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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1857, p. 4

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'~N. IUDDILL Who la that who ls a ftioid vory eooxvenlent ta ham, but if ytou, ont Off hlm tani neremes to ,every one, hotu frlend and foe 1 My fiat le, foraouth, as I tclifsty hold, Yet I own it appears somowht stramnge, 'Thtiugh ime roll away, what will nover grbw aid, But remain over new without change; My second thazi îny lirat la more nîraticai till, For 1 swear thaf siince firaC il was found, lly iai-fortune, by chance, by art, or by akili, Ila nover been loat, buing ftrnly hotnni My third is a ttiing that lu Eurtio L i. een, In Asia Africa and AAmerica, From which all mankind Muuât confes, her. have beett VasI riches derivei magna cuira -11vwliolo, t1iaititain. %vincorrectty combincd ' Tiie British do al prepieut posesî- Fliel on the Anaierican coast% voit tati Sud If roil 1jiltCltçe t1 e trotuble b gtteia. ARITUMETICAL QVESTbt.. If!1 tend a frient.l 2200 for 12 miottîh, on con- dition ofltiti retnrzdng te fàvor, 1mow long ciglit4 looIetmd tc £15Io tarequitt uiy kitad-q AMNtMLS T,) .tMtLY V.RTIartU11,?CttIO"ÇJCLE OF ruiE INiiAtv . 1. Tu-day. 2. Site briegeè repentatnce. 3. llagte-agtte. 4. It mak-es ail men jute 'r-at] men. 5. i-aui-i-tîtate. 6. The hatcbtta'r. Spn, bnp nîP pinsa .Prepared Mdanure. and their Effectsono -The substantceocf the folloming reenarks was lateiy dlivered at tce meeting of te Atucrican Agricultural Association in New York, by R. L. Peli. Wc copîy from tie Atuerican AgriculturÎst Mr. Poil rose and said,; IBy analysis it is known that ail ccrjýaI grain-, cruciferous and leguminious plant, trecs and shurub, roquiro ini the soi! the same chcmical sub- -stances, but in different quantitice.Titere are eleren, viz:. potasb, soda, lime, mnan- $gse, magnesia, aluenina, oxido of iron, .oxide of mangÜncic, sitica, stîlthturic acid, phosphoric acitl and chiorine. If one ho ,absent the soul wiîI flot grow any cultivated ,plant. Ilence analysis of soils is neces- .sary for a proper and economical applica. tion of manure. lnt a barren sou aonc ne- .cessary ingrodicrit alone night bc, absent. If, thon, ten ingredionts b. addcd and the1 eleventh kept back, the soi! is stili barren. H -ence, the reasait.vhyvaoeutucliof Newi York will net grorw mheat, and rouI wiit grow other grain: the requite quantity of some otie or more chentical ingrelients, ilocessary for wlicat i, absent, but iii suffi- cient quatnity for rye, &c. When, atlast, ecuitivattod ittans cea-,;etti grnv, te five- finger vine appears, as it roquires si ii cs *of thetu. In such a stage it is flot rare th du n expertse o' three dollars per acre, *wqýl enabie the soil to produuc 30 bithe*s 01J lps al. 1 produccd ÏS!bushels o1 'bfeat on a picc o f -wvorn eut groutîd, bv fifty cent* worth of two ingredients, Like preduces like ; and lietice. if strauw of wheat hc given to the groiund it will pro. duce whet ; indeed vwhest ma' ho grown -on a pane of glass, if thea sced h. covered with wlieet straw in a dccomposod stato. Ilie the (armer may soi! the grain but not the straje. The farmer who e sl straw becomo poor ; ho whrb uys it grows rit-lt. I apply strair ta the cattlc-vard ; il ab- sorba the liqtuid excrement, and roots. What is long or partly unrolted I apply ta hoed crops; what us fine I mix with the eleven requisites and apply as a top-dress- by analysis shows what la necessary. By tiese composta, I grew a squash ta sveigh *210 lbs., the heavtat on record ; and a .cabbage ta weigh 44 Iba. By it grew0 ~whest ta weigh 64 Iba., ryt 60 ibg., eats .44j ibs. Wlsen Spiengel made known bis1 asialysis, show-mg tisaI eleven substancest -are uecessary te aIl gaod soils, T found -that1 xny compost by chance had them ail, and1 twenity other euriching ingredients.1 *Prov!ous ta 1840, my orchard bore onlyt .-svery other year. Since then, I- make1 them bear every year :,and this year, a bad year for fruit, feund my manured Irees full, and tise.net manured barren. Tht ,drought cf this year wu~ fatal - te fruit; yet my manured trocs b.d abundant mois-c -ture and iîtrtlruittul I prefer tise man.1 ure cf decayedvegetablt matter te thbex. çresent cf catt1e, as the material tisaI mnak iand supports th'.. animal' basmbates *extracttd, sud thse eicîtustutîs net se ricis -on that account. If the vegetabie matert be rotttd and its ammenia fIlxed by char. ,osI dust, ail tht chemical substances aret -predsat. Thua rotted vegetablematter isa Mar e beneficial tissu the dung- af c&ttle, .quvstlty asd quantity àlike. A umçst ,a1uable msnure l-tht liquidi remai..t.C.g..ftertheheffin onf blnP ItIse VerY offensive unIetus diulnfeted. heq btlit 1& tý«t 0oani«fra, bst becoméé go whens -eMtL d t .t when cold. Bythe> au-I the ehtofeiïliiýie, einc t4,CASH FOR 1 WME-AT. beom tryI parts with the warmIoansd herse appears te, be doing well. But 1 USiBE FE~FRSL l U3CI~R O UPR absrb fom th ar htgasagau.This sbould thik it wauld be botter ta open .1 the fitllowmag P aportisitu-ta thîlIs. Ted to ay (-'Ai, for any quantity, of F'il Utte oi wslîi htata dde.,A St os outtPort Whlitby. i iteontinues ms «ptýY ý n1' aWn tk it tib __'19.ý i,ý elýted up withlt lrge bac tz:top, sud oN O T IC î19" IIALL & MOOI»). P neryIndiatructible. Wh *papl~ieed *.aý%y know this diuseby ot criu4 l4i . woli 4Iesecotie gç o at COUNTY 0F ONTAIlIO iT 1S IIEfEBY 0I- WirJn opst ]yàun'sIttî the tarIs, the.trots, plants sud grasses are Alb. &Cu. --~B. W. rate WCt n n tVood 1linso. A Pu Went . To WmV: 'IAl vntisat he tise Jae1P, 87I foslnd le have il adlsering te their recta, block, a large 8hop %weil'i9tà for collier orofsizan-Ni Oy ndT- BShoeinakirs, hlruos Maltera, C"abin1et Muke initier and irenenul (istol le1iverv itn rn4-for te S red i mpr gssan o;tr a lConut- cf)tirio, oitl ho hoilen afthe Court1,00Ar- fWidL d. reay l Ipai gaesandmo&tu.,a for ail$f ~' iioits4 in tc Towntof Wh t, itMondar' Cheu000Ace f- dLns wanted. Trecs packed lu It have retein- -are Tinst-nitit,&. fra faiihTaea ; rten*1da tfA D.-i, 1857,atl2 oâeck rIYA?.STATDI IF ON ed green foreghydysIElYaier _______________________- 'SIToo,<f TItaICrnrs utic f h Fait tTfOWN-, twetMt--a (rv A to soryStoe Iutsewit ~ i' n arecf 'os., onauhis, oroitiesra c îoraor il briigtof IlMiuont, Ilaîby, Tittrai, Gresîa wîbout lt-have> died in like circumstsuces. St.Marinu is citecf tise w-ries cf tise LdA t tcItore T li iais laanrydeicrae Cake not î,sm o iutigDs!.ti on=en5tugty.Mare. nîtnriite',,N&e4rii purtishsraPLd -Haa ad altmets repreered ~-Roman calendar, uand a forim of prayer coin- property, and tfiatl partigs wiAlting ta o t te ESN<.R OD, Crnis, ilîtîr to flc toe aîatt (str auy Of Irte eclie S-heri C (. O. A O .(H N fecly -hu pcke l It1iPrecerved 4P- menceswiisth theords: 1O, utihi, beate nimipreacueta an opporcuuity raîetlemet wîth. siteriff' fft-.WtliyAt-liteet, Civ-il Etîginieer sud Eette Agent, Pies lu perfect condition for ane year lun1IL Maitinp," which w-as corrupted ista ,'My tsnty £5o witlliho rtquired i!nwn. 'thibaantce Mardi 17, l857.irltiSt-eet, Witlithy. If spread ever compost heapsiarn.yard% eyo and Betty Marin." iti ly i qual tia tahet*1t with interesi NOTICE stable 11ooera, luprivios, t absorba tise am..Once at theHailsud isuse, h ovra O 4s I' t)ý I lttise Town (of WNOTICE. aLSOiy)-rf o-iLt mania, provents offensive srmelis, fixes tise tiou turned stpets irsI love. Tom Moore Ut ta ea c. for sale.'l volatile gas, sud thus méokes a vaissable - rdilt aat,"eata lsot 011;to A a TN ht5-Mr-t~1A. W. (tRON. î compost. ~~fro einliecyc." "Ofr, ratiser," exclainied -w poe Prty, 1 ptOLeLEAD1aE i Ashe splie tasauy clla~re'raua.Byron, "becse it bocounea altise less by ----o 'bie; sud on sanesais leachedsa "goadpaig. TE EiINWTMNTi-.u IIP('lBRIA.N(wNS)<Ki as uuieched. 1 have knawn land tb poar OFFEILE». 1i '1 it-rs ý1 .tn!î-tnlrs tt-k il t" !eli tib grew- eigt bushels of eernusado toc, pro. Lu m 0 kA"GEetE cmfS "-He gels IliT4 W-N F WIIIT Cut oscic Oszro iî t.-a lritIr.lti,tllirs- !)ioast duce forty-five husels liv asises alone u eateybokat o fa-by- 1- ~ah iîit n bI tie lrlise cfrti rOTICE 15 l!'ItiFl)' <IVEN TIIAT -Ai' n-il] itliiti(t ltte t0u10 t r 'ttiît tri i. tt- reala l)be paper reguiarly-dresscs fassien- Op-ufratt tv ht kîtvn £ ienti- u tîl lit- itii.- Iijriiitr t!].rti t endit-iirr t r-i-rtsudtict-r tttîk ti l lwl.îlit îaî e sud Iisey are more valuable onai-i sandy astise hatate <if sie t:thi CAl'Alk 4E RF esltî c i - 'culutlu! l iti .tii as ftudr1 u[iî.t soi] titan sny cher manuîre excoupt msrîy sbly-eunges fagtidioiy-esats a tartITliMWcand nais' îffered ft -ur y ,exeu- unAttoli econtir na i ne-aîitiI-~tir-R EWS SN, stupily-tk- dlves niem ot hs r t ositto ooUh nleIo I, oe I-4 grW is mas ts plater e pnt.rsdcaTh la adr is st lreutl kUbes f ean-lc a Wt-ttif lît lîil.Ttis.hvlgaFotite on theg e ..q otriCte 'ttitîîtl îftîîri l t it.tîiii tntlt--a tstrtatii J an gass tb effet u prcepibl aIa giest lu entlyai-k arpis oîa v s lt tisi ockcts olis of < ire astceaaîgt-t'tt i >ctt ie--1 u it~,i tîîjt die s t e Thre tava tie fat yar ou fr ialcto. tr«ien w l b iii tit- i fîs le toitC c i 1> LEWIS & iSi>N.erl Zýport aqtheWet i Cma cqnd tnut i ief4îlus, Cn n N w J t p d y lv su ee sy oi ( lii in r etj uir t I t is i t lt l i t he sud_____ cf ppyiu frybses the tse ce db t isulat. ovruen lsIyer. t lsf ortegeWitnu oeil wte tzontvarci.H'.tJ. goTise ugi. utie als lte Sw b cf ats, t is badt wst le pnd aîesî of hae ialtlp.-bidi-n, tnasmtf laetiig e, t! utiiet-fi fie- Iran l'itsingof.)Iutio T 'Ie là, - 2.stOffett4 ' t ieu iatett ,lttd l-tit ltî-u inbichw Yorkdectarfoi-nistets. initheherrt ucide of ut. Tte enliai-a hnding dtrnîîs,lo dt, l t he cUmnf t liiintee i 'iiit(ii.t on gases, he 1w- cti onser auptie alIs, e ssal weuotrhipprosttctiosndo.ii ni t inA TusetvoiUevsotn eI qwqtin-bi. B-îLi r ÎleîtiT- iNiSTTSt(i ,ti î t distc.: Th ciemcal sli tey irt eutrslz ainsocisyna aag tcc ang- hntalfitlîe met iinen ltattlof redueifPT.rîtiltiLEWIS. -:~. Suc, -- griass, liontplu tmusaitut 1Ca. sacis;d meisricaly y eu rugiug esneiisor.Fo p-Ac smd0inCier0,000-it aapp-t PR ZE EhUIA'.I ttîek tteli.- rt atilai.. iC iaaM tf .plt i or' btu-k to the Acre imdty teuU.STgo-e,,irluuyem. t-e tntlzeeîîiiea.foo bciititttiner -l vay iuabebyothe, w-le sidlito post, T e allier confe b ctistai-.eILIAMTIIW, IFetl 'ol..l atn ýedd ri Pit lieT11 61tt SA a n'p- l.411) -1 r i 'tl 'V o !E î:xi alkslu, suedfeetion folIostems. à.tarck stn.sid Cfiscpetnt s ESIRAeuonhi-i FAtRMS 101< Apol $e. ieitt i. l-'t'tiit tt. îula îîî e tt1 'ls.itij.tttiidt ttsit CIte llhaveu i i act]ionstt-nt'he--it r'itîhte m lioulei'îiuusmpuloiri b' îuruîet-a &c îtîl bil, Lime as ben ued b anc a giest d- sd mywe~ nct ohi esit ail sw-sy b.-o20oAoi ES, IAT IF lOT Nl it les riras rtrW-til etauiB~ trietu tttmi! uîî contaimîs ne magatesiaie; si- ics pmoet clatie tIiI lo Luit! k, ,uituaieal ali toitnetrel itrtt-g s'lenhautaim atutti tzCite bPang-nid otoin cnaloCs.q limd s. an îiuihnk ri c hou uy nerl ias Foggnigeho.or ele îe ias e a sil ue ada. a! Ias tit-i in'Ot lt atîî oi ai t W .. t -t-, ita t i l u i riti ti a nd îî iriuig C 'lit-eiit, lahdoll sudfatueid, pcîting bItai - ' Thetîiivifait mli aat-cai -tr-l. i irs IIEao MC> tît'îîE tifi îii Ii iRc-. - iEt N'nîtr WioMuiea akIanemnatwiontc 6 l. pourbuîsiuists e t 'IlIbLE Fio .aMS Tr, îwsrhedueurî,clt IZE oitý~~.-ANiiiiînt t-Sale iaYWIELA) ti-bat se ed nc ushl c clver secd .c tC one"ra astea aecult Is n i.ns mm "n itti ua îIante ee nt omdhe lri1t ii it i - 'l duNi 'iltnre R. ILEsîtn & ..BisN'li', s ime hat a b lusofix by ce ii lieracre,- matit Bat-n ais bite &l aw atîî ' of telivîiu, b>thtt;:1tiuaîî t iii s-tt.tt 41 K t%ýa itg rs,&c, lt, 'i'îi i. vandtis. ee ne ycar c li n! hlime a ts hprait ia oacs iosI Oiacres, <un1 )0LARTOt5.lCiF LOT i . ,, Ncf C aitieditetidtit 'aitit,*' ii-]-',tt'] he tit Iu - Fr 111Ii-v wlrte- ',tt;e Tforeipoft.wiecil$top."' 'îîtu tfIr '.A reitîltFIti ti iii1t- u-toin-Itu rd-il tiiea-t e au Dcetd nd (7ash Baies, line poso culture;tser seolsmdoluariser ~tivr n.ni55Luas t)L.x-lprou1 lu e £A-iau u iitt- t tîtit lLWS&S is1 negsnugHeis ingse obohretse n -iy ae enira, 1e.IA Ett 'AM'ICE . rte ili5t tuu CiethtPttent.ttt-i-f tc rt ,-l.'uu-'uint i ___ lu tse i-e t!,lba '! ntîi lapedChi a-iruîuj tu, i il ,I i--tt wtri îit if Ut lunehn t sinte r;n pae titugn ît i, outge tii tin.fBoahrin c 1temiitla--u.i miCi asiPtdusie cites, adio. They are uime a n d s iteaeds.1 fafboyr s nteoflutve il aie, eci- 1 t S "bn 't lart. h i t i fIl I1- IltePiei y-,I cu, it] P irîî icî. ue ciiiut de etro ate gtlcrti, n!hae ee -cdbyon o te teunhis.Reci, 11 ti Mai-eho N. , 1557. n i i.oftethaue 5lt i ittit-ut l tIoiti fofotiudry, w-ct, an! asrag e cso ls Fie-cadosuidatelat i-Wim ti frth lu i .tLUA'L11,AIltop'a;5t SLE. u,,: -,. q t- iti- <(i. 1! Milliers ON in tlîiuîk Thetiidestrocit s thea fisugusiior iuszir"t . tniritituiNiit, ltii uttttt-antand 0.eil . 7. tiý feiisr be tse c u e t- t.' ' ec s e nco ll a e lie w-ar INe it ftiîit i na. Ttoa r ae 5f tî' -ý tl .t t - 4 . tii ouftnoai64 lity pfrMassht-i;uwitîtthe Vaum iii i e -lT i m.tntmitii, -"Twa t" imin. fi.t- uttii. -raîleaiii- F)?ae an - i on b cit oft- te!, out ase lecf teub s- I oy, sd fr . gurlvttet" aiit1.igtt vert- .< lii it itticc trotr,-iii'ti] ii.u - - - - - - - - iNOT CE jiat cflime; u is ise nuas eficacous yoar. D tîîy uecutIlct ei~tu-s ae nt liîn'i-lit-tihm itiiirtheiiThotatdtt-.u !tau 41iî-îiE lii îtu-îl i, ThllE'TiiiV iF uE anurthetisat ear u t o ue uaud ehautistA gentl e dn htNii ie, ha Fit- etiaciiin ftLtii4;, ai -l.t ii ciofthe blce obe ititiot th t Ct -usnae .îriuiteab ici.iti tC- sd, u alî o ote oi r clcraua Tg-ti ii ft . Vinuly ce nt. in-the ciuiittiAitaiuîi-umd/î Ncirapitjaer Estllaia!i'.iîtîuu-imt.a andci tis scandsucas hctnstioff bci -lrb ee eTuivAsits ISity, %enaRCt int . - T- i ndLnbtticetel l4, i fttfii- - -- - -IE T--vri acr. hve oud t f gea ava Tag asor e dast-tuc eitth o itIloktr a i ane ofMiabat-eteren.Itil Cuti l'resnuinsiiea - -- Nvedtitd oTICae.l 1 insol o c mixu e ; ith e at se derm nt bro jt I a k i g c s, ts a a h , Cs o e u te tW Apr t i t ,- ttîl ie k-m_ i:! lait- hat, ii -tit1 - - lgatt ' le lt- î a-.l i t e t u t rmtCmt î C 12 -o 0 usteseanis a reolsethbeî iafluul l.g us tie itit4.-If e sule tti ît-t-t.i l'it't.;s f it!at-mu!, Lx'ifl ceai.,ii on tirip. l cmpot l l vluoîl, -i oi-ithelasicsto a-e incvsinfnitin oukatLiMt-c. ii te i' C'77 i a ad v eti ClOWN 1 lAND IT,.Ntil jF do no rot fter - heiifttand hveîbeoedby on of te si.nisi1ir.1 fît-cltue ri Mauit 1Ci.agcuutie4 of het1at-Li illit cctiNelt I *. iili I% 'msgfron r, eI ndaergTtCFn. O. i il yiolda phosphates largoly. It ~~~ ~id i- ,racksy bcii'àne inltît, FoLr l rtoL-, I bIESB"hif: trLcEd (Iiuui I hiklm esr i-ste anus l ra n ech!tcnoer u l c f flth uva; wsî îro imae TlE ChT Y <EMina..¶ Mb ltdl e,'tiietl ItfenCtel m l i isaOite lu th cng a useofro. i R.', E X iNG 'A T O (T NIO .LL,intt twih; - i-ta t îtmt> l li- iîeuiu!Ci aretnsd;tz, w lia officriar autt re oruts 41 t) -2fil TWC)tl-'ta.Ct' -'(ilitz1.,',t îtt-Ni'.utcs 't! ICiimiii.îîciut-ftti Cl ul! hnd vsenlua ar tust calyo h aaelntise liefow1eitck'atAcuehiri!rîsno. Iý p tt iil ra ihbtee ii a ula iii> baurut Torontoer ov.eei 1îiftix iîit'. i- ieleieî gtl oetiu- O 1-1 ot, n o t i %Ntt -ai. t imieot-eu.tire- i]t1ticr uNOt-i-£ti ii tîtl. tut TIe C E V.Clcitf luTtî j ae fi e i ste m st cU aiu i.riil us iii dr îttamiOu. :t t ii: i s. Aui0 15h toe clepl I Iehi fSI.tc isc bi nil cA tttt1.)Vieuee ti tiiilehuaTria tu THtt E-i munous î h e uwe ou tion e ht is t ie t lemyta'- ofFormusaiutdrt lcennd f'Oîniar u -:i -L;. u itih-lt ectriy iilii fiumut ît Ctei!uefn-s in i s. (Vrt'* ' sin! budtgVeen douetplantsy ilsefciarsj Ki1 oh 1, C5tIh. Ficatr -o-Itftneti Ci ubt audittt. Fî-Tittil, i yt cfowsipa ît- î c o m p o s s I b v e t o a ! il - c i- v e f f e c I , l uT se a r i g , te, a c r a p , d t e ls e t N B-i - s I t s f a ate u eul t îi- ai-i m tî î î, t t u 7 - - ' i ui C ii la i oi t.1n 12storc2 . u sIs h c re.n t y, as w- el! as lu ti se in oit-ho e csana t h-, oui Lo d; A AISCIN U.CILRNS. î BRITÂNNMENT, iarv It E t ASSUvi àRia NCE Ce.ii , ios tuse in agricul s tur i g lardc i. asfor luc, teelasrow- tIeare has w-in asicpi-c-or the- uiv SWERIF'S BA. OI.tANDS. - ANE ags l asben se l Aia a! aric- le the loy, ouher. Rgla oi lh, wh ÂN1WSOGUPOlSLE OT NT IRU, Y GVE IITEÀF Brial "%Mlal Le A Grat, CO ul't: lS Wrtfe tlapopae arey ti &dFe aeo oLt lary u Cina l Frnce l Ilîgu"liwas rmutalaiap-caii -ssoe-NN MilEN LsrNo t T-i-- alumidtinthc erow 1--.-t, iu'afttîrt i eadcihrofi ilePtfes Tuviip.,Ban,Lane iial lisei, Enghu aU 15 Ge nmaundcoue.- age! agaiot oglus is wati h. leae o TH~JEesVUiîTiParTEA3f lIteLi agcît'i- the Toutîy of ic.tîse.ilati, t,,lii<voiej*~- VV rgtfriChedite liar<Ia'ood Lnd1 Us retuauder Ctuiii<t ii-tti e i- aeeiemadewiiett wet-cci EVers areRIPI<IW tlt -LrE ASSU rpyou vdu l esroino -se1esesion itruck off i Le s!. thtatuWahie te, sd s f thethcres c go4 ed rf, -l % a Nmi ),ue&I)ilt.lLi lac prebbitd by velo ad. 1Eagtrd ud cus hohtheu igtd -tls r i deecase, attise itite ot liait t t-attâsc±<lF aniti ti- (ilsaiaî perilpat., axpetatninstaof egetables r otvwil by suklre h i FOin SALE, - iuadie, Miln Qi-ave lVatse1desiecuued, ta ho adumiia- te! apliteultînuli -e..a li atqlrtodelt-st tIse sapfe p it e t ilimL£.--li-Pan bLIl ATL N , S MiTER0F (OuCELOTS N TU til, I ave ezedadtakaitt'cooflonail hie isse.grdieWet iueaote ivn it. s mnur, si lodu f IlhSN ben ArîcuGaÂrs.Don' blnt our -a-A. ççV anin jalîbv, bettr.iTittvc i itirlu Caor itteratcftteal of he ite!aton e 111ý.dtateli2Agmu*ül Ofi:, sonpese.M l tLIllt i du o(Ilmtisinsri i sd a IAhIO? les!. cf rat suanure yieusdof aitiayre8ff Balui ., StrecI , Mi l tilw. es1in jtria e t-n!lCth e ii ('t, tf Omlisn, WtibJiut1he51. <", pehav wLe uao u i e sfa r and 1n0- eA p yr wltasa uc I t deot ifen! JOhN SHAW, pidt.,reininfollowic landan! Cei eoutazi, i-lin-Talist1I le îi o!ilcStei;in cýre of t*,i, ril yarslf sd etas s (indte w-ut largyeFbrsr 1iii 7.5-f. autas.Wet id c Sttae StOef t, cti bushessullyo. ixed wth eart and a- pwmed recorsartseoufxtLotrdio.ayEieî'Ross',u tisertfai Ti iRStr&,BiACOie t N EoActiU (d maistyofhesrerlinlaaruyad Ms. agst'ttortsu , pedaîefollawa thachirstestheit antia- manie.tetlativaresontaitsalin. dquetots. lias k acn el atae sua yen s 9NT A R 'ot!EL -Couilstuscltelhtge(iluith Wtrký, F(:ýrtuv 2. -ite etriEsatiýem'i ý. r t Eeçoi s t-ui ladadgte osepatgh fet ig onI. as1153 0 f crWo, nIant-tC eRuar-' -mIa u-a'iueoTira-uoetii.tnlts u tAsOCsaorccw coidng te the mattrial cf whchit isu=de. mit a ttimiCe.. - LiAJL omeNardsitItlteen aearte" aWeat fronithtie ' U TIN rIH SVS EBo 1t e- SALE OSautsEaai angle cf s"lutLt, Na,. Elcu-en; thleu T F, 1 BSNS F R T11Nêi » and lise mnnes- of makiug. Itsathte "¶o,,r ; net even tise mayos." AT siat Pa 'lai- tIOTET mnanaccu aed y Ni>titen deeffl, Wea»tth litichaînesi-en- Ta. Firem ÀastranoCmpanr,lisavlug licoun drappings of cattle fed ou straw-and tua-tipi Thea,<Bi 1 Icls.lusry liberty. I w-as âc i-a rouage n llrcs.rSt-es ink-s;fer(]h<e'u tSout Snttfu egen tnsus-su tes Cmpuy nl eandwsl rtlîm A&- si-reste! as a nuisance-sud4aseta mrnngas f rotàE un -IL LA t-DR". Est ilir'cinshaeouth ts'itakeiin NiCsfilmue Psytneutê lattai ho tua! ail iet we id ai-e lests vlutable tisa tise.of cai4. feden, arStd a' aa nisnoe-aclasno ans mai-tIl <» EI fte Pme n! ton Gain peny sutne i-"ko > hsy au! oil cake; snd iti la ecout. l iibtocmmtmI efr auaêu WhU,, an h>im iesssîetb gpâtcfý fu' - dnsf oreo dieTa bt soeand Beid Ttse&udB6'a feed hay and:oil cakesaIses- titan salraw- an!d ui."FOIR ALE. 1W. TUE -or p clug oMtise Rwetrly l- nitof he sas]! Lot Ne, Cdmnpsaty> hbovalid iemerfo wignurers. lui-tips. Ho lu mauuring; tisatw-hich s l The queston Sas been. caried up. WIITY.Elevenat a i iutane of iijif y dgelgins ltb1h- -Suds a#flMasu raie deas-ron of ltti.lrg Ilieli- Si warrn, 4ve liiaiai aoourm useNo-t ixteen d ]>aluoa s bated, sare ta Ibwas-4 tise an, th leache! sud volsîlize! by lise suit, la lesa Tinu Expuruassîaor Ftiowiss-Silent Ir on OS. ia 2 , TIET.iIE SU-Na. thee SC ostii Est Anaofa <lei-ts, fii-A-gents7 - o te Tmeand BKW valuablo tisutiseunloached, nsu snun. grief la portrayed btisth eeping willow - -1- <m Dotoa iasit atseMr., 8, -OSieChain tweus'v-1ve titikaý; tiiiiii uuth sev'eu- - yrn Ie, s an! Lutyisd is Cr eek.sij a a 1 iâ,Weouraticei ,iItouer, i- iiiy eu ? 87 ne. u iisl teexenie ubjeCt sadtess by tisa angelica; shituddeirlug by g 858~L tf ltk;tuuirhsvutross--o -s4Bro e -%lày le tae.uap, aud is se w-cil uuderatoe!b iespe;minhlyb ie pses laîy"t i naet ixtrîtetaëgf, Ereos- lestii ti t paéenyle wtb iti,187 good âamera, Ith 1118 suuneccaaary ta say deaire cf meetifngagain by lise starwàKrI 311.ANGELIte d$, uliwlsalse!,~-1bciiuiegré" au tt RTSLV mos-e ou l. aubject.w-lilfp te rig ulgimelîing x9cket is a figureoI 58, 8th OOiilcssiou ÙairlifloniL 40i5i11l*ttdié4. l WMi 1btilltC tiad teeetIsetta, a! lif aà t84 îCdUas lîstandaeo cÉy tilfobi-c ortheid eedns entaitrest tissi-- ,~TA L PH> ~ IE 1hIeofiefb Ùl Kenbffcei te ,,r --l LI ---T Farrery.'c îght and dsa . 'AIIABLE PROPEIRTY FOR SALEN louise, luth. Tow-as af Wlsltbisy.ou SaInl-day, DireetIroppsite Eryaata'&IItel, Foit Cua wor»sA" at-, 1 t4Sislxth dayôt Julie, oeithliand oiht h u- _____ Fos euat Wuiîa a» airans M,.mxzooBiW#mor,was Toiy Lard r'IaROïKSwilU ~es d id Ah1s.vee,At ;4 Ir Of Twalet' -ais9Uviwv.x - Soasam liqHaasga-Takt corrosive sub- 'of hosrl& ts-mSergirnitnlthoflu b.flouraiag Town OfW t ektI9k, itQU ioas TT UI8RZEBC½ïWWT limite and red preciitaeIn eqalpo- daes,and in the hab4of th - klisgaoo2 1 -' ite ud Blt- Seaf'aL tu£bs fÇ~ , this hltausaotilb i!tip pas-lieus, pow-dertd, sudputthet I INwysssak acl"ui u oJ 5acreOfjat1d,ý:w"Ihm bauît10 faet ita -OUM, a L. lB, 1 Stable lit theu lawisèet ldyeb18 M.5 aeweSl oM rc awill ende-voruaecpmodaç ia- lud ittie toew ar sraget thteits-vant oetday, 16 hov do yoxa kssov eo >i~ iî ~ ~ 5i~C$adaPim!%êet tu eus a-sstik~w-t I sd ppî i t lie ltha 4-Mgobsg ta propSe te-- owiu e çmtý>iuw-l t "lm <»X tF$ IpsWouf<-l wend oucbing al parts ,witJh the.nx- Wldtunaalot Why Massa, asot. V- tiare. Ifs ruuuaig soi-s'il aottld hsprobe4ar lu b1eiaa, "'spçst Wnain- weu 'me , ylta WlulbyforTal! w-Ith tewa!. Ht Se iïever isd ocsion deaZ jon ont t&lk te y on thelf wibpsml W. ùtb tutJan.'u le, le& to cnae- more tlamn eue aplimutiots, Mnu ptlcs ly<idy usrhséf î - - ' 8t ' , e bhs neveiksqw-uIL -ni le 4ia4 ilhorse rSebx tht oelebtdu - whc ad wlhuosilleshouldersr- eo-sugAMidis augOpP,<fw . t IIT mM» .ar~4 pose! la ha,. hotu cause! hy tht Larnesa surem o,.àto te largepie'fpri.. :ZqTETr ;"4 F #Iw-orkipg ta long tweep isorso-poWr rr Toiii-hlm W$sg ,remeàeiw-thost sutég&5li tid h -- t*tïýý tïk aboya, p»4 i -.. 4imrhew-ove inth= t" TUE, LIVERPOOL & I&6xDii re& Life Insurance Gô'y,] Empowcred hy 8pecia Acta of Parlimient. Capital, 2.000,000 Sterling# C'ANAD>A BOAlLI) OF DlRECT0lRS: Bi. Aîttergon, Esq., AI. i~n intrS. 1Tywa, 4 11 iaerpM..,, q l'tttniuos oi Fire ftarnce received for the lree vearî ending 1 t cA iiitait, 1857C, and inter- t not aiîruinpr -.i i t ' i n d,-£4Ub,674. cand Office, Canada Branch, MontrcaI. htirira!tts alm e eIlleited it i theablive res- fitici-n t îbil Ulti - t A1 C9T S CM-ESTIFIC- INVEION. A. J.ltAhiIialuuN. Ait tlustnttnattt torCthe cuite tu i tenituil liCI'i1y WhitbCi,Jt. ji. "7,1 iseiim îIur tisltCIiuF u-itt : tmaa B L iNG I1IELTING Il litC1-.ltC-Ottit4iiestnt' uta Ijdt"Iùu tii. 1 '!UiultlI.c AVE Ni)W Ï<t\ -ns-' 5OEXYOIVA AiND qt'CK crue".- iais!, îîîîd lot aie, tO li, Dr. 1-suis ý&Si [ittiasRuisler Bettus;, 1ul't tiieyliashaeilveit&a w mot-t-st atîuuit-B Et-ts : Cii14 nclus. t,rîîtiwtt ftut ibeélire td ifi îte ihisoase. ti Cýi1aI uiitlt.u- inid 31suillu Rlle, fi',i ' '- ritîtiim shu i,:ten 'aii, I'îaii îî, ut tuttI iii I sku iiiNt.i't, tt~it-ii'l clao'i Ne'e Y it- it fiasis een ic(el tio Se ie -'iilt- ii "'a litisr lluut, asb-I d !ittetl nm tto ever 3-t it m0eo'rIr tu i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r tmo &tl- ti!tiC i- niad Stit, ihii-cordler- tii . m.fC et, ~l;uut~um., .~.. ~, ~ t!~M~eutas ta tht iiticris tif tit'ir îuC-Ou-a t-C- - .e.erýiptiaî ouf Shtian! îlots> 1f t. ey mn> îirt-ve uiaueituoa*- a Le r i r ' tir. itua' * ~ < ~ ~ 1 theut- nuuv ilhlibe refimitoleat boy, rq:ttai'alautýut rt, i~ i tgielt. tt, eur~l a~d t!sont by texi i;î j tprlln-4 tf l4iitt-losstuitaier=at tZl-, C ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ' nti ~ jei'rfit('rl utho 1ittinlt u uabn tieévor stuC- lDt- Aito-t & on ihave faîr a lîuugcc.ni- Gefrum u eii-iei iniiiun c"titiiie Jnsein tihCii ~~~ ~~tu ismtifii'Cic.uîieti,-ahc eiiiai an! atut- q U4 i the <uni>laigaîl> ly Iflcal Pîrsislwtt> atis t orsetti fron CicCtfmi Guanr~s tinet- reii I -i- t t- ui a'ittt ousneEîrieaa Pel'eix iais-pauti-f the bVurld-anmv ha-t*-' etuc&tumi v trcsutedi ly i'ii-iiari'uig a étrrect à-iiî. tif tI:rir'oise, wiOi a -tti: . iKefurîliil i l. idci -h llbit rcetnîeel taiti t'Cite-atîtO,t 'cipaici, anti ýeut- re t-i uuCs<tt-çtii, CD 1,4011 £, ui>Omere .û Iuilitî, Anda PIJRIFY TUE BLOOD). 1111 ITBX' FOUTNDIRY. ' F!ufron fèua >a - csie R es-ahi. pre riin ilMine-ai Poi-,ot. 11F UI-illtSIIAVtN (; RT I- Z MICI '1 1CLRr-a wl<;15, mi! ( Maiiia-niie Ille.uim ]uan, fîke u iiîavt it:'m .ift3Ë,P7La Aî R 1Ioenkc Et,t- X ltteF_. i!l. tI i -tittitilzth lt.t- i uu i tit net- t, C) itis- 'fitt l> Csa-mstei!t- îîitu îumit.fr t.% uit-t'lut--tare! lutIdo al kizidu uo' wt,1.'t kh- ~~tuiai- m eterellii. u îmartiei-tîram'dt' us--ir liiitit, si t -c -. .îa'u - itl , fO -t iiiim l uttiuîtriruîutu.. I~ ST E A M E NG IN E S, -t hvi, he C1îu-stiumsouyor. I,t Sait and Gi-si MiiiC sain roahtrelCie niornuent uf, perfect lattul i nrtsu lusunbtmtiu ui te at-s t tu. ii elî ut L ùiviecf ilat CtIt-ei r hatoti4fi .u rni pliet, ta! iii it, iifer t-iiuttaiii bii a(uPraitu .it's'i. uIlou,5 ctit the ii uttî t tplin ad > n tiechaliuin iilut u it tiîu Umitei!Sttitheit-,art' tuallY W! -ittui, tullît îuuîî ut-a.timit-ihsi re remue!- Ci testiîv tu thtir ed!li eîîuu in ti'irt~ CastI uson Wiodow - a*,&,r., iiseî'auîulgiviug tCuthe ailolo systeiureucans c-hicsc, êi.. ll~uIip axm m , flistis tte h luut I 1l1i <ttc-s-ls fl'îtoml, tIeei., scutruty rE tiid a utf ~ lrt-oith ifur t-na!r ioix t xeil ions otthe uiin t. îîjaumtluap "uttite IJ' c 'I'Iarc ato nskina titdt"nuthae>ou bats:!, rc' t upu bui, t-er> eig iu u l tnlatimaîeci asicC~ut - i.ueasumbr lichapîtrits 1- olet.5ft-q ouCie ls- Cekiug -nd Parls- Staros, Fever suýd Agie,Dycpma>o1s.tEsu tliltl uaarc u-CIliiug wiil-.m ll îi! rt-ait, sic: I crative ;aroperties%. No fuuii- !vsý1ltl b-l l -'lue Kiîig <tif titita (esuiueîee River-, 1 on.it'et stheus.as by Clui t Cit'ie tinehaurn a.tiiil<er, I.aieb a' veouuritc, &'at.lu vuuiuuiec un! expene iss &ny ho sai e!.. cit taitti the St.uie iourtîeutv arc iati Prep-t-elhv ,WiWAMuMOzIT-, M. 1D., -"ewt en, -yt oto>ici.--~îuu ttiulu' it-- ' t-k, td, lot-Sale by mIii havce asiik lýei ssitift'.oiturc of w.,S. RO)BJN.40N, Tin, -Sheet t-eu, au!Couipe- Wiire. Fisuliily VCicni.isa iwuchoSîrLc:, Wl, iCby. Iiuuredt lhas cfSoe tlîrcitmt-caimît cla ou.es Itt-il -iua, 155. al.stutat ait hstreaciisuijuphied ril -thi-e -- ____ t-itoilib Putteitus. î A MEDICALL R'EVOLIUTION I Tu au'uî hîl lc yta tt h titu e lloîîiu e.1 intIti I il.i<lu.-u-tCit cf laie t-0> Li-s-. its-tl I TIIE M ORLi>'7INIOS st-t-t-e!v ho tueur iiehmîtery, ssid it ctit, haebiiiit, - sutahat te>et-c tîrepsure! ltu il.- 10ÎOW T ON ot- lusta nitunuirtitat il uit i 'Ju ttc a' Tueutr l'cteun cd Miigurv aIl laehixt nets, iil iol bîîî uttthe unutir experie!ii-div,qtii, hi -rest Couuter Irritaut r imi tuhaol, île;. loupe tif aeaure Chie I'atetut.t te1 * uiiiuiî' > it- 'oipaua -Httî, -lE VIRUCS OF 1 S E .AS E OF'EN 1>-besut! luikI cf ireu r it-k. s 9id T asiesuswirutIejseutiua-a - tt-îugi Cicopt-oi. f lta wl:n. Tiis netai- Phough Cuastinig» for 2uale or evcry t e pO es sîmeui. iuutt uîds-Us îas"4 I>[Tsa i * description.jruthiil l, hsabioreliil tIst-img'site smiumai-" ian- - Titi'> are a vsmc'nin4a it-ic>of Po>ru.nule, andI, reuotuig the Iseat afi ixfhtiastioeLlim. tnCîIldinig Ns W. Bruivit ai umuip fauus rn~cu t!.nii-al-atiao e -tte 'munitr, ih rd -iurmiability tund et-& ai.sc.'lutoimte-1Iua tise ki!îacya., isle lia-r, tie iuaig., or ut hoe eqiitelluCit te toutitry. îiyoîe'iprei uti.I pntmcs11 Liit and hm!Ienv-y Ax!etrcea coaasmtly 0u1,tfa ' ta lte Iilteriar Chlgs tsa CoUataaa - suis!, cuit tiadu teua tde-. > tUbe t Chat OOMInUUtnaatqaiStiete kiUaasti1ara- stool Springs, Bl1ne mitss ~ ~ uer tnt pa*«§iiett'l~e fevtreîlstart, diCii:ein Repats-rig- done lu aUiiid variotiabr.iichssm, <l" atI _. 1 ue1 e1 _ iCit tteauffland deapiei. SmIau 01.dl sweiaig. en Bic -he ot utltias' ybfttlIle . C Every peeim ~o! etsulor irrs-tatIela nlild ara rei lie CauCYB~înotaflaetntîd ~ redpeeaby Usé antiiauussalory aetioti ut tie - 0WV NPO (, C. Ullntaii94 4qy ',ksaptiana, 4IlehUA ait UR alia tout t a i>itt noos-01 mu 5qiksalic5tbel. hluuaalsltt.lexp«re in lasi mL âva.of eWos-d Pr's e i -tdi 8rvi duwhw*otiwctý4 t -BROCK STRÈZT, WIt1TTY n ite.lpte ts îlild tbegi ký4V4dd0rl. wv. -Hu5ie bb (.B.aoaL.and Iur>B.oi ç4 s- 1711E SWRBER* TuIIANFILLY AC- UrKeWSmfes-a aulter vor n l' tie Iihbiitinta or W iiChy, aisdfeeL, ¶tsteful puisos . res seS li Ou 6r thes libeuultiats-ometelitilaim in pesti, lid tw-tiar4î wLih tàhM itaitiosa. *lio3u Hoa ocenîpledlle pro tla«l--------------- ý àm d %Wcl, tr re t dor . o 1ubard <Te(1o.' avio l-te attesal , lliqspàltlana tit bs Vçrg thoiw-u .11l.'. *etl a-n.Ail rl-Its. o_» ee rl.- .oof the - lptqtmui - FE TIIE O(NLY PIII sIJ" ,A .$TTE-uc ccc î(; nciît--ILë i a 4tglît Ilitture ii2 <t-(,r lit uCa mtitteniltu t- pois se.Thte oui-e'e1ut6wlotcuîleten or Iittdrtsacu -onin iusm*. Thee laaau#--vil IhaCbitou tttt t'itfl l b hîy, îli t,toltin(tc, ofeuI-r-am bunuit iui tflctu«tua untîtafltai; tun 1 tilub, if. iiat -tua -n tituiOti1iitli-s tÏt giveatfriethu si-I Fat-W Iie aro t-Itu> gof ie 0wmsye ilit pi rtiln titi> titi! tltt1C nrtua.um '>nttimatutul f- strauugt'ame it~cnaihesiu-t'i' ia s~~ :1 -lu

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