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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1857, p. 2

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Th fetuml lU11Y. ithcr's heads, inulsacrdfice oop iveq upon ~On the th tihe gring comred as \Otr the lOthof Auguýt, tire,,garrison nt New Advcrtisernent,3 thls week. - 1 TVI. this very spot anid vor is A-I Ihrirrg disiihoroz 418»l, and it wa.s t-eirrted that tho egenerali.Lenow trmade a a iutý,aridvictorious t~4T-ttHe1r, AiittCt~taIl poil yourselvc.' At lorîgth efter rurch hiad be&n wounderl i>y a gun-shot, and ont, sortie, oapturing tire guns of tire mutineec ruer -Wllimain g. iFr iiiti' Ili lilî<trt qo j IîUti thy brougt tirese two.rgitnentts Efiglisir papier was Lrougirt ba mari iantoand aiso a.suiply of provision... Srerw iiadLn-Ge-eBiad 'LolIit.ovr tai tieir own way o1 thitsking& and the hrîttry ter tieNena; it t tpaper wD.s l'ire SSigaporeinrutineers had bieen agn lS% ll n adGoieBMd )Vc ar gliat uire aile tu prescrtit 0nt- truelle )r'epar..tious tii go to thd village of irritten on thre part ci ail the- gentienien,-' dei'oatocl by Major Eyre. 5t1îtfrsa-le (rer. t'~iîer iitr ir trs atiircTiaitive, l iii,«ilpoor-, lwheru 'thc 2nd Cavalry and -4 Wehave beconte Ilindoostine, why tda ýetrbiowr ireto-ii~\iir Mginsfr oeibe-ake oit wii i ir i.t en r reeid ini tiis eurary Of' i i~tNative iiifitrv, ciii Noria hooeidu you, havin)g tzrkt'itiere agazîne- fire upon anrd BoîaresLoch filde& Roberts. thi e cii'. tt ('ait-nîreiîiimehàltylpre- l'at m cre encanspedi. everai b:rd Sepovs es ? Gimvus prMission, anrd we iili Mo Large brodies or troops wt<u'e mercirng i4agircrriaîrArlt ist-at les A. Clark. eeding thr e Ibstî,tî iiofthe ttr-5i.fr-iîîapa okittr fieso iort acta nilto kili î.'tmcen d ciiid' fiCalcurtta to .-\iihabad. l'îoîrs %wirc ri'CfrMieAe.turr Tis patirni but M aiiriî'ri îreri o-re-î'spet'iv e regincnts. At trat tinte, sevo- rtsuof otur reliit onas voir duis oxcoedîgîln0 ar'r-rvrng " t acuîtta fînr L-:nijtd. Fur i- Gallict oii. eîrrirerît Uruesci-ibl it fir.-ier frrrifirai ottieers, bareliendori, fAI et tire fice of bail, and suc eerds'iwere ne'cr cournritteil Thirir' rrn-IWrtliravin retcen ti leiteri witi wviiour iit Nvas rrc llivfrA 1 unr uiialed to thr ejunand iregged for tiroir lives, and tirrder arry reigir ;" but thre Noria returred griCat rapidity.1 Ta u-Johni a nad lrr. A rono mttri yotrr irî-a ii itrriî- malei' a-Wri a~]o' rrarrv Scroyasirotritheninercy and lult no ar-swcr, and thre flring ias contisued a A despateir tu 'tire Lonrdon Priat, slys <TArL.C ona. à1totiriiotîc-iti' rît' wrIte.' ir1 t nttri rgi, w'henr tbrci'nu de o-iant sorrglrt ustl.tiret tire British iorc'shi î;ee îc- " rtL .'hrrs Vanonrer riirri" ig t- "p-e rortectrion of tire Iho.'itnaor intrenched On Mtire lor oulsîîne asuytmydire fit' oe hsisioith ur niiitce ai'rai, iti-irî'î't in buii ttirî:î..rt camp, iviile tire tno rueirneritrithe 53rd jing coînnieneixi froutirde 24, T1, ati 4a a havy lotis upou tire oenrrvl. il, ri initire iitnit t r:îri riiî <t a nd ri<th,liranrg arrrred tliiuniitdv e v'poundiers tard one lady arnd one griown rip -Tl'ie iilticbrirrgs £72,uuu sterling, antr îvritt..'r -' j' i r.thaltiltitrtvtt, uti trot r'nrpatiod tile ututtnitretub Kulliarpoor. Yourng ladyi, and tiîre ciidren were coir- 16tijinsscngels. 1 rend samîie tif tht-iryi -a-di1ri e.r ririiox'd .W'ireriNenia ItioorriPant samr tint tie idg rîong ini a carrage d'ons the direction l'lire steaner Red Jar'ket,&fntiArtatralit Srni t ti tuntii uittke tii' tî':înlt'iron"Iîrec Ntrtîve Regbarents andth ie 2d Liglut of te irents,andi on tire oarisortie utre min mil 'irriveil et Sotltatnptorr w'itIl î iriR W1iiih)i,. Thîrsdav. ortober 29ill, 1857-. t-e,'rrirlie njtirdeirnt. hl' ii. ' rftire Ctr'airy ied cornpietelv thrvtwn off' teir kiiled tire iadv's husband, but trot fr'otîid- orrîrcesu' Ofl901. -I- -_ - - __---_ bmttt Ian etîait-trt'inotui -rienitii leng of theornpanry, and wiere ti. -ernrg it proyer to kili w'otnietiand eltUiteir Li'rî'riy et. 't.Politicril Pellets. )taI.livL rItilïtt-l ivn ;riNvlIart1 ngofgoing to D liie, îîitir jiined lied aliorod tirenitut eape. lowen-erthe llre-arî'tuffs-Tlr rrmarket iquiet ai nail coîriri " harnds, ropreoeri.to titire native oficers troopTtrs eof the 2nd cavairy caoght thone lscirîrî aeaigty ,lre "rir Te polittic arpcr't of tiretintes remain l'ortri' Unne iti- tIi-t- wr. arfltnt it %ouirl mot bececorrect tiroeed toeand' brorigitt ireri irhtntire preserice of!ires Yren ihîr ntai ndei'iîe rtffr1 ti nittfrrî'tr rrîriatiî'-. T'lbo irelteure aii sorts of in i t1 Iine i ilt f lc r l;'r'r r t,-ttn itr wiaria Delh- itrl tiiev' miicorurpltely <le.i en'rHioordod thra tu ti birekiiled nt qittrittieni. N"lint tquiet -Roi t rCs andrr ins tir l i tii-ru l i t 4Utidj t lttfl thiefi reand .l uropean sli s ocalîîrough.ntire lady iregged tire Nerra whtite' 2s a -3is ower. éluir îatted nt :"ts jeetuitiotrarifein itregard to anticijiateil i aîîilirnvr ofgui iirr, taloti p1relierli;e but tinsdigraccet'r i , 74d il tuti- tîrxeti 37s 6d tIr -î-iiw, tii d mringcs andtîas to ni iat n Sessionrtf Par- tri j l It-',tr i ; ,a u vij -tit-and tihat tirev stuonid fit W ossibrle wner i . int t ny vi.y a'h rkerîti ta erandl-4 1 s a is -tfît 10 % .ti'iî.ti-tt oti' -i-r! iitir itl tî ire ttir Ot ' iI. 't I t'ite-ýl i ,v " ' iii'îlîg tire îîti"- actcrtur)irslir titis oliteniliiinto tireplain. At itt tlinte Susctî' e cd diii n iid ire tiki ytotr i It-. lit i us i lei'i'eii ' uii- ')' iij~ il th T aitît iîiject, or rduîn dey" ooutd be giiir tir.' it wuni t r' -uy ito, and thre lyis a~îiilmn'î: n p Crhf~i.1. tau n r î-tji t i' i ~trîtiii-. %VCatliilere tir oîtr ui"ilti it i',_ t Iiife l'ire tittive ofii'cs and Mè ' '['tc sut i i .ry brt, take i.' battire dchi-o tir eirtur o'cay . NV r 'i.t i'xittro u p e r pi onCa th e z10 littti'i'i ' unt' 01%ti ' st i q"'t' 'w l nîtrlvedtii.th ierer antI too eriri- shide ;" butn on aie li-tenrei.l.ntit ifitr iutîti riîcij îrr rvI' ~ tr ievjr -rl iuiiiiltittr t tt*tit r t t' il I' r- ' i unikil tii tihe ('iitèins.and, îîiunder- sites liei' il rrrn itere cstehing lîiId r it ., ouî ;eo'd rjttirc. rr'a.irnî ti rîrîreliiirî a ti,-t'ittio)n oft'hie f,1rývqI , off " tii ii'rt tlw rteC-il ,bille ut'î it' tir-j, nd(hamp ttrwanti 'ir1rvin, S'undtni>a daitneofAl:a ~Id. t iieouirt'set I . ri Iflitet tV - c) 'tetii MIII-titi(j iii', "icour I 1it'i'lliiii il: ' a i. ae- ie ofmit ong pitr te- : :W :v. te sii)tr, irvire iy-i p:i îi n "er r: cvis- ,c 1fI >po. n ier-i t titttt i ta nOL Pl \«V wd oem p um e < on tti', no'tiîit'tt ai f l lieta iw---,r- lîi1tî îtl c titi- mni î'ttI.'tlîl trit-rr lut' îrî'rtin iii I - -' - - ..~~~~~n, rrnier te- tire soliltitiri t ."t)n tire 1Illtî of .1IIrte ti! re itr n o o ' etl rd i l iiTu iSultni' fidbt. i n. M .i ' 'ttri, tt i' tt eîît j t'î oiî . rtli it v! 'l tî-i' - i ri,ng t rirlo r h -irptîr.i, t nuneed asunsuriorr.Win eurthe h ll i nt ii i" ut ifrtrr'riitli irt 'ii i ii iî tiitk- îttc F v ii. il' rirr i- ' ~' ral~ ' ii tii - i1: r iti.,, it iitttt t i titi . . r.tti rtitpm c.n l- y im u i h e i cit mi .-i i i 1tr-vqreitt tI rt.11 I 'ai p a -it. rr rî rutti' ra t ItpI).ZqI1 an diît' rrvifit n n-tii. a.- atir r.î ilr-r i .11 1 ,lîr'-eit tirtt n i' 't tror n tt i ift- l.rîtk-si in tic ira lin t-e ir.- t--lit'l tlt1,i-ti, ifir-ok. Ai\ t drt îli'ethe gtlerctrerîaratît- -ori-in f ir(i, -n îtiii ie rîr t ierr.itit- tt- l-- i, ' u tljî r t j i ii-t tOtllr'itriC Id 4w l iii- eOw lr ulr.rou hourt' n d ai r eîîiM4"rairt'u>t'('ninagnttuni. -r-it- t 'it-ti î-jî liii -' i r t--i!,i t-7l, %%a- Li-Il t t i - - t I-1i iiir hatn l lî crni-ttiv ir'.rte l, li'r iti s iet e 'r't ti ir t îi;Lî.i "i'r nî! tt î ii > t r i - ' -- - i -- "a'o' i -il r r thti' S of ri tir'tl tttme rîtm rrî'rd 1ila it iti tliti tit.'oltr iiw ttiîl-t tt Sir t I l it. C'- iNiil' (Iý,lt b-,]u'. wttUt tI- rtCnî-i- 'r ie-l ii ii - . t - I L i q tt i-ftti i-eitfu- trer rl' tc ric lu rt i t ri. 1 G bu- t t.-o-t i t(.i t .1 j : iii fit-t.' irtiitcig ti' in litr' 'it ii Jr iii f iv t(liit n1 -% 1 Ili. ic i 't t-ft n !,titiil til i ed n' Iit it-iro ri--ind ai titi.i i]t - il FIl' wit tît i- tti -di t iit -iit»-i- ît t"t inttt11,j aniaribourtî"îitii21, tiiodijrrt îa ( >:ni î-ýI«-î"iî'--inttr - fi i tittît i(r.iiltr Ai' tît11. n-ti"'vîtIbr-niî. itlt 4 -'mh , wrds i llw 1iauOntpuimitutN mt tir11 -t1r f-h i- t tý t lit- - " -:1. - t - - ' . -- t lii i andti' î t lt 11 riitI i t, il(IItI'On,- lriti iWr%% t "iL -i, 1 i ' i tsýi,'er i t 1t i 11 l , v -titu ýIIIIld (p t -t-. , ,-«. îti r -it ti tlt' 1 jfti if tir, îî-jr_îitini ni, i i - i -- - -t-utiri - a t '.1 t ittt'iîi-titt'iitit"r ii rittii fil le, tfiai et-"-' i-ici >o;l0--ii-It't'ilbte-: ini;1-_-!iN it Ir M l i 11: .!e !I \0 1. . tir4 i 'Il - - r'~ýI ,_ - j' ritti iMci-i , - re. Ilirt-it rit e. I 1:iili ii . i - r . n - t anrt,-t nt "m r il t î "uof le it t i 1 i r Ii ui-r!;î" ilitr t-i t - - -- -e -'il y< ."it' il itt' I t ii n î n t d ii0 ut'-t M i n ' t t-- t - 'min 't'irv i tt i în' iiti--. iitr i - i ne- t - , ni lr,4I.i qiu-lt t It --t - ti i - itrit i riL . l n Sat- ' t l . i patli, j ,d ,i -; h a n-t t îî ii iit u . i l l ii- t ii1.lit\t i Ile m t - e- il u - - - t - '10-Y Wsuinnumiim-rîtmi ni.k iir-ni ittittt tItîtie tteî itt . - - t i t -- i ' n j- --- -iii! v% îiqu' - ([ - t' lhri ltt'-, i, t 'i -- -e- , i l ut >-' i l'it-- i l t riît ii ti. nu' it- rý- - i p--',' u -l n 'ii.I' t tt-t i1- 1 Itri' i u tu, . i tji- t i - - - , ' t i .i i -i toi jnj - if;d fa - lit H 't,, - t - i "ut t'1 t, i t - 'tnd'in Noniiict-Mt i 17 -IV M-tK- i Int.'1:fnl--r, LI, ie-lt' îýI1,pi a y o nL -I a; A I -rtUii W tl- e-mob i-1if de 2'ir t - r t - -- - - -.I : Il , ' ., I " tI'- tie'.,int t i-1ittu i- t"irt' lrru i W -l r', Nr'ir tit - If thi Ii ti' - f r îe-re i r " i i r - il: . , -ý I o o ; u - t- t - - -t fi i>Iil'tiu,t.t , ititi filti-iI ri!'1i, and. III he ,liaij-t' i - - -- r. tCmii itt i i tti ia gt- l ut r e rtîtti --ta Iit iii <tr - 'I t i i ti ut t' --u i i f-ttiiti i r ( r uît' b r . t ii t t ' " ~ .î i rt j - -i - tLlî 1ý tilt' 1 ii' - l i t-il t e-'- u 'b, aloip'ilm;"-i ou u. dj' -10ntisît diîex nt f tntN au t -u- t l'it kî,trru1, îlîr'îîîIîI f,)- ,f .t i ri iy t rt r ne uoft ti er tre il M1 0 u11A u I vi t o ,p l M st- h n m -Fun uetut itl ir-irî 't nd utipart also. ;ut1uuu- i t ti ii lti itt i' Inn nd te-i ri' î'îîîîîi îî'ît 't ,- ; Ili! iii n 'tr- -th; iltri i\ r-; 'r, nmz rai .titi rtati'ir- i- n îr u - it t iitlierttI, tpru,-'eiitr.- a'-rutriuriît c-- - - -- - - Irnin i ii-It . like .aitî.tî'i'-'-t-' i t 'nt-.- -n I11 .onL i 'tuu t~t- lut t' jt e- ut iti .1 îli,\ li't ni-t-i--jt- tturr ritet tir-t einove lt ica.s expit sii'e quu-rts. Il vont epnielt îrm iefca - itu 't i itt u l ititttji'i t! 't' ici ut.' i tir t u ttitt uakl-Ne om1trk, Octtiber 26. ke ,r'igs rAIosspittnrudu; îepaie t.'t th son titese ipoints, t-t' r ii u 1 l -lu tt li. u~t ' u' 'r n trîrgu tt in Nir' in if i 'l'rtitiIle wt tatý i ierooltTiceil ' of eendeltI t e eotbtt tiet vry tmel t aitet, litiebttrgv h m wy ia ri" vti0 i i ih-i i i iî t ii tîîitei"rt c n ta mim ps u b la u e en rl a te . ~ i i irai cou1.:ý vÀLd poeri, b the tire m ail' gifle-- 4î~~Yuîît lu-. e-O ultt0t. M,-jd< e Pit-e-j> 4 1,00rti etrie th uar i ro hre yesterday. tic exraerie of kveiirg thln~uup. lItlul"e 'Ofaibii t corrzaortn mnw tt4t"'"r tî.N -r htut .it hu'"ý it i t t it il t i J Ilor. d dae fut idi ra- buutueec t lae iier uuvuth c ap eter- wo l hve te ihein.the mov, hitrto u a -i -icliinth Te.A bicnthilegrpheth onerslant anntocunrrctsain ires. at ot At tut huit r ~ ~ urer trtcuir- il 1.ni folîtl int-y i etcputrseî0rboil3st'noet eiicr, icepaasyies. ri, tret yu mayInave uniaathsug matior tireand lt the ticivan ar'Uatîr. a e r du t es fi o cinriilen n re-ri.- ticftt es; w ire nee=lTt b c upy n er-t eu1Ja a gInït. e-lurtiii)!ui1 'n- tii 'iful vr ý is tutu ti t,%v ie -tiro 1 uttni-bire titicm en- I (' ndHoon k lerapenrîretl ai C anor grat itte, acs andetrscd-It is youy r wih ti r.zi a n riy, suerr t er'i tiI.i utel- ilt ."r .ri it iii- itnit 0wd î nA 'iLitrr i( csii-ta uuint (mil.en Otat, ioiirlraju la snty valueoe r ctcue li ca enter-.You s anctontie p'oose e lua. ay h hui" ti t-r 'e i~i'i lt ' i't 'ttt tei itiun'tIt'-etanî tcj,tn1rzl ccrrdîg m i c tadatesareg force 1, Tra n ionm- tsonse ire affecta. let ari waeks r ir Sin coead irh e ut orrt e n ds 1 itr-tf ttruio t l nn iaj tn iiul aeteni;'t ,t- u iti u'i'.re ittjjîatdr r iîtr isetd. avt e athie n'tr S gat ly holdng Rou fwouinarsus a-ay areo ws alrld eu i v. Ltterretr n ri nso h ftrit 1., tn crtinuriiillei yNe te piunt J'teptsnor the d of Spttiroir and ut'as tiracatrond. Net onlyhave tris, butt Atapis t tîeii . r iAhmuent,î'îr- tii- tu tuglil 1nae tem irstrii~'< LrdRgn hu eI4actrfrCia Ief o giomn.' jUi p'tua t3 p'.i- t ep e ih usi eesa y, d e pirr- iitut eiutt t- u ît d'e lnttirp it tll ti-tintud ai Sue iitr ies; mi t d i au(ltrin mab oti ut e ocoe etn ii tr dcs f mal c ai mre tid tsr aErC O u 1riln th e tii'lj tiirIe Ni î'înlit ru-nue ti i t ili(inulhet f-t iutieth i urtir i r.-ir Cx'n- Cenen ra lat e torn% d an por thir a toirre loal aysu der lhopIt Irk ril li i e ofa rtlrgthy Oriltanen e. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u a t~ r tttt ~irnlntrr is mni nilay olte lyadt Cep, ad bretinfrat nia sîednaysde in tahie as til eicin e fa cae liii Coun Codanc oe the speole it t t110 ve tluetide ' thît Irluni 1evt'r ' utri -yAnd c iwýr areinerj pbad ith s n fbane, TPrioress t ir l n seirch epavfeaitenepSotire moie, ieSkefee'nuaea-e i h sar tii lt ttî litlvasgttoin-,l t vvinvtoul iv entt t i xeorc100 otlovr d. oin- Amtriannor-Noe-urtha lngh cet maenhira egais wist vtoitza'ttla ir aun iirîsef iitt gnpisilun~.net, Ci îrtîed ees t' ~iinesiri ni pbnueri t C t, ridstreet ciralart hoTire gvau u d proe sofspia efrc t , 'id urpurtie re aint a xdetkm~o hvn ag tnh iefluttrat fin t tcr e't'etut-ir ohtircu. Soue rneily t titYre an dtira stai e e d 2O the T iredef i lo andy vees, awih dsiag r iea 'es'ts. Theto %i arpe apiirecassr, l AitI orîg luistrw eir mut ines tie higNith e u s. int titi aid,auA ifrawraoeuidiione Lco peii ad.sstn tr tridte etrtase dfotirhaitrepepe 1)01,;folw ip'h tc u i-zi d a uti iîy tt u iii luir coNe- ied hi-et.t iuîrr di àNiti.uldurd'ia of-; n Lodonlmin la lft Cautha franChirea. n ailottrrcln mnergJtm , srn'ien1vian ar are i lo..uàt,>ituir errav tr1-dy, jthîeil to-It t uutr éaa oalIROittianruaI, rbbrrOn-rte i iscten hytie Bnk tusngandas nn-guantteifclameitg mrd orlfyn wa 're'a5wellrh i g ti>»-nrwl1>1tIiIron th tîruor' ihiettir traoilrs ila, a ;ur u t eo - arlCiae iCul han- ftu, c tunet id gret- whiof p yîe .inùti maioi shf oj'I u cyna korf sitn U'<ltn i h ùt orma ho wiOiLNid; nndctiîirida siet n g-nt , pi tvue u l ue it rotth ire «f t,-rmat>b>.!&n 'dalt e l t 6n ht ubsqe t epi a aatirodani<t, r-the lylfgsrrtit il n ii AejepéIsfrtr pp ln qu1fýandîtît>' suf prop ertyLu Iroie rnoetire jr'aaury oi n>' therptopet>'beiogltr them atd. tireaaè'ia, ' ipatnnidjerurtaldethe:y ~irî(.aatr anI It Ntiîa lrftrtr fom- to Gners n d nt, ir te itreandseiv e ns r- -T)ra Jlrntr ho Dt rbin fo i-r te i tdc u iai fa r ui a e fxrletler n nnieucnlit\g je '-, tieiteiiriu'gnigbuDlrirret a b> ti intu ilerscoidiatmye a, Crt4 ad the n r t r lu s pt'eeiran.h afeti so inl - ' - tOTW 4'l'I '> tirÈ ourt irtima b o eî reoed sued j made tireinlagirteat objoctuotr taiiys rip lirS orsaitaoea ta6klptr catit, The mono>'re'. - -.-.-i-'--- . - -jtri tandmavtuîi tu te iirngth, dwir o asithflgtroat iire m_a I utucO and to kite ittrp"at betwe n io~ulre sss, Elak ret andAsss-sthe nite Stte&l or's, the QJA tomatt'andt taapedtm the oa4 tthe Oetrty0kÉ~, t' raloiLive ibronoi erci t romain i n tia bad ieati, andi eacrlt jOoi r Othe»-f' Bss, itchell Aioresth l- , aCa LtasÂlÂcv pre5Â0ad Imr' ESte bod, the I'ntimie e4a* lve ôPÃŽe aità- brisontr-ie.;swlaumefllwIii hud e, l-ailon50ohra 10v wer'e land co~in- ierîat4txln ors on y le fnud Tta u nthew oma d whiuh toriih itil M'n thaslfth gne day i cotoloraoy vtr e-as ntior astansardi U to iOfI»i havrein4Og bu t ai sai draau lartrge, r~tt~ f4hO ulo1e ~'b na udrPat ie> oantde ire goued of chaulesil a u idred 1, >idtgrngeie1iahTevau o roisso rsiato, %d-on te x- Ã".trj4' Cii<> go ltarîoui ro tît ingt (Ilesa. t efields, mnarpnd tervi u tre ocpid hrsLe tei ent].&G.,adotrrsavtelli- te-Poin > la0ti re41Jbyd fo Lett>çtpoplete o P >rfbl nirup the a Atta iw uiord fpisies n npcigu puà£rdpeet wicjA csive mnetrsssprdad ithrfias wo nurtionthedls errlein ontae . tePi> nrymeiga ti Rietfth çi y of Cawnpue, uto hi er. t:-reenii downacds; br-IY>I ofin Lndn ad Èrlnerla - ithewban mot iracuSeo$ us anrei4b9 u ad a'i)reaîtt '5t Caud tiyh-reied -î.po, we;rure ot nthe rlos;'Ifrobinrat ~iJe f icout y*mth Bao lan asen ut' tieurdeaniug, "d . mmmd n cf ejg1ten ere,,as well foftire ctjýr hind tiroe asi thamdreiry iethevi laGeers nwa ,asQr; Réel, iQ,-u()r; ie.Consol have l. ' - i greae-ti11i4s dîte uand eYty, ~m 12 nd caaftiitnandI s av[ifanhown ogr; a>' goenteen, mer at kh Y- e1u » M.# r <fvvdý« petiondiO via ebt em rhe oWr of aublin ilà advancediiasa&nd-,d une mci Mirsiraîl, 4,OtoOf; Kieki, Ohoir in r-,nvetton ý tor -a me 1 ute- v e- --tth ll elitirrof ý sing rt eitentiond ut'ed theicie d m h eir ndif,îay, M atfdsont osvprCn, aid ndfh , efTcis - -- - - - hl n ~ 4nnnu.- k ene.tli n ~nuv1 hr"mr 'ir4.m1s1n thétinw 1- . îl,-iL-and ese-f '.imo- r .- o Educautian lut Upper Canada-Report af the Cinlef Sunprkintndent flor 1856.1 S Aitexarninatioir ut'tire report outheaChiot' Superintenîlent of adoration for iipper Canadrta for'tire peat year, 1856, is ver>' gu'abitying. Tire sate ut' progrers exiribite il, eveY'y brnmof uth ie sciroûl systeni as shremv-n b>'lthettr"s is qîlite lnuihice. ilenteul. lu is, asmn-e iante min, etrbniutiy 1grntifyittg. lb luron-es tinegi-eut irîterest Our (Cointy Grammar Scoees. Tr lriTma In tire report tif-tire Chiot' Sueinten- whirn àrs caused themr? Siunpiy tirat dunt ut' Eluication for 1856, wmii c te'e ni- hvebeen buyinîg morýe tirntweare iraîo enîtereet intu rathor t'ruuy in aiuuîierj able bu pay for. AVe speritimoure tiriie part uft' is issue, mcc fiind tire foliumn- irg ix> sae. Wo iru.n-o pýéénlated aind ioaiur>M relatiun lu Gnrurnnuar Schrootr. 'flot cut- litîbiliiies bcyoid uur moes ta tiquidrrte. sjioered as a ni-ole the I irtuntiriar Schrnois tWe iavc cateut, dn-ark, and drivera toue- nitir a ici honortable exceptuions,tire irn u erisivei'. In une worîi, we iran-enrrýi ' rturittist'tnetnry stInle, more au, titananty i neit,,aurd arnowtrc'sufl'ernuîthe cuaseqeen- otiter ciass of institutîions t inte countîry'. t cers t'otur inînolveunent. Tie» stale of caIlutiori alut'tior aiitpoen, aul tre unl tomm'tolI îrsttficlent lu enable tirento 1 ro- ces, .il i$ generat ail un-or tire Province. tine irotor of tire prennent, ri i nn-illt titire f tvirurlier sritlloiioOuset, o u îririair thitun, N're haveiover-neacieul ourslcves. Tis L nîîvnntaigouf future toto timi. e or sen'rîre corrpeteint salaristottuimanutcrs. mn-at lias lirriigiritipon individtuats "liard - îriL Ic nxu rr.trr.- n son-oral instances CutLuiY o ines," scîrcity o ut'rrno>, armd irîs camdee Mi u i isilie rîr t ,ap inonlcil l' Tow-rtCounîcils have irononinby rcspuutnied deprassiori in traite, pruti4cý*nid pgeoua -ttitine auttonmtpuoviuîcnl b>' ,lut-u lunici-Ltirte iapplicationis ut'tino Boartd Granimar me-tnt of cortfÏttii8eai o-entr otnr ira asesinext *5452, nary ntutile ir 'ScirulTi"rostoes, iii provtding meil fi lt usi roniotIre Causeand tire eff'ect iI nurnorirnttituiroui hy lac', mil £t),40o2 - tilltrtIre ercîiorr arnd frrnisurirg ut' irauunau be di'ffcett. Lot lus speird less, andtme tueiiîîti ii f iii ocl ntruitijnîit5da 5 Sehool-irouses. andn for nia'kiltg.up tine se-- sînnll save more. Siieculute las anti renta mnrt rftf ire Irreceîling >'eir. 'Tire aurrount 'lattes ut'riras.ers ; burt i i muaI inrilenu-eri, anti rta aal e WwiII conte dono ; lin-a m4ad of' St-inu i nustües' aasssnrourt for tire stnire thtese applicationis have I.-ecui rnsrreai'sf'il. vrete>, anrd provisions -ii cotnte do'm'd pitnpnse eas £ 134,2254, bourg an our'nreaseC (ounity Ctotncils luine ojecel dtà liony a dresti bas oxporisL#cly, andi tire. pices or du nier that of the pneurding yenr out ,2.-;ni îî utile on th(,> c'uity, out b riabe iagriezgtods ntc iiicorne dotnn ; wmalk ivirera n-e ere Theu tîrîotrntt' rtle' lii ts £,p i, ie- r uc' unsin un it'ofarautarrnu t"t'or anti avintheircost ofirurses tmg nuiloritreae ut'£1.59 over tlat outir, Mitireui, rjut1tie gnirun[lt iltuttif iini titti' eni-hivete. 'tVc shah soon get out uf abt liteertiig 3ear. miuunterd iiioule il rîrnîtibe lgrannîcd t lu ati ntd ctiridence mili ire reposeet iniour' ea Futor ruotl ailesand onectii, andtirlitejout'tine rrtixrSehoroksn esalirilnriiite dit. Tihis is tire safosi and best nenteil>, rctloit tif setooilihonacri, tire.enroutrii ex- rieti that tic cite, t otvii,or nilîugi' anet a mrtea-permanrent une tiraitan> an- piuir-i n~i 4~t: hîh'ftî~'t wiere a i tanrturtS-itooui lasittratu'-i. creascit issue ut' -batik notes, ut' suspension itoies 'îî. nn iluo ant1i'iit plu1 it't us'Irnîiilpn.uî'unuftor iti sîupport; thrttthre ut a 5eies a'tirt r Sam . - lctu-rrts£1li~ t2biurjr Ietrulî- £2,. nuuu y %0nl- iti ii') ,' ;V tttend al n lîl tenire ale te pricilce auradsI aord lutin ill0lmn trîrouuit jiaid thr ni 'iiitte-Griti tii innnirtrihe-ti' ntit'e r- t lieramoi r, anti irrr1e a balanuice ai tire yvar. -nu;i4ioidatvirthe a iaut ' iýo brik luo ui'creihl. Tire ci-y ofi ni iard tirun tin'toîui utunînsus for u si>;, rc tIr Olte ' tnmnmir, or n'llttjei-liîni tue ttriiut tiini' lviII th arisbside. Lt wili ire no iii £2119,527t ~~i'qu iilif tire slijtp, "of -, e-f wit'ln t'ln i tu -ttattuA, nI tire iclîr iclontgerth ie slnuple artcleut' convearsation i.rrtr MîiuiiuhîurluntsbcrIiletnilit ii hion C -utilnt t ltiert.-itn ttru bic on andtitti'silrCr' rmranufacture, micir now tire toîtai.9l f; ',r. m-e bitîtî ran i'ip atruntrt itru- ttti'niar-tre ut' ;irpre' iin's. gn'errs tilt' ey'î andri r iherever one is dWs syti- o ulccli-to n(! h ,i(rhwt orfi poei to unri io, To ski LonarulslIre ac- r an ttM t i itt'icli'. ontrilte!pr" à, ni i .tvirît, unrnil lage ttirî'i's L -ittit i lsiîîn'n t is enl, let us aid one Yuar rot L'e-r. 7'i tr nates , r-ri t ratl.s tin lrcltîf e-' lte atnliueriy lime promupt payunent ut' littia INuuuin '.i'ii~tiiil i1i-t-r j G raiiniimr - e-rî,i ms-reC- tit is i nul-r' wi, bi. Nort in eIpr une on iilîso nuch intl-rî ;ot of iii 'm id itnn i c ouirtage. Keep tirenotre>' nammigrliti t iir u't--îtîtiitt'rtiti- tît' ttr- 1 i iti ru-t un-il rîîuinstire i rittîti r i-m'botty fee-. guor1x. Let titse tt'- tta i teh u rlge'., Ii' tire rtm)tti-1'itit"t -ru utri.lie ttIr'nrr-ei' uut e-I.ýtt- -t ieur, tot î riau- tlire ui liarder b>' irol- anti ~ ~ ~ ~ ' i1 r-nttit d uvg'ttfn riucH t- itii'trni,-t'n îîtin regatrdi t ltt'jr-s inui ni ti o tn tigit fear o oflizugit out 'f iii- nîutrtî'î înîruîr'urn. l -,- I' i ltrînu 'ý -y tm'nn, nor vilito. -t eir aigu . Fart t'm are I'on-lar brdf 'llie tîiner rut e-r ut'. nîtnuilitig mitront ordi:-ii) t rt 'tnge-oin tin olditk- - tlit72', teile- it cI-t .-- -i e, -C'-ttiit niltlnae mtin-r- ii ie e-tft'afin t-,tres,sthrtt tlncte i., iteunty ortirhe hârIt .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wc k - ut f 1 uu-n ,bOr len utaxr-, wOcde-rnil n I it C*uîr.r-ir-nini nue coury. Af tinopreseoit tinte tiî~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a li 't.mli î Sln-u-2't te - ýîrtr t)rtîig ir alusuîjentmtriter irnid, tilti tr>-inn Irtsperous muretpeirceable, i f2- 1-atd Povidenceliai bîv.-aadus miir' In t. ttu tiglt-r rrnîî'ir's ~ t I 't h n -I.lutnnurtc Sn-r--rtton f t 5.11!,, the aniiriiti Irn-n-eb T J.t aÉ-l-e prou cta ut' ni ~ -.,., e- A.e-taiefittir detrbenIanîl r oirhicr Irt he U co)trtrehamve mever been pnoiirned in ~Fnîniînir titnn iiaitt.r-it, .~- It ci. utt inut-fItncnt inruîr ts Nuie-r au-a tire pi- tee huia themlten t L a us rîtrire e. ril- i e - t a ri n 'u,r i,. fioat re fthle rie-i-cî'urif d ter er n e tu Fitt~ lutruiî nn.ttit',.tct tIr initai n e-t tirit, tut- er-_ it'uetndi-v rîroi;ur tui' trireîs t ti2, -eti'tvasr tei t i L- L - o heb ý,jiVý1ducn orie ating, a..-;atî ýti tt'un r-i illi Iruur i e i !-ýv ý ý!tc ii là ffi ilni r ut.s Ro- utrli t.r 44 -e-e"i.ci C -)11 t îhuri y ii 1 t int e-zcî tire ttuhtlekinirni'tint >'u ian-e soine- i'urtîî tî 4 '. iii' ('itiiutt ".rnt C Lh-P iitrî IoruseI, aiA dlunet fuli mb the cota- i t-ttn t ltaitt; tt- u7u rit-r-riio'-.-' i '. rît' tht trielîir itt nite-tr t. ît u -i e- tt -i i'e Th' i'e h tii iig (ouitti1ittec t r tli er.i:, tita dculcrisimg is ael irumbug .4 mate~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t teltrfîtît-nte t;u - ut--hotirele otutu> iîutit tit.'j-t' t t liieit. niit~ iiv.nemodes 0e duingibu- 'hue ei.rai nt nt'tit '.itit0ttintisut inil b-c, ir ,lt' ialil. amy-ta inu-e.4,zanilv - change. Once evnery- litil. tît true. i>1 irue,-ti liitu.t i - nieai a"uge rs adbru lras t t- etii diiituI -r11 rt tîrt-.'.' r u t itî i il ,iitnt-%vatt ntie tcî (utr- ii t- -cui' 1 io Iul p ntli ir-~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~laitn tit e rnf.111;ln nrîne r'i".r' i-ire the ' nlet, rute -m-ietuo a1thot i Asyso loatoituntair 'lte tirele nunîtu- rf rîriirti re-o , i tît te re t iltî -. ' l' ien> C' r vi 1î r er-- tu -eedý c mp ttî i ir r~rr ito~ ti 'l.'t ita Hru' -In- 1 Iill ette r Aeîihrtiir. h pattîtti te- A1 t id bstel yrojeet.ýiyt kee mn tci t"ecitîr e-otil' ratiirti t l uoo i ),-erreir c i to bthib.lnt, mthite t a orîty a te ites -re eu'i ha e 1-e3. cintin £100 lier 49;nr ieur, inertn o mur ar> ' xe d ie n - t, ni Iror hurnîtare Ilic orh e yeru ta ic lecteto du so ibU wit' rir spruîu n e bl i rî' trefen. tr-ti- etuot ttnîArs tli ci tu rd tr i ideCo aily, i wsa pIlbgît r s tefidsT:5 o tr. ni- Lit~ ~~~a 6."reaomî 1,e-ia ofrurrii fecausacict' acqetoanu oiit!io on onl thenp ' forwardunîgtIrhne prse --%c "Mne itltc £tiei-.rrceac 1 r lns'ie of tLirig 1 buexiti- irtrittg a taneig ldntr'l>a'hr oa antorlurî t' strîrunes ut' MasersdantieTaoir r'nt1srurr tal orut' D r'ocis thedtie t'sdo B, Vhtt In nul minunilu uer(lirantmoar ehouil nlnrie i ir or Wlibyar ors teitiotncistof he 5u. Tire total t -tn ., d u lo apper ils otrtreTuTeown-LueHronLaure' on tiIpay, bavldIo"~ ripis foruirtminaüsof ranSiotilrpuaa itif h>mn ieniîi iiîouuinz iiettutrs rsrtaieoje (h Lands, Thon ti rnou mîl upot' irnedproi e rvlo Au l rm'sut , ir nioî ct; o iaa rtruniieng pri ,tie olitng ucn-as ogîlede-by-mor. t ueaut Ietaha. elt ncmtand. ) B and e, Serwtoward ntuaniag sfor tlimtxien mepirn hemianan i- hldta rull- iLefaqi iofta'te- r iW'nibyta lotraprseetcordtthea cuire pThîart jifoit maeri raneatd-i>'Set r Iefrê'Wrlya benmoiciaî>'.Rut urisieredas'airoe ertcundons e a obing fCorn ire i- aLoirbe HurnGITai m A NCOnprT.y5 XreI. tirey GrMmnarciruii n-i 'en- i 1,touritsnîtîaut otiir bard t'unrtist iradu b>' Mn . Aht ain terineintheiretewuhe H'o il! o"in Oriliaý nurd Matclrnrsir ratier adou e trIe echeionsfre iiinn a ig. rsaTfie t otal - ù e-uolo hu t h o igseili uubat, mur suanla e 'o ater n-ds t h !-.1s1ia etngt ie orif coltryike-a r acte patin tiPra t r sh*i tb n tuiis un t-1iracirw 35' hettal; r tin-is ht on r Gia>' K-Ocobe rooat eia>, <>t.tue< simC~~ Tir (tndtiu u' treNorai cicro s 23.Piosaan tos thrat tqhaiu-n, !Cakourontiwa opany, to fiis exea reeiht b>' tirte rort as h irî>'ssc ue oas ru-,Mfe:uaetiie aS~iP atoint esmeulngeil taire ac ifer Ion. hTie otjecigut't ire pec uieezg 0povidevtha piet thobéut of theirb ma,,761onth-tir eortut' volume es fo c-larihes C raire quarl tr euin aoa se- cit d te un pitinf the Cmi. tic hibranios1riasunt>' trie as great a iumu teraaben":1857, thpeetted lit good ornrg d y unrntis a wee pplrd or tringtire oM. r onva-$122n-as aoenadllyiaI tre podig M n MaUMffi& .Cairma minute crf t8 a Crtin irfattis lre lurtndans'b'-' yMr. non, and # t oà&-- iremaein sgetioa Naonaf ottiraTo nTrasrrr n ayr.nt:f;ofbilM. a ein aa4t ýo s ; thn aroisait on utelawgu and tre foîloingacrat. ttof the tuildingre of ti¶qme t>tn1r- rutongyt ut orrrud ii tre eprt.Tir TbmaEKikiriîdt'o blane the re srt h euaiéEo réglations t uce aitiexrga -'ns seul-t andintu11 ~ ' 81 ntriie stue es urxd leva igOt Meetn fte Board 2f .0 oolWiby .s ote rsntcnito' tuire ilth epestndesitin - c., xirbioitse- , SuTruso-tedes. - in ireuia MtelGrairar eirolwrfuilture p>r osh!et'fOtePotWhty n cur coplyI. ali -e£9 2uastererOhavearried Men. .Mde h own - frone-tte mtie Mo-ami by n- Sirsa o -y, Te rieporal t condsilhre ata'ultomiwumde troetmetsga ie or lt'i-T~ît -rama lolsepots ashow, till rn-e for tireun&.oMrmtnrant- cfman sLts toit bleexcptons ae i anunatifatumuacIerGe-otr ohn Stn'et$an active ~parýi h rmtee, -inraamradsu b ait exthen' a of ant- Aseil etno teBad fe ~~~~~~~med ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pooe rannailiui. ayriirI -u'amtire tAist rendI ro-,-ssrh oeuucnî.n atothibt- t~uigyraiq the ozy." 1atie cuml Tio raster. - - ' on-T'da at'1cvibd byan Msss. roMrnriobd y ld aearfhe-- Bz-Cmpany, R<ibrnthelrxte )of3 la £ I Tira smi, ut! thre spot titatouer iari a ~ ne"'jure Port IHope Co.ie. I a îehaaie list. naine, 5 0n0 Canrada; ho tire Cozettuai 1 Ând allenn-an-n kras tire proprti cd the f ,t v fne- BisSmvitiig i hp mli t.ire Iras aram % eewish ou r W irilien a ý tt toni Sper ti tot- mlonr. F or n. --t b8 rapreset We wuuld gattoutriChu tinttie anizsr adI-for salai.m; as n-ait as faý 1hkewre lu i rute-pri-e-- sic m-ut alitu la:re laha uxe - tire ta atte tire naines addrteas. pull W beu td.; Peas r- wù. ' r 1~- t livr oatie rs, atrue, lu lie ittrun d ia, are iruijLae- b- t]irae- i' le.r, inan i nauitv aiem2LLe &te. Worgat - le- - i Tia'terly T le t- t bupor.

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