Tor r e Toronto Hortilnlt~r or P the" o d uhailnet bu CompanIy ô ebus1lovod te thesa lu pay. Unies, or for leasing or, 09 üg I a su broderarrovwer titan Ire fthm a1u s ix etof9;U te-Ra5y oeupally, ty Ratlrad, 1~&T 0WUsai P.MWAY. ~Werty, loOrSble s an mveable, » S ~ I ~ qr4 r el g r nd for tu ~X IX . A nb ltenaoted, r u t au M m ,*.- 1h ouSm ud P ow d s o e i nid plbal et er M Pa odrbig"Arthobî e B»orse bolder lu tii.. aldou>psuy, v a teck &alhve ue ubscrib.d, s an e , 0 f'Whlers pr "0 ,04omtt nth ilvay oaa , Btolsuecr&% or YL tlnsevheret.,dth suit oeo techr tesadPà ",o of the meveshle Grtet ata SuhrR a&or" boesWh m ave eal gltered barka oft liis Pr~>oe, î sial .&Dim flinveable Prop.rty oresither ofsuch te hohd Stock lu the ad ompsay, tu vote lavful for the sadDirectors ors aiAority cther 1Compauy, lni ecemon by thi. two ett hè!eon moyed ht uelena e ale mne, as i b. .Ugble(a ofice of t em to,<alla meeting of h oderof CompanlesOr,: erîa , temak any -*alI'etthe County Oenucil of Oxford b. lu, tue saidCompany,, stick abres ai mach elace sud ime asbiiey a eut or aeeiet vt u sc POW brd a thebar 1 tb Bous atuet usendho y -th atabr tti oseuant~ .x b Le, il aeed, TuattiiAct shaltiiink proper, givlg at lesat ff<. 0 n Y, teunig orhbyune . or -0 BIW ltab deced to bà PubîccO dayspublic nticeof theuame-ln0ne or05 h Pera. or srons, o yoeo <more nvpaeaptzbrasod luthe County o lier or by beu o mpanies, or move- !,TboWbb Rafir.ed Outrler ou5e SCHEDT.LE A. cf Ontario, ai vbicb said General meeting sie or ImýmovabIe propcety of eituer vlued ~tul meade. 105 or OONVIYÂNCL tue private shareiolders isviug pald ten oo oiora u athterSol Ansic o À roà ort A.'PotWALv nvai ea pe ~ ~r cent nthoîr stock snbsced fort or touctrngsuny Servete b. ronder.d by andLake Htwo>& RailqQOflipSfy. l. Bof aal!eltber lu perse» or by proxy chooso c <~PB"Y te -bthe titer, sud the (OLD Cnereby, inocone six Directors, sud tbe municipality or compensation therofor - sud any snucb vOat> CrRvEs.)ndo. herebye, in co>udomunlelpalities haviug" pald ten per cent ,,greemeà t Or lieS. ahl b. vaid and bind- CYAU5 ~sideration o (1er. 00 u,) ois uheir stocksuhseribe oshhc i ng anilshalI 1e euforced by al Courts of IL And b. iL enacted, TiaLtih severai id te me by tue IlPort Witby sud Lakte seven Directors vie shail togetier vitb Justice in tuis Province, aeeordiug te tue Clauses of te Railway Clauses Conselil- unrou Rallway Coupn, Ilte recéipt the otuer Directors bohd eofce until thc ternus sud teor Liereof, Provided always, daton Act" vjth respect t te irst, vSec-, rnt nt Mondayin Fbrnrfolhov n sd ta u e rat tlt t <lad, tifrd and fourh Clauses te suýad bs1rp i, ,convey and een1h7in nt te pe earhodr vo Itj' ala idCompany ssnctonadsudaproved b aise tihe several -Clauses of tue snid Âct, sio WibuudLIe<io p aloils on tueir stock %hahlu elt or Lie.votes oet Lb, hamehid 1'wth Pëe to11Interpretation," IlIncor "'vYComnpsuy," uheir sueceSSers sud as- emanrelc ixDrctr t ahan tni, pclsî GeneralMetin potin'P"Pwri"IlPln adSurveyaÇ' sigris for ever, al ihat certain parcel ornutmaner lmeetixDirectfs st esit atean a S.tlug "Und& snd ticir valuation," I highîways tract of 'and, situaLed (hmw P eibO tà O sud sncb Municlpalty or Munielpalities cle dfortitiproe sttrl el»o and Bridges,"" Fencesl,"IlToile," l 4 en- la4a)tue saime havlng been sehected sud shah have taken stockin te nid Coin. by proxy, shall b. comWsW*rd te 1b., sud eral Mel s""Directors, LicirEleetion laid eu the saLbd Compsny for lth r an u sdto e ettieei sbote ail intenta madproestustsd anti tis' IlShares, sud their trans.fer," 1 ses of t oir .Railvay, to have sud te ed siyîessid previous ote eOnrt me.etin factae oftthe Companty uder titis Section '*uncialtis,'1Sharaiohderg," IlAc. U'. nid land asdd promises tegether viii tue abarholder socordlng tte tusipro sd At Uuch lcuetalg Ming, thiiui tin fo Ide suyad Fines sud Poua- h. heiteaiij eto thie 85d ceding section'oet iis Acd, abal b. en- brcomm&Uml uch Sod5l tens- fietad horProsecutio," IlWorking oeIl ort anty and LakeBuron Ral ,Y tte oeleet lte dmeeting sud at ral Meeting, eituer by peruonwcby pvexy, the. .aftweay," sud IlGeneral Provisions," smpn,"tei uocessors sud 5aigii svery annual Mgeeting tharoft.r, rovudetdeldegate te tic Directers of sncb quorm %hal b. incorporafed vith ttis- Act, iave for ever. (Mer« Lhe doer, Vir.) &Iloeils on tucir St ien made are paid thceol Or & mjorty eOt M"cb urum, ail lu se fer as they are cxpr.ssly varied by Witnessmy Rand sud Seul tibis upseven pernons ter.epresentat the Board sud singular lhe pwas~ ii eto any ,clause or provfision harcinafter cou. day of cne tunsani egit cf Direetors sncb Municipal Stock'.- à nd cotfOrd, given 5ttd ci ted te tue nid tant.hundre. sd ity for tué purpose of eleting uch se" Comp~any, te b. exec lb -f mch mu IIL And b. It enacted, Tiat te ssid Sined, Soeanoisd deiverot inl prem»Son&U, thei Stock aubseribei 7 aci M"P' as te tuhenid Diredtmsqro ctsà C~ompanyr and toir agents or servants shah eOf cipality sha it b eqnafly divtded amoug Or a majerity of sncb quorumà , absil eela hà vi. full power under this AcLte lay Ont, £ IL. [i_.8.] Lie Memben eofthte Council et caci Muni. meet, and as titeyai#l directiand appoint; eoustruct, mian sd finish s double or cilty, vie shall vote upon tue saine i-.. and Lb. Powers heberySoferred upén te s:nghe rou Railroad, or way, at their own uEDSCA & spectlvely lu the sane manner as Lb. pii saiti Comany shall extcnd te suy mo colt sud charges, on and ever any part cf (ums>er nivs>vate aharhelders; snd se match of Sec meut teorlet oftue nid Ralway su ÃŽÃ ,te Countrylyiîng betveen Port Whitby A At t<> fire and amcnd a certain Act ion nine of tula Act hercby amended or dertaking, locbmetivc,. cars, ca-rnages sud sud mach pLcé on LAke Huron as May b. ?a8#4 in LA. sirteentiê ?,oar cf fier a- ofsucb otier part thercoi as fixes thecnum- ether PropertY et the ndCompany, deeided upon by the sald Company. Bety. ignan intitoled,ý An Act te bot of Dlrectoi-sat uluie is hereby repealed; moveabie sud immoveable, bei etofore en- IV. nd o itenatedTha aildee s ncrporate Lhe Port IVAU4yand Lake sud uotwitbstanding snything te tue con. dit y tCo surdorvhic th sun and nd htce olntds Tt ai e eds Huron Reilîoay Company. . rary ln Lie Railway Clauses Consolida- Ralway mpniauy, adwîh a enb toes a id. Company for te purpoosto f Wiercas iL la expediont sud necsayton Aet, tue eabd et any Municip=-i sanctioed Asu approvcd et by tue Share. ti titi04d shahl andi may, aé far as the tîLle ta revive and aznend a certain ActL [>535 holding Stoëc lu tue sid Comanay, odr fesi omfpsuaaasew i to-te nid land or the cireuiustances of the in te- sixteenth cear et lier MIajesty's not bo nr o'io a Director et the Company, General Meeting et tue lireolders Laiera i- ry makinsuch corivcyunce viii admit, Reigu, întitaled,JAn Act to uncorporat. but sucb Headi May, as May aise suy otitrorfetcallod for Liah" ane sd anSu sch mi~ade in 1theni given in Sehedule ofthLe Port ,WAitby and Lakd il.ri<in Rail- member etftth. Council ef sncb Munici- agi-ernent Shan inding on tzo nid titi Ac marcd , sd fo th pureseet Company ; Therefore, 11cr Majesty, palit7r, bc elocted a Dii-eter, sud shaH bc Company sud tue party vuit te. tueth tta d reAanfo tehane, ail Regisfby sud vait the advicecsud consent ofthtitqualafied as suci t teier ho b. or b. not sainievas enteradi ixto, sud any lase tran lin titeir respective Counties are itere- Legisiative Council sud Asscanbly of Cana.- a private sitareholder; sud -ail Directors granted Or te b. grsnted in pursuance et by requftred te be furnisitcd by sud at te da, enacts as follova : oethLe Company vitether elocted by pii. sucit agreement "Iilb. vshid sud binding ti ex en fthLe snid Company vith s book iI.Front asud afier te riF o h ate shareholders or hy Counililors votang upn a&lLb. parties tuoreto; janything te in wM cpie oftheforin given in n sid Ac thte nid' above lu patinret i s on tue Steck.held by tbeir MunlcipalitieS,the cOntrarY lunLiis or suy other Act et wlb cpis otlu hepar rciedAct, shahl have equal povers, rigaits sud lia-.'the Parlanent of Liis Province notvitu- 0 Sohedule A, eue te bo printed ou eacit sud evory mater or tiin u sy wvas e-~bhii standing. page, eavi*ng Lb. necossary blanks tLesuiit, ating Licreto, shah b.- and te Saa s blte.'LTeW opn h aefl bic separate casés of conveyance, and lu hcreby revived sud ln full force and effqct, VIL Any member ef a Municipal Couin- XVLTt iMoipsyehbv h1 snob book shalcnter sud regitoi-sncb save and ercept tue îolloviug clanses or cil electeti a Director shall renisin a Di- pawer sn uBth-orlty teunuit. with lie dd" upon production thoreof sud proof sections in tue snid aboya reciteti Acf, Lcor until the. next snnal electien sud Ursud Trunk Railway CompanyeofCanadain ofoxecution, vitheut any niemorial, and sud nýmbed reSpectloy one, Oive, i, ane-election of bin successor, altueugit he or te sell and cenvey te tue Company last cu shali minute such entry on thîe deed; sud 'seven, eight, eleven aud, viih la May have cesd te b. a inmmbresui mentioned, ail the property sud rigits se- iE the said Company shah puy thei said Regis- sud are hereby repeaed; Irovided always, municipal Council. qnired under ibis Act passed lu tue six. Ci brsafor se doingLtae suin et Tvo Shillings tai lie nid Company shaîl net b. at i. VIII. Se mucha et lic nintit Section or tentu yeur of lier Mjeiy'a Re»ignuti- and ix enc, an no mo% wheh aîd1 bety o ctuled, Au Act toe e'nveer an ait andSixPene, ud e. oie, itii nd brtyte qpstruct tueur Ralvay turougit et suy part oethLe Act itereby amended as o enregistration shah hou belld sud deemed tte.-Lb. Townshtips et Bro& ansd Tueraitovrappoints lte Orat Mondayl uni sit tek~v<.An a fr.pato b. vaid lu law, tac provisions of auy Act suy portien et the snid Townships îyiug te tdal for theo asnnel gou.rneeting etrte tA. <un ia/Lime of PRailway LAi-eeg/. for enregfistraition of <lecais now lu foi-ce in thoesteut a direct or air lin. dravu b.. aMadiCempany, sud tue election et Dirc. ont hi(.7oan, o te perchany lA. r-Ta iis Province tu Lue contriy notwith- tvèen te Port et Wititby sud tue port et tors, la itereby repealed ; sud the. nidan « Copyrt PM ethpo.n atuding. Beaverton. Dual general meeting and election oetDi-ptTty and rîghts cf a"Y #=eà ocompziny, Pt Iri-4.IL Nelson Gilbert pLynOlde, Eraredora shall b. ield on tlie Orst MM I4 d o < r -(pSC< ertain Acf.t# mein in V . Ie ealed. Aunes, Robert Iîervey Lavdei,-, Jamtes 1luFobruary l in suad every ycsr aller t -e, nopraig iwyCmaiee; VIL epeawi oweCarltonLynd, Jon Hm Pery, he initelecionof Drdcets.anisotier Act- pnssed lu tue sane yeara VIT1. Repeae& Jave.sCDi-deLyn d ee, rJoh hn , lTheOteetinetD1etos o er Maesty's Relgu, intituhed, An Act do IX VIi RpWaed. JmsDyeGog uriJh al L.T e rsons qusliOied te b.e lected la eotend Lhe proviionsf the )ailmey~o IX.Repatld.Thompoon, Neil ieDougall, Daniel Grock Directors te repi-esent te privai. Stock etf(!,>npa i UinAct,0e C mnp W ouof ýX ndboit euactclThat a uiajority Hevett, John B. Warren, Jonathan Foot the CompsyiidtusAf sa .ayfa'o) . )«taenc t oMan rnL efbbhe sald Directors shaH. tenn a quoi-emnasd Chester Draper, ogether vith sucit abareheldo^ holding Stock te tue amount o oe pa..c/iLAaid irn.aLs,* I R>r th* staucid ne D anr;Pei ded pemrse rpersona, corporations, munici- eUt bye itdred sud ifty pounds, w-vit ÀmA. liitêsdPructors utéy enpoy oeeor Palitiessud Oeuasuieas unbailunder the. shall have paadnup al oeils on te sainhesa.b avifr u M. oef thiemaîd Directors as paid Drecto- provisions eoLfasAct, a" thie ueunre , Bi ha ape a nytmeo Cnpsyt constrbc tafiueforte sidal er Directora.Xif. Se a"ne syte o '01131Y Ocntu D n f e pA XI eae. ~pealed parts ethtie Act te vhich tuiisssu L0 ime bereinafler tuan ielection of Dire. otrcor etherwi"ealong threiramU nî.N XII. RepeacdL eusct.d, Tut t, becOnteaharehoIdm nlutue tston Soldunetbcmade en auy-day whc,, a u t otnain u rnhs r i en iaiermentioned, shail ýrS*tt tÃŽ dt togh t aebenwyadicortinuatosecind tubraceorf XIII. Andb t eae, htescit sud lebyare oRd Se cntthtuteti lnd matie, btenid Company shaîlnet fer tuat (rofuteisouay pt or eutioteren, as 1 Shabaroldor'iluisevu right shall b. on- telrt teb. the body cerporâte sud poli- cause ho deemedti teb. dissoiVtid, but iLtebotuand Cemsny shsllorepontvs r ab tihei es umerodvteteul eaiet. utudt sd eeret bl tefidsavosdtaebslvfi oeayoterda udtu ndCoptyheah hvetirt.0 number otashares 'vhtiit b. he all, have inu amendetiAi d at ne teaae sudtehli sudMake sulcon e fetrspris, eevsu otsu ovyt voinnetoes rirtuLane tsye tlt" Wii u LIeB-inu scb msuuei- sud upan suci notice as suci Real Estate as "Ynit n.ecessar for YO vetlng. j rn Rsilvay Cunpsuy2'&hall b. provideti by the By-havs of thcie bsinoe sasd operatiesftesiT- XIV. Anad bc IL enaced, That theo niti 111. Titenid Nelson (hIlberi Reyned ,Couipsy; uduntutisc len te v o pi I n nspointheaa: Te- Company a=uY bocuOanrties te Promis- Eura Aunes, ltoierveyLa r ansDtrecters,.tues. viemay b. inofceorcssuÀgnsstakemhUissd ser Ntessu Ilih e Lxhsgefer suma Rave, Ca reton Lynde, John lisa m Pnnytue e hein& sha l b. sud continue te RegelaLions antiB 7-Ivkasw& bna e soile . it n vo ty-iv Po ud , udan y Jam es Irydet4. George Cutie, John. B& Ul ex rcise ail Lthe ights anti powera et Di. sary onr stvisabein luhLb.transaction oet tue i Buch Preiissory Note matieci- endorszi Thonipsn, Neil MeDougali, Datael GreoIt redtora until sucb, nev élection b. made uiesteelntinosseivttteo andan/schBil otEchng -daw-a, aç- Hevett, John B. Warren, jonstitanFoot bXsiTu.sDireetersnet nid Cont la ettu the-on antTheyDirBit ofExfisuge Companym4y vs s vince1,And tue sid Cern- tht cept.d Or endorseti by tue Presidient fte asuChester Draper, shall b.snd sme here-apont sucb sudsemuagnsltaspush!bvesdnhrbyiest F Couppyor icC-Presitent, sud conuter- by constituteti sud appointeal tue Ont Di. rvneo uaa te ate e a vt i i.lepvirgtasdpa slgaii4hj tue ISceransd Treasurer, sud redorasoethle nid Companay, sud sha jesty's dominions, as te uhema i"lidueetvilges, r ectingisahTcegspj L n s md t uaadq ~ the anutority et a niajorityot a helti tth office uniil etieras*hah! under expedioent, sud m=y. >y auy By-lav te b. tie m"pammt î t ersola ae nv eand 1 f a**iÀof oDirecters, sahllb. binding upon the provisions ethtis Act, sud of tue Actimade for sc upepvnsudluchetn Tlegras aretapenies ndr7%, ,A~sii opaiy udeensac Pois t itc fai a uamntmnt excepi autuerize any ua agent or agents te de sud b7 vit.. oftthe fltb, atxth, sud ede. tory Noteor BiHl cf Exchange se madie, vhere tue -Act te viieha tuis a n istuhefrasyairtin, rt xr ebbetostiee psp nhsx dra*n, accepteti or cutiorseti, ulb ra mAmnicalcoOe.v t r1ha0 cu.An peven v»Y torit tieDneor t eme. tentit er t ion fte Acotya"liun tesix. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~of auhotebv bc roePmmte dau avendbe» repaletfi Lhit,)b h r isleo u ttei mylvuh o i nAttpred yeegea a. acepaio edoseastu eae na h, bt 1a.ieler,_ sd_ ntî taL ie paf orun sud ielax.p L.-overs f _rL-à lm-orprat- f veti.T g a i dcrbakhtg and ailahe b.profit sud beneOt kinafna, for thie hiouldtioncf terthe Sa Com a i stula ec iarnt-» loends1 tie~e~ my . dclret frfeteiat bodeddebi At anaturity ; anti ne tilvd.a e . nCmns eraies. nieot andto iWaug » iain7 "Mo aaa ze» Gasl Metng tih Cnipu>'asea- ou ueCompanys-stock shaIlbe. -books; té b. pne b> >i e teataS clnlMeigo h o lareti or pali eut until such depoait sball taipapssdnsciair u, udtca bled ai an>' ime after tisidt tvementie have been , ly ad tht puposý a » .n oh- a nd,,pro.sa7 ,andi aise baicenstruet a Dn>'Dock or remain unpThirdandedue ansthe dîne of nt'eofbits Admission o«nov subscribes, à fur -e, h -&twslHrbr & hg ch GnerM Meen: andeaite Compf,.ansd ahi. other <charges to tuer or other sunfm otferfor et In TU ~ c are- ,tewill1 uhrs delrei ereta sis g t ~."Capital Stock," sab. beclaed for ever lug tue msud iund riaynt-'Dfete mm bemas>' ie l foru vi Comupany' for thei. hoit tueret and ~on tiacit dvisIon ot tue road eOpeneti for bacisanioe oiy sgceueça mpt u spoh forfiture aslsl be auniutieuniflcatien publi nlhe vthi elve menitus front incidentai or relative thoroto, net ceti a ipn ssa toedfreenr SiancdoervihosoShare theodte tOn lticksucdivision hsîb.1VO 1ing&,ithe su. eft iv. undreti anti- afti h hr hyo Y o à ,»rw il ethbsres been forfeiteti atoresalA been s e pȎiexee t i anto ueaat ontsaoesiituheo> isDrco~ s~tI aantÃ1actions, suià or prsecutinseft tmsjerity of tue e okhoiters sud of& a subecniber tevarda raising sudi lurblror ; fit, wppmta be commenced or prosecuteti Ur4Ofýtue Bontibolders, and tien te, etuer auna etmoue>', miall b. a ubare- eves> E fo nbresçb of contracteorother agrni euhesud for te dte l icsida i.».ùWingttt tl'.l holdom nd ithe otuer Sharcholderi nhaeu erp prox>', lanrespect of aven>'are ji regard t canrylug on the idunder"atng. Fourtu-Ail or auy bonds et tie Cern- cahisdditlonal aura t. b#alsd, uni aom t__ XV A fld boit enactei, TiaL taahiOl>' yshhll b. convertible ai par lt. ap.aIse beh110abl Rthlmï -' . __ILth anti may b. lavful for the. nid Company' tai stock ofthte Coimpany, nt tue option etof li4erested Inailhe rtii. - pw o *eýdapprepriato viitt u esetLa oir ftuebds ti.ndM& Orth Goernor lu Couaiil tortue -usetf JiflIa--Theecondition aa&rutrie" s~ um iisj iii. yshlor may -ubor-*,ali"W-êI ~ teRailv>, bail net tealietiate, se mah shall ho prluto4 on thes face othte Ca. t - uAst «anti' saisivel>' uto fi f *' <te.Ilisêi ftiOrtn ue hr roip t5b.»ds, anti shaU b. part and o lths stuaét hooegl tore grahbti or seldlti Ma tue route o e t tl m wt 1h. 2ie * »4 >i4Ismtpot r% tbs,w4 'Jalw4y, »aaaw féewyor 14 "no J « ýImd Ior»mi - 804Ar à iï mAbd'r n eoïte, , the S" et the anatrong, et Mfai-ha., laporteti a On airbaînCmli; 5 mentes olti, tuls a ese rot Port Gaiaie, brai b>' Mi-. edkirk, 'fScotlanti; aise LveLeiceSter Sheep, hi-ml y 1fr. Angus Neaseck, Yerkair One fthe sheep, purelassei for £4, bati vItem seren Brai prises ai Exhlibiticis la a k ii .. ......... Fra BîasoÂu.-A nmseting etu.hecii ns desirous otheceaningmenher* of-the ne Brigade, vas helti aitute Town, Hall, mThur&da> eveninugst Mn. N. Ra>', ie Chieflngkneovpresided, vhinthe nov ie Comupany' vas ergsni*zed, sud asCea- itee appointai te drav up hylva ho majonlity et tiise priset omu$aaMl the. sinlungen'et tu e By-l*v paus", b>' tCounch; sud particulariy oethe pro. ion %iiting bte number of musain a-teé mpm»>' to wesiyIve laelconsIder. mm* b tomah% a naimber. Wammrcmr Dovsvaox.-Wo vspro-, ýtaI a mueegfthlembusoftthe à Kirkdgf&tlad,(an aceeunofvbW"- 3,publai elseviihere la tuis lusM) oct saiis' lst viaiOu r ortcitizen,15 s. *lig.Esatiecentihateti bhlbe. sainfýIS <$100 nvrts b.1hdng amues- à thyei u in ltis TowniMdata 6 ffletim@o#*&Md tralae a lm of 10treywag ontthe usm objsei.'- l"h Pldouteshma. iloinlmaat ke holong Ire te euijej-IL. a t. ploat s0",à ouTesa net a »a the 'lOuainst., to e givspby theaa hv" Dl lie.of teSofT a-: m as. Tii. WiuibY. BowuMau4k tumne.0 Inelgbboslug D1vWolns< tbeSons; «f othae Tsuplons, and aller Tmmoranos Pierot8oe &a th* £-Dmtiu Dr. Barda>', Toroto, stang tuh Ifthe Precos Of«tueglobe hanta ln te Tr- miip of<SSt4,wich voultiproiuceabout £M5 wvou2aI ho given te the Wbltby CM. ve Wlae soÊmI hsL. th se bon drava sud Made outby Ihies, ftpreatln# aà teullaulg ueaiy 58 byr 44 feet, haiglt 10e ct?4fftpÃŽte qpe sMd hala a steeple 160 flà l heiglt- Thu cet c<uuch aà stnetm 'ubu etinateý, at £%2w0., 1fr. C"Wro'spaw eft adept.l sMd instutons girn tu hit adrertise for tenders f«rtbwitii, aiter *hlch the. met- i»g adjraed We ibu? a ga4e-uofy4qatuti suca clim or otaim to ns ascertalned b' arbitatInglathe tsual manner: ibis pg'o visios.s" inot b. oonstraed terender any, of the Directoru or Sharlioders perseilly lhable fer any cl m a e g r r. , X XI him Act boib. daimed a pub- lic Act New Advertemt MtswQek Public »inmr w Jon hn 1,.perr, Esq. Lyal Orage Asocadon, B. N. A,-B. IL om pbaeU, csr m n ê& Dartn eul. ToÃ" Contrscors--FW. KoCenail. To Let-James Ro *o. Good New@ for Al-Dr. Raphdel. Nev Soth Kirk n Whitby-Axnos W. Cro. money Fund-Wm. sSt. Town s&d Park L"tsfor Sal.-Tkanieron. SpoclalNotlc-lollowsyla OlntrnontsMd Pflu Wbittbyo Tursdy, 1J1110 lii, 1857. W"Single copie% of the Caoiswru can b. obtained at the Offie. The Carrier are flot pofnld to oeIl papta. W.@am inebt.d to L L HSchofi,& Faquhre for laite MontrealNew York and othe peru, %whickh holmaskindly for. vardedun on bis way te mke additioua purchase to bis extensive summer stock Osai» Titt n AILWAY TEÂYVC, for moth onding May 8Oth, at tbe Wbitby Station. Passenger receipta, $1269 52c. Ficlght recepts, 1206 99c. SLOA?1i à SUICI'Â3I>'5CIEOs, viiiexhi- bit ber. on Thursday this day. W. ane told that it surpasssahl otheri travelling though Canada at premet. It lu veli spokzen of by the press. MoiîssTaiom.-Mr. J. C. Sterlinr» of tbis '"own, bas in bis possession a chichen with f&ur legs. Tvoapetures appear St bhe extremity of the body. -The creature in one of a clutch of cbickens, a fortnight ild. W. porc.ive that the Banks have re* solved to follow the course of the Goveru. ment in their accounts in decimal mrre. On and after the OraL January, 1 1858, aui notes. for digsont or collection cheques, &c, must be expr.uaed in dolar nd cents. DEirwls vo Jous lA Pirav, Esq.- vt ili bc seen from an advertisement ln riother columa, that previously to M. Pery departure on a tour te Eurpe, the tiose htbcntemplate giving bim *emp'lim.ntarz Dnner. Mfr. Perry bas- lme mnucb te endesr inmscfto the citime >f Wbit)y-this manifestation on tIroir mrt todoim hooor is a noble proof of r .atsut uyoand ibà ip ~the &_ýl keep tiieuiai tbelt; lalem.tsro udhà duIdtht gto40yý f heid vas se Apt te fal leep on 9 Bu lo'dblp employed O of b1b etd '- eren tepric bu iê"api.drs boriig dt em. Tghm > aiubas Th#. Royal assent vas . givea t@ th, onWudiîind- 1* lunowi 1aW Mud Put a&U fug$ier cin*. wupro ducseli bW our aolwnsg ody-word ta word sait novr stmad-sbo*ng the. clat ses or the old Charter exlstlng snd ropeal ed, Mnd the. nuWclauses lntroduomd lb the. am.nded Charter. AU cabi read ltiani JÃdge for themselves of its content&. It provisions are substantially the. sme a préviouïsly given by ttýIs Journal. Tua Itini, Inasl respcti a wse, equitable ani Just measure, as regards the. pro -tectiono Municipal Stock-lis representation, ane the. representation of private stock, a ol as ln all other details-none who perusq the. Bih bonestly, vil, ve lpos-tiveý attempt te deny. TLt wcs the endeavor ol the. Directors bosseur. sucb a Charter ai sbould meot with the, unqualitled approba, Lion of the Ratepayers of this Cotinty.- Anxious te c"rr ôut the Railway enter. prise, it was, ne doubt tiroir wisest polie3 -in order te make the, undertakig dou> ly sure-te have the Charter se fram.d, tht no single ratepayer or muziciprity couldte.exception te it n theCharter befre n, ebolieve, tiiy have aucceeded in this. IL nowrmains vith the Ditec. tors to provide the ways snd means for building te road. The. Town of Whtitby wil encrease its amount of stock to 7,00. Thre Muni. cipa1iLies in"North Sumce, passed resolu- dions, in lavor taking stock sQ.soon as the. Charter had been ob& L- d-n0 of then Orillia £15,ff0. T:creo is !tJ, doubt but that thicumowships of Thorz.h, and IL-rz, and Rama, and penbapa :e,ehud Whit- by, vil tek.e stock. So 2!1 "-;>yy'ho Co:-i. ty taking stock te Lte smomit of £10,000 there weuld b. abundtEic of meanu for the. construction of the road. The lengtlt of a liue of Railroad frein Port Whitby te Lakte Huron, Is stated rt 75 miles. Offers have ah eady been made the, Provisional I)irec',or, by parties of undoub.ed charactor sud solency, to onstruct ad equip the rond for £5000 a mil. Thi&wou!d ma'c t1l.c cou £7i,oo. Tt would not include th. amnount te ýe paid for right of way, which vrotud b o- y acomparutivýly ininificunL tsui. fBut et us LaIte the toaI cent of cots'vucing the rond at 2M40,000; tihe Coîapzvty would e prawided with abndant me. as or the purpose, In Lhe foPioving manner- Priwate Stock, ray ........ 23,ooo Town of Whitby......... 7 j9000 County Stock ............ 100,ffl Orillis, in North S i ...15,000) Tiny and Tay, say..... .... 15000 Whitby Road td ]Har )or Co. 1,000 Mars aud Rama......... ,o T o ra............ 5,000 RBa" and Whitby,(doubtfuî) 10,000 /The Comapany 'vili Ibid no difflculty in aisingi by way ef Loan, an equai amnount to tic amount ef paid up Stock at any time. Thus on,£260,000 paid ep unocki bey cotild. vork upon a capital sum, of £512,00. The capital stock of the Co. pany la £400,00; sud £100,M04 muzt b. iuecribed, and ton per cent paid tiereon Itosa Chartered Bank, befobr. the Direc. iM racuiRâl a.otingd fSbrebolder for âe elect of e seven Municipal sud six Privat. flhrectors. 80osoon as tbe Connty 3b.ncil passes lis By-law, ibis ameunt Vii b. soon fortbcomin.g, and if v. are te mlld the, rosa asll, for gooduesa sake lei I bave ne more Procrcatination efthte natter. À meeting ef tue jrotuineut membersof ho Scotch Lrk, was held at the, resideuce A. ePherson, Esquire, lu tue Te va cIf came dovai to-tho Leglalabie ouuiulsd tue tasabm et te Legisatlve Atseab> luaving been smmonestibr tsi purpme, Bisl' Exeeleatcy dl>'pruoguo te ?snla- mnt A lWarg amber et Bus roeveti tue Royal aMsMat, mongit bien the U hti revis. anti rnw the Citates o et .pot WibqatiLake. Buron Bay.Ths mcut IMmpot fRsH otheracts pasuetidur. Mng the Sesioni, tle eoo eofthe Town of Wbtby Man tie ecent>' oftOnbarie. Msl xpdoilne' Illa uptped, vili have ou ~ ~ nÉ for' sI vEngjand ýTua MavEsL, a. Unhn.». 0(&s - Te .ipe couNTy CouwcIL paOVE, Th onl MM it.heCouri Presct-To adaaees zou, Cgife, HvtFrvg Gallovay, Keller i eDouagi Widmu, Wblite, Gibit, >drten, Absent--Mr. Sntith, Depit> tTxbritige. Tue Warden haaioglue-e iei Pommunmications, ý'rem the Cl Peace, comnrunelcating euuba Magiatrtes pass.d i-las sthe siens as Le furufshing a Oo Fronth ieCeunI>' cimi ovM, 1 reerence Le ecmsoft (Ya-inhun1nt FoaleDeity rCi*eako et 1a taee eu th L tut boy etise Scxoo4 ansu ste lie County Coai of B"cItRiverN Mr. rcbazo», à moveti liarbo expressedenonitheparieof pensons desirouis Lts1 te iý' Inclive ha p tr ofjiuiing thii Fie Brigade, ou acdouui of rate Municphit>, -te b.e letfi ii tue stringone>' etthe BY.hav passetib>'tue 8s1POfEt irjth. Town Counel, te arrange te Company'. - Te Count>' Coundil, for the ptý Whlle vo admit thai ibis dissatlarcton, i ola tid lenoIa, shailtue OntL mess lin par, sm m qgrmnalin q indulget I nlu b>' tir th e p ssing oe t t is sAt, appOint , some psoph-sldwayo tee, proue teo fidturnlng Officeflbeecinoo &tanît ev erytbing viaich doeu net ema- Columbus. teeeto o-býh faerom tusmselves.-W ev ilat t e a ) e T e prvisAÃŽu Ofe t bit lpper 0. ia». state our opinion tuaitush By-iav -unicipal Acta eof1849, te be fpi migit b. improveti. The toilovlng Stg- T114 Clergy Resmeru naa upprOW gestions veulti ve appreheud aneet tue Bp- forspecIaîovhip pus ,ote tg preval e the Fire Brigade, sud rentier te 1>' divitiai betven itelr By.lav venkabie anti practicabie. Whitby, EutM ad West. Clansé i. Llmiiing Lie Engins Comupany' te 25 andth e Hooek sud Latder Compan>' te 20m inmglit beanendod b>' oucressing the numbem te 40 sud 80. la inet to e 0 d beexhUtlons Pe4rmed expectedti atl hle members vould a& on Mon& ud> at (JO«'e antiTreer', semble on th,9 Onrt ahanaoet ire, sud 20 ai flet«ltistlaIdg th@ttn&vosble 5f, heasf, voulti b. necessar>' te vork tie In- the'veatier; the cauvausg asuuffai guse eflIlcienly>. Neituer lu iL te b. pi-e- vt tnui eag.Titero ere ano saumuct ta ltuougb tventy bug te com. equestris.s hittepfornaoeOf pleutent etfsaHBok sud Latiden Company', Mies cooposing te ti-upo uÉecuSr thai tue wvbeofetusnumbor, viii ai ver>' gea. We alénot avreteù ahvays muster ai a Iam ixhbitieaisiron ndug wUprpr Tue Council retaining the pairer la ap- are produlctiveofota>' temariinge point Lie CkiheftandAssistant Engineers, upon lhe mintis oet-tue.people.Cie vouiti b. prefurable te larve tue appoint, mon admnish us thai thu-eute;b ment et ail tue cubordinat. Officersiutthe conteu eut inablit>' te 'digScorns u> lunds etrte Companay, subjeet te thea.ePIf-o.vitnesijng. once ina a vi proval efthe CounâciL This voulti make limte &dilg liorsmamiîp, or ai lx th'rýaemore popular vith thte men, amasei iti Lie cleve t inlht of a oir To"x property ; veulti passes Lteneces- gltila vith mach qsc% 4es. "ar conti-oiling paver et Lb. Company', uon oluer tuan once a year--and if ircum~ having is Ciiefs accountabl. te th-ut.The ailbd an beus Plesube euelYMenl Pflrai cf Enginemoraogbtt flsess teec nrasen vhy people ttoai puver te admit or reject memlasis, and mi,-. day te, day, siotil vslygr«mk é iM the iight te discitaige menubors efthLie Fire tei-pitiansud IerontI> dumLi." e. respojnsibhe fer tho proper conduci ofthe officens sud m4 andi for Lie cari.oethe Piuoperty entrusto th e b.ire Company. This beicg tue casetus Engineen vwouiti b. Lit ptesP«mnost intestet inluexencising due vigilence lu the admission oranembers AS veli as using proanptitpde lu the. rente- VaI ef huproper-,Persous.Adoptiug tiose suggestions dé e7 siould b. atruek eut. Tus paver of çxpelling officers, vo voulti likewise reeoanmenoi, aboulti veut lu tue Counii-vitibalimit.tipower te thie Berd ef Engineera te suspend officers turing complairi pndiug.. Witi tuese ameait- meuts w, are persuadai the By-lav vil vork fmLuoetue-m.«e ros»for adopt iug tuen, the Comppany "8isvehuntar>' eue. Wiere sti-ingent lava vitu penalties atachai mn.>' b. neceasr> or le discip- line0 oa paid Comany, a eoluntau"jCoDm- penyvili requinelavs of a Nbordandauen-