WHITIBY L) e B , P- Q C K ls T R F E T. 14 AND.W, EAT OF BRorJK tàil -sotil Il -or P?,;!"ttrd'a Hot(.-I, a froin Brock to 77 quil 1811. Fusn mide orrrcK-k Ilsit(el. litrtiet clesir- rlrill(.i,)Itj mtrc.f,.t in the T(jwu Weil î W)4, a on Mapla and 73, ý-,4. 7;-ý, rrod 79. Thete , !il boundtýd by Perq 11(l A-ili Strcetr. ry Stree,ý, rLl (lirec.ýli op- Flour illill. ag, 6-.t 8-1; Ar" U, _nd 8ý,. Y-mmit or ý1141 1111joining the sictLin Mill pru Pu t Of perry Stref-!t. Tfilà Lot arifl otherwise*itziliruvf,,d. ý lit elr Brock Street. >1, 119, uni] 1 IP, lxiunded hy Cen- 1ýI Kent Strertd. These Ut& art a i4treet on d to 'building pur- corner of Kctt and j0ba Euli'. Glf Rerit Street, and but a iz ci 1'liec Lfi!4 ivere meleéted from W1tlj tbe vàe,.v (j, hol(jir4ýýtbený ýut: ýi1t cric offéred 1ýQrî â4o te 4 large triais.tc-tiom. --A L s 0.- ......... « ............. 2 L otai ...... 4 Lots. ...................... 3 Lots. ....... 1 ......... 5 Lot#* ....................... h -Inn. B4, ý11UEMS LOT POIC SALE- LOT :ýr0RTfI OF TIM Mice. Ennot sitie Of Brock Street," Z, Lll(,ek,.Towg oe parchaser will be required to k1ilifing on the Dit the present :9 ând ternis Of payment apply ié J. H. PERRY. oruarv, 1857. IT PERRY. ty of OUtarioÀ 1-22 AND i Wharf and Storc-hOnse. 71mé tlv oppoiite the new Giist MM eentre of the busiýegà pan ;i froutize on Water St r-ect, is »T n Strtet 17f) feet. »rehouse and Wharf v. have been raritýî1 for tbe'-paat IAO ripr onnimi utiel ýttlt'a -11 iY carrie ý1' qui 'lof ý%1ýýoh Mr. 1 ttkv legacy t1icir prc'd p)kinx in p)1j,;Qtjýa cxpený yl"ar is in it howuver n,&r' Es_ aild oï t1iin Il pe, li 1)y lit il. ýjj- ilir ir, ai, Iii (ýoielýitli;ig ray correspondence on this C.,wriiv inny we -NEW ï()i4jý MAI-11KETS. lavo tivo V;ý%ý,,; of our pUhýic Schools. preJiiteii by our % y o a r l Iii)ari of Trilstevý4--PL, Egiýt ntid a dImk j-.à the ligitt ý, ide, ý&f iiýe vuy smil a tAz un sev a linc üpme nus V(ýîrilzlt io liol-iing a of* onu Î-7 00 ,all(' poiiaiiig to Cie iýÀ»l, %vilh the other, fýbr a niiil on Lhe revenee, we tobll -à fr o, lm ri , Il -crippcd, tliý, Wek awl Giv tw o. $4 75 a è7 1) Or Esda IPe A= Dmi ."Fhat penny-ûril.-itig i!ý tji,ý ýa Il ICt 4Il il;!Zj. with là) :eA .. .. w j'i en; nu n in On ý'. , : 1 ; foc Pri ;111ý11*11'i":""' 's-nu- 1 'd.v 'i and !Wi.*,--,ý-,üu, üt tie h-ir ,f Tw XPLSON a UlYNOÉrwý ib x M: T 1; TI; N ','17'%'T 1 tl Asc ïissïi si Ltire@ yearà, nt xý«j Ur an num, Und witil -a suuoi Uildiugs? tv>uld, reà-t fur £1W per annum' - Ililso,- Towm L,.>*. No. 1, Corner of Queeh and Wàtài Streûts. Deehledly the mvàt valucble lot Ji the wlàolu Town. QUEEN STREET. Li-,t.\»o. ', Gr, feet froxt; Lot No. 8, eorner 6f _Qlleen und Perry Street-S; 1-f No. 9, do.; Lots N?. lil, 11, 1:1, 15 16 aud 17, 6£- fuet front. Con- taininic (Aie fon rth rd un acre euell. Ut No. 18', conter nf queeu oui Lilla Street-%, nearl-Y one lirifofmi ac,,rt,,. All qf4he foregijing Lotj fron- mi the Nfýi*uLlii!zfàd Roud, and-arc ý&iuabl@ but LILLA STREET., rild eQrner of Ulla guil NL"bit1à Strtet. MRTII STREET. &ta 34, south caca, Ofie flfth (if ut% nore. Alin, lZe. 'n, sâ'.5ýèM north sidi MARY STREET. à.,', ýý5' on Mary Street, ont fýartii of Lui uzre câdi. ýv-ITF;n simET. *LOt-Nýj- ý-J. corverof vearer aitil iý'inite-ella Stw. CINDERELLA -snzEET. - Lots 90. ", 94, W7 und 210D, fiÏWY 'ýjtujtea £4 WATER- LOTS. -ýO' the f4ellovring Water Lots, và- 42,43, -1 .1to lil-d 5Q' OU the ' north âilde ýNw- $tJ7teî'.'ý î..1111 C.tsli, or un approred em-: dùmeïl xote Lble lýt Out. next, und the bâ- Instalments, nith jnfýlbr"t:ý > Forty - AcrýCs't 13ýiiu-r- part of Lot Nuluber nineteon, in th&ý GrIt rÀljoltu"ll the Sun « the cf Port icrrv oi, tLe Lrth . TZ l'r'operry i3 weil into Town and Park Lots, -And be at'stielli primi and Teruw as to* ribject tý.) CqMist: - ;. Apply to - R. E. &- j. H. pErtRy. Wbitbi-. Mamb il. lam- 9 tu)r A'n'AN(sEMFNTý; TC) 'lMP(,P'r DII.K( Î. WINES A.\D LIQUORs en gwum" W Lw nuke mal * is prui,,arpti tr> 4npply, (.1untry Toniui, wilh a v;ýf.-t-or tat.1 fýe."ttr tý;ztti lm pawumd in W rvnto. Tue iduh aputabin <Ah % SWKINI, %ND " làti-.i u--c;rýired wiU be 511 ly 1 j- LLe J.-,ý;o;v ýý:1 hcold. io the Crarry there iâ a ri rerrLmý1 Ille nt.i Of ALL vwi prtcarcd P.t ÏAUCTIONÉER. C-'IFKIF-RAI r1 n RÉI fui 1 !Z.Q 1 n!ý 1 A r%_ tr ;ý 1 Ir ire in 'IL '> Zý ANÎ) 1)11*,ýrýlýi, 110 T-. 11) ýz"1-p HARDWARE AND BUOCK TBY. M 'T FI'IJýY 1 N IN )N 4-ýi' III-ý G0(-)P,,ý A'ý 1) PRIULS, BEFORE uteikri-ý41 tu -CASII r L u W.4 N gny quarAt;tï Of llard and SR:1 Wood, in exchan- for Coods. COUJAY Couiieil of Outarlo. VIAT A.- 1 F-ý,ýlli) TRIAL. U t 1- AT ME LAMIV>J'- L 0 RD PALMERSTON ..P w:tý1 ti kc sever"I P; oi To U- 1- viri) IN TII .11. J. 'M'ACDONELL lE uu.ý Prvaiier, aud vêryprýàj,,erl-,- e,ý trx'. U-ý ê%,tjry ý:ýI r t-ý t: 0 C-t u% of CJtiitui.,,. i -J 2, 11E-MBER OF THE C-kBl,,tVET Ought ii) Le entitled tq it, taîd so l.eyvlio wlers C-,ý,Bl':ZET WAPLE AND 110USEHOLD FURNITUREJ' «If At Snell extretnc". :t,- Cie iloillwing, 114v alld t1ilit île fiq PX- Burefins ............ frotil $7 to plo !lit grow îu al., it-- braneLles. Furniàh- ................. $7 ,1ý 11--1.1tý11I11ý?r4, ...... #1-1 M ci -; ................... ý* -j"rù. è4ti to *ýw. ýLft 41 done: $9 tu to tu INSOLVENÎT 'NOTICE. wahilit Wwil î ... ............... .......... STEP11IENý CA.N.PèiELL, AT PPESENT- Mair Mntt-nsý,ýe4 .............. *'*"'**'*"" 2s- 90, ýý lh. and 1'ý,r -uvelvc r 1 1 Ilv 1-- l'ilicLs, VOR CAS'11 OP'f.'ORDWO(ýD,, st ""elt.itq j,ý!ësîj the A-ud avéry &rtiula iu the litit lit eliau 1 Il 'If 1-It P,-,ýrly. in K 1 s- îli the Couùtv, of Ontario, aud haviite for- ecLs -R M S, v bf.tn a tr.tâtrin tLeToy-islý-.I)of Wibitl,%- BROCK STREET, WHITBE t",ouùtv of Ontario, within tbe iné,41nirik ,&e N.ts"â in thë s#-%ýenth roar of z11n1výifer Cliaptet ton, b11mý tbe MEDICAITED LOZE-NGES. ratinn there0f, ûnd b-V of Siloh eni- ail In vmelf of ÎL-5 av' IV.LD A, ý11, have beeti t-n!,ýbIe to BEALL, ,fits, d4b hertiby giveugtlice, that, 1 îUtend t4) T hirge aësortinent (ýf the ebove, ewlikýtlng'of unt a petition in 7Aei,.Ptï4 Bàrn.hani. F-squirtý, 4-ë of On- À N K -W A T C Il D CLOC -MAKR1ý Und Coin: iii:4>i(ýner in Bùnknjptçyýfa,ý soid ýDûnIj1eSiipcrûneEo«Iiýj% Pop ,ter, C.:Îtti.tilioi M La, oprI -)ý 1T1ý jiîM --=lem 110îPjý, 7 a iTzy. atv, praiV. vý bc- t(iiieliing nly (Ilix 0'l'er. *4îatè and e:tect-,-ý'alld to. be- TroýûCi-41 Cal6uiel, Ip ; eUUýil3n2ý O=ý .zýJý Tl1F,ýý'E0pjË OF I all Up,#jý ilinkhw 0 fû Il Ji -w Itý, t; re -nâ, 'I is now e4mict rind for tfip to cifflt rîýj,ýtU7 fetei, and tierit W. we -ile4es, J'ef et--cr,- -cr'iit>lll. L ýrv article wamate'l ilfttter pf the Suv! bu î,edàý 1, W. S to th'. fýf lýjA in the tiaztýttiý," aud Stremti -li ýl!k!r0 of ýe 4',W'idt j;j i hè T4wý;-i lit ,ne iüctitýi IVI'itbY* Aï nîtness iny iý,:taf1er t4e PROPERTYFOR SALLE 1, thi-à 1ýi1ith ýLý eif Marcb, b the yéar ýf P, FS T 39500 h', - 'ils Pil LL. ID P11'1 R T li, 1 s 1 1 Lr- AJý STFPFTEN CAMPRE ;ýTLY SIT T 1ýn liriiet, -M4 PLY UNKYN A\Tý t kiere 'if Lýj1j, ;Àhý abolil 1iý0 fect frunifige, on lýNfflLVENT N(Yl7lCt. B jýctBg,,, f,)r,ýa1û Ly- W ilieli itI erceted a JOLL B1(;EL0Wý CO,ýIFORTýIBLU-,F#RICK - COTTAGEi SON, tiie-yôuttecýr, of t4 Town of WIît TRAJIEAVY AMERICANN TICKIN,ý-éS e',Ii:l h coppt , of olituric, having I>ÈQI1 -Sheeting Piid Deuhiis - for tuile C!jear, "à E W4nýn- i f, i rji(" vont ý-urt fr the Côiintv of (-)iitan',)rýý- ý ioýt- Lhe iýitcrim Order, lor vrotèctioii W M'l"itby, Arrivai Ur làv Alacricali, i l' \ , %, v ;'. 1 _- ý "!. 1 . i '.. m ý 1, ý ý, '. ý .ý. ., ý l, "% ,. - 41 -, 1- ý:1 1 ýI- .1 . ý ', , ý 'N I. 1 .1 N i A A-i S t., aiiii City (.!f arri-.- -New un% ed O-it ou t'lie idii-r n fair Ir: li. c, ýr. iýIL..!' t he l,ýf -I -f -..i i; z i Ticc ild T'ýe ýl -2-,, ýÀ Ji a largë ship body lur 'i'(j!i in g kq, ex- i 4, 14- was pa*,-Il""Çi ihie. illle antan -,niien 1 L'n. Pers:;Ll ci A rLi i 1-i XA. lýt Con. L'A V%, m; -was The pr, pli- :4, l:eý1r (A', Vork, nn Ille Me ."Il conrention that En-lau.' -ha7l I.: Mý> Sa tu r dà,- tiic A ýýl ,ari 1, eijoy eqzi:%l vit,) thz fk- 1 ...... 1:1 ,7 '2- , - t' ill viIIlré-ýl nat-illns; but iler,,,iâ toiýliilLi I*Jl rý):lî;u1s on the iks a 1, erlile i!, the - bLigtiiiti t', eure certa«i*ýi -vv ood, in the or friMi wt.iýlIl E'uropillzul 1 bë, Pe,»4ýi!l- iýi wtl, T.-L.-t of rnity lx. -le- I"EdtIVEI) IIIS 1300K J. C STFAILING. Pi-,),,)rietor tI'elIeýI k;l- :1 C.lmt-,w! j a6n - 0 aIli 1 tfý tue ll(.w lýiliýci- - - - - - __ - , __ 'a ri, . - - .The traile and navi.-ation rictitras f,,)r T ,4t>Ulý,l. W belle. lie Î-i 1 keir em'e2 4 ,ý tw" A Book- of Univerglil KnOwied9ci: %V , 'ViA lie rtt!irr,,Lý.1 wittit!ic utiiiQmt mryshoilir pro.-re,-,ý;;ve increasc. [IrpiltLrf..l t-J do bilýiziu.si aýs il-cliât, tillit i:, le WLI Mr. D:tllas.%ttc-iideii the i4uee-zi's le-rue On ýeiJ liiï Ili JI Clicap, en Short Credît, Just ptililishc-qt the mos' Ix l;mil the.. Ut- aitýbody for te t(x)k place in etie To and- very 1111-P to Ever vet 1-sued rn"Il the î^ it prigt;â ,%n ilitre.,;t'ing ot-Illi Cail (11nwil. 'LI -iouw of Lori1r, en Lord of watr'irs. jewellery ail t'le ccýttaij élll iii or Arnul 'A dozen any. other Boul-a lâti, ceri ýiire of the Chini-se war, which 1 wilri-it:itecll Li, gi in a Voilq of 110 for the motion, and -id a- Mbid t'.e l'IlLeu the That h&s heen IVRIZE ENSA.Y. The Title of'ýlis %Vmiderfui is m. t'.),;Owêb 925. £15. ENQUIRE '%qT!-El Ni Yr. Çübdcti brought forward a moti( -tf ! il 16à-4. PRFMII*M.S '%VTLL BE PAID For Anything you Want to Know in the Conimons to Lord Derby's i f,)r Ille T1111EE 8EtST ES:ýAkYS m4llc-e- oit (.-!N- on ý)riglit, thire, and Ilabit.4, tillil IlThit this Ilouise hall helard w;th Ruthcr.ýërd ba;:11 fillitome of the ""rogrok,4, frwil tinte trj timm, concern the corifficts 1 Over, 3,700 Fac's for the People!! t" t ; e "W 51ts or , tn be zi 1 weich have oc- (IATZ J. atid c-a _ýe of the vi- the weevil Iles- in t1i, milit, Midire, and miwh other irieemj a ' currud between the British and Cljiiiese in T A 1 L 0 R S 1-IPye .14,lame ;,r;e# 41 rail , s have ei in t illle ra""Itet. nit t'-e W lient il) t ssing a.ty Opin- 52 and 54 King Street West, Torout9. ALO 43 as the Wilf l . - lit Canton, and m-i iu expre Sale at the üIýd on t' jat ille beýt lurau,4 of inn as to the ext t the Chinesu niay hâve Utir lc- M STORR. ttgaiti.zit t!ýenI. rtfý4rJedEng rkd cause of co.iýl)laintý this Publie Natico. The FMAT to be furnièlea te the 'ýy 1 - W -Boyi Oiwn LtN". Ille 15tn day (Of jamzary noxt, ptud to lia Ilouse consîders that the paperià; laill UPOTI EN THE COUX-TY COURT OF TUE h ,the tulble falh; > to furnÎsh . satisfactory COVNTY OF ONTARIO. JST. MCUOLAS be tdïo AL- N 1 fo-lvélruýe-i in a --104 ýýte with na,%e un l' LING teTitEET Wtý,T, u,4ilr.,3ss of tbe a, for thir violent measurosresorted F.,QuITY SiDr. athor. Tlie I>rlze-- wili bill accordir tO Ille dtýV-WiOU 4,;f-t (_ý,,,Jvnjt- to aild that a Sulect 0 Gâear the Poât 0111c.- and E2ý:r!iange.) be L,"tued v týi Ewrds -ef Agrierdt-tire C' aimitUý01b0 aPPOI' In the maiter o le late of '" AME, SALT AND FI-RSII and 1-ililier ca-luèsrý-, in d-efý4111t of .j' 8 01;ver, ilh, wid ton, b-. the 'Burean. ThL, FZUV.'l ted to riquire into our comm+ial relâ- the T,)wlighipý-qf lfr/týitby, in t7w gaid 0 %Vazer Fis stich dee*-" rty of tha Lure Coulity, dece(tâ*ad. cueyer tile a- Ille SZX oMoek to becorae le rc,-4 hi tlis-- MUSES BAP.Ti-ETT, inituii will on Iý ,,: awu7illed in case an h, Lord Palmerston, in mply to LAYard, timal. Freakfiý.t froni Ijrtlf-jlaàýt -d to itil- il" of s&id ho was, authorizird by the Russian Ordinarjý 1 to 3. Tea 6-to 88. Buarllcrs $1 pur it lie Ici t, Against week. prg 1 ELIZABCTU OLIVMI, . g niuoi'ni, iLtten- Aët "f Minister for Forei,,ýi AiTain to statu that )dui,3wllcat il; nct rayilî;ý îhe of over-ýerüpI)iij 'e _g, und st !'th Defendant. Turonto,'LIateh, JSZ;',. hnpr 1 tius unel the juf'LiiiilàrIo, and 1 'Výý-torj -there wu tir) such treîtty i exÎstelire bc .1 RBY GIVEN, TJIAT IN le i Vent, 'twecn Per i% unj IIL,,,sia as that roforred to _NLOTICE IS HEII AT COST. î punitaiiml (if a decree malle iii t1je tèbove J'cuglit -zill ddý in Qrrollýý, recently by Mr. Layard, and that negotia- Judge (if the isaid Courti, that -certain seourge.,; ettlie i le 11E 8up»:ý0R1BER EFIîlLIrG OFF, acuc Gous at Paris on the Pèrsian difficu Ity 'b 1 îngeto t2' Eiýfute* of r -P- AL bivrore id of r to , reinomnir to, hà ilew plac-8 of finâ -L -ter re, ;_cý C0Iluty the late cha r, '.' à er ' f a part »f L,,t N'imic, În tho budiuei4,.;, hi& stoek of 'Srielf und 11eiLvýy Hard- Toron-to, i&-ýG. in the i Paris letters s that the Couneil Ot lwy xihth ôojiemîon ofthe mùdToivn&hip of Whit- yare CaqyentersTools, &c.,M-emt prlices.- ee.,-8ýt1 . 4y 1)v, and de4,eribed as l«ollciwa,, thât. là tGa#ýl_ Purchrsers of over $lu worth, m1lowea nve per e timé for t'ne ram tion of tl'e ab, 'have rèjoctcd the credit of 5,00,00 iraincs e0mmencing oit riie eoutbern limit'of saîd lot, nt cent. di»tance frein tild ý, enth mity'l 1Lý.s BZEIZ Effl DED il til l0;ý,t7he y the jVar Department, of thirtv-two rücu 'a A. J. HARRISON,-, denianded b tagt angle 01r said jýt; thence - noith sixtéen da- «April next. trte Ln grecs, n-"ttirec châtinsand twentylinkgý-.thence Brock Street, Turoato, noptà me%,entý-four degrocs, west Bix chaîne and ri $ The Mlnig«iad Orffl o stati thst 30 weIjtý-f1ye link-b; thence solith mitteen degmé, DESIRABLE PARMS FOR SALE. "ba euýt three chainm &nd tweLity. links; thenS noirth M OWN LAND L£P ,ýAh;pft. to be sent apinst gexico. ACRM, PART OF LOT NO. 6,1N THE fidial ý degrees; ca.,ýt à§i-x chains And tweýty 9 TÜ;ýn-NT0, leth Fýbrcý&ry1'jMý. Vien= papiers " the )J.Wwprical Cou. ilve Iii;ko more or leim, to the Illace otbeginnwg àwo 21id CorLôf the Townâllipuf IZeuh. Thill ju4mi y OTIR IS 11EPRty GIVE- jUAT'ýLL deliberaUng &bout «I.thqrawing -%vtlt he mâd on tLe;zrouad, ut Oue of the Clock 1-4md là "ituQtO On the BfOlOk F-08d, und th or mail _NLT Versons Who have A cil il. b Niâtetiffli duy of Aprü next. £10 pwieeâ twice a day, and bm an exSuent niccouitt of _fýnbEe Lands in, ClanaU,,mfeit m1pn tu a froin the Tapai 41emini- puid d0wu nt the time (if sale, and the nit prid to the suid Frame Ilon» and B= 111 future, depoEitý t4ýan1G',lmtto the erýditof ýhe therooa. Land ail t. un. îtccourl> of tilecrown lÀùd tt, within flfteen duys after the da, Uore.i Barde Pepanmeiit, in tiie Buikof T lffonr Kant aro to of &a1u. No per.4oli to tLi%,,ance ti= onýe 78 acres on Lot'No. 3ý inihie 2na Con. or the pa: thc vi risilî ri ":L 1 C r oie sa'r ýa and r

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