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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jun 1857, p. 1

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fHURSDAY MORNI14G, Mes n8& WYIyierhoffer Brs, BIzIocK STIEET WJTIýy, i'ûtDean Ote ime egistrY Ofilm. 11IITEICNSOF BU1URU'TION TO THE (rmriw1il bceu 2ion amuani, - trjb I ili a-alleut. 1 )tT85 or ADYTEltSIlO lxlinos sud sýder, ........ t....2.. *od. SvoàrycIsubm<liit iiinser'tionk, (lier ln) 8 id. à 1ît1ieoidie0t iiom-oilto Merchauls sud AaetI[,ljngby ttue vear. "hi e.u imm ui 'retijmav lii ens ulmoltion l~it t bsile 'ngrend èVery bu- ~e~s t~t Whlby'sudIts vîclnitv. a boîtter . ýI wha ov tmk %tllordo- o, lliPiese e t uc n in fomrml ~# iprwil ho licontttrttd until a rrear- are id tir. ? attor c emigcahif rmstred, wiiI boat Wlstby, 01- w BOO0K AND JOB - TE V<0'IIETtR10F TRE WIIITBY pub~ie I.tivteýlu~ ase PrceII0u)ý or fthe uot ptutnsttîttxiv . r tm '%v Yoirk tummmsl4 ý>letheiffleto1uit e I itm.t Ci 'ente B001[ &NI) JOB FRINTING .vil a e r tiltioni aih gtmirutteo lait wc)ri .,Illî ;. datte iin sulers r style mnt theo lossuit The '-ttoshave ;citrciitmcscdonteof CA(L'. LRD PRE$SES! whcm t hi~litumtî t tmri ont Umrt sud tir- b.iamda targe St, ci of l'ltiit i Faiîcv (antis, 8â . n.. tIlilh bt1ii4'I, uglt mt-vr on - ~ i'ilmtitie 10,m ficnîishcd ut -liai lowe Fl glis us i bîoa Y toîtItotlp. * C Itnîit'i Office, Wilitluyv, C.W'. zAcIifets BlJUNIIAM, NELS'ON (.. REYNOLDS, s ITEIUFE. 7e- oFFICE .Vr I LE enUlcI ÏOhII PERRtI, O (ITII.tFF.ICE ON BItit K ST Wlîity. _______ Il* J. MAUI>ONELL. C LRK oiJiTe. EAC. ýOFFICE--AT JOHN V. HIIAX, c LEIK OT>\lJe CttUITY (IRA] Illeit rro gat ourt. ()Illico Ut the Rk Isryt)lt , roe m . J. il. TUOMPSON, R oE 1; IEAT lTRE COURIT oLiOR '14ERK O t>i Iii;ttU S cotinil. t Cloqe at the o rt itr louéc. i C UNTY KRNtlNHER. OFFICE AT T11E C LRK FIRsT DIIVISIO>N COU RT.OFFICE B A c ASTE. l-'-tEbNANl clelg itotalýtrck Bm '- v BrookdFSt . i STiIAT W.ItEFIU* A lT 'YA BAIIRISTElI ANI>.evrti N EY- AT LAW. m i t t he oty itv C Bouit . 4 iî W. H.Court LL'iaS. hu ARIn T 10TtENYATLW ie lith - tl- - WILLIAM- POWSON, ON, IIENJA191N YAINOLD, y biC!.TTOWN îcLERK ANI) TMRUIER. OP-1 - Dr. R. W. CLARK9 TION UIENAÇC,(oucllhit cUE, < Sfr tti ceiqity 0f Outarie.I MiVENT. R*~N4WtKTIIT O'O italt 1JONES & (AIGB, f,T , iL>n., TS-EFC JN BROCK S F tFTF?( -h4Hnastii r. . ,Blglow'sË Store, Mud oppoite - ilo c~s t e IÀ itilre.il operatluna warrnted.* AMON9 W. CRLON, ~ EIIIEUT CIil NGJNZEER AND» J- FJtOWD IhEAVEN, ~RCI11TECT AND cIVIL ENGINEE, LIIrlL tret, Wldtby. vEsîhusto lundi t'I &I kIds of mnmiiig wokarefuiiy atn da.l to. .1 PhIILANDER M. CLARtK, 11101 CUNTABL,OCUNTY ONTARIO, I.malusîue'etor of leen.e& in tuMuicip)al- ie th Tvii of utW itiby. A ERKI.AXESJUÏPE» AN» liE pircd t tuiesherteet notice. siîoeilansd ubflugi1eatlexeeuted. SiLot-A fow oece No 'tiiîeîrd',Ilote], Brook Stfet, Wlitby. WVM. g. ROBINSONf,- (MX 11VU, EQKWGi,) AM yC1U%1MXT,&c., BlUCK STHtWI, E A ~ A UCTIO!tEEII,"&b t., GIIEENBANK, A. PR INGLE, 1ERCI1ANT TAILOIZ, '13110CK STRIEET, THIOMAS D1!VERELLe 'BUrLDtI &.toGREEN STREE, WhItby, C.W, A. C. WILSON,c p AI NTER GLA7ZIER, ANI) lP1R- lmgr.iaiuts, Oild, Ghmttilutt 'a- s ier.ilanainaa for Ssie. I)uiaa Strect, Wbitby MANGLING T'~0N IiiA IUIERIOlt !uANNEII AT J. .lmmusKFeinta',, Vulbuunme Sirett, neariy oppositel»o C iia(unmiirtkIl (ol. J. C. STERL1u,' A~~~ UCIDE.AIUPICATE 1BO0K .17ofebnr. t erling'. AMîti',u Sales, t. ks.pt nt will lo attendeil te itli the striet(et it 1îîiimli- lv. Dais .of.-'alem fixed on. iuiineCur 9treet, ienuthte Court Ilouse, WtitlN. c OltNEIt OP FRONT AN» GEOIIGE Stroeti, Toronto.6 IIuRoN IIQIJ POsRT WUITrn, C. W, E ILlI(>TT SPROI FL, PROPRIETOR.- P U.KEY's IIOTFL, I~.L Acouiiîuo atoiinel attentive 4ttstlere. aI LEONARP'IS OTEL, I'NO SIMTT<F»T, SIÂ ,c. W. (001) RAILROAI) IIOTEL., 1 D>OWNING, PIIOIIIETORt, BîUOCK ST. I Whithy. GOud Stabiing annd tteutiu Os- ONTARIO IOTEL, BRYlAN. .Ir., P1111l1111T<)R, 11110R aSîmetWiiiby.oued Stabling and anten- tieOstler,. 1 (not's ~~nr Then and Now. Now that the pain la gene, 1 too, eaunenfileo At sucb.a feeliah picture;i Yen aud tme Tegther in that nionhit imtmer lglit, Wlthin the eWiow of an aspen-tte. My biaud w0. on your aheulder; I w. wild; Ilow fanions the. bloed seothed throdgh my Butt yen-Oh you werea salntiy dalni and éol VOIIninoved my lied aîi;d sald, "Tfis .bost we parti11 My faee fui1 on the balli of yotir fuir haïr, A oioo,îbeaun strnck anocs în y lhungry oye, And strtek ,îeross yottr balmy etinion nintti 1 longod te kh-se yen, aud 1 longedto di; D'î the mlindow of the trenihling troc, Treoîhblinig sny 'o,îl way tilon your brepeît, Yeu sniled, and drifted bothiyouirtnowv lîgnulA Agnini my forchead snd yen fingers îîresscd Faiutlv and slow adowu îny buring faco, A keen senne of the wosnan touehed yYe thoen The. nie. draniatic sene your womsn have, Plsying upen the. feeling. of ns nmon 1 Long yoîtr*lhavi pnseod sînco that înld-sumr Biut still I feel the crooping of yonr baud Along my face. If 1 returued once more, And iii the âliadow of tlînt treu should stand With yen ither- An.wer! lViýtld yen .kisa nie bsck?1 Would you rejoot me if 1 stcd asin ! llfo)% btranige tis iâ ;Ithiik in 1dutliegs Imsts Aithotngli Fi i nsre 1 hâve forgot the pain Yü*tratitrt. A Centtieniiof' the Jury. NATIONAL IOTEL, i.npietr ir el-îs citto-uîî theî J?<(lcrocn lanrpors' Magaine.) abate Ilcte. ilaviytntîscIIers nuil famd i,4 I aciapont rsnduculy uummivetîelt and cofoitable Itucmc e. m baIeu 0 epniputal _______te eviery suinsuons o! he goot-natureti FRANKLIN H1011E. Couuîisscioner w-be prccides ovor liait le- I.INDS*'<', C. W. galizedti bIi->'b>' w-îhdithe Ilgeoti ien F. IEWTI I']ti'IiET5I. (IiFQR ianti truc," w-ho' are ta serve tEe canîmunti- Wiilic'11 .îctt.u1, 1iî ty in thecucpacity of jurons, arc peniodi- --cally designaleti. Net that I prefer tise WY ATT'.'t hOT'L~, te steve-lient o!fbise court-roomns ta Chie -I AIE St'RI'TI'TES, Wi1TlIY . T liE itmliy, 4ittuhu at il l tt aiind- lifitmî.îii heaitisier atuosphere o! my owu fireside, aXucitii,smu nt tL'nltsle Ostîc nfriai n or alher peophe's pmbic (quai-tels t mu> own îmacefui pnivate affairs; but patliy i ~D. 1'. WYATI'. PrcuiridCir. bccause I amn olti-fasitionti enughî to ne- NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL. garti jury dut>', ike every other tut>', as or T io r . botte>r doue thaut lefi untiomo, anti parti>' TOIN IEi),l'l l>RETRTAES TillS beosaso I bat noter yet been able Ce de- eQ niethocci of jicfcnrsii i i, frinuiamnd the vise amy excuse for ils nogleot w-bicha liltîtihe gIttenti,haut lau iitaeomnictmauc imii mc.s, in tIc' alii-s ireiicuc; he mtrtctitIn, '<ouîd pasa muster, ciitet in thie fortim of of c-ui'<ilua mit4 s'ý Ir c cccie attni gu.11 ïïcIncienîce, or aI tise bar e! eut cil>' courts. 1qamiquiteehaelesud isearty te tenture POR'r'PERUY SE'BOAT IIOTLeL towat-mh ie B;nci wibis à physiciens cen- SfASON & i'IILLII>S, ltt1IEIIi ificato tcslif'sing of cironic nmalcadies ng. i tIIc-c tic state that tic aey liii.cttc-d un iti I dh ln otiudstt n 10 cit. Veil-knm- îtutist-cILýiotec hc, i a ciw' tuit gragatti > ogcnineisbigat sitltaiile Platmier. Vieitccrs mnd fhic- ric-iiig chse mtental mappication ; I caunot pleati ecimtmttimsiity'<iiill ful it iiti '.eny resîcet a tîco - rcoaetamnaciiyniinnbl etibte huntît' . (iic tilcgamdu oiii cctic-titt'. cy nd ncuabl t)-tier. 4chc deafiesci e! wlich, ou tIre fias? day a! NORWOOD lIOTEL.eu-my 1ti, tiacre are se mars>' id examîl- OEE.NwiuO ci-aaERN,-. pies ; 1 boit ne commissuionminiany'itri- TENRY Ct sU LION RSECTU.1VI-gade, igit et heavy, te compol muy set- Lf0omuisAie 1puble, tlialciae lais takuu the vice on parade w-hin1ogtt ci nhiu'.' weii-itno-wn Ilotel wiimli lie lias mtcred vc u uhlt ol mnd iîlcmoves! te sait h. publie civneit. court;i I rniswibb no englua ; I respect Iis table anti bis liquors will net b. surpise th 1e Chiniian Sababh s that Saburda>' byan>' ethen Uloel it he Provinoe. Goi S3- blîug. il irings uitis il neap ecial exemption ; 1 min LAMB'99JMOTEL' Protestant sud Preubyterian, se 1".1neî- K INC, STREET WEST, TORIONTO. TIIZ her As Weduesdy uer sain's day, feïa IVaboie lirst loIsc.. IbI, tulteltiones min- or &Ms, movubleaor imamovsbI,4 eyer affords mte's vaut frmu lhéb. Ravt epet and Stemînim- eiiu ept; àr obed bumni Lauting, limao beei re lttedm-iti Newt Fur-musrlgosnpi;Ibaeefindh emtune, Carpetti suad Painteti. The leeping court, inuthUeo shape of jutige or cetusu o o'îuarnîets re mire ad vlt ventilateti. uni- usibasesalwys o bad ohOicarrivaI ef the repnieve me foraw-eck ut a tinta, or oome (ars ud HOMAS LAMBIroprier n ute my terneirfions 5e fulfortigt te a Toronto, MAreli, 1857. - 9 haS;TO i e 1yet dlýviod te .-fures i' ua011ueà vum . aramu n ta T UE undcrdgn tetinforrn ioit fnns suand Inhe puý4ibic, thatlie im uow in posseiision cf th e boe tHIotel, tiht buttiness of wliicim, lie ivill iii future carry on, un -bis ownuçscunt- Goud Liquiors, Witte% and Brandies. Excellent Stabiig. Cur(efel attention for nmianose.. EDWARI) RAY. whlitb.r, Muy Otb, 1857.6 RAMIROAD IIOUSE, (1 (RNElI OF Blt(K AND DUN'DAS Sta, C~)WIîty (Late Wilcooioue;n's.) Tite Suit- »ceiber begi Cii aunounce to te inhubitants cf ,wlsthjy, ah4 t. travelling cmnîunlty,liait lhe bas t"en the abuse flste lisaitou..à, whieltho ha& ffRed up in a Dow aud contentient muannor. ,Afi rmtTabeisservedlattilotol.'Iin- ners, Luneleoli, "i c.,on b. bad t a 10oneu14 notice. Ail Liquors kept on thebojrmieamar wsritdteTIOMÂS DOWXMlG. FASHINABLEANI) CuRA.?TAILOR..- F Eat"nblx&AB utt at Mr. T. BlIoa s0141Stand, directy opo i;t s -s ueblMain Street, Whitby. 11 RUTIIERFORD & BÂ-UNDERS, 5 AND»44KINQ STREET WEST TO- ton. - 9 etelB. SART Und (ltbn Bs ldli-g 0 sblrts, Collurs, Sob ,. iqatyo ad AU srdiveofefoothine lf0*4uinthe l e- l10e. 2wdnbesye nde h hretn TUOASeQ5<N' Avensue, while grumnblng wilS United veics about lise .Ieayxsof tbe lau asd Ilse lamycrusud tise degouenscy cf amoderm- junies, quietty ablukthe w-ork sud leavo it%' Iité tise voting st pr!muar>' alectiona, sud ôthesr isgreeuble items of tise' w-isle dut . cf a iiaw- 'elbe- deie by' tIso repulable proxiai, rallier tissu do it Iisemmelvai WedU I thera in a popular prejutilce îla, ver of trial by jury, ant i emoet muust serve. Il ha ligisl w-crIenomratiys edmu paredwilshso good t limaisons. wbora about lbe date ef thse Saxon -uap lunch', w-leus aven>'Dm ooutisapaunel ws responsible- for- the justice cf his-verdict ta te exteut of bis propety if net liii 1I&r Tisam.WMte iea thslima Id lte sois of jmom as. wonl m teissues joinet boIwteeu ihopartlesU Itigamil. Justl Ibid ef, beving te baag for thse faat asisoke of issving imade ,sunIsopest -wcmau cf Mm t Chat kitîti ~ r~ île. ~ Udr iii l~'l îîîm4 ~ .t4Q, otir JurYmen, Iimmodiately prepomadete t1 tisetn tisa important question ipon whicli dûÏpended tise fOtùnes 1c f thea , itiganta. j4 Thora was tise Most suprlsing unaniruity1 tise ten bad smade tiësa suject of tho osas bis aeilsdy, and theroîw-aspot a, a sentlng voice. ITii.to 4 b an. sd1 tise pooreat bmms#, theo a wsgno deubt ýaimen t I; wete~eed il i , fht)ithree mu. jas e, stsurning te t ucut-room, o wh% i. lir '64 b~e, oàl6âg absence1bad begïnute fiiagine tisat 1e wateW homme. -hated on lis. sitar of jutice himscif, iustead of smiztiemg aIt the sacrifice of bis advertar. Kraut's eoWau duthe cane fromth ie moetor our re-eftry.' A small Cloud oGr suspicion, gathoi-ed ou he ho mon e? his'Dutois face at bis firsit glance, an' dopened mb ocertainby ns ho concentrated all bisi energies on tisat sinagle local point, tlte yelhô<vtop Tise plainitiff laid il down on tisetabla --Iiid hOpaidlheumxry1 litant slcppod ferward snd took it up. lHc gave ou. dospairing muand'disgu -edhok t its unmistakablcc, eniuti, Califernia bru-. liaucy, sud timon laid il down very gerîtly wilh lime" air of a mani prefouudhy con- scieus of tho great tmuis i aI thore is oue tilng werse tissu belng humbugSed-uuad tisaIsl, teoacknowledge 11< - * .I Juat thon th e outI adJoumned lT/cLu. t, "M,1eifbhrrtm' gaid jho1 ali t,.. "hdtw à,nycIar ave yon gotmit yen r' "About Ithre déoen," said 1, knockingi et? thse ashea et No. 7 with tumy 11111e flugor,i as I dmew iit rdumy ipè_ to Cemmunicale this Itmof statistios. "And.-yu-man-40t say eut hro- tIl ,yo u mnolta, heum mltr" asied -Kraut, bis Mman.ai&ù' ug i Egliab. atCortahaly,tI said 1, sud I gava a long, snd àIt u uf orooalofet ild isse- lien, sud rcsumed my *dovotiôn, te .ny au- Krast foffbu&k lie fireduo&ne or 1w-o guns ln the way of Dulcis ealis andi ex. phethies,'but it w-asévident hoew-as in ful retroat. Thora w-as presently, a reowed bnxzing of voices; -anti by-ant-iby a bufh- liing iltrI shian, w-ho i.d boon- msu!- festîinXg geat anxiety on tho subjecl e! sup. per, camne le me, w-ibis triumph beaming -in bols eyes, andthlmaintelligence ltatIl Mis- tiser Kraut w-as m4ret-ablo, andti iat I w-us jus. wanted te sigu lte semleti verdict." The sealed vortilut *am signoti. Ie hati oo ut juxt tirée heurs anti as tiséoffi- -cen nlockethe tsadoor anti restoreti usito freeoimn, isis face w-ona an expression o! inîrsled satisfaction and surprise.i L w-as jusl dusit; aud thougli ho looketi isard fi litant, lise-latter kept bis comnsel, and bis countenaneùta 0, sund uothing bebrayet hum as isav[emg beau mmoked lutotes ver- duel!1 1 cit or Ibis cubalhitlacsrcîlatail azare,ý ho, wa pehuùing il upside-dowu, w-ts -I _ tX#iom1iW irenc~eses té tise lartk Stilu, l»d ha-ing jùàst about toàdhtd bottom n Isa bow-iîdemmne4 té iecaughtissy >armas asl passoti, and artad me wilS toeu- Il'14.1n fleud, W-lietdmen Shuperiorý Court ?I' # 1 pointed le tis a aiine -of julitice thug. des-gnatd, &»d w-awent up tisestepa e- gether. Just- as w-o enterailime, court-, reomu, tise steutorian voice of tihe lerk pronosmncod tise namne of "H ans Kratmt, wheretmpou mny new acquaint4nce rospond. cd, with sîcla consciounnos of persenai idcutity anti proprielership of of tisaI me- re yAaieicappAllntion expresseai h'.ena as Ca startie the w-bole ussembiy, sud rmisa Ciao eyes of the Chief Justice iiseif un- derucabis their haggy brows. As lucit weuld have il, thse first turusof Ciao wlicc broughat omt Krauts naine and mine in chose jutaposition. WC bob our seuls ini the jury-box togethar, sud on ad- Ioiniug chairs. Krau C was erldently in an sîmnosphere o! novoly. Il w-as bis first appearance on that stage, sud ho w-as se dtcirous cf aduinistering justice witis vigor an.d promptnu s hat ho w-as only re- sîraineti by lae-k of opporlunity fromrcwn-- dering a vertici., insttaater, ln every case on the calcutiar, before tise ;frst oee iat actually beeu calleti on. Wheu tm"swua cahied anti fairly ianraeed, maid Court, cetmn. sel antid witneatsess hîad taken eue another l'y te cars, aller the fasliiou of legni pro- ceeding in gencral, Krant sottled himseîf in. bis. chair witb tise gra'nity of a Lord Chancllor, sud iocked as wise uani owL It w-as tise simploat sort cf case. Tho., plaintif? was an tucant, w-ho lad soid tise dc!endant goods aud taken bEs note. Tise defeutiant kopi. his goode but did net kuep iii promise ta pny. 1%e hcm ie plaintiff- sued ; wbeceupon the defendant set np a vunicby of vory stibstantial remuons why hoc ougisi.net bu reqmired le puy. What tisey were 1 forget, but they aunutedinul te- gebîer ta preeiscly notising. Iliai, counsol offeredt t prove n vnniet.y of facts, wisicis Eud uotleing more te do wiltisah case than Chie Proverbs of Solouton, se ho camne vory soon to tise end of!bia brieC, Thora w-as somcethin '<sIslichs Ciaojudgc tiougiat must go CeCite jury, anll aceordingiy thaut some- ting, whaeter il '<am, weut Ce the jury, andthe C.jury weu,,C te urooni. Kruut maroised inteo e jury-room wibis isead ereci., sud cyes, nase sud imouChe dilateti. He feit now hat lhaw-as lu power. HIe seated i hesf for incubaion on Ibis vcry smail cg&, as il appearedtt tise w-o- and-twcnty oyes whidi survoyed ti mceiu- pany witbis w-a. - lis coîheagues Sup- poscod tise jury unniuioa, but, fou -forzn's an-c tise inquiry w-as pubta c achanm, "For whem do yen flude?" sud, as regu. larly us put, came tEe respoisse, "For planutiff' until it ligibed tapon lirut , s, te cvery body's emsterniqt, squarcd off with theo uuexpeted uawer, 44i1fiuuda ver <der defendaut r 1 suggesled.tisaIt. Kraust wuas aboriuî urider a misspprebension otfIuausud maint "1iaintiff" but, don teufle a bit, bip mneeit w-bat he wsansd said il again w-tIl an etmpisseswich n&ide atise emeolooli lut at-tihe door,. usater tisa suppositioet 16s w-o b.d agraed and wero àhoutlr'g fr de- Thoraw-a evidantly a serew- boue somus- w-hae. Krat must bo maage4, on-wl w-r. in for auigist session- I tleougt I w-ould try the efflctcof a ltdI persuasion 4 andi edging 'hum o0futo a ruen, ex. pressod my sunrprise àt.I& gm#tiesan01 sucs evident intelligence Audga ty ao isssl Mesudhaiimin seouplin.-: mae I suppose tiere woisimtbing'in tise expression cf my face w-ibis Kfanb righliy ilnterpreleti as "lnotice ta quit," for ho nover finismitoti is sentence, butý matie a precipitato exil fronthlim court-room, sud, w-as lest, inlu ots than a minute,. in th, de- partiug crow&; 1 strolleti over te l9. officeocf thduo m- miséonor cf Jurons, suad. d beaifo gieus of oeing Knot' sanem *«Y OùnManl- ly oxpungeti frein his lista;4 and 1ams quit. suire that, lu *hatevor ober eapteiîy my beo mua>'have.sinco bSe calledi upon te. serve hais countr y, ho bas neyer,,Ignropd a second lime as a IlGentleman u tise Jury,', Popular Error.., STS isG IOW,"--tones do net grew-i il is:oni>' inimnimis sud vegetl*le. Ihiat eau bo saiti te grow. Tise greàtdiîahtfction ba- tweon tise mineraIl kingtiom sud tise va.' getable anti animal in thal the objecta whioh il contains cenot w-leu once fermeti Incroase lu ia, bY-lime ageacy of an>' prin. cîphe conlaned W-itEm tisemaelves; fresua tieposilions mn> ay t. pinots, sud thieofeo, itere àtlesw-as net forerenit u1k i>' ho' faunti u th1e proesaIday ;but Ibis is net1 growlb. As w-al migist à hb- mid tisat shillings grow wlhen l hei addition of oones tiaitummbtifla ineraase Tise destis-w-iebh, w-baie tickiuk bus alîmrnmed se man>' tw a sunali bannIes. bea-, deti whidi lives in w-ails anti net boiug en- tied w-ith lte power of ntterng ounda, announces ils situation ta tti maté b>' ils nais>' laps. I Bodles flent as ireon as fis gialè breaksa." Tise -cause of a body rising lu tise w-atcr is net fromeisl. breaking e a gail, bit li cou- sequonce a! tEe bati> becoming ligiber tin1 w-mter freintise gemcralion o! air-as putro. faction procetis;_and a bodiy wil h ier.., fore fient iooner lut w-urust in luetld Tise Pelihan fecding ils yonng with its ow-u blood-is allen noticeti as an instanco of pirent»l affection; this is a fable but probubi>' arase fromu a casual sightl of tise White Pt-ican, w-ite on its nesi. 1h. beau-. tiful crituson tip of ils bill, pressei against ils doicate w-ita brmts appearisig, isaa spiit of bleeti. ~Mani bas ont -rnb lesounctiaé da<ýs iden simouiti fer se great s& Ietigth ef time have helti poPseaniu dbliè m indof mauy. BoCh man sud w-onuhave oeuh12 ribs -, seveu truc, vhicis are fixeti te tbe brenat-bone as w-cii as 1,o tisa bati-bone, anti fiefalse nibs w-hidi amrentel> flied te lise buck. À A lraimmis cil'sed wibis a abém1fS thd inicroseepo Ibat flrsi. showê-tubinsliving thna aongst thetrregetablç-s cf hs food lte spirite!olimeeliraismansti111 1W.. lu chrisbeudem 1-The' bad principles of our cnature ara et bcuuded b>' eiuteor climate anmoaruaime ill tçc, b tonal w-luIf not j-Arrivai oir the Amàblt. (N hitho xnmrtous gave illfe. bhit in a bill te linUdelPartis omi t the ord- n tr b " tion, andtherebyto adin Thse crenshcdc Ç opr$- 1i Ihuntiag exploita ilur 11-iAIuow bnsu"lis a c: somas vio hone couceits andi e fiaçios cf Ihéli peron sid, 64 a sadder -trullu 41 have 1iost a tis.I bise easoi wustmat lise>' Witk calm Prlated wordo, great tlsoughts and unaidI.ustry, wc aulvocat-'> leoProgre. Kuowlâdge, IUtbiiwbood VOL. 1._ WllITfl4YI,-ci .1 U b XJJE 1857à,O.20 Tho mext day Kraut w-s rag &wu ou tise jury but 1 cscaped. -TisaI-juîry'w-as eut lave heurs, anti thon cine in, rcpertins limat tise>' sood eveà te cno aud couîti agrai. T4rme w-as no difflculty-iîn identi- having bis revengo. Sa, toe, turing lise enira weei. Every jury tri wbich titis wothiy onen> o! tise ai-iutocrncy figureti w-us sure te disngree, or cite Kraut 'vosmît coe in ns foreznu, ivitia flying colons, anti announcotise verdict with an air o! triumph, w-imih disciosedth ie dragooning procese 'mmi, lu tisaretiromeul e!tise jmry.reomu,-ha had subjecteti hi. cheveu cemrades. 1 w-as net partioulanly, serry w-bon h. revohviîng whieel once "muea-tmrned Olt Kruansd myscuf bogether. -W. took thse sanme chairs in misicis w- ad been neigh. bers before, but Ibere w-as a soùrnesit about Ksmut's expressionw-biche gavelton 'of ratier iinucigisborly feeling, anti I thonigt 1 *detoctati syptems of unticipated. cous- quest lurking lu evem!y feature of bis broat face. Wliu t Ihs trialw-m about 1 eaunet pro cisely rocolleol. Il w-as a commercial Case, sud thora w-as a gréait deul cf evidcnce1, about invoicea, bis o! lainng tew-agc ou dock 'or nader dock, anti aImer najIatical ialtea's as to alt Iriicis it-was nve>' dea tisaI Kauî w-as imamednfely enlvelôpictinl tie dtmset sort of fog; and, verjoaered by lthe oenbined affem 'of? i tgmion- sud Fromu liaI nigist Kraut ovidently regard- ced mua wiblirespect; , ud saiw-e chancti to a'it every day on the samet cause, w-enld doublas have exisibibed more diacrotion -than valar in oppasin- mu> opinions. But w-e w-et a brougisi. togeblier agman tntil the last day of tEe Terni. On tian day a cause w-as calletinluw-hich eue o! eut leati- iug Insuranco Cempaîues w-as tifendant. Tise pliinîiff w-as a retail diealer soiuewhitre in Chd Px5at5ry or isatisantStreet, amid!hati bte.nhemoeut wits a totl las, o!fmiii bis stock, bookst, sud fixtures. The lire hati matie a clean 5w-cep. Ile hati a policy o! insuralîce fer souje two "or thec theausauti dollars, anti he chaimati -to rcever lte -il Scie cci 'ccc- ccccc.t iag5s fi I t "ttlc\. c-c c t I cîcîsc~~ t ici titi7 I c c' -jciii~i "liii cccii- tiiiting ~ lu-. atc4 i t.nt c- c ctiy ici-c I tct lit,. - c-t~tIt~ lc -'--~ i, iHi c ccitt mît - i-c' Cciii, i ci iiicc c ~ I c 'ttc ticct~'5 ci c-cit lic tic - t -c I titi' - t- cite- * - t ~-' c t-~ i~citI ttcltc~t i-I--c c cccl crut c- -- - Xt-~ic tcciiy - c - - c - c icictin c ci- -,ttic- - t c 'c' H itcci4, hic titi tttcitcicct c-c - ' - c Ici c c t ~iIccccc c ccci 'c ci titi-C Ut- cicr'. lic t-ci i , c.c cciii ci tI~ w ~tcc ccl-. t-cc -w-iole sexmut. Krant sund I once nioe 1 bock tiseotd seuls-Chia ime w-ibis veryi friendi>' greetiugs. HIe leoketi upon meuas, Imice lis conqueror-onco b>' stnuttagem anti once by biockadc-and bis salutation. cW-asl ver>' defenubtl. 1<db tishat 1 ceulti afferdt tebcecivil,' andti tisaI muis. make, hlm a <ueful al>', in case cf a tient oinl tic jury ounte impemdiug trial. Tto casa proceded, anti tise laintiff diatcoscti a ver>' plain statuef ai fts.Thefa bat been a fite, andhe halt mIeYèry bhimnanti proveti his losle a pènny, lis principal Nvitnou w-as 111e niaIert, w-ho mad boom th w-omnu-of-al-wetit in the ocer, anti w-ho iras as indçâ4igble at wearnugas,-,6e could ever have leacut sorubbing or. sw-cepiug. Tise compuas> matie a faint aI- tonept l-prove sine fruud in thie imiatlor, but ttail kounnall»madtl sféaliprogposa, anti giid tà SymPAtcyý wuthecournt on Jdsf xo theé besttmùoùsy w-as eocsing, the plaintiff's law-yer rocsllad tUeo mothar'ta 4înéaehngome Icase, Item of evidétuco- ýShemidcthe deeIred explanation, aud w-as hîabcqtltItig'cbthe stamld when me Kft, mise ~had b4eus novlimg unéaly in-'bin chair,' eiddcnly darteti a sidelook ut the w-omaus -rm',üderiuat i -brigtt g ayobrowu, ýsti-i15teprisint4 o ut thse ~:'ysnou ffd yomr son set Oti oe i;ew Yorkç, Mi'y £8th 1857j TnonCeatnship ilAvabÉmiý *lich léi Liverpool efixuet 2. dcIeck; ptuâ., ou Satuifr. day the lOth, arrive d hlîeê Atutel'c1o tîsis aflerneoul, Thê steîartW& FultonaWrved aut tt' amptdn on tise 9*nintg Oftîhe 14tdb 1%, e 0towsnship 'Vgf .tm1 Alt aft d.a 4i ueà on Fiiday ths5 1ËtÜý lTII6 crew untor EdiziburghMIilfés Grecudekon the foreooul of Fridzy i4à The ü. È. frigate Niagara arrived on thi 13dbL orp»elon the9tu Itb l'ho Liverpool Cottom n arkt advanCOtl' fuili 8d1 ' reçit f ,adietfrein thd United States hy- th Aas, but Marccbev tef #e# tâiïtg :reoXs t o the provw; ment of tieelin g mduàjlhy dedibd, t4h arket cicsequiet aIat o eÎýÀ * higboeÈihuieajsMnbsW i» Whleat 1b.d i eeu rmbl f f tee a the, Uïerpoolmarket, ansiqutoatlons Tari' oualy catifroinunchangeý.tQ 64 Iower. -Floué, aftaean adyanco cdtoela PW bai'rel, had recoed antd uý«ed dui at bar. ly M wooiim's quotatloý Indian O0*« cloRed <ligft sand steady ;jred weat 8# S8d te Os 2d for 1.0lIbn; whsite, 88.64 te 98 Id i. western canal fleur, nomnânaly, 29gbs o M per bit; Baltimore, 24*Od teSOMOGd; tiX tri Ohio, 319alo I329 -- ýed corn, 84s'Od, te 385s; yellow, 8151 it9d ;.*bie, #74 to4S; The weatheit md-boon csl and dry; ,but a uisundet sstem on tise 'isti b.d brought a change fr em botter. 1Ileef lu vcroq u iled demnd, ai. previon ratai. Petit duli. Bacon W .od in moderato. quanlities mnt a litho mi1ýdcr . bt wek'* pniceL. Lard contiued quiet Àt 658 a OOL- -Ammxricama -stocks inactive, witn ahangeMoney althmîgh unch8Ligedi tCPd& ing lewài'd-greater case. c Tise'stock et bullion in! tht. Bank 'cf uemg- landi led iuîcreed $249;àOO. Thea spf.ng fuir oi islunow O'rt and bas net been m gooki us was anticipa; te, Tise quurstity of çloth taiton b thd fair was 2e0O0 jicces <f ail quilities, mamd about 100,010 of thels *era aold. Collern. and deui-woolen fabrios,1whicb ut previciuÉ fuirawerc indi d ~rthe, Amnericaci colonise aand ff ôldxmta and Wa1Iahimt -wero neglecteti. Fabrios sund Thibet sud merise wool were. in dcmand sud rose MO a 50e per eeU. Priuted caiooes dedliniud largeiy, a1se fabrics of gont's bufr and baregos; printeti wetlflêis, rose »frôin10Ote 15 par ML ansd-wera,,ndvertheles, Almmo ail bosght i. ufr Russi,àsud Toand.- Slits were neglected; pa rtly on aecount of tisoirdear nes s ad alo nlaeewtf üw absunce of Ansarieau R Ma chiMnbuyersi lu the1British Ilthm, ofPa&iiaimni tIu bhalboise intense lutercât. Thé dwUuuiol on tisa opium truffec toÃ"k plaS inlà tisE 'goume of Lords. In lte ileubeoOf Cc GISlLord P*Ir4

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