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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1857, p. 1

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calm Printed wordgg great thoughts tllid untiring indugtry, we advocate peace, progrenst Knowiedge. Drothe-T-h-nod. -2erlai Illeffle elrCtilatiôn - _ y Y JLJLJL JL 13 JL 1 %je vv sl lu U 1-Uc 111-11 9 -IN V EAUJE li 12, ý1 tint!, lýU-4àil'i 1)(ý*ljti Mail hy everv bil- th nian În, w1littry ai Il ilIý'Itltll vichâtil, a flotter MESSRS- TUOnPsoIq SMITH, ity. lis when she vras with us, The boy did not ilnmeffiately advance, nnd«>tbefgtig( il VL'TIONEEPs saine as she used to 1 m'110 t1clvertilie or tiiiiik well of tic- & soi often talked about God and heaven but answerofl thoughtfülly sýl, will pleue 1030 1110 flirte Ill forwardilig A Markliam. SCARBORoUGL 42 and cauîed fer6ti t IlotIces. (Pot and the great and beautiful borcafter. In Yolir father will scold, il lie sces you Not long di CHARLES PAYNE my dreaw, father, you looked very pale, speaking to tne.lI W discontirilled until AI, arreat. elnik dropped from your hand 6ý fore the inval S are liaitl illl4 17-('1710NEEIZ MANCTIESTER, REACII, Clear the Way. and then th He wont sec you, George. Ileisasleep siowly towar( thg A Countv of Ontario - 42 and you went away ; but mother still stay- -bc is sick!" , tteMen(,.1o,ýn e.-li, If retlsteld, ivili 'lie nt Men of thou lit 1 bc ný, and gtirring out, and un rialit of the Ili fi - ý1 1% PýE cd, and told me be a good girl and Iiirve The boy crossed the alley quickly, and paper. en addressed TER CARMICHAEL, 'iglit pfý day. "This," lie 111GGINS, ]iIAYEltijoFFEIZ Co --ith raw the eurtain- yotir, and try tmi make vou happy, for vou thon the two talked in an undertone for 4 &c., WICK, TOWNSIIIII, VIee the way felt very lonely noW. 'And 1 am pini to forw moment.;, the expression of thoir faces many weeks i whitby, C. ýv A _(_'f B rock. men 01 actio» aïd and elleer theul Il do j pt as allie, used tg tell me before elle varying alternatoly-the girl apparently 6-Teat a burde ye nuiv 1 ly e A- PRINGLE, Therc's a foilut about Ï0 btreain went te boa andjust as she told mu in entreating and the boy goiitly refusing. (lie thon, ho 1300K ANb joB Thercla alight about to bSui r.PCTIAN-TTAILi.)R, BRocK STREET, c;iu rny dream. n n a little while she went Ne, 1 -can't ttke it, Fanny," said leave niy chil whithy. Theres a warinth about away, and then 1 felt very bad-for it is George, in a lotider toine, il for don't yen 1 attemptud, 1 There's a 11ower ab *Icut te blow pleaisant tu think Of, my 'darling mother remember your father oncecalled me -a bc- ILF 111110 1'>Rl ETç)R$ ID S UT reçoiled ()F TIý,'K. Wiim y TlloýMAs DEVERELL Tlic-re's a ulidiliglit blacknoss hanippg -and 1 awoke gar murder of m) respc,(ý'tftilly lnf4)rni th Into groy; i: lit Ille li le flint thev hoký'u proienred %orne e U 11, 1) E R, &cl &c., (;RF1îý-,N 8TREET, Men )fthou aiidealiedfor you, but-biit-0, father, lier now, tru-ç f tire illost ght and men of action, Itid tfie, IriistýIesýfTvvefroin New'Yqlrok inaddi- whitby, ('. itv. In an instant the colintenance of the Ill( Clear the way how coutil 3-ou want toi die and leave lue girl changed to a (Icep kia(iness ; but pre- more bitter c, r t,, titrir 0ilim, Iiii arc to execiite "tir] 1 IN -all alone il, fortil untly she exteiffled tire money again, and Peen for 1 car TERNATIONAL IIOTEÎL, Once the wc1tonte light liait broken 'y A ri(] the child's sobs bursit ânew restiniti By !he dim AN wilo shall say 'T MARKET S(IIT.-IltE and il only want to lend it tQ yen ; when rcad the p p OK AND JOB PRINTING E wliat the linininzined glories but lier parent pressed lier closer, Il lit tàýi c\ýcry c4ý4eiI4ion, nuit giLrantre t1ilit wirk (if II lie dnv 0 k-indly bade-her wetp no mer it once more 41 1 e, for she you get work, yen can pay," eulierlor à4tylki fiJý Ille ]ROACHIN IIOT '%V liai t lie e y vil tlàat Alali perilili This tinte the ho rucuivied the morwy, himsell: 111 orript EL, shotild have nothinc- to fear in friture. Irile t rtýIirJl't0rIo Ilave 1,11re4lI1.4ll (JJI(l of ()IZNFIt 0F FRONT ANI) (;EOR(;F Aid l lie da 1 couid sicep with my arrus and after a little iiiiille conversation, thev -,oeil forgotte r, novat* C torning, toigne anqi jimu Fanny watcheil the lad till si - - 11, and she i Ai.1 il, IjIilxý., t Iloncmt Inen - clisped îtround your neck;" said the little separate(l. Ald ît, saw bila disappear within bis owil lioni' girl, artlesslv, lit for 1 am afraîd tn sleep CARD cl scarcillly be in tliJitl to tilril out (',rl ttnl Cir- n o Il. MANILLA IIOTEL, Aid it, tor lire hour ill5 ripe, so far away froin you ; 1 iniglit dreain and then site too souglit lier gloomy little Theylinye ARIJ't)SA, (lA1T(,ý And ottreariiet inust nut eI.-tc-L:en once 1 W.qth agaigl." k-itcheti." is humait gloi ý-,%I 1 ri lity'de "Iteolç l if 111lin aiffl lekilit,ý. er*- Jului 'Martin, lntn play. l'lien W kinr, rv, M>Iii,-It I)týîll;z 1)l,11LIlt lit ý'crv lotiv Men orthougla turd Il No yoti Nvont, replied the Failny Truscott lent tire tlitit, n)ottier," J'rý itilitz c'tin Ile I*itrlliqýýlitý%l lit il, ý 1 tire ýI OAIKWOOD (.']car tire wav father with a shudiler, and urging ber te siid the boy, as lie Laid two 1 flOor b(Cs' pn to 1 t 0w sliorirt 110TEL, table wherc she sait seviine SaIlli il ellI rintit IitýiN retire. And thon he addecl. in -il lialf whi c"çt t - 1, Nfi 1 illid net child, Who W. __ G 1 1 - i - ci il a0ef, - livrindation fir Irrivellers 'l li pur : il liner child ! Ale little kilows that want te take thein, for 1 kriov thef are 1 wolild obs ri 1 lie diàv tail t'O Iii a p returnin- te 1 (#I>riee, And a brazen tir art of lier dream, nt hi wn,; net a 1 poor too, and besides, lier father is alivays in ertxaitioli* ONTAalo XIOTEL, et its side, whil( -cation (if lier brain; for 1 did ndeed se proiid' Why, one tlay wheit lie saw r. l'o, t Ile rigli al ý-Ktand over lier, last ni-lit, and in toy li-ind lire talk-iiit- te Fanny, ont by tire stepiý, lie Of deat4 ; i Carriiiiges Io Clear the wài 1 7 Ilvws chitrhed a weapon that in the -freniv balle lier go in iiiiit to think more of ber- sinaIl phial, i ci\ w itir Ille riglit illiail inaliil nrore 11, 11M lý"at Free 'if de.9pair of the moment 1 mentit gai-;. lilter mitilin- ai the and should self than te associate with be- the trunh, lie ýu fac Il Did lie speak so to you, child ? Well, i threw hinixel x il 0 Jý S rý. '%N*ith klie giiirrt wrong shalli f.LlI not only make nie tho murderer of my HURO Mallv otherlilirrerit and livillall, child, but astiîcide. But a niental visio' r. ZACUE.11111N il T il ]et it pass ; yoli knollv Mr. Trescott hasi low. Iv Il 1 T ri Y éTilai for agels long hali-t. hüld lis of my sainted %vife was liefore lire, and 1 bail a great deal of trouble rcr:iý,1v hi 1 u 1 bt; F 0 F 'rl 1 J., Ict 7 N ý',ATE H.11(li'f'r for 1 e was Tire suri c rE (,,<Id A cientp, il,, ilti.Iil. i hall not tire courage Io strik-ti tire fatal once a grent merchant! It is oui. à d Mell'L)ftlle)tLjrllt and men %;f:tCtiollt illy to over the loiv 1 (-Icar the wav blow. No, 1 COUI(J tiot bear the sigiit of bear with flic uniforturtate. perhalis lie awoke. M NÉESON C. 11EYNOLIX, 1 1,1111il)(Ey's nOTEL, blood-so 1 burie(J my knife in its- o%,%-n kqcw not ivhat lie said., wlieri-liv called you cd in the-dire AT THE (Il(117 RT UN w. sheath aud thought ol;ly of self-dLstruction SO." silo saiv that l'efilli tylodntit III all'i lit t rit i ()stlers. G rit l'bat 1 should ligve aocoitii)li!zhe(ý had not Tnie, inotlivr ; si). 1 will forgive him, 'turned from 1 (.z'od ordered itlotherwise by making niv for detr little Panny'ssake. But is it net ing ; soi site Joll-,î HAM PEIRRY, LEONARD'A IIOTEL, r4fî ; *r i t y, î,ý,r, i ),sj feehle child tire instrument ofsaving iný. strange that she should teel si) for those self for the di (ýN ltltt)t'K s Tt must have been fur sortie %vise purpose, that are poor, whent until Ivithin a short on the floo The Suicidees Daughter. se 1 will try to give way te despair no time, sise lilLs never kwiwit poverty ? Bil t- and thon vre Il. J. IXACDONELL. VICTORIA N-ÎLOON, more, nor let grief uniiian lire!" tell rite, mother, souiething of the particti- bed and looki il Father, dear father 1" ýpoke a liffle girl 1 After this soliloquy. INIr. Trescott once lani of their history ; you have often pro- '1 Wý OF TM', ITACE- (iFFI(ý'F-.&T : AU was as sli 1': tO 1ý . 1 1 ! frolir, lier low bed in the corner. -tAr. 1 z But 110 i mort clasped bis chilil te Ili ised nie \-Or] %votàd." save tire ad prit i-11 s bosom, and il in alleiver was roturned ; se the child con- arid ag« 1 -All 1 know, iriy daar boy, can ho Socin looked at tlie JoIIN y. IIAM, airain ain kissed lier fair forehe A 11-ROAD IIOTEL, tinue(l ont you speak te me ? Are ', cd rnainin- and IL ake bidding lier fear no more, for lie did nqti told-tlioqgl) 1 used to bc often employ ILL i c F 01,17RT AND i 11ROCK ST Y cl 11 %çant to die iiow-11(4 lie would livet to in tire large mansifin oiviied by Mr. Tres- Tholigh sh" t'tpiirtI t;11ilte lit TqbWhit1?.ý. (;IIl)(1 Stablii and littentitle 0ý4' Stili fliere came no answer, and FannY make lier happy. cott. lle was at that tilne said to be the waï a fli lirII-li gathered lier lont, night drelill; i l'lie embrace Ilvas ricturried bv tire child weilthicst nierrhant in Cleron struct, and more closel still holding J. If. 111190141bSON, y about lier aride' crept soitly 1 and in a fetiv monients lier chee-I, was pres'. lacil, fax or near, wal% thouglit more (À than around to th wn vrarin nd went to the seil agaitist tire pillow, and fnr tire first littie 1 aiàiày's mother. 1-veiYbo(iy loved into the faec AN, IIr., l"ROI ger one in thc! opposite rooln. 1;ut il 1 finie, since the dcath o G-tI Stabling ati-i atvii- r, > f Ili,; Niýif(,,tlie lier, for .0ie was alwars among tl fi t t livilil shriek s' l)ý,,tJvrs. 1 licip tire ght Ww; tenalltli-"-tlloiigýi the were lrni of hin -riced% le rs, 0 and rushed ; father, as lie Icailed lover tire fi y ; but'oriv tri liv. PAXTON, Jr., still ivarm, givÎng evidenee that the belli dalighterwept. a, terrible fire, and it corninciieed in Mr site -for as si GEORGE IIODDI-,R, iliadbeen I)Utfifi-ý%v moments without air that .;c hied sec)tt'n large store. Ile was kir vrri 1:!1ý. l il"FI4,F, AT TH E Ci the channels as thev passed Tre 0 te cd fcaturcs, s %NI) OUFFITTER Occupant. lit4iiny laid lier thin hand or) tire and yet thev cooled hié; févered 6rain arifi have bven thure late in the evening and iiister no aid Kiil;.r Slrt-g-t FAI>I, t)ýliauti, (". ;%V. Shlq, sheet, and wheh site fuund it 6till contained m, brought rulief to -ief-Woril beart. PCOPIC suspectcd lie set the tire toi get tire e s Il. J. MAU111ciENELL, 'riiiýliti's lierit, site did not éltop his gi to e , and th y ', p tc) put on lier day No truuble dii (Ilisttirbed tire vouthfLil large insurance on bis s r -not intendîtig %vas this! al IT, lIZý iI, ('1EIlk t W Til Iý , but ran from place to place %vith- sleeper that night, but wileil ti that the-* flailles should spreail and rcacli PRANKIAN 110(*sE. n te inoriting when the goo 0c', Cqui 11j'ii in their little tellement calling aloud fur housp also. But it secined ns if God silently 011. 1. 1 N 1) S,% II, il. \V. ranie, lier preni-,tTtire careg rettiriied for à i S her parent. But still nu was thu sufférings of the paIst hall ]cf windr te well lie kriew 't iheir 1 sa',v him do the deed and sent théi belli anicl with a wild bouilli site rilslied AT Ti 1 l' Istamp on lier father, and lie m-as too niuch tàn the ilaine-;, for in a short lime afier the the prend in up the nacrow stair%,eay that led tol the at- un irivalid to rise. tire broke oitt tire wind SWept il, onward, and he bail ti(,', and -u site reached the topwost stair, a %Vc have called tire little Fanny a child and net orily Nvas Mr. Tr(,,scotCs store, with -succumb und BURLEII ;11,14 sý%,L4)wN, 2de -1 and in years she vl-as, but lier but al. rze that m-ould have m. most of its'ricli c, ocis, in ashùs so I'N"PASs'i'lýI'.ET, stýiqiic-r lienrt tremble. S tO 1 ýVlien the long siclline.ss and the experience of tire his bouse anýJ furniture, Then 1 in the toilib, There liun, lier futher in the kecln poverty it lyrouglit, iii-trle lic-r (IN in t:tk*cii up for seffing the lim, and althoulli î SA.NIVEIl 151101AC11, -of death, Nvith a r(,I)%: vircircling ' K. ï Io el! Tt secilled ut that moment tir ' cailles ; and yet slie was neriver heard te 014! lailv colild ilot find litifficient e%-ide""U liresmè, fur i his iiell-4I at inuriner or repiuc that site was eurly kt-Pt Il condeilm flint, still public opinion con- grief vras of, YOUNG CANADA SALOON, iiiiiii human enerzzy was givelli ti) the away from tire school-rooin. Ilvr onlv victod Iiiiii. Through soute flaw in tire several weekt cliil'L Illir s'lie uttered lit) shrick, hut Icap- tIjought seertied to bc te protilote tire lia insurance-1 never knew the pardeulars- to open the ,Li , l" I' .1, lifte-] a hatchet thaï, lav 011 liv aid nQt get any pay froin that source 11D fi). illess of those site loveil. Freé (lid sa, groat turs, tti in hel1--i1ý. TIpp tlle ý1,X)l nuar lier'ilprang Io tire top (if an A cold ' eliei-crles.i spot ivas the widÀD%%-cr's So in file of One ShOrt llight, lie was tht she wai lit *11RENAvýNI.:, llt-1411ii., lit' Wil4et,,. i,-are. (.1 lil c morning after the orle on which 1 01Ii clit,'t. ailil with orle blow tire rope ivas tir left it-*tliQtjt a boule or business, and con hua made ni Il c<i1- HCK - IN Ft,ýýut tumi 11:1-*> 1ultý Ale 41 -,(.-verr-1 froin flic beain, while tire body of oul. story open, Tt was dreary without iloinned I)v tire cotrimunity that all thought gard to the il N, Itrî- 1, .4f-.t-ý,till FiýI.,r. 1 tfr. Tremcott fell hauvily te tire floor. FaUnY %vliere tire storni still raveil, and gloomý lie hall iiijtlred. For a little bis incoh-, child Lliat un ADELPIII, did liot mtop tu M-cel) or c'Ill for belli, but Christian %vile bort: up under these heavy çr within, where lay the dejected invalid sur. ('ilt-IZI'li STRFFT, Al)- tirged un by love and fcar, site looscried in his home k rounded by priverty. I calainities, and.then site gradually piried ho saveil frq ýT i),I*Fle *F-- 1111, ICK J111)III9 tile Balik c-f Tori)tltýi, the tope froni his neck-, chafbd it %vith lier- 0 tet nie go for the doctor, father nild died, Surrounded Ly povert)-, TurvIitl', C. W. luuritl:4 scr%#,d in and as lie did not revive, a il' that deposited th tiny liands 'a d eanny, in supplicating ton little twieinent where Fanny and ber fa- es, bendin, disant city, i, 42 suddLn thouglit seeiiied to seize lier, -and ther now live." FRANK ANDERSON. low over bis pillow. situ hurried below in an ins ri re urn- au Mr. Trrescott hesitated a moment, and il 1 11' IT# l 1 N 1 el"il I*t Ill: Il A i lit NATIO AL HOTEL, cd with a large bottle of liquid, camphor. thon mald.- 1 4' But had Mr, Trescott no friends who knew that if -13oRT WIIITIýY, EDNVARIll RAý', l"110- it1elieved him'innocent, mother?-no one cused oÉ still Luanintr over the irianimate foriu of lier 1 il But you will tell him the events of' that wotild stop forwierd and belp him into ed lier to let No tý. JEAN, Iztiili-tiv tritvellerzs will find ita fatheri the child tenipted. te bathe his hoad 3,esterday." i business again 1l" cd this soin c ý,%NI) llý)tel' lie 2 and teuiples, but lier limid trembled too i "Xever, father ! Let not that 4isturb qFtýilit, t4ireil and ÇI-oineiý;.tal, Id, ' i lit Xo, George. A man bas alw4ys the as he h»A p S if .1. ysel., violently as she looked into his upturne yeu." . And Fanny pressed lier lips to his most friends whLn they are le*st peeded, lle well knev t1ili mlicv, Broe half-glazedieyes, and for a moment ber for- heated forehead- A. C. ivi ONI i 4 and su Xr, Trascott continues etill withaut cd in Dr. Ç W. BILLING.S. ýl-,TElt, GUÏIER, AND PAI'FR- fitude forsook ber. The bottle dropped, 1 As lie other objection was made, she business, seldoin Jeaving the bouse- phan, for hLç &T'rý)itNFY AT i p Ilfinger. l'aitits, ()iIIý, l'utty. l'a- froin, ber grasp, and its contents ran down 1 soo., threw around lier lier faded-shawl 1 littlo Fanny seemingly bis only friend." hintéd that s liibl» ' for Sale. WliltewuliillgdDd (,0- the prostrate nian's neck and bosom, anda At first, Mrs. Richards advised. lier son a d wife, if le, torllig I)iind," Street. M'ilitiIT. sinall portion bet . ween his lulf-elo.cÀ,»d lips. and went out. A short Lime after, tll'e ri tii Wilîtt>y, ýVilitl)y, Jan. 19, ]S5 gond Dr. Carson stood by the beilside of te mturti Fanny's money immediately, say- lier fathers c i The accident accomplisheil what childisli tire invalid, and contrary to the sick man's inty they could botter withstand privations of tha deposi IXACDONELL, J. W. CALDWELLUROWN, weak-ness and love could not. Tt causod expectations, bis inquiries concorning the tboan she could ; but wheri ho related'the remairi whori îî 1 7, ', c, 1 ,, , î&lý1ý1ýIF, 1 -viýyý I(RM yes, and gaze 1 cause of Ilis illness were very fow- 110 did conversation hetwèen theur, and told bis te invest iÈ ti itr, ite tlie (4)tiàtt%ý Pe lote ci P. IL, 1,111ild, Dividion (ý0 rt Agent into, the face of lier who soi fondly watched t the grieved look of the little never lack wi u not scem -in a hurry to leïve bis patient, mather th4 V 011. 1 .,Ilrt Mfieu Ilotirs docIr North of A. D. Weeks' ciller him. But lie could not spe4k ; illend b t ntly conversed ICI iý)nI Uxbridize, C W. m 1 with him, giving hitn g rl 'decided him, to, take it, she accepted Fanny age for long hours did the ot)ce strong lay i e ln-'il wo of encouragement as to the future b ri amid the infli ith tius oaný,rc--solvirg not only to repay of bis little attic, iwi 40 potion, ho, iii 1 . hersolf tisefffl tu the ciffld. CAMERON &. D.&RTNFLll, RUTHERFORD & SAUNDERS11 on the boards thon administering a.s thin t tf) ý 0 love that Was one near hini but, his patient child. Some- tiook bit luave, promisineo cal a-ain next 'tylien Fanny returned toi the bedside of t i t Jc times she urged him tu let lier go for the dav. knew lier, t) Strept, (next d-wr c AQ xf-pe moral. county enthu- The )r the n over ittance. i Ken- of the *s occu- w. Mr. Shaw, d Gun- ans and Ls were ng was P. The reeable anplea, of the îement Nfessrs. ý at the ended ; ýô pay resence ition of bants in tutions dom.- ,nt Say go bad ,at man plenty usilless Ivertise Lhat of ý large usiness uit the buyers their ýile do- Q poor a sprat value et hem deter- is half in the ýe from iuble is be coa- dealer and if ;e ý that he will ýio have ! credit cing at Y they trying mt per ýh, with and a 3ell for ind let eord for rs, an d ;mallest WI , fellow. 'he higt notlonÊ s or th( ne dowr fasi littlt à MuSi ýt com( î of oui 4ô,ryp- ýe, enar COM lottinf iry anc e dowr cépting, ýrQ.4bIj a mug munlim 't thi or, 'à'plaéx les ruil distaiè( s poini om onc 0 ri 1' - - - « .. -4--- ; - - . carcM Oetler'à alwayis in ------- FÉn bu mauny, saying:, : i . - -ý ý _ gi %en to plumengen. The àuicidt "l- ledto thë attI& ay,,and as you n"d. it, spend onl J. FROWD u]CAVzlqp sticu y a 1 am vvry mický,_déàe, -and aboula tnot from the ivori *%7GINME, t )t-A prQprictor. I abat! not go thimetoýe1XIxt'h&ü#er.' jittle ît à finié to inàke you corâfoÎtable; Jjve, ygtiwili f1nàiý-ypýdçr truok iý folded 4h&tMrý.Trcsk ed, in the d > but say nothing tu your father of the giltil Il - ý paper. It is' plainly written, su that you ism,'n6ne eVei tam Street, WhitbY, *tlmates ruade iplitthé; Iàdli p.ý S can Wbên you hain dohe so, his daùghter a X Ild» or lle"ljring work carefully tten- jqORTn Am£iFticAlV MOTEL. noteven tu E read il. ; a-ad i all'ki 1 PORT bc aboa7id, Famny, 'but ËéI' tè Lé ýto sh ý'flaùîci ininédiately, and it n.- & submit it tý t e -U P" féared herparent would.objbct.!f be, knew ()UN HEAD, PROPRI90 - TAeESTEU ýyQWtb9rë_ icarh, mevûr tell w m'ortýil9 m. CLARK9 eý_d_,& For moiuent there 'àë;ýine4 of M -gift ý,, 1uýý ýwhffl, the doctor - j àoa of înft, ' hi,, ý1r ends and the' he PHILANDE.IL inel 01 uf-904 an&,jýù ýbe words ofý>no or,,6,m*è. JNTARIO, -l'ne ýn, need bn@i- Ypu or a clergymai ýbjic genamlly, tlit ile h t eurso.the memorv ofjour fatlier-fo Maiiiand mil c (10UXTY pu stra o.goingon in ber breast, 'lan4 ibéù lier, abc driéd hçî toars and ted i1ý pore tor f làeenoeg in the munioipal- ho > i tho Pis' disiance tu pri and 1 1 ness in the above preml$e»; ont ý n tý j1je blünit-giing- ipto team, she threm en - Faý nkuned tu the squ -S b bapà"b-àd othem een em, armBqaed and ,6f thý jÉOýn- «:Z, a ý 1 ý - , - bl- InI ýy of the Town ýf 'Viiiibv. mode of doinje busineu, and 10 wU4 bis éyà mËfêd Me mý, t éy too would have Wl- i rite ghmotp.,ubliePatronqe, il herfather ur, ried 4er ýbead',in reçut; lïè'r ýay gueds, *il Mt' Èýr arrns tie# Orie td;invite-ýt bis, C14'BPI»g F on odnvitiiièd, h Ut ýeiiý "But it'ig Il Imoi). Wrd. 86 RQBIN»Ol'Ft pEReyý STZX»QAT MOT-ML. bis b# Wu, sleeping,;-Io,- toing.1divards thel, 'brand out «utî1ý zxézàwpt) PORT aroun -feel that, that thé, uàrk; of Cain W ET &N & pRILIIpsl PROPRIETORSi: her!tëa" ý4ovoý-, ýýs4 fflýtý4 bqwlf. with ber ba& ed ba my foFe4çad7-sço 1, do not _,wiolx ta ý2i1l IM> l'hr)(,ttit flotter» A M 1 LY eliBbifflT, &cp t;o thst théy have ûtted up, the g fither-ý&àr, fa er-1. dafç pot m lug th «a fiâ cQýutk th unt p 0 amo live. ùS&F now-in a néw and above well-knQ;wn lIrOt-( fflin, for fear I maý'havé, anotber, of ber Prmnt--- et faée brikhtening pà ohé B bbç4 the chiI and re tmvàlfin' pt jf 'or. V»itoà 9 - ý - _1f1 'Il dý gg IWIW ýb suitAible à i dwmmd.Wtýiliàhtil, 1ýumn 'à ëë'Ü -sue dÏeajiY ýJco1àîi" ý 1 1 - . _ï .1o9", - ' i! T -NNISTEIL9 e n gç (1. A. »A UtIr Wm -and it in evcry rieèpoa, lh. Wheý, da thit uéùhecý ipg àn4 W &4Ë*44ý ýjp W p6or -1 e- as y AND CBËUàC waâ ýi AUP 0,,Omt,',Ï," lo--, PPe'ýBt4l9 ýu nor mother have iny'rblàe W mi es q"j un Colors ",,dg ostler. quired',the fathèY, iving toi aÉpçýR Co ;ÎejoàýDi% Cirïliýba l' Ého whisper4 ag she great city.'t ý«büt 1%, 1'.S4ýrv for &y$ 1 pundax Street, tý 1 S:_ ý jFý&ý 1 ot perfulacry, Dyë 8t 1 ' Whii . -1 1. wOuld:'tmlp l"True chfld,. wilL iRÉ, dwÜýâWed 1 inus Ldié m ]ýiçb4r« « t ho bas belped uý&, aJL" N, PROPUUMIR-ý1 -knife ar. l-7ý4hm yqu as plaiù rtirý, 1(av. KAN»(*X%' ILLIAM MARTI j_ -dearl I-do M so sorry.forliéri'l Ye4ý o! ýupy !"ýç_ý_ BA.ýtOZE, ýNT This IJOW iâ arraug'bcl 'a excellent Btyle niust 14, gu r. it M 3ýv,-ÈjtS.N and Tourista. It-iéti- ý711ý p,),_ýL1'.,-1;ý-Lfée1 sad fbrevêÎÏýýfh la PDýS (;I.AzIE4 1,4F to âeoànmode Ion -7 - ý_ . f ýý ý - 1 > rif W &ý-1 W IA, by ti -0 W fi >ý t rods of the th rnoréý -hé 'l' th" tét n j-, t e il de4htrai 800noi d is - un» ta *.At 1 .-A anàd. £,that tim bail nûtw Aýàl mil H VVRY P. -XV rrT-TTTPQ.T-b A V -ict -dnmmr JL»ruqnur.jlput 1 go Thé, Fiçtttueïal CÏjisis tËioùgh"ï > E!ý- LANWS gAu op- Diseôc!lý%T. Prorn the I.Andon "Meii 0elere--, The Bank of Bilâland havê t" y ! fàisýd'ý theirýrate of discount front 7, Ëër càt which-waa a4opted on mýo.ndiýy last, toý 8 percent. ý7 - This step-is solely in American new& A , ccordî-ng ýthç-1 Wtjlý5t> datesl the rate otertéhange, cycn or thé best bills, had fallen - té a,; ý Poifit, .1 wâ", ý would give a very laie profit oý!-XoId ftùi England, and, although, o*ing tà thep Os-'- sibility èfasudden rébound, 'ÈÈ0èuIetÛý3 on this side, 11111 ht b itýfe tbýuùàértikff,,ý th peraticin tù aluvyextéràti ihd,àtû'é'ný rit of bi Ils tmneraitt«d ftôrný lqé* York direct orders foi 'return7s;to bé»nitide iti t ci lý with ' the , hinttp diWs. patchcd by ur impi ýis or 'lè PýJý #furt eri ir In. aM Le chas clive the *ýinty peae' coue sulna >r il lus wh eh il ne d untiea; in f prompt precautions wera.rêquieite, 'the publie were aware t4at the. ýUè.%tiôrx, of ih, le advance, to 8 per cent. vio'ulddep-erd en-* tircly tipon these'»4,;Îpeýý, and if, - the,; Il Arielltphad r. arri î ed at helr expectèd ý tinlý, the movement wouI4 doitbilesK bavP %en ûilopted three or four days baëký sInce ttrà ýd later acuntà, bredglit mia Bo4to_ .e scarely so b&4 as thWe with - whî1ilshé starte(L The rate now reached is éqiiàl7 ta- the bigliest knoWp in moderri our only experience of it was- for-.failir weeeks from, the 25th of October, 18471 when the raýitýviy-pftnie attained its Climax, It and Consola were dQwn at e 7thý bafik bullion having been and the reserve ýto £1,M7,000. In the present instance it is unlikely that thé ,y pressure will lastr-even as loug' as four'_ weeks, but, as our condition nitist depend iipon the course of the Aincrican disorder, n and as it is impossible to conjecture'What i may be the next turn' of frenzy, we muËt 1 hoid ourselves prepared for ali- condil.- 1 According to the acrouiits Éù- day everything had been brou-fft to à 'y. ad tock. .0. . de. Debts côüld notbepaidbé-. tween distant chies, becausethere weft nt! ,n safe means-of remittance, and produco y readyto be converted-intogoidcouldnot ;s . be forwarded te port, owing, to the absence je of'any pow'er or obtainisi- advances. upow )f iL Every one sav thatif the tna4,,Iiiiýery of ýe ordinary eustom could again be set in iyfôý ;a tion ali would instantly be righted;; but, le in no quarter was there -powet tcl'bring -s about such a result. Whethër escape ir would be found through soine final con- ,_ vulsion, or through.&-alow and fluctuating', )r convalescence, no one could predict,'bdt it It was certain that matters; would - not coi> le tinue long In their; then etate, AM('n.9 m the considerations oný the -Wârable - sideý r. was the fact that -the stock of speciein the'ý ,If New York banks sÎill-stôod at,_£29ý280fflù., je which, is beyond its average &mountsý sii4-- m more than M,11S00,0000 in excess ofthe is totalheld at the corrempondingperiodèf, last yearý while their noté'circulation ý was less than nt thai tfme. The Californiaù if arrîvals of about £25,000 each forthigh4 It would aise bc retaint-il, and in les& thon %veck the Il Vanderbile' would be due froÎri Havre %vith, it -was belie,% re -cd, £eOOot)o,,, ý ti; ýit bu folluwed ghortly by the £820,0K lâtÉdy rit dispatclied froin London ýand Uverpool, ýy Against these prospects the 1 only alarinin.11, point is the possibility of the run üpon theï er banks, for hoarding purpoges; which had 'Il 1 aIrcady ggssumed disagreeable ýroportions, a il becoluing'altogether ungoyernable.ý Mean- Id iý%ÇhiIe, as regards our own-position, in,,all ai, th ose branches of trade not connacted with et Atherica there à a tbtai fteedom froui.i- or uneasiness'. The cirewnstance merely - of id 1 un advai.ce in the rate of discbunt.to 8ýptw, ýst 1 cenL for a few weeks to nieet. a tetnp.«âry ,1- evil in which, ail other nations ýpartièipate, eau inspire ne dread vit the p=týý of ýany 'solvent housés, The difference. -bet*eeii 1 that and 5 per-cent. even for -tw*ýiPGDth* ýPh would amount to ouly un extrit,10i,'pur, ng cent. on all thêý acconulloclatioàs 'théy lie i mi-ýbt re, aqd if thoir-capitatand.=- refit prégiui ro 8 art inadequate fer titich,&'-Coll, n', tingency, they cati sMcgly bc consîdered 0 fit to be in busiiitý&5 at qll on tJieîrown ac. ist Ae colin L Of courië îhere ;are* cueý whýrc, tst 0%fing to 4eayy contracta< havins, bzS en. . lie tered into, or oiher sitqilàý ca ur fect inay ý -be peculiarly, seyem, -but thesj are altogether exceptionaL' ' As a general. inile, there ought,,ainong a soýnà mer=., tile ýoM niUiJ1cy,ý tQ 4,no terrQrB in- ý8 D«.ý, ments tiopend.; -Wbileevery th developu at ane Mt -Îbm 8y&tem-ýQc siantaneoffl comrnunicaâun,,:tb mueý, M& :le regioffl of >, the globei a: knowledge of;:tàw few figures.upon. whichmorelb= iwythia«znýe el.se our formed; iki .- allowdd wtok, bY. w«Kýtaboý i-,- vhthhegý-,XlthbÜgh ýthe,-,Yee objýt« ýy twrvubliçotioQý w4etb*»,gy,ý -,&l to WHITBY CHRON10 mURSDAY MORNING, t y g,ý mmirhofer & co., MI K S.TR-Frr, IVUrrBy, Iffit Door'to the Regjjjýry TO VIE ine CeýQJ4ielO, will bu $2 Per Raintim, la f6t't t 1 y 2 il advance, RAT" 011 Unés aml 2%. allowëd to Morchluits Raid 0vmoum hy Um yur. Paj,ýr hjý& alroa&%, an immpnsto- With moi- VOL.

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