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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1857, p. 1

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THURSDAY. MORNING, t 'l'titCmd 0w tu- bielet I .u -r nlii b lut the lVom-hd f v rnti tjuus 'it 1 ittetîi e ii ii ii î l , it emr , 1t. LIt it i -lttla i -i - btni'. A M iii i11 i. 1 Itu i .te t i i . iti- i e flic -i t iti t Im tu% )Apn m si!, -ne ittsu i - i-t 1-ue1utria luttteut l i Itt ItL- stue. iy -ti rtitug - - îtLes utiy eE ýOittBtuit uter-st iu Poi-isn us. --- -- -- iigw~&nayerhofa r os, BOKSTRLEET, vilITUy, 4~Neat Doser £tIste'Regi$try Offie. Six lineus anel ujider, ..2,el ~Wy .ubs..tni~Ltlssrt~p, ~Id. Àk lberai diseount sllôwed tu Merehtansd oùliers sîitcrtli.p- liv tlu veai, lu h Colt, LsdesLuillrt-sud11Y uvery bu- Ubitb~ LbÈsz:tI.~ Wlth Ctini 'rinîeed words, greut thodghts -and untirîng industy, we ilivocate Peins U....c ... a v.---.----'- -- VOL. le WHITBY, C. W., THURSDAYI AIJGUST 204 1857è NO.~U odvprtWiin iineiul , cosd net b.ca4eued ini tiis JAMES4 GOULD, t t iuvslily. Al vwî10sdvertisAe Or tlhiuk well of d- A UCTIONE ER ,&e,(IENOD .' w 1 l'louse aun. ui i .-forwarding 11. Township ofleeil.g2 paper Wv1 b iiiountinneai unitil 611 arrear- PETER CAilMICIIAEL. ----- - ages eil uplI etiAIUCIONEM, e, WICK, TOwNsîîp 1Wsnet Made- e yfrMoney IIIOINS& MYERUFFE BIOSALBERT SPItING, ('oinîng te heartý brain, and sinew, t4) gl, ---..~, . AUC<TIONEEIt, &c., &c., GitEEN13.2NE Till we %isuk in the dark, on ttht pullîuer;dele EOOI ANDJOBPeeling for ueinr, the flowurlussmould, BOOKTINI ~S ANDLI JOB NA. PRINGLE# G rowiig aboit <lie uncrowuced seul! PltltRCIlANT TAiLtIR, IsRt)UK STREET Oh, Qed! oh, Qed 1muet tlîis evermuors bu P1~uE PiOPRETOS 0 'rn~ wrs'rsy 'mJ Wlttbv ~'The lot cf the tOiildren of Poverty TJ. 'HCaosneu," would rcespeesillv infüru.. the The Bpring is cailing tron brue and itoxer, publie tW sthoy have pnseîired s<tnii of te iusC THOMAS DEVERELL, Iii the itikling sheun ofthe mumîny heur, modem styles orTNS front Nem, York in addl- BUI 1, 1) E R, &c. &e., (C REEN STRtEET, Rairtli mniles in lier golden green; te eU,, are preptired temete Wiîitin-, C. W.- tAteOOK A0 > JOB RIN I B Tliere's nsuste m'oow, tu the dtainondlîd luaese Bu- KIA-MI JB RITIRO 10.CI'5 JIOTEL, Tlioreès music abtve, and lîcuvei:'rt bNe bos,îii efivé dsul tu mi l tinttep - taiwork fOR NERIlOF F RONT AND GEORGE. licaveg, wnVll b. dutlee1in a 4ul)orlor et> le ai hu lowesm Ci Streecîs, Torontoî<. 6 Thîe clIver,' londs buta-cen, ile 'iig Viba-,pîcîae n c AIL IOETe hoiiglis ot the woodflinl are nodiling in Tte roretir hv, tieie oecfMANIu-Lî MurîTi, Lr,-r-ir i euh, iiiVV ex e"d ittomuse ilehnirT Mar>tAOi, TEAnd <-toinl4ybeekun my spirit awît> - WhIc emtilK tici tnttiu on Irr(lundCir 1 earthedreaiiiy hum «l nu baerr>:eei tiou liinanul Faîiî- havesONaA 150 IrO-,T-. .-Of heu, lun thelne truc, and hirds on te spray mtatiouery, f&-ex-, vtxtiig hoitilit Kt verv In, j SNYI)FRl'ROPIET01t. tirii-x Io And he tcarc mlln ivtink aNvay; rutos, ltititg cn e a uh. riithîxtdlit the hu-eut riandît inîIllte 1&otî tt-t e 'of ,-But Ic1 nî--unt0,r iticos anmd t the mclirenotic,ie-. ______ _______ Vi*leîs ot vendant and lîeart-eokollnizpinceii. WIIiIltCtiis VX.Ài-cmtti~-~sua..stIsniOnN lOUSEs, mili sieul eon civ seul like a golden sprnug-.min C fF ,Whitiîî. -t Wr 0n T Wn T B r Y v, C.- W - riie thei1 04tt t iliît ot braveo. vtutslied-I tt.s: - F ~LLIt>TT SPBOWLE, PROPRIIETOS.- r dit t. lt- sgiiîiisc ut Ite flii.rillt.lu1:1111. ti A[..STREET, IIABkll.tXL&W. H tt That îuAIt--I theurt ltp upanmd knek nt - csiiiî aî, n n iii-, 4l--l.r-. 6 W husen5 doir, ZACIIEUS BURNIIAX, L-- A I OTEL, 0t, fiî ir ll Lyei lafle. the greent fîiel, te re (1)(W OF TIuE C4WNTY & SURRItBolTF ENRI' I Cîîîrta. tIll-nte CourtI heu-e. 1 - INC;;TRFT, OSIIAW t'%V. ((t 1»i>od - - -- - t j Tii tlc- ii i ca ertfils. titeir c ontc-.i ter NELSON Gt. REVNOIDS, - VICTORIAt SALOON, flEitIFF- r4'COFFI1CE ATr TIIEt' 'CET '(KSTREFET. ITC J.ESSE VAN- 11w I yearîî toe -m iin ti it- iiii,ii, ý -trrel JOHN 1131 PlIRIV, RÀIltO4T) OTEi., Andi iiý-tl,- inîIras,.., tiiI tI of s..ri u lin pFflrsTitA î (- t-F lN 1111 îi'K ST.1j 5I 'Nut. 1IRtîlltttTiill. i1tlt WK ST, 1 w î i ý-t- Itin beimuti- are x% ilîtîti. R NN_______ * tuit ,,-d Satlti ttîl titl 'i0 Ci __-- __-_- - -- - - - . - ts Tliti-n. ii t y rtut itîtr fr--tiitî t-rit - f ila% IL .J. .31AC)ONEIL. -__---1 -Titfltiiit IilInle ~w-uîtiti liiz. tivy tI id a 0 - C IN . A1 tt AI' ltn.i % I-r-t i oi ut ti- tint te' tiiii it--s Iun IllIe* T h O P S N ,Ij* î I N ii- - ii us àu t j i i r u i . i, tii- h i Yi l-tfan ,] il i i f t o d HAI EN i. -il t ENUI' A SISTN . i titili6ttI Fr, rii .i5of rapturi l tilt j o lltl, li21, Il: - -I % M iéIntri i.. iii, andîl a u -- __ - OUNt.( NAS)A SA~LOON, tutI sc ti te Iird ili tCi- ruefi t i-rhliiit, NY. PAXTON, .h., 1lils aEIT VtltV.lYJiTN ii atiSe-hi itf RI 0 FI E T II ( ,Il t r Si-ii. -t- -, Lu i--ii :l 1. T tit.-i--- rr W A S Il. i. 3 A1>O l W,-i t i.- eu tr i idn tk ii i-ti mi i itretî it iiudr S2 i ,ii!iî-t, d (r-, 'utisiiiUbtirS llîu - l <tli( îî' hi, - 'EîC t - TS F ' SNTY ilN'i 'A -EFr, ilwî ii etV. - ore laîtîî, iiit- iIrss tit Wt .iOIIN iSHI[1 , .oU-L B IL FIIi li ti ttc< iisiiiiiiil t eis. t-n.1 h )UNTY 1-NI I.OFICE AT TIIE 24 jÇ-~--Tiwat 1-ert-ttîu t- h ut ilt ____ NATIONAL. HOTEL, iu itatitre*.. rrtstiCigt.eut-t- tp iti-te: L. iAiRBNKt: tuimt) T. ailier- - 1i hmintti,and sît Jrititk fr--to lîer ( Fîi-TlVliN OFFICE a 11)'?R . ttilT FliWBi'Il il i i b"% iltte Iole1 l iiti t .t i t ..t.111111 i- i.îIt t tnt,... i I .- -n . -For t . - A W. Il. THEMAI NE, B UI STFIL .()FFP-UE.-IN AtAL J. V. HIAM, B AIIIIiSTI-At-l-.AW. Fl-BIC M~ulIrceT, 'bý, TC. 'tB-W.. c ttduiws, C. W. N. G. IIAM, thte---îr liŽ tore of .1. Pigs.-Iw, Ebq, cepi.-tp thée lieirr <iieBrock 1t. 1 ,W. H. JIILLINGS. B ,0ilsT1 & ArT(>UNEY %T 1,%W, Soliilor 'in. <iancery, Notîîry 1'trrlic, Cîtnvvyancer, &u., WIhitbv, '. W.1 CAMURON & MACDONELL, ARR$TItt;&,ATTfle(.%NEYSATP LAW. ut thîe Court IlouLre-houLli Wing. 06k-o bout-s froni 10 until ri. -1 CA1I"RON & DARTNELL,- flJARLISTEILS SO].1IiTOPS A'NI1) CONL- >veylatifrss1irock street, (next door to the lk4tltry offits-, whtby, C. W. lheroft CAXUMDNo, 1UE;oBotîIl. DàniTîtLL, Toronto. 1 wlîiîly. Ageiicy ot (lùlokwUia ie Assuranice Comipany. WILLIAM POWSON, C}NVEY/tINCERI e, MA2N CIISTERt, - ilgrjAX11N YAIReIOLD, O0WN CLERtK AND TIREASUIflR.OF- T1fece-To)wn ll. Dr. R. W. CLARK, S URGEUN ACC.OUCHEUIR, & COeO0NEFR, fo tr the counity of Ontario. Dr. CHECKLEIr, 'R -sDE(' ,BR(-lýSTEEfTOWN OF J. S. JO?4E8, OCAL DEN'tIT.--OFFIL'E IN BROCK I Stieet, over.J. BîgeloWt4 store, sud opposite t' e Regitry offiSe. Ail operations wariaanted. Itiference, a fair triail. 1 AMSOS W. CRON,a AENGINEER, AND J. 1VROWD I3EAVEN, I CHITEÇI AND CIVIL ENGINEER, JlDudaî ts-eut, Witby. Estimates anatie ut-I aU kinds et meastarng womk emnetulh>'aLlen- dllte. 1 t PIIILANOER Mu. CLARK, - 1GL CONSTABL, COUNTY 0NTAREIO, ~ laund Ina cter ofU LicnthLie municipal- t y oethie Tewn of Wiitby. 11 - -u C. JITCflNs, X AXELJSJUMIPED AND RF- 1 1ig eslyeeeteil. Smo-A tew oors Noriscf olrd. iotlBrook Street, Wlitby. - wN. 5. BROBINNONt I'%MIYCHEIUT, A&c., BEOCK SRE D UGIS'. IVOANDISTRM Af WAYu ebu band. DýnuS Irvet, WEaÎ 1 ti HENRY JtANNAN, -GEORGE EEÂUAZOI ItIck, Ba'okCw Aie .- t - tIt mito >v itittoi. tt e tti r.l t .ttttt--- . flUi)l)EN, &eti.t tiC. bîtrie'it i- îtu.îuîti À. 1) it-tltei-t, it Nlr- 'r. t-itVi'. sttl-Are s-tirt-ug, unî tirured, aIt urt l ai i-tt. treetti lutttî Viati t« tiS 14e, Miti'trst Liku eu'e ,-tte i-t-s, sf May. A. -C. WILSNON, jAnut-ius tiutfr--tut lis -i}te-iii s jîrit iu-li A A1 N T E l , GL1AZI FER. ANI)PXI1 -i -t-it at itlCi îiî utt-ît p Ihttntzu-r. l'ictnfs, (ilt-, i titt tPau- I î-,i- IittL.i utut titîte ei-t ; - ut-I., ýiiýý-,t-- ttt-ii- tut-liaetti-.i5V Suttu-tue. i-lîttît ( at -t M t ' ttl i ls uti- mt i te s1% tiu- -- 01tmtmt iliittialusthettmecspilt-mîofto- - ___________ _ Andlie et uît-ivir en1ieth t- i fup hlii teut J. W. CALDWELL BROW N, ON rîV lîYANth-:Iî &C.. ( OMNIlitt',1N1 Vm-iLtt.turs1,stit-tu-îî511t tth. tule,,îe Northt of(ýA. D.N -Suk. Ad timiutilttc i- ttli awfut t)ittitu--litlitis, i>nmg Sisine5 Uxbridgue, C. W. 2 lucutei-hetIiiigl,îm 5deeup, sttair> ,mîiî,teu- _________ -r intminet- ees, dt--turuvedL. trc, 3. J.STIiRROCh, B ig ,foru- te im 'aît cfiltunianiuv. F AtiiINAILEuAlil titSS-ltANI) - -- F ILmibeut. l'emt-t'tneru <itiii-litnIintu1ilit-t, -ltsita - vitniîttsttutttîî &c. Zý-6Adjtmti1tg M551h Balmas* bout antIti,eoèt1tuela tîait-s. nhinitel luthe itutî,Ittd* iitg futîter itttt-i-, tittlnit ttî, WlîitSî. 24 MueSi itribis thoiigtitiftîtiue- RUTHERFORD & MAUNDERS, FIrtain uvetl ,tit pie, lttut lure ii luti, (LATE 3. -,TOVFI,) Se-Imiuttcu is uateî îtt 'r ~ Amîltitue tit sig uc-tarlt)utteiat- italit ive eon, t SANtI 54 KIN(,STIZIET WlIif,S'o - wet&1,-înw-e a remt-t. *&ltie 44Kistg Stu-eut ' etilaiiel- ;teli l-;hut , Sic 1amtigltit-, ton, 1i Iwotil it ntjloluin, like iteetke scuutgeti, Whoisitituptsett- soul's. in a luèky cuve, Me KLEISER, I1scotiml sec tue sworl btter, and nobler-moulul, SIGN- 0F TIIE 1"LARGE WAMi1," r1 raofhveinmgentf-ae TMPOitTE'R 0F WATCIIEfI&- JEWELERY, Er1 r ema cf huas-y lie iiletii m ren t-fgtav J.thate orsEnest cf Che ie ontt-cuI Bnk, Kingiut>totttts-le afl1aual-mite, 8treet, Bowmasnville. Toiti l imy heurt ta a wreek lu iw wew-u-in, N.B.-Wuteîsut, (toeks antiJeweev my t-eîty Toil for ever, fuî t er-mtsept bresd, reput-el. 1 Tilt i go dowvuate the itnt leatE J. C. STERLING, But, b>' titis yenruing, titis houîiîîg, titis mehing, A UCTtt tN-Ei1. A lflJILICATE. BOOK 1 mus net mule iiuutely for moncy-tnakiug. wiil bu uttse Cet ithi tise tetettt pmaue-tuaii- Cv. Dus-s of Sates 9tîtul on. itesidence-Cettt- 9t-eet, cur te CeuttBuse, Wisitby. WYATT'S HOTEL, I ATE SCRIPTIRE'S, WHIT-IBY. T IlE istues passiîng Nurth, Eaut unIdIVes ttro m luth>', stop ut titis Ilotel. Evttry inforiumtin gît1 eutixe pusgers. Ctrefut Ostiet-'s uawys in ail stidanue. D. P. WYATT, Proeputor. NORTH AMERICA< HOTEL. PReT nocE. JMOIN HEAD, PROPRIITOR1 TAKES TRIS method et iutt'rminiris - fnendsaud tise pub ' ie gene-mit>', hut he has commeneeb busi- ness in the ubcu-e promis"n; b -e ts ti that his mode of dbing bumsinuss, mand attention te luis gumestis, willmuet-lt a shuru of publie patronage. 1l POIRT FERRY BTE'MÎBOAT ROTEL MASON & PHILLIPS, PRCJPRIETORS, M beg 1Luostatte Lthuhy have (ittedul thie abuve mili-known fit-st-clatis Motel, ina a newandse imitable umnner. Visitoris and tise travelling lomunmiitywcîi finI it in ra-ty respect a coin- 'urtable bisse. Quel Stabling mund anuattenttive OstIer. 4-Sîti FBNELON FALLS JIOTEL. ~ILLAM MARTIN, PROPRIETOR.-1 W Thi Iolis t-tmpgtd inexcellent stylo to acomodat-ViitomandTonaiâs, ILtats- nuatel wîthnuau tua-roda of the F" inletise nidit efthie moiut deligitfui Seener>'. lie fiis-- îgon Lise Lakes la unUrpansd. %Finig rue kie and Doats 'providel. 29 .. NORWOOD HOTEL. 1JErlrY COULTON R!SPECTFULLY IN-' Us orate, publie, tisait, h.is taken the, ibove 'Well-7£U*Wi HôtOl whbièh h. bis aterel and lmrn~toved fo mailtL"Xpuble wtbêm'a5aed iaryother leLt thse pmwineGoîdl Bts- TUOXAS EOBINf3OW'S ~ HAiE -ctr=TNG AND flsi F-8" Boom~ei Broo.riauui baer c r f- stadn ti.bileê,wI iaumh oudueaismst ttn n eténe. [Writteu for the "Chroniiele»] A Visit ta a Canadian Locolnlodve Manufuetory. Perhaps this heisding will ho the first in- timation to many of our readers, that an establishment of the above nature lias an existence within the borders of Upper Canada. ?Çot only in there such a thing in existence, hut-thougli bomparatively gpeaking of recedît, oriffin-its enturprising proprietors have 4irxed out work of a de- scription (as experience hais pruoed) far superior to any imported, either froni the States or frorn Englanil. This is'a bold assertion, but w-e expeet the following oh- servktion, fully to support it. A Locomotive and first-elss Steam En- gine Mînufactory has been' heretoture s rare thing in Canada-we shall hurry on to describe thut under notice. Travellert-by the Great Western Rail- way may have observeil, close to the traclc of that lino, on the South side, about one mile eust of the Hamilton Station, a large pile of stone buildings, the busy hum fromn whlcbý- mdtb. glevateil smoking chimneys whieh top the pile, afford tokens that tthe. induptry of man ia ber. in feu aciviy. Týsese buildings saeti&Lo comotrve- sud Forge wotks of 0. O. Guna & Çocý, Rqnll ton., On, entering the wcir]s (net deterred, by au epormoiis painted intimation of IlPouitivtly no admittance eooept onjyjusi. hiess" whstch stares one iu thseface) w. are Pausing, awhilp, the fact grewg on the mind invention, or, r&ther ingenious turning to that, like the seeming confusion incident use one of Natuire's sirnple8t Iaws, the erse- upon the working of a large manl of war, tion of the supendous Britannia bridge, in reality cvery thing is conducted in the and wOrks of a likoe hÉLarier, iticludlng most, perfect order and system. Turning our own Victoria bridge would bc impos- to, thé left and ascending the stair-case, sible. Thils press litsoil oere for the pur- you are conductcd to the l'Drawing-room" pose of forcing the driving and oaLler wheels andl office, whurc the 11first ideas" of the Qf locomnotives and Cars o~n their Éiles, inany and cornplicatod machines ikhich which it dues so efrectually thât only the aftervraris nîct the eye are arrangud and the preSS ltself can take it off ,agaln-a perfected, and wlicre alço the financial large pair of wheels underwent th is opera- business of the establishment is conducted. tion in oui% presende. Two umon working Next you aCe led to the IlPattrn-room" a Smatl foce-pllmfp produued an offect wheru carpenturs are btisily umployed cqual Lu the pressure of several hunidrel forming in n-ood patterns of those parts of tons. Somne short Lime a,"telag ha the machincry (sucli as cylinders, nteaim- of the rani, weighing several huindred chests, axles blocks, &c.,) which the skili %veigliL, gave way, and iL was found on 'of the mouller andi founder aftcrw-ards calculation that the strain brought to hear produeesi in more cnduring fornis. Ilere, at the moment -of the accident was equal ialso, w ill bu found moclels of improvements teo nine, hundreil andl thirty tons. lately introdu-e< into locomotive and other At the extreme end of the sbop aile the machinery.- Deucending the ritairs, (to crecting pits wliere the locomotives, with take th ings ýn order) the first compartinent their tendlers,are fitted and framudtog-ether. 15 the " Boiler-nîakers," a perfect pande- jliere, for the first Lime., the results of ail monium asL far as noise and glutre <'an cou. the turnînil and bustle we have witnusscd tribute ýo niake onu. Ilcre the locomo- hegin to shew thenoselves. A tender is tive's kero" as iL wcre, begins to bu jnst finished and receiving itsfrtcato knit together. In te cpntre is the linige paint lnie is une in process of coni- boiler of a freight, engine, front the ini- pletion. Next is a locomiotive in an adl- teri ofutw-hih the deafcning noise of the vanced stage; andl next again is unether hammners of the rivetters arises su et;în- only two or tliree weeks behinil its ningly on tuie car. A~t cither sides are conipanion. The first locomotive is a mag- workuien lsîriîîg reineptacles in the pliates nîflrent freighit engine, the Baechus, for the adutisinofu the nutmerojis brass destined with -another, (the Achuilles") coiîner of thie siaop tise ttrmwîy at-ms of Lise boi!er makers are engagel in beuutiug the massive piates cf tise Fit-e-box intth ie ne- rcssîîry shape, w-la le iii-antîtherua tông mass ut pltetts, lit w-hicltasuother ,;#t utfmîsetteî-s anc lii-iy ,eugsgu-, itîdicatu te nsile luinitif uviat hereattent- L tic ea Tendier. lu-me ai-o at-e madite tise unsigitIbe <hlmn- ucys uîlctu itistim--i.sh Ilocomtotives ut this cotmttry. Forges for nsak-imi and isuutîng rivets tilt uiLte neinaint-r out tiis llie iext division is flite blaeksnîithss, tilti-rete inoise atîd Conutsion areliteightt- <-ni-il u>-the rotinof e:glittucn or I uetty forges iullhhblat, ais -il as îy Ltae puf- fittg uofuteasLin, atnd seti- tiulT' otfte i-telati Iammixet-. Thits wuudut-fut aspuîna- Lits penfonus te n-ut-k oh at I-ast Ittuita iluzeit mec, -anti is s.; miucha simden te cou- to Crutetof ths e vonkutata as if iL us;aun - uîtinr u mitier n itt-tls hinul.Su îiceiy Cali iLs Icos-etucitulie graduatel Chat a fi' Catili e placuul upon :iu egg ; te hit- titer uhscuutîI-m-the flyiv j; scel-w-bile tise egg reinaimis ittbroen !iThtVe langest et thause extmtîordimin-s- lîmmnsers (tise in vention of Mr-. tNasmiyts, ut Machester-, .yri in-.riu i. ,,u-i au. worm., 00<5.0e tise building, for Lis etL Western Rail- -&Y. Coupeteut jud-ges have prunoianceil I Liese Lwc ungines Lu lie unequalihel bisny in LIis t-ottiitmyfr.-strengtis isîl ietmity etf I wotkmaiuuhip. They at-e 16 inchi inside cylitîlurs ; anti much curiesity is evinced hy te oeepluy fth t ie Railway as Lu tise- cumîseîition hietw-ccn this and enginus trum emnment Emîghsi and Aine;-ican Macu- -fattories. Titis îomphetesetiur iînperfect glunce ut tise iutcmiu>r ; ajacenîtLutiste mmiii builil- iîag es te eust, is tise Engine and Boiler reous, sihure tite motion isgenrtated wisich tgîves lift Lu tise w-iole moi ks. Tise enly - Lisig remarkable haute is ant ingunions con- trvneadaptel Lu Lise bolier, by mhicis tise heatel gases and susoke, insteal ut us- cupiug by tise ciiney, at-e admittelite thse tumuaces, und perfect combustion is tise t-t-suit. 'llit ly conuuuapt.ion ut coul hast been t-cduced thereby frous 32 cmt, Lu 20 ca-t. Inl tise yard on tise w-est* are vuricus usasses of lt-en, ushiditern tisé computent.1 harts oft tao immiense stein an innrs. Some ileu ofutiur tmagnitude may bu aituel at w-hus it is statul tisaittie anvil out Lielut-g- En-land) is s-uîall itY cI-t ioctroI. lUe ' 0sat1 t-br- t u-o ; wu-len Lisese are iii epeîation, tieî vsit dCli- tsnîimgrom nI L thtie lam-est lotips, iueludiaig sicamboat i-ne peri-lhs ttîat thae strauger wiii b. - 1' 0paduhit- wisuel-st1aft,cars ho masdemaid ru- utor-estLttiik tsi th Lite vederful pots-un lait-elsithi tise greatest case and exîteli- if -umtodernsmachiucry in prolticing rusuits tion. But umfortunaLehy Lise prppî-ieturs] sehici s eern ;imost iccrulilhe. Ou ene do ont consider theunsels-es juaitifledi n liondet-oUs lathue ILlie coi- l sone et vis-hiil sickicg tuttier capital in thscir erection, atîtcîtel u btuveuu£ 1000mcd£l,00>until tiset-est efthLie suot-Is nom iu tiseir un- is tise drbvîcg wlîuLl ut-a locomotive, una- t yaeflye.abile. Tssi M b g!n it îîcssu îîg eivlu pity-tur tisey woll lieuamost profitable thLie roughsuess oftthe haustuer amdfuI uutdry, it1suut oiig tts ilbigu andI ut being reitIee perfectly t-ce undI i lut i operatien in Canada. suncotis. 'The gruat wa-l i ttunnel show-- pt-oentod-a ateorgno hsetn iy roumti, w-hile tise cuttingiroi, w-iLlanm tm od st ieegnctssetn irresi sivu estabilaisment may pt-ové not unicter- ireîtable ltuusistuuce, adpucilhiar grat- usi" Wants rn rcsmm te t ng nois.e w-lachi ust bu lieut-I Lo buc uler- Cr- scisemes mure set on fout tsreet-rfour yeurs utust u iaîel offre tse inster c bu ma-o -;iL setiame cuident tha t a large ansotflt nius bebanled èrethevisior an e jof'muchicet-y and rllicg stock, tiýr beyond iconvincel Lisat tisey. aret-reau>' hron, met-e1Lise proîucing pomers eft tiis ceunir>', ioof theutiuhsesit adhret ri,i-- - bv tru utun ~ nI ui-let - I oul bu necessmry, and in order tLu ve ions, and net somutising ut least as eusily Lise snpply or a pution thereuýf; fes wot-kel as mueuk On a large latise a acsSks eBrn ntC. u couple ut cyiclers ut-e being bot-el oct for Eehsscnrcosfrts rcklh u ut tise pistons-afr the w-et-kl utd. Lise reception. ftepso-- oko Ottawa Railw-ay, andI many oth1eir Railwap the, greutest nicet'. Rondtise mIole ut ou this Continent, un .conjunction miitis Luths section ufthtiemut-ha are inuny ansallet-ohtEguiruiuitidclteei lmtlaesng w-hure tiseimore dehicate utetise lateswhre hemor dlictepart o h nent Scotchs firm cf Kinmiond Brothers, " nmcbiuery at-e elaboratel, sucis as tise o"ude otase h salsmn brascastings ansd fittings misicis are catit fo otTde tran e otereabLisi alert in-tise Bt-uss teundry outsile Lise muti n auy difficultios wsacmlse'u bulig. Ilure iL usa>' bu remas-ked tisat hat-Il>'w-ert-otie nem w-atk lu operation aluiot tv-etLoch and macinie usadiun this whnL.uftnto ahcfM.yJes, establishsment has been constructel miLli- b>' Irow-ningon boatd tise'à11futed M-rti in is wail. Lrew Lise affii-s ef tisý,fi-- into suecm-co Passing te tise lurgest cf Lise compant- fusion, that tse>' w-so unabl'e to, curry, - - ents int w-hich. tise busilding is divided, out tiseir contrinets, und tise w-ork in Mon- thLie visiter finIs issli in tise milat of trea4 tLis euL ýoff froi itee c tta' ' wh rmachines ut dufrent kinils. Fier. alarge tur1t-el isenducement 1er theïr establisis-, > planing machine is in fulil mut-k ;is heavy ment, mure -bioughst, té stand stihl. A bel mowing sluwiy hackw-ards and for- this juncltion M4r. Guna cf UHmiltons, witis.ý w ares, learing withis itLie massive fort etotise spirio fenter i fÉwih has il-s au outille connecting roil, w-hile mitis-csarcteniied tise ' ambitions littie city"; rut-ey oscillation a portion cf Lb. metal is stoppadi l -purchased Lishe w-Iole of thée removul, Ieuving tise surfatce a smootis and mach oey ft'the onrelworka, aud -polisisel as s mit-tor, fier. is a strange transtexred -tIsenitoHsnaten, ta Lb. Rail-ý loukine mffair,-u carions compound et Lethed -viseels (reveivixsg in basinscf cil4). rateisets, levers, threasied serewm, and a humssa emtai wisieis eurs ne resemblanmce to auyltising but samglifiedirot-n bottie. What is this for.? Am' hanle bearing,& box of pioces ofuûietai, miicis bave already undergone Lise prcess f: oning by a-s secw-making xnachleê, approuctis., He takeaoee of these piecea of 'mttaI,-,1ee il on thse ne&k of -thi t'bottie"; ,adjuiéleIL;, tanches someLbing -wbhich e g-liftA it.sd moétintothe inent uetai,;isud lhesù ime,. t.h laaLaken tapenthmewsixs a.moSt. kgstifully âlhed scew-utuig ria dyfor nie ; înplèeod by mchlerybi' about Lise sane-âmse iL. could be meneiy- prepared for comntions by hmudc 'We next notice s drihlng ntsehiste, the power- ful teeth of wiriihare biting anud: gawing the nonuuus masss of fos'god fretswhioct way Cannai w-ho w-ère th a tie sa-uit xr W.I 'l'sig w-us lo engise -tunt- Gran Trnuil ml... t' Ni A 1iSqtu5s 4en ot tlîe lfty-six regiments orportciso eietswia ve- ui ene disbatià li . t ~thtie, BengaI , er ~as ceaaedt exit- cur-ence et nueis an accident as thse Des Jardins Bridge catastrophy. - Practical men have pronounceil iL admirably adaptuil f& the endls in view, but as Lise patent hanet yul issued we will not now describe it. -The cumber cf banda employed (128) and lias ausud qsîite a village te sprimig up arounil the works,and a church,sch'l bouse1 Lihrury, &c., have been erected Lb scaom- modate tisis littie Colony ef Mecisunica. Mr. Kinmndi, tise-Superintendant of tise works, hatise hsonor cf being tise bulldct of tise fIrst Canadian Raitt~ay, hus firmisav- ing buiit and equipped tise Montreal and Lachine Roudl muny yuars u-o. Tisis gen- tleman is mnost courteous and attentive Lu any stranger, andl butlitise practicul auiid Lise casual visitor may spenil their ime most prufltably andl agreaily, in a visit Lu Itise Hamilton Locomotive and Forge Werks." 1PURT1119RELBy THE CANADA. TiPfýIUTINY EN INDIA. THE w-AR iM CHINA. Tise Cunard steamsisip Canada, froni Liverpool, ut 3 P.M., on Suturday, Aug. 1, urrived a. liftax ut hlai-past a o'clock tis 1afternoun. \ Her dates are tht-e diys luter than tisose airuudy receiveul. Tise Canada saileil again frein hure ut 5,45 P. M, for IBoston. Wicd west; w-eather stormy. A IlLise vensels compt-isiug tise expeditien for laying Lise Atlanti e Lehegupscablo isai urrivel ut Cork. It mas imtunded tisat they sisould lemvo tîsut port for- Valentia on tise Slait utf.iuy, or tise lst ut Augmxst, andl tisat, Lise eatluer permitticg, tise shore mrope should bu landeil, an - tise vessels commence sinking tise cables on tise 3d or 4th of Agmust. It is intendeil strictly Lu mvoid giving priurity of information andl Lu uffurd nuo fadilities for jobbing or spucula- tiohn dnring the laying ufthtie cable. A bouse was beiug constructeil ut thu termni- nus, into misicli would bu introducel tise end of tise caisie, and during tise progres of tise iaying ut iL nu une w-IIl have permis- sion tisere e.xcepting tise SucreLt-ry of tise Company and hIis assistant,. and they mil as-il mllicommunication mîtis pet-sons out- j ide. Progress willbu reported d>iiy te mil parts ut. Europe. The paying-out ex- 1 periments fron tise Agamemnun, betmeen Duvet- and Queenstown, mure perfecthy successftl. - Tise tolîoming mas Lise latest Leiegl'hphlc despateis regarding Lise c<abie: QUrEz.SsrOWs, Juiy 3ai, 18.57. Richard Stuart, Esq., Agent of tise Asso- ciateel Press, Liverpol- Tise submtu-ine cable un huard tise Xia- ga ra anti Agamemnon, over twunty-fivu hundt--i miles longw-as juinuil togethset- l ast ev.ucing, andl issssages sent thsough iLs cuti-e lengtisin leastLisan a seconul Evury- Tthiing morks beautituihy, and mu are ail iu Isigis spirits. Tise Lord Lieutenant ut Irelande is expecteil Lu witcess tise com- mencement efthtie proceedîngsr CYRUS W. FIÉLD. Tise royal assent hiad iscen given Lteh ibill ineorporating Lise Atlantic Tehegrapis Company. Amsong tise passengers 1by 'tise Canada are Hon. Henry J. Raymond and tise Bias- op ut Kentucky. ,Tise steamer Angle Saxon front Quebec, and, Lise steamer Labihien froni New York, amried ut Liverpool ou tise 291h tilt. Tise Canada reports passicg., Atsgust 10, lut. 45, Ion 57, slip Qucen ufthtis aIes, bouni wet TRs XVTMIN M It itlA. 'Tise details cf tise Indiam i esus, already teiegrapised reacisei London on Friday nîgist. Rumors wet-e very prevalent tbmL Deihi bas bouc taken; but accerding te tise lat > 1 excitemient existeil oming Lb tise discôvery cf a cunspirucy for a generul uprijng on tise part aftie Mussehman population, andl thid selzure ofthtie City tisen. The inisabi- tacts kecp tlsemselves urmel, and Lise puýb. ic buildings, hotels and other principal1 places, are gitrrisoned hiy suihdrs beidugitig0 Lu, tise sisin, tise river. Tise Frenchs con-t sul ut Calcutta caileel -togother aIl tise Frencis inliahitants mnd Captains of Frenchu vessels, andl deffired tisernteLufurmti41id Eqtiip a <oi'ee ofarmel uumen twteh uv-or thie smfety ofthLie Enropean commnnity. Frencs tamilies wero heing taken an board vessels. A lutter front Penny & Cc., (a Isigisly respecta-ble firn,) duteil Madras, June 27, Atates pusitively that.ufllciuh intelligence lad reatiseil Madras on tise pt-evionis day etf Lise tal oftDelhi. TUE w-ARuINCIINÀ. ui-tiser détails dithLie naval opurations in tise Canton river, state LhaC-au Lise 27tis May, thirteun junks were destroyed, atiel that dn tise 28th, tmecty-soen heavy ut-i ed jucha met-e captmlrcu4. On tise 8tis of Une, tw-o tisonsand ufthtie B3ritish naval tut-ce mure ecgaged, ttld cap- tut-el a tort and took or dustroyed unei isundreil and tmenty-severi juches, mounL- ing over niie isundrel guns, mitis nine1 tisousai nient- Tise Britishs lest thec ut- fleurs acd eigist men, mcd fifty-six wounlel ---unse murtully. At Sîsmugisue,. reigists met-e unmltered. At Hong Kong thé dxport ut tex trom e tise Ist ut Juiy iast year, Lu tise Otisofut Juce, was 68,468,000 pounds ; and ut sihki 72,p69J hales. At Singapure a gol business mus b ding j in iMputs.-'Protee Nu»s In good demnand but the supplies mere cauty. Sterling cx- change 4s, 10d; Q5s. Tise nom ci-up out Nankin silk, mas reput-ted Lu ho fine- mcd. abunlunt, but prices *ettl 1iËïe I1gb. 1 At Fou Chou Lise suplies of the tua met-e1 smail, mcd quotutions more advant-icg. - 1 Genemal Buruliani mnd staff, aî-rived ut4 Hong Kong <tis e 13Li cf Juci,% Lord Elgin w-uut Sincapos-e. Tise UnmLed Status trigute San Jueinto, reniainuil ut Long Kong. T-EE RACE FOR TUE OOODWOOIS ceP..- Tise American horses, Prior and Prioresa, mudleier iirsj uppearauce on tise Englisis tfin tt-tchie race for Lise Gooodi cup, un thae BOti uit, undmet-e beaten. Psuuten hernses t-an, ansd tise Americans came in fiftlî mcd sixti ou tise list. Tise flý st favo- rite und tw-o utisor horses fel off,, -su tisut tise race can scarcely bu regat-led as a cri- terion. ORBAT 5RITILt25& li tise flouse uoatinions cf Wednesday uigist tise. gvernmnt masuin a anineiity of sixty upen a division for Lise second read- ing o et I Superannuation bill. A thmtiôn foi- tise skconl reuding having been carried, ou tise following evening Lord Palmot-ston sail lie sioulel effer ne furtiser opposition Lu the bih fle nom Divorce bill Was tiseps dtbsite, and strenuqus opposition mas slow-.ta iL, but iL w-s orderel Luo a second readieg. In Liseflouse of Lords,' Lord Ellen- I borotugisîttackeastd Lord Granville defen- ded Lb. pt-osent Goret-net General et India, tise latter stating tisat Lord Canning mss proving iiself quit. equal te tho emergency. On Friday, lunLt.elouseof Gammnons, Lord Pablmerston saidthstrcommuunieations- Isad been made Le tise Yenekhelau Commnis- Sion sa pou. tise - subjeet of -tise-1 Britishs schsoonier Maria at, Carraccae, andLith" b. Britis Charge d'Affaies, tIsere bad been 1 instructed ta take- snubstops lut th. usa&tte as ise iigist deent convesient.-' Prince Napaleon bad1isted'Qoee -ic- taris ut thIslie oftWigh4t and thse 4nperar Letersui= Ec. S«y Itatý-the harrest surpasses ekpectibns. Paris papers repqut in à eath cf La- blacls he t àmOus tt&lan sin-ger.. It is teported frein Paris -that tho ro-suit of the eloctilnsi Bad Pr4vd sd un.utIïfacý- tory thut a modification of uniY9rsàIssuf- frage is contemplated. Thse threo per cents ýclosed- on Friday ai: 66f 95êt. Th&wiAjôï dtij f thts diuctorà cf the iiapk of Prance, on Thursdà&y rejected thse proposition for lowering tihe rate of dii- count te fivo per cent, Yltaiera lias been declared in a state of siege on account of à destructive fird which the Government attrlbittlad tthé revblùtionis. Thse Spanish correspondent of the Trîs says that'tise Spunisb Mexican questiod will bu fu-tiser discussed in Paris. Lo*d Hdwden arrlvddI there fruns Madrid1 sai§ also liad Lord Lafragna, the Meiax nz voy. The Btuifiliàin Governùiixi, tisrôugl their Minister at Lisbonu sre understood Wd have made urgent representations te thes Portugnese goveriment regarding thellargdà arniounts cf forged Bramillian currency1î which are manuiadtured là 1lotwtx5 u A sent ont for circulation in Rajo and ese: where. The Duke de Saidanah hadlj at bis twst requetj redcivtid bis dismissl from thse post of Commander is Chief of the Portuz gnose army, and the Count de Santà Marin iras uppointeil, ad interiif, Lteh rrALY. Thie grain crops weremxngnificent At Genou, wheat which sold a month ago ab 98 fruncs)sad fallen id 23 fritn Ès. A lutter frusin Leghoris status -ihat lte twenty indîviduals arrested for the alYir of. June, 40 had beèn set at ierty, but that fresîs urrestai have buen made evel'y d#ý JIOLLAND. The Echo utfIHague, says :-We isavè now butore us thre bUis for the abolition of slavcry in the West- Indies, just pre - sented _by the Minister of the Colonies to the Second Chaniber. From rapid exarmi1- nation w-e au affirm ' tley only nominally abolisb siavery. According ta these p1'- jeetâ governuiènt wiil disburse u-sum ex- ceediug twelve millions cf florins ta pur- chaste slaves, who are afterwîrds Lu bisai- lowed Lu continue work for their Ë"SkzIer as previously, or Lu lubor undtr thse dfrecz tion orf the public functionaries; but they are not Lb regain tlseir real liberty until Lhey shail have reinsbnrsed tise expensesm ut their prutended eumancipation, and shahl ulso have gained Lthe consent cf tise euthoriu- Choîcra was prevaiing-ertevey ut St Petersburg. On the -aie uit., tbdâ numbercf cases ware 174-. The ratifications of the treaty ùo! (iti. merce 'between Russia and Fiahn were exchanged ut 'St .Petersburg esn thse0ifiti u1t. A London piper -#ay:-ttIt is nOw à£>i- iciputeil, nuL merely that FfasIëe will rent- fuse Lu recognize'the validity of the Moldàt vian elections, bût aIso that she wll pcr=- emptorily insist ut Constanstinople on Lbe recul of thseKalnakan Ve-goWies. 8honIed Turkey refuse, as is veryý proba&sle,-i ù believeil that France wili propofse ta caff tise Paris canférence together sud deeidd- the question. Thse afiir altagetxeÉ ]tok4i gloomny. Beschid Psehar thse Grand Viller, ha-! tendered -l ie resignation but il waas ne~ accepte&. mr. murray, tise i3ritiish Muste.ý Id - - 7 "a "La La st We bourersy near ULkc on theu SI hs fork, - -iu tise aisý w-hile bis for s mon Saine day, ae - Who s vii&sW

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