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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1857, p. 2

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J nOn-rellidence. It went.take. The élec. x ý-e ýýàZ Z, - - Co. 'le thought them WAS grent, weight due to Ucks, will never rench the place of bis _which ho 0ccjjpîesý L»Mý-ý_jnO Agnew. torii of South Ontario will never 8wallow a Clear Grit latt4aing. Pr. Agnewla reMarki, ,Be t the ambition. Their days as a question of JOUI mttem party arc, boit,.. -unde tige Mi a U - nistry ,Lcatber George Brown Cicar Grit, inside orouffle' Itlt8týLT 0 Ého th lit the verJ, valise. P TUE dftFE'ýqWOOD COIqVFN-TIOX . t -éver, n"mbered. Bounded ab' finit i1Ïýd, up at the eloction-it ýwOIi L'ié, the , - farthèst, b of use làt Of Culivîctiong-il. j. 31aedop rý t tE rcé, the County. the duration o(Ahe prose - quIn evçr becarne-j ftAým tljý - tors '*Ould make It no. It would'be Ra nt Parliamebi this t,,, h P*rmer's IlOtel-W, -Niadden, Dr. Foote would not a 14M dif- road,âr (Sjos Of il which Iiv;ý and reigimýt por Sa le- love bla Dame to delel t g M à ,ait, férent iVuiýicip&Utiea, me lit 'YeN oubvértink the, liame:ifin thewOTfý WikI Und*-lj Felit& bc brought forward at the Groëý*tod coný nirood, "traitor,",ând grut corjhtion.) Hâ Wo la rights of the people; Ïày imother Ïheiiý , pufleâcé to mise ýa h On Fridsi IRSL' Two of Ume frioli the'i, luppon any man oppo»d t^ the InM Meurs. wila vention. The Doctèr fQ11ow1ýg A4 exAllu. a short tinle biain a s«M Of wiriefr.ýig as piuoui; 091 & "Ibn swicitom, VM 1» eticklui for poIjtié,Mý, quarrels for ,y Sak-41dam Crooka. ple of Mr. Wm Laing and Ùr. J. B. War. 'Town- a IvMtby, and twé of the Osbb** in cornmon danger, but they cannot7rêtain, a cm of the kind, and thora W > ituamieùs meaumo imé fur Sait-Ji. ]Rogers. ren declines aitogether entering into the delegates wore absent B. F.'Perry, Esq. erO'ÏO POli- their ill-acquired powet.., -r-yery dar the iarioshouldýýach th tiM diffemom nov -upon which men country acquires more politlo Perfilan Win-$. S. fflodgett. polit»I vent, and L. Thomas, were nominsted ln the Suld net agm 1 d'know edge, lesson tW ho wili Mr. Fairbanks lins been canvassing a place of the absent 1%j and they wili utterly capt from their confi. abould4ach him th *b delogates. Mr- Harrison objected te support the dçnce the race of vouai b politî- *IIY _On motion Johi X,%, of dans, Who âc,ýéf look beyon ' vani U the Chair, and ii*éo tbemeetiý 00»ervauregrof emne- -ftwM Of- tbêlr, -1)*K- Iiit 9,-Ïîîfl CaptainY.9wotakwiiiatterzveryqtiîetly.ýý roO in, Was calied &tQ cau9e1,ýd* and Indeeil he iîgels thit if Meurs. J. P. Broy e ifu4ion will cOuPtry anyý;day 1 fi, a Clear Grit candi. "W., H. (hTA> iii6l-> ,RtrôttË kàguàp of,, - tïaèe. dite Wtè behtîïýü1' --,iîttib namm PO y ààtaÉèàlÀeý % bYl, Th Y, Dm ertion on'his portý'wiIJ ho leptellwere thon calledoyer batollom - IL. Harrison characterhod-ýX eillù 17,18579 nocesSary te sè_ý langqap as.j 1îý Davis' portan, cure &Ur 9tw'y vIctory. PmMlx&-W. Bontley, J. Post A. he, ý&4 PSU g, endým*éd If it Wen, HaXtOrý Dr. Aeew,. w wbodkuft iv ýr4n,ýtbi,ý" ity and Froin a JL'Itter bY Ilrown to ligàm Bdëllý Read firat pap for O«mýmdihm hga_ Cbeýter 1 trper w, 0 Éeld thenîselves up orge Brown, is th tint te 0810 ý-CplaventiolRe 19rrsi & Byers, - Rubbuq% ne - The (lovemment Èi' nOw strdii lot Georgé Brýwl1_the (lowan. , 11, the ty""Of "Re(Orm&g ln this. coÃœnty. thým «t kylv aikdfe(w'w y" tdé t 0 prin:cyied pollti&l P iliPý' liaiihtA. Fullerton, lie iff "tÙý11'Îàcaffl ÃŽheM of Ignérance of nuit of 6- ýWhéIe people. Thun to,"e iho,,,ûfty býùtes, true Refornâ prindpleý% and of anintention O"Eli ACMI Li, 11,Êld Dr'VISE SON thè modemte AU involv bd ln wUd &Ptxtés, r. Wfffîhe'-efcýîm of i 1 WBUB7 --Jno. Campbell, R. T, Iffat. to, ft»wbdc*n *the éld Retorguers who hap- To i-vT giowx OtA,ý4GRISIL Party. Rýàrý 'ticir lÙngs ere lrîm,---Aaron ClMPWI, cm Pmed te hein a -tnlmrity at thst pa&ed, dorge all Brown's n o*- - > Who Id go W al),ent, ýj. Rateliffe, Loren Brown, Altnesmn*", Jnse&h Gùûld F 1 di 1rhe atfr > 0 Parfill4ent. re- convention. Xr- ould gity.4 the cc rers-up or sSt4ri" atrue e m *ell, Ralph Harfinden, W. Hoým" n, &e- iXQÙ'%CBS LO'RD CLA«.IÇDON roit W* .7bave - parodied Dean swi Afler a good deal more digemion &fter ]Bnow',q 1) tmOngstthc grettest curses thât embe jki UOLDING TOWN OP W*Hrrov.-Chester DràM the 8&'Oc fashion, it was agreed to norni- ORANORXE.N. EMPO DE"4CB WIIU TUE out; but ho ffiigot t( àbOVeý and oons;id« Our adaptation igelow, Jno. Bon th, IV. - nâte the candi* on, iOicted UPOn & State. Whether they lige , il ClkrPen tien veu a pacjýea ho m îAns out Of place, As applied te' th H. Caldwell, M . dates flrat and ballot for Political-mlikious bigots of the Geo. Brown djcen W_ The nanges or the foi From die Globe, fitingary Isth 1749. lqtamp, orribot zoaloteofthety>,Pe Wood con Ih? e Davis, Elias BrOwn, IL P. Perry, loiring madWWm wom thon moved and The lateRt Papers bring Goulds own choice« " 1 Bi rotuý L How,*, the, after*ar« delegates ont Of ti Arcy ion, a though U L C. Thomas. secondçd lm follOW8. Ong cxtracts, and personal friends au ming to, bq ço*,qf Re,_ - 1 from a publication !;y flie Orangemen, in- act in the mattgir. XeGeu, théir banefut inguence upoo»el gàwà.-L B. Fairbankr, and T. N. Oliver Mowatt, by Wut Duaba-r, Beur., tended to inifflicate the lord lieutenant as dence te say t t comrnunity is the saine. Both alike prey fom 7tjectçd the wry 1bremoit ot Re. ai Grierson, IV. IL Orr, and ]IL seconded by Mr. Wilkie. ha Inefpl«ïg,.WIR be8éMbýéur 110 Se having given theult countenance in the cracky, UPOn the Ignorant Prejudices of their foi. _ W what neutral the d'oeuss'otr took Ploc" as to - Truemau P- W hiteý by Mr. Bentley, se. -ýpring or 1,Sf8, and h.,ing atterwards man cotild scarc Port f the ptoceëdiagm piý1fshed in'-;no. thjý0rdoàÉ, procoding as te whether can- conded by Ur. John phillipa ély b lowers, and am uneftlits te the peace and ther ceutiïn.' . The abolition of th ýW J Peter Taylor, by J- -ý a bc norninated and balloted broken with Vieni bY the of IýOrd Riding. lie i, ,,il vell-being of alociety.' liad câbler the e upon t4) secalit and thon nomi- by -8. A. Fullemo' as- Spencer, seSnded Roden frOng thû"nagimtrReY, pied; witholit tifllr, auYM "thepradioeof thellww., tbe= ýý- nated ho irocid pow- poly of 'fil Onexidë,l,ýIttirrrieq gente to inik(---Ijriii di liligtothe other. -What don of Sunty Offi an a ballôt =en ; and as to the A. cowby-thè people, &sý,meeLîng pWging itiseitta support the can- Ur. eFilrewel4 bY Mr. RQgSg, seconded by strong internai cvi(I(ý Would become of the civil and rélil' un li. vin CampbeL ncýw.thâbthe govern- lie %vill reccive the roi the abolition of a' liroperty q ment had opencd u an indirect inote it bo, itholic under the in. 'fcation 'br bi ou ced hg X M co beeY Of the Romail C-aý uall onXýr. Aaron Campbell moved 't wggs ann ft t r. itchell bâti mmunie.ation with the Diitlin orange- tolemrit rule of the Broýr mombers of Partianient, werc amongst thâ for & oomtntttft to -1draw UP a PlatfOm te 10ft the meeting and would, not xtand ; bitit mon. If DArcy old Reforin pninciPloiý excluded by the y candidate te be brou ht the mover would net allow the regiolution It must ho a motter of regret that go- 15th Dec,, 19,17. ëèr»ýL T toaching Won adopted wheýo o motion carried, and the foi. 'to bewididrawn. the soeurity for I1ýroteïta wogs Cimeniood eommittee irom, their platforni. * ený7gLCOJimittee &PIiýinted vertimentshould ever bc imiter the n The* nt frWom ? The To make u John Ilateli The nominations were voted closel. sity eces- D'-ArcY MçGeç, and ý the ýGwrp Brown. P --for the omission of the com Farewell, hfféý W. Ilarenden, Abraham Dr. Agnew adifiremed the meeting in Ille 1. i4 Of citrrying on negotiations with a4wo- U)ittec, the coiventi c ester Draper, M. Speu%, absenr czistenne maî hypmrltieni factions, woui 1 on'added a nex Poli. eof Mr. ntni)lg inrj. e il, lind either th, power, put Aaron Campbell, JOCI Bigelow. MOwatt and recomniended d;otix envier the pmltlcm tif 1 ait, ne trality and me ti al plank-1-A Probibitory Lîquor Law!" h'm agg a 9mtleman bigillY recommended vilýirela f diffrrat rrligiotio permq u deration lit 'c Cominittee baving retired, roturned by Mr. Geo. Brown. I gumpticil Of a litil, the cOtg!1tryý' ' The fruth k, thé meeting wu net a legiti- wfth the following pJatfo;1ý - Negotiations with a power wilich lins no George Brown endeâors to Mr. White, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Fare- legal exi"tRnçýý k; ahvays dangeroits as jrote abolit t(.tinm t1je iliate one of the Reformera of the South 1. Immediate repregientation based up. a ftt clau agaînst clou, and drap sectarian Ridil, rfs dividing Well, took up the platforta Whicti, with precedent; acknowledging an imperiun, j,, avilit %vith iis. -The bigotry into the arena of politics gis a meaus 9 of Ontario. It was a, non-descript on POPtllotiOn, ir PectÃŽvc Of A few exceptions they declared them.selvi,-.s in iniperib, apfl m-eakeroirig theýboiids of Jug.-Il Mccabe and ( onq-composed half of Clear Grita, roue- lino betiveca 17pper and Lower Canada. favor or ircemtcK of Obtaining political power. D'Arcy Ife- Retren Messrs. F rewell and Taylor authoritv. But the tigne when thift nego. chinent in every departnient likewise deciared th, fin(] impropriety, aný t- o conservuthres, end lialf of no Poe seeks te ln fl4nie the intiolerant port ion 91[d tâingm- Of the ciovemrnent. îUselves in favor of the tintinsi It lçnew nonced *89 ilumediately lifter Railroad, aud Ur. White strongl'y against the FrenfýS11111tevoititinn -in j8j.,q, which- N%-" such evils existingat neither where te, begin wîth Re. 8. Annexation of the Hudson Bay Terri. iL or bis church te effect the Sme PurPOqc. fortn, tior te end with Clear Gritisin-al. tOrY te Canada. folloved by the fidling of governnierith in etY, we shali not fail One would met ilimse abuve the govern. 4. % istration If W for votom The b&Uotting-, York faghion- every ilirection. lreland was convulsed Public expostire. 1% »ent of the cetttltrY-tlie othcr would riét thougli it re.ally had a properer termina. '5. No grant of, public money fur sepa. thon took place, which rosulted as fonows: before that even, and it waB natural for question this 1iveek-ýJ hir church, and %vith it 'hiruself, above. tien than we expected-having onded in rate schools or sectarion purposm Mowatt, if; TaYkir, 11 ; White, i i ; Lord Clarendon te e,,çpet.t ÃŽt would bc McCabe, as prinuipai ç èv«ýYthingelse in the nation. Doth would nothing. Itwasludicrieustoseerenegade 6. No appropriation of the publie money Farowell, 14. more go aftervards. lit: %vas botind AP'n, TaYlOr, 10; W19te, 13 ; Pire- 1 look for aid wicrevet, bc C, to mar !14chool in this To, ho willingto sacrînec Canada, its froo Conservatives like Grierson and T. N. withOut the consent of parliament, Weil, 15. )uld find it on Gib 7. Law Reforni. the Prisciple of 841114 Uli', si let. in,,Lbe business of neý ha reprosenting the Reformers of Oxh- MP lilw,-mn atitutions, and best intefflts to attain theïr o Lut, 1 Farewell# 28 ; Taylor 1 à.- The publication bears strong teqtîtitoi,ý- and becoine tbe Politi4c 8. Want of confidence in th prosent F&rewy olm soltish ends awa-while one could' not belli askin Polities is bue a game 9 being the nominee. that le liait no intention of ernployillg with them, at wilicil both play'to chent bitnsolf in looking at the representationèl Mr. larowell nioved the adoption of"ch A& vote Of tJ-gnks to the chairman con. Orangeinen in any other cak,ý.icitv thon in ' * 1 Reformera front the Town of Whitb .- platik by itheif muid 'spoke bis sentiments cludcd the busiumsui the meeting. concert with other loyai stitijects.* He a, 1 colunînq of the Ti,4,rs their dupes. Both trade upon tige religi S y À-,- i (lu' Who wore they ý Where were the Perrys, ln favor of the whole platfortu. On the ed, the 0r«njompý, of' and consLstently disclu, Prejudices Of the People, and cach baz 1 3r any-cf qt hail aity 1)1)jerfient t,)*Ort bis - the Blairs, the Lydes, Starrs, ýo gestion of representation according te !/q 1 jo public in hoth capaciti âction 60 fÙrÃŽotis and irreconcilcable nt the t, pulation, Le coioï;idered that it shouldz inait Catholiem, Mit titey denied tljat 111cre litical newspaper Parti: pment mentent, that it requires ai] le well known Reforin numes that would irresspective of terrîtory. The aiklîng of Thm are other quacks in the worl 1 troi'ff 8aiije reply Éptu qirrlj fi oe scliool teacher, lit the the have added sofid rempectability te the the word *'territory" was fint mooted in f-rom aiwther è7visirter. prudence of 'a strong m- iddle party in the batch ? e aides quack4octors and potlyrogging law- 1601 atate te prev the Lea-der nen-sliaper. it was from tbat yers. We have worse q TUE RAlL8OAD.-(jýCf ont a cOllisÃŽOn tak-ing place. Mr. took the hint, and in bia, (M uaclits than thosê nitow\ ON THE ',wiCKFDNESýs', OF oRÀ.ýçq. Power in the hands of either or these ne Tite pretended Whitby Reformers met amongst un-newlqpaper quicks, Tite Out the Cannty if4 diqIj (;owati',i,_) address to the electors of Nord, 's. -on-ly ut;ed as a njeans or and delegated theniftives.-Mr. Chester eLrinriit was used as a dW-gl.11 1 the By-law to-day.; 'tiens would te on newsl)âper quack nwembles the quack. law- Draper having played ofl a trick as to the g î lerson theuglit th Frmn t1je Julv _X4, j,,e4.43. Wrs ýf votera flock-cel coerclon of the other. Power inlhe hands ,teru was an omis- yer in bis Pretensions te Professionai re- of either would lea4- to excesses, iind would bour of meetin., in order, of course, to sÃŽon in the fifth plank, h respect te the putation, and bis bogus new.qp&per Inay rie in deup regret we observe, by an or. ill'POs'ýible tO s&Y wilat -ing plmsent sectarian clause in the School bc the retliTns arrive fron pr«ent the truc ll?'hîtby refortners bc Act, ti tile Kingston Whig, thnt the Irish 1 . bc frauglit with peril to the best interests present, and properiv electing their dole- This m-as ýhe ground upon which Roman SmP"ed te the quack medicine and poi- ý iiiiiii-ster in the f Free) l'M. byterian Church 1 lides. The entii Ofthe-Pro ince. Tite iniddle party is the Catholirs ha. 1119 ýv , sed their present pretcusion$, sonous drugs. In the amount of bis brazen in that ritý,, given his cogintenance nieZ ever thrown ii barriurwhich stands bétwocn both gates. The beur of meeting wàs; appoint- and lie wo W triove in amendment that glssuraDce the Dewopaper _Watcll_ i an aifl to« open vio ation -3n, linely ed âir ocloel, in the cvening-Mr. Draper the words of the country by preaching te basitLq ci emwn the efrortqmorthe 'ng thcut with 8 callu firin eye, and pre- 'eâtiýl ihat the settarian cluse Wth. He is besides a hypocrite, and a Omngetuen, who set the authorities or that j ,, inajority of votcý,ï iviii venting tige encroachillents oreithur. The hiniself being tl ho nained the in the School .1têt of 18M, bc repelâlee' bc )erson w added. bigot, withOut t1in merit of beîng a sincere ci Il Y at PefiAnce by parading in the streets By-law. pregent Governnielit. coinpoi that iniddle hour. Fearing, Il wever, that the notice Mr. Farewell opposed the adoptionof one, Hia into!erance ismorcafflumed thon aftcr b warded to desist front doinc would draw together too Mue-À of a so. If eil, churcli courts do net take thý- PartY--embrAcing the friendes or law and IrePrt- the amendînent, &q ne considered it unneces. real, but lie puts it on thug F.vr sentation of the rcîd re e no, trums. erring brother tu task, they is - Il Order, of liberty and c forinem, M r. sary, and contênded that the resoltition as Wc will instance the rime-il published in À>nstitutionai fi-ee(lon, will not do 1 ivere. hurryiiig Draper went rotind to a fow of hîs Clwr Prepared by *o Colurnittee, embrliced suf. theii* duty, and inust suffer in publie esti. in bütlà section$ Of the PrOvincc.ý Men wîth Grit friends, heid a bute and corner inéet. ficient][Y ait that could be desired. Whitby, and th. Bowmanvîlle Staras spe- alion. 1 the Raîlway By-law oý the'best talents and bestintentiolis to, serve Mr. ffichari Ilarrison taunted Mr. cimens of the newopaper quack- Süip Il le prai-seworthy forll)c.irance exhibîted fot Ilëifors, 1 the interosts or the plovillee i ÃŽllot in d of giX 0 clor Fare- those shoots of the intolorant opinions and by the- Roni Esq., of ýVhitb -whose Ob- RnIl wvll and hîs friends with endcavouring to c an Catholic Population, and i L)Ow, is to unite nioderitte opinions end check titis inecting so constituted, appoijited practice a pîece of deception upon Itefor. the bigot projudices in whieh theýy trafic, the olltc-1111)t or al' el'%ggffl of thé commu, pa&,;ed our otrice, on ti, extremes. The very hignesty of purpose of theinsi-Ives "rcfOrm deleguteý," te the -con- mers. l'herc was a wide difference W and what will be left to reconimend either nity, exCePt the ()rangernest as Christmas beef wl, those men is hold up as a vention." l'lie, repregientation of Pichier. tween the OPPOs ing Leelative q'r4nt#, and wOu d verY SQOn set thuse processions for 1 the repealing or statutory o te the character of a respectable journal ? ever to rest. it is by opposition &,ld Illar. as Ilr. I)OIve's fitroriu reoson by the inag was,, and WC believe wÃŽth reason, lik-e- naetment& and " Blanche-'* ftetii)h;iiis for suispecting and 71uniniating , wise coniplained of as being an unjust one. Under the law the rnoney voted under the If their existence depended upon their truc tyrdoin tlat aligne they cafi cmer beconie b"117 s. c 1 b formidable. It îs iliý5tm. sitic, thom nt both sidef 111 il s seP3rate qcllool ciatise, could not beeon. merits as real ttewgpi" , what Won d e CN to-think thai chased thein for the Province D'Arcy Jýfc(X o o c4ou of th@ What wonder thon, the character of the sidered a grant If Mr. Farewell and his the PmiGd Of their durgittion ? Thev White ait is peace sud harmony, ati(l white 1 the liandsoinc- Sula ôf cc and bis priest- proccecdings Which took, place ? Motter friends were 'honcat, they would adopt « cOuld everything, rui in the direction ef equRi 1 bred fron, DOwý's celebri Party accuse the Cati' 0-lic membýrs of the 8 Mr. (Jriersosi's aniendinent. never bc brought into life but through an rights and priv'Nileges being enjoyed with- pvernuient as f were pre-irranged 7and concocted---in bc angend_ unhealtliy state of soc éty and lis distonc- f Avoring and being under cet- Aliter some furtlierdigemion Ë -i vio -, c1ýý .. - - 1 jk ý_ ..tl t out eegggýrd to national or reliL . Pr . 1 Orange influence, ings held and delegates a ted, solély ment was adopted. on y af tions, Aherc stdi exista in -the Ovince while At the other end.of or ppoin - 1 a Parasites upon the passions of a -11on the dying irnberà Qf the PrOV;nqçý, George Brown a fi the purpose of packing the convention, Oti motion for the adoption of the oth faction.. mon who would RMiroît4 or Grai nd 'lis C'Yar vritb the view of bringing out Abraham 1 phuk, Mr. Barrison argued. that it wu al. strifé end anitn"ty. Wo_ observe in à Grit adherents unscruPulously donoutice 1 Fa The intoieritnt 4exl4laYid IY thése Pan. contemDa'rarv qMirâpr th*#- a S- 1_rý 1 VAU Rra, linu. -.11-1 resvell. Mr- ViLreu-P.14 nnA M. tozether untteceggn" ié thd Ëditor of tlio--Whitby c7h ick _11 am! to Whom Hapoor se. id ýe r,$O)id4 a -intlle.0 .7à il là 1 ti Umar;, u nity Coin on scS t Of the un itud ;by tbeni'sit th WC »a -gre la,- t1 t the Id that 0 le ilettlemât là wouta lie au . dueeniý,-"-te d Meam. X&.he il & Searle to eceivea-rodu- eed amotint ln bmènt of thel élai m. 1 wrme e- -the Co a eff#et, il remimed ent 'y î 48 Men-trui WiLitbyi Sm --f nt4 in TeCript of y«rmé _ï opçlgl A*- tel oth ina., -,m > Of à tiona t" be- fortl, the Comntr at l nqnh% into yýur large Oro. Tl dioqlàâaýr« un eerwnly or a. Very Un0qadi chafa --ýevîdently in- gj, ln truth, tabliliti thè fitct, that didatip î1il 1 there h» been no Ment -in %be-matter, but e not eýWith7s, il deur foi oui 1- lit Whitby, d' in,% lx»itl Vel ive st, the llreî"!Mtnnmi t r(mr build nx ilif Jftêuro. MOPUOFýgofi dk % , 1 F; ýP1iài6 to pay r. Wallue the am4ut a« tdi hhn, £5 6iý md, te bit rek-ipt la d juin* tiniff P Mv tftankx Io 4mi - 1notiél 0 ýil thatwe "eke re- tirerléol a 'Uttlty P(>Iity for Me, *hkh julontit the Bonni wili dl>ijbt1èý» poy nt iti) net illeetime, Wlil(fh will tak citheë,ktlhn fid of the é,-,niingr witek. nr'varly,-", afte. J, "ke thfflC renistke-to W'ý- iron dé twc fi'fbr '40 delay or mitictiotof 1% it wprovod coïeetl> le demir sir, Yotirg truIý,- 'Nr. P: RÉ ýN*0tDS, C. W.- Omllawa. îî _A PARTY wlm lw)rrowed 9 Le;mtlb4ý ïnd, wili ý F TMies nf the llloot lis tf- -tute that I;ln%'C l C_140j%ý illeet in Sieuirt*s ll" y 0Vûijîl)qý the, 219th irigtint, *11("n fhéy'ý ý%riII nffer for > ile 1wreatlr r(xilleeil lericc-4, the articlis jeft Iffiin t litir l'ate 13,Àylvlr tQ thev invite the " n-ý 1 tion of the Publie 1 nemlly. ýThe-dom will W Ortelied et 's, P. 1Û., Il 1 1 ýV irftbv, lére. M, 1857. X-ON-cx*" y 1 nN MIE JSTAGE it(j4D RALY N -p I)Ctwteert lvllirbv and uxbri!fM. ' M e - 1 lotol lwert refittod ùild fartilâ!ted in in- «-' (Ylleyit Pitlltc for tbe'aecq)iiirnodatian of tmv&-jý le rý4 . trai-cllor@4 and the I&PI Provided for n,4aÈ lityrte. 14teady ()«tjer alwty% 11 alice. e- -A E TAVRRN s'iU1441), with imewg if4Ne Aolid twv large ýshe(lt. TherL- i% à;oot«- tuelled fin acre, tif lattifi, pImmý4I with cholim Fruit TretÏ4. Thère 1:j à lgtx.4 wéli of water, wîtb Puilip, &e., fin the prctuià%ýý. it hcllizt: vd on Lot xÂ5. 1, lMt Colt. Nfamrnm4 on the il"-, n)àtd tu the Town tif Wlsit->v, Lindsay and Navertihi, -.%*Itk.h j"perty wal 6ý ,w)ld nd termi.,4, Fsw er 1 titell -dg 4rth. the 61ýtirýr nt N Iùgrs a Ply to '4 Brwk, t 1 a JJiivý lieur Ciirli iciiitt-I'g lýrÉn-k-, De(-einber la, 1,4*7. 44 Sale. dirtlie liýllfç)i L-4t, Nfs, 7. in th,, itii c ni the ( ()nlltv of Vicuri.c. Lnt i, wiil tinibered .itil Pift. lilla mýtunted within 45 luileA cjf Ille Ctnlntk- Towl], nngt tqrmi- uu14ýUf the Port, 11l",- 14CI Ilid 1711e liildër.îgiiý4 wilt Peil 011 Mllialigu iii the Towi, nÏ r Whitby. F(ýr tt--net.s 1o1 ýmle, ilpply at tjiiq 1, )Mcel t)r.t;b tlie otriter, if hy letter to, be 4,i6.t- nàjuwti) uttii impossionny et ilît boing 1 for electivé ofïSrs. 1 gà *éll&t;tâlentandttbilitytoél,» *th - average of state and carryln_ the country through va, facdouanç '--perbaps.witb of r%-. Aim, 0 land in 4hese Ïew . ȍ view 1ý - - The inshipg; elected for South Ontozio--and te préserve Mr. Brown-.U',àr as the Judgog nS«J UUUUM , f ovec and, support of the electors. 1 iff __but wWkMÉ,ý An ",£7 7& ý-, Thë lima - ir the p4sen L crikýig. - This ail moderato men union amongst the Grits, will r«ýgnýas4' the GovernéIr ýGeneraf eloctor of the Riding ha4 seni us thé, fol- TowlnsWpe,;being equallj Mr. Bçngough wu not prepared te tral- utý të à, brother. ý,14Èa qUack ingeomin nication,ýWhichâales-ualhe blyý sitâat«L . thora W porcoivé, and hence a love orsecurity and support Mowatt. This we believe. to-be the principle so fat. or théir d eài > ity qfmat'in ehohe M railr« nid nôt Zi* 11 ons determined upon. Mr. Brown' on the suggution 4n neem Ë more, on dsho of fýeedom--u well as à sense of danger the plan of operati of 8«» opinions of âuch men âÏýjîmqkY JUM*I& bom the excesses- of -, the, factionist-force Tilid' îài the double-" ng coum olr the fiiendsýmod:ified bis resolution by exci or the BÇqý viùa :&Vrý; SU& mm of! uper. Mr. Joe - 'ould. and bis address. ern teail h«ý thëtýT-ovra them to merge little politicat difTerences orits, towards the Reformera of South On. ing the judges and the ùovernoi from straw, like MéCabe and Or«mwebd of the Té the Editar Of the W:hitbY Chmn,7wlei tl' te % the -cllir.ý portion « the County and join in supporting a moderato party. tario. Will they sucSed ? Even at elective scheme., wili weigh lituè tÈdnot! and Mr. Harrison wu surprised that thli bunkum- ý,of jk-jýýph Whithy Xvery-day brings fresh accessions to the the packed convention (bey faiýed to-carry acter, of 114r. OgI« 1Lý Gould, Aýýf-,exý_âL floating stead of 0 (;àwaà. ý ý - . ý 1 _. ' - P -ret piank was'hot; included in-the, platform bjý ý,pr«ent ý âssessment ie stnks of this party-as well the respecta- a resolutiow pledging the omvent* te committee. Tt ý woo oné lonê, aînée Br*" "i bu ËRÉPÃ",rter9p throughont- North -eýXôrth 0, as thick ble and substantial of those who found support its 'nominee---so ffl theirt'de- nopted by the, old RefornioM of thls Sun- the I4ë" ýVbré în- th daý8 of 'Pha- rage amount af irhich, las èbenuelves unwillingly pLced amongst the. feated with ail thoîr manouvering, 1 4jýy. Aurer Élaùk which ho complainéd > Whitby, and Pickérini: Uî in con- of The followini, being t4 opiniôns ,of while in the other Townalý oniËts, by the force- of circumatances- Lesfing the South Riding of Ontari of ification for àcti 10. 0 «,"rty qua' orge, . 0 ne ,!e1ý, out - by pommiti was W, men, this, fi addresses -a tw 1 hvie yet a tee ýO£ the £8ýffl Whitbynni ,4ý'AS jý Aor -arrogance and unmifigated p- 'hieh me «- bis Uloe«&, Md supponem,--"tbm pres Mpt 1 io > the palm. Mr. Gould "cut £6 000- 'NoW if »ther great bulk ci the communîty whose 4ýem rs of parl iàineh4 * was bears 1 hc;,£In politiS werc of a neutral oharacter. As James rtowel Esq; 7ise orie of the!plm.kâý tdoptid, at a numW hm »ýarewe% etwOoaK and Mr. - Mowatt. endmvôÙil iÏed te p*Y t tô'hQodýHnk the eleetQrs into roqd 8. P2 the- nwderate par ty encrems, the number mg of Ïhi 1efé ritn'ers',olBrSldin eûme 8-ur brangemen éf ýN0rthý and South. Ontarjýý the belief that pe IÏ 43'-MO"o't, ýft tel And, the f=t of James Rowe having liv- 9 orward of *aDy miii thaï now inake £19,0f)ûý,thé years a,"- lad jtraiý of the-Factioiiists will dimh.iiih,.Untîl the ed 85 yeam iqe Xidýpg-been foreviost Mr. 1ýà'é iearn, lm ùiîjýrd1Y dypestý? tera 11,W Mla the elec- ýj per &eýý the P&nk fq* the ambition& i"viduala Who aspire to rise to !the, ý imp'rov, ent of election ýôf County ôM-cer& OMCW IW vers still. weak ,George'= what'lýë hm-doný1_174utwhe the be'j' ýwe iviii Whi& politicel power apow the pî,ýuàicea and in e"74t ers -ent "èct, for -be "W sa'ne ý1Vwusb* the Tom%'týd for the advancement of the. Ré& moi, Md armn-ad bm;uùppmtem V04d Jorým weré diffei rom qà«tiàwîiý,ëked Aà- the Ips jassions. of the multitude, will bl Ica ôfýofflëe. _ This- they had now an 'à awleswourînÉ to M" the M ô, t of iË. £eh'," 9 Y" of Il eýý recocom. if we had th standing &]on@ ia tlwir<dîmappointmeýtlànd yt is no nityof ýritnéésirig in their own le= - it6wý-ilât it lm gromi etrong and NO1ý interests h nt 1"Gý 1 f6r - the 9:00a of the Ridi î Railroad,ý.*ýw, inondation for him as a parlismentary ý«n- Thé 'ta'k" dbcontent- pý à vras t en adde4. while hg iï:débmüng the -mm4tey;-,be fôr- whiýh"thý didate ? So says the sa -Tb - Xr., Bendey went for addi Mq1ý they 4m -gIbd - te eek its ai& wili- eta tô tell the ' 1, e- 1qôýrthoàtgd<) of theýNorthem Townàh' ,pient 7VM,* te mg this,ýc*nsjdW ý tbo -wtdth,,'l t' wj Cn -'the of a Prx>IuUtd' L- mon whô talk thus, stibly *ton Ëtk, passinz ry > ý!qu0ý Or4ffl aupport be âSordedý m own 1)W %outh Ontario. it omngetnen are true t» the p else but a à Wlâéfi discuas on wu ilke. MW ir 4n car Rowe, are uÙdt'tô tic the' latchet, et thst Wise added to' the pldform T1oN1.1ý î]ý«t Ilhe-Returni'ng Officerhai issued bis pro- gentlemad» sbQe. JunesBowa à bonored' en the top 'of it. wini fh.,Iunýk,â - Mr- ý»âVW eiplep, and tbomelre& oyi-voted. , , , - - - , #% 111411 0F -ï t ' winflif add àM efumtion---ý-the nomination. t4kes place on an& respected by bis 0fýa4 1 Mr. Hariîsotis' motion le abol -wëfit in âmeû4 lob the Wednesday, t1k 23fd instant, and the poil- classés, and hâs ejby6d evëry distipfflon r »6etm.: t ; , double the amo=t-tho'ï* a,.Perty qualification ýQf méobers of par ýMkéd tëlm' en Wcdnesday 'and Thu" y, thélUth wh1éý w'i"-u pi ibl the ratés f KAUGU&" ý . . q eý JJ49X ý fi,,'-Êl twas got rid of bý )k Othin Cam' Yers of "ne' M 'a j and8ist. The Clear (Aritcliqùe are atmin- t'bis Town te cenfier uponbùn-up to the 'l pj bell -moviný that- the meeUn MOW= Ex= the Giob-04 Tm"nt4 ýAPr« _14th, IS&L > 1 ing every point to sebure the cloction ëf a i U - & thé nomination or délept« b_4«ý Md *n -it be p"ble mpo is and, rtant o0ice, of. Mayor of the Town -d -ébting dowr'iýe-r'. IL% George Broývn-màn. Fint foiled in «hoià; WhithyiwhiehýhenowPdl& Whotrethe 1 Un Harrjsori W, bd ed p n of, tb», net, hi# roopoWWe ý,W SÉ!it jng Oliver biewatt openly uppn the electoM men, so veryaxact, in their. enquiriës coin. manifè8tod bj, that meet beffig véry mg-up,«i hi%'-eàbhut 1 Tt M Luli w Plekering, thoy riext procoed to pack a ce iq j4mes Rowe t An e , a Reformers Ù*imauon toi»m& diffi t"*rrom that wwch - té4à urvii -a 2 rn would ýàhow.* Tt *" .1 - , eSý î*n for the, purpose Eve 9ý there gogue and a Lawyer's zlerk living impomuethat the, lm wi 4 in tlmtmwànN; Ida' YFérù-ý 'twa-op ia. the bf")Râtl)îinéM iim4ý ý àad- ii d ail, the majority qf Town.? ind:thrtMt'àsîdë and ToÉè4wý0' axthély Mmk. Oe-'; conventim leffise tô adopt Gleorgo tbe n-ples adugfflinPëtér F, tonca Cm A VAýM0X Ir ýorms Attoïn Y 19. Iff. Lawderý-FAq-P. Od àà -hhn bain Pmwoll-nôlthing desated mwmgu- oers. eokùtÏeIW" to -try t4ý ýiý w wàd, 1-- --" YVI -U e'" 01»eP-Q::tl Wi4-14- "sZto theS ýi ri'ur of t" ýlai)êe on the loth day orreb çniitý1c-ý1 t-C, m c,,nve>. S. to -ari th of rtie as the >Szandmg (;o=IeQns «,tbe a £t'the llàw Jewià W 18-57. T-R É.e k 4he ety oléago Atm Alexue-r- ,,XnLiLtrt AleiL Xeïýit! Wm À - KM11, Win. il, ci13 7"nnvtliv Coffrre., Fr%" Pea",r. ». do de do do di, Philander Clark.. Alexander Camemn Itoliert Miller.. ... lbmnâh My. . . . John wit :-4ullImcýii Tuý 1;,r Alin f*urTn:wý.. IwIlitwi NI à 414 'Peaf

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