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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1857, p. 2

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1 - - - - 1 ýb- - blo to-> latcfe frpb n an sne ýaeo Park I Notice-11. J.U Ini ortitNm t - i! Bureau of Aý.cultur andest(t -P M ndian~~~ LadSl-3 .Pennefathe ý te Praise of the Lord in his "aantuary, 1 Thestemerfro Clcuta ha rouhtHere her lovely Voice and fervent manner The oloing oder of alth Goenrone- attracte d the attention of the diletanti, and raeol-Sirer Soferset to sre therumour becamne already busywith her W.--innd fhr maet'ss th hnnaine One cold proud man became deep. theiar Best India may's aforce inialy interested im the young Frezzolini. His til UWrherordrs.SiP at frceksGa nt toproffered sergees were accepted and the prfbo d Bngl SirPrical'Coman- in eans he furnished secured for her bril. dewin-chief of that armby, pending the &P-p- lianeuction andwasmdedThesCote. pointmgent of a suecesor to Gen. Anson, Ringstn ohrsces hsCne Mgje Geera SirJ. eidto ssum th h ostno opportumity of being wvith cotuman ofSith J.Beidal aytHsire P.he er ;he tmancuvred so that every stepiÃŽn Gran=oftherrival. ar GeneradSir H. adrance seemed to be directed by him ; Barnrd to command the deld force pro- the rleredofbe ethe arbier fher fate reeding against Delhi. Brigadier Cotton, lth sr r he er d emy ;heand bwhe at her lEqesty's service, to be Drigadiergen- was b e apeareilefoethe e piguhe it ",,adcmad sawrfrtepe ent of the people and secur-id a brilliant IM0 triump . It was t ius he colored alH he %rm Colonel Dutrand, at Indore, to did so that the nn g• eandtocn Lord Elpisinatone, dated 12th June, 7.2 ilde i - elyoug g i laned tscon. M. ne ee.Ml Cn rior being. To what end all this tended 1-Avlyquet ed t .inucett r tient wil be seen by and by. After a period ofD Caliryttied o iduc th Arîllry nd xtrorinary sucess during which she Inantry to join them in revoit. Quarter- v- ·ted h eustaltebrnial t tnaster gorgeant Bradshaw reports them n tal y erenie st heprncipal ciies. toyalto a man. Cavalry have drawn ofn hich brie st neioei h it jj mg, towards Kuitch Road. Cpanlife of Frez. . i C arter counterm arched w ith the 5th OG aw a. F rezzo i . s t e fa a it o b a ty i ):f tnihtry, near Mundersore, ,or Ati-Froazini has-ue.The ft gift of eyn gu' made 53 miles in 27 hours, and secu:- a mnetdgeeh irtngtmfhr etgr eprr Nhwtop n appearence in Tienna was a xcene ot wild bd Algr eprr io rrsln triuimph. The Vienese seemed for once to e4rtgÀtl ý hrve changed the Germnan phleg for the , rrt oonel Durand at Indore to Lord Italian vivacity no strongly demenatrative mwlqbtglowere they in their enthusiasm. Every one &Wte June 18, 11 Id' a. m. noticed how completely this person was Frùtn$a"gor, under date 10th, receiv- absorbeod by the new singer. Wý%hether it inginforMation that the troops at Ihans, was her superb beauity or her transctnd- and Nowgoing havo mutited. At Agra ant talent which set fascinated him rnone gand Cawnpore the dawvks have been cut of could tell but he seemiel to drink in her Ihana the European oficer3 failies mas- presence as thouigh it wecre his life's suis- sacred in the fort a Rajah set up by the tenance unconscious of the curiosity he troops and Bondela forces being raised- excited. When the curtaini fell upon the priulam of o in mtineer6 have nmesoe:dseapae omr e »t uced ndre. arose sdel as if frorn a dream anid rus- from the Lioutenant Governor of Agýra hed from, the theçatre. Hle went in the diree, to teo Secretary of the Governmnent at tion of the.stag;e door. A1 lar e ro)wd of en- BoMbal dated 13 June S, p m. tusiamressruddit vrho -v; Frez- 1fting further from Delhi up to thiý zohini appearel cheered rocittrouiI hut am; time-communicationi in advanicB greatly this single main approached ever' one re. inâterrpted. Ail continued quiet here spectfly mide war :hi hanhty vet rno. Pray writo to England, and say that the blepresence wvis known to ll and håý si - town and district of Ihansi are al! in the periority wams cheerfuillyv acknowvleigd. landst of the rehiel troops, whlo have xat lie approache I the lovely sinzer andl with d ,up a memjbr-f the Ihiansi in failyv as ra- a profounl obýeince took her hand and jsh. The European rkdens h l to tak e led hler to hier carrate >tanding uincover- rfge in the fort, btaccssmas giveni ed as thewndrg girl drcve off amnid through,-the troachery of the ranice and shows of " Viva La Frerzolini, Vira Arch 1 bur peoople\ It is much to be featred thatdk nres"Ti n i o ~nf Mmny lires of thie Europeani OfBeers anld theR 1tYdl Arch Dujke added still greater their failiies have been lost. The Euiro- lustre to thie r iceePss of Frezzo1ili it rushed fr-on the chureh befrethe wond er inniversary 02 h rce.Peimi of themoAbolition of the ing priest and awo-struck bridogroom mere Slave Trade. Toronto Globe. -d-erin as pu vt, nd lostemvra cnscious of her 'flight. When they bc- oe*nnio es DnInUtrxaomWe certabiy Orangeismn will requ ire condraoeotnfri. came capable of action, pursuit was too Saturday-lat, the 1st day of 4AUgUst, In the Globe of last Friday, the visit oofTaechampionawhen it acceptseone in thebper-n or. Keller erupilredahow the fimd aps4 late. After mnonths of anxious and venge- 1857, was the twenty-third anniv.ersary the Honorable Mr. Vankoughnet to Whit- Thme ofret ratchebcame n he aovecussno odsigise nidvda spityment of the - debto ful sarch er rereatwas dscoveed. he ofa dayof wich Eglaudmay ell b by, s comente uponin tht ourage-camehff-o rathr cam on-for i was r. ChsterDrape,.theClea-gritrannea-,GardeShoolhad eerr ppropieta had taken refuge in the conivent of the proud. She has conquered ; she hias dif. ously insolent tonle with which that journal not played out in consequence of the lat- tionist 1 -What ambition on the part ofMr ogn; epie that thealn Sisters of Mercy at M--n, from whence fused civilization ; spre-ad the blessings of hias become so fiamilar.* The Globe hastrpr ftedytrigotufvr patriotic Chester What a sudden Pa- not, having b*een paid,rmindnth e- neither threat nor entreatlies coutld mqre religion throuIghiout the morlId ; been in long since ceased to be remairkable for any- aClba mnile, on tegon of heDarhngtn1 triot--a right up and down Clearg-rit- eral fund nf the Towni. hier. It was during- this voluntary sedut-, the vain or Ilhe leader in every od o thing else than its habituai contumely,CubatBw nilonFdyls' Orange patriot ! But it is only the mani'S On miotion or Mr. WAILtCO, areo:t1 sion und consequent absence from puilliegrawokwihhsocpethhogtan uspmgbs.Itvan ugr Both parties appeared to be full of spirt-- presuimption-and positively this has be- to pay A'exandler Ca'mern,. Chief ont life that reports were circulated as to hier of the great and nobled minded of the assurance has now however become so eahsnueocucs-n et acme almost unbearable. Chester Draper bie half a years sa1ary. IpamtvdI Ioss of voice. Her absence fromi the lyric earth; but on the 1 st of August, 1834, sho common-place W ith it, that it is scarcely the garne eagerly. The Darl.ngton Club ehrig o rangeisçm ! 1 OrangoeeI errlW an and Hr. StarI stage had to be accounted for reasonably, performed an act which will forever remaini any longer regarded ae a fit subject for ri- wetmfrtadsod19,heist- ouild feel infinitely mnore obliged if Mir. accepted a.9S sareties for the colletrM and those who wishied it so gave her loss a bright je-el in the glorious crown ofdcueodriononteptofhset nings. When the Ontario Cluib tookc the Draper would just muind is own ba;ir.e" fjeorge MeOill, this yean, of voice as the, reason, but which hier sub- ý Greatness ar-d Worth, which hias ever seeks to attack. It has become a secondbath wm hdseldtoahg and cease his meddlineg ofliciousgness inm ito fSr Kleseme y sequent triumphs mn Russia and Francei formed the imiperial diademn of the dear" Paddy Kelly's Budget" in this respec pths srn ha tdstoe l matters with which he hias no earthily con- fr. Rowve it was resolvedl that teCm have signally diqproved. old land. On that first of Augusit, the! being looked uipon much in the samie light chaednceo te atmen tw-e agthed.balls eern. The truc friends of Orangeism al- mittee on Fitiance be rqetdt aet- coud nt e sake, nd hathehadove- nglnd hoed o t h1 1 d e Tthis way the batters of the Ontario Club 10 • . - lesaen n ha eladoe-Enln hoe ate whole world t hat'in a re &ne community. The vulgar effui- nected withi the order before the publie. i n um cdo tepeie. reached himself mn his deep and tortuous lher boasted freedomi and philanthropy Stans which cover the broad sheet of "l the were successitely put out--not getting the I sol a political trickster like theMr elrsrogycnrdthTute schemes, begged for n arrangement to be were more than mnere words; that cost man of broad protestant princ'ipls"ar chance of-making a hit-telling onfly 16 býLtfi weofheC7innal h made Th sum hehadadvacedto ur- hatit ight (agl hat hatc sthasbee equllydising she wih theeareonote esore ehe irs innngs Th rai bostfleower f te0Comontaltewh ofthe ramg lSchol, or f eo ngliene ther his despicable purposes had somewhat hlàistory can tell,)ý the reproach should never vender's stale stock -they offend the sen-wihhdbentraeigfo oetm Rtisl i lco Angelli fear to trearl" te- a.hw*mtemngeeto implover-ished him, and lhe agreed if they a ttach to her namne that wt wor offo-ses cam don jut ten mtorents an thefun ith worls of-free- e apprehlend that if Ur. Draper do noile 0 teS wvere returned to himi and a pier centage- dom and ummanity recogiz7ed as fixed Let George Brown hear of the popularity ciktr dore olnh h a cease his alarming concern fo7r 0rang-eirr m, .t ortinp o i ngpijnd â upo he inomepad oer o hrn tht h prncile ofherContiut' b o anmacontinuing throughout the remainder of enpetoht ipondfre osee upn ericoe ai ve t hm tâtlp ricils f erCnsitton, s e was ofay mn -especially a Minister of the !he may ere long receive a gentle il;ntron i1 woldneersek erprseceorinan arad o ee t cnsCr a dJ the day prevented a renewal of the con'-' gýeese rand swine rrmningat U; m %vud eérsekhr rscie rina ar- i a et h lequences which r - wn-at n immediately tt e- familyi1 those whiom the honor and interests of theb t wav assume authority over lier. T'O all wouild follow a rigid adherence to those blan)ket" distends; and swells tremenidously test re do concern. raummonrthe oniilere ÃŽe w ais at these conditions she agreed, althoughi she piniciples. And never since that mnemor- to cover the victiini of its wrath with bru- Alhuhhvniuc eie ds Chiest#er's leaider of last week wl e e atinr andbils were eie ree would have given tup the world, where lher ale day have, the exertionls of Englnid in iltally unsparing scuirrility. To hear ta crdaantten h is nig-tegardeud by mien of the very plainesi uniler.t epinen pse.a experience had been so bitter, -and have reý- furithierance of these Views byh thec sup. the Ilonorable Mr. Vank1aiughinet, was well mebrinte nai lb tl elstan<hngiý, as noilhing less than a preciu TeCde lore wnymn mained in the peaceful shadle of hier reh'gi, pIresion of thlat ros t infamious of all traf. receimil in Whitby, ;ouild becohn lefl ofdne hti not an equl matc piece of rhodomontane ignorance. Elgt tsps e. Ous homne. But it was not to bie ; hcr uu- te the trafttleIin human saufs -the A fri. thtan irall and worm-.wood to the presum >jit- for t.henr moreexperienced adersaries, d H ties called hier forth to fresh exertions, and can Sla-îe Tritle been for one momený,nt re- uouls insolent nature of George Brown. No te ol o ebdy etni nte o urself me1bave rad it wittt once more shie soughlt the nmiie stag-e to a ETv u ad otep o woder. 1Laniibtni ,tire I and weary of cnet · m- nefbefelnfofcneptfrte become ngain the Queen of the hour and prit tors of s'aves in the Wýet Inidies and im, and hloias hi, -%te on becomýingonb p',t mind that pne it. - the idol of nmultitudes. Freuokli, thie ,cshr c na tionfoýr fthe emanci- thec' repr-s- ltative of 0ut 'ntrio- rsmo e,-OsDO. n FNwool. Toi -o oth Chonci virgin swidow of a liv ing hutsbandl, pure a> pation of their living 2tock of humanity, Chavter Dra¡»)çr becin-z one )f the -satelltem; The Ontarin playedl a second eI leven TOW N COUNCII,. 1 thouslands by the force of her brillianit ge- a drop on the ocean compaire I i vth the t-ind him toriamn.T hhnr.ing the ývic-tory in one ni usa, cnttret nitis and the power of her beauty, but hor cost ;of imaintaining an ariiamlenit aucheent l4e Mt-Vankngun-lhiný; pou trite Cl h cntucm>tbdinner -met im the evenna a a o a b vim and somie unkv n heaârt owns no emotioni save anahrbg t,) a4fect an elfic-ient bokd of thait long Ihtwas lhe inot a ,a frt pvdd by th I mnvlletrr -that n nlgr rmnnla devotion to the hecart of %whlihilabe is the u 1neof e twos nmroshat n car ndinolesurilt o hee mi e b M outofo heptes setHilnNer R , f i ppe arr brightest and purest ornamrent. ' riVe*rý f>rin lso nmy l e hylvrieb Did not the e.,ÃŽtor of thi, ie fo ii 'an -nnoi ani h nila. ">,at c r . ~~~~~~the dre:lladfu-l rae t te etrnial di ,raccea inple arrireof Mr. ak1,m ; Fi.ý, ial! the golthings that eoib ai FPi i rpin oh INe w Advertisemts th il Weehk of thle aonly natlions 9guiltyl- of part H èpation pJrogress -;th1r uzh this la;v- retoa oue at this ; onThe fulowsing i.th wv or iir.- km ll of Mwa rnn M o it -Spain nd A mricalfind outlet.; beuazlýile-1 by the.into1tnaitnt aml uspr the readut of the c>e:detig.rau n ntk,. o mn ieso lry '- ýSpecial Advertisemenit for the Ladlies -T. .A c)ut (the nmere extent of wich renders ing G(;-1eÉ?p S-,to tliiliGc-ee p ;tovoo.an1Minet oman e,lreco -; n h in .it ra4 knli aslor orn( p Bea h ent11 of .-.in ley tle n, r0 IavizIo ta, a hf .wyanWho reen o f*î:. Sale~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ofPriosJmsWlae t lotmpml o :lanit cruii-and --) will NMr. Chesýýtï-r Draper a'>think. II.Coulton . . .. S h fler, aritnlitert 2L14lftotl h omwo h obefli NoticeR Yarold. roe hr'incevety inths ret tok n f rupes heGl'>satile n heisi . . edw .c d eLale. vhchwasre edan-aopedconeic- adtMr t edfre Gocere- e rs o e Nose&Co eegr"Mewa.Nainshve beein o a ppro h we.Uthe ise . eJ..i..A lM3r. Wallace, also br,>atZht up the rpport i fe-a1te.ni yri nteI Hazar an Pi.Nieat Fnek - eer d mo treatics in a:d of tesprs-af-dto au11h at!bo-th f)]their pains. T1 J. Meirn. ..... d ofth1San Lit oilt, onP-intg eof h i mt o fr ri WhibyCoutyGra.wr ioo.-W .ri t1ie slave trade, and nrit) -pore air tif i);ur is fre i- alike ýfrom ilhe \.S tpnon bd Cp.Roe ovd scn.db f.trn:;h thehcbit-) of,,mr vabl p McCae t a hen æn toriskeven the con. a ela.rtima thje blatii b hra, . ,mh.... b fdorper to Il o the enetenreferred lto I i atha w a FENELO "welJin Udd»t Mi TiEn pg u trmmer BUEA Ne) pences of war %when ia en(ad a thewaky f a ruined ccoony, and to nItlt ithe Le:iý,citure Ithe attacks of Ib e who wo uh1,lw l i y sa v 1ririce h, i- v and Ill ihe lirile ofno m . In fact since t <y hen Enzdanreli first threw her-self hasý r- r b a lost ltof n .it jis nd ire I l y tto n o . nthe .T eeis d ht the w %haýt at first.ed in a , (- ,î he aI !m al. ýV t-a c n tw sr.iicl h tà , , ' ' . &I UU. - . _ Waleean, itwasreslve, tnt fte in 'first pauithe writer of thje edlito)rial t painiig of thi, resoluition nio part of the j i te, rer money pa),id for taverin liceascs bc ret'i.rn-ed i Who i<i; i he a'tacz: in such an-i a m future | a!analy, eowxardl) arni rujflsly ar . au i of wosthe Volters are to I War Mr. Wallace, ob)t-tmedinPve to,)banginm- in 1v, afn;i'd tuattack -the ind ihd & 1"1 A By-law vtu a.nýe.sts the towvn in the amjount w-hom rheal1, in a mvanly mniinitr byî of460 or school puirpoçce% this yu;ea i ?o. si The By-law was carried thro altt' o rgd o lithileai o islPo çta;:·re, readl a third timie and pse. pesyta r rpr temnwo Mr. Frasier, seconide by Mr. Wallace failed to w vrite himiselfinto the Towvn Co1a move%,d that the re-pýýrt of the enniittee of*ed actulyv aprî at being a memb1ýer ç the whole on tae By-Lirvto take stock ini Parlianint Wndes w n r e " the Whit>)y [Ruhay, htý res;cinded, with 1 hhe Cuc hand ra:pendinK theviw o aiedin te amie by a-liný, rnetinvv adottothrnpo. a prio to the, third clause, th:it a conthl- ticsl al chuircìï gne ia even un the tion shouloi be anred jto the stock -t» be tyw nofSeparate Shoswhichne taken by the inavor, on b1 il ftheTwn ' ea m m mhdega th ~ ~ ~ ~ IVi itte ov ai inthevalpn Wh o he ýn't cb:ne out in a maur.1 tu p m n c to q Vl er ý !ito t 0: a- al .:traig-htf(jnair-lmanner,:and ako. ninint auithorizel by the(ly- lwr. i th rc th..e-jr>. that lhe <id rnot recr ive-an hl 1 o b ie cr 1 m .)4: 1offidalinvition t> the OrangeScit and te per cri r p...' Dîiiaer at. (hewi-,oý!, o.7 thit h oýf July o n 1te p r cet ui a, . .. o l, râe ii F k a,;-r. , h e1; tat.an f her it ill Mr. S.C .w l. te nwh tee. payers entertaimed a pretty strong fe.a;in-.r oewac t.tken in the O (range U-L ' against the 11y-law a.î it atoo;-J ; ahe con. mahor in:; uute a n aan to sidkred such a cheet ! aiMr. IDraper, or by w niat autno,ýrîty he 43 i , ,. ~ " 0,and! wheoer, if it %was offlcinl from !the tap hoecor ue ithereluma od.eit shld int have coie through and st..ted that e:e!rif paer:. c -'1 d h b th.d--erea, and who was the Sezretary of iào carthlyu th statute un-ler which of th'e L;dy at the time ? I du jot ama thte Compa>:ny organized, proçitled thlat nU0 7. -W.ts-not NMr.Y: 3aehf:r nier R sout hve eensuern> Serrett.rv at the time ? ' e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n. ih: >ancod ont , Ds Mr. W. H. Doeli Dé-Mià tou .t P l"that hie was S eceary of theL. 0. L. an fany otii r -nticnpie yor pri ate 7 n the I11th of Jtrly, instéadof- Mr. V. C. pany could org.inize and call on the Town Wll r. pence assert htayfler Stock reg.ardless ýof any resohitiou of th ttn noe ogtutbcueay kind. §number of Brbilhers nut of the Logere kind. ~qestedl him ito mnivte a 1 ersont to a Socie-ty Mr. Keller, considered that it would be Dinne, with whichi request he-shoald co- highly dangerous to psanysuch resolu ply, on which statement the Lodgtok tion ; if itwol not arteefc f--n action. reve Mr. Caldwell or any o thèr validating the by-law altogeh t ol ofBeoRilpwrt nieasrne gethr, t wuld totheir dinner in the name of the Lodge! retarditsq progress. It would just amount ilAnd if-T might be'su b-ý4d-i ;to ask, wiold to this, that while the Company couljd bu ihe pleasp to infoarm me who was îSecretasy going.on wvith the Road, the ToWn Stock oef L. O. L.130 on the-11th July ? would be bound up in such a manner, thiatr.W .Secbeskidash it would have-no representation in the dire- semsso ;weii acq-ainted -with the whole re-prmeriples of orange-sm tî pform me, ia tory, and could be called in, the moment :what country orange societies Were Arst the Company had complied with the ternis organized ?WTien fOrt organised ? For of their charter. The By-law- left the deCi - what purposej, and what church in4tb- sion of this matter with the rate-paers of country was recoignized as the Protestant theTow-ad tiee-ws nt peay Ch'Olurch,,and whether, as a society. the the~~~~~~ Ton-n ßr a o n ftem hive altered their conistitution as f'r as e that did not understand itsefc--nth gards religinus sects sinice position of, the railroad, as Weil aisany W.1ill hie informi me where were Metlio- mnember at thbe Council 'Board. By all di.A,4 Congýregational ist, or Free Chareb means, then he (Mfr. R eller.) would Ieave men i loý ao A ie h le the matter la the hands of the rate-payersi, 1Ilgins themselves, and allow them to decide at Wil1 Afr. 9- Love of Truth" stain his the poll-on the fourteenth of tis month, cognocn by vaseting ,V- C: Mayerhoffer' in their approval o6r disapproval of ethe By- he bctel sereyn-y h y n r ac, a,. _It wouild be impossible to have a b- Z ¡r an ed ?n a 13Winsuch,âa shape as to please ev ý1ry one îWeof the Locd- n iek ,ot a -.rf this' amendme nt were made a andtetkn a t not throug the Secetwa By-laW thron n back fur another fortnight, the mntation 8should bave comn,@ ?-Dom wrho knew wihat otýher amelnents h Mr. p d m-r tat() g en aene Fraser, or other, might not have then to if so how wilH he proie-his â r ut brig :fornrd again. in the present 1 "*,Will Ur. s. Lovè o t ythn W aspect of the road, and the aniticipation of whether he himself know what a special session of the County Council-m e m-le ed te, ahC1d-U he enaat any delay would be dangerous-þartieN 7.1 xPtor. antiàg-ike m adi g nt ly an unnecessary, and úseless delay--one not tain the cog h -eà could not say wrhzt it was that prompted taked5? these amendments-but surely theyaholà 1kb' d ÈitÃ"h hae more faitK-in themslve . >ed aM noe TeC n moeany ae jý mot, The ompayao]d otorgan. -the tiblaxt s t E andOeut0 odof'the To*t 'l, 4evap" ' eery yto-uPppose that an. _an pean Officers and their famihes hauveben lOSt. The European Ofbicers inIlun have fallen back from Eta.wa B:mD yn'- laloun. There is mention ini letters oif a serious outbreak at Ciwnpore -reoçults not aeeurately knowni - great dedr down at Allahaibad. From the Lieutenant Gover:nor of.\7ra to .- to the Secrretarp of the ýBi ul. 1, Le ýir i. and IHydrabadl6emen e a 18P. E . , . 1 A. St-t.enson.1 i nf GreRr nihtbe jt abut . oul.'.12 gret a tht o t'eerDraper, anrd that Of poor Chloter woulld be- exactiv what the 29 Connauhtman hot at No fear whenBys 12 .Not (oUt. Pblin ouit. , b Law.der,c. Mayeýrhotfer -Nc Uppe r m ard c .e And by t-. t ,i the MM"à r eri Pruesdeth *7 ntea ofi' nthe 1clin f1- teAi e Mm ofuTns of the n deetid Auti . -. hICerebyappinÈ re-lfln ut un- more secriousg turn. Arch Duke Charles became dee.ply and paarsionaitely enaimnur- edi of he prima doýnn.Hlefolwdhr like, a shadow : humportuned her vwith not be conrælei butfrzzolini true tin hefrseclf and to her art wa nmoved he his dfor a lovv-Sn l i; 4-, o 1 Il have re id, lri & hut thait h rthan Mr. Brown cmsthtis wray that there wv:ýliIbe any furssabonithiranegr a-!mi ring erowdl anxiousî to hve a peep athnflis u.:zniouth proportions; will be oloiuponn ith Gte s-une inditTer. enee that his friecheter was_ý re;rarded when the laufer -1the amuraileto set uip wrill b, left f· alnemi b gl ." quito fruee frrtei rr, *v n nf tto ,o o u r fvr wh:n-l,,r &vssWay "Thelo-l 0i-*ý,ý,t* n J!i,c tb', pt to rl r .--rnh trou in eni iathe% L-Tent CIer rt .2 Run mit. H. Culto 2b Yarnold, c Nourse IL Mledj. .... . 1 bdo (r. J . 1). bMaver, c Mayer. tsn .1 b larniol,ce do C. c ii ) layerhode'r. J. GoulId 0 h) Yarnod! . ' Il. 2oulon 1 bNo)t out. I. Chut i b 1 arnobiYakrnol,], Extrac t fron a :tterfrm MrT, r nhillm - of Mutttaas, datc l lih t,1t- ptnfûrle iL-Itllo e her14 Ille s I tii î1,m t .ini r zý r , 'a1it 1- to the r oý, Tiin b he*ïL, 111l iii s,3 "The Setu nth hdU4 w. omDai oL,, o 1 d,,loný-rThe ýArch DVukýeothe staonfh rpC10 n14tfi forb ei Gr;eBo' sml1hetel-ti: n last night. L p to th10( (taor 1 li hnui e Ofl llconeqenesoffered lher eedout in i.111 i o eat6:ria t lutCan h t cat relecionsupo me:bIr quitecleaì nohing f makel nf mme ; is hnd ad nizd animmeiateand s- et Wh m y tn ntyIl;eeyear hU te atentin of heoItheprit Devod ofall ati itism o _mo Noso ur.vrnof all b>ut 1 gather tha a u )o1l part (-.Y .i Cret nmarriatze ; hut Frezzahý1ni still resist- we nisý-rf e&saeme n hhnhga nhihnsy rcntny-he Vratobec il Lawerofr 1 i b cM ld noar one of the pgoes ;h-i beefi be n rd axndi *e fshe -ras hsiatm.he rll- d .r ci o rnwhae- ed ote pa o aeienei oagalehfara1 \~Mayeotftr,19 b Mertl. cWi. h ie ofte u ru d c nr The . . .- - i1 111ýe %V ul 1aiý c- r.;,i, J. y reot I >No t ont. .down. kutineers :,: D h n lj,)are itl miour ofit heArDu k el i i re:, hed - eo à t h fÏ s No , n wlh n a\\he asn e r o n to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it haebetev wm i h as - h meorwoatdwt msr c t, but thirougýhout the noruntyto imiprove the low fortuni- of .\. Burnett. .5 b Md. tSe bck oTminr e : thnt rmif tà aFn l nrher tein- b rFP ) lon ,ltle P 'e soLitc nt' MwMada lrb drc eoteBosnsete ysrddselto ourse. 1 Cutn S1 anxi otrvh fa riihr-gwodrt ib e lo1 by a Duke e ui)Y a;7rce na oma n e yii r rintrigue, or by paradin7 h intoleranît I "'n aws a Lb o . teeiiýtio r an.iI jI rii;I po pg r hr, a her, hb14,o l fa rea: a I ahthi e:d hilyin hzor n order to make rita aital, tiandr0 LebW te-bo." tii ptsr- ienfrinHræse vD;,-,,NF-WVe rr,ret to cstate .Kc. . 1bMd. Faotu Colond :lDaranid. at lIdore, to te hfii iswrine a u htanecls osewhn wed t an iero1to i rn a n orA-depsaigning zaiea-1loi-rapetnddineWFrSd i: rt. bwCou:C- Governmnt at ombay, atd niried from ithe city and f,,rili n i'11*retuirn by Mr. N. Pay, irr-drowned ia the lke--Ur Ct h aoito recure. -tsalteaeh a mcee nWSih, 1bè li. Jonunentzz i 1'.lFrezzo:hni and the Arch duke 2did not met - fthe gr'oÃŽth ut tLe co !ai,ý i isuch s snring oe neover the minds of "The political agent of Gwailor, sent aanfroer.Btfete f hmhs the hul-limn oo narrn 'eeaie s a b olbe dat afw.bBcs.iuotrthm te erng- yesterday with newrs frini ,has re. ogte htwidadtne pisodeof;at the Bay. The animal to3ok'frittand io os--tt od-in o ii-s id turedwiheanoewromTehseadr.Thcthiryoth oa twadsfhewhrf.r'paatig tslfp is eqiretthmetwhedeaanffr a-soudna f te oten exur aleay e- The Sepoy says he saw the mutinners During allthis time the Conte R--1 from the buggy while dashing on--on com-.oftra to akup the oas rn tsar ut i ginst be speuan.TeGdeii a seaonmo-fi Ornti wnnng n neinnng, nd 30 nfatry and 300 cavalry-leaive lhansi ha kept a jealous and wary wratch upon i ing to the edge of the wharf.niear the en- have been imiported fromi and are almost tion-which it largely assi;sted to brin at8a. m., on the 12th, with all the trea. the actions; of Frezzolini. It wras he who closure.it plunged into the *ater and did not g ig f hwholly the produce of those countries about-mianaged to secure an advertising To Correpondent&. Theyusid thecy were going to Cawrnpore- tended marriage and it was he who ser memibered that Mr. Ra. likewise ]ost twoweesaelbrprvis0tflostat arngadndut"aehywie A T d Del' Th » - if in any way cotton can be produced in the sun shone." This is the great sourc arsKs -onnhse- and Deh. Te Rawnee was in power. petit like comforted the fair singer duringi horses which went over the same wharsfiinl;ag uatteo sgo of its vitality. Without its avetiement deavoured to do thie writer deepijr_ ita wa contingent cavalry rebels at Thull the first burst of hier lamentations. He ttf-ough a colhi!ton.† quality and at as low a price as now fur- the Globo woulî be worthless The pru- but the nfortunate wrretch has bcm o also thought of marching on Delhi. Ail deemned it time to gather together the d d d h ecuitiswos he e-slo tems bsuecunr ac nishe by hosecounries hoseel if de sal f th mos obsure cuntr a eri egaet ough is ow ncimpoecn- quiet at Augur on the 11thb at 7th p. m. strands of the net hie had woven arounid VILLIA-rasts rnaa&r..-The hose belon g. dudnei pnsaelbraga-lwwudb oe rftleadisrci e.tat fel'l- . News of Benaares corps having risen and her and to secure the prize at onceTh ing to the Eire. Engine have been cut adpnac suo lv aoa raho ol emr ftbandndistu tive nt t e moru e ineundt «iy d beo d f lib - . .~ ~~Th Will be struck at the root of 'the whole But thuis element of theGlb' prosperity int esct u.Yuo ore and ben riven romt the city iby artillery lierality df Frezzohini only held the vast mutilated in the Most wanton manner by system ; for taklie awray tbe motive for isà largely ntedcie.h non hv ih fato gi.thmfrte endEurpeas ywthieryheayulss onsm.csheearedathaueanasuchaseheysomsmie:rblemisreatnhatricoy e-the cuntnane o'th aborrnt lav trf- essof tsaditr'stgeera poicy an th adoun fpad fr sbsciptonsandad. muier.addeed to the comfort and happiness of her serres being sent to the peniten)tiary, or die, thle whole systelm must fall to pieces offensiveness of itsî style are every day con.- vertisements in advance-buthiasts Bombay, 15th June, 10 a. m. jbelovedl parents ; her boundfless liberalit smtigvrredn with him. Thear l-dh. .. I h ~~~~~~~~of its owa nmherenit weak-nessi. To these tributing to its decay. And as public virtu ena nterislteueinbamg "Letes wrerecivd ystrda fomsngledhdsfahe toanule i shemsmeetaingsenherthoreket i M. N edsnriusmeeins hvebee hld n nd ase ecrase, heGloe illhik tGalexcuionagins hm-wic unoru- ,Lahoae, o h e ue h ujn of spcue n o thchheJatetin adRaThbanwhchha benretnrl Liverpool, Manchester, and other large its proper level amongst the talente.1 press nitely wve too well know, havingobind genarally was tranquil. and order Main. been directed by Conte R--It was a por- locked up, every nighit ; but being open lcities in Enghmd, (ýand the many advan- of the City of Toronto, and of the Province. a Pifa and Ca sa in successionaant tane, hoghatPshwu ter wstion of his plan to get the old man in his duiring the day time, any one soenlnd aebt rs rmte dpino imé, which are of little avait towad e- somte uneasnes, in consequence of the1 powrer, and the schemes he favored wrere could obtain acess to it. On Tuesday lie hc oldgaal utefcu ap of the County of Outario. ting the amnountdue us.. We refri rm largemumber of regular native troops ; but jte Most hopeless in their venturous risks. Mr. Ray directed John Lyne who has gomlt h oko upeso owl -publp hing an account of the disrptbe thee ws n otbrak.Vioros ma-The natural consquences mas the utter charge of the Engine and hiose to oil the euhveb' ulyli eor h u- 1 r. George C. Tremtaine, of Kingston, Proedng had before the magitaeln surs er bin tken ad evreex ruin of the old man and his involvemnent latter ; and when Lyne proceeded to do soe. thsbensonta1a h lt is at present going thropxgh the Cout s-wich7hàe of late figured so conspcoul, amle mdeo te utner ad esr- eyndal op o pe texratin h scvredthtithd ee utnt-trade dituinishes the legitimate traflie in- curing statistics to enable hiin to prepare On account of the respectable failwih era A thnn an Hssi, heHuriaahThe time had come for t Conte to act wise and crosswvise in ait least a dozen dif- creuses in a w,,ondertitd ratio, and that the adsrpie3a fteCut nai.which he stands coninected. In tels f Light Infantry mutinied. These places and ho proffered to relieve t father from ferent places ! WVe fear it has been de- enrossple ftetaiu rie The Mnp is intended to be made on the his; peccadilloes-dist.urbing hisfmlyad wer plndeed an itis eaed hatallabis difficulties at the price of the daugh. stroyed.past the posibility of repairing it- fcmerepclart fiaaeer scale of 40 chains to an inch, (tro inches smasinag his furniture--he wasoredto the Europeans were murdered. Moultan ý tera hand. The old man'sâ heart was light. The wretch who committed thih atntant in1hi aytth mrew e oa imile,) and will exhibit towns, villages, find bail to keep the peace for six ots is quint. Accounts fromn Kurrachet up ened-he dreamed of bd difficulty-had act must have expected to ha'efrd neth rdngeegeso h pol arbors, railroads, highways, -plank roads, and to pay the costs. Yeouolceti- to he6t Jne; verthngisquetinnôt the Conte always been a' deatfriend of house, and whtrn the engine iwould bc r 'rcedit h rne hne.I ml-temmillis, manufatoies, town- ly be liable to be fined for selfig! i l- oemde.» ~~~~~~~is daughter ? %What was more natut'albrought out prevent 'sbeing used. The has also been shown that from theicfact of shipbndreccssosi-iequratrheaehdbenrhbtdby than they should love each other ? He Penitentiary would bc too gogd for him- the whole Popuaino h etr os and town lots. It will have engraved the the person named, La Frezzolini. oyfully acceded to the proposai, and sign- and when discovered, as we fully expectaditro fArc en lte ihnmso1l ubciesporeoso , ed a paper to that effect with a condition he will be, a good coat of tar and feather farms or iwild land In• JIA Cmsaltl hr f TheNe YrkHealdha te eHwig ade, hih e carceyosrehtma ev oeal hmt no i ur ¡minadeorct to ; th taspro lea lages the umnes of.Us a an v hbu enre su al sic-Tlethis t.thelns viery interesting sketch of that beautiful Frczzclhni " should remain on the stage at ters at Kingston all the better-orc f supply as: au other pat of the published on the canvass-and altogzether sn r o a.Te ujc oee s an rnwndQue .fSog wih sthe pleasure of her husband." hretes obr hahempwilb acmpeerua0 one quite unworthy pur notice. W ae transated from the French and will provo secret leaked Out ; %he conduct of the Railway Meeting. e. t aynasd ehieresialdetoa pr-aedy~etdtomuhforsacto of interest toall levers of the lyrie dramna conte Ira& explained. Mean miserly ad considerations which have actuated Our 'Qa ietry. A umap of this de.' this individual-whose greatestamtin as~~~~~~ wela o-toe h o iht rahruh ogtt rAPublie Meeting of the Ratepayers of stattesmen and -h 'e- our countrymen, tequsRcription, publised in the bet style, will1 is that he shlquld be taken notice o.Soe rad ael te -to hisor eua oanltio in ltitant foune hFiht the sp te ba t the ToWn has been convened for thtis daytien is one which in its satisfactory solu d*0iIbelrl.enoergement. Boing a l-of orthe versoss tooaeithmeesfuy. ts sartlirusoyanc e sy tto rilandt ou rithfezoiendi lii (Thursday) rat the Mechanics' Hall, to con. tion will carry withiîeoedt ioof cal undertakmg, itis upon the locaisy, it For instance:. ae nthml We reoognize in Fezzoin i llth e a-not falt o nulr. he df rezom the od qider the Railroad Bylaw, now before the worldly policy. tnio a as enmust, necessarily depend forisspot chester làa a splaner--says 'the ù a mens hih ontiut agrnd4ats ent i pclto s Ratepayers With what object in vievr directed to India )s a Cotton grwn hti ilprove a very desirable and Vocht. Sheb hpassion patos, railititi. . cw cnnt iin-ules t e o oce. outre;anuw rse n hi mvenetuseful publication wo have no doubt-.and Chester is aspinnor-eays the S4an an % ht RenainthoysTh melignc otte arai cmeup tat te piio oite atpsyesoftewhich is a.ýpresent occupying the minds being so we are satisded that the peopleChter ap làofyanabout hs iner a~ ~ batflopaooa ee pure on Frezzolini like a thunder shock. For àa Town, on0 passing the By-lawr unanimaouslyr. of 8om0 the germs of great result.. of thi County will give it that encor- gges t& 1 pastie i supfie hrandsh snk ndr othing that has transpired warrants us: in Three a:di twenty years have produced mentô which t deerve. Aread we o- and o f rich, ringing and telling quality. Il& baneful indluence. But at length she g1ithig any opinion until the proceedin dof Wonderful changes As the world growfs die, a numnnr of weRl-knowù nmoo"on din sth t ekn Sh s nimuaread masind c oused herself to resistance, and offered to the meeting shall have -taken plae. We older eyents seem to crowd together, and the .lit shown us. r. C >Munroe'Tro- tr«Wss ci mherpostes and exquisitely redeem her faither'sdebts ; but, A&as !on Shal& take good care to attend, and advise resutsihi n ygn aymol. ave mn, nephewof, the pulisher, is ob- uPcl- h-aov graceful by nature. fHer face is one toenquiry she found herscifbegad-hr heBteayr o te onthtitisthi tkenenure ttheuinaear o#heW denae fsus-b study-classcally beautiful, and chiselled father's reckessness had straoWeèd up Nerfuty t do o lk Wise. Le lohit u y a oknof ytes Are wnfne tro nuinte 4jrj£-_ 11ini,ý-. wdhak shaesthese al. trugl assh wold stiflt ÉLe meÙ ansIve anmuaisous -vote on the By- hoping that the three and twentiFffear be hà britad ftedaethewas in toils, and _urged o yhrde aif oi½e:next to bomn6 may be prddutifr uoMg reat req ire Srme And a foraigrand and commanding. With emnotion for her parent she consente to.resultn? Tht whe thos year aveex- on hs all ~z teerqiieanthheaveny gfthe sacrifice. Mrs, cu m a ain Arrested ffr piréd it - uay be a matter of cedgrátála- of S us vhmWonder t the - LiAonr aEZoaN -to dovei o Ja nuand a n enrea fr s e&«t-that sucess a*ttends upon her steps A lovelier bride never soe eor e Mrs.Cynninghard nis agA in introuble, 8 up t quité siao sen utsiteU.-yu wherver she appear 1 So true- is she to altar; a sadder oý more hopeless one never Shte was arreted on Tuqady att New bl B utr ers he at ht o on s erpoe edue ildd nunvr hag nd. Thee y York, on a charge of felony, under dth e 1l.og- oho he1ýre mumet be fronn tritumph to tri. howeve, no10ignsof weakness; o'er her bWingecÃŽunmtanoesrultte iibiw uaaph. ahe was born in the,' Eternal City finely cut features there was an epression It appmars -M at Uiet eronM an matrk eMarked for her beautiful Of stern resolve, tibd dewb rSinnato bhan.&8roestas ,mst - fainh.maa..,..

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