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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1857, p. 2

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Aff 1-1wr- 'BonilLty nME3, part of Iler)44j",V's »th Perpetrated-that horrible mas8acree 01 FurO_ n re et4r,, at the sett1emýnt Livingstion did not Ditu er te, John Ham Perrýy) Els u i city, where the young- men woulibe ore- Progresq o Y Regli,-nout and à battery of Europisan Artil. pean. Wotnen and children caught W their' %1&ýnL for a wnsidM.blAquantity of goods )erywere on the rpot lit thýü thuý cd to play in corii3equencé^ of the re usai The frienili or 3fr. Pe *"ýïnxiôa &ëivo ýof 'the. passage down the Ganges, and it i4 a good »mhased !ri tha namoqf Lhop&riaersIý** Th« "'Since last, orîglnal otitbreak, find a re, à* ýp, théit gentlen»ýn a welro ,»f the Principals of the Çollegm pe itionof the omon fer Our cause that they i thst *hich bas _ýqp1y 1Xîý upon iiiiiiie et ûna t heub lit abine seven or eight _àîn Teturn ýîad the desired eTs- ho ont urop1ý. met nt d" r ,trsgedl@d nt Dw illy and Sha4jçÈapporç ýIctims of a just retribution. c- puxture, andwhich, of prèveinoue'of the Týt vere theraby purchase ut Wyatt'$; Ilotel, ini this Tbwn on Sattir- -Wcrro foirced toi give way. Mr, Perry remark- proyented. There w hoié. cesses have been obtained witil lgù*,-"îôs5 4r. liali's 1; rest in-ýthe-buii' a been in as, nesg"amou ts uèb -advinced. thoughý About mon the great di fférence hetween the elfer, severni days, fighting, and, day leverging evening last. forty press de,,) On the other 44p Port ýtjdfthe su«j,ý above montioned-Markham . tlernen were prosent, includi have bee'n'expended b on ou 4 ec of England and Ilarisandstated that whi e rePairing - Letrects and the rautineers were drivin out g.. notvery e#li- BconomiJL 'of the place, froin Agti, Oks ill, though rýAny on our side am sa14 to_ have rail guest of the' ûvenîneý»fr. Pui:ry,) N. G. lie was in the latter city the n(lon Times en. éable. The garrisor. is said to have fonght was stopped thrce tinies a i consequence pairing sidewall;s, sîti, thiS Week. Reynolds, Esquire, Sheriff of the County; or cont Our own Bombay corvespondentwriting on the- Ncemuch inutineers on the ôth of July NeW AdVert!SeMentS a, n- articles obnoxious to the Eng- works, in the wny of Zacheus Eurnha.m, l1squirc, judge of M the 28th of Janoisays, Il Ca*npore,, we' bc- with the leu of 49 killed and *92 wounded, 0 which will answer f.) Ileve, bu boen s ved by the arrival of Schedule of Convictionaý, thi Colincy Court, and rnany of the Peror of thé French Or bis (kverntnent. y,", ', jl. J. Mawongeu. of Ilhë Tow'n. The The toa",,thui he--wighed to propose-,we taid a , ýupý_i iýftteT To the Ladies-Mm. Donald. leading gentlemen the 24th, and of the 6,111, the latter from At the lest IlIrevious date there were few bëîfi '-iiiàdt and rëýOl, 0 9 Bombay ;" buý thongh their destination Il' Contr.%etors-,Ithn Shier. Church, the Éar, and the Nieljeýil Prùfésý thât, of "The Press of Canada, and pa Européanà atý.vl-ra, _nd Ive are all left to Balzery aud Confgetionary-ý,J. Bates. sien.% werp likewise well rop!esented-the bY.ýgj Town of 1"it.' passéd the Town Cou Might be Cawnpore, they do not appear te conjecture *àril nt -Wîië thé" component Grocerles and Provisions-1-4. Batog.- up and improveinent c have mcliet first in the person of the Rcvd. Mr. Lowry, 1- it in time te provent the parts of -thii force. liVe Tiare, thent to aslk, CiKuls and Oysters--j. Bates. Mr. 1-liggins bavIng been called ripou 1 haps £1006 w"0u'ld bc catastrophe. Tliey.,baee liad a. share in undeýr %, bat SpecÃŽal Xkotice-ThoWias Holloway. Frec Churcli if inister-a- gentleman much _sity So tintait -, body took -hicli to estirnate the avenging it, &q file nis -tlïat lias been donc. tl . le inqiati;e. But the Inost admired for 'the liberal sentiments, and rdurned thanks for the compliment pnid l remarkable the press. donc by the The precise order ot ovents nt t1il't, place fctlture in the statellient is, thaï, Neenluch truly Clir!stian spirit evitired by him tipon Mr. Mcýlillail, or the Bownianville Th(-- appearanc( anu c. we »hall probably k-now ou Sat'rdav but ïs 8()à miles every oce-isioý, since lie b= Star, -M ý*fb aine a resident Il . fýOm Ai: , This is a niuch e ýr,011idf+ Our sti-ceLs are certaii the Sellerai outlitie given In the despatch is longer marcli t1illin any Diher of the mutin- Of ý i'hitlIY- Me.qqrý;. J. V. Ilain, liV. li. almo rospongled to, the toust Byron and I)tintiu, 'St lamon4ble. The hcalth of B. P. Davv, Esq., ivas 1 The garrisdn, bein(, redueed cers have Yêt itcCOInPliýqlle(l,- as thev seein WhitbY, Tllllrsda.y; &Pteni'r> 17th 1857 Treinayiie, Il. J. Macdoncll, AMI iv. il. to famine, capitulàtea to U_ - - - - - , neNt propose(] br the Slieriff, and drank i aPI)cjý-r-allec, Nenzi Sahib, on, gelléral-ly tu Tinte gorge no further titail the -, -_ , = ý ý ___ Billings, %verc the incalbers %È ille Lemd i stylish and rliowy, school Pic.Nîc. witil applause. Mr. DfIlvY in his response : -the soleffin assurance tli*at their lives: 'glioula first city that gave tilz.ýtil slicit profession present, while the Nle(liç.tl pro- IV er, or the Jalhis at the Ba and bo spareil and würc iiýnille(liatelY first distrîëL thev couhl ravage %vith illipu. On Friday the Pic-nic given tr, the fession was, repr,,,,-,eiited - by I)rs, çIarlýc %vairnly complinienting the Sherit y n 1 . 1 -1 1, The prosperity of the 'j't-nvn' exhibit a like croied. This is such a stercotyped forai of ilityý If haiqiens, ais to bc in precisely echool children of the Town, (an Guan, and C.liecllcy. s ý1 wilit- 1 il towards ; Of the 1ý,dp"rrI1x (f words that One is Rhilost -Istmbied to wri te the contrary direction' v)-lich theBoudofSchbolTru.-,tceslind t i present were. B. P. Ditvy, Fstluire, of by" was next toastcl. or the last marri, of 1 down Il) carr ofr th -bc INIr. Cotincilman Broivri replied brielly. Illem The ctainc thial, lias occurred a the sort mentioned, whieh was that of 4.1le liberality te appropriate a smail surn) ca, Belleville and Nfr. à1rý1illan, of the Bow- 1 simrs. More arc in Ili-( )Y Dr. Clarke ivas clitied for to ,;Kak to Ille Chousand tunes bothre la Tndlan history, (.1walcor Contingent in the direetion of Th. ,t the lienry Street School liolme inanville Shlr. The invitation.jvsent 1 lion(-, lias leeen -fond,' under givra circuinstruilles, will (ilIre, though 'tigreeîl-ig %rith the report of 1,Conti arv te the 1)reilicton Qf Our weatlil',qcr'-* the inanagerq were altogether private and toast, and net roming forward- Dr. lianl woulit ay Dr. Rang, Barrister, said that Dr- Clarke always be repeated., liVe eannot licIp Ille Indore mutînecrs niiirq-hinm te Dcibi. 1 Ivise frieild, the day did not hold out that sülevt-ýhc oecasion leing, one, more of a , a v;ii;hîtig ît tnay titra out that Sir Ilugh If thc". reports are correct, tiierne is at legst fine siinny one or xvIiich a glorious bri-ht Trie--tte -('ial nature, t1lin, of any public * hui titi IIgsýthc illajori ti Il (Ild not lik-e te lie drililkîiiý-, to the Whecter liatl lice', Iiille4l before the capittil ormutirl- gaye liopeful lorciiiisc,, demonstrition. The (limier was wint of plan in the niovenlents Up to ilooli or the Toivri. ýJs lie (I)r. have been plit lip si tien, and that lie fillislied ]lis lon- and cers. " -Several tlie %veather %va,; spiendid. ous %v.,Iiititi". -it cleven In sqil)l)v, ar- IlVe filtdilso :l new hall rotired frotil tivit sLa a ft) 1 brilliant career stiii as il setier, and lot ar 41-, he coui 1 f ri L11 0111ellt uni] aitendanre, to, the -Place in the 1) 1'lock the cliililrvii of tige rovn, trial, and ri r to sny 1 liarbor--and the s"oi the lielpltý,sý4 victini of R liffleous butelier IlI, best t1j'it aliv raterer in the coutil few word.-; to the ti)a.z;t. % few Thi, may (Ir iiiii' v (leta;if.ýII bad 1 at the strect not ilienil Trior els hîstory is reniarkalile. lie Wns a It deserved to IIU (Il ýù!ir.s ago wliât was \ý'!iitb ? A place 'Illite a splendifl strtl(-t I acroillits of the clllaliiities aiready report-_ scitc)ý,l liIitiýl,, to the nuinller of t IV _cI, %Vltli,>iit f (ho new bil ()ne lime ca1Iiý rerrv's I'sonie dierof the Lahe days. He elitere(l the RI, ed. thi-ee iiiIII fOur hundred; thvir ro>'ýY liea"tliI. J)4Irfi'IlýVII Of. 1 0 ruy In 1,S03, j(-.îlled fils regilneil Ccriicrs, private-erceteli in tlý L at this ve- "l'lie llgillll>aý- IIIII Madras Prcsidem les s'ililing fares the happiest al)- 'l'lie cloth 11-ivin.- hcen reiiiovcel. or rath- -;O-itâ ile- 1 can compare %vith ttin ry station of Cawnpore, jind tigarcliell thelice Ivere T)el.fv(.tlv arltiiez 1) il. OOV NVo li.,tve et, Ille elaret linvin, I)cvi, Mr. 'e nufflier iiar cared about. titiller Lord I,)j vears igo, to rentaineil loval.- This is now olir -Nlar.ýIiailwd liv their presided) ralled for vote a snace to tlleir IIllnpvrý;, t4) Ille lie-litll ( -J . . 1 ý4 1-Le c e ? vvherc you Igie conquest of Delliý lie lia(i hore, for ", long 'l.- the ililifiny is rlnririel tile (liMýIvIIL in U- ýf:I' . fiv(, à %Vlil tIoý liti)v i's 110t, oniv Il lition (if sîii(,e in Afrglu -,vorthy of wyto. .411(l else- to ils lirescrit rlttiýro Pvorv IL't' ec,,ýlUd Iýv Ille tY th(' nif--t--:t- it ever wlwM,, and lits long terni of' serv -011 s It ire rozii- it 11)(bre eolý 'In, l'île i'tiiijatil), tilt gl 1 t 11 v rei - ts. !n the iliter,111 IIaý;, fr-li ]aval VvItrill , I.; hnt)%vn lis art(, if you sa; period of our ride in %vss qilit.t, n(, wfi, lie-arty ýIg tIIýjt V 't die lýutii--n of Ille proi-ý,.,;ion, Ille tliat %-ou are froin Whithv, voit are sup- save Ille ilifatiti-3. of the 1jullI al .ý\r111v at 1,11iti Jadios (il the TmVil (inarr;,ýiI il, 1 Sill- L) lie Vrc will own to a melancholv on a"I'lit ý,ýXty 1,ý) NI, lio liail ftIrIlý>llcI the Ar --ong vein and went 011 to."Iv tion Ili the thmilllit th. nori 1 Navv," %vere file ii(ýxt .1t, lý1.1 the breaeh of I-east rii,, (.1ca4lll)lI> M 110, the %%-ý,rtli of trige toa'b; giv- -n--lIrotiýl to frieildit .-thÃŽs capitulation, %ve lire iiov it libortY to ',(,f tlivir ooII-lr%ýJ,_,ýs, joiii woniei liait tieNuti-ýl for ilie ILI v en, an-l (lraijk wit!) tlt-it lie wýLî; of t1w (Ical with yLeila ýSiiiil) acrordiiig Ili .111 the Dellii. tliiiitillý- that probal0v to tilt- ùI)iýýI"ineiit oi Ille c!iil(« frv:ý!i fý;ètI2ris or progress daV last ut Iliýirl(,u J I;lv g1winý-'ilig 111) before M oi. li r,.;; l 11 t i ng laws or peaec .triii of vvar. liVe should, than Io remait- ain,,ti, -isti V Il î ti) 1 TheY I'Vil t'le iii :preading out thuil (1, Ille next to, -il fJý0Tn bc sorry tô lie ulider anV %va'; v %- er (.ay gettitig ne-ýý- %v(ii-ksliops iller, whieh won in 0 1) 1 i-, %vere, lioNve'vor. attci-ke-1 on titu 1201 "1-" tho tables in t tho chair, prerared ')v sonie appropriate tion or In Uny îort of ClIveTilint %vîth the by 1,rigalier and (triVel, Suven tailles wore llareýI the rvinarKý; from the Shcrifr, ai, 1 wag drank- I "» %v scveii runý; to sparc. 1 1 1 fine iiiid quite a large 4eliberate murderer of more than a filin- 1) a c'm- ïx-ith :.titi awl %vol rh 13ren. of 1-iiiglitcr,) Yes new 11111ell, 1101111 Silo (If t!I(ý rapturous applailse. e,.-cr% (Iliii.r. WhiLby %vas a place and ()Il the ground Irired women and children. It îs djf1i,ýIi1t their I-llý1-irage luid illiiiiIIL-r in our 1 il j. n'(I..;' ftnce, allIl nearl Mr. Perry rIInýe to rel>lr, iviti, evident Ille Nt-liclc YOun,ý L'Itib, Nnillil lie livard of hei-eafter. ilideed to î1na-ille 110%v 'Zir Il. Whevier, or Thlis 4ioIvý, %vhat uait 1)v (1,tie bý T-It- %N*,,Itli of Ille suoaol Yard, east and %vc1,ýt. linricressary fiq- the survivint, offloer in c(niiiiiziii(j roul' l'lie - 11.1ir of Canaila" vVýb, flic next toist ye^ r- lis IM Il ness, :111,1 Ilor,- tll-ýv slIoilt ThI' vianII,-ý elil- iiii, to sav how iiiué-li 1 fui-1 lit I gll-i,-i, aliil wàs, ably I)y ýIl. il. V( efflier trust sticit a man or wish to eliter Iiiilian %viion, %ve aijnost C% url tiiiiil, in Ille sh. iiiirlç.q of ii)priýýýiitiofi shmvii ape of i e', iinto terms wich Min. (>Il tilis point we tc) - our COSL, fiiid il Io IzIýI tý) phin. fruit, ail i and served to e-,-- ine Ipy rny f-IloIv ritizens. lire -lion we iny hüart te. w th The Nil.-dical ,fiOpe to tic better illf(ýrtle(l Ilian we pre. Ilcr, than LQ fiýz1jt Elirolwans lit lhe, opon cîle fud de V%.Iliell was tc) conipe i, it 4111ile aýýz J'cellIv jj,; Ille nlv (Il lit ol-un to by- r>r. SP , 1,,-ctl-tren r)f Ille TIeilIlý But hoirever that:iiiaý te, Nvila ýj lleteti 1ýith to ail of il;j) field. 'l'lie rutribution ýv;L. iqfi i tu-v fir Eiircý)e, 1 bill tige h jilI 1 - onor of Iei;ig te by ttic luatch wt-ï plaved %vith lias releasüd lus froit, ail I!je ý 'Il l.five 1 >') IV v r. %. 1OýJs 01 on IY s ix k- i i 1, s1je or the . il 1 1 ente ýrt:iînrîI as lit prctývntat a pi.ii)ii(, 41* if he, cir one of hi, esrape lit' . r,- . in Il -"Iieriir as aisa hy Dr. Gillin, I.Vilo in ex- ndin Ille most friendi, o Iv0ý %voiiiilleil on our part. the lit, Ilic tini enii1,,I ne fliffl CIInclusion the ter, it nitist only lie I>eoilll,;o tIl,ý bullef or \vere driven to Illailling the cotgrm;c t,,t'Ke:i bý Iiiiii as oný of _ý-iVc expression te the 1ýcjJtiMertq -illi Ille loss of tlicir il, Ille f--ili of a the II11voiipt hm bc.en lvit«I it. to mardi for the seav Nvuru felt. If 1 were those %%-ho vuted against tilo sides and ,,ýomefrien(Le;1ý tilen "It a laý;ý to lIve trust that El, zie exIýrr,ý;ioii to niy ; lie di-I -I lie consid,,red Ille tje merits of an excellE zl:lltti spire !i,), I-ýý; to 10,11ii, 4qili rot t'f the .114-Ilig- î 1 find lily- of men or or infinev'ti, aill( Uint Of stocl% take, _t Boviltoli's liotel, the and that IL-11ý,tli of vard, for Self si) ôii tlio. present iiiiLcil for the a nd iiiiiiiaility 111)(Ill tl",ý (ýf 1'lis 1 lie dace f,,r Of Ille childi-cil and the public--and It kz, ait(] 1 féel it, a iiinst unu- Ton -that the , Coulit'y >110111t]. build tilt- appeared ti excite thei 1 raî*lrý):I11 and the 0, gavage and his iziyi-tIti(loriz. Wil, ýVII of ýl'iiit!,y to i tites (luite as keeniv tu fiwl on Ille vast il serDnd boNver, or iwIru stial circiiiiistanre-li marl, of re;rard very nary crimes, require extrai-grilit-gary pi, uâ! - -'lf itt hoine in, Ive 111.11 soine fur. prolicifi, lierluips, a grotto, Iyas vi.sible fir htý" toved-tO be Ptibliciv entertiin- -1be CaUeIl Iiion only tc coiitribute itsshare tle fell , The clritl M wi verc given by alcali), tics ; and, if lve JjJeýaJI t') su', Ili the r,,,-,t of the Cotintv. As the ily- In tain flie, Iller zie(-cei;lt of theý,geritiutil(!jl. _\ Iiotiýjz the or Ille band. l'te grourids cil in the inanner 1 have I)i.,cn-previotis to law w.1,; ilow finallv it wolild bc 'Y British mie or hurnari nattire in any ýl tool, lilaI-e lit llV(IeraýJ,1d on Ille proli. i ý%cre galiv out with green bGu-IIýz, ril te mv sense or th(, torni, in ilitifios. abl ' v iin(hýr siiliiiltr circýirwL.:Ince.s, biii was ' 11('u er:4, àwl illotto,ý-sollle of the 1,,tý adoptetl Town of ýVliitl)v. That goy wc,-. hi:.; flesire iL lxu,,ýaiIIc .1 illlalitv iliil werc resl)ndet] Io in tail WC intist livike to I Io hii uttio:.t to prolgiote the înteres of truccricketers. livell of, 0i', -nerl (lui 'k'IV as "God S, b-ICI, ts not One of C!nl)tv romplinient. ave of th-Q Town iii c,,iri-vi; * out. ers from ýfliitl)v, one a Who ' h-ive ofI ercýI Ihu.ic ;if rrIntý il, Huro again, ilien, %ve liave Io ropcnt, thi, 1 can well sotý-and lielieve nie, Gentlemen. ý >4 w ol A t ' "l'lie Trwle- of tlie Towa of Iliz-liest irmniier of the il -erval-lo on Of Ille I.Iýt lLýI lireparioi'F'l.ý Nvere -ci- - fait eyfirr.qs the fitiliir---ýZ7 of was die next toast gi%,cri ami res lipon thein b' rhcap scritimotits of illercv anti ILI th'.1 t%%,) 1. -" to 1 (us of bad t'-a illie i-(:tiirn If the chill i that-ilz, for tle inanner in whic,11 vour these men. W. Cýirpfnter. thren of the Reach Ciu' fnr ile- -Ire Ille (w.*ItiIý of Ille LIVO goriuriiis. reil -ily waited. I-oniii-leii(,,e Ille attark ivelconie has bcen extended 'y of Perry NVL, Lve to sec a coritil their soul-,, it is ýz, TliI,ý loss ol Sir Il. Lawroneo is îiI(1re(I a lip',ji t1je ýVellsulqpliv'l f)1-tross or toward.,; ine. For the prospcritv Of rtly 'Idopted-1 might lIV, m liiidlv reciprocities bc n'O have-to il() ivith their ailli ini".4ortiiiie it is But humar. ei cývliIellLs '11)1-1 to 1-j y n-1t:ýve'ï'ovn of -J . - ý -e ever nôt oniv iii(li.1-131,t flie world, will over-e'litilatu 'Tltcý, tio..;t and to OLIr S-ly 011 tilt- siii)jcct. 1 1 . \ý o excill'le Ille a- WiLli te:tniz alui silliles, I*Iiv bri-ht Whitbv-1 have ever lircn tolerable if %ve rIeý'ligct ()lit. 'liltý- to t1win. bout tOt preselit, fi-Ii'iii the l'y »ýIr. B. F. speecll very crilo- N oiiiinly, ciSc Will iLirk 'sunshi;ýý abillsplivre Itirneil gloo,,ilv, -Ili( have nlivýivs been prompte,1 witil the wal gistio of tiiii-rigi provi l'_ý Toronto f M t ' ell ().il the ýfah-111le-týtn of ilio f- %'-'c il-,;t coilfess be,»:lltl("dtri-kýc-ili-d hv -atliering clouL'-. A e-st desirc te advance itq intercstý;, so fai. d at the or the Ilindoo. Jý'or our rIr our IliellIel, iL. lýv Sillart sImwe ahilitv, plilli ii,, causcA a lirecipitate retreat nieans r. %vith the portiii..;,sioti of the tlk(>,r hare la lind privatelI% allowefl Ille tr) (lý). Thiýý ail ut- sillos Ille irl'I GX(ý lit- of Ille and its band, alid broti-lit it ('I The Toronto Fait Ra( lal.111:111, prolIo, 1 tile health of the ter contenipt. ,ilev il 11(ler- tle ÃŽlIducelliclit a smali force ut .ýgra Ný,oijll t'orth ý-,Ii the i1IýýeIIuý,LY of tlie ladies att 1- iiiv diity rulie%; of the Town of ýViiitl-)y. Nir. Il. %vis iliv iliterest as %vell as a ; Don and Danfùrth co stand what- it is to bc lltirl,-, ali-4 hare a Ilave t'O iiiineces,,at-ý- enterpriscq, it \v1il lie il'- Ille tables, in exectitiiig all illanner of good ritiztm to do» Your apl;rol)-ation has- The attendance w_ partictilar- Objection to à. - Indiled, we rvinembered th-it the telegraï)llif- atirifle- eoiitrivânces to protect the good thin-s -o but toz";t-it was te niike tip fi)r ait apparent Ivavs been grateftil to my recling The wcather w'ai pleýua have beard latelv invitil rufIene,_ýz on hi-, part, in ràý-,t soine earnest renion. illent of the L'àlclitta mýJiI w1lich rfia-týz tlir)I;e public Inarkq ofviIiiir friVar rIn f- chan,,,,,able mol wet, but only on a smali i tien of the, crups iiiitho torth, ucsecureý It exerciied but little influence. Flour wM withbM ehange. Wheat in limited jq j 4 Rnà,ý,.Rcd .,*Id and 'W denrer than at the deý artureofthe '111Mfitic. Indian Corn in gbod demand, a n(j que, tations, tinder the influence 'of reports oi the potatoe diseuse, adranced ld and 2d lier. PICODVOB--Âslles in fxirýreqiiûst at 42s 43s 2d.. Sugair dull and Is Iciwer. Tea rather dearer. TON-T)o-; IlcoNyi-ý 31.titxzT-Buri*ng Bros] report a fair Idemand for rnoney, and vvith, ont change in rates. Gonsols closed'at go# a 90 1-7 for money and acSunt. The Btillion in the Bank of England had !pcreý, < sud £370,000. Aincrican Securities wers- dull And noininal. tu ffs in beLber rcqiieý>t and a trifle higher, Iron tinchangeil. Sugar heavy, and a derline of f'ýl -1 1-q- TýA'a1_wýd duàleü firm Kt former rates. ' À ý, 1 1 ýr - GRFAT BR17AIN.. Rumors of Xinisterial change -continue to be propagateA. The London ý';fýer say--e, Sir Charles Wood i Ç* 1W i-jéuévý leîre the Adulimlt)F t Wke the Board of controý, and Sir Jatim ljecceme First, Lord of the Admý 1,ord Panin ure ès reporteil te bé anxious to re.sign tho 21elinistry or War, to beýsuc. ceci1ed by1fr. Il.,trdtrellorMr. l1erbýrL The Ilon. George Dyng-had been electea i te) Parlianient for ',Niiddleý-iox, to succeed Lord Robert Crosvenor. The returns of è4tho Bôard of Irrade of exportatinn for 'the lirst - balf Iloi 1"ý5(;, shoiv that30 per cent of the aggre. r1ate Fhipitielits go to t1je British pommions and le) per cent te the Trnited States. The Glasgoiv PtilyWehnic . Institution had been (lle.çiýrov.ed byý-f!re. Among the articles (iegtroyetl w.1týLthe first steam' en- gine constructed 1iy.,.fý1mes Watt. The Bank- "' Engj rea"e,&slightly In their terms by 1 allowances en 6 months bills stm ýê[ three months as of è1lie latest reports have it that the meet. ing between tll6-Fmperor and the Czar vrill take place -itStut-ard on or about the 17th im;t. The Fretich (Wrernmorit is represented to be dispose 1 0 reduce the Ùustoms Ta. Imm Wilitbev, Srpteinber ICI 1$57. Plour a tR. DIED, on t1je ei th uit i i t ýý Oulf COOY,-., ar- CI'14rmttwl. fmm Spriug Ilead,- Hid4 ýd, in 1-Rý4, tigerl 74year.3. Thnrý.4dïiý,, hifiait à§*ý)U 01, Mr. Dtwid Wal ks. t Septeinber ý.th, in U!XbÏri( secoeiid danghter of Ur.,,), hvil 'in Reach, Hxý-RT atterfn i11xtesýi of hut,,8,hOnr,,ý. SPISRAL NOTICES. TI in pr_.ý, jre, -4e Or-,he or- em, a for a,"Ur. and fe- (ýv,ýry fývLt-.%nî1 aLrwý tu-triet !fi tile L'ni- êïr Ct)llll)leto j1j tji i.-t (1iýOràQr- re they ce1rt, il it a ('ure, uý, t 'lie does tirxt retnrn a,--tin, n,,r <In the rtý ativ injiri,)It-e 0feýct--; lx-hilid, as iý% or q"liljl-lli,. are tuktn- 1 11ave kriiilwti many nh,) lmve ltad tileir eori,,;titTitiitis ainý6ýt riiinéd t-ikiltz curitaininq q;iiiincý Vie Wine and PillI mnnot fwriri a child, and Iýy _,ýLkinz tim-'tn throulzh the fiickljr tliev will Provenilin atucl- fmm axue _1 il- - -_ý , ý -I r - IL I Lowry) wot ý"jýt t 104enfflit en the ramparts, but the that ild. volunteer a toast. He would The COut] --ma itz stioruy anu ai ânously resolved john 1 at the Pall' thOý;e in favor or a railroad- Initettl of statai- generally that Delhi woul(P be lo.st in the eity, ivhich is prob do talzé the Chair. Mr. Shier r, ask the Chairman ta request the corupany secure, in the pm.sing of the by-law-re- Last week the cît4zen still "liel(l up," ît M partîctlltri7'e, with very a- ta drink 'I Thé Church v-q represented by maineil quite pas.,ve, and regarded the bly every day adding ta its internal defen- atter addressing a &,iv words ta the assem- Revd. Mr. Lowry." . -1 ' Whitby -Passed a lly-lav fow more words, that the eneniy liad ruade ces, at the cSst of the peaccable and more blage, called upon the Band, which struck- openinir and, closîne of the poll aï à more 'three more sorti*s, in all of whiah thev %vealthy inhabitants. A place of tl up an enlivenin- air. The childron, led Revd. Mr. Lowry in replyin-,- said that mutter of form. They. little dreâtâ thet lis sûr of the Port Wliitby-'àn(l were totally (lefe;Ltcl and suffered licavy requit-es a large arm Y no t ta take it and to, by Mr. Whitlejy, next sung the hymn ho did not consider it at &U out of plee in a secret cambination of the rîch Land *àyý Company- ta the üm. Ions. _It thon states expressly the sad 0 d t; and jii our position we have both Joyful." a min is ntered intoi ter of the Gospel attending ta the -owner5 had bcon e 'to 'celo te tlýe fate of the garfison at-Cawnpore, which ta ýtah-e it and to, hold it, fur we have ta Mr. Lowry having been called upon ta ordinarycourtesic-,oflifý- lIeliadàttxýnd- POU en Miq'mil And vote-against the by-law, the Government despatch supposied ta bc 1 1 0 ed that evouine out of respect ta the genr Mr. I.ting on tlië contrary wà-9 hird at List week the ratiepaYf occupy tho-city and 'maintain a> good posi- speak, ditvelt upon the varicty of good of Oshawa rejected a LJjý-1 knoým, and therefore left uncertain. It tion'outhide at the saute tiiiie. TlieBi-itiýsh lih-ely result ta from meetings of the pro- tlemefi theyýý had met ta honor, and al- Nyorl-,-hzioil hisfariWny ? friericlý; AU Wall in the stock of the None contains the very encouraging fact oý the arui has t get înt,) the c sent kind. They created a harmony, d (hOuýt",h hÎý Ys) acquaintance marshall2d, and on the by-lavvi bein- pro- ity and protect 900 a pany ta the ammunt Pf j 8làt Regiment At Saugor, under. theïr na- its- camp outside till the process is comploté. féelinIm and brotherly love arriopgst à cent- pou-ul-1. with him, WAÈ of but Tocetit origin, lie bc- âounced carried, deminded at thèir head tive officers alone, driving the revolted 42d It . ta po of course. was granted-and ta is, however,,t4o,'old delusion of war- inunity. They were calculateil ta - moto heved Mr. John Haut Perry bc Weil de- IL This outof the station. Another omission is mangers, and theirijudicial blînduess al- sentiments of liberality and charity in the 8erving of the publîci-honor andrespec ýsh ýw how strangly and conipletely Mr. The Nonquon road is Important, though the fact was PerhaPs ways, toi bc supposin- one encmy and one world. That liberality which * was net, ted towards bii». ' Z> exhibî Laing had- organizel hisbind, thirty-two possegsed by Oýýhàw& to supposed ta bc kn*ow.n-not one Word ïs.i spcci,!eEt of "rfare. No doubt, the antici. froffi the lip but from t . ho hearL Liberz- Thc, health ýof Ifm Përrjr was next votes werë'immedintely i>nllel ae. inst the shipsý The chier trade Stated. Jn either. dispatch as ta the fate of pated foc was a foreîgn onie, advancing from lity, observod the Reverend gentleman, toasted,,to which mr.- PeiTy respondedý ex- by-l*eiw-. Th friendesofIthe railway being V-1illagoPass over iL If th the Transit, and the incomprchensible the no4hâwest, and it was taken for granted *as a word much abused ; ho fOýnd men Pressing his ftgret thatl&&,,pSTrwu net, inforint-A of the m?ýj) de maiiiI which IU4 -in.er ed. _t -, -'t Ils. wyýge of the 8oldiers ý and crew back- to that a common sonseof danger %vould, nuite whô raised the groatest - cry about> their hergelf been attempted, immedi.,itclý rep.%ireà." ièa thçYý ý haýe ' power, ta do prosent tô do sé, ýas ho ba«ed she el 11-1 votés witu- . y, ý pg , ç Suey. , Tomorrow, however, will salve this against him, ihe British and the native sol- liberality and freedom of conscienc the Town Hall and poll. se yi such blinà'd ill enig ma. ýe, ta bc SulèVthànk them in more sctitlle terms out ccising.- Nine votes more were polled, Which is, the Plàýe foi a b dier. This nuwiimîty %ras iiidL-,penrable, invariably dia niost intolerant bjgots. The tban ho could attempt toi do for her. for it j;ow a:ppeàrs that Delhi must ffll ta r, eh by the atiti-railway' mon, the total' tairio Bank ',With O'hil - th, 0018 and social gathoringg, lîke the, one Mr. Perry rose ta give a toàst which 'h.e - c iiàélf [Front tlie'rjtjiës August 27t.h.1 the more nurnerous host, and there wot4ld befgre li - ini, i exhausttd' sfrenýth ý * r, Iýý. -, 1- n which children of differi ' was certain would bc warmiy é- bjèéwiý-1 ýbUpSInqsà -M 't The Bombay, mail àrrived at Seuz tiix never bc such a force'of British SoIdîerâ ieligious denominations could ruingle fa- by all prcsent.ý The siabject of his toast ýdayz after the arrivid of thït frûm Caleûtta, there as to dispense wilth'nativez.aicL But gother, would &o a great way tovards ef- wu one ofý >a t i orta tb"thé "r, rs--an the rat vrey-r'é êý,4à*ifig:'Iftw býw& Pt ýr-, i - 1 . Y 3 mp Ji 4r,ý*é'iîî and bringg ux news from Delhi do'wn'té the 'gr'afiLing the nec-ýsîitjv'of, & large arsenal iiýcip.- ireligious prejudice- Mr. Lowry and of this. Èýe beéàWý more, xth 01,july. At that dat And ýà ýûnýý it!xlTeam we epot, thëreýçertainly was noý need exborticq children to obey their uring Is 0 trIpý -the inàtéri. AVh àlf-pig parents, vinced a hi kt mm nforcélý'bhtR, U ow- why ye 'Shotild ûncumber ourselivici with and.tdviFed ibe pairents of children to'take fettëred vigilîint and-'PitiÏbg ÛOÛS the proteci(ion of 1200,000 civillia c - sdekàird, ot 'céuntiYý -â Ébld çrQ , p, posi ta, w-,ýý who a greater interest in their amusements th by ýAf' ýn YM ýMý M, Suropeans, woùld nover bc -of any use, and were al. which would have the effcct of renderirtg ent, hewF'p'aPcTý e-n.ýfor the. -la acar dýý ýn ways reaüy to t' urse cm more trustin- and'confidingi' 11ap- likhtment br-, à,ý16èàutY.- WÙM -thé- urn àgainst us'. Ã"É c'O th' ýiition would, be glý:on-- it it we have tAken the City we Shall know py daYs"ý wu next sung by the elffldre'h, longing -of ah 'hiýdeht -i"ër> fô Pei was lookéd upon ta do with lit, but We $hall acquire as was also I., Schoûl. PLOGM the band mistress, didýhe(Mr- the, eiehý-d4js in the water. wledqç'*týa rather disproporùôn- playing pieces of excellent -music, ýand commune with the --Wbitby "Prm- man7 five fut eig InclIeýý speakers filling up up the intervals with his absenw. A wl aDr)ronriafý dire the $,,trymneh ffl---çW'çr to rnvokp aprýetite 07, f uhl.; M-ilicli- sud,,ýupt t» lcý ý-sfem, le Iviiole p1ïyý1 qd ýj1'itg ýlidinc, geuerni ' iini amorUt by, ,hi tîment. rii4 sud Vaýj4 ed GWSý, nem, uwl 1 n Cifi Dunartrnent ït tube in and oný 1 1 ý,1, f- M'Ilitlx-, and tl:c. ýrbe price of eVý Rtatle that !ýe fâ-., whîch he lia, Rive euwk. Gbo(L4 in' uý y-! FIVE vEiz ('1ý*N*f 07qe Prke, NOTETEF M)U, AGRICULTU of A N 1 --N- ý'iS Combinm Ilowi Thiý to dn the work. nre (mlturieti, m t1ic 1, teiîn Balidirig.-, LI] 21 NOTICE-C ci ùj! 't, SATI DýIy. until 0411 Le tenne, and a-. R7EDUC M'aeh of Lis 1 0 CI 'Il be ci( T lu .1tlutiftity ( ëd W j -ý il Abont Il * r,,t-ratc In uLsu, F

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