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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1857, p. 2

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( 4lemai rabia errived kt this, port thla P. ni 1redstul-Uinder the Influence orflfne Nvather P continues very dui, lthough lour and wheat ame nominally unchanged. Corn lhad declined b te la 6d; mixed quoted kt 36sio 3SOS(Id Flour of aIl descriptions 30à ta SOs. White wlîeat s Gd te 1Os; red 8eà(Id te Pruiiions gcnerally quiet. Beef firte. Pork-nothing donc. Lard in botter de- unand and Is ta Is 6Id higlier. Ashes more stotidy et 44s ta 46& for botît descriptions. Sugar and Rico depresscd. Tee fiine.. The London moeey nmarket had tmder. gone no change. The dcîuand was pretty active. The bullion in the Baek of England had increascd £262,OO0. j Coesols closed on Friday at 93J tao31. Amnerican sgeturities dull, but without -niatenial' viriation. * Londoi produce martl gonerally dulI. Liverpool, Saturday, 1 p.tu.-Bradstuf. dufFURTIIER BY TIE ARABIA. NE11w YORtK, July S. In the french clections the apposition had sectured o:îly about hait a dozen moe- bers. lit thp Ilauise of C0nýàiiins, the Jewisb bill hatl becu passctl hy a largcexnjority. On tlic 2tlh JtiKîý. Nr. Lowe announced 1h. Satrat f ehsigmled IY sbip ."du c~romp ateoelntto the astwsrd Queca Victoria paid a sate Visit te the àfanchster Exhibition openod oni th. Weather very unfavorablo. Thero have been two serious Railrumd collisions-about 12 killed, and 100 hue. drod wounded. Theo Coincrciei .Daily rPéot leares that a report is current le woll i.nformed quartera, thet the goyernent is in passes. sion of ncws tram Indlia that tranquillity bas been reatored and that the insurgent& have been eut up. FaÂscx. The Tine. correspondent is informod that orders have beon givon by the Minis. ter of Marine tbat 14 transports out of 28 &hall bc kept in a state- of complete equiip- ment in the. Fnench ports. The pons of Director General of Public Security and Director of Telegraphie linos are abolished and the f unctions will ho per- fornied hy the Minister of the Interior. 1 TALT. A eoespiracy tending. ta create distur. bance lias been discovered at Genoa-40 arresta have takon place The ticet of Lord Lyons was at Leghorn and le to bc expected to ho at Spezz on the 4th and at Gcnoa on the Sth of Ju- IV,. There is a reported settlement of the Spanish Mexican dispute. No News. Nothing important froue Canton. A di fficuity had tak en place between the Engliqh and Anicrican authorities at Sing- apare in regard ta tho dlaims of an Ameni- <an authori ties to the. fl.tch ,ip -Il..,.. hat Ite rjecteîilbill to aboliai te pas- - - Jperuse tent. t' «j nette Maria," whîicit ho teck tram a C.hi- eigClle on shlipiutg woulîl not ho brîugbt ns rw tsc -oht upst fCt forwmnîl turing te present session of Par- offiece. Tto Ducit ook dpossessionfte Tic men niur-edti tPort Penn>' are r-e- liarent. coverng. Thene arc 1w-a bow-en ,w-ho The ailier perliantentar>' proceedings tesi.-arc coi ycf considercil quitcouf uf danger. were tiof u interest. LIVERPOOL MARKETS.i Tiue Londton .1?qir sa>'s hat there le et Liverpool, Tuestiay, SOti. H>-ekn a un np-tC'gcrC> Iongth a prospect ut sainiepuublie nove- Keei ove&C. iclr u tes hirougi te Caunt>'anti te weather- la ment heing attenupteti in fanon ut parlis- Canadla Wet mixe tCaw-ite, .s ,dta~~siniifr t uuentar>' reforin. A consitieraithe nucuben 1IOs. 2d4; Canada neti, 8s 6Id a (ts 4di; Ce- ut leading reforniersl-have belti a meeting. nad& fleuer, No 1 superfine 32s a 33s; fane>' Mn. Abrahain Farewecll bas resigneti bis anti L.-uen flie pneliuincry stepe ta hing jjj; a 34sa 6dt; extra 31U a .16s saur-, 27s a seat, as I)eputy i{ecve, ie thc Tow-nship the inatter beinre the publile- 35s. Wcatern Canai Flour, 30s a 32s 5ti. Counicil utf Whitby. Te cauise essigneti Thew-r-kutshipig fe utiinnic t- Aslice-Pot.s 44s e 44s 6. Pearîs 44s. Jb>' hum for tioieg su, being a Icngtheneti eb- legreplit ablc on huard te ". S. frigaf e France bas been 'isiteti b>' ieai->' af>nps sence le Minnesota. N iagara iras expectedt a commence aboutut-itanireleCesottbtCteh the 29(hliou June. nefit ta tCl-e crmps b as been prester titanCneron The Anienican Citamben af Commerce in 1 tite little dîmege donc; te>' are ripening It gives us infinite pheasure Ca hochibe Liverpool bcd inviteti Captain Hentison anti test. t tt-Cu n leirDae- tCi lte officers oftfhe Niagara te a Dinner. The JThe w-eeuber- sicce ýafurtia> bas been Town, an out anti out cdean Grit, anti ram- riîvitution liai! been accepteti. euci bruken witb beav>' butid-în show-ersI - pant ancexatianist, is speedul'.-hein,,, con- Thc new ctton raupptç' ovemmet w-s in titis hocah)t>',but in London ant inletitbc etc riCt rosu bswcs nil uttracticg Chie attention ufthCie London SOutltl it e-as uitpott briliant Se Chat lt o-seigfr dis-niC the L> presa.Cure Market titer-o esierday ton every- Ondin ut Orangeueen The mTies rals on the Governmneu-taCe hic g cas rather lauvrnbut bote huyers J pave thei vvton -te Lancashtire mantcfc- anti sellers hooiing on. - J DnRcs(etSo- tirr acrry out t icr pro-icet in Indis. A u (ueMaDn -esGen hw turer ta e J Atour C r Mrket to-day attendance At e cabinet Coîmncil flue tCle ut Prnie c-as agein pour. Iliers ut Whect andTi hie exhibtion is spuket ofton calites- Conlsort hdb ee t frrdupon Prince Fle r>fi-an seso Wteîu teu utm ite Press antite Poepe-as te greatest Aibert t-nre, by ieakieg hiitîm egehi, as he retail chi-actcr et tutil pices ut Fridc.ant uCiteet gCatee -n aircai>' cas acî;aih *y, c nieniber utfte Indiail Coren.5dpet quarter lower. .Asiles titrougi te Province, Ifi luever cames Britisht Royal t-imily- andi issurnug hlm u iî iî 0al ae near- hait the gm-et thitiga sait -about it, iti a Iligli atid l i-nite position abronîl, but must c homuething s-ondertiil indeeti. witliout giviî- ini. nv l autitoritv et Funiber by the Anglo.Saxon. htoule. A Collision took place on Stinte> on lte Te Adi-cmtiser-s.J Thecdistribution of te Victoria Cros., or Kent Rairod-l1i pensons k illet anudi 30 WiinfcpstotihCweaeo-- Order utf 'clor- ta hose c-liadistinguisîteciinjured-ef Kirby>'stationuten miles tram Ct cuîau en> w UiIC tltcmu.i-îvcs in te laCe war, took place in I.ivcrp ool. tainedthenie fnalyTOlti)E *AaovTIONAL SU'ctnciirstitrougb CheorCh- 11yde P"arkç. un te 21?ttutfJîtne. Qîteen A preaf man7peoplc have been injuretic ato bsCutiat ieCute Victoria hanitutitte Cross aCa cdiindivi- t1w an accident to an exc-ur-siontraie. ofSrceatVioiVteCrne diuai enitlts Ca receive t, atiding a e fw iTe MIi-or eee'în inqîtir>' is stilI pro- -sbeîto iti a-tm eavnea -uîorti ut of oplimntt. VThe iliear>-dis- cecding anti attracts unuci t stentioin.- En iteodnn'liC 'uanbesl on plc>' wrs sinail, bieng confinel Ca about dencehas titi>' bonne ouftCite citar-ge ut 1,100 ment, counprisiug te crack regimnecia violent intertérence livte priesis-. -ncpers ofthc C ritnuca. lIn theteemporar>' stands hi k expeted Chat thc Archbishop utf whic-lthbd hein ruuî u titere w-ere sauce -Juuan wihh te put entier examinatian in the oietit~Pe. iLîî,Oi iiislete-atons.chule te grotunt a ~-t Hanse ut Communs on Monda>'. JTuas Late camne ut a ew " weekly"' ta t'a-ce e %itît a dentse mess ut peuple, e-ho -.Mr. Sunitit repliedti a ecquiries ut Mr.- Le pubhîshoti et Beavorton b>' Messrs Ru- tisplavi-el a eoit-.itcritl-e am-outt ot entitu-- Di-ar-seli relative ta Induea tating hat b>'i binson & liaris-tite fist number- l a» sucau. - te niddtle outhCIe present month tee ChuiL. eppean Ca de>' anti ritn w-e sec i, w-ilhoci iThe Police ut Dublin luati arresteti a senninen troulti have heen sent Ca indue, chIe ta sekmr tlnt.I h en paintr natuet S;eiien ant lus suc faorte -andt hat teCoul ut Directurs hati appliedti ime îeak murheenutleent. ee mceen- etur-der ut Nlr. Little, te Railroed Cashier, for 5.1100 more. Ho bcd nuotionhbt hatJ whiicît creatoîl s0 mucit sensationi a tew next mail w-auld senounce te mutin> '.Nsw-W WIEAT.-A sale ut new-w-heat, Cie uiaîtls sînce. VThe eviuîtitce is stnong surpressei. Afinalfuthte seeson, is r-oam-ed ine oAl- egainst te hrisoner.i. The Ilouse ut Commues is engeget inle an>' market uit 18s. per huabel. It came Ttc Enulîrar Napoleon hati gone ta tiscussing lte motion ut Mn. Bir-kle>' for ifi om Tennesse via Buffalo. Te soutiere rlomieres. ite adoption ut vote b>' bellot. crop la spoken oftas eut uni>' ver>'tom-w-cm- Te Luutton Tiinesi gines a rumetur titat VThe résolution w-sneut car-r-led. le its grow-hh but unusually' pnolific and e plat of a i-env sltnious caltuecconnectet Major-if>'igminst brneing le à bill anChe Crt ro rm altioprecicieg influences. The initithCIe receiitt election nignements isti subject 6f). cargo ie question w-as a source of consider- hect discovereti, anti tour italiens on w-houe At Dublienlte police mm-o bus>' sitieg contention witit purehascna, antiw-as final- potiden andi firearrus tere fouet itad heee evitience againat Spollen for lte murder J 1>' rad in par cIa, Chree buntir-et hustela1 arrouteul. ut Mn Little te MidIanti Railw-ay Casitier. ta an AIhan>' mille n anthie balance ta go Consi(ierable agitation prevailed in t ho Evidence ut SpolIons feuil>' agaicat hlm is ta 'New- York. Elbcri'teIîi and Barmnen districts in ccacao- ver>'atmoeg. quece ut e geteral stnike for increese utof C.Bahoan IFaed. '*sgeur atîusuug te pet-tives employet le Thte Adtertiser- Paris correspondent O h luu hamnl ag ie ~te cotton titilla. w-ies the Minisfer- ut Marine bas elegrap. ! blon w-as tounti ebout Itrent>' fine miles- Lettens troue Oporto se>' hat te disease hbotCa Bt-est andT oulue for 15 transpontta o-iu hetwnj ieTwnbpu nua5 egaiti nakin- -seioua ravages in Pur- Ca ho pncpareti wiCial speet for te con-.ICarCwih f h la spposn th onhtips tugat voyance ut mon anti mater-lattaChtina. b>' Mr. Steiner, ut Philelheila, un Lake- Te Enîper-rar nt Empmess of Russas If la sait thal Cie French' Goverement Erie, on the Igtit June, anti tram w-ich ho Ettar-tti froue St. Petersbur-g on the 24th ut, have contracteti with a Marseilles bouse cd sau narrain an escape. Il w-as fraC seen- Vîmlne,- for Kiel, eut roule for- Choir- Germn j for te suppl>' ut 10,000 Afficces ta Gua- b>' Cia people efthCie place on-the lOCh June, tour daope nd artiquviab took it for a spar-k tram te comet's tour.-i dalpe mc Martcque.tai, antiw-or-e consider-bl>' ciarmoti in con-- Tho cew- Rursian lcnifl'wenC icta apéra- J Titnee Italiens arrestet lut Paris are 'ta séquence, After a soarci, it w-as fouetb>' Clan ci4 thec22id ut June. ho tried ton conspirc e>'hoassassinat. thie -'Mn.Mornison, an tic day above menion- Te Cîustcutlstople correspondusent ofthCie Emperor. OC. Loti4on Timea atates tittt, thte gm-etEupb. Il is5f ated ht on iis second r-it tha FA LAcu>tv-panfio-ami ratesi lie ut Teegrapi bas hoon tieclareti Hungary' lic Empenor w-i grant nom-y con- John Moodati museti bimselt b>' filing an agniu-pt b>' Cie Couencil en thc pIes tiist alderable concessions te Chah ceuntr-y. 'lItalice Iran" wiOi povder, on Monda>' lte>' could neut guarantea l against lte Locibarti'ls in consternation about silk 1aI, te plecedth Oe iran se charget inlea Araba, citho' no sucit guerante. w-as dt-~w-or-m dtese, viichit l testr-oying Oie log, and having applieti a maclihaeil, the nandou. ichest anti muet pheetitul crop- le that pro- explosion burst.theOi ron, a piece of w-hIic A Trieste despatcit, datedth Oe 26th ot i- struck him ite thractticg th. jugu- Juune, tCia utheelicit>' ot w-ichi le'dotbt- A semniofficimi Madridi psper annaunces 1cr velu -mad kiliing t4 untertuncle mat fui, says, it w-as neportedt hat tIueý Parte ltaIt Spain aoeing hie fruitlesesa atfer--. ms meitl' r lne ota hati dteandeti oxplanations ot L ord Rad.t-Chor negtiaions w-th Che Mexican Pleni- iquîo Oiebtje xt i'D.tCar, antile r clittrcapçcfi e Ciecupatin b>' Oie Eeg. potenthlu'ias- reaolved at ones taproceet returpnet c verdit iaccrdac- -mit#S- The eamer niafuna, of Nov York, an- nivçd t Southamîpton, 251h June. - Th steeser Ar-l arrived t thOe same port on tht eelng ofthe 2lO uIt., and 1he Wahu. iuugtemat ari esth>' ur the mmrng fol- low-tg-. The weathcr w-e s magutiicnt. The accotunt etfttla graindmipetato. ereps in Irelanti an. higiti>'enouraglg. Qcaaa% Juil>'11, 181 1>' ta coceilialelte Gern nace on..France., effersiermetiaVion w-hidi sema l e b w-U rocovet bY Pm"aieanti Anatia'.and mise by Oie Presitinl of lt e cuan.DieI Livpcol lot Jul>. The-Balmyu, tenuChina, mrrlnet iw-tht a langecargo e.ads dlk. Tiieres ig owa srnal profit on 1h.etua. port of geld fwÇaiueii &$ MeHeuîay CoQ, report lbacon wihm chantee; betd iiavfr dclt . eu.Ii na us-asd a ntropeiitan jôurnaL il us reconli> beeeming mccli mnai.xlnively écrcula- tod lirwtoirfdlais. (&W. alue ib chieag T uly il. on the. elght ef the $rd inî7, a mob broko inte the Jeul of Ced.ar Oouety Iowa, and notwitluatanding the. dosperate zosiatauco made bY the heriff and2 guard took there- frora two pon eamed Gleseon and L6per, 1Coflfined on a charge of horse stealing, and hung them Much excitement yet pro. vals in the neighborhood. New Advertlsmnts t"i week. l3oardling and Day School-Mrs. Radcliff. For Sale-John McGure. Piano Forte-Misa F. Bryan. Fanm for Sale-D. Cameron. Ontario llotel-J. Snydor. Notice-H. J. Macdonell. A By-law-B. Yarnold. Wanted-J. Bain. Rcînoyal.-H.*Livingstqn. Manilla Hotel-Johe Martin. Farin for Sale in Thorah-D. Cameron. For Sale Cheap-ýJ. Y. llam. Card-James Gould. Holloway's Qintinent and Pilla. Crystal Oyster Saoon-Bevan's & Dizon. LAWYER'YS DLANKS FOR SALE. A LL KINDS OF 1LAWYERWS BLANKRS sthort form. Evcry description of .Iob Work exeruted with ne.4tness* and desl each, at the <Yroni& (JtlIce, on the shortest notic. IIIGG19S & MAYEIRTIFFER BnOS. Wliitby, Thursday, July 161h, 1857. Stverat Oomtnjinications lic aver for wrant of time on the part aI the F.ditor ta, would, lunm.dlmtely secs ta it-eand in Our zcumaoui t.rough ltb.oCounty Wb have Met with iaUmy klnid fionda everywhere w.madé ouracilf .known. To tbeai-and to the large linugber ot per. sono Who bave given thir=mres Uas ub- scuïberl tiie Crmtiek. while on our Journey,-'we bog to tender eur thanka. We continue eur notes ot lheOU fronilest week TFavelling by the Nocqiion roed, north. wards, frote Port Porry about fourtemn miles, thus thriving& nemI, poat.offic vil- lage in the Townshlp of mariposa, and County of Victoriaila remched. Tt wus formerly known by the naine ot Coul- thard's Cornoi ns.cd la dlatlnguilshed by meny gUI1l, unden tb. samo appellation. T t bas a population of about tlire hue. <fred. The surroundlng district contains Saine woll-cleared, well-cultivaLted ternis. The village la le Oie centre of Oie travel by the Nonquon, being situ&ted nearly precisely the saine distance-fourteen ta flfteen miles-front each oft-Oie villages of Part Penny, Lindsay, and Beaverton. Four mail-stages leave il oae.h day--one ta oach oftheb places last-meationed, and one for Scarboro7. Thore are fine strong mèrchants' stores at the. Place-three new hetudsame churches - trame - Englisb, Baptiet, and Metodist-A goodGrammer bebn.As t$é-SmtrY round about be- eomes openod ,p, sud the facilities for tra- vol increase, fhere la little doubt but thie picturesque spot will become a fàvored one for the rural residences of the wemlthy le tho summer geason. A ride of two melles from the Narrows brdge, ýrings you te oSILLA. This le a handsoufe littie vilage favora bly situatod on the north shoro of Lake Siuecoe. Tt cantaina a population of b.- twcon three and four htindred inhabitants, has two churches-Engliali and Presbyte- rian--good common school, and bandsome tempenance hall, there are tbreo batela. The accdnmodation at Purtes' 1 fou.d te, ho superior-english style There ilaa lanrje building lntended for an botel, hait a mile oatW the village, on the margin of the lake, le course of construction by a campany, ta accommodate summner oxcur- sionista and touristg. Orillia cac boast of few manufactures, there iS a tannery ie the village, and a saw ilfl dr two, and a grist millinl the vicinity. Thon. is a good safe wharf Nino miles wèst ar Orillia, the traveller arrives at avillage oftChis naine, justs9prueg inta existence, with aIl the appearances af bealtb and vigor, le the way of saw milîs and ncw buildings. Tt is likewise situated on the lake. The first bouse waa erected only a few mnnthi; ar. Th..re ren ki.DALes'5STORM In ita exterior and interior appearance, this stort u e 1e st fureished ie Whitby. The chaste and ifufique display-of recherMe stock, bijoutre ernaments and articles et vertue le the ticheet of theo kind outsido of Toronto, and for arrfangement, and teste in display ; is fully oqual te any similar store ie the Province. This. is not ail,-the handeome store is not,-monely an' Orna- ment ta the town.* Mr. Beall, with ail his refinod taste la toa much of a business men for that. In Gold* and Silver Watcfies, Chains, Jewelry, and phated ware, ho lias a crowded stock * vhich ho aeils remarkably low, whe compared w#ith the high prices demanded at bouses in aur large cities. le stationery. wo pretend ta bel something of a judge. a.nd efter inspecting Mfr. Bcall's newly received sts*ik of Englisk Stationory- which includes cverything-from a swans quill ta a slate pencil-we pronounce it, first class, and the prices such as te induce ourselves ta deuil w'ith liixn-ihafead of get- ting mock chesp. bargaîns et stock froue Brother Jonathan. MY.. Beafl, bas Books of every klnd,-Ignglish anud Arierican edi.- tion's. le bas saine other arnOdes wbich we nmust requst the public ta viow and Sp&ss judgteent upan theueselýves :-They comprise saine of the mast chastely ex- etateniote-pubiuli ed ba ftbrobbe<Y of the dead, andof the bode beon foue4- which had been flshed up, killaged ad throwvn le agaîn with the pockets turned inside out, rings and ornementa tom of and similar outrages conitnittod on them, Bc he pusnt investigation close« itNll* nd t vry statement which wo hav lih ed bas beca corropo.ae by &audanttestitnany, The "Twelfth."l ie opening up and populatlag the rlch tract ot country north, the trado of which would thon ied its wayhby BeavertotltolVhîtby. It would likewiae hc the moues of doicg that which, aboieo&Iliother'thînga, young lecelities moat require, drawittg mncof cm- pital and onterprise tawarde the place--who wouid build up the Town aed develope its fertile resources. I wua assured that the etire trade of Lake Simcoe which now finds its way hy the Northern Railway, would- w-ens there a nailway ta Beavetan-be sent through te Whitby. Thero is Do doubt but that the Whitby road w-ould ho mucl tIie shortest, and of course, as a consequence, tho choapest route. One great draw-beck ta Beaverton, and w-hich 1 have hadt occasion ta observe-at other places also, la the attachment ot aId set- thora ta aid nations acd aId habits, and a reluctance ta cauntoulance any new enter- pris, no matter how hoeneficial, if it sa- voured of taxation. Every great project for Oie general good la oely view-ed b>' them tlinough the narrow limiteaof their ow-n immediate locality. The limita of thoir owe tarins appear ta bound their opinions, and 1 reall>' helieve that saine of thein fean to look a foot beyond thc road w-hicb separates ticin troue their next neighboris. This is a great dnaw-back upon a yaung camueunit>', which requires LU UVweAeU90tUUa in s ngoow nxtensureeau School 'under an - excelleu eacher-Mn. and fostered by a liberal, generous, enter-------------------------------------ecust ti nee awcetcrifiewavtng the vor- dyw o pt sms xesva Campbell. The privcte houses for the piigsii.To illustrate I will mon- office, saw milI, &c. dinaril>' style ut colaiyed engu-avu'ngs being 1 wlaletneres, Bi e aertn rilla, moa prtar rmakabe orbongeu- ion Chat the Tawnship Couiceil OP Tlîh ehoora blhn atnl h nni exccuted by the newly patented bnilliant stentially buiît. Mr. Clark bas cne xten- comprises four rucebers wlio residc in tbe- pal awncr of prapent>' le the locality-and -)nocess, knoywn as Baxterotype. Theos sive wagon cnd Carniage manufactoryaIl bisouxnd,&, the peranocensianwee ga- rytrural district,and oatone le the villaxe. An>' l isbusainess thons is conducted by bis 1shouldbe ,tcen by evenybady, ne lady or Igeouadtheenntainnihen magitot.o thc place, and Mr. Coulton'owmsa a v franaprpiain yr tu-active intelligent agent, Mr.îI. 'r. Whte.gentleman of ' eSothOtuna uemjoiinf h tatineor n appropiationerearare 1w-a goodbt ho1uldLodges Manchued în procession ft> Green-- tneytee hrar w odh proving te village b>' Cie on.e, would be iTitis latter gentleman bas a foundry in ilook et thctt.-They are a picture galIer>', wad lvnLdc e ewbc tels. '"The Manili," kept by Mn. John od ElenI9ge;mthe- ic immediatt-ly voted dow-n by the otberfonir, course ut construction, et the place, in theinseîves.f included the Whitby, Borelia, Columbus, .Martin, and Hougi's Rloto]. Mcrtin'a la thc result icing ta retard the improveteent Rctracing the sance rond ta Beeverton, Mnhse Ashburn, Claremont, Oshawam the principal place, ccd a gaod bouse o ievlae.Ti t tthigil lcwriter rctureed b>' the centre road, Vcoi fhdns -two Lodgcs, and Gre-enwood-t-W~a ILvdge%. desto tn et.le be Fater s 1xelethowevcr, ver>- soan wear out, as new hlood fon hncet hib.Ihnoutyth esize, quaîity andi architectural design, î The procession comprise4 about 80 dee.sooie t h lebre, ced plent>'yad e aptlow !an >coe w-bale w-a> looks w-cl-nover bctter-and of ptnîgo. T saie sortmenw-b fue aital ohi>'.le anbcd in >- i ac lcsCedap r x tdC otitis building is second ta none in Whitby. Orangcmen, dressedin fuli-regalia. Ite ap-' kow thiag., Tanie safaoritse rsnt le n an lce h rpqaeepctdt It is bore Chat Mn. N. H. Davis, bas opened1 Cn h iIl notie of Beaeatfnvorictela afavoritemore thn ai-orage. The centre roadishows h0NwDyGoaSoe hte - erad si cee i ilg tGee thlal.ntceiof' I irin tîh i fvrie aigif mmprovement un ueany places aîang hIs NwDyGosSoe bte ewood toelte stirring sotinds of "martial Six miles furtier an nortli, cnossing the oaiy1 hl gi aeu tIian insm pat akth trvligjder.Dvssimnesoky tex mscad1baeswvi nte sue hen1ah ake , - I i t li siepal acCe rvlln ensivenessancd supenior quality-or lut itS bIrcoi.e," w- as ms-t'imposing. The officers for Cit benefirut ahiw-harCveel Chaelong it, la resu>' gooti. Travelling a c forWitNut ha eft o i h rvltis moaini uhnee l h great variety, and completeness, w-e find of te diffenunt Lotigos in Choir Scariot a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wy vilg j h Twsipo rok ou- Snydcn's Ontario fotel wft otonu bsrod etavîej oursolves equmlly et fault ta do itjustice mentIes and jauntll>'dangling caps- afford thein as good cainfortable Ir a1 in a hasCh>' penneti notice. It la nicit, rare, mutdo ossgiydc-d u n t>'o u tarn h e rrvrwnsj. moueted on onMr. gail>' echedout, ce <)nani. ic eevr ive widsaccommodation andi attention as batela er.s upnywtin.SirfeCon> n- and1' vatiaius as lte coloring of the raie- capartsonpd put ou-e in -mind of thf roind te village- in a reinankeable manner ! neer, froma - owmar tinaaldi leckewern.evi aton e bu h Rt D-ahKiiee -tnigi naanota sed e-an3' ut the rural districts outChe Province l, in Boavertan, mcd w-e M.wavs-tire unet he Rd BanlfKniht o noing bs s oploa iofabout an can pravide. 1 bave uuitted-ýat present cll hIe ta rcfresb aur horse» or ont ourqcîves having onl>' just comienced business in ond"' Greenw-oodsw-eled bigh and pre'd. -account outChe chaice fisbing and ut n' lcealn b'w->' ntlw- a-i- hia Town le desirous of fonueing a con- h w-iump rh cîturcit, echool-hue ixmrhnan md utthe rotnentic ittbe e bpenof i da ik eewegtee-il-nexion-and in order Ca succoed, hh lk e c es ti teLoigea ea-stwmrd ot Green- stores-gnist and saw- mflls-tbree card- Cie -indians le the neigbborhood. Mrîn faithe, et te resîdeece of Mr. Brabaxon, altera before hlm, commences by 8ligwo.a ssemntîlied t Brooklin, in the ing aed clotit-dressing teilla, aw-ned b>' Annes, the Matyor of Whitby, is expccted i Deput>' Reove of Bnock. Mn. Brabazan'a cheap je ortier ta attract cus'tdmecns. firsC instance, andi on Choir mai-eh to Grecen- w-are manutactor>' altached ta fhe saw- Ch irish fashion. WiCh bis 0w-n hantis hl -l oL Bu ti titatnw a wCoo ert et Ldgtes-w-ewrd abthe 1w-on milI. It buas i a distiller>' acd tanneny, wui son)sstuontihrnssneorj hqeof-teLwgs-eeek.abu t dru- Store. Cw-a taveres, &c. The,- princi - ITALBOT RR<. w-audeve n insiat ofttBamesaing aur custouere are getting bargains. In Cthe miles ccd a hait puCside Oie village, w-ho menhate streletha o M. Carea This is a '*aw-eet gliding streain" of -- eCi ato rcat h gentl-emens clotbieg dcpartmet-and the joinet injew-iCi the processon. Tic day w-as pal -. ~~~~watcr w-hiciî flows jeta L.ake Siuecoe, about rionu ectajiig i> oa textensive ruilliner>' business-brancites Of 1boautîful ln the oxtremne, cîthomugitheb Glibbs, w-hoalsmi sa tee Post-offlce.1 havin;, the beat cleereti farina, and bestCrdjeh hat eie edk.1 Ci pactbe distance ut five miles froue Beaverton, 0 1 tradei hci Mn. Davis, is also engaged, dust and the prevailing heat. oppressed About mileand a le tram t lcIts benka for miles are thiekl>' studdeti enectcd buildings i h CuC.Ben hose roquirng articles Iletelher lino sbouhd mn.Temmeso i h J. Il. Thompsoe, Esq, the present War- 1-C na aîaîetme i c ncr ight ime w-ion w-e passe t trough, there îc tmc>. Ti nmbn -e i *o5 other den ufthCie CounI>' ofOntario, resides. in ite vicit vubetfier.Te T J a n potniyojdgn o orev proiptly aaltesle o r vs1Lotges, except Chat oft Greenw-aod and Tw-o stages pas nirin anti soub each danhe Talbot bridge is ex- wa aupnui> fjtigfrorevspresent trame of mmnd je or-ten ta secure CIaneniont, w-ere mouniteti, Or rade leCar- y - quisito. At the imeof p&ssing ltebruigýe Labrer ar scace n Cia lcaitv.iae.Tem i othdfer ,bds andi mails lbave for Eldon and Woodville I observeti a schooner belongieg Ca Mr. btweaeicieiC reu iesaeDn.cep ucae.-ngs h nui f1zdfeetbne gatider hotig e ieFai;an a ~ Cameron, just about passing up the river 1 Siga efthfle Golden Saw-. rivait-yine hemr endeavour ho produçce goiî eer msha -eek inlre ia, t bn anoc-l abssw-mI.aotfurmlsdsatThe Whifby 9Rtillrond. ------wh idwihec te ebohr> casional Fhear antiw-ofIte lbe dropped iobsswmlaot ormlsdsat Everv artizen, and over>' fermer should sw-eet hammoniaus sounds, w-as tost ef- upo. heexel tw-cerpo-e l CteThis boat la camed the Lum- We are ver>' much gratified ta ho able iko-wccIi ig s niwhu tfecti-ne. The Whithy Brasa Band w-hidi uo.Teeclei aepoeintebraantiw-as buiît oxpresul>'b>' Mn. t pk s o psitvely-trom personalbeosta Aniw>'souiCteedr accompanicdtheti Whitby Lotige, lias now locility effors amlesdit mmlnate Caderlu, fronitehurue utc nhlÎg know-Iedge ut the gooti position oftChe agit, lefie w-ants ut Hiew-atbe." acarcel>' c rival le lie Province foa et- sainie s ilnorthm i ru-ei o het ielmbrfru ite iiiacrusthe r-oaciCowartis a speeti>'commencement, W0 ,,initld tnewon, w-e sionîti teul >'n, -tour nlayers. The splendid banerofith. sanerod Cll onhwmre niga>'u a lake Ca Bell Ewart. A nl sasituateti Tirougitout the Count>', Cher-e is a preCCy -> l tdCt bu furi-r, Whith> Logewiîh c portrait utf-«ing musC be e profitable piece of prupent>'. general feeling Chat the maCler bas been Choieat hardware, un inspectson, William pninteti on one aide, end.ai Uer an incorporatcd village of Ontario, situi-Mr. Cameron bas, I am told, e limiter li- Wakcd aven long enougi-Ctat te Rail- Matt empletc in ail te westward. Mejest>' an the other, las acknaw-lgepd te et et on the river Beaver, at its junction cense for fort>' miles in te district. Tic r-ast project andtihCe poiicy ufthCe Couet>' Saws w-hicli w-tdr in e cirele. - hoacsuipcrb flag, ced Oie WIVlhby Lodga wiCi Lake Simica.. The population of Talbof bridg becnie injureti during te taking Stock in te undcrtaking-are JSew-a njînighf anti cross ton cutfing, isl-- a'u o uta> atbcti Beaverton la betw-een five and six liundred- Spring. anti a contritet for it.s ropair w-as questions now Chorougîl>' untierstooti__ Stýétel uiti oInnlnIti rils, eon npitofnM san epca There are tw-a Presbytenian Churcies bore Jut te ime Chat I re-crosscé& it, lot out b>'and tat, at-lcngth, te imtehas arrived il For-ks "mui ralo, and scthes Cihe keenest, bhuit>' ta nune other lantAisCanada., Va- -OIt Kirk, and Pree Churcb-with ex- the Caunt>' Engineer, w-ich illI save for giving up discussion tirdt going ta :Scytites the ifu-est C inte nation, rious resacs prevenhoia-ful hure mit of ceesliegl> w-cl-huilt brick manses ettacheti, muci expense Co te Count>' b>' aving w-ark b>' laying dow-n the raàils-if ci-or. Trett seytlîesanetones o itet 'em. the Whithy Lotige on Monsday lutl-the built for Cie lecumbeets et a coat at about been dune le ime. The roati clong bore The campletian out he Pont Hope lino ta Spor-tsunen's guns, riles sncl.piâfols, suddeui dernise efthCie ladr, of a -espected £800 a piece. Here Mn. George ProcCar us in excellent order, untilI Linday s>'l can tditional spur ta thase Six 811noCini pistaIs, fsstks uf paw-der, citizen, Oie interintrit et 6rltose romains owns a arge gist Mil, whic is in ery PON-r MA-A in HvoUkofthe d liwhesthendaereerHo'%nand inepe nd toeykrplaceteotokChatceunytls da ng cin p a ecipcil ow-ns ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~e a agsitmiwhd eipe> Oir ÂR ntio tCt adwhl i -nrr oro-ticti on te ike or river, cause. The Revenod Mr. Ma>'enhefrr, extensive opération. , Thie a saw--mili is gaineti, about fine miles fü~rhcr on. andti hose w-ho keep back, are torcetifor- Kni-e nitns udwae a hld Caii iti hhyLde -s - ln tic village, c tanner>', cw-ool-erding tThis is a tieligittul littho cape w-ihiw-antib>' te fear ut losieg the Scugog Eheetro plateti-newest patter-ns. ae onry ay>, preventeti frein attériding establishmcent, a good commun achool, atretches out inCa Lake Sîmcoe- Thore is -Lake hnctie Chrougli tic Pont Hope lice ta If stii furter yen w-ould ak lus, a tfi ver bis -usuel addresa, ýfrom In is po. Tow-n -iall, tir-e.itotels, six merchants' a Past-office nete village, anti framntheLnie hs thn aecleamd Ss>'ieg, Ilw-ho do ail Chose things belang ta. sto nieth decdae oi o stores, &c. Alita, a gooti large cabinet favorable situation ufthCie place, 1 shoult wili w-e trust, have the eIea4t.of srousing We shanld amuwer yonr nqni-', ln his seventy-fourth yean., At Oreenwood da i I i DoSÂàLDoiç & Ca.. fte ownens, thei concourse of people w-us immeinse, ced w-are stars ow-ced b>' Mr. MeLean.. There se>', that set no distant dY>'it w 1 lturti ijtothers roue Otirapathy. Il ýs at the Are, of ail te Chings reciteti, -the assoebled Lotiges teasted cf. the Ro- are Mar>' new- buildings le course of croc- to ho c Tow-n ut importance. preserit djla>' that te mjtn e iC of the le Choir wigwam, Town ot.Whithy, tels ôot -Brother, Oaùlleuiand Tait, on a tion,-a Romn eCchhoiic Church, a large MCiD ASt> i5aQUITOS5. peoplseofthIe Count>' now gr e M osmta. Gneetest store le al Cth.e Cwer-d, Suimptuious pst. À bettér -supplid dità.- saw--milI, anti cabinet w-ans establishment, For a -dazen miles tram Paint Mars, ta IlWhat are the directors tiaing r Why- Far li <hiers workedi ti l oi d Iran, cor, nover appoasoeth Oe ppet.of a huit- gry monarcit-new petatoes, remeu; b>' Meus. Boyetan, Breugit & Company, Atheni>' tte rade (?) are intauous-the>' do't lte Tow-n of Wbitby pes its B>'- EvOrytiin epalet andtipt>.fatfah at o-l vr and a new- Post Office anti Prinlicg Office are not roada, but living muti cedmas- law-? Wbee in the Spocial Session eftheee 1feh. nd nu Ifiiey ff; p b>' Mn. Robinsout. A distiller>' is aise quihees, cnd having pravideeticîl>' escaped Coud> etuci1t tke placem' Ae TiLton.dnganipeat O À. spokea of hoing built b>' Messrs. Miller the daner ot beieg devoureti - horse, amangst the numerous questions relating W. reques teto oOe nocs C. »-prot~e&" s tirg*h the. va- &Gibson, mI Oie macth oethOe Beever satite, andi cl byeatiozen miles ofet h t he Ralirosl, w-hicli.we have been emleti otfMiss. F. Br>'an, w-heo atinUes-ta gins e mbit th . w-u ragess FM ;hê4irt river. Thora la a dail>' mail front Toronto living roed1 Ianniveti le Oie afternoon of upon, aver ced aven agsln, teacnsw-or !'d instruction one,.ie uso F ueba wsdrs" th fem ýnti places in tue front. The. steamer . Wodncsdaye ii,du g uarcttnph anh ie ahe'zosdac. tidesFu tchber ofileers prescaiafter w-ctheeue y. Morrieon, arrivesrecntahrtpthroWh a the aliCee AdeaE&<, ."eanti pupils ns& latges laak theur vcY bomewand *epen*t mfterrô sit - consiste he Ma afew- Couet>'. Tii.Tow-n et Whitby >-e urint e.-asn ana o ibylg ch Brookidn. The Wib og e atrnn ahdc>'. There ta a tiiraugh The village cnitso et gathOred i(p'ublished in this issue,) for taking £75,0O appecam lte atvanLg o hlavlng i turnedti tTown ti eboice order;lticilu stae roe inds>. auuiia mieothoses M. . amr-o 0-n ltePr(-tn- stock, acseavon ofetOes. questions no",atruction impartei by cyoeng lady at atreet to hli aU s.to xt y convoyacce is halketi et direct thraugit pal star-o in lie place, bis stock o of ds0à lenA more setistactan 'nner titan w-e ber 0w-n hous.anti in ci Oie retintipri. p. , Pensyls. on the wuy , b#Iu Ew- imua tram Whitby. It le vceting and vouiti consiste et enerything--scythes, kettles, ventae e odo personally ah the lime.-To vecy î ota lmul>' hoM1e7- - -struck u the I&Proestanty,. psy. Tic certalet>'oet oenstruçling the. druga, dr-ose goods, Uc Mr. Cameron is Oie first w-e mnsw-er now-, as we titi thon, ..- - Wilb>'RefIrosti sooner, ne doUbt, kept sole factor cnd physiclan. Tite residence that te direchera, anti their secrelar>', nc OLIOrw-v's OMuxvý? T>Pftx.s.-The Prom oua IJxbwl back parties ftram enga in esucitan on- oftD. G. Hew-ett, Esquire, Rooe t Oedigtel tot-dta sof hse naliiiy tlss e icieinOetreet. terpnise betore thue. As gooti a w-harf as Tow-nship ot Mare ced Ramat, 15situauteti a neasoneble amaunt ai prIvat. stock bas rmenltfscunny ant i l diseusesfethOe skIn UUUT OIF U0W K7M r.« IO Ny an>' in Oie Provine, ~bas been cenatructoti about a mile eouth of lte village. AithougKh been subseniboti leanti about Wbitby, anc glandsu, aed Oie woetierfel effoctofef àiil -,<,4<4 Â.- 1- b>' Mr. ER Sitrtisa, et I3eavertoua. -TIre.lte stcmnhOat J~ C. -Mcrri*On au« 05b>'meetings wi-ilb. helti lu Oie-different le- Pilsinstainmch cauipaintaancI diqrbho, le cdeptit o froni ne. tfouftoofoo etfAtherI>' ever>' dc',mails are left only Ibrée aies ctità,'and tihOe-stock book s t- t ender iutu mindispensable te ail traelolers U~lU~y15~ wcter &leng side.. Measta.MilIer- andi Gib- Urnes aw-eek ac h Oe place.Captain Bill, W isti bt b tfer iepurpose of giving tOe.b>' socor landi.Teyhae oos tute'- L a"y belig te rý son are the w-barfingena. andt- poesss geeth Oe master of lte J C. AI'osùo, as, àilis wrigbsbeloc potct't ofieiTo.i .tshyvnbettl. of thse Bksyn& c$ tý stoagemaccemnodadme immedltelyeon Oie stateti, ne fiietil>'-feelings tow-artimlite sa. Wite-i- liidirectpre gel ý£100,oOw -bhereby te tel lh genuneL, the 64.~ IasrgeM11Iter,ý of p whart. The îimmense w-men 'pawer at place, aùd to titis mtipathy on his part,19 td-rvt nimniIa-i pe.t- RiUaaXs ok.Ljw- n. e, Beaverton le extenive oneghi te h. ap-ascnibedthelb.caue oethIe beat'i net callingtincfltesecalmetn vnhaebeu hlollsI eeytafih1 f i-1 pave-te tedrie auatet ay anomI e in, was lId e l AODgI:-I ira us- the ss m e eut n icil aebenen taeistin epaer atuf o thBo~bok f ef pler> kiw l a n p r t pt l»d-ii.LIp le t y Anthe i ntaenne o . 8t e nuclid-aeraie lhe Copauy a ts ui.Iatthea, % . ie wt S * rew Prvic lta; hvebrniia -a'eteu-wsaIislb sorti la xun-fto i. :- 4. Dtitmi.4ï o* hia otites s.dmautspie«oialiWie~ icarnies-capabl otf frn"ibgbu1iling uaterWal laan>'oent-nd ether Asfili- ies for- building purpoelu )UMPl»55eà 1' eseuy placeil pper A'O1mpli lad along the Lek.e mun*êau*seaili of lhe Beaer slVo wjmt iuàêtite.- mom eqsei*j- Ibet t h.eo~h~ L.Lu....4 . -P.. -a.-1t. - - Dax=u sunin sont* ait Cl, e.., -0-1a; The annivorsary ofthOe battise o the Boy ne, hs e ben celebrated all'or(er thé Province ot Canada Ibis year, with nions than usual tlat. Tiie processions le overy district w-e heard froue4 andaw, w-ere -more nuneraus, taion pSeable and respectabltitan those. ot any farmner occasion. We have nat leerd of -a single distuirbeece of any> k.nd taking place in aay -quarter, un MIouday lest - whidi w-as the day ot the praces- sion-the "witu/l g tindey thlt year. An1 insînih&Aet street nopv oc- reurredat Tunonto an Stinday,-and the par- tics engageld in it w-r. brouglut Wbef he u Police Magistrato and punished. A raw in Toranto is nothing nrernaikeble on an>' day. In the narth<in part otfibsCounty and the Countieof ai iC ed ndVicto$a, - the gathenings w-ove ver>' numerouéi, and the preparatians 'for doing bonDr ta th. kt Né, at aptci Btea June lài its a, rini Ver>' rouît - toron At lho A TOn uil4 Ae four lte 4e '-vitic1 ial,

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