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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1857, p. 1

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ad setio Ibb easedlon en : he discobnnt nna ed un6ti laa- et8dertng he ahfr eewmh thté e ria 000,,1-& es I OnFF B 08 10nS 1 y nd t#Whii ty,c.W P~~~~~~o EltTNGET sRwEllNT* în#Wwil Pff o m id e 1yiform the modr n yls ou 1 or rern to th oߢill ,oa areprepaed to exuteOu beThe pi ntrshvepreledoef th r o the 1ca»n b fun edmmheiwt n kOieWh thy, . W CDGTIE r OF THE CoNTYE& IOATE F!M A,-»M. CEON401.KT , wilI ic ar d ti Rrr< steat e C ut olleat the Regr tk Bock t, 1 ARDEN. REESINGON, en. b . fl l iN L L ée lnd cit. lte na t euto"" S e ." NLO . AREYNOLS, 1IE II 181N CTUT. E OFIC ow n î ERY m OTE T AW.OFFIlEUo ST H. B. FACDRBNKS . awas . tx c .R F G.ECO NH e1AM, TAN if -mte Stro i leo, 1Esq., p BsaatR egsry0icBrc S. W. H.AILTLNGSJ., ARiflSTUER.&AOREYTTL A W T Conv Ç nvr i e, 1cWa h utby C. . 1 at th at Ilu h AMEL RON& ARNE , AR(k SSLICITOR TR ÀND IJ',&c- o Tr Nto Whitby. Agencyeofolonial L f .1ssurane Company WILL IA OSN, ONVEYANCISER c.&c., MANCHS TERA, OWN CLRNk«AD NERE. F- OCA L DÈ TÕ EIN ROCK d$tret, over J. Biglows Store, and opposite tfeRgyOfce. AU operations warranted. AMOS W. CRtON, RCHIITE£T, CI-VIL ENG INEER, 'AND Esftate iAgent, Whithy. I 3. PROWD BE.AVEN, RCHITECT AND) CIVI L E NE, .A al kî d ormmnring ork = ý1 Yt- a d' to, 1 P1IL ANDER X. CL ARK, IGH Co NSTABL E, COUNT Y ONTARIO, insp«eo o ienses in the Miinicipal- ly of the. Townt of w hitby. 1 XE MAKER. AXES JUMPED AND RF,- ae t the shortest notice. Shoeinu and ob ngneatly executed. Suorý-A few doors erth o Pollard's Hoteol, Broek Stroeet Whitby. Wx. 8. ROBINSON, Kj--AXILY CHMT 8 BOK TM G. A. BANIqTER, D M° T De"GSND H MAU D yo stL PAI HANe, i .1 1 fF, LZ audBrtih ees, uvt ia n the .KiBngstreet. 2.ny i doomte eéomn i Te aIi f tetrIpomo iors hlstnghof Delhfâ _ e om aMncal soic oa oemet of thea or heut b cC cion, containe=nt re atr arhgar nthe o lebrate pofdrnmhkofI øeoare menent of the hreavy goudtite"" i tended, to supply the lÚéret ry n4 of the c eabr nd p M-,- i95 oge's an 70 moiry ia rils m&The nsinderable,ThevIndn arileery h F healibel mer-ted reptat2-îp'àî ed t of l the dsufre t th rsuty, n d s4xplais hoftfelap n ato the defence of theplmcsisitn fr prete anfwdayniis foeuisd là I cUane T hgie fom a:n ýyselth t a efoe gus ewer is lebaol» qn renc vieof e Rnusecian Ithreigs .Froianthe éPainS DabthpÉn aàt the og trincof epowde s r haich a ench unepr t f eefterihar-' nra n,to elhi-dantonfr, prsceds from 'Ing t latîe ar, and-riot aband" efre afe the ncusodof ea QI a, ncereeiew frejins witresge i e owr oitrige an digimaticsl Russoiniontwitading thprat the efents àtthe l t yars 7ought oN haywh prgys te mosertheuicetha th Biish kill ý nen tlyagrated,plnpe ad tRily ýq ia afintabri r ebidy wiexset ta ed powe of itie ablic. D id e -l ct witss din the nin latwathe fns npoteney.ofRussia to produce epI- Lon in CQuntries undermined by herif çe, such as grMon-r, anegro ? But fe.i]Rui.urope are aw fthe reality, people in India mare n afar .advanced. Tlat RuÅ sia osý- ents intCentral A-sia is agatter:f inty;Iánd deuhtless thir MISa ýO Mme enemies to Enigland. Spare-of, thes, gents,- and notably the , nhappy-V itch, who disappeaFed soMden is paperm tS.Ptmug oo much noise in the world t ao ny- doubt with regard to -thi '4t ît ,is not so certi t hxàe eertinoBritish liaý-'h nce there-of A roïea ün 4t% ter Iir J, wth caim Printed wôdi gr#Mt theoghts dad anthig inde 1 w, *oegte Peaceai Progres, Knowledget, Brother16ed p OL. wmTY, C W.,THERSEPTMBER i7, 185 NOO35 enNER K WNH im hilpased away, he brought upthe you eq > hat if they should visit the hec, who:had nover seen her bdfore went in actual events haveproved.thattoeknsf &-f.,reek. T'W' SIP a world which ho thought the tministers- had'poor, t"'aeàgiete, À0 should .every 1einons and " got squeezed" Their mutual and prinearatheedofapti om not studied aright, gave his own views prívité Tlake the bo"fn fromt embarassqmentiipon the discovery the mis. the conspiracy which'hasi brokeour E&LERc.,e. R N BAN What is it te be Gifted t upon them andl triumphantly appealed te her -wh Go dd never intended she, es- take can well- be imagined, The Government has taken advangofo A (wINEt Reach. &c., GH. .B-- thepastor The latter smiled quietly ai popecialitshould bea ti osu ,h ido ueadhac . A PRINGLE9W- T t t foinbearg ed hers e remarked, thatt the precise language he A ScuipTuR.A SUx,--Christian readers, Prime Minigter as prisoners in theot tt ERCilANT TAILO10BE00 STREET A liüh of Mingledoad p ain, hadl used had gone out oif his mind, as it PaLse Modesti, here is a sumninc Addition for Yeu to work Caluta;- itwiletlkeseoars e M Whitby. î Of hopeand bitter fears. was not a matter of much importance be- out. It will require diligence and car%,many, other princes noe roed de Tuo A DEŸEEL LTG be om*1 sympathy and love, ing merely an illustrationi but as the The artialeocrtain descriP and admit of no Wasted timte:- sions,' 'and will thus save mnany lace fr.r U IL D E &. McyGRENST A beWingne taar t, thbrother lhadtbrought it up, he would thinkton mdstisfomte o- to your faiths virtue • peesmf Whiby C . eaththo Or igh ofit-e ard t sy ter wa n rdi tra10mseratbrtser Tosesem- And to your virtue, knowledge .2 A lawhas been prepared, and ii si ROAORtes ROTELI, cal difference in their views, and so after mngly the în>st fastidiousin either sex arc And to knowledge, temperance • sag.l on the eve of bing passed,top-n OURN ER OF FRONT AND GEoRGE Wýhat is it to be gifted -- early two hours hiadt beeon wasted; the are ofteneY ry fifrm being the inost pure Antoemracpine• ntajhadohrIdan ilqare Stret, ornt. T tead.life's path alonte, fault-finding deacon took his leaYe. Urace or sunpIemnde--- And to patience, godliness• leaYing-. their property to . indirect ers;l MANILLA HOTELIAsi ong fer ono fd, lovmng heart, came fromt her corner with a sadened We re#e that thle Witness should have Ajý4 to godlinsbohr kdns. thtepsesyoony100n a ARLMOL S COR- To know that such th$oune'rwl face. "lTo think l" she exclaimed, almost on hand anothercause of displeasure, and An'obohrykndes hrt00aylaete ohs ehw n-ics ONTARIO IrOT ~~In all the world so wide; indignatly, Ilafter you hadl spent a wetek that his nieek pure spirit should be sorely TEAsE-o fteeti ei u n'n ossig1 aso oecnc EFoi the God that-gave the intellect in study, and preached a sermton that tried by the roie licentiousness of the Po. youi andil aound, they mak- en that ye only lecave them to the Hon.uatIn, ó . NDR RPITlCigsto Iauty and grace demied. shouild have set every heart on fire with ple atilngwhho le sojouirns-In the exhi~ 1s-hall neither barren or uinfruitl in the éCompany. t el Radlrom thre Boait Fre of Charre'. Wl;at iW if to he gifted † zeal, to have one of the chief men in youir bition af Iniinsgot up b4 th e rn-koldeo u odJssCiit .2o This law, if we are to believe thniest IIUJRON I T onad pine for fame, churcli harass you with a two hlourg leI, hr rnae igrs not on-îPeter l';5,8 w.as "fra:med, with a 'iew to theeetua I ar w'Ir n il .w , 1dulnto find'in that the biss speech on such a trifling suject.". ]Y Of men and women, but dogs, os n et fcranRjh h a olgn E "10TT SPROW L'IE , PRopIETR._ From love othou canst noit claim. "0! brotherBy en eleog,"hre.Orcneprryifrsu htTeIdinMtn. tBosqeno aecide seial ota4 h a GodAc 1 Thoyrthon hope Ist te d, saidNMr. IWentwornithi, "I1don't inind imii." t'hisanamilies are deprived of the plea- -and Remedies- ijahi of Burdlwan, vho possessesillin.t A IN TEET. RHM V D An eltehterestemr' Bqt he did mmnd him, notitstliandng ; sure of visting the exhibition fur fear that Tn ssA EOFTEQrT!N This measure, it ap pears, in n a em Aeomm biio an atetiv Otles. 6 Becaus thou hast a mind. two hoeurs had gone-lis min<l w:va dissi- their ino(lesty would be shbocked, their, sen- pleased himn,,for lhe was one of the nii A ¯Ã'T W tpatedlie felt %werried and uinpleasant, and siral pasqsions be arousedl, and that straight- The "l Nord"' of Brussels publishes the duals compromised in the present oe K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~VIt 4°° ^ to l1e nfredh F hcou'°"' "no " bri"n- "'h"'° at"t"en'thion t wllbbeteptedto he cm ylowigeltterfro adas rom etsmentlAsregads he wmenirigtlyo, Tfelwtithslarthe pwer the gsujec-t; the consequience was lhe was mssion of lasemoiusnless. Suchl being the ownCrnDen ;-. rongly, publie rumour prevails ta h VITR, T4 know exquisitte bliss. , somewhat dissatisfied with his sermnio i peson produced on our contemporary "lÃ',adIras, July 1 A. Governiment put them to death toaoi1 B K STEET w ITRY, JF2sg VAN That thouigh thy mwoes are greaite the frfolowing Sabbath, andl to members of'b hlls bevto hc eha e ni ttepeetmmn, rmCp aigterpnina jorapek Pr rMor l'ihen thiose ,f coinamon inould, his church who hintedl at visitin, said that stowed on the pictures to which lhe objects,Cmrntohefto'teHmaysisngfthrnsofMpoendatyar RAILROA D 1HOTEL, a1,huan orr if it would miakec no difference to themn, he he is quite right not to risk the danger of a the thecatre of the taost horriblle crimes thtteca ensntt etlnil DNING, IR0I 'IToý,IiII K ST would prefer that they should1 comre on any second eneountter with themi ; and all whoanatoies ilcrmudedbthr residence that thec paymetmgtso, t t ~ ~ _ ha-si ob gfe te ayta usa.ffcussm fuel themIselves only separatedl from moral soldiers, women violated and cut in piece.q, 3. The Government broke its wr t-b ONTARIO HOEL, To tloughits on high, of themn did not like this arrangement. corruption by the absence of any physical and children roasted alive before their pa r ards thearmy. It hadiin factpoie RRYN..Tr, llPRETO, ROC An o]tho thont t ne er Coil, It happened that for several wreeks the forment to their sleeping lusts had betterretseys.to the men that that they should n rosc hity. oodstaungandattn As onelorlrnforaker ;yougewfe;f teumcstraaseaitohe, flloehi eampe. o te rghtmined Suhnae1tetsene noewtnesedin heins;now iilth. Brmee wr i orwr l'o look arouind, and seco having slighitly injured hier ankle, -and 1there is nothtingimore oFiesive li te nudle India, that fine country where nearly deredl four.. regi ment; to oe1mbark. Teh GEORGE HO1DDER, That a spark of his own intellect though shte could g-o next door, to churchi, human figure, nothing inore suggestive ofi for a century the Eniglishi have es ablished first order was disqobeyed.-Thetrosd g T.%t (1 AND OUTF1 rR le hias given unto thee, she could not visit rnuch. It becaine ¡tiite evil thouritsi, than fin the nude figure of terrl n as had right on their side, yet they veed-t ne xi doo)r toTaplinii CarriagelDepoNitory. a Wht Is it to be gifted ? annoying to her to see the distant manners any other animal. The nations which wear This state of things has rouLsed the East cimitated and fired upon by Englihcnof FRA NK LIN ROUSE. To use that gift aright, and cold looks of somre who consideredl no clothing posses for their education more India Company's Government frolh its non. At the timie Of the Sikh waf h r f .t-nt, ec.W And give to those who ne'er will kn ow thèmselves aggrieved fur not being called purity than those Which have amplified the habital apathy. The publie press has my refused, at a eitical and -deeiie b- o B F. JEWVETT, PRoPRrETOR. COMFOR- T ims a n wo h c upon, and as they did not invite her confi- original fig leaf into crinatine. The wo- taken hold of the question, and numerous ment, toecre#s the Sutlej withoutaa¢. . W 'h i ne.m s 18 fr9raeler.1 Shall bc in the heart of mn atpmplthaebn uisdtepotT Otri vr o ntdbneeeshe could nototelorthemihy. Fi-sman oflmodernnEgypt, dresed inha scantpamphlets have benlpublished toFpo'nt.nThe Generas were obli'gedito give it,,and -Y0--1 -qAnd they shall eall the "blessed r,, nally it got to her earis im some way, that chenuse, (forgive the impropriety of the ex- out the evil, its causes, and the remedies- afae"«was grate. When Oude-wsa-c GUN CANADA NA L NTouwl bXapyt Mrs. H. thoughitlher too proud for a minis- pression), upon inecting a man diverts it to t eepoe.nxdteGyrmnte i-teg f HB rsnF .uc t1a ter's wife ; she should be more humble and1 the concealments of hier face, exhibiting- As It was the army which first gave the declared that the&batt shouldïceaet te Suhln" K. I Sgo.The ches go and see lier poor neighlbors. Thon she the reminder - of lier "Ûiguro without a paml frv'l n rme ti n i d. These fiacts added to the dise ets 1 hecard that M.S.hdc lleier " a younte thouight of impiropriety. 'ThefastidiOus la- organization that public teto a rtcauIsed by the greased cartrfidges,bruh o RIE V s,* )N, 1ittle child wxhom it was lauighable to have '(y of our continent, whose ipodlety is ofso directedl, anfi all the organis of thie pres about, with' the gOld Of the -Pljahsad ft D Let trs, Sarin C o Life ketch. s a leaer, an who ha no mor spunkdeliente an order, that staItues have to re- cicd nddeigteei- ethe Kings, fthe prestent revolutioninndaof --1. ELBRLlG 1 - rrrsi'swPF.than a mot1Rtd while others, overlookingvecive the assistance of the tailor or milliner 1. In priority admittedl as the only d.Teomaysovr endgits P~pr ~~~~~~the fact thant shte hadl come away fromn all to becomne presentable to hier, who puts the claim to promotion.iaiceil eorehsawy oea N ATIOA I IITEELAll min isters wires are no#, happily, as hier kindred, and mus;t feel in a mieasuree-e ought to have said limibs-ofhe 2nte li tteeaen ndmiiar.asebeyond its means, and has, conseqetyt -IoR'T \\ IIT11Y, EDW ARD1 RAY, PRO delicately organiEed, or as sensitive i desolate, even with hler husband atlher piano forte into pantalettes, speaks of the Of the otBecers of the Indian army been compelled to contract loan.ir is ILab o , la las secommdio n at teririt as was GrraceWentworth- A beau- side, set hier down aLs unsocial and unsym- rear of hier house as the western'end, asks . 5, In the totlanofym th b- debts actuallya unto£,0,0sera couv1&. an comfiÃ…ble hone. ,rg ,pe acetrSefrst pathizing becaulse she could not suddenly for a piece of the pectoral development of tueen them and thir men. ling, It was necesary to cajole orfateaw B. BUDD E N, - attractedi the notice of her studen t h usband !assimilate herself to them. The knowledge a chicken, calls chanticlee a rooster, and the 4. In the faulty organization of the mi- cranrc ls nIda n oscèd FB"" ^"" "D"E """ at the exhibition of the school which she oi these things, however kindly (malicious, issue of'a beer barrel à faucet, with whom litary government placed under t½een under themask of pWlnthropntet AND e ro- e . - il 1t Po ut rlie T lka s -ýiu1 attendled.' The young lady in white, woith 1y ) they were intended, did not Dnke mnat- thte wood-cock isi a timber tioodle, and the trol of the civil service. magistrates, judges, and official secrtre Wit' ltlManSrvte modest, quiet manners,' haunted hun ters any better. Conscious that hier hus- barishi bull a top-cow--this delicately vi 'entv ry ossig'f7 ei ee-ponted.These situation nl A.C.WISOforever af ter until she stood with hpin he- band had a trying time, and a lecture read tuous oreature delibera tely inserts beneath ments of 1,000 men each, tolerates patient- douiblid the -,hatred ,of-the Mussla N T. E R. GLAZIER, A ND .I M\ ER- foire the ai tar of the Afost Hlighi, and pro- to himn almost every Sabbath by the breti- lher highnecked dress two hemispheres ly, but contemptuously, its Engish ol- against"hedgf a chitia;"nd cr-H fr i al t haGus >1iN.la-mgd o ve unitil ideath did part, the nman ern who heldifferent views, and who dis- of cotton, and upon lher western end cer, anafro m thie statement of iscom-tog ang mny h 4eagh orire lidas S4tro-eet, Wh>Iitbyloe e r putedl among tesls she did not tell vast routles411Of the samle to stimaulate manding offlicers, who-' real took an bynmesadncdteelrefth Weh thy, Jan. 19, li. Gon t b mnitdtifehin owthnslersroresngwihhe t aniizth c, -- possest bea'ï-sat ofiçfan ag•o- terest_ vcre mg itsî organization, it he oâoeb was arau secret'aton itwua scrt try.ry J. W. CAJ LDW E LL BROW N, C race Yone and anob ier would say, 'we 11, (b0)ackwards) but let themn prey upon her gravating sensuous developement, and enemy of the Indian Governmient. Te engleialaradahefyhi re EMI&I&R IN po1cid pt yunind till her husband wondered where the stimulates hier modesty by reading French A great general often oboserved that hie roligin o(i o a i racs Cn C.1Beeoe&, rNortho tAgenkt .Grace looked up in hier husband's smil- 1buoyant spirits and the cheerful smile hadl novels& BeoPmfe a marriedwome, sellepur- feared the Sepoys more then an enem on Mn on loosing oewtceo teh Drug Store, Ulbridge, C. W es5 img face flt the protection ofhis strong armn gone. Everything @he could thInk of, she chases a class of physiological literature the irontier leavresyou, and brings a&n action frhs J. sTUROCk, /and wondered how anybody could p1ty did, to, gain the good will of the people, sold in sealed packets, and endeavors to de- The ry which consists exclusivee of wae4h uge h i ls ,eg ASlNA LEHAIR DRESSER AND) her ; it was very strange- at timtes almost humiliating herself to win feat the laws of aueby orsode l osamy, 8umntO hf h s F il. Peonn r.ain,,' Bot land Brshoes e y wn, o eunew boine where ýtheir esteemn, but unfortunately for them with Madame R, whose celebrated pills Are frkfaI,isepesyfridnb hi l eev d odemr, and thGoer bandheard enoughi to sicken ble very hleart- tation of crps, each: plant in sgucesion portion- of à~ serious revolution, fomente ept,4opd, - wlt smrr NORTII AMIERICAN IMOTEL. mission. T'he people were much pleased te-hlofIdaas aunýnoe 8i rO R la e - with'their new pastor, and apparently with O!hwh ore vrthe thloughtless- gradually -diminishing in, sizeuntil the throughout tewomo ndab l h asn of-tads o ,n exýsim p:Th intt 01NIIAy 1,zor RIETOR. TAKES TH IS their pastor's'wife. Some of the good ss-nes,$ocal tnohashr amatadhd arenmor sal tatreaisdthopdiinsinddpoedMusuma .fheGoiiinr en spirtitih ha ubli.( of it tm e lLybig insadhiersvnue otk e otskfrwa-tuaeagnlesii ufrasii .-That, pasture land ,when neglected Krncess.,-o h.ials aieditd i nebls teee premth iejs ; e tuty ald tohis in ur ad osho er ou ntantlyor have so formed to love and inspielv.Ad tog fte ihsuliygaulyWhat is the cause of this revolution ? Onterprtd0ègùshl e a 1f d a 'tioi;ah atento e. i smote akeeyrbliu arbtwhen the fever had turned and she could dceae n value, until it produces only Is it to be attributed to the greased br ed the 1iberty of tise fà PORsts T PE mRitRY STaE oMpBOiAT HOTaE i mthlir uband aerbolly oure t sît up, a tremor man through her vin atesost othesin aleesarassrtige;orsllytedsonet aog h riin is tes ASN&PlILLIPS, POREOS 'I you commence now,' he sad r-W&nvrcrai ae eecle mn ,-That the plough, labor, and a scien- Se oy ?Ã" " äedt on so beg to stato that they have fitted up the ing to please aUl heir little whimsical no- thoewocmiovil e.Tec lor tics of manure will restore any land, No, It is to be attributed-. s ti pr 'en i IÃ" above well-known first-cel HsIote,in a new and nevér came back to her cheek, nor thelu.t tiuitable imanner. Viitors and the travelungtions, will have your hands full to repletion; tro o elht h u-ee h os onot oisoiml 1 pl of nntin ookd henMós1ones, up f clr en iluty M11 fld iS bleer epc a nom keep your heart.right, Gttee, and your oouc~frhedliae ead n estahle quality, foý years by the representatives o - à n Oâtkr, 4-6: curl bon' hurtany bdy."i,-Thtetooaintanelan in ts prper te ia ompan- te FEE ONFA S OTL. Te little family were hardly settled when tasubcar and original staple coadition, manure miust 0.Toic.jiisftreatment- Of'the.w, ILLAM MARiTIN, PROPRIETOR-.oe0aeDao oy otemnse' oebe Supplied in proportion to the properties mnad i' 7te e e r to Tceisn 1 to 'is radito lln 1,t tyesanctum eat'ly on Tuesday morning. It Mothaftr ont wre wa, adyhethe crops and that auch.has tunted witniln a few rods of the Falls in thehpee htTedy a enstaatgrew like a shadow with get 1 rpeihetoexase rp - Totbec f fait on tepatofh d ki anÃ¥ h- aoMýidL& mistofth not elgtfl ceer.'he sh or om pecuilar reason, by the young omneousd onoly be contived,(4xept u4der pealorrNntrrdtary I ngon the Llakes is unearrnased. Fishineyada dash of redonetrchk. unt Tacecand Bonasprovided. - 29preacher for study n i er nsae h epepoesdt oy eiher te cicmtgcs ud oudlonf e himwhn ho saw the pal, determined Tnpopeand e and lvebe -1 ,y çit1s ftev. T NOROO HTE. .. eragnized husband had -need of greatà-. faceEaEdNtheOaOiDigPo I e E ofnthe dea. OUS Sîs flo ERY COULTON MTPECTFLLY IN- con. g rovided' u andu fomm the puýblie, that ho ham taken the de if e hsltosomer aoseta'inrt above well-known Hote which ho has altered Iwn . coe so n.argergrwtedkey, nn and l roved to suit the pubie convenienme.- asked himself and then, 'I wonder if he thinner ï h ag.e, snan a4g an wa ote L n e Provicebo a-will stay lorig Figo eduld noe help these bndî, till dneto il 1 menital questions. HIe had seen the worthy ï,àn-o T110mA8 ROBINS0NPII deacon fidget on hissmeduring the sece and lM1% A8HIONABLE HAIB Ã"UTENG AND en Sunday, and hiknew by the, glitteroá Booa BroiSretghih ofwic bhe, houdC to è scharge sorro f td WJICrother Wen troubled the ý1, , ý c r,,ý 1 vai illibwiiot', ibilillar r iriýt;oit, ni tosw nttue allah Ill spn iadpru CI 1o th J n ora thiLd nE o ltheF e c e n ls nd rall kin tho o t ih ted S by!IV t kin] d r b e~thtc I o an aryorp a n redg the ouced tO at if RnanMa eF egents in 40D. "enixBtt Poisons.

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