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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1857, p. 1

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'0000;ý - 1/le delo.1-1*-W-A$m e'- X Mi*by arimidd, will lie 82 per annurn': ai tËôngh au-à",Ulm PORted lwoids,, gre", to fin nup by, the YOMM ýc W* eyerv bu. iýuldotll» Ië«Mred lu 111110 Ai ber ee1ýitiùnà of digdàin, *Ëo*s ver, ho Sb£ «en ln dy1w .84 10 Il Irte e il lef hier, hMUtY- All Who *&Veel" orthink weil Ordo- ýy smi le e > the py eq% ýtWwwcdi«ré_ agony -of' Iri wu contetiïbitt Avcg le Re » IPU Agi VM Plu" hm I» timo in iôrwarding l"e or hâte him as: ighe-, 111ÏO& âe;ý*ith- --the, Al.. PIRINGLe" ilderene »il-mtisfaction, set biumélf'at work'le poper will bç ùntil -T TAILOË, BROcir STRM,, 1v"t a, -should Del. Io W*9 'Oe % Are [#Ad n'p. _" èq 'g luhitiby. 1 . 1 A littw encourakement 0"111ttié îýrsèI et] diticlogl, wili lie et git SUM bjy, it -wili ateep 00 WL7ýw" ÃŽflî qt white face, ho ri»k of the puüllsbm,.w len nddm$4ed flaiteily, "vai all ilhe noede& 3 'Socin 'thcrl -t à DEV" NLIL, Oür bçart* in Nxtlg).. Our aysi ln sloop - wdrid hepiti -tdý percoive th t A faultif«ý fi-' siàý and, m 'TUOIR a ' Af The , dùlfwiilý'ftwn the eba,ý.ell 1= er àoze,---ý oqiiired VUDER &., 0 guresbohad, now thst lie hodu frànknesNý 'eqr,* -Wtbjyý a - , Wh 'treàbd'memol7l% Po 'elm. ý rý ý , in* a motive for.dresaing it laz y. beSm' 1 Thon! difforent y, $le not sri." ou qe XôzfAL HOT£Lp herfinceyes wçro nôÏiçcd; the ' iýcrb,41*W b Aý BOOW AND JOB cllarm the moill; thî lier laW, scorn of lier à iiitilvocut moti bowerêr rend re _ÏI , ' ý ý- Te 1 1t' a il t tèj i le proptioter. 42 or raise file âmil. Mo long, '40 how thaf ÃŽ"'Ïk--eve 1 '7 t atxon 11fay We nalie9élrdit toi Il -81 "en, zth ne 91, 0 t-t es,- amiýýa 4vr Its ca"biliti r PIMIR llltO'PRII"IW OP 'Il 'WltlTBY TÉ It shotild bc rimple, procti=l and eleur- 4p arthtic yet =eless hints. hold- PÃŽM , Cl and JL Would mbpetfttlly hiferfil the No gué apun theory to plewtc the car, tý0 di 0 foiind h>d iio' FROXT ANb Ili its arrangemeniL Pu chet theVý km-* prSn"d time of the ni Wo eurio4 laye, te, tickli letter*d rri-le, e ýXWm]ý) e ato ru oqtyl" o*f Tyre rrom New Vrirk in owlodý- C Ptre;et..q,. T-orl 6 Miss (irreenwjçË, . accustamed to Pp into- W-Qml- 4gdge4mdaw, twr And leave the poor and plain unedified. to. office, arld rire preImrbul, t1o execute Society as a sort of nemesary mm ire ut -a T»U 1id,ý ité:t:wemew leilleuld, bc-tender and afrectionate, the Airine « Mantimelri, wÃŽtiloili"thé iti el ýPR*RfM G MANMLA HOTEL, le 8 e victitla winced un(' A (LATE COMTRARDIS ICOR- As hie wimn theme who vrept Wxt S#Iom*A fate- Ilope or e.xPectation of t1miln' lem r P' ni éfi Rat rie Jeinuartin,'Propvietor., 26 The fitry litm-n,,wlth wordm of love allav'd and, ýiftMnt lintmnrk M"111 Xlreetly wurm and awrally pennêtde, thcrein,ýnlas ait lirst rurprised, ýhengrat i- j;linnl#ýé&j wie acri, itp"pisilde wM bc d one in a Purberior Pt.% le gowefqt nt îý OAXW001D* UOTEL, fied, when Roxyland Chirçre, jt1st, thon .. !_ pünilà aýeýtfi Prie«Il. qui en rien Io âîvéti; *on, Thç illýîptieton have purgM It ehould bc rivinly, inst,,nnd rafloiiiil, t tre or attraction. perristrntjy ln"' rot lier y_èý' ln' one of A 001),- W. BAý.N-KS. r1topRiETout. anitéýtcdon'* lia id Qom W"y cnneeived, and wel] exproItdied çrit4l-« ý.4onght lier mmé. wfth ; tri. s tort 't; à ww net ditRenft Io malte blor out pli t ai r-ý ha he - would ils Ireptihle pride, that )le alonc undci-stood làvr-to be- Mm. lie "tchod lier s vrent. AIW roc bulm" ln averyexý11eloniltnseneil Therhar'e It abould avrell adnptn(l gnRm, le hmd,46 bMie Sý 0f Ildii i'RO-PlRIM ÃŽL*. cntiringedit to To situation, andîe1ic-0, time and 1,11cer- lier-tli-tt lie rt-rognized ber clipacity te lie keenlil. Not a m 1 liscle of lier face quiyer- ciliely- thé naine al 41ýt4iIrryë kel ,whieh hein «'I,>oýiglit nt 'V'ery low lie and Prom the Bout Free of Charge. À sermon forni'd fur vicholars. mtatesinen, lard-4, 1 more than xhe was, laitier than nny7 nf the- i cd; ýot a shIdý deýptr wng tlie rôskýtintý ina-rked With aie CG t*eft, I*Atitinit Mn bc Airil lied ut ti A loireilt: With pcaunts and mechanien M aecnrdq. f sorial mrignets glitterin- about heý To a on ber fuir clipek -, sho, 0 eV lm stim lIrW-ieý Xnd -at the ishorteilît notice. HO1ýsE, -.1) Aid ri t en-ti 1 ption ý could W Tt itlinuld with evanelîle be.nntieý.ý Morein, nature like hors, thus feeling thatshe -ns her calm eyes aivay. There MM no tre- court ci. PnUT WUITBT, e. W., Like l'atll'oA nt Coriilth, AtIbenftl, or st Houle- apprrcîate(I-thatçhe recei «-il lier fait, de- mor in ber f;ilvery voicp à1r0WWý Omee, whithy She eu bo.,witit -Tzl.1.1(-ITT ý PRiýiýIZIFTor..- Wilde some rpictetiig or Sterne PAteein. iserts, inceliqe. iiigly! site saille the world now. A gretcionq Savioeir in the golipeil theilié 'glie inhiled ît e-igerly. Under itr hifiii- 1 do not quit, le know lier well enn-igfr in thé fashionable F; ence qhe tint only lenrried hAw tn make the 1! tn «tntzwer; but f shntild think, nay. 1 ain land Chivers c4lle Tt fIllin"Id le mixed wîtll manr -11, itnient r-vc , - Io renvii the tirait, and fix aiid 1 mon of ail Ille graces whirh %vere nlmtly vêry sure, thrit vour ntitilre,.q are inuch other y(nmg laffleo When God and man are 1 hors, hut new chararq calme Ln lier, a deep- alik-t,.--that qhe would suit you admîrably." faxhion p , whilinj '91 Accommodation and attentive Ostlerli. 6 j God graille a blr"iiig, man is truly er color ýioIved in lier rheek. a wiririer lier aullitor b"Id an unconifortable iln. lier -, ùr at'other 1 L'TWR. OF TIIE COIUNTY III !ýtRR0GATE lýEOXARD1R TlrOTEL, It qllebn1il be elngelv Trell applied ut laie, liglit.çlir)ne fro-n lier large, dark eve. preld,4on that a hidden satire lurk-ed in lier tlamstn would *bc se pif'-tirtm. Officp nt thé Cltiirt Iiii»P. 11 K 1 NZG STR E tt'r. 0911AWA. 0. W. r.()nr) To makê the moral faxt- At firqt glit, thouglit oniv of ft4cýnI1-liii). renrirk. It p. and lie winced im. agfteahle, whem q 7Xou art M, nion. and thoil aitil'(! will in"-o lto-.vl-and Chivère iiever týik-;,d to lier of, der it -, but ghe*had -iver.- no xig A Felis treinble,'itnd a David 4'tùtk Ir love. r, ri of,16vt% for privillegeil ruest NELSONG. REYNoI"D,." lie wejs JoRely, lie toid lier. Vory, him. lie land -niiste-en lier alitiiixvrhile, wxmld ceý'«nd, be IIFIZII'F. tir OFFICE AT litE q -Mr IT VI-CTORIA SALOON, ft,%v of those lie inet in the pay rirrle il arvl. rouseil to regret b. thiý,4 kilomied-e, t wich, WAR out'and 1 - - - __ __ - ___ ___ - - __ - his lot wiq rast lind pourer Il, iiit(!rc,,zt Iiiin lie began to tliinlc tbat lie loved ber, anâ s4till more,ý-forh 1 n r, 1 T Y, ; for «in lintir, lt hall berre lik-e a new reve- cniilli not lite trithôtit lier. she w»ýonly f4lYKV. llrnrl-ictor. 14 ouf lation te) ýtinw lier. She rniild feel vrith 1 .1un then fliev were interruptert Mr. i leil hisisoniewbat arý 0FFIC.Eý 0N 13RI)CIZ ST.. RAILTIOAD nOTEL, him--entitilý--barehi-,tlinuglit-&ý. As;iiiticli Richmoiidl Speuxivreil taine Io claitn lier l thi"Me into what Whîtlqv. 1 'DoNv,% tN*(,,. noriziFTIcIR, 9T. as liaud for the and forthereste ingptiosion fur bc TqbwtlitIbv. Gond t,,ýtzl)liïig land attentive Oit- H. J. DIACF)ONit',I.L.- How one womnn came to Xarry. bc tn him. Anit this rontenteil lier. It of tbat ni-lit Hortense (irceuwic)i si vinced that ail his 1 vras lier first friendship -, it qecniiie4l sn pure, more br-ilitiful tlian lever, nnd, itnlike lier depended upon pe The carly;.Qiimrner mornui, es risin- clear -,n swect, go tender. It vilinq -;nmcthine tn 1 ii.gurd *,Ir, wn,.q the eiyt--4t of the er C ONTAUIO nOTEL, may. his adoration.. > 4 Ir.. TIR. Br 1 and briglit bret chill, and yet, before these I>e priiiiiii of, te have this man. smIght of-i %Vb(-n itwas alleotertl)e reactiori came, Àt' bc cal V. pages mtet the rendor's lave, over lit will ail, îilwavý, at ber aide. Ilis hnnInge eleý- IAýýll'ilig 1-11«An, the, *Wiage by ber mo- -At àn iîîl(îtîbiýnablj ýP I.FRIC OF TIIE COUNTY t'M'R'r. AND i t:%,, ostlýers. 1 lie the mid-surritiler poinit, and flush, and vated lier in the evee ni thoq- ivho haïl tl)cr'., .141-ec iiat for a tinie in. pFotoun(l in and. 41one.' Ho 4 ýIie Court; ! -- gol)(1, lier oftlie 1 pride. ý 1 cati think of no fitter emblem, 1 ll,-,n ,irrurtomerl to cirinsiderhera-a ilt 'Mrs. Gricenwich wns sociably room wherio 1 they ltejý,î-try (»Tieé, Brnek gtml 1 II.F.011LIGE. 1101DIDE111, fur one 1 kneliv in other dt)-â:, than this re- quiet girl. of no grent itnpnrttnee in jqnv inclinel : lier eye.1; were ijouyý 'D r)I'TFITTI sparkling; ber ý reading and 'l' Il NT T,\11.('P. diN M. 'luctarît suminer, c4ld, and still, and cay at m-IV. Silo %vas grateful tn fiiin for gaining chee'..;- gilwinx 'her spirits merle at high trusted, to'Lhe old t J. H. THOMPSON. W- S"')P finst, ont%- In bur.,ýt. forth, into for lier the tingition to wliich, in Ille i;rii. tide. They intist findan outlet s;omehfjw. Once more'lie ask-e more wonderful and tropical Itixiii aucc of sitive pride of lier prend ri -lui 1lýJ1 l'let Brork. -ittire, r -.re vras not often much conversation ÃŽ, %Vith thoroùkh self FRANKLIN MOUSE. entitied. For his salie she afiorned herself. b0iveen these two worrienthey had f;ô few i with his requzgt. W. eAXTON, 3r.9 C. Iv. Ili Ilortenme Greenwich iliere was, froin lier iintural.y fine taste wag irniiqeil. -S-lie tholights in cominon; but 31r.Z. Greenwich emotioit-there M IgEASUVEE. OFFICE AT TIIE COUET lier very clàildlinoci, though few knew it mliqt do jiisiice to his ehoice of n friend. mtiç;t talk now. ùiWe stee,,iiiiiic-m.Intinn f-r Travellers. then, very murh of pride, but noyer anv From ait this, in a charicter Fke herrz. hait belon a lii-illiý-int evening; but then taphysiM diýýtA Wititl,%. IK!ý7. i littleness of vanity. She liait heen borie to the %tellivas net long te love. %nn ghe Mrs. livin.Ihtone',; devenings always are. r S'and no wai de irtatio an wsured pogition in gocîety, forshe wns knew thatý in spite of lierself lie h2d lie- hn%,on*t enjoyed myself more this winter. boa noveî felt go TUE ('()I'NT)" DURT.El ;11"S NALOON, the only el lild of vrealthy pirents, zuoviiifIr corne denrer to lier than ail the drelinis of' Mer aniet speak, Hortense ; didn't pevq I, Voitil - 4-ÃŽl. 4 tfli 1 re nt tilde q'ili tri 1 - in the tipper circles of And nnw raille a pea.çnn (If voit like it lIl Yoi-k-. lier lier eirtlinitL tàrk t ipàkç à di joliN l'fil" ters, Sardineil. &r. 01nice Cizand. mother, still youtig and very lie:iiiiiftil nt gelf-humiliatian : n fear whieli gtung livr 1 am very tirI lie rà"aege(l it aÊli COUN N(, -l' il -IcE AT TII r 1 the hirtit of onrè cliffil. wns a %vonsý,iii lik-c a scorpion, le,4 che hall given lier love leVelit you look so., 1 cati sec %vorld -.4 mht ha Ïý 24 Ilmpt-Wor. of fiè.41inn. Diiiiiier partiels, b,01s, rInd i iinsought -, il toiiging, anxiouq qiié(4tioniii,- 1,v the straet laintjerkow wilite y il ýqqrt llili'fl. our face ix., de-1-ty. NO i ninrning v*isits filled up lier life.so that site i of hi- ho-irt -, a strivin- in rec-id everv ex- %ý'l 1 v threé,like yoil, inam- thait lie w*a.,i sincei Y(-)11«.N,('. CANADA F.Al)ffl lN, ÏM 1 -, ' 4 liad no lime Io beconle a4-1jýjainted lvith lier pression of his h-ýiliglitv. lianiNoillef, 1-'t'e. 'il glI 1 n'n. y4)u Will never do for strnngo," 1 W 9 IMM 1'l Pý1ll DI VISIq l "(Il, 11T. 0FFICE 1-TPl ET. WI[IT13Y,,Ilý M. A, And ilien, ts if in an.»-ý-.ver I-ý lier doubts. ýa belle. Elit dnesn'r ýth«t litt 1 le W 1,; 1. 1 re,ý :et 1 13-111. 4 - idovr se.rigé lie en Citt Ille 11-11-e Till. goveriitis, and luft lier to gi-ov Ili) il,. lý)e-;t hie, inaimer Ill ten-l(!r(-r thau ever, Iiiake. liensvIf ridictilous enough P' One 'tiiogùllf;, and ' besolle edyl.l. Even the 11.1li a 1,-- Maire coneettently bc souglit liLr.-;iel(--inir(- %vo.il 1 ,lie, thouglaL tikere hâd #lever forhis confe-,Fîon (Ul 1 St.-lit Itild 11Ls l'Ille AL,. ver in riiericà, .111 V.\ t(»n,4;iVe iCi)r. gentle wa, his vbice-tnore 9ull of love the IPýýt il iiiiother liamisprie wornen in tho-t' perienS, %vith wd) respon(lence wàth certain old friends in 1,1 songshe 1jrüijý;ht Il", and willa ber bir ilic %i»t,-.-!.I. 'Roiviand chivers, bon- preparcel hin, fôr i, M41ile PriTure, und, ire lier turne rie-lecied liour to.-ether. Ono day lie -inid tu iller: _she i1m"; dranr leint *fter lier! Why 1 will not Àe, ý,lTEET. AP- lier dulic.. was attentive to -Il, s 1 thouglit 1 knew worricTi. ireaUY lie lier prouil quiet Niel. 11. 11, lx F, "il A y 14 El. ilkilit., Ille li, r Perliapq, lia-.verer, tlii.îz very n -l -ct 1 It even 1 Il (icçcivo.-d il% uiv ghnil not ireml Il rhi develoj)ýd the cliiid's inorv IlIcaltlaflilly ý-ou. Yun, have suatumi Il EMI lus PILqt yf,ý.«%i* le lit U Pb IST ER -1'%" le «ýrý,ýý _j ýNt,,w Brick Fllll'r. 1 4 21 11 grettter aitifiiiiit of nttentinn froin intn r-ueli a wnirlan ILS niy fancv iieçur forC. so 4'ick. 1 did -o Rources would have donc. 'She slindowed. It his been like 'Ille mil(iit4i 1 q' of my nature ni those tn 'liere WaS a stran"è 1j'atllos in lier voice. V il Mi NATIONAL IIIOTEL, leariied readily all that was tatiglit lier, hurstitig inta leilloni vf the suil centurý-- e ft moilIgI have 1 thing J, believeil of the ni' an __ jyýUT WHITHY, FDWAI'wl) RAY, PRO- ilitielittintý%vnsnot. ý%eqyiitioli ofi(1ea'sý lilittitortlie breàtliiiig radiant, 910willg , ,,i' soin, strick-en «mniinel ýhuntéd to d 0 'Wh In.rièly ý'béfôt B strept, IV Il î liv, C. Firet elle." was à pa.,;sioii %vith lier, aile] lier f;ttlice., life into n pcrfýct statue. ýVitat lias chaii- r enth. delytoil tô Iz 1 iU she.- ai, ive ltailwtNý travellel-4 ivill find il IL library, fztstiîonal)lv ivell fillied and ficsh- ged voti go? lýn09 convellient tuld eggifoit#iL-it laot«4e. Nvas u0t (Ira qiiick-L-eling. innably little u,-ýe(l, ivas a ptriiettiil (leEght i R* -land, Chivers wotild have ionde a wom un- ove n at ànv timé, bà this; ý,ry of an Týi(IlTwlt, Nit)Týil.t'Y K'BIAC, êke. it- -W - IlAdiq, tit ber davi-Iling intellect Slie inight, per- capital surgeon. lie wOlli(l 11-Ivc 1001(cd ýtfënt' o veïlii 1 N T F E., "'r.l.AZIEr., AND rArEi,.- hnpâ, have bc "' a beautiftil ch-141 had due tinmoved on the death-throes, of a tbou,ýIuId i I=ce. ta, f ci , elio N. G. ITAM, r 1 AW \Iialtt*er. ilitints, Oils, (;L'se. Ptitty. 1,1,- pains hecn tilik-ing in the cultivation of lier victinis. As it wasehe delighted in linth- After tlist hovrevâr, Mou Greenwich ËlAIRIUSTtR Agi) ATT4 ilt\ VI - Ur-lialigiiigm fUTsille. telile twiling ;tld Co- natural gmces. As it was, she was in no ing se, much gôod ', ôütàÈé, injç>ýti Il r self- PIL tite Store of il. rqý> 14er- gôod 1)Iigiil;w Stréet, Silo vras allowed to braid keen relisli ho xa telied, the enli-treani» _qn ther in qitality or qu=tite-to the ProdUcý? )t to tbe Feed-," rmicli ý4ey ù0 ï for ýA Tqi - _ - t ei mi t'il, Tr' t psi* A-J -tfi 2M ilï Il rgil-lz- . gr"'éët' gr natives 'w; Wèllý kg' yJ 'wm Alo X gr.-The courit (10 icged 1)y,,'thcMourçWfho m r 'WAS cyti ý4P4jn!d- e va=lls 0 t4 a Of fn, la dileui 'a, thé hi jpý e i es t 's mûs ý JiagIrAqous, Cr44ra ich Uinscýibeq variùýLÇ fiîwn41-ý (I rtn(ïname. Irtiýcqé did lie 1oý ht«i t yo vill'Kay, « a e(ô1dié ýt1 bc PN( %fith of p,âpe'r?,y4ý,eh-sq, aptl wuil a"fif4 1 wiUPrýýnt1jt inike mapires or -ood- à1ýË'gP% the iàhàbitirits tý ttke jheýc »ý,cr(ï Ir titàe »Vi, gold and milver, n1m, 1" i;ýtýttc ýn(1 in'o.ýýt 9Wtýig caýh1ier fum woiÏI0L;ký pàpèr'iýÏo cils;g -(Und, ýuTer *ýà'à XýàkC h i.9 1 e-s t red cîI h q- èX, oy;ime1ýýz " . 1 _!Wt; 'And i-ý( ni > .1p "ràdin lQév" - of the wor ý.1Pid.q1q'the "Jln.,;.tàitcc- -on rérord of palier inoney, wbich prmd, throii ll,)qlttlle civil ized Tofflil. 'This h-Luiened in 14,134 ançi thi1ç' vr, sec tint ý«%pcr monev wzi s flieftciiiioct iir-;tiib itiNenti6n of printin- the'discovvry of ÃŽhe given tý.éiîvili-_ zai à, in-dustry ani XF-e - CI TUE ËP"lzý-A.n of sliipwreck is.reporteti in the, St. (ýV«t India) p.iperA.- Thc carlY i;1>ýMrj1y a storm suddenly up, m hcavy qen anfl-rbc bec-ime, a "1- savecI but a trunk nf this thc,,,ýaptaîn,'Pmi -cxl hore. . le! theg..,ptir. super p «Ot is Zýc chirterexi, tho Fst4r, nfÈuraCCoo.ý . Aft-r embýxkiaý thý- Who' inatan£ànerltisly went persons were walqheri y av vortex ûf<ýthe'Siýi1'iB,ýý boat f6rtunîlte1ý'&ot adrift, but thlcý,plli'9-Mlnýl; d ôtit.. For three t1wy U Il Sý- in' Me ýi 1 to Stop 'bî à t 411le, nod nt aý, MeanivIiii i1je eïarlks liad taT,'enO-ý e i;eve- Mi C> ai)je ML , L IS ril oi the s r ýn. and énli slièccé-ded in gettin'g into the boat. Tbey t_; , P,ëlýeè1 ùp the o.irs. It ivwý quitte ',-dïrÇ, J,4n. il min- camc' t1ýey mw . na 5_ -and, in any direction: 71 thrýec iii-ht,,r thé, vvreteic-il nte-4, ' witjýoUt.% iýo r 1 ,zel of food indscir,:elya of -clothing, labered Iit the oars, aï)d olnZ rj-"îýýrffing of the Pf li of Julv the brint rea tell men j)ý il, glir One died alinèst iminediatoly on béiligz:lë- -The reýt werc liosï>iwul le ! . 1 ý - 11414 Lit i York Eccïi;to-7 J'Af, lr6ni Wn'sh, th', iàkto 't « ' ' , inth a éoverlid made of ed,, flïdW.- tWe e.\-tm myer.ç too Imavy, aria ýet i rein eiýi 1,-eri ng the ùf -"Ïr nzo. n- ceverwd, and substi- tute a fini f dozeil écq aipi of a popv3ar,.wrok-. ly. 1. iiLver, ïlept ýinpre plea 1 XP rmc-,1tidýQd it:to"..Z.OMtl of niv-acq uaintancep. Sî -- fètb4hüê d. tiï eý m 1 fc'r'ý Seliemi T-hýd C-O"Usltyofoutario % ille. bc an ut)%ýelcome re Mý!nJer of lier ýwn ýc t4 crowned lierielf, ffioul in a Prâý,er: N.e.-Wtttches,(.;'It>ektsaiidJowercryprollijbtly ler , d'èxife ý eý - The goveniess lit-derstood this sentiment, ",vementothergmcçfuifigure, Èo,ý7,j' tfi6ýý 1îýýàe& or ilope, but.. ýnM% jt,*àýfd ýbj Dr. CHECKLEY, atid. II néticile told'to' 'e girl and ýle re." as ni ù ë yhne rited tý thorps upo th Chivm w-aI 4rm Ilmwaâ 1:119 IMII)IrÀNCF., Bkt)CK SrREET, TOWN oF -1k k' Il frà'àà' h- lier fo ýfuyýlieàK-*fflçt% qell*,ýl dà"' ' ' riý' Made ôsep.pingwoun ývpiM à ïïsïiossibli-- As or boo ý -,a frýeshpage. _,ý How would -tais be of Ontario. TIOINEER. A BOU iùôiàene, iihe *rôtc'lièr* letters and ch:iÏted P4iiý look- ifelde,ýi-ere in and" Vet t tôt, ýbtL qïi, tion 'Saleg, is INe t at with lier lîlvýr, éonRcîjW-ý her-sýýlf kith the Mis at Ons il -Çre divided 1now, an'd'POË.; -ideilbst üp.-,Iîke ý th r. Sttr ing s ue iks]ÈS reflection that in negleceâg herchir à. ti. JRXESP lem lùft tât 111b 4%;*Ii go-sue, ýbaps Ïim"i Nllairrec Wed the largestâha ýjrniýýM 1 1, . 1 1 1 re. IN BROCK will bu attendedtu Mi ith the strieteût Pum-tuull-' 'but folI t tii OCAL M lie éximple ýf ortense Green old hex Ià liàdi; oVe hî-h-* 1 doiiot thigk It' loy ffl3ovg41,ýj ý 1- ý_ î_;fv 1 -4ee - K, > 110 lin Street, ove An i go 'Ilortonàe'Grcenwich fflýld, ha' J. iStoru, aud opjI tý 1 4»1 - jný icç car o one dl i"tlÃŽ' ihe ed., tý wu net yffit ber, nature. th w, th icitere tice, à fair trial. brou-lit h, êould lov 91 2£t twenty shewlis little thanàed fýotn 1ljndjý upia a'ýj"n poi ------- wy,&TTes -110TE4, , ý1 , Il - , - -_ ný A3108 W. extox, ATL ^SCRII-rtÈLI$; ýyülit»y *hqt,%he had beenît, te' t ý»n hu;"Jovf- wfth ît.ýý mýAtis tue, Rome, trust ;u] inust, aie' (Idenddd-ýhorlimrnily. 'X l'-uabwfaWbýi* Éllist and wêst, thro, 1 earr, before, Mademoiselle hâd aýriet1' $p, eviden - VIL ENGINEER, ANI) 484%ýcâli-"SUM 0 t uncouccrii, RCHITECT, CI on M brouf t fi)rthfrom,,Pe jÃŽlI wi hblei% iâby, #top at thîd HOteL, igtOrY er American lover '"à inforumu Mk; Greenwich,' a'd ydé: )cAftte Agent, NIbltbýv. »ng, aný unm gieli tu parýitengerif. de-privéd of ier supervisin ad rer -ýbtwd.îI IwAyIl - ireaküÊé-w& , tvôr&ot"' intjudaucv. _jn,ýnîM -J. YKOWD Il ii-here slie -haël !éarftrý W =A , Pýééî[o1t-r to a boaiditi taki11W'ýeàà »ClîlTFLIT XND CIVIJ EN G VUER, ed a litilé Frencý, little Itathin, and a 14 iýuý not noble. énI to wiârbîa" im"i Iîtruet, N%,IL!tby. lý$t!U)tttuls 14adO WORTII AMBIUCAN JUQMeU" ô'lod d 1 of music. At tivent hé wâs' U ous Me bail expected tel 'eW 'l e 'ý ý#= a ý ve 0ftd-àà -7eýqreý _ f , _* - %U kiuds of t»ýaI w to f b orbin.-,.PYQ. -And t4n, Juiýd liol ork crtriefullyatten- 1 PORI UOPIL fùtroduLeed iîîtà'£éicty. ý She waw not at Ilisa (;rfýenvvich, kg atttr is ý,v"ity tO. 1 T0%,_TÀM ý indeed, hâmother'P'Ë'iôti'coùüSd 1ronxýnEýin, IROPRiE 'all sho% y growin IIIalý Ï;ý(Ii'ab-4trîtctéd -' tbàt shel car iiietJiod of iaft,,rudm hi,$ ý fr,14444-1 er all thst bmd been d&W fdÏ' would stight 1 Aii 1 by-i lit ter, ou àà j- ve- , M. CýAftK, lui a- littw -at that bc ha3 comme public genemlly, = t . , hýr, aft iidbe-i Ilvers, h6 ilLéidedly wantine in stylei and, 1 tbtul,, and-by thene i%,Oàld'b III 4u" 1éýýf igil CqY.NST.InE, (-IotýN',rY'ONTARIO, -bit triimii thst RI w1tott llubm -ùT thé tibov.# promW*; ho c a spee, lie -0 4iýtiOn,, tg ly- rtioloëd Âhat her dangtter ln*pt>,tur ôf Ill'tke Municipal- lavile vî 4%11114 le U*îxlU"ý 4u4,a Çýà5 secret evelieliad IIot ùý "'f kik rit a àliàài > C II as seliti. in 1èikj,ý%vft i Ie lîkely to dispute with lier the nànd lie Meant'- .j,ý«yartlàe Towitof IVIL ithy L 'Ir , , - o marry ler, Win of fiýshiôriàble àdrnir-ition. kd him_ It was il A4 wg -,wu. 0. ILOIIINSPN9 At twenty Hortense, Grëën%%ich -mÃŽght not feigned. L5ht:Ià;ýelI Ulaubt- ea Ir. ýàýùy have ffl 1tticof 'Ingliieliàve. %%ýÀ ýT-iia liptel le, etyl eýà fQrf1ftýw SOI, 'W Ïýà-tibn flad Rm-výf efilt4el Èï& CIMUST, &Ç»Ieamx STREET, to to, It ta »iý,, = on OË 0 oýer'the ý M tt fe rfàvý of r Idiât lier'face waý ment 9 -4 1 It'ibjï Fâlh , in the -hë' Z.01, ni'UcIr t6Mtý0 nig4tuq Aeî Il Li ýýt wf oât dçlish«td um iloh- 'stff-pWid-- 'ù& réticen t, à8 in eliildhoo& IÏC'r own 41 MW igg loi TER, > ing ou j4koïs W audurpiu4dd. 'Yatlug It bâ& no -story, to telL. Iler o-aly,"mm- :G. A. BANNI& iNI )àWt,,an4 e,. w;àI mv'çh au- Tiffle *lId ZPMo I)mvidüdt thýs mîth ,,,éqaio b nffl Sh, GIST. DRUGS, wAýs, , ý4 ý >1ý M, tfiff La ;UQX». litS'a ërW, ouanalory, T -We i to hej lus IID end, W iý>ý; _8tý.4 %V b5tlý.-Z %êid'i üL' ber 4iýrI OïSer p'm' no, > lI Aà Si î M, t1r -1ý long etâuding, in the büxîu-àé%4 VM O>uý*'bê GL à 211 lu&, PAPI NGER, ïRiII m cý,e4- 1 t4on"IL ,çf,,4çr. 1qid tÃ"und luýtundhiéW to attenduillI Àlou:euýmwjdt, 4: ý 1. . ti 1t, woý4 tQUer lier- eyc -of its 'iýé lin W*Y. Sk#VÙ*'λ djPr0ÛPý"L tg 'ý'hjÇ4, t1hepe for, ;_94 gîjý, qe X g ligrit b lui b- hay liçon ill, 'driiiètucri iàà, ýïiïtifi.51, instéllebf ftiëbcw» eili aýFe' 92a IVIS ýcaM *he; it the) it re -W* Mu EST.- TOÉ(MTO.ý,TIMM ýýy ; 9., ïo- ý1a i W»,Idn- Iwo fp UM Hèti4 k Tuù,ýÇË 10111 ftexe tbe (»U" - voman"s finu Çrqe 1 Éli DORC lAwmgt il" becu ttea le1w , ýM: ge wVvȏ, ý i p4merous ut lie had icome ho '0 oý! M àMý.0 of the Ae, »40 onfier T _. ý '11di,11111M _4fflý Ire j» liâ, pe Punj*aub; and a Lew w«kk«WCýAT- ed the the Bath 1ýr bis the mufinyat sealco e, and. £ùe bbi-,-,gt troops sent otttï,4.0ý% Delhi by thi nîàý;1 tinwm to int(e.cepUbe arriul of t4z MW e Ormge Ilor. er e 74 14»A t id I.;. ii,,,-r. irir nowelsq. WUM, i'r flie iininn rate lliiiiiýtt" Rua liordorm. lent thi told i, alid invligor- -1ý ý0i-ll la tile Roule Vons ('OMI)Iaintg.' t arilig and lier have !'ýI 10 lit fLl(.tllty linve in Ille ris alla CI ra: lis- F'r) Nt,-ricv. to vague f Port Milteritly dir ilote ri, "t in lien% anli the olilv le ni.-.At liment, Neliere ir trial, nie the 'Illylent lirlaiIY- ex- er mie Yritr% ýI the' nd are who rinw rr rertain F.tirupean ýýdïeinee, ý iittiýnnt 4nin anl

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