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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1857, p. 2

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OMM Mil M l %Uildell misfortuhe foi them. ,rite princes cannot ii , riderstand thc'ýý poys ivithout an interpreter. .The mhtlla have (lî.I.ýlroved lots of houscq ià the city; and in the fort Me marble of the Kin;j s privilte ball is tû piemi. ris MA, jesty is very iiiiielà alarmd When a shell is iltirst in the castlv, and Ilie princes show h1s Maiestv the picccs of it. Many of the royal farnily have left the phtec through fvar. The Delhi colle-ge was destroye(l the EnýIM books are Wing on tite bitiwis MUl- Tite lelln.vs heat alla ini- prisoli'people for riie.t!iitiý- Arriv«i of Ilav 41AUglo Snxolm-q" and '16xev York-.,, Eh Iêre PuLoup, Oct. 5. l'lie steamer Il Atiglc) S;ixoti," front Li- p-issed here this tiiot-n;iig.. 'bho lias passengers. Ex- lienvy gales to Belle lsle. On TlI1lrýAà.v, Lst 0(-tober, pm-ý;ed the in 1.1t., il, loi 1 2 q. IN (,7 Il Izuntiay, 4th Octo- 4 1., (ý!l' Ille %vest ioý[jt on qitr. tfie lhip - W-11111ce", bollr1ýl ilib of mizen top-'illast, 'nleýr nèa t- main lor, 'IV T )1w nZaI1011- ofr rirIlicr frolil Tudia. 1 f)ý \p,,-ýol to arlivi. at NtIez oil Oj, 19(h. ( Im.,qlý ror «i méé'. -self-goiFernnienL Ive congrAtulate, Ur. Provincial BXhJbitlo, Town < Coeuneil. Libel Againi the Leader. ci, Thomas' Southire 4 prayinj -the of Mr ý4AizN-q "Port his nuçcesr,,-the Democracy The twolfth annu *,-'of the A special meeting of the Coun W In céMiwquenée of some commonts tb,&l4:oile so werdjy lias been taken Irom 40VO One ta reflind 14.i.','amount eft4xes ceverps4l ne Esq., Canad.j'4- hetil, held nt the Town Halle oýt ..7 ýthe LeniU.ýli charging C. E. Anderso tîve and üllt-ert&ititner, la the rank-q.-and the Administraition thakit Saturday luL flall, roi tliq fThiir6(la - cjïý'ý blciý and ut lirzm.ýt(brd til,ý% lur,'bas not, in î1l roi. Nembers present., The Mayor, Xemm by bie' Deputy Iteciciver Gencral, with compli- - elqoçlll Mr, fermer, -cb*,rnan of the, cotuuiittee ijra.4týared Iýy a city in séme of Cumining's bRnk transac- thron P; tho r)34,tset JIZiti-tý« faithrui effice. 6d Its PrOd«euors ; while iiiý Hodgson, Keller, Perrri grailer, Wgàl&CI4 brotight up the '_ report of the édanding écyn- many instances sornecfýho dcp&rtluegM Watson, Brown. tions, the Deputy Recciver Gencral IM fill far short of the eWibitiù" MAM,4p Communications wore de mittce on Fircand Water, and on motIone wrium the followîng letter to the editor a( the mollir àVý,,tém ut ml; view, e the Couneil wènt intô committen of the tiOM4, et tise illaneL4. -vid the el)i v proviclui; years. Some of the cl»os which trom lfr. John Du!ýý , la relation ta of thitjournal. joir ofthe tiflile nr(! e ('tiqh far Warren, jiiii. have i niproved, exhibit migns of very mark-- taxes, and from Dr. Gunn, concerning the whole theronn. Nfr. ý Perry in the chair. Te the Editor or th(j Lender. oýînie,)n* of thel pre" lire viCr ý fA ,Nem- ', liaple lcar The report stated. the total cost of the threc Hamilton, and w(, believe t fat (,Ilp,.4ter Drappr. i cd advancenient. In the exhibition Of lodgment of water on his premL-;es in con- 1 inýt4i" inlltrnrr"1I1tý ati'l otlier Gi 'rite 'tvaro--A. lazan. Farming- Impluiàonts, this is partiçlllaTy mquence of thé late improyéments made un wells. lately made to supply water in case Toronto Sept. .30tîàý 1 S 5 7. lience will feet rritielk graùaed W dg, Eàive Trouglis fiiid R,)oirit)g-A. Locan a (Ire ta bc £89 16 anel recoinmondetl thc,,wse, _Plows, Reapers, - MowSs, "4,, ýByronMtreetI___ sljt--Dtlring my nbqcnceJrom Toronto ma 6f 'X ymimetî0n. lilla R I.,rIISI)II. 'WÎtý OvOrY COM!val)le improyenimt cir% ? 1 Yorn llr.-tttu.-It 'illf " il ' "red in the wolIR, you have employed your pon, 1--find, in b l. 11odgsoný brouglit up thereport--ot Silitâblè PlIMPS to bO Plz Ilietel-W. Batik-,.ý et "eat ce'* and th!Il niraj t j ýj;,o as ta have the water avaîlal)lo when mý character. qp allege 'that; live in a faît ag nijýl liazaar-cong-reentimpl S-plês the ýStànding Üommîttée on stroètii an illost WC Y shown exceeds that of. any provio there is "written evidence jo, provo mY 1 us impravementî4.ând-the Couneil went into. nere&"%ry* Jivera4e lige of tlie geno-ration t1illi bition, but the quality appeared sadjy in- ý Committêe or thow oie tbere Roberts. And otbë'ý' inclnberî of flic, coniplicity-with Çuminines in the trans- h On. slleelàl Neiticê-fl. ITOIAC'V. ferior ta that of the last, and former years. Mr. Fraser in the Chair. sug fat lja%ýe Ittit j.,I>no bef-1 ,gested'that one piimp-.t doti- actions for which hé is ta stand his trial, ï tire goA -old lige of tlirée-ýeAr«o Wl c one-be tricel fa the flT-c;t instance, land nt the- next Assizes, and YOU cal] f4r niy aré btit fen-, (et lit, tlet In cattle and sheep, the show wa8 what fWe report àtated that the Committee and trial as a partner in the and the fiitilt- lict in qq. Ir. W. when the Couneil fotind how that answered miglit bc considored, guod, and wé foel Very ad obtained the legal opinion of Ur. M. derfunciation - fiel e)ltt fn liq, nn(IMe liVO t» en i proud at being able in nate, that in this Ù. Cameron.- ta the effect that the corpora- and what it cost, that the others colild lie ürnbezzlements wliiëh yoil attribute ta 1T. rh 1 thev. if %VP enaLi take th.ý ;-gtlztrïl tire fflafft4liet vr c ï%»Iiitl)v(j4,tintrtiriuiiiiiiir.ýenhn4.l-Ný'. clas,4 the Connty of Ontario hAs* taken tion would bc obliged to accept that por- Kerby and HeGaffy VI Yr. Keller had Iziiiiiniefl iip what the ý,a!e cIf Parl, 1,4,ts at 0ý1itiwI% i-ii lieu ot a tien of the road within the Iltinicipalitv least, its fair share ci the prizffl-ir n ut 1 k-now not in what exterit the «al eP- of kid"ÛVI ligillovnyg little more. Wu find the fnllowÎng premi- from the Rond and Harbor Company, and lîer m iittli! let -We quantity of ptimp requireil for - the tlirec giltiong of the Leatier Ynay pass currcntzali & hoblIrte4. tims nwarded ta exhibîtors from tllis trtithftil in thi or ili Coun- ta k-cep the same in repaiir ; and recora. wells %vould cost-qoinc e4o for about 85 s C: lin nity but charges firicer., îliev arc 11âgtci lamctreber fif the Èzjfjlan enài AUM ON SALE.S. t v. mended thât that portion of the rond bc. feet of punip, and corisillercil the more pru- suri, as -you have made igainst an off1cer ttip.-tIago. Tliere Ë. 1 1le-st two year old Btill, third pri7.c, £2 r), fiveen Pollard'a tavern nnd the base lino of the (,ovorritt- dent course woiild bc in liave pilmps plar lent in the responsible eatp. 4. fil toiv ;ýrthcir and 1-I) Vick Lof, lit f giciry will tillarr liiniI(ýif tf) go a in cach of the wiRq ai The trcllg situation 1 hold, demind in the izitereý;t a i bc accordingly ptit in a proper state of ire- 1 DIL Foitprrw i*;Irll iiiii, vear nlit Iltill, second priie £3 pair, uneler tl;e direction of the Street Il)- i were se conc;ti-iictell that it I., impassible te the public ai; weil as of private rharacter, wliteleptale Alzi'eltý4 in TÇ'ronto- & V'Il. - Nitigiton-Y. %V, palmer. Floili Sto'.1z nli-l 11111;1oliolitý, I-ii (lertI1,et 17-- Williatil Miller, Pi(,k-crîtf,,,. use them* ivithniit the iii-1 or piiinps, and as tllt a Indicial and public invc.%ti-;,atioli spector. 1 the Cotincil hall gonc ta the expelise t 0 1 Aý rofail ire tý'Ilittiv hy W.e. Ilest Cow or ficifvr, first prîzc, £7 los, Mr. Wallace, enquired if the Campany I)o thein. Votir ovrr) all re4jý;4jhIê T)rog.ýiAtA nad Meil lit i; e ýV. Robinson, Reitch. %vere stil, willin_ tI) k-ec p the roaf, if, tnaking threc it Wus neressary tn rbaractrr and that of votir news shcet arc Ill l'inwi.-L Sole C ro Voirk. qecond -pri7e, per repair from the baec lino to the bay, Provide cach wLAI with a punip, Ilr. Fraser coiii-.crneTl inzili a.14 Lq mine in once Known Never Foi 1l'antril, TiIpnýi1 £2 l(1ýz, Tliotii.u Giiy, Oshawa. adrepted the s1i-.ýt,_stion of one pitrnp, atid thnt tile acCuwatinns of infailly yoil nuIL Best two Ewes, two shears and over, se. Mr the report Itnenrl(,,l ir(-or(linrl% t file do net cinanate frorn the Hodý;,;on, replieil in the affluiative,_ n.ga 1 li's cond prize. £3 W. Miller, Ilick-erin, The rri)nrt further qtat(,I. that the Firo encre spirit of a rifflip-5 eint. libeller. It > and added timt. the partions or the roail and Water co1nMittC(ý li'vi rented a btiiiii- ý1-ill bc hereforû rily flit-ty la afrord the ZWn, serenJprize, mentioned south nf the liase lino and north iTiViýin Voil teAV M inl- train F. Keller. Eqq.. for £12 los, per tlic I)lbl)ortiinity yoci d"ire hy- ou infil, rerr 'li.4alcrýtafite ip tý,%Mtlêm fi A £ý2 lils, JoItii Spencer, Whitbv. of Pollard's, were now in a good state of 1 annnin, as un 12 nginc 1 foiv;c, i the prenlise.; to br it lia-4 lige sold x MI Dr* Best j;lietrling Lanib, second pri7e, £2 riIpair. before the tribunil., of the oitn. la.q, John Spencer. W 1 ltbv. forineriv ii,ý (l liv Mr. (;ro,-éirv, as a baliery C lerir- rie m, M r. Watson, as one of Ille directors and trv, wli(,ro alorie-iliey can bc I.,tti.qLtct;rily fi r., MAT Lri I;e!ýt ILam Limb, first prize, £2 John Prrý,ident of the Rond Company, IlVould b, oppoqî!c Dr. anl recominérifléel te.,tcti, the proors tipon wlait:li voit rety -ro-v Tel Spencer, Wliitby. .4 G. A« lki-iju S I'trrot ',ýtt,'r, willing ta engage ta k-cep the road in a 1 the linlyment of £1 10q. ta James llawl,ýY and as yoit (feclarc in yotir-article Of the ClIt tivo ]»'ýme',g, twe eliears and over, il state of rel).l;r ; but could net sav no 1 ew rjttiný- iip the same- The CnTnmittee 9,sth instant. tbat Il the written cvidence first £4, John Spencer, ;Whitby. ehcn ose and reMrtetl the report wi anl(!n- %viiieli L; in exi,,ztence qpcak.-; for ilself land ;raýawàY*e PirIi,,q,-.Tlte case whethcr the storhhoIders would e of the I)imoii. #if Sellera Vrepk, Md.; afYair fle'il, and en motion of th, mattor entirely bevnngl cintiht,*» orthes Best tu-0 slicarling Lwes, sanie inhyl wîth hitriself. Lýifit4n rtu .101111 spencer. Whithy. Nfr. FrlLgcýr, soi-renile-1 by Nfr. Wallal7c, your justification will bc cisy and coin- ---------- The M.1vor thotiglit the collipany 1)re two Etve Lambs. first prim, £I in, pared tg) 1 1 the report wa.q aglopte(l. III -illinne. in the millet tir U flilletrilrIt î Dissolul ion or a Net-ýlqi0n; M-hicle fi r«I f -Il , ît!) iiiilerùtk-o ta do sa, and so Car a.q -ire brntl-,Iit uli the report a titut ili t1ic ifkolitlis of ýu"pllet.; ý4I John M tic waî; concerned-l a clirector, and own- Mr. Wall FI Peniling the action eta Court of 4lu liait the papt0ntiýïn arc sie bc ribrelit Fîît Shcep, firs, i the SLindin- Committec on Printing. re- , tit-o il; is lield intierent, anfl unju-4 te pre- reirbittiqit fý!v(,r. In orto4r 14t-t t prize, £-I, CharlICs in- at prosent, a larger ainotint of stock i licil brItrIreun the prosq rif iiii, Ill Smtt, Whitbv. i commending the payinrnt of Ilig- judice the accuseil T)y prernattire ffiscits- lý.t1ih-. V) lie lit Il ile.AtIii's qlfflr. (hall ativ other stockliol(ier in the Gom- 1 1 . ; * ne 'ilio tic àýý t.) -,%-Iitither mr iint tlie--e Bes-t Fat shecp, third prize, £1, Charles 1 ginq et- %I.tverliniTer printin-acrotint siens on the matterg laici to his Chargé. 1 rtl'li.I!e Il 1-I)eeýri lielluillistereil in pany, lie %voiald bc quite wî1ling ta d" sa. j ,li:tll lio a rf fliç, liro!zý,nt Par- si-etc, %Vlàitl)v. Nfr. lerrv'.q opistian, as, a stockholder IvIlirli tçt.q ftilnpttd. catinot therefore intimate votir example ti-ýriiii-r rf--ý)rt, nt flic histanev (ý,f a-f liaiiif-nt pri-vi9w; tn tli4,n(,xt S,,>ýiom Bc.it Itain. t %vo Iliearq anol liver ( 1,cirr.z. Mr. l'erry braix-lit, iiii the report of the in t1iLq '-respect whilst (,rlnliilinr,,, 1v;1ý very diffurent from his opinion as on t lie e;,Itl illireixi -mi-, , in &I (If mir jirriý-nI 1,1 ativ fer,) first prize, £-I, Miller, of tho reprewinatives of the Toivii. Aq SpIcrial C4)inniittee, appnintcd ta ciirt#iire litanils àrraingned iipnn ehar C al)-it the and in aile triontl one, of the i*f-,prtt-,;enLitivt-s of the Town of into the repairq requireil at the grairimir hang-iril- nt-er him, an,] il --vmilil lie more l'"'! la honl, and the (7mincil %vent, into cirntiiit- inc-ý.çctie,,-thle in ni2 %verc 1 ta dose, ;fý the III-st lIaiti. two shears lind over, Whit1ty hi. %voulil go against ilie Coancil F" [ýwanTismmL\'TI l'liolr6.u (;Ilv, the road front the Coinpany up- tee or t4 wholi- therron. is every probahility of ï-ny beîn- calleil as frnni tbr e, Nir. N(ýller;n the cliair. a principal jVitjjCý:.S il, t1je cage., 1 content To the Elîte)r (,,f tte Whitby. C y cla wiv forin-&. Mr. l'erry retà(l over Mr t - rai nf t1ic ý:1 1 ale l)-i Rani. tve and river, i Mr. Caine'ron'A ot-oinioý-1. and stated flint Th;:I report roroininenIh; flio lnak inz îif a niyself thcrcfore lor the t)re,.:(,nt hr inttrior Rtate I)týihi, iii ly and à1no, îs inest îtiterçj,;ting ! ý - 1 rmiffied lieilli on 4be 2:1".t lfny, 1,q,ý -j, til stay-cli thet-é tinttl th(ý Jnne. tlletv,, 1 saw rive Infantry 1,,,ý,,Îmcnttq -and tll(3 S.owitm of the 3rd :4'ly4trYm, who were stationà at molitali. 1,ý7gh alid Salimgirrh, ' The 'ý4-epoys wore so ffi uch afraid of the oreet; thit tlwy lojikcd quîte Il. lie momby muMnens had a UMe Ndris, wmo tr) gg fi) Mcýýri1t for a P 'lit ; but the footirken tý:id not iv--ýee with f'uný, t;nýihý,z %ve are hirilly ieiit to ,«'!,Iý(1 DeIhi, hffiv eari Nvu gel fi) IUýrtit ? 1 wi!j give yoit a glVsorilifiria of the ýý'iop in thr eity. 'r fev tooý--c%-cry horse t*ity faunil in (lie of thi, , iti7crIý;ý - qrhititýil 111111iller of licmir jltcy nbwýe th;ý r!.Nl)(it invri (if 1 kellii 1 Ilicîr lit Illtlln,,t- flic 11 t fi NI 1 TTP Rei fer% Ir-csn and Che tw-,i-t ylrýt, ftle te comme ITP *heu d tw f EXTI N' WILL at 'R beime Tues"y, U ROBERT lm the 4.ý ý:i : vearx rild: 1 a Spiim" Fmtlcit t;rpv f-nli - t, Et- Ftýer-. rlýinr 2 Farro'm d 1 in PaIr. 40 ing ilir one -r L> pair il-,- Sale te comene,-n lTRý are tht, 1--. luifi for s;p iý1l MONKS NTA been )fnlWll'ý I;V.t Tý- the '%-,rtii tho. Uftihval - lit; %, it diil Ï il 1 -ilkîng iii ýoi!IlI> gi Ivil ý,,ýlt1c vý 1 tho 1 v'l C 1 q il The fý, oh li - 10,111 * V tl film. ITIý a 111AÏ, BY *1 [il: \,N-(;1,n 'l nu, 4'r' '22. Tho trafic liave 1n't-il -IiiiI-t. r rliiriii:ý Ilir wcý(,Ii nnsi jIri4-eçý '(-,f lume tiqý,llil(.Il 2(1 n !"(I per :i;i i- oti ii tiii-n \11 allier Al 1jý Ili%, tib:4,;.,êt fliort, wýi- a .!l)w ho Z. d- IrrI.- or fr'b"] :"i 1,> p,,r ' v 'di P pur y1ýo1ei- 1'tttIc ri, d; il! 'It!ý r'f'r ll nn'i ilian Col ý1 i, a i lai "M, M uni 'A" (1lý V -1, a itil uýo>lk ai'(& szale(j Mat -jl". .11. LIM, ii;-t cl n 1 17 ter. Olirtl Pr /v, £1, Miller, iii,, +nard fer ire the trait L of the I)Ili:(Iirlg' nouricin- vour arculiatiolIi; a k- it waki)Y_110 lnei:%nýi .1 1),)sitive one, nor did a friire thrili-li thc varil front the fitl.qfý and risnii,-nrit tiffi lis. in t 1 ( !«, - 'In" Nlin* i it appear tliat Nir. Cailleront felt Iiiin.,zelf cf il (irii%ý 1 gifle or the building, gotithivirill v ta filli nrtlit,;r fàL4eýi,)- 1 z, ;If,; vý I1,i;ý t Iluv fi lui SI11,ý1rIin;z lZant, first prizo, £4, T. j iist iftëý-1 in givint, a positive opinion on flic -roi] tl tire fent--p-the trippairin- If tire presen ;1ý bi -tion. -Y ) was informeil t et)- ri Inotivi! 11M (lit l'-ilit to que,., lie (.ýlr. l'cri s rln;zedl fonce. the rep'tiriril of tl k frpljý -iitly D le ivindiitvia; Wll() -ilov how -le 1, 1;,r, liçkeriingý g_ a ' N' ; or Mlivii tlwlr l.cýil lUrn Larnb, first prize, £2, IV. that %Ir. Ai -"ri 1 il. on,'ha 1 iven ait li- of tho huiltlin, _q for the protection of 1 V 'i 1: - un(j t1ic congtructinti of dutie 1ý1j Cfil iirraqeoil that vt giron by W. carne- verse opinion tO fi' ,il tri ) e w.,tter(-Ir)seLq. Thc report W.1-4 i brin- me rt)tnptil.siirîly into, 11,1ý t fi otlici- lk-st tun Flicarling Eweit, firt;t prizo, on. At ait teti 11),1, events lie J.%Ir. Pem) consill- lé arit 1 - the Cntincil -with LI en(,- contict with individtial-, \Iiller. erci.1 that the Couneil collid not lie Acti1_ý t Il i-p ol, illui'. t a\ý ;ll1ý prvenf ýliiiistiý.% arv IN ruent LIjýjt the Corninince iverc tri 1 niay fil, hefore clos-in- 1 Evres, ,ýccond prize, riglit 'ri takin- the respotisil)'Iity of throw - . M. lýl ïOll r "r t14, twi) slie. 9 1, 1 j sentence of the,- article of IVI Ji, 1ý et haVe tire C.'LrriU-c of the report iii,4teail of r ï, ill(rit. ar)v ylo't1ilil tliat (-.,Ili jLjýj. Nfiller, l'îck-ering. ing titis road upon the Toivii. Tite lis)a(l lit oi ý C% ,tl l.ýi l flirt Varuinittre on Tom-ri propert.y. plain, finit ln one oniv, 1 entirel \11<i:ill(" à 1ýr- ljý111 lit- at ill- viliuting of Parlia- two Etve I.inibiz, çécand prize, £1, Ctliiipany coulil not force the Town to i l'ho Coulicil then nilj(yti.-net!. ig thitit- l'ive cati s. ýt1 tili, w . \Ililer, l'ic - i Î. L Il 1 itcr fi -ke the r"l off their hands. ThLs %vai; (te fin lý,rij jjý1tj'1 untire cori(Ivct of .1fr. Anden 1 dufunt. T'ýp IIltiIý(,n 1 jwst -1 %-e-.tr old Grade Cov, Ist prixe, one of tlie fll]Cstion.,i t',àat the couricil -rnit 4'5. ioseph Piergon, li'iiitbr 2nd do £3, ()Ilgllt flot trijiitlip into hwitily ; noir àvitil sF Thi- Firi- llriý-atie- plitv 1ttcetIr (fenerrtl, shoilld jýf , ý,j_ 'I 1 1 - - r - et thi5 jefýtcgl to .1 . rie etiqiiiry.*' f -1 A 1 ý,i1 liv 1;uo. %Vliitl)v i vear olil îliev were pretty well -,sttistit(I tlb,,It t,,o t. t,-<pinqe, h;tý; heen in tirti, Mi 2h'i llîerf,,)ii, T ivii- vould lie rortipelleti to accept, dite yetr iv tit(- Virc fil 1 The ronfluct- of cverv offirt-i !1"ý l,114ý Ïhat v nf file Ili-hitio, lk>t Lleifer(,al.r tirizler Iyear, rla-1 fro!n r. 1't-rry ýyilll ivith the finificial affi (Ir fhiý lie vieix of sýý.rIIri1i it tir lie Mi-rrY ýlr-Id -ýrd (Io 1 (linted out ho% the ýýI' 1 1. J_ Pierti Wliitlv .3lir. Cýttsicroll*s ýrowi, agiii,ýt tire. voili-1411! _Ittv, cntfi . itry, oit.11 - 1 - . - -iiitl,)v. t %vith fi . ie'l-L,.v, iri ru- 11*1'ire pai;.ý;f-(I and prititel for tire ci)tluirv.*' Uniler tire A-,-;iiýo:',. 9)It rite wv ,le- 1 '111t. ('oluf)atlv,.q ilrize of £25 for lation to of Toit i tien an(l govertinient of a Fire 11ripile, a bility "prictised by the C, 1 Pl M ' crient, a thorough rovision of liallil;e ýSE)lýglit to l'lu malle id tile Jboý>t 25 Illisliels (if 1 -til %Virent, the liro- m Nirir iripiil 'Towns 'aad I'ill«,L-L.,;; n and iiiiplutuants ni-tntifîtettirt-il for 41:. ljiýjj ri) ývrýU Geu djice "f C-inatla 'Xvýmt, I>èin- the gron-th tir and in cautiollill the Court t1ilit, it m-as a Iliiok- land leigUer ('oiiiiiiny -. tllrpc. m.ell, nlifiice I)ep.,trlment.4 is (1-#,y tii, davand front hoùr tri fil the. N-(,tLr, 1 Sý')7 ; the Pl ize. to he âwarilvil as rc-wrvoirs tef sapply watl-r in casle 1 LI,,.Ir tllit to aoid tak-ing the road ir the * y 'ýllIk' on: But, if the writer in the 1. iii Li- lit file to iltc, lictuai (If the Wheat, Iv'>efl that riothirli lie done ni 0 tir fire, 'Ün ùn-irIý hoiiefr, and whicil ci)IIIii, lit j ( le meànq liý vi- atter la preý,ent iiiitii further legal dý variotiq oflicr e.,rpen.4ve acti; performed fit- lie of niore strict fi:jlt ýIt tlil i-ý, tic bc ui li fil) to, and becoine tlie Pro- i ri. in;; scrutilly ilito the husilIesý 11%, 1,14 Ili, b% if,(! botter scriirîn, thig Tom a i ns pert N (if the for distribution vire %výLs lifici lapon (lie question. -n lit, ît loss alid illt: pý)litIcÂj 1rich,;tvr,ý J. Ilrow M by fi re. 't'lie tro.-,ï cxlicuse in thir. respect rIcc rinue "11 inore hi.,hly vali 1,; re tti the Court . Societ ies for t, 1 ri Mr. Ilodgson could not belli agroeing in overy titan vour obedient eervi !Ion la his t 1 and att(ýllllïts inatle l' 2nd do hy the ýi,>c;.qoeiitio lurfrd £10, lir. Citaieroli's opiltion-althougli lie felt titis year, vrill not fali far short of ý47ü0 or V. R ANI) il >oIncipreches al-tri E. W. I'Fr-eernan. IVyndham ; 3-rd cl r: £5, ivith NIr. 1'urtýr that tire tak-ing of the rolid a" th.k 's t --------- l", cil à 1 ýf Tt, 11111, lit rhis cun 4,111V Nlerritt, Illirford. liVolild enLail a heavy expensu ou flic Ilave m-C a eailable cil -ine, ind anti etrici- t%",o places where JI. T. Fuller & Co., of Oldia ently ori-ganizA Pire Brigade ? We certnin- m'a lit Tuwn ; but lie %vas sat sfied that. the Town steamer Maple Leaf Captait 1 ti il liave litt;(- vise tainicd the following prizes for Cabinet ly have ticither the one nor thenther. The was bound to, keep the roi in repair-no t commenced ber régular trip., ý;iu 4 lite Lo iliake Warc: etigine pui-chnsed last year front Ni r. 1 ster on Mc lit lii!i l'lit> litirtii)ll of the cnintli;ilit!%' Bezt Side-hollyd, cliplottin, « llu- and Gos.; ouly front Pollari (in the base fine, but IVliitby and Roche :À1lrPi[illý tho, entire len-th, of the Mun pality, and of Toronto, is; WlicillY in' icil $ho Witt Continue * tn run betiv ýlli0U S.Ven tlir,)ttgli r,'eor,ý- ruait 11 ts ; l'fer Table, l5s 1 uli the iniemediate ports, iLs like a streain of w.tter in lieight c e consitiered the Cirer of the stockliolders te, anvthllg ar carde attellilit.- lit, (itiliQ tire Johnson & Allen, Black-scini or distance, ,Çcglýýrt, and tive fe. ss J 1 It fi tir' licel) part of t'ho roatl in reimir, very 1- sititil^the close of the and Ilay liltlu rlý-irI1 tu -tl)v- t aitti IViggon Xlah-ers, %Vliitby, took ý lit the c.oininenceniený front irexpe- 1 althoughcoinint-, laite iiithe- sek4 prizo (if $12 fer the bebt, Waggon,.ilso Tite Mayor, would just uk, ifit were not illidcr m hivil I)OIlutetlaçotirl:e tirst riorteed liano,,%, !%as rond ' cred it good for foilnd te bc a grent accointriQlla -it orgz a veTT littie-the.resiilt beîn- that jncase Clear (il air. Itiql ý%lfcti Parlia- prize for llarrows. lawfui to, plactila toit gate witiiiin. the Muni. 1. 0 I..ýterchanÉ%,and business men. 1 i;; !1avr 1, ilielit litovi-i ai, Best side of Upper Lealther, third prize, cipalityolfthoTownwherýtivoutc1b thejus- -fir, broke out,, ýi1tho.fi-hl WC hatre Wells, of ai! the facLs cotiiicg-tfýd m-litlt the Huit, a Leaf," is a bandisome well fitteil -4011 Co., lvhitby. tice orequity in compelling -the èo ' - Ilote, andladder appliances, and willin- Dav lJuU:ýLion and Cilief Ju-,itiw I)r.tier*s alpany k -- C no. " I freight refoin, -and NýI1,,Ii1 Beft Calf,ýkin dremd, first prizo, 15s, ni I en tn work, we want a fire engine, On sessi il, 'liv 1:11l, -17-, to aie. i iaiý-,iort te Litgland the gricat, grit haran- Gaige & Co., Whitby. to keep up aroad for the bencfit of the Town. what *alto miglit torm a lucky Ilites and specclil will lie found te Best toi) vardifi Fulled Cloth, firât prize, Every village &long the roacil could deny commander we know tri bc accor Ill fil-lia oý1 a i[ili. P) cm j the Cotupanys right ter put up toit gate-q if Cil the Fire CeýmPQny have becoine ffl the-' Ea:t hâve viiiiiý,ýlicil into airy nothiii - 'I', and Gblîging and frill of gs- ie £L lui 1). (Il. Forbes, Whitby. such were the laitir, and ait the samo tîme ticland in(leffirent-tlieyifýelt :bttiley are - -.: iôhester'brt Oluîr sý lýý il, (il the ýat of Govcriiient is the In the Ladies' departmegt, Miss Ilirrell, coLnpeL, the MÇmý;:M, of a firç' c mpaoy, but in =se a J Roud Couapany tu « lîýeepI the -at thlis poiriti ho is-khowntý,be of and ML,;.q Jupe Thoniton, of fire break- 0 Cr perliztlis, whicli coulil in th iroadin repair for theui. Ho wasperÏcct, ut--lýavin -no w.orkabllo'flre Illive (0171,11A I., sorve iii, liiilia- 1,I)e colI1ý press on the Niiiii-,trv with an ' ý 1. ý - e - I and thorôùgh_ý,busin*îs tuait 3' carried off prizes, the fi for f ly sgisfied to titrait and tak-c larther lec-gai î 'Dgne, they' ha "of proving (loin wZil tter f We anil the settie- ellll)roidery in aid th tJi la i their effièîenny finaillial j-r-4jvtýts of .\Iiýýtria advice before the Çouneil proFépded in the net mean, to say ventent -neespaper resposibUitj (olifinile nient iýf tiiý, lia.s been Idt very wiett-ly by f,, that wi,ýh sp ent ont Fire the parlianiene to tire devision gif niatter. aýà , ýI - .1 sure to.fin(rtiirA nwe-than over tri Landscapi and Oit Paititings., Ebomzer Mx. Perry suggested that in obtaining 1yâter, Q1iý ýyW' 4ýid,,the sum paid New Vorlî-, 5. 1fer Ma estv, the Qiieen. Such beilit, ttie îndusýrîëu& and oblikici in busii J 1 unisoi the om. withîn se shorta time for.a fire engine 1 Birrell, of l'ieL-cring, ObWned the Illeizes, li the further opinion, of CO Hiu Iuý, >tOtIlimr - city cotein- l- ive callillot Lelieve %vith a « that the , Tow-n- lis in, a, position te, ex- T-o,ý the, Editoirof týe Whàbýy cla Mr. IV. Robiiisons Cow which took the pany should bear b4f the expenscý titi the rive (if tiie j,ýfifj ar- plorary tirai tanp«.)I)ttlýirity would avertie to b itý fuýds_ by, the îm-piedWo pur- j first prixe, aise obtlltinea the first prize ut Mr. IV&taon road tllo,---r- Clam f à . . j Yeu woula nirrning. Sir(, ruilons as Ltvintr the ýlillistýýlýs-1 c the "et -ýVe just chaise of anothei Fire Engin'e. 1vlloý;e "rov'llec 'ose Kingston, last year.- She belon," to Mr. Road Act, in pgoof of- the Town'à iij1ýity thro J'a-Uil tiku 011 Llie '21ill, il Cil v (If the svit of C.ovenituent. , , . , e., be,,9,01,umns;ofyour, M ,,býin,-, the matter un4cri, the notice of 1, John Dow's Stock, hailiinc- been sired by CI Cep , et, wl. in, uni ity, z_ , , , * ý 1 ý " - ýlâiý cýlr,èùlât, journat to Cali P-UÉItýé- oit tll(, 2I-iIý 111(l the 'l'lie yie,ý,1îoti of the Union of tite British ()Id Ileart of Oak, she liras bred by 3NIr. 4Qýýso -ma practices of a serjou illib"e Çoqýýoi andý the ratepa , so'that -r, th,2 itli. Thu 1, Ncv brings no Nortl, provinceïi isOlle, the dis- Jantes Anderson, of this Township. Mr. The C mittec thon iroser. wbich., appear to, bol carried ci, cti>,ii)ti of whioli, sui-round flic govený- Dow'ài Snowball appem to bc a fatter A report frolip the Standin Çcit ttzle position in,, wW Ch' the stan(ls vii Gmnc1ýTrunk ëfficials, 4etweent tl The Iiiýcrii(,ii Ilktriz, Laura" fr-lirii Bre- rocrit m-itli udditional stren-th. So that belli but is flot quite sesymetricaL Mr. on plil,ýg & bÇ»Ught upýby tj1Iýlç ho cafter. Them ist,,q g ami -4 Ç' n not be pleaded, and'Téronto. On three diffirent ifif1fý, lirriveil livre 1Iiî,, riiorning. lsi e rcl- thz ;ýQvcrnuictlt ýjbtCad of being in anY- J. Dow was one of the Judges in the das- a -meetÀn- efthu Fir ïwas 44» ted- BrieajcýonSatuJrda since July laàý goeds oÏàered ai ports thit r4t lialf lý;it (\VU ol: the Nvise nq-er po8.,lemLd s'O mueli ses of Hereford's, Devouàý,Ayrgtirct -4re t- rought, up the, report or ocke îr, and gnex4 at the Tovt-nllali, at 8 hà lý boeý ir0i4ýiri o me tire liritisli strength ai; ut tire present tinte. If we (,allowayp, Mr. 110dgson,ý -8 pIl wowould stiggest the, pro- C. 'Ir- W- C$rPentcr, 01 thÎà thle standing Comùdü4o,« stréoto Andîm. lit it, rif Grý enillock, froin Car- louk- back tu flic luisit isession, titre also find Town priety of the Board of Engincors- boing thon wà»S one of the Judges in Farnn., tiquons, and on cach ýof those loi- Greeiiook, and tcý)k- frum lier- J. that instead or the ,ýtri:lngth of tlie'.Nliiiîstry înjpjoment&ý refumd Ito récolâmeliiit quantity -sciiý wai fourid te, be, Tive, ilex. Cirant, fireinati bring ut Lit dirninisled it daily corew, and 1 'l'lie next Fair in to bc belli at Toronto. and ýIr. I>iviii.,4nil, a passenger, whoin the iiiri-u;tý;cd, until ut flic close of th the pm Dr.-Gaýnals peti r,ý b ürt. yer ition -in ýroIa-, upon ýarriv4l-flrsý iii July, out lIc session D. B., Steveimn, FAquire, If. P. P.. bas tiQ4,,joý the,,jnjtuyiemplained ofý" le- long of Whiskey, therc were Ave l, liail regtllled froiri the livreck of the the (ioveriiiiieiit liad a inuch larger -work' been eleéWI Preiident er thisYear. ing Idoine tci bMIý,.premim by the impiruve- Lo" 'auT. 1t,', oùt of, a s'tg "CLýIlLral Îng, Ulajority thait. ut iLs cotiuiiencetll(.IIL ment of Byrou-atrSt; i e;on goMay mohdng>, luý- a, precious of dyý three , quarts e*M The sto.1111shil) "Star of tire ar- IV>Ilile the NEnistry stand thus, in wliat 1 third , illli' tomber, A -Warniiati, Xit Peirry, brolught up report of, the lookin- batch of ree rivril oit Silt,41;iv, witli 450 passion- po.,titiou rio lire find the Opposition ? Split the, he th ree tg Briânay, standing Committée on,;.Irinaùceand Agoëu- qnitp.,g.qýw iffl rtation iRto th4 Aocality, Illails (of S(,ýptt!îril.,cr Îlito PettY littIc eliqllc$-under 'dificrent T'ho, first of a newlshoebMýing quarts of Ginï we found 1 M" me44 nwomm"ding payment ef acSunts %ver#.,,brongbt, :the ô gallon k The l"t ;k%-* a 4, Orlil flollar., on trùaiýiirc. leriders-or %vîth no leatler-tlie great illeithor the publiaboir. 40r' 1 1 à. pouefrit £1 bd; J. 1fayor, gnçl-tbu Toww Beeve, chargecI with quite new,, and bid'nmr biew i seTt-stylëd Icitilfr of the g'riLi regarded with pr0prýçtQý, . appçarç il',; thit tire Central .%trio- -d'ig ois towU o'n Tu sent toj vagýâmey and disordorly conductil, The . 4% , bqk from kfflllp il rica', 41") passeilgers unit 1,7iluisq ý',Usl)ieîý)n and distrust-ila -, with féelinigs daY ]Mt, Itl*,j4 protpnded -,to bé a semi- upon, delivery lollans of repulsion-by crm,* inthe, Asponwall. seule oftho other factionw weekly,01, 1)oygqý's papi ý the,; ý4qrter, ,Mt4 Rq»rt adopwl -qw *quor a Ille ('ý;ilifoi-jiiit Jist cannot bc recovered -deserted by many of lus own clan, and, whichfiai soi aig4ý- or tenullonths, weli -purp«e pass- sàur LUI à1jout the 141 of Noveniber. deýpiýsed for hisi àrý Ë01iticýi' scheming The tàiW,-Iooka like.the productjiýQofSoMe ed, end a rIffllution forthist, Çx i f rgr, -4çyi were ni' liffit 'iÎid'.big4tre 'hy et,&y-,*èll nieaning libe- quaékplecine von4qi publisbèd ;for the' e(4 that the MayWbe, ý #,Uthýýzed , jàid'in,ý AN AVl»01XýMF'.1ýTF1T TO apýfiz)E.-It is in the L Jn th ù; state Th6 -a fi" Çûmaluni y, pqrF«o èiad tructe«. to àigný in the nemeo e m ny e qùit;ô lâto the 1 1 9 ý . lvith feclin, IngnWe scé!no reàeldIý,tô àpýi-chtnd a publîcahould pality, for " arfiount of -s" érderWte, Sir os of unreignéî gratification is îJ,. ý,;,ï ý. 'I't prie 14-rec to 1 î no-noed o -be teenu»dm Byýlaçr Sý 40jý i* thè,ýport _Ç%yreýs.y in anytut.« eý-,_ leut xe are able to antibunce the to anotbi.rrfflàQrý, ý0af- , imq«kilýU00p w1wo t4«prMeDtý;par- w ý"de as 4ewîitýr 0 'lia , pu ni eMý t wi"ý . expire î1ý Amïcqu; ýY ffie and htàrbpning ýogether-waJî the, 10 Land Office', aCDuncan'"Xfichi gain, vire and -jk lon. H. TAYLOR, reisignert riw#eetgble. 1ýhAS "'* to have met them o the road Men ýy, yeamï lq1r.> ý1 lei haj; bI&ý Co SpjI, Of 4ik Briair toge.945r, a eerious natur fiv 'f',ming fý-Q41 ledëdw" thti %.'ýïôf rkTan nrý 19. e etze for ur_ .0m patte f Z ýî f, tricia th ýUrrQd ta Xit- 44m, Up e Vùb s ér,ý outof çbwgçr, oce ý*,t qu'a, ng lettet fi -basi ýe Thdir -,Tlàis iiitle à^ftf )rieterûndéâitýî' 1ilis en th jm»,4, Md bis, w iiie, Prit Sui mi, - ta; -dàV' t1iý the country,'is éon a b' r)v fj, DDCI W, IV. fef til c Cin cott and 1-- - i i.v i, I t 1: ýJ lui v frtui ï il ttra, Iltli'Sill'ý,ý ilMot: jo (ý-j j P., 11, Y, 1 ns far :1 oil tlo! (hore NUI, on - 1%. litW l'il dilil I'q- : I ýý- . 11 1 1 lui i 1 the liing'.,, Till' Ic y >Val arifi-V pi ti- )r I ij(ý, 1 üar lis palpitalu til- i 11 loi gLt.ïl-j%. (huir foi otý's ];Iit,,Ii Ill illiperructir'u . ', all'i aliii;v tilettî jol- 1) ,ý-iLir bud arr:mcý ,lo*i,ýý,. Tlic 1aig lif-iitis fle Cw 1fervv-ý ili tile alui ;lle ginrd. lit, 0v! or the illilti'li-t- 7t lik-e tlIfý proliort "F -III etionjY. Tho of t1ilé roYal eýV(I* * titry lire clover ill(Itwil ; m lieil 1)oy wi'ý1l to lum-iO the fivid or lial de tie a pief-L. of l'ag- fil) thuil. leg, and pretiund :Wiliave beeil W011,11,41) ýLnd*,(,A-n)(ý ilito the City laille ami gro;tlll*llm, tk"lotllll!lllied by ti On the iii,ý1it (If the *fth june, at tliv 11illifilfi l1rîff;ýc' Ille ililitilléeri' wéro quite (,Il C of a"F',0011 ritally ý0f flicla tlireN.., alil sworils irito the wells, on t1le road' rail towards th wkil j ttl)glt» asth9Y thoui.-lit t1lein- l;,.qves to linve beun ptir*ucd, by 4p&ýîs1l' huidiers. ý Ilad tlie Illlgli,411 teem tak4p them they ro COLJIJ"bftve talion Dellii t!iQý bulme nigiot, Pr bocause t1je Sepoys did iiot roturn to the ne tity till n£-.xt moroing, tind mmly or thiein a!4"pe&mdfor cver ;- -diey wore pluiýdcrcd 1 ef

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