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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1857, p. 1

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Ma.nwhie bert j- eth dkyof;D1. D ..________ litti eilltie words, peat thonghl*s and tirlfl industry, 1WO ARvdcàic ?Cacte, Progreust Kmowledget Ilrotherhood. X OL ~WHITY .WTHUIS DAY, PI 87 ~~ ~temui Mr lll ir d 1vr,1 tvetî bu en.dinm ot ibsé rvIin tlrt t LBm'% R N , Bom by, in the ycar 1851, 1 received ïii- 'h ,ha f e could avuid thre tati but- or SPÂDU.per. rrn do atbl b> th nev s A . PRii' thi k we,__f_410 telligence that a large tigcr had ensconced let wh ch la>' et the b tt oin cf thre rifle b i- T hre uce iii a false Friend.w ra tej ola d zirg p e, i h. on B ~ ~ dIAC UtltfllCd ~~~~~~~~ lTA~~~T ~ ~ himseif about five tiles frm mybing- rel that fllwed his evry otion it wud Te er.b ifrn nm egc i.Iohcud adiiseaw urIl *2A'rm"' ow. A4 it wau myni t ior, I v, as imnpa- be a-s weil, stili retreated &lowly, st~a or ASebd ~ml ls > hsacfnawi inmdbr lelwr wi<l be allie , WhITbv. MLI IQK 8TUET~', The Battie or the iBo'yare.ain l ,,,, e im 1ee csh, i " egs emll, ill b ut WIl__y1690 'tient te encounter iiM, se callirrg te n>'L towev r acn is enemieg as if ho w a8 Five "A Surprise. m rtdpaeo e ow r o eL m l a ead sm lir trrlfflbl t e Vhltr4s .J!tTOWA D sLirOOLQXEL t&cxpaid two ver>' dear <iends wbo were ivngdetcrmined ii n nt t todie alone. Sii A Child.btbauiul'wreltlepensfr6 s t llIUfl ~ ~ 111) H, & C.%,c<REE TiET tpns utme'iwihne eset eut in &Il possible baSte Peet>,b tttnoeSuvre,foun( hinuSeif Seven A Rernoval. ti eoaaadppltahr ft~ epieadb It Wt& ~ ~ et% orn, unnlended ro-'orite #ndetvous. We fournl the bati er'y nai't'ow Street <of wbich ena énd Eight "A Roadway. Jws reaho. lodget iis dedeep on IUTI< sT ABLIN1"1 EI('T. 1)AI NTER 1GLAZIER, AND IAPER- breezv.n won; tdildthtmrianofwoetindeieteanfieatt.tir.e rECITO'CAO.An5 cîdtesfolwcorngfeJstela t Manger. I'akît, (;lie, hz G la.intîv. l'a- Spaxkling be*neaîh that orrent bemrn,'rnid banks a il- hmri-ando w Hc ài bOr -TEetoulakr effD ji~o TE 'III3 tjtn-lî~ng fr ,t' lonasStetWht o f '-erdne gay, cerpse be adroitly fermai theata lel beee nd~r'Thi'. inge represnrt Males accerdingt eteJvatcstn;frhneido Illl iiB(llld re . f 1Vîlitirtt tal animal t rasrd efutsf l tertreat bAd mrelercet eusnopyll usfrptp1rteiide abial foure bo figltfalr datachildie'ot j i ,ML, hv w l rti s 'ftllèn ithfun t Vtti' in 9 57 ______ or..~~O sn.W sti f Type fnvil, : ew tYork !litE N '4 bhid t.lu urprciitcinornntierthe entîreerw tubeoueertn ,QuenreeetFeaaiuie'ftrebigcoagrosdAièu Msr crssa behtndeir nou1precitation, or'ther =" tumbled oeiover th TheAQueePrepreseMtFemales T Jlalre* ' lt'ïolborne 'tr;;t, irearly jAh-itiglylirost upon ius ride a munnaeli eanip'd ineoutcacensofdgc_ ares-th itvruryoecpadineà JOB4srillu rr lurnn t.S E LN ., ntv.,ness wrhch uothing but ignorance coinld 1titan tan minutes Captain Fieldng feurd Tireho naves thea Titeugirts f tIre rs rdgeu attrnldi > i~ ers iêIa en 6%.f hIo usu u (rritii tile up-lanel fuan sd "ide thefr w~hite iexcurw-.-tbe olyarms wivehad brouglt bnsi itrl'se.vtntr aaepective parties.miereaisndpaeudrtracr-pnteitr T'cîj)-r iavtprclitisîl o A Uof STtiNlingeAtcbt'loi4.rît kselt lu~ t igt lonrg tîrat skyunelouded sbow'd, nonr long iievy irunting kiau'l bthçcWa-P-ru v wirooe u he vigy rond vti is Terd en ora aseeplouposeny uebievietlite ia enan eahiisb ni' 'ltî It ortlnIe ri t the linia 4 Ofli-c bencathttlieykie.Wthtccwc-pvru niawueb m>rtidhaykcrebiu ertdetfu ifeetc nhraatmndsadi ete a do scrc u~<1~s CR?)!Winlih e n ,,ititi tre fstricteespterai enablostben tutetunm'ilurd and t ir- t.rrye i ti îe . înune'e't'nTetgntearuriu -ve wd t utIne Pi; cn id te raiLvoinwhrbecuuass updtite bleoestthnt iovedbfrei hi li 1trewarer the' Court Ill'nt,rewihith:i new-bonn day. t ecn uotr aieweeh a ~~ large .'4'l>ltrin tard Fanray t'er.1'., - banqueting ou bis horrible fond. Tite ti- Fielding, tbreving âae>'bls rifle drawa and th ir~x of hesrrts the ten of heartisddess nmudihibbutebiaA oh a Qj~rt., Wlk-Ih 4stgbotrtlit tid eryg lIow 1 E MTETirougit yorder fairr-hatintedglen, front eto eronhir side semed horugd thiorre- potlvirleir hed rpniad n ia ir tn cdaronîsar tia ou tain- earnati. uini ace<ltaian oani isi 1 11% 'it enu ut' ,tthe"'ttrendticof m'5t(S Fh>NTAin)(lEiIIIO îw, d. ailiebiscdadrantages, and itadrmatIe baud. Like a flash of lightning tti ntn adi i hw ttel ', 1 x I - -- - iiup bis mind te giive battia novitere but in 1sprang.upon him ; thea crrptain vr e qeto ii pei'rciepric!ra-vsmtb'ha oievrassti > ulel ie ~hwrê' ltlQl WIiiiyL..î ro rvtnT n, C. .., Artl lashiug forth iu bigirt annay long yen the uarrov apace in whiclr lie lirrd !odged tttii if eedi is l,,O -trto rmagnlmn;ta sPtwrruORîIETOUt.- 1-daîiun't itnsdf. ille also seemed to cuiîpreînend deliberatily- «t i itgns a e uvsm e pae ot oe lc ioefgr u esnl al iii ulewop E bdAcxrn'st'n Ail linger for thre ceeng frnny, cr rang'd te. aljs hsitgns i&e hvsm e pae ot ot M i à E.IKIIA .' ', in. r)D Isteel te nttack- utuniit. Ater a littît fatal, geing rigbt t te ainial's heart, sud or have mono>' givn L iter. Suppoig]rcupinevtrtr citrlvrei otee pa - ----uu-dritntodatettv Iter. 6 'ai'.t'le lotttfii g t Ltthuundleribonrthe colu- vrile Ire rose, sudceasting a ountu tesID riitli a siotireilgrovl iLe rollei over ou 'Lie queou of-tire suit rapresantingta qnsseaigeR bca iavsle errc. li I LL'ON A RD'S HOTELviles llog, lanceat Lus, gravai>' promeniadetd up' and hue pavement; mut ire vas aveingeil.Ini lady in question iying on tire table facst odea atr aonvtrLt ai cirdco> EAC()F TIIUNfý4l'.,W ie tnttr'dIn i' ulit'0UTEomItO ' dowu tlue lirtlcravine. lHe vas tîking titît brief instant, oea stroke cf iris resist- Lire righî tand sud a kuave or kiugo on str rdgenadpae ne o:e ua LIE OUITY ~t~Ut01T1 ~iNG sTh EIT. i is]tA %V A.t'. W. 000D on thue galant throng gnl xrieatrdne.Icclintls oepy1s rkntreufruaeeib epaela eiokLwrshr tLt aoy ieCha abiaigr-vieTe. 01E ai ýtire l'tnt lltu.e IK ecouittto 1.» ï ete xrie ,e ine.1hutl lo es teiwlii rke h nfruae lb o ledas olo.tw ri -- ~""~ "~~' '~ ' "~ 'staind ohisrddhsnte n toi1tiu.lutnt.sc regan..io.'. NJ!LSON Ui. RE1'NOLDS1, RAILROAT) MOTEl, 1 ah if trdtii idirs omncdttgn flie fier'snuek,asud iren te ceardi>'na- shoir et attention sire viii receive iiuure eteouttehrain~h en'po giy,. te FI>C.EAT TECUTri )) Ii..lll!Efl(R tt')' rin ,ward p te j<>l tht Stones ai hiru, in te bopcof iducin' ini ' tivefi returnel, te tve focs vere fouud b. freina dar gentleman ;if jt is akuv sitr evc a omuelii~griy . NI *irhit. t-u',;*taiîiiig and 'aruneO. dxnitt oqî isfra.Titis ha declined do- i dcad. witin a couple cf yards of eachrsdvr'ceei a'b u fLt on e.Tr rtoie ia rnacp~tr ee' 3011TNIAII. OFFICE O tt)K S..'O T IO M TE ,u iînuthtwi nl tin at~ inc, sud tacntaure notice f eur Lailstttothcr.-S es 15 JfidrfL- pan>' or near to han or net residiugfnot cf'rssu aead ie bie Sr W.adlt R WIîTbIZA.___ _ flONTAr V1<)IEL, nRsI gt~igit'jct t;,sd insulta, tt= if va lrad beea aclco f i but if distant hir afron a distance,.t~tkn iernpae i uLt besntmr i _____- ~ .Srret V;tt. Iho t So!Ing andtiat,,,- Theirn hunît. word%%*'it Wilhawnns r iarne, sud lEttIe boys. Au heur pas.s. in titis wa' iEvenirg Amusements w.. arda. Det impmrtive tomv it ardeut ii."". Id tr rs if. . lWÇDONLL, t:, e 0e t e.. t enth or iÀib y! "To returu home vîthout itaning atr.acL.ad o r eechonythtclard unfu-.".. ~ ~..-. lil l'if (cuift Il NATIONAL MOTEL ~Thet, , iîbrîlge. titan ttty peae.efui bevers Witi thre tigar Wsiposbe.<n aurWs cotigtearatrumrefcd.rn,"ccdigetIeiesf'sssd - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NTOA - I sonIý twýUtlrag DPlayiug at carda, or su>' cIrer game, frWbuserliaonscreLatrrtlreLTenriaecutc ashn IoliIN V. XIAM, P)ORT WlIIIY, J. L. <1INGE,rRIlî<ltuti iiwulk- atsake. mlu ninstant inistant î1ruade upN b>' poverty' cd coe tge <iFTII CQNTi t)tJT.ANI p.tncttn }irst tiautsa ntno ntttn tthe iAnti Tredugli, 'nti tty ditant towers, was moea> or auytiig elsa of value, il a prac-.- itEliK o I CV i hotIotel u. i.riwîitnatlerlI Wti in t n a ieard theii.'tI ii g dr ittir rvia, isei te bcrerpobated ; but for pîsasaut rs1g8frcitc oe' svrlra i ryr eued iabtebdv olhv i~,,i,îrin treSarîgteI et. lkle a'Il . ;ttiglradiy alanîg; I mose.v mml gd. ce hervie" a;ihearts of lova ; aud saTanai spadvexagi rn ls fvn eva iet reidc i îtl, t~ouilce, 1 o k coStreet.,,r 1îtnî_r1.amuatemetat su aveuing part>', cardsan ,lnaddsponuen;Saa r iasdtiagasbin ado tr rudtr.u .u J. Il. TIOJII'i4ON I FRANKLN îî0U~ETht. 'sil ,euttniunti,ttrim,on'd wtd,anud cio9gîf JIlot ail vro love nme folow me" ctemlattatieiost and wdisigictien. SA eeîttr tdgrotcuia Lvii oin f T , D N LCA TON'. i As fl',iattinL-down lu.!entle tihie coure iinged altiinrd Bnc,~t - - - - B >~ ~ 'iii)>RIE(ilL ('OMOR iitti titilit vitou I iii au Gatoru "iL s cetainde-, Gaston.,tredIls t thtfoticecftainlaydi-recesg tie fuurenotitcuakehfn'iis1fytiil tIIî rlatiosewinirireatmiret £ma - -i j f* ter rith'b rge, teiît:.rd.d 8,ti' 'n I for Trunel'rs. - I'i ae ofr- etr."h aad igd he w ui« u ,W. l'AXTONe Jri t!ws.itt 1 . 5 u incrnn' i~ st,ngtiugrreisrcro.W av efneamm yin endt s irwssticofanamiesiusin kngcitserow si; ut sn-saneLie i ebev tre tremarige taedt oFi~li' .NT '11E ti1'P.T- ------------ -' titan i.oni1tii vs ieterminad, George, ni>' ther mn rcrl i Itl efct> ameugle lady must malie ber lover kiugef~.mgt aispudLebreailri-itte w Lut i ~~~~~~1 W V SI"TT'SIIOTlTL, At e: 5Itu li id engage kaac1î butt ficnd. joitied in Gastoluas ne:troz s tr ne, îandi il tire Sauta ima botir amusÎng nl n s ftresi aer- rou r s'iSurait.one s'tr aae~thn IATL î11"Iili.WIII'l'IiY. TIIlE , inulh, l.t;bt w;tlouta'sil. Titn, seeing iie ur1x- tenasting.l iaved facaertdprasentativa of theïrLiougitta; ~ ia icao ls eeudr Il. i111ACDON ELL9 , e lj'sizNrI.Fuý ;rý OiF f.iit'-itt o'elernat ior falIa,0 natrveutiuthtng iirg cryseif upfor tire flght like good t utifor, "Divintion for tire viticitIluDunitartionu(orns>' b. About sr'uh-tu' afte tire mavinage position vIi a it inlieite.. .,-t evte r i be r' fria n d s ,u h a t 15 r u in g iii L i rN uîSE E lI. oF-j -- ,- - - ' _ *- aTi - wi4 wh'use n e, nuile D eCry'u ls an. .linag, an d w iie tf its lf ns lotit am b guo s k n g ca rea t oinclude t h ea repr ea ta iv joîrnifle uer, viricit vasTTIE ur, liul ha'srili! henoreds heyFi-nby tiiandinepicpl)resec urce, n o-ign A inle adpîunecgo ( lE - OtRTH AINERICAN IIOTEL. ta hev'ef the Frencir Ambassador. der oaid b>' aMid.a L the ltitire con t' truT tHOP.E. Owul 0hi'ttacnoe bllt'. irm ertoive"Titis confoundeil tiga er L vern nidsefLtautiaae t' -disposad owarda licr b>'the v> nD5itisdLr onRsel ntr ~. ay L. FAIRBANK8, ITorin InTEx). I'IIO)PRIEýToII1TARES TIHIS tIr'Tl.witl% trtitiiiuh bIeïkt, at oke sofado ni ihsqecso n ato r huhýpo hc srpeettv adle L EIZK FIR.ST DIVIIOIN COURlT. OFFICE I metîotf iî-ntiuhis Mfned allite The ,oliitr n-t t-d ont.I'd thut fir'd h'ivahns e ekabl usecad nin tl nk ei id eu ein cf u>'acifonondtogb, ro. vlyith ici oersentsve sfcrl is; utwiseeii rn alvsgvsa - - -- - -- ,t-l" n"i b% le usts itti it, m~ îdi',,~~it f"ci- ri ake au easy pre>' cf us. LeI us, while oberai." Thte saimaauthol futtr ada ci Li al fLt ak stridh uLcic n eumne lstiire ntl'sl f Iit i àait 10-1 etu'cl; t ':rtitioitIut h Al, e i . -ct-erbr 1c ad Lrze" ' Ilabvedyih, iih treflc.tt thn- fely datisofn aftir ra mm d lu ýstd, xiLitensrmpa îlnies of nature previdec.net Innav, oryhagusinnittentevelaud.la notAtrucaoreo îs inattentiee Il usakintetth wae anite 'dcourse cf thte ravine abu i utt 'an;o irIughs .are dirccted L ntrnar ~ wrctD~.POlIT ERRY STE'IBOAT MOTEL W'ho futrtoiniuht ni h auet aut - - - '- Nil itrto'st.'tl tîtt îc yhave ttcd)I ltlte jItets.h-ouu:erot-h lel.-î escent. Wa founnibIis mjauty-a siien' To tis tisRphoeiaigit raisa sonne ques. If su>' oue desires te knev if sr i ioCuto uersBrarnvl u . u -- i,'n * R TREMAYNE, i ,rtîi'r tlltoiiioi.t r lrnî-tti Illtc), in a ne t' nd. Ios'd, îi î ~tîtredid awny mncarcirha vas- stil fjoyinrg ticu. He, irever offens tire fçllowing,baain srlolensnflatecrd,.seuuthtcL>,rafrseeady m.'bq Il ueto1 STttrlty il "':$ biis ustrrinuit ut ,,ntnr.- Yiea,.î:l.oni>' bcpeiog iL uta>' baproductiva of amusement wvailas site must ikcwicootarcc-beuugedn v.Iain csefiisCtlt7 ______ ~~~~~~~~~~4-Giui n bon enrivtnt, in seaucit cf digestion, haea'>- Iin tbc scn.se intenrds iL. siens *isiing ail the ima oe en u acuytr eal fvrcraea xr-stli I J. V. thting; trhSeurt lo-n fttrlieIina. teut t.Iitgtuu tii tllloncee' a e-cn AlIIITER-TIA . OîFll'..~1i<OîiC NLtWOD MOEL- ~',. îtAni now t' phrc< likearanti esonShti"t"(Ta aeeprkeetlardaeaa &evavtiipra-tonxgtheren uL titemonceanil emeubenpackUuavyas sggesive.Ândeltir an bm. irea J.Y.îAX ' Gvt i genaEanY «h i.t.n -ed sutieusi>'an, te titr:cof us arî.at anme Ltna pnas.iîtg ',enli U3ia to 'a ay figcrfly ht.r b sS - FAIRBANKS, 121' ENILY iV'UILN e'(Tii't'Li.ï IN- lw.i tiist ilioun lances couchcd like bayoncts, andIad--i eyf-ir and l- tcomplexion ; abc. iiruffi ddeltr pcrm nm fororhvebeifo ayior siity M*B ~ .fonî'i-1t~ ie ht lela.!tru-li tahe lir, n-ttthe ,. 'on y foL Th om a i vc-y-igrt iii e tirntls;'ookaîn n cl P 'u SO'Tîiu>ARY PUItiiACaec 'lkî, &e.r îik 'wliiel4 lie lii uni-tdinluvain thxe uvord gee Eindr> , nd i- vnir etb'fot itcma -stiean 'Ilre ipreseuted b>' Lhna qucan cf dia-Lnepres; ekoc tcipne u aien uLr ilg fS.Rztcridt;bu -- -- tikw. andIblâ i.iu1ttani il! nut bce niirparrted 0.Àrrliue ote atead falexi oapnin.of stac iîhesnif>oe a lv us nu', iler lIitI i i.tLa Ilno'.iine. Gîad St-t- ott falte ae. ar fabla eraltt arc represctel b>'te dîfftent suite fIsac uLt an acia 'nser- vt lue c nstrnl uIi ra eoW r B.lIdîTEt îN) T")lNE~A-L~V bic. ~ ktî. "ttnto, asou Gere!Unenl Ltepek.TiusdiiueTsrereau Lteseltie ar ttae regn. iopa f ir npreeneareeievf,.sreItr. hafIebolIr ciVe' -ccr ite t,~tî ul' .. ilgalv,_i1q.fi,---- kushm arî haid nd uMai au liber trnmk lual lieon leu of Il. contento; -the en aganlf ,o t 'Ir-ui rion. 4 straI rameng Spoalkig a, disfeerMan e#.- difreragrt religiont sud MUergouitry -, sud Att h. eII t sL,'tee th, sire >Ut-et>' oven tire foui, andi > ofhi ah haud limon OrShI liad ýpray.dbut, ,sbarnd'8 farsansd knev oflite ajtes mD spuita sire ocrI>' kaey--r-.Oa d ofecourse, bai ne sauapi"» otrri-a ssucir a lime q .vau1dhiye wv, etgod on A caplaint aire does nombensof the famul>' Pro-. her; tire>'speair berDrI. 14imnrestoee toe w i, )fwIich, ' hoirad robbed ber hoa bi;uaîotiig and viti ýit day of bar huà;band'a vos, witirlier evit brother oi'S horne. Montrs apu a ber.-Years roll on sud new protoIer; evidene' h learesueo dcubt Ihat. hen rou>' wrouged ; asud des auniuersary of bh nband anr stands st te har accus- orumittail under sucir sg. imsamces sund upen a loué d soiiov-stuickeu voman. d the triai vas arn upre- t' one net mniease ireweyr tance demandeI. Evideuce vas taken et langLIr ; tire ahi>' -lefonded; sud., ti ,esided at Lire trial discirarg. su ad paiuful*.dut>' vititheit 7y patience, ehilil>' and for- spitoeof testmmen.y, Lte most ad énflictiug va have oraL immn conrt the truth 'Pre tr> conidere Lira case te reand urebrnei a verdict ef Orion ia nov in ,jeai ntý the cýutset that the camewva =cdur than suggestive, erbeiapeen iman, sud of masasch udta criant r wirut, 'tIer. e wu h ave uine excuse f«er u, .1 loan à Some Stme motive ta rait lmiï le, perpetrae t. LBut ch paliaiS-Ota aleget DrI. aneiiolmisnÏMe, la vertir ,000, and i nnteal cf being ne, beInew lly3, -lives On thre iiàt'uie 'leniL ThéMeovirig Of thaeefferied:muslihave been. arr, grasping, 'ambitions dis- If~ tac otteri, viten -ureraiiii- ple,' and uudiaeiplined by ne 1os "rs -Whoe are passesseti-Of élitira.ofain- »uivie, Tii. bii sitern'Is aii-sirobW fr8. ir. ~ and ve Nom "bier quI to iMw.lesta ad lber ireaband iwouldd-hrov id àicriû,cedi ahnost aDythiit bta'iI sseLflemenrt, an" ah se- oet-of thriglitsof the euh. ruo.proud Iid;secure liniris ' Usdstisfed tirata jury or mm01 veuht nover cenviet bisai on theiat an rd nowhm 'ta, Crtainty of the dio, Tire Jury tliistrW eservo'ell of ttir rrue tire> have b-ut datte their tIre> wene pour mer4 nd athey'- ryrmn ofethte umariwliem they .tor7. Tirsy coviid 4uur oridence tir.>' oçelnet have Vr . W. GAIGE, N 5 IN TIIETWEST IT?- ~~mn~ee tiba.vb>' a coamion instinct, rua-ir- u o t ine M& rw-irns etr#~~pcu-P aa"d norv RI~ autoe, ve J.)lgeava'$uM, rNte. Kinc4 ING St.TMEstiam quiisiod amnSMhepes OCAL D .EWI'ST.-OFFIR e Mc 44 igSre oe INl-ût-w ad i h à4lexwl e O&.Oote ne,,f _____ ,ovrJ.ado;fl> týHrah!1 harraht I fer irirrtyr er e i.a0 r i pl ltnvii a rdds iihfiftve carda l imepaj iérë t euh adçoseenq,' bn cis4wer 4' i 5". lieew no'>'ofligs.;411 opensieu191d on ,t'W - ' , fERCIINT TAaORuAr] DRA1ER, Âniaan'dtire bitlfroiril.Qi It1 r Oti Ursare atlmketi mm frot.NDIaDRireERw tu boItra; tleae benglal< ont* cmk'*1I fi ouqrmto .)Çeoâ " AMOS W.. CIION, -TenU rlîhii bannera fisw; ' - wmt veri an expling 't an *mmia. -foim new1y5square.-Ie e 5Oi5to5n4 ~ "?ttiUrYIP*I , RcII1TEC'., CIVIL' ENGiNEER, AW' it rtaFw') " > vti i.le~vovri i.aae &nus i rsal-Ireioea. vi tcourse ire asemai hi eue et telre t'on M'. te Agent, Wilthy. wCbem mv'.da, esautyo lun. via uent nhal ecaso La Joieëo yte adbti ci--og1'adm m in-lih ht U-n J, 710W! pEÂ ZT~. AI'Artlcels ers t eertte90 'fefo otatniitmae rip ia théo besntaird WiLi rae mnateelennt ie lne f'spon(asoil> irz.ni.ii itI cn- oaaniOoiOfdi vtr<la- J.aP WDBe V N, e, ad o'tb-th-to'tno-pleteiy' ail'aboes tbeebi>u'. It wisiris- counrxi ae carde le. oner> vay passible, put W"a-at' ut l RCIIIT" TAND CIVIL 'ENGINEER. »t fLllnal t tlt-vu--r IrUndnLas Strftt, Wrt>'rttltiitrd 1S I ei ASIIIONAISLE HAIR CUTTING AND,) » asw- - -ot bYite igrtonthefton wUlalm <fEiT ILl. on LItBre n utDeuo gketepin eodro e" 1( 0 C BLdoNTY 'ONTR :f,» n ' -Foti Poetns 'iL vas nect r'ta perfisrit on bt ais m, mailt i ibl.i "tgeb>7 tieCosl th Ie lTowin of Witby~. Kri av cirensà a ofl tow e nitleamenifor- t da0ho eipvu.wn tibu 'lto Itsan ~ .t tj :- » 'erbu- - ïtolrr e on m, aub tr eutnbn 1- T Surafae d es Ory tag Igin evi 'Rt Itire yar 1811 - t #atod tIre - i * i cil Î6 'the . drod,

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