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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1857, p. 3

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fi thoueitand .jp T"E N»W fiToitnt TO THB FREE A»llqr»]RPBN. f 1he CapiW Stock of the ,V«,tontA rirmi) DENT BLEÇTO]Rg UlP'NQ4TU Port Thitby and 1 BROCK STREET, TOW-X OF WHIT13Y. OXTARIO. ak»,o Railway Company, the issujng of Are noilsil opening a Magnigeunt St ' ftk of Debienfure8 topay BMz hissi mises, Scomplîte4l bis C ENTIIFUNR'11ý, - BEING fQý etteli Stock, YU and Winter fttock arrivalit, which six - X rroý>4.4.d te (leclxxisse mv"lf a Càndîdnte for and Ott Z" tng «4f a rate LADIES DRESS GOODSI 31A 'SEU W L. r the largest'and liîcheat, évor yet i the R PI'U-5etltlittion ofyoiii Riding hi Parliament the m-eam f»or red«;ning such De- Aher* a large A xisorttnent of S. e= 1îý- thq Town ofWhitby. 1t"wu%ýriZ_ und ae ive lie Div Gonds Une. FrIl M es distal pprclieiislve tli&t a (l'ener&l.Mection ht.not benttires and j& elè£ pa ent o 110YLES' afid other Prints, FIRM IS, Blailkets, StÉpe SM Mhing in 1 S e- iL 1 (Illein it ni"t ret;pèdfiii, et once te de- Ym f rthO and TiCklngS* t" ,Geýman finit tuglleh iplAidit, Cobbers, clarc my intention of presenting myseit as il -Fnteresf, thercon and fer otlierplir- which, on la St th" oui be De Be ni, Cnndidntp for yotir sIiffrgges. Wnem, (printed poses 111£rein d», DISIeu Silk", 13rSllessi, a lawls, at everý Te mv Politicul or 11eligions rrilici liles 1 need Dr6ss and fitaple Stuck ýf nnt tdlildü; tliev an ftllmoll;ntlý. Mre thé, W HEREAS, THE CONSTIZZUCTION AND GENTLENIEN"'S DEPARTMENT SM'b«uty and vaiieter. 'JAdim' Funk--an werld to bc known te ail mets. time lins ne complet ion of tbe Port W Ji itlIv und Lake lis replete w Da e il 4 liens, fin 1 thilik I moi, Msi ýýrdsSlit Luýplv, rloliandebëàp., litiron Rail,ýiav wM gmatly ftdvanee ilip qpperal y " (In S iiile, nor poiver n%-t-rnwè thein. - 4 Onta Pl P. Davis NitIllinery Shoir Roorni must ho 1 1 t hez intelles. tft and 'prosperity of the Connt,% ýP tn Ille Ailly Xveu lady of tish fis mary lins ever giiided my ilblic rio, alid il is exPedient tbat the iNellinfeilinil Cor- ho aboi flisissitte, will llrbnonneu the Qf BollÙets, mr"r-it i xiszt continue te bc emblaznnr( upon 'ration of the (Jonnty of Ontario shtalid lend Irkaver Cossitings, Tý%ýtieds et Satinettft, pInids, Rnilway Wmppm, Hats el Cape, Under Clothing,&e 16ritlef, Closelks, Cil Ilend Dref-Req. French nnv letton( r iinder whieh 1 811 1 consent te do rt« nid to Ille snid work liyi, taking stock in the, Flowers and Festliem Ril3bong and Triniruitij> baitle. . qald lZailway Company. 'it >î. à;Býmed by the auwr'h,' Thlis, departmetit of Mr. Davis' estai)- The grent liri)lilàtiig upoil wliieli tire country Municipal Cnnneil ofihe said (lonnty of Ontario Tbev ' wonld reqilet especial attention tu their Winter Stock of tioupt,.ti; under the siiperiutendciiee of aloi, eo 4Y 'n'os fArlilprly divilieil liavc heen Ftolved. Re;- sidvii4p"3 tn lake and ý t&lilgeribé fer font l5ý,as EL I ýlslfI0n eriencel In the Amt Millinon- Houilles nnqihle,(ý'ývernrnent., the Cierjzi- Itef;ervpFk, the thousand shores of the eapital steek of the Raid In this deps the nc4-. 1 Teniii-è-, the Fýlective lýegllntive Port Whitby and Lakelliiion Railwil Comparty, c 0 m p r. 1 9 1 *4 0 SpeàkinO (if Mr. M%-i« maille Clotlling (.ý-iuzliriillrl othrr niig7 ritnd embittere-1 topies ftiiiotinting to One Iliiiidre(l Tiiotistiiid Potindt, R« ' Ileollv- .1t insely he enotilih tA play, th.t lie; toolk thil flrst linveliten rcsit elitniiil,ýcl. vritholit. Sind te issue debenturre of file Raid Municipal OVERCOATS, UNDERCOAT89 VESTI AND PANTS9 Bting mode lizé'for Drettellit Cents lit th(, Fuir Ingt 1foll. and let us liopc, a lthiprle lieleurt se iiiip.-ttrî(itîe Lis to Colilleil te the sinionrit huit SsLfvreeaid in inairiner bat IIoý sty le, bêouty, eut. finisil fend qtinlitv or winne-lIv tiieir liereinafter provided. At prieês wliicli contint pnseibly ho qiirrLss;-ýed in Canada. 'Ontbseli h4'ein jnfl Seballenge flic Provincè. Some few Allier qnt-«;tinnq linvr latelv been And wlierens thé -9uns. of Elevers Tltnnsand No. 1 & 2 commercia Mr. linsit aderpted n nt-ýv prineiple il-. bel- iliscligmeil, tillon whirh, Imrhup%, you iiay ex- Ponnds will reluire te ho rallied annntillv as n Brock Street, Whitby, October 7tli, 1857. One l'il t1xese, tinicS -fhat (If Illeet t'ri knnw mv,%-ît-w*- ;r special rate, for the perif)(1 of tweiity vearb* from A frogh S aejj1ngýsdl Ilis Gqqas nt à,.qnItili Ieroflt of tell per To a Viiion ofthe 1, itish Arierirnn Provîn- 1 the dair on whirh this BN--lltm s. hýl l'coin 0 into teint, advnnsce for Cash. ces 11, NAY 1 An improvident man inield , force f ir t S S e ytnent and re(Ieniption of file (le- meet, 1 A ýppleni-4h :tu cxlinuqtvil bi- 1 hentu tzrenli'nt once nt fille Xew Store. r'eq tn ri, im-tiecl iinder the arithority of n nili ' (in wiUi a rieli bride; Nit 'fi 1 '4 certain fer this liv lau- fiel the intiere.st thereon. TI) COFFEE W AREHOUSE. 'Ibnie iruslivrn' Nereî ]Porgotten. ile-m rl, ne t lie inere.:tscd by flic allianvr. And ii-herong the whole rateuble pr(iperii, of T E ,ý A ý, TI, tlif- deintind fer Ilinistc;- to withdra- the (Iniintv of Ontario, arcordin.Ly te) flic ass*et&ý4- 0- front I'nrliitngnt, and tiens te, estjil)l'i-h theAine- ment retii* lti- airi, i rns for tlw vertir of ouïr Lord is.iii, j tf out, rentitrs would ]lave a posi re ]il,, y AY. 1 like ParliainrIntair, ricfl lIpon tire rilins tif flic 13ritiitl' 1 i Wilonnteil te 10soti, and it will te- $>t thië 'toUett6 ense tlexlgett's I»LWTt-', 13,%T- Cleaniffin le teeth, 8hsLý-ingx, Champoning. Ul' 1 ai enerallir quire an animal rate of ]il. in file pouisd, i bused. but if iý4 el Uùqitifying tl - fi'tind alid jg effoetive. 1)(»,c to.ýiiite Lille tlicir Full Stock of Onl-eTies i%. now ftwôvitiR Tan, Ilinipl", Freslekleiz, Suis Marks. n MIprý1 "f titi, jrI*ý- «.Inlivç, 1-nicil. 1 fuiv Il sueli ruteable a glipei.,il rate 1 el)mpltt,$, eomprisingr soth septel A y. 1 ai. il fl' 1 û pavnielit iIt'ititeregt;-,ii tire d(,I-iLiittirf.ýQ te) der Teas, frein the Skin I>Otn 1 - Young Hyson and Gunpow Finest Java Coffee, of 011il la quetil file FMnr,ýj b S.S. eqti-tli- e isýs nt" n sinking Co.. rr(;IiritIt)r-, Ozeiciinbiir,-Ii, for the crention fund fi) pýy',ein(l 1 Black Tea, a fluperjor artiC10. Jamalea Coffée. ty. 1 tit-n-v t'114,ir siil)ei-inritv. 'We Ilnscovado, Cruslied & Loaf Su-ars, Fruilq, Spicel, Candlem, goaps, &e., &c. N. Y. elcy -rift.- Ijout, n"P'l Tio Y1111l'et, P,,t111(ýt-hnx 1A scroi,11 Ille trisitar re.1ci-m Fueli debe-nttire.ý in twentv veam froin SI wsIvall crime 'iti.io ilerce a.ý S. Izol'hi.011, Brnel, wh, sevk-q te phiiii his rfKpnti-il)iT]t%- tel biq l the ilinc this Bv-l.i S lltttii'li&ti";r, Dundaiet S rýint7-N.. lllltlcr il e covard cillai, of cunny se 'treet, W. Il 1 1 1 hercinafter liravidvl. jlroek Ik- if enneed, and if i- herc-lI% enurted liv 11,û Tiie% ligve jii!%t rile-eliveil nie iLjlpt>rtUtint) Ai the Obolm-it brands in Te, i.-, rniIiiitinii. i itiiv vF il, ýitiiiie-iio.-d ý'ouiicîi of the 4_,niýr-t%- of lit il littist not Mt, as il il)nl 1 iinder the authority of flic Mimi-I 4 sindersionit tient ilipse, remedie« lire 'Ir _,,o,,, tifili ÀACIý, alifl the IlnilI1-il)- ellilise. Miked alid ilotir. Territ Iff JN ES B R A N B 1 S tffîffSf not maje tif am arp llpnrlv all ether iiitdi- le -- -E f P SI U l intist lie ulided. and prf)lierf;nfeýrnartls b.N Lion Act, finit thiý Milniril-ellit l' rht, clab".-bllt tlutt 1hev be-c &-el; fron, i trotion i,,l ititelliccner (10, nnel eli.01, lake felir thoii.,wid BASS AND EDINBIJRGIE[ ALES & LONDON PORTE exilertain plantes. Af -grent tuellieintil %-îrtticg. 0,(Irilitiml 1 tir(- Vallitpi stael, of tire I>.,rt M'Ilitliv ýlý:ý,J No 1 & 2, (ý'0MMercial will mention, for thrce or Si lie-ze plant- Building«, V. n"t the illetilcatieli ilf lAke linren liniliel Coiripisny, ainonniinff tel ' *B 0 rock Stret-.t, W his.by. Oct- 7, IS57. Wihl Cherry, whosp î, in SrII4eoi.. . but tire Ille il,- ()tic Ilwidred l'o1lIldýe, alid Illat tl!l, i vinues &W WeIl lillom-li. rire others il , IiýrItniivSl dit all ('lirigtian 1 r lu t1ic ni-,Iititnîllý, and f,,rests, tinl lS,11,141 ofý Ille hil- Ar tilc ( 'alinty of Oillario lie, tend lie iý; Il i, flic LýiC f-f he n»lp% illi(l lie tzir ilm-ýrif-lil riilý>erti" are test fi,)%(-- gr(--.I i _É ni:iý10 illi. lind ýýhf, riill- Iviý Sitiel oli i-elialf lef tbe Maili'-ilpal L*-,i;tieii tel* Llie sert BrgelýgliSiiii. NOIrICE TO CàÊ-iîîï(-jm . tlmuà t1willele we flave naitied. Wxlre it filet fir rivvri tr -ir jet Onunfv rif 0iiieil fbr faur tii.ný-itti Al Etach, ai flic T-,m-ii Iliiil, Miiiielierter. kilowil the georel of a ýýv!ii(-Ii MI-111el ler, il, flic Iil)r-iný of everv scboeil, Sind in Ille sa;41 capitai qto4.lz. fis 11poi, alid qf- "('Itff -Ig at the liolise, in No. Igninent, beur virtite of a, il eeil of AsAi ing 5ý Mey PlitetI'4 Lrrvnt VIIIIIie (Ili, we %Vt*-I111,1 -i el il. ut the place where Ia.ýt Nitinicipal Eler- (inte N rAîgn- -e thp Jlln.is of cverv Kcholar. t(ýrtii(l Il' a boiiil (-xectited h% t4 direc- Sco ovelliber ilth, 1FI57, the linde lier- ef flic >aid Conillnitry, sellin2 11Irth for t Tel tic tif file illi(isril lýjIv Tur ili',il held. e4l la-cre dillv niptýitited Agsignices lorN. 1 M. EA h( that l1f)4%vithýtandiii, fui m-itx'itntl tire ilillý4 have '11. -itit: TnyrýcIf livaprahl v dispi ir aiiy en ment or Tý,rS,:th. -if flic TiIwii 11:ill. Ileirortoii. fil fi- of lie imtidl"n ils errrv part of tilt- eillintry. t:,rN - _cf, yylir ti"lit Mill exteild to 1 tY inriii-red ton flic irtri of -tni5l"tniil Mllilicipal l'xlrilgr. Est 41h PRINGLE, DANUELS & Co. whitby erktfew n seincle histivit flic f the ColilitY of Ontario bv file ta- NN'I;itb% Township, nt file Town Hall, 11roelk- lha-re been eurr% iiw, on I)ti.iineg-t nt file Village of Urbrl(lge, ing fin Ille directieliig, Ili To rf-fillîm, ij, king of -r sub.qeribing fo; shiel lie iI,ý capital lin. -rhîeh t4v (le) fini lirodlicelhe tiint ïb-cided Ilù- il,( 1 -::, Y Fii, of faid CIImlittiv, the lit flic isil, fý,r ihe be!lefit of such periliens -elit. 1ý%:en hi ohl sIllitidinc iloiliphtitit.s. II-here l"(I114hifi lil Ivill 1 Port à) ' uvn Vilkec. lit tire ( 'orirt Miles i p. pnrties thereto, linder " truly beconie 1 1 . ind JAlz-LI Iltiroit Ijtili%.ýiv Te,%vii iiiti,%. :et tii, lrI,ýi il ÎÏ.Si . the conditions therein -t-t rorthy I)ef<)re the first day of Fëbruar et 117Z icrein I lie y, A.D. the patient peré-evered ili theni for si re-imfýiinl)le i -4%ltd iliat the l"Vil >111111 bc ('l'elictI nt P.11 tiuel Nuid jeéd of A-igntýent now liCL4 nt file lets Il of titnr,,ritre« linve been etTc-rtel. Pr. foireIN prefierable tel tliI. rirvari- ivilderiie, w illi >etiýl 1,..Illie.iii * v l'hall nos U, C11- offie-, 1 n.itil 1,,r,*,, payllielli (If .911%, ý,r .,n of Caineron, M.%cdoneil & Dartileil. r-ev'* MI%-erti!zeluellt ciel] be -een inunother ýv,, 1 % - c' s tiiil 1-e:ir, fý-r ils se ýVhitb%- for signature, of whieh all part itix rctt elle pn- of',11,11 W ednesday,16th Deceni'r,1857, Agenlq lit tillsni:ltii te, toir in-i% Ili r,,Tnv Iiiie -,i p-iyable, if, in tire (,r pnrties intereLted are lested te take notice. W . J'Omer. r,, th, vii!l4 i'r \nd thfit illil ll%--Ilixv be litll)liql)e(l in flic f,'r JATIES PUINGLE, 111,.11)tll Colinvil r'f' the ll' Ontroil. shiiii At rêtuil ils whitIlIv b% leoll*ttl.Iýii. rild qav l'arliiiiiieti- buieig Ille offly le-tl)erý NO.111 IIUCKINS, itefl iii the ref ()tltitril,. thiett i. if) Niv, sl'il-ill.i 1ý the 0nt.:iriî IlAr (-(-lit on tir( t,,ik flic %IL (eititàdtv. Selle W. Ilaisev, New Ilet A(-r,,,. or 1 ';ndi MACDOXELL oril\ ,,, tllis 4)sl)iiv.à 1 -.ator und Bi-avertoti Pogt. once in ç-ireýI Aliscsli, lent Ahilityriiid e Dild s;jtSIIý FI,ýIjà týs t!w fii->t tv.,(-nl% m iles I.;- i-le-li f-,r fleur lIre%,iIItiý 44 1 T- l-iiirrtl, vyid iiit4-rnn] il,(. >-:i.l lZailway ;-1 illiv tri the qaïd Sillltefinth dily Of Illeccinher, 1957, so q, &rrii4ird f, Sig XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iv i - 'l , 1 erl% ) liie, Ir taking tIiý vote of tire eleetýrs I)iviiii, Itt-ilt2 w 1 ie: -:0i orl 1 "f J'i-el ared f-r t;e4. Iray over lie said al azitl that a copy hereof shall ni-i) bc NOTICE To cREDrroRs. eIl lis iiito illis w ý I 'I fý!1 ('e the >1oýf( So r in--t public placet. 1 IJNION 18 8TRE1NýGTH. i leqt,\ prir-itit, nevor iqitýiid-,l t1irit Ille cii(Ir-iIý in f. 'lirpt leasl, of f lie Y virtuel of a deed et assignment bea of fil(. iiiiiiif-whii-Il fir. et fiirtlirr sani of ']*(-il Thoitgumi Pmmlls, 1 e of t lie of tt)crnid('ý'illity rin re, 1 sliali, Il Ii-ý t1je fic- nii-tj r:tîl,, on -aiýI el f Ontario, -et It-aýt fenir wrvk,ý bef,,re flic takin B (Illite October 31st. 1957, the undereignel 1111 NIONT111A Ni EE.TING (PI. h- -b 1),Itilitit'till.v t)Aslo%,rç.d illInn ur.ell(Iiit-I a .. e Nvc'nl d'il nppoinie-d Assignetti for the Eitate 1 or t%,,ciltv lllil(!s. ll.,N e be(.Ii j.jij z,.Ilel of the esid ville. as arteremaid. T No. L limk- gij.1 Ladder C(11*lii -site% Li 1 iiiile r a The .01 lelIli" Ircal and of cifthiýîtir4oWn, will tuk-e jiluce on i- ;z1l'l v, 111 012 prQJ):ýred foi. rIllitt,.r j-riý ilvt r fil file R enrjee D a n ie 1 s 11il,, 1%1711j'ally. (,ri qaiiic, accýltl!it. iiiiotlie.r >iiili --I* NN 0 T 1 C F, Weduwday, Derember 2nd, ,t TITI af;o!ývroillýUtioliref T'.,i, i> il 1 rul, efiliv of a proroid W file Villaze of Brooldin. met-chant for the The La, et whieli a itili atteridanre eif titi, iii.Iiiii>(ýr %itif*. ri tel lie i I e,,Ijsideri ca 1 t'O 'tion bv the lNftiiiieilIiti I>erlt-fit if -1eh peri-11m il% misai] bc nie partià ttqmPewtl. :es flic t'-himlitiitiiiii iiiid -ltý .% ill 1 lf1I,ý I- :1-ý, ýI lieu 1 il M;i& lrriýjiit irrin 1 tioli (-f*Iýýe 1!iiilvftý 1lýTlIlq-r1% q'ollila or file Collritv AI Ontario, lit tire Collrt t4 écto. linder the eÀ-m4litions thercin set forth tetiiiieii, Ili* 1 lie firý* It« 1 Il. ý-iit 1 1, bc fr ilitriliiition. z1la iTi-lrJwDIiý ri ils flic 1*11,vti' of ILVIiiiby, in flic ý-:li(I 114-lre tir(- -*11lit illY uf I)Pecmr)er, 14l.57, muid ONSIS, JAMES NoItlzl",, 1-rt-ýictil M it.r., vre, Nf-t Ik - (lis tire 1_,ý.1nd du%- of Deceinlier, leI57. tt slow lies Ut the ()frtue of ;irf, r,. , , Mlleill oýcr te) fi,(, %:IÎ(i C .blo,§, 13' 1. jiiiii v. Il, il fil(- 1*01111t.v of 010:11 i, tw.ýI%-e of' thù il;Ifil. jet whiIýh tiinr. rend 4*atjte-,,n, ý'%IacdojàeIl &ý. 'Dartuell 8 liciturs, 1 1. f.ýirI, I- , y1le-rt fillii 1,!Ilýe llilr.)lj ýI 1,%. 11-ir ý-ijrnatitre, - '\i-V. 121-7,01. > 57. 4;1 iN Iýi(, -;im -,f« J *f ýç-cii Iiiiiiiirrel J'eliiii-l- rere.v- I".actý *I'X-- ý,f tire saili 2%llliiieip:tl-tý'-,Iltl- w 1hil . t'If whicil ail pa(rtiee in- Ie c-ii-il>l -;l t" s N reý" cr.% iiiilv llcý1 e-il sire licrebi- re-Iiiiired ioattend fortin, tere4ted tire reque.-tted te notice. PR O. sels' lit jý -lien et' Five lliiii, 1 rcl ni'tit siotiee il, herchy frirther gi%.eti. J. S. M. WILLCOX, f and a fitrthor flia, a ,f th(, elti:tliti(-,l ele'o.ors -if the t4àiit The Sube; I'olilkIlý lý,r 111ilv II'i-ý,iýiti "f) l:% Iiu!i file tics CALVIN CAMPIIELLS, Ille Establi, Coutitil wi!l lie laken irs fýa%-or of or ogaiitt file %%l'il le11% lit(' JIKOV lin-pared fir 'y:, -and tim wil lIrgiiiIlati(I(. ol,_ -Illier lit t A mi neei. tittrilif% oi IVIwat, te. be he e u Ortil r,)IlillL leill. Ili tiio ( il et -Lrr,. -ýc1it ..f* fixed in* illid v t ýc sai sibove BV-law for Oint illivered lit Il(, (if Tohii 'W arrvii. F.-I Ji ct-rti!iiKll tniii Le ' % Iýt' iliv let 1 L:111 of of %viiiell all luch cIûctoi-ý Lire lierel)% S 4,licitarg, W hitbY. file, 11) 1- 4 ri t; la t take iiotiee. ilviiii- C'(rý of e,ý, (5,Sipty Me ejý ýp- N 0 T I C E;:> ..i lI\. t!!(. sýIi t .Iilii,-il elle , f i rl,,. - Whitby OGLE Ill.' (.011PVAN FOR Nonern i ;jjj., cu fiqs, ýVIlit!,V ;i 'e. - ht-. I'-ý- i.: 'l N nverrilif-r 12tlil,,11ý57. 1 To Merchants and Fanners. ONTARIO. (-1 ?aie -'l Fiý,- Go. of lliiiiil;-(.d Ieî)IIIId-ý Pei- m ile tel- 1-t,,Iile4.ei (.r IiiIi friends l'ai. ûel a eel"I reutiing -Novernbe; 1201. ptiI)iie ,énemii , thet lie lias taken and fortlier, tlli't th(r lI;r,7.ý T'.,«, y ]KETINGS v-îli lie lipld Mililit-ipal Corporatimi of Ille (-ý,i1:ltV If Ont:01.1 Mill, k-nowil m the Il >I!:111 t') the siti'l Port :1114 m Nortli let 4)iit;llliI, Ili w ýio1j ý,I1ii I L!I,ý !î;i*r-lý Celiqpally £L(ile i lIci: l"i; - K 1ý," V 7' M IL L S, U P I 'P.. GoNvait, wili atteilil tý, 1.il. 1 1 ' 1-_ 1 lIýý lý t', 1ý!ý t f; r v\ ".-.% illiie elf thi. r0ali Ili t'w ýe,,l iý,1j '",-i :,i*, INFORMATION WANTED and f-irmý-rlx- by 11ILISSIutor:, Set ri ri 1 1', Broohlin. an-d freins bif, I;litcr and well known 0 TE1 IVý a native tif Ille fief, iiiiii; l1w 1-fience hi tire businesx in Whitbv, Isopets by le. . istirq 1 1VIiil1ý\ tri Iýq il, il IIiý! li'li .ý:i- ilit. Citicens c' x %', te nierit a uhar'o buâint-s, r.l 11 -il. Týi -striot atten'i'lliand punctitdit., iliv biit 1 >1inil m et fui! l.ý, e,4t rel a il ri. 11 c rüý ided ut oi 1, Ili m 1, ;4 1 n i 1 &-ti Vkioridje paid lip. :iIIII that tell 1 if IocIieýIer, !fi Ili;;P, and in a letter whieli lie' (If .1trnnage. Particidar attention leid 'aupply FUI lllm xe i il'e, tlllll,-Iil, for si li!>iýrzi lel, init-le ýf' Ille I'i*,,n t lien %% nîic to hil brother Fflu-ard, intinuitcd ]ILS Geh lIi, tlie Llf livi () , ers Wi« IýnF A large f l". ":", i'-il and Bc-ý£Il%ý. Ni 11 thc i'I-iiiilv of' olitarit) ILI par. w %Iere',tntit-. P.trinerq and th 1 iiitIýntioii to zo tel New York in Octoher. lic te, ,et tlicirwile-.it Florired, Il e deult livith 4.11. et' liIt Uw l', ' wa- then a widower, milà liad three children, li4rilliv. A *Lll will oblige l'r")I-)?i4 ifà 7. Illii 1,P b% tire lie it farilier ünactcd, und il i, 1-I-r(I1,N- t la-el of whoiii were nppreutieed te, business nt .1, k. 1 41ali 'f. 11 il S. r L, v on. It Il. N. NEVILLE. ed le%, the iiiithoritv :ifi)iýosttii] that it slizill Xciv Vork. j'arties intereted lit file,, sibove u-111, r. te, 0w I'teri iiil:1 Send iil:%ýN bc lawful for t Ili 43_ v -lie W, -dI-ii (If flic said te t1icir bv apphi 'ýNovç-iiiber 9th. 185î. -ýil j- t, sJjýjIJ c,,iiiiiv ai4d lie iï Jlcrû!Iý aild rvljuired tel Ille bc n1,-ýý il t, se-c t'le Nr-,rilit-i-n Lille t.\ttdiel ili tel for tlie iiiieih i f'..4-A N 0 T 1 C E IM IL 1 tVel1ýV 3 1. re ýe(iiieâted tu prei( lit them tu the un& n- 'hich on imffl _'>11 1 -Lars fi,0111 tut lime t i cil-en en the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y ' ' ' _ i ES£> XK 3E £3ýje C-oiiieiliici forev, as hcruifter mentiolied, Wil Ladies """d'ouinine éld rmettlettient«*uijdallpemnnisindebtnelito w ý# ; -BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUÇTIl_)ýN slw--eial rate mllail be Over and above, tud irr'l-11 ber Sprh l"east Iý - the latest the tâtate oftIte re. Muât QÙMI without reserve, on j'ot Ne. -., litil c Of tile à1bove Ilerrings. ti of ull other r. i!ýLd or le vied, or te and Most quested-to malice inimedifite Payment te, the anm -T o Nm.. i ê_ 2, Commercial Biiildt»", .'s- TO.ývilship of licaeh, un or levied fb, the purposes 't t1je Raî(i 1 Bonnet Trimmingo,-&co liruck Strect,,Iyhitbv. luiliciltel 'or ralluit or ni any ùf'the lit-tuici- . ý _By order-bi tbé Eïecator's. VEVINÊSDA 1, Wh, 1851' .1 OfflisUe de Ijeailentieiry Boot and shot October, 2ý, Iýj57. Ulitien of t Sinty o il rioý wid irrebpec- Vie fulluvÎ,àg vai uable p! operty tive 0 V rýýtlui-C nier se uf t e ri X;001-sireýe', 14 -N. and, At eàl attable pro Wlileb.r, 14th, 1847, y 0 ai ounty, un irres ectivè ofauv lu- :MR. ALBERT ýSPR1NGj W11EAT AND WOOL. te et o ivi en s to n rue or e derived irùm "Who haà rutiréd froin Fanning, viz: the steek te bc snbscribed for as afbresaid, or r&i.'GOOD NEWS. rILI, mâl i - 1 rIpliE subscriber is lercliared to purchàtse miv NOTICE- Win ffl e, "I spoi of Mares lit foal by Cumberland autity of %V huat and Woul, te bc wiv sharê or interest of the siÀd Municipal reàt V »I Marc, thrée veari old, âred by Gratiý Turk, JL (lu. poration lu bue4 Railwav Company, or thoir TRýY -TRI in g ed ut thc-stýre latuly eceupied by Mr. luwder. 1 1 IIEREBY lvý0 'notice illat 1 will, on ma af l'Ilorsé C(tilt ým.o &-are old ruilwav luid airy inèonie te bc veartill- 1*11ý%, by ýobln ilo(KI, T110MAS MOODY. dcrivýedfrom the tcinporaryý IUN'C'-ttiieiit such PENITENTIARY -BOOT AN 1 ter the 3rd of I4comJýer next, examine Î-eýrIiný 4,'tplf ; 1 *Spring Colt by Cumberland, wilitby sinking l'and, or auv part thereof. 8TORze t furt!îýr tuattud, and it is yukr ofosen, ten years old;'ý'4 Miloh Cowe, And bc i erùbý- BROCK STREET, WHITBY.1- J-jelft.r, *ý) yeurs oid Ileiferd, 1 vear old, 4mà ellmeted by the authoriti* afureRaid, that tIjjý tllroii,,Plàont the coun ýof0n le,,Gd t iîtevr, 2 %,cars old; 1 Stetr, 1 yen; old, RAYIS ILIVERY Bv-law shall coine îtltci fýree and take etrwt on law j il sueli çffl inade v of di fium and &fter the tiý-elit3'-eixtii day of DeSin- TTUBBARD & CARPE' NTER retum ïbaulis X) N GORDOX eb;àted mâ 1 Sprirg, t!nlf* 8 Ewes, i 'Il -orted breud, EL 1),wpcetorýfur,-the Con of Tdko. tllrurou,-,Il bred j.ciucatur, B L 18 H X EY T ber, in the )-car ofour Lord, 1837, provided tbe ti 1 atud jý.là Ir, 1 kov- have been favond Binet the openille or thu riDok e consent of i majority of ther qualified inutùc!ý) É lin" X0ý' inb4r Brd, 1,U7. 42 ni Ijttit imported lbm-ed, 941 abo've oea'bliàbraený iu the Town ôt.-Wliltby.- ow, Dwectty opposite Mechanic%9 Intçtitute Icwr-4 of tbu Cauuty of Ouwic, 'nhall j» -Ë t -tvhile,«Gillg go the would intimate thüt thev ,Tlttiett, WIiitb-,-;rN'indienter Oshawa; and 1 Cooklug Sibve;'l nuggyi uoarly il had, which consent Bhali blî 0-3derWüèd by a 1 - L est, Bonvertâd; tiý'àôpY thme -me. Indis Ro 1 ucarl'ý- slow, 1 il livue.N - lave just recoived . rge addition% tu thoir Fil 1 - (I' 'l rir ! Bob ^Sleigils * :t pair of Ilarrows, vote of said electors tô be tah-en in inauner lol- and Wintelr! Stock of LadiW aud Gentlemeiili Zf 0 T I C E îâ; 1.$Iklélle, bridle and Martingales, HE ýSUBSCRiBER BEG TE IV. Boots and Sh«9. Il Dreem *', 1 Painting Mill, ilew; 1 Catting 1ýox, Tte tile inhabliauta »f Whitby and the-publie cach î nieipâlîty of the Countyof Ontario, and domble mott of CtWriage IûMem, iicarly ne w, that, lie liaà opelied il UverY Stable lit the pho,;e éliall be keet %xecn two isuwessive aitva from m weil as a,< lop ]1)ýW 'fii1aàé1ýtûd to the P-4tate of' L. Il. ton o'clock lu the fore »jLý(&qurea under Au&- eiher articles tou nuulcrong tu mention place wherc lie will endeavor tu accommodate noon until four &ý1ock in tieiref,-oùd supenabonamieu. arc required te tnake im- the afternoon-that the Clerk of cach MUU!clpa,- ediat à pâyMont-t-hýreof toý,WilliaM Schofield ull im'bo May faver hiqý& mith their ordffl. 1 - BÇ>6t3, Silocs, SIL r% Gaitem, 8tc.; In Ovoty Sale to CornmeÙce at 12 09CIOCI&P noo . Iît-Y ihbIjý &et as poil elork, and shaU open Wéoh a ' 0 bbIl thor 4.,t4 Store lately' occupied by U H. Zýïr SpIendid open and covored Omnibtuses IM U able of cam. boýà-x1iich shùIýê0ntain thrce coluilins, W 88.1 aùd7Pt,--taiL -ing eighteun pemonst and VerY -y onk onie T E E'M S: Weil adapte(l fýr êaffing pleaatire for hçaded l'naines of voters,11 a accond reemmenaed, tu t 1. e Stock. A JOUX BOWLES 77777ý gainât Bj-Lw"" law Il and a third 'la and Le litre. depart-inent spe *Uy #t44 up jbf tonveni- AU &wrin fautlor, 4 Cash;' over tImt nain 13 suil enter tbi booX theniý= of cý Per- ýe= 1 A jnuuthe «ûdit -A-iU bu givou 1Y furuLhing aPý- N. ICAÏ . t , ory ence of ladiei. J. idiewho 6112,Q4 MQ the M éli là M flint Vi. rovedjoliltrmu;l£m .*f *d 'holidueliointureît, Whitby, ýan. 16, 1857 fi coiu=t, ana simnulark 'the figure une in the ;Unotý juteront charge f1roLüMý«wÙe. hitbv, A." t 27, j85i.ý- second or third eolunm'oppo-àite ille naine of the 45 MR. JORN WILKRBON9 fl -3euxdlùg îî lie>*âgâ vote for or EGS tu Tetîtrn mauv thanke to, tlà Ni Aiîd at the close qf thoeil, bien lu ý,1Cni1hh," "ec day-he eholl add up the num -VIVE or Six intéuWent V7 ýùqm ýtzà 11100 paeiçular;,,foithoir Yaluablo ber-' -,il tho accoaýaaU third c9laniris and âlmU wm- X Agent Mn YoTWAý>- iftyaouareper ALL AT,0NR1AN»ýSAVEý*ée1f or Viffl In býemg hj» eàNý64 *om tee -tu thme dayâ thoreufter a ve - e pull book at inouth m el' r tl4 be te L 4Pi1Yýto 10 m'q =to &c. the office of the Clerk of the Cýount teouncil of Ustfttýb-, -P $, jthýj1,nb#c thathe tileeouat GFORGE ORAWFORD. Alau, ho ý")mto infum y-of Ontario, t tlier a ce-rtifi- 0 BZRQLD BY PUBUO AVOTIoN -0 has XWW ereqztqd a temporary obop MM caté ùnaefhis'haud and t ira seal of the, muni W wi Attorfielbie à kà4 tê iet!Ye lity of which bc is Clork, show t. n a rng the nüm- Pý11bj, 0"'ýu "tt 18C. xitio, the zàato, lwmietthd *Ùwiatý-1 - > rer of votes fer and the number senst the Bv. y moral habits noed apply. law. Andit4eJÇlorker-t.he cetincil shil: -T ,_ Tiz, Upon the receip WXÉCHMAKER J ;_ . _ 1 . toftlwâovorvlpo boo"-týohiui b>*Iýgnduablç Èroperty beloilffin to HaN-ing a large etock of the Clork» Qf1Pýe" WATCHES AXI) JEWELRY"-. x msienve Munidpalitlea of the &da éotiqty ýý1îVW W6 old., 1 Bay Mare SIX on hand, ho - wià exchange, them for -,TA" XOT1Ce',ý -'A luic" se voung fethe By-uw, in une Cg umn, ra old - 1 ýÜrcY Matoia4 onthi. mont liberaltermâ., HE Sulmiiber on- rotir ïg 'thêýj4j l'ilcable Wag- ma the Xý tji BY-UW in PLher co=l = . 111iýth0 cunuty Wooden Id«a the loth )f NèýCIi 1 Iron Plot aul -ýU*' eût 2F1rý PAI" IlqG, ]PAP- IL&XGING ttio - total number -votinir for uudtllç t'O- JE)m m ta wW bi v«Aý gl for Sueo êrMj-ý 1 Fannlàg ýýlI; 1 yuke e Support ffivc -hhn while la I 107à;-14w, 'ana tàl, ýuýjùffirâ - , - iý, calf; one 'çý1i - --ypýtine for aad agaulst the Ë 'don le 1 - ' _O WY h.U B"k Aëi tg s or Wo -Îîw ti - - _ - _- 7_ý ý: 1, ýý .: ý ý_1'1 > RIAL li GO L f Al LAND IN 'WO«45t-X. CANADA T Il E Subscriber I;alrîm of the fullowi S 1 rieulttiriil 1.nts in varlouis parte of the Country, oficrm týh,çlà4 f« sale Chcap, und on euy tertn% ëI COVNTY OP "W,48ulp OF LUTUUM lio- ist con, 2vi m - OP GlSÉ Towxýsnlp Or àgnmel i., No. 37, 14th Con. - 140 Adrrs, COUXTY 01? M T# - TOWNSHIP Or CITATRIAMi Re.ir lialf2, 15th Con. 104YAC TOWNSHIP OP DOVER. Went No. 4-1; 2(k) acrere 04 4, 1 jy) COU'.';TY OF ONTARIOu- TOWNSHIP' 07 XIR.1. l?, 5til (loti. 260, Aeffl. S. X 9, 6th Il 100 Il COUNTY OP 'VICTORIA, TOWXSHIP OP YENELOY; No. 11, 1 At ('011. S00 Acred 20 (,'ou., Iffl COUINTY OP HASTINGS.. TOWNSHIP OP RODOC. But% 28, 7th Con. Acroq. or riu-,ÇG£Itvopp. wewt Y& 30, 6th (,'on. Por Priee aud Terink of amne t -P*l to- i 'il. PE fy. - , Whitby, Coth April,-1857. 14 DESIRABLE INVÉSTMEýN $6009$5001$400e$3001-$200 TOWN LOTS, à VILL-A L 0 TS, P-4AK -Lom ÉoTs Foit BUSL"Ss PuRposiýs, Lotil für Prirate Residencesp IN TUE TOWN OF Wlnibý-Y uq "m couNtr or EAST OF BROCK ST-RELFT. L OW No. 14 AND 33, EAST OP tll(WX Street and Soisth of PolInrd'i Horel, et valdiable property extending froui' BrSk Perry Streeti%. Lots No. 177 and 180, Eust aide of Broek ýýýýMPârties desir- t in theTowu Lots 203 and 204, a corner block on Uapfeýand Perry Street& . 7 71172973-174 75 76 77, and 78-1 Tbee .ght Iota arc in one 1oeý bounded by Perey dehesnut and Ash Streets. Lot 17, West of Perry Street, and directly op- posîte the Stemn Flour Mill.- - , 1.0ts 64, 65, 66,-Ol!z 82, 83, 84, and 85, East of Perry Street, and adjoîning thé Steam MID pro. perty on the North. Lofa No. 60, Enst of Perry Street. This ixlt. lé well fenced and otberwisjimprovéd. West of trock Street. Lots 104,10.5,118, and,119, bcmnded,ýW (,Ln- tre, wainut ana Kent Streets. Thése Uis are delightfülly sitnated, and haming a gtreet on three sides, are well *adapted to -building pur-, poses. -/01% Lots 124 and 125, cornér'of Rat and Lot 'No. 13.5 East -,of Kent Street and but a ruw roda Noîth Of Dundaa-.Strect. The foregoing eboice lAts were --elected from a large tinrnbeY, with the view of boIdh1jý them as an investment, but are now offèred for Sale te &Wly wind up a large tranmtion. -A LS 0- Centre Street ................... ý..2Lotq. Kent Street ........ ............... 4141%, Enelid Street . ...... 3 Là". Palace Hîgh Street. ........ 4 Lots. 'Whitby, 19th Jan. 'l 857, 'JRAWFO.Ëb CAMPBELL 159. IV illy to inform their ntimercýui§ eustomers and the publie gen"1y, that tbey 1avc T'A LE AND ]PiANCY DRY GOOýDS9 nie7ee:nml compirete, and at riues that wili bc tottftd lower =ad inliti,"eet &rfY,'rd, iting 0 G«Wol Shawle, Entltas, Furs, Cloths, and Tweeds,, ýmmksj1aunelâ, 00 C, Print Worth l0d. for 7%Ï.; Q.,000 ycis.-Figured Orleans Worth lis for 7Xd. ; 1,WQ ed Imom Worth 116. ed. lor 11%. na -Gooda werc bought nt a docided bargain. partment will be found a large litock of Meng, and Buyal ady'm-ade Under and Over Côati, Votta 0ad Irants, lilw on the premisesthe fit and workiiiartïhip niay bc d"nded tipas. kilmenta'made up Io Order in the latmt Style of.Faikion. Stoek of £gr X=L £> 10 la XRL 1: M lm 7ed, whieh will be sold chcap for Ciwli. Remeniber from time to tirnë Vie Ry-law bat read.. great )r the county ut si(lwzý They wiU 1 tell Clic; maille in have C'OU. ft will be nt the -ogrtýS'4, 411ý)IIIII hoc, i'n thlé Lut fi'mirr vtr.v ritepu Yf)te for the ýr c If we. mfi. ý-ýAt1 ti) the ratepayerg 01, v in % I'ev dnyx, 'dl b(ýK)re, Lut ph bils et)uii,,Ii tii do n Yi 1 le l il el l At #4e v g rea t sa rri fl 'coq the' -00fl it i,4 in Ilic --()f 1)(Illing. Thci d,ý eo if they d,,-mltrý . ýihçj01 t ') I)c borne by iltv i-s ille time &M mon il) the doing, A ri 1-vach, bad lÀek,", Many liVr xre sorry-té 15CILIn 1Usýjn the storin. N'Irx, Leettirep., ,ýdd-7vkv voni- dif)-pq at 1 til(iriTtý,. - It Oknt wo hnrll, file ha] l«ýit an'i niâ?k. ; )Ntivre« to Il(- con-ludor Iiid itc'l t') ,cý nil to hilik to awl ivork bki Ile Was elip9l [1w tender tq-.-tlie >cw iiiii" uurren- )rk-, lm sat dovit ,ý luiiqlur tn iremt. CRAW-FORD & -CAMPBEUe Brick Buitti ge, Whitby. 87 WROLESALt AND RETAIL. LL the recommendable Cookinfir, Parlor, aud Ile-aing Steven now in nse, (for Coal or Wood, for salu by the s:ubscriber-i. Cast Iron euinps, Lead, Zinc, Pipe, Japarined TInware, &C. A GE-VERAL STOCK OP W.DWOW GLASS -East'Sid,- Brock Strcet, jYMtlýy y, April 14,1857. 'M'w M SOFAS.& CHAIRS$ ýirWR0LESAL1 AND R E T A-1 L e Lrgest Stock in the Country of Eurniture & Rouse Fittingt 3TING of I>mwing Room, Parler and Bedroom sets, Cane and Wood Sentud Chaire, Ta- Bedsteada, Btireaus, Socretaries, Sideboards, Centre, side, Hall and'£eRIet Tables. 9m OYE TO FIVE DOZEY SOFIAS, CON-STAYTL Y I-Ný STOCK. :)scrîber feelis safe in advisiug int-nding pureliaserm thnt for quantity, quality and Priee, lisliment caunôtbë competed witli 1)y1ally other douse in the Country, SMREN EULUM. .Mûs. 'ù and 4, Eéisf Side Brock &reet, Whit&y. Qý la ýy, April 14,1857 3y, April 15, 1857. tESPÊCT FULLLý TO 1"ýi' e te their Cutom . m and th e menùly, that they have f RECUVED àÎ&IL dima from the rISH AMERICAN G., S, 0 K . lbe.foutidý4o apletc in m tbat 4dyý 00 ti don. rem everytb4 in theiýpwtmcnt teesýioàefs W Cu>fs cnptw moët ccle- ,il Ils, luadý4 the the train ýýrc the "i- Î,111 Ijan4ý, , %1.1.1re, Dr. HoMen -uik(l 111,11sie, and ryý Wc un- brother, aind M"y, ùIat ho have lott a few days 010UN bu wr, and have 4. GRANJ) ýq)NIS ov CA- v abüvc Cha- 1 nestiav LAL - 1 -ÏS ' î- îths , 6akmi Spring and Blister Steel, Horie Nal1% To Makm. description of Carriége Trimuàingit,'&cý' T O P AI-e T E R S PORT PERRY.-I. County, f 0 ari - o. Town iot Ne. 1 Comer of 0.i' âte k4e let la Street -IDýç4 er.14 m7 'D nt ,the wtole To". QUEEN ÇT. "';n 66 fect front; J<ýt Z;o. 8, corner - of O.u,é. d' Ferry Strettà ; Lot 'o. e -ïký' No. 10, Il, 12,.15 19 and - 17, tihfini ýi6m fôïûth or an acre éneh'. ý' Ut 1îýu cormr-of Queen and làua Stmte' umriy"Se ýha]f of isiaere. AU of the forcgoing Lets Iýiii 'on the Ynéadainizrd IAmd,-nnd = valuable n- sineàs locatiouB. ' : -1 1 LILLA 14tu 19 and 56, of Ula and North Street. NORTH, Su T. I»ta 21 23 24 27 QS, 80, 31, 82, 88 and,84 lh ,Ititie«North trecý,contaWi ewch 1 M- flfth , of an acre. AI&G, lie, 51, north--aide "pfthe aam atreeL MARY STRUT. LotR Ne. 7o, 83 8.59, of au tom -vmtulï",Glug, Putty Brubes. AGitiduLTùàxL AM -Spades, Forks, Scythe entdlea, Snmhe, R*osi &c., ftýQm the boat P. Z. A. C. ti V. J. ist V. s Lanib, Stvw- 'ýTOYES ANID HÀIýDWARE, 1-10LSTERY & ENIDEMAKINGi F.N-' YULLER'has ýn.#4t purchased the Stock iu trade and busin Felitz, con- ûfalàarg. ýVt,,iýk of Ilear, e and ail cher necemary artîc7les = ning te the NY0. reý inti-nate to the publie that' ho ià now prepared. tu furnish and fully unerals ut the tshortedt notice. Grc-0461ý« kept conittantlv ready for triniming to ineet theconvenience ofParties requiring Vient ut a haIfhotiýs uotice. [y pair of HoNcs with a carefal briver fdrn6liea with the fléàmi. 1T.VERA LS A TTEXDED .4 T A LL PA R 79' OF THE CO UYTBY.-ýU

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