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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1857, p. 3

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-~ -- 4 ,heFogou. inAn uas. àMcrning Eèritd" bu apublished e. 00iled from officiai sources, by I Elphinitonc, IThyal Engineer, Ã"P6Éiraphical and Statistical Depot Var Departmont, for the guidante bà~t.m>'Y of Stato for IVar, and the Omlbere cf the geverumeut. Tis r rude up to the ltI istant. the- retura il- appears that the ~toopei Indija amount to 29,884 and men, of, whom 21,084 are in 2,425 la Madras, aud 5,074 lu NEW ADTRRTI8BEENS. SOCIAL SALI. -FPEor Six tun o m Men as Ëok XAgente. tyteM ydollar montli May hi earned. Appîy to OF0RU31I RAWFORD, ANDeu.Wbitby, OctobIet- lot, 1857. fay _____ . .- on but persona of striutly moral MBXY la habite need appiy.1 Frida>', Ev'lg, the 208h Novenaber, '57. STEWARDS: W.Bovontem, A._Plank. Wmn. Warren, Jr., !J.is Qteon' tro e uw tîeir Raiph lodgson, J yler, Allian Loc hla,:t- B. -~ p 01 pus- Fowhî,, and IL. 1). Maedonald. 1419e to Indue. Sîneunt te 29,611 officers Isnd rtn, cf whom 18,390 are dstincd for A gencral invitation in given to ail those who BOIlII,2,421f u Mdras an 9,01 fr wish to spcnd a few heure inithe above anmuse- )loutb.y..S. .J. B. HAYWARD. Thoe nroean trocpsintesrceo theluSt Inwlîs.COMpany mut t 1,20 - rDaneing. to commrtence at 8 olcck. ..jE Mmeincluding 1,90î0 Eur-___ Pion Omeiera and mn from the diebanded W. 0. EASTWOOD, A. B. & IV. D. 14id mutinous native regiments. 0RNEII, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, &c. Thi nUtuber of native troops still on tSi. CI ieidenc-.lately occupied lîy Jas. HMog- yauIneunts te 128,000 officers and men, of--________ whonu 446,880 are eerving inflcngaî, 50, - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. $80 lin tdrs, and 30,240 ln Bombay. p Y îirtî<e (if a demet1asignxneîit bcaringz Tho flulber et native trocps fliat have B>date October Ilet, 1857, the nndereigncd1 werüchdlly appuintcd i'ýigilece for the Eetate 'bien disbaudod or diearînced amourits te (reu and pereounal> of . 27,080 ollcers and iiien, cf -whioin 380 hc- Henry Danie le, long te the Mrdras urîny, andI 850 te the 4)f <lie Villaire of Brookliîî, i-rehlaii, fort-htie Umbay suvi-e. -nviit f .neiih tpero«ii:i s sll l buoiepaflie Ikmbay Service. thiîetu «dur ihlnie t . lerein set fortli .-The native troups thiathave niutinied h<wîorî- <he Msit dtii.-of'l>ecuî,îîîr. 1ie57. salî 41bount te 58,430 officers anud nico, ail"l e ti<i saiir<îiiîoîît ow lie,[ktifilie Stibru (if liii 1 <<1 iriii <Iliii<i& Co., in 111 said Villaik- of bolonging te the Bengal arnîy. wi th the IWro hiiii toir signîature, of'wlîleli al parties in- exception cf 200 mcii of thc latter. This tere4ted are rc-1ue>ute, otal< notire. 4 . 1. S. MN. WII.ICOX, nlumber, lîcwever, appcars tint te include CALVIN CAMPBELL, the Gvallor coniCogemit anîd cîher contini- Asge genîts of native princes tlet liav-c muti- . toiL sre. . mnied. -'-No vuenîbuerluth.,1857. 4 < G. C. LOW PRICES 1 PUNCTUA1LTY 11 GENERÂL AND SATISFPACTION! T IlE POETRY 0F BUSINESS MAY TRU- bc le aid te cousiet iu a neat Card a teste- fc Crcular or iSliowliill. If ini briglit Clars tIc more embîcînatie of tate and Ibeeutv. Anai whO depisa tJose gracea of civiiizcd iff.,?Go iln teI Chronicle Job Power P1ress Office, VICTORIA BTILDI.NCGs, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Anîd show ,our appreciiiîiou of the bcautiîfîl, liv orderiîg eoîe Fancv Prîntîng-, uînllhihud and itdorne wilî some of thîe many -pîroî.riate En- gravimîge te bc found ut tIe Establie limnent. Th'le p roprîierý cf the LYî-nids Offec ecmplcv line hut the " ftste" wurknnanid arc Iîractici Printers themnelye, euîeqcently tilic ui do Priiitiuîg mater, cîlealier, hetr, amîd'qîicker, tilan aîîy other eluilar F.stahuilinemît ini thc Proî i ee. tj ýOrders frum the (3oumtiry exceuîcd mwitlî lie gre-aiesi lcsp1fiic. -< Mction Sale Bil11s Irinted ai an lionre notice. TEE jùWBITBY CHREONIÙLE le Puhltshed ever>' Thuruda>', b>' iHiggins, Mayerhoffer & Co. 'AT TUEIR OFFICE, STRA-nE T)PÂTI1 -A trilesiiian oifI NOTICE.- Victoria Buildings, Brock st. whithy. Lyons,namned Liti-evotsw*ýas ont day last : TEimaa---52 pet- anîii<n. strieth- iii advaneîe. week prickod on the upper hip by a fiv -ty,11F iar<irolip iireîofore uxisting beliu-veii - -____ butthough the littho wound ciiused hii TA<ie iiiidet-,.iurnudi. asM reliatits, ai Bt-uuklin, UPI'ER CANADA COLLEGE. Ihoine <nno3ance lic took ne notice of I uit-t-the «naie, u< le «<id fit-m of IlH. lamtiis1 [lefoîtî lvli.fcesehe t. & %<'o , w,,on t<éli 0<1il(.,f Novuîiibe r, A Th i te aiCommecsNv 0 Aftqre fut arhsfceseldup te D.. s, dissîl'uiib -iiNiiiimt clsu it l c- ~ f, mne o.'0 a grtat heiglît,nnd a large sure catiie on it. colilis u<ie iti .iand lirîje i <it-<oli i d <o ' - FE, Modical asSi1stance ivos cf ne avail,and tîwo Mie.. ltuirled<i. aied ai <liesabilict<t-ef. i TU)AIIN FE--------iv o tImys back lie died. 18 tut-oeilout iliat the -alont 1,aiitlicrizel lii ruî-î-i le t- oille saine. fly must have innociiiatcd him awith a pois- lIENUiY R-XNIELS, I ov enie<ing auy-tiiie diiting a terni at-e enous virus takien froîîî sonie diseastd (G. W. IOlSTON, B clsirged Onli orthe nneXpired pt-,i f animai. IMOSES BARTLE'1'T. i i, atlic abovc raie. - - iiooklln, Ncv«iu 0h S7 w W. STEN-NET COMMER'CIAL.- i>ieîl N O T 1 C E . - Tuiroitlo, Not-iober 3rd, 1I57. 4- WHITEBY MARIKETS. thIN îrîiu eil<leeîî-ire it)u-k tiIi. - J.LIauiels St&, ou- lithun addition t-f (<iOittt tti a: A New Stock, Wliti), No%-eîît-ji)er119, 1,7. wc flatuot-el-u <ia se tatigiveeuti,-csalis- Whî1-at 5s iju-the dailY sul Iv is large. faeýticiu tii ailNl, 'i, vfuiVoi1- i tht a eaul. Plitit0es. 12S-.Ilurlu-,, 2'mu6d a Ii. - Cisc. i - .IOSFP'liI111 t 'K IN\S &.- ! NO0T 1CE. ýtion cf Plcker- o(. (bis end the t;or botii to. ro titanI Pick Ile application Ur cfL billet- a niatter of thî Towîi cf a oUI who 114(d te.)lic ReadtI 11<58t hait, feit ijescrt. Corn. sthO %ani of rv sutalt IMPl'laentt hec d litilm oothe ipossible t(.) ]Mt %vetrust fiîr%-sril wlîc, certaili te o )3 lctgr<-0 Of sp- prtivate lt-nil- g ioews roini, <rio -utl iur m lt 1--l~ 7dih( eve-. - i relit Go-- l itîic thv rols flico [i Iltiertt I iylle toasto- wnjglîy c.i - .changtk. 0flT'flT A V STrflrrl'59f. u~;:<1. îîui Lî es it-uH I - tlatlueluuî.tokuîi <i, ~ ~ ~ ta lltit uîio î <-1tîc- lui t JGri>M!tS m~.L..LtL£L. .LULJ.L.L0. rîîi riuu-t-v c b.iîi-îy MNi. Fu- llouu, near -- ~ ~ ~ ' --- -li kliîî, Reîud froituhbis lbi nd îîui -clkni-i Once Knowm Neyer forgotten. - xpercuuî-î-nmil I luîtîes> inii Vlibi, hullue h - 'u~~t-it uteu-tým i-u il leiu-îtui - <oinet-lt a chars If oui r#t-îem-s vouul haite a pîsitive lnut-- oI- ut . pat-onage. Putluilat-attentioni paid foîr tht Toilette, usc lOhdgvtiu-s PmsuxBu .M u-t" ,h-;iR.TI G1-l Fer (u~thsmgîe ul-utShuîîîing, Ci 'ioiî<oîlu-uI E* reliuita, Fat-ucers at-d uuut-. swislîio lithittir, Ileeutihî-iiuiZ r thle tumi lxiii iget-thîcit-Wheai-ohFuritd,'a i lidealt- Wit-I reroviîig Tîui, I'imijlesu- Ft-scmesiululu-s lI--h -. o vi llg endi ailJitcl, u~iaruiiîf outu thu -;kiýrîi H. N. NEVILLE, it-hec 0noe umîl .Soit by ail 1Dnmuigits. S. lS. - uilNoe iuur hth, 1857. 43 BLODu Ei--& (Co., PrlOu--lemoro, Og'iensuisngti, N4. Y. Tcar -riim- GuLt t-Ili-.tLt-vu«y IOTEL TO LET. -For salueii WhulhiV h . S. lci-iîsou , -sk- ]Mius-t-'*l A BeniiÃŽtuihr, unnîas Street; W. il lîE Prcîuri(etuîr lv-iioule.1 f t-stiting frein Voci,iL'rock Ttice.h ie buýne-c, lue N'uîld disîu-e.ee cf hie inter- - ---- .0-e- t csttiluthe 1.cuseu-ftiîc - Dtt. IIÂI.At-.vs IO-lutST WtCE ANDi'c,.i I 46 V L shulllie. midert ht-ut tluî hisse reunesiie«e N-u- Âorth erican n.otel," n4aet o f drtiur sa-et rrai he e îu-iuue li tlie Tua-n cf l'uttHope, wi-t-hiFu i- ies> lbut- tîat- ti uy <ic îcui îroudeeed frir t-uite, fixteres, &e. Itit- le srcely u-.esari-te certetc plants <f greîi* <edliiniîîivirtune«.Wts'cj yft-rloctationi< and busieness, a -moeeesiralle -illI mieomiii- c)r xauuipîi.utht-eoiflhicsu plm< ,hiuse datumot licfeuod. J)u<dlielîutsîj aile <ilWild erwhuc6ejFor patieuiats apply te sirtimusý are wcll kntolun. 'l'us t-hur reme fouîd JOHN IHEAD,- groWainlg o ildiluthue t<ouritains anduhfure:s, a. îîl - roprieto-u«NuottIh Ainet-icemiHotu]. tîuîlr îuî'diî'al rpletîies are ten tiluice -cite-r P-t-t Iloei, Nuit. 14), 1557. 43 -thin thîrue s-ci Ieltimud. Wet-e it net fer ---- - --- -___- ni lOng> lntint<le suet-ti-of a disuet-er-, s-hidi Dri. tiUuluyiicegtuaalueciin, l-wuldgive t-udir naines. S fmile iltii sut-, tuaItluhis uleiht, fiul WiltîudI ifleplle Ih]ave- at-t-iti e uI-t-- pitution !ri et-uty part <f t-l ut-cutry-. W e nev-- et- ktuuw ocialu iut<c'i,-ure thièse t'eîediu-a Application f0 PanlJinuact. huit-t leun tuketi eeeotdiuug t-ct-lu diretiouns, iiin n lic-hitht- dii uî.t-produce thi e -t tdeeitied c-i lu I -n ha i q nen relit. Eîun fim ld tfstauintu etu -not<îbotrute < TICE i îît-îyu ,tal-stuînd tipain r-t--et-ed imn 81cm ferrasi<oile 1-N - of lthe n Session oet hIeLegis- then iaietPDre\1 iret i ýeteTowns-hip ot Pickerinîg, hn le5th cf lime, ct-us luit-,eheetn fcici ilue f i.ntat-icu- imitoe -elmattcMuni- liisev'e Jeu-4 uîttcanu be seetu hn atotlier cipidit-bus,"l -îîuntung a divi-,ion lins fi-onuSouth -part a;iccir Imper.1 Whelcsl .Xunt lu Teu'no--Lymu B-cete Northî, iu t-lu cent-teetfsitid Towship, sud & Co. Kingstoi--E.IV. Plamer. - Pfi-cklet-priin u, v tenmc1e8t57 reit. 4 At retoili Whithy by W7. S. 1oineon aîud Pceîi.o-. ,15.m4 ohl repeciahl ic J-îîggists and Medicimue Delers"R. FR - in Gonade, Suie Pr<pt-ietor-GW lIey e Yot-k. .A.NYluîhseyorNes- a nqt' vî0..in..zr. .nom- Dl1 EM, AtPEckerinir, on Wednesday-evening tIc 4th ma1t, after a long ilms,, Lovi.ÀA, thýý beloved ,if., ()fGeorge l3elard, ageil 34 ycaresud i -NEW --ADVERTISIEMENTS. *iamcrbn, Macdoneli &. Dartucîl, B ARICES ? RNEYS AT LAW. et he out Iniýgiý--SothWing. Office hours from 10 antil 5. 43 TAXE NOTICE. A tI aceonuts due to the undereigned and 1-1- un-paid hefore the 108h >f Decemdcr next, wiil be hauded over te an Attorney for collet- Mton. TAOMAS C. LACE. Whltby, Nov, 1085, 1867. 48 ECH GLAýSSES 'or si each.L '.~RMAYNI ~Ausiguies. CAUTION*. fobl ny pet-sdn or porion freni liogte ofisundaven by IL Dan- rd nd os sBert1eft, lu Bwer or 1b, m athere lm r il ý4.8 ý aî The. sd note BOOKS, PA PERS, Jc., Eecued f roin tle late Fire, belonging to us, wihl confer a faoer Iy rcturuing t5cm immedi- atl. J. S. DONALDSON kq CcG. Wltby, «ov. 8rd, 1857. 42 FOR %%SALE. 'VEYOUNG PHENVMENON, EISING i Ovýe ycars old lest Spriug, stands; thirteen and a hal bande 1<gb1 Se wasa mperted from England hy the undersigned. price, £75T. ROjBEUT RAMSDALE9 Proprietor. Whitby, Oceteher 28th, 18à7. 42 OFFICES TO LET. 2RMS lu siamo Bcilding as thie Office. A p tItheOffice Furnituro may bc lad if rîquired. Apply et the " CHRO)NIOLB" OFFICE. Wh.itby, Nov. 485,155?1. 42-2w JAMÈS HUBBAIW. Jovemer 8rd, 1867. 42 TU underigned bog rspety to retura 10w citizen», for t 1eco'nuxsorej th",. in. -&--U-06- 1 HAMILTON & ROBERTS J.l1îlIU.f11E( IVED BY FIIE " AN. Of t-le aboie Ilctrimigs Nies. 1 & 2, ct-omirl <11iltl1 uge Brock Sîreet, W'imîy.j Otcieer, 2S,117.4 I - CIRCTJLAR. PIlIE Stibserilier, ont-etiring frotîîthue Met-- 1 I ati-ls Buelësa, legs te retu-mi tiîauk- t-oi lis nnnîerousîecustotucre atnd ricu-tds for tue hI.- cu1tt oulprti given teuIîinî s-hile ilu l-uisis.- lie la, ouurni ail Ilatties indelited ti ib yI Book Accouais, Notes or Mortgaîe, Nos- duc cu(d paît <lue, thait heolut-slarge pay. meuts t-o muet ai eal-y dates, and t-lai ewing <e thue îite-sure iti Mouey mett-s, it- [s nessary miii bitn te nec-i t-lusaintois uidto enaule Ititn t -do e, le bc ebiged te luist- ou ilumediate pet-- 1 ment cf ail aiuîuunts due tu hitn, oiliem-uise fie s-ill le obligcd te lîend t-le saine teulis At-or- ney for collection Without Purtier Notice, s-bld itle ui hIe wisl te do, antd différent fruni s-Ici le lias lltîerto Jouie; lui from tIe pt-usent- eppecrauces of pot-tent., holiei nest ey, Ilia se fair lu secs;, neottiler cout-se l le Itt humii te pt-trace. Ils tracte t-lot al wîIl se t-le ne- cessit-y ef attendlng te tlisnuid cave costs. WILLIAM LAING. Whithy, Octoler 27, 1867. 41 Scliteld& Co, ar reqiredto iukeim, in Agent, at- thc Store lateiy cccupied by L. Il. Sýfca& C6. JOHN BOWLIES, AL#4nsie.a J. V. HAMt, SoUicitos'for Assiga.e. October 20t1, 1857. 40-tf. INFORMATION WANTED. O F HIRAMt SERVIS alias IIUTCIIINS, who loft hi-% home at the residence ofthc under- elgned about six weeke ago. -Ho le abont 18 ycars eld, medium h it -for e, hait hrown, 2a on greyish twepat, blacIkpente, black cap and cobourg aloes when ho 1eft. AuyInfrtutio cocering him ýwilI -be thakfDY receiveclbtje ndcrsigued. Or at the (, rouiola fce.- 40- 4w W.IEAT AND WOOL. 8 E.Sbeerirle trpadto purchase auy T quantity cf wheat su Wool, te hi doer- id et the Store lâtely Ooeupied by Mr. law4er. Whitby May 2é, 18e. 1 il faut sppresebingi hie mflmit eti ervices- -viii hast théir diffpeud.L Servios rn- dorod st Sals lnu ay part *otthe Conatrv To pieynt noawhieuco sud dissppoýintwent in Mr. Sterling'% aibunS artangemente hsae rbomd totranact sa businesis rclatipg.t,, ()IMfMOcLE PRINTIN(4 <WTCII LADIES DRESSt GOODS, MÂTLES & SIIÂWLS, IIOYLES' and other Pints, Flannels, Blankets, Stripe Shlrtl nd i IcIng. 12 TilE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT .,w le replete with FINE BRUAII CLwIIg, CASSIMIERE8 & VESTIN LSY Beaver Coatings, Tweeds & Satinette, Plaide, ltallway Wrappera, Rates & cape, trader Clothlng,&e 0-o- Thecy would requet especial attention te their Wlnter.8toek of c 0 x p alalit a OVERCOATS, UNDERCOATS, VEBTS ANID PÂNTS At prie~s which caunot possihly ho surpassed in Canada. No.' i & 2 Commercial Buildings, Brock 15treet, Whitby, October 7th, 1857. I8 TEA ANID COFFEE WA1IEIOUSE, Would beg to state that their FeUl Stock of Grocarlea le now comnplote, eomnprieiug Young Hyson and Gunpowder Teas, pinest Java Coffe., Black Tea, a superior article. Jaac ofe .Muecovado, Crushed & Loaf Sugare, Fraits9 Splcee, CîtndI.., Soupgl, &. Tlîey Ikaivjut received an importation of the. chaieat brande la BASS, AND EDINBURGH ALES & LONTON PORTER No. 1 & 2, Commercial Buildinîgs, Brock btrcct, W.hitby, Oct. 7, 185Ï. 5 NOTICE. ('A.%I AT O)NC(E A.ND SAVE C(>STS!! T tI IE (siiie if R. ILl eilurliave inmtriiut-I ed th e u îîersiisned ho plouc rin hee huide<-f iii Aitornut- fin-ercciî-cin<i, al ddele anîd accounte duc, the Estate, uiîiu-o, se-u.ledi ni«îediaicly.- TIHOMAS MOODY< Ageni.- iflîitbv. Ma- 27ti<h11, 19 i INFORMATION IVANTED j O F~MCIAi CAltlti'L a native of the' T-ownoif Moîîntrath, ini <he Qsîeena (-onntv,1 l<-uleiid. lie t-cidee1 nOakland, 54 mtiles Wimtý if Riiiliestt-r. bin 55. eîandin a le<icr whielih e' <hen %%,ri-tIciis bltilîr Edward, iniinitited luiel iîiieniou to go 14' New York in t <dober. Hoe %«os tituiu idower, aîîd liaul hre e eildrenl1 <1<i*"f*wliiiii wuru muippruntieed te business ai Ne~w York l'atiu- iilerestud inî tIe aliove will 1 <-at-i sonictinz te, tîcir edvantage hy applyingl We<iti «il 'Umîltcd State, pepers wuuld con- fer a fuî ut liv i-cpy1ing. I 3IONEY TO 1NVEST., O N N MiRTG;At;Ii.;, It ORî ( GOOD NE g ieialile Papier et short dlates. G. C. COOKE, Office. of B. Cainphell, 1,sîuire, Barrisier ail l.ew, Oiit-ario Ihall, Toronit. i ATTACHMENT.- COUNY ()S-)TARI, YVIIiTUE 0FI P, YoFlt: i Ba writ (if At-I tahetisstid u tcd lerNijestvs ,uue Court, daicd thie Nînîtýteetimii day cf ÀAunt, oe i1 l<unseud ciglit lo<îîdred and tXfty-seveti, teome iirected, agauinut th estote. t-ual as well ai§ pet- s,îîîal.îof 1iligli 1.1 ingstoll, ait nieondiiig ot-con- îuaiud lIcIter, utt filesiiit cf Dav-id Crewfitd and RoubetCamipbell, for the sui« iof thirty-iwo uîtiiîds tiite<eliilliîig., I1liavte eizcd ailthec ltaie. t-ual a.,w-ll -1ýs-<oiiI, oniîhe said IHugli ing\ t and, iii«le-s lthe <aid litgli l.ing>~toný lti*t-ilsil iio luetutisdictuiin of thlicsai t in r, «id linii aiuîl <o <lie c<iîîî, out-aies t-le catue t- ilîie disiîa-ged wiîtuin tht-cc Cuilender niomumi ai tlic e-tutu, ruai as well aspiet-semai, ,of the said- Uîîgil.iîjýsîn. orisotn<ci thet-cofuasiybej lier-<'sit-"<v, 14111ll c ld liable fortliclcneflt, ;<v Ileuii or satisfaction <if the saiul daimt, or tfiel ottiîi f« hler îîlaintil-<ir plaintifsx, as; sha i or iiiio t-akepi-,eedim<g.aguilist the p-olpcrt 'y and! i-lt-i-t.s if the sidl iigivigin wti i meunthe of thL uîiiito f the cave wrt-î.I NELSON G. REYNOLDS, chrif ' O Per J. . ~ l slîerilfe t ffice, 1174011n, Aî'gu4 21-0, 1857.i 82 SIIERIFF'S 8 -A LE - OF-LAND. ('ooity -f 0Ontarie,I N S ATUIIDAY TIIE -t-e -tr : Ç JTwety-third uav of .jiîmui<erv îu nxt, ai the lion'of Ta-elve o'ciock' 110011, s-i l' e scld et tlhc Court lieuse in t-lic Toîwn oif lhitly, <le undernientiomîed landeli -wi<li tht teneme;its tîcreon, eeized lv vit-tue, ofj writ£4cf fieri/ciat issued ont cf ler Mu*ety'el fXnmîtv Coutrt and 4ueecne fench in ftle Ïoui8ow- irg' toilts, niz . John Ilam Perry, Plaintiff, d8-I Ducuýiet T. F.ck defondant; Abrwn Farewell, liiitiff, t-s. Daniel T. Eck, defendant. TIe 1defendatts riglît, titie au d intereet lu and te, ail that certain pst-tel or tract uf land sud pr-s- mises sit-note in tile Townsip of Reacli, County, if Onîtario, leuîg conilcsed of part ef Lut No., Ir), in tIe 481< Conceession oteaid Township oc; Recel, contcîning biiledmeas uremeut haîf au acre, andI may, ha ot crwice known as fo)laws,1 thla te t aY--eammeicing wliere a p..st les leen plamîted 8 74oWest, front the intersection of t1ue Wcsterly lineocf Simeoe stroot, vitl the Southcrly lina 7fer tIe allowauce of rond lu the rear of thelueied Conceecion, 4 clalus, 8links, tIen hS 7ooWeast, 2 chlubs, <lien Sonth 1i6e, Bo in. E 2 cluolus 50 links, te, theîplace of beil- g NELSO'N G. R-EYNOLDS, e -sleerij1, C. 0.I Shirhl' Ofie, perl .LB.L Whily, Oct. 17,1,857. 4 - Z; CASH FOR WHEAT, DISTILLED GRAIN AN~D RIDES 1 RE ubriet- le ew preprçZd te pay the nhggies ar-ket prite fer g anlso Fali out-Spt-rin - go amlac Wheat, distilled Grain& Hideil Mrt. Dsckeon'e MilI, Greînwood C. W. la alse takes thLs opportuuîty -te uoiythose indebtad te hlm éther by Ntote of Rndor Book Acconut, tht if net settlcd hefore thle 185 of Octoheit-a, viii be bauded te the ClerIt of île Ccurt for collection. WILLIAM WARREN, Jr. Gteenweod, Qeoeer, 1857. 88 TAXE NOTICE, T BAT theunudcrsiguid, Vincent C. Mayir- l offer, has huis day retited from the firmu et ihng i&. Mayerleffer Bt-os, as PtInters, Pub lesr ct-nd Propriotore of the Whithy LlletW Nawspapeërlun the Town et Wlity.- Vteber 281, 1857. .1V. C. )ÃŽAYERROFFER. -W. H. rnLLINGS. u-With refoence te tIchevathé bqsines will in'fatuio,,be carried on under the. naoms and te wIum nealisêeonts à h Go.,e FUR GAU1iTàET POUND. (% NtSy eedbtee htyZu aa 11ARPEr'S, GODEY'S, GRAHIAM'$, Maga2ines for Novembemr, -At tho 24 VANIE NOTION STORE ISONKS STANDAI) AIEIcANq Tmilîs- elebrated andl scerate Map f North Americna sebeen juat pnblishcd. It ba been drawn from the lateetei n osc atth nti saurvcye-, and for fulînees, completenoasand ao- eienrc, Oecele ail ispsofth Vin -ver yet at tepc.It extendeiA rom 68, N. Lt. teo Suth Aercand froru the Atlantic te the Paciflc Oce n,,ebracing al the Countùres Ilýom th, Hî,ensBey Territery, to the Isothomeral white line-ehawlpg t e Counties, County Towns, and the Princip)al Cities and Towne on the Iïortlî America,, Cnntinent. It shows ail the EIlIwaye finlahad, unfliehed snd projeeted tbrongh the continent, and the differeut routes tO the Pacifie. It le moujited on Rollera 6 feet hy 6, and exceeds in utility,,for the use cf fami lies, sdhoole, ma dthe general public, ail tho Mape1, of A merca ever yet pubUshedt. It in solti oui>' b>'Agents. MNr. W. W. Moulton, the Agent for tliqs sec. tion <iff tis Cotntry, le now in Whitby, canras- ing for Sdliscriliers. From thence lie proceedu te the foiiowing places,REst : 0111rwa Bowmanviile, Port Hope, Cobourg, Beile, Kîngeriton, Bro-kviîie, Ottawa, Pre cott andi Montreafl. 3 LIME FOR SALE. C ONSTANTLY ON IIAND DURIlNd THE ceatinge srinZ and Surnner Freeli Burut Lim whl wiii bc aold for Cash only, et 2e 6d per Imi. MATHEW CARL, 7 Port WhUby~. i BRICKS 1 BRICKS!1 I 2 MABRICKS for Sale st IPort Wbitby 4T, iV for Cash or on approveti credit, un reusonable termg. 1 1RAÃŽDE Port Whiiby, Or at the 0Ckrorwcl. Offic TlicSSuhecriber le, prepared te mako sud fur- nish, ut hi6 Brick Yard, Whithy, a auporior ar- ticle of Brick, te parties wishfik to coutreet for the eame, IlunobeueSqnntlUes as msy bc contreot- cd for. HENRY COULTON, Ncrwood Hotel, Gruenwoôd, Pickering, AÈ HUO3H BRAIDEN Port WkLtby. 13 nd at the (,'roid.Office. DiRAIN Ls R usrbershavi hein appointoti T'Age brs, for the, eof Bmart'a Drain Tïues, Bowmsnville, thoy arenôw prepered te offer ut Low Prices, al mbixes cf i PIPE AND H01U0 SYOB -TILES, For Land and Cellar braining eampiesashowu and prices aeeertined on applicaton te HAMILTON & ROBERS,ý Nos. 1 sud 2 <èommerelal Bnuings, September 1, 1857. 1c lee W i LUMEER YARD, 9 NLS c TInformesthepublie tat ho bas opiEMd the Lumber Yard lately kepbby Mr. Thomas Gafla gher GreenStetWM Wywhe haola an- stautèy auppil' wth L,*ubr of verydesSvlp- tien, 9ealied (adlen.' Luxber cf slenChe SquareTlmherfro &o inehe. ~ Buldng atrlÂl feriileed 0o1 8he ehortetno tic e TGýeen StreetWhitbyi Diricti>' opposite Moche *Jiws~ rl'rEM U< anM.'nrai that S hao tï u w omdo te' -Whitby, Jam té, 113 30 M . kt oLVETUE 13 ~ ~ t te lfoPtu theit numerone customeresud thl. pule gtenetiytfIaCM they lute nov cd their stock of STAPLE 'ANt), FANCY DRY GOOE>S, -*ht 11 Ae, on npe trW» oudlresd complete, sud st pnies tha et eund lover tha m hihai iitntrelor T«ornto nLating of Dreas Goods, Shawls, Nanties, pfur, Olotha ad - T*ëeds Carpte, Dumsku hnnerls,Bhnte o&c WOW effll i stWY 0. fr7Ï;2, yds. Flgnred Orleans vorth lu for ?Ud. i ,00. J6 "LOTHI3f {L OT-RING, (CLOYTING>' - Iu this dopartufeut viiij belound a large stock of Menu'su ad Jo Ready*Made Under and, Over Coaie, Veaui and Puits, Being msde np Ou the Premiieest»e t sud vorkmanshlp may Se dependeti upota. CW> Garmewnie iîade up lu oOrder ti the Wtate Style of Fa8hion. A fresh Stock cf just recoed, wbich wHl hi uold oheap for Cnash. lmet»ur 808h Septeniber, 1851. CRAW"Oaà &cXnL STOYES AND IIXkDWÂREe WHOLE SALE AN» IETAIL. ALL the recommeudahie CooklnPresdUalgStoves nov lu .une, (for Ceai or Wood) forsiihteubrlr. - Catlbon PumpsLcsd, Zinc, Pipe, Japunued Tlnvare,ho -~ A OCIERAL STOCK 0F WINVDOW GLASS Whitby, April 14,-1857. Ri SUe JJshok Sttreet, Ay la MW - FU nITURE IG*us£E! SOFAS & CHAIRS@- r4WXOLESALE AND RETÂIL..M~ The. Largeat Stock in the Coutry of Purnitur. &House.Pittingu (1ONSISTINGocf Draviug Rcom, Parler muid Bcdromr sets, Cane sud Wood Scate haiTA- ')bleu, Bedeteade;, Bureas, Secretaries, Sudihoarde, Centre, aide, Hlall sd '1'ilet Tables. FR Oif OYVE TO Fi VE D OZEN SOFAS, CONS7'ANTL Y IXV STOCOK. The Suheiber fie este lu mdvlsing iutendiug purchasera that for quautity, qusllty, and Prie, lia Establialiment cannot be compote witli by any other lieuse in tIe CountrY, Wbitby,'Aprl 14, 1851, 8s 3acud,4 EmRid e Brmk lt l.t, Witb>'. IJPROLSTERY & JJNDERTAKING TEPHN FULERSas 058 uressedtheStock in trade sud business h1ih &W a en ~eletng cf ~e Sock t CeOns, Harseaal other neeeuuay articles apportsiLnmgo tS busnes onl rspctnil itiat te85 pblc tInt ha le uow prepered te f ris udi1lY A ag opyofCeinakeptooustatyrsy for trimmling to ineout the ceuience of palh. fromthe C ontryrcqing 85cm ut aafho=ranotice. -A stesdY pair of heorses wltlia cereful Driver furnisheti wth the Hers.. lIFU-VERL4LS ÀATTEN7)D 42À' ÀLL PA RTS 0F THR VOCàUNTR Y Whitby, Aprîl 16, 1857. B 3EG RESPEGTELLLY TO INTI.-- mate tote utCuatomors and 8th- Public ganaraly, tlst thoy have JIJST RECEIIED, BRITISI a AMRfficAN MARRETS, THEI HARDWARE, whièle, ou Insplecton viiib. founndthe U&Ib ueutrluiaa sudaàt Primeetiatdeyompotitlon. vih Sd 'rryhlgkhorD per.t Of greatal àty. -6' - I> Bo S4we.;WhAUb *~ -ei j' Scoteb, SWeis, sud- Béat "itoGWt;- Spring suditer 88.01, Xorse Nulle, Plough LOUldaS, Anvils, ho.- To Carrlaki" ke5 Axloa, Thlmnle Sk!1negolte, mg ery 'd 'èitlAofGerlgtrlanhià8 oa pdh-, RP Vala'4 i4 t <-Spedes, YorksSeyuthu., Ceadhles,i ÇSmîst, Rukesm , >= ~ithe. -but u ki- RIAL, lxTT ILAND IN WWMIftNCANADA ale cheap,ad nyet No.1, uCoi28Âr. 26,4th "- > COUNTY OP GRlteez ?ownam Vor A"mEMEPL& No. 3?, 148h con. 140 Astis. COUNTY OF gwT Ber at2, 158h con. 100 A",ee W &et a,1t.h 100 . 4 TOWNUEZP OF DOVEE Wet ide'ef UnidouisStwet* No. 42, 200 Acre t 48, - 10 COUIMTYO0FONTARIO. No. 18, fth Cont. 2W0 Acre., B.% 9j th tg 100 4 COtJIITY 0Or VICTORIA. TOWX8flI? Or E8ZNu.x No. 11, lot Con. 200 Acres W. X~ 12, snd Con. 100 COtTNTY OP HASTINGS. TOW11sHW or X0boc. Eat x 25, ?th con 100 A41»4~ Weut 3j80, thCoui m Aareff- Foe Prie and Termnsa ymnet8aply ta 0. IL 'Pt. Whitby, 90h Aprl, 185t 14 DESIEABLE INVESTNENT, $M0t,1*500,4 $*Mt0 *No TOWN LOTS, MILA LQ2'S, PABK LOnI Lots for fPriat EeS.dmes, IXTht TETOWX QOP WEITBY ZAST OP IIEOCIt STREET. TOSNo. 14 A» U 8, EAST OP BROCY. LBteet and-gotith of Pof&lard',Hot4 ,a Paribl pryoperty extendlngfisBrookEeeRta Lots Xo. 177?and 180 a aide cfk~c SreNorth fPle'a àtal.P deMdr- pricipl b-et n to'own Lota 2U8 and 204 a com'er block on Kaple and Lot 80, West or Perry S#et e nd dlrectly op- posite the Stmb n FoiirMiil. Ier tet 4 6 78 U84 mad85 ut -of Lots 84, 85,68,;<ý tii.Stee IM u i o perty on the North. 'Lots tqo. 80, Eut of Pýrry Street ThbIa Lt ia weeU fenoed and otberwxe impret'edé west of Uwok Sfit" Lots 104j 105lie, and 119§ boumned lyCeni ttc Walnut il ~Kent streets. Afl,5 Lo,, e". dellhdfiiiy eitxate, enhvlngaqýrwon lots 124 sud 12.% corner of lent ant John Lot 1!o 1356 .et of itent Stet ka bVt a few roda kordi Of Dnndae strest. The foregoing choice Lots wore eeleted'froin a large number, with th. vlsw of hIigtoem Keat reeft. ............. ts EnciS4etqt............... gLotsi. Patlace Street............... .;s"Lts. CountV 6_f ontàIio.4 Town Lot No;.If c0r>erof Q3ee ad Wter Striets. Deeidudly the tioit vil t ii tlwwhole 1iown., lot Xo. 7, efet fron t; Lot No.S11, o Quéeuetand . do.: Lotâ Ofthan m.uet - Lfa No#0, 8, Ser o, Lots g0,18, 94 107w Priate skenoem rnncoe au, R&Y s t r, heukato 4Jd- Plens, 2s tli; Pok 33s ; iav'pe : ton, ,Nocîlît 11.I'~. 43 Il IEIEBY gi%-e notice tliat 1'viii. on and af- 26t1e; Eggs pet- doz. 1I t, ud;littte pet- l. Md.I1terthelu3t-Jday ef Decunler t- i xaminlme TORIONTO MAllE Eu-S. I lîtiomglusunt the ('otuntv <'f Ontarlo, accct-ding <o 1 IA -A -CGi R E FN , .\iiUotypc Attst Ila iimsuch dos-e Mîade anid hatWu-lnwsdao,,Nobetuber il, S:-7. (11 -uu itîl îiii<icu hi.it li i,% 1JOS idG4lRh)( IX Wot4s 6( a 5sa4d1. Feutr $4.50 a Block. onîîiui 11-.- -ii..%%iiu (liel is ric meelt î-<u cmi uOiutii i-- ~nl ilitileparîtet-ud 1Brookili. Nîute<ubc-3rd, 1sb7.42 $u.50, eIui lite ,Timeîs, Wliitlv Vimidicotot-.lOshcaza. Jn- s. -POs't kae ti to-ilytre im NEW VORK MARKETS. Photog-raphic LikeneBses, -Btait-ii, .th-eii<. I- liue uerv lues<,t le -i <lufe at.le lhua ilîîe- Xci Yot-k, Nov. 10. -uuîîbfip -«ii. iic lutluhue iost sleiuidd-- Fleur tiartket a shiade hlette ; sale-t1Il,- etsisaireîitiiut 1I . li-lkn asu.u iv uiisled inii iclua4 000 huls caet $4180 a $4 90 for superfine 1 uuiomîui,-iuou <ieeai-u mi,-fauie. MINIATURESh NEW POST OFFICES, State; $5 a $5t 20 for extra.do ; $48 80 a 94-1' l 11 < t st-uhLislucd on the l.oi f iot- ~1>> orsnîeifiioWeser; 5 a$59'fo LOCKETlS, BROAChIES AND) RINGS, 1,te- c <<i- -fr Suerfinon Western<-,i<m extra DWestr.-<ii-luutOliuru IIA. tiit io onu- Vstr. A NGSII)E,tt--. C<îtiadianfmi heuîneliaîigeîl ;sales tuodet-ati-e ii liil-rerentt l -o t -u Iliiir. - EX . -l Ilut<i - Rye lour tiddliangcd. iani:vu w u-S- uui --it hut ST.t. i- A MER IB-utlîtNi pir-lu t-i-rîlot. lu- iie i t <lili-eî. l u,-i p~~y <i - .A I.NIl IE t in s-lea u uial cpldv- cales 'o(t-luR.i c.F 30,000 bîtsîiuls et 96c2 te 97c for ('hicagoe -4-9p1ict Ot ice Duu>at-tieent- Sprting; $1 16 [c $1 17J for reîl Ohlio; $1 N O T 1 C E î ooi. <h Ii 87 « 18 for wh<iteCaaîi<iam. Ive ml ant 75e. - l1 Cern boiter; salhes 20,000 husliels nixed >.:- ITeMerchants and uarem. ej L C i F N MWe.stct-n et ilo dhic-t.Cortî total tin- rliE hl-<t' ý i-- -e 1)?F '~ ~T pci C1I A LMAtcAC- Linape trel ut 10 or 1 littIe sorot atnd wnutl, Warln or ot is noir Wlý 1 1

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