E danger the safety of peregns trav - ellin tbey were Ën Gôd ai _4, uponKue4r&iln-ay.'ý Thoarrestwas made fei en si aéc+pi "belhî,>'tÉey beco' e- more agebondi atià ' k ndn -»and Put te shore fbrthenight. We maraudergwithoutcominI."aria4 witho the mpeib all theChrist4inswhowere wu beconà îng scarce. byXr. Moses Cam, Chiet Constable of were RII hungry, 'and begged thivillagersi organîzation, without begÀlquarteM «,vitll- at DelhL Pot ah, Sattü%ý-andothe places, o Electom of Ontari( q0on ny III Thi Bank of Frankfort hall raeiscendt.i-t.,; To th the Rlitilway Police, %vite. am ýwell'ai; his men ta bring, us souw food, which the«V out any bnse of operations or even a and even théIse 5,0oo Suropoon goldien rate of discount from 6j to 7j per GoWan. - met Wîtil Boule Militalleu on the pýTt 01 did, giýing us etitippatties aud1uffalo's positible concerted. plan. They 0111Y M who went in disg ise to the former. city, The Bank of PrufLi;ia hall iaised its rate of No. 1 tinlon Hook and Ladder C ,%rwchtgrin'g relutivett, one of a milk, whivii greatly retrestied us. Aly quÃŽre'to bc let alconte te lxwbh Of hunger. bave leen gent te bell by the pioùs and discount froin 61 te -jj pur centr James Norris. woman struck Cotilistable Delahunty a lAow wotind had now become very painfut, and 09pclous P& A Russian war steamer bad been I&çt in M«Jêoyer, jý *ithoùt toinforcetnente ÃM0 on the Uad with 4 poker. To Èr. Cam iny naked back having bee*n exposed te from home, a sine regiMolint hu been able It in the duty of all the oubjects &à & ser- the Caspian Sea. The captaing,- three lieu- Alma mes for December-J. J. the prisoner, S«rîýêh&grin, bas admitted the &lin and rain the whole of the'guy was to hold Agra, a nandfule ýto defend Luck- vante of the Govu=enttorejoice at the tenants, and 18 men were drowned. Botel-MaIson PhillipiL pariRto Rent--Will am Tomlini tbat lie put the desl ' a on the track-, and i f;mà rtiii- severely. The boat now, atil 1, now, leu thon oighs hundrod. toi capture delightful intelligenS9, and tel OU" en At Vienna therc was comnienced a de- Notice of Meeting%--ogle & Go Itbat Joseph Pellerin wu with hiiii nt the ý suppnsoà , %vas anchored for the night I Cawnpore, and leu thon a regiment to hold thoir respective w«k- with comfort and ý pression in the money markt4 and the Special Notice-S. S. BIORI tt time. Biing coked why lie had doiie se, 'determined te find irait in the village, as I such places as Allababad and the other fita- case." This proclamation of the.Nena premium of gold was inereasing. Special Notice-Thomas frolic1% be'Iliaid Il les a notion 1 took." (Ceel une i huit had noue the two preý,ious nights. 1 l tions of the northwest against any force issued shortly after the attack on Cawýn, The Jourmil de Conitaettinople Rinnonn- Wheat Wnnted-Thomas MOOR13 ides qui m'a prie.)-Qtfebm, Vortis*ny asked one of the thackoors'if lie could lie- ; the robots could brin-, rigainst thein, what porc, and by the end of September oeil that, the Tiirk-isb goverriment have de- coiiiiiiodateine %vith a chepoy for the night!ý will become of the 9epoys when the 85,- must, thotigh after three months of impu- cidéd upon COIlStTticting a line cl tçlegraph in bis village. He nt once took me with 000 Finglishmen who are te be in India by nity, have begun to féel Rome-doubts ax-to to Balwrah, on the Pers-lan Gülf AUCTION SALES. The ludion Mutiny. hilli, juld' gave me pletitv te ont and a char- thîs finie are let loose upon them ? Why, the stability of the new monarchv, ýTh" it W" reported that seine of tho ffflign POY. IJY titis tinte niy back had beeoine there will net be the, shadow of a qhred Of OxeclitiOn Of &" few of the conÊedomteý; r'opresentativesý bad offored ýthW services; Sale of F.trin Stock, Implement ;gà kftAl'[Vt Or THé, MUTENY &ND à iA-1ý.%cRE i go Very sore that 1 coutil find no eue in a sepoy uniforin ýo bc found in ail 11engaý would no doubt, have served to quicken to,,RetLsèhid Pasha to put an end to the sprilig. AT Yt:TTT(ilICK. hiR appreliension of thoqe of hig folloivers. misunderstandin- botween hitu an any position. At night a message came 1 or the orthwest by next çpring. ' Illort Il th Sale of Farm Stock, linplemeiitc from Colonel Sinith. saving the -boat was sands of thora wîll have expiated the mon- lie mily îndeed soon leun to hiîq cos. t that i French Anibassadôr, and that Redschid hall The, following narrative of tilt- ninseacre going to leave 1 Nvas 'ioo weak, liowev4,r, strous crucities of Nana Sahib and his " the YCIIOW-f'tced and narrow m inded Pen- accepted them. et Fut.týghur, Nvritteti by elle of the sur- i toya3- any attention to iL A second and men with their lives ; the rie;t-like the ple" have net been ail - sent te bel] :" hut VEI.Y EMPORTANT FROU vivom, will bc rend witlk interest. If « third came, but 1 would not go. 1 harl de- King of Delhi and bis sons--will bc verY if anything entild mftintaifi his delusion il datud Cawnpnrt,-, Sept. 13 terinined te stand in)- chance, happent what glad to seek sottie obscure shelter in the wnuld be such pryieeedrnfN, as bave juqt following telegraph was received at 'TISERS.-.Vexl meele 01 taken place. Can there bc a pnlicy more the Forcîgn Office on the day the - At- ,Aftcrý the first inutiny the officers and re- might. l'ho boat left. 1 heard nothing dress of women. lantic" saileil : "Tite Illindostan' arrived sidents reggitied contidence, and ret ' urtied more of ît for 4eveiýI diys, tilt thoîr man- 'l'ho rebellion in India may bp regarded miticidat than when the whole country is at Suezifrom Calcutta on the 5th instant 8and copies te the fort,- On tce 18th June the second gee who tooli lier doivn returned and gave as over aiready. i swarining wîth rebelIt, who may disperse and more serious-Illutiny brokie out. The, out that Nena ahib hall fired upon theni to-tnnrrow or k "-p the ficid for week-q, ac. with Calcutta ites of October fth, .1illa- Chi-oîiiclrýl 117ill bc reg finerits (the l0th) fialti shown great hy. -ut Bithoor and ail on I»nrtî were killed. Le.ily Of the Indian fjovernment to cording a, their hororq or fert, prevail, for, draq 14th, and Slaile of tire l8th. gratuilotis ciý-ciclatioit ,;-.;ed fricndship tip -Delhi, whieh feil into ont- hands on the prlocieý,, hâving profé. a (iovemment to exhibit itsers t'lis lotit' minute, and à sstired the coinuiand- i 1 remailied in the village for about a month the lMattueers. i If as afraid-to oilepternber, Was entirely certiffied on C()elnlýy. And stibl4e(llletltlv joiiied Nir. Proliyn, and act with qilverilv and as endmvouring to ing-odicer that they liait repelled the offers th; - ; the 21st, and the whole of the enemy ex- came (lovn %vith hitu to Cawnpore. Major Yniii the l.etidýyii Tiine.4. drnw brick -Sepoys by inducements of the 41st regiriiviit to revoit iind iikurder ltuhertson trind Mr. Churelier, which they will bc the first te deride their ofMcers. A fetov reiuained Litlkful to jun., are à aid â p fi) tee concealed in a village in Onde, near! Tite Boinbay '%fait lins hrou-lit il.- fur- Nve have before notv malle sortie Oh In the assault of the 14th, Cl officcrslan QerVa- tlleottîcets,-»Ilt the grent bulk wcrlt Ofl, tiler intelligence as ta the fsdl obellii, and. tion on speeches nt home whieil have* Indi- 1178 mon, heing, one-third of the storn soine te their hoiner, others across the 110IMMLK Mllrill, %'rRoctT-TI".t. althougli thesc accotints are still meagre cateil ninrh or the sanie maudlin feeling of force, wore killed and vrourided. (langes into Oude. Tite fortwa-i prepared Tliespeech made loi- the F..Irl und un.,;z-itist;tct(irv, enoijýh is tllil to show litimanit-v. Here it is, ilideed, linriuless on fer defonce, and as tiýu(Ih aitiunition as pos- 1,urv the Whithy, T-hursday, November, rit Wililhorne, lit a euMic meeting in Nvith Nvliat itidoniltal)le"ei-,or and deteiiiii- ennil-h 'but When by communication or 218t. Bible wà s got toget4r ou the e%ýLni l'lie -III King sitiil to ho 'Il vears of m ng aid Of the Initiait Relief Futid dtserves ri(,- nation the British tromps advanced In tilt' liviripathy it il; transmitted te tllo.-,e charg. ig-e, surrend e' of the 26th Ut- 27th ý,)r Julie, .11 partv of our tice Prout tlje character and position of the assault or the fortifications %vhich sheltered tr) Cnpf. and his , ed with the ronduct of fiff.%irs, it beco ni(,,,ý,i Cavalrynt)otlt 15 tvilrs south (if Delhi, lie A General IEIC(!tion.-IEI«,»ctt coolies, ' M'ho Nvere eIwploýed in jbtillilig noblt. lord, luit front tilt' toile of the speech that land of execrable rreants. your Men f 'l'lie ' serions matter. l'a civeroinie suri, foliv if down sottie Watts close to the fort %verv jIfier referring to tire iinprei-etl,,,t- siege train hrrived on the 4th of Septein- iq as Ultleli a dUtY as ta fight the eneniy was a(-eonip.-tnîetl by his chîef wife. Their lives were spared. Tvo of lits sons end a fired tilleul by the vileury. An alarlu Nvas et] criTnüýs of the lutitillous Svpoys, the no- ber; %vith enormo'tis exertion the Ponde- and, indecil, why qhouild 4e triumph Rit the general clectî(ý)n is nov iiiiiibedintely goiindud, %vl;ich brouglit every . ble cari saîd lie hall beeii nstoni,ýheI ta rails artillerv waq plared in position hN the fall of Delhi or the victo titan W 1118 pust ; a -hots %vert! C, of lfavelock grandsom were aise rapttired by Captain X fInd-e,ý; nbotit 5 miles froin Delhi - thv Ille. ('4A. Tache luis retire(] but iiothing iii particular occur- mil that saine Pei-son inaintained that 8LII, and 011 - the 13th the bastions and cur- ThcV lire gained at otir otvit expense. It» there otight ta he a reserve ripou tilt. pub- tain against whieh our fire livas directedi is ýLlr rotiseff npprçben,ý;ion (if were shot art the spot and their bfxlij.ç; Governinent, and the flon. langer, brotight to this city and exposed at the Po- lia'.% heen rrd. Nest niorning- before ql.ivbrezà i% the jjcý se verc niere Itealis of cruniblîn- ruins. Now -ýtrug--Iing witil thé resuits of (tir niutirieers opened upoii us Nritfi their two th, 1 %-xlit of lice Mlice. British people flot be t-od « Excellency Sir 1,',ilsitunil Il gi us, but it wgts too diurk for thein -to aini in tirriveil the long looked-fôr day of retrihn- foresight ; if ix bravery repruring flic (lis- TY(-) iiinveable coltunns were flespat-ched plain, forcihle and true 14inotia-e-wlitt lias tion; the trocips, lik-e greyhotin(lý; in the nstens causcd h the florniation of 1 new Ag with ativ certairitv, so itller a few rounds Il m Y folly ; it iq endurance le 1,% slips, weri- eiorvr ta ru.sh to file storiii, nuit inaliiii, front Delhi on the 23rd, in pursuit of the . these iniscre.-int.s, and wlint Up for proviens bilý,e (- thev stopped, anà frring rit b2eell enfli - Ired by their i General Wilson issued an order of th#-ý qlý-iv Stich flintliteq; and pen'er, ()Ilfitleilre. eneniv. tilt',. A dissolution and cren 1 , ity as have ; filon await otity the filitillinei da;rigittý --lhe Sel,)(gys took ut). their, lot). ýountryvoineil in the Fà st lis remarliable for iLq sense and fintisi(-"4 i prompted the nlissinn cif Mr. Grant, 11111V t 111)'Rm)llnt.s from Agra. one mllimn ap- impnrtiiit trust confliled In sit;ii bellind trees, bushes, and anyth l-%vvv,ýr. thouglIt these atrocities ouglit tgl i-ý tlinsc issiied hy the Suprerrie GoVern- Mhaps, have ta lie expilétied bv neiv enja' port N ta have renchefl the neighlIorhond ai whîch affiorded thein cover, and- kept tip à lu hn,,%ý,, tho,,gh lie adilliteil thai Lhvroý lix-lit have heen distinguishcol hv t-t-illv mitie-4 and repnired hy llev a-'ýievertient.s.« ' %Ilvglilir, rond tilt, other dent or Muttra (in 11111IIIIII. It belioves the (A heavv tiiiisketi-v tire, but gýLve lis little tir a Il the 28tit September. e preparatio ist be a certain resvrve iri public wri(. opposife fjualitie.g. Tite Nf:ýl r rencral The Civil (;overnitie«nt of India Iniv rtý%t no cfialle(" foi. aý shot -Il divin. Vivir fire, the cruelties. if reý-ordc(l arc praises Ili- troops for the cheerfut %v-ty in assured t1int, Gen. flavelork-. with men. rmssel i leuting reliniblerrien to repreq, tà ettv%- thougli it wus, diol lis no harin whentver the time enn"" fi" the Gaiige, froin Cawripore Sept_ ulth, a - i, 1 so vile, (W9ýqL,;tirIg, and olleil>ive ùo cicri' which thev have siipl>nrt(-fi thocir past toit, ielvin- its er)n(ilà ctý, it will find it lit) nfl There ; noiv little time to they it a little past noon, wlien Fev g relieveflLtir.k-;iow 14-si-lency, on 25th, fie scrise or and shiine. " outri, and warit; filent that grenter labors are ' tn 4 just AireadIv ciiiiliglit(lq have most of theui begati te retire, and by t ' -0 excvelling lit' tlt4itilý " -,t lie h - e'L';v tUk -steni the riirreut of popular as Ir Was ready to ho biowý up hy its lie- tilt te conte, NvIlich Inn, orne as cheer- feefin-g-, whieli hag beeil gogitr' evening soute rawdoin shots ivere heard illiail imagination, that Ilia- i 'Iie,,Iy n-gainst to several constitu fullv. lie -féels assured thrit British pluck it, lt need Ilot Ar(rravfttc, the liflîcuItieý, or riv %vould recoil front the narrative, and luit Il- t le sIIffrqýr(- of, the now and agaill. Next inorriiiig tir(, %votild reject it as un truc. ()il the 2Sth, tire criemy's entrenchmencil For in- anif determination Nvill carry everything positiqui I)v wânntonl%, in-ultin- the reel- were stornivoi, and on the 29th a large part Bv the inerc, of grills begau to play again, tout froin il dit- sai- hi,ý lorcli;hip, - 1 betore them, and that the 1)1(ýodthirstý- and ings of every man, whe-ther soidîer or rivi- feront direction, ;tilt doinï- no lutrin, as of the citY tah-en. 4-7îýj hilleil and liitli- rail of their 't, 1 Ille other dav .1 letter fi.,) il th(. Ilighest lit. intifflerous inutincers, %vill be drîven head- liait, who) is; in l'att11eý; the shots eýther over and hiý the , 1 . . woiinded. General Nvil w.L4 tion. are (reliera lit- nogiv in lridla, that dav hy long ont of their çtrait-hold or be exterini- - There is tilIns. The of intvsketry Nvas savs, the wie Yuan' 0 There hall been a slight rising of the re- ttl)*, tor th(- occasioll, witll til « -oeil- dav ladies %% ere clliiliti,, into CalctiÉta, 'ilieir IIILt(ý4U* Ili) "r'eû(i hardiv rernind flic kill and a tiine ta hejj,ý, e. vh work- Iý, (ý:Lqinr ail il. hx-evier tlii,,zI inorning titan (lit the pr( "'«" ta I)el.,i near iii Boinbay V:Iýs and theïr nOýcs clit off, arid their eves troops of the cruel iiiiirt1cr,ý; enuitnitted on lie perforriied, but cach in i jrtie.,ý :t., ing. several ladders %Vere set-ri living t-g olvu iii the of which Lielit. Ilenr;-, rý jý, Fair worfIsand fitir promises born toivards the fort, lotit the bearer.s leutctjt; that chillIren of the leritler",t thùîr t)fli(,er.;; ind coitirades, a.s weil aq tbeir and Sir Colin ('anà pl)eil intist execuie ili' of the Pfilico, %vas h-illed. were shot dowil by ut; liowk as the>- caine 3 eni. ',ý have bevil reserve.1 to 1)e )lit t, (le:itlI wivelz and children. ta more theiii in the mission bcfore we listen to the PI)ilan(Ibro- made .111gl spokel) to serve liridur circutnsLall(.výi Of tliv illost exquiNite deaillv struggle. No quartür shotild lie pic propo.-il Of Mr. Grant. When the Madras troopq defeatefl ttie tnlitîneers within of the 51wi, neur Keiviliie, and Lilled l51; Sion. lit electioli tilnes men tortIrrc in co-1-1 Wood-not in iii(onients toi* given ta the niiititieer,ýz, at the limme tîniv buk-e of was asked what iuar- -*IIv lllclîin* A native officrr and .1.ý;ep0y, IIUVing b e(*ntlble ta -Ilrtloçt Tite attaek cri tir(- fort was continually exciteinent, as yoit inay ro-ad, Il., vi lieu Ille e)r rite sike of Iiiiitianitv, and for the honor t in 1 1 . L, tic replied. - NI) laiv lit c k-ej'i Lit'l. In one (if t1Io-ýe it Nvas doit Co. -,itiritrv thev É)CI(lfir to, bc cIll, lotit rn-ivicte,11, wore lli)%%-n away front guns rit nre sg, tovil for was saokol by tin. iiii. If the tilt- Will Of the coin illander-in - Ilombav an loriel Tticker %vu: kille.l. 'l'lie iiiiitine r, red, %v i t 11 poil theiri to spare all ivoirien ffnd chilti- Th-it j.. th crarded they :ire ris en-oily t to l il i to I-tv 1 w whi h is now 1 explodeil a illîllo, and ntt(!nli)tetl to enter (of tite lltiliqj,,t relirl(.lllcnt, ren that niriv roule in their ývay.*' wanted for India. S in flic plinjah, I)ct'.Vecn , alid by the firvicli, but they %verc kîopt bark- Il.%- liefori, 0w (-Yus of ilivir pareuts, %% Il()' were lt to convey Ili more pre- Niotown anp Ltljore, have giveii -sortie trou. the teriiiiiiatiori of ati elertiiii die grill bein blt. lately, and th',- fli.;tqlrl)atI4--u scenis to prescilu-ilag;4ilist iL - The illado. to cruelties intlictrd, N%îlo vise teT-1It-ý titan tho:ze Ille d-tltv--ilo douist The jgreritest'proiniser inav eneuiy hall ilotov 1trought a gun to local- lit)- %verv nlaole in rold blood fi) sýi-ýilloiv por- luitstill a (luty'-Which lias i%,rrivRi Of the steamship 66 Atiantiç.9ý have 4en The fkIllowill, livas rect-ived nt lie the iiioqt', proper cais-li-1 UT] tht- bling-alow coloaining the ladicç tionIz tlf Ille Iîeý,1i t-Lit front the of vol iipon, our Gencrils nnd ner-iliv speakitig lie will Il(. and childron. tltt,;r chiidren. aitil tliciit.,t-ivt-.s aft at the verv moment when the FA LI. OF rite India Flotise ovur, but tvo- or thr(W strgrick tl]L> gatc and erv:Lrtl.,ý in tilt ') ilitiell (IgIpends A 1. 1: X.% ]le Ille reverle.' rhe inai, tllj%,Il a fire, to the prestige of agir rule s( i mmt %, Thursglny, Nov. oi. iiot hesitate to promise ev contrived to breali a hilige, and filaligliity and il)(- liellis,-li tenilivraine rit of the corofidence if inspires in ib; friendý YOrLý, Nov. 2-3. The miitineer., have gone towariLs Rohil- ill ilot semple to break- ail beyeral hole., titi-t)[1Ili il, but little harill tho,ù crvatur,-ý %% lit) twar the humait tire nive with lvhich it ix regardeil by its Was done, as -We lia't m piled ul) t'le tuait steiin-ship - .%tlaiitie" cund and Mutra and sortie to Outra, being 1 Atid ý,t, t-oiitiiiiiel the nýJile varl, the fjI,.jý thejl, that rite Capt. 1:1dridge, %viiicli saileil frorn Liver. followed by our tr.,oi).q. have li:istily said. Let the with tilliber, iviiiiý-Il etieI:tiinli%ý stopped the jeerjwtrators (if theýe %verù not lives (of our couritrviiien and the safe(%- (of Pool Itt 4 0'c'ock ou the lith Noveniber, Mr. Greuthend, 111selves 0 h- iihuLg. of %va of' oUr guiig %vvre sýooi) aficr tilt-Il a senc, ll %Nrong. ol, the empire are peri11,L4 by an opposite pi à rrived at this joort 1.'L-;t evenilig. dieil -ýeptenil.>er 1 !)il,, of cholera, and (.Cri(- bov il-len (.If niany pronsiscs. disabled. The enenly thon cointiieneed Pres'ion, or cruelty , thev %% vre not a tia- licv. whîch I)v sliieilling 'tire intitineersand 'l'lie is 1*(,111- llnpe later. rat Nicliolsun (lied ()il the 2-3rd. of Nyaunds i -as we have all'e V sait 1-i! atialier itiîiie close to the flist. 'l'lie de- ti,,ri risin- to a.:,t-t-t thuil, (or tli(,-ir and drives otir The str..LflISilil) arrived at Liver- i receivedýin the a-ssault. termination t1ms g4iowit liv tiv:iii, as t,, t il tionegoriii.- addre:s iiit a v-infl i lie tlit!i)- oiitragvd religion ; thvY ovii regriiiients t-b inutin.y. we are indueIJ pool at ait the tnorning of the !)fi,. 1 filivgt fittiliol etîterioil to tilt lckss g*of t4rec, of oui, iIc,,t IIIUD, dis- %NV"L an arni.% %%Ià icli me hall t.) intvrpo.ýe and tlernajiel the abandoiiiiient The serew steanier -'.Iiitelope" was ap- C 1 NZCI XIÇA Ti, Nov. '21. lieartuiied Gie alrvýio"fv- out pai'l' alid pctte'l -a of %vhitý1I everv tuait (of 1elilitud to Ic-ave Liverpoel for Portland di- with foigue and watIlli [t*%%-ýts certa Thc stearlier froili Li-illisville soas to 1,1( IMI M '11urs(la the. 1,2týýl i, oul, üýý Il crikcatiali, whiuli mnig4lit sve can oniv lewl ta more wi(iqý- .1, .111 parti 011 Saturd.1y Ilight; reportetI thiit duiiw, thut if Lhi,ý eeond rilille Was al.'l 1ý) e liad il)- spn-ad We -liave :ýIrrativ coin- The stearner Kangaroo- aarived ut Li- ire a liLtle of :tnqi fired, tire cýiiLitiN -w-c-iiiIi attacý_tgý 1,oti, il fl)r (joli- IALci (1-ý>trqictiùji. The ilit-nted îlgi severe terins on il rucenit ilItice verpool rit iiine o'clocl,- or, t[IC inoruinr, of ' the storitu J fifteen eoal 1,)oats -elq1olit ailloillit to -dir pos'ilý)lv for thest chutes 1ail4ltý,i liî> isil(ýil Liy the 1 iovel-I)or-(;Vner;tl in Coulicil the 11 th. surik-ili the 1 River near CaiFo. i Electors silould Ilot he sItIý l'eti4l. Our position %, e 1 ý-0nc huridi-c4l men w(,-i-c Iost. 'l'tic lass of Viril-hil), irlwst 1,(ý elltial tO Ilitl uýLt1IIV itilt] JS tellglin" w liaitiper the iiiiiitary atitho- il front India and Europe alle lui- il, to rite 1lo;Wý ZÃŽ,, tetIl coal is estialatetrat bw-hels, V vanditlatels fitiiess to ri-prês c« Ille critile,: thelle'eive>. Tîtîes, and angong the heýwl-s of iniCelli viwe portunt. alued ' 1 t The %vvre lyrizicipigolly front th(- fair ýtatej-lIeIi1t.4 pui ILwdu or, ém-alIv, the li;Ivirt, ri>vIl Tht, lutter q« ri ivritti-li froui lit.- , 11rouclit I)v t1èi.sý mail onc, joaragraph has The Goveriiiiient had reveiveil :1 V0n,1iolor0,ýlV lov the Miertitir 1 front 1"itisl-ptirgl). his addre-,-ý. Fittiii- rL-preý narc, on t1w ].-)th (Il' Auo-giýr, atzer tiv of ail who read it. tI.,Iegl-;tl)ll advices zt (01-tiig!tt Inter froin 1 Il- Tlýe I-teanivr reports that lbr constititenvies :il-(» iift, %vg illg 1 ho that lie Ir. iý,- rt-parted-and we shall lie glati to ilia. the N'.) tiiiie ww, Ili-, ili gettilig v. t rý iither buats, lis far dt)%vn the river iLs New ledge, e-Lsily provittoil, angl ii Illllgot '-ilter ilito Iinv Illor-oc deta.0 (If the licar tliat il. i.-; ùnly R repori-tha Mr. G. It i.4; (-ý-)nfirretel that Delhi %vas ciitirely j* qIrjjý have becri sv.ttnl>etl and sulik. aware that illany un Ç'vel rta'iv foi. a start. The badiv, .1, thev art,'** il-) heartreigifing- : 1'. Grant, illeiliber, of the Supreine Covri- by the F.iirol)eazis oit Septeniber Passen-ers froin Evansvillc mate that Alvl %à ere glivitieil iritiý par- Ille %vrites) have Ltelv ci[, lias becit seuî lip to the disttlrl)ed dis- 2 1 ý11,e little else thaii the ad, ries. At triîoliii,,zllt they %%(>rt-- got safel.v -L als in The ()Ill Kin- of Dclhi surrerideroil with the storin was terrific on the lower Ohio), candidates, tind a sort of -en iiito t'lieýit* boats ; (onk, Of the tji-tii ' v of oui- beloved coutitr,- tri( -, i% ith powcr to eontrol the Gener. and that lit buats harl to tic tilt, not one 1 Inch, %Itell)tlll, aiideliil(Ireti-ves, liiiiiiired> (,oriiiiiatid in the execution of martial Ili>; chi(:f wifé and thcir lives loverc sitar- s:ý% -informat ion as to their partv %vas then sent votind to tlie picket- of tioeiii in toile place. The;u %vis a poor law -, or rather, 1 ive should say, that in cd. l'is tgovo s-ons and a 6,r.iiid.ý;ot wure bein- able to run. m opitiloils, hy Ngollich to jii(l.rm to call tiio,11I iii. At à 1pout, tivo The steamer arriveil front lativ, 2ji %cars ofage, iline ilionths a %vifc, (jetiarwe of the Itiaxiiii (ir7èjý1 AW t shot. 1gfarietta last eveniri- and reports encoun- fitne". lrId z - 'l . Titis in-iy bc éleiiied III, (of Ilw -)lit tir 1% Ill ellibarh- f,.%% dilv, of a trio. the Govtrnor Gencral and ýQ f hi,; tili- î Gerierril Nicholson hall dictl M& the 1î;ý+CydV !tlëmiei'ot the Rà ltfiy are É114 a,*j endeavoring to ptoci&re,ý& vote. ad. th ce ÉA MWay liy -là w 1 n, iÉ à éoù, à ý,. pecies of clap- trap ar;p.imçm t, is re. in aider -ta dccéfve'thé'ý )ou3 handbills arc thrust into the 'the ratepayern for thz ý pu' rpli ee- ti-railwiy men mlop et nothing,ýý most glaring falschoo& aiid èà . -to carry their point. The electom allow thëniselveý4 ta W deççived. Ae Railway projeclý, ils prikabie 1 the meang by whieh it is soiught out and complete the undertlakil-f*g'- - long beforeaour readem The t orward by uq &om time tcr tîme uncontradicteil, The Bý-law h«-' ced in the finnd.c; of all our re"» by this fime, m dnubt, the gretit ffie ratepayers of the County Me wÃŽth it-,; -pfo«vî,,ýionq. They WiU etween gur itiwoij(raelicted et$, anonynious statements made in )n to the Raillm ' iy, We bivecon. n tfmir veý(È4t- ; A -wà lý'be nt the ititelligence, prdg".' .ý î ý - t, mcement. ailwiy friendS, ,ýçtioaitl rioÇ inlhe ýe, bc apathetie. Let ther& 64, Mselve-yand let el*erv ratemycée mdti polling hi«,; vote ' -", . for :Pyà ireanothrr vote ifvre ewn;---tjÇ-n will be issueil to the ratepî Railway Directory in % few Jayi. il liave -IPI)earcil' before , *1>pt hi mes evm rnin finds enou to do 1 o his owil bil-sifimq, an Indeed ' h"kt -tlre.,(Iy the gentlemen at tbe board have made gTçat macrwiflCeq ansl money ta adt, ancý tfiý"-.«Ooj We believe that it is likliwise in. 1101(l inectingg in the différént 1,: berom the daY Of Polling. The i wlll cndeavour to du rO if they our friends in the> Country Shopki c rili the burthen te b. L;tor.&;-th * ey shotild comie f" arl Le.4stallee, atirl nOwý Lq the tisne ail i.; reqtjiret.l.. f'-ilway men in the Ps sliotilfl bc up and doing. A ii ilow withifi their ýeîaCû, bîd noir or nerer. ,cent gale luis dom great îDjury tu AnC on the 1VCsterný ave been watcr-logged, 'en ashore, and lWr,. carw"- rain, ilestrovefl We are ",te , numeroils iives have bet-ri Adý.'in ýring the fury of the pitileu Storm vi 1,-ý on lAke Michigà n st&lid te. Considerable extent. --- -- 6 e* --- firs TC, W#)XF%' & '111112niren lirîd series of lecturejý ively) tu %vomén anl.,Veqltig lien. ivill Ge ('11 the Christiailitv. Th£ »elvim Àý lirec drtips of the Persian nà lm' )f.ýinap nt iv.-shing; Pecasionally the bands ýon'e twe dtqm,%t d let it remnin until momr, It lie skin, nnd effectually Prtmentâ C-ather iluring the past reir days 1 ('0141,-tlyo " white, white isnow" 'lie czirth, and merrily riag the Ils in every direction, lilés4,ly lastf< on the Frlita-what"tcrcrt, flic ;ts Sinifli, - an who loyed ÃŽÃ)n the Grand- Trunk Rjul- - %Vltîtbv, receiirt-d î!itis'iiation-' by i froni his brothrr, %viioý wax'"4îý. :ing-ston, st-iting- that bc bail lost ,)Y an icrioletit, art]. waýi then e t'il nt that place, an;î C'et a pass from, tlie frtitAit Ir-lin nu f«. ___ - __ j __ ---- - - , - - -- I - ---- - - - j- -- - - ---- __ _- the other. Strit-tlY SPeakil fildn and tak-en 4Ar à little liesli. %lajor 1 a i steps towards a serjeatit-tii.tjoi-'s bouse for country lind strength te hold it, and te ex- Numerous other failtires of merchant was insthntaneous, and the panic ceased as '(I the la- the purpose of burning Iiiiii and his fainily ceutejustice on cvildoers. Those who are i houses in England, connectied with the will be no political question b Roberi6on, sceing no hope. beg c i if by maýic. ensuing gem diu to coine into the water, radier than te alive. intr at The husband left the bouse, and at all acquainted with Asîatic character will Emerican trade, will be found reported bc- At Li-:crpolol, Manctl)IL-à ter, Glasgow, and cO, Y the fill inte thei , r hinds. While tlie ladies the two children follôwed him 1 but the bear witness that the condiogn plinishilient lovr. oth important citic,.q, the neurs was read don. Reliable practic 1 me Were tllroçvîný, tliciaselves into the water, If' tak-en in arms would have Wife stood at the door, and said bhe would these rebels on the loth fands were quite buoyantý With furjous acclamation. Cotton and all inteffigence and ability will 1 ul) a lý)z1.tled have the life of the tînt who attempted to impr*ýed, the cotintry, far and near, with alifi closed at a considerable advance. Of- kinds of: 1 into the buat, Lok pro4ace imniedià tely enhancin- musiiet. anil, going a.,hor(ý, shot a 0 ed towards the proinction oi ot)iiie iiito the, bouse. And so slie did, for the conviction that wewerc powei-ful, and ficial closîtig quotations was 88t a 88L but in value teiia 1 1 - in f loadvdýagaîii, but 1111,1iii no cal), 1 'W-L terests of 'the ieoui Aie 'Shot him dead ; bat of course they knew it, and were prepared-to make others 1 afterwards sales were made ut 88J a 89 j The Intest intelligence fi-om, Iustraliti, Ol)linýd te retreat, as the cnuiny wcru now h-illed lier, fired the house, and then fol. know it too. The effect of a suramary ex- for inoncy, and 891 a 891 for accouftt. mhip D>indas wu% mrecked off those whoin the elçà ors stit cnniing in great riiiiiibers, ' Lieutenant luvred the little boy and girl, and brouglit ecution-would have béen equal to another 'Soye7reiýrn to thoamount of £300,000 or Sydney,11with 110 p.i.çËen,,ers and creyr, and s-élect, ýto send to Parliamen tl1iýs tiiiie theul back -Weï-Iiiing, and threw theni victory. Every troc and gable-end in the £400,0000were taken front the Bank for all lo4t eïxcelit one seainain. lities should- elect the men b, ýting in the corner of the boat, with their screaming into the dames tu their Mur- place should bave iLs burden in the shape Seotland, the tall of the Westcm bank The. a ritist i Parliament was to meet im. lâted-to, develope th-eir resoi child. Lieutenant Fitzgerald liad a 10111ed deml mother, te travel with ý lier after of a mutinoces carcass. Thus has treason having caused a rua on Rome Of the prin- mediatel -irresi niusket, with the bayoriet fixed, in bis death te their eternal liome," been crushed iu other places: thus have' cîpal batiks ut Glugow rnd, elsewh«e, . in- Grcat monctary éxcitement iiqngland. po liaidý" Mr, Churdicr, sen., still lay IN-el. t ý.1itiéa1 profeEisiQià s, -when nc Scinde atip the Punjab, and even the Bom- el uding even the Saviap - Bank. Several, 1 00 erc 2 , à aouaced, 'ý_,m-vanèes ékW. It WHI 1 tfiring in bis bloofl. 'l'lie oitici-s bail ,Il The Vail of Delhl. bay Pi-uidency, b-een preserved te u& But Tho work of takin- the Atlantic cable . fo 1 ý 1 ý;1 1 1 1 ý - 0> 1 The Oùýwin are the Moât itnpoFtaptý-- th, ,, , -, -Ë ý'* bè tr 90t Out Of the boat into the, water. Major 1 b ice and thme h 'Steps in out et the AqaȈ eùw,4ý ell as the jVt'a- t 0 mà ù- t.ttixg,, W Froiii tiie New York Herald. etween just wrec es cable is Ande à ttdman & Co. of Paris lVil. haVeý bis ýP01itica1 - c 1 1 anb Mrs. with their chil(j, and 1 a prim philanthropist froiti Calcutta. -Genc- gara., had been Oéimplète The son, Co., 14 -le À 3[isiî Tlig)iiýpsou, were standing close to Delli i, liko Subastopol, has ý fallen, what- ral Neil Lq iiot even left to exercise his coiled in water t .. ents, so u eo of Lond 'woddingtoWý&, C&- Tron tiaer. elach othèr beiide the boat ; Lieutenant ever repute the British enjoyed formerly as judgment within the narrow limits of the admît of ità being à à lÃ&itied"tà a-variety chants, iv'e Pîtýh & SKt - provi_ elap-trap cryiot -the ÃŽnerû.ýj Simpson and Mr. Churcher, jun., were near soldiers tWere cati bc no question now but proclamation ; but Mr. Grant tak-es the or tebts under water JÜý1ngthewhoIe win- Mi. dét=.trogtif- -Adyancing the 3 on me hin ts, Uà dm - Mackenzie, M thein, alïo; 1 ali this time lost sight of Ma- they will het-à ceforth m. nk among the cominand out ofhis bands, and directs net ter. Mr. Whitehead, cW -of his own leç* ýnr Phillot, Eniiign Ecliford, and and a fýW o;ectjician of Ray il itýreuhts, bundee Dmpenr' fity, eâch, mon first inilitary nations. The capture of merely that the forfeited lives should be the company, is. ti) bc11ý"- 94;ëd-in experi- zpiýt,ýrîý l o. or-Lond à --- Xù1niý Goinil tjibutës te o -the prégress and others L-î;ýilil".e thev %vere kî1led. Nli-. Delhi is one of the Most magiiificentniili- spared, net iuerely that the offenderW pari- monts of a, most iaïýrégeig nALurBýupOn & (;,)., liver)ool; Bain, of of. the -tihgl'e" Cotin ry. e i and Mm. Fisher were à bout twenty. yards tary exploits of modern times. ishment should be commuted to transpor. the cable, so as to ».1ýxrÃŽaip iiot < oni y its Lofidoii ý 'Ni GÃýint & Co.,'Lùnibtr tiz=,who-se ,prm"eii from the boat; lie had his child in hîs tirais, It will bc reinembered tbat ut the bc- tation, or perpettial imprimmen4 but that elcotrie capabilities,- butibë'rit6 at ý whicli üieichan L%, SWansea,ý Steegman ma- apparentjy lîft-less. Mrg. Fisher could net ginning of September Geneeul Wilson lay they shquid bé absolutely and unconditi- e4ch signal Can lâc" traninlitfed ; and the ýNottinihanL Ce8ý stand against the current, her dress, which opposite the place, to the nortli of it, on4 onally setatýlib&ty, The Telegraph may ëffect ifilch the'AiZérent periods of the ple, 13 t4 reatest ienýmy of actc(Ulike a seil, kno'cked lier down when ridge of hills, wilh some ton to eleveh Thè DgnkiDf France ra6ed its rate of inui bigo well infortu us that the iudignation wAs day and the te4ùperattýire and state Or, the à w" tý to 8 per cent, for bills an nity. - Èiâ t,,teacWng. âhe was helped up by Mr. Fisher. 1 now i thousand men-not enougli tojustify an reat and general at the - leffienc 6f the ttmospheïe We ùpon Jtà condtictibility. der, aù «ag of- IreaffiOÙ9 8tri&ï1V1ýU y aays - 9 Per cunit, 60'da',yo; », ci coný 00 resolved te make an escape, if possible, tu: assault-and witli no siege train. In the Lvernment. The efect of thîs inost seau- The attemptto. laY th ý Ca le ne . davs. to nationâl 'ià Î-1diý stit Ãœp t.4 I=dîng bo*4 which 1 new could have fixât week in September ho received a rein- dalous prSeeding inay possibly. bc toi undo îs to bc nýoAe ut the en i;rcaCMonoý, ani 'dantirffld, diécord c'in sco rail procoeded fà rÎý ýo at once 1 struck out into forcement of sorae two thousaud mon much of the good resulting front the fall of ng of July, and it hu, b(icli -detcnnin- .ýup6n the bankS. hindi. Dy777= the streain. 3Ãr. and W8. Fisher contin- froin the heirà of the late Gholab ed to )pey,-m" t #teadier. DaISth jijjýoWn evgtiq.,-ý Sinçý DelhL Some pUthe tnézi thuà libërated, SInn, resort te the plan criginally contein- Fu-libb Mt ued in a distreming position when I passed of Cashmere, and also a siego train were, we may- -bc ïsurm. in the camp ýà f the plated, namoly? to- the sùbilïérg- B7 1 à ' ý - r- ý - - - tjr;ý' ÃŽ coasýlà for M4 ý5to9d'ej tp; 89j; baù partmin is a e epçMmUà theni, unablé té render any assistance," These obtaitied, ho commenced, work with- ènemy,-witWin 481iétim li thâ Midaé, of tfio &ilaùtie, whM news were mg process > Clwr Grit7cim of The writer, whon in the water, passed out delay, and so, battefed the lace that tehcy Jikely ýP Yom en .2V p ThM'the Calcutta the two 18 09 mi r Fxçhe >à er'billg ýtpet;ý04 'lx thé Md iâdv Ur,ý'Fisher ficating on bis back,,and after by the 14th of September 'the assault was Qcýeraýént ffl affraicý that it d4red net ly for thé stiore's or rý,ýZà d&nd and ýq 24 W Bs jiwimming a ut un hour reguined the be un. 'It wai 9 ni e of the ÃŽatiat obsti tbat the Go -OW raffés of cable are te ho Grit, w nate hart a halr of their bea4s, ver land,,j and other boat. On roaching her 1ýÎound fjts on record, and ýeinipà one* of nor Genaral bad sent one of lois own. Court- colled on the 2,'OOÃ"', as- everything ila confusion; Mr. Rohan, the eaptUroýof Moutery ï1n'our melxi2 o Gen" ,ip commffld from in the tiiit xtto"ý-qkïà & the Y, _Aý the cm ci te Preveét th flà t;" ""d youngezt Mis& Goldie, a.dhild, andt4o onty war. P tÃŽbl1èý, 'M 1q tonchig. theu,,, that the Engi" ha4- found ut ý the additiond, qGuiti 'b" manjee who wu on Ward were killed On the first day the % lish' toort the that th t ax -the 8emo- bsck te, intaced by, GIM 1 cm- tieut. SWettenhaýn, Dr.' )Wtby" aid"onè bà stion'ne4rest the' ýaMp.7 Oiï 'the- POZL 11their 41W9= o1aUdý, thist if the Sepoya aumofion of the new i)aidq or tçror irere soyerolv wcundýà 0 posite they ttiok tho'maMi stood ouvthey would soon have everyttung hù bem'entrÃUý td1ýWWn vir a ý i tbat . ý __ ne. y liqoùéh,,W - d fý, nuge d4he -am Singheemropore, by lieu re o? fonnd their way 'a little fuïtberAnto the: their own w Is this any ex*gVu-atiôn The P4trit te two gang planted onihe heig by towni and finally, on the - sixthdà y of in. of theview which a race so ignorant and tl=enthave :r-d'e'à t* -ý?éôMüïM the Sepoyo who had tellowed 4s.'Y è it- cesuut 6ghting, tbey compelled the, Sel- - i TU éjà *ýM0ià V, bÉ iÃŽo&uý- vain would be likely- to talS of- Mrr Onuf a modifictution of thètli*--ef I»t«"ëtut 1 ý±ký"4ëï» is iléit paired the rudderjwhich bat! b crits to ûqrýêuate*the place,-and iiade interf«ence when we bave Nou , The Bank, of pmà cjý,ku fiirtheý,advià -w_ agetl, and continued Our vo ige with boa- Èemelyes complote Mutera 'of DeffiL Sahib with &à .000 savagu bc wSn Our cod the rme >of disSS *lï the nert strange tO Say, In &U that night. fittle force and the neaily , exhanawd Prodeh- 00"rümeýt il; 4md«zbbod, W býought the mutiw 1 of bu &II tbil; il ý,th'ijou t inomiAg e votce hanedus,,from the shor wag nôt ôver 600iiien - tboýt fi oplý#mp» e4m Wbich wi.rowgnlâe4 as lir, lruqh4es, avi mana à and ge MiftwW ut »M -«à oot to, ý4gait>tý t t i! k » WA rffl, çame on b*u4 and'informed us that hié là , theiýrye;é'eré,' toid, iây ià t«*>*M mr ïe "d' eUd ha4leun drovýned, ýn -ýQ £h thcý'Kinz of DeIbLind wyeral diau. whùipeliétïi lis à rïèieVïiýi;w 'ÃŽ[ÃŽ; qà à udýd" -&Ëiit nn liew da a mther.* Something -shou'Id V t'hem, as they arc pwr, and hà -je means, to SýppOjý4, themselve& iliPeer. ' - t t Cu-tpTzu, Ne. 4. G"xn RoYA& Awu.MÀ».,çs or CÀ- L'he Çompâwione of the above Clu, ouneil amemble(4 on Tumky lait, ,embýr,'1857, in theirHail, chutrch Dronto, for the elm-tion offlct- or the Masonic ycar when vîhWmem1eiý wéfee=ný C. KNas Tully, P. e James L %ýth, P. IL j"eph uagEOD4 e -J. C. G corge L; AUeni Pat P. ýZ. Lý Fisher CAL ý=der IL as" «Thomas J: a Clark, 0. J. M'y' -1. 'A, THE NEW I-tt»rr-rr-,L rvil.. BROCK STRElF7T, Tow. FOI mid Winter etfx-Ic n rr'i ý.L Mrempec4 thé largè,t an, troduee to tle T"n,ýf W merythîng îù tb"m Drv rince, Geiýnân and 'Prizl-ýsh Fr neh Nkineý.qý, (prblýLil Silke,_ Brý-)c-lt Prim in-a Word. a Flemey rare b«utv and vue.ýýn-, -Xr.'DavIý Millinery Slir peeti'ton be nillv tuite *ill prýint;unrý- 14ftntlelý, (_'aps, llý-: Flowers and F4.-at hfr- - lýi «If lnng t'YIKrienec- in l', In the Prnviner. It inov be enotif-il ta D., pellinc All Ili. G-ýîý lt 'l - nt once rit 11 Ir ont r,,Itle-rs TLC reimoving Tan, l'ini rua pli it hhý4 na f r ýl 1 IN . y. fily Tfet. Dorl, WM menti('11, vinmem arc iw-ll mllne kümVil tîle. -f Dr. llnlsfýi- plarf- Lrrl.;,t ý-à ] tl'e p*,*ý:- iridehilipy fio tint prodi,ýé 1-efit. Fvr>il in fýM the patient w hmltýaTr în T, Ci). ;V, At rçte in bithy 1 -- Drncri- a, in Carieda. Sole NEW -AD UNIO'N LS STrit T T llk,' miderAumed wA f7r the ths- Mil:. ý_f qnrd N OGLE IL. GOWAN ONTAIR ()F be 't:, at?ý: "'Elector.4i ut r, w ej'lom. ing jWt