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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1857, p. 4

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:: The Wri wIth the Caîko 'reas. Afig for yoli' upper,-ben girl, W'Ith thir x'lvets and Btina -and la, Tiseir alianonda anal niblel analpearla, Ana l Im nilfur figures anal faces; Eiui'iaoiiad Witla lîlfbthçy penses.f, Buit giva Ille lut place cf tiîeîia al, 'rite girl w'tli theacalicedress. t ~iî91l0 i spimîp 1as apartniaglgoud lar As lise rose Ini its carlilet biooi; fier teetha ai itli ivory cmipare, -Aal hcr-brenti t h cth clduer perfaiîîe. lier step i-a as fiee anîd as liglt As uefian' 'elînîthi htîiters liard lpress Andl ler ny is as aft cand as briglit, .3ýIy girl N%ihie cillico drese. Yoar datdie aiad foplingsit uiîy sucer, At lier simp;le andl itîccleitt attire, Bnt-tlie chîîrînsi .uiapernitiî 10 appear, Wceild set a whlne iceberg ou1 fire. Lite can dane-buut sue never allowe Tuie hnggitiîg, bthesquîeeze andl carras Ighae i amiug-alliriai for lier spouasa, My girl wilthe cUic eisiîorase. Miehe s urftil, mari'leartnii anal truie - Andl lalulte lier fater andal notier; Btuc stîi'c' low îiiuîîli sceaui do For lier mw'eet lttIe ssten4 anal brother. Il yen wiîii a conîpamion for life, To conifrirt, cliveri aîîd tes, $hoieis jîisbItie riht mort ftQr ii wife, My girl witla tue calie dress. CUlture e lte Turnip. until a tolerabl teick udhabien form. ed, Int. 'which thse root of eabIlan t ,id, Me merscd. ',~ut~~l portiot of my~ will adhierete theIroç-.and then as quiçk ly as possible they are plantcd. thse rûýuIt of thia mode of planting la, tlaat a plant rarely over fails to grow off at once and flonrisis vigoreusly, andi unless thse werms eninseets attack'ti. "plaîîits, we neyer have occasion te re'act cabbage planta. CîEU~RE-MÀîtINu.-Tn ' late nuuxbar cf the Dollar AéetÊer, acerroap)'notîe efiqtires concerning the best niethod cf îîîakiug cheese froui haif a dozencews. As 1 have had semaf experience ini cheese- mnaking on a sînail scalai, andl believing, there are mn6n,.,, in-ik orcremn ----T ------- ~ .,.NOTICE TO 13131L1ERS. nslq èBEENAF-, J#d4sa ýabt s jli*rd te furnlsh 'lny qantitv oE ri i ~n th e 3A.notice, at' theGornd '1'rnk Statib in Whîbby, at 2a Sd par brI. Apply te WILLIAMXSPENCFa, Fnb. il, 1857. 4-6àî. Whltby. LIME FOR SALE. OC(NSTANTIIY QlNJIAND DURING TUE en'muiq Sn au îmiiîrr Freeli llirnt U iu ilil ofr cash euly, at 2s 6d< aae brri. MATHEW CARL, 7 Port Wlitly. dent, kecp but a smnall nimnbeir cf con-s, CU T N N R S IE yet n-ho weuid like te n'iakc a supplY cf JT NDSANY, FA'RQJUIIAJI &Co., ARE NOW0'% cheesa fer famly use at least, if tbey knew er-4 I)îna'paned to suîpply Coiiracbors cn uti lla- ert it a beaitiful article aof Clt Buuling Stone ust bemv te produce a goed article, I will from the ecfdeweeur to describe, as n-cii as 1 can, Rockdale Stone tiudLime Worko, thse încthod pursunet. As thaine are doulit- Fes1Iesiuig. anal 'll hi delive'rd at bthe Stations lcss iuauy districts wlîcrc bhe nen-spaper OutheiarGund Tiuk Raiuraiad hctwern Darliug- circulates, ini whiebt this business s prac- A'Toronito Prices. ticaily unknewn, it mîlli bai naedfcal te bce f Tlie etoac ta cf lie bextqualit'y, and iii souîewhat partienlar' in uescibing every e~al feîghgîvluihd part cf tise lroccuas. rue Limei is &aclsn(omledined ho lic eqal-if not suîpî' non-tia n ndind ulic reovible. anal b-lui SELECTION OP C(>%i75.t ie alivrobuanttie stntions a b va mntiotuad for On evary point ILix iuaie-essult'y te sa- j wô hillinîgs mand ,ix Pence per Barrot mucis, as évarybodv knows tisaI gooc es Al-Water Limainrable 4tiipliüid at 8se îM are more profitable, for uuy periion, blc h 5nhani. Lcîaîl Jaw:.olin Cii- poor eues ; but stili tiseraini.yba a difl'or- nie. Bîasait!:M.PeliruzoortUi- enebetweeu bisaibest cou-s fornbutter, " I su Puuti'« riî n d,.kuîilFm'cmitauaiîlBay ; Jas. u'zir-it niSir uat.ni'îtilNu andl anal tioso lîest adipteel for the clieese B. N. NEYILLE, Wistbv. alairi', liose shcnld b buiuu lli 'i' îb.itii l arüli, IS'57. 1 a large qumulity cf uiilk, spaiciallv luiriug , , T lIE SUBSCIZIBEU OPFER8 FOtl-&Le- b taet'ollowtcg Froeanirsituateti ln the Vil- ci'al flbba5ýUp , n-i)bi age buuek BLo.mc g Coller. Iwahling leueeetiuiu ge oods Kiteuand i Wiuod Hanse. A .pluflp finit- rtate uon et(hé preft"~. Alonn"tunMt ýllok, alarge Sitop n-nllada.pted tonrouier uiekrs, ilenuuuauîe ~,aiut ake 'riimitts, &c., fer ail cf n-lilteh Traeaitithèse ani.~l't taie fecc oue bainz, uctar. - A t-ave e tentre flouseê, m'U <ot'anfmena eof Lauid attýeaat. 'rie tuove lae mry tiasýrale Praperiy, andti, t aiy PtRbIeii 'ishuing hto ig limbe bie'Stoe obesnsut, or n y.M et aehv.ltc nies, prasatM LÙt nopetet eevul ouîty £7, wvillîbureitil donî. lie baance lu fiee equal annuel acutaluients ni-iitauret Apply (if by let pac~ld)LLAN Or te TIIOXASPAXTON, rEsq., in . - 'Port Ferry5Reaaola. 1IIOUSE and LOT FOI%. SALE,ý R 6RSAS]i15 TC; "V1L LAGE 0F BRO IK- IFlin, e Ilousie anal Lot s"con& t enatea botinbv. 'rime alove pinc- i.3tieintifbly itu.' ateil. L-nounthu be Yreâidruca cf te ltta Wui. thndir.iii, tcu., 'atii e go04ret-cl et' n-alan, Stl e itandmmlW'oud-momse, &C., (lueneon. For fuietier partie 114r-"silte OFFERED. IN Thilr FL<I, IIN TOWN 0F wUiT- liv, 1iito e t'nnm in hi e liase èof, tb"- viialileîn oniat uhe e Ï L e -nl kuown as lue F.stale cf tht' ihe CAi'TAIN GEORGE Tii t-:W. anal no irolencd fur sale by blasExeu- tins. TC c f FiftyTivo ere tofLand# lhaaitm tlV hatel, having a 4rOntsge acm tbe nirtlu if cicii il.iUe cf Eiiritv Ilciis md on tihe WeVst îand Fiait tWssesiliQelluîirncl muid Four ilRoue1 nthei,;bntl, lb la boundeal hy the càr f lPort Wlîutis. Thiis wiiicr frotituaz It is'scarcely. practicabIe te carry on a te suniner motituis ; N iiaa fur bttber il . .. . ncitt oon beccoui imueneely v'a1uuîle, as froin systait iftf'ii ~h"for Sae atPo th tivtue gnu'iitty iuecasiiig rade mf the Pait, the correctlanti profitable ss cm f husbtîndry, is more itpruub eSa' hoa afuitg9Bl nl ailîove 'ursemel uuenh ay ub ut u wibisout thbit duclition cf greien and root milk tecriciast qiiiitN., witlioiut se fi-m credht, ti iî e ir Meuei ts t'be business, cro1s5; aucng n-hiciturniîîs cutipotatocs mîucis regard toe lacqtiutu. lit nic ru, i 1U tnîisiî1 BRATOFS and litue teu-m ç ry ilnic uh ndi abtntiu, s înog ttatgod rda i~ik a bttan firPo YH/ t j?, itte*%ilvCr?' icuclitbc wiited tirward- decrvelspecial tetin sbegaiumg gitdecrd, On tat bbc ('/arimnjrlr (Ifhico.fortg luip-l teiallagnaufatnn cdol the atout vatumcilai. î-roducbs cf the fan: clîcesa as wea.,; usfor butter, but biaie b Th uaiclOr lat thar e iile Ouicetain , rliip-~btilhin u.iif(tirn n te bot offly ns a suitable t'Change li bue rots- m utteis l'%sdifft'rnceniitheb ruId cif citeese Il,iai lms lri,'k Ya',unittttiy a siperii'r un- i ecT geflviedehcnuniued lupon d tebtaise ligIil3'esteainictifor their froîntihblainei slie(f mull-,tliinj il lln'ltîî1patis i-I mzi, eîîttravît for j1uuhe ,îtule prnet'i-y~n nl< )(4, lrepareil ii iioibu sute leslue ii icsaîîî. in ,uaeti iuatiîiiee s Wumî.îî' c cunac-t'- cl, lu XIdm NTAbnt, le'. .usefulness ini cattle f-ubu anid fudo- bliat cf butter. iiilk blini ksiii iiubîe i-î - eI tliaia haifte uiaaantuîuîb witieu bwoatddproduce if meetie upoe.ficieut il uttrpoion i i ltIIENRyCOULTON, laid ont i' siieullot,., purpses bîtbe-priluî-uî:znii:altîîs. i tot ,noiî,I--u, tricuu'iod, lPickernmg, Forin pr a îl further ixtirielar. apy to Turnips arc nost impîor-tanît fortlae fut-.itecessarily' wttiuligi caseuî, Ui- lriui As t-b IElTil-<A )II, A* .IAlZOERTMeI.LAM, Exeeitors tcniug cf cattle;a;uliimscgiily usonti, the pal ingreaicut of cheesci GIB.AI , ~ iAMS IEW turnip cop is coisî(ici-ll innt W'asîaictch.MAWtiMtli 1. tati. Prti. Iit55. .h__v_ -Jan.19, 1857 trp teili otin ofidccaiueai s a cath il sN' (ii 3 Anda t the ChronieOffice.- - crp (îe seuîiîgofmtîra s bit hi The coua, shiuulil, ofacourste, liaimcli ----FOR SALE, trop li rodued upoît lundttîibat n-outlal kcpt, anud slioiiud ci-icil in lmv-en iei MISCELLA.NE0US. 10,000 Acres of Wild Lands. otlicnw'isc Ihavei retiaia a mîtieul fullînaIflrst cf Apuil atuelie finsCýi'f Mai'(ulu - E ARE Si'rrATED î!%' 'IIET'WN- tlrougb bthe scasoru, lu-mondiiert bbchesou iiaiu îouî it:utci jisiia-u 57 CU(.OG NAVIGATION. 1857. "rsui1 at'lcrua.îiuik Mis, 0 uey, tmiglt bai hreperl>' tilleul iy nepeaui eul aoou the IsCo%% *Scui gc'vt a giuil l'ilta rofMiiiiuirtimu. Ninto, Nornaauiv TIi mal, Ruinta, plioaig tiuugsfre6d froini mot n-crusmanur- grass. 1wouîa recotumuetiiNN ouit:g corul eMnas,ma vlie c.Fu ateuas m cal, au -nd -arad fer tlae succeulbug gin iîeunurai-bugAMOS W. CRON_ý, crop,) lb bluretitre i ay bc iconsialereci an ciltgs L'fîrf1-iudii u atrhr i î sr MR- Ancailet,CiihEmluenanal Fstaice àrit econ iiial <roui.as flic landalduriui' te ju'auîic nuoiu tuIiinte ai'ttepbt.1i F I'l1R S NE R iD, u lu awn 1ek Street, wuaiuim. culbii'atbeionand gnou-tI if ti bIc ri-att iedfen. teCh- " RE B A D, 1i heTw f Wlihi, a nuibeof Ton-Lobs; cove t( e,,jiiit Ir)tîtuipuforne- s i-mbte le uefuitit.l1utlufors i>-lle. coxcste iqbiib lrîtiubit fr(lcnase suguir camne tia'1'sîpcusc-clc i-ri fan1îixlta,)A. IV. CRON. grain crop whîlc'luis tto omu-, mmit thaeicx- tts' m~-j .Cw ii i -Tl.\K EII, Master and t')nner, IWhitbv, MuIret 4, 1S57.7-f ceto ifasîg L iegI, airts u-i'u l îm~nî1-n 'niîîî ame-t LAND IN SCUGOG. FOR SALE. hi luitnarc IOic --it hi .nki'.ithebieland. Ttirnips uîcy baidimilem itîth lrecegene- ccîi ituiui rIis, e. hUti l.tae alay. 0 'ainl. îeart of thiaiLot kt goca rai classes ; thie rouiuil or globe shapcd, bcmutheweleuo a ag o uualsuîe liii-1îiri'sm-ul omcîer luuus rmîmu-iredan d fibbei ti lardmiiimii.aLand, tblue unaitder i..4 xiiediti arctise sainie, railtiiose mu lil hbave luit fr-mm 'o-11iî-uBrandu bfi i ilriinauuuî'n.for theace- ialual itunber, anti a t'en-acres cf goudCaledar. depresseaî on Norfolik, und te t'tîuformu or jc.acauiluufailo l u-îfu la lîuiti th nid, i'n utîlthee omucevti malicAppmum-to oblonig. '[bey ire likemu asnîiietiaes (dis- i a ntaIýrinri. tiývýfi h t n ihu UtROBERT Il. LAWDF.R. tit)giieul hy tueir mahr, as bue mm-ie, (ithe>'sîîliu;v la Cltaiuuîta l-t'w~î.î 'uti' Ii.2,1 classes hatve, îuewever niany interniedla nt eiaatkitli lcrhuiuima as- Tlursil e' Tiirsdavam, and al turtimys. A To no htiIetdfil intdi varietie,tahaveutu-oisacuobtaineil i-y cros. ceas ; but among tiiose w-tabd arc dispain- Ptîrtl'trnv, May t', 1857.3. the cieinity cf tise lMarket. Terms Libeuuc.- aig icsrt: 1u&miitmvîî bti rensable are a ketie aor a boiter wîarniiuu bbhe-A 1u3 te îiik ; brasa I couidcn, is btue test for thisJONSA anal purp)le-tociuuued, ari eariy kindia, anal Byron Suiret, Withy. gnaouw weli ou very hiblt soil, ana l i pro' purpese; a clîcase tub) lange enongh teu'hieliv, Fclimcaey 18,157 il duce a crop wibla a sialler quantiby cf lot tIat'untîliî.abuuk.f SPLENDID INI'ESTIWENT. nianra bantua obuen. Tteuai iuîis1o mhicb uay bai male cf mm'oc, fusrcutting NTC net, liowevcrn, last s on tg as te eters, a rrls i uetb a lc fî iriig ie lIE PIVIi IIîRECTORY OFTITE O N TAR I O H OT E L tîai ae-uor ab e e t sed o e bi ural, for n-hidi i1 etul rîcoiunactîd a T W littsy and Lake liltuîc ailcavC'umpauy IIIOCK STREET, WIUTIIY. inj la, y hefuosts. rTe Aberclaicuyei- - tnai,-ia1ibNewsjapen Etutlisliuienb.E BSRE (FitF(R AL Idi aauMîlh bctmm'en thue globe andtihe ubtov mouall:W e- nuic 'u niattul i,-uim u htIiammuî' le BluN at opaiernte im rock arçeh r__uta lbaga or Suverilihatarnîp,and t i l taade by' uuiliuug liu lîabout -un i.l'c Ba ofit66us a runi, miacla harder thakathie globe ; iblis aise later m-aaaWiihnauîcd bîu mo mo ADEI & XRES ithPOIIEnT 2A. LAWDER. ~~ t * bbt hi te ~parllel bars anuiu-eli5 quai- astrabnerrof -Wulv un 1.l' 'ihsail la i-, mdgnialyyed hic litian or coten cit eue auud a liaI! W A R ilOU S E, FOR SALE IN TUE TOWN 0F go rp The Swvadicla bannipi stov- yards sqhîuare, te epreuti aver th iiilz;a Y.,Tcl 11E. 1STR ETUÉ NiIB. tîsnks WHITBY. gocal crep. n '~~ press, cf almost any lpattern, t a a'ormî- 1,, ha is Par -s ~trn andcîathle Puîblilco.2 ml2.TIE R II lever, tiui tisai lardicot, ana l li esisb (lac ttttt - l e ii,,ri Ilriig OT-1 S . .ad2 IF R f frosbte a far gîcabar exbenb bbau any otiien Icontinuouns ana sutificicuat pres'sure ;-a .i'k>t* n mesr? li--nul Itittri 1't in- L I1. teal liniI)itidus Street, liatweeit Mu. S. vauityana xcii etaia tuajuies e am cbecese isoop anal feliomu v, a peu-kiueasire t- nli iii t hat lit-s mliiioui ti anal a large lucrau's muid Lyudc'q ruek. - *ae 1itil la prc.TeSweilsiwibathte bobbmsî u at, 5tiie a ver>- gîod anu-I mlilî--i a"eaintilieuit cf Doeu.iuu ÂAD t-W'TEJIM5 L1BEIIAL. .l0îoop fou aalairx- cf siîk c )s- thîree or ~i'~clîtin, Applicaion toi le nmadle te turcîp, hîowcx'cr,- roituires a full dressing ', Saddlery, Triunks, lV'hipia, Collr, &c., MRS. ANGELINE WEST, cf eanre e ~ucîîe a oodcre. Tsi fouîtr cIolisof igb mucîisilufor prnaS.Siuilg Al if arlicli lie m illII nal t tiieLouet renlimue- Lu-m 33, Sblu oeomcssimuî Darliigton. spaciiscfturîi wll wiil Uc lans retle eaiea lu, anti sasuue suita5sleiplace fo'ontugPraa- i Chireismtia ffernug, pIeuse copyunutil t'onbid. r.ciçsoftrnpwîl hieth lat ae1N. B.-Pitriumlar mttentioun pulal tethe Job- - ____ youuig, bear tiauisplanting wiuet bebusr keepîing clou-se. bji i 1îa)rrituit. VALUABLE PROPERTI FOR SALI obuesccusqniniyan ba T (btat part cf the stomnarduof new1-y wMR.FcJOHN WILKNSOkuN 1ilSPRPERY 1 PI ASNT ST U -~ lu bsinte creu can bc i flleal op, provid l- dcuift (at contaimis terural, onue four EG5 tu) rctumann OthN tpT atdib i ouItiV 15 TowEA of2M'TLY 511 e hyaetusane as carly in tise B tîublic n i finsi 3ýc tet ietyfltiejdeB hîoainug season as pnaaibicable. or five <aya old ils often as gecal as amy, ce- 1'!/ liuarîtlr, ferrblîir malablin 5r- liani's rnci.ience. coutiiiuxiug lac fifiusoft'ai Thethut f swiîg bc lifonntvare-condiuig te its sire; lire lb anald my vi et, in samiug bic offerts froul the acriof Lamua, wiai aboîubtiwfiet frottage,oet iais arîis; rinait <îpenaiug on thiesenason jcnats Cus Digul uiclim-ae;pt AlSO, lie n-isb iL- ainferni thePuliic.thathc COg~FORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, it ino ailearthn dis withplent of sit lis nowcrectil iltLmixrtui-sliclionsteisanele ont , Builde l ngs, ani excellantelletWeI andal imuate; Ibese bluet are iosi solit d it to ramveiandcalist suat peuuty cf titt lttise, wiacna'ie lut ce ludreaîay tose u ofum 'i ' Wîtér i.anîýa 1t~'se n nutritive -reqaii, thue lengest Urne to gron- e tarmel, nlbatna cvulcs l lîuiiiin le$baîsîmaes euupaity as 11%f'a ttbe M ge$orfuthan rn ant usiotlt teio-t fle soust;ana aoaltibai bang itpinl a mmarc dry place; )WATCIIMAKEli &JEW'ELER, &c., ecaler. apjity te titisha ceai-mbe aisownaiheisaiousti beadonnafter a fen- wetiks i txvmitt le0teuseo, alblîiugli lacitue' a isrze stock , f .'1.V* ,ST{W, on tiseprmise. this ccout theSwedsli sould bc swn i is aid t iinrovýWATCHngingaNDerJErWELRYT WîîANDtbWE, Feli. ho, 18., 18j77. prcberîy . - ~ii siit tarmeb aagc tear ojn huail, lie mitLeçhnice tiier for Building FRS L-5TW OS .....au.more. A gocal reunet milii take (lance or ubruI aîuru~ iinlterme. n O AL -5T W OS s uic nt<aniii--.i au'ed shoul'd " ou anlrtipnuti cwhîes, oitibcte libeucl, for by sxeimsg (ce lîttie (tue crop more. Thner or four uraiks befone cluesa- isorninais fails; «mu wlieu tise plante arc N miking le te commence, 'neciet eeuigh tob attacked bty icaicts, andi are blin on tluehateoulwesssatib pepne y grud tise cr011 mu-lt [se aestroyei; n-haro- pacig he lu e e huldm-itl. tuepqart.'a e as ifte bieplants are murnerous, tisay gron-w pacithe ia n a a r isat teo a r slcof quieken, anti are more 1ikely t te -iisbcuiul (htu lu c w iceai, uanl eqpanly tbe ravages of iiisecbs, or a droughty scuscu. hmiawrnplcndfeuty n-oukiug them; wibh teisenti te get out tise TracptantAcg Cabbaes. trngth, anti aflair staitdicng about tu dutys the liquor me>' be turtuetioff, -and alat'as Olten. nhbie naisaga plants ane ne- mach more n-aber aduled, n-hurla na ant- meveti frouate betis n-lure tisey wenej cd t'onuse me>' becxîixed nll(iai hefirut, raiscd (tise gardon square, a lange portion analtise whole raineAl anti put into e rer- dia, anal in a t'en- layui bie gartlecer must jerçiti messei forer.t i, b aimportant that c consitienable quantity et' reunet slsould be prepare t.time, luintirer bluet its. sbrngth mac bikacavu, andt iis cen cia'- bo escetaineti by (iai. A Cç3tsu roît LevE.-Take bn-cire ounuces et' Dislike, one pounai cf Rttalutioae lin-e ounces o et'(lpon-den ofet'periaicce, anda large sprig of ima, fearteen tirachnssoe Lise quiîet of dishonor, (n-o quarts et'.tisa cooling of coaaiticnatiou, mixait up togetiser. tisera wfftise conk of a Soundl Conscience, anti isera lat thora reuna'ma. 'Instani>' Sp plilbt tiste bottore et your iseart, and yen, wilhi be perfectly restoneti to jour sensea again. rï ' - 'tes. tis sarc e to'bc isuiiof tisaaptise- cary, at tise houa. tTUndertanding, ccxli aber te Beason, ln Prudent street, liste paris Contentmnct. HOaLOn-Âr, 'OuINTraEaaçr.NDPML&-Tla famly muedicine cist 4ut l f he vilth lse livo pon-ererm n notiuag.uago,-Erptiqus, arsj," re'aîo( (liesquaremmibisottian planta, anti tbis liacs occanneti se frcquonbiy, biset moat pairseti hîave conchuadedt (at lb is inevibablo. Manay wili douab( meen n-e bell -theun tiat lb a iî oihy tisois fautîtbhit avcuy plant dora net hivo. Ya aucha luthbisafart It re- sîlts ftom bn-o errons n-hics are easiy eroitict. Onae is, bt a n raning tisa plantai, tisa roots ara brokon, andthie other' front kecping (hem eut cf tise groucti toc long, îptil lb becemes more'on les.; dry.-- TIse garnue instoati cf iaving tise landi prepaured fui>' hefora ha takas Up tisa plant, andi goîn tisreugh tise, wn-ol pro- Cescf drawnlg anal planbing' lu a few min-, stes, oflen drames bise plants, tison laya off -tise gnouud, anti thon tdrops evary ona where it lu to boeput, before ise'bogies t. sèt the flratu one,' andi by tisa timn~ibegets te tise ast thuey are isopelessly injure.- solcetimacu, wa a'bavsM ucis instances, tise plants are lying tis on th1e ground -j exposed fjo the hët fth uf i i uufor hours, gôfre tisey are placteti. If' the.y gev aitern-erds, lb wotld -be a very grcat on- der. T he ilanî whicti I have pj8rs.Çib fo TIIOXAi EAL WA TCJ(A ND CLO0CK MA KE42 T it'unte tu tue people cf whitby and sur- Irouiidii conntry, tliho iuslanow preparad tu dlean uï nrepair Watches, Clocku mmd JeweIlery. cf aven' desônbitioa. Every article wànîated te tise iatisfatiffn cf I!& enstemenri. s'j A sliara cf public patronae li seliiited. Wb itbb, May 2Ob, 1 S57, 1 DENTINTRY. DR. J. S. JONFS HAVING ueîeociate&uisuuuaaf.sitbDr. W. iflW. Gagefer bisa înrp4se e'orae- ti.siuuilzl's lrofeassinn, offenh: liasevices tz;te put:ibc, Itrsg tblth ibsthe atvacta o f mue tiact 15 yearsexercece,ïe'iiiFe fbcUnd eetn- etent t tesdiecisarga tue dutias penbalmnug te tthe oL ligPia'e4aion. ýTeath frein Gîte- fo a&fulil Seit insasted The hâte immprovcuetapnaçtiaad-,AU e bleus waruireuat. .J'p Mnr. Jones exec utas EizRMOc-PýaÂruOon ai1 linais et Silm'rWutcea, Citdanc, Jen-etryn &. lu e veny perfect mancaur, cci te h. rocognized ~!4~.b~ONES &i GATOR lIE umdhra ti aeviug rasiguadt ha Office ýý'. eunuii fbr(he purorpeof r&- mun lapxiêi the Court et' Cluecen,: 'N TIIE TOW.N 0F WlIITIIY, IN THE J sia'iulay'ite -Market now iai course et' ceaeticu. AtO--TIIREE WATER LOT For funtiser pantienlrs sud terna aplyt F. KELE y." KImR TO CÂPITÂLISTS AND» <ITtrUEWISHI1IOTO 1<(KE AÀ000»uINVESTXMT. posatioet'partofef bsa #Uafo(fa o, i, luth. loti onessionofet lchutuh.- t Titeaboya Farna îtaWdully#tatýel lu tii Villg fSa fi'Ie bcallaafrom iMarkltauu __ff ofToronuto. m'asb lu ro s tate n-ibistiseeSr talni tY sa rge ratura ot'ohbuin outiey. - n For terre, &C, a i by letar ptp te tise subiacribarl&àe gAazC W. WILLL4M PII#GLE. Msnkhamn, Ma> 12,- 5~"17 <~ ~~Ias~ër to Let, TR - "Y 8TEAN ]ALT<I5 wrrH TWO 111K OF 8TOIS L W for the - - (r et T At anl thetaice thingu take lukie If theme yIon dont Mie A, bgba yo'l etri ift on uc m-tàae a pée #ahiTiîtko?. NEW TIN SIIOP. (Rear et Benjainin Bryan's cid Store and Tini- Ware Sbcp.) JOINq BRYAN-PnopRsnre ~SRÎ~R .MWOULDMNpC ~.btIte inbablbdnts' cf ùiu Town andI Céunt thath hi as opened te alipse reaaiuîaîa Ail iîndia-cfln-ware rmade and repairod. lirazimru work of rien' description doci on bthe p reis-eâ. Tie Priipr;ietor iii a wrigualai tinker wliîwiîorkn st lii rade and i n nt ashauned cf lb. Al .orderu Ifor work exacutod In-a atradesman-lika' nanier andi *M- d.apidb. Every demcription of werk made andi repairad end giîananteed gouîd andl ,ound. All kitade of jb work doute eheaper and bat- t er than it eau Le doue by any oter Tinker lu, $ý. Old eppoir, mimAi Iren, coton aud linon rags talen In*.exclialiîg. - m bbS'pi th 1857. 12-tf. Stvs,'ixj, Coppor, and Shoot Iron Ware. IIE Suh-mcrher luegste infmim'mtise 'igà!h mhfdibitdûhs 6rW.IitbY âa abho'aft- ý ronndiug coiunin lit lielias'-janrcais- m.eui4ai aiaii ,i. W.1a1.,iui-e c ji e t t WHITBYCA]tftî*EDEPOSITORY 81K- ihaibli>' eec ta Mn. (1. lie andti1 hlm 'a V- Hn. meee th ie old emtbl Stneet(Whabbw h are nont elption of,work .wli-iBLn Apnil lat. 1857. di t mi la in ce nt COUNTY 0F ONTAIbIO, 1 Y VIRTU E 15F To IVit: a Wnit cf Fla- ri Faeiss, ana Wnit et' Veuditioni Expoitas, le- sucal out et'liertbajesty's Court ort' tiuniii'uu leus, anttae adirertod, aglut u.it te niils anal Tenemnents et' Fnedenk'k liee.defu-maîant. et btua suit af 1Robent Hara'ey Lader, plainitfl' i lie asaizead dtaken lunormention, aIl thec su- tte andinîtenest cf bhe RaidiFreadic iloare. iii anal tebte faliowing Lande anal Tcnixîubi Il htpr fLbNamo wnytmc.u bita tt paonessotn t'be Twnt ut lrtin.SAL O S c thereft o is sioeofitaheilI aqhniîaflliitîu, ______ - - &c. _ whot' q itasllae e Mi.llan aielifîn, laîuisVCT RA AO N rirlut aial bittala l 1ot Nunuier Eitzl. inu the - -ICO I.cA O N Towmncof Wititby, Easb t'fBrock treet, liiu.' îaotirSTRIEET, W IlITBY. eemposed et' part et' Lot Nnixuiain twenhy-si's, iii bte Second Conesion of the Tiwaqitî of %Vht- Jesse Vaiasyke, Propriebor, ity. AI] n-iiriLands anal Tceiiienhs, t i ' the iiaid dafeudants aatate anal irîtereat theien, I Il ES :I'FE( Fi'LY TO RF-rt-'lI iS itali offer for gale at myOfire, intble Cuita> 13 mni tiuaik i ii nllterotl, îaitirui.nhldîîl1 Hote, lunbte Toncoet'Wtitly, on Suitiiîîtmc il,.piiit. f-r the kitui puitnnmilw ii , uit-ui bthe Kiglutit <1evof Angut, eue biteiiegl a- iui r q îîlliuaifihi la i îjuinz theu (emultuej itundreti sud hfty--aoccu, ab the btof t'Tcelve il-i. i - Iti luu .IIC. .ýle%41Il lu-g tgi Stit îat o'rioek, con. *li lias-tii-enni 1,-cn of ut'httpri.niîis.u -mnenicjl. NEÉLSON G. REYNOLDS, biniielly Mu. (aiuon, in Bnuiek Striet, itueJo-I - ,al, ,th tr-la--Sun mmiiSuliuu Ch'ul, C0-. IT'tihe îg raheen errauei and fittilu[ Pair J. LB. ILR. I lii îbîuluithe- sirv mla-t uilfur the uai'auuîatac- Siteriff's Office, ul,,i iit' tua 1uîbiî-amln'î' l'paiec.. Whtbbv, pi 0 17 Na ecpmense lias lia-en iliercu u i iimug the ,,ApilB ,h811 - Victoria Saloon I SU1TRA:N~CE. gaite'ît tu tue îirr-r ssot'ttac cgeanal tuae requine- - ' -' ~" Nocelit ie c tii 1uqnr, WicxatadiCigare D n- f..ii ia-r. 1flîî û,ilî.Tea, Ci*ffec, li~ -,ns Suiiluiu-les i'nd -e., ali-ics.4ti . I lui uit atreicaimuilmlc Iialts. TIii iler.iguicml trus-tstiïuîtt huis prravione-met- oui"l liîf îleet eitr-euI tl ilha' aacuatlemeul z1iiimtieet-.[ils.; patronse for unmsuulattentionu, andl a miesire bu emter bo theiridice. Bridsh America "Assrance Company. JESSE V-eN-SLYKE. T NCORPORATED ucaler an Art ofitue Tluindi %rareuu .lîsb, 1957. . lSesxioxi of bthe Eleents Provincial l'auliaiucu of jppiCn adau. WIIITIBY BOWLING SALOON. cAprAL £00,00. A B(-' TOAN NO7N<E Ti) CAPITALR£e<th>,<H><>. Ja* -4 of Whuîbv anal'enrnmuu- Santihitendls ho curry on thue bu-linees ini àl iiibuobmi, on the salue preinisecI. ýFrom tlo long expeenuee lu this counntry as a FR4 6TJCAL WOJJCIIAN, and as Fçrein for bte lest Fseren veuve foir Meste.it. George 1.Il. tciles' & Ii. u'T',nîun, hae fcels onf1denin. u tattiîi tlat ait xi-îî, n- m bruebet te ina mdili li e îer niîîumlua imuinmir tbahum giz-e aîirc e uitabiu An aellentt assortiiment of COOKr, PARLOR Iý'm I4oX STOVES, <uwas n tanu. Aise ail kindacf Tin and uheait trou Ware. Ei'erv dasîcipi ii <il C O PP ER VO R K, ruade tai order. l Pa& traUia ipuid teo " Io4....i J(>IIN TROTTEI. Wlit le May15h, 18n7. 17 ri ARDWARE. WHIO LENALE 'hARDW-ARE. rJlllllrllS'111flBF11ANVENOW IN STtOCtK T a1 îvcny large ant i ocplete. stock cf Shll l auit.ens y fardwareI, ipotdldiric fnun iig- lac h' .anal the Stiates.- TIelr prices are sicli as îil] inelitie tliei.Ie wtao faî'on blîrr trial, bo ex- temnulthIir-rwnmd tbliristek will ua5luse fiud cîmlîute. I. LEWIS & SON, 41 Kinig Street, Torontbo. miuEUflCEIfERSlAVE~0WINSTOCE thLle moqt ecomplote and tanrest aseortinent of Hardware lu Canada, te wisiei t tey aculalii- vite îuxyers' attention. R. LEWIS & SON. Januny180, I157. iron Piping. 2.0(10fontï 3< b ch 2 m e tbW'cldcul mon l'ipe lo..wi . ' * I oeki andl Diuîs. [muandumialBrusPluz Muain dcl",Elbi,ii'e.Tees rsas, Benhua, anal oblîr ilFittinga. For sale by R. LEWIS IL SON. N ILS T- ASSl'UTT'i, ITE LEAI), j NLeai l'ipe., (*1iinî\iositiotii tIo., Bras. Tut-m, '" ittiugs, Feait I 'encens. &c., îlot Wata'r Feet îaîîd Bou Warniail', Potalelai Suer Patent Coffée-Pots. Bnart's anal uthr Pahient Filbening Coffeai-Pots (lunexolate Pnts,-'i)ffthiù'rs. S i ce, Sugran d Tanfics .MBlamel>arw-lIùb cater Plates. M'ate NWsrm(tr*-Wine IMuller 'ipo andi Kife Tniva. Ilot %'ater Juge, Travaliiuig tuasg, &c. Lo ut LEWIS & SON 41 King Street, Toronto. Deed and Cash Boxes. ALAIRGE ASSORTMENT-varions suces- iA reCeivati sud for sala by il R. LEWIS & SON. Con! Fiardonians. A N ASSORITMENT (OF cqU'TE E JXtuvlîcsCool liairdonians,, Vasais anîd lis. J'iisb receivea andi for sale by R. LEWIS & SON. Touonte, Jannary Ze, 1857l. 4 B3ELTING 1 BELTING 11 ladiu Rubber Beitiag, E Freni3tua 14 incises. 20 Cols Bombai uiand Maullia Ucpe, from teii - 100 Cuiks CI 'm aiSela, sassotet isima. Y, 5o Tons Bar, IIoop, andal sutiIrun, assentoil in is2 Bundies mect SpnIng Steei, frein 2u, te 2h4 i lchas, 100 Ff4W'teP ?ugh motmd. Plenga Btbaca KilgsViceM &C &o., &al! Lr"rdûeWnptbe o Sie mcad Iieavy n- -I. É. DONALDSON &CI Li- tib1y,1j saau'y 18, 1857.i lIetiÂL Â, 5JAium opasosi, Whiby. lii. lunii or îîîîe yeaurl lunpabyuvtrct ai ltihiamat m(e ta r, sliam et' pbomue u tetmi o asmuueta'dur ittenpluflnmbrThe e umIla ev a iiimu e e. (iled ufrinîirita.mît.,tti 1 wih tiewpn,&c Oe .u a n l1 R..IA ICli.opieor Withy, Apni 2xd, is57. il TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, R FA K FA.ST FUIIO 8 5Tu hi-. ..i-h .B lMN froau 1 t,3 ....2111 Free Luuachfîsîa senb do OneasDUy. JOSEFpII CARSISLE. - SAM[CEL IMcCONKEY. Torotb, Felirmiury Hial, 18517a WESTERN BO gUSE, lt"IE AOV PEUIE HAIVE BEEN T - ist atPenrd h le unulunianetl. i"ore tavellera eau non- cd, g eacominadaion- 'Te hîcaise 14, ccli fiuIM* teuu, n-lkepimand tae sýleepi*ng a !trt ni nte rooc-my amad' îary. Thel!bes i gecal olbutîxi1t $ualcand theahast attnun- lar go 1muid comas-culent, anti ell auuppliedth u seuxîel1y'fitetol tait'uîgrecuis fon pivaeaPar- MICIAEL MCÂULEY, W-'Peivit re of Fmtpi rîce anal iinerant gelif- iry lca, Prfs-uonIramttenlut curce but neyer stuc- gaird. Dr. Atans &--Snitiluaveitfor a lfiflSrc"iof'YeaN Nm"uennueein ir i xtetsîreopractice inlutei uraianeîub't ftiec i enta-cirrlaints, andl are t l -ai- l waly iaifled litîyoxians-lie non- auhs-eî nilse l tuabutaiuian I'uiee lu rarne certain cocaplialits, or froîîm w-tcmn Genlue European Parnns in auny' launt t le Wnrltl rmy ha xur- oaf iîcin ama-e, clîlu a retiintnue t'on ailla-tacs, &Cr., alibs ilIliai raturired -liththbe uîmnest itiaî-i mil<l- efr#.,rài aibseraafln. Auni- Tur. Anis &Siu1 or cuomiain-tial Quay Streebu., Buullu, N. 'Y. PERIFY TUE BLOOD. 3ioft'at's Life PiI. and Phoenix BIt1er, Free (rom ailtinetrai Poisons. T UFIEGREAT ?OPULARITY W1ICM 3MOF- lit's Lilfa 1'111.4 admu nîlteiirBittera bave et- ttbasahli eou.aeqiiaue t'theextronhinan cures cete lis- their ic'. rentIers lb nncaer-r tfor buhe pro[ifeiat4r t-m.cuter jt epnlri)nciclmss .,, uthétir tneîlicuuuh virtnes or pnupertieia. hliîv-' ia, ' ha.e ijiire tîîau lwitv. vnire bafora thubl- liai, n4 amiaiuar the iniiuuaf estmett f y 'ore tata ttrce iiliiis et' prsoos n-lachavie baauu resîcinea te theuiov outtf perfect heatit ly tlili, irl i -mlie,Ç laiIlîc e ituot veicetuaIlèi mealleixie nnir be't're tte palelie autmits oa it'ui.lixptc. lu slmotel'ery at-i' anal villuige luntaeUnitedi Sttios, thitrte racn n tue are reAiauiltii tcstify totluçir effltoey in rexutus-inur di-m;e, antdlgicintigtbtain-hle sysharm mreuewc îcï,r ain îd beidl.- Iu enmsesof -ienet'ala, £lcars, Senr". or Erap ticmmiefuthu e sUc, .tre perution oet haLife lM- dialîtes binmiy,îto'xhitg elaranmWiimgin aa t'en- dnys, eeuveNetizrioftheme- lctoebaaau ( Ii- 1>viltss their puriu;i-ilag efforts oublie blooal. Faser nccl .'-izie , I>eal).q euu.hvp., Piles, sal ini short, muet at t teasey mccc1via elà tiar eiumr:iit-c propartie. NoX6'suiuly lvAcniii ba ,siibî ani tîîu, as bliy$-Ibeir Iimuety utse tsuehl ufferllg aul 1exliense na'- ha savel.' 'relmed hy WILAM MOFTATp I )., NK Y rk, and f«rSala by - W. S. ROBLNS.N Fernily Cliamalt, BrtxrkS açtWbit1sy. A MEICAL BEVQLTjTIQ.1 TIE WORLD UA~OJ TA. E~EBEGSiLS4VIE TQO IF- . J.n itise public sud tisa travelling 0m- tftrOcý nitr (l it < 1m0lts Ieadti hé - nbve well- ,lux eO e Haiuit otaI, n-banc ha n-lU carry-un rtubW> tli l us'p- reter ttc Ucese at8tterableaKmua eeale. oad Ii sdblyanti etteabion, Iz pinsra gocti 'àc-et[ biýZ liopa t tiith e£att o ie ptrnage. rs sit 1' A. PIERCE.- ier ra Wiuly i5,1 8M . '16 18 coo AN D A TT rtIi Store, u.ATTOI r SKEIFF s "O F LANDs. OU Y F Q 0B,1DY VIRTUE 0F - O rWIT- a nit of Vct- itioIiFExpona uned ontefer Majecty'ui<3ann ýyCeimtre Conby cf (Octano, anal b; me di- wcd2 against btae lain ad anements cf ltibt.- qeonip, d fntatau the s uitof filles Beniu- udn Fairbaks, plantiff, 1 haa seireci aud talc- an iu oxention, aI theesab or imtere-t aif thte sld 0 Roet Motoi, at t, thé filowiig macle anal tenomtuesvizillaeLot lin Osla- 'a, brcn r9nCOU ed cfpatof Ltt nutuber Tain, a the Iet conesion oft tTewuaiip cf W'liitiy, cnmnmencing whero a peit ha.- been plauteal. bt th-o We.tAigle cf alaI pit-ea of la en he out Ad othie Kingstan Rosai tain lbai ns tlfty links Eaaterly from tue Northa West Angla cf mmld Lot numbar tcn -ithon South msix- teu degrace, Emstt bye caine ylinlks; thlene North serenbv-four degrae~e Fastne ciain tweuby-five lin~ks; the on t% e irteru aegraes, Wuattwochatae flfty linkas; titeneeSonîla seven- ty-foluer degmes, West onaelihaintwc.nby-fla'c unks te bbe place o cf *n*in-,coitainiig by aalmesaremantflfty perches, more or lems, wîbbî tia benamenbs bliereon. 'Al irliaitilands îaiul ecnemeu, or bbeaid dafendanb's estabe andl nteresb therein, 1 shahl offar for sale at îîîy (>f- fire la the Court Ileusc, in tlîa Town cf Wliitliy. an Satiîrday the Twenty-sevanbh day cf -lunîe, one ieuondl hit hnndred amnd fily-stevrn, ut lh-ue o t tw-Vae 'clock, ceeu. NELSON -Q., REYNOLDS, aSherifl (' C. 0 Shieriff la Office 1 I'hitby, iitarch 21,1570 Î- Inurance affeted on Buildiuîgs d bhîir euteutâ. Emery itut'un'iitiuin sutpliemi nu1iaîu- 1itication be tisa undereiguca. Marinaelaika for theo Seos or for Perte. JOHN AGNEW, Traedml Ag eat, Byron Sf ceai, il7dthîy.1 Protection agains Leos. or Damage by Pire. ý WVESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL £ 100,000. I NSUTIANCE effeailca on Baildinge. ana l ii Icontents. Everv inuformnationexiSlîlied un appileictionu le u udermigieil. JOHN AGNEW, Tixae, and Beucon Assurance Com'y TKSUItANCE offeated on Builaiiýgsandl (lîir I retants. .Every icfonaton aupplieti 'on application tote iandensiLmxad. JOHN ANW TraUsliag Agent ad Sa oesf Riub ByreonS&-et, WAit&y.- PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital 2126.000. TIrSURAIiOE effecteti on Baildlngs ciat etir ji,«ents. Eurery infirunston aupplieti on application te thae undensigneti. JOHN AGNEW, Whitby, April 8, 1857. 1- of Canada, SBTABIMMMDFOR rTE ASSURANCIE OF EIlesidX"tis. Incorpencteti ly pee Âouefàiaiiau, 8-Ve. Cp. 4 1 1 - 1 TO LET* lTnKH>Je IItTIo - LARGE TWQ~~TORY iQt1 Dîwpeui GvePLd EbUZI 1" Gi M B ~ ~ ~ ~ à, lna, ed Or0n1J Ilhad &ruU WUkers,, r. m piflI<E i 9u aise an excellent Well oftWatet,and ý-dtý rM mi o *c.,, m a itai n ofSeft War, Twlth ft goed kithrm.Uf piirep te easci of theni. The Lot cottinu oea ýïô acre and-a-Iîalf, situate in the Village of Xost Windlsor, ,Townrsliip of Whîtby, now ceupied Dit.. À.KOS&BON, by . Wcathcrlv, L4 qwre. AD xY T., BnX!>TtL<, . r.) -F~ur furthûr piirtictIl'maPply to J. BAMER, Esqie RE TIIE ONLY PHYSICIANS I TIC! I'oreeWbitchlal. 116 STATE who art inejibes Of the Rovaj froriinf isî he nwDdOL1É bcutoiglite 110,01E OTIIER LARGE iafroîsto~itiekan in tneflng &tDoti 9asal A u x the sair lne ae in )omnd The trentincîît they adoopt iidte reiiult of lp- fis n-bti(ia s heforgon.b-wat'ils <if ti) ears' extensi.veatdsesfl îi- SSI ('nt-bnidinii s te fregingbe-tire id <îîurn.'rTe most invetelrate ms. îf ing the preniisem iu the ceen îativn u d, cff o of Patrick <igilieEitq. rThe liiid on ti u Lot Dsae rdctdi ~ eea nea acre. pyte îa sliglit nature Illi a or aIl a ysat a nodrate, ex- Contenai.'Ihe c tre effect<'d >theiiot eenfinenîieitt- J. RIAMERR, Esquire, oir ilindrance frin bnisiness. Proprietor, Whiteliail. yüLt5(i MES TAKE PAItTICULAR NOTIMCM~ LSO. A1l.ARGE TWO STOII There fis un evil habiit sernetimets indulged tr ABrit-k li<iose andd ,tore, witli 1w' boys, il i-b5litiiide, rfteni rrîwing îîç witlî su,, ~ l ilcessa? tln-bildiings, and a tfieîn tb îîiinhîîd tîiwîal, fîc e'rî uug <'oi! Girleii, initie Villiée'of Mtst ini due imîe. niit oniv herets srni'b teee' - * ¶iiimluîr,,Ti>wnshii p <t' W'iit.- niatrimnii I es bt i as ý qa« tAlon, aiitliiar lirge two stiýry i l'si adj<.iiiig ifr.riti *~iiîstîîIi t. u.r the mineîi. For fartdier par-tieîîlar,3nr>[pI'! o 1 F'Cwîîofthrosiliai giive way te thius 1ierraic'iouOi J. ILAMER, Esqire, I pmacti are ziWta-eet* thte consequeceea'-Unti! l'ropicto, W'htotî ie tav flic!ldtii,irviiis s'%eterii tattereal, laie Prorito, Witl tr an'.d îîîiai'c4aîîîîtttb'ie seniaatiosui,iiaid vagu Wliitiiy, April 2nd, 1857. Ùl-f f 1nalu he iîid. ---IIOUSE FOR SALE. À MST CIN IFI NVVN 1 ON. A ,Zoidt w ? lr iiliiitheor Na-tîirial Eii,-sin umre ofrDl>e l tow ~1îîîia«ialiî iiî'îiaim seiit»nl Weakneiiq, &r'. ean bc e inanhitî f Wri'.1Wliii- ii inlufrouaie'i te tvi'nty claves, ly thuséi lim li. It eniniains Soaartiîieit ît wi - ..mntiînnC( e ti i .Tlieam cinimîtain f auacie'. 'jy%' ItEMOFTEit AND i) tifK CI7R". Ta.iw-t me fitlà a e,d'w îî, tie Ibalzince ii suiît bhee i'iivcni'Oa' t'piiretiii<'er. Pr. Ai4 & Son taoke ripw-'xre lu îtiyiunting Appl totîlt tjlii'y 1aii ii rotoî a iukist important in- A~îpl~. b<i struiiîii'l t ri liii Ire if tilib4w'i enîaesIt GEORGE MrGCTI,l,, lins bren miîb jr4te' t.i a t#eO bv tilei moitrlietit Propie-ti. m th prenîen lii4ieii sî î iîfinîi,Pl'es, i'hiliauelpliia tid 13 Pojsritî>î'oms te Pr<uîise ,i, : i ~tib n i-eii oîre.îL licthe îeîly - ----- --isefî uiitiii.ýrieiit rîa'r vet di-wovered f-W tii, TO LET. 1i r id f cîiilît iîkneiaaî, <rsui3 ilîeaxe oiTîtli m reniîîal crgiiîi, aiiaiaidby the ut-et habits cI 'rw ~~ llizt, yiiiiî:îîîîî" Dr. Amels <So n, in arîor te suatiof bcmn aprm t, suititîlifior a niiîi- kititteul ast', tLe mntie cf tilair imsiruîîient, I at sIv I id i/' Iîiiily, lt suîiiî"iîipIsit iuai "vi's ttt inu env i'iac' here Clti -a liriz itrtet, Wesît 'id!, hic- iunmi'proce d î-ztiiciateani: auer aniltir triàit tween'îîtheTo1"î laîiI[nd iiiu lwoe Bridge. Ilte miri'm'tY will tie raifimdealhy retiirning te Ajîpli lulîiecruîîaeiit ii aind (<nier. JAMES ROWE l'airsoiis wL41iiiie dtciboxw e Ins ntritiît Julne, P, 157. il c' *.trifseeîrely iackcad sat by exr- 21 prvuaur or taru'csrruos

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