r I -'t- r'- - ~Ig. "~ SRl TREEM', wnliT',' - toî oor ho thoe attr U 515OV' ÂtI IX*TO-1 ' lem al fiidn,.............. :.2t 6 (d. ibý rt disociint aloted Le Mercialîte And Éveitiigby the ymà r. iulépc han eîrody atit ttiiincl*dulâou (truIybe-sides binigrad b yetlrbu- mlluWhtby and a intaboIe ~iu inieclittai oecl4 s ie seetrdh l,îl AIt wilous veeims or thlu1ewollof tc *Wiii please lemno itinte lu Ioiadtlg thli es wo de» 'ýVh tbý, C. W BOOK AND JOS .pjNTNG STABIBUX19NT. shhlem styles f TJiëWotnsNew York inîtddi- Sierf5-,sd arepreparvd Luext4ente ~~~n airtienilsdguarato l twrk ae 111.8i 5 stperlor style aIthe. lowtrs mancratillkirprice'k.1 iii rpta hg ave purci"satione cf RrtCGLES' 0AJRD 3JflESS.ES!1 ,4jch cutables t1ieiii teqtuiipout car4d Cr *¶a.lu~ftYyepedtl0Smalnc TheNhae l , ewhichlbelng bligli et çry low M~ tniz ce ettu1hl the lowest 0 m4 i herteet ah. Mx, O()Y0FTIUE (COUJNTY & SUROGATE cu'ts- 011oe tthie CourtIlions.. S E>IIFF. W*OFFICe ÂTTUIECOURT N HAN UMPIERRY, rs RIIIA R. OFIFWE OUN IROL'K ST., FIR OF TlI1j PACE.OFFICE-AT ci thle Cutles johN V. JIAM, - 1I EIIK OF TUE COUXTI tCOURIT, ANI .JLagiatrsr icf the. urrogute Court. OlilS, t th kegwîmrv Offece, lircek Street.1 W. PAXTON, Jr», !~kAî4L'RER. OFIiICE ATrTUE CIYuIit h.J'. -X--MAVDO--"NE-LL, SOLICITOR, & CIJRK 4OF TILE COUNTY sCulrieiI le. eut the Courtfliouse.i JOHN 8HIER, C UNTY ENGENZF.R OFFICE AT TUIE 1o linse.. L.- FAUW134N1ý8, (1 ERRiRTDII11QNCOUT.OFFICE >Mà teCourtI leuse 1 W. IL TREMAINE, B AtRRI FER. OFFICT-IN AN'I' B e i'kRokISerdFer J. V. HAMl, B StetWii4t : Ol C. W. ,.B. FAIRBANKS, 0IasC. 1W. '2 JIAIRITII.XI AlfjPOE-AT-tA'W. Offile-o-cer the. Store of J. lkelc, Esq, oppoit th. Slgistry 0fjLce, Iiroek St. ' 31 hwtr'~ t 't' ~ -h: ,',: ~ 1~ .~tt 7j~;~~Iii 'flti'1~- il I - ' 0'0? 8. 'se ire ivooste Fee,- prro, VOL.,1 WIIITBY, C.W., TIIIURSDAYi JIJNE1,.87.NO21 Sing &br 9,, QREENBANK MFV ý TA4LOU, JIlocxC$mEE, BU11LDER, *ir% &,a,, GREEN STREET, Whithy, C. ' A. C. NIÉlON ATzIt L.,%1ElR,)AN!) PAPEJI- flanjier. i'alite, VUS., Glass, Puttv. Pa- po-1tçufor &1 Duttt$Lee, httbY D N NA S~RJOR MA'NN'ER AT, Janc tlt',Coîherne Street, nearly Je C.,STIERLING, A UCTIONBEli. A DUPLICATE BOOK< of slr. SeligAijtion Sales, h ld.pt ai t1là l office. AIl ordùm skif autthe Ohroai133Offlce wulI beattert4cd to wiîb the strietee i punctuali- tv'. l)ey cf Sales ilxed ou. Rcilence-Ccntre .4trebt, ùecar tii. Coutr lI ouse, Whitby. (1ORNE4 ritoFRONT AIND GEOR1GE Gonxd Aeeotuxnosimtion. i MAIN ST11RET.MARK11AMcl. W. GOOP LEONA-IRIS OTEL, KING STREET, OSHJAWA, C. W. (COOD RAILROAD 1ISOTEL, D IOWNING, 1411h)l'llIETtR, -111101K ST. 1 Wlilttv. Gcod silittg abid attentive os- ONTMILIO JIOTEL, BRlY?.N jr., PII()IRIETUR, BR<)CK lt*isle Ostler3.tatling and ttDon- NATIONAL ITOTEL, DOTT IIITIIY. EDNVAT{I 'RAY, PRO- ITtriŽnr. Fîrt chas aee,îlnmuodatioll nt the s1bîve liotl. RIlUwao' travellers m,111 Sud ih a cienveniclît and 12bttbeItuc iFUANKLIN UOUSE. LiDÂ,C. W. B . J Eîw~'r MRIII IR.COMFOR- WYATT'8 JIOTEL, iATE SCRtJIT('RE'S, WHIiTWY. T Il E 4~s"5T4ge tu.e1nnNotl,.'F44 t; nd XWest hro 6~itby tp aithis leptel. Eseer -infrmuatiouî gite toîtte~e er. Careful Ostlcrsutlways lu t ti 'tâaîe. ni ni gi ILI m Cf B DA1RISTER 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW, I>Solicitor n u hiancery, Notary 1Pubic, Cseaun,&C, Wlatby, C . . 1 _CAMERON & MAAIDONELL, t ATOfliSAT LAW? S2tomthecu iuuU' e-f hm1WutlJ,44.' OWQt £0N\FEYANCER, &~,MA2ifJLUE8TER, Dr. R. W. CLAiÂt, - cSRRuo* ;A-CCotcimltJs, Jr fotr the COuIlvOfuoita. - 1)ESII)ENCR, BROCK STREET, TOWN~<i itay, couty f omtr*o., i tnbet, over J. Bigelow's Store And eppeits C eety Mu.AlopLçttiin tm nt¶d. Aos' W. MOR4N, RECIIT4TCIVM È~NGINMElAN M âtte igetWitby. 1-1). P1<.VWYATT,.Propnieter.] NORTITAMIERICAN HOTEIL. POUi nul-.P - 011 OIN IAD, PRI'EETOlS TAKES TIS meho uottlf tuf-naisse]lis frit-udts ad the- Ptiblie eîîerail ' , tînit b-ae îrn uuedbî,si- ses-s ii'the laai v'preiîtis-eesie s t.ts tht Ã16l mode otf1 't b1t.,iitçsp, and auttiti <tto lit gtit, uit ttnc-it :t 3iat3e cf 1,auie ptatronltge.Il PORT I>ER]V.STE'MBOAT IIOTEL, b 1, ite that t1iýle i ha fitted ap the uità able luitr.'t-i ll-aîi tue t'ravellingL tonucouulty il l fSud i iievery respect a oin- fottab,i hiiie. Gocd &aubliîg sudaist toiitis's )stler.4-Ouit "fflJVOOD HOTEL-- ferpis t-he ý'publIc, fLit - biemhaittken thme 'hsqwluonloisle'licih. 1tstl sltered adl ove sa eit the Publie couvenience.- Rwtladlt iqîtorg cuill ce t e liarpasseti b oodgio 1]4X-D18 JOTELI K ING STRcEET WT, TORONTO. THE aboie Flirit Clit tel, sitaated one min- boat Laudinq, lia becnrtmfltted with New Fur- nltuite, Catpoéted' auR <l-P>altea. Thté ýSeet fg sibuasa i on lbah>'o ti rrylfta T JýEd Igs leinform its' fiçuda Iîi'i=Ulilè,tlsthe e nqw ip pepae fle'iove Iy.te tt1abuene sZO Mridh v ý1 h Cieo~Lquors, . Wit.,q nd Bts icaiu RN Ù ~ A Assi., i pmsea aie ~1- i Thereia 1no Desrth ai Kiadue.,. Tier'e ne dearto iaikndnes., in ttis vend et onts; OnIy lu aur bluduesa, W. gather thoia for f-oveft1 . taidv rasaung- Trantpin ue astothor I WWle ve areclut>, yearuismg With te sane orfIl rutber C There's no .learîh et kinduess, Or love amueuf mauklnd, RUt iu darkliiiglonoeiees Tlooded huarts grow iblinti1 Ful cf kindues, tlngliug, Seul is abat frein soul, Wlieu thîcy inigi b. ingling, Iu eue kindIred whole! Ther'i ne deurili cf kiaduesa, Tho' it be unspoken, Front the heurt it buildelh, Rainbowv--iic6.nlutoten- That there Le noue se lowly, But Lave sonie sngeî-toneh Yet rsring loves uhoiy. W. live for self toc nînchi1 Tlierci qno Icartht of kinduess, lu titis wcrld et ours, Oul nIv u onblinduess, lts- gather tborus for flotrers, And if nmen trili rauker Evs'r, for golden dust, Riîtgliest hItets ili caiker, BIiigljtîest Spirits tost! A.s te wild ruse bîoweth- As usa the hasppy river- Eîliduesq ft'eely flowcthî lu the hesni f,,rever, Anitîmil God's beit givng- Fuiling froin aLove'. Life, trere not worth living Weru itnut fur loe1 Golden cîrris, waving caris Frîde sud bertutjy of the girls1 Flostilig o'er a fild cf Menow, Like the ringiets of th e ont, ,iit1cr goldeiu chriot lerne, Whenite swollen Sun ruts low. kiktît carIs, *lessî' carIs. Faire-t ernunieùu f gicla Ntture's royal gift spîendedl To the royal gif ttian- Lending sîa lrîn icter thtcn Art but ever yet pretecnded. Flonting curie, dancing eurIe, I'onthfitfl hîroeece cf girls 1 Wretitlitig- usâden u veline5s Whith atn artîilatie-eîîaruti, Eilecaics Itidtsnî Wirs.g desire or lowsaddress. Gracefil cunds Greelau curie, Clessie iagery of girls 1 Yicldinig tu Lb. genîle trearer Matgiebreatb sucli as grîeed Fait Lige&, Disu chaste, Or lsen!e, whoun noue wu fs tnr. DO MountaisGrow. M. De Beaumoent, aneminent -gealogist; hi! attempted toa seqount fr th. existence cf mountin ranges sud peaksasd other1 notable irr.gulsrities af tii.earth'asurIass be supposing that: these are thsieSatâ of certain gr.at snd -violent convulsians inl the.iîiteriüof aur globe; which, ,rending the. crust, eaused, at *various tiues, thuh dIffmo~t -changes; lie, ,upit" a thaf4ai the. Chainsthrown -up 1by ne rero1ution,ý or at ôcre ime, srêinanà y partel; hé tlst>croathe" esi ng the eeaut ai so me believes that these parozysmai mevemesis tha ýve eUniMed ,%allirregalr pefd ÃŽ 6Mý ahitks Jtht tii.- Aies oftSouth, *etita are the result of the lsOt iets-sÊasisa tatioui o idev oem judglng it'nof unlikely, M1 he Sans tl.eï,t1istthenf. taaièuu u,ýpbkaViag c1'uè1ei enortnut- -per4ep a4iz , lie ý thinkU Ib-the s *tous tmaffice omld.t Lhave bésbâ jiodîmeâd by-thekio o e ý&où,à al arguu ea e Réi or- p&WIer sud nacre gtkdtitUy'acting el. iliut;cr agent foranmud Lbèfiim!cause.' Ofthe Lt.ttiofM),. guýM' s tér We"e wiffnet ljrésUm.e: te jUiige, prefenairsg 1 devil it ia flotfor us ta, pierce the -mystory buta mko ii.béa o it Lf iaiot-pro bahîs, madm-we addreaa ounselves ta the lady presldiig t lier tea-table--tiat tens Of thousnanidg'-cfChinose' may b. killedp murdered watue mare teling wordtby Clio- qçiplined English soldim nssd saflor% thoir ma sud -brethren, ý -ev'ertheless. This mûust be donc thatlyà u xnaY atill drink ha- hea. md sacnidered docas ot ,the,. tes Po) Pour, forth, blaod,2 And tbat which ,was woht ta b. ab fragrant "teMing tram the cap's *hat is, it but the' cantazuîusting tiînt ô f bodies ifesten9 on thO batte fieid. Tea that pliiiosophers and inoralista snd peets have prached and prayeci and sung 4s that, moet 'bland most soothing plant at once softning and warzing the heart af mnan and ninking' balmy, the- doaestc ut- 1 ýýl ýALBRUTÃŽ-0ipaimr- ý. f 1 Mfichael,ane aI te Axorèa. It fonmed a elghty years, fro6n a hllock' butsa Ie feet crater a mile, iu circumiornce' sud about higiier Liai thLieurroundp pant 800 foot high. Alil these mountaina disap- Peak 8200Oi'St in hoigian& ls .1W greta. Ier aftrag ter or less ime, ne tfeicnet. çitu" e vti~'hneg occuh d dt~pa here le, imlbtunstel,toawlt e .a-'peà 1"4~ hcW Éïu&phe Mîi3rýà twk ocrd bi>y eow3tüess.a Lthe Convulsion lu regarded by tée yca of science, mach o1S whicie Ie s1819 auk originsteti. hoi intertutoonnected' with their, sppearm e torycutit i*Maot thé,residèta (sud sud disappeairance la, of course, lest ta us. ýwhich tie elder.ef the»steired tran their Sautarini, or Tiiera, u anlad oS tue Gré- ,parents, wa âttneès.d t'hte catasroheai cran archipolaga, laheebn st different imes ts:Thon. 'WXJý nîa ie it h rs the. accu. af most remarkable volcic ont lsalcat, an oxtinct Yolcalioï ehleLi phenomeus. Pliny-states that Santonini Santa! Anm Stretehlug' awà a irons 1titis itsîf aras. frm the ses. ILbas the shape wu a fertile plahm, at tbst'tiroscti oI a horse-shoeansd ii the bà y formed by <m.Toawwl lt close oi, 1769, the 1la-r ILs prjectlng points there arase, about the barons on this ostate wem alanmod by sub- year 200> n. er., anit land several utiles lu ternanean noises sud sealic eî fearthqsrakes.- circuinferenre. To this wus added, .t Thee contintied, with la os'ed violeênce, 1573, seother amafler ilIe. Bath romain tÙl iho 28r&,of Ëebruary ýoio wi, i te this day,'as barren volcanic rocks. Be- with aaf.arillrepen4thet earth' opened Lwecn the twe, an t"i.ntîning of May 23, about hallsa mile tm the hoeieuidesdo-el- 1707, appeared la thirdisI/nd. 0f tLe cdr- lin an sd gré#eat ises-,of lava, atones, sud cumatances atteding th/ tise sud growth ashes were cSectci. Theo shortly Iomued of tItis, a curion acaynt is gice jentth. a cane about the vont, or craten, vhîch lias work cf a Jesuit traveler, priutcd ini 1730, steaeily incneased sice, sud la yet annual . " Voyages d'un Missianaire de la Coînpag- ly added te by the. masses of atones and nie de Jesus, en Turquie, en Perse, en Ar- ashes which aM, day snd night, ejeced utenie, en Arabie, et e Barbarie" froni the asountain. An carthquake preceded te birth of this Dr. Moritz Wagner vas the finit Eu- islaed. It la wittce: 'Some niliers repean te make Cm 1855) a pensalnal visit standing ou tho shore" (of Santorni, t"sec- La Izaico, snd ta huni we are indebted tor ing soiethieg strange, which aeemed t e 13oely sceount of its présent appoarance, qeat upon tii. vater, thenghît it ta Le te as weIl as for some interesting particulans vreck of sorte veslel. lenttie hope gaining of iLs past hilstory, obtainod tram saute of a pria. they aprang- to their boats, sud the more ancieut cf Lhe residents oI the. pullcd oward iL. liti ndiîtg IL te Le but ncighbonhoad. OneoaI heseborailu1789 a mass of cartb sud rocks they grew scared, -the, year before Izalco it$elf came inta sud paîled back te Santorini" Others, te world-remembered iL, -viien ho, as s holder than their camnpà nion!s, scramubîed lad, used ta visit iL. At that tini ILUva upon the. rocks. Theo sw eveny viier. hilleek of lois tli 500f> eLlun height, th'o vhite, plastic atones, te which cîuug gpont craten or mouLuh being vcry mmcii more ex. quantities et or.sters. With these the ad- tenie thau nov. ' r There hava, been since veuturous viqitera trere filling Iteir bonIs, 1780 Lhnee great..onîptions, afterea"hoa viien tlîey bItt hicrocks to shako hecath twhich, iL la saidthe i.moantain vas eh- their feet, and, teirom sti'icken, fled te the senved tLe have materialhy increased iu cir- main island. The shaking i-as but th. cuaiference and altitude.,Tii. ast ofîthese motion of the iâland as it grew in circni- enuptions occurrod in 1802. Vast "uati- ference sud altitude, In -a very 1ev <da." tics oq'f ialis von.thiovu eut, sud eovered it had attaieed ae elevation of 20 fueL, sud the arnounding country ta Use distance oI a diameter cf over.50 fet; In the begiri four leagues tram Lthe mountalu. Sa thiek- ning af Juno IL was 30 feet high, and 500 Iy-as the ground sovu vith Lies., that IL lu circuanference. vas live yeà ru before the flelds couid ho Meaut.imo rocks cf varmonsaizes continu- again used for purposea of agriculture.- ed toaspîtear and disappear ai distances The explosions wve.sa heavy as te ahako gpeater or legs frout the nov island. T1he thLie lieuses lunLiie nei, gboinrg village, of Sms near toy tlt t~s~e stfflgfiîlth Izsico sud Sousonate. saîphur. Tiie vater was of neanly hoiling Sinco thon te peak bas gone ou lu tii. heat near the islaud. lits shorca twrn cov- even tenon cf iLs 'way, ejecting, mafnly, ered vithi dead flsh. Finatly, an Jrîly 16, ashes sud occealioual masses cf atoansd, near sanset, a range <ýf eighieen black, rocks by niglît, iting up Lie surroundimsg appeared lu a part aI tIse iay viiere thie country Lo suci su exteut titat the-natives ses wus lutheroe nfathamatîle. These have, iconséquence, called itl,- El Faré sooaU nited, sud Lthe islaud Lins forxued del San Saivaden"--"Tie Ligit-house aI ,was, ln s few days, býv means oet ather SacnSaiadan risc of Lie land le tii. itîterveztlmg space, An Qwiiuence, eallod Lie Cerne,(iltna, connected vittho fira. closely adjoins Lie Isalco, Lh. base-ou oe liuiherta Lie volcaeic piienomna, wenç seetleog that ef tii. otierl, *Inthout su in- utilti in LiXir cihaactr; nowy, however tenmediate p lan Thç abt>upËt sides 'ofthe thiey sumedi a marc vicient fanm. 1rom CernaChisea#q, tiickiy ,studded 'w ith the. hast addition fiery empIlonQs hegan ta vegetaien, wvile Lie iaciad ubar. appear. SnIpiiuroui suais-e madee Lhç air reu, dneary relief aà gainat tii. sky, a mass evon cf neîghhenig 'Sa ntonii almoat fun- olsacoerdhéré à nd-thero by acctân- teanahle. FrghLfutiuutidensshatteredio ti attiMs, sd irovn l ts, a windows sud Lhrew_.'down tii. housaa rerihLiie rais A feir uiail phut,, te n-m aIsan.I. uy'170S, thé- - - vitichli find--spare nouiliment lu Lb. op oflSantorini apprached thxe; sland, tqeoicès. -ig ay S tDP Liteep Bide lies ine tclsl.-lie Sùand the vater of a huge muass aI of-Mrp4jrte r7g. Lie ses se bajLapid 5tI > Istan sd vapor wihn mu o&Sutalenniasses cf arising fromn theii lirocks se:iim- the. sanie atoneare mt e t Varions pas,-f pnegpatodU4,ii "llhtr ste. debar-~z tueascet. s-cîua lndig. is xi nscu ed wl#t <ii.eýpaaons ,moet >Tall, ha~p~ bAL little di&tai.e. Kesmsshorp, bsst ifoud noat intervalg ofainuston tafift4epniu4s .bottoîi,vitIsh, In efstqua in.4 f ôorertiso, idedthey *Piç pac Tiehs~pudg<~ti e ialau tMils tinw with great a.rtainty',and,ït reuà a- iter.- taeQ M~t -~4hiiglx,,tAd fire mies'ivcfrs vak s. kW&&mguel &sfvoretUi' bts a aziimep,Smwpu*, .gaaj smd voIoaiq i mtby u -rst.tectéa èetstl4 isU t cra~ro!$i-iau4~Uthysr-.7, wh mat preav*i1 ipon, thias, ,ativeesU>i 5e-- ail~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e üd lh i iit 4ls~ uo~- ou îsi4 blartier thdithakbmfoIt bd#' a-'00 basdew*i, boownm ma uaihe ý ý acbý ET? Mt$ üzi- 'W4th catm.,Prntted wordo, great thoughts sud tiingIn ndustryp "ox. The Chiacie C7Ashe Froni DouglIas Jerrold'a Lno Magazine.' The tes shrub-as prepar.ifor the. Eng. lah, rket-mPY yet requir. the'irriga- tion of sens af blood. Who, 9ballc=lcu- late haw many thousando of living men shae b. raincd to corpsos, to securo -the British- fireside the cap hhat tinpoetically said ta eheer but, not inèbriate ? I bas -Pleassd 1Prcivdefice to'make China the apecisi gÉardon for the, growtb of tes- a blessigg sbounding trans the esrth for ,theomfort, snd health, and happiness of inankinid. And it hliasfutther -pleased, Provldonce that ,tis, garden sh ould ho. in- vested wità ,noehuadreds of millions %of wild besat men,; or at lcast of wild orea- tures *ith but fcw of the feellngS"ecn cf tii. instinctg of humnýity in conanon with the. human family. The tea shrub' is , In truth. tiie innocent flower; but the China- man in with cqezl truth tic serpent under ItL China has remaincd rrom the first sel- fishly spart frara the rest of tihe world- China liolds ont as much of the hand as may sufilee ta recive the mnoney of te na- tions ; but China wiIl neither receive nor give the. grasp of brothierhoad. In the selfishness, the. cunning, and' the cruelty of the Chines, have tii.y built a, Chinesc wall round their hearts that isolates them trotm the onter wùrlclIn l their owu treuch- cr7, their owu cru 'elty aud couceit ail the rest of mankind, are barbarisus. W. must even l>ow ta the -dispensation; nevertbe- less, In aur iruperfeet knowledge we cannot but lament that the tes shrub would have tlourished where muan would secîin con tinu- ally blighted. As for the stùries cf the oid, French philosaphers, atonies as bnight and as pretty as the' patterns of Chinoe vases, and just as 'hollow as the veceis, w.' have ini théý bloodih"rtiness aud tréacbery -of the -present liaur'tii. di- roat and grimmoat comment on the. philoso- phy and civilization of a people incapable, as it would seeni, cf general 8ympathy ïith the race of m'an. %faa new, testimony ueedcd ta the in- nato treachery, the -inbôru cruelty of -the- Chines; -i t in supplied by thedcvilish'do- inga sof the Chines. At SaraýwaL J1appily, t'iese mionsteraý met with tii. fittiug lier- cales. happily, there was a man with a cool brain, sud a lian-like heart; sd af- ter the l>niefeat tinïe tor order ofýatack' Sir, James Brooks came d'wnupoxi :hWe miscreants 11ke. an.'av çnging imiiteorf justc,,and awoptthem froat the erth they made aêursed by their cruelty1anîl avânie For what they dîd tey did inii he 'lus«Q1i gain; hei éï of, bodwas no eFaZ=eoc eçulâtiouý: xidnight mur- der, wu tbeir red' -hand-maiden.to hoped for profit' y er trible, 'very Aw-fnl la tii. summing up of Nç'me s iýl tePersazi df Sir JLames 1rooks, "Out Of,* Popula- tion of.from 4,OW, to 50,Onot-mornif thas 2,00ehiave escaped, and half tuis ùiu1ber la -cônlj>cwed - of, Womil and chilifrn2 riiý every p f th .Chinese mn-ticr was shiot down;untWl 1 but externuxsw- tipi aItii.e race was:2efrocted. Only a fewi alvery liw eseapé&;an& Ithey May Étt.aï gle back, ï lay Lbaply bc permittéd ta remaiii *jj1th th ,watehfsl eyeo f 'publie r 68ety coritin"1Y Upqn thomnL r ,Ald w. isMt theso O es.-mein «44 Orn Lb. resding af anc of »the petitio nsc respectingLte ceeduct oi Mn. flankin- Tie Speaker, ssid that tuis petitian dmc net canla-in any apecific changé, but, oui> ge nersi accusations, and dmes ot prsy.Ior ar.ydoUit. action of the Hlons. againat Lie meniber'for-Bsez. I do -not 'thiuk, tiierefoe, that tiie petîtian ought taoIfs rédciveti. T411W REÀADIOS. - -Tise -falowine bila v ere nesd aLhà d time, sdpso: -For improviug, Lii, orga"4ization anmd lu- crnaing Lie efficîipcy ai Lic Civil Servi ce. .Toreuieye daubtese th -Lhelava ilfrce inCaxida'regpecting landls hcld in frèe sdcnmnsaccge. -ý Toutianize the establishmient of1 ,aias 'of-Boundany Compmisionen lun Upper Cas- adIL - . ,Ta amend ai t therelui mentemsed, go as ta better provide for Lie aecurity of iâ s onboard cf à tuuaauvessels. -Ta amend the 6ws relating tt he rga- isaton of AgrieltmfralSoceoties lu towen To aieud u set luleit "Ans ct te nuake botter provisions ion gsuLin tvn ruesplierc,~why tes cariaidored by te lu- rid ligua of Lthe van tona i. eupas ai viiose shadov la deatit. For tto IL mugt bc, madaru if tes you will still purchas. lu the Chînese utarkêt; lites yoa vihI tiilj deal for-wiih akanýeyed mandarins. Are Yeu thon prepaned ta forega war smasiing your les-pot on tic lionrth, -,s a pence offernug putting np vwith cofie fonrte rtaI of yourntural 11e? And for silk, madam ; Lhe aiîk you will vear, te yoan quick, your siimdderleg iu-, agination nmst bc drenchedtith bloati; muist bc spue tram hamac nerve;, and net Item cococes ; for Luis silk eau only be. bargained for by word af csan'a mmlit: La perchas. tItis ailk luineuduring ponce, believe IL, nmauy, veny niany tiomgasof Chines. vill manare Liie ground for Ltie muubemn-pîsnts. Ta bc sure, China dccc -net give us. al aur silk: but close the. Chi- nes. market and hov mmcli vil i lJk b enhanced.? Titerefore, vo ayon.e or tva, t hmgs, alone romain taeius. Zither g-e Up te tea-pot, or, for a season, tae51iîtvi'h- .what va ýuut need oouidr-Ciese bloc& . An_1d yet litLs avenretiý by credubie mec tt.wt ve rigit avoid eiiher alternative ; Iar w. niitgncv- aurawntes. Are there et Hie liaayaas? For- aurselves, -vo ,-sbould tiink iL a noble revenge upan the Chines. à ba be itleavoLe eChinèsé ta tht.mselves. Th Abe u, W nercent miasionaies aIn China as- earry. as thie niutm century. W.icorifess that*é, d6 ot' se vrïcer lrLrôugh Chines. logscf thei uisl~xty but, granting Li4>;m'uaLiof Lie abbe'savermnt, iLsays but '-t ittle fôn Lihe procressof nieek4yed eiiarity aniong se lrie~uvertlbea poa h Le Chire's- te» ~ ~ ~ ~ W thuis-~tévis eLerefono should, 1tg1tto kaya Lh Chiuesê sieste.e Fan prester pleasu. would W g-elu ta ,cinoaieicLise -depatureoft, - esWt gll»r- -peauship toushinîes, 'iyaters, 6f thé1Mt ani1ponauc . *th'ýrMival.pifielets-aû4 -armies, with thunîmdrtoshakedown the nuhbery leavès,'wt4reWoiato dutte teaplagfor 14 tI hesub-Iiaaan uregieus, Il uuder Liaoper' mnabageseht,'iLt tlttenl "Lhe best qualîty te'a,çami be growavi t 1,s, 6. païr > ouu#.dj ý u ykIat sç e smç ime ahigily ýémnmerat ire 'prafi,>" iut'wa s theti hiiidraunetWhy,, thon. are ut> warkers 'And wlsy net?'TheafolV and the tyranu 1 . throf ixep lwsys, that no"th èrebs. inx contitnod shail b. eonstruod to oéfn= "mY such BY-law'wlgchi may bs-veo bee quash.d or declsrd-11t.gjl by any ompe- tent court ar in ahy -way to mDhetsMI, pracèedig w hich lia beeà haît or takori, or which lu naw pendingfan the. purpobof test ing the. legality af suy suds By.law, or amy tbing therein contained or Afhctlng Lhe sanie,,but Lhtany such caseà hahb. doter. mined as if this Aet hsd'sot been pas"d IL l. ÀI oada nov opened, altor-ed or changed nnderî ar by virtue' of the astd By-iaws oa' ny ai thein, sud which har. not been disputod, or against which Pl>- ceedings have net boom taken or are net nov teken, shal b. sud' are. hereby de- clared ta b. public highwa an sd vhoro no widtli las beeh preseribod foan y-suds noad luintue By-law or By-isws relsting to, iL, the road shall bhoane.chaifu9!ide,thj liao of thé survey being the. centre thersai; Provided always, tbat nothing in this A coutaiued shahl preveut auy munieipslty lu the Ca'uuty of Outtria froni payini vbat they msy cousder a just daim ta ay Par- ty or parties that may present clais arîa- Iing t ram the, legallzation aI the *%id By- 15w;ý suds daims to b. considened and de- tcnmined within ane ycar tram Lt.e *si* cf this A-ct. 1W This Act shahl be doemed s Publici Act. An Act to em6nd thte tnicipa andelÀ..- à sasmnt Atcta of Uper Canada,'in go far aastkcy 7elatc to the «iimmnutatim or Statut. Leabor.- Whereas doubta exist as te the pawer ci the Municipal Cauncils Snu Ipper Canada, ta increage te commutation for SLLtute Labar Le more thaîî 2s. Oti. per day ; sud viiersas it la expedient ta remoav'stck deubtsansd ta, coufer scdipavver an thte seieraI Municipal Councils: Therefore, Her Maest'y, by sud vith -the advice sud causent of Lii, Legfisistive Council sud Ad- sembly of Cartada, enacts as folleva:. 1. It shail be Iawful for auy Municipal Coancil in Uppen Canada, by any lyIv prsss.d for that purpose, to fia tue rate at which parties may commute their-Statut. Labor at auy sumni uaLexceediug. Su. vér oach, day's lahar, Aud tiie sun se fixed shahl app1y ta reideriît; to aul pensons sub- jeet ta Statute Labcr suad to non-residents lu respect ta their property, as pravided itn te Asscasment ActaIo 1853. IL Anythiag in the. Assessinent or Nu- tileipal Acts cf Uppor Canada, contrary ta thé provisions of this Act, silalI be sui hereby repealed. Leglalative'Asaemblyd Tiiursday Jue, 4th, 1857.