W 4.1MY~NSON, LV CNEMIS«T & Ale lIIrleîtilt 1 -îhîîI-il ;1 , 1iste ' tiii leî' t iS tit ;- li -i illte- îiîsîle t e- t'ru) - iîh-'îi-î 4i ii II ' I II.- ' t fi'iim-i/ /4i~ f la- iie d 4 <14- /t~t ~- - j- i' it. !t 1. ' 1 A îIîet titi (iiir- î e- ît iî î rfm trivd ~' h 'il'f~lî v i ,Ny iAjN-iIaTts itîl i1 ~~ ~~~ il ti iîîî- 1iî iti d 11i1,00- D.i i-uî ufii îhhi -i -i iI ii i i i lii itiV , t d -' -'t i -'1t t ii it îi'.tîifor t WHITSY CHRONICLE le rtti 14411>1) FViliu THURSDAY MORNING, -à &i &IlayerholUer Bro's,, l)oor Io Ille Ucgî%try Office. IIFTER V II Si i- -iîTîî N To TIIi- peratiiiiili -,v thel iii e - î--r --î i a l, e-i', %i.iti 'i i r -tu - '41,A N i-atiii-tE I 114 ii, mil id. m ti w ll fi' . W T îr tit i~i îtS iF T fF w il I'Q t illo hcli p( i lvm v EooK AND JOB PRINTING , i(rri i f, nd lr i li w ,1 ~ ~iliili t it ii t urt il t (ih u t tl 'r le -ii ttîY îîit-i-- -iir. 'lie% llîîîîî- t ), li t - - t J-.ii t t i t, ý1w, --it - \\iý, hlt - i W . AIIEUi - 1- *t 'Ni vi t, .1011N 1. IMl' L<M.I - -, - 'A Il. i T - t Jil I . MStl 0, the Sight Entrancing. DY THOliMAS tIiOOiE. O '11E Fiiti e-ttrttncieig, XVlîîîitlii ticltngu 'einn is glanintg (4cr file-s trrtiy'd Andîlumtîtes. ini tue-gay c. hd îineing 't\lieiillin im re- ilt Iigli lie-ni îîî- Aitdtue- i riiiîît tiie ruecutiig Tlueent-i t" îh'tli luitii' or ite-treautinc~. 1'lt)iti- i i-nraltl,r IfIl11u--rn titt lt-ni ii~iuî (Vic fil-n îirany-'i M itiilii liianidMile-, Anid rtiues ini in it! ine-itug. 'le-tt, tint ticititorfitiir Foýr asti yi'iî dr',pot, whle-tte-r ( -'1 'ibi l'rin, siunli 11iîî'iM Anti fe-urtsn -s'--tre-t': ir f-i ni-i it- lî net-- 'i--n--i i-t e--1 t-ui f --ui-1, W "n i -i Iia titi -ie. 'riat X i'i-- iiil treî-f-c--e- vr. M l'Ciam- <trit Aie- Itii-r-.-iiti tti'nltjtett 'l'lie %"ouing NSiîo'nkteri, arriage. tilt- i i itt ut ilit nà NKliIN']ISE. -. V, Il. '* I '. T ,I 14 t'. iVi' tiTi'. t' -t~ii te-r Ir Vut'tP, AJi i( <NIlTKETI vo-'. t\t f -TIi t-BOtTX1Ni E1 9 ~ t t -i i i t.-. i- tttUt1 - i i - j ' i-ri-tu i ,ee T.t-le-lue-'t lt ai-ttît-' lu . 1 . VOL. i. ALBEERT sPING, A r('TIONEER, &-. c-, (REENPANK, A. PRit1N(.LE, El~'ITNTTAI 41, 11 4KSTRIEET, TIIOMAs I)DEVERELL, U 11,.1) Il Ate&. &--, GRIEEN STREET, A. C. WILON, tv-r ~ ~ ~ ~ P IIîicîm Sc5i. 1 ins-iStreet, ýVlîîtbv Jalii, . î.tî 111A N G.L1N G )()NE IN A l'I1l MANNER AT J. C. %TERLINO., J- t' Mr . ir lîiz-. A iti Siîtî-S is- k-e-pt e- cliii '-tiv. Aii i-e- i-li i <t ulie 'onil. 4 ttini "ti-i-. în-(ur i-'rt t-î' W, hiiii~ (v i it)t t l 4' F ituNT A ci 1#4i;G l RN1I1UE, J t' PT '9 1 1lTe-i iY LEON %R1YS I[<>TET<,- 1i \; T t '> 1-LtE - i i\ ,i-W 1) 11-01, tIc, itu, anued, 'în 'rEip Il î uaîling- Uii ni iti etlu Ne-wu L st t it i tîutuuî h- M l- e-'i iu fiî -.. ut t il. >aitNsî Irrita t F.. thtti'solý-pbc Tîu'e-tiio .I'îs tit rt- IIII îuutr rt- t1 uimhi t-Le 53 ~'[ NATIONA~L TIOTEL, 1)1~~~~~~~l finiliin u iI V i-. J-' iit.t 1'ii 1 ic e N1- mut~~i O -NORWOOI) I(t'l'EL. N.( ced'tî, i tt, e - <1 i 1.u1t tutNt4u 'f 1 tl A 1"'% N - t 1 'X-:1 i 1 îN 1e-rn t- iii 1t'LEî't-;i FU 1.1 ýY 1iX- -tn, it- -- i t i -tii--ir-1i- i e- %vitiiti ho.it ate v w it rsti~~~i<m ~ ~ E> t. îi an ît i- ut-tiri îlli nom i'eicits- Xlii ' il -. ~ IlN tt AT% i u t!ii'icr littu itututluProvince. Gîta!Sia O. "I ' lON & M tI bOt'iE L~ i IN G t-lutti i Tii- liT. T iTC). tuIe u CANEnOl i ui 'Xiitul N- i titX ut t-tte-tu ttihuiu1t-tlfe-utitntd i ti-] B ï iïle & ieTTqZI S> T 1ti-\ t l. tuiiti t t he ii -it n-Ct'u -ttini--Fi -i- itu ' ' m hat ilu n t e itv rrivatl oftf ile C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~TOA llt t' uutA-.tiiiitittlifX'LAMB, Poprie-lor. 'i Tir-titI XLure-tt >-7. t IIENJAMN 'iIUiLI>, - j NATIONAL TIOTEL, Itir.Il. W (b'< Tilt,- rJhH' uittili-e-znu-t lit-v toi nfiintn his triene-li -. .l li it. X tî antîd IBrottdies. Exec-lienit 1,e-. CO L-C iuiuIiV st izLiiig- tti lttenît'îtiofr utinatanîl tuonue. I îlit-u -tHiu tie-il .t "iN i ut EDIVAID RAY. 1 IN' B(-iOCGERAILIIOAD HOU-SE, - j~ A. i:Nrj~rv~e--ie-VE i ip.tRe c ORIN EIR OF 1-tBtC AND DIUNDAS Sts., t- li t-iil. - - - ceiher te unttot th e in nîabitauts ot -Wtiithy, t irthettii- inut-eint' e-miuuîinitv. (t h i - i-< OS W. RON, ias tîtii t mtw li'te -nt fls t-î iue,.wlricbh h x0sWtutuf hs tited il i iitttu iti! dcontcuie-utintujuen. CIVIeInL -t,(L' ENGI.NEER, ,AND A firs-rýtumTaohtciîterreuatttt Ilote-t. l)uu- .t. 5 tt.nttte titutitWltiît h ni-rt-, Lttîtee -c- , A e, utî le hutueit asmonments J. FfWi 5 VN ariibt- i Juitue-t- ibt. Choiet- 't-rt. - MýCtiIITLuT .'tNi <IlITENCINEER, z TIItMIS DOWNXING. hi iitutus Ste-e-et, 'iitlir. Esutinittmade Witby, Mrdi tîti, 1857. V,[ uit hiitî fit if eieili g t trit e-rettiý site-n-- dit-ht, t- B. BLiDDEiN, - T IASIIIOAI<E AN]) 'IIEAP TAIIGR.- PliTIANDER M. CLARK, F, £ s(bti.sbtuenb, nai Mr. 'T'. BPi's Ft (fui tt 1juuîtiiNttTA, tL. u ONT'iNTARIO' diree-lv eoppoisite W<yatlit$Ilote1, MaitnStreet, I Itt1itti u-îiur utLî'tei-esiii te Mttieip-al- W h 1t . tii f RUTIIERFORD & SAUNDERS, AXt r.IAX ER. AXES .lbJVI P lt1) A ND hiF- 52 T A 1 L O R 8S,&e- butruiltu be ilnni-s- ierî. ltinitt-g sîtl ANI) 54, RING STREET 'WEST, TO- tutte -.c--itiu. itii-~tft-w dtorD'rue.yseh igsirect 'n'et, Ilonil <'Itintit if it l oui t- le-e, BuekStncet, W tiibv. toiti.9 W.S. ROIIINSON, JAMES B3. SMART, ictiu iei--'Ixennt,) 1~[E LtANT TAILOI A1ND DRAPER, ýM lZ'1l)Ir Ilal Btiid» teiitttaiy -0oot It Y (IIMII,&., IlhtCK STRIEET, w'vat's Ilýot(e,) Bynuni tiSrce ,Wititby. Be-t Fittîn tîtuie clti-tf, B48yClotli it.ps, MtQe ______________ -Shiris, t'îlians, Ste-e-k, &c.,, eouîtanthy on baud. (G. A. IJÂNNISTER, AIl articles oe-f el othing [ndus p i tlatleest snd lttnni'.I ulU(git-ANîIhi (EICALS, utiiaîonohie style-, and] ounte steet ne- Wîf.sfilt-htu[l. 1>îuullauc Streeit, Wb'hity. - -- - - - _____ THOMAS ROBINSONtU J.1.ALLÂ&N'iu LIVERY STABLESI, AIiNBL fA CU'T[TNG AN] IZOK SREE WIITB, NXT OO]F VSliîavliRooms, Brock-Oreet, Whtfby.- ~IiO('K iTREET WIITLIY iEXT 1 A be-n sud flir Dreeer, e- B le-lt eI t<y Office. Afirsinrte 0n1mb-l _________________long itauding Ilu the- butliea -fi"-anbe fîtuiln lureadiness te aten-nougentlemen.- HIENRY MfAN?4ÂM l itiîavintg is a proesîs fte ihli eem,er AM-ER (LAZIE, itAPER -RANGER, d ene- ar!,, tttveise4, sttïder Eot GEORGE BUABAZON, 'h te, IloekCt. .Ci &MXIVE L IIULEIGH PltOPRIETOE<- GRAND BOT0 The ~abeve-Sale-on lu w-ofted gp te tiffe-r 111UOitTERAN)D DEALES IN' couve-nient anti god "ecouaitodaien. BItreak- (?vieîtîtina-, ptniuuumii BritlmuliBe-en.- futa, Dîiten., 8uppet-rn0lopo,SoultnrOyEfti ViLts itiî j ne-n the licIe"ffieceIiug Street, &e-.1 aI al boure. Stappene provide-d fer C001< WVILLîAX IJ rOIlt1SON, eY T NG VANA4DA<SAJOONe \I)r)II, Il U'RTN$t,,CtiLtAX d& TUIINReTROCK S"LT, IWB$, 1Y JOtilI Ofi'riflt «snsoh- B<>" .)Hnehemn re net Il -a. ni. - e-yB e- e~ ,,ccby. ~ ter5 srdines, &ü.,, -~ in Sen. - ThteltçooW e---- - .t&ùa of Wlnne,. Ilon sj ham 10. IL With calmt Printed ¶vords, great thonghts and uîntiruinai nusri'. we advor -. -- - - WIJITBY, C. W., TIIURSDAY, MAY 21, 1857,. NO. 18. Wlieu the yeung shoeeraker calmed hiun- warni it would ruake it bere thIis winter!1 ing air. But makes you look se pale, mo. self sufficicntly te, speak, lic sale] t ut thon 1 dent waut te say snythiug te ther? Are yen tiekt- "1 arn yeuug. stroug and hcalthy, aud ii about it, for lie bias topsy the rouit of Mrs. Sherman made ne reply, but look- have tlie sanie trado that Mr, Cengelon ticelieuse anti sho1i, aud huy cverytIling cd ber datîgiter's face and then across tbe workcîl at, aud tvitb ne other inceme Iliat cernes itot theni, sud eue pair of roni te the littie ottoman lu the corner, lunoughti up a family ef ciglît chilcîren re- bauds canuot do vecryîlîing. IleigleIo it wbicb was always Susau'à favorite seat in spectalîly, gave tue-un a good education, lut a dreadful thiug te o c1dl hall thie tume, tines gene by. The language was mute, and teck cane cf his olel fatiier aud' mother aud feel, tee, as tbougb yenu weuld like te but tho daugbter understood i4, for se besicles ; suie if Mn. Cougelon, cenle] de turu yoîîr time te terne advanlage; te add kuew that now sbe waa gene, Charles, the that, 1 gues1 cani support Susan-aud more furuilt'e te the boute, if uotbing yougest hemn, was -the euly eue left te bier nuthen, ton, tîpon a pinch.' more. The parler is alrnost empty, anid 1 cheer the decliuiug years tof herparents, Mn. Barstow turned very red, for if there rhotîll se like te furuisb it be-fore suininer the eidest sou beiug far away lu tbe lane] w as amy onue that lic disliked umore than coules agaiin" AndI the yoiug w'ife leaued cof golîl. antiten it was titis sanie Mr. Cougiion, lie-r lienac on lier hanîl gain, aud w-a ue-nc u 0, do't ho lenesorne witheut me, mne. fuir (liey btd becu rivalsisnlutîein butines more losI in tioiiglbî. thon," sale] Susan. 64You kuow 1 arn but utui- , inters., No oee hat kue-w Stisan six monthut a litle way offsud Simeon anti I will A ft-r a uifle pause tlie formter eut - pre-vietis, with lue-r ever huoyaut sptritq, coui nd a"ie] itue allnîost e-rery day, sud ployer eonttiitid, ithout aliilng te clîtutittg andati.ughing w'ilh the vilage girls, lho loves y-eu abont asweil as I ile." tîte pertitîtuof whlom t(le young mau liad cotile] have lîagîneel chat the litîle flirt, atc '<1 knew it, chili] ; lti er father aun] spokiltit:lthe- tlîlfolks uscd te eaill ier, cotultîhave - otnehlmes feel'itlibaril te ho hero witlî- SWe-Il, lie-ne is fne tise lu taiking any lieeu se seion metamorphesetl mb lithe ont yen, after heing se long ae-e-usonioe]te mit-e-aoutut il. Sînce yen are- marrIe-i I îlue-nugiiuîfu iwornan hîbut se it was ;and] if yeur clie-rful voiee lTee lnouens scer cItpîilise youtitiake lte be-il cf il ; but 1 itits luie disintenesîce] love for (he oeug itllent now wluen Ite lon- ovenings draw iuopeil-roi troîild have waiedlong enougli she-i.niaken that iîad hrtiuglitabotut tlis ng u evrmnj er,1spoew to vt e-tif'urtiani a litlie." change. 'l's, Susan - ioved lier elevolce] uhilgb u neer n ine],eaYn, isupose -o Anten 1rt Barstonvaroec:atdusted anduiinîllntvtriotus hucluard as et-cry wounan sîk'e, fer it is a pleasure te sec you happy, tii-ia iitinea tueugnoul tioringait iter chance-s fer Itappiess lunttis lire; iduli" lit Nenett'lit.~Tihe t-ot ig cliceuniaker Jka- at-oulw-hile- lie liac te libon se hard (o me-el I w-lit lîie] ni arriced.rie-b," salîlSusan, P(-li-,iuon lis righl battu, attîl rcenled ail expe-nies, lier miud w-ts actively lans- pieit eebrptn oks ,ne i -iltw n isu itkhee for a f-w îumomients, I iug tomne nie-Ihoîl lu w-ich sieo, tee, migînt feeling (bat she w-as the e-sie; I lîen yeu tiiii i cikiug îp bis lapt-tuue, lit1e a-' uaelertnepsanr rfta ;frsd fatîtoncd'ule] live wiIh nme."~ e--i tîltuit il iue-tinp le-alluîr :id bc-nttu tSisan, w-leu aw-av freni sebnol, Ilad ever H'ush, chie]! yeu must net speak se. l' (lue iatnunie-r, w-orkîtit'-attîl thluirtkiug lie-en tusel leworli. Buut site dit net wisb 1Simeon i3 a good -young nian, sud Iliat is Stir t 'tig lie- %vtik callv1-tt'u-tltY, but t lespcak te lier bijeliancl about il urulil site botter (bau ricese." ittut uit line--tufte tc- , and]liue- Iti-gan o10furnieil tomine -cideil lplan, lest lie rnilit 1<Iknow' if," onsc.'red Susan, bluîshiug. %trutditr NiY Su-tutt i c11not e-otie-le te itintk e-ie w-os lissatisfiedciwilb the living " I ofly nant ttat 1 w-k-bcd Sîmeon w-as doo an fiIl inbreUls wa re(ly huit lie prorlileIfit-nlber.The mere csieonie-h, ce (bal yen aud fatler iit live lie iii-w-i îîu-îlu- aie furMr, I;tîrstiow ltîulged iii lie tboughf (lhe more penplexe-J witit tt".'" Ituil t tr'-tti i uiles ilat tttttniiitug atnd se ,ein ltlse e-or-]ntl etler We-l, nover it-de, Susan -;1 foc) grate- - ttuii nitue-ln- t tfone veotting lunt shop. htntî,anth ktu-riw ii-titliytinr, ii.iitcd ftlt6Iilit wlie mb-i ouir destinies Iluat w-e mýo lu-Juit- u-u dN li its iplvittuents, and wats 1 ilie-r, s,)aI lite tvîliotîn cho propanee lte arc ne faither rernoved." e-an thue- j- nit î-f nsitig to hgot-att- see, cuiner, aamite-r ce-itiing ititti'site-w-eut Susan id e]not stay long, buit whilc she t li-tulit. e-tuîglut a oiii--ef lis w-ife ilieuttu tot ti.dii vtay sit ol! iier utether 'hiiew picasaut e-se- vie Tho 1~dat- e n d lSitue-on Ieiup itu Il wasc atlte cottazesanidiiht a iec oiviie tiihe'I;tuîîm-ite-or cit-tw-a tî as e-t t]. ti-uillue-i t1ti(li Il wt --at- a gît- i t i.hî îtke--,r t-ulic eate le - <it-ii t - iii ntsale], hursiig intt tufee trie et oue- i io rituti lui- n lîe-tuuîua itve-ry liith, hi le-t atb ee an aur) nuafiture-d )ils owuit re.i-ae]-3-eiî e ol-s o sober à .S tai if iu'y (u)Iolie-y tuti rui wh o ke-ul utn tilt-farci lunlthe- îttît- \%îil]It iu furre-rittiteniui 3et-u fuir a de-acon mr asdlice-, grainttiandive-etabies as or sîtîtte-otlie-rsole-tutu offite-nluthoeltine-h. ttrailieli ; aottîlile-tiin (bue- iîtter Ite Wi hîl ! e-lat lias uapptene-d ? Des amy - lt ii lltatifine- e-f hizing in iithe iar e te'--ui- it-ti h f vo, don tfrlbl -stne- irc-îlace ru the te-ak kiftcu, tvie-e iantit! e-un -ove-r ltt-ne-, for yen kriew 1 arc([ lite anth le- buîlie- lia! utîtuofin t iîtt, Si - a goond eutomier, amui aitrys tlkeslhlte- liite-ou ('trvmadi-e-s t-tuntIcnly for the- ht-lune- obtody elte wantt ; but, de-an me! .-citI-iu egltlborhtod il! tutlIte-g-oei ld tîtrilltîubbut eut a chou yen keep l" And] vgcoitniliadi itatir eustin'tc-rm ii the-oi-n. In ul-u-w iti iinlarn i iîtse-1t Ceeg-e le S; tai-titi stair -l ii I e-tltiltitil lie- incttt-itistse- w-e-ti luitfutile- aoun! and i-t*ý tut-tt-- -tv.tto ilun-ti le- t u tilto b tuie- -liiu u ttetvarions-tttitiis, îilud-! suîgiyj îîe-ur--t t l'î-lir--- i iii tua li tue slmu-p. tutthe- cor-uten re!lIt of ie-attbî-tanuuinta antiilc'ith(li-tsfpairuif situe- i le tmagiue-tîe- mnutife-s the- ,itlte t-îbip w-cruta dtie-re-nt 1 m-tî îg roîn a der'"vat-tler attlie- sue-ut lîtie- tui lcitekingliter artu lu (htaIotie-n 11w - it fuý-il 11v tt. ' iinîg>mhoe-mtkur tt- i t:ttillt Utuu tie-ir w'a ue-e-ss the~ i-i 1ti - '--i t 'Y -t I iuî n tc H -Ii tf! r gttttln. te-tI tte- oeu se-ste-id Lo- iý U~~i--i lit l-ttlut-ut lu lt, i-nsl.ttiitt-tiindlite-tiitti r rtnil(,r to siuliii l3'tie-ikie-nituifn-r lits nvrk. i-1uu 1) îîute-poi-t-so 0 greetîthie tîtfSi-j The-yot.ng min cotîle] rtl et a hoanihing tne-en fon the tîiitîcltalf for-ot the -w-re]c cf pl-ee --y ne-ar lis wtvtî ndtu]of tItis ho -Mn. larstew, an! as lie ne-chunee witlu e ofte omjtliteedl tois c&,stomens, auIcg- ielluov ou the laItle, sjppig- bis e-elfe-emne]d iug tbat w-as te neaicen tiIy ite cotile]net I ookiug luto tîte face cf tbis youug 'tife, get hic w-ork doue aI the inte appointeti sale], mentaliy, te the cuti cf w-bon ibe hati -il oek hlm se long te go le bis me-aIs, le-ornee bis trade : IlYen juat mind e]oun IWby den't yen gel mrusmie-d thon Si- oien business. lu future ; for I w-cule] nel meon ?" soie] Stiss Shermnan, s bhuî-eyed je-xcliauge Ibis pie-tsant home for aIl the laugiter -oing 11111e witcb, w-ho bati just rnney hat ye-ars of servie-e could brin- couic in, fer the (bird lime, for a pair ef me 'tithont it." suces sud be-e-n e]sappoiulee]. After Simeon hat cale-n bis breakfast, j WeIl, I w'ilI, Suîssu," reburueul lte heieure-ly, hoe le-oued back lu bis chair audi yeung man, g-ulatly, Ilif yen w-ll bave hrotuindue] Stian cf bis favorite dicli, w-hie-h me ; sud w-c w-lul ire thit litlUe cottag-e she agree t l propane for the next meal, ighl alenigçeleethe- shop, aud tue-n there ending tvith the ne-mark, IlNow isn't - it wil]libe a nd-Ite my walkiug five miles a nie, Smeou, te bave a homeocf yeurown, day w-heu I cuglit to e e t work." w-lere yen are mol oblig-cd te ho subject te <i -I didun' niea.- Ibid yonr longue, youn laneiiady's tache in everytluing, nOn Sjnmeon Cary 1" sale] Susan, the e-isou allewec more Iban hlaitlime enoogli te Llle eakenin- lber face ; but Smeou did't mnselicate your food- for fear cf giving m ine], and] lu a few- weeks the litîhe cottage offence by rerning tee long at thc t w-as ired by flic young slueemeker, amie]table." oIe] Job Sliernn's deuîghlen diii'l bave te IlYes, dean, it is nice te have- a home,"' boy sny more- chees. suswercd thoeItuaband], lhîouglittuihy, "<if-. Simee's oie] employer sbook bis head if I eau oýly manage bo support it." andt ld our bore ieo og-ht le bave know-u Simeon' comnienceti the sentence anti -botter tinan le gel marriee] ceyeuug. Si- procee ti eefor (o returu betore hle ne- meon w-se sihent fer a few- momnts, snd ahie] w-bat lie-w-s saying; aud Ilien, as if Ilion as hoe dippeti bis dry leallier imte lie te maiec amenda -for tlie- expression et w-aler te preparc il fer(lie- bamnier, hoe tiubl, lie tre-w the youtitful housekeeper loIoketi op sud sae] with a baîf basbful neanor sud lighlhy touchee]bie lips te lier air: Il<Wcll, Mn. Banstew, I suppose it fonebeaul. Teart glisee] i Susau's oye-s, dec. tee-m strange (o yen thal 1 gel marrue-t but il w-as omly fer a mentent, for see se seon afte-r I hiredmmy sliop, but lte tact forced lte-m lisek into te-l a, -nela, anti w-as, 1 w-asleansomoe. AUh day Suutiay I salut scniously : «Anti am I thon soecx- h ad notbîing te do exce-pt ge fo meeting, pensive- te yeu lial yeu leau' we-ecsnnut w-bicln takes but au te-w-heurs ?" malulain a home-? I lry te be pr ude-ut in <Wliy, couiin't yen roe]d, Sumeon 1 everylhiug." îYe-c, 1 dit nead w-lie the weatien w-as «'I kuew you do daling ; but-but--O wa, but ase ilgrew- cola] I itati uele de-ar t!I1belle-vo I tio'l know-w-hat ra te ne-ad. If I attempteul te sit by the fine- talkig- about." Âne]ltheai agaiu toue-hiIig lu my.boanding bouse, w-hy, ny boarding hie lips telier fore-le-ad, l.e atepped e-ut lieuse mistretut looked nonse-of the pies, antiw-e-ut titrougittte- grdengte te hie saule-st, alw-ays tellin ltaI tho reason site- elop. Susse ,w-aIced hlmi. reug thlie< likedt t taite men boanders in prefenence iueow 111 hot disappearel, sudlte-n ne- ute w-orne-nw-se because they w-esahvays turnee]telte- chair stelise loO, site bew-ed oeutoet-tlie way ; antd lte-n if I w-e-t ou-er ienheati on ie-rliane], non naiseul il again, toe tlave-ruand triee]te da&y Ihe-ne, thisunutil the strlkiug oethIe 11111e- e-ock on' oee sue] tht oes ene askiug me id drink ltse mantel re-mitied lier-rtal lu demestie- willi theni, onr te-lantilord w-ouldbe- llirow- lite- thereirasome-tiugelse te do but te -ing oeut buts aboutpeepe-langiug are-une]thiuk;se sIte- anose, aud luns -w- -minutes ttcliuse sd el-ping te support t" 1 replace e lit111e glîisleuing set et w-biteý - <WjlI, w-ly diuiut _yens84y' inu>yonr dats> n annow she-ves lu thecoet Df $htop morningesud eveuingas ite] be-w-eeu -brusiteutantiw-iped up- lime- paintce] 11eor, -meetingst?" aud due] varionscter lith du>eatct ) tiweiir answ-ened Siute-on ý1 ,ceuldn't areiw-ays go ieibeMry in good hougseep. ~~o 1 yiiTsiejnlte- ce-le, and ti L ola img. Thon tbe-young 'wife ' ntt hr Ssoon~ bave gel me a bsud nante if pdo te bureau and mhmutely rinde tati se-en emeke cominË ~out of tm yshcsp of w-eng apparel bel - in thelèIor~ e-limte-y Sundluys, for -tbey woeule] b"ë bler luusband, te see if'a buttio wa, M.tî thni~t w-s i -etiY--------where nee-dd, À rj j lus shop at rallier a ht' leur h ithe e-en- iiug, atu! 'tit lthe cottage. Sui-ttIt ind the ltile rom-u tu!ilttt<eirawnntp iu frottoeu tic stoe, antIsert-rai ibooks tatdi Itauiers wer le-in g onmit ; l'u terion ntg tl,'tul a shtort tite, (lie iieutauice-w- luv is chair me-re-r and! ccrnince-ul aii le lisitrife aIt-eut clifice-nemt incidents that we-ne akin,, ýiiae-atotuci bent. Il idyoîî vce Miss Lomrell'c uehv sigu, lt-iceou ?' luquired Susan, anchuiy. INo, 1 ile]net, my de-ar. Pt-sy, w-liaI kit-a of l- hns as tube setl'up " IWe-l-dress--makiug; sudcdoyeunow 1 t'unite mrnlier a Luirie]of otpposition ?- Vte have aurnys been ivastiluaime-Ct e-rervhitîg haI she or I bave ndertaken sittce teere- li e-neîgule ostrieofor the iimti-er At shooh tee rnc tlirys lrv- itu" tt t-re bu e cuir]gel aln ogett ane] ,ie i.;tbe ltitnmarriei, Suttan," inter- nîipte-îtlier h it'Iittiit. "I k) uitt, tu~Siniccu ; huit I watat l c.neut i er thuat g-ettin-g camnied bas net removeul one iota et my oung>." " But yen nover le-orne]dres-aig Susan." lNe-lIber diii Sarahi Love-l; but yen se-e, Sirnteou, I arn a real g-enmus hy uature. i knotv Imoen cosrveti a regulan opprentice- siiî, bull1 bave matie a gocel înany deses" Ane] then she adei, - with another are-hi glance jute bis serions face: 1, Yen se-o I sliill net be-glu hy working for thte aniste- cracy, but I shahl w-cnt for those euiy tht w-ear plain clothes sue] kmiow bow (o p-- preciale g-ced sewiug. Se say, Sine-on, are yoo wiîhîng (bat I sloule] w-ont at drese- meking ? Yen kmiow- il la only fane-y et my cw-u, anti if I tio't lite it, I eau give' up." And] she w-ound lie-r at-ms'about lien busbanel'c neet se coaxingly tht lte yoîuug cliceniaker coulul net cay ne, Ilieugli rohltctanlte say yes. Rcîurning bier enibrace, lie suswenee: «lWll, Susan, il se-emns te me that. yen have enenugitot do le alloe]d te your bouse- hle]affaire but yen know-beL" «lPsliaw " netunede]Sutan. '<Wly,- sam sitting 1dlebaif o e t eime-; yen don'l kuow yet w-l;a sut-at wife yen bave !gel Amie she loe-te]intolisa,-flue-with sucb sa reguist le-en Ilat Sinueoii, coule] iut ele, as be-salit: «Wl, wel, mîy de-ar, de as yeu4 bave a mine] le; ouly 1-thail-be fin in cithing -I w-e-t bave' any uign eut." ' <'Dou' w-sut suy; for1 eu'ea-ydréWs 1- mnake*w-l lie age-odý ad*erternet-n.- taiqe, ltiuaieha&- ièherpoiuit-s easily; te-r w-el she kuae-that t"hougt ler liusbaud w--poorý, hahat a aprend beart, sud .oeuîd et ht- ý,te hear- it salidthWihiâ wifè le-ek iutwonk. w-hile hlse]health -tô support lien. Adde nolw-Stusan rele-ad heiplump lit-.f lde- Aris fre-asUtehe ung-iuân'a ne-e-yand tkippd buat Ue roomu s¶uà lgnsèteri1y indzmaking prepanatiotas for 'ki à ly< breakfst ite n a-shor4it rnm there w-as-rie haap bunnein ti heeUle tagý scarcé-ytl th0Sun éelimbee] up frpm teedge e-f tlh ooran w Men~rs. ;.-,. lireà is tlWtwmscTee-d, 1 e Qoom sw-p ord Whe 4eà îÈ-irs, ---,.. . I-, - - - -id .-il, new stcte Sinieotu lis] t-ughit lier, antiw-bat a be-autfltus e-t ef ncw <icFhe-slite litarilirotit t lionme tne prenions Satunday cveuiug, tmndlh (lie-n e-rulee-Iw-it saving :t Mother, 1 doî't frît-e îork enoutgiî te il'cep <ne busy haîf cflthe lime, se I am go- iug (o take lu semring. Voit knew it le a gniî,tt eal piuatntcr (o do aîylu u e are uot ebligoti (e."1 INr.s. Shiermnaunerilee, aantitiiweredt "You alit-iys lisde] ie-tgv efiougli, anti I hiave often proîihesied lit if il okl te i1 nirl;t dire-ctiou you woui! ace-oniplish sonie godyet." q Thlauk ybtt for 3-our compliment, mo- (lien de-an." soie] Susau, gliîîg- lue-r parent a kitus, andi gliiig etft he otor, ioi-'ing lue-r moîlier muteli happier luan site feaitul ber. An heur laIe-rthie young w-ife w-as trip- pingtaron n alots pubîlic-stre-et it'ith a large bunille tietly i-'-iitc<l it pa:tn-n. Ente-r- ing bie-rci--ni itonie titroughi thelittie gar- île-n, -he deosi teullit-r biudle on (he table-; (be-n cirestitig bc.e-if of lier slîawi and bonnet, due calt]owtvleco micence (ho work cIao lise] ndertaken. "Smialh be-gin- [linge,- make great endings," she maie], muen-j tally; IlI muet e-at-n a hit be-fore 1 e-ar a gi-est deal. I w-onde-r Situn isn't w-bel- ly discouragedtoete a aclapter of w-anIs commenece] ovcry lime lie nlers tbe boute, and wvilhil a draft on ha :peketc.- No, I w-eut do-if any longer; Ilien lie eau boy bic stock te boetter ae]vautagc- by gettiug large-r quanltifis; whîo hknows but w-e shall ow-n Ibis uitIle cottage site garde-n yet, and Ihen father sudl mother sud Charley coutît al live wit- us, aite father loves le work lu a garde-n se." It le nalural i for- youtli te o c oyant, sud Luisait was blessee]w-lOb large hope; but lu ber prescrit ranibies cf Ibouglit she weîut se fan that lu a fe-w moments, as she realice] lier preseut position, she horst in- le a loue] svcot laugli, w-hie-h w-as net enee 111h sho discoveced lte eyes of lier hushane] pee-pung iu betw-een the- blinds of thi w- dew-, which, opeued imte the garden, ef wluie-b lucounection with hon sonew-hat ageti faîher, see was1lhiuking. Three Moutht' vent by, and] (le routine efthbeus ewerk at thelittle c ollagew-eut ou as,1 ord'enly tus e-rer; but bîitlw-ee-n the heuürs of meail ime the y>oung w-ifes flugers we e-ver busy wilh ier nie-e-dle-, for, tince Ilie final dre-as shoe-mado fer Mms. Perle-y she hËad neyer lacked occupation, alttougli ne sigi t ld-et the- employmceut w-ithin.' Su- gau'e *rk w-as now oret e-îer qtulity and 'She w-as botter paie. Meullis passed away, a ndthoera w-ast-a ne-st woeole-n icrpe-t on titi kitchen'floor,'ancl eoee of fne texture ln paa4er, ltesides a new setof cane-scat ' cairs, w lb variens otite-r eonVenien~es and orna- iments. These- lud cs -Mr -r nti save ariveting ofhissoul'a deg9tion t.her *ho ioins la1torèý,' te make bis hotme al,- -més a-padice- on eantli. Notaime-meut wavs'spentaway _front t sve at theIiltle 'tll9p or .wle-te-business valldbalis d 7l<l- 'te Sabbah whenolttendcpd crýith Sutîtu, or i- lelsurchioutm visited. her SPring liait ence,2iuore cemeand drienJ -,te ou~ itis np$bhern hlienu'e tla ofr-semto peà ot 1I lbiuk I have net got long te dtay Witt) Ol , dou't talk se, doar fither, for yoîî most live a great mauy years yet. Yen have worked tee bard the pà st winten, sud been tee rnucb in te cole]."l IlWel, I coule] net beip il. You kuow we are vory peor; misfurtune lias always seenied te attend evcrythin.g I uuderteok te botter myscif." Susan stood a few momnts in silence, wbile ths te-are glisteuced lu ber eyes; thon onice more steepin g over lte led, she again kissed lte pale elîeek cf the iuvalici, sud taie]: -You sitaîl work se bard ne niere, dean faîher ; yen, anti mother, anti Cbanloy shahl ail live wititiuts in the cottage." "Cear e-hile]!" cale] Mrt. Sherman, wlîo steod ne-an lue-r cughtor, ",-you have a kinel boart, but w-e de net expoct that.", IWeil, it shah hc se, unoîben; you shali live w-loi us sud bave that nice front charn- ber. Yen know I dent oecupy't, and 1 bave nover furuisheti it, se yen e-an brn- aIl thie tîtingît yen noe] wilh yuî, sue] Cbanley cao have lte itthu bedrectu over the e-try. And unef ler, I think Chuarlest ii. old eîuough te learu a tirade, sud I lucarul Simeon say thiat bis 'iork bas increWd se thaI lie scule] take an appronlice luis spring, sud .1 kuow lie wil take Chiar- le-y." O1 , de, de aLsk Muini, Susan," taie the boy fretin lte ether reoni. I sheule] like te loarn that trade, for I se-c brother Sirneon bas plenty ofnîoney; and'thore is ne ne-ci cf rny geing te sehuci any more, for the master sys I cau ciplian sin-ost as w-el) as Thecon=verýation continucul for luaif au heur longer; Ilion (ho dcveted dauitier toek lier le-ave, sud as-i cie die] se, she pla- ced in bier rnelier's baud a five dollar bill, IlTake tat, unothen de-ar, aud nituk father as coînfontahie as y-ou eau. 'It i- thc proceeds of a litto hil Mr.. Austin paie] ute set niglît for w-ork docluil the winter. [n lthe mantirne 1 will bave a g-ced talk w'ith Sinîeou Ibis eveuing aud Ict yeu kunow tlue recuit lo-mroroiv moî'uiug-." lIlalvcti blets ytî, e-hile]," taie]lthe mether, lie; lips quivering with ernetion. Evcoing carne, sud w'ill it returuce](lueh yeuug shoenke-r, ciatcd w-i 1h(ho e-em- h lie] met will in the city, for ew-ing lin bis paying, cash for bis stock h lis e httgttî j te te be-ct advauitage, aud besidetlite - iil inate arrnugementsq te furnish a slioe dealâ-- a certain numbeoretshces wilhiu a giron lime aI a geod proffil. Stican feut gise] aI lier husband's preaponity, but tie thouglit neanesl ber lîcant aI Ibis moment w-as con- eernlitg bier parents, se w-bon coppen was ondee], 'sh atik-ed him net te go (ho shep, for she hadl soruie-îiug le say te 1dm. - Well, 1 guets 1 w-eut Ibis evening,. dean," lie rettirnetlIl for 1 fe-ci raîber ire!. But te-bal is the malter, rny 11111e wife 1- It ceorna tg mO3-eu look ced." i Susan die] fot ausw-er irnnediate-ly, for she foît sornething rising in lier (liroat (bat prevonted lier utterance-for a *few momntus, sud w-bon chedde pak, she cale], drawing ber cihair ne-ar lier busband. IlDo yen inlend te lake au appreulice Ibis sprng ?" lYe-,dear. la that.why yeu look se solenîn ?'" riNo, Simeon ; but if yen are geing te' take eue, I wisb you wuoule] take Charlies. lie la net euiy oid eneugli te learu a trade, but father le getting tee e-id te support him new. lI fct, fallier is very feeble , 1 wlit lie sud mother coule] corne and lire wilîlius." Ail the w-rds of hie oie] employer, thal ho w-cule] have the whole cf Ilien le main- tain -yet, flashled4 jute tueyoung nman's mnihe, arme]he turnod very red. Susan saw luis confusion, nsueeinterprelce] ilthat I __________________________________________________________________________________________ patient etire and ingenieus culLe tur-gS plant ws.brot1ght to prodiu e4iete- pos OduwIIicI wiere r4pened, îand pianted -th. .next year ; and tuila was the foiildtoit?_Ê the stock which >'Just beZinning tý, bIe , kneuvn as the Egyptian pea. Bt3etaas. were as much'delighted as xttupiaà ns* at .the success of thé expe %xfî;,tý jtga* I thçn anew variety of the- mà t' 4ià t - IbÀ/1 ýî-16 ý ý, - i nt Ca ; Sliiieý)n Carv %va, a -,lmeinilýer ,ind lind 1 for aid in the hour of necd, ïf pot te a child ?" 'Mr. Barstow felt the repref, and it ufi1- enced hiin, and in a littie while he went, out. Mr. Sherman, partaking,,of their united care, soon reeovered his healtb, and Simeoxi sawr that his incotte increased as fast aï be- fore; for it was Mr. Shcrman's delight tô take the entire charge of their iife garden and a srnall lot back of it, which MUt. OUy hircd, that they night not only have a full suppl.y of vegetablet througb the summe, but enough to store away in the cetiai' whien -winter should corne. When the cold weathcr chut off work without, the father was vcry handy in the shop, always iooking oui for Mr.- Cary's interes t, and lhelping both hy counsel and laber. Su'- tan, ton, liad mnuch more time to de-rote te her needile now that lier mother assisted 1<1 the domestie work; sue wau happy te have thern se near lier, and enjoyed hearing theni converse in the evening. Charles alto proved of great lielp in the shop, and the sun of prosperity seemed each month to shine more brightly on the industrious and kind-hearted shoc-makzer. Fit-i years went by on the wing of -time. An addition hias been built -M the littie cotfage, now the property of Simeon, and tic square lot was; no longer separated from the gardon by a fence. It was spring again, and a littie flaxen-haired hoy was* running up and down the ga rdon pathi and with an occasional horst of glee,_.o would throw sec&-t into the -little furrews made by an old man, who leancd over with' an imnp1ernint of industry in hic hand, coverin- thei- they cre thrown in. "Now lit u-1 i gaupa-mamma told <ne to a-lmu~,con iht ln. Uncle C'harley tnd andr picaud nma, all. thiuue aew1ff or yocî to eomc."' Mr. Shermnan (for it m as lie) gathered up hic hoe aud rake, and taking the child's cliipled lîand in lii; walkcd slowly up thei path and cutcred Mr. CJary's cottage.,- Mauy changes have takeix place-in it slncê, thýe reader visited five- years Prevlous, ->ct, a ncw wiug lias beun added, aud what- was once the paor i n ow the dining, room, w-tille beyeud is a rooni of 'langerî dimensions, ueatly furnished ivith mnaye articles, net of Lrreat cest, but fashionabîe and u.seful. The.- village lias grown in ci-ie, and haîf w-ay* up the main street stands a large shoecstore, with work sbop at the back of it---this is oened sud kept by Siiitcon Cary, 'tîhe young shocmakr whiiee itîdustry and fitial devotion have bce rewarded by a g-olden prosperity. Aiu Ancient Egyptian Pea. A great deà I of Interest was exclted at onti ne by the fluet that sonie wheat taken froti a inuîiiv of luches, more than two thotisand, years olïZ lhad been cuccessfunly cuilivatte and made to produce wheat. Qitt recently an- equaiiy interesling event liaut ocrinrred, w'lerc a fragment of the old 11fr- of Ãgypt-a truc type of thte fertility of tihe cia.ýsc country of the Nuie, and un- questiouahly the most truly historiea o auy esetîlent ive poses-lias be-en prôduced net oniy te grattfv our curiosity but also our' appetite. lThe cireuinstauces that- led to the çliscovc-ry of titis coîupauion of muni- nîeiand inhabitants of pyramicis, aretin- tîtonsovetas uttnln as the plant l t' dititt fnor every lrtown memntbeof ils userfui fttintllv. During the explorationso .Egyput bySir Gardiner Wilkinson- a v'ue w.-u feune] in a nmrny pit, the âge 'of which was- cornputedl at about threeîthou.- - saad years. TItis vase, hennietically- sealèW ivas presented to the Britishi Mugemà ; -Mr. Piltigrew, the librrrian te the late.Duke a- Sussex, proceoded te open the vase toscfy,- tain its contentst, and in se doinz unfortu.