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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1857, p. 2

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ý4 cXiýý Uup Id, and tient ILIMphircyý40fthé late 2 th iiiiiiels ibove CawapoM and over bim, a body 1 ln 90 îtid ed to pubgeribe to the theorywe ai-0 bc and Alexancler, of the late 3rd. > Tho wo ý4" he Affival of the'Boýipb4y a the lutter plaIý,1fîý1f;) milea above Allaha- would bave séruck M te tilic. to boliove that thA deci3ion of the work ed officers wore Colonel Bèther, 1) ý'ad,- where tilýe-4ùmour was fmt board of not c'a1le4ý ont fiqrîrel filow Mtýý er.1as Prit, ui*o Tipn 9 the efficacy of Hol1o«ýàys roedicirih in Posges- the and four of th un ! kftow, thlat -1 *Oïdd founded upon impi4iWùà facto nt d çttcri naines arc not gi and fýOiný ý it iý Yeti. The, and 22 = of il -*î wlath Ille Il tivW gtartirg tro ' MY lan4iný c Mali-9 the folloie niin à - 1 0' goit Il Skt r£ky P08t. tètiàtl$ extracti- as sortie-1 are xicerr, craft move win aflow or threé te un imaginary fe-flowte stop, thoulph the batteries Orý ý1tficr -IWO da» oulf cain, ore, ovenit bc WMtho muderet i bôondý & New AdvertiumnLs U wSi %Vc have "Othin- bbin Dellii y as itsual, but the 21th ér 2-6th of la. Inter,, than bus un the 23rd "th' e c- ihe'akts sing1Jý, and nearly doit- the others ivith uiéli, but 14iled i4o catch th st inonth. But I#e iny attack ii.s," i;o runs the.nle&,;ac sent te ble t Court of Issize-Ne'lqëln 41. Ileynolds. lesta *Otn ryarious peints or the Punjab Lahore, great force 00 bat tâne for a fleet of fifty boatq koop- fellow. 1IVIlen the blâwcks made a sorte, Forest Wine and Pill-G. NV. 11alsey. froni the Subzee ing togetiter, whicli is implÎed in the ni- string lori mysoir in with thent , and âme Sale of Builifin IAts -nt Ille G. T. Stat that et that date reinforcements of "tmop,9 Mulldee 8iflû ton our riglit flank aild rearj mour. If the boatg 1 pm&ededteparatèfy, -over ý to the ý1dè of ùWWfý 'Menac, w el 0àhý;Wa-ý fb. Stoiling. Of &Il arma were rapidly couverging upon, and i"me"W Pom"anymut-bave «euped. *oÜnde ýn Cimtlemenla Fuhiom Ibr, Fait and, Wh DOIIIL BY the end of the inoht.h tile (ion. longr Theý, had a strong Poqition ln a Vil- If they wetit in a ficet, which is almost the engagentent, but revenged mysel np* ;D -IL Donald, 'IL ke ral expectcd te find liiin,4clf streiiethencti, là9le *rW a n4r the garden walis. Our impossible, they ceuld net have I)eeý at isïotuiioà of Parüléýhip,-4Pullerl includinx the 8th Font, loss lu -b n-gr«t. r on tirent, for T foughtwith afl the deqým,> 'Di.-;.çottitign-ýtephen Fuller. bY ft'IIY 85 %ls ee f'D U*i' but thtr 10" of- Ca" Te even -on the ffl of June, the tion of inadné-çg. Special Noti*ce-ti. W. Unis , ey. %n(i a wing of the Ili 1sý a treuil, and two the mutineem bu bcon very considemble." date of the ruiner at jAllaliabad, ; while Special Nottcc---Thomas Holloway, batteries of Artillery, and moine Ptinj-ib_ Later amotints 83Y tbat the - onerny's dead' twe days at Imst fitay ho allowed for inte Tho Indiau lqutiny. and othrr homie and JOOL- WereýcOuntèd nt Ille Close Of the de by ligence reachirg the latter -place froin, Withinâ'weel,-àr--tnen days froin his reý buadrods, the "99mgatc being"rnMW nt Cawnpore, especially when they were pos- > From t'ho lnnJon Post, A-Ilgligt 14. Siving thiât au.-nientation te his Ryrce-- net leu th&n 1000 gx #ItbQ Q I ý , This , terrible defent tal conimunications. r-tiqI;in, in truth, is the-only countty that thgt is -te say, in ail prolmiril ity two Or 1,appenred, te have cowed tiroir spirit, for tire There are othIr circunistancus. whicil ha.,; Il direct palpahie intereîý territirially, 1 - --, - , - ý , - - , -- --- - threc days ago-he vvollIIIý it is f !fi enibroiling lis in Ilindostan, and tie pro,ý Whithy, Thiirsday, 1,ýeptèrWr' loth, 18 deliver * ý j three following days thoy neveï showel throw discredit en, the, report. The re- lialeility is Vint sIle is in complicity nith tire thograndamanit. Noreý,rularap-loutsideoftlie Il witliýýR, and when, on the 27th voltin-i Sepoys Rt letitteghtir coinmi!ted no traitors and mutineers. 1IVe refusd b.qpoi Prunelles liad been or vrould be niatie -, Ille 1 they did corne Out, they confined the ZD - -- About- the i-l;i on M- violence, but only de-qerted their service late or pick and steal witil Rný uni Credibly in ,qin ir Turl, The.vote on the Railroad By-llw will formed, bV s"IvOls tu distant skirinishing, appearîng and niarched for Delhi. - Thiq rendors it y, -and thi-§ is a crime vvilicil little ol*migllty taken on te ing open a gate and entering -Morrow, (Pri-L"Y,) at the Te -bier, at thé cntÎrelY tO bave lost tire vigne and molý1- wholly improbable that the Etirope.in.n crack-sinenneverforgive. Whatisiliccon- Ilait. &Sitij;not likolythata poil V POiritoftliebîtyonet, lititc-oï"tewhonRnd tien thst hAd cliaracterized their béhavior there shoulil ail have Wn Reized by a how it luiglit, 1 know flint 1 sequence Il Vint the date of; on previous occasions. causeles partie, which, accorilincrto tire ils-sia ttarns on Le- Re- bc dentande(l, the By-law wil, bc pas,;el the late-9t acofflint-, froin the ciinptllo,>;e 1 While theâo scories. have been enarting Friend of India" oocasioncti c' fusin.- te ho Our accomplice, she would try in the manner itshould be-by an un, best qualified te jud,*ýe entertained ri their flight. and inalize 111; lier victint, proclaiin us vor;. 1 et a nt Delhi the disintegration of tire Bený' mot'-G;'rOt(ý Of tire Ratepayers. The To, Vp te the 4th of jalv the atithorities in sick., nnil try aIlýI (livide and gubilivide ont- j By-law once passe.il tir(, tindi id d 41oubt that tire -Imglttllt ývo"!,l be arilly 'has proggressed weil nih tu coulpie. Calcutta had un infor' -Itîon of the aile( ni, Indian iiilitriLi"('e- Ilf-Jtr-e tention of tire directors, qijollid Our fh(ý1l, hoth Etiropeans linti untiye,ý, tion. 1 cotint now only 16 or 17 lino regi- ell slau-hter at Cawnpore. late as tlý lbe turr thotigh. hard %%-ell noj . 1 . le 1 sfrpirfedanel etyliplareer errry C4)tlntv. Âri organization M 111 cýk- l'lents Out of 74 thnt are I)e:triiig.-trnLq' fer Ist July, (-,'eneml 11avelack reported froin Il towariLq the pitz-il spirits, while the pluck of jelj*t Ifflip ron f ineli f tal- file t'le "Illti- tht' ('011'P"IY. fil the which re- Alinhabad, 'Etamali and Fette-hur safe in e,, f, neerd Was CvÎdentl3, un the iva 1 ? rat'tr;iy -I)rf)clilil;z our firotiiintýii llç. 11ileïr illains Perrectly two Inore regiments etir lintitix ;* alidhIld slici, a frightfül criiiie irili iinchidin, t ittýeck*s which, as we shall muu re.senti.ý-, intended for service either with the inoven been perpetrateil nt Cavv Y directurs,) shoulti ]le foriiied, for the pi -Wçre fit firdt of ait ; npore i %veck- lire- dzIiI'ý ocý,urrencI,, Ille voluilin or, ilý.ýnirls Il v 1)0'«;;e of: --givin, lever t Delhiý the 2-ird n inils1y he ninst Il-ive lnown or iL Theil ,y ililorination tot and werc COII(11]CtCl WiLli gr The enaf (Inrrire j..;.urnile fron, tlie Ha5mian f.*triner-t, anil the ra 85th have boen t1isarnied If Philolir. l'lie nirly it not lw licard fliat iny corrempoli. 1 tèpný( rs or the Colin tien and becOI110 rare tn Morild, ave followt Zen rally ri and N ovN, abal, 1), -d the ex- i doiit*s inforniation, obtaineil thrnii-li the Ille 81111ject, l'bc presc '10es tlli., show 01,13- i IIIIIIIIe OfIlit, ollier t1irce r(-l-risi)enLm in Bo- , best native channels iii) to tire 4th n'i' J111V and ail Illiqsians spe-il, howcver. IIIRY exact position, prospecb au(] a(ivanta. that the flaine of their cnthlisiasin is (lý.in- i hilctinti, which . think, in his îinl)ûrial ? lie_ of n Ittl illutinied earlier. For- i in Calcutta, ki entitIed te .1 lireference.ovcr 1 illy e Out-it inly Ill, talicil, 1 thillk- tilliatelv, bv tire wav% the- [nen Of these i the acconnLs %vhicli the - En-ILshn)an- ar,41 cause it vvould rciense the IýoIiian0ff -"d for thal purpose. pli ifiý tire ract that tlley 101(l llet lieoil 1 C) __ a linIiîze- NvIlif-Il hate.-, Eagland-beralps;e lie! ri 1 we vorps havv liot ,ý>t to PcIlli ; at Icast lvilen , ether Calcutta paliers hall received ticaril, tings shollil ]le held et differe ferced of late by other t Ilcarqi of its ilbeinhers have injurea >Iir countrv. 'S ari t-re detaineli on the i a vieek bef(jre ? Ili these licccliiiits tilere Tu j-ý,i1lts t.liroii,,Iiotit the Caillit% Ait this te any considerable eNtent. of lhe 1 fardier ýjd e lirevented front i Ls one particular so ' prove thelruth of that of vvilicli 0 liililtl lx nete.çLý;.try tu (Il) previotig te Il Inacils -qs to efl(.ct htP'l long rOill-ilicý'il, WC !leed net refer to fl,îý1in- -of the special S'ession of ri éarlicr attack-,i vonductvd crossing by the rise of'the river. Ail the the Credibilitq, of the whole storv, If i, 1 the (.(ýiiirniiniI'ation orour Paris ('orre>l)otid- C 1 C il .11i:1 it could lie, vvt by successive f*resll V1,19el, for fil(' olliý-ers OfOIL Iýower (lom-n st4ited that th'e fligitivc,,- were iittý-Lchc4l at frar, and as vet lacking flic e ent in 4mir itiilreý4,;ion of (lie (ianges, nt 1-'Iitti-glilli*, the lotir Native Bitlloor ilihithoor in the report), laildeil vvritifig to our rori»espondc:i iend while the requi-sitinn te ti eaten cl)lnrý1-les hati tl(,nrlv its I-ýyaltv- 1 and to tire parade gronnil rit cawn. t froni liaden Warden vroit Ili fie in course of sitrnatilr houglit. 'J'lie fùeblùli(-,ý étii.roil[lIl(.Il l'Y noitiliv ou ev(ýrN- pore. &c. Noix, Bitho(,r i., 12 iniles above ilnd the interrnedide titiie which wi trallon fr-oll' tire citv seeni to Isille. c At last iJlcý. l'lie here are verv nunierous. vlapse I)erfyrc the assvrnbling lil'Ok'C, Ieilt M-ithout du- Cawnporc. The 'Io not allow anv Engli - 1 c Or (he Coin rhow that that i,îtter hall lwen luari t violence to the* -crs or fi e 1ý sh tri rnix in ci]. Persorts Oppomet, tu the railroad, ai ir olli "l'lie ver.,ioti given in the 4 oi y f)y tire ivliale illýlt>-i of tile tileil'sociülv. TheI contrive. hovveVer, te glow foituding, ilieir ol)IiOý:itiqn Ilpon a hOw- the 3oth or June svetu,; to indi4-ate tlie oriý - tli( -atred 1107, of file harvest. Thi Coli %vithin it. lut ils 1,ciloV -ir Il ri(, (ýn tire 1ýLll' (.If 1;11'ýIk' it Ma1ý ý'I',"rent tIlAt the fil--ritive, on their gin of tIlese friglirffl r1inioIIT,ý". Wv are tire F ext illail 'chapter ofacci,],!,t, 'ngli.41, l'ilev dechire tl)I! il onIvone eventin the aý Voir al-,, il1,ýSaÏ1 dowli file 1-1%*t-r výrI"v ilitel'rtii)tL.(] toIgI that a (. l)0o IýI.ýrah, rl'o'l' ; front Itidia will sbo" i which they have 1),oeil wîshin,, awarr, Illait tivW llarilard, alvan,,in- Ilipon Ilear ('«Iwlll)nre, (11*,"ý,irLýit on shore, arid halad Stated 111-it 1w lirul Icit v Oint our troubles have for-ag 1 onlv Delhi bv the Kurnalil ro-ad, rarrie.1 (,ne af- At (';twitport-, itselt, whicli on fil, 1 '-fil of Jiiiio, and t1iat ýoeMA --tu Corne tn tiroir aid. IVere th Now nt th', verv Baden nnd in this ver, fil »tllltl a r.liiroag, Po.stpouc, ter file flf tile i wlivii 1 kist wrote 1 hopeil was fltfe, tliv 'flic 31ahratta, i-hirf lir Bithôcýr, ar)(1 otlier for anotlier ttrelve-1nont P sorietv, elef, now aml)as.ý;àdor tillitificers, ind drovv owni ý% il liîn tile Ný-ýIl1îz threc natwe infantrv reginients and thè rebels had put to death nüarly- 12oo E!Iro- Parie,'arid farmerly ('ininiss Obiertion wotll Other source f the rit.v. llio ilirst nt' one c.ivairv liagi already iniitiniud. Sir peans, arv tri bc, Sure te grow up il 1110 fugitive-,; frniii. as lie th, i, djný tire rreg of n - tll("4e over-eautiotis gentlemen was the strongcst, -,wl there the leIlrý Wileel- h,%sý hoivever, iniiiiitaîjit:(l a% il( it is ilitite proba. ber, and no man IN het .4 a re, , l'hev vrill 'Crer, bc folinIt nt loss of t . lie dav qtA; N. e TaU -- Nou ter icqtltinted vith j il cnI, Osq in mak t', sIu nod, filinz ili-ill. I)o>itiýý,i there. and hýý; been s report Illav ý1ô.,,I74)vÎt in- dieroveries th- ble tli«tt intrigue arroi the gprines, 44PnrIý 17rol t'lit- 75111, Nylin ý'u("1 ),V adrai' why th(r""it-rmIIrtiotild noi f Fusik-er., e-tll,,ti ï%itii lii:4 powur. Thi,4 %voll" ý'e of action- Who thercrore.n of Ilîg bc I)egllti-.intl tlitig hy eternnlIv n pas and other C'Jonel Neile, fý,unfIýItion crioigh fur file tale dï- ont, oý5, ý r, * ()f 1"rr"r,, and 1, ýe Garrîson. illýitielirig tile i: tire I>ffi(-er of %vhich, according to thfi . Bollibly l', novrIed, tells us M"ýtPnyl'n- tle m.tt.ter theV In-ili have ac. î IDIMIII» fliat Ille next complishe(I tire ,I>j,,t of ' kiliell, aller Nvill Ibe ln'fl)rse, 1 01cir oppositio, %voilluleï, ft vras hv .1 1-0M voll Ille >zorv of the arrest of %vas fir.,t bruitediat of ý:v e In t-ýe def(7-ýit of n o-îI( ýr t Il(, 1), 11ilil "(freeeo)ilii tir(, ra nilTO-Irl sclieine alto. ilwav oltirials at Calotitt& lie il.ls june, %vllicli lie aI,ý)t -,né prob-11)!e ;XX (t hee At this 1)(Yîr)t tlett .1 train has beer, Ion Zether. Fron the fullest inForniation 111,-ter ],il- since done good servivo in tilc Valllimof the rime of arrivai there or tle anA Caro- led' ""'L' -- in of as lit Blinares'allil Allahabad. At i% ho Iril Caiviiopore (la tle 1 india able te collect we th'e first, qivý \výIs il\. 't lille or, Ille latter rtitticit, vrith asinâIl llod tý'v«tll.-;tinding the craft an(leun ' - tO licticve thatthe whent Crop J y of hi.,; 1,,ttit.g al] flic together. 1 nillir lieiý-lits betwilen tlp. Inell ar1ýi f of the ('OT";Pirator-Q, their mission wili * , Pf this Cotinty-and infleed or tire Pr,ý Il :;Iz t1w the Ice.%-Uj Sikil ars fil int, t!irý alti Tho a('tll.ll frutti ln(lia, whicli fail. i - JIZ( 1 1 'ity : villec )on t1i:,ý rifi, iiiti nerally--wili 40 .1 fair il,, rozepore, lie iliffictoti upliv the ulUliu",trS Il once ivho have in Ftitteý',I)llr D),1ý1 1 Li vý, i, ivill ar- 1 aVerage British linc r,:tý t "il'l Il-jjjl IL, leit lo:ýs ý,l sel-cre a1IècýIi:Il1% rlVe to-ill. , l'y no incans and the in quality, it wili lie am to qaliet. their liil>cftiil%- ],,I. to flic roccipt by resting lillon a tm%"ý'r ýl<o 1 anil la illtT*l) 'If newc, '>Y thi-S, nex( iwilil will bc bcc ior to ia.,t ve-tr'e-, growth- onts alid I)ar. a tr.111(illilitv tl)ý ijcxt lui 1 "fan lu' il ý!Il)ialivc %vere Il ' rentr'. IilIý1tI Ilnq illit :Ilice dIsturllefl. lnglt."Nl. 'A tlIe aw illitig ruillors ln ýJIlcsJ jJi Jf O#INýrIi4f, roit evL"*,ý,t4) pro(itittive n ci-or, with fariners, nor has there licen se la riglit 11polla willi v f"çlnl Allaijailad J, lit-" -ardýi to Calcutta aH Wiiffaul Rosc 3fansfield arrivd 1 rge a Illaced w1wre Ilic, t'ý be cùasidvrcdî-ý.alc. a f«t%Ç' (1.11vil lea(itlt of 1)Otl' tllPýC 'r'tins 90ývn rit nny AN l"o brick froln Warsair, at th, rrner pelio in Upper Cn lç 'i CI request of the iý, floir, and chiL dî.,,Ittiîct nalhi, as therc (;Overn")cný and lert Loti- lIlA 4-en this Vea lèv thf, 111Pio ol CIwor A griritienian ivritiiq; tf, ),i:j brother lion L 1- 01v ýl-lvs froin Iiidia .4 for -ýlarNeilles, eti j*0ý1t(, r- PenS, Potatoes, an FU%". -- N,)w, iny dvar Illeilow, 1 ai,, d 0 PI h-ilids or ratta chiorcaflo'l fowing to ill d;0 otit 1011,r) it i-ý know ri g Calcutta, This galhint ôfriver -ôts Olit 10 never se Vie obliqier ri' il,,' Iiii" "f ?,ill n to tolI von IlOw 1 got Out of bellii. Noti el. 1ý î, quirt Search is to %ri iniportatit collimand. that even were the %rheat flio 0w I.; ing but niy stroiix_ arin Lligl illy (Jeterruilla- elow 'tri avemf'-'c Crop-whi, i ýIt IIdv.1,Woý ine l1la(Ji,ý flr alI of the late Itr tien te es the arni v as -à - CI Ive deriv tlle leït fitrmvil jah, ivho excîte, . 1 tire 111,111 il) IttenII)tfllc Capo or die could prèvent ille zigu in 1 e farnier will bc anlpjv frutti being ishot (Ir Dierae.5.4y robbe( Coulpe nsated for froin thu f', j:j fiý 1 ny deficiene.v, il, tire rnore th - "ilI 0w illa?) of the ýh c0n-ýideràl)le service in indi.,, sc-rv- an produc- 2n'l lof v-1,0111 r rmrlr)rtt.-xl tTi d, and theil -tlitit 1wý hcfýkI'c -1; Pille but they ýýod a in niv 1, vrith the ;3."rd 1 1 1117Q CrOps of every other descri»tion wîth 'týt «iýn.]ý,rwar)l)c.«tis î -- -- 1 iniffit , fin the trorkidai icelleeni- Cricket. çharge is a legitimate one, î ARV) M YOjM)rýý This i 1an a fair remuneration for work perf" ed. Tlirec The return nia" between ale Cape toi bestirveyed including mi' ëlutïq wmq pliye.l,ît Whifby on ant. Ti one, inte six m. nge.q. The list ; the Ont^riq civb winnjncý dettý ;ý. &es, th-è ýpei1ations extended thirty rûlîs, Thi.s P't pýq11fl femthor in jqý,tb,, abou t 1 Î by ten, Pocs the ce-Corn- cap, and o" which they wi-jI w=, wi Ille 4£ rown leinds complain be- coming The Torante an(l îlon. ,te lia-, gotjust àýs much ; numberied amüngst them Sonie or the r surveyor would have pliyers in the City-lfr. Tully wax eork P If not we ate at a the Canadî&n eleyen by whom Ille jUnjW, SpOllen- for the faiilt-f)niling of the States crick-eters were bcaten thL4 GF1frý Lit himest Of motivés only. The score given' below Ls a inost dàQ4 et, fnr tf1ýý leefl it in mis-.,;tnte thé çilm- tive one, coffliderifi.- the excellence of Q, tlwrcf,ýrr, le the true arocunt, The play madir. but- can -bc accounte(j for It nforme(l the publie tbat its the nature or the grotind PlayvIon. was ý&feu 'rown Land Coininissioner, Torontoplavers, vre tho-aght, h.kndled4 lep.%-rtnient 'with verv infe- ibat with a lee-fle ton, rntith ronfilenc,,,, Livfri, hroifgh his brothor-in Wv, livere eviclently noli-plitsxed, at the efred not F, VIU 1 ices !- Or, that a day or hcîr roun(I-hatifi bowling. On f»th S4 Cauchon's resignation, lie 11fic hnttingr and bowling mits véry goo,,i- cr-in-law an extra order to Jn fielding, that of the Ontario Ilub enùý partment , 1vith materials scarcely I)c excelled. - The Sheriff a(,.w to tifc Fi; Je u.,;ed for'the next two umpire on the fleht and ive ol*errtd J, Witt) trr),-, Thompson, Esquire, ýV"arden of the c Tlic rfL 0" Sje ai quarter Sesslons and of Ontario, also present. We were djmý unty Court. pointed st secing so few'of the fairr« Ille 11 maké thoir. appearanée---a feupfle bonrw, Murin ani Li a t incentive to the hâÏý crickete. Jooked di, Gencral Quartier Sessions 1 9m le tCr. Cotinty Court opencf] on rhe day held ont fine and briglit, untîl tiie termination of the match, tvhen, m; theu Present on the Benoli [lis ? The rli r9ornbi-&-,e. licp. n to dispense, the rain hezm riffiain, and Messrs. bnrggli. twPolir dowli, and inadeaspeedy cleziar* 1, and Ira Vale, J. l"s. 'rand Jurors haviii- bven Of the field. At Wyatt's, abolit fifty ge>- The hal 0 tleinen sat flovn to a g"-l substantie the grand jury sworn well-serve(l and wcll tonded dinner. G. el, Esq., of Osimwa, W.Jýf4,; mari. Hall, Esquire, prO'-%idefl in the abeefice #Xý The LA 1WEN the Presidcnt and Vice. The gheriff aU 's. Charlotte Gafi.b'. the Wirdcn were present, atifil .4pokle 'In a veil kind and encouraging manner of the vas, indirted for ittenipt- inanly as their respective tteaith?, r or boot.q from file store, of; wore p>rýoposed, a- ntl drank. The op"ý irï. in the town of Whithy. . 1 clubs severally toasted cach other in futi - tily Il-st. Nfr. Bigelù%v--! biinpers, whiéli elicited sotue very aPPmý Little hewn s c, 11 f; ý»1 1 i.ýoîier came Plus store printeremark--,; from both sides. Mr. eu. son (1 wanted to purchm" aj ber, senr., spoke for the Tororito club, iia imming a t shewe(l hep several pairs, R. Il. Lt%,rder, F,,!;q-; for thé Ontarà) r,,Ub, Plour *fý r1ý-«an%1 Ott puttifig those The Oshawa club was and )S , --ý; lie missed a pair of iled to bv S. B. Fairbanks, -F,ý;qllirt suspected the prisoner hr miolit ' winged their way. with iot wishing to expose lier leuure," uriffl seven o!clock, whon th,ý 1 p list-ted prisfoner to-vralk- fi ;ýorontô people were oblîgçtl to Icave le rear of the shop to sec ! hy 1 'Wh i the cars, and the Il right, merrie Cb yo--iterday, id therc found the hoots il m-erb obli,,7cclmo3st reluctant1v to bring.oiu ier shawI 1 - > 1 1 Gd a 6s isa 1 vierrinient to, an end. ittenipted to, estabmý;l, )elle, a that . r the prisoner ta go into Re )r an improper purpose, ...... Bri>n-li, m'i el, ir, rosisted hîni, est Wi-1iý an'i he charg- ........ r1flit mzt. i the boots. Therc Wàs 1 ...... Tuilv, bJ,,dllm, ter. W, ....... b illrfinst -obabUity on the race of S 11.) -,'v ...... ibri, 'y. ý The jury fixind the Id sffie was S'enteil(ýéfl to f'. N,>tiri-, 1-1v, 'isonment havingalremilv T. lzttvlez% quinint, art. or nearlytivo months-. hâve Iiiiil t 7 Orenii e a young man ahout thkinz the ýn years or age lvm; i n end le to commit a rape on ummS in liew kea(lér' rgarct Aylviii, Both ...... b flaintiton.de ný_q 3ixt4 Conicession i j R. 4 71ark ...... - ,r in) n this ......... c Bp-ilvrl. h jî)lll, 1 J. Philil)o ......... b H, 1 )ffenc-0, Was ailem-ed to T. iliili "11:011 1 ýeiI on Silliclay A. PrineL a ------ - -b 11=11tou ...... on apfog alid ap. The prosecutrix, a ik Ifý'tlljllt - - ý @M» n W. 14 .14uws, ,deposed that on return- 11. 4 ......... lb Jf)h R. 1; 0 %V. . *. ý *. Oý have fui-lel in "'et I)y the.prisoner;- T. Lntw fer. ...... b the paticil lown with him, .and bc affii ilireiv hcr down. M M ti i i i i, ýthe.i and atte'llipteti to f ýU respee N! An ror lyhieh he stood in- ï First Iliiiing* ef] threc or foùr tinics, Once K *an awav- 711pr" mnw 1 - 75LII, have becil CUI)Ltlre(É 'Ille il-alik- lenst, or the but 1 110 S,3,orlt!l" i a Of ý --ibilitv -l'id ivill bc a sticcessful Olle.' By appeared at tW verari(LI, than I was Shot i The thrce Ageg of the World. Imeaith to IL Althotié"h the Pçr4itinii ivw; ill iiiiiniýetit danger of be- thq M-fty 1 should mention th. COMParing the p the COnteulplated lino of bis, (l for T1119 AGp_ population alOný frig turzied. Mit the n at by a blach- i but he ine ai) that of other railway diq. & î/ ýhý-P0(11111er bilttery 1 on lier passim-e lotý-n ille, llooglv the tIleýr whieil kind V)IIsidemti r%Îlwiy with "Il In. 01, 1 shot hiin titicts, wehave .1 population and a pro ru ir. Vie centre Opelle firc, Supports dav m-îtli the Eýn«Iiý ail met the Sinloolil through the licart. Uout a dozeo ruf- l'lie world hal; had its golden age, its iron bable JOMI travel amply gliffkient féir the brotight up rapifIl - v, .ýwI at leriý1-tli, thotir',01 going 111), witil the 5til (in board, fiant3 now made an attack- upon my xi'ot till after a hirdliglit of two hours, the wlio liad been .11hifiped at the Manritius for it is net upon w liouse,,! &go, and according te the Satir is itsl' Age afipport of a railroad ; yet enemy gave wav nt fill poiiit,;. The loss i Ifong Kong, and Ipeen ilttel*cé't)ted at the C.'Illedniy!ofBroràze." Theprc:-,entaý-* u ý ý rely. a and be-gan battering the deor. 1 e ho-q been de-- these Morte that we a:e obliged te friend m-ho bad given me the news, and signated, par excellence, the Age of Hum. Our milway would. be an aren e by which a en this'day fell chielli (11-11 the 2,nd Eti- Straits of Sunda. This we bear hy tele- givin- Ilin a revolving pýstoI, togetlier bu,-. In our opinion, however, the era in an it»MeàsO Outside tradé wénid find its roptans and tliq t;.)tb. Capt. Knox, of the trrapli from Madras. When 1 next Nvrite 1 tit The - r with my two servanLs, encli armed with a which we Eve bas been very fatal te hum- WaYth Uke On Pie. trade'er Lalcffl ci latter reginient, it--i3 shot tli-otýigh the licad hopc to ho able to tell Vou or the fall of gun, and inyself arnied with.a revolving buýs---Rpecia-IIy your time-honored, vene- Sot%ý., Simcoe, and Huilon; woulà, bc -while leadiril- hi.,; inen ti) the-toiver batte- Dellii. I spol'-ejust r,,ýv of the rc..sotirces pi.;tol in oo*e hand Rild a sword in the rable, conventionai humbugK Te -one of *&bd throâgli Our ' e4üùtv---our -rait-, rY. 01, the dav fiillowing a large enclo- cf the niiiiiiieers. I now find, froin excel- - the arms of poor Harry,) --the t of d g-gin- people té d h bein- the shortest and cônsequently other (theeio %vert. these ar ru 0 cat sure in advance'of our lurt, knowti .:is lent authority ng 1 wîlk-ed bo . Idly te the door and letthein ce reating theni accord- chnapest routejý would bc thit eliosen that tlwy have been firi C tinder the preten ort cStC1ý"«d calff,-hO(lýle, %vas by our troops, two 2. t-pounilem* for every 18-pounder of in - as 1 ope --Pm by the lumber and fi-,eightý t ned the door I retreated bc- J ing te the rules of médical science meréhants.- and the er(cvGoii of a battery of Iteavy gulis Ours. Thov have thelargest arsenal in'In- The eonstruetîon -of 1he on hind iL 'l'bc blacks came rusbitig in poli fesser Ilolloway.hu given the cettpele atil inortars Against this dia-200,000 lb. of pow-lcr, inany nii'!ýon MOI, and we Z> grw-el rfiad wôùi 1 d'Of ït- wi re rushing up the passage In the fIrst pWO, h0ý bas - simplified 11je »It croit 1 te sourcés2, of- tïade. Alàd ili the: dfi Imttery a sortie ýv,ýlS directed on the l5th, of'percussion cips, and Iiiindreds cf C ien n tùting tor ýfftï:- dîne the foresta north-, of it iml- 1 %VI iy frîend and two servants carne pharamcopSia, by substi be, blit ww4 repulsed wffliout difficulty, as hati sands of round,; ng set- foi of amunition. 17fieir froin their concealment and fired at them thousand nStruffl two reîý_dùw, a PiR and, dý"PP0W[09, tlW'- ýCeulntry»Ii>ô«W - ý ki' .Y OUr riclit. ()n the 1 'Itli ail afriir took- i tcý ýVe hav W11104 brý"gkt thron af thêm an ointment, which aaually acc»mpliýhý c ing, and' wl con as good oli rs-i f net W- týd -ÜPï the POPulatioli 'ehtreMing, and' assailants._ n 01IL e en ver3- 0lort of art' illery- down, then clubbing théir guns they-mch- au thât tbe Ci>unty oluie-bed and, prospering. - In Pce in %vhich %ve Nvere the day a party of tlie 9th Lancers ot That morning a s1vit froni the city struck, -ittac'ked and toak, rom e of the Enemy'ý cd on the surprised blukr, At the me- trums promise in thoir nom% but -ngver tite ordinary, .'businm of private lire pro- ment the attack was made by my 'coup-de- cause thern toperibriâ; Mieser-ofulousthe çfastfinetion is very, ýproperIy regarded as a the corner oý Iiiiitloo jZlo',q llouse, and 'i gnns and 1 eptic, the bilîciu tbe tover-r4d&l, th.- V-dét evil. ln publie uhderLakings Il ýf vOrked the rest of the day, tiwiýa 1 stepped out îrom my hidineplace dyzp it is glanving off, killed Lijeutenant Wheatley, brin-ing them into'the citinp in the even- bebind- the door, and shot the hindmost lame, the rheuMatieý - the 4ebiIitaeý -the the sa- i and where it, takes tbi of the làte 54th, atLached t4) the Crtioork-as PmS and: it is sai 1 d, six nieb. lfaTin- this ad- in- amid loud and well-deserved cheers. villait, down with My Pistole and thon with Abandonôd of liope andof the tactilty, have pý01»ptitudo--,«pathy and indiWemrmatýÉli _4 m til. RUMOIIED mAs3AÇPýle or VLTGIrlvEs FROU all the fury of ten thousand devils 1 went lised thein, have «joicingly .00étain fruits which it vanced post ofourswell ýnder Il in front thon, the enerny' determined ta attenipt it also in çot te wOrk with n'y sword, Wîýun4ing berce te.ti ng prop*tîe& J*t, ý us- re fy to our- hénith- restori te 'ibe. lcilling1here and s4oqtingýthoîetIiat stab- Thé testimony is itoih the iùck etall n Me have received, says the Timaffllie %vork-.,*tuoi flank, and fýr tIiie, purpose commèneed on t the 17th te thrmv tip a battery ouLsidt the fOI10ming letter resPecting this ýfrië,-,htful 4 at rue; there were but five gnor t -At lut aný-tbè#îéh JWe e9ýý' ýr" -Uldj Western gatics of tlie town et a large I)ttild-'. -StOOr-y- blacks lef4àndý they, f9rçc4 by me and and the poor, tL -dit 'WO cari 0111Y hôPe that the wri- e thrane &W the- cdtlià to, in- called the E'ed-ha.. ter's douhts may be weil founded: gaine4 the strect -1 follo-wing clo§è bo- If 1 t ifi net te ho recéived as trtith, then nu ýJ Wthig tOw 0 t Therc ilicy were - Ort'd RAM PERÜTY' ý' n'- the «' i hind hiln, shùt tbe door violently, thereby midence direetorcircurnktoihtial is;,worth -E ýý_ L -, _attacked tlu£ ýa[UC In a Icader of yourîssue of the 14th d MY" '6m, Eu' 1* ýfternoon by Major clozingthemout lwent baek a doit and n= ought te be crowed with were PaUengers fr ivi, Tombg' troopof llorsoi artilloq, some ca- inqtant this rumor fs alludcsdto as a tact. Atn that ail three of tnyassistants. had been se honourproondemnedfor criïàe, onthenM- valry, Rifles, and Ghoorkas, and beaten out Thus recognized and relating as it does t'O on Tucs4y bot.- ur.,ýpë of the placé witli the loss of the only gun the murder of 1,10 « our cotinttymen, the Mortally-wonntied that-1 de5waired of their: davits, Of voluntar, witu4sse4howeyer niil ' L, ', - ' - - ' ;ý , - rrr, and my. fèâeý,wer4: quickly dispqlled Inero4s, or rffl ctoj 'm, té U ý ; Î4 in invigor y they Imd tinte te bring out, all their am. rumor must cause intense anxiety-tonry OY, ratinition, and, lx-rii,,ýp&100.iiv" Fortbî manyfamilîësointhisiiide. âfro IXL out noe W raîîýd hi 4iQýt frightfql -ago4y the Otheri- My S Latemnts fôunded ch the Polonai e achievenient the mtw"rel>.-ived bigh me,' heléfore te shé w 4hat Co ý 1. . friend Hab Ck-7ýdYin9 4i 'eoüght hoiuë b 1, hoiýt1y after. çnco qf t mundàtioty fi-orn Genent Bernardwho 'there are àtrOng remons tôý-. t ter our killing SOL PM of theirra 4y, te the 18036wiwýfralk, CkIrèttomal em prer te hk postion for the purpose. Twi o the reporte if noV ýàrely 'a'fabriýati knew, that the h te w1i1wiP&4îàý on otm:"uld beattzeked. toýheq1tIL arid-vi days letýtr-on the loth-appegred the will provo to, bc il grm exaggeration oi weze i wn U4. qeU Aud.no mercy ehown, se 1 diïcolorûd My fto mtitincori fi»M NUUgerabed, the late 15th attr ities. ieiiiiifEnz, -on a smaer scal or' wÉiçli m agOnYý fýSf,,aud assumed the"pr.b Ofoqe of th know nQt,ýwwyeý and 40th regimStR, with the'ýbattery of ar the Rýjah dfBithoo'r May ayelô -Y h dead blacks, 4 in 4 as could 'tiLkTy-that tlïeýB"Ibty lànem vainly it- siver. 40zui, 1y d' teulpiod.toý rtýcùe; ýài4 an audaciOU& ",&ýrn lanVýage 1 tho4 i ali lack- coine to llàlls hou"Il he inmatek by knôýk_ a,8wer as te Who he 'E iâý ýThe and IteIý -you»W Iéý - afflintments have.-taken place irLýtheý' and Xurý,and mortauy Fotirth Batallion, Ontario. r mal W, ate'nm by shootý*àg To 'to di Z To bý Lieutenant: Ira t1eman. &Tu.-Thére -18 no To hc- Fmgigng.,jobn ýBjrrej4 ig than an offensive Gentle- raan Fullo-r,, arc 'lot awaretheir- - A dcliente subject to T'ho Tovm CgUF4!,,met last neiL we by usi'ng the" pER- Ceedine?. "Pàd the mro- your neçiý of COfflequenS Ir "-" et the 1 it one dropýDf-the 1 yourIeethý 'hight Th the Tr"*_-A rauzes the acidB of -1 Uh Companjm,ýhiý , rý - . -4nYe Te- n to the breath ad ro ýshness. Cable, _*Qe4éý;,bQ fqbàný -the ,Ovine Pàhibition C 0 UMT ne id " PY tlie-> four followin ùIý ütese -to îýeüCýh d- n- thp Yeu: fipenits of -do lac 0 as eér8ýn fèni-id in. gào-l ý6f difs Coüàaty-,fkl escape -W*4, m>C -d-4Lt Pan - -P. Ic cul*& àà . - l - thepub- The e - Pre en P114 dià erý, _ t, m r> DS 7ý ýýýj7 nd real -Dý>- d tha 4ave corné for-, ba hou j7.

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