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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1857, p. 1

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THUR$DAV MOftNINQ, eigis & J[ayerhoft'er Bro's., BROCK sTRXETrWEITBY, or Neit Dor o the IRetrtry Olco. T RU TERmu. OF f<UflcSRP1 O TUE atytw4i 1Ub. $2Per annuT, eLy l tvne "ruaTES QAtrRTilsI.<o $ix lhùt1sad nd ier,. ........ A.ver~y snbukeqno ,uunxevu,, (ptfin11e). .(Mf,-Id. À .liberl' di4ionnt R alloomerehanta anül ethers ivdvertising by the ycar.V4 L i TtiIs rîsyer hasaîatlv an- Inmenge circulationVO .1 luntheCiîîunty, hétildc'sbeline rew~l V et'ry 1bit- ilnesa n ià lu Wtbv andidts vieimity, a better tdveirtlsitc etîjuti rîtmlI lnt be iseeîred itiâ PETBR CARMICRÂI 1iU.Ail wilto 9dut'r' or itink e Prdo CiONEER, &o., WIC l#(,wilpleme cloeu-ne lin. u cln o do- £XT T 41cir notfawarq.gil.cf Broek. umiilaI arer- ALBIERT SPRING, geae adup. £TT<"iî't, & o, RF Lttersio4iittîtw4ims; if rgitierd, wili h ut A un... the rirtk orthie lnttilîr.wtî.t idr,,c, HiW$&M AV IIiIiFFIRo ,A. PIGE - Whtb~C'. ~FRCIIANT TAIL<R, BROCK BOOK ANDrJOB . PRINTING e-STABLIII liME-NT.' TIIONAS DEVSE U I LtER,&c&., G RE JILE l'Zfll EOR IF TIIE WIIITR B WilitlN, t'. W. SwoId r'îi'f i 1t'.nn dite - _______ puhlie tJiti tlîey lhave. îroeîrel ,'ttîîî, of'tlite titROAVU'M IIOTEL, muodernu tylestîf Tvp froîî New York in addi- OR0 N 1-Rl OF FRONT AND to th& iroMeend tire pruipared to'e i '-t Srt-ct*. Toronto. BOOK AND JOB PRINTIN - kïIÂNILLA IOE lit oi t eeri l t iuti, and igu» r i ioli t ierk UlllI'0 ,it' lA E(iV T . will tbit- Iuwlit s aup riuor î,t ii. u î~i~~t theitîri. . l' ritui, lIrrieto 'rTI trjcttore htt'v lîre.îttetî t oif ONTARIO TIOTEI. tBttnGmL- * att-I Frt liteR11.1 l'iSe1tti'( Whiîeli etudilemthetitein t rn titi 4dan " reJ ai1Fi' h en rý, fCi ou baud a large ISîwk tof 'laiti li Etut cy Cevi'ar 14. hURON IIOUSE, ti1tionenry. &e., uwltieili lug itucht Mt ;üv PI' A i9 T W NI T a Y , c .M raes Viîîîfitl eau lie, ftrtîi'tiî'd ut the iîwt' - ' 0 T lt ir lD îîE 'Iî>l' ýA)nrlOfliewilir (M PILKEY'1s HOTEI - iNIAe'tttrn~tîioitd aîttntive LEIONARDI'S IlOTE] ZtCIIE UN RUUNIJim, VI'TOItîA SAL.O TUIX;E )F.TIIE 0î1flNTY & S 1't< (E)(Dii'K 'i"I ET WJITV NELSON G. REYNOLDS, RAILROADII OTE] T*litW'I. SI'lianEaiî, JOHN11A1 FERY, - - ONTARIO ]HOTEL RFois'l'RAt. OFFICE liN IMOCîK T IiVN rI'tJîiE. c IERX OtF TUE lt1EAtE.GEORGE li'E- AT FRAN<KLIN 1101 SE FreItl tI 1[' tNAL111 Lit.it-r. Stli FRIS itAtIt surl.Fi4.ur, W ITI NATIONAL IROTEL I R tiT WJii'I. -îWutut t--tu.- ru. ut yu, -'t- t lt - CFR F V IF '1C1OliUNTV COURiT. AND itcjîtîrar i t'lit- mr.~:t t r. i tir~ '. PAXTO>N, Ir., Il. J. MA('DONELL, JOICN SIIIIER, tii'*'TYICNHNEiI <111lUE AT THE ( lI{i L ST DiV SIu)'N -wUSr. uOFFICE Cat 1 tigeClirl t' t e F" IJ u hhIt Ni t<lIti .I. TILE'>IAINE, -A.- C.<WILSON. 1,L1s *V1" FBE :i tttltI ttt'A.- P '.5 . i tiuIlmil, .A.N - J. %V. C'ALD)WE[LL BR( ~uII.lJ3'îil. x ru'\îy I'~îtll ', ~ C t. 1&- ABI. 1 4, r-iri, '-i.,Ik AN N.(.hN .SIIAIRO , Str, IttusSu t-et, IW Iltlu'> &' Aliitktt'AIlllJV~iri,îi, RUTHIERFORID &JAUNX iiitli-tt lut i eeurvt, Nttint luibli-, r (li.ATE J. TrOttI., t Juîuîtuuuuî, i.-, Wuitus 1' W' IT AILOR 8, & lu)AND i, '4KINGI SThJET ('AMEILi)N & MACDONELL, ;).w. ronui. At-t 41i King Sttet V I3 PIîi'îi 1: & ATTOR<NEIYS A.X'L'AW'. to. 'îu t , t " utu-I 'itiutN- tîtuitet(i. /uC't ftivec ut tlt'ie ,I litî-u,--SottIi-i iiig. l>llic'e utir,' j9. KLEINER, j~Ibul WI.I i alm Priated wodm9 reat thoughts andi uatirtag ibdustry, WC EdioMc eamoq orea uweigBobr~ WIIBY, (IC. W-, THUIRSIIAY, OC1OBER 81 1857o EL" (jj,4 rf'coniforta sand provisions? Iiow many triet in Lb. conversationsi topica of Lb. Important <romitIadia.-The *ecketd A large nomber cf Lhe 'womnen sud chil-1 xONSI. PJ f.cre briglat prospects for business have ende t Lae ettittries waa atrlking euough. Ilu fali of Delhi.-Sir Colia Campbel lu ewb .dbot ruî1 preiale in ha&nkruptcy anti ruin, lu ordor te satis- due course OfULime tho Oempany droppei cmadJo h rm.- rribJe tenaitlation f r a e fate timen in. ---------- a aIl-- fy thisa bankering after fksbiontblO-ns9cs- oiff; the laies remarking that they sbou'Id butchery of the Enropeans atCawn stant deatb, hati been barbarousiy slaugb- ýEENBANK Ti o dJ ulof fleauty. <f?ý ~~i*0ffi~n - a byd.hm- pore. W,0 ol hér cueoLoiue ettes«bez s hy rv an-tred on the precoding morning-Lbe Tîoe re, a "oice. ithin ume a gîet--augei f cf kuown, IL would bc foundta teresult fromn'vards; sud 1 tbought that tbey tit inl- ST. Joux%, N. Tt, Sept. 28, 1857. former baving been strippet -naketi, aud niy heut, P useless expeuditure at home, expressly te deeti tleserve smre recompense for ail the Thé Conard screw steamnshilp "IJura." then bebeadeti sud tbrown into s a el aud P STETwniotisltjig in 1mue, 'ffi aireottors answer the demanda cf Ihahion, ant i "what fatigue sud lieat tbey 1usd entered i vtb so chartereti by the British Governanent to Lb. latter hvn enhre on l trembliigag , vilI thé people tbWnk 'mucb patience andi amibility. convey the. 76Lh regiment to Englanti, ar- opon their butchereti iothers, whose blooti L, Up ea'ermore IL aprinetîî lilt omoeo uiden tue- Mywife bas made nay' fortune," saiti a .rived ut this port ut 9: 40 as . to y reeketi on -hi mn bodie&Os. ýN ~tlillri lody,' M ody hi ageiOI Aud cveniîore It siigath titis sireot roue of gentleman cf greataL profession, Ilby ber The. 4tabilftyoi Canadtau an" >.pub. INDIA. four eseapeti-the vife of a -merchant sud -*' surgi lut tue- tbirift, prudence, andi ebeerfoîneas, wheu 1 lic Conideace sa thenu, and the Causeg The Neenxuch mutincer bail arriveti at Liîrce others.M T1116 world i6 full of boauty, a1% utîer w'.rld's wagjùst begiuuing. tof il. -Delhi. General Havelock, lu a deorýsLeb te the _____ hove, IlMine lins Iat nîy fortune,' answered Froin the Coionitit. Birigadier Nicholson u e xpcctcti nt Del- Governor General says that " Nena Sahib Ant I ie it ur tîvit uilu l' îtl f ov lids conîpaulun, I"or ugelesextravagance, TtiLx14 gratifyiug circumestance. tîmat -hi on the lStb of Atuguit, witb reiiiforcc- bat tirowuet hiniscîfwitb bis famiîy. lie %IZIVS <'ti- Sglit's s1toriny teîîdcrttî'teidntit loirer %v i sd cpnîg ilîie vas&çdonug iei<." iulaL LIhe richest andlthe olîloat Banks i-nîuuîthxe Pmînjatîb. bati au intention of going ta Luckn-ow, but e. 2-1 glory evrziuore, adrii e Yri h ewEg rSaes et rt blorn' ud's gbrilt, moiu-diutusltou r, cunieli Wa fé filti pe at Sm he r i î~ tr îa g stu : ~ ~ > ' : ~ a e ur i, w ,er nu nce hî C a w if p o s e s e s o v rtb f u. an d :v e ry w h e re in th e W e st, a re iistru it. m a d te G en ral N ich o lso n , o n acco u nit o f il a n d in fa n try d ese rte ti i . ' T h y o a it'. seîvect meunîurltsiia wfekuuw ber influence,-andti ta is l 1Canadgan Batiks brave Lthe comimercital GeraIaeoc cuidBtho iifrutoue.(3vpoe n s iluce le îuliloiibeaus ahirti, G~d' vel sorinwitouta aligl, sspicon f tteer b. thhof July, vithout resistance, anti quiet as Alliabati." imiert] wnestailiy o thirhouer, lu many pants cîptîretithirteen gens. Noua Sahib oscap- 1 otituuiot'ulridi M f euy axle ra Be s sidto conmtence on asalo tee a iS îî o is to ter r bteNews b>' the <iArabta.99 v., Ve. itsw rl sfuî f euîta-ule wrds scale. IL le too coînnon for youug bouse. fThf Lime 't ut mentaLIer.earcvbut cd Il - kepers a cnieceilr termthr w escriptions of current uuouey et Teucere t an.r ae euNow York, October 2. ifL9utolfuîii4dkhduIla. -utitu ~ed. lIuy ail tlîat la uceesaVry toa work premiuninamneîy, specie sud Canaîlian cn me.TeRoyal Mi tiihs"rtd r. (;D If rsii fihad1 The Mailak bils.enuîiiuhiso "Aruibia"o ha ilutirs. 6 irt heurt uni hiart, Skilfially .%îth I; aioru yoiir lieuse ntvaIV unauîs.l 'iiao temtiwu iahrel e uînictoalsbwoeassiet ri Lvroo nLb th etm I, Iliyw tlrt.' i .c ut ' iu!iujîtte.s. tltoieltlJ ativili ronIler it couifortale. Do not Canadia ru tumoney u bis posLeckion ba th- ti'îtsîtl tptrlook at riclier huties nti covet titeir ro.;- u'bat ila " tebcgooti, thougb teIb e 3thoi l iber, asut srisdis . W ningd. Amu W'.GOO t'~lt" titî, d~tiîl îtîîldirer f' ~ ~ < ~peuple kuîow littIe of Canada. 'l'h. repli- 'JThe Il'ortLbStar" arrivedti on tb. 7 (,-r leýit.rdnan eflteslm e'n i friue f ere is% fcion vq - 1 he tre ' eimnLbthtof iic"wee 1' - I 1,11ytaio f Lb. country ted The Lbm- lTlieuai Tîit 'od ul f otl, isttae luoiacs o stkpantirtuier nd1by is Bnk. Inu fflalo Canadian buis disperseti by Lb. luth Regiment Thue i. S. ahip "Plymouth7 vas at -I t bauî, t ohorwcldsitehbout fthe sciecrîks ar nent, ùng are eîngbt afler by peuple vho-wisb to Calcutta antiHytierbati vere quieton Southampton,, to sail for home lu a fort- IL, a.tvê, eufficienî cîniing, an aaee of ail Brigadier Steorartisu.; fr Lhey are Lb llRiiiK ST. .NttîiIf 11v idiiotudti.1., i t ulluit e fitil Oft' l<ti'c1cotuforLts-ud refinemtent theoia le"ole2pci, sLhycî Llnicua rgdier ugStatarvtÈtMo nu~t attentive 014~- i lion. i ooso hsmy egvniTh ninmalbsrlhdEgad - Vire f nutu r itte'nîd latiuage, Agii -§naigit and tho e m-domta0your own witb joyt'uî . u rson o II a .ven ag lu 2n inof augu fuu . o' te Tuan maiase rupe ah texclug-nti tllk ti tu nii, 1, spirite. Yoîm w-l hI n be li e d Lo afew worts.-Canaîla's Bansuk Hlrmonsbaitbfustal. ctth u i ey Lb.ppr r cuic îmotecu - Ail Gtd-iiiîtutited eurt sltu>itîd ec te ,iJieu uieet vour itsb:tntl vitît a reflnreittt oiia aelas FenBubyI asaoita I u tvî yI Lt beien ac rteu erl io guet; for Banksa ibiustoodth Le 1 titi. inttht-7ut- aitgct4 at.Kaanre Th ncvs b he obymv11a e 21.111 rul'i lunii bet pt' taipltcint-therk.lk -nchoni er o unan aplitialby Lue "'of vas appressedi by six conpanieSof te ceivetib>' the I"Jura" atSt. John's. ThTe- J'E ittittii sclf-îleniui ivliicb fie bas endurcI lu th, bu- j : Ieaîîcre thie toney partico 1842 sefilne ai r l, 1 hstirro n u i t m in the de - Forty-thirti. Tii. vicim by Lbe . wsacre at (Jawn- sinadtocmecaldstr;o 80, one ceuupauy cf artiller>' bat!arriveti pore numbereti 88 officers, 190 privateert, Sittq Fr u tt tiniltI7k, edîrk,, tlights ut' homne ; atntIyou il lue rend>' ta tnsdtccruiecultutatr i - froua, Lb. Mauritius. 190 ivomen ant i eicbelonging te tIc world enoper-tt with htu cheerulb- inarrang-sittiply jirociainubtite conîmercial voniti, am,-n 0 iii fuil lt'tu 't rr ls cuû.r le w tl1h m bt'fn J li rr n - Ii L scani-ol>' any couceivable nw ney V e Mre ch b tE Il ers ey"p . b as1 5 j.us cm- h e', a t tapc rti n t If ie dtI unntI iouu egxpitnfulsut'le-e - .i s TnFb <d"M b y Cliutta orLon o Lb.mailvit E. .iitd i wélu"d mirrdexpeni iesgtiatlehi utinrllutav n:uL.-*crxis <'utîtbreak <hem, silice ti e emthos tre 15 ut f ats a ugusL a' hant iMadras Le Au-- lue bnrased îîrilb f'am-s lest bis famhaeilv CXhauh er aonstbrouglt Ltte Bombayn>'m1il 1 c.(J-1.an ilat itt tttiare iraniJiei 'ttilîtependittîres truai' crcali upun pînctnaî tut2> e' luare jiasseti hinaiail.gutugli vere amouitiTriste-on th 11, WJtîtutl4t'fier sit 'l'ir, .tce worst kr.ovn n luAterica. Nom- alould Delîiiwas expoctodtiatefallunabout a fort- Speubr - lse uie îtîî mîtisurts ou-soXkeeper never neelditimore mxoral egtniglit, antd Gen. Havèlock's troops, vho arejTh- (iO, ii uta aeauu l itghti, ttee' . t~rcourage than tube doei nom te resist thie or tait aears in England, batiks, of no or- *' Ilwugu tlgahi umr 11V ltiIN u'nî~w - t' .. .aslvaîucing po Luckcnow, woro expecteti ut. lu.ai a heaIearro ginceiut'wf tI1eWun.pDoenut,îc uef anul' uuary ra'tîtal or rilaracter eitter suspend- a Cupnof the tics ab> iL: rite ,l-t' nMlini furitatlt erI i ui u Ile of .ahn . iccide wlt yt th Icd or ivoro iroken ; anit. - woeu t Delbi. Lr l ilia fwtmloa I vsrprtt It oa SIl, Lîo81ofd lu narrived ti a 0tutta on the r. ' l u, tut'arsui. b at f"( r i ie fA. nder . dIletuillde hthe su;nu"'v cf ie-ssions bave been fuit b> the unanu-bat ta epolrted hati nýhbwio to of uust, vitu about 600marines (> le hewdi.-, folr pftrar Yen kuor the liut inhat vouu ficturl-ug. agricuiturs.l, or s'ipp in~ s- self.-anioliei (IO yoEi ~ i'v.di u uti tiîuh'tvi 'bu'euti u"lYu L aorîLThon es ha oter 1ii ' ihutfaite eCa fe i't ugri..' terests inBrinîn, mtoi alr briug. 'The Seventli, Eighth anti Fortietb regi- gnrl laveîock, atrhtving advanc- Tl-;I- 'u hi' uî ou f tie furesl, anth e f.~~wiîîs strict iutcgity ai-coiding tea voîtr îgdm akat omril llfrÉot5fBua iLietfur a dI>iihii1 its ac fLcuw J'it'rrttr. i pi4.f the sele- IMeaiti. ýLe ot lthe censure or approval lnsraiigc-e porrroscfLi dsdfei etoBnervrprut yldeti cobligti te faback on Cavu- r --Thte lijtî-IJy inrd-sthat I itnît t.-ur nJuin of uit'hOe vonitiever tcnspt vont to boy vbah tuko niti! uls tt tatusi.M et oIet.ete'Gnrlprout aoc it callf oIe..bvngboe t. the-ea i ourn doQhI N mtte .atcomumercial depm-vsious-fom- mati>'enoasaLloyd. Egthnrdo h uier ILIAY, PRO-i I îOnwcanedo netig bouLNo maLter in- tet igh uttrtic L.uutner ut smong is ia ufl or aCyln wliufitu, ite a nud U1141 seun, uthiuti iti'e tt J îin. -vamiabîy brotîgbt daim large nunibors of 0La b aae fLIeCooaann b cii itttI~t tiit.tuti s t souuîf nnlIt J n re trc e lscbThonet n t onobe -h e it. wmekl i auLl b la tratquil, as vell as th: Trobe r Dteubl re pt via en 'e ii.t hý nc ýIgli.tî.ks. A largernrhator marinfilcncountîry'arounti Delhi, Mertanti Agi- topabfeDeialcople L T.1 11I. Il- luie& uitim fllfh ,eqiîeutur. afuitofer mirrt(I*, iaSaItoLo fmilil;iu.d Im Lecgapî ta AiBundlcn Lte. rm- sgn o is plo tirel ee gra.rdan twa iii~~~~~~~~ ' ilibouADrî'u.Iot ardI>' ccasct hnnouucing iL. tioethe iti Lurbance. .Apo a eutsoeeiat bst M'in Sn-i, -Atnd if'Ivet did ut' lît1 ilu-tiIt i h '-i<tt. Sonattofi-n-nTluoveul i bc ime bhail tae bc egent ou" cf s Bank b -n There la little news from Grair The e ta bmassacre te romsof ea ii i'i'ED ~ - iiii~viirtu tuti1 u kini ut dm-tmitg.ru;ti ua Jrouglu it irrwilythue disale niLt mutincers ait SesBuste vere testroyedýon theantiJd o loo.e si-setn o creulit isvamiably brotuglit i tht of July b>' Goeral Nicholson. Teebdbo eeeatoswt b i-cýiûthelies, itiruts outhie civilians, o eesa gaadAigu. 'tris - l'ut- - ~~~petipt. î'~noturmtircLhla-jDtachmenLà cf Buroe anitroopa lie estgasdAigu. lin ni'i ffcer inth sevic o th ' aria 1sdleenproclaimneti at -isItdia <'oirtiani'. andtî it' ic mcrcbat'her ateeLo'ruicit. sr ui bleeti 'eut Lo Bombay. Thet e pti i hBear. ! h lf',ifsno.r-stcttli(uelJ-iet uui>' u l- uitottto.Iexisteti at Bomtbay s forthigibt ago 1usd Y L>IVNTheW s'as Ifluence.Nomv, il la uuuchnier-e a imaLter of cen- subsitieti.T ivenrGorrboyadhd ENt' Ji'eti jgauasn bcL btLog enerni Noil lad joineti Generil IHave- erhauet otn tk pae sca-I s iiuacue 1vuilIhave bidour short cron, or 'bghted - Tck on the 23rd ut Jely s an G rwLod at4onreoon <o - l.W~d~'hubasiLa'-in- bus &seat -covhli' ntise I allos'. Strange as ILtuma>'seemu, iL haulbecu -tLb.command. at Denapor., anti Sir James - oktgcai sLetinsscu -mto0ei Jcuomr o sm er o aetite uir over spcvIiahioti, otur over full march tovards Ltucknowu. Thefir gbriu ouLie gateru'~'e1c' am-coptonsat uidda, a her e miieh tdres'iîug, amtd Jour tece xtravagant livintg; A wig of LIn Tweuty-thirt i îulsstry ladOtraso eeibta ant .Several aditional native-regimenita lad 'SEIi ANI) rîtcby, -furuisbil ..0-.n oom, 'iLi tIhe at of the clinmatc, tim-the mounbtan vebave batl ail the dojiressonsati arrnveti utBomba>' frointhe Mauritua. be vmd'p. tmwr huh prettyut neatlv s ctf' 0 r- been îaaidetaltmsuc inlosued t onbapoe te cret- tt naiveln etîi S11i;t. ail Ithe apjliauces of consfort. T1ic futigît- ut'NL'cy la alnîeeîlntolerale. itîîonigîît ~ i uuîiaiiiiutit u mitruoa A ihîoel.Tit-l aiel-te b. vaveri .14C adflis;yti oisac a akfnr, rit otadTidclarg - iL ng buîsinessuofuthie di> rasIlover, antid 14 era et se1a<uethogalb iani fol ies; the, ftlie is otane mass atik fathe Fotiotb foot-a nat î d aanr' Thç l. ra eole a utn n MDERS, - ho sat enjuying wbsatltc bat been al l a>' beau uelectet ; bolvover, 1 obeyeti orders, e douvLtIeftle gLb ilap;oterL.naieofiescl>,atckdo -pn eowl dmataet u anti i'pati- te dcliglits of lis oitn fire- I iioi'li I matie up my 'mind tînt ItsoL -'or bas commercial igbtness, or coxuitur- tb. 7tb of AuguatthLb.mûtineers, consist,- kiketa bl~h eto 0s.MU-> ro mshotultiessaffeuctodtheLb.stabii<" of Lise. * ' I Ahdetlment cf 300 Enaopeae-infaop C sidT . Ilis Or vt ife, Ester, Ibid. iItu'r if possible, lbc m> firet anti my la-t mor-i.iehu.Ti m'at- n L.rtyacot atv ifnr>'a takdtemtner t Arh n N'S.T) oad smtLw y thetabe.litlones, heuech ns>' Iî-ba suad Tiirdhrregularc avalry, sud complet.-w datikt Iemtnesa raa u %Ve't, 1Juin1i mr u uttwl Lb aling reception, and itîat nlu mîre 1 voult i w ere repelsed vith tb. luoi0f 200 Mcn.- j9 "Il s laansct Lehave a home of 0t' bc ut homne lunLtme eveiug ; for leavini e eiU osda~n lm> aern1'rueitoa At Ag the. kota contligent, andtiother own " ho again sait taking a satisfactorY thent out of questiou.Iadies look much botter avay'; andi a Banik or two nay'bave auf- Gêenerai. Woodbuna fa aick at Colem- ,..- . trîtut iii ittilil-G OiF TIIE "LARGE WATCII" survey of blut omu 11111. quartons. Teb'cuielgtand«feeliug thig strougl>' lu CAMEIL(>N & DARTNFLL I icîia <) F W'ATCIIES & JEWELEIIV, colti min beat acainstthîe mindomas, antibd v ae inelItiu ltobr AltllST'i'l. SilluiITI)ItS ANI t l illitîe. BîilugRn t'tuBsutîtshiot'ght b. feit m-llY grateful for al bhis Lo sympathize wibii me, egpeeially those B i'tiiti-r. ru-kSteu.<uc-t bur tu thue N.B.ll.aes, Cloks aldJuî-lorJtouîty rseLconsforts. vIe er-e not'so young as Lte' lat! Isuc ligsr,>TvtWilliy, L. W.r um6d9_____ Nov fw e et! t oîitli 1 if m-wL CSTRLNG caietlyr 'batl a piano !" ex. andti Lat Lt.ebshage voulti b. poptelar-. lI~tu<'iSIiPu Gtjttur AUCTIINEEII. A DUPLICATE 00K This ime, bov'ever proparatiotis ment o Au4my AavtrtiieeI itt oftutt j r m. Itruinug's Auction Sales, ie k.pt ia ie i Itmsco yuaw aetscam-ding tetohLb.ot fasion-unnceesar IVILIAII POWON ttiti. ttilte. Ait trierai<tfltit- ho ja'<dlteevoice.beforo al lb.hepianmos in creation," ho feruiture qvas r.moved fromtheUiclarge OIVE,ýCEZZ NIANIISTRtv alu fs iiie.utilte urilon. utccaldecI a îmhai>'ll, though feeling a banulse dmuluing roonte give more spae c theui(elit _ ______ bý, secret disappointinent LIaI bis çtife'5 forîle guetfs; anti 1 vas mcliamust INJAMIN YAR- LD, j ......U01JFL Lankfulucss dit imetchime vitb bis soîvu. by-, vboso Hiutioostncb*mati. but AND 'fREASIJREII. () ATE SCLRIPUItES, wnîTýBY. T Il E "Well, but we -watit one or tvo fmicntis,"1èr litte impression ou the. native ser- tiit'-'I',tîu l~uIt i ut uitm- Nortît,' Euuttand iWest Ilîro saiti Esîher. r> gm-.~<.~ ~ :~~u Iîiv Chli ut mî l llI. Ere% iitruaiu mans-for vlan b. ineant s table to b. Dr. ILW.CAR, &;uei otapattiogers. utarefi tI >sra iwtrinlu tLit our fi-ents couxe tLeseceus, antid kt v>,alp<n»o otmn ezt %.UTIGF)îN -<',Ç-tIIU, &C5I)E 1 itlu'. xiw~7l~~t~ -net to bear a piano ' exciaimedth Lebus- holti of a chair anti vhen a sofa l ad te b. tiselîtîtî'> if ititîr i.MEj ---.------ -- bau. 'rernoyeu a%"lamaI" (a* mat oi ieata -Lb Dr. CIIECKLEY, Bt eog, vey t h apin pstoo husmÈA z.da UESD' FNCE, lIRtO(K 141<ETI, TOWN OF ORIIAnRoAN"'TL. Bu, eore vrbd'bs5pai atcabueuiil nta oî ar V, Wliihr, o'futni ta utro. TU IIEAD, 1>ROPRIETroRl TAKFS TIIIS noMadys;vcWtiou't go sny*bere vali- off a table ; neverthelesa, al LIe-elie R . i J<~~~~uubl <ie ge nurly tü ieglis c oee n t oig5 in, erltt L.vf, arrangements wver t-leuglix cotpletcd, - ÇA DNJS-OFlEIN DItOCK ne?,s lu i-le nb/u biic seî lie otrusets tuaS lui6 Anti- I to't k-ow vbat ve waîst 'ensd t velve LIa compsuy beg'n te'arrive. L unr4,vr ,J. Bigultîs"a hstore, andîoppositsuode tof doiug buine,4s, sud attention, te liio for. 1Yen vili fune Lo ime te piay ' on FTicladies vora tiresse t -, uthe isèves ' e itrftlilice. Ail uotera-ttuu warranted. on,_nd1______ttoharit7 i4ettiei«iaiisr trial. giss u in hr fuîcartug. ot n o' at1 a "fashious frcm'Europ.e, andt thir toilâteg -~~. - ~~ PORIT FERg~y MTE'MDOÂT IHOTJEL si Tbiyar-caoÏ6fashionable ; Ithink Onu reqien gi.TeplusMtei ii SOIN PIIILLIIPSmluRîJTËIthTORS, roo erjnkdwtotn.t eeqiee el,,Tl*a fte RC 111 OSC 1IVL£NIEE NDM beg bu tinte that te> bave aIceti Up te tii. nc itlojurinact i viht'ou complexions -satonualcil-me velr>' nncl,ý .4 1diJEtCVL iIIEIAJ stove weilIknewîitftmt-cIsauîiiote4 lu na nsd " hn Lboaja ih adgav to y aotérise pmrey>'e is' .1 ,enut'4tn, Whtli» sutulile niamier-. V iitors adt h. tm-aVoliug- *Iliuk Itl ooks veryzaketi - - '~~' ~~ - cutnnitri <ll inflistinluve?>' respets ceoin- -r- ,v l'vnt éàsheustldik like tIbat ofa miniature o J. FIIOWX) IEAVEN, fortablé hbote. Goot! Stablinu atît uatentive s piano ahe41ny" pooLt sIrom o i.'at o-£br iin RCIWUEÂCT &N») ýCIVIL EWGINERR. otum. ipiaici>' . ý -elav >cont Te A ui it treot, Whitby. Estimnates inuit!&.c eâAinasWluw old Te ai-Ijtlkiiiidi of ueÙualng wurk careftil>atleni- ENELON' FÂLLS MOTEL. The beabanti rochoti violentl>'.gexienmasd Liiu5oki'asf <lii 0,- ' '~" V ~1~ ~ "YO- ura "i>' ktà M dr," sât'd Lb.>' ' isd tho>' bail net co'n-,wblb, I PfIULANI>EUM. CLARK, I. Toaccotnnudter V'uairane n olltaylUai iLo on pise ]GI f ' CNISTABLE, I>iJNTY OJNTARTIO, tutatedtiitafew r( oda lt tu Falslu it< Inddsupis th.I ma ylb ?,aimd 1Il'stoftr t'Llics lu inthe Muisiciput-i- uiid.'i f tiest deligblful Seener>'. h'hi.SI- Wlen are you going téeteL suastral imaginedýti t tLb.flovof taik va neti Ilt y o ù tIpe r w Wtby. Inhg ou tbe Lakosi.lW'unaurpaod. Fishilug lamp? 1; bave Llti yen a dosen Ltimes boyivlfo i.culb.amte ni id. IHTCHIS$ - aksdBo± iotte - much wv. Ieetltee4't 1saîd, 14xer- pet-_om~iai.aLrsln rv aIda XE MAR. ,AXEiJlTM'ED AND RE NORWOOD HOTEL.- LisI>' nit May- eiap -ie iete-n lmi, M aieut thetsiietest iothi. ;t9ituîciigiandtan inzztrwuoo, rîcthekiiuii<O. ot uhobiu naly exwte.Stiut'- £ lcr TNRgt COULTON ,-ESPIECTFLTLLYll- - ITiiOSo 1-ete>'e SPttY lllPil ï1é'in thluLecyear? Our .< -vr ~ jipasIoffPusle lite l, Brook Streut, w'Iithy 'là 1cm-ms tb. publie, ltat h. bas- taken té " e 0bya sralm,*adla' u- sal<oeUou 4.rvvig1iMut i w x . .ROBINSON'. abve weUl-icowu BLevltel hi beobu.ateTlr-& bad. ragite- t ( I fLUc, SeNLASO,) iiietableand hisLiqom w 'o btsurpodGeoge, I <le lot tbak Our reci to be odýOfpaNseIyeBkui- andtin:-ti RUi~IST, &.,BROO)PK BTI<T, b ny othei Iote] in the PIrovinces. G # laélplt.viinan astral laip," oQx- hee iiain, ant iIeeon _______________ - -dasxned Bater, saiaplyti Wliy îLb. Me1r,. Ib 1 >h 097 m(mh4 stioozoe ,G A. BANNISTER, 9O gR~l8O' an»4 Muflers, and i masifotiiors -lnightu O0p4itf4,lB~itWu> 1 um nif -g-RUGLiIT. DRUGS AND C#IMICLJkt i'S ti*i àa iie . Stu*s,~o CAMdt. ~ M-,riateIls h be r w itb. t --w pafu er iu Cotra &cL., i 1 Je., i.~ u"~- t I<18. ials,.~ o bavtîgia-s&pr4 nNm1 ouo romaons.lSu -n'a iatxd' àwam, _ml ' -- LA 'hanabefd movet nneaeiyTil'à,-bt e vaut hi fi,,ve ithin >inéani4ý d-araê 4,h6ugbhto i-boTr> t-fet dserous>' the orenîs-;'but ixnencase bave Lime moraL &diScoureta, or Lth er-mt lossea, eifsucbuêthecxrmedt, -or iaiuishot publie confidence in thenu. Tii, cburterd baitks cf Canada, vhicb are uow -tioing business lu Toroenteo aud lu the Uppsor and Lever Provindean are. folloving TIc>' bve-steoi, as va have alreetv uncutioteti, ever>' cmmercIal criis sutimnne>'paLlie, sinteo theïr citabhial- ment. And t i L at once a sourt 10f grati. 4laton sud. cf tprlide te b.able-toassure th. pubiiç, fbt tb.ir billa. ire 'regartet as specieaIl over tIc ,cOntnnt of Atueri- ca ;-eaed:that, nL-tb. i nitL f a maney, cm-lsisýine suspicion of - thena bas -evrr.licou aooLtd,,anti no in u eliuUsal. itb their hm bis hpéusouioa.- The. Bank f U pupoýrmdisa Coutàtir- ciel liank, Bank of Britlah-'Nerth Attiori- <ca; The -Ciýty; Batik- cf M.)onItieaI ; 1' Tii. BjjskýefToronto.; Banque du Pou. Oblimu te a aFreouaaon. Aerous es&p rbshjnjst beelatbrpught; befores9w i#Supeorx' qp'r- .9f~ ciL>', inu hicb oqepfrechcbirmson named Emile Prue #;zsAorýer oee dhls rft, nasuot Antoine Bonard for siamdr,bavi'g, prôemn'sd ia .bthpUWhumtMËOmeditg Ltt i Colonel StovartbaguotoNc";tm-ovPut. W. learu that i plot bas bea dacre ;ti antimua, Ot L. oaprtà 1-ct b sons of Lth e éI ne P rnAmter Gànti. fymsu Moir My KuuuseaiWho vere mr-- mestei.- A: plot liai! Iso eeoudiscovercul at Be.' IL vas rtipoteti that Agra bai fallen in- t théebaudi of tbe rebels. A deaatI ,dateul Sept. &,"ceviàdat, r ~ InusHou.,says:Geu. Hav'bock'" i -g i ccr cva.cuatad, burmnîsd i ,t5the grounti. On Lbe 29Lb qaxçl 30Lb of July île>' feundtihti relâselt Bnfl'orel Guuge sbot cglLces iieWfrom Cawnpore, auna- borlng 10,000, vlaort Li.'defestoti, vtsh ýtie lois of flfteen guna. Ti.y oexpectedt t reaeb Lucknow thé, next day.- t.frColin (Tamuplicihatiassumed eom. 'mnadd otitheIidiatt aiiny. - Tranquilit>' la m-eurnd' ,CnmlIdis.. -tIn apprtu atones sund ce tic temab is frc8sluine"du the spot-a I sketch te veri thc bàart of1 anti wo retr snnkst briu altis sia n] recels suais ni ezwivy 'ipersed. A ,-- cor-ding t he flesct authoriÀ7, ntoÏ Po r -Fit Pzta- 'vere the Europeans still before the. pluie, relates the p b u t t h e , ay d ba ei e n tr o u g ' r t f r ot1.b o i e anti a Senera1 asaultvas expcLed in a grovi> emala 4we diys. fouad by a à The Paris Des Debat a iysLimat al-. â fiu fl thougl Lb. official despsteh viii represent .crtim.gl hs Lb.e Englisa as huolintg outae1Agra, w'e Dr. Hem-m-in, have iteaon te bolievo ,that tLb. untulli. that 41uê -bodi gei-.Ce viii net bh. confrmed, snd that thb. bme « « tu lerole garnison lia been tilstroyeti sleag ly belonged tc vwitu thea voumanti chiltiren untier its theiub&bhsitan protecti O 1- bout ir- or girlms nauil fIum- qnoted Otitia -siigbortaivTryj > Wbeat-.The irulra'are vcuy con-.oe- asi ,w Thc broers cireulana arc eerymn> to in- . ,-, - .- ojtb~ andi sei enlve,h tîuîii-,ti uthuiir fi l tllu millîe .ompiitisq. rult u' u 1o theita lut irtfs, ut 25 I t5t~ le- utiltisig tut-t-tf l'vitleiits. c-lu lii. - iu.urîuiuvî; utilise ut -c t~' t5~i. t-s -, O it7ttCt Jetif ut J Uit tii N k~.., t/uc ilttuti~ I nul 'le' ut-lt-eu t lut' trltuulii-'lî r' ftil'ui ur isuir- tut,-' 20 <i'llNSAR~ - - lii- ~u ~' ~ K/îfsr' lui, r- '<c, tut nî"tu, it'. -î'.l ~ ix I lut- iiiytil s r t-fit <'I i fil lt-uit iiîi'liî t' xIeius With A fuaoeaIlan te Doserte 0h oe breezo from thenoth uot ià aot 4 in the afternoon yaatsrday, aud t SOad. to blow with a purpose oflove to, us in that aad hour -, and the burning sun gatbered up bis raya bebin4 a-cloud, as -if to suifer us Lbe rathor to s ccosupljsh wlit remnained of this affiicting scen& AU un- willingly-the bard naturedi AraW lent an assistance 1 could-bave too gldysàparéd, bad there been any more feelingboearts or readier bands at my cm tn.Their sbiek, away on bis mission tb tb coe '.n t --aas a needlevs .rrand, sa I drssded. it migbt be-the accustèmed voie of comx- mand is wanting ; aud, moreover, thero is' tbe -diffieulty, of overcoming a religons scruple-; but 1 nervé myseiff W t1ns% as Wo every other j&pf tho trial,. and- send themn to suchM q_ cannot- unilortake myseif with af forgetfulness, toco dif-' ficult to sustaiiiV*Il their pitilesa dumcn- tout The body is'soon prepared-for ilUs due to Amimus, our Coptic dragoman, -to say, that no efforts 'of his are wantig to- fulfil my wishs-and then, a&R swathed. in bis sheet, and laid upon bis fron bedste14, and covercd decently upon the counter-- pane, we raise the dear burden upon .the shoulders of the Arabs, anti the mournful procession Icaves the camp. It coniforts mre to tiîinlc, thaL Lhough coïtiaýry toour notions of rýiverent decency at home, a cof- finiess sepulture is true to Estern usage, andi to th ç most preclous procedents. Who would noý bc content to b. burieti as'Elisba, the. 'TM) of God ?" anti as Hie wa buried,. Who wag (iod-man-"' 1wrapped in,&a dean -îinen -clothi17 and laid in the new tonb ? Mrs. E.- is able, by this ime, to raise ber head, and the veiy exertion of dischargiug the lest earthly duty of a wife now left Z o ber, sèeens a great relief, andi sho rises and takes my arrn. We follow- th. bier etta distance, for the desert is rougb anti stony, andi the Araba' stop 'ia fleet, and our strength is but weakness along this rug. goti andi mouruful patli. TIi. widow in sustaineti however, partdy by'the excite ment of suffering, andti pnrtiy by.that laid- tien- power which 'ever tempors tbe wiad, to Lb. 1'shoru îanb,." Little passes b. tweon us in words. The. stony desert la but à type of lier future life-alono in the worîd. So she tîxinka deeply, and ,ays more than once. Anti thon our common silence betoken how ful are thoso ea crt which ean oniy break it with adeep drawn sigli. Anti now w. are-,arriveti at Lb. cave; first, a mas of broken fragments of rock permeated by the, littie wint.r thr- rentL ; next, b. rou-h aseent of, twenty or Lhirty yard..t over the soiti ; anti thon Lb. cave, partly du- out of tb. rock, anti part- ly buit up with dam-k reti rsàantistone, with an aperture just large enough for onte min to enter. The body is laid close mnder titis aperture as w. arrive. I boçkon iie. Moslem savages to retire outof sighmt1 wbile Lb. brokPn heart of the. poor widow vent iLs fitlneas inithe Ilut gaz.eapon wa.re. mains of ber departeti treasure, and. wbile that treaàure reei-ves the laut toiceni -of àa woman's love. Thon w.e gently and slow- ly unbindtheUi body fronithebhier, and lay it in the cave, -witb itg face ontIxe forwwru iourney towards-'"Jerusaleni !" The.wi- tiow, our dragoman, and J, stand by-the doorwhile 1Ireithe service of the Qhurch, tandaprinle th. dust to wbich we alI r. turn ; and thon the fust tecling s un warns ns to restrain the lingeéring aiTegions whicb would keep us therti. ,u'eong, iocng, look more, as al >eacetufly li lien- withln this " new t.offbhewa ihà Lb. rock" NO., 38» 1

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