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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1857, p. 3

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I - ---.--..-----, ~ - -- - -. ,.-.--.,- - *~~~~:~~~'-~ - ~ I ls pot ssii it-~h tiI~ itîlti t u - u imîd it'aîo oltIct ik ci! nî~i h6l- I tîte, irve Fit t a-<o lioandlat lt wiiAttU I.iB 1tîui i<tlslcs c plu î-onItitd ts f 1 ilie. bez l as -ii tit ut isî'tî -r -iI; ilie ill it;t Y-c lonit-ig bu. htho Ie pub-a d uî ions sgtt Iv t t wuc-j (10 SO, wltiý Ai tite Whih- - shilide* e lit folow. tonm, tewterdue tIlTil sINCOi. 'lrc"î licai tis mdepu.. --fïmut W'ht-. Wh lithy and ~j ual of tiair ul, the coml- sudet by sp. ks.ititmg hirsg îuatiolî frein cîtuduliien mandi- - WîiitI>y and> ripil il tot (motion of thse v1 shocîti suit. ti m1jj iii tihe aI least £IL)- sli lo nt bc- imi Railway is Id fulyv equifr order. - Car- titi 's-cerdd hit- Sac#relsry tt- u_ oýng resc- ti- meteing it-us vier, ini t àt îsspeclal- i-putblicuicet- ;Ounjtweeki'i. quack soe~t bas gene Apout. Tie filthy rag has net a ainceour asat issue. W'o trust 'warning ha& ,proveed imposition 0 ý-xblo, tand tisai houe of or citi- Ye -' Ulwed thetuseires te be swin- t Payîng Dorean subscriptiens lu . Thse poor moen ivio wôrked at c haire boon clucatesi eut -of thoir l im- iteýthiai, howcs'er, la netlîing J.1ea-V .2L XwLOIfLi.V.0 LOCH FINE IlER RI NGS! HRAMiLTON& ROBERTS ilAIVE J UtT EIIIEtD BY TIE AN-- Of thea absîs e critigs. Toi' theu foul-motuthesi fellow te de. Nots. i1 2 Colui -erciîltl tiltiluîgs, _____ Brui-k Sret, Wlîitby. Air'I ltPoîÏt JIoe Aflas la te name Otbtr41i 177 à a fejornal pmblialaod iu dia Town of -'O L E T. Port 'Hp by Mtessrs. Charles Itoger& le i a weleonue addition te ourerx-J.2<V 1ttttis-ttt flt- Umhe igcliaI. Mr. Roger, the editor's NEW BRlICK .S'i'RE, >IIe, in eue ss'ell kuowsn te the press cf ' îatety ereî-t,îlvJ. ' Lrnatl, betng Osida; ho forîuerly editet inituQsebec til1t)titlAtt apîrt-setiinti'ît îtu-tiatin icf Nr. - hu'Gauct, and the L'/ironirl.eaucccssis'ely, <II-LI lIta4i t lîtmdttuefromut hit atus ntî(r itu -ln teaiftcrwards the Obarrer, cf whilailue tltts ltiit. TI tiC ar I uiitl it-i tt-is. Tl'le WAIS the proprimtor. lie bas tlso pmîb)lisii- 'à : pr t of t- stheusblitii ttg t-amie ttc it iith£ S i r-qtii-esl. ed thte tirat 5volumne cfa hietcry of CLaniada. A LŽtýe), J OR it-t Lb', ,lis. writirmg Vigorous antid aiimgandil TWO 'A tE il--'.. 1<, it ii t lbir<ît In its or niality of semtiutýefît puies-sa-tfB-'t<ît-t~rt ttt iudî-te -great charmu. Tfla Toc-mu cf Port Iltîpti -JOIN ARNAIL. ivili h be nefmîted largeiy ut being writtemî Wttas-(t l i u7 41 Ù~p witlahuheabiîity wbicla tMr. Roger -- (IC At hUa aireaily brought to bear in dotir n- I5'lit-O iiiour old coufrere tiod sîipt-dilE ,t.trtt-r. ttreitlt ,t tît lir Thse Honorable Six' Allan Mac'sab, lia's itt ttgiý-tiî <<t huii it <i l ittlli.ti~a ton Sixctatür, l'Osiýgiiigbis seat fr lot- i-u Book AcnhNote.% or Jlortggc, ilter,. tFor nino 8sucei veti- parliamueiîtr lit t t ,i t- i<< t .ît arI -t tt-a ii-I tîti itti tu t-tI Iasrepreseutedt îat cemstituenais yîl itr t 1-n-IL t-rt Ve -would reuîit1d 1 or o itt thte iaazar in ahIdcf the lttisor the. Congre- gational Chutreli, takes place on Tu-da -next, Noveîîdwer iirt. We tirt appristi thst the assortitient or articles to bit otlir- e d for, sale is very suplei-torui il tan useful au well .-as faucilul description. 'lThc1-v:r liicewise te, ho disposet i o at verv imode- kate prires. Vocal and iflstrunLtaiitI 1<- oe willf R1,40 ithlie occasýion td the. lire is bo sormeliumgimort.subsýitauttan theo tea and cake harnta soirces. Frin the names of the S'peakers wie expecî somethimmg more titan erdiuiary in the i addrmo<cs. COMMERCIAL. TORONTO tMA R K ES. Ticeupl to-dav wtLs tu tt-itl lttzrt t bailN ala-t wprobal11 ýabouti 1<3 ef The Igitucralflirurk!. vIas n b"It 'j' ;1 t r utt-t- Fleur L455as et iireit tttat 1 ti54 t- bri for superlice, si-. auI-r I,tty aiid sit4 bxtra. Bairiey M Id li t sp-r hu,111 1 Ogts §Were lt <'ott rtja <n u1 lliillr ved detuaixl. Tlivws-M lt -~.prilu litettIrt Fait W hent 4- t6di t J$i.s ; pit in,_ ' cl,, W,. l'otatoe.,, ts I ariv ,> . ;- t .a - ttt. tI; Feus 2d O6d; l'trk Ii; l v--t; Egs nper doz. lo'td ;ButtI-r 1îr lb.i. jThe Whësatiwitrlott i-i wat t&t trt <t <tý,e. 'rhere eouliiltntbuIt - le,.tah* us -' < sale. - SPÉCIAL NOTICES. -it tit t1itt tt'I - t, lertioii 1t i I t - i - 1 r<4tiL t li It dag I lit ' iirttîtt ti ,:i-tj tt r k r t gn fnl*it i 0i i ;,,---- t il i tl t Aha ytrt', ami tti loit tut ri - 01c t tlsmtil uî. T trt l a iii uit i Ii-, i--t- cass, lu mu ' . dttîNstt-.ît;i<-ittt- tilt: s a ui' .~T -ie!, i o 'tititittnt- i .sî (ILB-s '& c . y l 1ittgt-tttt t e t a -tlit r At' r1ili %ImiWiitbs-tTW -.l<il<iat areetaue1>tgîI tu tlltîiimtDti-r thÇÙdrk. Soie lrtjtrivtutr, G. W. lltirt-Y. News MARRIE 1),t Ou the 22ma ilisat., bv lte Rs - letni 1ttI Mt. Ai.auar'tctîîReaetu, c'. W.. ILtL, mîîtttL% - t iungtoma,]luttes,-Egailu t A., youaigesutcmliir.î r atsCosWar-' > nȕer, Wlitt, Eugland. Un lte )7th ina-t,at t tttt resitliet- nit' tue -bride!$s brother, i ilie ici-. .J. sititit, Mit. 8eScun1 t.msrio f (Coboitr, la Mius F l'ANis Without Further Notice, m5 lît it il ie tîîît i . tt-t t-t t-ii tit t he -ti ti ititti 1it' tL i -iliumt, -t t t -- %iWUt uAI>LANI IN. A I, peraons indebied te -James R. Kilhorn, tLIrea requeaicd ti' ceine andi aettle tueuir ac- ceenUta wlith hli abifore the First day of Novemuber, utlnerwste ay vill liehaded in for eiieetion. JAMES K. K.IBORN. Wlilît, Oclober 2sit, 1857.- 40 L0W PRWCES! 1 UNCý.LITY M1 GENERAL SATISFACTION! -2 TfIF POETRY 0F BI7SINESS MitY TIlT T u 15- eaidtci taîist iii a iutlCarti a tas.tit-- fîi Crtular or Shtsstiii. If iiu briglit Coi-tri,- te tnort. emubliîatiu' of tsta anîd heaatv'. And sitim tîejises titose grates ofc -litzed Iffe I Go NAUI2WGN&1.11 Are 110s' openieg 1i Magmîfceet Stock cf LADIES DRESS GOODS1 XLÂNTLES & SIIÂWLS MA i àlarge Assôrtmeal mof IIOYLES' and other Pints, Flannels, Blankets, Stripe shirlngs and Tlcklngs. STHE GENTLEMEN'S DBPARTMENT Io repiete wilu FINEBROII LUTUS, tCASSIAERES -& ESTINGI, Iteaver Coathîgs, Tss'eetis & Satinete, Plids, Raiway Wralpcms, bats & Cpsu ticcohn& Tbcy aititîtireuemei epeitiaiattention< te he'u' Winter Stock o! OVERCOATS, UNDERCOATS, VESTIS A»N ANS No. 1 & 2 Commercial Buildings,- Brok'kSt-eet, Wht'lbs', tcttttr 7tiî, 185é. Chlronfiele Job Vower Press Office,- VICTORIA BUTILDING;S, ' E N)COFEX R IIOUSE. BROIK STREET, WHITBY,t____ AtidShtowî 3otir îil]îIlt'tîtîtttttîof the<lietiîcttifil, liy atlortteîi wi t t--sui 't- l titti¶-apir riat-el'.t enntis i1toie m- ati stt-e Esitl.ttîti tt I tti-etîis ofteIlIteYtntni 1lt W - etillt -ttîMtt t'rttcrs titt ut it s ttîteitIN lliev<eamu I - a1It- ' itt-ttî-r, lti -ir. --b -i i t Itý Vot<l beg lt >tut;atia hilu Fanl Stork of Groittris t tucaIIOWCOMute, eîîîprisîtug Young Hyson and Gunpowder Teas, Finest Ja-va Coffee, Black Tea, a supcrior article. Jamaica Coffee. Mucovndes. Crislu,'d & Les-f gur Fruitm, tiples, Cairdies. oss &. c <i-ariutststitt l5uî l -I t -'et-ts anitni tiili ittu i lsthtnds ut q'g unîr1v 'n~~n'rW -iW ESBRANDIES, RR 1S1 HS< iii Publashed every Thurstttay. hy Hiwgins & Mayerboffer Bros. Victoria linildine's, Brock- St. Whilbn. ATJCTIQN SALES Br LB ii'Sl>ING< ~t-<'2 t~iîta 1:1ui.-t i' tIt ('lEAT FVCTION S \IuE. VO& 1'k.ý a 1 )i <t i -ti iiIllie 'i 1< tie i', 1 -Tuesday, November 1011, '57, t; t - -iît-îî ~ JACOB MAIRR, ESQ., NTR V-Ti tE IlE1% l ',1t - ]l T i vt u t -I - P!ttIIN l it il Botts andCi luîtîîî NoSEOND PNEWS. BEG respecîfu ly te inforni their iltittercas us toners anti the public geaersllyt,that thley hiave now recjived thýeir stock eof- STALPLE AND FANCY D-R Y GOODS'ý ss'hlch, On Inspection, Wil ba founa-Jlae ansd co-tpiete, and ti a rieSd that will bc foutiti owêr tbatu cati be bcd lu Montreal or Torouit7o. ctisLs4titu f o Drese Goods, Shawls, LVantles, Furs, QlQths and Tweeds, ytt-~ttte ~st u'ltt'orh lti fo 7K.;2,000 yd Figureti Orlcanis ',orth la for 7Xd.; 1,000 Tue abie Gocla iscra bught i edtibargein. ILC "aNG L OTING, fTCE O!INf Iu tItis departmuetîll lbc foud àut lrge stock cf Mens' andi Beys' Roady-made Under and Over Coats, Vests and Panté, Beimug matie mp ou the preruisc-i the fit andti îoricnalhp inay lbc timpendeci upun. G~(arrnentçmade zup to Orclee inathe lktest ,St L-ofF hin A freila Stock of fusit reesiveti, wltith will bc solti cheap fur Cash. Ilsutemuher i01 MtSeptietuher, 1217. CRAWFORD & CAMPBELL, ptrri's Bricl Butait-i ..,kt STOVES-AND I-IARýDVAIiL WHOLESALE AND RETAI L. BASS AND EDINBURGH ALES & LONDON poRT I..au»' A ue fr cituttatleor tu ihîtusal' ytheiur. cit-I lsu. No, I1 2. Comumereta ie l mdtngs, R A ue 1rCc rWao->husi vteaheies 1 k- i 't i t.:i-.r. -ALS,- Citt IoiiPýiij)g,ý--JZi-, p, ltp :n r iantat 1 u arrc, &c. C~ Rt0 E BR 1 E S! (i 110 C E Rt1 E S" ~ t ~ LIKwaWXO STEPHEN FUL V<htby, April 14, 1857. JOSHt-iSEPH !\iJURS'E & Cf 'ViNt;111 11h'1[-E DTIUl S4t' tr iK IEt'E.NTL)Y KEul'T liV IPI. ..1. tiOSWFLL- T _u.i vl>,C u t t il Il ,s1l crry oujýi i ta a't } STM.f1,I ERle 8 BU 41 T utm arvaeit î tn est -ri\M-o ý l iltuil -s- ttti - I LARD) iaîî ite <tttNEW C (R(UEiRIiS, W1 NItreIN ',L I as, ,i',CROCKERY,GLLAS il e.irit leA ud ct-rtr tti-lu t ;11 i: iing t t he traile. - - i "--t-Ili -ti ~NOTICE. t 1. AT ONiCE ANtI) SA'siV <tf - s - tri i-i t tttt1t t Ii tî A s ., i> th i.itî - tl --.INFtORMATIlON NWANTED L)il .î. eilI-the I iibs--s tVî-r tt i - itii sI istri liraiitl. 11-. -ti- t tOlt tl<iti, 4 mîiles W u't-- L11 eIl aîî;ttîI% r-t c it.1 ttîîsîi r( 1î.îkt11 t - ,tt tit t * llùi<,- e d uotien te e TVilla- ItA TE ele evt- l-t-I -u-t ut-t .c- t-u br1 i\î- '<VttIs iSxctia e -nt n ii - ttS ! ii1 tl3ti tittilîirî. uslui tut- --ttlu '1lv t I CII. -À i-u Nt r ttil 1.t tî,îli -ht-u l te 1 t-t 'ric . itt ttuti I- t tl tlis 1; ilt< It ui n'eti<ut-r ,%%it rii iiums %viuti-ue uitueu - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :i s<tu I-se tî is btrittttt ; ttn du Bdo ;kI GEORGE BlIRAZON UIEN"RY ROINSON, M, i LLI AM BA IR 1) TAK N TIE - INFOR - ioN WAN'rED. l"IlIATthue Uumiter.itet-, Vltieuiit t-t<ýîer - Z .1Liî Ias tlis tav retiredtd frtutits I ir tttif() F 111lRAM S ERVIS lScititi Iîl7T<IIINSý, as-u - Aiagns Mattlt-ihit li-ts, ts ltt-litrs, lai1 3 leil Iis i uu<îu u li- tttit re ieitî i it îal Uàiand mîi!leîrit.ltit-s(cf* tlii- W iîitt u'îu t absg<t-dtitý-i(ts. s-teks agi. lie is ab'uîît 13 csp -e ,ii tutiu uts t <f '<5 luttli, s i-ses tit, <uit- i l ielitgitt ftrai-e,lot-lt- rdiiî, ('etabet-~îît,32.3. Iidunot itIli t iut nt, -~i it-k tts, bîack - c< Wbtti-i6t.-. u-tuautt-tl iittirt- .tt-e--t lie i eit ct 't'. a.ilnîilî)u1EI. I tit -tu<ite<t 1,%-ilt--îutuerîîiLplî i II l W'. IH.BILLINGS. Ci-tutisrtn- i< LRK- tuttiir-tt-ttSl Nlltb relercmîce ho ta athe i-, thelnies- Orttt-ittt- fhri-ii-M (thie. ' 4) 4 'mmiii lu futurme ite ctrrlsit on ttier ldit eu,____________________ sr~ le anti fit-i cf Ili g s t~tlits-& Cot., 'w lttilsdchargetcll i hts dticthe ltefr set-s howU abmuslotît' tiiuecatit:ti re;jpayablet.t -Dateti. Oetolîtr- ili7 rUE GAINTET OU D. jMails for'Engîand by Canedjuan Mail O N or-oit-i lctisecut-W'tlitby s-nu l)lat-. [Wo lltt-is for Egttîd sil be tiespateilît lu la6 i-itle neit-,',Ititet Fur. %iiîriti e-T via-tht- St. wtivcedurhîg tte remauntier bave il b>' ap1iig aI Brys-ttshîut, IV iltblh1, tf thte jrt-at-nt tai, suat ;and pqs-Ing expensesý of tfitis adyvertit'cmnr-uî. I ,whtby, ettem128, 1 S&7. 4 1 F11011QUEBEC-. àe _______________________________- Sttueuit----------24th Getobet-. itto---------4hNevemaber-. TROMX 50C., TO $6.00 !! Ttc tissîateit fitiiositthie 141h Neveniber ssiii te fromttlPortlandti udi- i]bcho uned TrsIE suI-laetiber itt't-ho infoprtn lte liuhbi- stî ittecter Witer Voyatges. tas-ttsof WH ITB?, ast sirounding enui- - R. SPENCE, t-y, tat bh tlakeo the Riotts t-itBrock-st, J7est Jfq.ter encraL~ 19bxaer-hyocupîed bl '11f3. !Thomas, as Fo <lilîe e Dartruict, j- W-DGUCxERRIAN ARTIST,jje Tor-onto, Oct. lt-, 1857.1 40-3ai. wberpliho may ho futi dreatiy te wait upltxcse Who MyLfa"Ot- lim iwitb a cali fer a Potrait cf unty ofttb fullowîeg descriptions mbreypeiCmsneeipcshpereotypcà, b-ti- br-of8ait5, Lemtltrgt-sphatidi Ihctogeigbs.' -,t <~&*~Leftther anti Fitpar Tmuatisr, equtal le "Yln Iicî art. Cali aud lice. JAMES A- CLARK, Jl Oeoe 8 85.41' --JOU8SE & LOTS POU SALE. O TS Non. 1 sud 2, Heut-y Strcet fer Sale.- gAUlTmymCerner- Lots. Ttce Vouse lae rà» u, saLery anti a bs-tf bigit, cen-- =vI'4ýkr'a ta. t It iabxgoodropair,and *e ine.Tiero ls alaa mosséoout B4,4t 1?rILD2IÀfG0 o& aqêenclofed. Tiie siuatien 6las t" ad fo$hrprtOit1ars, apply te - - Chiefc sle. - G MQ.WALLACE,. e ,~' OUSE vîitià fise il'iii8i# o te u 'ithc, ATLAS IRON WORKS, W~ Front Street, Toronto. CHARLES VALE &Co., B E tnfruthe biŽ tige thert e -to Brewerk a is lot roa omplote sitIe -for uerrty- ing eut1 e besinesa cf IrouF.oun4ing&Bngths work ie allits ljsaui-eo. They invlieiapccllen of tilr numerouz Fat.. terne of Orintemtal lt-en Feuces, Balonis Vet-andalt, Vs--l Doc'rs, Plain anti Or-aes-mot Caot Irpn Celottaus-, wiow c4ps, IsiUs ànd- of e-ler-y deMpton; Cockieg, Paîler- ud Box Stoves; Grîiee, Cv i-o Mocba Caeil.rce, Sepa Rettle Pln aseigý.=Ï rginp ,al-c. vanlageeca terma. W COuntq Ousaffl pis-o. talIy sttendeit.- Tor-onto, Oeber 20, 1851, 1 - ,t GLAZING, &c. t- WILLAM I VLIX,,t INESI, ANDI) IQU"ORSl SbWBJ!; ,C, &o.) - i ltoves toianl ce(', WhVituy *EW FUIRURTURE flo~us£ SOFAS & CHAIRS.e St-j SWOLESALE AND RETAIL..ÀM The Largest Stock in the Country of Furniture &HRouse Fittings 0Ut h"ies, - .of IReoti, iPitlr at-ilu t ia ntttamui WoodtiSeatedChtait-s, Ta- <tIIAM'S< > 4, ekltutî ireaus. c-rtt-i., ut-ta-ut. ctte ii Hall andToiliht Tabtes. MIlS STEIiE's, MOJI OYE TO P*IEDO Wsw, 1ly (IO\N<TArTLY IX tSTOCK BALLOIJS' The '-il eriber feels aafen wita aiuisititintt(iit ,Ltaui- l t--r-.tafor quautiuy, qaalily antiIrise, Ilis -ttllslitueti sl a aittîtiteittbuI is-ll "uàyat. liter îlot-s tahIe Cunlirv, magaznes or LNovember, At lte 24 YANKEE NOTION ~O1 MONKsS'rTANPARD A-MERICAN- M AP. tiltt ii s!ieiit tltrtsaeI ti i ai, ALBERI'tT Sl'II j - ____G. C', t Mtp. c1 Rvit- 0tiîotbttir 1411, 1857î. MOINEY TO INI1EST. Mr. ' AUCTION SALES - CNl<1GtE.1 S(1 uiON in f, ..gc.tc lttpt- tut shrt dît-t-as. Fit BY F MURHY. fli'e i 4. Itutn1- (;. C. COOKE,ai T OWN LOTS L ANDIS!Ls 3tai II.nmnî artw 1 ATTACLtMENT; ti To Merchànts, Mechà.iiits, Farmers; 1('OUNTY jF ONTARIO, xY VIrTUE O(F' O1 .lrmaA sLrent itiAtitE îtsimattit- I , 11B a irît ttf At-; ANDÀ PLNDD HACEOIFFt]l)TO aSmcatissuistiont utf lier Mtj-st'a ('otuits- 'K1 I (. PITAl LISP;Ç & SPE('U-L4 TOIM< j Coturt, iat-dtieItsNneteettîa ay oa- Auglîst, ent Tbl i~ca.t-a ctnitIu-utluçntifys-sim, -orderte t-ilrnt-ttri.th-a t e tai t t. t-es-I ts iycl iis ter- cnd-, as ot-ttI, utul tit .ittstott. iabssut-ttditmg or cu-on- iat-l p - <ms-ed Dehîci, ait tht- suit of 1Davii 1r'tr d't -lizobert Camtpbell. tIr ltesmnuiftlrt-tc O - - ~ ~ t îiunds thi-tctmîsillinîgs, I ]lave stdt' h ie, 'i'h e 1 - et-h~raiti tcutIa.sivcll aites ital if ie.stii Iltîglu ti.itai ILL tJ E hF. ILD 'ON VIET GIIO1NI) IN s-titi nul"tttiu esa i U1 iiii liuili u'Io TOWN o PORT HOPE, 10 lisdisithargedul iithlirititres Cuender tut'tîu tlts..'thri, iul ~timtu-doittuhtereolits unsy elses freut i TJITRSDAY; NOVEMIJER 5tis, 1857, u'-savsitiuet'u uat.o-t-Itntl.pty- Ellerbv, t-ta'lowsn Lotti ts-tr iotiut tautis --Collet-e i ,tti t w.i-salisiittit '-,f ttesaidtlai or tfIt-flite lit n Iroîiuti itlte cetrtie tof mite Tîtt i f ttut iîyaetot-dugiamîattepoirettttpresett Iliite. TiiestiLots st-e siuate'tiont Pu<i-, Nt-al- etlects oftifle Sait I lumglîLivingsmt%vtht m liansix, tJitit sont Ilipe, Elgini ituttiDitBiatuiet-e Streels, tatdî uituttbaoftbe issuir Otlacabo'e wnt. LECTU font.it nnttle.sltabt-i sites fuit resitisn-eat1ltt SN O.RYILDS, cotsid bd proetureti witluiýthe Toite'f'bey mare $Sltfrif, C: O.1 Ii!gh nîi, lte Lueke Shtore, s-titicomuttattd a Jhrf' ffii, le-. .B. ihe1 tt-I " be nifu iesî-oehLakze Ontario. Se - ffet htta , ,"u ISIIERiFFI's SALE 0F LAND# Aise itthe sa-me linmeanti plate theilunderman- tioncti i à VCunty oet' )tttio, j"%'\N SATURDAY, TISE DC/ 1 Z mr:t " Tsvents'-tblrti day cf Bitori-'Janu.1n cri nx uts-the ttott'of er'wels' o'c'Iock I~t<ooss. tîcc, wil lac atîlti ut lte Ct-urti lotse lu thet TuEB Ea4st bs-le!f Lot No 17, lu the t, east i tui!fofIjTown eof Whitby, thee mmdenneesttlted lande;J higl Lot 25, in the 7iIî lotii andti lh silt- t-be teuen_tenl thurzctu, seizeti hi virtsit f Fs-ll or I tyisf il«4m iess omt cf 1ler Maiest% l EXE.CO ilnBiy ~urt and tieeaBeuch, inthe VillaoWheIB Nos 9, 10 anti 11, iente Sud concession magsats, ulia. Johunils-u Ferry, Plaititiff mss. Nos î2 andi 87 1î - ttl, -ta. DaullT. teck, decendamut. Temi.D - defeud-u't rigat, tltte aud intereslte anti to lic ai, PORTAGE ROAI. acl hai certain pet-cal or tract cf landi sud pt-c- indtebted No 4, lit th t, aud 1à 36 frcmiitg oni Basi -u -ci' Ouate in theug ot-sp ocf Batcfh'Ieî ookf c Lstkc andi Guli River 16, m in 4hh Couaccusuion c6f siiTewuship of the Cctstt - 30tEI'i'ILE.- -Rehe, contaitig la tmeasut-ment hait an Ne it he lIt, 7 iunlte ixtt, 1, lu anti 7 ima-s-t-e, anti uîay h tti"is kOsvil as flllows, Green the paiti; net litafcf 7 lu the teuti -' 10 andti l it o a---comtnsuuiug wiaere a potst bai, 18 lu thue enth ; 13 iu the scs'enth, sti10 anti t een platiteel S4wwest, frouthte lintersecona ~ il lnthes itIacou ot f lta Weseo lit tmSt e t--t iit Scuthst-ly lîrue for the mlltwmànee of t-sli the î EhiSi5MOhiE.rear cf thée a-d C uîesitn, 4 cr-uslek,*7-a Ne 2 ant i a ltee 1h sud 22 linlte 10th then S 7ocuWcat, 2 ebs-ius< tlauenîaii16e, tt g . aTCK Hmin. E 2 chtdus5 uidila.thepaefe No 3 in the I(ttli id ~16 in lîth ulug. oucpic obgu- Iio LtO44NWOo>,NE4LS0X- G. R]à»~LÏDs No 4 inlhth , na2luio4he;/u à<Yoj Wiby, Oct. 17, t 7.11 NO 2 lunlteé Brd, e2 4ed dt3ilfo8 k ie L00'.- $o BWARD. 811sflbiulf pf sin the th.la inlc8 and .-J luthe littis ceslcs - mTWE MRRR1ti$ILE AN]> -6T. -t TIM R L .K>J .. C ath eri ue so, a Noriththfaf1ittic2nia-tZIaGî P O W E T tB 00-K, xre as ta stmq ~itQ OSitiOOUUaSttm t- t- - t VahIRit.Ute. LeI82its-ê4441a 't- - ~EQ*~j[A1fi~ t- t~~t~lntIc4tlL t t - - tI~h-mîsîim tilts 151h STEPHIEN FUMLER. Wi-iitby, A pril 1-1, 1857. 3o -tid 4, Ea-et SicIe Brock .Streeit, W7itby. àtitt r: tltt-] tturat ut p of Nortit beelu- t paît:ý1,,1 t " ait I!itýj*e ttt,- 1ts t h Tfl stl 1ýrfli NOLSTER& UNDRAIG stnttratimt iathe iIieýtri ttekasi falarge Stock e o llus, a i)other iucessars articles appertUuiutth e t s Ba srtrtitaIoioîta utt- ould ruspteîffully ihtiiiiati tWrthepublie tautlit is la eprdti trih n u lt--tîitgtit aIîtï (-, ot àtiuppi. Ftuulerali atI l sortuet îitice. uprardoftjlimifly - atd intPritdialCitictî ant %i Tîwu011 rth .ttti riciin tonItinletin t, k shoWs 4all A lttrttz= ;uf<")îltnlc,t it-sî-taitly rIttdv fzrtrianîtii.,tota aet the cozaveaience of partief lstt-finii-lid, uuutistittl mand trtjeetitd froithle totm r erit ,titi-u- tte l it a'tait' iours Inotieti. th the c.otitiettt amidtie d1fft-r-ft roumtes- tactifi. ltit t. mtoutted otî iloiliem-â I; ihet À ate j'y pair of 1 ftrstts sitii a c.»refai Driutcfaraýled w-ith the Ilearee.- md cxoeed.. in atuts for dia e o f faîtui- anf-, od tu.generati bie ail the tW.'-EeL 'EVE 41TA-LP SO H oùTY-ý1 tiA ertýe isr set ptîblil~e.L'b.EtL JLNDD 4TALP1T 0 YECU 2 Y. It îie sold only by Agents. WV. W. Moulton, the Agent for tii sec-- STEPHEN FUI1ER. lthe (tunt-, us now in Whitb-, cte W' 51~?2re YeU ti thtiutt e b, ttoced. tothe olwn ws-, l-tassmattviile, lt IHopte, Cubourg. ilie, Kîmîgtti, i3rot-kvilie, Ottawat, l'res: 1'1Monti 'al. 88~~- t2~ REE ANDI DAZAAR TABLE. BEG RESI'ECTFULLLY TO 1kT1-'o Blaoksmith,. TUESDAY, THSE rd 0F NOVEMBEII, t tete t6 their Custoracra and theo la intetded to have a Sirem and l3azaarPbegnr 1 Sik' 1esQ and Lest Iroit, Cutt, a tha Mtthahic' ibtilc~ tiublie gwnt ne- tly, that tlaey have O4h - traise hi'uuds tuliquidate exhttieg deïttsj jnc-irsj u'tn"mr-ss'î &o. far as posisible, to uttake laîprovéeutts 1- ST IIESpCd]hEIerSee, or. b's prourty of the J~ I i~U11~I ~ ~ Pethols nis o YNGREGATIONAL CI[JRCH. direct front the TotCarriage.Makers. Blaar Table for the Sale cf Faney and ûrt l ë, wiil bu topetn to the publie frotn BRITISHI &AIMERICJAN Alo, Thieule'Skelni, 'Bolts, and o Vary to .I li , t l i - .ii. 0di m o d esc rip tio n of C arr itg e T rit m Iie g , & . te, vening thuSuirce wili open at 6 O'elîîek 1 ARET-rHE ïn D I? p mtt-n a38ceita eu-h ; Cittttdrcn 25 euS. 'fTet lteet s-illie r'-brief -'ddt-es- an Mituisierastiid thers: Tite Ses. T. m8. Yisruely of t,4P#-tw-isburght, Resais-; e- )rr. Lt-hie, andtihie Miniâtéra cf tîue iuti neighlborliood, are expeo tetilebe the folle inseiîig CWreda as Ulii ill b. e<yeit ~y the Z r Uerby,, uCeecs gf Wib6ssI a propriated la e ebliaemt. uA 1aaclté ut it-i te tsi iby, Ojetobct-7, 1857. A' HFOýýWHEAr,' tmtbsemàber is uew vprepared t ps-y lthe lues-t markket price -for good. samples of - IILIVERRD AT t Ucksqt'98 Xii, Greenwood ci W4 so te~attsoppotuneity th otijfs' lioào I ho Iie cl 1r tyNote 'of' ts-nd or ecoeetlîfaot s âû Id beftoe theî15th berus tW ile h éd. tD te mier-k of .W L1.AM W RIN Jr. 2swod1 Oètber, 1857.;8 E$ùXJJSI3$ W1LL GIVE TE gtst eASII rlecïor nuy qatîy of >9A ~ T att lBERTS, Pt-... - mISu.1.a.. n 7- .u s . Qntp- et' Sheîf ant iltay - IARD WTÀRR wlaihi, on ins-pection usill lbc foutui the macat complote in atitit ai1ri ces t]hald tie10ýP c omplin, wili fluI evteryhbiug inther Deshs-u î'6ilted -a1.8. -a KILLWRIGHTà'. Ée-RO(;K 3fl rot rai, PaesO a, rtuiti, Glu, Petty IX PL E MENTS. T Spimdo, Far-ks, Scythes, Crs-tues, nait anbt ry requW,, for stitsimig i - -t- tTh 18r-usitea. LuAND N WEST]R~frCAXMA T 1E .Su bscrilîtr lutshîg ,detemuice t isp T r th fllowin ChQiec Agrieuan utï as-e C1ieajý, candon easy icruns of putyeent f -- ÙO.UN'T- -0--:WELLINXGTON\. 'reWreSatll; 0F LitTIlUit. No0. 15 I»tCou. e82'ATcnnit t'd4tht- TrowNssgfI o0k'ARTEIIEIÀ. - X.. 37, f4tli Çuu. 14f) Atlrt; COUNXTY 0F KENTt-- Rer bs-If 2;lSthCiit 0 1 +'Z West half 8, l6thIl t- Ã" < TOW'ttEti P ui' ho-i~n West Side of 1 i3dldoôÙ Sreet.l' No. 42,- O rc 481, -loti0 COU-NTY 0F TAI - TOWNSBIP DP-31À. l .- No. Il, 1't Coni. 20() Acrw S. J. ;, 61h - 100-' C0UN'PÙZ OP VCCT0RLAt. No. 11, lI Con. A200 r4 W. 42 2id en. 100 - TO WNSIIIP 0F hl0tOC. Est 3Y, 21, 7tli Cou. 0Aes. T0WU'SUIP Or' UiC.capûEnC. weat K34), 6t15Con. - Ià c;: For Price atati rfiwaof yment a1pplvto Whitby, 801h April, 1M.7 14 DESIRABLE IÃŽV STET $600), $500, $400, $300,.$200 FOIR SALE TroWN LOTSI, VILLA LOTSIA?&L2S LOTS FOU, BUSI;ESS PUIPIPOSES Loits for Private Residencos, IN THE TOWN 0F W1R IN TUE itOt:iTY OF ODTAStO, EAST 0F IROCK STP.EET;. L OTS 'No. 14 AND 33, EAST OFBR'XI Street anîd South of' Poltard5s Motel, u valtiable prôt5jety extendittg froua BroWok lu Ferry Stretea Lots No. 177 anîd 180, Eautstd oBoe -street,lNorth Cf PllId' ldt. P1'a,étleaeir- in rpryot thc priicipal îtreut-in thsëtTowxa wil d thos Lots well situated. Lots 203 and i4.a corner blook on Maple-And 1erry S tre eýt ..- 1 Lots 715 721, 73,74,V75. 76, 77, audit. TIheae Ecigitt lots art u inot Blocek, boudided by Pek-ry antd Clue-sitit and Ash Streets.- Lot 37, W'est écf Perrv strer zind df0eI,'cq posite the Steain Flsr 3Iiflý Lots 64, 65, 611, î7. 82, 83e 84, and 85 Fust of Fer retatd djiungtheana 1)m 0 perty (4ti the Notrtht. Lot,,N. <tEs of Perry Strcit. Thiýb' 1er is welicl. fnc1i-ii teritise itnprùs'ed.- -we àt ài Ihoék Itreet. Los104, 105. liS, anti <11i, beuindeti bytçts- IrWiu at t trec.ts...Theïe ;Lçts tord -tl htfally tttiatect, sud ha"ug 8a streel t thre ts, are xeeli a daspIed tbuldn - m ie. -bidng Lots 124 atnd.1 , îoracf f cflt nfi d- John Sttrette, Lot No. 135, EAwt of Kent Streçt, and but -feSi' rods North etr Danduts Street.- Thme foregoing choies Lots c-eecdrp. llargi iuiber;with the le !hoidhilEttaau as it!neýýI4Ujtbat are nos%% offered for Stle t faallyw'ndtustîieàtlarge lransaetioa. entretStreet.................2- tU Palace Street ......... . . i loti nj k sliitet................. À ou County of Onta'rio-. FPOR SALE, Towmu Lot No. 1, Cornier of QueQn ano.'-vW ei~ Streets..])eeidedfly ltee nat valUàbfle Lo,0iiw w:heçholcTown. QUEB SPTR . Litt £xo. 7,68£f4t front; Lu-t N à; reroi IQutetianti erry Stréeàs; Lot No.9 d ý. - Lta No. -10, 11, 12, M1..u6atid17, 66 fibit - - erner of Quet ýîqdilhL Stretnerj n half of anacre.".Muf'the>tforego. n t oli the Matdnlo od, snd arc y lots 19 msd 5M, cornerof 1 Maa i*hi L ai§ de of2Koft1 cf ansecA cf thte s el Lots No, 70, of an acre eua- 6ttu(i caso of thow fosu MARY ST1 85,85'.On Mai I V.T~IYV * TymUW'19mty4flf. - -î- A f -: i AGRICULTURÀL' ilule,01 j CRAWFO. LLL . 1

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