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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1857, p. 1

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- . ';'~s~ TEE WRITE? OHRONICJI f!iiURSDAY MORNING, -Dis& NayerhofferBro's,, - 'IIOK STREET1 WHTTBY, wr këft nor te the itegistry Ofice. T IETMM F ;BýCR<I "'TO TIIE W~Abh* Il bc$2pur ennuin, Six linen and nnderr ............. Every 1§lbmequut srt ~ion, (peî lino). . Os.id. j A liberiI di.soint itlore d lu Mnrclritrs and others advertising hy the yirar.' Tht, paluaoria fthadV an l niiecrclto in- ~ tIounurui, e sidesIretiqreatlby evury btu- inesa tman lui Wtdtby andi ts vtciaity, salether edvqrtang tiedun cuoîd uotbciesecured lu this luemuliiy. Ai UInao adr'ertian or timk well uf do- Inu s), irll pleasuilise ne lime In forwarding thir nttete. 'No paper will bre d»iiUatluîned until mIl arnear- ugçs anc pa1n 1111. Lethemus eneluatîrg etnli, It'e istenrd, n-ill hetnu tire i ut tire Putblithient m' heti tindreasird 1îIOGINS & M.AYERIIIFFEI R M tS, - n~4W'luitryC. W' BOOK AND JOB PRINTING EST ABLISIIMENT. TM 11lROi'lfETORrS 0F 'fIE lElr %viositu,"e uld re«epeetfituy ,infinnr itie puithlIaI tlîmy iraven fnoenlued amuie-'of thié-tr mnodem s ityles ot Type fina New '1' i ti11i 90OOl AND JOB PRINTING Mi everv dlescriPtÎon. iel id iaritiec iliat wurk i wgill lin dnne lu a a uperior style arîlx Iowest temuneretfing r1WO1r4.1 Thi IrIe'r îls have jiorciit1ue of w1iàch omtbltei otie i tn'umit ( art tuii(r- t>m liami a atie 'loI'uk of' Pan iu 45141 .%Van î' r. Stitlnnery, tte., wlin1î'-fiiýfljin~ t utnivers' In raeso, 1Pritiqi g ciii t,' tuinWii to l u vv pricoit and al t fio sltî'rn±iiuîî' (tD'li 1 fit t VII T CUE ( TuEîiANi'l v'SURIIOtATE jCourts. i iIUni, li t 'iC'uurt I t'44se. 1 S IFF. Ci0-F' îFIC E AT' THE tCOURiT JOHN ILVM VIUflht C LERK UV TII ;E.k' il-T:1 1î-A JoliN V. 111.13, l4gi. r'r o it'.bu S'oîr 'ài0o i 4 1 , i ' 1 A. ilMIEN 'D Jr. 8OIITi1I, & 'lElI. 1'-'I H E il"'NTY 3011N IIII'h<. C i7NTyLN4ý,ri-r 4vîîF: CFAT T1II" (11.0 lé Co ' 1 1 - '~ I ' i r mictnes-,etIs n nui un- sm' uniuil it Il-jr fnu-nT' i -c tt I 'ut auni im- the Qieeti'. Bouchri, IA D DALERS Il 19 irta nd rileh em. Promios 1t the~C4~ - or T1l-2 !SEIY cuulR6fIIIYi,;Ë Sw-ppif PromTEeNwYukîern r ), cd. ai ER. di 91, cr "lu--'eitr.îurefe- Ostier'sa mi-uys ifn begoiling bIne eevy n-aIdi Itotirs nribhitIre niu luidanme. tl fi --nefl -ir(ko or 1). Il.WYATT, Propniebor.Imtofiimmodru iînnekabad -tire brigmntine A tics. NORTH AAMER1CAN HOTEL- Hoe was coming oflis veathune cold,' TOUN HEADý, PROPRIETOII, TAIRES THIS muggdyadteAc wseaur Jiutmu f ifrramiziusfieîîds and tht tirrough jcy ruaer and fog aItirhe rate ut i iplii k gwiteruiy,tittlie' bits oimunceed boe-thirteen miles mn bonr, xrr-en bumip-bituip Ir -neaut iu, uhe abavd pretuands; te trustsate-l is inode I)f doing bnusinennsn and attention to ht. -tire Arctic wer sureîy on a rock. U1î giienha, -if] ment atitane nof tuebt ic tronage. Il fiminGrant anmdiis fuliove flremunand md PORT PERRY STE'MII OAT HOTEL onth starbuttud bow-, a simking steamer, -NAso.N & PttmLLIPS, PIIopRiEToRs, iniit'"the bows knoeked out of lier." Over - IVbegtitgate Iit thnci' t iaeItted irp the n-ent lte bhast, atd doin wn e rv -abuve weHl-known frs-Iiotinacmne-e mcdc enefenra' i aatable nuîunur. "'iilora und thie lrmm'ulicg men-their only thiougirt tl save tire- crere oummuntir witî mnd it ilr -e>'retnîsmt a cocu- o t ae ie eivdlrybdmr n furmubte tQue. Good Scnbing and uuiit"ctiveoftevsl hybiedte a mr -Otier. 4-6m dermd ;mad tiren, in tire gauzy fog, tire -srautmnd astranger meowly dissolvmd front i FE NELON FALLS, HOTEL. . - 1 WILLIAM MARTIN, PitOPRIETOR.- ricin, and aur an agony ut suspense as lu, VVTis ibI l; arrmnged in extellenit styl .e ber fate ttrilled every Ieart on board lire la aucomusnudate Vr-titers and Tonristut. lb is ai- buated iithiri a feru rods of lire FaUsit e nUidbl cf te iucst delîgbtfuiSMeonTrY. 4fhe &hai- Minute after minute, quarter after quar- -ing ounte Leke, ta ensuîpasaed. Fislting trhl oratrbl oreasd n iTackît laird Boatti proidcI.dtriatiru ferhl2ou9lpeta ___________Dnunews ut the lucukiess vessel ; and Ihen - NORWOOD HOTEL. newe ceeue tirat tie re ctie to was tbce cmENinooD, pIdKKIRINo. os ftesok-adwsmkn ae 1 EzNlIT COULTO-N -RESPECTFULLY IN- xos tlr tcmi nsmko rae Il forma the punblie, Ilut irle u tkt Ihe vapidiy. Ns.utica mnemuvres thoe e e - mEuve well-knowc Ilotel widcb Inaeiras albermd inih le miiof us remember-designed to amnd imprcuî'ed t- suit tbm publie orveniene.-' ilis a had bis Li(Iuors 'will tub' ire arpasuned ligirten tire amp for*alrd, acd lirrow. the bsn any aller BoIsaI lu tie Provinte- G06iota I- iweigirt of honr on tiré irjp.,part-bm steru: ~~' bling. - Gîuýnt inoritet maaaflly' with tireothers. THOXAS ROBINSON'S -Buth ie day inore on, &imd bruo and threc T2ASIIONBL lAlIR CUTTING* AND o'eloek cane in that -dWsIyn- Cruel fog, thre F shi B2îur o omns ]Brook Strmtt4 Wltnabln- I Afin-t-at Eniler ~rbt sd HirDresser, of doorned steamler sank lowov and i lainer. in ilong fitandirrg l Ibmbtuauiuesii, wif AlinAY&be thre iaveesu d tvmrybody kiew tiaIdeatir -fond ilu ne tuattencd un genemuen.-g. h-on uante Siraviuig is -sapruceiss to wveli entlemâen; for -ias sppvaCiÙ g.Tir ~n uxae 00 lrdreaonsare mncir ayethuati utuinlér ~as four o'clock.drMnv ,nor; andi Grant, mithir 1 Cono; h birmhy relU. fluth ie operation botta sgrepublo nd pleaesî.' 2'the experience of one alipwreek on bis _______________________mid, prepanetifor' the worst. Witi one ýL* Jj398ROTL, f is rnesmteshoseized tiré for~e.ubtm2 ING F TWST, TOO ). TH a d'h*'it overboïard a few ionî¶itS e- boast Ladlng, bas heemu rmftted with Noin Ftr- -t,~ae m daçufthre sipi idr-us nilure, Carpeteti sud PiaW.Thre lte aodt-- tarerge amtd w vou t ao dtire .. ., h iripool ofirie finO o4àtro,0 maw1toiad an tire sral o sIL6 f - ' en.the= et, 'cmansd Btsinbuéts. pho, GanWt *tn-&hils 1ir THOMLAS, AMB Propriâtor. selves, a fe'w minutes-. 11 Il__; , Torunto, Marc&, 1857. -~ ~~-thê"ô 6O111à54,'-,i GLOBE UUOTEL., w- andt - rthé *tec Blahanmas cama saiting aoat anti took even>' body safet>' offf Su luis xr'eeatm iipnove- lîrenb in tEe sîuipisrecking n-ay. Gu'anîfuit as tinough lue s'as failing in bbeira>' of md- ivneture. H1e n-as nat dootuird b suifer long under titis disappuintruent. le left Havane in higir spirite, cager bu muet lus young iie andl litle cirili, irba iuc lucre, rrheu bhe 'Centrai Antenii' s-as overteken by tire gale, and being cither unseawontty or inn charge ut ah, unfairhful enginen, touedcrcd et ses. For conte tours betonta siro nent durun, Grant, vebo muet hart be an autority on siripwrccks, foresaw hier fate;,mimd tirougir ie disdalrnedth ie use ut e lite-preserver, wurougirl bard, lu pnovidean 'escape for- mm- self anti a feve others by cutting buose a portion out-tht hurricane deck. About five muinutesirefone sire sank ire n-as belov.- Feeling lier risc on lte aide outa eaver>ae, bct forcirais' tiraI tmehast .moment tati pro- j bi>' come- and rusied oni deck. Tire ie funnd tiret bis ratft tieti aineady>. iMn~ iauncired, fruautire bons ut tire ,gýAnilrr, and tiret mec inere lcaping onrtoard- fie tnsbmubly juuupcd, asud,,n-as ,,ndered, by an officer lu eut tir aft luoovni.Titis-done,tire tCentral.Anterica",Wý-ntdon, Grant anti iris cotrpanions bcrainoat tire oplypenr- sons. of ber creu'and. passegere bowee notsubnter.sd by tire vortex sire created, wwn itefinl ~oek s 5er bte>', fo,.4d- tiemýlmpteiinmi&6,on arift -.part'otie hurrimse 'ti,,£I'40t6 tu'elV6 sveaîian-ing amii>ofut l. For timys after iris escape islustomacin ruas muibic bu beer enybliing but gruti. But for rueter ire would bave glu-en inorîde.lie lied slrcngtb of will enn>ugi r u eelt drinkiug saIt-ina- ber ; an'd 1 biouI>'liquiti iretasled durnmg bis agouuy n-î le ittit nain rvatcr wbicir feU Ithe day biore lte party n-as nescueti. He tinks:tEnt imnbibed a certain quan- lily uftçW terhirougi tire pores of tire skin-bcing :'constantly>' n-vo -andti irs saveti himselfk'om tire fu-ev su-icha 'tu-eWs liniraI would naturalîy produce. Pour fellua' 1fie is satily pultmd dodwm, anti veih nul be able lu restanteiris wôvk for sonne tinte. iHe inasotQieaatout, mnus- culant'man. 1;4s ire su>'; % I ai- neyer mn>' i1lneý anti neyer burt ruyseit by drnk or otirer foolisbuess.m 'ils -mi-3 ruho rj;és.-ritfi jgy wlenc-shm loo&5 aI lait, says sire xnotld liane nuti1known him., «iren tbe rim1e leil to5seemin abris 1boardmng-bmmse, 'No. 836, Vandqïn street,-ire mialreti nto convexsatiufl ru'th limabout hie 1escape, and tutnixIto aprettym young womanio nse rpresent, observedti iat aire must bey' beefl5greeably aurjfriaet eho lroTto d Of h11es'1u5baid. Sire h r t-ito'PaWoxYs5 tuears, *and Vo nO!Fu ot 96 lucky- -:Mv'irtsbrand enral&Ami.rkia, xmayyt'be hbeardfr6tn. webleCJ 4 ye erof îmmy thetlissue thus obtained isl suppie, silky pnisutrers veto yen elastic, mimd n-rter-'tiglit , This purse isotacors,f rmthe situ.abet witi tire operniîg niowtwarda, antidane, a~frt lu sirvunk up; te' urder tlu all. il ouI anti make Lt habitaIblec the. itîti.e pinîte risie Fu.;:aRgcoî lu the surface of tire wattv, laya ýitselI onu lt appcmearstira- ita back, anti exposes -tire black briettes, Augusta, consi stii inlicit covers ts abdomne n b lire air. Tire Anireinsanti MeC vesr confined, betveeht tiose biisry in tire, pineforests1 capilry attraction isj soon m upregnatcd virer on the 22ad ii iibirair hbbifesihrraugir-ie exertions ut large blaek.beuav~ tire insect in wiriskimug them about in -vory iibira degreeaof fer direction. 'liavitrg tirus mmade a proviion'tire grizzly bemur ut 0f air, itleIts itself down agin, antd placig They had tre ibself undel tire moutir of the-purse, eluakes wsard, and winbie pt of al'tire air- itto il, for tire air, being etanine, toward fSuar liglter tlisn,atv, vises bu tire' top, 'or 1'ta>rdjing upon thre. rallier tire irvertoti bottom, of thrvecepta- .d~,isaffl bot ir plo Tiie pransAss lgra mted tuntil tire purse. lpiG. S. McGovmi assumues tire fôrm ota distentiod balloon,- eafttteanitmal, ihe aud it tireû" bécouùee a fit anti' conr.eieltatt'a rad pace. e birere confineti Jane, andi graves of themr fa id itmediàtely, au tirelionnes. a., preseul,, at sunend."-s - Pat inas hungry, ai for refr-esirment. -Ti t'PRiint wc, A BrEÂL- tesly 'ent onitirl juavr osn ut eImentr9m Up. 1"xye spalpéen ung- ol Msste. Younrgoa ercn,,anti ahakiai bordmrng the Cippeina aggin, y. nurtîxei fueL, encountereti a very gotî psege Aoa md inere attaeketi by il - enrAst Ifeetsqxtsrél,-'TIhe W.isaiIof 80uiny per- m'i tt, oni li tni Sb te 1.il'.1. Tit I I A YN, N. G . il A t. ~ l~1 iteet "m lttu - n 'mi W . Il. BItUtIN B aR STERIt A T i IV1Y "" A NT B oictor inr i l ou4' IX i t 1 lmu'mnlue eoveyaureer, &ît-., Wtiîy ' (IAMERON & MAC'DONELL, AIOUfSTi"JIrS &.'nrTilu'I':s A ' , tin'e toti the iniu itutimmu -il. ' lnt"' ihî at ttc t'uuit Iloumre-Sotul 'ntug. -ini lxon CAIMEIION & DARTrNELL, IAI1ISTEiSu, Sb)JI t4'fT(t1115AND O N .13 veytnrmrturi, tinîuuk Striutt, (mixIt uen lu'-ll % Rsgistry>ltoce, W'tîhy,b' n. TorunhuH.. W' rtmi-by. - WLLI~UPOWSON, BENJAMIN YARNOLI>, rfu WNCLEIIC.ID TIIEASUREIt. OF Dr. R. W. CLARK, SURGEON ACCO)UCHlEUR, & CORlONER Sfor tire Cotunby ai' Oiturio. Dr. CIIECKLEY, 'DESIDEN, ]I ROCK STREET, TOWN C1 JLItWEitbyCi-Yeount fO 2ui.- ( 3. S. JONES, OCA DENTST.-OFFlCE IN BROC] Lj'Stneeoven J. BigeîorrN Store, mincI pplsit te 'Rmg ry Oflice. Al aperation mu'rrateé E,5fru"ntt a fir trial. AMOS W. CItON, RHT TCIVIL ENGINEER, AN] A Ustté AentWhtlby. t J. PROWD DEÂVEN, ARIIITEO(,T AND) CIVIL ENGINREI A.undsui Sreel, Wldtby. Etilnates ninad simU &Ii ktnda utfnteuurinnng wark arefclly>tb PUILANDER M. CL~ARK, lSEGIT CQNSTABLE, COUeTY ONTAI '],Land Inmpecun of Liéesînnurumialime Miineipi ly of thre Townu ut WhiiIbvl. IVM. 0. ROBINSON, T (sitX uai snt, ENGANom1I,) n FIILY (JHEIIST, &tî, BRtOOK STREY il G. A. DANISTER, UG IS.DIIUGS AND )CIIEgICAI D PerfgiaeeX7i Dym Stuifs,'Clns1&., on btad. Deardas Street, , Wtnadiy GI& = ;APER RANGE aonlontinroprofta viirthdnitîasbtuintuxnl.l 19 'fsteed fr te fupw dayst ngctterytrindg. tt One ona tmn n -he e 'uW t A- th cain Prited yrdfgrea tbouhts nti , on. in uTlr, village ofee, Bôthekooâ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' a n d - alaith o!tforethop oar- p r ove oot ti TIIIJTIOBRC ui ar ane.wrSDAeeinthe'MogrOCTi-k « Of ieER29 1i 185" vl' " 1.sn ahaî o gidbyth Nrter v o J itby. 1ifWI i L T B Y , . orl at r n rn n hb oe e died"jiartly - A I The arrivaiiznthi city ofovera 'î77lsud M ETRSTRECU ET,1dte t oîati raig cr~~~tht - ht moreon Thurof y night, aopen, as the favorabIi AL ui el gwa ig ho suvvosh k e drith sa r -s c- ti10«. Th tueI ier Wint i n 'knob i si fi~~of13roek. EEr, -thy heid on b a rop clwn h u ep hd roi e tr h yOneCnoutrsint e fj f B -; he arn ioueifse ao w RUCHANTl TALU BRC STEAuri acra ames.b nfi trainuthe b i nutedwithu t ard ev en leveothet a ndtnsse, adnger wss pick. Iý fto i 1 tdt if dysedyjdigr m spernf6 M I~~If smo fnancal Slonin, te an w i ra %li h er n e p ressiBlce e. t e tn ns d w e dbwthe, 1 happyOg or i a s o hr s f hl e . . cst c t n r i , a ep to d i oe r. i, ' o s . c r u*o e eu gi f r ed* d odnt a n t e e e t e r s s o.loyi T101A E ER L , itur nuhrse srlilt E ai eair dw uo hei srîor n . re seina s- a n ro-î, n f re to force h1 t hen spdeffctuai to ist fot sc nipllervlte s .a 'ONTaAI) Fr once rîîm eu. adrî, nouu se sifted lien course, and the otcd It. thay ere3nn, fer oon, u ta vin ad oobyto oelesol pier tgthr n co m niyhmeaoedpesraii0]s b C StreNFHt - IOTL; EGE Or go o siîuunlî.as t4~v watched licerttrie ias ~We odybeneadiction of teboly caurcli. ptsofv rsxsnev h ry tc kt i ___r--- 6 - houle weeka go, the preiudent tuif, l-arriilen ILa tplace.The wee m rrld ea'lyone 1tanrn r'5 à fIv rsi o eàiet 31ANi m'A 1u TEL,, Waa rtraiid lntifui enînugîn. griiiitiLliy iininisîr, tilli edisappeared dawned tor tre but four persons oflnnn g, sud ite aidaty tonellmed or'- a rcezfru -ý,ot4iians A-,1 i 1 AT E C() 1 And _- ]rio'sthîr'. itnlifir, theke frrft.mpr., ot qngts antd wîile t tir Clering iiveue yeterda' t tltirevas!irlt. stage s of ton irt wedding' tour dIll ad dbooty. hut.ltadhcil crigtterdo NewYork asikely toonetycur,- tht lm1ka - Kw - 3" Sre t') lienir 'lusi'inn liiîunnt ulai iiiui ntter n-rtf] Enne innsiglit. '1hey wratvilied gen and tih' teliing severely on Grant treturu te takethelrwedig our 4ï OM OAW<l ),O- it<)S L F"ied, '1"" and r f.1'a cotpanton, a y9unger brother o ie~' - w.iANI, 1' OMMET'i R. ' rntie lhitv; hr oNas b îXîn dwn 1 tn ui 11 nions. The raft wu now o h (')AK 'iii>. iii iIIET ~ Aid C iv ln tt'ii- riwitiit h'lt, iîari LS bride, a ntigchiev"uq Young "'asal,'acetn- Au Knterestliug Letter froià Indla.t he'o E eis9rdSaeakwr a it"n'iiî!ielîii"ii ir~ti. r-corîfdeunn rus likete Iltpo t ic i iii n itîrr nntIvi-, at ittunut, so ijglt îtt ey colîld kneel, the water pniitreadwl tw ud'h ebenfoe fFèm ls ayynet biac ,adtoa eylre And ni ir înn , n d aninn rn' al pfr tire hapya i, ifthey à hav re elonanont Brieneei'f ttebll iaoi ONI'AIîO hoTu:L, t An"ve, nrî'iîn [LIIIi'VC rv]nere ic ruini n Onar iniounEritti ute t]ieni. ein"l)Itbrely fo an intisncl5-e___IupMeop ia srete tell,, tc Iartyhan ied nstd v îcovtaî edieaIo upeonpcndnntf. h r i r' i T t"i i - - ' uixi " L"tti ntii n' ta O 115 t' ti'i',o "n 'n"-"] tia nd'If us' n-nh avi',r14 9W ri d F r 1 4tt e o t r e fIf w a Ime l ' rr'at r a4 e f*t tir llin] lire u li l t- înf iiiiig - t iciue5l in-k aur t unr le sari, t irey' sînae r atei!th lIn nIi'ini n'~ lnîn r eif .J nr s i t eie frr na ce f tin 'l - itu tiitoi prarthtt10ofe th ei' or of n I Il OSI. ue ppl ca ion n-Tlh e c t1ide 't PII h E ' S IBut1. ii r ît n (Agi the s io ii b nt r naan anl el ct eprs- iî e e ie o Iem waor jo ci ngl)sýut% 1tr ut-cutm iO le r m1n ~~i 'fIM "' N tE l' N.n Xi i; n i t'dti ain .n"gn,'ii2.Tth-enllur. l t iniDr.iv mi' gnLig tîDaniel--irst i m aaî. -t a 11IL0 111' no -aite co'ate.sal ili n l i , T ! i n orl l in-i -'. ' '~n iiii l f4siî"' i id n ifi l. i III liei nl t iv. lihtv oflee i m f at plaf e trion t ir ratbth e -îe u sgomtrarett h fie o iu niile emu iiipry'er ee od t1E>N 1i)S IW'IiJINO HW , tiniiilirtd'nItiln îI "Is" in itdi'aîgntinzltcf nI laelnlloi'heiy pnîteaanntets. Peu m hadt abthe irît "Ilekmai ruas t Cîiitpne fes'dayr a Unntadyas ven Byinofn then - 'V ternni.'Iiii l4'I \I t.i -'n iiui ~r i -,b~r îtt-.jrw ntut' iiar 'Iît tunk. N gfl tllienr.li i jt'soitilil i r%%tlIe oi sîrir-nn mIn bnrtuItm nt i purumncethne -beîre îteIletîrnmii] vrs en u te Ee apr f libak- ou o or tae s, AId W al i r v ,; . ie b a oN c o a l t l V i e G o g t-d t - s e s i 8 3 i o o t , a d a ICTI II ~ l'itrn.iu- if tIIHiet't"f"is It tleuiT hoN nr r"ifrilef ttc rnrgnesî ofnthar-I l)atr'srnti, tire iras iitît, Ieannrd tten1am s n In rg s o ti' rhe d t l t e 2'2nn i B n a a ir m le fs e ueio ,e d m a ie xii'w -E -u~V triFîN i S FN.\" Tr'n' il'nfî' înrfCîeiiçnlcuneIn t i iri xii suugrîîtolan nîd'tlupoe ius.i'r ufutn. Aln hr tnenh l etcotire ub onoonetneL n- 1 n i niinif ' n'liii' taike-I iin d Innt iiinnu i fin' 'h f t oo h ol.L-a t;o h atb c li it n m e nt or w y rj ii t ~ I~YUN T- l'I' t'lu '1'nE bEnn < trîtninitnnnt'n ýr Ille'rt in îe' ni fi îninn iiîv nt sar' ninîlio. daonI iirg I i'ted nyseîf g o f ny aIl ted wrtitîutrve G ren smkcdabilitt h ie ne ie ajn t orantr esss Ous-iatc vr tae w y om eca 'NI Lp '0 ni Mnri t rt li j' t fi% a HaI'n-'ildar'su villagegli iIte-ru a ns. sMongenimpeuple p reuaectede- thougirt e tneiMmprovemensen .1 'hîi " n't iu- n -, r' t, - ib ti' o1-14 it fîu-o r i- iîr e- it tnlt '-0ne rur sdfy rtivlCnltIe flno a butbefoe inoii troexp nt i tier c onmet. hy b o s n un jsy t îatycn 1'ttN1. 11TEI A ,nl %I-n tonnn, f tht Jl ' u o uit-nefin, wL1, li'. 'fttn exs n-cI' il'il nior' ut ri iui g telin ntIr' t nnr a rd Mss nyL - js unfrtei iu u f uîsn N ' un n (ould'h hi DowtîI.n--iîîl ii" -. ur. innnaiEiigtlv ie f hiChaItE -retid eoge tiulîratrfo ti' dvsan nghsan inve a m eodhuebuhte odais ~ 1 t -Vt " -I-n: I 4t irIt rt~- itriinrnî \îinllinst- -ii li'n n eur imnî utn îurc i leM. fe)lilet- Vr aie mielesttd mi hetiviGeotostrgefoasu y dy rcl cnennu egrdaBn re uaotm jnin'liiru' îî- tari' iid l uinr iscn pt nir onely n iu'or ruas fut uf veat er n ei- iatvhorpas. tr qesio. te exust i l, Iuy uts i t vee a a vlae Rîtivîoes~ nA eicne ag -i t: n nmA I :' r,'rlvtr r revenrt rtaN inifiossblN uer-IU 1 file~ i' - r "r- t-rc -u I tIfri i iein t ii. l':ue'uv iinntir and tini 1maun nn-']1icii ir s lîd fournIf l fil î iag gtr iSil\-p s e , no -esokd-'t oll od. H m v (4t tilivi1 a 1! ti <ioNwavi i':lirrir and hnad rerir unl in ttc boa d t e biern -i(i1pî u t o ungansho neonsart and t e ruscssd, vee Tep y H ikutans il, pp ,fe ly oîîr inw at. ' e v ~-'n"'î II tI 'i n't- ii hn Intoft auîmiii hn' înlihulînî ltr' î 'iu'ir'idriiitnî nî'îeteir.î uefrn-re snut ncn. lu tilndi it bîtniofI.t ' i ront o, si, or tait uuStliru hiiunsîstane usa, îî'n ta. hue nrd ffceladobl brr] ife;seenilt El-t11 'r Ni t i -, lt TVHI T 1: . a nninn n E i i- ii r'i'irrns uu u '11 1111114-) tUt u ili ns unn lr i virrîi i -l e igt. akinorrborsi-hoIilondgr-1litwras lrhiehuesi" ir p aen o tuu î'Aîgnt4 av Lteu pîp b ocameeaebsthrteCda m i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ii >iafiw lt eItt ' hiouietmiIrlninilireiri'4 ii'hîon, anltermI.n-fre1 iui Iaî un Cte otne ;ustir fin e un. "TaIyu oaid u our hetiors îtlie a ecn lîey ol pr ret rforuaccre lt aenny rît' --t - 1tv r1, 1ineniil r-ullthen-i lady tîulcwM. c amyteelvsaftr priswad lt hett ' Etecnsmecs,,r"utodb adhv -fi- rINrlr-licAm'nr-t11Mni fag. W 111m a tirifî h"ra-ttu, fin- roiMail.iiic u lirIliori- mnerut smt'ttilluiveilringttîpMri, nd ecordigly i'eferity. urra for urrah I W h AV. nin- i' srnmrk ] 'v 1n h "u I I in- c nf n rtf til tl ovIet li n]ictrai l 'iio IîI Luîd it u îîIN r iev e unulOCk - t 'un fs 1un . 1 s,-iiI'~~c tIn f'rt2' l tnî ires a t iein l t111l'in- - 'Tc lek aredboatcaiy iAh rey lly hegad roidnc ohidthy gala trbhinttefllwîgrunrkto1v i~ nulnXrn: t- in' "ntii- is n-t Il Ivn' iî-tr f ei ii -- or tre iturîtii .etne -o rr Ne - pae tequgin.q e cpehauset asigeyoput, n d eetlu 'tntni'i-ItirC 11,ti. t n SALOON. ul mn-tlin ir:tm'eBa',Inerutî tîltil lIrnr uMr.nTi e,% aîfll oîîr aerr-u ad en bal- jfnar u ln--nLg -nir ; hu e a a - o auo r n ie ii ' y îo Ia afndtatbt nnw aae' HI I'M M" li)IIN ani' ' »;ýl'hîv n-ue rn Liar-ie i ou rgain utiit amo. outrr v i'etly rr'îtthuuuotf auuntîctr' t - V 't' l E tauiti iii sî"m t uni.i.-'-"itriltutinantdlufin - lier. n iveslie sure guvenil., i ni n t. niNi - T-' hr'mnt uittîniaîl rte - ronun -n'-"---f s iadduitionnfl rnot i.md Ur-r Otn-'tmueie of îsocn'ed u ccars-. lîrnue"un.- txIi't~e.i. W" W uI-n r Nus-i Si'tia. nnrnrd fTrhencîter--csUIc crin ,, andreat ssurace-wlosealngue1itfil'*"t" ln-irlur-tta hc 'ànibin salei m a d iut-r'ernlile dnn lm ehl hii the LoGeorge B - . t, clpotese, rîtt rptes, kna htie o ith (;to aslu n filetrne ttuî. iln--e] u roesedan etnatdbît t vaur ifxîe-eihynoud M. icolon a n <i.nan u To-'i, F ERSt,' hrti b'cl r t nrir- ouInît 'tîit Iliait ir utm'ei t as înel a p .Tir e iei n h b tt thtfilea' o da, n lc onlntm ntr o T A L oR sid& eNanSc net tilen rî .ntnr is t 1- j 4 ttci tent aI b s.l e cmlld o si, yJame a i-itien 1 b is j b is n opiuuu age tu hsias vcy ke bto enietae lti aois '4. lieNvus lit-il) E'etT.tTiitaessmrtt of n r I fty ing2'a or alo i g h itr t tp ou r ron ctyho , but.Ja ues eau nov bre nt a l- heer t fîud H c n en wa u b o he I" 12'4ilcc%%-liened tt ciîîînn ler. luviie hIliui nii-va nlMr.cleuseîerc Iîny uî ufity-tcelîxt muyofth a p- ins orcd iur is" oitry charbn, ta dipoal 'lte saydfvedas w thute irntIo neletrinn o lre stîipthefn-i-an tcripaties,,a dtlrtut inn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o otri unm ii',iL -mmm t aiur "ilif a n-'uw bhu tl ivrs itcisuîrlsednn iii ti- nI r theml u îc r ange t itii gil f s a u aio -s bIeonE da ,taute ng M r o re rs o d c o te et cbta rsen t ie w 'oard ixdaÀwon..B~ nîret ~iltrnmultiii"" in M eorg jut nin thewrote, veirtr S. LE ItR,- pr up t'erlires, amdb îik f ioc~ un îttaîuut abui I. ît b a, and oak Gran tli o nfihrdes aeth r topd ad lu t IT E R 0 F w -ri' IF S .tE 'F IurY , a s ' rlie .t n-m er t c a II t uýI e l i t eii l e ('n' . eeîm t-Ct s mu fi e n h ard . i . _ _as1_ _ __me n ,_si r ."the a y o fve r(. i e f i re g ed e v tis . e . vioi.~ 1 e f u I s t r I 1 G q~ i,~ r'p 'Fnes 1>, 'r. :L! in :iin;Novai;oi:nli i) ::h~.ai .n à %V:Y ~ rm nuîe;~a fu ii - ui s sted te n z athe b fc lifor asirty-ix suady i d e r io t nsb ro eaya 8io o ud as e er w rm ta w alma~ o s xd l~ ref cld tE bo îtu ),(r'Iie un nivieutr lf ol Ee hiî e u in n 'lert.alto rbe far tirttod isin tIvee o'vn1 ireWaI teaut, more attentionideanetos been pei t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae n-iibeumteîtel u uitute -tieien pIl,'îit luunppet e liaurgu rpo sitl inthue finres . 1eiriiabutdeenies ri sufennggsonposesson tsierId;aa. l" Jnr", airr ti nuil lo eW uiiu-o vssl ,in iis rs f rc îînu ît-n unrlau9,1,5unto 1ir at rnomd, umand unsp1 aat e.ly e tsueel 's W id bt t i n-btetfr nt ryor .o " c nbu t. s e t o n ih mo u t ood or ,e1lue c p n arm c f ienven ig w v qfc~ l J. w. T' 11](01TE , Et e irum aaionhanrdthe 'I ct r.tilyt, of.îtlngtienu ua trs nu frot an malie; fr thy ellov-zftro 'Whu tie Intansseei roe1 ui n -ui~gI uîtanefr lînc {1 E scn a . sdet, ix ereatk tten. evifle andew trt hued r binircu tirhroupet @th e dl eene eto ,tiir-iereaaI ATciE IL i l' , INIITl'S I( E H Stu"a, e-d hr efin e s atnd ' ,surmukeit- ' is f n 'IN lt iy tE î a he u s f ir , on _be _re hj i a doe fur l sh;l ic i ha d ows r n t iba ,Ccîfch f G oo k h w c .îv clie sl hre oeec e ti t a gsalves

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