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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1857, p. 4

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0A~ DIl w M Ne, VQUNTY OF WELLIGTON. So. 1, lot Cou. O w No.L 8?, 141,Coo1i 3qu A u s Wert "a , lothO..~'~Aem Wes.m t 81. f abd» swe. N<o. il, & o.2 ,&6 COUNiTY"OPIWOQRIA. Pofr I« a T4 o n 1t Whrîby, 9O1htApnhlui. 1 ho WlîyNo.28, 1857. 4 ufler V vç Prm -«,M *rj tbefor. ii ondi e x-omg toi forth 1h. m day C£ DSemmer 1J57 mul aw. oi m fatoî novlims Ati. ofe Gaxaot, 10ooàru . D- "0p 6 ý40, eKnÈI Et. O w uýW. Nr bugs tmm«d 1ntarwM,.& bis Men;r TOWNILOTS, KEYNTHIZ8 VTLLA4 £ F4RK .ABXLOT£S ad-f..i, pSocupled be n.rFP, ren LOTS lFOR BUSINESS PRPSZ Brooklln ud mat M$ bs1 ne sud wil à* exmarlenoe lu ihe businostinluWhithy, hoe..by à" mcrutnfor an- li«u §fYetoldera a haro TOWI; (>pWUài* MI' $un, yhaute, Farinons sud otbena.hlnjf s-~BT F orOC TRTàr, tu get1héîif Wbeat Floaveti, vilb. emi7îï i.1AT F ROK TRET Ulbtaly. À " wM olblji NEVLL No. 14 AND U0, EAST 0F EROCKtN zvLr -t and Southi et PoIIerti' Rot*],!& Whltby, Novetuber 9tlu, 1857. 4 v e prOperty oxtentiiug frone Brooct ~-------- oPollsrd'c tl a# eioaedlstn ia u hn ~ tiepinl mneilheo' £ a> ols &Co.,vwiihon adsIltl of lots oSU and9b", aooor blok on Maplýasd Mr A Now Stocke «M PpruyVo fltterourcolves ibat we tan gtv..atn-s tic- id" ?4V57 7,ana 78. Tb, *faction te il uho mat- fat-ernui a call. Eclght tn are lu one o Ïo, bundstd y ny JOSEP<H HUCEINS & Ce. adChitnsd AsI Streota.' Brooklun, Nonvember loth, 1257. 43 Lot 37, 1wet oftTenry ~el, mîadieoye- pcite the Stoain Fleur Mill.EXCUOR"«OTIE FetYSre, w Ooan tese i-pno ALLPensinshusv lng dis egslnt h.eos- i , qnArue.' tale ofthe iatiet Lois No. 40, Fasof Penny Street This Lot 'T JAi Wilsvolleed andotheonviuoîncproved. J M ES8 WEE vE 'West 9ofnn. o areroquostsi-te reat ten ei. nirin-ul 10lài 118, ant i li, bonnded by C«-.st ia etlme sud alilpensons lndebted te i, 1Wsiet ian iRoui Streote: Tiiea Ita an-m t sai th aa ie wxaaeao doliltlIY slitd, sud havlug astcreat on 2uesteat t make iminedise payment te tes tn- "Ie0aI0, o- By tatt taullg u-~~ orror tle Executors. t% Lw14id12$, cerner o et ansd 7jobsR. J. GUVN-. . hl Street. .. ,wiîby, Nov. l4th, 194?. U-6w. P Ut N~o. 13b, ElL of et uiStreet, sud buts t tevodsonuo!Dntim~MntNOT I c zE. Tte toregohng 0cheiceLots yeescslocteti frein s large namber, witlu tle view etofdg h euolLpesn udbe e !aai tL thl asu eniuxtumeit, but arn nos' ofor o a. W 'I.-clfelIt& Co, am r eq inoti to meke Sa. tulu>Iy wlnd up ailrg"taati=o.modiate paYeneut titereeft t William Seieefleld, - 4-A1O.MY gna h tr atl Speb .B .................. LotreJOHN BOWLES, L"Une J nýeeRAM A l'et1l. .6 Lots. J V IA ~nn4tJTi~thJsn.15Toctaber Otie, 1837. 4-! P'ORT PEIRT, NOTICE. C& - Count of Duario. CALLAT ONCE AND BAvE COmT, TG. Lot >Nô.1, Conler oet queeu ama Wat tr Ut-it. Iecdedlr ýthe mot Ysauble Lot tic wilw evu. t à" NO-Y, Oetee i fout ; Lot No.08 S oet Otaluln nufounili etua, aleN.% Sd 40 corner et Queen sud LUI. Bineeta, narly o»e Itlof acr., Ailoethe fono.sllceg Loti front on he= i ylS oaand mn. vàluable bu- LILLA STREET. Lots 19 aidigdcorner -of " " tNorth e triut. NORTU' STREET., 2o~,4 27)a3, 28,44 3% tIad a, souih aiet Noth §&ý.. oo cntinlng mah, ueflu oft au acre. Aise, Nô. i51, 4, 8, soue h efthîe &saeSti. MARY STREET. Loie&70,'83, 81,on Msry&nîeu fouItii WATER STREET. CINDEIRILL STREET. Lo49,:a, 94, 107 andi 2M, fl.uly atuaimu for VA ut ot Lot Nuinhar thu inu a ew f ot Rra 0 u ~bsOd at tch Prl8oe auti7«0» es- no ca1eOpiWttso. lipy te - , ~&J.- IXPERRTr. >', Mane 1c 157 J4ýýB<JEu hhLOT Foa ti te re t ction on tbe PIANO ffOTYs, ueo, ByrenSre.;, Whliby TtJflIoi< th .iiundensinOeet tePlace lu the bandaet amAltOnnY fer Col eCti il , ldobteansd sceonat due the E5liem nies. akleti immeotiately. THOMAS MOODY, WhibY, [sY 27tl4 1857. 1 TAKE NOTICE. LLco.ntuadm t the iinda$Wod>uad umPsad befoM eii.tb h)f Doendor néxt, Wnlle Ihsded ovto tun &ttornm 1r oDc Whiby Nv. THOMAS Ca LACE. CIRCULARt. bis numerons cutomi nud Mouds for tho 11h- ernl support gvon t'O hlm nwhile in IhURinesa.- HO m u î e0iýi4élàPl saindtbtod lteh4 i y D<sh Accoua,, Notes, ow; Nprtgags, lieu duo snd paît due, that ho ]a&are pay- montas toetgé si# Xlydts *d illatoW -g'to the pressure lnu M Ionoy n Xtbii~osq fer h an oth»ttho saine-- edjo ana tm.ta ,dêse, ho i. èbigod toinaao$t on iminodisto a mont 9f &R uanonuts due o te, lm, thorwisée- wfil hé obligod te bmd 1h. sam# te bis Attor- 807 tht collection Without 1%Zther Notce,, whieh lh la net his viali te do, sud darent tfram whsi hhlan hitherto donc ; but fronà the prestitapp nces ofpayanentA, ho xnul.ay ora ho0 rat aG &beros, Ïo a léft him tO pursue. He trusts that 91 ll il otho ne- cOfity efatton4lng toithix and ifi eceeto,., WIL~LI&M L&INQ 'Whftby, Ocobor,27,1857. %9ho tth of Ucteber leat, a LIGUT GRlEY MARE about. I yoara 6Wd, sauisissg- T'he ownor cmn have "er by previug prepety Md payng argas., Brok, ov.~GEORGE ADDEN.- EuI»N AELI UXU ~-PUP, AI.£. Ã"1ISTANTLÏ ON ÀND'Ib ]URING TIM et&usuI .pga d 1 - ' ré~.Bun n wbn Ca ssi'ut 2la M l'ot bie> 24' KS ' BICK z port WhMeby, 1 orat th. MdstOol4c&. MEBARN,- a neyer âflm jWall oÃŽ wood Water. Theei alsoavoun 0o.50 boating trees, and a i7m weil anced wlth msl ea-a n hr layton the proerty a auffoent <uantity of oeateénUdui mâica.Wh erquired.'o rm lanOian4<ahalftiloafrin -taylw' Uoau41 i. kwtW htàý *.,on e ilklàrgeraftale ahetr Pèr ttnuopopws pire-dEs¶t «WIBIforbidm TMn-Maceuroowailpd scriptions bo! br stricraaetennioAgentsinessnto rort, ahà w BE VEmN. luni, PM ald te I y enlille pFitroage. tyNtAelSURAbCtae, et ibi BEAVERiroN. R~~ENRLY ROGERS, Propnietor, e socexethkow ou th'. naitneofti àfflon o theoountv.CAPITAL £10,O00(X POI SALE MIAP9,'Oalieod P. O. Ila Odnaeddpniel. A U RVLG.DTW OSMa1ip05. Oct. Mil, 1857. 4 WM. TILL. NI»ItA.XCE effogied onBldhsadt tiiE1Wý To ost i.~rON WitLMJti 8 15. 5 Otents. Enrery informaon ïnppied bore Paorebe trme.~ua ho~ ~ ui ~ ~ ~o ~ I ~.application 10 the nndeaigned. 'Propn ýoietby rl Uïll1er. T O BE . XU& LD ? A:TTD. 1JOHN ».NEW MIL AME ARSTROAW ILLWIT SOt ACES t M Subcrier egate Ifetl to~Trsvellinig Agent, Brn Street, Whl AippI, te HE 8T 'rîmes A ML I SACEofLANI) Ttante o! W.litb anistrenug country adBcoAauaeCo' S .Thelà frt-ae pni à 150 acres clasred, aI DuMlf .Créait, lu the ilis lieho asrecombmanëeil businessaiet l&sOid '4ns-n h vers. fo th E.tblibmeetof 2 èe. « Townhip of Picke* front oettheo Mb con- Stand, corner o NUt C. ceion a)41g ud titi Idny. ommio.Thorsacrs et BROCK & COLBOÏLVB 8S'1?EETS X iiei.Everi' infqrmutlouspid Beavn Juyls F*A. 2 GOOD IIARD WOOD AND CEDAR, WbrhowlMnateuesdkepn ni application tu the undersiyied - ad about 5M acres o! MINE. Tii. aoietoe b.ail di.criptioo, of Cottin., of différent aines%, fier- Travelling Agent and Snrvdyer ofRiskas, Byrm L 1 V E R P O O L . oldoirRemet.d, together or' soparsely, te suit iihet with Brasit Plates, or o! wliatever ktnd Street, Whitht'. GNW Bhacksmits & Waggnmakers hoje eTh Fo Sleoro gtat Lierp , an os So teprem ses are situstod aot IX tl r The suhIcniber attend d Fanerais peraun Provincial Assurance Co mapa y. Po aeo-eLtn îefly App~licaionute b. made te WM. TILL CAPITAL £125,M4O M1L~RABOFTO0NT <AGEORGE BALLARD, rrWETY ILý EAT O T10bT (AGraanwood P.0., Ptkerisig. Xway) anit Staonaa ofttGaesd annto n214157B4 . NSURANCE effected on Buildings and tIha "yt su ë Acre t Lau a Ctt addq.rer Otor28187.content.. Erer'rinf,,r-atton uppliet or TfiansAm pfeenaes aewe. IPeece it ARX FOR SALE. .'application te the uîideretlgutd. In' ashort distance et the Kingsten Roadl, su teF&wa eo.Ago-boesai oI A LUABLE -AMCNANN 0 Travelline Agent, Byron Street, Wiîitby irades canb. doue by ïtcady andi gooti ork- 'tN.1.inte4h netino rc. Are, moroor boa30acres clsared, being ' Wlîitby, April 9, 1857. «_7î 12 ly ile.Thaeisarod. LIFE A»D IEALTIIASRAN<CE MRS. PURDy, LOG MOUSE, GARDEN & ORCHÂRD, IrE IIAS ALSO IN - IHTeBiihAeîcnPinl oit Liopo.and a never-ftlling Spring of gond Wster ou 1-L thé abon'a a of Canada, July 28, 1857. 28 the premis..t; aise, a Fratese Bai-t, Stable sud STABLISH El) FORt TII E AVSSRANCE 01 Oletr nilding.. 'rs Clase u'ars!! FLif andl Ileatt. Incorperaîed by Specia Parm for Sale. TERMIS :-tino haIt et tîce purchase mener aiftrdvI.IIiisoWitywihAto alaet 8VeCP 4 wlll b. roquired Cash dowe, sudsa Mort -mntatrdb l ligaoWtt>'wkiAto Pnlaet 8VeCp 4 20 10, lu 10th Concession et Tborah; 15 nua insalmota. pn> t Acres cleared. This Parut la pitaeati thiu RICHARD WHITING., IrmtatiE 1OORTI ..Ha ffc tMotél !r miles etfBoan'anion, on the n-at-el rond te on thi e is. M.TL.lldOfceaMora. Lr;the land ii; e! thebhast qualit,,and te lu Or if by latter, pose p id, Wc . Wisenbv, lui l' .72 lioecontoa geod ettlemnent, witli aSchool, BrockNovemberîe 18,5.43 NEÀAu FoC.WJaBim it 9id a aw I convenient. SALOONS,4&c A i Northe halte!f Lot 4, lu ithelOtie Cocs~ gD AONS e GFOR SALLEno COWR .h. B LEM ion ot Therah, oonaising et 95 actas' 2 fOVSTER whic m ceard, ad foutig ontheècrtge .W. Clark M. D., Medical Referee, icati, nýea Cameron's Mlii.BOUSEk LOTS FOR SALE. Waerruy. STEINS LISIL CRYSTAL -SALOON# Apply to j- ~~~OTfi Nos. 1 and!2, Heanry StretybrSale. Plce fetdpte lo l-lhn Applyte LThev are Corner Lots. The Heu".lea Li M.ýotPolae*,*cesinfhrmaton afHetîi D. CAMERON. gm'od Fréme eue, a&&tort' and& abai! hige, con- 0 O. lac 1 uLdn* ofLibyte (ocabe t nenat'ien!sresto tre Boavonton, loth July, 1857 24 tèining6 a4-meige. It ioIn good repea'r, sud staccî, oronto. Clboite Liquors, Cgi, Mmrh2.1857é. wellp td ho nàiai ssecond &rmi ~rrIE BEST INVESTNENT YE R E B I D Y OFFEED. ~ s RAMi~ . UI DI!r PEVANS &DIXo.N, OFEE.Tnronto. .?uhlN. 5, 1 S PORTRAITS, Slingleti but net enclosed. The situation i.s a ...... rN TIIE FLOURISHING TOWN OF wHIm'.delIghtfea) eue. NATIONAL RIOTEL, Gil WHING SHAD 0O WS. By, la - a!en uthé jsaese o eut For tais sud fortier patilnars, spply te POR wa. -r Inbeproperîy on the Base Lino. s'eu kuovu ALEX. CAMERON, A. A. G RE EN, Amnbrotype Artist, tho Estete o! hlate. CAI>TAIN GEORGE Chie! Constable. t idrjndb-, e' infon ils f.ie'ds W7O4ULD respeuuîîy anitoonce that hé hall IEW, aud noir ot!cred for sale by bic Execu- Or te LuonV pened Reoms, lu CldvII'. New Brick ra. This property coues' o ",ýth uîhor î li loit ij %Vi oaà% A.l-Tocreas oLn.GÃ" , u -o ' e ite% lc .'î'ies o! mmichliehaBlock, on Broak Street, wherëels.prepnied te "miill ei Baed ln F Il sd nWhltbs. mîi!t i ttiere -arn uoi, on bis owaî account.-eeno otntof erase ivl a i arou ae -.-'itibe Onobr 28, 1357. 41 «(loosi Liquor,, Wiiîr.' ande Branedies. Excent Photographie Iàkenesses, le West and Eastsilice,eshOa&ÇEHunjjSL LET. g t 'îceuîi itnleranaannhosd 'heem aassy00 iis..Ht leslaIe- onn Rod, on the SeutIh i lebouuded bt ti. OTEL TO LT.EDWARD RIZY. e IV remde s'Omo' ra-iant npovamentelu his,. atar, o!f otWhit'. Titis wtalr freimioge liE Wlettnv. Mnev th , .*1e,6srtntl Lst Roon beesma ne n,ui.eIv "luscbeose frieut the roprietor haing iesimrua o! retiriùnefo slt fn-u . - ______ obteg ylic h mislni îe ga-aaîh' iuerasine Iradi et the Port., the.1T 'ho s, iswooild dispo.e e!lais inter- . IVESTERN HBOU-SElkecaeaare finiahed Inlusnob a ,hrfage nov iu use 'silI rary seen ho quit, lu- est in the. base o! Lii. » TRETWRTB mnrast aeean. &c.M21.JT'R lequate te the raijuiremeuta ef the businesa, "North American Hotel," F7uîE UsVE PREMISES 'HAVE flE.'piet UP lu id titis frontage will van' soon b. quit. natie-. lp ye OCE BR4CfSAD IG, tte te Lihe req uiremcente*of tIe business, and situate in lIce Town of Pore Hlope, wii Furni- T.1 I' to ee thelIanuderàigneti shar LOKET, B - NDRNS sin te elîl vert' miou en s'sted forward- Lune, fixturerq. &e. If me acattpel>- ntctssor-' lut ratIellera nn ir joto daecommodaîiou... nth...eâ mnie, - ai-imlding, aunufactung ngsd ether uey ton location an.d bu iaee&,s ore desirable Thîe itie h.we.'l irnistiec, l tkepi, sud théein he nelasimanfner.tn tr .. il4p 9.=Ht-usa cainntet haundene8s'aeîiig .cparrnels rsicvaairy- Tlir i oas toeaigfore il m,114p i¶±eeutn eanog eeenni.ue elig Forur itlars apply to gntwcutoraehe Stabling, sath îe, hst att.'n M-ulîlieni regard te tlec meaiher. Th Ioe e traavi leeiedl u rposIi te JON HEADd haaid le nman and horse. Tht baýr-room it Calilatndtisealtpeeitis: wletetar Visitons ulieh s he xor o t and~AGOSTErl, tls Proprietto oN'j HEiADurca oelarge ueudooni'nient. and ive'Il supplied with pleutîres or net, le miii ai ail titue. ho happy te un liat ttcamenat s'hcl h vulu pseduc If Prt Hop, Non. 10,l5.i7 butiMliesLiquoru mid Cigare. Hand- sseteou. Nnete uI5t. nu lait he moun whih i wotld podue if PortHop, Ni v. 1), S57- 43 omely fitted utmp sttîaîg rouafor privsto par- Whitby. oeie t,15.4 do n anallt.ti!".A Frio n d f~Larde atCUI*s sppîy te BOUSE F0OR SALE, MICHAEL MeCAULEY, F01Sc,~ T 80! JAMES McALLAN, Exocutons. Ia..... A ood Iso sI-rn' Brick House aint . _____ WILLIAMTaEw. a . _____ of thT Bln oftheAleea nt4PvlneÇl Pu mentCeRperATDnadens ste hoTt fi"E Sbqrbe a. ince tho laie ire, m Aboît i, romsesCerner of Brooktsud Celboro1tr.~a, ~ ti atlf l utuos tô CAPITAL £IOO,000. ÇO nte rance, ofýctd on Buildings and ihe 0IfZ ,s-- ormaionsup.lied on a xtarlno Riaka or the aSudn rtrTn JOHN AGNEW, Whitby, Jan. 19, 1857. ' ' FOR SALE CIIAP. LOT NO. 27, hutthe Srt Concesion et Whhîhy .4(ieWaa.[se aFAsx) ad..oinlng te Town et T'hitby.l1 Apply te Lhe Hon. R. C. Wu.gawc, srnylngPlace, (maie. Wm.qN eEmq., Bellev'ille, .te Bari.%uter, Juiy 15,18.Wiih. FOR SALB-,-15 TOWN LOTS. NTETOWN OF WRITBY, IN TEE vIct f TtEe t.Market. Aso-TftIEE WATER LOTS. For fan-ter stols anssma sppY tû P. RELIER. WILD LANDS. 1,000 q "m1,, lt4itey, J4y8;1857. -25 TWO GOOD LT FOR SALE. E~SleTw eceletîot l -4m ewe .onnndss....Srastat t's ~s Loto an~din anite.ni~lyiu usin s rasane, cnmcng iive fltoftla o! un, vih auitable eut Buigsau excllent Woil et Waier, suds ioeta coio wihsanim- ber of!vealublo Fruit Trees Forfbr parti- w T O. 2,sud&'2, T ,R sm 'Waiibyon Ta. 10, 1857. 4 Mr.13 Loi 33, Bih cexeecaon Darlizgioue. C'xÇ&taszOff 1 ti ytatlfrii NU emiez b[M Lo II-I Apjd te lbll -J- -' - ~ SHAW WFhftby, Fobenary 18, 186r. TI Bse no ail u Es fw t h &I an( n1 lt laid 4s J.L atMas 'iacr, utlij the Cr.-CNTEHTL é: Mtei'paliîn' et le Tow-n o!fVM' lii- IR#-CN'EHTL s, gC BG EVET Nooti Collai-anti Buîîert'. Thene L , P te IB aise90g0d Gardenonsd uexoellent pumnp.- * furn Lhe jpublic sud île travdlling cern The ot -Onain haf a aoe. nuiýtn- îht îabas lecisathetc.abon'e secl- Taiaus--One flfti ecuh doun, île balance astabIltahît otl,ihecre ho s'il carryon squit thte oratveiiecce o! plinelaser.. ethe lustuesa ila future. Apsply t-s Notiiiug as lîcen left undoate ly him, te rentier tIcIlIeuse c'ecatabie sud agl-ecble. GE;FORGE ,McG[1.b, iiy assiduiîy sud attenriti, kaopu egood 13 PrOprietcr on the. Premîrsss table. ansi usais'bctiebicaîees amaiiqors, For Sle obc hopes te menit aalutn-e of puiblic patronage. o THE WRITBY STEAX lILLS, luzltby, Maly 5, 15. 1 ITTH TWO RUN OF STONES;, ALL RAILROAD fUISSE, Wvcmplete, and meet o! the gosrng for te 1ONR0 RO AÇ INA t tirtirun, te propelleti hi'aothinty br.ps a jWctb'ooW lic cksoN'.) TIi. SnlZt Engune. TIec MIiles 'oue a gond business uC WhUyleg t ne Unc tethin.hTne, e! -' minca IL vas iu eperation tesi Soptoanhan. Thi e Wîiîhy4e tIaonée t'liuth- aiaëo ilfs lfuansacresu fland ootienteMTrllu. fourlit hs tikthîe abeve fn-t caose, witieliho i ytes !anst aidet uimletoMII plinms ltotup lu a feu ted eonveneent mention. A3t, ~ters, jutecla ns, atcnt Pont Pen- .notice. All Liquore kapi on the premnises are On on tue IPreanimis.'varranîce thLe q»e iau re. Chomea Cigalm. Pon Pont'Fobuesy 2 18 7. - TIIOMAS DOWNING. MOUX]t mand LOT FOR SALE. IlnbMrl 'l 27 t'OR SALE IN TEVILL.GE OF BROî)- L GLOBE 'IT L JL' lin,a lieuse snd Lot secondt tenoue lu LIe Bataoecxe, C. W, Ceoula.Thé abeve nosaccis bculm!atillv siu-e atec,kn sLmInatco !Liett m îE underaigacet baleasedthîe, aloi'. s'u- HeIown snthe ri'ltle a othevalao! sale knowut Holeandsi utonming th.bie of] diae eiltct le euoldti tesiste iliat ilb k 15yt*o-- yh W- dodailsemr l lb For 1mntter paitictlars a ù- tJtau t3( VIEe sl.1~n - :l-nveniccont and aetitlo o*etrst-e"I Broolin,3MayllW. 1857.- A WAI<?È» TOUENT. - - lu -WXIIXTDY BOWLXNG AJ. N 6 or 7 Rooms, lu on noir te KINN ET-REGS'TO AN1fETO osa0o Wtitb'. -teei ~itel,~Wlit4'bti - psrlouiews le. o o inutt tal rli. Thei 5e, ' 1%aZé, rou, Bo 102 P<nv Ofidbee f e1 sd sye Nov. îethN18848 .Lîlatpopuen HOTEL nov accupleti b> Whltbv, Jan 20.57.' IL.MI p w1 A~~~~~~~~~~ T ELmRONESEit&aea an-d'~y z .fI me BJesmul-On hôuW sa i.a-C O" as y 0s t 84M .t li App neo JoHs.vm4 O ooumisets TrH ;uE nhcriber begi tle inform the inhabi- -&twite of WIIITBY t an] surrotundieîg ceen- try, that lie ha, taken thte Rooinp% on grock-st., fc;rxnorly eccupied by J. H. Tlîunas, ne ~DAGUERRIAN ARTIS3T, . rhcro ho xnay ho found rvady to wait uon thoe who me y favor hlm with a ciIt for a 1 ortrait of any o! the followîng derieriptioîns: AmbrotvpsCaetp<Ai.reyp~ n- brographaLe g apts id Itotngraghîa AIsoLeuther and Paper Trz.nfara, e.qual te cny ln the ar. Caîliand $eu. JAMES A. CLARK, Lookhuto My alaop t .!mk? ~Ihe 'è oiIsiua * , if fen but take ampcep mi iL.Tinker. NEW TIN SHOP. et uoce-sr., Wllt'lRy,- (in BetejamuieBrnae's cliiStore and Tin- Wara SIop.) JOHN BRYAN-PoriE-ra. PHE SUBSCRIBER WOLTLD AN'N0JNCE toe b. lbainîs of! iisTown aud (ounit' et o 2ia opi~o he..ul>vepcmdie. _ÀaI er'lediaipmll ntsj ontprJ Thce Prorete 0a knsdalaae. eker s'ho s'orks at. bstadeand tenent lhaned, of il. . AJI etrs te.rfo rk' exoauted a traidesenen-like nemann- sad vile d~seâii. d~oyieciton .e« wonk miadtsd'noefrn411 idgnineed od1. dieu I~Oid cop,, emit on, cttou -sand limo 'WhItby April S8te 1867. S-it. Ioves siii, e ex oluo tÏ , ir ty bE V'ALUABLEpROPipdf WT'!~5.?iPBT PMlÂTE SALE, lue cverv dasoderare e re e ach e. i are discerunaite min a icter-aaek in eery les! et lige hoolt of directiogis areupti, çeh >,or eboi tise saal)ls' ho beplautit' aacui h t« te ans oee ndering, sli intoiiiiacn. ais mas' lcnsd In "lie utetectiéor fai,,"p rtopu lte e.bllaerfetilsgLIe medicines onrvondiigae îatiise, kîiswiae g e-utote L Puniois., Jîîte 'd, 1257 30 SBLTF.LO MEDICAL Dsa N À -sait idem, jhz# DR. 'AJIOs &SON, A ý'-MTEW?10> r ne ais.w nizor N. MY> i fn-nii' "dnth îe nv.rnitiu, outil 9 at i îelba- Titeissansnîtliti' adapt i$ lte reiquliof ule. otnsnye4rQI' xenîj)oanti ' ceseful Pr"-, licol» Tiecmte mst hnt'sterate "maof ertu'i'l* en$ Oi ý r Paye, u ci pt penee. Tite curne efccisihlconflneàwtsu 36 mlg, 't G n ,r3bàa INI aê Ie('arriage W'iîs- Jalu . -'i7 W?. 1.DOEL. J1JST RIECEIED, Flmonig E t'acts .tnHss.bemRy, bUton, Whithy, Juy i, 1857. 24-tf EXTRAC lS. Queen of Perfumne, î.Joî-icv Club, Violet andI Boq'ucî5 Spiet fluer, Ott ofrosaien ODORS. -Brida] W reotu, Openiecg Flemers, Bay nhain. àlisk, Jocket'CIlb tIlL a ' D«o Batanni 011 Bouqu td'O Fie, Tableau et FleloM'ne Sacheots, Cul ',Eag ldim RuIler andTi rTuile Shil Co)mbs, ponte Mo- naieu, Reiticules, &c. G Re e 14a cRei,&~ UST ' ~ of >aTu Plef>m.Tb a- ,]orest Wine ian 4 Pil, ,Z poi l f P mÂRk lÈ CURtEor - etn Qi/d5,ueu ten#,L1.5 J4Uuné'clý jq"ýat3 -P~TW»nJs *»XCDL CALUT. I Wroa8irot~Toopto ~. THE WOERZ, Ij TJG hiouionbcta ley !Tmk roe- je.1 oentructed thosoeextensaive promise on Front Street, (fermerly >ccupied a, thae nle Browory, Iu the moat coxuplete style for carry- lng on the business of mrin aIl Itsanh. W ,,Irey invita luspogtloh of their numpen ps t- voran4oha VenultDe.-rs, Plaini and Ornuenîà eatItlon (3olumns, Window Caps, Bis and etof évery .esorlpion; Cookig,_F&rransd -ox Stdrvo;.Grena, Cv.__M-uuhreïs 1, ar TUEV 1U whlhieyeforthe Trad ansd gthora onts'-"lis This geu o Ins - G<.tuy oôde5a'ptin.J 1ntiofmJttentrne tu&, y at on od tr u e u ,in îA I= th ro gh hso el m etha meat e sut' oteimp lin tygIn gufot i tie thenrtthe " ne 1uer rin liesses lutô t qM£IE Sbsciborimtnrnoa bis sincerathanlcsto Ce. i,â~ a couinatie of the libarni patronae gwt o ,i,, u d no Ir whlch ho basbeÉhoi8, t- ajto11' *7.MM a, n nas on the promises fortuerly occupiad by M r. Ebounpionis, snob s Ssi J. H. ero-ýWouid ssoyzhati l s t. mn-p.. Rb oita oterRlugworm' Scad plied vii, h.elargeât. aud Most complot.e u erîan~ lonsori' toh), £c., dia STOÇK 0or PUREDRt 4 .Dopta u or ho pav Of ereTv déeription. y*t offotéd for sale lu tii, proves it, ty tu diseîî uàe8bé,*I.sb Tweofiylt i Mènâ~ ~~nj~ tiseles, . 1diIad B aten mwîi iaad l'eWO Brushes Paintq,,-0111f, DYe Sttuff, &c., <&,ë. Teet its nun df« trual Phvysieianesud FamiJy Prescriptions c"ArefIy 1 si-a ot er li ;t, prepared. moný os Md, nheus.It Iru 11rse and Cattie Nedi'bargesu.~ui~~a ut aIl kinds, accurateîr Cemapennded ecoording Serts ne th crés eS h la eh te the intenit tnprevem'antm in Pllarmacy. pitii utfnelt na SJtirgeonaInstruments. WtsdseBrJefionsasd fa4 G. A. BANNISTER, In' cses o! tiie fictero Dethe bpues *u r-m 7'>rggit. c.. nosed b y tean, eirlmiona, Br iriern Dnudas Stredt, ýWhltby. Scalde, Rom a~$ifeso h UMM$ag 'tVhlby, Jly 1 I~7.24-t e<tnrsctor etthé aines, it la amuployod sud v'aruelv recomrncndad hbthe aeSicidv.TIs ~ARNISUE5. marvelous remedy-lss'heon introdujod b~ i - inventor in person Jutod e aJ tt eadingfe =Imnbs. AL.ARG E St-ck o!r tlîi.hes, coùkaJti of etEurope, snd ne private hou»tioltjailb il.No. 1 Copali, Superior Furnitlure, Back withont it. and Be,)wn.lJan, Coach, white Dumnar, &., neabeTsao Beho n FudLsu &a-Cc. na lc. Tho MediuiStaff e!te Frenchi sud, &igllI l i o l , & c .A r m i e s l u t h o r i ù u c u h a r e ff i ll ' i d g e d î t h o G.A. BAINNISTER, spprovaJ lIoJi o01WUNv'sOintylient, . as.tbe ot Jnlyd 1Street, Whltby. relîalile dres.uiui r sabre cutesta» n ul1,24-t£. shot woundq. I à â sdby the- xaetgono MEDIcêL E ~ the"Allie tie>,. of ae surna IN Mru>oitLowf'tn .Cssrs: Contneeial Bnnllnges, Broc*- Street, Buniena, RES uxene bCa e, tmb, S"cle tObLid lIcWhe br estOe cal te attention of ciW had, U-eJegs T biq CuItOnnrs, sud the publie geuerlJv, t PaIasere Brcaae; hi, Stock of SreHenda, Genuine »rugs and Medioines Lumbaeo, Soret oýiu Lln4,,~ Coembea nnd Brushes, syriugeg, Breaist rPmpe%,Leretirial Eruption Spris snd en-rer' ether article, bith tu'etutau or -1>i1l'îles i fJoint-, ticle pnachagad o! hlm n fi.4inted genîsiase. RImmworm, Tleter, Physiciatns Premeriptions and Famnl iy ectp t,e'u Ve;rd ors careflilly prepare(t. 3 ~ jkuDis4casee Wurn..mt-l knj HORSEI & CATTI FE iUEDICJNES 01(l et the 3auhcoiof Prefeso of' ail kindsa slwa.va on baud. 2 AT" Sun . LNdn b ,L n :WRernembmr the Sion ýf th.tl id Il -raS- adDacr's inMie e9 r~< ZcwHumilieu déRobet. Stamtsnul i te ivlllzed s'irl, lu W h tb , r ly 1 85 . W . H . D O EÊ L ce anls, r231 Cntâ, sd Si ea c. ~ <~ W h i t h y , J n I y 1 , 1 8 1 7 . 2 . tI L 1 - r T h e r e i . a c o s i d e r a b l e « ,r i n g b 7 t' the larurrsxs N. B-1>re tiens fer the.guidance epatles*t jolEis Hi VDL RK F 't- u lIt- iNteLIIo!i £. S IEFRk 01.TIE 4 UFI lIeuseDN. t --;1) P,% N A J. 31 Aci) LEUR 0 HE CiaLb . ('nt hfi,r,. ARIT - golI. Blmegtaro!ie Snni il.Eei 9.yltFeIR]c &J.01 Hi O', I M'1TARDE. ILESON waeo, lracTt et he ourt. R. L 10MuitCi S OLIITUI. & sLhlt Ceont'11. t ss e . JOH LEK NDI T~iec--T EnU1411. '* i beLau appolats Don Tiles Oené ftptm.utor e b' 11:1-1"-,ý"--«-Olpl-lw-- ýýý -- ý -- -. .-- j l il À#, afbeeqnsnoçmt aaosg, -,b àdvertiging by theyje ies m u Wlt>ysd (No paper VIII ho diseouItiI m oied u p. BOOK AN~ puhila ihai ibeyhbaie proi ineden tylem-1f T> efe to terl8,at1r BOOK Al)IJO! o1 even-y d'mite i a Tcmuart1lQPi s 'shiciz enslj lestnstt onbaael &Larle St " uf l prct niat ZLsî,.

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