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Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1857, p. 2

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41 IWIOUanle Car Factory Destroyleilfi The Grcassian en. Arrivai of the Abia. 1 !! M thSWand Scals. May 16. upon him, and upon his exit froni the Au- LO", 85o'om. NEv Yo-nK The, steamers -Alorth Starfot Havre, apd burn prison liZi was aggain arrested upon COuntered Easterly and S JDXNISON XLFCTEP SPEA KEM-TRE SPANISII- ï, Outh-easter- Herman Spokcsý ly winds all the way across. X£XICANý QUESTIOn IN PROCESS OF ARRANGF- -for Breinen and Liverpool and an indictruent for the niurder of his child. Spokeý i th2 Leoliltind, ail sailed to-day. There was an attenipt to iry this new Finit L'atuUoii c saturdýty evening, abolit seven ()n tllc-- 4tjj, the ijteaiiier Jilous MENT.-SDIPS BIJ"9D BY COOLIES, -ADVANCE The Surth Star took 850 passengers and terrible charge Still Pricgressin! s (lx- and 13 gisi-boats J(jft Plymouth for iii o'clock, Suthefland & lit flic Tompkins Court- Grand Trtink R'i and $4ý,000 in Ispecie. The Leopland took ty Oyer and Treininer. in Julie last; but Omi)tl Triiiiii 1 tensivý Car Fac.tor depot' ivas ob- Cltùiý%. Considerable interest eis at- NEW YORK, May 15- mann 252 pas- great had been the excitenient in that - y 25 passengers. Th o Her J. S. ýfIlrt il servC41 ter be on firé, the flanies liurst- tached te the latter's capibility of The Steainsilip Ailia arrived'at 9 A. M., sengers and $5,000 in specie. county, and se, decided the sentiment Wateh rind Clof- from the building in the vicinity perfonnilig so long a i-oyu,,cre. shè left Liverpool Saturday 2nd, at 3 P. M., (,eo. Walk-er left lut evening in the aguin , The alarni bells of the ri-ANCE. teanier Albany and will procecci im of theboiler. passed silip Tltscarora, fi-ont Liverpool for medi- ble fil, procure an impartial jury, and the City, were,ý4wr1ediately riing, and flic Loiil Elghi ellibark-ed at Mýli-stil- iladoiliiiia, coniing hack, linving corne atel y on to his destination. lie enýects te place of trinl ilivas aiterivard changed to Pire Ikicade, under Mr. A.-;Iifielil, ]es, on Fridav, on his wily ?,to China. in collision %vith ship Anilýrec 1,08ler, of rct('h Lecomption to-day week. Tioga entinty. \Vlieat allil Woo PNchw Yai kr. The latter sank immediately, The gtcamer Hgate Minnesota destined The case was tried in the last named bUrded ont tlà the scene of ronflagra- Late clesl)ý,iteýes, togetli-ii- ýrTtjI Lord, for China was placed to commission at county at a Circuit Court belli by Justice TO tioni; The,41stance, hoivever, being Elgiiils liave ilidileed. the EIIII)OI.Or to TI, e .1us-trilian Packet Otïeiýlýi, supposed Philadelphia yes ýoT1c of b 'terday'morning and ail the Mason in ()ctôher liLst; and was -,eonsiderable(ý--ùýar1y two miles froin 1111111ber Io have been Iost, is swred, having put officers entered on duty. She may leave sorbing interest, as well froin ifs extraordi- i the ceu*e of thý citv) and a strong of inariiics çle.,s:tineil foi- C]iÙia, as it C , t.iis Prit c brick toi King George's Sotin(L on ýN'etlilesday next 10 take out to China nary character as the distitimplislied Cotin- 111(;(;INý, bre9tu ' blowmig 4t the - tillie, the fire is expeeted that an Anglo-French oc- The steaniship A riel, lience for Havre, our ziiinister, Wm. B. Reed, Esq., and his sel entgage(1 in it. Tire prosecution was 'W 1, i t bý May 1 bad,,Proc'eeded so' far befbre ùngiues cupation of certain I>Oillts will bc ab- arrived nt Southampton, April 30th; the two sons. condiicted by J. A _ Williams, District At- arrived thit it llas iinpogsible to do solutely neet,,-ýs.iry for 'some tinie. City hence, arrived at Liv- torney of Touipkins, and lion. W. Finch, &pything to save the ivork-slîol)s and The additional Frenvù vessels which erpool, 3fay lst. Remarkable MLurder Trial-The Case attorneys for the prisoner, and by Ilt)li. J. 1 their,ýëontents froni total ritin. The iire preparing te start for China, The Asia brings 79 ýassenr, rs and trip- lne of Edward H. Rullotr. A. Speneer, (nov deceased) bis cotinsel. jý000 soldiers fol. ward of $200,000 in specie. A few facts in additiun ter those ive have engme@l *ith the ýcanti stipply of iva- convey, if is &;tit(-d, The IYuchess of Gloucester, last surviv- l'rriiii the Argus, Mqy 4. detailed were eliciteld. If ivas; sliowit filait ter furnîshed by the eýarterI;I, cotild- do servicq ili that colintry. A man row lies in the jail of Tompk- ins 'ÙothÎn ýbeyùnd plaýin-on the adjoin- The iiews of Engkind and France M t, 610 0 in- dau-liter of Gcor, 11L, ditd April in Aupilst, 1845, lie applied to R niait in lng'liunber yard, oectipied hy .1fr. are identical en the Chinese ques- j , f rourder, Zn 1- 30th, ultitrio. colitity, in this istate, having, been convirt- h'eý.tgo to borrow rnonvy on a pIedge of ohn R Dennison was elected Speaker ed by the verdict of a jury o lias 1 cen deli, Thirston. This, fortunatelv, was pre- tiens. day aN%-aitifii,, the decision of the General Terni his chest, and obtained $25) or $:;0. lie of the Ilouse of Coinitions on the saine r . 1 representefi that his wife and Child hall rL- served naharmed. An engine was al- SAMDINIJL. There was no opposition candidate. of the stipreme Court of flic Sixth- district, o ntly diM South of Chicngo, on file Illi- -$o fôr soute time kept at work- te pre- At Titriji an allusion to the nieetinir, ,lecorditif; to flic Roard of Trade returns in be pronounced in a feiv days, whether 1 nois river. lie dill not redecin tlii.» c i"1ýt Ir is t . i serve the G.rent 1Vesýtern R.tilrot(l liclil at Glas.llow to 1)!,Ollilrtetli(- i tlie exports for Ilarcit sliov an iiiercase of he "11-111 1_)e ýentenced to and a part of the rant-nts wcre illenti !ci] exceution, whose ; 1 ý ( , lias 111 building's, on ývllit-li a shover ot'sparks liber'ation of It.ilv 1 -froni flic ol,]"«"- over 1,(100,01)o sterling compared wit h Ill";t ('ZZ>t' IS One of flic niost reriiark-able-on flic as the clothin- (if iiis %% 11,0 1111-1 ru(»i lit Is of cri rit i fiai j,,iri,ýprirIencc. 11chas r- wufaljiiiý,,. The car lhetory being pressionof foreigil ve:lr. We hare reen it ý,,tted i, ithin a d;iv or entirely destroyed, the loss is ý,ery the b(.ý,t (,flect il, tlle -is - 1%z, c-ýc.1lf,0 been in the state Iirî.ýnn or t'o, tl"It 1fill'off lind IrIalie Il' -A 1 T'i-ý ('Iý LadY Fraiiklin has purelm cd an Ah-r- heavy. Several. Cars wùre, biiiiiiied vides 1,1,(, r lost deen Clipper for tiie.-;eari-'li of he aý'ouIIt of flic saille trit sactiori the Tonipking if to which bc h:Ls riow 4en cuti- i band and -iven the corrinrind tu Captnin lesides a number of fi-cýÎglit drays.- Nuitlier party Ls quite d %%'itli lli;ýiiainei,ýEdwardIl. Arrivai of flic Arago. AMýng the éare.ivere thi-ce inst ready the, q(lttl(,iiicrit about 1. It is not improbable that P:ilnicrstoi l'lie steaniýzIjip froin H.-Ivre lit is said th«lt his truc l'aille is te bii turned out for the Diffalle, aiffl I)etizier il-lio cuilla l'il, (ls the Eiluard Il. Ilbuluffeoil, that he isof (ierilian ipt a little retc 111.1v atteri iriii bill il) rirdcr ta len (Ile silile dm riâli 13rttàtford Railway ; six liad been troops in that t-antoil, atlN isci: his ' di:, but wws born in Nova Seotia; that -t. .'i ,iriii riviiIrý, ctiibracinl, au extension ter L1ltIr:ý 1 Il 1 'lit Lr*ýlil--ý a f -Vý tu-iiedout for-the Grand '.ri-utik a féw rouiitryniuii to ri-jilct il the stilli-zi,-c to ail learried 1)rufe,,>inns, ronl- i g sonie difliculty with hi..; fatlicr aw lâte ilit( lligVIwý__ u-icl,., hc left home when -"nie 13 or 14 days before. By the disaster whîch and the Rifig et' is (Iîl'ýq:Itis_ In i zýý iollod'() fli cers uf the ariny and iiavi- froin Sviiivrna 0iý,ttri il; bas occurred, sonie 50 niechanics, elli- tiel-1 tli.-i-t file (.11111-f-111 prop4ýrtv it,ý(-If of age. lie is noiv abolit «ý4 ye-ars of' Clilir)l ina-sters, and others (if a certi ri ' . 1 1 )el Il "i ne on - j is a Ili'til of edlication, to Tir amil L Ille 'l ployeby-the firm, «Ire throirn otit of sholild lie restored :14Z wcIl ris tli'(, reve- of (1,111(*lllitlllýLI board, hall bven :.1 (lit dv- ; dillèrent lan,-ti.t.es. There is 11111011 a more work. A portion'of the prenuses w.i.,i riiic-s fi-mii if, ,illil alý-) Iuc:iIPý0 file Col] lin (III ication front Mr. to rdnt6d by the. Messrs. Shaw of' Yen rre constâtition i.s flot to lire 1,ord of nlV ýtrl rit a I., -Y attelldili'- "'In and 1) l' t lie appears to bc suppliell with 111.011t. streetâs atool fictory. They ivere tion by the Anierican (loverlittwnt Of a sil- arA flic suffi of î7lil) was lý,fl at the Tomil- (irill.rs tir t1il- t :,t if Cill. unimured. The total loss is estihiated In tilis c1av's ver Iliedal arizi art ainount of inoiiev, vary- 'l'lie (;r(.(k Pi-I-î4ý;- ii.ciio ).-lý'1-1 hiris cotriity jail for Iiiiii, -,;nce Iji.-ý rýclea.,c LIIL. i ri 10 to ,il poundg, tel the boatnian Îtriperial ordur to carry o;i tll(. -t at trou, $50,000 te $60,000.- Colon îst. sitting, the (Alailiber of' i ýN ho rt>lcued the creiv ofthe ship frofil Aubluin pri:ýon, Ly art unktiown lier-. _Xor(hern tives i jected the laNrl .0sil)- a ta X j -prol i son, mho iiiiniediatv]y departed wittiozit t'le adminitratiori r)f 11717,11 one- knoNving whence bc carne or creui in -&t ýthO yflla,-c Of lNfillgl'OVE, 011 oit iiiiiies. 'l lie Grand Dijk-o Constantine liad beln 1 ""Y A Ira- Thuilday, the 14th inst., a yoting recfýived with Roi ai honorg in every part m-ilitlic-r lie wetiL of Ou- 'Womati, daughter of 31r. David Cuin- 'lie 1 1 Rulloff appeared in Tomphins county in ver' "Il's ;l'ý 010 llrit:01 l'ort ir),L. q:j a t a V ] q. Of Fi li-it'e wilicli has lie was for the Great Eý,tnrri Mme wm in atteildailee at a 1.11ilifille I;iýý,t if 71, àfav, 11,12. lie was then enga-ed on the 1 v. Lewiý; Browii, of Illiiiii place, coin- 1 1 * al. lie spent part of the suiniucr there, 1 The Quecri of SIi:iýii t 1 n 1 iv j The Colifiril of Sivitzerland, lev cal machine, wheri througli lier Ùleati- es, c rd: ty worill", 1 and flic next winter tauglit school in th nionfli of lier Ire r-iiTlý oit tiie q tÎouane% the mtiiii(ys of her 1. tri liriziiiiiiiotis vote, lias agret, Il to aeoept aliau has lwert (le- z . 1 - j toivii of Dryden, in that cotintv. ýýjilzs 1 The .%tj,;tr. arc intor the machine, the the ilf flic Four Poircrs for the fented and resiilmed. re-1 and uninarri(ill. i flan Schutit, of duit town, a voun-, lady 1 . ' %if: flic ,cttleili(ýlit of tlig Neufchatel question.- ul-It ell by jorking the tinfortimale gir] liewl t ii11, ; týverity years of ago, ivas one of his litipil.ýz. i J,'yrij,ý, 1 'l'lie lý'ing of Prusia is to gct his iiiili CI in of lai-P arri ý:Ils Ilarii, ai « Ill Jas. Il foremolit towards the knife, and in file Kerint Ili Dowic '&tc ('o"N Circ-llar. 1 frimes but 0 e Swi-ss will flot re . j 'l'he 1'(;iioi%-ing stiuinicr lie studied iiiedicine. i tWinklýgý of an (iN.(, cornpletclv coý,-Ilize ; Ili Dùceniber, lx-13, lie niarried this youiig la" d Door: opèn at 1 jl'i i 'ýîv, Mai- 1. ý..-v of Neufchatel. l'lie Britiýýh s(-r(ý%v Cîrý-assîan," ed -ber, eut ofr both eans, and %voinan. After his niarriige, in lie 111. :erved a P Th lc Qilven (if Speech ivili an- i i arriver] out on the "r-1. immediately hurIed its victini tlii-otig!i Sitic- mir 1:,,t ilieru li:is biiýn a of friendIv re- i The 1 went to Lhaca, and serveil as a clerk- for a 1 filittýir:i 1, 25 ccIItý,4 in a mariner, not to lie riecotiiiteti lor, 1 et-ill rist, il) the inarkvis of hailli'S %iiýlI and express a iope felv 111011t'ls, "V'l'n 1vith li's W'fé fit a board- ; nnd èût off ý'a portion of lier foot, sheili lIolit ]S. 6d. per exi, Ilis vî-ifý selon returned to lier l;hrellý; i:4 at tL paý an in- Illififfle of ýI;I 1. -r' ý544 he again T)iiri.,tg the pa.i waathen thrown to the grotind !Tbe London riirkot, denjilit.i, and gulirantee the riglit of > fath( s. 111 the fail of 1, tli-it lesol, but wonderfill to sny alive. 1folirlay, ýý!Is litt;o v i t. 1 i*iie roiiitririîi.ý; , ili future. tauzlit scheol, ifit(l abolit that finie coni- French f;ove,.Illlit,-Iit elui, are tires iii t 1 Repart: airain cîrculatc that the King or, 111enc"d licepiiir, liouse Nvith his vrife in the ly fixed li)r Jiiiiu J.,t. oile .11-z") took- Illa Medicà] aid was ilninediately procured this to the l- 1 -ins cotintv. The Sparli'li würe on tlle atX, o mil: lie l'orced fo ýllo(licitte. ilis l" , c ri (if TýaIisiII'. iii Toilipli; lut tiv but we learn, says the Duilda"; horo. igt iil N 'f lionth or tvo afterhi., niar- -Nluili, -l! l'iv-i -rit léis crienlies sliall never dit Coililvil t!Iý der, that the peler. woinrin i.s net likul v l'lie i% vcý-i- 1;)r ; riage he seeitied to have iljeconie vii jeal- On 1lý , cdn(i-ý,lIav ft)"'Lý hi-ýii to lý-tv diln-li the seqitre. l If iýz 't-iteil 1bât fil(. i to recovier. U,,ý1 :It, 1!(-> iloin the Freilch Auibassador 1 "us of hýs N)-'fe, accusing lier xvithout ariv t ailI otit-biiii 'î;ngý -ibscriplion in London hiLs at alinuulice that the 1ý:IlaIIisIi Gùv. cause :,o fat- &s alipears, of 1), improper intivi- ail entire fà'lui.e. TÈF. SEAT OF and tii-, Lte partýi IýL :ý@rVTlti t'lie prificiple 0 agi- av. a, v, cre cwilimiii f an ar_ acy %i ith a Dr. Bull, and beconiiiig >o inuch &rrival of ILI, N Il. have receil-ed intoi-illâtion froir, a jalp 1. excited on orie or two occasions as t,) ex- source upon whîch ilive eýiii place s, luw The colil i-, 1'or tlie Ii-in,; the Front,, tile tiaie, h Ilittilhoritir., erl"'se i"Olelleu uPon her, "0 col"t'rl'eil .reliance, that the Iniperiffl îiiithorities (lt,*.-,I,'IT)il a I>enllanel. o 'l'he Royal ýlal1l stý«,tIIisl;ip to live in Lansing with his wife (havi g a wýr(, bare!y of the Colonial Deliartnient, liave lapp(.ýars to Ill- îr refusai ivill ID aid i;I raîý1ý of tlle; dauc-liter born carly in April) until fil(, ýl live,- l'ut fur bei cided in favor of OLL-1wý,1, -i.ý the flitur(, to 1 1l,ý, ('olit 1;1( 1:1 (:0 0,11 i> wil Il Ii>li t, ::I c,-,î' l'týr.t v ith tl;c rýIlg, _'4th day ol June. > 45. lits wifé and 1 %% itli Liverpool ',:fil )f a siliall (j to the capital by ivater, and child have iiever been seen or heard of fi the house, days later tliiii by thi! aild : "7IL--ý scat of Goverattient of these (,I;iý ]-lit Ii d;tt:!te terni£ to the CLinese Govern- ý,iiiee the evenirig of that (Iaj. ri, '.'/ 0. Iiiiiii- illiglit have jý Toronto will, hoivevürt, reniain as the ilot 1Iý,ar i1ýjýIf v t) P Durivg the ntýxt afternoon he wctit to llie Call-ali lit froiti Portlailil We ' Lra% e an accou -metroï)olîg, for nearly tlirev veam.- litatous halle ait Batts, fil(- his nuarest neipibor, on flic opposite sicie arrived ait JiverI)oý)I ;rd iti>t. 1 Thliselection of OttaNva has 1 Verv detfr, aud in ("f*lIý(-ý.-ii),I, inail, %% ari i %al lias I)el*e' a horse and 'l'lie -Niagara will .,i;l for J",-,-;ton týii.s whieli wai fortuil rived jate trom the pogition of the ]o- Icads tO lklý1Vý of iull)o._ _nce waggon for flic purpose, a-s he al fore itiuch daina-el c le9ed, or afternoon iviiere she xvill be due on Wed. 0 Conveving a (1c cWity, 'It-is intiiiiated that flic visit front 11, 1-ic j I.ot ec g (Ly morning. st to l%1,-)ttville, sonic ciglit nesday ni 1 we are ilifornifed, (>r fui)' miles distant, which, lie stat)d, an ht or Thun. of theGovernor Gencral inav lirolý),I- At liur Corn loi TïirlýzýlI:ivl rýe Cc;n1ieýi on boarti the Pertlyian ship blyhave had saine iiilîuetiee on the tlIéýré- rter. Our Railwa Mr - iee ex- The dijjjg go,_)fl 1 hy j h;ý1 artiýAe, car tile ab-)ve 1ýj1>ý-t--tLC y 1'"llý "ftlIP ClIrc"ille t(I tiM ay look 1 tho thiL f Aý,- fi j 'f the iýc Coir- thin marier boibrc tiie publie. JE.Î LLr,ýl'ilui-nti mi tire are irrefiit.illi,, fiL, ttie good ortlie We, be!ieve that Ille a 11 X il) 11 4 t C) t L e JM 111 wa, y .",q re then i i-trij( t(.1, as mir friend of file Call ibly be. The .111Y diffrrelice %Ve (ý:ill bec. of Mr. tweeli theril iik, elat tilt rt)rlllùr jw1rnal Vv-arité t') by lfr. and eqýiit;ttjle f)ir(,q.-toriul liberal tiý,jj, theruby jAaý_,filg IntIDivipUI Ulifl privilire nd the ý,tljck- ýPn imimilar fe,çjtiüg ; fila aliri, a rp'Itleti,,, in the (iualinc;tti;en (d a 1);rectr-z ; w1ffle tke*u, agreed ter I)rt"rýt iniLiritailiï tire mverse; or ut least, h, 'A e Rail- oillit)otiý,ly Sileut 011 tilt,» subject- 'Piertfore we twever, ciblielude État Fé i: Oppmcd to t1je 'Otit(!Ijt '.'ild (IlýWil by ae wéý1 a8 ou,- lierits ; eflee'q . rice of Biit tlii.ï j,,,triii4l and thu ritt'Iri am and am' :11tel.li-ý'tijt]Y aý ibe C' ' mil - 1 . - - posýibîy do, in Mi;e Iýttjj_ ,tir "'i'y p.itl iiiii.,t f4w- journais, bc. dUý,, «iiei-Uaiýw4iy,- (,,.nl (7-1 bY TI j t i.-s sj)1-iiný1 irto uiéder th, pý1ert'naye a flaiý!,r,1!1 men In Ili,, T"(ri. o ; r 7, iliy, a di)t,.y J,4ct in theq Tho. above is the last Fpecimen Ortlle lie iqr1îti[ý.g IPV , ', - whieh lig tire the l'icaverton has distinquizheil it- sel£ To rend tire fol-eg- ng- sen ten res cgr. rectly tire « ý ha% lit -c 'crally nu illeki,,il)r, litÎ1,al yut it. iý; Imly a sample of the )tlrlcil« Wilting which ive liavf.- bc-en lied to m, will fil)(1 ili th w Pil, 110vr tilt ediléalled and effli-litened incti ofl'Ilrirah can toleratp the humiliation to ivilivh the Piteket txý tir, poses 11.eir soilletbin- tha'. of tI,, wi.ý liave beeri at. a to v)itpreý n(L- Wü have the liont)r oi art ý%Cqi1;%intanCO %vith iliany of the resil C Iing in th 1 ttiý,it Tý)wriAjiI) -ir.eii of* and- 1 a ' 1ýiiit.v --and Wf'. tiley wouf'l fefýj very iiiiicli pýiiii(!tl il) ]lave theïr '!1ti1lxý!Cî lit -1", f. We, m.11f) be îwrr-ý- ,t by the standard of the B,:avt:r- tire ton ignorance is invariably. u. Coli] Ilý-, 1 lied by 1. we strom, " assurance. This j)y is (iiiite reinarkable of thL That ing about itself or iLs elitivre. lialf its olir.lil- space is OCCIII)iqýýl with notices signed by ,its ? tlu!iii, concerniri- subscriptions, news. pre- paper laiv," anil shabby little coý,liplainings IlIve about subscribers,-and wlien it is mot quarrelling with some of its, friends, the ri ù:ç s othei' lialf of the Packet'& direinittive spa-e e as is sure to be ocetil)îctl with a whinin, de., f','Ilc(: of itS iumorance. Aniongst newspa- -and pers, it is littie reco-nized, and sea e 0 t-re. 'y flicy kiif,),,vii in any other Nvay than as a little bluriderin, There is an old say- g,-tll(-- P1t07X7ý.'t will remeniber it-'."Place ther a be.ggar on horse li.,Lck," &c. Such is the notoriety wilii-h tire Paeket appearg,.only t1le Catpaldu Of Seeki0l", alid atttining. . Any re. L1ý111 inarks whieh siich a print could use in re. férence to the CimoNicu are altogethef r 110 -uiL.ývt)rthv of notit.-c on our part; even had 1, ive the inclination or the leîsare to pay ,n(j thein an3 attention. The P(I,,Z-et. will find ()lit too soon vrhat infliienc-e our opinion of iLs iiierits vçill have upon the rirýrrEN- trx. DjýD iubscribers to the Cituo,;rcLr- One e of j thing it nray rest assured oý thà the "tê,,w the uié iitilven tia 1 réi ibray-men trith in the emili -iin ein or* Thitby ivill -saye it the trouble, In future, of eulightening the-M 4 with its " Ùltelligellce." the 0 9 iI(ý M&N KILLEI).-COrOner Dr.RW.Clarke, iiii- ind a'respectable iurlir. held un innn- - - - _- ___ ---- ( -- - ___ -, ulai; ine i:reaty will lie laid before Parlia. es ýdo g hLq iliartersi agtirl:;t g,, _all their and barreL j hired a horse and lumber waggon at Ithe bled, each in- ,)38 quarters last LIVERPOOL MAItrET-q. i ment 8oon - as rtltificatiûn.9 arc exchanged. the flam ar. ca' which lie returned at a olejock the next res owever, from the c ye. James ýfcllenrY &- Co.'s circular, Liver- IuOrnint. On the morning of the 26th, Says Her Majesty will subinit ineasu Indian Coim Very-,dull, the advance necessary for fulfdijng the Sound Dues hthhoeurmaterial in the p Elst wiuds confinuin- te prevail, Pool, -NaY 1 -st, quotes provisians dull. Ail under the assurned name of John Doe, ho Treaty. having checked ail business. , tl, Sayu that the estimates - fot the L,- th, eck qqotations had not been sus- the place was': the iniports liere in week en( c took passage in the stage for Geneva. present year have . been prepared. Canada Whoat, mixed te white, 8s. tiltinio, are very siliall, viz., 22,221 qnar- tained. X son 9d. a 9s. 8d..; red 8s. 3d. a Ds. M. In sonie five or six weeks ho returned presses gratitude at the weli-bein Ex- ruins. M - Wil 01)e or two small parcels of Checse have ce in Tompkins coun- coutentment of ber people, and g and stock, besides his bi ters Whýat, 7'80 qti-rirtt:i-s Indian, among his acquaintan concludes ferers byý these ares,, No. 1 supeifine Fleur 30s. a ais. Corn, 1814 sacks and 8864 barrels fotirid ready buyers at high rates, consider- ty. By this time his wife's friends had bc- by committing to thé wisdom and carc of insured for a sman M; &noyý32s. a 33s; extra 33s. a 34-8- Fleur. corne anxious about her absence. He gave th- ing the quality. At the late Erigiish mar. Parliament the great interests of the cru- ter pire. ersal opinion Gd; 8our 20s. glo. kets, prices- receded 2 @ 3 shillings, the contradictory acSunts about the mat -,The Grand Duke Constantine will visit 1;i4on7s, run The exports in the sanie fùne are quantity brought forward exceeding antici- told one she bad been up between the -England. Mired Indian Cam 34s. Cd. a 35s; 5848 quarters Wheat, 25,315 quarters Pation. lakes visitirig, another that- she was in yellow 35o. Od.,a 86s; white 3>ds. a Iudian Corn, 2007 sack-s and lol5 bar- Beef meets a r dy sale at îrrular ý-j Of an incendiary. Ni 1 ' ea It is reported that the East India Com- [assertedlpy Mr. Wih ls. ed. rels Fleur, the grent bulk- of il'hicli. -pricés. PonnsYlvania, and Others that showas ut haye-decided. to.take a limitod, pajfý WC n t ç',opemtidi ià 1W-ühîùî-ý4 -di In t4e premîses. Pot ashos 4080' was Ireland, and enly 554 qrs. Indian lu marketis about clear of >the old > 1 Jedge4bat the must Madison, in Ohio. Beini pressed în the f vision' of matter lie wrote a letter tâher, . directed te MI re (;RXAT, Corn for foreign parts. stock. POrk is COMParatively nogle at ra"cÉ in egr midst. _,This_ýVç the present uking rate, at eted the latter place, which ho kh(Wed, request- The tions for the dîspatch. « -havin- on pýevious On 'Wednesday the Mînisters are te Mie only sale in the Tiinber market which the mar. ing her to write te ber fiien4 &ndýanother troýps top. 4re suspendn-- ket is fairlY supplied---Shoulders' are dull hateful word i n*cendia hold a Cabinet Conneil. If there is is a carg-o of St., jokn's de-ais at 8 which ho had dîrected te aj.Mr. A, C'ommurdeattdn froui Persla states that -Do pup, rais d nota very distinct pledge of reform polinds 10 sliilliilf,,S. -Bacon low. Middles rib is'54& 0 5u Rüssia is end - voring to prevent' the rati- e . Our- vo'ce agaï CI requesting IiM te send the -1-etter, te Ids- fication 0fý. ea ý 1 being attached to thi 6d. Short Middles 56s. 0 518. Beef 82s. wife. But d the treaty of peace. in the Queenla Speech, Aîr.- Roebuck 1ý0tMithâtanding? a fair dernand flIr 6d. 0 95s. Sho se-Ais. « now confess Our greai 1 ulders new, 42& 6 44& uring the evening ho. éluded nili move an amendment te the ad- 'Ashes, both lincis have been pressed, Holders of lard are net pressing. Th Observation and suddenly je&, -ilîs wifes Mak#a has7 been placed In a state . of ence, of such a state 0 dresg, which wW cortainly be carried. and are 6(j lower. brother puýýd him, and ovorteok him, ut siege, and èlsewhere the --country was dis- The ', moruwg St"ýY says there demand is moderate and nomihal at 66s.- Rochester, when, Rulloff preposed to go turbeï, flru..would force up Breadstuffý there bas been considerable dispjýovü the possibil Triz 'EXPLOR.ATI()N op with him, to and sS his inay be a Paragraph in the speech 13.nrri£n excÎtement and rapid fluctuation jncorn The King of Pru$aia h'as instructed -_ÇOu1dbý -the, mult of Whiobt if adopt(,ýd in the address would scielitific exploring ex- wifei but tbcY 90t to Buffalo and bail pur- Count Ilatdd& to, 8 t4 Neufbaté, during the week under an active export c à ékets f ï9n 1 man in, the Town-ýý1i it the Ilouse to share in the re- ditiOnî cOnrLstilig of thr steamboat, he escaped t.ý- - o 1 ce or four and speculatîve demand. Twent -fWeshil- fi»ni his c rTALY. taking place eu feel lier-sons) !sabout to proeeed -y 01uPanion. ne latter' went on The Mrly res epousibility of the Clilnese war, , under lingg was àt one time pàid for large parcels umptioh of diplomatie rela-' lie "DaUy says, that in ent, throp of mired corn - 'but this days market sel- ce may- YÇ,ý the sanction of the Govel-nzn ' toxadiion, but iùd hear nOthing Of his tions withBai-chnia is pmb&ble.,>. 0 - rt 801epting Sir John Ramoden the western Portion of British Aineri lers became pressing at one tune , SBEL te Cleveland, sisteý. lie ihw hastenud must haunt h . i 1 ni even i as Under Ca. 0 'Un Bull would go West'by the Further horitilities hýve Sas. iusPOL g in Secretary of State for the War De- It is intended that the Pa wbg accepted, whieh led te rencwed The 1 ciiý i taken rty should next boa4 -and thére found &ýfd -a' )f Kobamfth rieste,4 - was captured bythé partment, lord Palmerston tha$ý ai, proceed from Lake Superior to Lakè. ers Thé Pèibàiaiig lést--200'. actîvityý ending buy ' --84s sellera 23s. Q ïqncmmo'n, Occurrence, hin:4, And took him back to-'T'e kins 24:& Od.; ýwhite and yellow corn again _91P guns,'audý a, vast ýW1 thinàe conidored, made à good choiee* WnnPede and frOm -thebee' throue, count 8 caeS and AummaitioAI, B;itiab la", 10.1 of à representative in the, House of the country lyincobétïvëeli the north - mOrO steadY in value, and 84s respocav-ely. Flour is There ho was indicted Dresden, -ýý-îhe Jopr ni for the Abdçtcmon 'Dres., -the Saskate of his wife. den, Puthoi Î, branch "of awan, and Ille Ïa. &iýerý" ïï d active. Às there, W-U Do ýp0 net. i an . 11, ,,, -1 ý _#ýî boundty dr.th he ràtifiéd = itiw Çý1 the 5 th i e United States. dence of ber death, and" ýt4epr eýÉ,_pptîO nst. Prince Albert op-en e, A'V"ery 1arge business ha W, iQýu t-welve 14thî erninent 13 desirous s been il ne. in te that: ,ed the F-xlaibitio!n of Art Tremurer at t thon -A& 1 of making the wheat especîi&1jy red, Wbiýh lm rocoýe effect W88 ne pedition as 'ex bu inca býcûme by the laîýý Msachetter sciffltifiMEY useful as th. hole 0 et) È andý on the 5th ho was te f the decline sin possible, and, witie this v-iew, the as- Canadian wbeat, Dg W_ -;ý ngt see oes la in to 14' been- Anèed', Eli an ýred Western, 88. 4,Q-9mý94-'. , , , _ . - - -ï, inaugurme4 a etàtue of the Queen e tht, Bi8tance and couneil of the Royal-So- attempt à proie" pgý -hi 8ý 3d -ýlloÙr, western'tàmd -,g ere'ýt te 0A'" therPeel Park, Silford. oieiy have beei 'ga. 0 SIS. The Council mot a-t 7 iYelock, . p. r& The Beeve in the chair.: Pýresent Messm Rowe, P"!yý Ke1lerý'WaUacc, and' Frase'r. lfr.- Keller enquired whether the Com- Mitwe, RPPOinted to inspect and'purchase, the m'aps, made by Mr. Shier,- were prepar. r,,ýedtorcporL The CommitW - were not then prepared'to do 80. Mr. Perry brought up the report of the stand'ing committee On Finance and Asàess. menLý Ue __Çguncü went into committee et the whole thereorL ]&. c,1&irý the "Port was adopte-j' it recoin- mýendsp"ent of the lollow'ing BUM& ýJas. Salary fbr 1857. £37 10& Thompson & C!O., Blank forms. lis M W- H- fflings, Returming Offi- cer, £2 & £l 5Sý J. J. Otto, Blank books for- ýAigsess= , ý . ý,, 1 _ 19s.- 0 Plihtet £,2, , Il ý: lk Jacob Bryar4 Providing re-, ftehment for,,theo ment At the BýroakËt.,-Firïa.. uay, j4v c9jive 1 YM9 Firê com home. £3 ri 0 pany-lý,,. _ý roving Dundas Süeý ici IË6k ÎQ wliere no fire wà, ..mend the Uayor.ta offering a rew D:-ý 1 inf tb 0 in lb, eport further i*cc,. --Chw of additional St1"ý'; wf Zog jnc(ýr' an(i Town Usll F'ee Brigade- on lnotîon of Mr. P- elip Wallace, leave iý to ainend th, sanie reLtes t ecz and fi.- impoundit1g fe-1 the PO The Bill was read 71 thereon. Rowe Îll 'L"! p tée in 1 amending an!, i of feeE, to be taker, 1, 1! Mali S ri'.- 25 follows: Stud Ilorsc fr' quent day 2s. 9ýL 4 (- '-' int &Y, xv Cffle old youn- L »Cars, The Street tokeepthe Llnd allstray fee'per heail upliii C,)Un-cîl Î, ee Wclock. 64.Therel's a Gooti A 4'oý'4j timý When 1wir-1'1ý r - - ]But the r,,.i Mî.--ç, Welll wýw tile Wait u linffle A SIILI rusit in from ';pý 1; In the Cars z. Farmen they shall', Uur Mercluaitn* -, The projZr. iinpul- Lm, Wait a little lijri,,er. A gSd7time mit. Went then be k-,,, ýn the goed thïic rricts she in Ci4ýÀ i,ý . And Trude Ilard-t*llùeýS we Ther.e's a £ý(x)d tiu!r A good time eortiiirz When 1Qeýd jealoit îc' lu the good timýý Towns of neig) i bori., ir -C In jealoms B. sàd . r'>ý - . Wait a little 10D"èr. t'di l', p ý"- r: ý7- Tlwjt'a a good tirue c1>ý1:.1Mzý A good titue the-Ruilroud al-1 vi,ï Eswj For the iood time 11elp from'Au Make the împuil-c rý Drive Ob,tru(:t;ý,n , Suffer (Jiaz ný' There's a go<d týme A goed time eoininiz; Mon wiU nàt be blinded 4,,nîýý Doing Wrong in-steud of R;4--j

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