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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1857, p. 3

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Br ît i' e tligt, L i X, J. F);the i t tf itrerii iio oreiih orhtîc~morne or y % in, 'lv ý M. Al tif tlese Wl ier!syet fno t aIrnlIe ýt!lt r n il tc d t aitnrc.1 rs Oejrt'ýd lî.lIa:f, foi. hettItem uq ir uyr Iinyiiï , lie bris q(1Id 1,lipol nîttuttraw. , luthe 11 týi¶nntt tit, resllit %s-IlI b& itli anti t-rty ()f distL ttw RIl(i that IreCIjer 5sl ut !i'il-, ri- ct-1Y beni tvi~ii reg.) n ofth ein Pl itii totIse cf OouW IintIla îîy l1r(tetb 'iit leray imot porhaMp 1W 11t:1-;le l sthundri , rii iilt wri Ilrt'ut. % )is' thnut in the comlprrati,-. fCC wuiii 11,11110 i~isoma yo hatri-c ou shsnev ti. nni. t-tu - tacule phot1 ~ lau i¾ rr'dTherw t t ' ;p) i ncwhow p chu r c tiv to hî-rgait, ai _ e r ii 1ltek te -th, t-i, -etrs tclitrm iAct, ti lt ut t.îrtîe' i IL t tns y 'i 'n ofsttef nt Ioire ch i S--i" - a m iOn. 1 W r 1,11 iIUit stanid.% to e-iCamii thRt syete '-sN nIniied to t- t h r,-btir Maucto sr My 'ot n-aia oeient Il', r-e ite i et, iý I ý i t t-r Bst'*rri ,s n d y:tu t s -tljnatiîde 'siit o -ne ti tr t Cî.î- to '-inof« nI 'aad ltty I icertnîtic i ipro 0 ki'n wIli' w i tt flii te t1wi fo iîrry cas, A li~eTotir i ie lrit p--i dtv %y. î i t (! raly t t % tInt i tt u rai l ems tî rtt ite alwtitm; t h -dca i4 ec v i iens Jls t t-heiiecra roadyto. Lb L ir r eà -h arî l t o~i. Cl - ih tiii l aior e llowt'cc i k I inrst ttI or-e-titIO ti-t'ii iEt tlio re sor te p r- sg ail nit ma o by s t- f iti a ira wfo ty lii. iir~ î.î~ .ýtrre wlIiICh Ur'Vttry OF nIIRCANMI..,-Tlie Carial gye i nc i4 ur ron al kinds Co!1tn1is-îOnCrs li-id a rmeeting on "rsa 0fcîîMUVf~I~ gr MO.I Ii't ina11popniar înortkn i. rli 1it\, l oî "ite tileth and clo)se, as~' r~ been thç saMe rcsult. titi' (?tMaY, ," the tliŽ for Openirrz tho Ca- ,or OtI part wC tiever deie, or evcrn ais of New York State for navi%:rtjon. treagirredi tinat an ape1pal wouîd bhomalltîO A verv sudden ani ertireiy unexjîctedn the ,people on mt-h aà Vîc.4ýiott To ii ra ise, ha% i i e iniwhcat rt StLouis.i ~ Utc licî~ cf 1. r~U5 ~ Tiis rcs-',rit- foin the- gcntraI tdilsitter ut- -111evrffssitl t(0tbc tat i!~ tetiig thre "ire:t erop of thinsvear. Thie faýrcce , n ah alriîpon irte~iît- atiid ac cliar n(io-besa liehad11 cl4li'e hoeve, but to sgt-ip t xrodnycl adtifarldesun lic ad iti~ iiwaer, ntîirent as liasdestroyî-d nanv iîîrndred throusand jitfl hehaf cf ilpci cre Of whtititth;rt a feu- wveuks rin:C %va! WC Jvr( a., t.1 ir Ol t! WC syre Ws-rit sticîlh the'iqîîlwi taw ii l tv l de 'li-t sti>f;îc- --- rabl0e0enc_-,. tien irreautS every dav v. uni En-1allllurwy i Poisoncd Tea--.Ileware cof it. non' AI 1 a.Ait gratlep or Iir vetiaili lis wirth a elctiîîo li o wlo f Cure",' h a gond 0td I.;.wlii diit-rflt'-151 (.11î aiin, iîîîîni tt-- ononend to our rneaon the' iresent pattirtril thî'l reîîfî mourîî 'l'lie la-t ilevts front ('hilla wirs voîit -. to tr l'tthe ffr tht-ne- t eepoi.soning pahof ILbrd iorti . G-Ie(rept cîery ttng ;t1lat w;ns iikciv* to flrrdd i ta-uv 'fltli;lf% tns.ar1 tîog hIe Etiglisli ;n'ldAntrn-;iop. Urrail ls eut, litttlt11 Casiule'. ît t i nthe C ly-de 1eer mail tirein< ti nîtnll'-rit liesithftîr s i0îihtInt erîOd, bi tttire ililesa Oliutuî fa1!cîtiriet i binofif l a ftitiit-of t o or thie l drîti iîe wmus hiritin And-iTî suit.iiu (I tlri tiltinrtjle tus rs-sv' itire tîrsatin tii' - i, .'t trir, n î -1t1 n 'r nIS4îî tc 1WrZci i itr'15 tiu NaIn M 'l'lie ,tt eo-1i'ir'-i'ti in '- ii v ordarsi tntbuit sui tiii-îîriv iii Ili'., ,i. 44 tht' taiiity i-t-tnt'-ire h l" jîîiiiisltyI tithir' t i I itiigiItL ,t':-le tm ttie. i priii rure1y toi-ik 101Y icive pasrt i ru ,i m:15rr- - itSver- -utv tr ri i 1; un 1 it in I liiti'iii',' n i;ulire m c i rrtltvittt5tinat' h-ia nd-h îitii1rt t tii ic îrî :uatîiiLii-iper riioiiii lit. listse-r, i tuiîNl.li- i irririt, - i% E!. -l~f lilaîre. Thîs laly ii s tt- inîileof a large fa;nrni. tir e lîest nf WI-uýnr i Isri 'li-' dîi'asai; -r itu e ii nr '-f 01ei -fstt autU lluiigtui. uiii lin usuî-'liei tGreat I ltîi!-tir-C.nsn tire îrosýt ituiioruuiu l oa -aetf tIi- lattunrc asteitl (i',)lln uo tOu' I nrlii int tth iatirof tilt' ba rnuloin-, il 050Vnult woin t n-iIrse te &ivesalîrlu-f on'l f titis 'ot-iati zwqr,. ' lc ,lîkotf iuisgnî inusi buItuhert-Iandtit 1ci'iitttlcsat' 'int-s- i c ii e-paî;ne y, Mr.Artdhiihali -t-t-airt, Waho ant' s-rt 'lIun-ir-tuhtir Itnt luit in tire sanie ynsar- 'li'lai~nie (ti fuc ett' lt-i l t ttis 1t.'1ilin1 'le la r-zuit t lat Douî liugis i st--rnf tire lýis-tttis s lrcady rneuuit-e'iî iuu',nui'Orf tht h.I- si-h sritet vttir' of tifntr titi.an- I!r- ' si u ItIi.b-Ijg tien P"arc- îf 01-, 1dm .iahni t î-tu i t qt rist-ilii' T Flic- eaiidahirtifil - riuî i'it inin Fs sms-e frouni 17-ti6t ti t-- uil--f Itrnit- - At theî t'rt tni re-C t .1il 4 t'-l ls Citrtio'r- .u-t tIli) i i-r-v1 e- i:i -oif nvt i - - t - 1t in i .Itt-li i-i--' ' i usPs . - ia 1irrffin i i tat n ofiii , t 7y li - i ut- us r ais ~ n - rt-iter undi tea t'v'lt\g iîrniI- some eorne rc r-intriitn-ttitt go wt'ii krîoan in t hmsa. M'(- e'prt lt ,ht-ar o! 'awfrul anti oitr- wliertnio.'t'lar t onets tril'ttln trese natiotns fîrî thLIîcir iliterni-tOt t. w i t hina. 'l'lite ('hiiiuc-t' ri-isrd i t r. i ti lircîr, itaig-, hart tri' îi'ît rt iitigeis a nt iu n lsîiin7 i e t o r . l " ' . E uu-ti ~ i r . c i i t - - - I a i t î i î'op-;nii tnstmi - oti'aV ii lIkk c r sîîîh Ont s'i t I-11 t nii4>r 01s- %Ilr(us -us :t' andri'iifnî--r -r tit nriiiu -i r , >Vor rJB tinri iîîsi"t i- si ti e isrr r ai -utîntic dt 1lii t,'- elr-- r- u - a st lif nta su o r -o ria lîî-îig -tSa riIluti t 'huis l'i-ti n nu i andt tun IL-tt i sl itttr forisustie pual i'ti t-î' )ri ireiti in - ' i l '- 1 1 r t Ir lu-i- i i î ll 'llni l u su1 *, -lt - of srr o le tIi-t asr, Iotie k it- f--ti i l .1 ILî ii i l t (ttniiti ,'- %%t1s I l l 1-i i l i sur tît'1le m il le a\ - ta*% s 1:Ii ts st - us-- l - 11l l- Y as hIrli - i-ui 'su e ci' - - fi-i c i -ri lia tiisn ta I n-s t i- i - uit- rt - ti-s li '--tl --ti-i iii iti t i-i-t- 1i - e - tut Ii. si Il- i Itu un a' a p-- ro\i psus tnss- t o 1i os Jii'Yiiiitr-i 5 r t t i-ir-t is isit" 1.-it--s'i-I--î s-) r -tn -s-\i'n- 1t-s1t uNs1-A ;,rJ. lot i t, (tir-, lîtnrij' tWltb.DIED, l~8 A'ît WtA ou 1Frida.y, the 2401 instant, A M'-.. L, ife of Mr. Tlro:aiGai- aùgher 'rîgrtd 38 yearr<. Thle .v. Mr. Bi me reaal the funeral sevie t the licuse of thre decea ý;d on lest Stunday afternoon, in thre presencc of a large nuruber of relatives anrd friends .Gr NEW ADVERTISEIXIENS- nîrw C SI>RINU IMI>ORTATJONS. IIAMY'ILTON &'IROBERITS tepetfilly tr i ifrorrn tîtir nimerons Cntomý1imcritt,q publite Qenerall', tlit their ik oif Faurey and St-îple Dr.* GoixIs rei-eived froin the iit-rtraid i;ew York bLnrketis, li Iplete. 'Lotlîc follownrg tirey avoulld eil epeviii attention; NIv s 5-, . r cu !1 ri nt î, i1At'LU il11A%(,lNGS. il \11. D S' A lrz lc-w tiii fr for Mny, -EnlglishP prHainS sforr ui o tl u n tr Op-ýl rt. sifTrtsa--le t ItX tor 'tîttîNo l' iIlv iC.\1-. INFOIMATIN 'WAT s-i STOVES ÀAND JARDWA1E WH L SLB h aEtnmNnliaCo-tn. 'aur, aiicnte. .tiiiic,( fOr Ceai or' Wdoti) for malt> by tire subuiniribarit. - - - Cnt Irofi Pniinps, 1pad, Zinc, Pipa, Jmunued Tinstro, &o. PERUY'S COL 1JMN& DICSIRABLE JNVESTMENT. $600, $500, $ 400, t300, $200.. FoR SALE, Ath tetmel ilon'hula %- Noveties in Mntes and Capes, EMP TCKO,..'0 LS OW U1b irig April 31Ith by STRAW BONNETS, ANýD HATS, NEWV PARA1SOLS, IL -À,PR Pr -s r 'Hi.li kHaleg' Prints ln Grcst Varictv, FUT.T.E à,& ELLER, LOTS F011- BUSINÈSS ?UIoeQS M,îise Franche Maria Iiicicok, HOITUSE FURNISHINGS. Fai______Et Side.Brock Stre#t, Whi! L. offtes~r rravatec Reidencea CARPETS, DRUGGETS. DAMASKqR, MOP.E ENS. 1VhNtbHE ÂTi 14,F185 GETtMN'DEAT u- lq t acor'vIt?0FO m.rof, ii.A-ti i -. il 1-i- VTFIATS, s SNo. 14 ANI) t-iEAST 0F1IRC T. . AEXAIIEI, ILRAND FEU' GETT }' WflJTf NEW ç 1)k*TU RiE LUSree~t 0ndIlrOCKSTREET DIrt Si"iiiitr-SOrLU -t-hTIN. 'ti'iîruu - i co Ir-Pen.y etterndinig frore Bo' - r ~- DNOLUT<>N.;TR_'U1W ANT) i i ', VNIAI TS, ('OILLR.q, SCARFS, TIES & IANDKERCI[EFi~ tsll- L it1iE , -W'et cfr1ngiandi(otr.and i)ceskrnq. -tt-h Tweedrs arr-i 1etrn7s trm ressasSn F~I'ite. otntfPtltrlr bd 'urte isr T hA . Mire M , ,'r l l e e t il, IN w ulk îrrg S îrît q . T ire [ est s d C h esp enit Sto k cm - irt tio . L t î i ir î u n t d l.ia L. tttriiiriti sit-t l i j<,AJJY.JUADEJL OTaj&s-aôs VER FF M tll#«RW TBJ. iddddd- ddi Pîercv $îu-ei'ý. t.îie.tîgi s-a tnnini tCti ntii Iurl e --Loii 71, 77.1, 74, 7-1. 's ni77, anti 71. 'li Ciiitii o N wI.uuie Cn .Vet, lalý c echlts-itti are lr in e ltt-.bountsed b er - -- (/") - -- - -I sur-rdCIiesiinýanid Asti ttreetlq. i.. .. ., v ir e t-t, n u itt ir e t a d m TE A D OFRE wAIEIOUS W 'WHOLESALE A ND R TA L -É itet-.tî, . i*,ei el',2. 1t.'rM, and 1sîc anc.SAL triAU(TItIN The Largcsst Stock in the- Country of Eurnitur-o & crie 'ii tFe s-s-rtl- -von IALE-t A Ni'. -etr. )ttf Perra' Ftrolet- ~i e 017 ITI1 HAMIL ON & RO ERTS'-i \it-'STlNo-f ilrsneiiig oini. I'nrrtuîr ii liete---iiet-r. Cat~ie Wr-Ht-h iriai ritrrTiA- -ïvulfre1trc rtrve Valu abiti Pro pcr t yi i'ï'--S1l 1 GOI ~ H~Cbiese, BtL'erd, Iii r'-u, $rrîniv.icisri.tentre, lai-le. lisl nlimd TIcýti TrI- e- t W'rnewt f1rocsý Street. l1 ia -ft- Lî' r-- ot P's-t.1<0liq, and iri blitS I s ti.. t Ird i FIO OV'TO FIt'E DOZEX qôri', CONSZî,L X TOCK'I -e r. WnNriiît o-t ICKentStredet'- 'rteeLt A T O S H A W A .'J\'r' -l t--e i i-ts- It-, ir f--rît-Ir 1'réi--ltl, tu- e 't-i-tl(-u-- t i--s--'~ -~~l-- A iînni inu t- tintedv~. ani i-i lltsn a a A T'rir St I Is, Air W A . js,,tc ne'Et-.n-i i tin lT"tilit iuln)scinr;r)s--ris f-uellity ac re'ins'1art.i si .itrt mrs-- Tc Chterl-irn ueluit.linrni -ufort-uringîîurtîsîr tîrîi tr -siausiy.andalty ntiFile' -" t-esuI',',areas-Ii id tiedtet uilingpur itnre tiisùtthinrvn csrnrrut '- utintpilît1 linibilarn ntitrmilin-'elit t'ire irt,, ' et s cut--s- is- --'Stock of Grocerics, 'Wincs, Spirits. &c., 1lit 124 rnud 1125, corner of Kent dJa- si1111f i s'i tiutIoiut nnuiiir t TF, '"- " ' PtI5 ER & ELLEÉR, Y î"Uit- 15-S, Iringt cf ent Street, mdbts Al s i 5 - tt'F'i sN.~S i ci rtt i f Dtlinitns Street. 'l'lire 'Firirer c r e unt the' Dnspoirl o $0: JO, AiNi-Dl 'rFoq,- oi. 3 iand 4, EliraI Siie Brock SCleet, rn r~ rT« c fttýresit,,is - isue Lii. ta -e eleveifo the' tp'-îee tBI O S îî n --, & .1 t-u iiuin bil-. t-ilttI tl#- vit e-If iuorln - T-t ii--- t- t s5 5 tcsI sts- * ri w NrTuv - Wiitby. April 14, iP57 -Isr ,lttttîucu.itu re nojw s-irred o aet ii t4ii-rt-t-t- s - t it'IT'l 'tt--EY -m________________ _____________linul iniiirsniaie rianet'n lritl- 1) 1'VIIS ESI, -bSO Pti'r1, A A ES r 1I ..............C.tr....t-------------. L ts iti lis-te inti- 'n Wtnitl'v. -tîscli tt 1 '-:1.15 1? nuit- --fntreet' ..........i...-....i.... t vîll'l ' TOW~ iN 1LE tSOCIT Y l.. îîtr uieirt'--îtîiýtr --i' V itii~ i~ -' t1 < AL VA ILE BUSINE S LOTFO F I--ti niiLî i! :EIihT ttI' î rttiiie rr5; r nd iî iil- tii wt iigt ee tSAlE. -eneofpati LU *.alnjisu -l-11i tiiý in' Mr. gi,try (olfice, Faiuî aide, tif BickStit - 1îu5-ta t i-ss t-i-utt tir.,ti-ui-ii-ltiî McI i [-ri AER.L-S'A 7'L'E-D DA-4 LL A L I' TS OF THE (O*'\TP1tY - - 1,1114 Let N.1-, *nîîoer'*" BI ekTsnc BO-5 TrNNETS 1 -î-r 1 It-ut int- uut.rv -î nsi J i itb. n.rielidi ]b prý to .-HiIiIhs. t--i 1--t-Rt& MiER. i.cas. F o'rt-I aud terres m'pnyren SiLl DEtYS <-rOO)~ J T.W I MWhit-ly. April 15, N57. Btti trret, tfd 1, J PR Y Brock Street,'Wlitby. 'iPORTte - PE4eil>RWIII)RI 0~~~~~fi \" t-ii- - t 'yUliCount'v of Ontaio .t 'i'lO N1. H B3st and Choaircst CabinctWardint'.C VflAT>' tUMLii , j 1, Corner ifvQuecru and 'WSAM tiii'utit Nilt' TIR!s-az~iv S 'ni tii- F E.t-t l Ns i --. 1 S( - N a ' t N - )ru-t1, IA i/pi '.5-S vi- t-t T- t -s- soi :- /.. t-t uo, îss et uelen ins , P O. f lic- i-s3, -u-nnilit-ni t t'Itu ' 10 l l;;q - ii lia- b I l 1;i t L!%i l 1 . 1 i -a ,Il o.iii surît 1'- uidFeeirFil! n i-2 o. 5 - i à if à le O tla i-'r -.-. e-t f -titi tr tr-n't t'iii-t - i-- - tn - t' ithe - att4,t1. tri121er rnis- a't y 1i.1 liefoa s uryciter tîntUreN1ur11i aiiti. g r a t hb o d y t '.otf i %% il n t1 1it i i t sli< ii l at a i tf a-t - to r i - t t h eNst - ' r iIy- 5 a I - l l- - 9li îd tra t.cga- 'tufsii 0 i ie (i i i - i -- ' hi i l-*i-. te ,I t i t-tfriiý ýie ii - -iue i s- ritir>- cf S>ttewnr i- )silus uaslIt ti c lii- 5 i _111q*,î.t-- t 'i a p ntr & Sc i t r , ecun .ti"itt vràes' cf cedmîgiotînt' cisc tinev ltrttiifgSintéil 11No%% aillktinnpen t rargaîruro , -orr Cashasorndippmo flic Crod\tit.tz a gre'at lbodîy oretiits-t prove thtutle iý's hwîn u n acto alat-sic, i ht- ýtitght preteided dclta-c-y (if Laudy juca-a -ln t irenet-cuiars got intri tînt'Iungt ebrWgonj ML1EYI ILNR l -but 4iii - - IFARMINU MLEIM S &r-c. show Booms t Mr. fleal'Is Old Stand? ' ýto poor fateilieri icnrac, us-riere Tme h'îis micde cf mwanf.re i., liard to deuri sitir. ttoi-îeslt-igtd repâtin t ..ru itc. O pst yt9 ltl ht apîrtively Miguion nand Saucy. l'ie guar- at aii r nr, i'i eîris- 1AL-tuiu fur t. Il. lMi-eriii*'s uiniiineitMoiter - S EiDt eccî rn disîti of Mr. Stewart. oithtie othner iatid. patliy ant iiigomatîcin. Lsarge prenniumitro .iate- -1 jIEn 1 nd. m-itti open 'tit lher Iltc'ilglt forwarth piersocis te swear that iravec heen otl'red b'. tire mnarinsi toi aîry îtti-iTIisC-înurntWrTV.. rILI YAt ctsyla i tadiry wee i aateofprosug-îi ~~ r ~de I-Fancy Dry Goods i nac- n htte üeatvil rsn hosilsttiet u oss inpo On Friday, hIt MuY. tlîyjii mci Laiy an ina satecfpre- wm in rott n ie b ou ine kidua o at tire lirth of tege twintr. After evideuce of ail nabitns (s iithno Irtred ofthtie Cine-teIlIer Stick i,% ail rrewly innmoted, - anmd oftbttc irtete-bi. bail beau collected prttommii'nd enfromîre"e-ry is judisccinriiutiinrg) base be s-n ized, de- NTC.L slie r caîectfniiiy itî tred Uupt t h ier î1uatem mdnict mrrticîyaifcd nnicapitaîed, andtitîeir liranins rhae htee rI tErt<if rt ev-iin1«,ti îîeTawocihti ot Stitkelifore îrr>niirel'cwtere. curter, at't d in s t e cainue sfe om 1c nd f l,i'l i it i, ili h-e tic-h t u rdN.Inni. c-r > W'iiliy, Ai-cil lt-mm-, 15. 14 'citcied i#caecall 1 trudgmeuit poscdoti t a (' f anton, tiroir assias- 1'.it Ni' . 1 i ris itii ('rtne.t ti. ontuTiie.sdni ini tire Ceuto f Session cf Scotîanni on tirh islruir ienIugl eadittvne i lao.Is Ily c-f Mi ext. itTen uo'tiatl-k /.- mu.NiciPALtTY O-F TIIE TOuWN 0F itb cf July, 176î, anrd 50 itiportali n tptia isaigbelrelyreho ethd its cf Cirrstiunof ICTOR, REA'TON, 'W'rI 1TBY. tire cause deemner, tiîat the fufteen jindgasmme rr icrgae ncirt in-ri îk'hs-,Atrl 41, Tictiliip Cler7n. r me rmtergaeinodrt eai- ik nArl2tiiS7. 15-2w. Took aigit wiss t'eelt-m enft' O~le tl ieici i ior sul BURLEIGII'S SALOON, Tire ecui s'ai tha seve cf ijutlage-ste ftirepuictgaze. ,Ail tis is t.suflicSTiea. inm's 'eoteni lu faver ef tire identity. or legitimacy lhorrible, but I dottt t tire results wiii C A UN IJRLFTPE.lG. l'IRIFTR T UIJRMECATS C or M. Stewart, and acren agairttit; thie ire rtriothenfcil' tfor cc-rtunmla'wo tuia l lTue îrbîît-eStdti s r.vttfitteil njýt 10 uuttrd Lord Presideint, wav isotaitire casting vocte, eatiîdsunuin rr iops- udcltit etrrniient ttantic-d iiulfrrtitrt-'iBreak- eJ5ENDERLS stitI harevota-ad rit te Officenft4 exat n einte frth a- n btii fuît-e, Iirnnei-i, l:pttr-( -hloiSSivtci, Otetrs ait(wrii Cler, tuittl Meîdrthtira4tlr dray cf agr#ed- witirtire latter, by wbiehî Douglas, scrte o ieftr.'T uaint u.ut m en-.llpaipî- deilfor Coir- NMuryainon5, tOe ppty Luinuliof tthetfoio' alias Stewart, stas ýcàst on tire worid taitît-- i________pauruie,;4.a 4 mritz 5 crourin hefome a.atîa.simitiou uni incenîdiai- lu;'r ,ad8x5 -oct ettirname etestate. An appeAnifrom uas ire asur-ed. 1 perforroci ail CHANCERY & CONVUYÀNCING. 1scr ink 12 i foot log. iepcde u-octie t pometecon- ejs I iatgntedIrainz irir diiaO ci aih Inrtrk, I finît wtda, '2 and16 feai long. Lorrds, hmever, htiici tire judgeîncnt ciintiou and ectablifir peatc. TismwasTn jr-f Dèetiv 1eiîiratrfr fi-tlsc purpose cf'i-a- Ptunrk 4 iinroîtIttiuk aintrîcedge, ud 5in îIuoit -0f sa-s in ~ ~ ~ ~>-~ ~a-~i-a- ffort ,'-ltlin'z is rE arctu tIn t-ia cuittcf <Chancera- tira tt r, and do 5int. 16 m et tilrng. tire Court cfnSendelotibutveveey 1ruade expnitt li oujenetlrsn wtiaitt iii mreintt ('ta-mn 'arue'reneriiug t-c i-ate tfile1>mieo pair 1,00 declsed to- Stewarutiaoftr t-li tiie t otic i. n ructfet, id.l by ie t e n.livci tsu'.i Jan, ti. gclr f tnolae Dke îecit wu ' bahete ibshiu and ply uritcu- Ibis Cotornon the mi 'raeurtis ilc yudrc ie(tnt-i ji o [inom-r ftu Iti iui pile Etti tji j'n as uJOHN ENGO di- retaiued uuîicptited possesttsioni cf t'lo icrsteod b h int, and attributc'i tu our I<w'îiml e Oce,whiccui rtitetre lelri te 14. StrEct Trèpeto estates. Aîchlbtlld Douglas watt created, a apprehinsion otftiroir great powrer and awe jLaund Ttls or Cenotu-yrineeg itlI h duly attend- Briisi per, y iretite c B.ro Doglaof tire ma esty cf tire -Son of licaven."- N.d1O.B ,,ted Srtl%'-An artîeleti Clark DNITT 4ty George 1îil. in 1796. Thre peer wiro S he rv utieaitviemutioeutlow ear> supelirConv.eyerreîtlg cndR.. .JOEIÂVG augreietty hveirticti., WSoCn thedoirt silaîf wllttwr.tW. lias ju t d p; ' mw s ii son and lu t nmâle engag n t s et i., and looketi upon JohN v. 1LA ý ýY- IL J. S J NE MV N uis as 1iiamhaiapîu" who lIn a mument of Buicr rie t w.. o<__ &. (large ftorthe purflof Vetac-1 sueflipei cniînsfrm wihMater EzrtaonUnatfry and .Ç<iic$or &- Clrant'$t tisng U4 ii Pnsintiffae irs q&se;%icestéthea Th Cloit elts vrWiithv, LIed Aprit, 1857. 14-12W. puntie, tri titg tilet witir tnesadvattaeof toe vet' iioltitg Cnt"tiroy rere te escape when occasion oft'oed, ZoLtcnonweait-ln acpy a3sveeks. tanl1.1teard s pen e rté- idegetiicra- Tirumsanco o, relates i ptentté;dceuarge tira tiesptintoth: liugt to 1gt a ee tand whan tiruy could (lu their jidgement) ---O--- T-----w Tet r fre eueof thI etPofiolmete Bogart Ton, in tire Townt(.ip of Wlît-' isafly do sol 1 douht cot that Goverr.- - . 1- Tehfonoetoe ulfuisred- 'cirurcir. Tire bodlies cf two- infant& rare trent, Parlitttt<itt, and publie opinion, ili &TLperîoas are lrereliy cautiouad a gelet Tirhe le provertinlità ptledi AUl Opera- feiround lu a cecok, flOr ntirai village, thowiir , nthsgra trgle nd j I egocatitrg a prersesrttletafoir Fifta' tien, warrrti<. go ltieurintis g'eit trugi, rndPra o'uîdst Carmri. ,matie li- tlomitsFuller à Mr. Joe exiteutes Er.scnrO-PLTIItOon ail tisir lrio-hit ut-hs a încrtanedtha tia thnat ie my -avebeae preer -haorvie. leaaer 7- n Crepe1lrpaabe fxornîint 'aWrieiesoChap, wtuelr, &c; s aîired girlYenir ci iri o wi L.tire remi1 acd cudurin g becofit cf cîy coun- or a106tls nmiîstifrcmpurn e <tit. peeieera. to ha mon ut the Nshort titae p evionttly, gi a i'ht i t and mankitid. JOHN CAMPBELL. zaoogtneS U p o n b i n g q ie s t i o n e d ; s i e a d t it t e d rt eFý m Ét f ùi r r l y y o u t i t ,B r o ei i , gu2t Apuli, 1 5 7. 1-f R n x e z - - u G . ] R e y n o l d s , E q . , S h e r f f ; 'Ir - 1 . JO_________- srnrmNES&GTE . fct,- hut stid tlrey rme atilibore. Tire JOHN I3OWRING, AraniareesttoIJOE & AIE juy he m eu mEs.,D5 OP sl o-mn,Wiiy, Aprtt2t, ilsi.7143n . j r i n O f f c r' d t o b i n g i e a v e r d i c t o ! W i l l i A W i y . E mk D t i iiT l e c f >e ,t m P I l k a a binr o niudèmeant againtt lier fer ronrealittg tire Atailt Ojaeintlebln o ___________________________ If tirese vou doent like- QE1I~ $w~oEm! bu ir ornrefuscd tul'eceive C K E OI,.A.bargalau ol't Y~e~VBT4 -*irtin;,_but__the__Coroner___ If yonbUut k aPseePt ZeTinikir. 1t, umtil lie amccrinedd fotc the PttomrncYWITYMASTSEWTN HO.T " n 1' whsraitiether, h Were legai. It wusaIBMRES E I io.TECaýdjlLWsigCmon sa r - -Mom s tiw e b foie t eoaffim ative reeO. U ONtC E r1r0 z, So p ltild w l, -s, iali in a s- - o monte lufe idorarirefeihryafn"s nid Store sud TiOn-cîr.seent ahIhn tece im ftie egir4 . bcifg Wodîeday,:Aptil 29th, 1857. !r, IBnaw Bynsol tr at i- etwitian'r uty, au tbxivtotýU pceie hm.Mrerrit to tetpu Wcre Shop.> - b atte fimnttac- ÀILgt.5 ' plaeed under itn 'esrlt ioutI rI-Wieat-the smeppîy o! mat 's teoremifg.- t U1;o,à.à QZ le4 -= dent te alugoni. - wiren il jr agm- Prieumacwi frei t47. l@ Te' Id. 4IBCIBRIOIJ ÂNU<E~ bled ty ila'pocturod tir. satiStaIcO of lIi(i'id t-2I thetiraUlnts 5of tiisTo-wn mand Coa' b)rinidsaenbui4 iclme cbad hi i - netiaiadthast le ibas opeioud.,-ab4)ve renr're. i- ig wa îit uhan ad TORONTO MARKIETS. - Iad0fT.rrIad tlraPSred.- Bai- ete#PtLbla. w1h C -- - -- c Il tivat. ltifption eonfd t he irle. Ae, ,1 at - - watnertly, A 0 l29tiié 1857.- The ra 'ton' la -a cd - - - i,- M icrt. i ne d th at o n e o f th e -nildre mI, at- W o.Tk ' w rl c s & htUZ tai. _ to n-àrit a «hgnd O i At odes orwitede 4ntfor_ -eIMi -t )tci- 1-i-ri i t her'iî at-7ti QUTATPVAND) PRICES DErY COMvPETITION. iSrettPeiat-itels-'tise rîost usinable Lot id sisiti- -t u ni îana1c -j1tire attin ' ui to-n. flsnctTrimmiogs, &r. 1t jCL, UE TET '4e-c t-et-, t jLot i 7. 11, feet fi-ituit; Lot N . S. e wers tu hf'i . -lteat. 1-th)-c14 A T Jý'TC li een ;arA lsrry St-reqta: Lii; No. ta, du.;t Loio --~ ~~~~~~ n. ~ .~ ~ 1 1-, nnll,,6 feeu fr(ia,cr; L) 1UARPENTERS, DUILDERS, & - hithr, AprU 15, meS, -futt-n t Ii fnan acre eeti,. Lt.t Ne. 1; O1'iIRS. etîtîci t-fQie and c it 1.iitaC-eci., ueinrty i ne 0ui il-e 3Pwit ïdlra.li-c, aund rta rliabie bu- 15 l ieti----- e u~ Urittu F R> CAM I> E 1 os1 J 9 and ;tt runerof 1< e r.1 r.iaStroets Ntî't-i'l il,rrt rliia.v.iltil: il t l D A Y DNORTHI S'I'RN.ET-, t -i-t-af'r-i ii'u. it-îer-i-'ti ifaBE~TO I\FORM TIITR 'MIR SCLSTOMERS AN TME Lcttr21,25-1,,5. S,tt,'1 Ittnd4.1n [GTi lI lt USE AT PORT WIIITBY, -il - uri 'Orti taiit at. re it is- issiSsuiiuttii-eu iti tn tu e - t 7-t'i tlp' idn 1ý in a e - t l!t '.--'sel a C_ u.mierubice ortich of 'bbeir j-fantire-. AI-(). :i ii $,$, t, r. Lrs l'é. WIiiiy t. It N'thiX 4 Si itN. A RY 1STREET. -?1 - - -- -- treet onilroumt 14INDERLASTREET. 'PRA TiCr TSL; MhfrTacadE'eac anlI aflÂSO'trN fe, ot N-Ql:). t., 1l .ud~aud Cfneiya1urel- c rA .r~. " r I CiYN'SISTIN(G OF Ar~Li. TH£ NoVrbLî Oit- 0F VIritat5(. ,.t.1ît-i-ua.d .ifnl itdI r 1.14. I-.~Ir~î L. , XI)ES A-ND UENTLEMENS' WEAII,9 . Forty Acres, ren!part Of Lut Nuniber Ditiatees, t iI WInich avili ire adn eleunp, he T'r jerty ofta s t PoEiiutc' thdi- Nrth. lae Poeto 6we iPak Lts . .. .. .PERRY'S NEW BRICK BUILDINGS, WHlTBY. 1Witby, Aprdi3U, 85.12'- 'taetouiaior tuni.ucic-u ;apiicntnn -1 s for 0ltriiiaîaLocoeeslramind Site intc u - Ab J e H .AR R I SO N , t1ta TOWN 07 PORIt Pfl'Y, AUCTIONEER, GENERAL -COMMISSION AGENT, 'nur Stiatu ;r thaae dctarnictd t-o ole-riut DDE'LEIN - l'tt bInND onpet'riicni-o rhuïsday, 7th -of May, 1857, Forty-thrc Choica andi Veluabie 7O'EIL~t TRi I T-J EC..10 TO'WN & VILLA TS RC TÊT IBY Trie Location attd Ncunhcrs ofth ie Lotî r s, - -BLC TET UTY il i ,,xs, aund on e>.atîtiation titi ho founti tire - ircost aigitil> situatedri attrr îniinest ur- i-tic-s, r pmitrsincecs, tiitinrangàLe ot l ESICTFULLY lIN\VITMS AN INSPEÇ(TION 0? 111.5 GOODS AND ItRlICES BEFOIUI sIrotc Town. -[ entsdrgrt an)'cradit eàta m*ut, a exraorlnaary.itdtrisrritnm aue rittreni te CASHi QUCEEN -1STREET. ViCUS-~~ Lots 1, 7, 8, 11, 1i2, 14, i5, 16, 17, 13, anthIe 1met irait f 49, comnt-miniiug acli 83 te 100 tact -WrItimv. Jnan. 21, 183;7. fronut criune Mcdcrrrteti Roati, anti are valua' hie bon Bnsinie in tactii. NORT>1 STREET.HAD AE H R I UR1 -l'19, 21, *22, 2.3, 24, ZO 31, 32 33834 51 53, lA D W 1E I R W IE 3r4, aud 56, ontaitig eaeta froin O-5trfa WHOLIESÂLE AND RETAIL. Ace, ttpWiO'titn SOUTH 0P QUEF-rN fSTEET, T SUBSCRIBERSIBEG TO INTIMATE Tii TItE. INIABITANTS OF WIIITBY AND Lots 70,, 8851, 891 , 9, 9.3 4, 107 acnd 109, at urir lu onrrtshttuviuicnwcuhnitr mc otpet u srlt .it- nnuati- -n iry, Cinideretta antid 'nntir Street&, , ixro .rt bA WÂtE to e ieourad inCruara Wedl, Wh tuiin tY a a iljug rut a fiooiy stunted for Pt>t'e R a i deuceis. WATER LOTS: - t99OR NTO PeICESi 41eo, tire follcst'ng 'r"rten rets, vii., 42, 4i,'44, 45, 4-6, 47, mranio -r rî id e fNmhta Saat.r Goons thay *ottld tavite paruiccilan mtttmoni ontbêStObk if striat, emeir ftir modeirfront un Northu Satt T abasdPce, tcrGreePaei ati CcIt'1esRe'alvaett anti tee roda deemp- ~Tnd>.-Pctrit ry, Gun Fla i trîfser deunript;on of F3dgm-Too1ï, -AISO, ' Tes, Brad, md Knnntc Tnuis,Wîirc mp' J'uei Tos WQ&TER LOTS No. is221 ANOD 10-3, INCLtTUIir),î 111rdItatiFr Iot, eOt"ilCiele aid MMi r ing't.haWsarf anti Stereiens.e. TiV**#t ami<neitotnet c ereTinrials i tore medirectia- opîroitieth ie çwt Qit ill, andi ii there -rî centre cf théet>uinetptrt-et HA - A D A E tino Town. Ttc froctrge ce Wmtct' Streot la 2117E V HA D A E tee4 aud Quacru Street 170 ýfeeti The Storohôu80 and Wharf Bar, Iltiop sud Band ITrau, J.ogiu'Ch, unsd, wlore i- :v bopcpit, ira'sçbeau mîntati ftor tétîn as Sprall ing aen 1ti le Moudm, 0ticm Suut, an md Lied Pipe t-lre yaar, aia£10 nentît, slnd with is ntirI A tilsi ,a inbe kts nt iePrli a ndÙs-e, u 'rty. e (j dit.rue ie Bni1ti gir, w*uinlefuture, S0 rt fet Lie1 pur acener. tira Eo! - -LO- ADLAE.-ET.fR Fort la itSuatg, et thearycud oftsct - PATENT»IDAETBI ETNA»LC ET?11 tieü n Lae ii Z nagy.ep -ka a twegu thre Ccinty Tcs of o! Octante d Via- Note lta edImço 1 tenir, cfceai t onner by a uod Mai'- - n"ilkdRo.ad, andti ielatter by.uuySama-'.uau~sb Bi agrtion, dtrln tire Setnnirer rauitlths.- J.. DÃ"NAILL1O~N -& o., B ~ .- _&*J. IlePERR'! t,ÂND LN WE8TeZ.Y CANADA T. sALE; TM1 Subâcri1ser hiavingdetermined tndiextopa of thre fuliowiîc Ccic A rirtnrnl Lots j,, visi jnt parts oft the Carxctry, offere thcu, foi salle Cherrprand on eaiey terrs of psvmert. COU-nTY 0F WELLINGTON. TOwSýSHIP 0r LU=TNL' ?;o. 16, Ii Con. 0 Acre'; 261 4t. t" 201 dl 8 , pth "903 " c0u_%m 0F GRET. TÃ"OW:;SgiPF 0, Ak11 ài!Â.l No-, .7- l4tIî Con. 10Ar Rear baif 2 , 144 LConr 1<0 cro Westuaif3, l6th " 10 TOWNSEW 0F DOTEr. 'West Side of BfldoonStreet- No.42, -1200 Acres 4 3 , 1 0 0 A CTNTY 0F O.NTArRIO; TOWNOUR1P or uPI<ELON No.;1l. lst Con;.0lÂrs W. 14 12, 2nd Con. 100() COUNýZT! 0F HASTINGS. Towý;nSw ý MoDoc~ Euet X23, th ,Con. IN crs Weea3C 80,. Sth Coin. 50 Acres; For Prie*sand Ternis of ps*'meutâppl1y to lie- 1857. . - -. . 1 1 nAw In xv'w DRESSES. 1: , , >, 1'1- . ý, ;. -, i -, Il F(-! ý- l' -, 7. 1 -1

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